h: it of very the : dm to ‘b& rank w€ ; ts and * suil . nqtet Â¥+ bet nsl here to Caeâ€" ty the ex* ould ie nited Â¥ or Bave Jawes, ratinge â€" the wtle~ fonof barâ€" mumer rrect ught t sir, hinmâ€" houe rhy 4 !(., eral ea thand ty of nited e exâ€" year mg a ce of their UrD® ince d Tbwn ‘lo.‘. crous 1104s cons +yed, ce of ablic. ie w niles bnaupi= ery, »yed st11. d for o d i dik lpss ncal te of ere ent the y 1% ssed #Â¥%» cz:.- Â¥ery Sidhe, from Haliâ€" 'iN; have hose vple $ 1 is con ket? 108 08 ver Je will wns,. roum »,A1 her thew for all : mt of ( its wilte is or >A of «t whoels of ons or the other of the into which the public men o" Can many . years becn divided,., I Speaker, 1 have said enough to* House that Nova Scotia‘s host federation is founded on a dee; than any mere passing ebullition offâ€"nce takeén at th: mods of its ment. . Nova scotia is dâ€"termin« repeal. I believe I am not viola fidence when I cay that a pct urged why Nova Seoti entering this Confederati based on the principles and wit! !mâ€"t as long as 1 shallonly refer to one is one scigzested by a ren mow bir tor Lambton. _ says ho.would not like t that lived by sufferance. this _ Dominien _ mus sufferance, She can cujov. no privileges, reap sultcrance," If she ever justice, it is because th peraaits it, not because achigve . it _ tor .. hets nineteen. . representative powerless to protect th he received his tile was asked to take the oath ot allegiance to the Queen. Whole comâ€" panies and regiments at first refused to do so, trom a belicfthat the sudd«n movement was a part of that policy which they feared was going to separate that Province from the Mother Country. A company of the 9th regiment, which 1 bave the honor to comâ€" mand as Captain, secing the sudden arming, just at the juncture when they had witgessed so much treachery in the Legislature, and fraring that it was a political dodge, a Conâ€" federation trick, refused to be sworn, and only conseuted to take the oath when they found that they were required to swear alâ€" legiance to England, and not to Canada.‘ In the present year, also, since the first of July, whole regiments in Halifax, Pictou, and other counties, have positively refused to perform theirannual drill, because they belioved it was no longer a Nova Scotian, but a Canadian law that imposed the dutyâ€"they refused to serve their country, because, as the men of on« fine regiment in Guysboro county informed their Colonel, they thought they had no longer a country to serve. So ‘ervent and deâ€" termined is that feeling in many parts of Nova Scotia, that I believe, if the prayer of their petition for repeal is denied, it will require the most conciliatory policy and the exercise of the utmost prudence on the part of the Legis. Iature and Government, to prevent trouble, and perhaps outbreaks and violence in some sections of that Provincy: Bat Mr. Speaker, in closing, let me sgain assure the House that in all this strong feeling there is no sentiment or tuint of disloyalty to the British Crown. On the contrary, it origina‘ss in the excess of love and veneratien in which the authority and the flag of the Mother Country are held. If any one feature of the scheine more than anâ€" other contributed to ti.e development of that sentiment of hostility among the people, it was‘ the fear amounting almost to eonvicâ€" twn, thait under this new system these Proâ€" vinces might one day be severed from the Mother Country, and this fear will be quickon: od and.intensified when the poo‘:o“lsd that this House is asked to congratu His Exâ€" cellency the Governorâ€"General on the successâ€" ful organization ofa ""new nationality," a new Dominion. Speech of the Hon. Mr. McKeagney, Delivered 14th Nov., 18331ll Hon: Mr. McKEAGNEY said:â€"Late as is the hour, Mr. Speaker, and much as Iâ€"desire to avoid occupying the time of this House with any nml. mine on a sdbject which has already exhausted, L feel it my duty, nevertheless, in the interest of my constituâ€" ents, in behalf of the Proviace of Nova S¢otia, to enter my protest, my emphatical protest, againat this Confederation scheme, because I think it unjust to Nova Scotia, and more es. pecially do I protest against the mannerâ€"the very improper manuerâ€"in which it has been consurnmated. The friends ot the measure have time and again attempted to justify the action of the Assembly by the fact, the bald fact, that they had the power to change the constitation. T dâ€"ny the position in the sense that it can be done with benefcial results or for any practical purpose. Do we not know, sir, that theory and practice are very different m:g-? Supposing, for the sake of argament, Parliament in the plenitude of its power does umdertake to consummate an Act (a Constitutionai Act let it be called) at variance with the wishes of the people, will there be anything gained by such a course? Nothing whatever, and the statesman who pushes his measures in advance of the public sentiment evinces in my opinion neither tact "lt“-“‘m must soon be borne down by popular wave. Bat I deny that anyâ€" thing can be found in Parliamentary history to justify the mode in which Confederation has becnâ€"accomplished in Nova Scotia. It is true, as a general proposition, that Parliament is supreme, but in the interpretation of this rule we must enqhire what are the ordinary funcâ€" tions of the Legislative body ; is it not to make and repeal laws for the good of the peoâ€" ple whom it reptesents? [Was it ever un?r- stood in any wayâ€"was there any compact or agrcement cither expresy or implied between the people of Nova Scotia and their represenâ€" tatives, that travelling, wholly out of and beâ€" youd the truck heretofore parsusd by their preiecessors, they wore at their mere pleaâ€" sure to sweep away our Constitation, and hand _ over our Revenues to Canada, or . any other power on earth. The idea is preposterous in the extreme! Have we the exampie in history of any people being annexed to another without their cousent? 1 can find none, except in the instance of a country conquered by force ofarms. The case of the union of Ireland cannot be referred to as a precedent to justity the measure, as that Act has always been justly regarded asâ€"@ foul blot on the Statute book, and has given rise to discontent and heartburnings, which break out occasionally like a running sore in the bosom oft that unhappy land. . Who can preâ€" dict then what evils may yet grow out of this act of tyranny, perpetrated upon the peoâ€" ple of a Lyll and prosperous Province? We must alsoâ€" look at the manmer of carrying the measure in bur Legislature, I make no direct charkge against any one, but certainly thecempl¢xion of the transaction is more than suspicious," _ (On ordinary occasions of less moâ€" ment than this, the policy to be pursued has been enunciated in the Governor‘s Speech, Parliament met, and not a word was said shout Confederation. Thus were the peoâ€" ple taken wholly by surprise, nor had they the opportunity ~of remonstrating aguinst the Act until it was pushed through the Legislature. ‘Thas wasit conceived in secresy, catried through the House with Arnamvars ar Tus Rosssce House Yesteaâ€" ‘pay.â€"â€"James Frazer, St. Muk ; Thog. N. Gibb, Oshawa ; A. Walmeslcy, Quebec; Mr. Brunel, Toronto ; J. J. Bush, ~iagarn Falls; J. R. tjoy, Toronto; .J. Blackburn, London ; E. R. Smith, St, Johns, P. Q. ; J. Gabouty, Burlington, Vt. ; R. 1. Labatt, Prescott ; D ‘ W. Fleming, Montreal ; Alfred Rimmer, do. R. Herring, go. ; Hon, John Simpson and sor, Bowmanville ; E. H. Rooth, 0. E. Priddis, Quebec ; G. B. Bialand«, Win. McGrath, Monâ€" treal ; A. Wilson, Torsito; L. 8. Hunting» ton, Montreal ; John Divis, Toronto. Commencrat Baxk Nores ar rout Vauceâ€" Mr. J. A. Pinard, dry goods merchant, Sugge: â€" st.,. in advertising ® best Canadian cotton yarn at Ts. 54. pur bundle, and all wool at a low figure," announces that ho will take Commerâ€" cial Bank notes at full valu«. indecent haste, and accomplished amid the jeers, tiunts, and abuse of the Confuderation m, who accused their opponents with dis. ty and annexation proclivities. 1s it any wonder then, that one deep feeling of inâ€" dignation should pervade the people of Nova Scotia at this gross wrong and ifjustice ? In the name of Nova Scotia then, anmi more lllflclll;‘ly in the name of my o'".:}.:“:m' ents, do I protest inst this Act ‘nion. I :.ll'd the l(“.lnby’ which it has been brought about as unjust to the people, and the measure itself as unfair in its details, and inâ€" jurious to their interests. Let us pause hets, Mr. Speaker, and survey the position. Conâ€" federation, it is true, has become a fact ncâ€" complished. â€" It bas bécome the law ot the land. What is to be done then to gzet rid of it? Do I accept the situation ? No, most emphatically no ; I do not accept the situa» tion. Am 1 a repealer it may be asked. 1 answer yes ! 1 am a Repealer. But how is repeal to be effected ? What are the best means to be employed to accomplish this desirable consuimation? Now, to accomplish repeal we must enlist on one side the sympathies and legislative action t the Lords and Commons of Great Britain. 1â€"do not think, sir, that the opportune momenthas arrived for obtaining this cooperation. 1 think the best way to acâ€" eomplish repeal is to !¢t the Act of â€"Union prove itself by its fruits. I much fear that this Confedcration truit will be bitter to the taste and unsightly to the eye of Nova Scotia. Well, all the better for our purpose, We will then have a case to present to the Parliament of England, a case which cannot beresisted. We can address the people of England in this language : You forced this Union upon us Against our will ; in vain have we rcimmonstratâ€" ed,. in vain have we petitioacd against its acceptance _ You told us it was agood meaâ€" sure ; the nolility of England toid: us so Many of out own people, some of them of unâ€" questionable talent and worth, have also given it as their opinion that Union is good. â€" Well, out of deference to these opinions, we have waited paticutly in order to test the truth of these predictions by the working of the system, by the actual logic ot events, and behold its fruit, its bitter fruit! (I would point to Nova Scotia bleeding and covered with wounds Many of out own people, some of them of unâ€" questionable talent and worth, have also given it as their opinion that Union is good. â€" Well, out of deference to these opinions, we have waited paticutly in order to test the truth of these predictions by the working of the system, by the actual logic ot events, and behold its fruit, its bitter fruit! (I would point to Nova Scotia bleeding and covered with wounds tfrom the practical working of the system ;â€"to her children suftering from deptession} in their cireumstances ; and with boldncss and confidence would I then suy, Look ! see what Confedcration has don», in the name of jax tice, in the name of right, in the name of fan play, that familiat expression so well known to Englishmen, and which finds a ready res pouse in the great heart of Englind, I say loose us, and let us go! Nor would the appeal, constitueats the right of agitating for its Reâ€" peal, whenever they may think proper to do so. 1 will sharpoen the sword of opposition and put it in the scabbard tor the preseut, but not to alcep. Confeduration is now upon its trial and by its fruits shall it be jadges and estimated by the people: of Cape Breton. 1f contrary to expectation it should after ail prove to be for our benefit, we will then indeed bail. it as a boon anreadily asâ€" sist in raising up the plant to a majestic trce, but on the other hand, should its fruits prove uasightly to the cye and bitter to the taste, the tocsin of Repsal shall bs soundel with elarion notes throughout the bâ€"autifal, pictur» esque, and fertile plains of Cape Brcton. Then shall I draw the sword of R=poal; wicld it in a Constitutional manuer, and never shall we rest until our deliveran>> has been achieved, until this forced Union shall bs severed by l’o strong will of a sufflâ€"ring but united peoâ€" ple. A New Swixous.â€"A nuauter of people in this city, anti most likely in other places, have lately recsived a printcd form ot auâ€" nouncement from what parports to be © Winâ€" throp & Co‘s Burcan of Information," estabâ€" lished in Jersey City, N. J , filled up to suit particular cases, to th> eHect that goods beâ€" longing to the partics to whom such ‘papers are addressed, are lying in the: Bursan sabject to their order on payment of a certain sum, varying from $2 upwards. Oas of those we have seen states that a package for Mr. 1. L., Ottawa City, contains a box of colored paraffine christmas candies and a waled enveâ€" lope, which wili be forwar.led to D. L.‘s address on receipt of $2; otherwise the package will be sold and the balance, it any, be forwarded, We fear that many persons have been victimâ€" ized by this sort of operation, and, therefore, caution people against paying attention to them, but be satisfied by paying the postag», which is Inn:“u.blv left unpaid by the Burcau. Had the ©Buréau" been content with modeâ€" rate earnings the thing might have gone on some time longer, but having over done the thing §by sending too many "notices," the Bureau has spoiled its game in Ottawa, and we hope, in Canada. 6 MOSPITAL S$TREET, | 2 doors from St. Franyco a Xavier Street. It has been e.hN'uhrl, by the best medical authority, that the nesvous diseases are caused by drinking impure Tea. The Comâ€" pany have imported a supply of Teas that can be warranted pure, and free from poispnous substances, in boxes of 10, 15, 20 and 25 lbs., and upwards, _ > A saving will be made, by puschasing direct from the importers, quality and purity conâ€" sidered. ~ All orders for boxes of 20 or 25 lbs., or two 12 lbs., sent carriageâ€"free to the country. Tess not mentioned in this cireular equally cheap. The company haviog determined to take a stand in the Montreal marker, weight, quality and circular may be implicitly relied on. . Where a 20 Ib. box would l-* too much, two or three clubbing together could divide. In writing you will oblige by addressing thus : Mortreal Tea Company, 6 Hospitalâ€"st., Monâ€" treal. An excellent Mixed Tea could be sent for 60¢. ; very good forcommon purpos»s, 50c. ‘Buyers living beyond Railway Stations will please send Post Office order, or enclose notes. ‘The carriage will be paid to the nearest staâ€" tion. Tea will be forwarded immediately on receipt of the order by mail containing money, or the money can be eollected on delivery by expressâ€"wan, where there are Express Oftices. A trial solicited. Brac« Tea.â€"Common Congou, Broker Leaf, Strong Tea. 45¢., 50¢.; Fine. Flavored New Beason do., 55¢. ; Excelient Full Flavored do., T5¢. ; Sound Oolong, 40¢., 45¢. ; Rich Flavorâ€" ed do., 60.; Verr Fine do. do., T5¢.; Japan Good, 50¢. ; Very Good, 58c¢.; Finest, 75¢. Greex Teaiâ€"Twankay Common, 35¢.; Fine do., 55¢.; Young Hyson, 50c. and 60c. ; Fine do., 75¢.; Supertine and Very Choice, $1.. _ __ o on t Carpets axo Houss Fommisarsos.â€"Garland, Mutchmor & Co., 20 Sparksâ€"st, make a speciality of carpets and house furnishings. Taey hase a large stock, comprising new choice patterns :o Brussels tapestry, two and three ply carpettings, to which they are making weekly additions. Carpets made and laid with. Llpkh. Inspection invited. 582â€"y . THE MNONTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6 Hospital Street, First Street below Notre Dame Street. RaÂ¥" All boxes and chests sent from this establishment bave the address of the Montreal Tea Company printed on them. ~ a THME MONTREAL TEA COMPANY. »has arrived for obtaining I think the best way to acâ€" to !st the Act of â€"Union fruits. I much fear that truit will be bitter to the to the eye of Nova Scotia. for our pdrpose, We will present to the Parliament which cannot beresisted. : people of England in this a‘uter of people in y in other places, inted form ot auâ€" irports to be © Win« nlormation," estabâ€" 1, filted up to suit fect that goods beâ€" emoent, ad ou: otia t« protes! 1 man to ns to ite DRY GOODS & READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ‘The whole to be disposed of before the 1st day of December. Call carly and examine before purchasing elsewhere. (itawa, November 19, 1837. R 593 3m rl\nlr. perfection and. cheapness of the American (Waitham) Watch have given it such a wideâ€"world celebrity that unscrupuious dealers years ago imitated its style and pirated its trade marks. _ Irresponsible dealers are occasionally found who dishonestly trade upon the popularity of the American watch by selling‘® base imitation under the name ot,th. gonuine article, omcs uh con d3 acc0 44i nsï¬ tvaetice Shrovawiiee Ned deciiPamsticione ulsnt o vaiacinel .00 It is hardly necessary to state that such warches are worthless as time keepers, and when bought for the genuine are calculated to injure the high reputation which our watches have attained. . The several grades of the American watch (except the lowe:t grado marked Home Watch Co,) are guaranteed by special certific«te bearing the namber of the watch and the signature of the Treasurer of the con|luny. K. E. Robbins. The purchaser should in all cases require one of these cortificates, which is furnished to all dealers in the genuine watches. The following are the trade marks on the several grades of our manufacture :â€" * AMERICAN WaTCH CO. APPLETON, TRACY & Co, [ WaALTHAM WATCH CO, P.8. BARTLETT. WM. ELLERY. HOME WATCH CO. J. T. Prud‘homme‘s Stores, Beaver Cloths Pilot do Whitney do Melton _ do Sattinet do Office of the General Superintendent, \â€"_ Altona, Pa., 15th Dec., 1866. ‘ y Gentlemenâ€"The watches Manufactured by you haye been in use on this Railroad for several yeurs by our engine men, to whom we furnish watches as of our oquisnom. There are some TI{REE Ml'NDRB‘D OF THEM CARRIED ON OUR LINE, and we considerthem GOOD and RELIABLE TIMEâ€"KEEPERS. , Indeod I have great satistaction in saying YOUR WATCHES GiVZEUsS LESS TROUBLE and have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than “E wsabn we have ever had in use on this road, As you are aware we former‘y trusted to those of English manufapture, of acknowledged go~| roput itiâ€"n, but as a class they never keep time as correctly, nor have they done as good service 18 yours. & In these stat uents L am sustained by my prodecessor, Mr: Lewis, whose experieuce oxtended over (Gentlemenâ€"L have no hesitation in caying that 1 believe the um of locomotive engincers have found b_‘bo:p«hm that WAI.‘IIWU ATCHES ARE ï¬'l“um-nmmn of any tor their uses. y RUN WiTH THE GREATEST ACCURACY AND STEADLAESS, notwithstanding the rough riding of an engive ; and as I have NEVER KNOWN ONETC WEAR OUT,they must : be durable. M to see the time when railway companies will generally adopt your watches, a turnish them all to engineers and conductors. In my opinion it would greatly tend to promote regulari< ty and safety. _‘ f oz 1 in And at the Sign of the "Golden Lamb." Al' the Subpscriber intends closing one of his Stores on the first day of December, & he is determined to sell off at an immense reduction his stock of * -'ifl' ;EOIC stat s nents L a series of years. DRA WERS, SH sHMiTS, woOoL CRaAY ATsS, «_ SCARFS, NXECK TIES, ‘~~~~UOIAIAARS, Dry Goods and Readyâ€"made Clothing, Tns "Gazat Easteax" Srgausate.â€"Unlike nly other exhibition, we believe the sight of this noble ve.selhas given good satisfaction to the thousands of rcnou who travelled to Quebecto view her, and well repaid them for their outlay ; and it is just so with the " Canadian Pain Destroyer," there never was any lhin‘wn gave such satisfaction ; it releives pain alimost mly,g is the finest thing in the world for rhoumatism,meuraigia, and pains in the stomach, &c. 25 cents will buy a Bottle of it. sold by all Medicine Dealers. Bavax‘s Warers.â€"(The great public remedys have now been in use over 20 years, hence it canno be said thatthey are on trial. They have been thoroughly tried, and pronounced (cn the authority of those whose lives and health they have preseryâ€" ed)to be a sure, harmless and eminently salutary preparation, and if taken in season will invariably cure colds, coughs, sore throat, and all Bronchia! affections. One fair trial will convinee the most skeptical. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 250ts. per box. Poor Horszs.â€"There are thousands of Eoof horses dragging out a miserable existence, sufferâ€" ing from a variety of diseases, rendering them alâ€" most worthless, that would be restored to a healthy and sound condition, and a value given to them of which their owners never dreamed, would they but use the means within their reach. From 1 to 3 tulqu of Darley‘s Arabian Heare Remedyâ€"and Jondition ~Medicine will in all cases produce a ;ui-hctory result ; hundreds have testified to this act. + Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, C. W etore for the Canadas. . Sold by all um-;'m To all who desire it he will send a oo&y.of the prescription used (free of dim) , with the diresâ€" tions tor preparing and uhso‘-n-q which they will fiad a sure cure for -m Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all T and Lang Aflections. The only oha:et of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the affliicted, and sproad information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his nmo:y. as it 'gloou m:h.h‘:‘&. and may rove a blessi nnx w Eo. PREE, by‘r‘o.hn mail, will please mï¬:.'d vil REV. EDWARD A. WILSON 428â€"1aâ€"19y Williamsbarg, Kings Co., N. Y. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on cach package. _ o anxious to make known to his fellowâ€"sufferers the means of cure. : speaks both TO UuNsSUMPTIVESs. ‘The advertiser, iuh* been restored to health in a fow woeeks by a very simple remedy, after havâ€" ing suffere.d for several with a nvm“l:: aiféction, and thit dread disease Consumption~ Boots and Shoes, Teas, Soap, Candles and Wines For sale by all firstâ€" elton _ do ho. k Trows{-rings, __ Kerseys, . ittinet do Fancy Doeskins, Winceys. English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,. New Yorr, Nov. 19.â€"Gold closed at 39§. Sterling exchange 109}. Tue Post says loans are in sharp demand Stocks dull, but steady. j Governments less active. November, 14, 1867 Amorican W atch Co., Waltham New ,Â¥ork Money Market. American Watch Co., Waitham. lo by all firstâ€"class doalers in the United States and British Provinces SUSSEXâ€"STREET, FACING CLARENCEâ€"STREET, CREAT CLEARINC SALE THE OTTAWA, TimEs, NOVEMBER 20, is6v/. West of England Broad Cloths, Black Cassimeres, * Silk Mix Coatings, CAYTS XXCD3> XN . NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD., Locomotive Dep‘t Western Division, PENNSYLYANIA RAILROAD CO â€"â€"ALSO, A LARGE A8SORTMENT OFâ€">* SHAWLS, BUCK MITTS, CLOAKINGS, BUCK MOCASSINS, s, DRES3 GOODs#, wWOOL soCKs, j NECK TIES, «â€"MITTS, § > PRINTS, TRUNKS, RS, coBoURras, VALISES City Hoop Skirt Factory ! JU.T RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OP BREARKEASE Shawls, Nubias, and Wool and other Hose, Hair Nets, Belt Clasps Ladies‘ Pocket Handkerchiefs, and as usual a Splendid As. sertment of PBR EBNCEH CORSETS, . THE CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. IHE LATEST STYLES o®F HOOP SKIRTS ARE THE SKATING SKIRT (SCARLET,) $ ThE WALKING AND RECEPTION TRAIL, PLASTIQUE, DEMI AND QUAKER TRAIL ‘ ‘The above Skirts are being made to measure on the Shortes Notice, Wholesale and Retail. on Nov. 14 1887 456 â€"â€" DAVID MILLAR. Yours respectfully, Ottawa, Nov. 14, 1867 UST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF BREAKFAST 43, Sparksâ€"st., Central Ottawa, â€"CON8ISTING OFâ€" Respectfully, NEARLY OPPOSITE ONTARIO BANK. OF The Idiot Witness. Grand Dance by Mir. H.. Lampee THE SWISSs COTTAGE. See Posters and Programmes. Admissionâ€"Gallery, 25 cents ; Dress Cirole, 50 cents ; Private Boxes, $5. Doors open at T ; Curtain rises at 4 to 8 o‘clock. Ottawa, llwon‘u 20, 1887, 5914td oN THiS Wednesday Even‘g, Nov. 20th, A ROOM TO LET cither with orwith= M out board. â€" Enquire at this office. / BRICK DWELLINC Rochester, Dec. 24th, 1866 Eight Rooms and Kitchen, Ottawa, November 20. Ottawa, November 20, 1867 HER MAJESTY‘S THEATRE, Possession immediate. Apply to f R. BLACKBURN. New Edinburgh, Nov. 20, 1867, 504 Village of New Edinburgh, DOOR«KEEPER for the Bankestrect Church. Apply to Wu. PORTER, With Yard and Outbuildings. CHARLES WILSON, EDW ARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent, Concluding with the Farce of t tm cack 't'h'e/ Engincer, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineeis, WANTED. WILL BE PRESENTED ROBBINS & APPLETON, Col, and White Blankets, Horse Rugs, ® Flannels, Kerseys, _ Winceys. To Let. No. 182 Broadway, N. Y nonm,wu.p(r.s. s ‘Toronto and Montreal GENERAL AGENTs. 586â€" 45. 3m. 594â€"3 594tf Bread, Cake and Frait Knives, with plain and ornamental blades and handles. In short, every description of Electro articles and Cutlery, will be found in this immense stock. The Auctioneer invites his friends and the gublle g:nenlly to iusm this valuable stock, which will es on view the day previous to, and cach morning sale. And in the great variety of CUTLERY there are Mahogany cases containing Fortyâ€"four pieces of Dessort gull.ry, with Electroâ€"Plated Blades and Forks, having handles of Pearl, Evory, Agate and Electioâ€"Plate ; Table Cutlery, with African and other Ivory, Horn, Bone, Shell, and Electroâ€"Plate Handlos ; Dessert Knives to match the Table Kniyes; "ots of 50 pieces, Sets of 24 pieces, and Sets of 12 pieces without cases ; the same in cases ; Beef Slicers, Boef and Game Carvers. Table and «Decsert: i“i;l‘k;, ;fll')le, Dessert, Tea, Salt, Mustard, Egg and Sugar s';oolu, in many sty16s, Soup, Sauce and Toddy Ladles to match, RAb~Mr. Grifiths will be in attendance to ‘give any information required. Ks 594td A. ROW E, Auctioneer. A HAIR RING, with charm attached. The owner can have the same by proving property and snying exBoun. Call at %, ARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO‘S. Qitawa, November 20, 1867. 594â€"3 ' BY A. ROW E. E!'I'IIIIVI Sale of Sheficld Silver= plated Ware, Ivoryâ€"Handied Table Cutlery, &c. Awos Rowr, Auctioncer, begs to announce having received a large valuable consignment of the above Goods, direct from the celebrated Manuâ€" tmctory of Messre, Griffiths & Co., Park Works, Sheffield, England, which he will sell by Auction at his Rooms, li. Rideau Street, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, 27th NOVEMBER, 1867, and FOLLOW. ING DAYS, at TWO and SEVEN o‘clock, p. m , each day. _ Amongst the Electroâ€"Platg will be found Epergues, Chandelabras, Venison, Salmon, Steak, Entree and Vegetable Dishes, Dish Covers in many varieties, Soup, Sauce and Vogetable Tureens, Ketâ€" tles, with Lamps and Stands, Kottles without lamps, Tea Urns, Tea and Coffee Sorvices of no less than thirty different designs, Liquor stands for one or three Decanters, Cruet Stands, with three, four, five six and seven bottles of surpassing tloilnco. being quite new derigns, Pickle Tnmu, with elaborate. ll{n'mglu mountings, Jars of richly Cut Crly)nul, by Claret Jugs, in Cut Glass and Electroâ€"Plate, Sugar Vases, F’:vnr Btands, Coffee Trays, Salvers, Butter Coolers, Marmalade Stands, Honey Jars, Kanife Rests, Fish Carvers, in cases. To Journeymen Tailors. WA NTE De«0ONE OR TWO Goop HANDS. Apply to Mr. WILLIAMS, at c T. & W. HUNTOXN‘s. Ottawa, Nov. 20, 1867. 594â€"a Auction . Sales Montreal, BY JOHN LEEMING & CO. Auction â€"is les, _ Ottawa, i t ® 'I\lll MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal, hvinf just im« nmod al quantity of Green andâ€" Black Toas, g to call :Eo attention of the Trade, Hotel Proâ€" &-‘mn, and large establishments generally to ir list of prices. .Buyers of Chests and Boxes of Tea will save money by getting it direct through m.!-le.: Ad wod 3 T 4 THE IMPORTERS. TEA! TEA! TEA! All orders tor 25 1b. boxes and ugvndn, carriâ€" age free to any Railway Station in Canada. Parâ€" ties wanting smaller quantities should club togeâ€" ther, Buyers lm:‘ beyond Railway Stations, will please sond fut ce order, or enclose notes, The carriage will be paid to the nearest station, where there are express offices. Tea will be forwarded immediately on mlr of the order by mail conâ€" hhi:ï¬ money, or the money can be collected on d Vfl" by express man. Casi collected in Montreal free of eh.rr, and Tea forwarded for the same. Orlshll packages Black Tea weigh, j chests about 50 lbs. Chests do. 90 to 100 Ibs. Green Te« from 60 to 80 Ibs. Teas not mentioned in adâ€" vertisement can be had u{nllly cheap. The Comâ€" pany>are determined totake a stand in the Montreal market, cng article may therefore be depended on as to quality and weight. s Commmon Longou, Broken Leat, Strong Tom..$00 45 Fine Flavoured New season do.........,....... 00 58 Excellent Full Flavoured do............ ......... 00 75 OUNG OOIODG..... sssasessenssrscrssscrsnsresscrrsccres 00 48 Rich FIAYOUFOA Go.....s....0 «sssssssssrimsszecsene 00 60 Very Fine MO sonccssusssermse rrrirenerrecsiness WB TB TEPRN, crrsorssries corcreomcrenireeee reverssincccces 00 8B Very Fint 40.... ...cccceermtrrtiterercrrtcercenes OW TB An excelient mixed Toa, Black and Green,.... 00 60 Twankay, Common..... YOUNG HyBORD.......cccsee ccvnsnennennnsnnrprerercnces 00 FiB§ 040| ..s ccannssbrrenmererereneyrecernbrecsenser 00| Superfine and Vary Choite..........=msseme > 1( Fin0 GUNPOWAOT....... .11c usmm en mssseenrernmceese 00 EXtTA SUpQFADO 4O........0., »«ae 60e se memmmmmice 1 Reductions made to buyers ot Five Chests and upwards. u> Aodrews® yT 0 c3;, c â€"0 . $A All Boxes and Chests sent from this Estabâ€" lishment have the address of the MONTREAL TEA COMP ANY printed on them. August 27, 1867. 52234â€"wy 17, Sussex Street, Bl‘f of#a Golden Ball, for a BHORT TIME ONLY. Ottawa. November 15, 1867. 590b FOR SALE AT THUE Nevember 13, 1867 S 10 ACRES OF LAND, situated o within two to .txht miles of the city. Apply to JOHN W.MOGUIRE, Lot 25, 2nd Concesâ€" sion, Ottawa Front, Gloucester. 546â€"6m Un Friday, 22nd Novemter. H Y AC LN T H OGTtaApsSms â€"â€" TRADE SALR OF TBAS, Ottawa, November 15, 1867. ces i6 dabas‘ MONTREAL TEA CO., o. 4 ©6, Hospitalâ€"st , Montreal. R@" Agent for Ottawa and neighborhood, 17 Sussox street, 504â€"10 _ Sign of the «6 Golden Ball.** Particulars hereafter. Sale at NINE o‘clock Y Catalogue, for account of Messrs. D. TORRKANCE & CO., OTES taken at par at MARKET DRUG STORE | BUY YOUKR TEA Commercial Bank. BLACK TEA. GREEN TEA. Land ftor Sd@le. ) Hlouin ie io cight tntlee of thy oh. J. A., PINARD‘®, IMR. JOS. MOONEY. FOUND. JOHN LEEMING & CO., Auctioncers. DIRECT FROX YORK STREET, , WILLILAM HEARN J. A. PINARD‘3, 00 55 00 60 00 75 Canadian (Grey Cloth at 3s. 3d. per yard. | | Canadian Tweeds at 4s. per yard. _ ow Canadian Cotton Yarn at 7s. 6d. a Bundle. R Canadianâ€"Bags at 1s. 9d CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY Blankets, Flannels, and Mantle Cloths. CUNNINGHAM AND LINDSAY J SEWILL is by Special Appointment Wautchmaker to Her Mojesty the Queen « Royal Family, and Court of Spain; The Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiâ€" ralty ; Her Maj. sty Queen Victoria; Royal Navy ; and Prizo Medallist of the lnttntio.u Exhibition of 1862. N. B.â€"Manufacturing and Repairing attended to. Ottawa, November 9, 1867. «11y ï¬Â»"? MX,N 1?;1‘ f: OLOO&:_ SHEFFIELD HOUSE ! CHEAP SALE FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY: GREY:COTTONS, sold 2 weeks ago for id per yard, now sold for. . . .!. .. s Do. e ON***i¢ #d. ‘""""dp, :“‘.' *a Do. do. do. ad. do. ++ +5 x +by it 6 Do. do. . do. 944. > â€" do. 2+ 64 + + +4 . * WHILTE COTTON®S, sold 1 woek ago for4}d. per yard now sold for ...... . 3id. " Do. do. do. 8d. do, isx«#+ + Wiky 8 No. do. do. 934. do. x+ ++ + WMk, * * Do. do. â€" do. 18. 24. do +ss : M * | And a complete assortment of COMMON WARE, Wholesale solicited. $ 4 Do. do. â€" do. 18. 24. do. _ | ....... HMd.* A Bargainâ€"â€"â€"A lot of Heavy White Cotton, 41 inches wide; worth 1s. 30. sold for 104. Cloths ‘ol'%ll' Makes & Designs, Prints, Flannels and Woollen Goods, &c., all purchased lately, and offerâ€" ed at euch prices as to please everybody. Blankets, best value, and Cheapest in Ottawa. _ Call and judge for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURESâ€"ONE PRICE, 1#7" Firstâ€"Class Tailoring done on the Premises. DR ES‘ S G OO DS, Invite the inspection of intending purchagers to a LARGE acd well assorted stock of Gents‘ * + Undercloching in * s Garland, Mutchmor & Co,, Gloves, Ties, Scarfs, Braces, Paper Collars; English & canadlan Tweeds, in G;e_af Yq[ig[y, White Dress Shirts, C E Broadcioths from the best manufacturers in Britain. Overcontings in all the best materials Beaver, Moscow Beaver, Pilots and Whitneys, Cassimeres and Doeskins. ; Ottawa CROCKERY Store! Glass, China and. Earthenware, From the celebrated Potteries of "Clementson Bros.," Hanley, (acknowledged to be the best makers in England), oo-pflallf Richly Cut and Prest PECANTERS, Pints and Quarts, b « w «_ CLARET JUGS. t hiÂ¥ « «â€"TUMBLERS and GOBLETS. « «_ _ «_ WINES (to match decanters,) BREAKFAST SETTS, DESSERT SETTS: h DINNER « _ TEA / :z j 4 TOILET SETTS, (a choice selection.) JUI'I' RECEIVED ex Ships «#SYLVEN," @SUMMER,*! and other vessels, fifty crates and hhds. of | | Parian Marble, in Vases, Statuettes, Jugs and Trinket Boxes Millinery, Mantles, Dresses, Cloths, Ottawa, November 15, 1867 OTTAW A, Nov. 18, 1867 J. Sewill‘s Celebrated Watches! Oltawa, October 38, 1867. : "The Bishop‘s Building, Sussexâ€"st., near the Cathedral OTTAW A, Nov, 16, 1867. f . 412y Previous to opening our New Store on Rideau Street, we‘will hold a Linenâ€"faced, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Linen Handkerchiefs, hemmed > and unhemmed, Wool Muffiers and Railwsy Wrappers. Goods Marked in Plain Figur Ottawa, November 14, 1867 E. K. MAcGILLIVRAY & CO., Dry Goods at Reduced Prices. NEW GOODS. NEW ;GOODS. *‘ Gengewe ‘neonis FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. NADIAN and SCOTCH Importers, 20 Sparksâ€"st., Gents‘ Furnishing Goods ! Fancy Flannel Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Hosiery, GRANT & HENDERSON‘S, Tweeds, Gloves, Mosiery, &c OFFERING GREAT JINDUCEMENTS IN ALSO, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Inspection Invited. GARLAND, MUTCOHMOR & CO. Lambs‘ Wool, from the best manufactures ARE NOW SELLING DIRECT IMPORKRTERS OFP s1 RIDEAU STREET, (opposite Mr + GOLDEN BAXLL ! J. A. PINARD‘S, REDUCTION IN PRICES, No. 17, Sussoxâ€"st., CREY& BLBACHED 00’["101% The Good Old Time has Come again, JUNT ARRIV ED and Retail. â€" $@"An early inspection To justify the s«ying, SIGN OF THE . ALLAN, OPFERED AT iBUCH AT . D. Whalen‘s.) 514y 590b 510y 111y 484Â¥ KONX & VAUGHAN, of Middlesboro‘ on ‘Y«kï¬hhfllfl.flmm mddressed as under will receive due attention. j JOHN.G. RICHARDsOXN, k . . Bor H4T.PD, ° ._ TB | Or 16 Beaverâ€"streot, Kow York, Also, Kaâ€"Foozleâ€"um Galop, Belgravia Waits, Come 19 ns Augel alSloop. Nore O Mexl, &o., fo.. * * â€" " QUEEN FICTORIA," CaAPT. BOWIE, c_‘ UXTIL CLOSE OF NAVIGATION The Great Song of the Day is, > 4 "Put your Shoulder to the Wheel," teman and his family November 18, 1867 Fresh Arrivals of Chickering, Steinway and Dunham PIANOS at Manufacturer‘s Prices. Parties, Balls, &c., furnished with a firstâ€"class STRILNGâ€"BAND of trom six to twenty performers, at * ORME & SON‘8, T se Sign of the Golden Lyre A FIRSTâ€"CLA§s® MALE TEACHER for the R C. SEPARATE SCHOOL of sT. AEORGL‘s WARD. b‘ï¬c'-.u to commence trom or after the 5th December pext. Applicants o state ralary required, and be p-opuom far» mish gertificates as to character aid qualifiontion. _ (MeEWAN‘S CURING,) JUSf RMOavae®.:: c:0o0 _ _ ‘v ITHIN a short distance of the P1 liament Buildings a FURNISHED 8 TINGâ€"ROOM, and TWO or THREE BEDROO: WITH BOARD, for the Winter, suitable for 8 g APPLICA‘I‘IOI will be made to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, at he next Seasion for a CHARCER to run a STEAM FERKYBQAT from the GATINEAU POINT and RIVER to the CLTY of OTTA W A, t be called the @ATINEAU AND OTTAWA STEAM FERRY COMPANY... it * November 15, 1867. November 5 Ittawa, Nov. 15, 1867 COFFBE. â€"COFFEKE. rl\wo llmcl-m JOURNEYME®X Blacksm whom constant employment nd good waies will be given. Apply to . > MACADAMIZED R3AD COMPY, ANFUAL GENERAL MEETING Mouday, Ninth day of December Next A. 0., 1867, at THREX of the clock in the afterâ€" Ottawa & Montreal Macadamized Road Oo‘y IN THE TOWNSHIP of GLOTCESTER, ELIECTION OF DIRECTORS, And other business of the Company . Dated this Sixteenth day of November, 1867. . e Z. WILSON, First Confedera‘s Padlisment ! ic ure embracing portraits ‘.llr“' on the ueâ€" miu.uduhu‘mhp.-w&"“ sarily hurried sketch en on the spot to secure likenesses, all mï¬m v invited to call aod sit for individual cither at MK. NO LM AN‘3 studio in Montreal or at his New has decided in conjunction with Mz. J. A. FRABER HIS & t.event in the ‘F Hany wht tow Dominies, i. ROPMAR Change of Time. THE STEAMER §TOCKHOLDERS Tulllloo-annm with three of Phelan‘s Standard Pour :‘d Tables. ‘The cushions »re new, and cannot be excelled for clasticity. â€" Geniiomen foud of the noble and sclenâ€" tifc amusement of Billiards are respectfully inâ€" vited to call in. , WILLLAM MURRAY, . be opened in Ottawa. Ottawa, movember 6, 1867 Ottawa, Ost. 17, 1867. Ottawa, \|August 17. MNOCHA COFFEE, JAVA R COFrFPEE, samaca~~ C corPEE, CEYLON . "(Sative) â€" COFPEE, CEYLON (Plantation) COFFEE, LAGUAYRA COFFEE, Frosh evéry morning, whole or ground. C JA8. BUCRANAN, wi â€" BusseX & Wellingtonâ€"sts. DVOCATE, &« Little St. James A Street, !9!%!'2““" forpâ€": Ottawa, Oct. 1 t.?h. October 31, 1867. To be had at Leaves at 7 A. M. GUERARD‘S HOTEL, $ NO‘LTICE. HE undersigned is the sole Represon= November 14, 1867 NE SUITE OF ROOXS AT nan‘aPrivate Hotel, Sparkeâ€"st. _ Wanted Immediately $93td $872 Addressâ€" Addressâ€" Confederation Billiard Rooms. W AmNCEHEIL. W ANTED. NOTILTCEH. R. J. WICKsTEED, OPEXINXG OF THE ute the same in the shape of a large ORME & SOoNS. NoOTICE,. Boarding. now building and which will shortly JOHN O‘REILLY, Metcalfeâ€"stroet, near Ap «rks. JAS. 'UCEA'I‘“- ï¬-« Haddies ! D. C., Post Office, AT S1af