|| DRY 6OODS & READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING Whi do !dt:" do Sattinet do J. T. Prudhomme‘s Stores, AI~.-- intends closing one of his Stores on the first day of December, he is determined to sell of at an immense reduetion his stock of $ Beaver Cloths, Dry Goods and Readyâ€"made Clothing, And at the Sign of the " Golden im i.-l).""“â€"m"â€"" Jz&w‘“ u.c #SYLVEN,!! @SUMMER,*! and\ other vessels, __â€" _ Gélass, China and Earthenware, â€" From the celebrated Potteries of =Clementson Bros.," Hanley, (acknowledged to be the best makers Ottawa CROCKERY Store! Parian Marble, in Vases, Statuettes, Jugs and Trinket Boxes And a complete assortment of COMMON WARE, Wholesalo and Retail. : @~An carly inspoction Gentiemenâ€"1 huve no hesitation in raying that 1 beliove the majority of locomotive enginecrs have found by experience that W ALTHAM W ATCHES ARE itE Mocr SATISFACTORY of any tor their usee. ’u RUN WiTH THE GREATEST ACCURACY AND STEADLNESS, notwithstanding ~m of an engioe ; and as I have NEVER KNOWN ONE TC WEAR OUT,they must be To m tosee the time when railway companies flrmlly adopt your watches, and .fl...luw-lm In my opinion it greatly tond to promote regulariâ€" and l. . * _ PPBRRT N CT . 1 THE HOWE MACHINES are WORLDâ€"RENOWNED for doing the Handsomest and most durable work on Leather. | h?uu- mess Maker®, Carriage Trimmers, Boot and Shoc Makers, &c. “'im.gâ€lm hm:w:f‘hfl-.:'om a % G.A. WALTON, 4 es e ids eond miai) iRatnner "flfl""“" .-m......."'sï¬ Becessary to state that such wi ?r are ealculated to injure the high of the American watch (except the | Te i rationmtata‘s a The should in al b&â€hï¬ Ts 'ï¬u.u the XBERICKE Wartea vo. T e PI!N!YLw::‘A‘:&?D 00. 24€i0J ® Superintendent, *-:n-vmw» have been i "'"':t‘.'..":‘..i.:?‘" ou have n use on d fo 1 car to whom we furnish -u‘b’n c&rfld mw There m'x";u’u.z.l' o e ameaime mm anal has @ R worn and do wear m-tu repairs than an Im'.hls'. ever in use on this rosd. â€" As you are aware we lormer‘y trusted to those of ‘qlblnun!uun. of acknowledged good reputation, but as a class they never keep time as correctly, nor have they done as good service as yours. Aw these statements L am sustained by my prodecessor, Mrâ€" Lewis, whose expericuce extended a series of yoars. ns Tnnithanih s & whe hes To be seen at the Sable of Al IMPORTED BLE and Tandem l.lr.‘ow to Dr. J. Gar A w _MM.M»-MM,“.’:.’ elton do ... sc i *Mreowserings, Kerseys, ittinet do Fancy Doeskins, Winceys. English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. wor sale by all firstâ€"class dealers in the United States and British Provinces. J. GARYEY, :D Oizmwa, Bept. 4 18¢7, s2vet Ottawa, November 19, 18$7 oots and. Shoes, Teas, Soap, Candles and Wines Ih 'hlohï¬h disposed of before the ist day of December. Call early and examine Ottaws, October 38, 1867. RSunt. C1 Silver Mounted Harnesses. NEW GOODS. NKEW GOODS, American Watch Co., Waltham. American Watch Co., W aitham. b‘“‘ & w‘_'b _ _ inE EWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS AND ON) *A .‘ 2. 45 GOLD MEDALS to eall and settie at once, or coâ€"ts will WOoOL CRAYV ATsS, «. SCARFS, NECK TIES, COLLARS SUSSEXâ€"STREET, FACING CLARENCEâ€"STREET, , 14, 1887. CREAT CLEARINC SALE NOTICE. G. M. HOLBROOTE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Richly Cut and Prest PZECANTERS, Pints and Quarts, « « « OLARET JUVGS. + F2 220 .. .__* _ PUMBLERS and GOBLETS. °w # «_ WINES (to match decanters,) BREAKFAST SETTS, DESSERT SETTS, DINNER «_ TEA w &e. Alsor of West of BROADCLOTHS Tuitabte for DnbSS 20 113, which can behad in this Kxtabpiinhs." ment Superior to any in the city. G. M. H. respectfully invites PEG ; TOPâ€" DEPOT. SPECIATL NOTICEH. West of England Broad Cloths, Black . Cassimeres, Silk Mix Coatings, * SET, SIXGLE, Dot # THE NSEWEST ANXD MOST SEASONABLE STYLES and PATTERNS. avers. Pilots, Blanket Cloths FOR SALE. WINTER GOODS M. CAMERONX, Nor. 29, 1867. 381y° Elginâ€"st., opposite the Post Office. NEW YORK CEXTRAL RATLROAD. Locomotive Dep‘t Western Division, © Rochester, Dec. 24th, 1866 â€"â€"ALSO, A LARGE SHAWLS, BUCK M _ CLOAKINGS, BUCI Ԥ, PRESS GOODsS, § NECK TIES, , PRINTS, RS, COBOURGS, bl RIDEAU STREET, (opposite Mr. 5",47 Whalen‘s esd of the American (Waltham) Watch have given it & usscrupuious deaier» years ago {mitated it« style and pirated uts are cccasionally found who dishonestly trude upon the popularity Yours respectfully, MHowe Machine Co., both of NewYork. Paris Exposition, 1867, Wheeler and ~Wisou Manifacturing Company, is 'bo-ll:r & 'ns-’ull"ohv:lmn hole :M-:‘, ::r. t:oh, achines is now ready, 1 vention WORLDâ€"RENOWNED for doing the Handsomest and â€"â€"CON8ISTTSG OFÂ¥â€"â€" THE TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS AND ONLY wriizmme O P smm w- «â€"ATâ€" There were Kighty=two Competitors, G.A+ WALTON, Aotur, 37 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa. Wmmsms Arigrigg +4 rue i d cssn i ed House on Rideau, opposite st. Nicholasâ€"street, il..llq..n.‘:. &o. The a’u..'m ;."H" e. with the bost the market afterds. Arm stabling attached, and a â€"careful Hostler in a*â€" .<> 2 JO8N oRrEEX, . S anos and the public generally thst he has Mlhuhvo'dr:nn-niumblym PC L : PPMp Te T Shmantmnatermg it +4 â€"â€"POR SÂ¥WISG MACHINES® af THEâ€" ~~RIDEAUâ€"STREET, (Pormeriy kept by W. B. Hoees.) m Mâ€"hp to inform his friends and the public generally thst he has CROWN HOTEL, W. ALLAN, CHARLES WILSON, EDWARD L. Ww‘ G. Chie incer, Brotherhood of \au./d‘;:"lmuou BUCK MITT®S BUCK MOCASSIN®, 8, wWOOL sockKks, ES, = MITTS, 8, TRUNKsS, OURGS, YALISES ROBBINS & APPLETON, Col. and White Blankets Horse Rugs, Flannels, Kerseys, Winceys. No. 182 Bro‘dw, X.Y. ROBERT WILKEs, Toronto and Montreal, GENERAL AGENTS. 586 45 3w 99 THIS MORNING SPARTAN, 107. Sn in 1807 ROYAL MAIl THROUGL LINk * The magnificent m‘u_-:n comprising thi line, This is now. with new and mi.utinm.»vpufl “‘“ Forwarding Comp‘y. ‘The Steamers On and after SEPTEMBER Ist .aotil noâ€" Mice) the steamerâ€" â€" Sissom will J"ouo ylmer a ~conâ€" wrery dug, e ahe Uipget Ouprn at 7 ns n ._Am|. duys; Wednesdays and Fridays,4eaving at 6 a. m., connecting at l’::bh with {3‘.::1- 0::4. which leaves Pembroke Landing at 1 p. m., and atrivingâ€"at Portage du Kort Â¥ame evening, _ _ P nonnanmanithn whort of tm Richaine oopaiy e erend ebert l oc t enlme t ol Sorermefihte porie Hetarning Mosâ€" MAGKEY, , . 5 and CHAMPION, Have commenced their regular trips between Montreal and Hamilton, calling at all Intermediate Ports, comnecting withthe _ . . . i co}mwmmw" Sheskc,.__1 _ es ieE Enc al ol\ paie, Mosren hy Te\ ~â€" 5* (OC) â€"_J "~\~ MB CHANGE of TIME: Winbncharer parreiv‘e W hart: Goukk‘s Wharh and Pontage an. For astiving at 2 p. m Btages will en cac in 21 :‘“‘:ï¬hwf_g" Fort a at 7:30 a, m., way t -C.m‘ .cï¬.“-tiyg, _Farrell‘s Wharf, Eonnechere, Bristol, Sand Point and Arpprior, and arriving at bead â€" of Railway ‘atâ€"11:45, and «onmecting with Ann Siswon at Pontiae at noon. . Passengers reach Ortawa at 4 p. m, °. alurvrang. .o Heeminrn 1801 mm 1967 Allianee tor Cobdon, ‘steamer dolgo hnd Snd iig tf Poninntnnenmenrening."" _ The Pontine leages.Pombcoke.at -&r Tuesâ€" days, Thursdays and Saturdays for Des Joachims, ftom being worked while using it.. ... ... _ :?u:‘m‘::r-m::h.â€â€˜ bi ."’..,., a ' able un mmaietion mhigh in hetree clome en snn a Te lt ’. ® G ":""I" C EBE ?fluig (i,ï¬â€™\?li.'ï¬rd.byn acticn on the dizeased part, causing the mucous membrane te ttrvetmuiee ortac"| Aetraalr nedorine The un t vessels to their natural size ; by its use the horeo‘s m‘ ) is improved, all derangoments of. the .’:uuchot l'dm*‘.' p 'n."::ï¬_lqh_m_-m &lnu- Both ways, daily, Mondays excépted. Passengers will fud it to their uu:.‘,-u mvdbyunlh.lhlu&hg:: and cheapest, as well as the most comfortable. MONTREAL & OTTAW A "F.-..ew ngite tor Des Jouehtms leavs Otth Mtonday, Wedesidey and Fhiany. "~ * ***_‘ Ottawa City, Au . 26, 1867 APPI.IOA'I†will ae made to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, at he next Session for a CHARTER to ren a STEAM FERRYBOAT fnni:: GATINEAU POINT and RIVER to the CLTY of. OTTAW A, to be called the GATINEAU AND OTTAWA AFEAM FERRY COMPANY. 4 $ POSITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY lwdlq.tmpuï¬cul’y tb::l:nclha. which affect the Wind of Loreer ; also, as a Condiâ€" *‘iom Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind is sasy t:‘\n. sure to cure, and safe in all caser andâ€" atâ€"allâ€"times, and does not prevent the horse Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the United NORTHROP £1Â¥Max, Fur turther particularsâ€"apply at tas ifice of the Company at Ottawa City or Aylmer. aa J U 4A â€" O FL/BRLBELCOASSELES, â€" Meals and State Rooms always included in 1861. ained at reduced rates from DALhLEY‘$ «â€"*~ Arabian~Heave Remedy AND coynbttion MEDbicix® MEW FREIGHT LISE To TA'A N AND THE RIDEAU CANAL. THIS LIN B, & ;‘/,..\ d""“. '~ y Upper Ottawa Route; Consisting of the folowiug frstâ€"olais steamart 1ANADIAN INLAND STEA*4 NXAVI»â€" GaTIUVS COMPASY On and after SEPTEMBER 1st . aotil tu: Oltawa, Oct. 17, 167 w m« :: _} :. N.B./â€"â€"Throagh and Return Tickets can be obâ€" KION FPORWARDING AND RAiL»â€" W AY COMPANY» LMER ALD,. «... ALLIANCE,...... OR EGON, ....ipz. SNOW BIRD,.... JASOX GOULD. f4 TT 4 anoncacak S CALUMET., Ottawa and Prescott Railrood. doud GRBCIAXN, ASSPORT, KINGSTON, NOTIOH. At the usual hours. HERRICK, BRUSH &"‘CO STEAMERS. o i un gak 3+ 4t hi uk UNION R 8 CASSELS, / President. .. Capt. Bocxps. 565.2m Agents THEK OTHIAW a [[MES, DECAMBER 6. +. ~ L 419â€"s 1861. < 1W" INXDIA RUBBER | Azy at this ofllde," C awa, November 21. All materials for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly on hand. eare Cooking Stoves, Iron Bedsteads, lu-blno.&on.. Bronzed & Wire Fenders, |‘arlor Stoves, Fire Lrons, Mall Stoves, Fire Guards, Japanned and Planisbed Tinware, &c., Manutacturers of all deseriptions ot work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Mills, &c. Makes and fits up Gaivanized Iron Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &o. _ __ _ _ Inporters and Dealers in House Furnish ing Bardware. PA Public and Private Buildings, Consorraâ€" tories, Vineries, Manutactories, &c., warmed by Eteam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most apâ€" ‘‘Crowl trow ths country will Fecaive sirct it« tention. Ottawa, Auguet 26. 416y __ Plambers, Gas & Steam Fitters, Tin & Coppersmiths, Bell Mangers, &c. BLYTH & XAERB, ~Yo. 25, Rideauâ€"st,, HAIRDRESSING ~$1L00N | that he h at the abore sta %ï¬_{lmmu"xnu: The Custom Lepartment will receive his CHT . ~_ GEORGE MURPHY. | The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in :-M for which it 16 reâ€" .-â€"ld.nl.h"-l-ï¬l sugcess in subdaing the torturing pains of Rheumatism, and in rs ieving treseg Rhefereber noplion Rod veok ootiring as mipplies, each an to the universal @uflm x The Canudian Destroy er never fails to give mme.Jiate relief.â€"All Medicine Dealers hml m.--luuduom and no family w Pd: five l Vw twentyâ€" T oeed io. x . A SV IMJ LYMAN. sewcastle, C. W., MAm for 0. W si':-'q"l."? MeCarthy k 6k :'uâ€:. s * i 3 mner, Brown, in â€"Oftawa» â€" .. / . Ottawa Nov. 1, 1867 bTTvaw â€">~ Our Sole Agents in Ottawa, Hahdl-cbyAppMugto His Excelâ€" lency the Governorâ€"General, HAI REMOVED HIS PARLLIAMENT HAIR DRESSING 8ALOON from the old LOXDON: MUBIC BIORE on Bigin .. opposite N on » the Russell House, which be has l&dlqh the Mmuylo':‘:oâ€mfl-‘«fl;h or Mc inaeten ht nrotored nsm A-rle‘.'fllh'm‘ndykt use. â€"The saloon is delighttully ted, and very pleasantly oys * ~*DMAEmOComnemnn m ecemeninei P00 O q"ll"*Ԡe now ready for the h&:-otm / ‘4 ‘ wa, Sept. 17, 1867. . atuf ~| ME ‘now been befi the blie for s lep in a single instance to permanent relief whes timely used, and n{l::o never bovnon'.glo case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" 20 wih its ops “'Zuï¬ï¬‚'?l’&?‘ï¬'.‘ï¬.‘ 'Orlfnnw- in this matter, hariz< tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it :s recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" list of Remwedies for these complaints, M . Grain, Coul, HJ' Rallroad Frack, Depot, bâ€"mmu kinds of SCALES constantâ€" ly on and for Sale. uy ALEXANDER WORKMAN & Co. November 18, 1867. 5$92â€"6m Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. Take Highest Premiums at the Paris Exposition. Mr. MILRS would take this c“.ortnity of reâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many triends and the public, for their kind and generou» patronâ€" age to E-.urh‘a number of years, in his old establishment, and trusts that by unreimitting atâ€" Boot â€" and fl_snue Sure| 'l\ll CANADILAN PAIN DESTROYER HA. M now been before the public for s length of tention to business, and in his new and Girstâ€"class saldon, with polite ami sttentive workmen, to merit a continuance of their favors. s All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, &e,, manufactured to order. _ For the convenience of ladies oraers will be received at the London Music store, where a fine and varied assortment of THE SUBSCRLBER BEGS LEAVE r inform his numerous friends and the inâ€" * Wike habitants of the city and surrounding counâ€" Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high rank : a*the Hairâ€"work will be found. de,. and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat C “ Cramps in the Stom: omre Muten: Dramam bivp _ Ottawna, May 8, 186 O*.awa, October 3, 1867. Ottew . August 17. Toronto House, Ottawa. . «NC. 10, Â¥OBK STREET, â€"_ Next door to the Market Drug Store. Just received a well NE SUITE OF ROOXs at ovicâ€" mas‘s Private Hotel, Sparkeâ€"st _ _ LATFPORM, COUXTER, Warchouse, Grain, Cont, Hay, Railroad Track, Depot. Suocessors to Chas. Garth, flurm,byhmw ment, to his : _ _ Exeeliency the Governorâ€"General. AT THE CAPITAL PARLIAMEXNT rOU N D. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & Co., E. MILES, &e., &c. 553â€"30y SL4f County of Carleton, NoTICE. Sealed Tenders Will be received by the undersigned on behaif IX THIS CITY. ‘ Buch rations properisy prepared and cooked, to be according to the tables of dictary, and general rules respecting the same, to be seen at my office, where, upon application, parties desirous of tenderâ€" ing will receive ferms of tender and all viker neâ€" cessary information. Each party tendoring will require to furnish with his tender the names of two gond and sufsisat m'lomvillll‘lommthcnkrl penalty of $4,000 for the due performance of the Monday, 16th inst. DAILY RATION»N, Cpunty of Carleton, No tender will be accepted that is not in striet conformity with the said forms, and the said Corâ€" pnuo-vlll not hcld themeeives bound to accept the lowest, nor, in fact, any tender. Tenders to be addressed to the undersigned asd to be endorsed on the envelope, " Tender for Prison County Council Office, * _ Ottawa, 2n 1 Dec‘r., 1867, 605â€"48td ufter the acceptance of the tender. Tenders to state the price per cord of 128 cubrc feet; as also ‘the names of two good and sufficiont persons who are willing to become sursties under a penalty of $1,000 for the dus perfortizhos of the contract. Tenders to be addressod to the undersigned, and: endorsed on the envelone © Tender for Wood." EDW BBARMAN, Mr. Miles will carty :“n.. U‘hfl 0.(2: Par. "â€"z Mairâ€"dressing ccou. .':‘.‘..‘.'.-_.:L‘._.". m.»."m....:" plre on MoNDAY: the Sixteenth day of December next, for contracts to supply and deliver in the yard of se aeee i un ant Neiitremine Btont tw Gentiemen‘s Outâ€"Fithing Goods, Cloths, &¢, GAOL & COURTâ€" HOUSE, County of Carleton, 100 cords of such wood to be dry, and of last year‘s entting ; the remaining 150 to be green ; the whole delivered ani piled on the premises during the present winter. For the ensuing yoar, and‘for the purpose of teâ€" ceiring the report of the Secrotary and Treasurer for the currest year. Dated this 2Â¥th day of November, 1867. .__ By order, 139. Clothingâ€"and "Outâ€"Fitting Store. In'm_o’- hlhu:u!ubdy eccupied by E. TWV WO EK3 County Council Office, M )35 / Qitawas, 27th Nov., 1867, 601â€"4714 Monday, the Ninth d1y of December next, At the hour of TEN o‘ctock, a.t , ELECTION OF DiREcToRrs 25 Cords of the Dry Wood T to be delivered within &# ven that a -.n?ollh l md&o Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company will be held at the office of Ottawa & Gloucester Rod Compy. Frs. Clemow, Esq. .850 Cord#gâ€"or= Good ~Merchantab!le d ardw 30d; During the year 1868, 0 the prisoners who may be confined in Ottawa, Sept. 24 THE COUNTY JAIL, Will be received at this office until noon R,. H. GRAHAM . <â€"<= * OULD inform the Citizens of Otta» ‘ wa and vicinity that on the mo 1st of OCTOBER ./‘ TEN DERS City of Ottaw a, FURNISHINC CORPORATION NOTICE. NOTICE EDW ARD BEARMAN, ONTARIO : â€" AY X008, FOR oP CP OP THE BEECH AND BIROH, gW. H. FALLS," ~~ ~â€" _ ~Seoy. & Treas. C C 0. CHANGE of TIME Oftawa and Prescott Railway, as follows to ensure connection with night and trains on Grand ‘l‘mt,outnd'mw e N. B.â€"These zraims rum on Montreal Tume. Baggage to and from Ottawa «hecked throu tmq‘tomwawmm'cr Returns tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and Otfaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the prineipal staâ€" tions on the line Ottawa, June 21. , OTTAWA AGENCY ; Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks St 2100 p. m., arriving at Brockville at 12:00 p. m. and :15 p. m. hk es ho':â€.:‘w&a;.smtflnoz?al at Sandpoint w . F. Steamers orta @u Fort, Pembroke, &e., and the Train from Snx muz:w p., leaves aiter Eteamers are due Ottawa gimm;o AlH trains on m ne connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Perth. Mine, and having goid bearing reefs crossing it. The : recenita mof piaiie in ty mesiee A‘ 4 %% ._.‘- \. i- ï¬MO Brockville and Uttawa Railway, 7.30 A. M.«â€"â€"TRAINS will leave & Brockville daily at 7.30 s.m., and 3145 p. m., arriving at Sandpoint at !:10 p m., and 9:25 p.m. â€" Brockville, June 29. The lonts . of its ition have been |-'¢r(o‘=" flfs.um.‘flm of Canada ‘and the Unied States, and have received their unquaiiâ€" ltluâ€nul.wa:a.u dence toâ€"the testimonâ€" hbtn-“* men, which be could add to, were go aan x ï¬â€™x.-::.â€" Slovek bus #f the lowesppring. 5 * _ ESMONDE BROS , RoyalCanadianBank LEAVE SANDPOINT, â€" A. M.=«TRAINS will Jeave eP ; AEPD #indpoint aaily at 5166 mom.; and , "' 7e3 :*:\ ' i wilt L TONICO REA E: Anderson‘s Damper & Ventilater Combingd: Tt is without doutt the most tuel saving invention ever known. _ It will save 30 per cent of wood, and ever known. Iumnnnx'ï¬im.nd is so arranged that it will ventilate the apartment. Have one put up ? No charge asked JI it has es * groved® it# value. ‘ Ottawa, November 30. mvyâ€"rw. h © Dear Sir: You request my opinion of the* * al Italian DM‘:“ tn.owd?gi Ets al artat Arttinaalt tatt ropuanctie way m Savour and to the M'h‘MNMKu ma:l}_‘:hï¬.vhhnm-smm y 5+A i k revega ie am, dear Sit,â€" * ~ _ G. E. FBRWICE, M.D. A. M. Â¥. '0uuyu. Eeq., Montreal. = 1 am opinion that Dr. Verri‘s « Tonic Reale " is .mm‘mwwmhm«mbl- tion of tonic bitters, in cases requiring such a preâ€" GIVEN AWAYXC, COoALBTOVES DEL. DOTIORE F. P. YERRI, Profemor of Uhemutry m the Unicereity o° Pavua Turepe or Riuartio®. <>* ‘ jcllslol0 & GVOIG 0 ugns c u?.mmu.:".::l:f“"?m""' versal Mh“ex w elite of society, being generaity served in ln-in‘roo-bi{mdh- ner, in preference to Vermcuth. tor pnatiee of Ghants neg Io the ‘Dntinanncity ___. CHAS. SMALLWOOD,‘M.D., L.L.D , DC L. To A. M. F. G1awzut1, Eeq., Montreal, ~ Ottawa, Oct. 31, 1867 Exprers, 8 a. m. 10.30 a: m. Mixed, 1.30 p. m. 4.45 p. m. Mail, 10.30 p. m. . ~1,30 2. m. The time of these Trains has been soarran GOOD KEROSENE OIL ! sUMMECBR ABRANGEMENT Commencing 1st July, 1867. If not satisfactory we will return the money N and after MONDAY, the 4th KOV»» 1867, and until further notice trains will run Cold Lands in Madoe. [rp i in S rrg hok mds e hong ~ Express, 2.45 p. m. 8.20 p. mm. Mixed, 7. 30..’.&. 11.00 a, m. Mail, 6.30 p. in Just Received, a New Assortment of LRAVE O1TAWA. ARRIVE IX PRESCOTT LEAYE PRESCOTT, ____ ABRIYVE IX OTTiWA LEAYE BHROCKVILLE HRAILROADPD®. ITALY. IF YOU WANT 43 SPARKSâ€"ST., Opposite the Ontari> Bank. kh. _ Hy Montieal, August 1, 1866 T. 8. DETLOR, OR,â€" to public notice either in H ABBOTT, f Manager for Trustee. M. P. HAYES, SursaistExpEst. 1y 9,30 p. m. «* ~$1.50. 41ly ST. MICHAEL‘S COVE TI!A‘I.' Magnificent and extensive Coves known as ST. MICHAEL‘3, occupied for a number of years by Messrs, Wood, Petry, Poitras &Co. This Cove, (of about 16 arpents in f.ont by 4} arpents in depth as far as deep water,) is considered as being the most important of all the Coves around Quebee. Thereis a large number of houses and other buildings, suitable as reâ€"iâ€" dences for the employees, Wharves, &c., to faciliâ€" late the working of timber. ALSO, A COUNTRY HOUSE, situa‘e on the heights of the Cove, surrounded by a magnificent grove of 18 arâ€" pents, »ffering one of the finest residences. _ For"ferther particalars, apply at the Vestry of the Quebes Seminary. Tre uaf orunmitied mrounts Aoreininr the T ame, Ferimitig BAE of Lot io. 207 in Abe tof a4nâ€" Nov. 23, 1867. Â¥ M l“on SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST#» o Jwapa erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in * First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" J ’-l’.‘ Lots: Nos. r. and 28. in same Concession, at nt in cccu L Tw T. Apiee, Beq!" Tor Incther partipaiars # I“OIN:ALI. ‘l’llAb"l‘ lrlall.; de 2 8 , benutiful mï¬-ï¬m of the Ottaâ€" wa, in the Township of Nepean, distant n-mgy of Ottawa about three miler on the maca road, together with the STUNE DWELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present occupied ‘by ‘William ‘Thomson, Esguire, and the eession, Ottawa front.â€" A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse hukunuulbl.:rku. For particulars terms apply to Jubn ang William Thomson on the premises, or to could not fail to be mmade to pay. s It h‘hnllulhg -J:. style of architecâ€" ture, of cut stone ; large windows, And is four Storics high, exciosive of the basement. It is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" “mmh-ï¬umhwa:. n_&ut_h__?_il“ml‘bo enlarged to any reâ€" Ottawa, March 11. . The proprietor has no onjection to sell Mbr:.vhlufllbwt e :-n. 'l\:-P::: :._.‘mm.m residence. Title unexcepâ€" TL Xo. 11, in 4th ci‘&?s'.'i"mâ€â€™if&&'tu.,' ode, with a good Hodse Wad Bc'r:.u' s:;' outbuildâ€" ings, and a good Spring y acres cleared and in a good state of cnltivation. This is sitnated on the Prescott Road. within fifteen miles of Ottaâ€" wa. Aleo the south haif of Lot No. 6, in the 3rd Orf.mw" 190 acrés, “ut::.hu: 4 wooded, with hardwood, aud well watered, and siteated vm.md ® PR vlint moniae *n AuBvrrigeâ€"rnte diimicgy > wl CC M prvk (oipetâ€"on ieb ane Sigs Autrige ns dBimndrate sw diâ€" ts ncutead ..3 iwile ofâ€"the lolmht‘ Titles goud. P x Ride lu-loa." y an s wa City. Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867. . _ _ »l-lq-q Ottewa, February 27, 1867 â€" â€"â€" > ite® 4 tawsa City and Aylmer, about 36 miputes‘ drive from the city. Afir-o; excellent land, containing about 90 acres, with a large Stone _» _ Apply to c# Ottawa, February 13, 1867. Augus: 1. l‘Wl SALK, Lot No. 15, 4th Concession Gloucester, Rideau Front, 7 miles from Ottaâ€" wa, on the Macadamized load, leading from W“M%d 4100â€" ncres, 80 of which _ cleared, and in the highest state of cuitiâ€" vation. ‘Tae soil is of the very best quality ; there is a so‘-‘wcl‘llz house, barn, stable and other out buildings thereon. This farm is well fenced pply to Joux and Wu. T#owsox, Nepean, ar mt'hm. Barrister, Ottawa. â€" JeZâ€"141â€"«f BRICK DWELLINC ..; 'Mu particul ty to or are aj M. lcmi.'l. Auctioncer, Ur the subscriber,.on the premises, s : W. HALPENNY Gloucester, Sept. 13. 1867. | 557 37â€"6m on the premises FII‘B sTONE DWELLING HOUSES, » Photographic Chambers, and other Cut Ftone Premises, weil arranged and cligibly situated for commercial business. Ayplv to OHN MACAULEY, VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. lo;_‘cun.-n'.’an half of Lot Ko. K No. 11, in 4th Cofn. ofthe Townehin of Gazands 6."[’-"'0 LOTE,‘one mile from the city, on the . Richmond Road, containing one acre each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, Jz., November 9, 1867 k uOM TO LET cither with or with» out board. Enquire _ ‘this office. Ottawa, November 20. 5944f > Eight Rooms and Kitchen, | Ottawa, Aug. 28. 1867 Possession immediate. . Apply to R. BLACKBURN New Edinburgh, Nov. 20, 1867. sout Gloucester, Sept. 13, 1867 Village of New Edinburgh, To Sell or Letâ€"â€"â€"Rare Opening. FARMS FOR SALE Applications, (postpaid) to be addressed to FOR SALE OR TO LET. FARM FOR SALE. With Yard and Oatbuildings. The Victoria Hote\ Apply to *« »~.â€"N@=moteâ€"e‘igible chance could be * offered to any pua.h the Hotelâ€" muqu’ line than the loase of the ubove FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. â€" on the ove of Confederation, and Ottaws finitely settied upon as its capital, Possession given 1st June. Three Houses to Let, "PC® LIS‘EF‘. Apply to 2. 0. VICTORIA TER» a race, Richmond Road, conâ€" i taining eight rooms each. Posâ€" O LETLP. TERMS MODERATE. Lots for Saile. CoUNTRY RESIDESCE FORSALE.â€"Roantifully site ated on the Macadamized Road {dvn- Otâ€" FRANCIS CLEMOW, EsQ., Or JOHN MENEY, Eeq., Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. V session given May Ist. LEWIS & PLNHEY, __ .__ Barristers, &6., Gttawa, Comfortable Dwelling r\ over the Store of the subscribâ€" er on Wellingtor. street. A.J. J. LEGARE, Prev., §97â€"laws C.q.£ REV, J, JOUNSTIN, 18 TH OP JOUN GBEAKNE 523 if Chandiere, Ottawa. MRS. LAUDER. 357tf Thil Vilage, 501â€"5m is + sovchors. *Y*""* + _ 150 Caddies MANXDEKIN MIXTURE 5094f +~ ; _ZAM" This is the finest Buac«k Tus ever im §64tf | ed, 5# | each, |The Pure Mountain Berry |_ u Without exception the |nest Coffee in the | By which peculiar process, he aroma is preserved. !ll renders it the ra vorrT® wi* ant Correr pameâ€" | hRS, 'l BEWARE OF SP URIOUS 1IMITATIO X®, l ZAB" As it is mported by no other firm in Canade Very Choice and ~uperior Double and Single Hyacinths, Joxg NOW ON SALE _ DVC YON THOLE, 4« , 4s., J‘mt-hqowhw. * our premise by Ottawa & Montreal Macadamized Roac Co‘y ildung which will shortly :&.NHT.-(.-' building and which w ortly € am..l!‘l. 82y Monday, Ninth day of December Next. A. 0., 1867, at THREK of the . clock in the after f And other business of the Company. _ » Dated this Sixteenth day of Nuvember, 1867. %Z. WILEON, 19000 2e i+ PNeOroRme We are constantly receiving suppiins of this truly beautiful and delicions COFFEE, romsted dauy ap. ROBINSON & CO..would e«specially ** the st tention of families to their stock of Just Received from Engiund : ROAST HARE. JUGGED po. STEWED po. ROAST PHEASAXNTs, ROAST GROUEE. 3 OAST PARTRIDG® ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by our owr Waggons to any part of the City daiy MACADAMIZED 2010 COMP‘Y, ANEUAL GENERAL MEETING IN THE TOWKSHIP of GLOUCESTEKHR, Dutch Flower Roots. A very fine and large assortment of ALES, WINES& SPIRIT; GUINESS & CO BLOOD ‘ .O0XDON STOUT. BARCLAY‘$ LOXDONX PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALE. * BASS‘ EAST IXDIA.~ .. DOWS CELEBRATED s#ONTHEAL aLk DaAWS SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE DAW8 CELEBRATED POBTER & 8 TOUT First Confederate Patliament ‘ 100 cases Otard Braund), 50 _ "_ Marteil‘s * 150. " _ Mennessey, 75 * United Vinquet» We have a most delicions me 'M“l’qfllll.lllliflim‘cw‘-l ELECTION OF DIRECTORS NO'I'IOI is hereby given that the Wines, Spirits & Liquors STOCKHOLDâ€"RS NARCISS A8, Double and Single Tulips Ottawa, Sentember 10. GUERARD‘s HOTEL, 500 Chests very choice and superior YOUNG _; _ HYSON. 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY 100 Chests old fashioned BREAKFAS1 Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinier FRESH ARRIVALS DUBI IN STOoUT : m’o‘.‘. in ROBINSON & CoO. THE TEA PoT, TEA S DINNEK SHERRY COFFEE | ROBINSUN & CO,, PRESERVED MEAT. OPEXINKG OF THE OTTAW A. â€" tsâ€"Eusses St. and Ridean E;" |, WILL BE HELOD AT Market Drug Siore, Yorkâ€"street. THE TEA POT, OTTaAWa a% TH® smail Caddies, about 14 tb _ excepted) at Works, No. 6 * *4 Atawa, Jan. ib 1am, C.K. 134 . ay entrust « it in and (P%. Rideauâ€"str Ottawa, Orrice: PC ‘cbruary T, . ‘‘%3 iD Xtawa, C. iD in adv 1f not paid. Oitawa, Orric®: U ebruary 21 {ransiont line,... Ail sabseq YVourly a ||~n{d Yearly #ut advan If not \m';:: a» ts HOLG Daily ove naking & 18,000 1 ifording rortise in. Ottawa, F Ottawa, Ottawa, 0t AoVE®T olbowing Aoy ! W A A1 A RRL DVOC A W 4 ~HE LAP NC