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Ottawa Times (1865), 20 Nov 1867, p. 4

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it k lt Burgovns, Burbridges and Squire Conmuayâ€"9r., Loxnox. 12y HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNABLE, 'I“ Instraments, rop ‘Fittings, _ Thirty housand prices ot the above forwarded see of all charge, monthly, by _ © rl\ill: will be offered FOR SALE by Pablic Auction, at the RUSSELL HOTEL in the CITY of OTTA W A, on the TW ENTYâ€"THIRD day of NOYVEMBER, instant, at TW ELVE a‘clock, noon, under the Power of Sale containod in a mortâ€" gage thereof, that Valuable Leasehold Property "_hm" SHOP and DWELLING thereon, #ituated on the Corner of Sussex and Claronce Streets, and known as the South Half of Lot No. 1, on the North Side of Clarence Street, formerly the property of the late Kusebs Varin. _ Vendor wili covenant sgainst his own acts onâ€" Iy. Conveyances, Searches, Abstracts, &o., to«be at purchaser‘s expense. There will also be offered for sale at the same time and place those Valgabls TINBER LIMITS, covered by Liconces Xm{fl of 1863â€"1867, on Chalk River, 202 of 1866â€"1857 $u Chalk and Deep Rivers, «nd 203 of 1363â€"1867 on Chalk River. â€" Also, VILLAGE LOTS Nos. 2 and 3, in Block number Six, in the Village of AYL <ER. _ Also, a LOT of LAND in the Towaship of EARDLEY, and TWELVE ACRES of a LOT of LAND in the Township of HULL, in the County of Octawa. k MHECTOR McLEAN, Auctionser. Oitawa, Novamber 8, A. D., 18 wa, C.W. s s AYER‘8 w 3 CATHARTIC i s A x: PILLES. ces d â€" & Brne> it M ® Are you sick, feeble, and @omplaining? . Are you out of y3 » v, with your system deâ€" 4e 22 and your frelings unâ€" m le? Theso sympâ€" A toms are often the prelude to tous iluess, Fome fit of A 6 is creeping upon you, Py nug be averted by a \ ® of the fl;‘ht reme a se« edy yer‘s Pills, and 952 >( A cleanse disordered huâ€" ~ ons morsâ€" blood, and N m lot ove on unob» es alth . again. mulate the functions P of t 0 I); into vigorous ac S es tivitf, purify the system from the ohptrnflmu which make Ottawa, Aug. 8, 1867 ~'”’ $ *b Are you sick, feeble, and @omplaining? Are you out of mss ir, with your system deâ€" B _ d &:«L\:fi'd your felings unâ€" le? Theso symp» C toms are often the prelude to tous iliuess, Sume fit of f is creeping upon you, ‘ s be averted by a \4‘ "" 1 of the n"m reme > < edy yer‘s Pills, and v»,"<4 cleanse disordered huâ€" NCA morsâ€" biood, and ty lot ove on unob» t ith â€" again. nulate lhokohncunn of tiiifbody into vigorous ao s ._1" E22 tivitf, purify the -_\h-lehm fromm the obstructions which make dizease. A cold settles somewhere in lh: bady, n;d : structs -u-.l% These, if not reliov ~¢'~ themselves and surronading organs, proâ€" ducing wn, suffering, wnd . disease, While in this condition, @ppressed by the derangements, the disorders they cure. . = o e n ie seaAPo,carand "wich it te banyant Lowe vestore t! J‘* fl-d -\!L it the buoyant fl"fl““ What is true and so apparent in this -fl-fi.uupldu. is also true in many of the deepâ€"swated and dangerous distempore, The same r them, . Cansed by similar obstrucâ€" and s of the natural functions of the q.- fi and many of them surely, cured bw means, . None who know the virtues of these princiga}, citics, and from other Em AoHWY OME PCR CCC CC P C es al s great in medicine. ‘They have curei my little daughtor d“-q-kh-ha-fi.flhuhd.nnd incurable for: yeurs. l-_turuhnln:phv- with blotches and pimplos on her in and im After our child was cured, sho also tried your they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDGE 10 y a Family Physic. n . E. W. Cortcright, New Orleans, Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excallent any, cathartic we possess. They are %â€".ufl-w‘dwh&nufl.-h makes them invaluable to us in the daily treakment of discase. Daar Bro. Are®: answer you what complaints Ein magret en reaAited uce dion io m ol Aaties cver ne. m--w im -,mn"::-un disease, and believing as I do that your Pils afford us the sest we have, 1 of course them bighly. ; Du. J. C. Aven. Birt $ have been repeatedly cured of n-â€"-wfi-.m.u,m’:mm of your Pills. 1t to arise from a foul stomach, PFrom Merchant of St. Lowis, Peb. 4, 1956 Ds. Arin: T-'_ Pills are the paragon of all that is finâ€"umu-/mmm only are Pills admirably to their purâ€" c-.â€":hnlhdemlofihq- Liver very marked indeed | ‘They have in my prac« tiee proved more effectual for the cure of bilious com» than aay one remedy 1 can mention. 1 sincerely '& thy the confidence of the profession aud the people. Drramtwext or tus Intenion, Washington, D. C., ith Feb., 1806 4812 : I have used your Fills in my general and â€"_‘“"H_yn-!b%-fl?nmbduuh DRUG®, â€" &c. they are the best cathartic we employ, Their reguâ€" *-~I-bq&k.1'MluI.Mt they are an admirable remedy for derangemen} : organ. Indeed 1 have seldom found a case of “nohunufluudu-uuflyihfln them. . Awaternally yours, _ ALONZO BALL, 3. D., Physician of the Marine Hospital, Dysentery, Diarrhwa, Relaz, Worms. Prom Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicagos trial in and 1 sdindahmatanets hantortntt d wer found. â€" Their alteracive effect upon the liver makes zâ€"wmfi- given in small doses for ious dyrentery and diarrhwa. Their sugarâ€"coating Billous Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints, T T B on & s ‘-unu-‘flâ€"flwlhulfimm Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom Hieo. J. V. Mimes, Pustor of Advent Church, Bostom, _ Da. Aren: 1 haveased your Pills with C ima woul saecess in my faraily and among those 1 am called to vi in distress, â€" To regulate tho (og#uns of .digestion and purify the blood, they are the very best. remedy 1 have m and 1 cap confidently recommend them to merâ€"{sach. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON.Jz., -‘:‘:fl&’ sat _‘ system and puri/y the fountains of the biooi : e JOHN (;.!!IACIIA!.I. D. Ipation, Costiveress, Suppression, w-m-.’d.::. no-'rd.’L, Dropâ€" uy, Paralysis, Fits, etc. _ _ __ Teo much cannot be said of your Pills for the cure of wetivness. 1f others of our fraternity have fand them as effieacious «s 1 have, they should jin me in prochaim» tng it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, whict, although bad enough in itself, is the rogenitor of others "that aro worse. 1 believe c tiveness to oviginate in the liver, but your Pills adlect that argan and cure the discaso. Prom Mrs. E. Suart, Physician and Midwi]+, Doston, I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the rm-u:mnrn-molmm-. wholly partially suppressed, al “ndâ€"-um{am-z:w They «re se much the best physic we have 1 rcsommend so other to my pationts s From the Rev. Dr. BPrwkes, of the Mcthodist Rpis. Church, Prepared by Semats Cmarer®, Baton Rouge, La.. 5 Dec. 155. Da, Are® : I have been entirely cur«d, by your Pills, of Goutâ€"a painful disease that had uficted me =m ® VINCENT SLIPELL Most of the Pills im market contsin Mercury, »ithough a valuable remedy in skillu! hands. is ous in a public r.n. from the dreadful conseâ€" that freqneatly follâ€"w its incantions use. Thase no mereury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 conts per Dox, or 5 Boxes for ! 1. Prepared by Dr. J.C. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Mass Wansaw, C., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1885. Dras Sm : I am using your Cathartic lills in my prac wee, and find them an excellent purgative to cleanse the End Dalyâ€"st., Ottawa. April 1. 1d by georze Mortimer, John ltoborts, W. M ssey d Â¥ MsCirthy sad J. Skinner in Ottawa Pabr ary Hth. 1287 C8d3w Puiasgt Hous®. Sarannah, Ga.. Jan, 6, 1856 Woront» Sin: I snould be ungrateful for the relief pur skill has brought me If I did not report my case to »a. A cold settled in -;:h-hn-d ko:lh(;n excru« ating mewrulgic pa‘ns, w 1 in chromic rheumaâ€" ;luwn&'..uumuu.:!‘m the J“nulmu-hl by the advice of your agent in Baitimore, Dr. Mackenzis, 1 tried your HOLESALE Manufacturers of Bed= steads, Chairs, &c., Chaudiero Island, Otâ€" the use of them, 1 am now cutirely well PARTIES ABOUT To BUILD=» PE taity U LLL 2aftccbae will . neglect !’lqfi-'hn suffering from Yours with great respect, _ ED. W. PREBLE, Cleri; of Steamer Clario® BUILDING LOTS#, one mile from the atr, on the Riukmond Road, contrining one Pharmacentical Preparations, f }’Ma‘tn’lh Suudr.}u, i:' im Raltimore, Dr. Mackenzis, 1 tried your r effecis were slow, but sure. . By perserering PLANX®, SPECIFICATIONS, ESTIMATES, &© Lots for Saile. AUGUSTUS LAVER, WILLIAN HOLGATE, JOHN OLLV ER, WILLIAM ANNABLE Meadache, Foul 8 Edword Boyd, Baltimore, Yours, _ J. Â¥. MIMES. well known Rjontrecl, Crmada. PM';".I'lodicha alteries, \Dye Goods, Colors, Lorenges, \ _ Chemicals, /’ O.lmen‘s Stores, Vetermary Sundries. venient for the use Arcumrer 307tf May 1, 1858. 06y 8itd 5044 _ ‘| Ottawa, November 37 CHANGE of TIME. Ottawa and Prescott Railway, as follows : * Express, 2.45 p. m. 5.20 p. m. Mixed, 7. 30 l."-. 11.00 a, m. ‘ Mail, 6.30 p. in. 9,30 p. m. * LEAVE OTTAWA. ARRIVE IN PRESCOTT. * Express, 8 a. m. .. _ 10.30 a. m. Mixed, 1.30 p. m 4.40 p. m. Mail, 10.30 p. m. 1,.30 a. m« ‘The time of these Trains has been soatranged as to ensure sonnection with night and day trains on Grand Trunk, east and wost. N. B.â€"These rraims runm on Montreal Time. Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to all stations on Grand Trunk Railway. Returns tickets to Prescott, Ilcnsvill- and Otaâ€" wa at reduged rhtes can be had at the principal sta« tions on the line. Brockville and Uttawa Railway, A. M.««TRAINS will leave 7‘30 Brockville daily at 7.30 a.m., and 3145 p. m«, arriving at Sandpoint at |:10 p m., gnd 9:25 p.m. 4 FT & / A. M.«â€"«TRAINS will leave 3 3 -‘5 Sandpoint daily at 5145 a«m«y and 2:00 p. m., arriving at Brockvillo at 12:00 p. m., and 8:15 p. m. ‘ i The 7:30 l.:.. ;!"n;n from Brockville !om;ooa at Sandpoint w . F. Coy‘s Steamers for Porta du Fort, Pembroke, &0., and the Train from Snnst Efl: at 2:00 p.m., leaves aiter Steamers are due Ottawa and Pemoroke. _ _ mig e o9 Eouo Oe Ei ETE All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Porth. Grand Trunk Railway Company Brockville, June 29 lows sUMMER . ARRANGENMENMTS. {» way .xpress for Ogdensburgh, Oitawa, Brockville, Kingston, Btflefllhv. To â€" ronto, M&. London, Brantford Goderich, alo, Detroit, Chicag» , and all points West, at..................... 8.00 A.M« Night . do _ do Wisrecorserecvmcigice S H PWls Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stalions, at............. » 9.40 A.M. Train« for wachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.M., 12.00 Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M. The 3.00 P.M., Train runs throughto Plattaburgh. ~aoIxg soUTh aANp East. Express by Kailway throughout tor New York, Boston, and all Intermujliate Points, connecting at St. Joh ith Vermont Centrel Railroad, at Butâ€" lington with the Ruulasd and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also with the Lake Champlain Steamboats for Lake George, Saratoga, Now York,&s ,&e. Accommodation Train for lsland Pond and Intermediate Stations, at............ Ottaya, Oct. 31, 1867 hrulâ€" for Boston and Intermediztc Points, connecting at ©t. Johns with the Vermont Central Railroad, at.... 8.30 A M. Mail for Portland, stopping over night at e ld-‘i_;rfid.,.w.....g...‘...f._."\.‘..... 2.00 P.M. press by way throughout for New ‘ Tork, m’nd -ll' Intermediate Points, connecting at St. Johns with Vermont Central Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Ruttand and Burâ€" m. Railroad, also at Rouse‘s with Lake Champlain Steamers for Lake George, Saratoga, New . York, &0., :.....m..w.&.‘w 4.30 P.M. Night Express for Three Rivers, Quebec, ;vhn du !45-, M.ll'l"%.:d:ru IO.‘IO P.M. ‘ars on B t Trains, Baggage Wm n For t all fhak 'l.'“‘ii_:nld.m"‘ and departure of all trains at Termini and Way Staâ€" tions, see the @rand Trunk Railway Book of Time ts c. J. BRYDGES, ® Managing nrector. av S C 135â€"Â¥ May 26 sUMMER ABRANGEMENT FWVIE Subscriber begs to inform y, M friends and the public generally that he ha ;o:‘-:ud business in the store formerly cegu y DCV GO0> DS ! :\.llld‘;m::“ keep constantly on hand a gens> DEYC_ â€" GoOO) Ds ! Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. JAMES HIGGINSON, I"mon . Block, Sussexâ€"st. ‘v HICHIS EXCELLENT, and WHICH they carsell at$3 PER DOZEN. Amateor who have tasted the wine, consider it n very good article, and superior to what is supposed to be imâ€" svm!. Hotel keepers and dealers in Wines would o well tacall on LAROQUE & CO., and give them orders. N and after MONDAY, the 4th NOV., 1867, and until further notice trains will rup Messrs. Fingland & Draper Ohampagne Manufactured in Ottawa. Readymade Clothing . " Botties of every description, excenting oil bottles, wanted, and one penny per dozon more givâ€" en than by any other y for the same. LAROOUE & CG. LAROQUE & Co. CHURCH sTREET ll AVE just received Blographia Litern« tin, by Colerydge; Parlismentary Governâ€" ment, by A) Todd ; The Tenants of Malory, by Fanu; Biographies and Misceilancous Papers, by Washington Irving; The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, Longfellow ; Annals of a quiet neighborhooa, by lloorjo MeDonald ; The Enterâ€" taining Naturalist, by Mrs Loudon; Anez, by Miss Aufl‘n Evans; The Old Curiosity Shop. (The Chas Dickens*‘ Edition) ; RIII.I‘;“ Gauntlet, by Edmund Yates, (cbeap English Edition) ; Eseays of Elia, Complete, 12} cents; Manual of Platoon Exercises for Snider Breechloading _ Artillery Carbines, 7 cents ; The English Magazines tor Noâ€" vember: For sale by J DURIE & sOXN, THE METROPOLIT A N N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY lith, Trains will leave Bonaventure Station a# folâ€" Ottawa July 10, 1867 Canadian â€" Champagne! awa. Septembar READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, LEAYE PRESCOTT ARE NOW MANCPACYURING a WINE CALLED LATE LITERATURE. NEW DOMINION RAILROADS. LEAVE BROCKYVILLE OF CANADA LEAVE $A NDPOINT Aumond‘s Block, nimeneing 1st Julu, 186 J. DURIE & SON GoING WEsT T. 8. DETLOR, 10 Sntifl.. Opposite the Russell House, P. OMEARA, Prorarcroz. faxb Rideas Street, Ottawea ARRIVE IX OTTAWA ARBOTT Manager for Trustee 41y / SurERINTENDENT. ty _ Next to he Tea Pot. 481tf 5.30 A.M. dRA 1867, SPARTAN, Have commenced their reguiar trips between Montreal and Hamilton, calling at all Intermediate Rorts, connecting with the Passengers will find it to their advantage to travel by this route, it being the q:!ekm and cheapest, as well as the most comfortable . 7 Both ways, daily, Mondays excepted Meals and State Rooms always‘included in the Fare. F N.B.â€"Through and ‘Return Tickets can be ob« ained at reduced rates from 1867, Fast Sailing Mail Steamer Queen Vicuria, (Capâ€" tain Bovlo.z leaves Ottawa dnllr (Sundays exâ€" cepted) at 6:30 a.m., for Grenville and interme~ diate landings, connecting with the C. & Grenville Railway, and at Carilion with Steamer Prince of Wales, â€" Passengers arrive in Montreal at 4:45 p.m. _ Steamer Prince of Wales, (Captain H. W. herd,) leave~ Lachine on arrival o’( tho|1 a.m WE 1 in ol es casiol ts Th ns ts bniadic . P ciabcalifre wainte munidyraeprvtginids e ty‘ Tanet/ Sarie from Montreal, connecting at Carilion with .C. & G. Railway, and at Grenyille with Steamer Queen Vistoria, arriving at Ottawa at 6:30 p.m. ‘The comfort and economy of this line is unsurâ€" passed, while the route passes through one of the most Fletnuu‘::o districts in Canada, and is the most fashiona ble for tourists. a oi Lo d cid chey ind sinibsiniitcieitin w Partics desirous of a pleasant tr'ir can obtain Return Tickets from Uttawa to Grenville, valid for one day, at single fares. Passengers for the Colebrated Caledonia Springs will be landed at L‘Orignal. _ be % ";l'r'oo.l ex r:.u-d;'l'l?-fi(;a Ottawa te Montreal and inbr-o:hh landings. FARES Returntickets to Montreat..................$6 00 each. TPBE ONM§s. ccvreenmenrenvencecccsesssorirrreces & BD S0OORG U0.ccrccecceccsncrcenetereeesrmrccctere & 00 Market Steamer I)nipumr. (Capt. Peter Moâ€" Gowan,) leaves Montreal, Canal Basin, Tuesday»® and Thursdays. _ _ _ % The magniGcent steamers Bagenage checked through. ‘The Steamer Alerandra, (Capt. M. Shepherd,) will be oa:rlq.d in towing rafts between Ottawa and Grenville. R. W. SHEPHERD. atse 14 4348 ‘ANADIAN INLAND #TEAM NAVI= 4 GATIUN COMPANY 1861. MONTREAL & OTTAW 4 This Compahy i# m-.rnplnd with new and eficient stock to forward Â¥reight of cvery descripâ€" tion between Montreal, Ottawa and Rideau Cunal, and intermediate Ports, with promptness and desâ€" patch, and at low rates. Freight received at the wharf of the Richelien Company, at Quebec, and forwarged daily. For freight apply to D. MURPHY, Agent, Canal Basin, Ottaws. CHANGE of TIME. 18A AC BONNER, Am 85 Commenâ€"st., Basin, Montreal. May T. 426 | um.m&c.'.. Proprictors for the Canadas emor twrytvâ€"rive ozNts. \| _ word by Geo. Mortimer, John Roborts, W. M QM,‘-y Â¥. MocCarthy, J. Skinner, and ) Brown, in Ottawa. 4 ; * _ Ottawa, Nov. 1, 1867. dTidwom ROYAL MAIl THROUGL LiX On and after SEPTEMBEI 1st . antil turther no tice) the steamer Ann "Niszon will leave Aylmer mr{ day, for the Upper Ottawa,at 7 a. m., con necting with the A/liance at head of Railroad ai 11, touching at Arnwior. . Sand Point, Bristol, Bonnechere, ;lrmll'oi harf, ;)ould'- W harf, ll";l M&dl ort, atriving at 2 p. m. Stages wili loave Gould‘s Whart lm:‘“hury after Ars.v‘ll of Allianee tor Cobdeu, connecting with steamer Jaso» Gou!d, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. belsâ€"ut & uie id dnb .. at Audinic un e rivaiyly yeine ) Audrrety ~>4 'i‘lho Pontiae leaves Pembroke at on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays for Pes Joachim» May 14 o P ufi at all intermediate ports, ruing Mon dly‘l'.‘VOdIlOldl’l and Fridays, leavi nt.f &. .. connecting at Pembroke with steamer Jason Gould which leaves Pembroke Landing at/l p. m., an< arriving at Portage du I"o:t same :‘un‘h‘. uc t We o n k Sd q cuet ausa 22 ww n 'I.!lo.'ms-n Alliance leaves Portage du Fort nu?;onb" at 7:30 a. m., railway time, touching at Gould‘s Wharf, Farrell‘s Wharf, Sonnecherc, Bristol, Sand Point and Arpprior, and arriving a! hoad of Railway at 11:45, and connecting with Ann Siseon at Pontine at noon, _ Passengers reac! Ottawa at 4 p. m, The steamer Calumat, on and after Friday, 4). Instant, will leave Havelock on Tnudnv and Fridays at 5 a.m,, returning from Chapeau Village same days at 2 . _ WimpAtmecriber _ A connection is made daily with the Brockvill« and Ottawa Railway on the up u'ig at Sand Poin‘ 1 p.m.; and on the down trip at Sand Pght at i Ottawa City, Au . 26, 1867 _ Pa for Des Joachims leave Ottawa over; Svudey, Weduenizy and Eriday. _ __â€"â€"â€" _‘ M or all other preparations for the cure of Seaver Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind, and all diseases which affect the Wind of Zoreer; also, as a Condiâ€" on Medicine, surpassing everytaing of the kind is easy wru. aure to cure, and safe in all case and at all times, and does not prevent the hors« from being worked while using it. It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by remov ing from the air.cells the oo:l(ulnbl‘l lymph, o that secretion which in heaves OT them, causing a dificu‘ty in breathing, and by its acticn on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane t« resume its natural diinensions, thus o‘::lhh( the circulation of the blood, und restoring the distendec nuohtoeo:rmr-l .i-l-l; :.y its use the I‘u:"n m&o mproved, a rangements o the ueata niask and Shisin m.m-m. h a * D. M3 HORD: Succemtor is hoxd £ Co,, Muide: Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the Unite "'i"fi':’r.'-{io'r;il'ié’-ai?.' apply at tae Uffice of th Company at Ottawa City or Aylmer. __ Jt 8. CASSELS, _ HE OTTAWA RIYVER NAYVIGATION CcoMPANY‘8 Arabian Heave Remedv AND CONDITION MEDIVINE 4448 Upper Ottawa Route. Consisting of the following firstâ€"class steamers ANN SISSON,................Capt. BOCKUB. KRMERALED,....cccsucercceccecss * LETECH,â€" Ottawa and Prescott Railroat EW FREIGHT LINE To OTTAWA AND THE RIDEAU CANAL. 8 POSITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY ORBG O N, ..»» cosesensences SNOW BLRD,.........«.s JASON GOULD......... PONTIAC,mquusenecrnrceess P EMBRORK BEysssssseccces CALUMET......uxsrsce dGRECLAN, MEEAANC Byrccccecsincrence DIRECTORS: W. MoNavento®,... . ..J. B. Acox® : TLIMITEIE. PRESIDENTâ€"Hvon MoLaxx»a® FURWARDILNG COMPAN)Y es STEAMER®S. PASSPORT, HERRICK, BRUSH & CO KINGSTON, * ltGâ€" NORTHROP & LYMAN, DALLEY‘S MAGNE1, comprising thi line, and CHAMPION, TH K Agents Bockus. Lerton. Fixouar Hiutarp. ToxER Overas. Dvscas. Couyrerre Browpr® 1867, 1867, President 419â€"8 1861 ; OTTAWaA JIMES. NOVEMBER 20, i ~~% BLYTH & KERLB, _ Suoccessors to Chas,. Garth, No. 25, Rideauâ€"st., Plumbers, Gas & Steam Fitters, Tin & Coppersmiths, Bell llangel'l", «#&c. All materials for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly on hand. i igeam Importers and Dealers in House Furnish ing Bardware. Just received a well selected assortment of Cookiag Stoves, Iron Bedsteads, Duble Stoves, Bronzed & Wire Fonders, ‘Parlor Stoves, Fire Irons, Hall Stoves, Fire Guards, Japanned and Planished Tinware, &¢., Manutacturers of all desoriptions ot work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Mills, &¢. Makes and fits up Galvanized Iron Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &c. + PA Public and Private Buildings, Conservaâ€" tories, Vineries, Manutactories, &0., warmed by Steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the. most apâ€" proved principles. * Orders from the country will receive stmict atâ€" LONDON MUSIC STORE ! Under the Parliament Hairdressing Saloon, 2s WE omm the Best Manufacturers in ; * ( America, a Large and Fine A A T fie . aesortment of o5 C %w".m To say "Aper: % C oo ts uin be dinportd a "Trfeee “llnnfactnm' Prioes. 6 ALSO, A NUMBER OF WILLLAMS® VICTORIA ORGANS AND MELODEONS or which the undersigned is Sole Agent for Oltaâ€" wa and vicinity. _ Testimonials from Clergymen and the Principal Professors of . Music ‘a Canada an be seen at this establishm ent. Several cases of Excelient VIOLIN®, ConcERTINA8®, ACCORDEONS, TAMBOURINC®, aurrars, FLUTES, DRUMS, &e., &e Direct from Germany, Secondâ€"hand Pisnos taken in part payment for new opes. Conmected with this establishment is a Piano Manufacturer, who will attend punctually to all orders for TUNING left at the London Music Store. Ottawa, August 26 SICN of the BIC FIDDLE, =â€"=A ND« HAIRDRESSING â€" 8ALOON | Hairdresser by Appointment to His Excelâ€" lency the Governorâ€"General, ' “AI REMOVED HIS PARLLAMENT HAIR DRESSING SALOON from the old stand to his new and commodious room over the LONDON MUSIC STORE, on Eiginâ€"st., opposite the Russell fHouse, which be bas fitted up in the most mflu o :.l.o o‘(“'.:oh bu;ulnou. and ':or|o %h Rour{ ir w e im expressly for himselt, being the first hmm into British America, will bc'::r( ready for use. ‘The saloon is delighttully ilated, and very pleasantly situ a ETETRTCTY Mr. MILES: would take this o‘n‘vflnfihy of reâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many triends and the rblu, for their kind and {‘-mrouu patronâ€" age to him, during a number o years, in his old establishment, and trusts that by unn‘n‘mln‘ atâ€" tention to business, and in his new and firstâ€"class saloon, with polite and attentive workmen, to merit a continuance of their favors. _ ____ e All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, #&c,, manufactured to order, _ For the convenience of ladies oraers will be received at the London Music store, where a.fine and varied assortment of Hairâ€"work will be found. 4 Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867. 16. # 5 .qfl'A fow swites of rooms _ e now ready for the reception of boarders. Ottawa, Sept. 17, 1867. 4T4tf Mll- TROTTER begs to inform her M friends that having enlarged her premises b{o:ho addition of other ‘,ortiou of the Desbarats Block, which have been fitted up inunexceptionable To be seen at the Stable of K Gloucester, Rideau Front, 7 miles from Ottaâ€" wa, on the Macadamised load, leading from Ottawa to Metoalf, .-lhd.‘d 100 mores, 80 of which _ cleared, and in the higheat state of cuitiâ€" vation. ‘Thae soil is of the very best (llulity ; there is a good dwel‘ing house, barn, stable and other wthmw This farm is well fenced “l"'hnhrpud-lu- f or apply to HM. uefi':’m. Auctioneer, Ur the subscriber, on the premises, W,. HALPENNY. â€" Gloncester, Eept. 13, 1867. 567 37â€"0m Al 1IMPORTED §ET, SINGLE, DOT BLE and Tandom Ottawa Desember 9 FOI. SALE, Lot No. 15, 4th Concession Gloucester, Rideau Front, 7 miles from Ottaâ€" 126, Mair Dresser, by q:rlu-ut. te Exceliency the Governor O:tawa, October 3, 1867. 853 Toronto Hoiuse, Ottawa. Gloncester, Eept. 13, 1867 Ottawa, Sept. 4, 1867. LL persons indebted to Dr. J. Garvey, k and whore accounts have been rendered, are uested to call and settle at once, or costs will OR EIGHT GENTLEMEN can be ac» commedated with board and lodging at No. Ottawa, Nov. 12,81 801. Silver Mounted Harnesses. PIANOS! FARM FOR SALE. HARNESS FOR SALE. PARLIAMEN‘T Muskrat, Mink, Fox, Otter; Beaver and Bear T R A P S ! ONEIDA COMMUNITY ALEX. WORKMAN & Co., Nov. 1, 1867 NOTICE. NEWHOUSE‘S E. MILES, Elgin Street, Opposite the Russell H&uni L 551.30v MABUFACTUCRED BY E. MILES, For Ottawa and Vicinit CELEBRATED Sole Agents, M. CAMERON, J. GARVEY, M.D. intment, to his Mbe m 416y B4 578 .bâ€"44 norâ€"General §53â€"30y April 10. April 10. April 10 April 10 April 10. 2: 2 QTO(’GI'T“K BITTERS, RS At the India We Next door to Cunningham and (Lindsay‘s April 10 INDIA WAREKOUSE, April 10. Aprii 10 April, 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 10. 1867. April 10. HERRY WINE, various brands, ’ In Wood and Bottle, ~ _ __ _ April 10 April 10. C iCz * Among tne most important of modern Medical coveries stands the de, Back and Hoad, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throa‘ Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, | Cbolera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowe! _ | Complaints, Burns, Scalds, / | Fymt Bites. &c., &e. fl‘uE CANADILAN PAIN DESTROYER HA now been before the public for s length o time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to {iu permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" perly followed ; but on the mz.sfl% delightâ€" ed with its muiou, and °:ru in the hixu terms of its virtues and magical effects. | _ | _ CAxAOIAK Pi4N ces T8CYER OHN BUVLL BITTER®, At the Imdia Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY We spoak from oxporhm' in this matter, bayin tested lr:homghly, and therefore th:oq.vhg are suffering from any of the complaints for which it :s recommended may depend upon its boh*‘ a Soveâ€" reign Remody. | % Mn o 14 C «CHMIEDAM SCHNAPPS, iy At the India Warehouse RANDY, HENNESSEY and other Brands, ORT WINE, finest quality, In Wood and Bottle, . _ The astonishing efficacy of the c-mln Pain Destroyer, in curing discases for which it 1+ roâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing thoumnrin‘ pains of houmatism, and inre ieving Nervous Affections, eatitle it to a highrank 4 the list of Remedies for these complaints, er;fuu coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further m}yplies, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. Fard INE OLD CHERRY _l_!n.\!\l)\. The Canadian Pain Destroyer nover fai‘s to give mmediate relief. All Medicine Doaler® kut i l’h&.hinu order and use it; and no family vrrl without it after once trying it. â€" 2 Prior wontyâ€"five cents per bottle. _ | NORTHEOP & LÂ¥MAN. | Newecastle, C, W.,â€" (Gieneral Agents for . W Sol by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W M Massoy, H. F. McCarthy, J. Skimner, and J Brown, in Ottawa. | Ottawa Nov. 1. 1867 â€" ATiydw MNNEST OLD RYE WIHISKEY, Metcsalfeâ€"streot, -1 ‘# FBEGS TO ANNOUNCR To wu frmmds and patrons that he has removed to the building on Metenifoâ€" streot, formeriy occupied Ly The Avening Post, where he is now prepared to execute all ofl{en for BO OKBINDER, "511;{‘;;'”:“3.1 attention :o sll'ih;ork. p;d ?u- many years practical experience, he feels se fident that satisfaction will ve srsn. f Ornamental Binding done in toe most artistic B0OOKBINDING, PAPER«RULLNG, or t] BLATK BOOK MANUFPACTURING, Of every desoription in the neatest and most dur. ehto B Ns ... 5.. .. .. > . ... s oo en i n Ottawa, March 16 H::@milton‘s Hotel, Y orkâ€"st. COOX and a GIRL for DINIXG ROOMS, None but those who thoroughly understand their buriness and can farnish first.clase references need .v'. wev a wanes ev k abee maas AMSAY‘!s _ PORT ELLEN is1A PHbNRKEY, * *_="*~s UINESS‘s PUBLIN sToUT PrOR TE“. 7 . PRCT ;UOAB-CUI!D HAMS, AND BREAK- fast«Rolled Bacon. | A choice supply of the above can always be l?ud At the India Warehouse, 4 BROWNE & HARDY. Otteawa, July 9. 0oTIUs OLD TOM GIN, | . At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY IBBERT‘s LONXDoN sToUTt ror _ TER, Cemibet ol en E KUYPERS HOLLAND GIN, In Wood and Bottle, _ __ _ INEST AMBER SYRUP, At .he India Warehouse, No. 16, Rideauâ€"Street, ROSSE & BLACKWELL‘S RED AND ERNARDS GINGER WINE, At the. India Warchoure, BROWNE & HARDY OO8SEBERR Y J A M,8 TR A WBE R Y Ottawa, October 25, 1867 ORK AND FLOUR Jam,Raspberry Jam,Green Gage J a Jt the Iudia Warchouse, In Wood and Bottle, un SiLE ON REASONABLE TERMS. o e Apply at this office. Black Carrants, Jarhs and Jellies At ‘the India Warehouse, <â€" BROWNE & HARDY WANTED IMMEDIATELY NUTICE OF REMOVAL. A, MORTIMER Constantly on hand, At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARD 405tf At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY _At the India Warchouse, At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY 1t the Iadia Warchouse, â€" BROWNE & HARDY j’_','.;, India Warchouse, ‘ BROWNE & HARDY At the India Worehouse At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY PIANO At the India Warehouse, . BROWNE & HAKDY 1t the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY TEAS. BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY BROWNKE & HARDY A MGRTIMER, â€"â€"AT~â€" BROWNE & HARDY C PRCVOE N CTCROTTCY BROWNE & HARDY, PHOEBE HAMILTON. atemadc id 1867. Metoalfeâ€"street. _ .. SH4y I _ Regulations in pursuance of the 28th Chap. Con. ' Stats. of Canada, for lacding firewood on the line i of the Rideau Canal, in the City o Ottawa, and in \ addition to the regulations for The management ! and protection of the Provincial Canals, which were | authorized by the Governor in Council $0th May, | 1857, Sections 14 and following, and were made | applicable to the Rideau Canal, under the Order of l His Excellency in Council of the 2nd of June, 1860, )is Canal â€"Regulations. No'l‘l(:l is hereby given, that in ac« cordance with the 28th Chap. Cop. Stats. of Canada, His Excelleney the Governorâ€"General in Council has been pleased to approve of the follow» ing additional regulations to "ensure the proper using, management anc protection of the Canals of the Dominion of Canada. Privy Council Office, * Oitawa, 14th October, 1867 1st No firewood to be tantded on the easterly #ide of the Basin from Sappers‘ Bridge tothe line of Little Sussexâ€"strect. $ 2nd. Firewood may be landed between the line of Little Sussexâ€"street and the Byâ€"washâ€"or waste weir, but must be removed within twentyâ€"four hours after havic g been placed there ; a fine of three couts per cord will be charged for overy day the wood remains on the wharf after such notico hr« been given, Srd. Firewcod may be landed and piled around the Baxin on Government Land within forty feet of the water, leaving a roadway of at least fifteen feet between every four piles of frewood, which roadâ€" way must be as near as practicable at right angles to the margin of the Canal, This wood inust also be removed within twentyâ€"four hours after the owner removed i ur'pel'.-un and in de levied uo 4th, Two cents per cord will be charged as wharfage or groind rent upon firewood placed on apy pmt of the Government Canal Reserve. : 6th. .No firewood may be landed without a permit having beon first obtained from the Lock Master or Collector, ani the letâ€"pass must be given up to this Officer before the wood is unlonded, under a penalâ€" ty of forty dollars HOWE‘S f Bost and &hoe Store. Uur stock of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHER, BHOE Ilfllfl)lNGb;, TRUN"KB, &e., t;i. vli:l conâ€" uently be very large and most com ete in every %.e‘}mtmem. and we most respectfully solicit a conâ€" tinuance of favors, to merit which our constant en« deavors will be as usual to provide the best articles £nd sell at the lowest remunerating prices, G. HOWE & SON. wa. Rememb the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideauâ€"st next to Mowell‘s rocery. April 27. $ 420y A 8 the Lease of our Premises in Sussex» street terminates this month, we intend to con fine our buainer’ to one locality, and shall remove the whole of out Stock on the lst of May next, to our Store in _‘ « Crockery, China and Glassware. VYVARIETY â€" HALL, WIBAKFADT SETS of Gilt and Figur» ed China, Dinner Sets that are reallyâ€"beautiâ€" ful, and Tea Sets that cannot be equailed else. where. Also alarge variety of Tuilet Sets, Enaâ€" melled and Gilt Funch Bowls, Flower Shades, Englisb, Scotch and German Cut Glass ; Prest (Gilass of all kinds ; Bobemian, Parian, and other Vases;~German China Dogs; anda a variety of other Beautiful Goods at Low Prices. Also, Stoves and Furniture, Mattrasses, Mirrors, Looking Glasses and all other articles required ir House Kurnishâ€" ill; â€" Remember the Variety Hall is 34, Sussexâ€"st., nearly opposite the Barracks Clothing and Outâ€"Fitting Store, He will open in the store formerly occupied by E. Miles‘ Parliamentary Hairâ€"dressing Saloon, a com« plete stock of . Gentiemen‘s Outâ€"Fitting Goods, Cloths, &¢. Mr. Miles will carry on a branch of the Parâ€" liamentary Mairâ€"dressing Saloon in the store ocou. pied by him as a Melodeon Depst, Rideauâ€"stree opposite Workman & Griffin‘s Hardware Depot, Ottawa, Sept. 24. 5404 . Double and Single Hyacinths, Double and Single Tulips, JONQUILLS, ° Just received {rom Europe by the subscriber. Dutch Flower Roots. XCG. 10, YORK STREET, Next door to the Market Drug Store. a THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE tA ‘ to inform his numerons friends and the inâ€" habitants of the city and nnw. coun» lr{. that be has at the a stand, where he is pre to furnish them with a supeâ€" rior article. & Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. The Custom epartment will receive his s attention. omn”l:- Lumberers r-p;‘: *HE REVERE HOUSE Boot G. A. BUCKE, w. hi. sanage, z...............normtou; Tnu FIRST»LASS HOTEL has been reâ€"furnished and refitted th: oughout, and now combines all the requisites of a firstâ€"class estabâ€" ended to. Sept Ottawa, May 8, 186 The larg est assortment in the Dominion is § now open for inspection at the Ottawa, Nov. 6, 1867 420y B; Command, No 10, Rideauâ€"st. OULD inform the Citizens of Otta= wa and vicinity that on the qss in‘ charge has been notifGied to that effect uult a fine of three cents per cord will be n it for every day it remains thereaiter, A very fme and large assortment of 1i IS M OV A L. 1st of OCTOBER It., H. GRAHAM A Y THE CAPITAL in isnme Store | 34, Sussexâ€"st. ADDILTIONAL CROCUS, ONTARIO NARCISSA8, o TTA W a. JUSKEFH BOYDEN, Market Drug Store, Yorkâ€"streot. DUC VON THOLE, &o., &e., Wx. HEARN, Wa, M. LEE, C.P.C. GEORGE MURPHY. General Agent. 568â€"tf 548tf HOoES, RAKES®, We 90000 & PLOT LINES, 4 1 s sSPADES, SHOVELS), &¢C+ | Profemsor Carpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Tools Nails, Spikes, Can out Saws, Lamps, OnRaP. un i Ottawa, April 13 CARDEN TOOLS RoyalCanadian®agak Agricultural Implements Ottawa, Jun« 21 100 ACRES.«â€"The north half of Lot No« No. 11, in 4th Con. of the l'o'nl:i&ofmgoodo. with a good House and Barn, and other ow buildâ€" ings, and a good Spring Well, fifty ncres ‘cleared and in a good state of cultivation, This is situated on the Prescott Road. within fifteen miles of ou._: ud an d ds c d ced aitvnas Pawe‘ o sns‘ ww wa; Also the south half of Lot No. 8, in the 3rd Con. of Osgoode,containing 190 acres, 50 acres clearâ€" ed, the rest well wooded, with good hardwood, and well watered, and sitaated within a quarter of * mile of the Railway Station. Titles goud. For further information .‘FKI to PaATRICK HERBERT, Rideau Hotel, Ottawa City. Oituwn Oct 1. 1867 551â€"3m BOAKDINB.--IRB. REYNOLDS, «TH Cottage" Book and Fancy Store, York Stree $ doors from Sussex Street, begs to anrounfe ha she is prepared to accommodate six or eight board porndiggghs. 122 Rideau Street, OPERA CLASSES, Market Drug Store, York Etreet, ‘ FARMS FOR SsALE 4 WM. HEARXN. A large assortment of Optical Instruments, Ther mometers, &c., just received. Ottawa, Nov. 5, 1867. > 475y [L. 8.) VictoRr1a, by the Grace o1 God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, QuErEx, Der_cender of the Faith, &e., &e., &c. To Our‘faithful the members elected to serve in the Legislative Assembly of our Province of Onâ€" tario, and summoned and called to a meeting of the Legislature or Pariiament of Our said Province, at our City of Toronto, on the Fourth day of the month of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixâ€" ; WV lature or Parliament of the Province of Onâ€" ?flflo stands called for the tourth day of the month ‘of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixâ€" tyâ€"seven, at which time at our City of Toronto, you ‘ were held and constrained to appear ; Now Know Ye, that for divers causes and considerations, and taking into consideration the ease and convenience of Our loving subjects, We have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Executive Council of the Province of (ntario, torelieve you, and éach of you of your attendance at the tims aforesaid, hereby convoking und by these presents enjoining you, and each of you, that on FRIDAY, the THIRâ€" TEENTH day of the month of DECEMBER next, you meet Us, in our Legislature ‘or Parliament of the said Province, at our City of Toronto, and thereâ€" Oitawa, Oct. 1, 1867 “7 HEREKAS the mecting of the ‘_ lature or Parliament of I:O Provin in to do as may seem necessary. Hergto Fail Not U. $. CONSULAR ACEKCY AT OTTAWA, C w. ll--.‘-?d U. 8. Consular Agent Tllrthclt{‘ Ottawa, and the dependencies thereef, deems it proper to give public notice to Mmuyu«rin his official services, that bis office in R. Eaton & Co.‘s Store, Rideanâ€"street, will be open at all times during business bours. All mam«-mxu:ruu intended to be exported into the Un States, must be authenticated by me at this Consular A".h.-q-tummmmnump Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa OTTAWA AGENCY : <| Letters or Communicat oo-Duh:;t-' Ruilding, 77 Spanks 8t ; * To AKY OF THE > ~ | t * a % M. P. HAYES, o mnermnzrA mnmikl {mArmiI per ports of entry From $1.50 to $25.00, In Trsmmoxy Wurrwor, we have chused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Province of Ontario, to be hereunto affized : Wirxxes, our Right Trusâ€" ty and Wellâ€"Beloved Hrxar Wiruiax 611. TEp, a Companion of the Order iof the Bath, a Mejorâ€"General in Our Service, Lieutenantâ€" Governor of the Province of Ontario. Atour Government House, in our CITY of TORON TO, in Our said Province, this floo:nm of NOVEMBER, in the year}ot Our Lord one thousand eight bundred and siztyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first year of Our Reign. By Commend, Suitable for Viewing the Sights on the 6th instunt, THE sIGN OF THE Opening ‘of Parliament tyâ€"seven, to have been commenced and held, and to every of youâ€">GzEemso : NEW s I/â€"s f Ktet!â€"" _ . to L Sggzz x / f" -';. /s ¢ Fe®» "anc= m A6 ‘,4.‘:‘-’\‘ p*â€" 7 Of every description 8. J. VAXKOUGHNET, » > Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, C AN .A TD.A PROVINCE OF ONXTARIO and its Dependencies. AND IMPROVED CaX BE HaD A PROCLAMATION . W. STISTED CANADA AT P. H, MAHAR, U. 8. Oonnilar A Auront 1578 ‘Royal Italian Bitters ! TON:CO â€"~BEALE r® NHIS PRPTEmmP MURDCOR O Callg. l a certificate of merit was awardedo the dig, guished original preparer at the Natio «l hp tion at Torino, Italy, by whose tavor Jut, Guaig obtained the recipe, and was a‘so awarded a loma at the Provincial Exhibition of Camaid at Montreal in September, 1865, is, withoute@p». _ The 'proptHn yefers with. the £TeATeR dence shd satisfaction to the subjoined tesigg jals from emivent medical imen, which he ““ to.Kwon :t ‘:;s.iubh. ept by jpal Druggists and the Dominion m&‘- and in the United Sold by the Proprietor, ___ GOV ERNMENT of ONT ! For Halls, Churches, Stores, &c. ‘These | acknowledged to be the hest in use, We | the Challenge Heater, Gas Burner, Ori ! ing Glory, Aima, Union, Franklin, &e. Oer | olsu‘t. Box, Parlor and Hall Stoves is a@! excelled. A benutiful arsortment of Jap aud Pianished Ware, Lamps, &c. . The bet erns of Hot Air Farnaces always on ‘hand. ‘ work «xecuted on the premises. On such Letters or Communications must AT A VERY LOW RATE, By ordering from _ 5e JUST RZCEIVED THE Beecher & Parker Coat Ottawa, Novembeér 1 PUBLIG DEFAATM P pdT ie Bappere Brides. A & e P % W. MeGU!RE:! y fl\“ll REMEDY has been used in‘ ical climates for many years with the est success. It shortens tL attack, gpdut fever gradually, and at the same timéens} system to throw off the poisonous o ect of th on the blood and searstions generally. _ . A Sure and Certain Cure m Continucd, Remittent, Typhoid, and Fever arising O'M" Coldc. =*, * PRICEâ€"50 conts and $i per DBXU% Wholessle and Retail bh % F. MacCARTHY Chemist, Ottaws / 9 _ .~ Bole Agent fer Dominion of 6 been refitted by the subscribers, and will on MONDAY, FOUKTEENTH OCTOI F§IHE $tore formerly occupled by P WOOD, No. 38, on nlbl:.\b STRE SMITH & RODN House, and second door from the Lon#‘ Store, having just received a choice stotk English, French and Car CLOTHS and TW EEDS, And a general assortment of gontiomen‘t ing goods, would intimate to their friend# FWMMMMP"P"‘. all orders in their line at the shortest ® the most approved styles and at price! Mn. GEORGE SHOULDNI®, mm to his friends and tor the patronage '“ih“.f. "‘&" man state for the Te wid 2s serfia on is YoRk where his premises ure known as the And where every article in the trude 686 talued of the besi quality aud at the 4 ‘Mr. Sboaldis is ready to wait on all *3 ;. bnru-m&dtm.udhnfl uit ~ P’ wuo-buud-hy-ny-'\‘i" C Please send y Jur orders to the Y ork 849 ‘Toes Ortawa PROVINCI AL SECRECARY‘s OFFICE Toronto, October 21, SNoOoWwW‘S Celebrated Fever G RGOOER L1 LIQUORS AND H A EDWAE November 2, 1867 woOD & W Ottawa, October 12, 1867. 5924 COAL! COAL! Or the Hoads thereof, connceted with the YORK STREET FANCY B mcvad hi ZMB" Tws sourneyimen Bakers W anteb .va{‘m, «B0 000 the Tiuss Steac Printing Snarksâ€"st. in the City 0 of Garleton C. W DEL POTIORE F. P. VERRL * & l olQ/+ 1: POST AGE of Chemistry an th NEW sSTORE ERCHANT TAILORS and 6 OutStters, Elginâ€"street, opposite th# celebrated preparation for wh, All partios hereafter addressing wWOOD! wWOOD! Are hereby notified that the rTALY . ESMONDE BROS, 43 SPARKSâ€"ST, PREPALID. an entire new stock of BEREDAD. 1, 1867 Tiwzs.â€"Printed and ning, (Bundays «* ESMONDE o”-wnh.ofl_ M. C. CAMEROEK, Bec. & Reg. P Unmmvannty o P, on _ 120 e of C 0ME ans been a un CU, botin before diz doPitda fransient Ads lime, .. .oâ€" ail -“.‘.1 Nearly ad 1 veral alfos Yearly subsc; advance) If not paid in Y early subsct OPP1CKES : Mr. W -'ri‘-!- ow 1 as . Conat aM.7 Patent Srmon: P ‘sbruary T, 18‘ «thee, Store, January 17 afording the rertise in. «A ovie® ri®® ollowing rat Susiness Car K.4 omcs Rtawa, €. W j‘l“'-' DA , enjoy® 19 published â€" ‘im Duily over, naking a tot 1 * MA \()'I'A. 3# the P 34. & N Fit m win,, M . iA« T ee B Oflice: O tooug 1atel datawa, ) â€" OR M "A COhancer Jikice: Rigit A1EX ANDRK itawa, July Atawa, J ay eontrust it in and f r2m, C.K. , Troka \ Chancer urric®k: Us shruaty 24, Jutawa. . â€" M NroR: S Chancer cuer of Russ Jtawa, Fol LDecember Ortawa, Fo u‘ Notar e Post Office Orrawa, Jul A O V Kami®IN .. 54, £ ark A W, * 4 Otlice, L. Orrick : avaary 2 i5 DVOC DVOC May 30 Ottaw a, Prubl iwh PH n{ March 1 AVU A 1t 000 NC wA V 4 1i

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