To be seen at the Stable of w the Ameerican naich 6y astitng a base i ) [3 the are to injure the hi + hn?:l special nur X. E. RobBins.. The purchaser should in to all dealers in the genuine watches. fl'fln‘.flh&n‘.whu& AMERICAN WATCH CO A..:..zlm SET, SINGLE, Dot fe un ie oo e o td s Gentlemenâ€"LIhave no hesitation in : a that 1 believo the majority of locomotive engineers experionce that vn.rl‘?w ATCHES ARE 'fl‘l‘ MOsT SATISFACTORY of f'ny tor * RUN WiTH THE GREATEST ACCURACY AND STEA"Lnkss, notwithstapding the of an engive ; and as 1 have NEVER KNOWN ONE TC WEAR OUT, they must be hm to see the time when railway companies 'mr-‘ll’ adopt your watches, and turnish them all to engineersand conductors. In my opinion it would greatly tond to prowote regulariâ€" 9 Yours respectfully, M 8 1 Sn n DBRBY 6GOODS & READYVâ€"MADE CLOTHING Dry Goods and Readyâ€"made Clothing, J. T. Prudhomme‘s Stores, R T CUTCR Te STTE £200., ©000, 4 Cinttemenâ€"The watches Manufactured by you have been in use on this Railrond for several j oar to whom we furnish watches urnd -rw. There are some 'l'u&lii m CARRIED ON OUR LINE, and we them GOOD and RELIABLE hï¬dlhï¬.fl satistaction in saying YOUR WATCHHS GIVZUS LESS h-'l.?-.flbuu much WM repairs than any watches we have ever use on this . As you are aware we yumtum«ï¬.flm-mf-«m. of %“mhï¬u.“lhymhql as correctly, nor have they done as good se as yours. j .. dor aale by all firstâ€"class dealers in the United States and British Provinces. And at the Sign of the "Golden Lamb," Beaver Cloths, West of Englnd Broad Cloths, Col,. and White Blanke! Pilot do Black Cassimeres, s Horse Rugs, Whitney do =_ Silk Mix Coatings, Flannels, Melton â€" do *# *# _ Trowserings, K‘Eneyn, Sattinet® do Fancy Doeskins, Winceys. English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Wwï¬â€œ are worthless as time keepers, and when bought for to the high reputation which our watches have attained. . The several (except the lowest grade marked Home Watch Co.) are guaranteed by the number of the watch and the signature of the Treasurer of the Company , ~ .m.-uâ€"m. all cases require one of these certificates, which is furnished > wre the trade marks on the several grades of our manufacture :â€" a "A;():.l é.‘g :PPIiR‘IR‘%N , TRACY & Cu, A k. . 8. BARTLETT. e P w% HOME WATCH Co. Al~m intends cl he is determined to sell of at an / Wheeler & Wilson‘s New Buttom hole Attachment for their »d Machines is now ready. It is the greatest invention of the day. e l-hd‘oauhd-‘-b. and other latest improvements, eto HOWE MACHINES are WORL ENOWNED for. doing the Handsomest and most work on Leathor. _ For Harness Makers, Carriage Trimmers, Boot and Shoc Makers, &c. They ure the best Shutile Machine in the W orld for Tailors‘ use: Spools, Cotton and Sil%, Oil, Needies, otc., otc., constantly on hand. ll-m cuke the American (Waltham) Watch have given it such a wideâ€"world celebrity unscrup uious dealers years Imitated its style and pirated its trade marks. â€mmumd&mu‘bup‘th popularity of the American waich by selling a base imitation under the name of the geonuine article. _ . _ From the celebrated Potteries of i § mcuu COitaws, Sept. #*T887. J" RECEIVED ex Ships fifty erates and hhds. of Ottawa CROCKERY Store! \ Ur. J. Garvey, and whoe accounts have Leen rendered, aro mested to call and setile at unce, or costs will Boots and Shoes, Teas, Soap, Candles and Wines November, 14, 1867; S the Subscriber intends closing one of his Stores on the first day of December, Ottawa, October 238, 1867. Silver Mounted Harnesses. The whole to be disposed of before the 1st day of December. Call carly and examine HARNESS FOR SAzE. American Watch Co., Waitham American W atch Co., W altham. & . . swwms.. SHAWLS, f BJ 8, ’» CLOAKINGS, eravyars, _ _ _ DnrEss Goops, NEW GOOD=. NEW GOODS. Marble, in Vases, Statuettes, Jugs and Trinket Boxos BUSSEXSTREET, FACING CLARENCEâ€"STREET, November 19, 1837 NOTICE. CREAT CLEARINGC SALE «â€"â€" SCaRFS, d Potteries of «Clementson Bros.," Hanley, (acknowledged to be the best makers aen and Prost DECANTERS, Pints and Quarts, «o a 0 o« CLARBET JUGS «o o« = « PUMBLERS and GOBLETS, w _ w _ w« WINBS (omatchb decanters) . * BREAKFAST SETTS, DESSERT SETTS: y ER «« TBA «e s G. M. HOLBROOQEHE, Beavers, Pilots, Blanket Cloths ment Superior to any in the city. PEG TOP DEPOT. I am sustained by my pr SPECIIATL NOTILCKHE. COLLARS, CAYCFCZXO DN . t# 1| Â¥ THE NEWEST AND MOST SEASONABLE STYLES aad PATTERNS. M. CAMERON, WINTER GOODS China and Earthenware, it unce, or costs will | nvo%vg. YIC.K..SEEI:;. C#p C James J.aary y, y.p. A. "'""'".'T‘?.*n‘."" f 1 ... of COMMON WARE, Wholosale and Retail. $Z@"~An carly inspection NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. Locomotive Dep‘t Western Division, «00 usls 0 _â€"~~, â€" Rochester, Dec. Hith, 1866 hi‘r'r.i “’ t ee * S&f :uuom co. _L_,;. i Te vap Ah-_uh..'ugh ou..'.'u 51 RIDEAU STREET, (opposite Mr. .?.‘, Whalen‘s MERCHANT TAILOR, Howe Machine Co., both of NewYaork. Paris Exposition, 1867, Wheeler and Wilson Mamfcturiig Company, â€"â€"CONSISTIXG OFâ€"â€" A LARGE ASSORTMEXT orâ€"â€" @SYLVEN," @SUMMER,» THE TWO HIGHESTâ€"PREMIUMS AND ONLYT Respectfully, soummsees OJP mss GOLD MEDALS There were Kighty=two Competitors. G, A« where will Ottawa, Oct 3, 1867. NECK TIES, PRINTS COBOURGS, ssor, Mrâ€" Lewis, whose experieuce extended over â€"â€"FOR SEWINO MACMINES at THRâ€" his stock of WALTON, Aozut, 37 Sparksâ€"st., Ottawa. CcROWN HOTEL, CHARLE3 WILSON, RIDEAUâ€"STREET, (PFormerly kept by W. B. L W. ALLAN , EDWARD H. WILLILAMS, General Superintendent 1 G. Chief Engineer --Jp-u.n..“.:’..... Enginoers BUCK MITTS, BUCK MOGASSINS, s, ©_ WOOL SOCKs, ES, « â€" MITTS, 3 . TRUNKsS, oOUrGs, VALISES ROBBILNS & APPLETON, C No, 182 Bncdw. N. Y. ROBERT WILKES, Toronto and Montreal, GENERAL AGENT3 586â€"45â€" 3m, Col,. and White Blankets Horse Rugs, ll:lnnels. rsey8, \\;iaoi;a. JOHN GREEN, Manager and other vessels, 580â€"6m _ | 593â€" 3m rm08 TYEXTYâ€"mvE oxxts, soid by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W, Massey, iâ€", #+ MoeCarthky, J. Skinuer, and Brown, in Ottawa. ; Ottawa, Nov. 1. 18 1. . $77dw6m > is improved, all derangoments of th m-..-.......... softening the skin, an .wh&hlhudnllutnl Nd’w D. W. HURD, Successor to Huz» & Co., Maide: Lane, New York, Sole Proprictor for the Unite y NORTHROP & LYMAX, _ Newoustur, C.W., It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by remor ing from the airâ€"cells ::0‘ eo:fnlnblo lymph, o that secretion which in heaves them, causin a difficu‘ty in breoathing, and 5,1:. acticn on th diseased part, causing the mucous membrane t “bWNCManu" th ciroulation of the blood, and restoring the distende vessols to their natural size ;â€"by its use the horse‘ ll POSITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANi or all other prepaiations for the cure of Heaves Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind, and all discase which affect the Wind of Lorser; also, as a Condi Niow Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind l‘.uyl:lr"o sure to cure, and safe in all case and at all times, and does not prevent the hors from being worked while using it. * _ A PPLICATION will oe made to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, at be next Session for a CHARTER to run a STEAM FERRYBOAT from the GATINEAU POINT and RIVER to the CITY of OT T A W A, to be called the GATINEAU AND OTTAWA STEAM FERRY CoMPANY. A £ Ottawa, Oct. 17, 1867, y 565.2m Ottswa City, Au . 26, 1867. Fridays at 5 a.m., returning from Chapeau Village same days ai 2 0 _ j puu.b:r}' Arabian ‘Heave Remedvy 3.. Thursdays and Saturdays for Des Joachims, l"u all intermediate ports, returning Monâ€" days, Wednesdays and Fridays, Iuflï¬t & M., connecting at Pembroke with steaner Gould, which leaves Pembroke Landing at 1 p. m., and arriving at l’onofl du Fort same evening, "‘..u.""'“".. Ts »: mt reilay vige, waching :30 a. m., way t mu'- harf, Farrell‘s Whuif. Eonnechere, Bristol, Sand Point and Arpprior, and arriving at head of Railway at 11:45, and connecting with Ann Sisson at Pontine at noon. . Passongers reach Ottawa at 4 p. m. . cprlind iniomic in The steamer Calum«t, on and after Friday, 4th Instant, will leave Havelock om Tuesdays and A conmection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway on the up trlg at Sand Point 1 p.m.; and on thedown trip at Sand Point at 9 On and after SEPTEMBZR 1st astil turther noâ€" tice) the steamer Aun Sison will leave Aylmer avery day, for the Upper Ottawa,at 7 a. n., conâ€" 101 Smegcasiies 1367 CHANGE of TIME. UNION Forwarding Comp‘y. ‘The Steamers THIS MORNING This is now red with new and siciont Hook to ferirard Ursight of Srery deseng. tion between Montreal, Otawa and Rideau Canal, and intermediate Ports, with promptness and desâ€" patch, and at low rates. M‘htwm vh-rl:‘t::“;lhhohn Fou fn’f.ln?r’,ty to D. MURPHY, Agent, © _ SPARTAN, L3A AC BONNER, 1867. * MONTREAL & OTTAW A fHave commenced their regular tmps between Montreal and Hamilton, calling at all Intermed‘{ate Ports, connecting with the Bothâ€"ways, daily, Mondays excepted. Passengers will find it to their advantage to travel by ‘this route, it being the ?klut‘.ud cheapest, as well as the most comfortable. 1867 Meals and State Rooms always included in the Fare. N.B.â€"Through and Return Tickets can be ob ained at reduced rates from Upper Ottawn Route. Consisting of the following firstâ€"élass steamers ANN SISSON,................Capt. BOCKUS. BEMER A LD;.ssscvsssssseccecc.s * LEHICH ALLIANC By vssivcspesceccecsce * FINDLAY OREGON, .«cuvsecrreserererceess * * HILLIARDs SNOW _ BLRD»..ssssess.csccc â€" **~ ‘TOSER JASON GOULD:............. * OVERKMAR, PONTIACHâ€"s:ccurrssrsssssccs< * DUGGAS, PEMBROK B,.»â€"»»»s«««««....«« * COUVRRTTE, CALUME Trsecciucersscsececses * BLOYDIN The magnificent steamers comprising thi line, THTIS LN B 1ANADIAN INLAND STEAN NXAVIâ€" ) GATIUN COMPANY 1. Smerda is . 1807 ROYAL MAIh THROUGL LINKE. NIONX FORWARDING AXD RAlL» wAaY COMPANv. “AV 0‘7-..'7 n ;I EW FREIGHT LINE TO OTTAWA AND THE RIDEAU CANAL, 4448 600tf Ottawa and Proscott Railroat AND CONDITION MBEDIWLINR DIRECTORS: W. McNavento®,... . ..4. B. 4 with the Alliance at head of Railroad at PRESIDENTâ€"Hvon MoLa»yax GRECLAN, PURWARDING COMPANY. LIMITELD. NOTIOCH, STEAMNEES. Will resume their trips At the usual hours. HERRICK, BRUSH & CO. ASSPORT, KINGSTON, unds Basts, MohtFeat, Proprictorefor the Ganads | _: _ B‘QTU D T1D MAGNEY, Canal Basin, Ottaws. R $ CASSELS, President, and CHAMPION, .0G KR President 419â€"s L. icX J T:r: 4 Agents W. EAR the Market, Lower and } ‘ N "Phbta Rossen ‘cARRiAe®E® cote@ | Apply at this offiee, m Ottawa, November 21. +o s050€ 1861 li0a‘, Hay, Railroad Track, Depot, 'W‘muflmawammm ly on hand and for Sale. | FATRBANKS, BROWN & Co., , Boston, Mass. | Our Sole Agents in Ottawa, ALEIANDER WORKMAN & Co. November 18, 1867. 592â€"6m Take Highest Premiums at the Paris Exposition, BLYTH" ns of Rheuniatism, and in ro ieving Nervous Aj o::h..oafl(lo it to a high rank .'l::'. list of Remedies for these complaints, ers are coming lrlb'o- Mlumh :llpuuidï¬o cou or further su eao as T the universel elulenifen ie roen" 0 ink: \FAIRBANKS! T UERCRPRCARCC PBCGCIT PMIDLEVIEN HAL A now been before the public for s length ot ll-o.udvhumuduvonlhd.mhnh. in Aah‘khnuono‘i" permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" 2 whe t epiratons “““:E:Z"‘i'm‘ï¬':ï¬ W ;r.hkln-u’u-l in this hari e matter, havin tested it thoroughly,, nd.mnfm those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it :s recommended may dopmpulh being a Soveâ€" suffering from any of the complaints for which it :s mo-!uhd may upon its being a Soveâ€" se rnbine e ot m ordion Pute S lor w 1w# reâ€" u.-nd‘d.udl:. 1 success in subduing T. e mue Ns Tep Bc aer oo C anintt wep Plemminttine tb ie L‘lamberg, | All materials for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly on hand. | â€"â€"ALSOâ€" Successors to Chas. Garth, No. 25, Rideauâ€"st,, Importers and Deglers in House Furnish â€" aig Rariware. Just received a well selected assortment of Cookiag Stoves, | _ Iron Bedsteads, Duble Stoves, \ _ Bronted & Wire Fenders, Parlor Stoves, \ _ Fire Irons, Hall Stoves, |__Fire Guards, __. . Japanned and _ï¬lnhhd Tinware, &c., _ TH.I CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER HA now been before the nublic for a lenoth ¢ Mllo TROTTER begs to inform her friends that having enlarged hor premises b{mmmuammo-um Desbarats BJ f whichhave been up in unexceptionable style. s PA A few suites of rooms e now ready for the reception of boarders. _ | Otrawa, Sept. 17, 1867.) 474 tors, Cooduum.'lom‘. #&e. PA Public and Private Buildings, Conservaâ€" tories, Vineries, ll*luhtlu, &c., warmed by Su--‘: _fl_lotY_l.hl’ot" arm Air, on the most apâ€" Among tne most important of modern Medical Dis coveries stands the CANADIAN PX ctsTRCYER! and Gas Works, nnj:r-'bunm, Mills, &c. Makes and fits up Galvanised Zron Cornices, Gutâ€" ® Omnfn-’l:o u+¢ry will receive strict atâ€" tention. Ottawa, August 26 _ ‘The Castom Lepartment will receive hiss pocial attention, Orders from Lumberers pfo-ptf;..:t- ended to. & & _ _ | GEORGE MURPHY. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE ‘ to inform his numerous friends and the inâ€" habitants of the :.iz and nu-mh‘ dounâ€" tr{. thtboh:"?. at the above stand, 'l ere hl:lr prop to furnish them with a supeâ€" rior article. | Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. lAIRDRESSING â€"8ALOON | 0. MILES, HairCresser by Appointment to His Excelâ€" lency the Governorâ€"General, stand to his new and commodious room over the LONDON MUSIC STORE, on Eiginâ€"st., opposite the Russell fHlouse, which be has fitted up in the m mlrrd; oty.l'o ol‘l::.h brllu-. and 'til;. -fw“ air Brusb,w m expressly hmoï¬f, being the first hnm into British â€"Mr. MILES would take this o“c-lky of reâ€" turning his most nhnv:rthnh to his many triends and the public, for their kind and generous patronâ€" All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, &c,, manufactured to ndor. For the convenionce of ladies oraers will received at the London Music store, where f:.:o and varied assortment of Hairâ€"work will be k Boot and We P c e fAoonte a‘t Ottaw _ August 17. _ 5 America, will be kom ready for use. The saloon is delighttully ted, and very pleasantly age to him, during a number of years, in his old establishment, and trusts that by unre-lullclu- tention to business, ani in his new and firstâ€"class saloon, with polite and ‘:nnun workmen, to merit a continuance of their favore. de, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat Sprains, Bruises, in the Stomach, Cbolera larhtiâ€:hvy, Bowel Ogllalm. Roalds, rost Bites, &e., &c. Ottawa, May 8, 186 Toronto House, Ottawa. O:.awa, October 3, 1887. LATFORM, COUNTER, Warchouse, Grain, Coal, Hay, Railroad Track, Depot, NO. 10, Â¥ORK STREET, Next door to tM Market Drug Store. y THE SUBSCRIBERBEGS LEAVE Gas & Steam Fitters, Tin & Coppersmiths, Bell Mangers, &e. ASs REMOVED HIS PARLIAMENT HAIR DRESSING SALOON from the old Hair Dressor, AT THE CAPITAL PARL‘IAMF.NT Boarding. of all desersptions ot work for Water resser, by appointment, to his lxullrl’ey 't,r:‘(laum-(lmnl. & W a TIMES. DECiGMBER 835, i â€"~‘/ & KERB, bl. MILES, appointm [If‘, 't,.r:‘(!fl Shoe Store ! Slas 553â€"30y 416y Feliow of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquarâ€" les, Copenhagen; Corresponding Member of the Now York Historical Bociety. OrTTAwWaA: Printed by G. E. Desbarats, _ For sale in Ottawa, by the Printer ; in‘ Montreal at Messrs. Dawson Bros, ; and in Toronto at Messrs. Canadian Literature Menry J. Morgan, Biblintheca Canadensis Edptund t ates, (ohery ‘Englisn Bdition) 4 Bepaqh on [ utes, p on) ; 8 ersua.o.-rucs. 12} cents ; Manual of Platoon Exercises for Snider Breechloading Artillery Oubll,u, T_Qtu, '!‘!o English lqnsm for No vem ber> â€" For sale by ll just recei Blographia Litera« -.l.:‘!'-‘rhu, «3:." ihe Fampect Matory, by h:-’ ABl ogného n'nd%:.‘::ou Pspu:; Bhats "Alighten, Inugrines | Aunais 9 a Pusot Seurariies, 57 aaige Aicbeaaie, The Slan z'fx‘.‘hm.fl bm Loudon ; il'l. by Miss A-ï¬h:. Evans ; ’l‘{o‘ Old _%thshogz (The DL LL Iniuallcos whlasas County Council Office, ther Ottawas, 27th Nov.;+867, 601â€"47td County of Carleton after the acceptance of the tender. Tenders to state the price per dord of 128 cubic feet; as also the names of two good and sufficient persons who. sre willing to become sureties under a penalty of $1,000 for the due performance of the contract. Tenders to be addressed to the udun‘lind, and endorsed on the envelope © Tender for Wood." EDW BEARMAN, _ Sealed Tenders Will be received by the undersigned on behalf o THE CORPORATION ROCK MAPLE, 100 cords of such wood to be dry, and of last year‘s utï¬ng;thn-nhh‘lutobom;mghoh delivered and piled on the premises during the present winter, DAILY RATIONS, County of Carleton, Such rations properiy prepared and cooked, to be accord;ng to the tables of dietary, and general rules respecting the same, to be seen at my office, where, upon application, partics desirous of tenderâ€" ing will receive forms of Tender and all other noâ€" cessary information. Each party tendering will require to furnich with his tender the names of two good and suffisisnt persons who are willing to become sure‘ies under a rl.lty of $4,000 for the due performance of the for contracts to supply and deliver in the yard of the GAOL & COURT HOUSE, 25 Cords of the Dry Wood Monday, 16th inst., ‘Tenders to be addressed to the undersigned and to be endorsed on the envelope, " Tender for Prison County ‘of Carleton, 250 Cordsg ot Givood Merchantable Hardwood, No tender will be mesepted that is not in striet conformity with the said forms, and the said Corâ€" poration will not hold themseives bound to accept the lowest, nor, in fact, any tender. f County Cbuncil Office, â€" 4 Ottawa, 2n 1 Doo‘r., 1857. 605â€"48td November 27, 1867. THE COUNTY JAIlL, 498y ON MONDAXY the Sixteenth day of December next, LATE LITERATURE. Will be received at this office until noon «Just Published, TEN DERS J. DURIE & SON A MANUAL FURNISHINC to be delivered within IN THIS CITY. NOTICE. NOTICE. EDW AT NOON, FOR N {).UBII & BON, Oppuuom lnn.ll House. OP OP THE OP THE UNTIL BEECH AND BIRCHL, OP BY CCC Tss carry branch of Parâ€" lh-hz" m'r-mmal.n-hmx:u: pied AS & â€"Melodeon Rileanâ€"st 0!!,‘0 'flk-.u & Grlln'clmvm Depat.. plete stock of Gentismen‘s Outâ€"Fitting Goods, Cloths, &¢. CHANGE of TIME Ottawa and Prescott Railway. He will open in the store formerly as follows: poses, and is offere Clothing an(dm;];iilfoitling Store, _ Express, 2.45 p. m. 5.20 p. m. Mixed, 7. 30 a. m. _ 11.00 a, m. Mail, 6.30 p. i. 9.30 p. m. LKaVE OTTAWA. ARRIVE IN PRESCOTT. Exprers, 8 a. m. 10.30 a. m. l!x‘rd, 1.30 p. m. 4.45 p. m. Mail, 10.30 p. m. 1.30 a. m. The time of these Trains has hunmnnd:k to ensure connection with night and day tra Grand Trunk, east and west. * & N. B.â€"These 1raims run on Montreal Time. ' Baggage to and from Ottawa «hecked through from and to all stations on Grand Trank Railway. Roturns tickets to Prescott, Ko-gvmo and Otfaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" Gold Lands in Madoc. OR SALE, price $19% acre, Cash. P# 31y in Stk Conessslen of Matoc, 208 Imho.' in :.rflm‘dï¬d- as the f.::_a Rioluildw: and ba bsaring s crossing i The above is a ::r’ v.}, z33. 3w Shor orossing 16. tions on the tine. UTT AWA AGENCY : Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks t M. P. HAYES, Ottawa, June 21. wom.o Inform the Citizens of Oita« wa and vicinity that on the C RoyalCanadianBagak Try ours. We do not sell at 20 cents per ‘ imp. Stoves, &¢., at the lowest p-f:.."""" Ottawn, November 30 Brockville and Uttawa Railway, The :30 a m, Train from Brockville connects at Sandpoint Wwith U. F. Coy‘s Steamers for Portage du Fort, Pembroke, &0., and the Train from Saudâ€" E.muz:uo p.m., leaves atter Etsamers are due om Ottawa and Pemoroke. All trains on main line connect at Emith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Perth. Brockville, June 29 imparted to the leading Physicians of Canada and the United States, nl:“n recoived their unqualiâ€" fed approval on every account. . e ++ The proprietor refers with the greatest confiâ€" dence and satisfaction to the nwoï¬:d testimonâ€" ials from emivent medical men,which he could add to, were it desirable. _ _ M K curm"i Dnighu nd Grocers i tho_l.)';‘-‘l:hl ;Cu,nr.lud ntho.UMbm: 7 30 A. M.«â€"TRAINS will leave $ Brockville daily at 7.30 a.m., and 3145 p. m», arriving at Sandpoint at 1:10 p. m., and 9:25 p.m. a A. M.««TRAINS will leave o: 4s Sandpoint daily at 5145 a.m., and 2100 p. m», arriving at Brockville at 12:00 p. m., and 8:15 p. in. Royal Italian Bitters ! & ::mmamï¬-:':&‘:ln du.u:. ma ‘l‘ormuly. by whose tavor Mr. Gax®LL For seventeen years it has, in Italy, been a uniâ€" versal favorite .-oz the elite of socicty, being geverally served in the drawing room before dinâ€" ner, in preference to Vermcuth. I PRICE, COAL SToOV ES. tion at Torino, ltaly, by whose tavor Mr. G1axtiL obtained the noln and was also awarded a d pâ€" loma at the P; Exhibition of Cansda heid at Montréal in September, 1865, is, without uur tion, the most gepuine, salubrious and agreeable Tox:c ever introduced to public notice cither in Europe or America, _ _ _ _ h= f GIVEN AWAY. F[NHIS celebrated preparation for whic ION:CGC RBEBALE P rofessor of Chemutry in the Unwernty o Papua Ottawa, Sept, 24. Ottawa, Oct. 31, 1867 Bold by the GOOD KEROSENE OIL ! sSUMMCR ABRBBRANGEMENT 603b N and after MONDAY, the 4th NOV., 1867, and until further notice trains will run Just Recoived, a New Assortment of lst of OCTOBER LEAVE PRESCOTT. R&. H. GRAILAM DEL DOTIORE F. P. VERRI Commencing 1st July, 1867 LEAVE BROCKVILLE HAILILROAD®S. LEAVE SANDPOINT ESMONDE BROS Y > ‘ =, sz \ N .ua,‘-y-;..‘\. ,/ ients of itsâ€"composition have been JF YOU WANT e olamble 1ot for mineral purâ€" red at an extremely low price. ITALY. 43 SPARKSâ€"ST., | 4 __ _ Opposite the Ontari> Bank, store formerly occupied by E. ‘y Hairâ€"dressing Saloon, a comâ€" Apply e ... 4 .030 > ds tw. PEXNOCK, T. 8. DETLOR, H ABBOTT, Manager for Trustee M NA any _ ARRIVE IN OTFAWA UPERINTENDENT 1y St = $1.50, 1574 Otrawa. 811y TA id . {.......___rropratctors. Tm FIRST»=CLAS$ HOTEL has been reâ€"farnished and refitted thy oughout, and now combines all the requisites of a firstâ€"clars estabâ€" lishment. f" Uttawa, Nov. 6, 1867 s82f THE REVERE HOUSE, o TT AwW a. | Rochester Estate, or on the Promiscs Ottawa, May 10, 1867. 430â€"4f : Whize PINE GnRovE HoLsE. s ploasantly situated on the Richmond Road, with Stables, Coach House, Garden and vacant Lot adjacent thereto. _A sistern of fine water in the house. Apply to use 3 BRICK DWELLINC Fotl SALZ®, Lo: No« 15, 4th Concession Gloucester, Rideau Front, 7 miles from Ottaâ€" wa, on the Macadamized Hoad, leading from Ottawa to Mctoalf, eonsisting of 100 meres, 80 of which _ cleared, and in the highest state of cuitiâ€" vation, Tae soil is of the very best quality ; there is a fl“ dwel‘ing house, barn, stable and other out buildings thercon. This farm is well fenced and watered. * For furthér particulare apply to l“ ACRES.«â€"The north half of Lot No# No, 11, in dth Con. of the Twn-l:gofmfoodo. with a good House and Barn, and other owbmildâ€" ings, and a good Spring Well, ï¬na'hun- cleared and in a good state of cultivation, This is situated on the Prescott Road. within fifteen miles of Ottaâ€" wa. Also the south hailf of Lot No. 6, in the 3rd Con. of Osgoode,containing 100 acres, 50 acres clearâ€" ed, the rest well wooded, with P“ hardwood, and well watered, and situated within a quarter of a mile of the Railway Station. Titles goud. For further information nm to PATE _{CK MERBERT,â€" 3 the‘s coUNXTRY RESIDENCE i ks RSALE.â€"Reautifully situated on ;‘ ; * the Macadamized Road Ltvcn Otâ€" t tawa City and Aylmer, aboutâ€"36 minutes‘ dfive from the city. A flr-o( excellent land, mlaia& about 90 acres, with a large Stone * The Coprister hxt ho onjecit m f no 0 on to sell ‘a part of the farm, with or without the house. Thhpwuld :::’ ::nblo country residence. ‘Title unexcepâ€" e Ur the subscriber, on the premises, eould not fail to be made to pay, It is built on the most modern style of architesâ€" ture, of cut stone ; has large plateâ€"glass windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basement It is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, and has three vacant lots attached, so that the Buildings ocohld be enlarged to any reâ€" ï¬lun.bum LOTS, one mile from the city, on the ichmond Road, containing one acre each. Apply to THlOMAS ANDERSON, Jz., on the premiros. SEA FINE sTONE DWELLING HOUSES, Photographic Chambers, and other Cut *tonc Premises, well arranged and cligibly siteated for commercial business. A}»&»ly to N MACAULEY, Fa FOB SALE, THAT ELi= us gible &r:m,. beautifully situated on of the Ottaâ€" wa, in the Township of Nepean, distant the City of Ottawa mabout three miles on the '-Audunin!md,m‘emervi:h the STUNE DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present ooe:r'ud b! William Thomson, Esquire, and the garden‘and ornamented grounds adjoining the same, forming part of Lot No. 24, in the 1st conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse for salo at reasonable prices. * ‘m (postpaid) to be addressed to FRANCIS CLEMoWw, Esq., Or JOHN HEXEY, Esq , 9 /â€"â€"â€" Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W Ottawa, March 11. Ottawa, February 27, 1867 a NO more eligible chance could be Ts C s o(ondwuypm'iinmuoul- & ; g ‘i hopin'. line than the lease of the ‘wbove FIRSTâ€"CLASs HOTEL Being en the eve of Confederation, and Ottewa being &“’ settled upon as its capital, November 9, 1867 Ottawa, ebruary 13, 1867 7 l‘\ou SALE.««THE WEST» athklt in erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in '}}, w«‘ First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" «4 pean, and Lots Noq,'}:n‘â€.h e same Concorsion, at present in occupation of Wiu. i. Ayleg, Esq. For further put&-lm apply to soux and Wx. Twowmsox, Nepean, and Lewts & P:xnxy, Barrister, Ottawa. _ Joiâ€"141â€"f For patticulars and terms apply to Juhn ane William Thomson on the premises, or to VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. p o PRETCLASS JourXxEYysE® | Blacksmiths to whom constant employment | nd good wages will be given. Apply to ' PETER KILDUFF, | 463 f Yorkâ€"sL., Ottawa . | k ROOM TO LET cither with or with« out board. Enqaire _ this office. Ottawa, November 20. ________, _7‘5794(1‘ Eight Rooms and Kitchen, Village Possession immediate. . Apply to New Edinburgh, Nov. 20, 1867 Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867 Gloucester, Sept. 13, 1867 Apply to Ottawa, Aug. 28. 1867 To Soll or Letâ€"â€"â€"Rare Opening. 44e Wanted Ammediately Vll-llblll.l Oo,l;? IR'(I)a.cII ‘:d.. & on Fr , nearly udtter s Fomng ledy on Friday, nearly FARMS FOR sALE. FOR SALE OR TO LET. With Yard and Outbuildings» Apply to Possession given 1st June. Tho Victoria Hotel Three Houses to Let, ARMIFOR SALE. TCO LIEET. Apply to "TGO LE‘ Lots for Saile. TERMS MODERATE 0i Ol vÂ¥1CTORIA TER» race, Richmond Road, conâ€" _ taining eight rooms each. Pesâ€" F~ session given May 1st. To LEIC T.0 T. To Let. A Comtortable Dweliing overthe Store of the subscribâ€" er on Wellington street. LEWIS & PINHEY, Batristers, &¢., Ottawa. . 21, 1867 369y New Rideau Hotel, Ottawa City 7: 551â€"3m 1N HHH REV, J. l!)ll;l’.sa‘r%!.' S rik **_ OF MRS. BUNTINXG, . Edinburgh, R JOUN GBEENKE 523 uf on Fridee _ 74* ) Tus OrTrawa Tiugs.â€"Printed and Publishe on 'lï¬..:ul, .:'“, ‘-u'lilg, (Bundays excepted) at y ‘fngâ€"| the Tixes Steas Printing Works, No. 60 any person -' :’uhqhï¬e%z“""‘-'c““' omm :4974 Carleton C. W W. HALPENNY. 557 37â€"6m Chaudiere, Ottawa 585â€"6m MRS. LAUDER 3570 BLACKBURN. . 5944 Very Choice and Superior Now ON sSALE JONQUILLE, Just received from Europe by the subsâ€"riber. Double and Single Hyacinths, P00 TVDERCMME portrails of allâ€"presont on the 00â€" casion, and as it 1s uttorl vlunmulhneu- ll&rilyh-rh:lm '.nlâ€"- M:nn:z‘uv‘: enesses, rï¬m r v call and #it for hwv%ml‘ MHK. NOTMAN‘3 Studio in real or at his New Establishment now building and which witl shortly be opened in Ottawa. io ts to commemorate *o commemorate the same in the shape of a large picrure embracing portraits of all presont on the 0¢â€" rgviins amm tant event in the l llhz?:& m wW. KOTMAN has decided in conjunction with Mr. J. A. FRAEER Dated this Sixteenth day of November First Confederate Parliament ! Dutch Flower Roots. 1,000 The Pure Mountain Berry Monday, Ninth day, of December Next, A. 0., 1887, at THREE of the clock in the afterâ€" «* Without ion the finest Coffee in f 0C â€"sLamdon Pime, March 16., Ottawa & Montreal Macadamized Road Oo‘y IN THE TOWNSHIP of GLODCESTER, ELECTION OF DIRECTOR® We are constantly receiving supypiias of this truly beautiful and delicious COFFEE, roasted dary on our premises by By which peculiar process, he aroma is preserved, an . renders it the ravomiT® w1 aLL. CoPrE® pameâ€" Jdust Reccived from Englarnd ; ROAST HARE. | ; CURRIED o. . JUGGED Dpo. STEWED po. ; .. ROAST PHEASANTs. ROAST GROUSE OAST PARTRIDGEL ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by our own Waggons to any part of the City dally ROBINSON & CO. THE TEA POT oTrawa., Establishmentsâ€"Sussexs Et. and Rideau Et ALES, WINES& SPIRIT ; We have a most delicions _ â€"DINNEK SHERRY GUINESS & CO BLOOD‘ ‘ ,ONDON sTOUT. BARCLAY‘8 LONDON PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALE. BASS EAST INDIA. DOWS CELEBRATED MONTREAL aL DAWB SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE DAW‘S CELEBRATED PORTER & sroUt MACADAMIZED R2A0 COMPY, ANEFUAL GENERAL MESTING Which we are selling at 8 shillings per galtou Double and Single Tulips BEWARE OF SP URIOUS IMITATION®, B®" As it is no other firm in Cabada sTOCKHOLDERS Ottawa, Sentember 10. _l‘th:lNSON & CO. would ospocially *! the t 1 of families to their stock of GUERARD‘s HOTEL CHESTS UNCOLORED 000 326. f 500 Chests very choice and superior YOUNG HYSON. < 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY 100 Chests old fashioned BREAKFAS1 soUCHONG. 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTURE. 593td OTLCE is hereby given that the Dakins‘ .Patent Silver Cylinier FRESH ARRIVALS 100 cases Otard Brandy. 50 *" Martells + 150 *". Mennessey, 75 " United Vinque}» DUBI INCSTOCUT / nes, Spirits & Liquors And other business of the Company. TEA S very fne and large assortment of November 6, 1867 | _ _ (ef * n COrrPEE ‘ ROBINSUN & CO,, PRESERVED MEATS, CROCUS, OPEXING OFâ€" THE WiILL BR HELD AT NARCISS A8, Market Drug Siore, Yorkâ€"stroet DUC VON THOLE, &e , &¢., »~~* THE TEA POT, | OTTAWA =ONÂ¥~ AT TH® OP OP THE Wu. HEARN, for Z. WILSON, : \ > See.â€"Treas. , 867. 226uf 2y y praniont Adve VIMGy» «+ »» __ail sabsequent Yearly adver Liberal allow Yearly subsori __ in advan If not paid in a pasg in a If not paid in a Â¥early subsorig ‘WBE DAIL ldfl'"‘ ublished in « Duily over * uaking a total .;‘*l“ afording the be lee M | A o v Ex i8 Ex t "O‘I'Alll [ @ the Postâ€" dtiaw vllowing rates Susiness Cards HLAW&, orner of Russex zed t 4 we, Ridean anuary 17 Nt W ty ay entrust hi . it in and for OrFice ; Post *bruary T, 3 Atawa, Jan. & » 12m, C.K. pm‘.ll | 4 Office, Lai e Post Ofice. Ottawa, July Ot aw i. nuswa, 1 overmsiN® .. 54, £ark | | Published tA LAPIE TTORNL 2 TrORN TTrORN DVOCA A RRIS Ottew a, NICH PFFLC WIL AUC M A® It.