Lots 1«ar Saile, “-wn-“o U“I'Jm mile from the «#tâ€", uthe Rich Road. snntsining oas = e eash. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSNN J3., a, the progjver bGact Price, 235 ..‘.’...,,,.;v-_;“. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYER & 0O.. Lowell. Mass Prsays Gouse. Sevannab, Ga.. Jan. 6, 1856.._ "--’lâ€"d‘hall::l‘:knn{ fl'-hw-lldï¬um.y-. w . & cold hw.‘ orought on excryâ€" Eesn rgence grew worse and worse. antil hm,- ““h“h&lhfly.‘ E& Their effects were slow. but sure. By persovering .-d“l-â€"“‘,.‘. Sanart Cuamers, Baton Rouge, La.. 5 Dac. 1666. Da. Ares : 1 hare been entively cured. b» your Pills of Coutâ€"s puinfal disens« that had fevaee" *~* Tiscunt sulvel."* W A~ vy 4)> 1907 -a--.’n_...."".,â€""w"' 'â€".l-' ."'"." -‘-‘-lflh\:“h-‘hm. lng it for the benefit of the muititudes gho suffer from -*“-.â€":ï¬"m' r-*---u:nbn-.:-'u'nmn'n.‘.;: srgae and curs the discuse. * ’-.“MM~“¢,~‘ lfl--mh-gâ€".f,..‘t-.-.†:..':‘ miitue natural secreâ€" 'r‘,--m-l::â€"d.u‘ «lso <ory We m mock the bart varas as tak To 1 oc tnet ce :.'.-I--n-h-. Fhom the Rev. Dr Urwies, of the Methodist Bois. Church. Ment of Pille im market contain W, R ~?â€"~:-â€"q~mui age .-‘“:wbh:.‘.“‘n- = so wereury or mineral substance whatever. Prom hew. J. V. Himes, Pusior of Advent Church, Bosti Du. Arez: 1 havre used your Pille with s r o ol _Â¥ ty= Enssm t mt P9em,00 97 bocmenn d ons u@7 freads. « Yours, _ J. Â¥. HIMES. “ur' N. Y. L system and purify the fountaine of the bpou. * L4 ay song. Ausitian, LGa wuerle, W. Â¥ sog 40. Aslertir sat J. Acloner in Overe pracuce aver you made them, and cannot hesitaie to [ Eie o o e Quently they are an admirable remedy for deraugements & thet orgau. Indred 1 have sekiom found a case of M-d---t-unl-:.-ï¬r:. ’kVQ.-.*L Dysentery, Viarrhea, Relas, Worms, “W..-&U-“‘V“ l-‘h.h‘.h.-flh-,â€"‘.‘; boid them in esteem as one of the best aperients 1 have rver tound. M-m~q.~'.._.. -‘-.'-"o-, m’?tz-é-.: I. wa scceptable and the .â€"'.'."..2... savmink it Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. _ f > *4 9 ue rwine / pyrhery mnproyr s P mt seerfent tut 1 204 matn beonbaia sewew wren Liver very marked indoo# ""hey have in my prac tiee proved mure «fectual for the cure of bidious comâ€" Aojtes that ue have as magus are meniiens o Hecorely tay b*dhuï¬.-‘nm af qame pums qs ____1_"LO0 COP THve uy a dose or twe walis es snn e ces in w fom & Bui smcs e rag Crk f Sn Ciitles, NO Oiipi. Za Ar ons Araccss... :â€"-. «annot be said of your Pills for the care of , Seuraigla, m'n..u:. Prom Dr. J. 1. Vaughn, U ntreck, Canada. Prom Dr. Eduw«rd Soyd, Buitimore. â€"' e ~iir/ Lb oo w oih oo riie ies en ny ep es Enc ast eend meang e us ty neves dest we hare, 1 of course raiue thom bighly. \ Dt J.0, Armn. . Sir: 1 bare tss repoutedly used m ent of disease. Inouraite tor yours. Her mother has been Jong griovâ€" ' her menseaeeentas e Wt ASA MORGRIDGE As a Pamily Physic. Prom Dr. & W. Cartaright, New Orteans. Your Pllls are the prince of parges. Their ercallent ‘&z.&’d“hh*.g becuie, hiet mukes them invaigable to us ia the daily D. Arm: Your Pills are the paragun of all that is sores _.hâ€""z.;----â€"um e t eE e mm in and The of the decpesied dangereas distom pere. same T n ho me hk mey o ts naey, vamd wilt -tu*n.-_*t_ %‘.tâ€"'h-. physicinne in some of the N“-fl.â€"‘--‘l-q'dhp l.- ,%*1‘“‘&“ --:.-1?.“ Bim: I have used your Pills in my goueral and ho Soiieg of b Iekal Thile in this counilen ahion -'â€"‘â€"i*;â€"w‘-â€"- t e Tntued) attion af the spmes. and ‘with i the bucpeat feeiing of heaith agrin. â€" What is true and so spparent in Net only are _ MHBCTOR MoLE 1N, Austioncer OQuaws, Nevsmber %, 4. D., 187. #xd River, 301 of 1386 867 on Chalk and Deep Rireors ud 203 of +86+.:807 on Chalk River. * Also, VILLAGE LOT3 Nos 2 and 3, in Block namber Siz, in the Villege of AYL «ER. Also, a wl'cfl.thbfnabdl.\lbm.- THE!VE ACRRS ot a LOC of LAXD in the Township of HULL. in the Countr of Ottaws. . Yeador will covensat »geinst his owro acts on iy. mwmu.. to be at parchaser‘s expense. There will also be offered for sale at the sam: time «nd place those Valz«ble TIXBER L[MIT~ cavrered by Lisences No. 101 of 1886â€":887, on Chals Streets, and known «s the Soath Half of Lot No '.'Mï¬ay‘nm formerly : property of the Inte Eusobe Varin. wageihgreof, that V «luable Tétectold Pmopert wita the STUNE SHOP bnd=OW ELLING thereo: . ffered FO LE b "I Piste Siecion atimy KUS RLL HOCEL: the CITY of «T AW A, on the TWENTYâ€"THIHK day of NOVE «BER, instan‘, at EW ELVE o®tlock 1009. underthe Power of <ale contained in a mo? HOLGATE, OLIYVER & ANNABLI Buarzova«, Burbridges and Squi * Corswa*â€"8t., Loxbox®, _ _ 137 VC Clng=w +re, Ch emicals Med‘câ€"m Chests, ¢° Omlmen‘s Stor Storeksepers Veiemmpar Sundries. Sundries. Thirty Boussad prises ot the abore forwarde vee of all ch=rge, monthly , by (ttawa, Aug. 8, 1987.. «a, C. W HOLESALE Wanufacturers of Bec steats, Chaire, &o., Chandiogo Island, 0 1M&UG®, &e. *» Thendare BelB, of New Vork Oty. * Pharmacentical Preparations, Phot »graphic Sundrias, [ ~struwmeats, . Patent Medicinâ€" any body car have by a dose or two and the sarrouading "‘:â€""'-‘; . oppressed by the derungrments, WILLIAY NOLGATE, JOUY OLLVER, WILLLAM ANNABLE. salteries %o Qnods, Colors, Losonges, C h emica!s ¢° Ohlmen‘s Stor Veiempar Sundries. MEACHAN, M. D. is also true in many CA EVC VISIEE tHo wige, consider and nperior to what !ï¬ WI.m.--‘dou‘l:: .;;_':'“""- LAROQUE & Co. $y Lole) Web W orony description, excerting oil wanted, and dozen e +8 the6 B# Aby other _ * y tor the same, **** 6" Thampagne Manufactured in Obtawa. LAROOUE & Co. CHURCH sTREET ARE NOW MAWNUFACYORIXG a wix® Carlso Canadian Champagune y in exerruryr.ans whice st83 PER DOZEN. Amateo .'}.‘..'."'...z.“'_‘_?_.‘_"."o!."!‘.‘"t C y is Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. JaMks»s H1GGIssox, 5 Pmuon Block, Sumerâ€"s. "J‘.:m"““'"m!.lnl.snn DRY GOODs:! "\ul Subseriber friends and the n« _mCC~ Sunscriber begs to inform his . friends and the public generally that he has sommenced businees in the store formerly occu the Readymade Clothing Ottawa, August 12th, 1967. DRYVYV GGOODSE 1 Ottaws July 10, 1867 This is to certify that Mesers. Holgate, Oliver & Annable‘s 'h%t Ironing Table have been ased by the Grey Nuns, and they have proved to be of it. Parties desirous of giving us a fair trial -llplououuu-n&cbypn.u otherwise, naming time and place, will be attended to. as we are prepared to prove from the ovidence of : _ ~* those who havetried it. All they ask is a trial. ; YJn atm lthd-fl.hmwm..‘gu.)m answers for an IRONING TABLE. It never m.vh need be taken out of the Kitchen, as it answers for 11, h-d‘ a pisce of Furniture. The following testin on‘a Bunnech will shew what the Ledies at the Nunnery think | Portage Only Washing Machine now in the Do« departure of all trains at Termin} and Way Staâ€" | tions, see the Grand Trunk Railway Book of Time | l facturing a noew .:.'3;:'7;:‘5.:‘;: ) Express for Three Rivers, Qusbec. _ _ â€â€˜v\- du Loup and Portland, at...10.10 P.M. Z80° mo.n on all Night Trains, Daggase May 26. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, ass l'll'ql-i.rlnbt.fln .Z’ct:.’h-.nl Intermediate Points, connscting at St. Johns with Vermont Central Railread, at Burâ€" lington with the Ratland and Burâ€" Accommedation Train tor lslund /Pood _ _ | .This Com 1# with and and m. stations, at./.......... #.45 A.M. ! eBicient w-erl:’h'::d"m nuy.::eny- '“h“.:l’t.au"‘i.: t u-::m.n l'-h..w'i:l'. umu.w".nd ='n-o-d lailmd.n.....‘s.u A.I.f,-;_oh..unl‘nm.‘.h .P:. im dee Wail Portland, stopping over mght reight received at w of the Richel .. slsnd Pond °. _2 ___ _ _ 200 PX § compan Mo-u-.mw:.ma.n,.' fes sss by railway r- ow apply to . :dl.bh-‘ Intermediate ' D. MURPHY, Agent, Points. annmantine at €+ Iahns wish T ALE , Al gonl, @GOIX@ SOUTR AXD EAST -p-bylnnmht.-.h-n-ln York, Boston, and Intermediate Points, connecting at St. Johns with Vermont Centrel Railroad, at Burâ€" °_ lington with the Ruiland «nd Burâ€" lington Railroad, also with the Laks and all points West, at..................... 8.00 A.M. .. â€" 08 Canr "ao vammmenen 1 <1 lecommodation [rain for Kingston and Intermediate Etalsons, ut............. . 9.40 A.M. Eraip« for uachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.M., 12.00 l.tw P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M. 1\.3. P.M., Train runs through to Plattsburgh. W ASIIING MACHINE To amperior to what is supposed to be imâ€" mt Keape m\‘fn"-‘.“':f in Wines would ‘ 45 A. M.e«THRAINS will leave $ Sandpoint daily at 5145 a.m., and 100 p. m», arriving at Brockville at 12:00 p M., ad 815 p. m. » nelfeieh auk 0 . toy‘s dntmely io Porings l % Steamers for a Fort, Pembroke, &c¢., and the Train b-'m oint at 300 '.*.'O aiter Steamers are due com Ottawa and sroke. All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls sith Trains to and from Perth. trookville, June 29. . srmweBr auraxcGEyext York, &0., Baggage to and from Oitaws _becked through k\-uuuumamumu Railway . Returns tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and Ota , 30 A« M.««TRAINS will leave $ Brockville duily at 7.30 1.m., ane 20‘!: m», arriving at Sandpoiot at !:10 p m., ad *8 George, Saratogs, New York.k1.,&c. 5.30 A.M. Irockuilte .and. Uttawa Rilway, NW DOMINIOX a at reduced rates canâ€"be had at the principalsta iparnnn We o h sndeal ad at the principal sta: Octawa, Oct. 31, 1867 + LRaTK OrTaWa , _ ARBIYE IN PRESCOTT. Exprers, 8 a. m. 10 30 a. m. Mixed, 1.30 p. m. 4 43 p. m. Mail, 10.30 p. m. ©1,30 a, m. homdtl.ofru..llobu\::zvnngdn ensure epnnection with aight y trains on cand Trunk, oast and wost. % HOLGATE, OLIVER, & ANNASBLE N. B.â€"â€"Trese ivains runm on Montreal Time JHANGE of TIME. Jitawa and Prescott Railway, with Lake Champlain Â¥ and after MONDAY, the ith NOV., 1867, and until further potice @aine will rur Fingland & Draper Express. 2.45 p. m Moaed. 7. 30 a. m Mail, 6.30 p. m. " LRAYVE PRESOOTT LEAVE BROCKYILLE LEAYVE SANDPOINT ommmencing let July, 1887 KALLROoA 108. C. J. BRYDGES, and time of arrival and Next to he Tex Pot 481 > N ABBOTT, $ Manager for Trustes, l‘.“‘"“ GREY NUMS. 420 v m. â€"11 00 a, m. 9,â€"0 p. m. ARBIVE IN PRESOOTT 10 30 a. m. 4 43 p. m. © 1.30 a. m. ARRIVE IN OTTAWA aTexpext. s-i-:-r-a" 430 P.M "T|CHANGE of TIME. ~and at all times, and does not prevent the hors from being worked while using it. It cleanses the brosthing apparatus, by remov Ing from the airâ€"celis the lable Iympb, o that secretion which tn buvm them, causin; a difGéeu‘ty in breathing, and by its acticn on th diseased part, causing the mucous membrase t resume its natural dimepsions, thus ualizing th ciroulation of the blood, und nfloflumod ~fln'l:d‘;flnlt?u;â€bmm “" : in the Soat s sivek and .“l:‘lhuti e cont a slee a a ance *"p. W HURD, Suorestor un figwo & oo Harn x‘u. Kow York, Sole Propristor for the Unite) tos. NORTHROP & LYMAX, nWV 1 V E, Nm;mcbw., $ { w 3 P iaueiaionfer the Conadas indébted to Dr+ J; Gary PmIOR TwruTyâ€"mve omre. | A"&"'::'..' o bare + â€5. c.y': mu‘un. Mortimer.. John Roberts, W. M. ...‘“..n“"'“‘ ud ““""“'" will '.â€'“"h m"""‘ McCartby, J. Skinner, and J. | be Ynearred. h Mee Fhac en Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind, and all gisouse which affect the Wind of Lorses ; also, u.‘(hu- ‘ion Medicine, surpassing everytaing of the kind l-n-:b‘y. lg,!:g. aure to cure, and safo in all case Ottaws City, Ano .26, 1867 h-cvv for Des Joachim» leave Otts «a every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For ‘nhr particulars upply at tae Wfice of th» Company at Ottawa City or Aylmer, The steamer Calumet, on and after Friday, 4 Instant, will lesve Havelock on 'l‘uuhv ans Myouiu..tmhnmpuu Mag: u-uyo-urn. A A connection is made daily with the Brockvill«e and Ottawa l.llwt‘ulholpm at Sand Poin: 1 p.m.; and on the Mpngud!’duu'.' , _ On and after SEPTEMBEZI 1st , aouil turther noâ€" .tl.) the steamer Anna Nisson will Isave Aylmer day, for the Upper Ottawa,at 7 a m., conâ€" 53. with the Afliance at hoad ;ldlsu;’o-d at , touch at M-c‘", Sand nt, Bristo!, !‘nd.:.‘:.' z-rnu":" harf, ;)uld'u W hart, n“¢ Portage ‘ort, at 2 p. m, wid: I‘o:ln tould‘s Whart hn.od“.‘ lm’%‘:mr.:vvv}.l.n. iance tor Cobden, connecting with steamer » Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same cmi?. . The Pontiac loaves Pembroke at noon on Tuerâ€" m-. Thursdays and Saturdays for Des Joachim:, %u all intermediate porta,; nunh, Monâ€" days, Wednesdays and Fridays, Io.flz:‘l- A. 1 .. | connecting at Pemb:oke with stean.er Goulst . which leaves Poembroke Landing at | p. in., ani arriving at M’zh Fort same -vuh}’ e uistning at 190 a mitivetheey thatn toalen at 7:30 a. m., railway time, & m-. harf, Farrell‘s wh:f. Eonuecherc, Bristol, Sand Puint and Arpprior, and arriving at head of Railway at 11:45, and connecting wilh Ann Siseon at Pontiae at noon. Passengers reac) Ottawa at 4 p. m. _ 1807 oeesites 1367 8. POSITIVELY sUPERIOR To ias} or all other prepasrations for the cure of Heave | 1867. . 18A AC BOXNER, 4A MONTREAL & CTTAWA Upper Qttown Route. Consisting of the following Arstâ€"class steamers ANN SISSON,...............Capt. Bockus. "I' FPREIGWHT LINE To OTTAWA & AND THE RIDBEAUV camAaL. *‘Baegage chooked throogh. § The Alexondra, (C. M. Shepherd, mhn'md im o-n.n&"'m Otuw’s Huwan.) leares M and Thursdays. most fashionable for tourists. _ â€" _ Purties desirous of a pleasant tn'ï¬â€˜:nobulv Keturn Tickets Uttawa to Grenville, valld for o«e day, at o@uu Passengers for the Calobrated Caledonia Springs will be landed at Lxflp-l. fars w I Parcel from wA and intorniediate tandiags: o FARES : to Montreal..................$0 00 cach. _lntm eeemmennnprenemrmnrencethcnncencencen T AH | Meals and State Rooms always included i the Fara [.‘:l..dl..â€"":lu-.h:. Return Tiskets can be ob pamdocnbite (beirttte pathay (hitaigh oae o h: the route one wost pleture=que districts in Canada, and is the i is rex cce the veniee on Awanu&...................‘ NHEEOUDNe:erommminsitainee s #NOoW BikKkD.......l...... JASOXN GuULLD.............. PONTFECrocermertfoterranccne PEMBROK £,....)........... PAkOWEE ie Fust Sailing Mail Steamer Queen Fic»«», (Cap 1867, NIONX 7?ORWARDINXG AND RaiLâ€" way ‘coxrasy. AND CONDITION MEDivtNRE May 14. Passengers will find it to their adventage t truvel by this route, it being the \fhlm ans cheapest, as well as the most comfortable. . AUC BONNER, A i nes 85 Om--n..mlmm Both ways, daily, Monday@ excepted Havo commenced their regular tmps betwe« Wontreal and Bamilton, calling at all lLurm-dlm Ports, connecting with the Market SPARTAN VWR 1807. i s ons 1867 ROYAL MAIlL THROUGL LiNE. The magniGicent Mâ€"I;n comprisingthi line HE OTTAWARIYER NaviGaTIO» COMPANY*s 4448 NANADIAN ISLAND sTEAO savi CaATIUN COMPaANX\ FURWARDLNG L'OIPAH‘E LmmaoTrep. PRESIDENTâ€"Hivon McLaxxax. « DllF‘l'Ollt j ‘. McNatuztos,........J. B. Acors Dompany is num prepared with new and TLIM 1 T PRESIDENTâ€" ic . pIRECTO . McNatuztos,..... Ottawa and Prescott Railroat @RBECLAXN, DAhLLEY‘S | ' 0 ~Heave Remedv HERRICK, BRUSH & CO PASSPORT, STB, A 8 EAS. R 8. CASSELS, KINGSTON, Casal Basin, Ottaw« m'usc;:l-.r;‘::dr:; R. W, SHEPHERD. Capt. Bocuus. $T?dwom MAGNE1, Toak®. Ovenuss, Dosois, Cocvaetrr Buo «wix President 41Â¥â€"8 Frspuar and CHAMPIO® Agents 1861 1807 Or the subscriber, n‘c'u?;.';;T‘.".'.,'l‘ Gloucester, Rept. 13,1867. _ B Gloucester, Ridesu Front, 7 miles from Ottuâ€" | we, on the Macadamized Hoad leading from Ottawa to Metoalf, mhdll of 100 acres, 80 of which _ cleared, and in the I‘::m of owti. | ! is ..'.f.‘:.?'-""f.'-.?."-‘.?,. g* 4 other | â€" 3 Hag sta und er out b-lld'::tl:l"-. flh farm is woll fenced | ";:.l::bwpmlnlm hy to ® | Y ahie N en ie css _'.J‘;EQ" Auctioncer, Nitawa Decomber ? To be seen at the Stable of Ottawa, Bept. 4, 1067. Al IMPORTED BLE and Tandem Block, which have been fitted up in unexceptionable LaF" A tow swites of rooms _ e uow ready for the n::u- of boarders. _ _ : «wa, Sept 17, 1867. 474 ue dn ie c t e o o eC tention to business, and in his new and orstâ€"class saloom, with polite an i uttentive workmen, to merit & continuance of their favore. All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, &0,, manuf=ctured to order, _ For the oomvenience of ladies oroers will be received at the London Music store, where a fine and raried assortment of Aairâ€"work will be found. MMr. MILES would teke this o‘pwhnlly of reâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many triends and the rNu. for their hhdnn:’pumn patronâ€" age to him, during a number of years, in bisvld cuohl‘l-hl.:!. and trusts that by unremitting atâ€" bast 1a es ie e y s o oo o o HA' REMOVED M# PARLLAMEXNT HAIR DREsSING SALOON from the old stand to his new and commodious room over the LONXLON MUSIC STORE, on Elginâ€"st.. op‘pu“n the Russell tHouse, which be bas ftted up in the most mfl‘:flomh wh.?m and 'tu'o :Il Rote: r Brusb, w un «xpressly for hiinatlt, being the fist derroduced t pif fet i1 "oeligutrally venltiaiens aod "Tiry peataid® ve easantl l e ..‘hn y & ty pl y «RBds _ AML .A As ALiS, yo*~ Hairdresser by Appointment to His Excel| WEDNISDAY, 13th NOVEMBER» lu, the MO’%’. A--; uiqnie. qn narannan link a No oi O:tawa, October 3, 1867. HAIRDRESSING â€" §1LO0K | Toronto House, Ottawa OR SALE, Lot No« 15; 4th Concession _ or which the undersigned is Sole A for Otta«= we and ricinity _ Testimonials hn'-“.Cl'm-ol and the Principal Professors of Music in Ornada an be seen at this establishir ent. Several cases o1 Exceolient wok. vIOLIN®, f CcoNnCcERTINA8, aAcconbkoxs, f TAMBOURINEs, aUITAaR®, * PLUTERES®, DRUM®, &eo., &¢ DVirect from Germany. % Resondâ€"hand Piancs taken in part payment for new ope®, Connected with this establishment is a Piapo apufacturer, who will atteeod punstually to all ergers for TUNTNG left at the bondon Music Store. Silver Mounted Harnesses, *qi5%‘ Manufacturers Prices *#3 ALBO, A NUMBER OF WILLIAMS® VICTORIA CRGAXS aA D MELODEOKS FARM FOR SALE: Cttawa, Oct. 1, 1867. Inder the Parliament Hairdressing Saloor .ONDON MUSIC STORE ; FARM IN GOULBURN. imeasurement 100 Aemo(l.ud,marlo-:u.o hich about 15 Aores are cleared. Traus ~â€"Oneâ€"tenth of the P=rchase Money to +« ald down; for balance, terwas wiil hbe mad« nown at the s ile. â€" HT ®X®OF P T T A/ W A. The East Half of Lot No 19, in the 3rd Conces on ot the Township of tGoulbarn, containing b. Toronte, October 16th, 1867 SICN of the BIC FIDDLE, *=ANDâ€" Por further particals E. MILRS, Hair Dresser, by ‘rm to his _______ Bxcellency the Governarâ€"General. [he Auction Rooms [MPROVED FARM :‘ : ....::.a-' Mortgage, which will be proâ€" a Monday, the 18th Day of November. R' Virtue of Power of Sale containe in a certain Mortzage. which will ha nro. Or to 1367, at the hour of twoive o‘clock, sson, at PARLIAMEXT MR. JOHN MceDONALD. NOTICE. A vetion Sale County of Carleton. PITANOS!$M 'l‘lll SUBSCRIRER has just received (:om the Bost® Manutacturers .: America, a Large and Fine assortment of OTTA W A~ N[MES, NOVEMBKR 13 ual to uny ever brought to + market or any uther. W1 been EMM for sh they will be disposed of Nov. 1, 1867. oONEIDA COMMUNITY ALEX, WOBKMAN & Co., Moskret, Mink, For, Otter, Beaver ard Bear T R A P S |! articals :’ulyh JONA . AP JONES Eeg., Solcitor, Masontc Buildings, Toronto street, Toron JOHAX G, BELL, Eaq. Lot No. One, NEWHOUSE‘s Nussexâ€"street, J, GARVEY. MD. OP A Valvanty E. MILES, $X Elgin Street, Opposite the Russel! Hour o. M. CAMEROXN, Bessorer Streeâ€" . B4Lf Sole Agents, For Ottawa and Visinity w. HALPENNY. 867 37â€"6m XaNCraCtTUiikp py 1% LX TR® CFLEBRATYD OP C AENENRMMAMNN .11 :200 2020000 0002000 22 s 000000 M . Ne . 9 2o e ; the mlsu.m,u-w»,-m»mn to "re at the essortment of | premises of Mossrs. Sapdford, Mclnmes & Co. $53â€"39y 578 bâ€"44â€"a 551 Uttawa, $75â€"3aw43td | Ox® | _ Ottewa, October 25, 1867, | COOK and a GIRL for DINING ROOMS, | Mamilton‘s Hotel, York»â€"st Ottawa, July 9 Nova but those who thorougbly understand their butines and can tnmuh‘!m-elm referonces need & 6 Pns ; PHOEBE HAMILTOXN, an nhlank |Wiath Aifece cefteesalll 2__Ts + eoory pyE suTts or RrooMs ar ou1g» | 10 objest Bost City references can be given. Ap» ‘s Pri H Bperkeâ€"st to R R. G at this OMe:. Lo.u"-:'.:,A-:::: wf“" itar t ",{mm Nuvémber 1, 1887. 3834 CLEARING SALE # â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" * SCNDRY PACKAGES of SEASONABLE DRY Go0D8, To Close Consigaments. un sine on TERME. I T'II subscribers have received instruce tions from MisSit3, D. MJINNES & Co. to SELL AT | £1% - |Their Stores in Hamilton, 100 Packagss Dry Goods Iap In every varietyâ€"suited to the Â¥all and Winter Wosllen, Cotton & Silk Goodse 6.7â€":d 255 PACKAGES ASSORIED DRY GOO0D8 FALL AKD WINTER DRY GO0DS, WANTED IMMEDIATELY April 10. April 10 PORI‘ AND FLoOUR Copstantly on } April 10 April 10. April 10 April 10, April 10 Aprit 10. jUCARâ€"CUR ED I!AMS, AND BREAK» iA shie ::‘ i Th evave tew al bo bad C #u of t & can always & ?“ y At the India. wmoz... April 10 H April 10 April 10. April 10 Consisting of a General Assortment of april 10 april 10 April 10. , MEmen NOe ‘ FINE oLD CHERRY BHANXDY, At the india Warchouse, + ’o"" BULL BITTER®, ; At the India We April 10. ipril 10. Pon'r WINE, finest quality, In Waod and Bottle, At the India Warchouse, C ocm * BROWNE & HARDY CHIEDAM SsCHNAPP®, ’ * At the India We 008EBERR Y J AM,STRAWBERR YÂ¥ Jam,Raspberry Jam.Green do.o-l--. At the India Wafl.â€":, i i +h BROWNE & }l RDY. INEAST OLD RYE WHISKEYy At the Indio Warchouse, Next door to Cunningham and Lindeay‘s ERNARD‘A GINGER WINE, INDIA WAREKOUSE, TOTGHTON BITTER®, = At the indua Warchouss, SS BROWNE & HARDY ooTis oLp Tom GIN, | _dt the Indie Warchouse, o e BROWNE & HARDY ® KUYPER*8 HOLLAND G18, In Wood .!d Mo, «e UINESS‘s DUBLINX stovut rosx» TER, AND FOLLOWING DAYS, HERRY WINE, various brands In Wood and Bottlo, IBBERT‘s Loxbox stout roit«» TER, |, AM6AY!s PORT ELLE® ishay WHISKEY, f of whom it may concern, the contents of over RANDY, HENNESSEY and other Bravds In Wond and Bottle, 1867. Boarding. PiIANO No. 16, Rideauâ€"Street, BENNING & BARSALOU. Copstantly on hand, . _‘ At ’lhi ladia "“c-u‘ TKE UONTEXTS OF EX‘TENSIVE LIEEWISE, â€"ALSO,â€" 1t the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Worehouse, BROWNE & MARDY t the {o At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warehoue, BROWNE & HARDÂ¥ REASONABLE Apply at this office. ariety. At the: Mul Warehous», 4t the DR ERTATY BROWNE & HARDY. the India Warchemse, BROWNE & HAaRDY BROWNE & HAKDY. BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HAKDY, BRuWNE & HARDY BROWNE 4 HARDY BROWNE & HARDY dT2t 1867. SLITUATINN by a Â¥3UNG MAN who A anderstands BNOKKREPING hy Double and Single Entry. and ‘beir collateral brancies. Salary inn Ahhank : Miath Aifice s ftrese uns 2l it e The Custom ue arvnent will receive bls en 0. A Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. F8 Boot â€" and {sme Stcre ! + DUC vYON THOLE, &c., & Just recorved from Europe by llouln;rllnt. ' Wx. HEARKN, Market Drug Y.u“k::'m. Double and Single JONQUILLS, Ottawn, May 8, 186 ;. _ _A very fine and large assortment of Double and Bingle Hyacinths, Dutch Flower Roots. " 10062 GOnonh Jmnk. Doge ; ;n a variety of uther Benutiful Good» at Low Prices. Also, Stover and Furniture, Mattrasses, Mirrors, Look:ng Giasses and all other articles required in House surnishâ€" in Remember the Varicty Hall is 34, Sussexâ€"st. nearly opposite the Bursacks. B HEAKFAST $ETS of Gilt and Figur« ed China, Dinuer Sets that are re«lly beauti ful, ana Ten Sots toat canuot be equailed olre where. Aleo alurge variety of Tuilet sets, Enaâ€" melled and Gilt Punch Bowls, Frower Shuges, Englisb, Scutch and German Cut Ulass ; Prest \l«ss of all kinds,; Bobowian, Parian, and other Vuses ; Gorman Chins. Dog» ; anda a variety of other Benutiful Good» at Low Prices. Also, Stuver and Furniture, .\l‘l(llr.uu. Mirrors, Look:ng Glasses PM Tud / doe e epedins Avecd w vdrennmdny de uie db tclac + uOm Crockery, China and Glassware. VARIETY HALL, PUNIANA, $2.25. ] A NEW Collection of the Best Riddles 1 and Puns newly to!d, by the Honble. Hugh Rowley. Ibe BEST CON&BKY BOOKâ€"Mrs. Beeton‘s Book of Housebola M-nlsouom.s: 24. The KEST and CHEAPEST ENCY CLOPGDIAâ€" Chan bers Encyclopoedia of Universal Kmlocs for the People, in 0 vols., cloth extra, and half oulf extra. | Curi s‘ . oc of Literature, Ian’bmlu. $ ; wil Elu. 81 ; Don Ql:'x‘uo,al ; rm our Laws and System uf Guvernment, $ ; Purgaroric», $1 ; Danto‘s Paradiso, 81 ; Book Days (Obambers) $6; 01 Gome of ('-v‘.h Mackay, 8: ; Hans Andersen‘s Book of Fairy ‘hln..il.lo: Handâ€"book of Gymrastice and Ath. letics. by Ravenstoin and IIIL +. *25; History uf Sigâ€" boards, $2 ; the Slung I‘Mry ®1.75 ; Buitish Rural Sporte, by Stonchonge. Uut stock of BCOTS and SHYE8, LEATHER, SHOE H.:Dl.\‘m;. ‘l‘l(ii\dks; &e., &o., -'t.ll sonâ€" sequently be very large wost complete in e d.:}mvua{m, l:ï¬ we most m{‘d-lly solicit a 27- tinuance of favbre. to merit which oro-lluu enâ€" deavore will 0 us usual to provide the best articles «nd sell at the lowest remunerating prices, G. HOWE & sON. ymz Rememb the pinseâ€"No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. next to Howell‘s â€" rovery. s 1 April 27. 4%0v Ottaws, October 18, A $ the Lease of our Premises in Sussex» #ireet terminutes this month, we in end to con fine our business to one locality, and sball remove the whole of our Stock on the ist of May nart, to our Mtore in No 10, Rideauâ€"st. HOWE‘S Boot and Shoe Store. X~REMOCYAL. * THE NEW RIDDLE BOOL, dth, No firewood may belanded without a permit having been first obtained from the Lock Mauster or Collector, andithe letâ€"pass mast be given up to this Officer before the wood is unloaded, under a penelâ€" ty of forty dollars. 568â€"«f dth. Two certs per cord will be charged as wharfage or groand rent upon firewood placed on any part of the Government Can»l Reeerve. â€" ord Fiowood may be lunded und piled around the Basin on Goveroment Land within forty feet of the water, leaving a roadway of at least fiiteen foet between overy four piles of Grewood, which roadâ€" way must be as nour as practicable at right angles to the margin of the Canal, This wood must also be remuved within twentyâ€"four hours after the ow ner or porson in charge has been notified to that effect and in dotault a fine of three cents per cord will be levied npon it for overy day it remains thereatter. 2nd Firewood may be landed between the line of Liftle Sussurâ€"stroct and the Byâ€"wash or waste weir, but must bo removed within twontyâ€"four bours after hav is ; buen placed there ; a tine of three cents per cord will be charged for every day the wood rowains on the wherf after such notico hes been 1st.. No firewoud to be landod on the easterly side of the Basin from Eappers‘ Bridge tothe iine of Little Susroxâ€"streat a The lar; ost assortment in the Deminion is now ojen for inspection at the Rogulations in pursuance of the $8th Chap. Con. state. of Canada, for lavding firewood on the line of the Rideku Canal, in the City o Ottawa, and in addition to the regulations for the munagersent and protection of the Provincial Canals, which wore authorized ty the Goyernor in Counoil :0th May, 1857, bections 14 and following, and wore made applicable to the Ridenu Canal, under the Order of His Eacellency in Couneil of the 20d of Juno, 1889, For sale by No!‘lclï¬ is berocby given, that in ace cordance with the Â¥8th Chap. Con, Btate. of Caonda, His Excellonoy the Governorâ€"General in Council has been pleased to approve of the folluwâ€" ng additional regulations to onsure the proper uaing, management an: â€"protection of the Canals of the Dominion of Canada. * B ; Command, Privy Council Office, ; Ottawa, 1 ith Ootober, 1867 Canal â€" Regulations:|24 AYâ€"THE OAPITAL CROCUs, W anted. 34, Sussexâ€"st. | ® h NARCISSAS, JUSEPH BOYDEN, GEORGE MURPHY. ADDITIONAT J. DURIE & 50X, General Agont. $Â¥ Wat. M. LEK, .M.PC 498y 420y November 0, 1887 WiNpiC C Do Woaii diatzetnaty ach Als c in 4i 6 â€"1 _ Pbotographic Chambers, and other Cut * ton P.v:-hu. :o‘IL-‘rrupd‘ and O:l:ibly sitaated fo nOss . w i meens Toln uacaviey. rERME MoODERATE sTNNE DWeLLiNG nourgs P':b'o‘nr-»h Ch+mbore. and othar Aut .inu PPLICATION will be made to th» BAKEEY, â€" A MMdehm.fi':o‘ YORE STREET FANCY :'* Incorporation of a Life Insuranse Corspany, undr | ing where rholo in the trade ©85 the neme of the "Dominion Life Insurance Assoc* .?.._._i';.g@_.':_:.'.'_;;ulfa;; :»{_:t'm::, A RESPECTABLE gontleman can be sccommodated in a private fmily on Ridea: stroot, Suody Hill, with a FURNISHED BED RNOM and SITTING RONM, with or withow Board. Amyum orricr. | Ottews, A1, 1867. 57.m Mr. Mites will carry on a branch of the Pa. liementery Hairâ€"dressing Saloon in the store occn pled by him as a Melodeson Depst, Rideauâ€"stree opposite Workman & Grifin‘s Hardware Depot. Ottawa, Sopt, 24. S46tf He will open in the store formerly occupied by E Miles‘ Parliamentary Hairâ€"dressing Saloon, a com plete stock of Jenticmen‘s Outâ€"Fitting Goods, Cloths, &¢. Ortawa, November 8, 1867 To Sell or Letâ€"â€"â€"Rare Opening, Cl thing ard Outâ€"Fitting Store, wW. C. CLARE, PIO'I‘IOB of Music, Teacher o Organ, Pirno, Vorce and Harmony. Al» Vire. C‘ark, Teacher of Drawing ana Painting. Music Rooms and Residence, 69 Sparksâ€"st., adâ€" ioining Desberats‘ Block. f mometers, &o. just received Ottawa, Nov.jb, 1867. anoâ€"}t orte and Organ instruction Market Drug Store. BOAIDIIG.-'-MRS. KEYNXOLDS8, "TH Cottage" Book and Fancy Etore, York Stree 8 doors from @ussez Stroet, begs to anrounce ha she is prepared to acoammodate six or eight boars. OP RACGLAS: , | ;Y_;?{wl?; \ l.. ACRES.*«The north half of Lot No« ‘ No 11, in 4th Con ofthe Township of Orgoode, with a good House and Baro. and ut!;cr o0 Luildâ€" tngs, and a good Spring Well, Eftv nores cleured and in a good stae of cultiv«tion, This is sitnated on the Preseott Read within fifteen miles of Otra wa. Alsothe routh baif of Lot No. 4, in the 3rd Con. of Orgoode,containing 110 scre«, +0 »c:es clearâ€" ed, the rest wall wooded, with gond hardwnod, and well watered. and situated within a quarter of = mile of the Ra Iway Station. Titles goud. For further informstion .Wf to * PATRICK HERBERT, May In the city for the carringe of all descriptions ct goods and monles, &0., at reasonable rates. Goods callsd for onlearing notice at the offlies or toe A large assortment of Optical Instraments, L her HE public are informed that owi to ;l‘ the increased.demand for the qulc; di:p‘mh Merchandise and Paréeln To and from Montreal, the abore Company hare been induced to open an OTTAW & to MONTREAL Ottews, Oct. 1, 1867. From $1.50 to $25.00. Hument or the Legislature, tor un Ast to incorporâ€" Ate certain persons under the name of =" The & Lawropes and Oltawa Railway Company," and t« vest therein the Ottawa and Presoott Kailway with the lands, rights, privileges, franchises and appor temances theroto helonging or appertaining, with full power to convert the several intercets of the present proprietors vhereof into Â¥tock or shares ! and to open stock or shareâ€"books. and wiso to on. | ’ uble the Company to substitate Bonds or Deben. | tures benring interest for the several certificates oi | the Trustees under a certain Deed of security, : beretofore made is and,upon the said Railvay by | the proprietors thercof, or to confirm such certif | cases as Mortgage Bonds, and also to enuble th» suid Company to sell or lease the xaid Reilway and ! Its appurtenances, and also tor power to extens I the line of the said Railway, from the City 0: Ottawe, in cither or both of the Provincss of Onâ€" tario and Quebec, and generally to confer upor the bt. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway €ompany, all powers, rights and privileges necessary in ans for the conduct, management, working and effici ency of the said Railway and its appurtenance either by adoption of certain of the sectiuns of th ‘ Railway Act, or by express provision therefor. - Uttawa, september 6, 1 $3:â€"4m I Che Cittawa River Navigation C . Mhr“ovluï¬ob'lghumthom instunt, Olaws, April 1 W iN GBKAT YARIMT, Nulle, Spikes, Camp Rotties, Cireular and Crose ut Saws, Lamps, Oils, Glaes, Putty, &6.â€"s1 Curar. ¢ s * $ ‘\'O‘I'ICE Is hereby given that applica» 1 W tiogwili be made at the next Session of Purâ€" OULD inform the Citizens of Otte» wa and vicinity that on the Of grery dezoription H0OESs, RMAKE®, Jarpenters‘ and Joiners‘ ‘Tools FARMS FOR SALE Opening of Parliament NEW AND INPROYVEL. Agrioultural. Implements lst of OCTOBER * Rideau Stpee" ' a 8 }";;’A.?‘;'T:i:‘s'.‘ CaARDEN Tools :Royal ilailnfl BmffS‘, R, H. GRAIHAM HNOTICE, p@r CALL AND INSPEUT THOMAS â€"BIRKETT BOA RD. HXPR ES»=. THE S1IGN OF THE! PIAT LINE®S, ONTARIO meltnst t PA l‘,rwr!‘*\ «3 isA _ 24 Ridean Hotel, Ottawa City ; R 501â€"3m AT HERRICK BRUSH & co SPADE®, SHOVELS, &o. * â€" A (F BE Chandier+, Otawsâ€" uncessor to James Ts 40ky York Ftreet, WM. HEARXN 26y [ NC 1 €loy Cus Orrawa Truzs.â€"Printed and N‘P’_’ Ittawe, December vith s1ch broad as they may re Please sond y3ar orders to the Bakery. 11090 «l 100 .008. "u‘ll‘, es ADCT o 'a' '“ “ Mr. Shouldis is resdy to walt 08 ‘avor him with their mm them daily with cach hraad as thow maw w AML K. GEORGE sHOULDIS, IN #Â¥> thanke to Lis friends and the publi or the liberal patranage which he bas teoâ€"iv0d amny yours, bog*: o state that ï¬rï¬'m susiness will be carried on io XORK * «hore his premises are kmown 38 the , ' ERCHANT TAILORS aud Genersa! & I_Qntfluau. Elginâ€"strect, opposite the Russell douo, and secund door frow the Lendon Mati store, having just received a choige stock of _ of Carleton 1 W every morning, (Bundays »*xcep the Tiues Steam Printiny Werks, Bpark=â€"st, io the City 0t Oftawa, all orders in their line at the shortest notict, P the most approved styles and at prices that ®* defy competition. ts Aud a general assortment of gentlemen‘s lag goods, would intimate to their triends and sublic genera:ly thut they are prepared to expe®® Snglish, French and Canadiat SMITH & RODNEY Ottawa Oct. 1, 1867 .‘ll'l Storc formerly occupled br W. D. WOuD. No. 38. on RIDEAU sTREELT, bas been refitted by the subscribers, and willbe opened m MONDAY, Fâ€"Us{EENTH OCTOBER, with c4% an entire new stock of * M io .l ciiinates for many years with the greatâ€" est ruccess. It »hoitens the ait=ck, reduces the fever gradually, and ut the sawme time ensbles the system to throw off the poiâ€"=nous effect of the ferer «m the btood and se retrps geverally _ â€" _ __ PRICEâ€"50 conts '_Vu;l- ?-o Wholesale and Retail by GR OC ERILISS, ~_arret0 s o. j LIQuORS AND > ar SP & *nz Iâ€"IARDW.A.RE '-1‘_ p‘ Ottawa, October 12, 1867 Custome, §M00044 mss . , :‘“’ l-r 18 DUIRECPERD £1+ rH THE B FINANCE MUNLSEER, that m"tfl Notices be publizhed and farnished to Collector: / Customs®, a# to the rate of dircount to bo allowed o American {nvoices, which is to be in sccordance with the price of gold 1s represonted by Exchange at a rete equal thereto Such unticesto apper‘ every Satarday in the Canads Gazerte. * OQuuwa, Novemb r 6. +567. l! AcCCORDANCE WiTh PHk AB ¥¥ Ordor, notice is bereby given that the aathorirâ€" «d discountis doelured to fl this tay 29 per cent which persentage of deduction is to be sontisued November 2, 1867 intil next Weekly Notice, andto apply to all per hases made in the Unit:‘d ‘ua‘u i week t K n November 9, 1867 _ Price Lists, and ye informatron, on tiop, or gent to any adiress. OUnders by in«i} c'ut. cash or city referencesdi i. ed and promptly to. No chaâ€"ge for ¢o livery in the Gily. A d ~»ant to persons beying in quantity or lor the ri aal p»ckage Porey guaranteed in Al‘mo., _ anspection invited. _ CGelebrated Fever Remedy. Maraschino, Carncao, Vermouth, and Royal Ita has Bittors, &6. Guine«s‘ Porter, Bass‘ and .ï¬."-, Kh ast Uibberi»‘ Porte:, qua.te aod plots, * l.’intl $1 (m_ulmpm:‘-.n.. (Yemaike thik in giee "4:|d‘b"fo(ll:l:‘ nntQLenl ihe Prs‘s in ts ind in t Te ie n mauin istninn s ut rocnanment London Gins in cases. A very «uperior a*sortment of Ch Moselle», llucl-. Clarets, Fantarnes, e ind piots. _ _ h AMERICAN INYVOICESâ€"DISCOUETS Marsaln »DHPC i WE &8ARI7 Â¥ERdnA HIS REMEDY nas been used in Trop» NEW sTORE ! ire and Certain Uure jor Foaâ€" Continucd, HKemittent, Intermittent, Typhoid, and Fever arising from Ondinary Colds. 10 APIDE® TL Y reco / tanteos the folowine W CLOTHS and TWEEDS, 4ourneymen Bakers Wanted. BEREA D. P K. ARNOLDL f Wine and Spirit AMerchant, Metealfns., x f n..Tdf,mpb Co.‘a m_ (Roae K Fixaxzce Deeaztszext Costous, Snle Agi LCPED C+ rH THE MILNISTER, that m"ufl: liâ€"noed and farnished to Collecter: 1 the rate of dircount to be allowed ot wces, which is to be in accordance W . *« C 'tAI.E L DOTIOCRE P a 20. “ I{‘\T )JJ',,, Fixaxcs Dlu_, TA N3 M. F. Mac*ARTHY, Chemist, Ottaws City ent for Dowinion of Canads $79â€"3m AL wWoOD & ROSsITER §7. 561â€" R.€. M BuUCBETTE mends x W !Nt..-. vi ark Street Faney €) TK] of Chktipagors, Ko 551tf YERR; Owly 82 un OWarr ge for do and guse 20 «pplacs Apverneme AG* repared to aiterd pr sorerement elnployc sey ontrust him. ui wit in mnd for the dist Ktawa, Pebruary 7, OTaRGE®S a+C ‘.\ the Post c2*e. rstont 1 soliest Wm «)e Asuruary 7, 1866. wore, Ridean btreot, J :naury 17 1807. Btmrsu Solicitor in Ch l‘"; Chnarer 1 Ofict, Lang‘s } &8 " ~PK. t @Â¥XEICHA®, $ 4B o Sn is T. 4 U Nee is EXTHs r 18 T. l’.hu. * $ means of the kiew#, seuary #1, 1666. KC°C7 _ Aoanae in adrance}.â€" if net pasd in t y= ‘too: Blgin st : Augzaxpes io ftawa, Jaly 26. ‘mnsm\'.; Chancer3, Cous (-vocrrn. Street, Que boc 4 Chancery, Conve quror: Union Bail sbruary 21, 1866. ol irription Â¥ ":{'“).......w If ant paid in «4van Yearly eabâ€"cription o laer af o rdayes of & us , ConMt a ‘ln Nf_‘ *office at .:..'udu- bet .‘.“abd memtabrnee) PV Sugmess Card® 9 OtaWi#. ‘-"amnnl w40 wtewa, Feorsary “.“W 44984 »* * 1 :) «absequent 3 oi) Coo Fobroury 7, 1368 @ma Wis DVOCATE®, peysâ€"atâ€"Law . 1>, Adn TPORKE Y=A AW, Cun _ Qpr1C®: M UE paily & LEK&sS &A BIHPE: ARBE 18 T ARRISTER Eu W *A, »lamdk x JUHOI vVOL. Attends to \\l-.‘olA AUtI : In the 1IJ5D «& B N E Â¥%=, DR. J DR. C Fabram 1y 0# 186 DR. 12, 4 Dit. 2,000 Day DR cvery &A Ns OL M. 4 de 14.