*# i; * 3# . 15 M, qant®, l P «3 ‘mgngu..r.uw. Selictiors«in» | €/N. d M'W' Notary Publis, and | «treet. Patest Right solientor. â€" \Jtk m ysmoxr : Post Jdice Building, mmog‘n.-- _._Lâ€"~ isbruary 7. 1966 wpared to attend 'nn':! io any bumtness the mm‘ the public '::I') Puile se for the disitict of " ons db "Incember 29. 1865.______________..___*? â€"~~~CUOLMANâ€"& WRHIGHT, J. E. BOULTON, dm.‘-AM.\W. Soll Chancery, «*. domer: Ammond‘s Baildiags, Kidean Aumes, Jan. 13, 1966. ' "l‘w'." Solleiior, Atitor LD Sotary Public, Clerk olu-cma soun Aitorney, for the nited hes «d Russoil. : Qrmice: In the Court iHhouse, L‘Orignal MAsSE & TETREAU “"AIIK‘ PUBLIC, bull, C. .Â¥ the Pust office. J. A. Masex. x. tw rtawa, March 23. 3w0 -c-m{:.-n--\‘-e- Qrmex : tae Court House, Ottawa, C. W . RQuseer Le#gs. _ â€" Joas J. JrouwL. Mare, debruacy 7, 1806. mss & *L Atteods to all Law Courts in the District o ‘ TTORNXEYVâ€"ATâ€"LAW, Solicttor . i=» Chascery, Conveyuncer, &c., Susserx Streot. orncr: Union Buildings, Ottawa. > 6z U TTORNE Y$â€"A T«LA W,Solicitors=in» ‘ Caansery, Conveynacers, Notaries Public, &¢ Ufice: Eluin <treet, opposite the Russel! House. Autrasoce Ross. Ausezr Pissoxs. taws, Juby #8. ophrare. ... 23 swbsiterâ€"inâ€"Cuaseery, asd Notary U=Di1C «Sies, over Mr. Lake Câ€"mer‘s Bbos ul Show aneary 27, 1566 I‘Q'. thancery and Conveyancing Office, Lamg‘s Buildings, Elginâ€"st., opposite a Pust uifice. * Ogaws, July 13. < 480y D .) subsequent U .’-'l'f. Odlce : Sparks Sireet, Con» tab Othawa.. Oâ€"net: In Horse‘s Block. Can be found over #ofice at uï¬ ( Referen‘~s : . George T »~ +nee, Otouo ; Kee. Ioho Smith, Bowreanri ¢; Ro jeorge Kiideli, Rurke ; Duncen Campbe .h’. LRC.8.5., Torâ€" Uo; John iall, M.D., J. aue«us, M.D., Tororto. Ottawa, February 7, 806. 42â€"u4 § cAuzscery, Contey ancers and Nocaries Public, | q UVCTIONEER®, and General Commis» weer of Sugsex aud Yorkâ€"streets, Ottawa. . I ‘ sion Exchange and Real Rstate Agents, No wtaws, Rebruary 16, 1867. 368y ~ | 10, gussex street. _ _ | _ _ (Ing;nt raom EXGLAND.) s‘m' aud _ Residence, éc.r'. Fearsary 7, 1386 Â¥. K KiLt, A.M:, L.D , C.M., f D.i. 1).)}1, ‘-"ICI A N4 onr e n _ Clareace Street, Ott: #» Feddense, Maris strect, C.+ ar Town: -cn Coumn,with wt the «e of the kntie, by a at® , â€"ertein, speedy, and slsest painioss wish Relursnses glven io partics umdn; T o An antined." To ons Je wumg * _ Ria®s, darco LUPIEILRE & HAYCOCK, TTOR NIES» \ T=«LA W, Sollcitors=in= § Cuancery, Contey ancers and Nocnries Public, ADtGtLALUVS in iGGE Llsp ’“I“lu anud â€" Attoruecy=at«Law, solisitor in Chansery, Couveyancer, &¢. tl.‘:_l:"-du Post lza. l&u sureet, in use came Custoim House. ome lately cccupied as se qnaws, Peb. |, 1366 diaws Oailp C umes, '\“'“.'g.. Bervistors, and Aat mn-l: Wall s0d Ayimer, C. E. * :. W right will aitsad at Hull on Tuesdays DK C: A. MARTIN, I'.-h,l.r. ob?l:..: "m“l Street, ove» Messre. C C(o.‘#, Grocers. MJm:'zr. 1866. e Heur LP wai ounrawa. Htaws, January 27, 1368. g:lmbot 13. Â¥earty «4vertiser> «pec serut allowsoce made A F. BOCCHETTE, DVOCATE. Oilce» No. 17, } r“mf;â€"..;;o; for Lowes Canadaâ€" ) â€" urmices : Court House, Ayhmerard Bucking â€" LEBAS & i4 RisFZS, .â€"_ DR. JOUN LEGGO, ’llrut. Uaunton‘s . Block, Sparks Street. â€" 2@ Touth extracted without pain means of the Echereal Spray Producer. gï¬ Wews Pebroa~~ 1. 1466 ~u£ Dall) Snb Â¥ PPICE orec Mr» Garta®s Retablisa« sasat, bo Rideaaâ€"st , Oitawa. k ASRIsTER and Atcoraey 6EO. LOGAX, MLD., L.C.H.B., EDW AiiD C. D.\url‘.\' :-;1,1, evgg txbes | mese Curd» of t * Irs wings Advertts l.“’h‘l’fllc _Physiclans, Surgeom wha A0cveCDOUT. " 1 W, Chancery and Couveyancing» QrriC®: Mosgrove‘s ‘Block, Rideaa street, k CW. R#dâ€"of NICHOL.A® HYHICIANX, Sargeon and Accoucheur, Oflce: Hunton‘s Block, Sparks Street. HYSIC1A®*, surgeon * samee. uj oBce opjosite «> Streot, &l fows, \ YOL.LIL._â€"XU. t Ss.} w T_LILA s# MOSGROVE Dii. OLIVER MARTIN Rusas «& PalGuNXS, { srary weok. 1% D. WUCUNXNXLRL, uho «Abawa CV alleyâ€"issuing of the 3000 i «84 .w«-lz\ over 4,000 : sursat, Ou awa, 4 Dit. CHEsSLE\, Utreet, apposite Matthows® 1 war, *murviny, duntays ercepiet. } DH. 0. C Wuui D& C. LEGGO , of trom 3 to 6 linas, per anâ€" uple is adÂ¥ 2000 o8ly, . . ....> Ausquibnis, aret insertion port M & M. McLEOD, cess. special‘y coutracted with, and DR. OREILLY, il. ibA 4 LVUR, troulation in the week of oves LtA.AL. 1sD WEEKLY IIMES NqW & GeMMELL, _ . #, â€" Attorncys, SolBcitors, . DJRA N, Surz:+m, and Accoucheur. lillee}: No. 17, St. Pote» Mr. Bouchetto will abways be D10 A b.. CBUULA gar Waraut, B.A.B.C.L «* utf aily (if paid in ed in the Daily «* the all competitors, a20 t Gusiness men to ad "ALKS, N. Terw®ac syuuf Atriormeys aime o. e e naawagn ies of Prescot Solicitor=)m» andd attor»e 4 Acconchews agee & Russoll> w en i n L wÂ¥ 334y awa CIN®D E., near Sity 447uf 11#â€"130â€"4 §5 0d g6 00 6 0Â¥ ';Puovu. 11L _ LAND â€" sURVEYOR, $ Draughtsman, &6, &mmluwm' for U ï¬â€â€˜ $1 7°A° i aad Lower Cansda.) Otice and residonse, Glow 34â€"60 tJâ€"ut +4 §3â€") 31â€" at die wt custer, near Uttawa. Surveys of every description executed with acouracy. Communicziioas gddress ed Ottawa City, (postâ€"paid), or left at the ufice of N. Sparks, Solicitor, go., Ottawa, will receive progap« a tention. _ . __ _ oa t Feacher Pianoâ€"t‘orte, Violin, &¢. | } THOROUGH BAgYS. +| Q! niwistt Â¥ ano Consuldng Oflee, is KCY geasest, pust dues to tue 3. Lawsenew tisil i sWieBteâ€"bw y Strect. . bidy El(‘llASOB Brokers, Fixe, Life and Ac= cidoutal insurance, Commission and Collectâ€" ing Ageuts. Olice, No. 27, sussexâ€" strect, Ottawa. The sale of Real Fstate at Auction or Private Saie premptly attended to. Consignments received fo» ueit‘ve sale. Partics eshing to purchase Roai Istate will receive all informstion FRKE O} JUARGE by calling at the oilice. Ortawa, Dec. 18, 1865. i 1â€"» CD!MIS‘IU.‘ and Exchange Broker, and Insuraoce Agent, Spa.Ksâ€"street, opposite Mages & Husseli‘s, Cttawa, C. W. Jitaws, March 23. s#ly PIOVlICIAI. Laad Surveyors, Canade Enst and West, Real Estate Agonts, &z Par ticular atiention devoted to the sale and protectio: of the laodes of Absentoss. mhaï¬mwflp Om eâ€"u Las is Departisent for ng Lands, &6. y ‘.u{ iended to.‘ T «0y to e now on band and for sale, some wel it.ated C :y and Vills Lots, in Upper and Lowe Janada; sod an iminense quaotity of Farming Lands is the Townsbipe on the Ottawa. Orrios : Omoliah «nd Metoalfo Streots. w. K. THISTLF, P. L. 8. F. A. BALDWIN, P. 1. 8. . _ Ortaws Dec. 28. Co:-rm\c-rou and _ @uilder. Oiffice : North side York street, «ssond door from Sussea UOI!!I&:S Merchant and Genera Acu. 3:&(« Read‘s Highwinas ano croof Whiskey Dawes‘ Lachize Alos ans corter.. Pork, }Inu. &o., for sale. Qrrict : No. 3, Sparks strect, near the Russoli louse, ttawa sity, C. W. y P L. SURVEYOHR and nnxu--. ® Miving, Laod, and General Parlianen.sr» Agent. ‘htn‘ou unexseptionuble. . OrFi0x : Fellingtos street, next to Gritish iotel, aod nearâ€" !wunlbo.b_onbnm‘-u. e an m * We E-"J,;'t.'ï¬Â«;hu. gveo with :‘pub t molle Laud business, adjittug di claime sad m-: Patorts. e . Hhanates Aliky es â€" > ._â€"_~â€"â€" Mhy . _ _ Vlll'l" OoTeawi TUESwAaY8 AND FRIDAYS. Orders left at Union House vill be punctaally atâ€" tended to. Ottawa, July 26. : I187t ChasLEs ESPLIN, Millwright and Engineer AII strictly forbidden to pass or tres= pass in, over aud «bout the fronts of Lots aa aser 20 aod 40, in the First Concession, Uttawa Frout, Nope in, «nd the Broken Fronts thereof, unâ€" te«s and until some sutisf.@cory arrangement is come to with the pr »oristors thereof." All person» wresp wus«ing witer this notice will be prosocuted acâ€" cording to Law ‘ UCTION Rooms, No. 19, Sparks Street, Centre Towa, utawa, opposite. Hopes Station VU NOwWICE _ [3 HERERY GIYVEN THAT ALL Lumbermen & Others LA'l'l MeADANM*®, Commercial Hotel, Packenham. The above Hotel, one of the ctie=t and best known in Packenham, has veen loased by the aadersigned wad thorough! overhauled and refitted for the nto- ‘lal M-«Ltlouufï¬m THE TABLE aND BAR will at all timesâ€"be furnished with the vory vest the market afords. GOOD STABLTNG and a careful Hostler always inattendance JOHN MALTMAN. Address Chag Eeplin Ottawa, reccuary 21, 1984 mssy M8F $0°.. ... fGcrncmic mb it n IEssits. PHISTLE & BALDWLN G'll‘l‘ aSD SAw NILLS BUILT ON the so«t recepl ami iuproved privciples. vux for Plecks_patent and iinproved Taylor ater Wheel, and Vuican [rom Works, Mentremi. l)b.!"'l!l"l Ofllce, Sparksestreet, op= posite Migee & Kosseli a. > vita«s, October 30. 1807 578v / Bti00ts, Uitawa November 6. Ritchie Hetel, Grenville, C. E., Ottawa, Decembor 18, 1365. "\llï¬ Subscriber has leased the above Urstâ€"ola«s h teo" for a torum olJuu and b by strict at ention to the wants & comforts ulog: guests, and friends ut lirge, 10 merit a large »hare. ot pablic patrom«ge. The Liotel is the largost «9d" best Iaid o@ house in G eaville; it is three «tori¢~ high and communds « beautiful view of the rapide and eteamboat landing. . The Bar will contain IJTM of the choicest and purest quality. The Tanie will be supplied with the beet the narket c on a€ord. :rcul care will be taken witu the St«bles, which will be under the cace of an ugdouvl Hostier, a«ad always suppliod wito fresh Hay uod Outs. Ubarges moderate [ï¬ us ds ds 24 4 94. 2 i hi i8 isnnd ntornatry. The " QUREEN" somprise» «l! the requisites for a | 87 nuz-clut“‘-un.nt The flamh:‘:uundw und cefurnishedâ€" ‘-.‘vw The BAB sontaine | « the chotsest Brands in uuudl.lqun..s:m‘ deiloacy ofthe sea"p will be found on the ta The N proprietor‘s vest eforts will be direated to the cemâ€" | & ‘NIVIL ENXGITEZELR, Union Buildings, ./ corner of Sussex aod York Streets. (ttawa, Dec. 18, 1865. Reeie ha 7‘l-:' Ottaws, May 4e 1ONRNER of Kent and Welllnyton= Kuawa, March 10, 166. THE =" QUEEX" RESTAUPANT, V y PA He it Menson opre ‘hl‘lllcï¬q.pqo nmo..â€:g,‘:’- "‘,‘é‘f!‘,__ R ENPOmE ET ERTTC I JuUN Wy. THOXSON, Propr Dated this 26th June, 867. * Dit. u&auRGE HUTCUISON, &. E. WCUNXUE. May 12 J. P. MACPHESGN, .\Illl'l'l;ll. CC oncwm- Office : Lang‘s Buildings, v, ite Post Office awe, Marck 10. lm’:’“ % 10â€"4 13 MUGLLAN, ERCHANT â€"TAILOR, 39, Spark» MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAX, OWCONNXOR & WALLER, ULailno®s CA i L»S. PARLLaMENXTARY AgENCY,. T. EUlcHK.KLC(CTEK. M . I1. McGREEVA\. iPimw. LidLIt JUXRS, D AUJUGNXALD & BRO., IOUHN RITLCHLE, Pro JOHX MALTMANX GEQ. IL. PELNRY, JUutNâ€" MERCEKA, H. McLt.AN‘3 UDD, M.D.C. M 8. CHRISTIE, Â¥. J. HKXKY uxk aviat ATP sPANIKS KiX NXON, PNv m an«l / W. H. WALLER, AYLMER, C. L JOH® RITCAILE 438 10 378y Lwbar‘y Proprietors 470 Tht 43utt llvtf 1187 aaâ€" 18â€") 1â€"y | |C. AUVSTIN, APOTHECARY. "The Medical Hall," Hemedics for Chojera, Diarrhcea, Dysenâ€" tery. Cholera Infuntum, «nd other summer comâ€" vl«inte, are kept on hand, besides a good eupply of disin/ectaunt« at | AUSTLN‘S, " The Modical Hall," * _ Rideauâ€"rtroot. C. Austin begs to thank ‘his many customer and friends for the liber«} patronage extended to him since his removal to his present promises, and assures thom it will be his endgavor .0 merit a conâ€" tint»ncé of the same 3 «* The Compounding Department*® is conâ€" ducted person«lly by himself, and presoriprio®s committed to his oare will be dispensed with acou . racy and promutness. 21y Bittors at Hatr, Nail, Tooth, Cloth, Hai, and Flesh Brushes, Turkish Towels, sboulder Braces, India tubber Combe, in varioty. Bathing Caps, Bxth Sponges and Bags,. Mair proparations in variety. Lubin‘s, Kimmel, Piosse and Lubin‘s and Phalor‘s Porfumes. ienuine Ead U‘Cologue, Florida W ater, wiso a number of preparations tor the toeth and gums at â€" phog: rermmae ll\llt celebrated Quinine Champagne,"* K also * Orauge Quiaine W ine," and echer Poaic « . _ Prince of Wales, «* Princess Alexan‘ra, > w« Cunad« Votunteers, &¢., &c. Farina‘s Basket Cologoes, all sites, . Rime!‘s Poi ot Vicegar, y Hovenden‘s Ext. Limes and Glycerine, for the hair King‘« Hair Boushes, large vuriety, h:‘t Brushes. Flesh Gloves, . > Turkish Towel«, Bathing Pads, BHath <ponges, Puff Boxes, Puffs and Powder, Viclets, Costcetios, all colours, &¢ , &0., &c,. and a .\ltpl’ of ENGLIsH PATENT MEKDI CINES, such "as Cockie‘s Ant: bilicus . Pilis, Norton‘s Chamo=ile rill«, Roche‘s Kmbrocation, B.air‘s wout P lis, Datbg‘s Casminative, Kesting‘s gugh Luzenges, &c. AloourT"l-o stook of ln.fhh Diugs, Chemicals and arthaceuticul Sole a pointéd Agenes Ytawa for Kenueth, c-n.‘bo’; & Ote (dtedical Hally, lw‘y:.l,r.'y.... Ite arations, vir , Cough L0z004es, a@ vllu’nï¬..xn- rer‘s Do itri w:,' i.--n.‘fl cft‘.\h‘ nesia.UGran. KW, Seltzor Salt, Checry Balsam, ht tantic sea Salt, tevaionta Arabica. W, M. MASSEY, > MEDiCAL HALL P1 ." arations on hand. + IGCB CREAM 3ODA POUNTAIN, Wite eigat different 3yrups, manufactured on the promises. It is x healthy and couling veverage m 41 »useer streei, [a the Place to Buy Your Medicines | A LARGE STOCK oF FREKESH GAR+ ; DEX and FLELD sEEDS, just arrived and on sSulo. All seeds wurraated Fresh. _ _ __ _ â€" i terge linpeitation of Seiie in immaf B € J nss‘:m arrive next weok. ° ELORLDA WÂ¥ a [ER. sOZuDuNT. &ngliish & Frepch Chemicals, Just beiug 1 m s iw ::osnrno‘.u . 8.â€"Advice to the poor gratis. Ottaws, Apï¬!&-____ï¬__f_____ DRUTG W ARi 4OU 6 , RIDEAU sTREET . 1868 ~LiK6GD8. sSEEDS8. 1866 â€"â€" HAJR B&UsSHES. ___ CUuMBS, NALL BRUSHES. ___ CLOTMEs BRUSHES, weceived. rOILET ARTICLES, &C Please call and examine the Stock. 1t is the argest and best ever imported. ________ _ |______ MORTIMER‘S Apothecaries Hall! Jctawa â€" Drug â€" Warehcuse. & free Lot of Good, Caeap RERFUMES jum '“N-."i:-l‘mcri lons unï¬ï¬‚y' d 1 gha. 9t T onvan sn B." itawa, Fob. 1% 1866 47â€"ut THE RUSSELL HOUSE, ‘ ATE CAMPBELL!$ HOTEL, Ottawa, AC. W. The andersigned, propriotor of the boveâ€"numed Hotel, bogs leave to .«h:nlnl. his ouâ€" aerous fâ€"icads and the travelling public, that he has m-os.bwl and u-l;-l‘umhhod&m;bul this comâ€" dodious estublishment, in the man«gement of which by strict attention to business «nd . guests, he hopes to deserve oncouragzementand nnxgou. JAMES E.GOUIN, _ _ VICIIOI.AI Street, Court«Hoase Avenue, .@ stawa, John «iraham, Proprietor, This House is wmaioull sltuated, andsti!l mainâ€" tains itt sharucter «s a FTKRSTâ€"CLAs# HOTEL Considerable ndditions have recently been m«de to the promires, and it has bwen entirely repainted and repoveted. . No pains will be spared to accominodate "]slou UOUSE, North Gower. Good stabling and an attentive Hostler. PiefeethiEY HB s Ns .: s1 i:3 0,0 .cc ... ... ï¬,.!'_'! and rlo-n- ANMNLBUSE® to and from the cars and boats free of warge _ There is « FLRSTâ€"ChAss LIVERY STABLE smtauched w the Hotel. as op dt+ Kh Villimn streets, (P. O‘stoara‘s oud stand). ZBT OX sTEAS in «very rtyle, at all houre. Htawa, Janu«ry 9, 1887. _ __ 827y PROPERBLA COMPOUNLED 1ND FREE EuoY AbVULPERAPMON! Just Received ! â€"~oug. m NHANKFUL POR PAST PA+ Houtéi»® ; Ni SALGOuUuN®. Lvunm. C By, Livery and Genera! stage Oiice.â€" Alfred Moses bolt, Jr., Frop‘tr. December 21, 18%3. i _ C y DuUM EsTiC 1yYES. HE LARGEST ASsoRTMENT OF |â€" DY ES in this euty on #ale at the JUST RECEIVED AT THE LARGE direct Iimportation of Lubin‘s Perfumes, includit g the fatest, viz . = Bouquet de w‘tawa, __ _ _ C m t w A. J. LEMON, : ESTAURANT, corner of George and were: MUsIC}! PRENCH ASD _fl.‘uh‘w Music, Polkns, Valses 28, Sparksâ€"Streot, All the relable PATENT MRODICINE:s THE ALBION M PEL, AUSTIN‘8, * The Medicat Hall," Rideauâ€"stroot. AUSTIN‘S, « The Medicat Holl," Lately, aad for memy years connscted with ,'flnâ€"nfl‘n Ihdz Pumaoe Streat, Quebe B . core. i1 be4 cespectfully to an uounce that | have auw ceceived m; stock for the summer Trade. 1t som prives all the best and purest 41 RIDEAUâ€"STKEET, DR UQGuIST®S. JAS. JOHNSTONS HOLT3 UOTEL, &c., OÂ¥ A" A‘A W A PRUGS, PERPUNEET, DUIGN AN‘S LXA# JOSEPH GAKLVEY, M.D. D spensing Chemist, I:l.l.ul ï¬l“- Npurkeâ€"st OTIAWA, C. W. WEDNESDAY,. NOVREMBER 13, &c., Rideauâ€"stroct &s * hINTOUL BRUS , Montreal, Genoral Agents for ‘Canada. Il\llll comriass orrERs To Ttuk public the combivéd auventege of perm cf sequrity, mode:ate premivs » and liberal participaâ€" li.-;:lin profits. â€" No extra charge fut Voluuteers in defence of the country , 'l\lll. Most SUCOCK®+SFPUL LIFE 1Nâ€" SURANCE CUOMPANY divides the whofe of the Profits, every year, among the inswed, reducing the cost to about oneâ€"bul the ngures usually charged. For instance, the annual paymenat. at the us;' Â¥. of 30, in most Companies, to hm_-ro $24 Ottawa March 25 Capital and Assets, 1st Jan., 1867, $4,401,833.86 Kkna life Inswarce Company. _ uy Endowiment polictes on equally favorable term»=. 1 > is, with profits, avout $50, and without In the Eina, $2000, to a person 30 yaurs of age, costs the first yo-u.................' m« 20.0 Ard @ach SUbSCGUONt YOAF.......ssscsessetrse ces 26.75 Which .mym;n is sabjoct to farther reductior «* the business of the Company increases. The fact that the Etna has, during the past 12 months, insured over 14,000 gonmn-. from among the best busine«s men of the Continent, is the bes possible testimonial to the soundues* of the Com tu&ufl the excellence of its method of doin, usiness. J. GARVEY, FSQ., M. D., Ottawa, March 13. CITY CB tiLAstOW Life Assurance Company ESTABLISEHED is38. CAPLTA L,?uo,ooo Ntg. "‘ll ABOVE PINASTâ€"CLA®ss Com PANY is prepared to insure «!l description of property agaiast lo»s or damage by fire. MERRICK, BRUSH & CO., Assurance Company | Ntawa. Jann«ry 4, 1267 RovalCanadiangagh ANNUAL REVENUEK OVER £120,000 Sr0. cASADIAN PAIN @EsSTRONER de, Back and Head, Cougha, Colds, Sore Throa Sprains, Bruises, Cramp« in the stomach, > Cbolera Merb«s, Dysentery, Buwel C--tu’vl-hh. Burus, scalds, __ toat Bites &0., &o. l\llb‘ CANADLIAN PAIN DEsSTROYER UA now beon before the public for s length » mae, and whenover ased is woll liked, never tailin, in a single instance to give permanent reliof whe ‘imel} used, and we havre aever kuown a sing! mue of lissatisfaction where the diréction» are vro serly followed ; but on the cuuur{.‘ll are delight ad with its arrulun and speak in the highe» :erme of Its virtues and inagica! efocts. = > OTTaAWA AGENOY : Méooâ€"Desbarate‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks 81 M. P. HAYDS, ESTABLISIIED â€" 1 s30. . 8. Sassels, Eeq. â€" â€" : .+. Consulting Directo Ainong ns most important of modern Megical M# . goverios stands the Ktuwa, June 21 The mhl-g eficacy of the Canadian Pai uestroyer, in curing dissase® for which it 1« re »umended, and its wonderful success in subduin bomurh’ pains of Rhoumatism.aind in s iovin Nervous Affections, eatitle it to a high rank a th list of Remedies for these complaints ore ar soming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of th sountry for further -rpllu. and each testifying a o the universal sitisfaction it gives. We aruh from experience in this imattor, bavin ested it thoroughly, and therefore those why ar uifering from any of the complaints for which it . ecominended may depend upon its being a Sove sign Romedy. if ® % The Canadian Pain Destroyer nover fails to giv mmodiate colief. _ All Medicine Dealors hur 1 Physicians order and use it; and no family will wl&nt it after once trying it. Price *wentyâ€"tive conts ‘rr bottle. NORTHROP & LiMAN. NORTHROP & Li MAN, * noweastle, C. W., . _ General Agents for C. W 8a1 by Geo® Mortimer, John Roberts, W M nssoy, H. F. MeCarthy, J. Skinner, and J Brown, in Ottaw u. _ Niteciau ‘# HEGS TQ ANNOUNCER To wli t.euds and patrons that he ha* 4 removed to the building on Meteâ€"lfo strect, formerty occapied by The Avening Pom:® where ho is now propared to exsoute all nrr{erl tor Jf every desoript! Nee Pene wiving personal attention to all work, and hayâ€" ing had many yoars prastical experience, ho feois co fident that satisfaction will uo givan. Orauwestal Binding done in tas most artistie BO OK BINDER , BGUKBINDLNG, | â€"â€" PAPERâ€"«RULING, or j BLA SK BOOK MANUFACTURING, able style. Nitawa, March 16 6. A. BUCKE, W. H. 8 «NG6B, ,Tflll FIRST=Li$$% HOTEL has been ro furnished an i sedited th oughout, anâ€" n w gombines all the roquisites of a firstâ€"cla s ‘estabâ€" Heb a ot"*" pusuese: Wraw I HBAY 58 if Flm‘:’;‘flo AR ® \h'O‘ Oilee, » + . + ® ‘ us *‘ * * ‘"‘‘ 4s ESTABLISHRED, A. D. 1820, PHE REVERE HOUSE, Ottawa Nov. 1, 1867 BRITISH AMERICA Uttawa, Nov. 6, 1867. FIRE AND MARINE NUTICE OF REMOVAL. A, MORTIMIKIR INSU B a N CK;. WwOODp! wWOOoOD! Medical Roforeo. / 2( k. SMITH, Agen Office : Over Soott‘s Confectionery. Motcsalfeâ€"stroet, NEIL MCKLNNON, Agent, 0o TT A W aâ€" on in the neatest and msost dur 4 MuitTIMmSR, Sparksâ€"stroot. Utrawa t Avexv®a, , Armoud‘s Building» as....s.++PROPRIETORS. Metcalfeâ€"streot, 394y 381y 301y Acemm lo7u SiTydw *"BK o.rg B *» ll Ma® New Three Stor} baoks a P NK BUI.DiNG4, Cormes i ig 4 ot Spauke and Bouk Strouts, one of the best cusiness etanus in the City. the shop is tirze, and t n largo cuoms on the two Bate o. story8 ateve tie sbop, wno four rooma in U eâ€" atho, mak y io all iourtsen roums, aund good yard, & 1 muwa. February 13, 1867 "\' PRIVATE BARGAIN, A LARGE firetâ€"class Frame Honge and Lo, 66 by Â¥9, within tea minutes‘ walk of uovearement Buildings. Apply to it o) 28e | l“oR SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST» »giBafics c crt‘y onoâ€"thira of Lot No. 47, n 4“{ X First Concession Uttawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and <8. in ue same Concezsion, at present in the occupation A Wn. T. ‘Aylon, Eeq . Kor further particulars [ply to wors ans W».! Tuouson, Nepeun, «pe akWiIB & P.xiatoy, Burrister, Ottawa. . Josâ€"141â€"tf / rl‘llA’l‘ VALUABLE PRO Ts perty known as T M. Blas wht z541‘ del‘s Homestead, containing abcu.. y Two Aores, beuutifully . situated o he Ottawa Rive:, being Lot Oue, North side Wel nrnu street, City of Uttawa, with the Dweilin, «ad outhouses theroon. $uuly o ebethoe oete in ‘«bruary 10, 1861 Ottawa, Oot, 4, 1867 TERMS.â€"«I E ASON A BLK. Possessiv« onn be had at any time, Apply to May 8 l m . Pl.w: GRrovE nolsE: x Fre :__ plemsantly situated on th« ‘ _ Righmend ° Kouy, . with Stableâ€" Conch H wse, taruen and vagant «t adjacent cbereto. _A cistein of fine water in the vi#@, Apply to @ MNRS. BUNTING, . Rochester Estate, or un the Prowisos For particulare and terms apply to John ane Viltiam Thotson on the premmees, or to ém situated on the Banks of thy Utts» » wa, in the townâ€"hip, of Nepoan, istent from the City of (ttiws about three miler u the ussadamized ruom«, tâ€"gethor w :th the ST Nt +W BLLLNuGâ€"HuUsk thoreon gieered, at prevent ceupied bj # illinw ; Thowmson, Esquire, asd the arden and ‘oraumented grounds adjeining the une forming past of Lot Ao. .4, in the ist con» wei0b, Ottawa (ront _A uort desirable privat «ndonce and racnut Lote »djoining the sameo ale ir sule at i0 wonable prices © on ttawa, May 10, 1867 4 ~,; ~«) _ NO more eiigible chance could be V\ y ; 3 Ofered to any purty in the t.0te‘ ‘Q{?“&-""""‘i line thiu the lenre of the Jiae se L2 above PLMKSTâ€"CiAss HO EL Bolnz-u the ive of Confederation, and Ottaws etÂ¥hg dowuinitely settied apon as its c«pital, ould uct fail to be made to pay [ICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LBI. Ottawa, Aug. 28, 1867 It is built un «hy ins«t .aolera style of architeo ire, of cut stone , has large pliteâ€"glase windows, ad is four svories bigh, eacluaive ol the basemen: t is tinely situated on the curner ©7 \\’olllu‘t...um:uu fttawna, March 41 ttawa, Pabruary 27, 1867 _ The proprictor has no objection to sell a part of the farm, with or without the house. This would be a ;!'o-inb:o country residence,. Title unexcepâ€" uonable. R ¢l l, BSE3SS10N GIVEN IM+ y 4 medintely, â€" A aew Brick s %Bun‘ling on Besgerer Street, Sundy 3: Hil}, usas the cesidence of Hop fa‘colm Cameron. This ouilding cuutains Sevet sedâ€"rooms, and is furmshed with all modern im rovemente. j A large Two storey Wooden lulldhg.u the c0: > orof UMurray Streets. This House is lined with Srick, (umfl‘d with double doors and window» ad Venctiau Blinds. There is a large Kitcher ad Shed attached, with Pumr‘u. Stables and othet suildings in the {ud. This House is well adaptes ‘ar a Store, Hotel, Boardiug House, or private resiâ€" lence. For farthe particulars .;pli to oo . L. P. O‘BANLY. _ (a the Township ol Gloucester, situited about hals & mile from B"I"np Bridge. This land can be sold mâ€"binc or in lots of 5 «cres. For further purticulary, apyply to R‘OWIV KD daily at the QCEEN RESâ€" T UR 1N F, oppusite m in entranse to the Pasdljament Baildis ge, « ] Tas ptormmr bas waole arrangements for a large su«ply of those delisious Bovaives, as also a gonstant supply of GA 4E, which he will supply to families at the l-.-o-troulblo price. Ort «wn, ot 0, 188 556 4 Jttawa, Feoruary 10. 1864 "C ie e couNnTRÂ¥ RESIDENCE (.% I’ORSALE.â€"Routifullukwudm 6. * the Macadamized Kond Lbetween Otâ€" x 9%°* ~, tawa City and Aylmer, about 36 uinutos‘ drive ‘from the tity. â€" A farm of excellen: and, cunmlnini about 90 acres, with a large stone Touse erécted thereon. _ _ c _\rruc\vmn will be made to the P rlisment of the Dom mon of Canada, at he a xt Sesi n far a CHP a ¢ E { «o r in a EB aM FE4 \1B)\ fro a the G y LN & P‘ PMAT ind RTV +R »the eqry «6 +PPaW a 16 he ualle d the 48L SOee C sn s e m sA Rebnw AaT Â¥C U asD OTCaAWa sALEAX FeBRBY cox ‘@xv. o Tess .. f ie "‘Ol SALE, â€" Lots Y and 10 iï¬ South Side Sparks Stâ€"eot. nearly opposite the lot on waich the new Snnk of Montreal is to be weeted, and within dve minutos‘ walk ofthe other Anuks. â€" Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen Street Augus, 1 ruim:! 0tE 3*= OTSTERS rear of the above. Htawa Fob. 10, 1868. Ctawe, Outp 11, 109. FOR SALE OR TO IAT 11 POR SAL®. Three Houses to Let, C Apply to Passcesion given 1st June. The Victoria Hoc! Dwellings to Let. Â¥ to ALSO. 23 1CBESs OF LAND, TQGOâ€" LE To LE ITL. Th Apply to INTOTLCH KFor Bale. ON vrcToORIA TER» race, Richmond Road, conâ€" taining eight roums each. Pos gession givernsblay lst, s TO LET A Comfortable Dwelling over the store of the subscribâ€" er on Weilington street. FRANCIS CLEMOW, E8Q., LEWI® & PINHEY, B wristers, &c , Ottawa. 27, 1867 30Â¥y â€" _ l“OI SALER, TPHAT EL* o gible property, bemutifully LEWIS & PINBEY, Barristers, &¢., Ottaws. 46â€"utf SH ELL, II McLEAN, REYV. J. JOHUNSTON, Ifull Village. J A8, WADSWORTh. 554 if JOIN GREENE. 543 if MRS. LAUDER. Bo7W be made to the Contre Town. 42ut City of Ottawa. * sbâ€"utf Sandy Hill. 430 tf 501 5m 4Bâ€"utf All materiais for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly en hand, M MCT Just received a well rviected assortment of Cook1ag Stuves, ‘Iron Bedatonds, U wuble stures, B.onzed & Wire Fenders, P wlor dtoves, Fire Lroms, Hali Stuves, Firp Guards, f Jupauned and Planished Tinware, &c., Importe:s and Doslers in House Furnish â€"~â€" ig Hartware. $ Public «nd Privase Buildings, Conserva. tories, Vineries, Manutactories, &¢., warmed by Steom, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most ap proved priuciples. Whatmsiitvind _ Orders from the country will receive stmot at tention. Uttawa, August 26. _ 416y Plumbers, e uas & Stecam Fitters, Tin & Coppersmiths, "Bell Hangers, &c. Manutacturers of all desoriphons of work for Water and was Works, Brewer‘s Distiferiee, Mills, &o. sakes and fite up Galvanized ton Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductore, hooting, &¢. _ & BLYTH & KERR, U. S$. CONSULAR ACfrG ~AT OTTAWaA, C. w. " . daa & Notice to the Business Men of Ottaws _and its Dependencies, "‘IIE undersigned U. 8. Consular Agen: for the Ck{ of Ottawa, and the lependencie» thereef, geems it proper to give public autice t those who may require his offsal â€"ervices, that hi vilice in R. Bm& Co.‘s store, Rideauâ€"â€"treet, wil be open at all times durinz busiuess bours. Al involows of propeity of whatever kind exported o: intendéd to be exported into the‘ United States. must be authGnticated by we at this Consular \geney, in order to facilitate its transit at the pro per ports of entry. « . P. H, MAHAR, > a U. 8. Consular Agent. Aoril 18. > 407 Buccéssors to Chas. Garth, N O. 25. l ‘ id“.‘l‘ l'l-s '.09 April 12. [ L. 8.) CANADA. PROVINCE 0F ON FARIO. Vicrorta, by the Griace or God, of th« United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Quszzx, Defender ‘of the Faith, &e., &¢., &e. & 4* A # o l.:fu- .“7 '::I'l‘t!‘:ntm :o-:. 'c.l. t:q.l"r:::nt un tario st ands uï¬l for the tourth day of the month "November, ons thoasind eight bundred and +ix> tyâ€"seven, at wh.ch time at our C:ty of Toronto, y« #ere be!d and constr viged :0 appear ; Now Kuow Â¥o. that for divers can sos, and s0 »siderations, anu taking into cousi leration tie ease and convenienc: of Our loving subjects, We hare thougbt (i1, by an with the advice of Our Exeoutive Council of th Provinee of (ntario, to relieve you, and each of you of your at endance at the: tims »f.resaid, heich; ‘onvoking and by thoâ€"se present« eijoining you wnd each of you, thit on FAIDVAY, the THiKâ€" [EEN I H day of the month of DECEMBER next you moet Us, in our Legl={sture or Parliament « the said Province, at ous City of Toronto, and there in to do as may seem necessary. | Hereio Fail No. To Our faithful themembers elected to serve in the Leyislative Assembly of our Provinee of Onâ€" â€" turio, and summoned and called to a meeting of the Legislagure or Par.iament of Our sais Province, at our City of Torouto, on the Fourth day of the month of November, in the yoar of Our Lord one thousund eight handred and sixâ€" tyâ€"seven, to have been cumin need and hed, and to every of y uâ€"Gazsting; I st)‘6. AT A VERY LOW RATE, By ordering from Peges JU8ST RECELVED THE Beecher & Parker Coal Stove Ottawa, November 1. to me -A:Aim'al-o;pâ€" Nore «WNeal, &o., «e. Ffesn Arrivals of Chicksring, Steinway and Dunham PIANOS at Manafacturer‘s Prices. MRS. GRANTS SALOON, #E0OR +E STRRMET. Oboice Winas & Liquors,Prime Cigar MAMP Uawmewhe tis place P. O‘Messs Ad The Great.Bong of the Day is, "Put your Shoulder to the \\ heel," To be had at NOoTLICE. Parties, Bal‘s. &0 , farnished with a frstâ€"class 3TRINGâ€"BaAD of trom llxa to twenty perfurmers, at ORME & ®ON‘S, Sign of the Gou_hl Lyre. November 5 Mtaws, November 27 ORME & SONES. Also, Ka Foozleâ€"um Galop, l}:{mfl: \V:!u, Come In Trs nfony Wurrror, we have caused them Our Letters to be imade Patent and the Gr:a+ Boal of Our said Province of Ontuio, to b herounto afixed : Wrrakes our Right ‘Tru» ty and Well.Boloved Hrawy Worltaw >u18 Tkp. a Compunion of the rder of the B th, i M jorâ€"seneral in Oar Service, Lioutenant Governor if the Provinee of Ontario. At w Q wornment Hon#o in our ICY of T: RON. To, in Jur said Province, this SEKCOND da, of NOVkEMBER, in the year ot Our Lor one thousand eight hu dred nodsixtyâ€"seven and in the thirtyâ€"6rst yoar of Our Reign. .’ Com nund, f THE METROPOLITAN Aumond‘s Blook, $o Rideny Stree, Otmsa, P. OMEARA, Proparstos. Gthecs. Wikkecaateuw UF, Bvid COAL! COAL! 6922d Ca2NA DA 8. J. VANKOUGHNET, _A PROCLAMATION. Clerk of the Crown in Chancory, Ontario. ESMUNDE BROS., 13 ll‘A?Kl-}Tn »mbar 1. Oppopite tb oml;hl;“h H. W. STISTED. â€"â€"ALSOâ€" L £ ~AZ «Y fa1N OO ESMONDE BROS Misy where SiIOVES._â€" STOVES. __ STOVES, STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOUVES. *CAPITAL! 85, H. STOVE sUSSEX MEADOWS LPHEPOE 1 St. & CO. * E bave received our fall and Winterttok of T VE®, STOVE PIPER, ELBOWE, DUMB ,‘ «ETJVBE®, TIAW Af E uno LUAB}EKA bLN®@UL11L‘}> which we «fer W holesale or hetail «Clow prces. | In Coukintg. Prrlor, box ana ball smtover,ta wovd ur cval, we hauve the lurgest and must varied asâ€"ortment ever shown in Ottawa. "0O0KING‘ sToVEs. COOKI®G sTovEs. COOKING sToOVE®. CuukKIAG »aTOVES. coukI~G STOVEE. â€" onixo srovks ookKIAG STOVEs. CuouKIAG sHoV Es®. UuKIAG STOVER. BA Our stock of the §#Bre comprises the latest improvements in both EREVATED and LoW UVEN sLUuVEs. 2ARLOR SHUVas 2A LAOLR B EOV t ®+ We still coptinue to manufret! re«ver)y oeetupthu ul 112, mtiki IRON, and COPPER WARK, 4bvaoia abhua t4h. 6, use LUa l onl VLD. Rq, Alsy ail nicur uf vet uuut Jeb brien s ut 8 Uenuou.w by cumpetouk ab8) tAaptilva 004 Mbcucsove,. Auskly uuituente au, pligd with OWWrepiptde a 43 l 100utced F®wb» ; | most durable work on Loather. . For Ha: They are the best Shuttle Machine in the Lumuermen a wupptres"! J,-uutm'c Supplica! Shanty Plates! Basins! Camp Keties #¢. lz UVUDRLA UR adHisitr uviic! ~‘ 5 â€"* ttawa, Octobar 2 1867. SLACK DO ALEX. DVUFF. They would call particular aitention, as they have NOW i -‘-ï¬-m that is fashionuble for the eoason, «nd as th AMPETITION. . 4 wap, They are also m-ndwuhmmcmh ; atost .c,lon,md ;:’hiw. and as they are ander the ..:,'.?. NARXANTSD DPELT. > Importers of Dry Goods. Ottawa, Sept. 24, 1867, M mt‘ CAÂ¥ THE WaLKISG ANXY RECEPTIOS TRAIL, J .+ t 1BE QuAK®E® ol H 14LR THEALIL, f Â¥ e f â€"THE beMH (HALEF SKilgT,) . : «* % â€"N.B â€"Old t les nitesed and repuired. £ & ertnound o +h m }p Corsets, Corsets, Corsets. fommamescnafif o camerak. A splendid assor ment of French Corsets, just arrived is White, Tmems e * Fearlet na Grey, every #ize * Wholesale Buyers can be supplied with skirte as low ns they can be bought in Montreal or el**" @READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING . Auy put of a dtore suid uy us can be repiaced wh : invending Chee 1B out’:wunmu w udte. ts éAgind Ahes brojee «o ‘barktout, +s SE An iuspectivn ul the awore guods Invited at the \ Bird Cages ! tyz * and most beautiful designs, very cheup. Price Lists sent tree on ap; lication, 419y .CK Do BLLE m†C >aILN@®, po: _ do. IW) WeÂ¥ATNOR, BEDFOKD JoKUs, CHAUVLEKE 1 * +208, ‘BANNNOUhLBUKa DV., HALIFAX DO., Ke&x5eÂ¥8, __ _ #eaVERS, P3 isasHAMES, FAF Buliable for private Dwellings and Cburches, Warchouses und Stoves. LE NOW OFFERING A LAF GuODS, which they will eell CHEA® eR 3 Wr; $st Pre, 0p BOX AND HALL STOVEs. BUX AND HALL STOVKS. BOX AND HALL STuVEs. the best Shuttle Machine in the Y«rld for Tailo «* use Cotton ana Silk, Oil, Needies, otc., eto., a?uul_!'u _ oTA BLISHED LN 1844 To THEIR CLOTHING * M BE Ac BEA a L BL2OVaus. PARLOR GRATELE!: livt AIP Ausuasces. Tu V t Be bas V THE POST OFFICE IFail and Winter Goods, Ever offâ€"red the public of Ottawa, comprising Lapland and Polar Witneys, * ay Bob Pilc%\iucufl Beavers, &c â€" In fact ali the new and mort fizhiunable zood2 manufactured, selected pers: nally by lln:hvprhtom whose long prac ic«l experience in the business is sufbicient guarantee for bir atility toselect ‘lothe of the best quality. _ #@~Please_call and inspect stuck previous to purchusing elsewhere _ Sel SV PEBG ‘FOP DEPOT. Reaeve Uttawa, Sept. 16, 1867 Cloths and Clothing. i Frp ; coars, _ * Lainkg FRIBZE, Canauias DO.. BKUVADCLOTHS, HERE you will find the best, largestand most complere stock of aXD MAXCFACTURERS ' Wheoler & Wilson‘s New But‘on hole Attachment for their * Mathine» is now realy. It is she greate t invention â€"f the day. & Embroidering Att chments. nd ot er latet improvements,eto .. S are WHLDâ€"RKENOGW Â¥ED for d ing the H«nd«omest and For Harness Maker . Carringe Trimmers, Boot and Show Makers, £6. l BFG to call theattenti@a of Ladies to the Sew Styles ob UOVP sh IRC at present worn in «il tue Fashiouable oities «# the world, and which | am bow making to mene ts ; and h«¥e in stook every known style at prices dely ing Oompetision, D EW ESâ€"T ~TYLIES! City Msop Shirt Factery ! 1§ DIRECTLY ©PPOSITE THE FLANNELS, NO TICH. 43, Sparksâ€"st, Central Out.wa, PauLOit 8 (0VKs. PanluB SPOV i# PA im it 5P0 vAS. LARBE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED #TOCK OF DRY IEA® POR CASH. Aos as they have Paris Exposition, 1867, Wheeies and Wussao M.nofectoring Company, Howe MachineCo., both of NewYork. , SPARKS STREET, " CarITAL"* STOVE DEPOT, 54y THE TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS AND ONLY ASiinrcd sdiges i lbird Uuges ! NEARLY uPsu83i«28 «ATARKLO B 1 PNHCELâ€"3 CKHNPsS GOLD MEDALS BLANKLETS. Thore were Kighty=two Compotitors, t Clothing, which they gusrantee to make ‘:m the eaperivtendence of expericuced cutlaze, are ve now on 4and every novelty of cu and pattern in «nd us their stock is large and vaumce they DEpÂ¥ on>tantly on hand. G. A. WALTON, Aoz»t, 37 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa. OF, AND DEALNRJ TS =â€"â€"Puk SeWIsG MACHINhS AT TH®â€" BOX AND HALL STOVER. BX AaAND HALL 8TOVERS, BUX AMD HALL STuV 8. ~ > Ao, Sussex Srager, * II. MEAVRVUUWs & CO, raaTS8, WEKk aWaiDED TO PWE DEPARTMENT NaoTS, â€"â€"AXD THkâ€" SARA & COI 38ly PARLOR STOVE®. PALOIH 8 OV ate PALui 8 PuVamts DAVID MILLAR »A k.