i0 . Â¥abs ory 26th, 194 t 8, 1867. _ au 506y 6 ~nn= > ‘WM‘TU HUTLDs«« 6:!;!&?:0 LOT®, one mile from the PLJ Bichmond Road, one sere each. Apply to THOMAS AXDIIS_(_);_:JI-, on the promises. goatain mo mereury or miporal snbstance whatover. Price, 25 conts per Box, or 5 Boxes for ? 1. Prenared by Dr. J.C. AYER & CO..Lowell. Mase -.AL-'TI iv;_'-:i}ui'rm--lni uMfl u iry -ï¬ â€œh am called E‘.‘ssfx-. regulate the organs of digestion and jangmw@0bs in & public pill from‘the dreadfnl conseâ€" pe en Whepmnenthy Reot pliay we have thot T recoomend ao other to my patientss Awli.a-mqh-r-.-‘tah&-- paing, w khrdh chromic rheuma» 4 hnd Wuum gsease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your sp; Pazailysis, Pits, otc» L If others of our fraternity fund them #a ity have a our fratern there of o t w raooiche on mtb ‘ Nx mds , «* % ymr affect that . Prom Mrs._F. Stuart, Plijsician and Midwi/c, Boston. & $wo, doses of your PiÂ¥s, taken at the ea of the natural secreâ€" it partinity sappoteacts and 2106 tery Froke Oe K: Dr. Thowbis, of Oc Meholiat Rpis. Church. *» Thore will albsobe ofersd‘fir sals ‘at the same time and place those Valuable TIMXBER LLMITS, m:uan‘ aro the ver unn:,' y 1 have my (riends, y w# x"m &'.lll'lui. W anstw, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. --!‘flm&mh l:"-y prac. Heey and fiw)"them an crecilent purrative o cloanse the eystem and pari/y the fountzins of the blood, . _ _ _ rvay ut sah, Ga., Jan \ 1856, Mrwoke SAE do se inmainur it t Te * Id by doorgs Mortimer, John Roborts, W. M as L ¢ sCarine and J. Skloner !‘_h". As a Family * * h-u.‘ztmtm.â€" Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we postess. They are %&s’:p& _ ED. W. PREBLE, wï¬ . As éw'u "m’ o'i-â€"-"i then. yourk, A%nfl.‘.m Dyssutety, Dhrrhia, Relar, Worms,. Prom Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago. hl-h-wu-htu:::yml-u *..&'m:z.‘..,....:s;‘-_x....? en 2t es m in mancent & Their -ga‘;n:( ;! Yo@e tho paragon of all that is h‘&u %-’mm sores upon her and feet that had proved for â€" years, uwnmuz-pm- ously affiisted with blotehes and pimples on her and a» her bair. After our child was cured, sho also tried iment of discaso. .<.)~.!> _ uiess Headache, Sick Headache, Fou! Stomach. I have cured with your Pills.bettar. dleace on l -â€"-: vitev z’*.‘-!r Mum’ ""_m" i a p m’"‘-“."uhTS thy the ind the people. # 4 ; , P ooiian m n fie a 5; rarpant 1. say they are the best cathurtic we employ. Their reguâ€" lating action on the lixer is quick and decided, couse urity.of the Blood. flm 1860â€"1807, on Chalk River, Df of 3:‘ c"\‘.l\ and Deep Rivers, anid 203 of 408.A807 on Chalk River. Also, VILLAGE LOTS Nos. 2 and 3, in Block Also, VILLAGE LOTS Nos. 2 and 3, in Block number Six, in the Villago of AYLWER. _ Also, a LOT of LAND in the T. TWELVE ACRES of Township of HULL, in Toos and 3t the nataral fancuony of the , thay are and many of them surely, same 'homvtbvm-uhlu' Pllls, ® ledt to when suffering from your Pills, and they have cured hor. o wcim whhinl, ies thoen mvaiganly to Th in the dnily L \ . d CE e Hittar Sevaniah, lu-;;fflixmï¬ A oo drporiec: 3 ~erent rlflfll‘l%h offeted POR SALE by Public Auction, at the RUSSELL HOTEL in the CITY of OTTAW A, on the TW ENTYâ€"THIRD day of NOVEMBER;, tostsht, at TW ELV E o‘clock, noen, under tb¢ Power of Fale contain¢d in a mortâ€" gage thereof, that Valuable Leaschold Property situated on the Corner of Sussex and Clarence property of the late Eusebs Varin Vendor it againal his own acts onâ€" ly. m.c, Abstrabts; &o., to be at purchaser‘s expenso. ww _ Stateniaaté from. leading physicians in hâ€".-!"mï¬' nc wwn thartic in my daily contest with discase, do that afford best we I of course value &-’-anall.; @« with the STONE SHOP and DWELLING thereon, Hillons Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints, _ Prom Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City. ECast End Dalyâ€"st. UWQ. 4 April 1. & ol De. Area : I have been mnmy?ni:"f.}‘y;y;i}' Pills, of Hâ€m t wfll icted f * FINCENT suuu.- v H": &‘m ‘market contain Mereury, ull-_‘_. lâ€"d’.l:_uhlml hands, is De. Aree : I HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNABLE, ESALE Manufacturers of Bed= R w‘ r"Je.. Chaudiere Island, Otâ€" F J'l'll“ wvir on a en see of ild-p.my..'b‘; From a Porwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Prb. 4, 1936 1. P M in Pusmand «Bourl)+ 44 CT U +1 $\ H ‘hlh. 5 Dec. 1858, , Ave® : mlflnlnlynhhymr Pllls. if action of the system, and with it the 4 ( ie ced ntuns Siat maine w rhaale DRUG®, &o. â€"| _ _â€"â€"_ BAILROADS. _m T M how entirely walk * *‘ * Pharmaceatical Preparations, Photographic Su&.rfu, netgttiments, Patent 1 L PLANS, SPECLMCaTIONXS, ESTIMATES, &o, »feckiel Ay th® urbridges and Squire awâ€"S#.yRoxpos. + ~ 22y w Malf of Lot No. 1 Ne 6t a LOT of LANXD in the in the County of Ottawa. TOR McLEAN, Auctioncer. JOLN .G» MEACHAN, M. D. WILLIAM HOLGATE, gouy OLIVER, LLIAM ANXABLE wash ot the above forwarded #903 LAVER, Clerk of Steamer Clarions ASA MORGRIDGE ed to their pur mm‘-n- ey have in my prac» cure of dilious com» Patent Medicines ARDLEY, and Arcurteor bxd3w 9T ‘v HICHIS l!cm.%â€"'-la szz..uwm . _ Amatear 'hln:.‘ thv'l.n:.nul:ri & v&‘:-‘ au what sovads And inRacier No uhat in rmpced to be m dod'dlhullu LAROQUE &.00., and give them orders. Bottles of description, excenting oil huz:'uhd.u.d':zpcuy’umm'h. en than by any other _ y for the same. _ Champagne Manufactured in Ottawa. LAROOUE&Co. GHUBCKH sTREET Subscriber begs to inform his o mes nenaniannne Â¥ Messrs. Fingland & Draper 'A:'hn bo:‘flh-’,“&ly-u! a gene: DR Y â€"GOODS ! Which.will be soid at a amail advange on cost. JAMES HIGGIXsON, This is to that Messrs. ll:l&h. Oliver & Annable‘s W & Ironing T have. been used by the Grey Nuns, and they have proved to be DRV GGO O DR ! Ottawa, August 12th, 1867 it Express for Three Ri AmSCCApCe Riviere ‘l?flp and m.mlo.lo P.M. _ it Sleepicg Cars on all Night Trains, Baggage ___ and Intermediate Stations, at............ Express for Boston .:.d.l:hrnodluo ....'r m Vermsnt Contial Rairond, ...."‘_: Mail for Portland, stopping over night ~~ / PERGGG POBieacccamererscersmecerecinmencest EXpress by railway throughout for New the as we are prepared to prove from the evidence of those who havetried it. AH they ask is a trial. It is simple in construction, easily adjusted, and anzswers for an IRONING TABLE. It never need. be taken out of the Kitchen, as it answors for a ploce of Furniture. The following testimania will sHow what the Ladies at the Nunmery think of it. Parties desirous of giving us afair trial will please to send us notico by post, or otherwise, u-ucmum-mu‘-uu | Readymade Clothing mmodation Train for C1 m May 26. Intermediate Stalions, ut............. » 9.40 A.M. Trains for Lachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A:M., 12.00 Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M.. The 3.00 P.M., Train runs through to Plattsburgh. o:415 on hag s Ottaw a, * C erepnncs: o mmA l’-‘l. Detroit, Chicag Kight ue 4y kc ioi L..3. tgs 1. with Trains to and from Porth $ do «o [C «ogeccsccine * to alh-ouuqmw nm-um-m way . muï¬mmmgx-mmomouv wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" n-mu-.gnn from Brockville connects at Sandpoint with U. F, Coy‘s Steatnets for remso du Fort, Pembroke, &c., and the Train from e rflnucz:no p.m., leayes alter Steamers.aro due rom Ottawa and Pem»roke. & dn C tions on the line. Grand : Trunk Railway Company Brockville and Uttawa Railway, SUMMER â€" ARRANGBMENTS, to ensure connection witienight and day Grand Trunk, cast and wost. : N. B.â€"These traws run on Montreal Time, Brockville, June 29. CHANGE of TIME Oftawa and Prescott Railway. as follows awa, September; Canadian Champagne I Ottawa July 10, 1867 Ottawa, Oct. 31, 1867. BME XOEAEVE TE ETE P BVE PECRCY All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s hfl W ASHING MACHINE, LRAYE OTTAWA. ARRIVE IN PRESCOTT Express, 8 a. m. 10.30 a. m. Mixed, 1.30 p. m 4.45 p. m. Mail, 10.30 p. m 1.30a. m. The time of these Traing has been go agfanged ARE NOW MANUPACTURING A WINE CALLED sUMMER ABRRANGEMENT York, Boston, and all Intermediate Points, Mw with Vormont Central at Burâ€" lington with: the -:“Afl“nn.d:u..- * so mflmmm for Lake George, Saratoga for Lako fleorgy, Saratogh,_ Now Champlain Steamboats for L&ke George, Saratogea, New M .h % N AND AFPTER MONDAY, MA Y 14thy Trains will leave Bonaventure Station as folâ€" ’l and after MONDAY, the 4th NOV., 1867, and until further potice trains will rup AE UNDERSIGNED are now manan« facturing a new and what they claim to be Ex 246 p.m. 520 p.m. lud.’.fll!'-. ¢ ll.“:..- Mail, 6.30. p. uts .. A» p m N W DOMINION.s "OF CANADA. HOLGATE, OLIVER, & ANNABLE. LEAVE PRESCOTT Commencing 1st July, 1867 GoING WEST T. 8. DETLOR, H ABBOTT, Manager for Trustee. L&RONUE & Co. Next to he Tea Pot 481tf ARRIVE IX OTTAWA @GREY NUNS. . 430 P.M. 8.30 A.M. 2.00 P.M. $.30 A.M. 6.45 A.M. 41y gy e cont a sleek and : ; appearance Pb WoiROnD Sutmmnct o ow t C Moide, Lane, New Xork, Scle Rropricterifap the Unite: lOlfllOPbLYlA:’, * _ % & 4 44 ‘-\ ' v euor rwaxtyâ€"mvs Canre. | Boid by Geo,. Mortimer, Jobhn Roberts, W. M. | Mastey;, Heary o McCariby, J. Skimer, and 4. | h'h Ottawa. | Ottaws, Kov. 1, 1867. s $7Tdwim yesssle to their natural sign} by its usoithe boree‘ appetite is improved, â€"all »«derabigoments of th« resume its natural dimensions, thus equalifing the crdutetinn o To briea, on reionie e fheink t frote being worked while usinig t == > _ _ It cteanses the breathing spparatus, by remov diffécu‘ty in breath and 1 t resume its natural dimensions, thus equalifing t ‘ion Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind mufl sure to cure, and safe in all case at All _a&._h _ and does not prevent the hors: Ottawa City, Au . . 26, 1862 ht en ut Prdabimied -â€"-'--u;:nm. Illl ; also, beiwiay 7 2: > q4 4 ib «o1 | Armbend M mong Gom pany‘ 6t i0 & SUT LCY sUP I0OR TO ANY Iwod pisr privey scfona n e wire on ons Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind, and all discase ory meraing at 7:80 a. m., raitway time, Guching Bristol, BSand ‘Artprior, d 1 heud, of Ralifay.‘4tâ€"Â¥1148, and connecting witl Ottawa at 4 p. m. head of Raill#@ay. 4t 11145, and connesting wit! fe&muh&-l“ l’-m‘nul Fridays :ful‘lg‘.. rm:: Fridays at 5 a.m., r same days a% 2 p.m. u:o days ai 2 p.im. ; ' ma 7 C “ m’ %q n.‘*ï¬"?sw Poin‘ 1 p.m.; and on down trip at Sand Point mt‘ shaAaneit, Eha«t I PBOOid ree2IU. . Pl..vi for Des Jouthitasd leave Otta «a ever: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. C L Alliance for Cobden, connecting with steamer Jasow Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same ovening. . The Postia¢deaves Pombroke at noon on Tues 3;“1- and Saturdays for Des Joachims, h"u all intermediate ports, roturning Monâ€" days, odtn:lyo add Pr:dh-yn, leaving at 6 a. m., connecting at with steanor Jason Gould, which leaves m Landing at 1 p. m., and arriving at Fort same evening. \The steamer ‘Allianceleaves: Portage du Fort 1 p.m.; and on t On and after 8ERPTEMBER lst: uonl further noâ€" tice) tho: steamer . Awe Siwon will leare Aylmer day, for: the Upper Oftawn, at Tâ€"A. m., con> m.vkh the Alliance at head of Railroad at 11, touching at, Arnprior, Sand Point,. Bristol, m l&l {:. wior, S‘l:: #Mfl::‘d’ o fl?‘:‘! . im. / Stages wili teave Gonld‘s Whart imgoggately atier anlval ot This Company is now preps with new and efficient mfl: fcrv:;l rl::m every desaripâ€" tion between Montreal, Oitawaand Ridoma Canal, Te >‘ S and intermediate Ports, with ptness and d T atub, aed ablow retoeognidainentt erhiue *: | o 1807 Aaaee tz > inss L MPROYVED FARM, Passengers will And t to their advantage to travel by tife route, it being the quickest and cheapest, as well as the most eomfoï¬< â€" CHANGE of TIME. Meals and State Rooms always included in Steamer Prince of Wales, Sc‘.yt'iin H. W. 'Slur hord,) 1#4Â¥0s Lichingo® arfiÂ¥al of the 7 a.m. train n Montreal, connecting at Carilion with . : Railway, and at Grenville with Steamgr Queen na,;..‘n;hu: at Ottawa at 6:30 p.m.. | , k Â¥ p his. line Mtunst#â€" paascd; whiite Te route pasecs sindigh ooo of the Heprns MIOH: ... _ Puttfs® Aeffrout" of ‘a pledkaht trip can obtain will be employed in towing rafts between Ottawa “.J"‘;."-"-un,. A Lnl‘l #% ..._l MiatwNl ©4.1 * s20f of ho L4 anR. W, GHBERHERD. May 14. 4348 101. Apggee : SPARTAN, ained at reduced rates from â€" Parsel® ?&Wmh Ottawa ts Montrea! and intermediate ngs. f Return tickets to Montreal..................$6 00 each. m.ng‘-:,..... :g: Second P""'l"}'{');.KT Market Steamer ar, (Capt®. Peter Meâ€" mmd- Canal Basin, Tuesd ays 8. { . MONTREAL & OTTA W 2A C**P"MIASk‘*SomeAKi HMave ‘ commenced their reguiar trips between j m‘d and Hamilton, calling at all Intermediate ’ commecting with te tb Both ways, daily, Mondays excepted. _ Puttis® Ceffrout" of a pklï¬!‘ï¬ip Can obtain M‘r.l 'x‘_l&k:‘u fr.en awa to Grenyille, valid for :i-d‘-mï¬ the ColebratedCaledonia Spring» Will be landed at L‘Orignst. °.. ____ _ _ ____ . +0 N‘W‘“lfé:ï¬l HIiME 10 owrawa AND THE RLDEA U CANA L For turther 'rnkuhn""â€â€˜{â€l,'v"'im fice of th m pary) 6t hvn:(m’u?%y':mr..l “‘.’ ; The steamer Calume«t, on and after Friday, 4 The wagnifcent ;flpxmfl’l'f [ Consisting of the folloWhig Arstâ€"class steamers Stogther Privce of Wale, (Captain . W . Shop May 14 a ath MWASMLASLS OAN 4. . t ths t h 4s C ‘xiok‘ ZFonWanbika anp Aaâ€" WAX. COQMPANY«: ... J Upper Oittawa Route. 4448 Oitawa and Proscolt Railread. AND CONDITIQON MEDIW!1NR DIRRCTORS: W. McNavento®,..,.. .4. §( 4 FORWARDING , COMpP a N Â¥, Hoidd 4 pot A11 | . LIMITED. PRESIDENTâ€"Bvon MoTinmyax GR 4 oJ "I nErrrck BBUsit ® Ca STEAMER®S. PASSPORT, PALkpEX‘$ Hgave . Remedv KINasTON, LASD S$TEA , John Roborts, W. M. | requested to call and settle at once, or costs will tny, J. Skinnes, ang/ ) | reypetied to *) § MAGNEY, c on Tuesdays anc rom Chapeau {Illh‘c A4, B. Agura soad CHANMPLON; / also, as a Condi 49 6 « M. Shepherd,) I $7Tdwim T Aniating Tl.i K. 01 TA W A, fIME$S. NOVEMB&_!’_I* 15, 1 oY 0 President 419â€"8 Agents ‘\‘The Auction Rooms wa, on.the Macadamised Koad, leading from ouvnom-‘flu-gd 100 acres, 80 of which olcud.nlt ighost '3.nm. i eiragoiaa ppntoun aot a t e other nqmm farm is weli fenced *‘For further partical or apply to % nï¬cm‘h. Auctioncer, Ur the subscriber, on the premises, W. HALPESXY. Gloucester, Sept. 13, 1867. 537 37â€"6m Silver Mounted Harnesses, To be seen at the Stable of _ FO. SALE, Lot No. 15, 4th Concession Gloncester, Rideau Front, 7 miles from Ottaâ€" ::.‘u,:o Macadamisod K:‘l‘l.“hldia‘ uf;on‘ wa to Metcal, -u“ng acr ol which . cleared, and in the k\utm'a cuiti. style. Ottawa December 2 _ JeB" A fow yuites of rooms e now ready for the nw-ofloudon. #. }'s.s_tél!. 1867. Ti muf_ by the addition of ther portions of the Desbarats Block, which have been fitted up in unexceptionable N Al IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, DOT BLE and Tandem Mr. MILES would take this ogï¬)mnhy of reâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many triews and !ho{nbllc. for theif kind ng‘gonmu patronâ€" age to him, during a number years, in his old establishment, and truets that by unnnltflpa atâ€" tention to business, and in his new and firstâ€"class saloon, with polite and attentive workmen, to merit a continuance of their favors. All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, #&¢,, manufactured to order, . For the convenience of ladies orders will be received at the London Music stove, where a<fine and saried assortment of Hairâ€"work will be found. Rota ‘m’ ai ‘fl- V'NOW -ihlliw e x nul for muaciy beteg the w Itrodaned Inlo" Iriuch America, will be bm ready for use. ‘The saloon :udwdully ated, and very pleasantly Hairdresser by Appointment to His Excelâ€" lency the Governorâ€"General, Hu RENMOVED HIS PARLLAMEXT HAIR DRESSING SALOON from the old stand to his new and commedions room over the LOXDOK MUSIC STORE, on Elginâ€"st., opposite tha Thissall Aansa whish ha has fitted un in tha the Russell House, which be has fiited up in the most recherche sty le of the business, and wgu;. his On Monday, the 18th Day of Novembor, The East Half of Lot No.19, in the 3rd Concesâ€" fon ot the Township of tGoulburn, containing by admeasurement 100 Acres of Land, more or le«s, of which about 15 Acres are cleared. Trnus â€"Oneâ€"tenth of the Purchase Money to be id down». for balance, torms whl be made Lites i is ain. * duced at the Sale, ARDRESSING _ $ALOON | FARM IN GOULBURN, LONDON MUSIC STORE ! + V R?nsl to any ever brought to + Mn im"bk::n â€ur:;z-t(;h:r;' '(" g:avh.lgvy wilt be dispossd of [RA Aap at i j Manufacturots"Prices. 4A * NALSO, A NUMBER OF WILLIAMS‘ VICTORIA ORGANS AXND MELOBEONXS or which the und.nlzned is Sole Agont for Qitaâ€" wa and vicinity. ‘Testimonials from Olergymen and the Principal Professors of Music in Canada an be seen at this establishn ent. . Several cases of Excellent VIOLLN®, CONCERTISAS, ACcORDEONS, â€" > TAMBOURINES®, GUITARS, ; FLUTES, DRUMS, t y uk Les&c â€". Connected with this establishment is aâ€"Piano Manufacturer,who will attend punctually to all orders for TUNINXG left at the London Music Store. CALI Y OF O T TA wWA. Direct from Gormany. 1 Secondâ€"hand Pianos taken in part payment for MA /OREEL .: 2iz i h04 + hi Under the Parliament Hairdressing Ealoon, Ottawa, October 3, 1867. Toronto House, Ottawa. Or to ~__JOHN«. BELL Ese., Ottawa . Toronto, October 16th, 1867. 575â€"3aw43td For further particuls . a to ; NoNA waP BoNEks, Eso, ~ Solicitor, Masonic Buildings, m â€"_â€"â€" Toronto street, Toronto Ottawa, Oct. 1. 1867. S1CN of the BIC FIDDLE, w =â€"ANDâ€"â€" 1867, at the hourof twelve o‘clock, noon, at LL persons indebted to Dr. J. Garvey, and whose accounts have been rendered, are Y Virtue of Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be proâ€" RS. TROTTER :f' to inform her friends tht_. ‘vh‘ n om«_l__lor‘prgmlqu Auction Sale FARM FOR SALE. HARNESS FOR SALE. MR. JOHN McDONALD, County of Carleton. Hair Dressor, bych-u'ut. to his ____ Excellency the Governarâ€"Gen PARLIAMENT ’l‘u BSUBSCRIBER has just received from the Best Manulacturc« in America, a Large and biso assortment of enem s i) ASPL PLAXN ()b‘!ï¬@ NOTICE For Ottawa and Vicinity Nov. 1, 1867. _ _ 578.bâ€"44â€"4 ONBIDA COMMUNITY ALEX, WORKMAN & Co., GP A VALUABLE Muskrat, Mink, Fox, Otter, Beaver and Bear â€" TR A P S | Nussex street, NEWHOUSE‘S 1N Ti# IN THE E. MILLES, Elgin Street, . Opposite the Russell House. 6+R V 551.39v E. MILES, OÂ¥ NANUPACTCRED BY M. CAMERON, Besseror Stree J. OARYVEY, M.D CELEBRATEO Sole Agents, e Governarâ€"General §53â€"39y B 4h Oitawa, Jaly 9. apply COOK and a GIRL for DINING RO0M3 H» milton‘s Hotel, YVorkâ€"st. Our stock is extensive and mu, and every article warranted. to give si%is . All orders sent or left wi!l be promptly attended to. All Goods delivered on the shortest notreg :. Chocolate and Cocon Spicos, Mustards, Rxsenâ€" ces, Ryrups, Pickles, Sauces, Vinegars, and Bottled Fruits, in E‘mp. Proserves, Potted Meats, Fruits #&e. â€"Also, Provisions, Sugar Cured nnw: Rolled Hams, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, ere," Biscuits, Flour, Oatmeal, B#rley, Peas, Rice, Laâ€" brador Herrings, Table '..‘Mï¬'z, Digby Herrings, &e., &c. Consisting of Teas, Gunpowder, Old Hyson, Y oun Hyson, Hyson Twankay, Black, Extra Fine ln“- lish Brouk{fnst Souchong, Congon ditto, 'olu;, Orangoe Pekoe, Finest Japane, Coffces.â€"â€"Java, Jamaica, La Guayra, Mocha Roasted and Ground on the premises. 67 J El-pv---â€"lï¬ulhh, refined in loaves, Brokep , Orushed White, Yellow Refined. 4 574 4â€"law CcCROCERYCOODS INDIAN AFFAIRS & LANDS, D A LGLINH _ & RUSSELL April 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 BELONGING TO, GANADA April 10 j»+CTIBLIEC :=â€"NOPICH April 10 Aprit‘10 April 10 April 10 April 10. Aprii 10 Aprit 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 (‘ 00SEBERR V JA M,S TRAWBERR Y K Jam,Raspberry Jam,Green Gage Jam, At the Indija Warchouse, _a 4 BRORNE & HaRDY. April 10 April 10 April 10 U3 Otawn, May 22, 1867. s $ + 4# Next door to : CunningAam u.u’u&,m MDRANDY, HENNESSEY and other Brands, No it _ 8 TERMS INDIA WAREKOUSE, & + hudk: hk : k CoOMMUNICATIONS The Honorable the Secrstary of State for _ tanmd Otewa®" 0_ ETIENXNE I’ABRNT, Under Secretary of State, «TOUVGHTON BTTTER®S, DEPARTMENT OF TILBE 8ECRETARY OF sSTATE OF CANADA “I’K oLD CHERRY BRFASI)\" f Atthe India: Werehoust BROWNE & farpy N~NyEST OLD RYE WHISKEY, © * ' At the Indi Tonee, hi et t ;‘Rlal%'ï¬,&.nlnnv. sCHEDAM SCHNAPPS, 3 At the India Warehouse, ;vmm-ccnmn HANFE, AND BREAIK» fast«Rolled BRacon. A choice supply of the above ean always be had At the Iniia Warehouse, # Ned BROWNE & HARDY. YROSSE «. BLACIWELLS RED AND 4 Biack Cumyants, Jams and Jellies, . , fT! the India . Warchouse. WANTED INMEDIATELY HERRY WINE, various brands, ‘ In Wood and Bottle, * At the India Warcho onHN BULL NITTERS®, At the India ufl,;;»q,ï¬ . â€" BROW NE & MHABDY 1867. en CR PeCLL| POP C CAE M AZ ME r® wow in (ueoRtPr‘t or PieEin new and varied assortment of ORT WINE, finest quallt in Weed and Bodis," *** INE®T AMBER l\"f.u.r'.“- At .he India Warchouse, UINES§‘s DUBLIN STOUT POR»â€" TER.â€" Heeeeteetioni d o+ 00THWs OLI» TOM GIN, ‘ At the Indiw Warchou®e, AMSAY!‘s _ PORT ELLEN IsLAY â€" o wMIsKEYy, hh ORK AND FLOUR Constantly on hand, ; At the India Warchouse, â€" BROWNE & HARDY. ERNALD‘S GINAGER WINE, At the. India . Warchow e, BLOWNE & HARbDY IBHERIs Loxnpox #totv, POR« â€" TER, o R KUYPER®*S NHOLLAND GIS, In Wood and Bottle, At the Iulia: Warechouse A DDRESS EDT O No. 16, Ridean Street, Or4nance : Lands, In Wood and Bettl s an®k an . uiniuu'ï¬}u 8. : Wigh® Lorp uh fff . 18 HERLBY GIVEN THaAT PA or #o ts.ar®Aute or Dalglish & Russell, PIANG ARK 1N PuiuRk® #0 ut A‘ the Indua Warchouse, RELATING To At the India Warchouse, At Miiawa, 23rd October, 1867 i the ;ln â€"â€"ATâ€" the India Worehouse the India Warchouse, BRO BROWNB.& HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY « India Warchouse, BROW NE A A A &D Y BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & MARDY. BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARKDY BROWNE & HARDY Wellington & Kentâ€"st« ly . Apply at this office. 1867. .'ï¬ h;..ini their collateral branches. Sslary references can be given. A piy t E. 2. 0° s this Oe _. Ottawa, November 7, 1867. UA The Custom Liepartment will receive his s attention. Ordere from Lumberers pn-p‘y at Readyâ€"madeâ€" Boots and Shoes, THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE surrounding counâ€" trz; that l;:::.‘z at the abore stand, where he is to furnish them with a supeâ€" rior article, Yobt " and {Shoe Store ! . DUC YON THOLE, &e., &4., Just recorred from Europe by the subscriber. Double and Single Hyacinths, Double and Single Tulips, JONQUILLS, * Glass o‘ all kinds ; Bobomian, Parian, and other V.res; German China Dogs; and a variety of other sseautiful Goods at Low Prices. Also, Stoves and;Farnitare, Mattrasses, Mirrors, Looking Glasses and all other articles required in House KFurnishâ€" «Remember the Variety Hall is 34, Sussexâ€"st., nearly opposite the Barracks. 1* o JUBEPH BOYDEN, Bllmu'l' BETS of GHit and Figur» ed China, Dinner Bets that are rnll{ beautiâ€" ful, and Tea Sets that cannot be equalled elfe, where. Also alarge variaty of Toilet Sets, Enaâ€" OTICE is here given, that in ac= * y No«iâ€"n-flm% Chap. Con. Stats. of | Rideau Street, Canada, His Excellency the Governorâ€"General in | SLK sEukn Council has been pleased to approve of the followâ€" | ing additional regulations to ensure the ptoper | > using, management anc protection of the Canals of | cARDE" TOOLS the Dominion of Canada. K Commnnd, > â€"~s.0 000. â€" Of every description : Dutch Flower Roots Orockery, Ohina and Glassware. VARIETY HALL, ‘Ist. No firewood to be landed on the casterly #ide of the Basin from Sapper«‘ Bridge tothe line of Litile Sussoxâ€"stroct. A NEW Collection of the Best Riddles and Puns newly told, bl the Honble. Hugh Rowley. . The BEST COOKERY :EOOKâ€"Mre. Beston‘s Book of Household lhugonem,sz 20. The BEST and CHEAPEST ENCYCLOPEDIAâ€" Chambers‘ Encyclopeedia of Universal k nowledge for the People, in 9 vols., cloth extra, and half calf extra. Cutics‘ es of Literature, by D‘Israc!i, $1 ; Gil Blas; $1 ; Don Quixote, $1 ; Our Constitution, our Laws and &ystem of Government, $1 ; Dante‘s Privy Council Office, Nttawa, 14th October, 1867 of the Rideau Canal, in the City o Ottawa,.and in addition to the regulations for the management and protebtion of the Provincial Canals, which were authorize{l by the Governor in Council, $0th May, 1857, Sections 14 and following, artd, were made applicable to the Rideau Canal, undo:&l;o Order of His Exceliency in Council of the 2nd of June, 1860. 2ud. Firewood may be landed between the line of LAttle Eussexâ€"street and. the Byâ€"wash or waste weir, but must be removed within twentyâ€"four hours after havic g been placed there ; a fine of three cents per cord will be charged for every day the wood yemains on the wharf after such notice has been #rd. Â¥irewood may be landed and piled around the Basin on Government Land within forty feet of the water, leaving a roadway of at least fifteen feet between every four piles of firewood, which rond~ way must be as near as practicable at right angles to the margin @fthe Canal. This wood must also be removed within twentyâ€"four hours aftor the owner of person in charge has been notified to that effect and in default a fine of three cents per cord will be levied upon it for every day it remains thereafter, Mackay, $1 ; Hans Andergen‘s Book of Fairy Tales, zl.u ; Handâ€"book of Gf.nrutiu and Ath. letics, by Ravehstein and Halley,, %.25; History of Signboards, $2; the Slang Dictionary, $1.75; British Rural Sports, by Stonchenge. Purgatories, $1; Dante‘s Paradiso, $1; Book â€" Days (Cbuntc;-) $6; 1001 Gemz of f’mï¬;. by Mackay, $1 ; Hans Andersen‘s Book of Fairy Ottaws, May 8, 186 4th,. Two cents per cord will be charged. as wharfage or ground rent upon firowood placed on any part of the Government Canal R"?"" $th, No firewood may belanded without a permit having been first obtained from the Lock Master or Collector, and the letâ€"pass must be given up to this Officer before the wood is unloaded, under a penalâ€" ty of forty dollars. 568â€"4f 4 _ HOWE‘S Booi and Shoe Store. BR E M O V A L. A $ the Lease of our Premises in Sussex» strect terminates this month, we intend to con fine our businers to one locality, and shalt remove the whole of our Stock om the Ist of May next, to our Stare in Uur stock of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, Ac., &0., will conâ€" sequently be very large and most coniplete in every d:}anmn,ou. and we n‘n:n mfahuy solicit a con~ tinuance of favors, to merit which our constant epâ€" deavors will be as usual to provide the best articles and sell at the lowest remunerating prices. f a § u‘; HoW Bmt‘. BOX. %ap. Reomemb, the placeâ€"No. 10, auâ€"st. mext to Howell‘s \,.m'}' â€"April 27. ./ % 420y iven THE NEW RIDDLE BOOK, | Ottawa, October 18, 186 NC. 10, YORK STREET, Next door to the Market Drug Store. S1ITUATION a YJUNXG MA who anderstands BOORKEEEPING by Double aad 420y The largest assortment in the Dominion is now ogen for inspection at the For sale by A very fine and large assortment of Also -lug: variety of ‘Follet Sets, Enaâ€" and Gilt Punch Bowls, Flower Shades, No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. AT THE CAPITAL 34, Sussexâ€"st. CROOUS, W anted. PUNIANA, $2.25 NARCISSA8, ADDITIONAL ‘Wx. HEARN, Market Dr-‘__ltgn. Regulations. J. DURIE & SON, _ No. 10. Spatksâ€"s GEORGE MURPHY. Wy. . LEE, 498y S _ Photographic Chambers, and other Cut Stone Pn.hu."oll arranged and cligibly situated for November 9, 1867 . Almml will be made to the Pariiament of Canada, now in Session, for the Incorporation of a Life Insurance Company, unde the name of the " Dominion Life Insurance Assog! lAT THE SIGN OF THE] 24 Mr» Miles will carry on a branch of the Parâ€" linmentary Hairâ€"dressing Saloon in the store qscu. picd by him as a Melodeon Depst, Ridenuâ€"stros opposite Workman & Grific‘s Hardware Depot, Ottawa, Bept, 24. t S46tf He will open in the store formerly cccupied by E. Miles‘ Parliamentary Hairâ€"dressing Saloon, a comâ€" plete stook of . , Genticmen‘s Ontâ€"Fitting Goods, Cloths, &¢. Clothing ad Outâ€"Fitting ie Pianoâ€"torte and Organ instruction. _w. C. Ccrhamk. Pn cmmans" is oi oommageon hn nt s }*,‘ Desbarats‘ Block, ity B, H. GRAILAM ov. inform th NW QVLDinform the Citizens o she is prepared to necsinmodate siz orwight board, ers 122 P Cottage" Book and Fancy Store, York Stree 3 doors from S?F"M.;’fl}o anrounce ha Murket Drug Store, s York Etreet, :q h WM. HEARK. large assortment of Optical Instruments, Ther mometers, &e., just m.m. _ Ottawa, Nov. 6, 1867, 415y ('}:...“Alulhmth hdloll.io.at Ro.“‘.huo 3rd Osgoode,containing 190 acres, 50 acres clearâ€" ed, the rest well wooded, with fw( hardwood, and well watered, and situated within a quarter of a mile of the Railway Station. Titles goud. For further information .‘FE to PA IOK HERBERT, Rideau Hotel, Oitawa City. Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867. 561â€"3m OPERA CLASSES, BSuitable for Viewing the Sights on the 6th liament or the Legisiature, tor an Act to Ancorporâ€" ato certain persons under the name of «* The St Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company," and t« vest therein the Ottawa and Presoott Railway wit the lands, rights, privileges, franchises and apparâ€" tenances thereto belonging or appertaining, with full power to convert the several interests of the present propriciors shereof into stook or shares, and to open stook ar shareâ€"books, and also to enâ€" ‘able the Company to #ubstitute Bonds or Deben. tures bearing interest for the several certificates of the Frustees under a certain Deed of Security, beretofore made in and upon the said Railr ay by the proprietors thereof, or to confirm such certifiâ€" cates as Mortgage Bonds, and also to enable the suid Company to u.ll or lease the said Railway and its appurtenances, and also tor power, to extend the line of the said Railway, from the City of Ottawa, in either or ‘both of the Provinces of Onâ€" tario and Quetec, and generally to confer upon the St. hrmeo,ud Ottaws Rallway Company, all powers, rights and privileges necessary in and for the condact, management, working ‘and . effici oncy of the said Railway and its appurtenances either by adoption of certain of the sections of the Railway Act, or by express provision therefor. Ottawa, September 6, 1 | _ 63iâ€"2m In the city for the carriage of all descriptions cf goods and monles, Ac., at reasonable rates. (Goods callsd for onlearing notlse at the offices of the n Of every description HOES, RAKES, Merchandise and Parcels Ottawa, November 8, 1887 % ~IN GREAT YaBOMY, | ® NaÂ¥ls, Epikes, Camp Kettles, Cireular and Cross cut Eaws, Lamps, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c.,â€"ald CHEAP. m c Ottawa, April 12 To and from Montreal, the atove Company have been induced to open an OTTAW A to MONTREAL EX PR E S 8 To Sell or Letâ€"â€"â€"Rare Opening. . The Uttawa River Navigation Co. Agricultural Implements From $1.50 to $25.00, NHE pubiic qre informed that owing to ~the increased demand for the quick dispatch OARDING.«â€"â€"MRS. REYNOLDS, "TH FARMS FOR SALE. OTAICE is hereby given that applica« tion will be made at the next Session of Parâ€" Opening of Parliament l::!l.&hm‘::‘saun 1st of OCTOBER par PALL AND INSPECT. THOMAS BIRKETT, C ‘ nccessor to James [darke \oril 18. t 408y _ N OTTITCE, PLOT LINE®, SF Em TE&RMS MODER ATE. â€" PONE DWELLING HOUSES, CX PRIXSFS. SPADES, SHOVELS, &c. HERRICK BRUSH & CO AT TWE A G EN C I Citizens of Otta« 24 «il Tes Orfawa Ties=â€"Printed and Pabliche And where every artivie in the trade can be 0b tained of the besi quality and at the lowest prices Mr. Shouldis is m‘;w wallt ulï¬ 'h‘o‘:nly fwror him with their oustom, and furnish them c 2y £200 O Oren Ditronage which be has reecived Tor many years, begst o t Tor the Totare 14. many years, begst o state that for the futore 1is business will be carried on I-YORI.HM.;‘. where his premises wre known as the TONiCO :EALE __CLOTHE and TWEED®, And a general assortiment of gentliemen‘s furnish ing goods, would intimate to their friends and the public generally that they are red to exseute all orders in their lne at Mmm potice, in the most approved styles and at prices that we defy competition. Ottawa Oct. 1, 1867; 510 SMITH & RODNE Y MIICII“I‘ TALLOR® and Gemeral Outfitters, Elginâ€"street, opposite the Russell House, and second door from the London Masic Store, having just received a choice stock of English, French and Canadian l-r 18 DIRECTED BY ‘THE HOXN. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors 1 Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed ot i ie un in ie e pri as ro by Ext at a rate S-d"t:am Such uï¬uyn to appra every Saturday in the Canada Gazerre. < en + K. S. N BGUCHETTE B. Order, notice is hereby x o p + s havepmert ed discount is declared to be this day 29 por cent which of deduction is to be continued until m l“..“.‘ï¬y to all par chases made in the United States c that week. _ K. 8. M. BOEOBRETT® l‘lll.l REMEDY has been used in Trop» ical climates for many years with the grout. est success. It »hortens tL ‘nttack, reduces the fever gradually, and at the #ame time enubles the system to throw off the poisonous eflect of the feror on the blood and secretions generally‘. __PRLICE*â€"50 conts and‘ g! per> Bottle. sold TIIIIO-. ‘Mï¬ .o-r‘ by W. D. WOOD, No, 38, on RIDEAU STREET, has been refitted by the subscribers, and will be opengd on MONDAY, FOURTEENTH OCTOBER, with an entire new stock of A Sure and Certain Cure jor Feverâ€" Continued, Remittent, Intermittent Wholesule and Retail every morning, (Bundays @xcepted) #t "m hmm. l;;!ndu Works, Xo. 60 ty ot Or , Couptt of Carleton O W * es u,‘ Royal lialian . Bitters ! â€" Orders by mail with eash or rig reference solinit. ed and promptly attended to. No charge for deâ€" livery in &oei:y. “A.CM to persons buying im M or package. Pori: T enrenteod in all onase. . Inspeotion daivited. .. __ _ The ingredients of its composition have been imparted to the lJeading Physicians of Canadaâ€"and t:.o‘ United 5“. n‘!nn received their in qualiâ€" approval on aecount. The Wflu .with the greatest coniâ€" dence and satisfaction to the wubjoined testimon hhr emivent medical men, which be eouldâ€"nd4 to,‘ ntl't minbk.‘ C D y incipal Draggists and GroFer the m-hhn or::uu':lt md‘g the |‘7ni(ed N:IOI: Rold by the Proprietor, * _ Maraschino, Curacas; Vermouth, and Roya Lran Mithers, e, c 1 ooo i0msj<(1) ¢ November 9, 1867 __A very euperior assortment of Ciitinpagnes, m lloez.flcm, Fanturnes, &¢., h?-‘un:. it tplinke. . ... oo .l . APGRNDAC S 41 GuGpalLA: 5. 0c Tllll celebrated prznnuon for which a certificate of merit was awarded to the distin. guished original prepurer at the National Exposi. tion at Forino, ltaly, by whose tavor Mr.GmxtuL obtained the mir. and was also awarded “1;',. loma at the Provincial Exbibition of Canada helq ‘at Montreal in September, 1865, is, without exce tion, the most gevuine, salubrious and .:h-(‘lht Toxte ever introduced‘to publi« naotice either is Europe or America. iess m mpd Hibberts‘ Porter, quarts and yints WINE & aPIMIT NERCHNT, YORK STREET FANCY BAXERY, For revengeen years it has, in 1t aly, boon a uyi. versal favorite .-otl-: the clite éf society; being generally served in the drawing rovam belore dizâ€" ner, in Pnfor‘eneo to'\:er-wth. i Li Sm ere Et t c Te e oo ic is GR OC EHR I ISs, Liquors anp EHT AR DW A EPE | |SBNoOoOW‘*BS I Celebrated Fever Remedy. | Ottawa, October 12, 1867 November 2, 186 Oitawa, November 8, 1867. . N ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABov® AMERIOAN INVOICESâ€"DISCOUNTs NONFIDENTLY recommends and gua» / ranteos the following W LNES, wie. s«â€" Telegraph Company K. GEORGE sHOULDI®, ix mx turning thaoks to bis Priends=anid the publiâ€" 1 Port (good sound wine) NEW STORE ! Twe Journeymmen Bakers Wanted Ordinary Colds. Typhoid., DEL DOTIORE ®P. P. VERRI BEREILATDD. F marce Derartaekxr Costoms Chomutry an 4e Fmmaworw Deeartuzxt, Customs, Quebee, 6th March, 1863 METCALFEâ€"STREET * TL F. MacCARTHY, s‘: astak 0:-&†City gont Dominion of Canada ,mf o $59 34 IPALI.Â¥. , Bass‘ sod Allsopp‘s Al and Feser arising fron K WOOD & ROSSITER 3 "with o & BullAing, Oft Â¥4LJ121J 1. $2 o0 3 0 46) â€"f say entrust witin and f 1f not paid february T, If not paid MLa WA fransient ling,... All cubseq Wl nakingâ€" & 18,000 4 rertise in. Ktawa, C *4 ~HBE D P &* January 1 ttawa, Jul Oitawa, F Aovermi o., $4, F O=mon : 1 OTA DVOC LAP NJ WwL Al