hended the opening of communication, the eâ€"tablisl:ment of a polige fores, and 1t might be of a military to act agamst the Indian tmbes. The t of the Minis ter of Militia that half a nullion would be suffivient for the eight hundred mites of road was uiterly absurd and preposterous. Tne e »mumunication, to be in the least eifceive, should be by railrowd or steamboat, for what immigrant, who had, perhaps, expewmled all his resources in travelling to this country, would undertake to travel with his family this distunce by a wagzon road? Seven or eight mulliins would not be too high an esth mate of the gost of e«tablishinz a polics force his resources in travelling to tins ¢ would undertake to travel with his this distunce by a wagzon road? S eight mulliins would not be too high mate of the gost of establishing a poli und of opening this roud, which, | Intergolomal Roud, would prove of p it not of commercial, neces=ity. . If th and of opening this road, which, like the Intergolomal Road, would prove of political, it not of commercial, necessity, _ If the young Dominion was not satisfied to contine itselt i» consolidation, but was to set about plantâ€" ing a new colony, it would in future years ecome buck as a reproach to us that we hat undertakem what we iraut been unable to fulâ€" fl. Uniess we were to grant licouses to trade amd protect these licenses by police, he did not understand what greater advantage= would acerue to ourselves than to Americans fromâ€" our ~cccupation. . We were in fact piedging the country to an unknown expense ; he thought of, perhaps, twenty millionsâ€"the Ministry thought of lessâ€"but it stuil remainâ€" et an indefim:te maiter of opinion. _ Tue s«lightest spurk might kindle an Indian war, one year of which, as the experience of the neighboring . Republicâ€" might teach us, would aimost reduce us to bankruptey. Is had been sart the mineral wealth «t the copptry, was alundant, but with wut _ coal it woubdl, beâ€" entirely un uvailable. He diferel so tir from the Mimistry that, if he were prepared to accept the resulutions, he would rut hesitate to go in and take ugauinst the Hudson‘s Bay y on the broud principles ot the right of a settler‘s spade, and axe against, the _ Company‘sâ€" charters amd royal arme. Upon the browl prinâ€" ciple of the double rightot man to culuvate _ the : earth, _ and _ the . earth to be calurated by man, any charter forbilâ€" ding wuich, he held worthles and invalid. We hatexpelied the Indiain whose right was a thouâ€"and times that of the Company, and were we to treat the white savaze with more eâ€"nsideration than the red?* Were the peoâ€" ple to be calied â€"uponâ€"to ~respeci, and to purchase a charter divorcing half a continent, condemned by it to stemluy, unchri<tianity and burbari=m * (Hear, hear.) He held that the Cm-y‘uhinm t the excluâ€"ive ?u of were not worlh .a duollar. m’nnnhl into the furbearing region, introducing their supplies cheaper, were enabled w underse.Athe Company, which, Tinding itself subjected to ® tuinous coinpetiâ€" tion, now desifed to resign it« Uniâ€"ine=3 and to makes handsome profit by it+sale. â€" He hoped the Government would postpone the question, and let it go fur decision to the counsry. â€" He would never consent to make this leap in the dark, unless in accordance with the wish of the:people, clearly expressed upon a full unâ€" derstanding of all the tmets. Hon. Mr. CONNELL, acknowledging the importance of the subjeet, and agreeing with the last speaker that the claims of the Hadâ€" #sonm‘s Bay Company could not be cnmlwed, was not prepured to support the principles of the resolutions at the xn.m'?:m. stand how gentliemen who were advocates of Union could object to carryinrg out the proâ€" jeet without which Union would be incomâ€" plete. The policy of extension had been adoptâ€" i by America since her independence, and v+ingeelerence had been so frequently made tw the United States, he might express his regret that expressions had been used which would seem to imply that we were afraid to move lest we might gxe umbrage to that power. Such consrlerations should not be M-nz:. not only ‘on sccount of the impression left upon our own minds, but also of that created across the line. â€" Repudiating such HS? he denied that the Do« minion of Conada existed apun suflâ€"rance, If newspapers reports were to be credited the. United States was desirous of negotiating tor the rights of the Huison‘s Bay Company. The estavlishment of one united people over 4,000 mile= was a grand ilea which would not fail of aecomplishment, ‘and. though he wight not see it, the dâ€"y wouhl come when the won horse would Le tount rusning from the Atlantie to the Paciiic Ocegn. gh\olu we n\h-'r, lh:ira prosject . by any h‘.:y' now he communication with the River coukt be: made= for hall a nullion, and the «ime results would follow here as had.in the United States attended the eâ€"tablishment of tree interconrse trom Floriâ€" dato Maine. To allow this territory to pass away from us would be to sufter ourselves to be surrozaded by the only power trom which we have uny danger to dread. On this continent there wus no muintenunce of a balance of power, and we could expect no outside interâ€" terence in our fsvor except from the mother evantry. . He would ng:wnh resolutions as the completion of the Usion. (Applause.) _ It being six o‘ciock, the Speaker leit the APTER RECESS. Mr. JOuYÂ¥ contis.ued the debate on the reâ€" solutions regarding the Northwest Territory, in Frevch, contending that the acquisition would be of no value in cither a military or commercmal polint of view, that it wonld be altog:thâ€"r tuw expensive for our tesources, aund at all events the measure was premature. Mr. MASSON (Terreboone) followed, also in Freach, taking the same views «x the preâ€" ceding speaker in opposition to the adoption of the resolutions. . Mr. HARRISON had doubts whether the resolutions bad been brought in prematurely, but now, after carefully studyinx the resoluâ€" tions, and bearing the opinions of members, he buad come to the comlasion t vote for i feee en T them, one and ail, . He agreed with the hon. Tncaltnce astrian Misst member for Hants, thatâ€"it was a measure gaesely __._:‘.-._ * which would bavean important effict upon | A Scheme Afloat for the Dismemberment our fature... Herefoereed to the vast tracts of | «f. Atalys valuable land, treversed by naturul highways. | nz ze zn ‘l:"&qbt uo ww not ouly to look to the | Victor Eimmanuel to Abdicate» terests of Litants of that territory, | hy egor cagr en egezzmwnns but to our own. What was good for us,would be | Naple: to be U'l:;‘t::.?flml of goud 6 r them. â€" He showed trom u.it:-uca | Wtfunistonabitterors nerte on iremitveees ie that the great prairie lands of the "Umted x ( onk K ense octi States attracied enugration from u«. aad in h-ld.: &.?::'.,D‘:: l‘u,uï¬:.l-l:.:.‘;,‘u:,:{: order to counteract tast evil we mst Offe? | nated Gen. Grant for President. them the same advantages as the Western New Yorr, Dec. 5.â€"â€"The Tribune says the Suate«, which we could do if we were to open | candidates tor the Austrian Mission may be up those pruiries which were ofered us, with | interested in knowing that Mr. Greely bas the additional advantages of Brtish iastitnâ€" | received officiat notice of his appointment tione. . It had been said we should wait and llbeulo, and has given dus notice that he unâ€" as how anr nresent Constitution wouk| work } concitionally dectincs th post. e resalutions at the nt.moment. Hon. Mr. lclflm could not under thought the charter of the Company did not : give territomal right, and he even doubtel that the charter was legal at all, but the question should be decided by the laws. He opposed compromise with the Company, who now that they found the :'l:l‘k)l†was failing as a hunting ground, wi to sell rights, which hedid believre the laws would .Eci.le they had not themselves. If we dk“‘l not take this our aity woulkl be lost w m and _ Vancouver‘s Island would ere _ long be cut of from us by the eforts of the Unitel States, and where then would be that British Empire on this Continen®, which we hal hoped to see fluub:r This march in civilization and power we must take now or never, and for this reason he would support the megisure. ‘The learned gentletnan took his seat anid lfl‘" ® Hon.. Mr. GEVIN supported the re Hon.. Mr. LANGEVIN supported t solutions at length in French. Tue debate was continued at some le: Mesers. McCKENZIE, MORRIA and HIT N supported the g| INGTON taking a prominent part. ~The House went int:Con'n::uee, mep:t: reportâ€" ed.progress, asking leave to sit again toâ€" morâ€" row (today), which was granted. The House adjourned at 12:27. NOTICES OF MOTION AXD EXQUIRY. Mr. LA WSONâ€"Monday next â€"Address tor a copy ofall Engineers Reports and other corâ€" respondence relative to the Hamilton and Port Dover Piank Road, sinâ€"e the 30th January, 1865. Mr. TRE MBL A Yâ€"Monday nextâ€"Address for statement of the sums paid the several township municipalities in Lower Canada, and t the sums still due in compensation for Scigâ€" norial Indemnity. Mr. _ SPROATâ€"Monday _ nextâ€"Enquiry whether it is the intention of the Governâ€" ment to make any appropriation during the present session for the improvement of harâ€" bors on the east coast of Lake Huron. â€" Mr. SPROATâ€"Monday nextâ€"Address tor report showing the quantity of lands purchasâ€" ed (under the actual gettlement system) in the Townships of Amabel, Albermail : and Eastâ€" nor, in the Stigeen Indian Peninsula, Alsothc average price per acre. "unnucu. â€"The Loan of a Lover and Don Crsar de Bazan were played in excellâ€"nt style last night, for the benefit of Mr. Lanergan The officers of the Prince Consort‘s Own Rid. Brigado were presont. â€"By their kind permisâ€" sion, the band of the regiment was also preâ€" sent, and played a choice selection of airs This evening Mr. Mason‘s bencfit, given by the St. George‘s Society,~comes of. â€" For parâ€" ticulars of which see bills and advertisementsâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Lanergan have kindly consented to appear on the occasion Lxcrear â€"We bez t» call attention to a lecture to be deliverel on Saturday evening next, in Webster‘s Hall, under the patronage of the Adjutant General, the commundant and offisers of the volunteer torce of this city, | by Capt. Bridgewater, whose lectures have been so favorably spoken of by the press in Hamil ton, Kiazstomand eisewhere. Tais fectare is not exclasively tor volunteers, as we are informed it abounis in anecdote, and is most interesting an. instructive to all classes. W« leel sure a rich treat is 10 store for our Citiâ€" zens, who we hope will give the Captain a b&mping house. Volunteers to appear in uniform. # End of Cabby‘s Sirtkc==The Government Yields CABLE . NH W=. A Breach Between Austria and the Pope» Rumored Execution of the English Priso= ners in Abyssinia Edward Thornton, late Minister to Brazil, amd receutly appoioe\ Ambassador .of the United Stutes, uwrrived hbere toâ€"night, from Rio Juneiro. The steamer by which he arâ€" rived brings the report that a formidable revolt has broken out in Paysandu. _â€"_ _ bus yielded, aund~the operation of the obâ€" noxious law has been suspended. _‘ _ Lexpo®, Dec. 4.â€"The strike of the calâ€" men has come to an end. â€" The Government "vl';'lr‘rl“-pi!‘iohooinmnmm" in . India, which was interrupted by the cyclone, has been restored. Viexxa, Dec. 4.â€"Count Crinelli, . the Envoy of Austria to kome, has notified the Pop.llllll the legislation of Reichrats must proceed on its course, even in i to the Concordat, should the m re tuse to release the Emperor Em-.‘ m from the obligation otf «a treaty e he became .’Jonuiludon:l“l"onuuig. s _ Baron Von 7B€tllt, in a recent uthb. meeting of an Bnn:rncm without a programine, so that each power omm Roe M B Bs 302 30008¢ 30 mc O Oe L y lionol, Nov. 4.â€"0&?“ from . Bomâ€" bay gives a rumor that ‘Fheodore, the Ki of" Abyssinia, had . ordered the !‘5 prisoners in his custody to be executed. The ramor needs contirmatiou. _ i mpcncelt â€" eb e Paris, Nov. 4.â€"In the Corps Legisiaut toâ€"~luy.the Marquis de Mounster said that the meeting of the General Conterence, which France hal invited, was uncertain, Should it not tske place the Government of France would be compelled to exact otf Italy a liberal observance of the obligations of the September Conventioa. Loxpox, Dec. 6â€"Eve.â€"In the House ot Commons this evening the matter of the muil contract actross the Atlantic came n? agiin fo: consid»ration. _ Tas Goverameal informed the House that the ‘ Nutonal Stcamer Company was one of the unaccepted bidders. That line ofered to carry the Ameriâ€" cam muil between New York and Liverpool ut the rate of on« penny per balt ounce, but required 14 days tor the trip without penalâ€" tics. _ In case of failares by the present conâ€" truct one penny per letter is to be paid. THIS MORNING‘sS DESPATCHES. YESTERDAY‘s OEsSPATCHES. GEN. GRANT NOMINATED FOR THE PRESsLVE NCY » AMERICAN NEWS. New Yorx, Dec. 5.â€"The Herdld‘s corresâ€" poudence from Rome, of the 16th ultimo , says : What the victorious ecclesiastical party aim at jist now is nothing more nor less than a dismemberment of Italy, a scheme only; adâ€" vocated by their journals, both in fuu-d and Rom#. Upper ltaly, from the Alps to the Adriatic, would be »<<igned to Prince BHubert after the abdication of Victor Eramanuel. Central Italy would rev::c to the Pope, and Naples with Sicily, would resume their all«+« ginnce to Francis 20d. Jt remains to be scen whether Menabrea‘s Ministry will be able to defend Italy from this impon ding stroke. Eptton«.â€"Aun exchange araws tue following °â€" ___ a vivid picture of an editor : o \| 14‘ A_ N ( An editor‘s qualifications are various. ‘1:"1;] , to work harder, more hours in the day _ less rtcrusuon,'on less sleep and poon.r pay Or the Moth than any of your fellow mortals. It is to be ma busy .when your neighbors are idle, busicr! MRS. LANERGA when they sleep, and busiest when they are | Posters Progr en)-yllglgoo-ll'lmo. « It is to be always in .l 'A.I' lsst -;‘ ¢ hurry, always under a press of business,â€"alâ€" , alléry, ways "setting up," when clnbe:h::n lying . ceats; m““‘;"'-wu down, and always charitably « ibuting" Doors open i the results of 6ur daily labor. It is to have | Ottawa, Deo. 6,1867. your opinious always put to * proof," and M suldom into practice. Itis to advertise othec|;>;.. _ @. J,. O‘ people‘s wants, wishes and wares; to anâ€" | L" CHANCEFR nounce fucilitics for pleasure; to herald the INY OF {I0B, 4 approach of discase ‘and the invention of Rideauâ€"street. cures for them ; to make known has been : Ottaws, Dec. 6, 1867. fobbed, how â€" much, where, who is ts robler, | â€"â€"~â€"â€"~~â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€" YESTERDAY‘s DEsPATCHEsS. To be Continued. and to be able to answer all questions on all subjects. It is to publish too much sentiment for one, too 1:uch politics for another, and too little news forall. It is to make a dozen eneâ€" mics to one friend, and to be pitched into by anybody who chooses to consider himself agâ€" grieved. 1t is to take complimentary tickets to everything and pay for them incompliâ€" mentary notices. It is to be bored by friends suggesting how you should carry on your buâ€" siness, and bullied by those whom you have hit in valuerable spots. â€" It is a life of mingâ€" led good and il!,trial and triumpb, never ending toil, and never beginning felicity, wherein you work out your .noaed':fm with the devilalâ€" waysat your elbow, calling for solo end of this lifeâ€"a little more copy. 6 nospitaL STRBET, 2 doors from St. Francois Xavier Street. It has been established, by the best medical authority, that oneâ€"balf the nervous diseases are caused by drinking impure Tea, The Comâ€" pany have iimported a supply of Teas that can be warranted pure, and free from poisonous substances, in boxes of 10, 15, 20 and 25 lbs., and upwards. Brack Tza. â€"Common Congou, Broken Leaf, Strong Tea. ‘45¢., 50c.; Fine Flavored New Scason d@., 550. ; Excelient Full Flavored do., T5¢ ; Sound Oolong, 40¢., 45¢. ; Rich Flavorâ€" ud do., 60.; Very Fine do, do.,. 715¢:; Japan Good, 50¢. ; Very Good, 58¢.; Finest, 75¢. Grsex ‘T‘eaâ€"Twankay Common, 35¢. ; Fine do, 55¢.; Young Hyson, 50c. and 680c.; Fine do., 75¢.; Supertine and Very Choice, $1. & A siving will be made, by purchasing direct from the importers, quality and purity conâ€" sidered, Allp::flkl'l for boxes of 20 or 25 lbs., ar two 12 Ths., sent currtageâ€"free to the country. (eea net tmentioned in this circular equally cheap. The company having determiued to take a stand in the Montreal marker, welght, quality and circwiar may be implicitly relied m, â€" Where a 20 tb. box would be too much iwo or three clubbing together could divide. In writing you will oblige by addressing thus : Montrcal ‘Tea Company, 6 Hospitalâ€"st., Monâ€" treat, An excellent Mixed Temw could be sent tot 60c.; very good for common purpoges, 50¢. Buyers living beyond Railway Stations wil} »Aeasge send gu-l 6flcc order, or encloge notes, The carriage will be pard to the Aentust sta tion. â€" Tea will be forwarded immediately on receipt of the order by mail containing money, i the money can be collected on delivery by ‘xpresssman, where there are Express Odices A trial solicited. 4 THE MONTuRAL TBA COMPANY, 6 Hospit@ Street, Kirst Street below Notre Dame. Street. R@J" All boxcs ani chests sent from this establishment have the addressof the Montreal Tea Cotupany printed on them Carrers aso Uouse i®Casisuing3.â€"Aaiand, Mutchmor & Uo., 20 Sparksâ€"st, imake a «peciality of carpets and house furnishing®, Lagy ‘hase a large stock, co.nprising. new whoice patterns o Brussels tapestry, two and three ply carpettings, to which they are making weekly additions, Carpets made and laid with despatth. Inspection invited. 882â€"Â¥ Poor Hoxses.â€"There are thousands of “oor horses dragging out a miserable existence, sufferâ€" ing from & '"h;l of diseases, rendering them alâ€" most worthlsss, that would be restored to « healthy imost worthlsss, that would be restored to « healthy and sound condition, and a value given to them of which their owners never dreamed, would they but use the means within their reach. From i to 3 mdbuhy’l Arabian Heavre Remedy and Medicine will in all cases produce a ;uhfuury result ; handreds have testified to this lant. Remember the name, and see that the signature l“hï¬;‘:'l.h uy Navenatios 0. W paogt ® eweastle, w etore Toe n oiahhe. mm ap wihmedigne Indes anxtous to make known to his fellowâ€"sufferers the means of gure. < > moliv. s To all who desireâ€"it he will send a copy of the wflnud(mod dm fln.dirn- ons for preparing and csing which they suffere 1 for al years with a 1 W“A '".u'&':c':.J"" dhnn'_ __w. “:."ou“;:i" Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Aftections. The onl o%«lol\k advertiser in ul‘llc&omï¬- to benefit the aflicted, and spread i which he conceives to be invaluabie, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and rmay 0 0 0 â€" _ REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, 438â€"10â€"7, Williamsburg, Kings Co,, N. Y ERRoRs o¥® YoUTu A Gentleman who suffered tuo-'fln-'m mbmm%ofl.flho of youthful will, for the sake of sufferâ€" Foiet met dirsetrons fhr makiog the maigly reme: pe and for making the u-mn-o- qb’:'i:‘h‘o'u ou:, Sufferers w‘ hgbw " vertiser‘s Mm 0 80 addressing, in P"'.'.!‘..‘.!‘E:.!:‘.:.. * 281â€"aâ€"197 Mothers Read This!â€"Rolioway‘s Worm Lozenges are a certain and safe remedy for 'at-o.i’l‘ Children ng..u-uâ€"u it is a wolilâ€" kmown that one great <ause U Tuutk suea¢ vhilfres is rom Wormg 41000, it cannot be too I-;\.d upon the minds . « parents the alosely watching thei: 'i."‘.',';'r-â€'.i true cause of the disonse of children. -Iel.bo saved from early wraves. Svurrous or Wouus.â€"The Tollowing on ols savse . They are palatable and self= to the dhildâ€"drive out the tmï¬h:mt Ar and mfl.dolyolu-m â€"thereby £I’i, away with the nocessity of administering Casto Oil or otner unpleasunt catharticsâ€"as in theâ€"ast of other Worms. rluh box contains the tacâ€"simile d?.nm of Nowtusor & Lruax, Newcastie, C.W., who are PR I mueege We tan * ‘a #, ‘.'c.lnhum. sdoiy-n{ho rugguste in Ottawa, and medicine Ju:l:. every» THE MONTRE AL TEA coOMPANY. MARRILED. 5 On Wednesday, 4th Dec., isstant, at St. Alban‘, Church, by the Rer. Heary Roo, of 8t. Mathew‘s, Quebec, assisted hy the Kov. T. Bedford Jones, L L. D., of &t. Alban‘s, Ottawa, James Pennington MePherson, Esquire, Barrister, to Miriam Clara Dunn, eidest da 1ghter of Geo. O. Reiffenstein, Esq. This Priday Evenizg, 6th Dec., Under the Patronuge of His Worship the "i"' Hon. James Skead, and the Officers and Members of St. George‘s & Society, f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BENEFIT OF MR. E. A. MASON. E .&A&. N GQGEHUQ. N . See Posters and Programmes, Admissionâ€"Galléry, 25 cents ; Dreis mu'l.'.u cents ; Privace Boxes, $5. D.ono’-uhelndlrholutuao'clu&. Ottawa, Dec. 6, 1867. C sostd _ LA' CHAKCERY and CONVEYANCâ€" La‘tsd or:1os, acmorxps suttones, HER MAJESTY‘3 THEATRE. MRS. LANERGAN As FAXCHON. r a blessing. Parties wishing the rase, b m-n-.% ill please ad ’ll!,hlb _:ID_A_. wi Or the Mother‘s Prayer, SPECIAL ~»FICES. Go Jn Q,m-)mTY’. N. TETREAU, JOHN B. OGDEN rmnmitane | i . Ar )C e B THE OTTAWA TIMES DECEMBER 6, 1867. yeiah Ul DER the Patronage of Cal. Macdou« gall, Adjutantâ€"General of Militis. the Com mandant and Officers of the Volunteer Force of Otâ€" tawa. CAPT. BAIDGE Ww ATER, Mooretown Mounted Infan , ~will .deliver a Lecture in wxmm’. Albert st., on BaTURDAY EVENING NEXT, at 8 o‘clook." _ _ _ _ _ _ EunszOr=* Life in the British Army in ladia." . | Conclading with some practical remarks to : the Volunteors of the Dominion. . | Admission, 25 cents. .. Committee of Managementâ€"The Commandant, (Col. Wily,) Major Grant, Major Ross, Cl& Forâ€" syth, Capt. and Adjt. Ross, and Lieut. Gemmill, from whom tickets may be had. Ottawa, Doc. 6, 1807. €08â€"td KEATING‘3 COUGH LOZENGES. Tfllt Unifversat fremedy now stands the first in public fayer and confidence; this tesult has been acquired by the tert of fifty yoars| o:r:i-n:o. These Lozonges may be found on salo in every British Colony ; and throughout !n din and China they have. been higbly esteemed wherever introduced. . For Coveas, Astmaa, abd ull Affections of the Throat and Chest, they are the most agrecable and eflicacious remedy ; they do not contain opiam or any «ther deleterious drug and may therelora be taken with porfoct safety by the most delisate constitution. mnB i e d Prepared and sold in b xes, tins and bottles of various sizes, by Tuomas Kratixc, Chemixt, &6.. 79, St. Paul‘s Churchy ard, Lo rdon. _ Sold Retail by ?‘ll Drug.;sists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the V orld. 608â€"1220 ‘ PROMISSORY NOTE, dated Dec. 4ib, drawn by W. Notman in favor of J. Adams. . Any person Anding the same is r-q:onf ed to leaveit with G. Hutâ€"hison, Dentist, SYC“ aâ€"st. and «all are cautioned against negotiating it. Ortawa, Doc. 6, 1867. €08.â€"1 A ROWE, Auctioncer, 42, Rideau=st.. e has resumed the saie <f seaâ€"onmble Dry @nods, »nd will run of the bul nee of the Swock, â€" t EV sNIN# oALE:<, . commencing on FRIViY EVENING, SIXUH DbCEMBEHW at sbVEN o‘clock, and continuing ev sry evening till the whole is d‘sposed of. The stvck embracesâ€" Orsy Blankets, ~_ Cunadian Et.ffes, | Beâ€"tics, Caliones, Prints, Fanc« Plaids, Checked Winceys, White Fiannels, Union Sbirtings, _ Ladies‘ Mantles, Moas Contings, _ Reversible Coatings, Witheys. Tweed#, Drab Jeans, : Twilled Trowserings, Grandrills, Alr onte Ureys, And a variety of other New Goods. % DRY ~G @0 D8 This is the time to get Great Bargains, as he wishes to close them all off before Ohristmas. ‘The Goods. out in quantities to suit, and silver taken at ar. Auon{ the Co-lil;fI are pieses suitable for [ulhn’ Cloaks and Mantles, affording an opportuâ€" nity of getting the stuif for those aricles at loss than bail stieo. #OStd ‘ A. ROWE, Auctioneer. Herrmg, Mackerel, &c, &c. THIS Â¥BIDPAY MORXING, Docomber 6th, at 11 o‘clock. «. AMsâ€"... _ Ottawa, December 6. 125 bbis. of Herring, coUuUunNTY PRISON WO PREVENT inconvenience to par® ties coming from a distance to visit prisoners in GAOL, the public are notified that in future, Mavagement of the Common Gaols "*~~***°Or CANADA, WILL BE StrictlyAdhered to 4 It is as follows :â€" No. 24.â€"Visits should always take place in the presence of the Officer of the Prison: « One special day, from 1:to 2 p.mâ€"Fridays." Wx. F. POWELL > Sheriff, County of Carieton. * Sheriff‘s Ufice, Ottawa, z Decemter 5th, 1867. 608â€"2.4â€"49 To "ypohu Rc:-rnl-‘ Officers for the different Wari« of the City of ttawa, and to fix the ;1 wes for the Nomination of Onndidates, and the Polling Plires therein. for the year 1368, wnâ€"! for ocher purposs« the:ein mentione i. mese nbled, Nereby en Te ANQ GHER MD MV MATUWER That th â€" {.llowing persons be, and they are here â€" v appo nted Retu:n»g Officers in the several ards in the City of Q:u««wa, tor the year 1868, that is to say : t A * Por Vietria Ward. Jams» UTirke. For Weliington Ward. Archibald Oraham, For Et. Gnrs‘-,\\' ard, James Joynt. _ For ByWard, Pierra 85. Jo in. * ~ For Ottawa Ward, John Myers. That the nomination of Candidates and Polling Piaces in the several Ward« of the City of O;:taws, for the yeur aforcsaid, shall be as. follows, that is _ The Corporat on of tne Jity of Oit+#a, in Council asse nbled, hereby en« t« and orda‘ns &s follows : â€"E"Viem"hga:l. at the house of James Clarke, , e north # #t. ® ‘iu Wollll‘tw'\'s' ut !!o Engine House. In &t. G /s Ward, at Lot number 15, on the gouth side of !ld‘ll_l-!t- P e se nc n t »& /â€"â€" â€" In By Ward, at Lot number 16, on the north side of Clatence=st. ". =~= _ Cirghcam & â€" In 0t awa Ward, at Lot number 18, on the cast side of Dalhousie=st. _ _ _ ce altke _ Thait the sum of Ton Dollars shall be paid to each Returning Oficer for all the services required of him at the ensuing Muanicipal llut\_- for the Clg of uttawa. ®e M ivon under the Corporate Seal of the cuy:oo- tawa, this second day of December, A. D., 1867. (Signed,) ROBERT LYON, Cortified, Mayor. 1&. 8.) W . P; LETT, City Clerk. * ~~608â€"1 Monday & Tuesday Evenings, DECEMBER 0th and 10th. MR. ARTHUR sSKETCHLEY “‘l‘.&"%‘t’&fl‘\’.’o“ to announce that * NEW ENTERTAINMENT Mrs.: Brown at the Paris Exhibition, Established by the Prison Inspectors, for the As given by him with unpresedentsd success at the EGYPTIAN HALL, London, 1200 consecuâ€" comts ; Private Boxes, $5. > d : Doors open at 7} ; Entertainment to commence ‘;&»â€"yudfluu“&_fl HER MAJESTY3 THEATRE. MXCEKEERIEL, Again at Aunction RULE No. 24. AUCTION SALE LECTURE. Terits Cash. BROWX AT THE PLAY, LBAN .will #ell at DICKIN= SONS W HARY, Canul Basin, AXD A QUANTITY oF LOSsT. CHEAP , 25 cents ; Dress Circle, 50 McLEAN, Auctioncer 60%â€"1 \ â€" Bargains in Dry Goods. GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO., Have just received the following, bought far below the original cost, whic they are offering at their usual Small Advance on Cost : 20 pieces STRIPED WINCEY 3, usual price 1s 94, for 1s 34 per yard, 32 pieces PLAIN WINCZY8, usual price is €d, for 1s por yard. 36 picces STRIPED WINCEYS, usual price for 7}d por yard . 30 pieces Wide Width, Nico Patterns, Fast Colorâ€" ed PRINTS, usual price 7}d, for Og_ per ya. SHEFFIELD HOUSE ! u20 P ho ce SA hy t ie 2 in P repgh is ic 27 yA S Nee 2 47‘!. N. B.â€"Manuf «eturing nad Repairing attenaed to, Ottawa, November 9, 1887. . .___________ rak J SEWILL is by Special Appointment Watchmaker to Mer Mojesty the Queen. «: Royal Family, and Court of Fpain ; The Right Honorable the 1 ord« Commirsioners of the Admiâ€" nlz; Her Maj. sty Queen Victoria ; Royal Navy ; and } rize Medallist of the International Exhibition of 1862. N. B.â€"â€"Manuf«cturing aad Repairing attenged to. TTEUEmYL u7e CUNNINGHAM AND LINDSAY Canadian Grey Cloth at 38. 3d. per yard. j Canadian Iweeds at 48. per yard. f , Canadian Cotton Yarn at 7s. 6d. a Bundle. ® Canadian Bags at 18. 9d. Blankets, CHEAP ~SALE=â€"â€"FOR â€" TWO WEEKS ONLY:! CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY J. DURIE & 5 HA‘\.V'I h’-“ nodvodplllo‘p Coleri arlian ..,.';, Al, m‘ro‘d?;;‘l‘ho Te: o Reapmcer nmarkinp ash ; the Dante An‘:ï¬::!. m; At neighborhooa, bY Gmm_m taining Naturalist, by Mre Londo Augusta Evans ; The Old Curic Chas Dickens‘ Edition) ; Running HAvljut received Biographia Litera« . tim, by cd.nd?; Parliamentary Governâ€" ment, by Al eus Todd ; The Tenants of Malory, o7 Nga i ore Ti a l ht Boa t waurap y ash 4 0 U D’_“ ‘“‘x::q, m; Annals of a quiet neighborhooa, bY Gonm'lebould- The Enterâ€" talning Naturalist by Loudon ; inez, by Miss Augusts Evans; The old Olflol‘ty Shop, (The Chas Dickens‘ Edition) ; k-nhï¬ho Gauntlet, by Edmund Yates, (obeap English Edition) ; Essays of Elia, Complete, 12} ceots ; Manual of Pirtoon Exercizes for Suider â€" Breechloading _ Artillery Carbines, 7 cents ; ‘The English Magazines for No vem berâ€" Por sale by * J ?.Ulll & sON, l 498y Oppumm Russoll House.~ Together with an IMMENSE VARIEIY Millinery, Mantles, Dresses, Cloths, Tweeds, Gloves, ll(nlery, &ce., MA LA 4 Foang hady on Bridey, Woally e on sn i eaut, onthediil, Lower ‘Town.. 4 OTEAW A, Nov. 18, 1867 â€" CELEBRATED " _ AMERICANWATCH J. Sewill‘s Celebrated Watches! Wholesale and Retail. Ottawa, December 6, 1867 OTTAW A, Nov. 16, 1867. (able Howard will be given to any person findâ€" | C@PPMP within two to eight miles of the city . o lal lnaving i t ihis utce. AB% Am-ww.murmam.m ov. 28, 1867. * 5072 sion, Ottawa Front, Gloncester, 5$46â€"6m Previous to opc-niug our New Store on Rideau Stroot, LATE LITERATURE., YOUNG & RADFORD‘S, 30, Eparks Street, YCUNG & RADFORD‘S Dry Goods at Reduced Prices. GOLD&SILVER WORK. Y{UXG & RAD: ORD, POR THE CELEBRATED CamNADA WATCH! Ottawa, Dec. 4, 67 Je Do al} kinds of Importers, 20 Sparksst., FOR TW 10 ~Sparkeâ€"etrect, DURIE & SON GRANT & HENDERSON‘S, T (OES 1. LE GoLD BJ . MaAcGILLIVRAY & CO,, Inspection Invited. ao To INVITE PARTICULAR ATTENTION To THEIR 30 Sparksestreet, Flannels, and Mantle Cloths. QFFERING GREAT INDUCEMENTS TN The Bishop‘s Building, Sussexâ€"st., near the Cathedral. ARE NOW SELLING k Jlal' RECEIVED ‘a‘“- LOT OF BREAKFAST awls, Nubiss, and Wool and other Hose, Hair Nets, Belt City Moop Skirt Factory ! Clasps Ladies sortment of THE CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. IHE LATEST STYLES oÂ¥ HOOP SKIRTS ARE THE PLASTIQUE, ° DEML AND QUAKER TRAIL ‘The above Ekirts are being ‘made to mea ure on the Shortes Notice, W bolesale and Retail. Ottawa, Nov. 14, 1867. 456 DaAVID MILLAR. P‘ER ENCE CORSETS, AT THE SKATING SKIRT gc‘lblri) THEB WALKIEKG AND RE TION 1A GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO. jï¬ 11LA L stt3 ~ stt ~irrotedt â€" uo vaar ~perve â€" 7 wis, Nubiss, and Wool and other Hose, Hair Nets, Belt A adies Pooket Handkerchiefs, and as usual a Splendid Asâ€" OF OTHER GOODS too numerous to particularize Sparksâ€"st., Central Ottawa, NEARLY OPPUSLTE ONTARIO BANK, 92 pieces FINE PRINTS, usual price 10d, for 7id per yard. 5u pieces Heary GREY COTTONS, usual price 74d, for 64 per yard. 5 50 pieces Very Heavy GKEY COTTONS, YARD WITDE, usaal price 94, for Tjd per yard. > 40 pieces SCARLET FLANNELS, usual price 2s 64, for 2s per yard. _ | LONDON MUSIC STORE | Undar the Parliament Hairdressing Saioon. . MILES, a very lurge and fine aesortmeat of (Lessee of Iler â€"Mujesty‘s Theat e Of every make and style, from the priacipal mannâ€" ind mike Un Hhere. aibe wl ind posed of at manufacturers‘ prices. ~pen Mr MILES has just reccived a large and varied assortment uf PIANO STOOLS of all sizes and patte:ns. +# or which the undersigned is Sole Agent for Oitaâ€" wa and vicinity. _ Textimonials from Clergymen and the Principal Professors of Music in Canada an be seon at this establishw ont. SBoveral cases of Excelient . VIOLINS, __‘COsCERTISAs, & & ACCORDEON$, TAMBOURINES, ALSO, A NUMBER OF WILLIAMS‘ VICTORIA ORGAN3 AND MELODEONS GUITARS, Manpufacturer, who will attend punctually to ardors for TUNING loft at the London Muslc St M made to each and every Parliament havi m.umm«mmm':’. res .hnutbnnhh-ndo:lu 1 at the Session of the Parliament fer the late l the domwmm;um m.d"mhlwmouov-cny o e talr,." _ _‘ _ . _ lisce‘" 6078 Ottawa, Dec. 5. 1867. S1CN of the BIC FIDDLE, =&ANDâ€"â€" 850 AOCRES OF LAND, situated 'h&mbt#t-munh city . Apply to JOHN W.Mc0GUIRE, Lot 25, 2nd Concesâ€" Secondâ€"hand Pianos taken in part payment for 6 hereby given that -p;IIo.uo- will be made to each and every Parliament having OULD inform his tuu-- and the _pubsic generally thit he has just receives" FLUTES, . C'LO O.&‘j PIANOS, Land for Sale. NOTILCE DRUMS, we will hold a Opposite the Kussell House Te §51â€"30y _ E. MILES, TRAIL, 484v «417y §10y h K. ARNOLDL, WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, No ©Pints $1.00 more per 2 dozen. Hennessy‘s, Marteli‘s, and Otard du Pay‘s Branâ€" dies, in wood and bottle. f Pure Jamaica Spirits in wood and bottle. _ | Seotch and Irish Whiskeys in cases. ! DeKuyper‘s Gin in wood, red and green cases, Booth‘s, Bervara‘s, and Thompson‘s Old Tom London Gins in cases. d A very n&:ri-’-r assortment of Champagnes, Moselles, Hocks, Clarets, Fanturnes, &¢., in quarts and pints. _ s meumcumncines Maraschino, Caracao, Vermouth, and Royal Ita han Bitters, &c. Oiders by mail with cash or city reference solici ed and promptly attended to. No charge.for dg livery in the city. A discountto persons buying in quantity or l»{ the original package. Pority guar»nteod in s.l‘ cases. _ l:upoetion invited. _ _ Price Lists, and overy information, 0 Ni tion, or sent to any address, s e 4 Gviness‘ Porter, Bass‘ and Allsopp‘s Ale and Hibberts‘ Porter, quaits and piots. _ e November 9. 1867 Ottawa., November 23. SÂ¥ :E immediately, a FIRST» CL AS3 COOK. § Jrockery, Uhina and Glassware. ';HEAKFAS‘I' SETS ofGilt and Figur» ed China, binuer Sets that ure really beautiâ€" ful, ana Tea Sets that cauuot be equa led el:e. where. | Also alirge variety of T bet sets, Eomâ€" melled and Gilt r‘unch Bowls, Frowerâ€" Shades, English, Seotch and German Cut. dGla»s; Prest 1 iss of all kinds; Bobemian, Parian, and other Vaser; German Chins Dogâ€"; and a variety of other l'hnulif'll Good» at Low Prices. Al«o, Stuves and Furniture, Mattrasses, Miriors, Look ng Giasses and all other arvicles required ir â€" House. turvnishâ€" â€" Remember the Variety Hall is 34, Sussexâ€"st., nearly opposite the Barracks _ _ _ _ VARIETYX â€"HALL;, Tlll Subscriber bogs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has oo'h-‘-boud business in the ‘store formerly occu. y A NEW DOMINION, DRVYV GGOO DS ! rAuhl‘ .;m‘:}u keep constantly on hand #gene > DRYC GOO DS| Readymade Clothing Messrs. Fingland & Draper Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. JAMES HILGGINSON, Union Block, Sussexsit. THE IMPORTERS. TEA! TEA! TEA! Telegraph Company‘s Building, Ottawa 'l‘lll MONYREAL TEA .COMPANY, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal, having just imâ€" r:fl.d a large quantity of Green and Black Toas, rf to call the uttention of the Trade, Hotel Proâ€" prictors, and large establishments generally â€"to their list of prices. Buyers of Chests and Boxes of fea will save money by getting it direct through the Emporters. Apply at the B.itish Lion Hotel, opposite Truss All orders tor 25 1b, bozes and ng'.rdn. carriâ€" age free to any Railway Station in Canada. Parâ€" les wanting amailer ,quantities should elub togoâ€" ther, Buyers living beyond Railway Stations, will please send rnt. office order, or enclose notes, The arriage will be paid to the neamrest station, where here ire expgess ofices. Tes will be forwarded «minediately on rm’rt o the order DL-II conâ€" Aniuf woney, or the nmu’ san collected m delivery by express m«n.‘ Cas collected in Mentreal tree of charge, and Tea forwarded for the wme. PDrigical packages Black Ter weigh, j thesus about 50 lbs. Chests do. 90 to 100 1b#. «Green Te« from 60 t 80 lb-‘.d Toas not mntlo-o,d-h,ll- sertisemen* can be N liy cheap. Comâ€" .any are a.um(..dmfl stand in the Montroal nurket, every article imay therefore be depended l »a as to quality and weight. h e oibe ONFIDENTLYâ€"recommends and gua« _rantees the following WINES, viz.:â€" 2o mmon vongou, Broken Leat, Strong Tex..$00 45 Fine Flavoured Now season ‘o.o.‘ 00 §5 Excellent Full Fl#Â¥0G°00 49.....»..»»»» ..â€"»»«»«» 00 73 WB HINHHIHE c eesnerrecercn on n on ooo rrersrenccy, S B6 Ligh FIAVORTOE 0o w.16«....,. rectrerrcenpeccemncncns BOOCBIA Very Fine 00 Secanres renrnmepfenterrarer ienss O FikpMiRbcenpre sirranves: anvoveverenryriinces sn se ssenabinces BPA Vory Fint dou.... omercemmencsnemeessssreremeneees OB T: in excelient mixed fea, Black and Greea,.... 00 10 Ottawa July 10, 1887. 1 Port (good sound wine) : «* o!d..‘ " buperior 0‘d ... 5 _« Very fine old... 1 Sherry, light table 2 * Superior do... 3 _ ** Very choice... 4. * Choice old..... 5 * Very fine...... $A All Boxes and Chests sent from this Estab shment have the address of the MONTAEAL 1EA COMP ANY printed on them. August 27, 1867. 5291â€"wy The lar; est assortment in the Dominion is now Ojen for inspection at the 420y Skates | Skates! GO DOWN TO BIRKETT‘S READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, Ottaws, Doe. 4. "Lou~o> .. MONTAEREAL TEA €0, ." 6, H epitalâ€"st , Montreal #@J" Agent for Oltawa and neiy hborhood, COOK WANTED. Have You Got a Pair? 25 Cents to $5â€"per Pairâ€" Wine and Spirit Merchant, Metcalfeâ€"st., _â€"____ Tdegraph Co.‘s Buriding, Oftamo, Eign of tho AnVfll BKidean #5treet, BUY YOUR TEA AND WIIERE To GET THEM. METCALFEâ€"STREET, 34, Sussexâ€"st. BLACK TEA. GREEN TEA. JusSKEPHM BOYDEN, MR. JOS. MOONEBY. DIRECT FROM WELDON CHAMPNESS K. ARNOLDI ANDâ€" AND iF KOT Nest to he Tea Pot (General Agent. Por « 5 15 2 00 3 00 bazf 00 00 all 50 50 50 $Bay Por 10 00 12 50 15 10 00 | 12 50 lsool 4 00 v0 15 *k /ss‘ yA t the RUSSELL HOUSE, on BATURDAY, the SEVENTH of DECEMBER, at TW O o‘clock pm., one very handsome double SLEIGH, one covered CARRIAGE, silver mounted, cost over $500, and in the best order. P From threo to five years old, sound and pertect, and gen‘le in single or double harness, s FEale Positive. % Terms Cask, in bankable funds. Oitawa, Dec. 4, 1867. €0btd Auction _ Sales, Ottawa, â€" BYF H. MeLEAN. Youns Horses, Carriage, Sleigh, &¢ © B tier Roome, No. 78, North ï¬r-rbâ€"wm on SATURDAY, the 218 inâ€"t\, a inrv® mssortment of Buffaloes and Baff«lo s.~ Rule at ten o‘cluck, Fancy Bufalces and ‘Buffalo Robes. Consignm«nt from Montreal. p.m. . Terms cash dn bankable funds. (MeEW AN*8 CURING,) UST RECEIYVED. . .: : 0‘ _ COFFEE.â€" COFEEE. O@UETE of Netural Dried Flowers Phwlwr“wflw:‘-fn. ermany, A case just received at The Market Drug Store, * T 1&‘ _ |_ Wea#EARX. yac and other Wiste: Flower Buibs. Hyncinth Giassos fo sale, es T Lk as io Aatl Finnan Haddies‘! "DOMINION" NBWS DEPOT, 87. RIDEAU STREET MILLKEKE®S®® OLD sTAN.D. OQotober 31. 5 YOUNG HORSES, EVERY KIND OF LITERATURE '\lll. Comâ€"any having established at Muntresl their Geaeral Agenty for .be Doâ€" minion of Can wéa, is now prepared to offer to he public an article in sMOKING ~TOBACCO ! 6071d *~ M. MeLBAN, Auctioneer 3uperior to anythin ; of the kind ever imported into the coantry, and pledgé¢ their long established character that the article now offered is the pare meaf from the MoCcHaA _ , COFFEE, JAVA COFFEE, samancd corFrEE, CEYLON| (Native) _ COFFEE, CEYLON (Plantation) COFFEE, LAGUAYRA® ~_‘ _‘ CorrEE, f _ Bussex & Wellingtonâ€"sts. Ottawa . Oct. ‘I 4. 1867. k > 5624( Kepton hand; also, STALLONERY. POBACCONIST in Connmection. Ottawa, Nov. #3, 1847. 597b The different brands and prices are as Ottawa, Oct. ‘I 4, 1867. vie Flowers, Flowers. Tobacco Company, The " Prince of Wales," in 1 & 2 1b bis$1.09 por !b. « « Dominion Favorite" 1 & $ " * 0.75 * « « Navy," 1 &2 â€"» * 045 « The prices are xet casu in Montreal, and orders (aecompanied by remisance) for $ ibs and up wards will receive prompt aitention, ‘The tobaeso will be forwarded to any adiress, by express or otherwijse, as parties may direct. Piease address Viigin Hill Tops of Virginia. w columns of yesterday‘s Prara, signed by 030 "i)l‘)- MOSS," {-I“l.’ld,m in order to present -hâ€"r.'hc «matters ncnuuuru-.l-y have been placed in the bands of Sohcitor at my instance ; an + I only hrbo-mbumm'iï¬m obligations to me when determined nmm :'hu.uhhb'ï¬lhm thr.ugh _ ALEXANDER RIGGs. De ‘ember 3, 18 T ECTOR McLE A Nywill sell at his Ane» Metcalfc streot, Desember 4. Lost or Stolen,. A canes, poue TEaniza _ pos, A e eobis) yomate wik be pooi l Aoiegecovery. * ALL PERIODICALS ! AUCTION SALE Montseal, Dec. 4, 1867. Ottawa, Dec. 4, 1867. HAUSER & FULTON Flanne! â€" Deparment! F§NI®E approach of Winter N will naturaly remind those loskin: to the‘r perâ€"onal eomfort that Plannels o whatever desoripâ€" tion are exaotly the kind of Goods required st ths seaâ€"on of the yeur. A8" Customers may rely «pon get inc a Pn‘ «1ticls, made from the Woul « »_lbc .'f‘f‘}ï¬â€ »& MB ing bâ€"en thoroughly discussed (»flulcleu-. »nd «ithouzh it was deckt d that Cotton was nâ€"t Kht yet we are pleared to announce still reigns supreme. This departâ€" ment was secently replenished with nearly al clurses of new Cotton Goods at a‘most 0‘d prices. > TWE Cotton quesfion have _ § La sesvnd others are invited to call and get a »+ample. Magee & Russell« . Cloth â€"Department. w- can with confidence solicit Geâ€"Uemen to inspéot our Cloth Departient, as it contains many picces of »Newâ€" Pweeds and Ocvercoarings suitable for making up Fin»tâ€"Cl«ss Garments. B No credit given. . Domestic â€" Departme. (ene you apet N=toe Ottawa, Nov. 2, 1867. 380y ILL su ITH regard to a notico in the ad« AUCIION SALE OF VEREY SUPERIO® DANVILLE, VIRGINIA 1867 F. W. HEXSHAW, Gon. Agent Dominion of Canads, * 10 St. Sacrament â€"st., Magee & Russell*s. A CARD. ROANOKE OF JA8. lUO:Awl.nAl. Noh !’14‘ bile im -?cunlc WEST PRICE®. Montreal 607 Am