jangecous in a “&f-“i dreadful couse quences that freqnently its tious use. The -flu-â€"-,uu-una:-‘mvmwr. es Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for ¢ 1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Lowoll. Mass e.'JII.DI“I LOTS®, one mile from the sity, on the Richmond Road, containing one sere‘each» Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, Jx., on the promise=. @64 8 at rhm altimore, Pr. Mackenzio, 1 tried your effects wéte slow, but sure. By porscveriag the use of them, I am now entirely well. thick, mthough a ‘wetiveness. _ lï¬-'_‘" s of our fraternity have fund them as efficacious as vey aml me in pnrlnl::: ing it for the n'“: ~m~ vhz l|nm~r {mm enou tecll, is 2**‘ Mm worse. ‘I b:ll‘r:ty Icm- tivemess to originate in the liver, but your Pills adect that arggn and cure the disease. Prom Mrs. E. Suart, Physician and Michcife, Poston, T find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the f time, are exeetient vesof the natural segres & wholly or 'J::‘"n-at. and also very to cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They «re se much the best physic we have lfu I rcsommend no other to my pationts. From the Rev. Dr. Huawhes, of the Mctodist Epis. Church, Srxats CnaxntR, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dec. 1555 Tre. ArSA1 Thave bien sutingly cgreds 0y your Pills: of Rheumatic Goutâ€"a painful discase that bad «Micted me ir years. p° Â¥INCENT SLIDPELL Prom Dr. Edward Boyd, Buitimore. Dean Bro. Atem: Lcannot answor what complaints lb-‘flnlï¬w;.-yduau «eer treat with a medicine, ;r-tdmt- â€"--.m‘:hu- in my m“-u disease, and believing as I do that your Pil!s afford us the May 1, 1955. Te XG. Ktkk. BiG. T hate bein Hpoatediy cured se She worst keadache any body ean have by a dose or t#0 ml‘. It ssems to arise from a foul stomach, Yours with great respect, _ â€" ED. W. PREDLE, Clerk of Stamer Clarions oo Phes Heanet, bat Mand in Penofet ciikcts nron Liver very marked indeed . They bave in my prac« more the cure of dilious comâ€" ï¬ï¬?- mention. hlknuic..,‘, *h the confidence of the profesion and ts posple: *‘ _ Derantuent or tus Intenion, ) Dr. Ar: I have used your Fills \nith extraordinar success in my and among those 1 am ca to ia‘ in thirint 20 uts the organe of aiguatiog bnt W ansaw, Wyowtng N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855, h:: I am using &mt& Pills in m v&pr ac. findâ€"them -J:fm purzative to cleanse the Seetees ce penge aen Sn S e o hok ‘ â€" De. Afte: Your Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daught=r of ulcerous sores upon her hands and fest that had prove.d incurable for years. Her mother has been long griovâ€" -1.‘-&‘“‘â€Â«. her skin and im hair. â€" After our child was cured, sho also tried your Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDGE As a Family Physic. Prom Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orlcans, l'.'--o.oph.‘w‘ M;lb:alhnt a -u'-'.a" i corini hnsd offeetent In/there action on io bowels, makes thert invalqable to us in the daily treatment of discaso. Headache,SickHeadache,Foul Stomach. »atly they are an admirable semedy for derangements ht m oi ie ““-wzitw\;u 'r‘:mll-tll‘.; ’;;:;:l ‘u them. _ *<aternally yours, o A . D., Physician of the Marine Hospital, Dysentery, Diarrhoa, Relar, Worms. T __ Prom Dr. J. Go Green, of Chicage, Aca HECTOR McLEAN, A Ortawa, November 8, A. D., 187. C '% uimely use of the ught remâ€" Auge edy. ‘Take Ayer‘s Fills, and %‘_‘ " cleanse out the disordered buâ€" @ \! morsâ€" purify the blood, and P let the fluids move on unobâ€" Bd structed in health again, !'l:l.nl-h« the functions hy of body into vigorous ac fee mcomd _z se e trity, purify the system from the obstructions which make diseaso. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and obâ€" stracts its natural functions. These, if not relioved, reark wpon themseives and the surrounding organs, proâ€" r suffering, and . discase, While vfl by the derangements, -Jb !1 and see .-ll‘{.thq restore the action of the aystem, and with it the buoytni lï¬'cl-l-h“. What is true and so spparent in this and common complaint, is also true in many of the deepâ€"seated and dangerous disiompors, ‘The same surca â€""~W_¢_ mols |'h""' 'Q*‘ by imilar oi * w-l:-â€"-u-o:m ut:t{l:uwtzr:& E-m-o'\olmmvmda’n Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from Tt Fol 5 '-llh-m’::;â€m?'w‘ t practice ever since you made them, and cunnot heâ€"itute to «ay they are the best cathartic we employ, ‘Their reew» lnting action on the liver is quick und decided, consoâ€" makes them vory able and convenient for the uge: r -‘vw’m com wae; Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom Reo. J. V. Himes, Pastor of Advent Church, Bostom There will also be offered for sale at the timeand place those Valaable TLMBER L1\ m†m No, 201 of 1864â€"1857, unt River, 202 of 1986â€"1857 on Chalk arl Doep Also, VILLAGE LOTS Nos. 2 and 3, in Block namber Six, in the Viage of AYLWER. _ Also, a LOT of LAND in the Towaship of EF ARDL&Y, and, TWELVE ACRRS ot a LOT of LAND;im the Township of HULL, in the County of O(taww.~~ * _ Statements from leading physiclans in come of th principad tities, and foom ottier well known pubtic per> and 203 of 1866â€"1867 on Chalk River jitious dyrentery and Vendor wilt covenant against his o ly. Conveyances, Searches, Abstracts, & at purchaser‘s expenso. . ~ best we have, I of course value them highly. Bnrnggb 'lw PARTIES ABOUT To hoon, under the Power of Sale containcd in a mortâ€" gage thereof, that Valuable Loaschold Property with the STONE SHOP and DW ELLING thereon, «ituated on the Corner of Sussex and Clurence Streets, and known as the South Half of Lot No. 1, on the North Side of Clarence Street, formerly the property of the late Eusebe Varin. Billous Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints, â€"_ Prom Dr. Theodore Bell, of New Yorl: C:ty. Il"llm be effered FOIl SALE by Public Auction, at the RUSSELL HOTEL in the CITY of OTTAW A, on the TWENTYâ€"THILRD day of NOVEMBER, instant, at TW ELVE o‘clock, HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNADLE, Cast End Dalyâ€"st., Ottaw a« 1d by Georgs Mortints:, John itoborts, W. M sedy H B MoCarthy and J. Skinnec in Oitawa fabe #ey Hith. 1867 â€" CSd Bu see of all charge, -*?by'c Prom a Forwarding Merchant of S. Louis, Peb. 4, 1850. Poraskt Housz, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 6, 150. h‘-l I m.h; ;‘ml t:'r tho ralief ar me not repo case to »a. A.Hm-yhhnd lrw:ll.:cw <# _ ________ JOUN G. MEACHAN, 3. D. Costive & t % Gontn Neursigla, Drop: #7» Fits,â€"otc. Prom Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Cincila. Teo much cannot be safd of your Pills for che cure of P enly armiteu P nherenbly aduts wa, C.W. PLAXS, SPECIFICATION: ESTIMATES, 4& Prepared by AUGUSTUS L A cold settled h-‘ limbs and brought ou exeru« g mewralgic pains, w ended in chromic rheumaâ€" Most of the Pilis in market contain Morcuty, DRUG®S, &eo. Notwitastanding the best of phy % pPForroaramepie Sb Aary naches rier shnd d HOLESALE Manufacturers of Red= steais, Chairs, &0., Chawdiore I«land, Otâ€" Pharmaceatical Proparat Photographic Sundries Instruments, Rat Lots for Sale. . 8, 1867 they are the very best romedy I have I can .~n? l-u--eud’mm to Yourg _ J. V. MIUES, aciwe effect upon the liver makes Io whis givin‘tm mhatt ome uy WILLIAM HOLGATE JOHN OLIVER, WILLIAM ANNABLE GUSTUS LAVER AYER‘ 3 CATHARTIC PITLLS. Are sick, feeble, and ....-En..r Are you out of erder, with your system deâ€" Fanged, and your feelings unâ€" eomfortable? . These symp» toms are often the prolude to slekness is creepi pon im ng upon you, and should be averted by a timely use of the wght remâ€" , Loxpox. y in skilful hands, is Their sugarâ€"conthig Ratent A?d‘d Drysa w\iun.“ Dys tGioods, an , _ Lozenges, , _ Chemicals Oilmen‘s Stores Vetemmary 1 to their purâ€" MV ILD== MI64f _‘ _ awa, Septemberj 307 Sauire @ fame Th Chllk warded | ITS “‘% HICHIS EXCELLENT,and WHICH they cansoll at$3 PER DOZEN. Amateur who have tasted the wine, consider it a very good article, and superior to what is suppored to be imâ€" . Hotel keepors and dealers in Wines would s«: well tocall on LAROQUE & CO., and give them orders. RAS" Bottles of every description, excepting cil bottles, wanted, r“ one pon'y ;:;r dozen more givâ€" than by an: y for the same. C 7†’_ * _ LAROOUE & Co. \CHMHANGE of TIME. \â€" Oitawa «and Prescott Railway, Champagae Manufactured in Ottawa. LAROQUE&Co. CHURCH «TREET Aud where he will keep constantfy on hand a gene ral assortment of" DRIY GOODS! ll\lll-: Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has commenced business in the store formerly occuâ€" Pick by gas Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. * JaMESs ntGorNsox, : % Umun Block, Susseaâ€"st. Messrs. Fingland & Draper @OoINGâ€"soUTIL AND EAST. Expross byâ€" Iailway throughout tor New York, Boston, and all Intermediate Points, connecting at St. Johns with Vermont Centrel Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Ruviand and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also with the,Lake Champlain Steamboats for Lake * Gsorge, Saratoga, Now YVorkke.,&c. 5.30 A.M. Accoromodation Train for lsland Pond and Intermediate Stations, at............ 6.45 A.M. Express for Boston and Intermediate Points, connecting at Ft. Johns with the Vormont Central Railroad, at.... 8.30 A.M. Mail for Portland, stopping over night at lllll;d 'lâ€:sd..fg‘; 2.00 P.M. Expsess ilway throughout for N ‘.’urt.’B«tnu.,.nd mfiu.t,n';mdh‘: Points, at ns wi Vomoflmllmu!, at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" | lhlfl:)l Railroad, also at Rouse‘s ‘ Point with Lake ChamplainSteamers . for Lake George, saratoga, New York, &o..ru............i.i..,........m 430 P.M. Night Express for Three Rivers, Quo JB Sivoping Cale on all Night Trnton Baggare ars on all A t n#, ookes h O a n t n n _ For further information, and time of arrival and departure of all trains at Termini and Wy Staâ€" tions, see the Grand Trunk Railway Book of Time the This is to certify that Messrs. Holgate, Oliver & Annable‘s Washing & Irgning Table have been used by the Grey Nuns, 3*-, have proved to be ht _ de _ do Sh.covermrenrenting â€enmudnt!pl Train for Kingston and Tables Only Washing Machine now in the Do# miniongs Ottawa, August 12th, 1867 May 26 as we are prepared to prove from the evidence of those who havetried it. All they ask is a trial. It is simple in construction; easily adjusted, and anewers forâ€"an IRONING TABLE. 1t never need be taken out of the Kitchen, as it answers for a plece of Purniture. The following testim onia will show what the Ladics at the Nonnery think of it. Partics desfrous of giving us a fair trial will please to send us noties b,.put, or otherwise, naming time and place, will be attended to. tay Apress for Ogdens «Oitawa, Brockville, Kh%:;.wlh:vme. Toâ€" ronto, Guelph, , Brantford Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicag! , _ and all pOIRtS WOSt, Mi...cccseeiseeses> _ All trains on main lice connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Perth. Readymade Clcothing 3145 pe Miy ATTY and 9:25 p.m. The 7:30 a w, l’l}'nl;n (t;mm Brockville eou;oeu at Sandpoint with U. F. Coy‘s Steamers for ott:o du Fort, Pembroke, &0., and the Train from Sandâ€" e e adaavemne Station as o. Â¥ Trains will leave Bonaventure Station a# folâ€" DRYV GO+0O0+DS ! Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from aï¬â€˜to all stations on Grand Trunk Railway. Retarns tickets to Prescot? Kemptville and Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" tiongon the line. L ‘ * | T. 8. DETLOR, { 5 e 45 A. M.«â€"TRAINS will leave RP o Sandpoint daily at 5145 a.m., and 2100 p. m., arriving at Brockville at 12:00 p. m., and 8:15 p. m. â€" Grand Trunt Railway Company f LEAVE OTTAWA. ARRIVE IN PREBCOTT, 1 Express, 8 a. m. 10.30 a. m. > Mixed, 1.30 p. m 4.45 p. m. | Mail, £0,50 p. m. 1.30 a. m. The time of these Trains has been soarranged as torensure connection with night and day traing on Grand Trunk, east and west. ° )Â¥ U W 114 Brockvilf6, June 29 as follows Breckville and Uttawa Railway, point at 2:00 p.m., leaves after Steamors are due n‘m Ottawa and Pemsroke. drages Canadian â€"Champagne ! Intermediate Stations, ut............. + 9.40 A.M. rain« for moachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.M. 12.00 Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M. The 3.00 P.M., Train runs through to Plattsburgh. Ottawa, Oct. 31, 180 N. B.â€"‘1 READY.MADE CLOTHING, WASHING MACHINE. ARE® NOW MANUPACTURING A WINE CaLt®D sVMHMMER AUGRANGEMENT HE UNDERSIGNED are now mann» facturing a now and what they claim to be N and agter MONDAY, the 4th NOV,, 1867, and until further notice trainsâ€"will rup Express, 210 p. m Mixed, 1. 30 .?'-. Mail, 6.30 p. in. LEAVE OTTAWA. hi HOLGATE, OLIVER, & ANNABLE LEAYVE PRESCOTT. ARRIVE IN OTTAWA "RALILROA Ds. LEAVE BROCKYVILLE W DOMINTON,. or CANADA ty 10 LP A. M.««TRAINS . will lcave Brockvil¢ daily at 7.30 a.m., and AVE SAXDPOINT GoING WEST wins run on Aloatreal Time. tunANGEMENTS, C. J. BRYDGES, Managing wnrector. 135â€"Â¥ fas» it Sandpoint at 1:10 p. m., H ABBOTT, Manager for Trustee. * 47ly Nexst to he Tea Pot 481tf 5.20 p. m. 11.00 a, m. 9,30 p. m. ARRIVE IN PRESCOTT 10.30 a. m. > Sv Â¥gi GREY NUNS 18¢ 8.00 A.M 8.15 P.M Newosastus, C.W., Proprictors for the Canadas uiCB TwEXTYTâ€"mve ox»Te, Bold by (Geo. Mortime?,‘ John Roberts, W. M Massey, i.ry Â¥. McCarthy, J. Skinner, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. _ diseased eausing the mucous membrane t resume b'nnl dimensions, thus equalizing the circalation of the blood, and murh:how versels to their natural size ; by its use the horse‘: :fâ€ï¬‚ï¬ is improved, all derangements of the gestive organs correoted, softening the skin, and ‘wh‘h&omuh&nd .uu-t appearance D. W. HURD, Successor to Huzrp & Co., Maiden a‘hu. New York, Sole Proprietor for the Unitec tes: NORTHROP & LYMAX, from being worked while using it. . € It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by remoy ing from the air.cells the oo:f‘hblc lymph, o: that secretion which in heaves oT them, causing a diféicu‘ty in breathing, and by ‘its acticn on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane t ll POSITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY} or nudjumpuulon for the cure of Heaves Cngh..gnl Broken Wind, and all disease: Ton Mefrennt, rarpastiag wrerything of ‘the kind ‘Son icine, everyth e is easy to give, sure to cure, and safe in all case: Ottawa City, Au . 26, 1867 Arabian Heave Remedyv AND CONDITION MEDI!1INE ‘The steamer Colum«, on and after Friday, 4th Instant, will leave Havelock on 'l'-ndnv apd Fridays at 5 a.m., returning from Chapeau Village Chimdedinye at Epcdm _ . ~ C . . 05 Th 4 64â€" Bristol, Sand Point and Arpprior, and arriving at head of Railway st 11:45, and connecting with Amn Sison at Pontinc at noon, _ Passengers reach Ottawa at 4 p. m. _ ie is done s . hn-cn for Des Joachims leave Otta«a ever; Iondl‘. ednesday and Friday. For er rrflnlm apply at tae Office of the Company at Ottawa City or AyImer. avery day, for wa, at 7 a. n., conâ€" n:t?l‘?“l'lhm‘ï¬?t‘!ld of Railroad a: 11, touching at Angior. Sand Point, Bristol, Bonnechere, Farrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s Wharf, and Portage du Fort, arriving at 2r. m. Stages wili leave Gould‘s Whart immediatel { after arrival of Alliance tor Cobden, connecting with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. ‘:fl" nma\l- and Saturdays for Des Joachims calling at all intermediate ports, returning Mon. days, Wednesdays and Fridays, Inw“ A. m., connecting at Pembroke with steancor Gould , which leaves P-ho? Landing at 1 p. m., and arriving at M’c du Fort same evening. The steamer Allianes leaves Portage du Fort every morning at 7:30 a. m., railway t at Gould‘s Wharf, Farreli‘s Whart, A connection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa hllw.z:: the up trip at Sand Point 1 p.m. ; and on the luipugnd Point at 9 This Com{uv is now ,pnp.nd with new and efficient stock to forward Freight of every descripâ€" tion between Montreal, Ottawa and Rideau Canal, and intermediate Ports, with promptness and desâ€" patch, and at low rates. Freight received at the whar( of the Richelhou Company, at Quebec, and forwarded daily. Fou freight Q’PlԠ. MURPHY, A gent, On and after SEPTEMBER 1st , «otil turther noâ€" tice) the stenmer Ash Nisson.will leave Ayime» The steamer Allianee leaves Portage du Fort svery morning at 7:30 a. m., railway time, touching 1861. 1801 Sesagestess 1367 MONTREAL & OTTAW A CHANGE of TIME. ISAAC BONKNER, 4 C es ns 85 O-.--'&.. m Basin, Montreal May T. 42 tain Bovf:iiiunfc’ Oï¬wn'dniIL £Sundays exâ€" septed) at 6:30 a.m., for Grenville and intermeâ€" diate landing#, w ‘the C. & Grenville l“dllvuy. ;=u 7 Ml:'lr l“‘r‘-;ne of les, $ at .m. "leermat Pontcaf Wolle, CORRAM 1N w . Shop. Second do ..... Market Steamer ll:rmr, flCnp(. Peter Moâ€" G:a.) leaves Montreal, Canal Basin, Tuesdays a u !wm!'.d Uhrough. C J 82 00â€" > . i te amfpzed in towing Saite beween Uitavs will be emplo: in rafte een wa ndcnuvmo’ b‘i ioplapcess herd,) leaves Lachine on arrival of the 7 a.m. train from Montreal, connecting at Carilion with C. & G. Railway, and at Grenville with Steamer Queen Victoria, arriving at Ottawa at 6:30 p.m. The comfort and economy of this line is unsurâ€" passed, while the route passes through one of the most rlcm ue districts in Canada, pnd is the most uhlml)lo for tourists. i Partics.desirous of a pleasant "vir can obtain Return Tickets from OQttawa to Grenville, valid for one day, at ‘I?O farea. _Passengers for the Colobrated Catedonia Springs Passengers will find it to their advantege to travel by this route, it being the tlckfl and cheapest, as well as the most comfortable. Fast Sailing Mail Steamer Queen Victuric, (Capâ€" will be landed at L‘Orignal _ Parcel express daily from Ottawa te Montreal and immm M(n‘- } FARES Return tickets to Montreat PIFKE OMAE .sss1000s: Â¥33xervre SPARTAN, Meals and State Rooms always included in the Fare. 1867. Spppgeaie s1 1807. Vtw FREIGHT LINE TO OTTAW A L AND THE RIDEAU CANAL. Ottawa, Nor. 1, 1867 N.B.â€"Through and Return Tickets can be obâ€" ained at reduced rates from 1807. Apppap@adiit.,: 1807 ROYAL MAIl. THROUGL 1:Ni. ‘The magnificent lb:m- comprising thi jine, Have commenced their reguiar trips ‘ between Montreal and Hamilton, calling at all Intermediate Ports, connecting with the Both ways, daily, Mondays excepted The Pontiac leaves Pembroke at noon on Tues Upper Ottawan Route. Conststing of the following firstâ€"class steamers ANN SISSON,................Cs? Bockus. BEMERALD,.ssssseccersenssencse Larren. ALLIANC Byssssyeescessccccess = *\ FISDLAY May 14. NION® FORWARDING AND RAL» wAY COMPANY. OREGON,............. SNOW BIRD,........ sasoy 99 0kD.... PEMBROK A,........ CALUMET.....2ccl. DIRECTORE: « W. McNatonto®,.......J, B. Avaere ANADIAN INLAND S8TEAm NAVIâ€" GaATION COMPANY HE OTTAWA RIYER NAVIGATION COMPANY‘8 4448 Ottawa and Prescott Railroai. PRESIDENTâ€"Hvon McLaxxax: GRECLAN, FURWARDING COMPANY HERRICK, BRUSH & CO PASSPORT, LIMITEID. DAhLEY‘S and does not prevent the hors« KINGSTON, R 8. CASSELS, Canal Basin, Ottaws. MAGNE1, R. W. SHEPHERD. .c;y Bockus. & Larrcn. @. Fixpuar * Mirrsa®o. «_ Tontr. * OvkrMas. .~ * Dégoas®,. . _**_ Couvrerts s Buospix and CHAMPIQON, 577dw6m ...$6 00 each u.. 3 59 President 419â€"8 Agents 1861 THE OTTAWA IIMES, NOVEMBER 16, : =~‘4 A LL persons indebted to Dr. J. Garvey, and whose accounts have been rendered, are requested to call and settle at once, or corts will be incurred. wa, on the Macadamired load, loading from Ottawa to Metcalf, oo-'uthgnl 100 acres, 80 of which _ cleared, and in the highest state of cultiâ€" out buildings thereon. This farm is weli fenced M'Mx vation. The soil is of the very best aflity"; there is a good dwel‘ing house, barn, stable and other Ur the subscriber, on the premises, To be seen at the Stable of Ottaws Desember 2 le._ ' 3 “’.'A few suites of rooms .e now ready for the n:‘rdu of boarders. . ttawa, Sept. 17, 1867. â€"_ _ ATAT Al IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, DOU BLE arnd Tandem Silver Mounted Harnesses, l‘lnl. TROTTER begs to inform her friends that having enlarged her premises by the addition of other portions of the Desbarats Mr. MILES would take this omwrhnhy of: reâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many triends and the public, for their kind u:‘gncma patronâ€" age to him, during a pumber of years, in his old establishment, and trusts that by unremitting atâ€" tention to business, and in his new and firstâ€"class saloon, with polite and attentive workmen, to merit a continuance of their favors. All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, &e,, manufactured to order. _ For the convenience of ladies orders will bo received at the London Music store, where a fire and varied assortment of Hairâ€"work will be found. the Russell House, which hbe has fitted 'ut'i'. the most mAcrcll; uty.lo t;l‘ ‘:.h bciulno-. and w otlo ;h llcur{llur rush, whic m expressly for himselt, being the first hlrm ing“llr{d-h America, will be hat ready for use. The saloon l:m(hl‘.!runlly lated, and very pleasantly situated. Hairdresser by Appointment to His Exoelâ€" lency the Governorâ€"General, uAl REMOVED HIS PARLLAMEXNT HAIR DRESSING SALOON from the old stand to his new and commodious room over the LONDON MUSIC STORE, on Elginâ€"st., apposite HAIRDRESSING â€" 84L00N | _ Connected with this establishment is a Piano Manufacturer, who will attend punctually to all orders for TUNING left at the London Music Store. or which the undersigned is Sole Agent for Ottaâ€" wa and vicinity. _ To:t!monials from Clergymen and the Principal Professors of Music in Canada an be seon at this establishrcent. Several oases of Excellent VIOLIN®, CcOoNCERTINAS, ACCORDEON®, TAMBOURINEKS, * GUITARS, FLUTE®, DRUMS, 9 x i Ees &e Direct from Germany. i% Secondâ€"hand Pianos taken in part payment for new opes, 00000 * o The East Half of Lot No. 19, "in the 3rd Concesâ€" ion otf the Township of (Goulburn, containing by admeasurement 100 Acres of Land, more or less, of which about 15 Acres are cleared. * â€" Trrxs.â€"Oneâ€"tenth of the Pur:Bue Money to be Edd down» for balance, tor wiil be made nown at the sile. For further particula _ apply to l'JONA L‘APPJONES. Esg., Solicitor, Masonic Buildings, Toronto street, Toronto, Or to JOHA G. BELL, Esq., Ottawa, Sept. 4, 1867 FARM IN GOULBURN, LONDON MUSIC STORE } Under the Parliament Hairdressing Saloon. ) ss ake To y ther eP ) C Cank they io b4 cleponed of “lannfacturers'.}’rices. - *~ ggALSO, A NUMBER OF WILLI AMS‘ VICTORIA ORGANS AND MELODEONS C@Câ€"LT Â¥â€"O 6. O T T A WA. WPD in a certain Mortgage, which will be proâ€" luced at the Sale, % On Monday, the 18th Day of November, The Auction Rooms Gloucester, Eept. 13, 1867. For further particulars apply to loe t en U‘-_l‘?“ifl. Auctioneer, [ MPROVED FARM, O:tawa, October 3, 1867. Toronto House, Ottawa. Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867. ‘Toronto, October 16th, 1867 OR SALE, Lot No. 15, 4th Concession Gloucester, Rideau Front, 7 males from Ottaâ€" SICN of the BIC FIDDLE, â€"ANDâ€" 1867, at the hour of twelve o‘clock, noon, at , which have been fitted up in unexceptionable Y Virtue of Power of Sale contained Auction Sale FARM FOR SALE. HARNESS FOR SALE. MR. JOHN McDONALD, County of Carleton. E. MILES, Mair Dresser, by .mmt. to his ____ Exeeliency the Governorâ€"General. PARLIAMEN‘T Tfll SUBSCRIBER has just received from the Best Manufacturers n America, a Large and Fine assortment of PIANOS! NOTICE. For Ottawa and Vicinit Nov. 1, 1867. $78â€".bâ€"44â€" Maskrat, Mink, Fox, Otters Beaver and Bear T R A P S | ONEIDA COMMUNLITY ALEX, WORKMAN & Co., Lot No. One, OPF A VALUABLE Nussex strect, NEWHOUSE‘s 1N THE IN THE Elgin Stroot, Opposite the Russell House. A §51.39v or MANUFACTURED BY M. CAMERON, J. GAR‘ EY, M.D CELEBRATED W. HALPENNY. 557 37â€"6m Sole Agents, E. MILES, 34 _._ Ottawa. 575â€"3aw43td 553â€"30y Ottawa, July 9. Nome but those who thoroughly understand their business and can farnish firstâ€"class references need apply. fehaaine s ui ul ol c o COOX and a GIRL for DINIXNG ROOMS. m;‘i;'-g M'w.xu all ;:fl. -:a havâ€" t many years axperience, he feels :M&hu’ satisfaction will be given. 4 _A‘Omhl Binding done in the most artistie Ottawa,.March 16 H1n milton‘»EHotel, Y orkâ€"st, ¢ BEGS To NNoUNCOR To hi friends and ;zrou that he has removed to the building on Metoalfe streot, formeriy cccupied by The R:mu'ug Post, where he is now prepared to exgoute all orders for BOOKBINDING, PAPER=«RULING, or BLASK BOOK M ,\‘U"AQTUIIIG, I Of every description in the pcafest and most durâ€" BO OKBINDER oi on t thhthnn" ins of Rhoumatism, and in ro ievin Nervous A ol:hu, entitle.it to a highrank a th'o list of Remedies for these complainta, ers are coming in from Médivine Dealers in all parts of the country for further mypl(es, and each testifying as to the universal ertisfaction it gives. ‘ ‘The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate reliof. All Medicine Denlers kur i h&liohu order and uko it; and no family will without it after once trying it. * Price twentyâ€"five conts ur bottle. NOKTHROP & LYMAN, . > Newcastle, C. W., General A‘c:nu for C. W Bol by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts; W M. Massey, H. F. McCarthy, J. Skinner, and J. Brown, in Ottaws. Ottawa Nov. 1. 1867 bTTvaw We speak from experience in this matter, havin tested lr. thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it is recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" "R.‘.m efficacy of the Canadian Pain aoy Destroyer, ‘in curing discases for which it 1# reâ€" o:-mdod, and its wonderful success in subduing FIy Tomowed j but on the mtnr{ all are delight 5 with its “annuon-. and spea ‘ in the hlg!u terms of its virtues and magical effects. 7 April 10 April 10 qul.'.tuu' WINE, various brands, m In Wood and Bottle, pu en April 10. April 10 Aprit 10. April 10. April 10. April 10 CARADIAN Pall stsTRQVER ! April 10 April 10. April 10. .‘\llll'l' A MBER .I!'RI_Jâ€P, April 10 April 10 April 10. Among tne mort important of modern Medical Dis coveries stands the April 10. April 10 Ottawa, October 25, 1867 BB {CHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, _ b At the India Warchouse, mpmylonn BROWNE & HARDY AOR SALE ON â€" REASONABLE Nezt door to Cunningnam and Lindsay‘s INDIA ‘WAREKOUSE, [.‘ISE&'I‘ oLD RYE WHISKEY,° At the India . Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY BVGAR-OUMD HAMS, AND BREAK» fast«Rolled Bacon. A choice supply of the above can always be had At the India Warchouse, M BROWNE & HARDY. NROSSE & BLACKWELL‘S RED AND ) Black Currants, Jams and Jellies, At the India Warchouse, _ , 304 BROWNE & HARDY. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TOUGHTON BITTERS, | At the Indua Warchouse, BR?“’NE & HARDY t in 1 OHN BULL BITTERS, (s At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY INE OLD CHERRY BRANDY, At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY 1867. UINESS‘$ DUBLIN STOUT PoR» TER, temanoonn > O0TIUS OLD TOM GIN, ‘ At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY 00SEBERR Y JA M,S TR A WBERRY ORK AND FLOUR > Constantly on hand, At the India Warchouse, ERNARD‘S GING WINE, At the ia Warchour« RANDY, HENNESSEY and other Brands, In Wood and Bottle, _ _ _ AMSAY‘S PORT | ELLEN 1st e NVRISKEY, > f 0. 00c R KUYPERS HOLLAND GIN, Jam,Raspberry Jam,Gieen Gage Jamy At the India Warchouse, _ IBBERT‘S LONDON sTOUT POR«» _ TER, e n NOTICE OF REMOVAL A. MORTIMEER RT WINE, finest quality, In Wood and Bottle, _ No. 16, Rideauâ€"Street, In Wood and Bottle, Metcalfoâ€"streot, PIANO At .he India ){ufrjahamr, At the India Worchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HAKDY At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARKD\Y â€"â€"Aâ€"â€" At the ‘ India, Warchouse, =â€"AT= A. MORTIMER, PHOEBE HAMILLTON, 867. 512â€"f BROWNE & HARDY 405tf BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE.& HARDY Apply at this office. Metcalfeâ€"streot. 384y 1867. 8TTydw 2A YÂ¥ A ll‘l‘UA'l'lOli!x. Y 3UNG MAK who ducrnternten Rooreri Nob ma A r . Salary no object. references can be given. A ply t&i E. R. 6: Slzh Office. & ®: Ottawa, November 7, 1867, 5882 Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. NO. 10, YORK STREET, Next door to the Market Drug Store. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAYVE m :o inform :}- ;l;omy‘mht and the inâ€" abitants e city and surrounding counâ€" "{3 that he ll:"?ouz at m-nbn stand, ;M unl;“h prep: to furnish with a supeâ€" m & rior article AY THE CAPITAL Boot and {Shne Store | DUC YON THOLE, &c., &6., Just received from Europe by the subscriber. JONQUILLS, Double and Single Hyacinths, NARCISS AS, BIEM-‘IT‘ @fG1It and Figur« ed China, Dinner Sets that are redl{ beautiâ€" ful, and Tem Sets that cannot be equalled else. where. Also fl‘rg‘ol variety of Toilet Sets, Enaâ€" melled and Gilt Punch Bowls, Flower Shades, Erglish, Scotch and German Cut Glass; Prest (ilass o‘ all kinds ; Bobemian, Parian, and other Vires; German China Dogs; and a variety of other seautiful Goods at Low {flen. Also, Stoves and,Furniture, Mattrasses, Mirrors, Looking Glasses and all other articles required in House Kurnishâ€" _ Remember the Variety Hall is 34, Sussexâ€"st., nearly opposite the Barracks. Dutch Flower Roots. VARIETY Chambers‘ lu{:lopodu of Universal Knowled for the People, in 9 vols., cloth extra, and half u‘l:' extra. Ourics‘ jes of Literature, lg D‘Ieraeli, $1 ; Gil Blas, $1 ; Don Quixote, $1 ; Our Constitution, our Laws and System of Government, $! ; Dante‘s Purgatori¢s, $1; Dante‘s Paradiso, $1 ; Book Days (Chambers) $6; 1001 Gems of Poeh;, by Mackay, $1 ; Hans Andersen‘s Book of Fairy Mackay, $ij Hans Andersen‘s Book of Fairy Tales, ‘l.so ; Handâ€"book of()rm-uua and Ath» letics, by Ravenstoin and Halley,. %25; History of Signboards, $2; the Slang Dictionary, $1.75 ; British Rural Sports, by Stonchenge. For sale by _ fyrau ysd ty k Crockery, China and Glassware. 2nd. Firewood may be landed between the line of Liftle Bussexâ€"street and the Byâ€"wash or waste weir, but must be rentod within twentyâ€"four hours after havis g been piated there ; a fine of three cents per cord will be charged for every day the wood remains on the wharf after snch notice has been given Srd. Firewood may be landed and piled around the Basin on Government Land within forty feet of the water, leaving a roadway of at least fiftcen feet between every four piles of firewood,â€"which ‘roadâ€" way must be as near as practicable at right angles to the margin of the Canal, This wood inust also be removed.within twentyâ€" four hours after the owner or person in char has been notified to that effect and in default a fine of throe cents per cord will be levied upori it for ‘nry day it remains thereaiter. 5th. No firewood may be landéd without a permit having been first obtained from the Lock Muster or Collector, and the letâ€"pass must be given up to this Oflicer before the wood is unloaded, under a penalâ€" ty of forty dollars 508â€"f Al the Lease of our Prémises in Susgsex«* street terminates this month, we intend to con fine our business to one locality, and shall remove the whole of our Stock on the 1st of May next, to our Store in Uur stock of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, &e., &o., will conâ€" sequently be very large and most complete in every department, and we most mred‘ully solicit a conâ€" tinuance of favors, to merit which our constant enâ€" deawors will be as usual to provide the best articles and gell at the lowest remunerating prices, . . G. HOWE & SON. Trg. Romemb the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. mext to Howell‘s rocery. . n ts 9 s iet ob inscc cce ty PUNIANA, $2.25. A NEW Collection of the Best Riddles and Puns newly told, by the Honble. Hugh Rowley. ‘The BEST 000‘“\' BOOKâ€"Mrs. Becton‘s Book of Household labgonom..l!.’». The BEST and CHEAPEST ENCÂ¥CIOPEDLAâ€" Ottawa, May 8, 186 No‘l‘lCl is hereby giyen, that in ac« cordance with the 28th Chap. Con. Stats. of Canada, His Excellency the Governorâ€"General in Council has been pleased to approve of the followâ€" ing additional regulations to ensure the proper using, management anc protection of the Canals of the Dominion of Canada. Ist. No firewood to be landed on the easterly side of the Basin from Sappers‘ Bridge tothe Tine of Little Sussexâ€"street. 4th, Two conts per cord will be charged as wharfage or ground rent upon firewood placed on any part of the Government Canal Reserve. j Regulations in pursuance of the 28th Chap. Con. State. of Canada, for lavding firewood on the line of the Rideau Canal, in the City o Ottawa, and in addition to the regulations for the management and protection of the Provincial Canals, which were authorized by the Governor in Council 20th May, 1857, Sections 14 and following, and were made applicable to the Rideatu Canal, under the Order of His Encellency in Council of the 2nd of June, 1860, â€" HOWES Boot and Shoe Store. Double and Single Tulips, The Custom Department will receive his tention. Orderr from Lumberers promy Canal Regulations. Privy Council Office, Ottawa, 14th October, 1867 Bept. THE NEW RIDDLE BCOK, Ottawa, October 18, 186 420y The largest assortment in the Deminion is now open for inspection at the A very fine and large assortment of No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. R E M OV A L. BJ Command, CROCUS, 34, Sussexâ€"st. W anted. ADDITIONAL Wx. HEARKN, Market Store, ar 'Dr-. Taa aU08EPH BOYDEN, J. DURIE & SON, Wa. H. LEE, (General Agent. 5832 498y 'lwnu a furnished Bedroom with amï¬ Roomâ€"breakfast furnished if reâ€" alln‘â€"d . Friel‘s Cottage, on Wellingtonâ€"st., minutes‘ walk from th:?mi.w Building, Apply on the premises . i DKE. CHAS, A. MONDELET, D.D.s November 9, 1867. #f ___________ _| And a general assortment of gentliemen‘s furnisch NOTI_CE, ing goods, would intimafe to their friends and the nsmee blic generaily that ceute A UELICATION will be made to u..!':u art in avt "tike shitke nornen snn t Mh‘dehSï¬m,fwï¬olm naost hnd * notice, Incorporation of a Life Insurance Company, unde |“' approved styles at prices that we name -lmh i A .WO :,'_. vphae d Lite Insurnuce Assoo | _ Ottawns Oct. 1, 1867; S51f A RESPECTABLE gentleman can be | msccommodated im a private family on Rideau | street, Sandy Hill, with a FURNISHED BEDâ€"| ROOM and SITTING ROOM, with or without | Board. Amm OPPICR _ * Ottawa, &t, 1867. 5114| PIOIICIOI of Music, Teacher of Organ, Piano, Voice and Harmony. Also Mrs. Clark, Teacher of Drawing and Printing. Music Rooms and Residence, 69 Sparksâ€"st., adâ€" joining Desbarats‘ Block. Ne Pianoâ€"torte and Organ instruction. W. C. CLABRIEE. Market Drug Store, York Street, mometers BoAIDISGa--NBS. REYNOLDS, "TM Cottage" Book and: Fanoy Store, York Siree 3 doors from Bussex Street, begs to anrounce ha she is prepared to accommodate six or ugPt board ks PEE wa. Also the south half of Lot No, 6, in the 3rd Con. of Osgoode,containinzil 10 acres, 50 acres clearâ€" ed, the rest well wooded, with good hardwood, and well watered, and situated within a quarter of a mile of the Railway Station. Titles goud. For OPERA CLASSES, RoyalCanadiandBagak OTPawA AGENCY : Oflceâ€"Desbarate‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks St . M. P. HAYES, Ottawa, June 21 JA Xo. 11, in 4th Con. of the Tovn-l::cofOl‘oodo, with a good House and Barn, and other outbuildâ€" ings, and a good Spring Well, fifty meres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, This is sitnated on the Prescott Road, within fifteen mwiles of Ottaâ€" further information 24 Of every description H0OES, RAKE®, s iN G&FaT NARICTY, Nails, Spikes, Camp Kettes, Circular and Crossâ€" out Saws, Lamps, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c.,â€"ail COHERAP. â€" Oftawa, April 13 HE true value of Machinery appliecd to Watchmaking is not that by its p, T Watches are made .rapidly, but that they are made correctly, V ery fow peope know why Waltham Watch should be superior to any other, In the firet place, at W altham the Watch is regary. ed as only a machine, to be constructed, like any other machine, on mechanical principles, . The factey is indeed little elso than a vast machine shop, the principal work in which is not more upon Watchy, than upon machinery to make watches with, ~If the watches are good, it is because the manchinery ;, good. â€"Of course there must be no defect in the principle or plan of the movemen:, no mistake in g, sizes or shapes of the pieces of which it is composed. nothing wanting in their properties,\and no error in their positions. There points once thoroughly settled in regard to each part of every variety of warp it rests wholly with the machinery constructed with infinite diversity of form and function, expressly fy the purpose, to produce the finished picces. The method eftablished in every department is the ro. dr:tlon of parts by mechanical means,.and this is carried out on the system of the most <horough sul, s.i'v'uio- Ofll‘;!.oll’. â€" ¢ it :. § ; By means of multiplying gaages and microscopes, tests, ï¬nd inspection for :‘he de(:fj(wn of wear in c I L Ca L Ece kndeo ME seu ut 2e ctetcn move mc in unanmmane tha seark in aware 12. For sale by all firstâ€"class: dealers in the United mation address the Agents, Carpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Tools Ottawa, November 8, 1867. AT THE SIGN OF THE Em o o e e d l +o% & , P IP diation of parts by mechanical means,.and this is carried out on the system of the most <horoughâ€"sub. gi‘vi-io. o(’lnpb.o't. â€" A R By means of multiplying :u‘m and microscopes, tests, iul inspection for the detection of wear ip W tools and for faults and flaws in steel or stone are made to uccompany the work in every #lage rom beginning to end. As a necessary result, the Watch goes together a perfect machine. Every part is fwnd to fit properly in its place. . Every pin may be pushed iill it pinches, and every sorew turned home. Inueudp of a tlngsph and feeble action, the balance, even under the pressure of the highest mainspring, vibrates with a wide and free motion, and the, beat bas the clear and ringing sound, always characteristic of the Waltham Watch. The mWvhine is a timekeeper from the start. This ussuln of watchmaking is unknown in foreign countries, and is entirely original with the W altham Company. The company cluim that by it they produce watches that cannot be equaled for every quality which makes a watch valuable. Simple in ‘.:lw and correct in principle, the movement is not only beautifully finisbed, substantial, accurate and cheap, but is uniform to the minutest details, not easily damaged, easily repaired, and when repaired always as good as new. o oi oic® Caitie on o ce e c S1 Arien 0 ETT S af ie ntuine ane e Tw tha HraBh en n To Members of Parliament. â€"â€"â€" There are different grades of fiaish in the different yarieties of watche papy, as there are different sizss and shapes, to suit all taste® and means lh.b‘ennlne trade mark of " Wautitax," is guaranteed to be a good one to buy it. " To Bell or Letâ€"â€"â€"Rare Opening. Agricultural Implements CARDEN TOOLS Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867 From $1.50 to $25.00, 00 ACRES.=*=The north half of Lot No. Suitable for Viewing the Sights on the 6th instant, . > RRlideaun Stree FARMS FOR SALE. wa, Opening of Parliament Nov, 12, 1867 American (Waltham) Watches. PLOT LINE®, xew ak» i1PRovED CALL AND: IN8PECT. THOMAS BIRKETT, uccersor to James Ctarke 13. 408y BOA RD. P aAThi(cR SPADES, SHOVELS, &¢+ | /‘rofegsor of Chemistry in the T CaN BF HAD TRICK HERBERT, Rideaun Hotel, Ottawa City Every Wateh AT THE vRcl_. 64 WM. HEARN §87â€"4 551 Aorxt. 157t 26y 58itt IEully Warranated, Tas Ortawa Tives.â€"Printed and Publishe every morning, (Sundays »xcepted) the Tixes Steam Printing Works, Xo. 60 Bparkeâ€"st, in the City ot Oftaw», Count® of Carleton C W % ’hw Bakers Wanted And where every articie in the trude can be ob tained of the besi quality and at the lowest prices . Mr. Shouldis is ready to wait on all who hvwi,h'fl&oir-d’o-.u‘f-u'-i Md:ll.; with such bread as they may N\Ih‘- _ Please sond your erders to the York Stroot Fancy 6 OR EIGHT GENTLEMEN can be ace commodated with board and lodging at No. 126, Clarenceâ€"streot. & Ottawa, Nov. 12, 1867. 587a I. GEORGE SHOULDIS, IS RK mm to his friends and the publi« ic 4 tigge man 0 or uture ufl":& be carried on in YORK STREET, where his premises are known as the Mlucluu'r' TAILORS and ow Outfitters, Elginâ€"street, opposite the House, and second door from the London Musi¢ Store, having just received a choice stock of English, French and Canadian i 'l\ll!!_c}elrbrlle‘ preparation for which a certificate of merit was awarded to the distin. | guished original preparer at the National Exposiâ€" [ tion at Torino, Italy, by whose tavor Mr, GuaggL: | obtained the recipe, and was aiso awarded a 4; loma nt the Provincial Exhibition of Cantds held | at Mcntreal in September, 1865, is, without | tion, the most gepuine, salubrious and Q‘m ’ Tomic ever introduced to public natice either in | Europe or America. / â€" For seventeen yoars it bas, in Italy, been a uniâ€" | versal favorite --o-g the elite of society, being | generally served in the drawing room before dinâ€" | ner, in preference to Vermcuth. Y 1UIE $tore formerly occupled by W. D. 'l WOOD, No. 33, on ï¬lblfll}b STREET, has been refitted by the subscribers, and will be oponed SMITH & RODNEY on MONDAY, FOUKTEENTH OCTOBER, with 'l‘llll REMEDY has been used in Trop» ical climates for many years with the greatâ€" est success. It shortens t{o attack, .reduces the fever gradually, and at the sawe time enables the system to throw off the poisonous efect of the fever on the blood and rearetions generally. _ > _ PRICKâ€"50 cent« and ¢i per Bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail b + {L F, MacCARTHY, i Chemist, Ottawa City L _ _____ Solé Agent fer Dominion of Canada. K Order, notice is hereby flvn that the authorisâ€" ed discount is declared to be this day 29 por cent which pe of deduction is to be continued until next w:ï¬y Notice, and to apply to all pur chases made in the United States dun-‘lhu woek. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE l'l' 18 DIRECTED BY THE HON. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that heroafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors 1 Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed ot American Invoices, which is to be in accordsnat with the pricetof gold a« represented by Exchange. at a rate equalithereto. Such notices to apper‘ every Saturday in the Canada Gazerrk. R. 8. M BOUCHETTE A Sure and Certain Cure: gor Feverâ€" Continued, Remittent, Intermittent, Typhoid, and Fever arising‘ Jfrom Ordinary Colds. â€" The i:gn:fl;ec:u of its P.compo-it'un have been 1mparted to the leadin ysicians of C nd thopUnhod Btates, nndiu'o received Unm hied approval on every account, . ons Jn The proprietor refers with the greatest contâ€" dence and satisfaction to the subjoined testimonâ€" ials from emivent medical men,which he could add to, were it desirable. _ Kept by the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Do-l:iol Mn and in the United States. . old by the Proprietor, _ _ _ . __ .‘ _|, ; Royal fialian Bitters ! ‘TON :: JQO :s lï¬ ALE CG ALROC IS BR T ISSs, LIQuors aAnp | EH AFR DW AERE. Ottawa, October 12, 1867 Celebrated Fever Remedy. November 2, 1867 N ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE AMERICAN INYVOICESâ€"DISCOUNTs i k td i 7 I New York. ROBERT WAHAES, Toronto, 0. es and British Provinces NEW STORE ! ROBELINS & APPLETON, CLOTHS and TWEED®, DFIL POTIORE F. P. BEEATD. Fixazoe Deraztaext, Cosroxs, * Ottawa, November 8, 1867 an entire new stock of E‘inaxce Derazrmzxt, Customs, Quebec, 6th March, 1863 S NOW‘E wWoOD & ROSSITER 7. S61Xf ade by the W altham Comâ€" it every watch that bears muoraty wf Pabga P VERRL, r farther infor need be afraiq 579 â€"3m §$ way ontrust bim wit in and for t December 28 hn wiaby XtwWwno urriox: Pos debruary T, 1 11m, C.K. .‘Allljlj Atawa, Jan. [» jobn Smith, Jarke; Dun nto; John H P COL,) " DVoCA T h. neysâ€"wtâ€" L Orrions: Mal Mr, W right w ‘fl‘l(l of ever a 8 . COLMAM. Ortawa, Fob. wilvance) .. it not pard in‘ \ carly subseri *h advanc it mot paid im \' oT ARE & the Rost J. A. Ma 300 in , Mavre anaary 27, 1 g rear 18,000 ; th 1Sording the t rertise tu. AdÂ¥ «lioving rates 3asincss num: ll%!-“ + MMy.we»» +* subsequent Yourly i AW, C 4 Ormce Hitawa, C. W Otta 4 o & nuntaryy J anuary 17 making a tm Office : Rigi ALEKANDER® ttawa, Jaly Jrrick: Ugi ebruary 21, 1 OtaWa. Ottawa, N May 30 Orncz; In e office at n early subsori 0., $4, F ark mner of f Ottewa, 1 beral allow whas, over | 4 Office, La e Post Office. Jitawa, July Aprrams=rs6 PFLICE DVOCA ( 1Pw A 8t t 1# A 8t B IS ~HE DAL L.\l‘lli TrOR N Chansery. TroRNI Chaneery. EDW enjoys T ished it n, Gonera NC AVG WIL ver M A t DJ