Sexate Cuaxat®, Baton Rouge, Lo.; 5 Doc. 155. Dz. Aree : I have been entirely eared, by your Pi!)s, of Bheumatic Gout=a painful diseas» that bad ufflicted mo pr yourm _ p VINCENT SLIDELL Most of the Pills in markét contain Moercury, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is in a public Ivn. from the dreadful conse» queness that frequently follow iis incautions n«o. These sontalm no mereury or minoral substance whalevor. Price, 25 conts per Box, or 5 Doxos for ¢ i. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowol!!l. Masa Fille, â€" Their effects wore slow,but sure. 1 in the use of them, I am now eatircy we‘! ins, which ended in 6 E-"-"-E-’.‘a.; I had The best of p/ grow worse and worse, until by the seeellent agent in Baitimore, Dr. Mackonziâ€" wey H P MoCart Pabrs ary 100>, 188 From Dr. J. 3. Vaughn, Montreot, Cinada. Teo much cannot be snid of your Pills for the care of wetveeaess. 1f others of ous fratornity have fornd them «* effieactons as I bave, they should join me in proclaim» =lll the Mdd:ln -l&‘-.u- 'b:‘:ler from complaint, which, although enou; itsolf, is che of others that are worse. ‘I beliave onâ€" % in the liver, but your Pills affect that wrgan and curs the disease. Prom Mrc. E. Quart, Physician ond Midoif®, Boston. e V are enobin promon cour the matm mir are tives of t Secree mhvhlbu p!n‘l;-:-ml.aul also ve rflectual to clmnin the stomach sld erpel iyorns. They wre so much the best physic we have that T rccommond »o other to my patients. Sham the Ree. Dr. Huwhes, of Oe Methodiat Pyis. Church, Peraex: Houss, Savann®b, Ca., Jan. 6, 185. Mosork» Sir1 I should be ungrateful for the reliof ‘l-mt me if I did not report my case to Te o cont asttind in aer timovand brought un mere, De. Aver: I haracused your Vills with extraord waeeess in my fuuily and among those 1 am called to in distress. | To regulats the organs of digestion the blooe, they are the very bost reedy 1 ever and I can contidently recommond the wy f Yours, _ J. V. MIMI Frimael paryy ie porum 17| J e pesuopa JOHN G. X As a Family Physic. From Dr. E. W. Curtwright, New Orlcans. Your Pills are the prince of purges. ï¬dr;l:-llenz «qmalities surpase gathartic we possess, --.-.-:3-.. them invaluable to us in the daily tweatment of diseaso. Meadache,SickHeadache,Founl Stomach. Prom DPr. Bdo«ard Boyd; Baltimore. De«r Bao. Aven : luummfldnï¬m IM“.‘,-_I‘WIT&-:.I‘ wne wrer treat with a iei great depenâ€" “-:m-yï¬l;amdfl‘: tiemiso, believing as your o t wat we bave, I of course value them highly. C Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. @p-..r.}; Hithies, Prstor of Advent Churc‘», Boston qgently they are au admirable remody for derangoments «i that organ. Indeec 1 have seldom found a case of bidious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yiecld to them. . Fraternally yours, . ALONZO BALL, M. D., . Physician of the Marine Hogpitl, Bysentery, Wlarrhoa, Relar, Worms, Â¥rom Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago, Your Pilis have bad a long trial in my practice, and 1 hold them in estecm as one of the best apsrients 1 have sser found. Mw«mmr the liver -a“:: hom an excéllont w vem in small doses wlioug dyrentery nc Ho‘:mhca. Their sugarâ€"coating sakes them very acceptable and copycnicut for the use o( women and children. Billons Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints Prom Dr. Theodore Belt, of New York City. Not are your Pills admirably adapted to their par« goss a.;"m but I find cw’m-ncu effects q';- tho Liver very marked todoed. They Reve in my prac» & Prrtssurc, 1, 1855. : _ Dt J.0, Aren 8i 1 unu.-m%. worst hâ€"adache M’ ® or ut your Puls: ‘It mens to aring from @ foul stomachy !--m;:umc. ED. W. PREBLE, & Clerk of Steamer Clarion, Sre : 1 have u. practice ever sin «»y they are the inting action on tiee proved more effectual for the curs of bilious & ploints u-i.{:-’."-...a"â€â€œ,‘i‘h"-‘m‘“' m. _1 cincerely vejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor thy the confidencerof the profession aud the people. Ds. Arin: Your Pills are the paragon of all that i« great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and foot that had proved lncurable for years. u“hlhlhl.b‘rk\- wusly affiicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and im her hair. After our child was cured, sho also tried your Pills, asd they havo cused her. _____ _ _ _ Statements from leading ’h, in some principal citics, and from other well kaown pub disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob structs its natural functions. Thiso, if not relioved, reark upon themselves and the surroundiog organs, proâ€" * w suffering, and . discase, While l'g-'l by the derangements, take "fl see tow directly they restore the action of the system, and with it the buoyant of health again, â€" What is true and so apparent in this and common complaint, is also true in many â€"of the deepseated and dangerous distompors, The same purgative effect expels them, Cansod b‘y similar obstrac« tions and tn.â€"e.t:: mlll:l":mlï¬mt d‘-?; , they are rapidly, many m surely, eurs ï¬"ll- â€"..'.;la-.o.;bokm the vm'x:n of t'p.m neglect to em| u suffering from the disorders they cure. . > “fl e Rast End Dalyâ€"st., Ottawa. DTR INTOTY 7 NTE SCC four T10s with extraordinary ecess in my funily and among those I am called to visit dietress. | To regulate the organs of digestion and the blooe, they are the very bost reimedy 1 have or and I can contidently recommond them to y # Yours, _ J. V. MIMES. Wateaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1s55, Dear Sit : I am using your Catbartic Fills in my pracâ€" and find them an excelient purzative to cleanse the o oths Sart an excellont prrgative to HOLGATE, OLIVER & ‘vunl.::al,n ManuTac steads, Chaire, &e... Chau Prom a Porwarding Merchant of X. Louis, Pb. 4, 1 References kindiy port kes, Rov. Dr. Jenkins, J LovelH, E1q., Theodore L lizing with Mre.Cossar an freedom of a happy bome reot restraint so stemdily c Mre. and Miss Cossar â€"a insinging and on the pis tare their sincere thanks ment they have already re (Having lately arrvsed jrcm England. ) Bli to acquaint the Ladies of Montrcal and the surrounding country,‘ that they will veceire at their house, N o. 1, Oxtord Terrace, 45 MeGill College Avenue, a limits J number of Young Ladies as Boarders, who may be desirons of fini<h< ng their ecucation, or who,from « residence in the country, have been unable to enjoy the a ivantages of the city seminaries. is Ottawa, Aug. 8, 18 Select Educational T(;Jlasses Mrs. and Misses Cossar, Thop Firtings, Perfum&ry , Drugs, Paints, Glassware, Medicine Chests <torekedpors Sundrics. Montreal, June 23, i Term® on application to April 1 Prepared by DRUG®S, &c. PARTIES ABOUT TO BUILD=â€" Pharmaseu Xhotogra PLAN®,â€" SPECIFICATI« ESTIMATES, Wâ€"% n..c'";th,x ‘ Tth Feb., 180« od your Fil A_h-;g.qnenludh >d your Pills in my goneral and hospital :oy--‘-m-.udmnth.;m':m best cathartic we employeâ€"Their regu» the liver 1s quick and decided, conssâ€" KXAXâ€"St., L AUGUSTUS LAVER, WILLLAM JOHN OLI e by w Â¥ 1LLIAM let the uids move on unob» structed in health sgain. ifl:flâ€"hï¬o the fanctions gw body l:s vigorous a> y, purify system from the obstructions which make John nmummm Pusca‘o Nery _| Which w W-un. The l have I I“.c.z Methodiat Pyis. Ohurch. | ‘.fln«-’::&.lfl:;h [ Om a .‘.".u report my case to c Sesaieeioere | Onumy s best of physician«, the | M AsA MORGRIDG® BACHAYX, M. D. Suppress!on r-l:f-. Dro-' ANNAHLE% turers of Bed= NNABLI Arcurtzcr i resd AT erinary of the ic perâ€" of the , eurad ‘ these : from Te# a Bottles of every description, excepting oi wanted, and one penny per dozen more ziv on than by any other y for the same. LAROOUE & On. " 7 IHCHIS EXCELLENXT,.and WHICH 4Â¥ they carsell at$3 PER DOZEN. â€" Amaur who have tasted the wine, comsider it a Yiry good aiticle, and superior to what is supposed to be imâ€" r"hd. Hotel keepers and doaters in Wines wonld well tocall on LAROQOUE & CO., and give them coinmence pied by . Mc ' Amey .xpress for Ogdensburgh, | hmh‘i’uo.llim:. Belle ronto, Gue mdon, 1 | _* @Goderich, B'n’ln‘o, Detroit, and all points West, at.. Night â€" do <do thee Accommeodation Train for Kin: Intermediate Stalion«, «: Traine for Lachine at T A.‘ Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M The 3.00 P.M., Train runs thr Il‘Nl-Z Subscriber hegs t . friends and the public gone Octawa, August 12th, 1867 IDDIREY â€"â€"(Ci%4CP>f D 1p» This &s to certify that Messrs. Holga Anmable‘s Washing & Ironing Tablc used by the Grey Nans, and they Irave very satisfactory. * And where he will keey ral aszortment of Readymade Ciot? the as werare prepared to prove fro: those who havetried it. All th It is simple in constraction, eas anawers‘ for an TRONING T need be taken out of the Kitchen ,t pibce of Farniture. The foull ill shew what the Lodie« at. t! ) [t. * Foints, connecting at 5t Johna with Vermont Central Raitroad, at Hurâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, aiso at Rouso‘» Point with Lake ChamplainSteamers ~â€"for Lake George, Baratoga, New Yorky #0+, t........coommmomnmmmmniicrs w94 DoR Night for Three Rivers, Quebec, f Ré da lsup and ï¬u:lnna.rn...u.lo P.M. pAr Carss on all Night Trains,Baggage checked through. _ â€" i anmenaan, depaztire af all irai re of all trair tions, see the l!rfm:! Table«. Only Washing Machine mintors Exp FBUIE CNXDER®IGNED May 24 Express by iailway.throug York, Boston, and ."J Points, connecting at ~ M Canomtan â€" Chamsensne awa, Septem ber lows Ace SUMMERâ€" 4RRA\t: Grand Trunk Railway Company Brockville, June 29 2100 p. m«, amiving : and 8:15 p. im. The 7:30 a.m, Train f Sandpoint with‘TU. F. C da Fort, Pembroke, &c., m& at 2:00 p.m., lears Orttawa and Pera »r READYâ€"MADE CLOTH «P 77. CHANGE of TIM» All trains on main Ottawa Vermont . Centrel Railroad, at | Ington with the Raend and | lington Raliroad, also with the 1 Champlain Stoamboats« for 1 George, Satatoga, Naw Vork,&¢ . Uitawa and Prescott Railway, sSUMMER ABLAilGEMEN owÂ¥ +9, JC G1A0 Aoblld N ANXD APTER MOXDAY Trains will leave Bonavonture ckille and Uttaga Ratwa,, NOnWP MANUPACHUR N and after MONDAY. the !th NOY., NW DOMINT iso t tSHIN\ Parties HOLGATE, OLIVER gGoING sovUTh OF CAaANApDA LEAYVE 4 JAaNES HIGGINSOX®, BADDBNOQA:RDS, 1 q g0LNG IRONING TABI s noti TRAIN® 11 RAINS will leave ally at 5F45 a«ni., and "C) w in the Da= ptville and Ota will ‘ Icave A V dith, w t B0 w n&| angeq as ce of | trial. h lbd? DENT 1y ever # for | **CHANGE of TIME. NORTHROP & LYMAX, â€" â€" Nawosastur, C.W., Proprictorsfor the Canada ewICE TWNNTYVâ€"FIVE CENTS. Botd eo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. 3 Massey, Henry F. McCarthy, J. Skinuer, and | Brown, in Ottawa. A i4 Lane, N Statee. q ciroulati versole t appetite taat secretion a difica‘ty in wh Oitawa City, Aug. 26, 1 Arabian Hoave Remedyv The steamer Colume«t, on and after Friday, gt instant, will leare Havelock on Tuesdays an Fridays at 5 a.m., rotarnin$ from Chapeau Villag nmodnyngt!p.m. necfenuk i en tds * A comnection is made «I' with the Brockvil! and Ottawa Railway on the up uig at Sand .Poin 1 p.m,.; and on the down trip at Sand Point at Ottawa at 4 p. m l'uu.ngr’t for Des Joachims leavea Ottawa ever Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For tarther particulars apply at tue Office of th Company at Ottawa City or Aylmer, ave Octawa, Fob. 5, 1867, On and atter SEPTENDER 1st |aotul turther no tice) the steamer Ama Nison will leave Aylines every day, for the Upper Ottawa,at 7 a. w., con seciing with the Afliance at head of Railroad a 11 B 1807 eMici¢nt : tion betw MONTREAL & CTTAWA LSA AC 1897 Market Steamer Logmar, (Capt, Peter Mcâ€" Gowan,) leaves Montreal, Canal Basin, Tuesdays ang Thursdays. ‘ ageage chooked through. The Steamer Alerondra, (Capt. M. Shephord,) will be emrlnyrl In towing raits between Ottawa and Grenville. * s POSITIVELY SUPERIOR TO AN)Y First clas Second d« Return tickets to Montreat Fast Sailing Mail Steamer Queen Vict»«a, (Capâ€" tain Bowie.) leaves Ottawa dail( (Sundays exâ€" cepted) at 6:30 a.m., for Grenvillecand intermeâ€" diate landings, connecting with the C. & Grenville Railway, and at Carilion with Steawer /Â¥im0e o Wo‘««, Passenzers artive in Montreal at 4: 40 p.m. Steamer Prince of Wales, (Captain H. W . Sbepâ€" berd,) leaves Lachine on arrival of the 7 a.w. trair from Montreal, connecting at Carilion with C. & G. Railway, and at Grenville with Steamer Qw on Victoric, arriving at Ottawa at 6:350 p.m. The comfort and economy of this line is unsurâ€" j a«sed, while the route passes through one of the most pletarosque districts in Canada, .and is the mâ€"st fashions ble for tourists, * Portic« desirous of.a pleasant trip can obtain Keturn Tickets from Uttawa to Grenyille, valid for one day, at single fares. Passengers for the Celebrated Caledonia Spring» will be landed at L‘Orignai. . Parcel oxxro-! daily from: Ottawa to Montreal and intermediate landiogs. 1A y Consisting of the following Arstâ€"class steamers Th TNION. PORWARDING AND RAIL« way coMPraxy. c wll other prepaiations for the cure of Hease hay, Thick nn'IP;lml‘al Wind, and all diseass h affoct the Wind of Poreee; also, as a Cond,: Medicrac, surpassing everytaing of the kind »y to glve, sure to cure, and safe in all case at wil limes, and does not prevent the hor» being worked while using it. f cleanses the breathing apparatus, by remo from the nmir.celis the coagulable lyraph, + recretion which in heaves ‘ï¬;otbcm, causin len‘ty in breathing, and by itsacticn on th May 1 TEW FREIGHT LNE To OTTAWA ) C Axmn THE RIDPEAT CANAL. ANN SISSON, EMERALD,.... ALLIANCE,... ORENUN,...... NSNOW BIRD,.. JASON GOULL: PONTIA Uncasisess "EMBRRQOK E,.... CALUMET.«.... ouching at Antri-)r. SBand Point, Bristol echere, Farrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s W harf, ans xo un Fort, arriving at 2r. m, su?. wil: Gould‘s Whart immediately after arrival o nee tor Cobden, connecting with steamer Jaso» !, and arriving at Pembroke same omiÂ¥. e Pontiacleaves Pembroke at noon on Tues Thursdays and Saturdays for Des Joachim#, v{ at all intermediate ports, Munin: Mon Wednesdays and Fridays, leaving at 6 a. m. cting at Pembroke with steamer Jawon Goul~/ 1 leaves Pembroke Landing at 1 p. m., an* ng at Portage du Fort same evening, o steamer AN/itace leaves Portage du Fo morning at 7:30 a. in.; railway time, touchin . onld‘s Wharf, Farréil‘s Wharf, Sonnecher» A, Sand Point and Arpprior, and arriving +« of Railway at 11:45, and connecting wit© Nisum at Pontine at noop. _ Passengzers reach morning ‘at 7 mld‘s Whart 1, Snm&‘l’oint 1ANADIAN INLAND sTEA! NAivI~â€" GATION COMPAN®XY ANDVO@OONDITION MEDICOLNE part, causing the mucous membrane t is natural dimensions, thus oq::lldq th in of the blood, and restoring the distende » their naturul size ; by its use the boree is improved, all derangements of th organs corrected, softening the skin, an the cout a steek and -hlin: appearancs MHURD, Successor to Hurp & Co., Maide ew York, Sole Proprictor for the Unite W. MceNar * cidiget 3e '- s 1867 pper Ottawa Route. LIMITEI FPRESIDENTâ€"iIcon MeL commenced their regu al and Hamilton, calline PORWARDLNG CouPAaxr) I G low rates. * T sn eived at the whar( of the "Richehe Quebes, and forwarded daily. apply to D. MURPHY, Avent NER, 4 EClA STEAMER®S. DAkKuLuEYD‘S ud Prosoott Railroad DIRECTORS: i« now prepared with new an« rward rreight of every descrip real, Ottawa and Ridean Cunat Ports, with promptue== and des HTON sPORT FARES KINGSTON anal Basin, Montreal MURPHY, Ayen, * Cansl Basin, Ottames #a m ere l RRUSH & °n bein R. W, SHEPHERD 4348 MAGNEN n McLazsas CASSELS, beir advantage t r the quickest am and CHAMPION 1504 w6m rt a 4.00 K Bocaus. Larron. Frsouar HMircrarn. Toxer. OVERNAS, Dvacas, Couv getr Buosors Presiden: ‘ 410.« * I 7 in Spri Dear Sir: We are pleased to acknowledge the ieegrine h«“lo. of the pmerl;":on of your valuable tonie ta Montreal | and bitters, entitled «"The Royal." Ail the subâ€" stances contained in its composition are perfectly | combined to form a preparation fit for the purposes | detailed in your directions. $8 00 each. [ â€" We are, dear Sir, yours sincorely, _ _ _ _ _ 1p« between Peter Mcâ€" ! A. M. F. Gtax®iLt, H.q:'io;t“r'e-n.ll \zents in be eoeh EV TCVY VA POTVRL TT ME M T +03 EO ECCCERERECs CHUECTT 186', take pleasure in mmmdi:fyour Royal Bitters, | § Jaly }. 1867 * | It is a very excellent stimulating tonic, aiding diâ€" | A. M. F. G1ixrL11, Eaq., | gestion and giving tone to the dlfmln organs. In ‘ I@ My Degr Sir: 1 beg to ncknowledge the receipt | your note you informed me of the ingredients, 1 | ¢f a sample of your Royal Italian Buters together ’ think it is a -st adniirable eombination;a pleaâ€" l with a note imparting ‘to me the formula for their N A. | sunt, useful, and reliable tunic.* | preparation. Having a laige held where totry the ' Yours traly, | effect of your Bitters, I have obtained flattering R. P. COUKK, M.D., _ __| suecess in‘cases requiring the use of a wild, stimuâ€" t s New York City, | lating tonic, nnd'i will recommend your Bitters «_ with ploasure in dyrrepsla. indigestion, los# of apâ€" «_ New York, April 25, 1867. petite, goneral debility, and constitutione! inactâ€" _ A. M. E. Graxgiu1â€"8ir; Your kind favour of | vity of the liver. L867 THEK OTTAW A TLIMES,: NOVEMBER 11. 1 _ By the tomic ingredients, and -T.cuuy by the imn’wllelmu into its composition, it Ju on the whole organization ; the tissues assume a conâ€" tistency more decided, aâ€"development more r;)n- plete, a functional energy more regular : the glob. ulgs of the blood become richer, the vital en'f‘lu greater, the muscular system more powerful, the nervous system calmer. This hmpruu is stomachic and at the same time tonic, is serviceable not only to persons in health by promoting digestien, but may also be .-mâ€-fl Ldvahtage in a‘ muittade of ailâ€" monts which are the immediate consequences of is This ation besides being composed entireâ€" ly of um-lnh‘. N:x.ot nE tonic, poeâ€" weases every Julky which constitutes a wholesome bererage and onic in a romarkable degree. 1y :!:o ul:â€"hm ‘::i bittors whr: it contarns, it A;u rectly u stomach an« ve ergans, by arousing v::. energy of the amMml:n-. and in rendering the mct of digestion more easy and perfect, â€" _ _ A Ni : Allow me to congratuiate you un the perâ€" fection of your proparation calied "Royal Italian Bitters." °I have prescribed it to many of my paâ€" tients who had need of tonics to invigorate their energles, without failure in any case. | A. Graxguu, | Letter from Professor Femcick, Uirmonstrator of , Anatomy, Mctill Colleyc, | Montroal, July 31,, 1867, | _ Dear Sir : You nquutrl:! opinion of the « kox{'- al Italian Bitters," prepared from a receipt of Dr. Vorri, ot Padua. l% state that I consider it a most agreeable cordial tomc, in every way superior in flavour and composition te the o:dinary bitter tonics In general use. I have recommended it to several patiets, who have der.ved marked benofit | from its use From Dr, Muir, C, B, Inspeciorâ€"Generel H. M, & Hospitals in British America, 4 Montreal, August 1, 1866, Sic: Maving much practical experience of Bitâ€" ters in tho West Indies, in India, and other parts parts of the world where they are in request, I have no besitation in giving it a« my opinion that 3;‘.."*'! # Tonico Reale" is the roy best / haee met with, latter from 1r. lingston, Phusician Hoté Liue . Howpita!. Montreal, August 1, 1867. The © Tonico Reale" ot Dr. Verri, prepared by Mr. @ianelli of this clt{, aad introduced to the pubâ€" lic as the « Royal ltalian Bitters," is one ot the wost elegant preparations with which I am acâ€" quainted, Mr. Gianelli having made known to me its composition, I can, unbesitatingly, recommend it to those who require the combined use of an agreeable tonic and stimuTant, | > CMAR To A. M. P T . * I tha RaskaIF Anuas cubie N No en ApSNE Latter . from Projemor Smallwood, of Mcliill iniâ€" | the Ruskell House, which be has fitted up in the um'l{. most recherehe style of the business, and 'ï¬ero his 32 Beaver Hall Terrace, | Rotary Hair Brash,which holi::gmd «xpressly for Montreal, August 1, 1866. | himselt, being the first introduced into British 1 am opinion that Dr. Verti‘s « Tonic Reale " is | America, will be kept ready for use; The saloon # very pleasant and palatable form for the exhibiâ€" | is delishuully ventilated, and very pleasantly tion of tonic bitters, in case« requiring such a preâ€" | situated. parstion. |â€" Mr. MILES would take this ofls‘nnniq of reâ€" CHAS. SMALLWOUD, M.D., L.L.D , D.C L. | turning his most sintere thankato his many teiands _ 4. K. FENWICK, M.D A. M. F. GiaN8LL1, Esq., Montrea!. _ ___ Wy. H. HINGSTON, M.D., L.R.C.8., &¢ , Eurgeon to St. Patrick‘s Department, Hotol Diea I have no hesitation in stating that the ingrediâ€" ents entering into their compesition aro of a nature to render them decidediy useful in many cases of weakness of the d!,ulh'o organs and of the geneâ€" ral constitution. Their favour is also very pleaâ€" sant. F Lbil CH ET Leuer jrom In. 4. L. Leprohon, City Heulth Oficer, | relv:vl: "‘? me. I“;e':vl\.d: f Montreal, March 29, 1867. . | Lear Sir: My absence from Montreal has proâ€" | vented me trom acknowlodging sooner the recepâ€" | Professor M tion of{ur note ard accompanying sample unf:o | A. Graxrrut, Eeq., &c ««Moyal Itallan Bitters." _ > _ _ â€"_ _ _ |â€" _ [|.â€" September 14, 1867. time since. 1 aim hl’{l‘] to: say respecting them, after giving them a fair trial, that they are a deâ€" licious ton?e. stomachic and stimulant Bitiers, which I think wil! be found very useful to the deâ€" bilitated suffering from indigestion, constipation, or dy«pepsia. _ _ _ A. M. F. Graxkun, Eq Dear Nir: The sample of your Royai Italian Bitters, through your politeners, was received some _ Mave you any agency in this: my patient« are anxiots to use the not whare to prosure it. . Yours tr «__New York, April 25, 1867. _ | petite,. A. M. E. Giaxsiutâ€"S8ir; Your kind favour of | vlt{ of 16th instant, together with & sample of your =Toâ€" re nico Reale" Royal Bitters,â€"L ain pleased now only I truly, with lie but alzo with the efect, and | regard the preparation as a very elegant one, suitâ€" I & ed to muny cases when a more powerful componid | Letter / vould not be used. . After Raving had further op= | _ Pisco [mnunh‘y. 1 shall be able to give a more iutelliâ€" gent opinion in regard to its effioney. > _ My 1 Dear Sir: Jast recovering from a long and sevore illness, I have received a sample of your Tonico Reale and from its use haro derived conâ€" siderable benoft, asâ€"I find my appetite and digesâ€" ion much improved, and hesitate not to recomâ€" mend it as ome of the best and most agtees‘ie Tonies I have ever used. ' WILLLAM ARNOLD, that when more extensi A.B., Trinity College, Dantia; al. R. C, S London ; I be very generally used M. D., ,New York, Licanciate Royal Colloge,| _ _ 9 To Mz. Asoriia G1axsut: Hevana [ am, dear Sir, yours faithfully. The proprietor refers with the greatest confiâ€" denee and satisfaction to the -nbjol‘::d testimonâ€" inls from emivent medisal men,which he could add to, were it desirable. â€" Kept by the rflu eipal Druggist« and Grocersa in tbol#.inlon Cn'ngl'n md'fï¬ the United States. Sald hy the Proprietor, _ _ _ _ _ For seventeen years it has, in ltaly, bee versal favorite l-m:g the «/ite of society generally served in the drawing rocm bef ner, in preference to Vermcuth. > The ingredients of its composition have beén imparted to the ludini Physicians of Canada and the United Etates, and have received their unqualiâ€" hed approval on every account. . * I remain, dear Sir, yours very sincercly, Tllll celebrated preparation for which a certificate of merit was awarded to the distinâ€" guisbed c;fftflud preparer at the National Exposiâ€" tion at Torimo, Italy, by whose tavor Mr. GtaXFLLI obtained the recipe, and was also awarded a d!{»- loma at the Provineial Exhibition of Canada beld at Montroal in.September, 18¢5, is, without excepâ€" tron, the most gennine, salubrious and agreeable Tonic ever introduced to public natice either in Europe or America. _ With my best wishes for your suscess, ; I am n-mlï¬lll{‘ Ioun. Â¥ a. MILLANO, 1.D Royal Italian Bitters !‘*#; :s oo 4 . yaon i ie 6, * , : ‘,«"’""mlr.vl,â€n CON ICO L\EALB Laborktory New York, June 1, 1867 M«, Giaxstup,â€"Dese mir: After a fair unial P rofemo Proprietor Cosmopolitar Hote!, Montrea! W, M. MUILR, M D., Inspest DEL DOTIORE F. 3 Grayentt, Esq., Montreal af Chemistry in the Unveeraity of Pabta Very truiy, W.E. BESSEY, M.D., ©.M., & Letter from Dirs, Picowtt. =â€" . _ Montreal, July 27, 1888 [rrasacamos. | 22, West Elsventhâ€"street, . ___ New iork, May 9, 18 FEFAL.*Y. 28 A. M. F. GIANELLI J. L. LEPROHON, M.D C.PRINCH Mospitalâ€"street, Montres!, Montreal, Febraary, 1867. < Nir : Having received from New rork, Nay 14 DRS. PICAUT / & SON feel Inothin" Letter | L ts .\himtrelu(.!m-.gun 20, 1867, + | rewoved within twentyâ€"four‘ bours after the owner meral use ; from its Jear Nir : I have to acknowledgo the receipt oF‘@ | or person in charg it | in several cases, 1 l #ample of your © Tonic Reale," fc"mlv“ie!‘ C & I ut persul nl harge fxu been notified to that effect Fer from indigestior | note infotming me of its composition, and how preâ€" | 224 !t 4**! a fnc ‘of threecents per.cord will be forms will find in it ' pared. Whï¬u not believing in mmy universal | levied upon it for every day it remains thereafter. . ‘Tonic, fhnn foreed t: admit ï¬aat there are many | * iy, cases where just such a preparation as yours would | P D., *MXM.. 4+., | be Invaluable. In Chets af Chtanis D,{'lpflplil, [| Ath ATwo went« â€"per cordâ€"willâ€"be shargell as Beav, Wall Hill, | have several times recommended its use and with | Wharfage or ground rent upon frewood plased on P ionah. ‘ much M“n}!.ltï¬)\(\‘?(r.‘-;\.\‘:g"i!HLL. MDI;RCI‘. e any part of the Government Canal Reserve, 1taly, been ‘a of society. t + M.1., at 10thâ€"street Iy V heR 14 râ€"General | M ‘PPLI(’ATOON will be made to the £% Municipal Corronuoa of the Township of Gloucester at its sitting on the first Baturday in November next, for tï¬o passing of a Byâ€"law to establish a public hégbw.g. forty feet wide, and open the same across Lot No. 15, in the 4th Conâ€" cession of Gloncester, Ottawa Front, as laid out by John Brown, Townsbip Road s-n-?m. ) ___C. BILLING®, Ot To be seen at the S able of __ E. mMtLEs, VARIETY HALL, iHa.ildmser by Appointment to His Excelâ€"| 34, Sussoxâ€"st. I lency the Governorâ€"General, | [PREAKFAST SETS of G!it and Figur« Mal. TROTTER begs to inform her friend«that having enlarged her promises by the addition of other portions of the Desbarats Block, which have been fitted np in unexceptionable style. g _PBO" A fow amites of rooms e now ready for the recepfion of boarders. , » Otrawa, Sept. 17, 1867. 474 00 l kinds of Hair Watch Gaards, Finger Rings, | #¢,, manufactured to order. _ For tt: comvenience | ladies oreers will bo received the London | usic >tore, where a fine and varied arsortment of | [airâ€"work will be found. Mir. MILES would take this ntï¬m“il’ of reâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many triends and the public, for their kind and generous patronâ€" age to him, during a number of years, in his old establishment, and trusts that by unremitting atâ€" teption to business, and in his new and firstâ€"claes safoon, with polite anluttentive workmen, to merit a buntinuance of their favors. _HAS REMOVED HIS PARLLAMENT MAIK DRESSING SALOON from the old stand to his new and commodious room over the LONDON MUSIC STORE, on Elginâ€"st., opposite the Ruskell House, which be has fitted up in the HARDRESSING â€" 8ALO0N !, ~ Eeptember 17, 1867 O:tawa, October 3, 1867 ie F W & sCOoTT, MD, Professor Anatomy MeQGill Untversity ; Phys General Mospital, &e., &c.. Toronto ‘House, Ottawa A M F wiaseuis, Eeq, f Dear Sir: Maving been furnished with a very liberal sample of your «Tonic Reale," Royal Bitâ€" ters, I have delayed giving you my opinion of its merits until I hbad an opportunity ofstating, from experience, some of the advantages which 1 have tound derived frowm the employment of the Tonic. I have noticed great beneSt frim the use of the «Royal Bitters" in indigestion, loss of appetite, general debility, and some nervous affectionk. The Tonic is most enrefully prepared, and will be found & nr{ agreeable Bitter .n5 genl‘lo stimulant ; and from knowing its composition, I have pleasure in recommending it to the public: feeling #satisfied that when more extensively knawn, the Tonic will A M F Giaxh Dror Sir,â€"â€"The =Tonico Reale" I hars tried faithfully, and it gives me great pleasure to state to ‘ylon that it ts the best and most mgreentle Tonic J ave over used in my '\nctim#ml it particuâ€" larly adapted to females and cliffGren debilitafed by the various diseases and complaint« peculiar to them. If you will favor me with a letter atating where I can procure your Bitters for my patients, 1 shall ukol;-lnimllr pains to recommend them. As a general rule the Bitters sold are t bitter and have too much A/cohol, and are honce often injuri ous. It is pleasant to the taste, and, & w«certain, not injurious. 1 trust you may meet with suctess youre, &o., F s The «mall quantity of iron they contain is of adâ€" vantage to aby persons who may require that Tonic in their evstem. ¢ Leter Srom Dr, Girdwood, late Sur geon 11. M. Grenaâ€" | iiiienadeatnn ns ractc â€"dter Guards, _ B3 Comn Laboratory, 630 Lagauchetiereâ€"street, _ | â€" Montreal, August 4, 1866. , _ Nir : I have examined the rample of Bitters you | Privy Cozpeil OMh»c left me, callod Ro{tl Italian smon. or Tonico / Tyiaws, Hith On Reale. I Ond that they are composed, a# you say, i es of the bost materials, and that l’lu-y are an excelâ€" y lent Bitter Tonic. 6 Rvmalations in â€"wal N IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, Dot BLE and Tandem Docteur Medecin ct Chirurgien Francais ‘de la Faculte de Paris, Bachelier en lettres, Bachelier en Sciences Physiques, Rue Notreâ€"Dame, No. 192 Montreal, £0 Decembre, 1866. teoocs A Monsieur Siax®uL1. _ Accept, Sir, the etpression of my distinguished consideration e L A. SOUSLACROIX. This preparation, by its elegant appearance, its dellcnec': flavour, and above ‘:ï¬ by rtrmwui ve | properties, deserves to attract gflblie attention, ard l should he considered as infinitely superior to all articles of the kind which bave appeared to l.he‘ prosent time. _ 3 iss cA excesses or errors in nutrition, such as dyspepsia, 'uunlï¬s. anunia, chlorotis, leucorrhes, convalesâ€" cence, in short in all casos where the system is much debilitated tor want of restoratives to refresh its energies and strengthen its organs. Silver Mount=d Harmesses. a Docember remain, imy dear Mr. Giapell HARNESS FOR SALKE. A. M. F. Graxxtr1, Eeq Hair Dresser, b} l];!:uj;{mt, to his _____ Excellency the Governorâ€"General. *X OPPECEHES. A M P A. HALL, M.D., Professor Midwifery, McGill University, PA RLIAMEX"I «G P GLIRDWOOD, M D Township Clerk, Gloucester, 87. 3wâ€"1 ANFLLA Isq, Montreal 4t , Templeâ€"street, Bow *E. DE LA GRANJ A, 20, East 2othâ€"stre«t, New York, May E. MILES, College, Montreal, October 26, 1868 M. CAMERON, Benserer Stree MA &e., &o., ko 538â€"37w6m 1 Anatomy, MeGaU ssssy _ Double and Single Tulips and re M OR C Lendon. very Likn Next door to the Market Drug Store. isq THE SUBSCRIBER BEKGS LEAVE Fl‘.m inform his numerous friends and the inâ€" habitants of the city and surrounding counâ€" lrg, that he has ?n«f: at the above stand, where he is prepared to furnish them with a supeâ€" rior article, * Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. attention, Order? from Lamberers pr "'â€'j endead to. 5 3 P . Boot Just receired from Double and Single Hyacinths, IONQUALL» Vages; German China Dogs ;\ and w variety of other Beautiful Goods at Low Prices. ‘Also, Stoves and;Furniture, Mattrasses, Mirrors, Looking Glasses and all other articles required in House i‘\ll‘llilh- Bluuxru'r 8ETS of G!it and Figur« ed China, Dinner Sets that are really beautiâ€" ful, and Tea Sets that cannot be oquaflod else. where. Also afarge variety of Toilet Sets, Enaâ€" melled and ‘Gilt Pubch Bowls, Flower Shades, English, Seotch and German Cut Glass; Prest (ilass of all kind#*; Bobemian, Parian, and other Remember the Variety Hall is 34, Sumexâ€" pearly opposite the Barracks, Dutch Flower Roots. Crockery, China and Glassware. Ouawa, May #, 186 Ottawa, the 18th day of October, A. D. 1867. 567td JESSE CHESTER The Costom Lrepartment will receive his s 71\:1:-: Creditors of the nndersigned are notified to meet at the Law Office of WILâ€" LIAM MOSGROVE, in the City of Ottawa, on MONDAY, the FOURTH day of NOVEMBER, A. 1D, 1867, at murg«s o‘cuock, 1. M., for the purpose of peceiving etatements of his affairs, and of namâ€" |n&cn Assigneg, to whom o may make an assignâ€" ment under the above Act. HOWES \Boot and shoe Store l oth, No lirewood may belanded without a permit | having been first obtained from the Lock Master or l Collector, and the letâ€"pass must be given up to this { Officer bofore the wood is unloaded, under a penelâ€" |.ty of forty dollars. * a68â€"4f A NEW Colicction of the Be:t Riddles and Pdn« newly to!d, by the Monble. Hugh Rowley.â€" _ the BEST CUOKEK\’ bQOKâ€"Xr«, Beeton‘s Book of Hourehold Management, $2.25, The BEST and CHIEAPEST ENCYCLOPEDIAâ€" Chambers‘ Enecyclopwdia of Universal. Kvowledge for the People, in 9 vole., cloth extra, and half calf extea, _ Curic‘ e# of Literature, by D‘leraeti, $1 ; Gil Blas, wi ; Don Quixote, $1 ; Our Conatitntjon, our Laws and System of Government, ®! ; Dante‘s Purgatories, $1 ; Dante‘s Paradiso, #1; Book Days <(Chambers) $6; 1001 Gem« of l‘w?' by Mackay, $1 ; Mans Andersen‘s Book of Fairy Tales, $1,50 ; Handâ€"book of()f-rutlel and Ath. letics, by Ravenstein and Halley,. 22%5; MHistory of Signbourds, $2; the Slang Dictionary, ®1.75 ; British Rural Sport#, by Stonehenge.. . Nept sequently be ve department, an tinuance of fay nex to Howeli‘« _ rocery April 27. Our stock ot BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHBR, SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, &c., &c., will conâ€" A 8 the Lease of our Premises in Susser» street terminates this mohth, we intend to con fine our busimess to ene locality, and shall remore the wirole of our Steck on the. 1st of May next, to our Btore jo and seli & Oitawa, October 18, 1867 the wiite bet s en Way bol Pud. Firewood may be landed between the line o[Little Sussexâ€"strect and the Byâ€"wash or waste weir, but must be removed within twenty â€"four hours after havieg been placed there ; a fine of three cents per cord wilh be charged for every day the wood remains on the whor{ after such notice has been Regulations in pursuance <of the 2%th Chap. Con. ; >,_ i 3 150¢ Stats. of Canada, for lacding firewsod on the line VAPPCNLICTS and 40 of the Rideau Canal, in the City 0 Ottawa, and in trw axn u/ addition to the regulations for the management : . â€" Seteemica is and protection of the Provincial Canals, which wore | wi »ral T1 authorized by the Governor in Council £0th May, Agl icuitural in 1857, Seetions 14 and following, and were made m GBFAT Nazi applicable to theâ€"Rideau Canal, under the Order of | Naiis, >pikes, Camp Keottles, ( His Eacelleney in Counerl of the 2nd of June, 1860, / out Saws, Lamps, Oils, Gis ‘OTI(R is hereby given, that in ace 4@ cordanceâ€"with the 28th Chap. Con. Stats. of Canada, His Excellency the Governorâ€"General in Council has been pleased to approve of the fullowâ€" ing additional regulations to ensure the proper vring, management anv protection of the Canale of the Dominion of Canada. â€"~ B; Command, iHE NEW RIDDLE B300K, 429y Canal â€" Regulations. Tho largest assortment in the Dominion is vow open for inspection at the ven uently be very large and most complete in every artment, and.wa :Il‘:fl ru[nc(fnll]l:'dkh a conâ€" iunce of f&vore, to merit which our constant en« vore will be as nsual to provide the best articles | sell at the lowest retounerating prices, 0. HOWE & soN, 34. Rememb â€" the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideanâ€"st. Foy sale by Insolvent Act of 1864. \ very fine and large assortment of { the Ba Su s «e xâ€"« NC 30 yÂ¥ THE:â€"CAPFEAL 1st of OCTOBER * | He will open in the store formerly vecupic r Milbs‘ Parl m airâ€"dressing Sa and ï¬ Shge Stgns 1 [R aetiseenmters "nt testriey Sn Anntlamania fAint Mikhas Alldc mra No. 10. Rideauâ€"st. teweed may be landed and piled around \ on Government Land within forty feet of , leaving a roadway of at lea«t fifteen feet every four piley of firewood, which readâ€" be as near as practicable at right angles vgin ofthe Cana‘, This wood must also be within twentyâ€"four hours after the ownner in charge has been notified to that effect ~anlt a fine ‘of three ceuts per.cord will be o it lor every day it remains thereafter. CROCT & i i+ ‘f t S M O Vâ€"A L. . PUNIANA, #2.25 NARCISSA8, Europe by. the subscriber Wu,. HEARN, Market Drug Store, a from Sappers‘ F JUSEPM BOYDEN, DVC VON THOLE, &e., &#., ! YORK STREET, h October, 1867 ADDITIONA1 J, DURIK & S0N, No. 10. Sparksâ€"st., Opposite Russell Hou»e 16%. 408y GEOROE MURPHY. ‘Board. A 4230â€"y Ottawa, be landed on the ensterly General Agent. Wu. M. LBB, C.P.C ridge tothe line ot 420y ‘Clothing and Outâ€"Fitting Store, 4. H. GRAFILA M A RESPECTABLE gentleman can be ““l;::ld in u.h priv;tï¬ lf‘\arly ;‘nnuii!dél‘)'j street, Sandy . with a NISHE ROOM and SITTING ROOM, wich c; withoot Mr. Milés will barry on a branch of the Parâ€" Mamentary Hairâ€"dressing Saloon in the store occu. pied by him as a Melodeon Depst, Rideauâ€"stres opposite Workman & Griffin‘s Hardware Depot. Ottawa, Sept, 24.‘ 5464f Gentlemen‘s Ontâ€"Fitting Goods, Cioths, &¢. PM'I"OI of Music, Teacher of Organ, Pisno, Voice and Harmony. Also Mrs. Clark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Music Rooms and Residence, 69 @®parkeâ€"st., adâ€" jJoining .Desbarats‘ Block. Pianoâ€"torte and Organ instruction. WM. HEARX. A large assortment of Optical Instruments, Ther mometers, &e., just received. Ottawa, Nov. 6, 1867. 4T5y Market Drug Store, OPERA CLASSES, I 100 ACRE®.»«The north half of Lot No. | L x0.11, in 4th Con. of the Fownship of Gagoole, | with a good House and Rarn, and other carmmildâ€" Ih". and a good Npring Weil, fifiy neres cleated and in a good state of cultivation, This is sitnated ,ulbc Prescott Road, within fi/tein miles of Ofta. | wa. Also the south hailf of Lot No, 6, in the Srd | Con. of Osgoode,containing ] 10 1eres, 50 actes clear< ed, the rest well wooded, with good hardwood, and well watered, and sitaated -;u\in-.ku-mn-r a mile of the Railway Station. Titee®ood. _ Ror further information apply to l‘A'fl({('l\' HERBERT, | 5 Ridean Hote!, Ottawa City. *| BoAlll)lw.---.\un\ REYNOLDS, TH Cottage" Book and Fancy Store, York Stree 3 doors from Eursex Street, bogs to anrounce ha she is prepared to accommodate #ix or eight boord] ‘.l}. above is .cn-rlau_y larown as the *« Port «Fort rty," the village of that naume 1 -hwm. For turther particular« apply to the und ned if by letter, ';»sbpuld. -'!'Pilmv,-!m-l:.n(‘:,r::v‘:;'m Pontine, Hargrave P. 0. ALL the right, titie and claim of the | ‘undersigned, daoghter and legatee of the late | Waliter Beckworth, in the tots of land distinguished | as humbers thity, thirtyâ€".one and thistyâ€"hro (30, 31, | and 32,) inthe first (1«t) runge of the Township of | LitchGeld, County of Pontiae, an4 Provinee of Queâ€" | \Merchnndiszec and Purece In the city for the carriage goods and monles, &e,, at re called | for on leaving notie To andfrom Montreal, the above Company been induced to open au Agents OTI‘AWA to MONFRIEAL The Ottawa River Havigation Cc. m "} 4e «se=asl cus WIDOW J A M+ Havelock, July 13; 1867. From $1.50 to $25.00 Ottawa, Oot. J, 1867 Ottawa, Apr "II‘I‘Q(‘E is hereby given (thiat applica« 1 % tion will be mude at the next Session of Parâ€" Niamentor the Legisisguroesiir an Ast to ifeorpor % Of every HOE®, RAKE®, 24 Suitable for Viewing the Sights on the 6th instant, AT THE S1IGN OF THE KE public are informed that ewing to . the increased.demand for the quick dispatch Opening of Parliament. CcARDBEN TCOOLS @. OULD inform the Citizens of Orta= wa and vicinity that on the 483+° FARMS FOR SALE TBRtidean SHiree w . CV CLAERE, IOCX PBHBRI}: at tute orrics er 81, 1867, FOR SALE PLOT LiN%E=. BOA D. ONTARIO 114 sP A Dis. SHOV EJS HERRICK BRU=I n MAS BIRKET York Street, vecupied by E. whip of Gagoode, | j., i N,:er wathtildâ€" ! g' u ty neres cleated | x y (This is sitmated ; y 1 in niles of Otta. ! x i No. 6, in the Srd | py.. s, 50 acres r‘lenn‘g s 1y d hardwood, and. |â€"â€" n a quarter of \E ; A ?i(lekm d. _ Rort! 26y NWO ELL §77 _ _ 1 of time. Corns, by in | several weeks. â€"Th | quietea by an appli | time. It nets as may ‘TH _| and also on all other Stree | wihout it, as there : e ha | when ".‘I: coune »aurd; | None genuine withor 122 * | Sele Proptitter T. 3. 24 | Fruits, in &yrup, Preserves, Potted Meats, Fruils ‘te. Alu,‘na-i.-.s-prï¬nl!uc.flrflo' Rolled Hums, Bacon, Butter, Cheere, Crackers, | â€"Biscuits, Flour, Oatmeal, Barley, Poas, iee, Laâ€" | \‘mdc: Herrings, Table Codfsh, Digby Herring«, | &e., &¢,> 8 | ‘Sugars.â€"English, refmed in loaves, Broken | Loaf, Crushed White, Yellow Refined. Tes Orrawa Tixzsâ€"Printed and Published every morning, (Sundays excepted) at | _ We the undersigned inhabitints of Tompicton | have used the above named compouni in maby | cases, and cordially recommend it to the publis | for a trial, as it has been more expedient ind «t ’ fectaal than ani:-dy;nd by us. Templetonâ€"Modeste Narte!, puk and â€" | ging ; m‘l‘-mr. Fever; A. 3:.:& _‘il':::t | ailments; Win Waters, rheumatism ; T. Binnchette, | man and animals; R. MeElroy, sunstroke ; J. | Davidson, emailâ€"pox, s | _ Ottawaâ€"W . R Caldwell, W. Kenpedy, J. M. T. Hannum, X. Locas. | Sold by W. Hears, . Skinner, and other drak. Our stock is. extensive and e-’fl-. sod every article warranted to give satisfa All order« sent or left will be p'-fl":.-ld to. All Goodsgdelivered on shortest notioe _‘ Chocolate and Cocon Spicos, Mustards, Essenâ€" cos, Syrups, Pickles, Saucer, Vinegars, and Bottled Coffecs.â€"Jarsa, Jamzica, La Guayra, Mocha Roastod and Ground on the premises. Consisting of Teas, Gunpowder, Old Hyson, Young lyson, llf'm Twankay, Ilu't. Extra Fine Engâ€" lich Breakfast Soueh-‘. Congon ditto, Ooleng, Orunge Pokoe, PMJIM. & CROCERY COODs be incurred Al.l. persons indebted to Dr. J. Garvey, and whore aecounts have been rendered, are knq'uuud‘l‘u call and settle at onse, or coste will DALGLISH â€"&> RUSSELL * S ilawk: Joax: awa. June ll‘â€"“'. N67 ague, and all fevers, old roree, freeh euts and bruises, burns, foul «tomach. Dyspepsia, by mix â€" ing with one glaes Hignwines ; rhoumatism of @!l kinds, Delirinin Tremens. Persops drunk mace eober in half sn hour bytwo doses, and in fact almost every ailment eured in a very short apace of time. Corps, by paring end applying for several weeks. â€" The nerve of a tooth ‘entirely quldeq- by an application for a «hort length (of and also on all mf-“&;.v.\ll':;ll;*.;i‘-t without it, as there will be no danger of disouse when nud‘: mi.u:.-kl the Watér Cure. None genuine withont ‘g‘.ï¬nnd the‘ above Scle Proprietor H. J. KELLOG. every morning, (Sundays exce «t tsho Tares médnuuy 'othm. €o rï¬lï¬ ot° Oftews, County Carleton O 'a†i; ROPESSOR KELLOG*S Lite 1. ing Vegetable Compound and ‘umvers for man ll: boast, which gives inmediate and only requires one trial to convince th skentical, Externally by rubbing, interne mixing with milk or anyihing to <uit the t clear. One teaspoontal, a full dore, fev ague, and all fevers, old roree, freeh en briites. burns. fool atomunah â€" Messameis q2 EVERY MAN His OWX DPoctor Otcawa, May 22, 1867, Ottawa, Sept! 4, 1867 nesessed in 1562 by st Ouge Daplautes.:..... 8, M w i RK NOW TN RECEIPT OP THEIR pew and varied assortment of ToW XsHI 7t & "<}> 1i 1® Treasurer‘s Sale ol Lants TOW NSHIP 0P CUMBERLAXD al ib i POWNXsHIr OF RL 23rd Kept., 18367..§ «hed, 27th sentem bag, 18 Dalglish & Russell, Wellington & Kentâ€"w!« 22, 1867, k 4ily N®HL 1 W NSHIP C NOTICE. s1 t cured in a very s«hort eprce y paring #nd applying | for he merve of a tooth ‘ entirely leation for a «hort length jof gic on hor»o fleeh in all cases, IN ARREAI® 10 * wre petented )} al to convince the most und and universal cure # 200 oF Al *T HAWKESBI MAlSTOX 20 6 09 i A MERIDGHI G ARY EY, M.D ESELL 44 sate Prescry Treamsuror, At & "In«well internelly by t the taste or ce, fever and <sb euts and 470Â¥ reliel 4 © ol o ns «Susiues» athadt « Store, Bd repaned 6 boverre en waty "Win aat Decenie prven‘: / «bormeury i * ~4 JB £+ Te a nsA 20000 C009 a, Wt n a, +5 If not gom Al1 subse Yewrly nvoral Yearly s If mt \eafl:.: D $ rocims uns Megtum, "“l’ O a tD UD% _ P us Mitwwin AG 4 » dn F00 o0 ww n tm o w , 4 ‘ THO Chnas tHiloe: I AuKKAM Cw m ul rPI0R ehrumry M CD00 0@ a ruer af ® «Nn at e Fobrs bacenCaus oo‘ < Marda ied Apy® aan d tÂ¥ U 4@ Tre TB« iy a AWaki l i8 8 ay