OUT IL M _ Residenceâ€"McDougal‘s Block, Bessororâ€"st., Sandy Gill. * §71â€"3m OJ uen 4% . UV h HYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheunr !’-m: Hunton‘s Block, Sparks Streot. _‘ iÂ¥ tibihe, Grabecon way 4 UYSICIAN, Surgeon Ac POI-". D.y‘cluo"-lh m. ?un Street, Center Town; N Office at bus esidence, Mariaâ€"Streot, C.nser Town. Caszozme CuarD, with uit the «o of the knifo, by a sew, but certain, speedy, and almost painiess proâ€" ramted, if required. â€" The cure guazaniced. Outmere. April 14 pee* 1 «DR. LESLIE JONES, Surgeon, &c., of Dublin and Edinburgh. URGERY and Consult Office, Ri« s next door lbol.tï¬"_. Hail lom Streot. l 384y 1J . .::1'!.1. Ofc ‘Ktaws, January 27, 1 hipupeWivetvadzntiracths A omirizataitrdrharmnt PIYlIclAl. Surgeon and Accoucheur, Residenceâ€"McDougal‘s Block. Ressererst.. HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNABLE ; §ARRISTER, Solicitor, At ) amel 4B Notary Public, Clerk of the Peace and County rown Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott e neaph qy ie Sm Sistens "ranarroet taie. _ _ â€" _ .â€" * _‘ * Sotke :u-umoâ€"uu the District of 09 ts _mr.m 43â€"ut Rtawa, February 7, 1866. Â¥.R. BELL, A. P. J. BUCKLEY, L.L B., BAIII.'.I and | Asstar4szâ€"atâ€"Law Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , yad "Txacy Public. «»Mes,.over Mr. Luke Casasrs Boot and Shoo * wo, Ridean Stroot, Ottawa, C. W. _ J.F. BCULTOXN, ARRISTER=â€"ATeLA W, Solicitor=in= onmages nâ€"n"“ Buildings, Rideau Stieet. Ataws, Jan. 12, 1866. * 21â€"7 wy rourrack Manufactarers of Bed= c‘;â€˜ï¬ C»airs, &0., Chaudiere Island, Otâ€" wa, C.W. WILLILAM HOLGATE, JOHN OLIVER, AUVGUSTUS KEEFER, BAI.D"I..I maad eA-“.'l.y-.::.l-.'. Jifiee: “‘::."&h'&u Street, in the um%‘ as the Custom House. s 8Tâ€"«f '% mmv-vr-u:, lol::orod.:: isG Sh“yl cnvq..ut. otary Public, Ouric® : nm“mmm ,'.t:n.vy 7, 1866. . 43â€"u Ottaw 1, November 13 T AW, Chancery and C yancing. 4.4 orrics: Mosgrore‘s Block, Ridesu Streot, Ktawa, C. W. c 366â€"tf | ’Il'l'l"- o.-io Susserx e Ottawa, .hncn.q Â¥7, lll?..". C bors Rideauâ€"street. _ Ottawa, Dec. 6, 1367 t Y§1ICIAN, Surgran, and Accoucheur, Clurence Streot, Otta 72. March 1. * Miy [‘A,W. CHANCER Y and CONVEYANC» R. tss or:fcEB, atmMoNDS BUILDINGS, ‘\nvocurn. Office} No. 17, $t. Poter Street, Quebec. Mr. Bouchette will always be wpared to attend promptly to smy business the wpared to attend pn-m to any business the n-ln‘qT the io generally :';t“un .l“::.llulyflodr- it in and for the district of Quebec. \. December 28, 1885. ; ; ow #â€"7 Ottawa, October 30, 1867. "NORNER of Kent and / Stâ€"eets, Ottawa. November 6. \muut-Arcuw. Solicitor . in Chancery, Conveyancer, &0., Sussex Stroot. Jrrice: Inthe Court House, Ottawa, C. W Roseat Lazs. â€" * Joux J. GzoceL Ottaws Aug. Orric®: Union Buildings, Ottaws. ebruary 21, 1866. in advance)......... 1f not paid in advance it a)v.:z..'..,...................'...‘....'.:..,..... “â€H NQEMOG ... «coccuescencvencofyrncnns Yearly subscription to the weekly (Kâ€pdd AovERTISNG AGEXCT â€"Mosre. S. M. Patenguil & , $4, Fark Row, New York, and _ State Street, # «iwn, General Advertunng Agents, arehereby authorâ€" «d to recevse Advertiwements for the OTiiWa TDMES means of the Ethereal Spray Producer. _ 3501 4‘ s«beequent insertions, per line,............ 2e K allowance made. Yearly subscription to the daily (if paid in __ _ __ DVOCATE, &¢., 43, Little St« James L ‘Street HONTRKAL _(Recmpur . UROERY | and ertis® 1m. ADvERTISENEXTS are inserted in the Daily cllowing rates : . jusiness Cards of from 3 to 6 lines, per anâ€" aumâ€"payable in advance only, .. ...... [ransiont Advertisements, first insertion per & "I.‘:.’::‘,""o..;,‘ ymermnadi y tameteg en C + ancers Not rner of Sussex and Yorkâ€"streets, Ottawa. n Uttawa, February 26, 1867. 368y squary 17 1867 Published every morning, Sundays excepted.) : +1E DAILY AND WEEKLY TIMEsS Now l_q-yoinunm-uun.dn,m published in the Ottawa Valleyâ€"issring of the Duily over 2,0001 and Woekly over 4,000 i naking a total circulation in the week of over 1=,000 1 thus outstripping: all competitors, and wlording the best medium for business men to adâ€" 5 and _ Co y L‘A'.) CThancery o-::,m ¢ Post Office. Ofttawa, July 19. 489y FFICE over Mr. Garth*s Establish= mont, 25 Rideduâ€"st, Ortawa. Nevember I6 1890T._ _ _______ _ _ _X G. J. ODOHERTY, ENTIST. Oflice $ Sparks Street, Conâ€" Ottava Bailp Cimes, EKNTIST, Haunton‘s Block, Sparks DR. GEORGE HUTCHISON, M. McLEOD, ARRISTER, Etc., for Lower Canada. _ Grvices : Court lHouse, Ayimerard Buckingâ€" LEES & GEMMELL, A RISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, ENXTIST: Office, sestrect, op= posite Magee & l--:r. ::m-n- n_.: EDWARD T. DARTNELL, OTARY PUBLIC for the Province of Quebec, HULL, near the Post Office. se. 6, 1867. _ 390 DK. OLIVE MARTIN,. LAPIEBLRE & HAYCUCK, NICHOLAS SPARKS, A. CODD, M.D.C.M., WILLIAM MOSGROVE, DR. C. DK. JOHNX LEGGO, DR. W. J HENRY, A. F. BOUCHETTE, LEQGA L. It. J. WICKSTEED, YÂ¥OL. H. ‘NGQ. TOX} Dit. 0. LEGGO DK CHESLEY, R. H. HAYCOCK, DR. DORION, D. (@CCONNOR, nMnEDICcAL. N. TETREAU, pamponew is â€"auu pads Aumond‘s Blook,â€" â€" /‘ WILLLAM + Mc o .‘,’o&.‘%vâ€â€œâ€œ: ‘ & Ridean Strec, Otterwé. â€" #* Al:‘fll- P. OMEARA, Proramros. . 8067 Ottawa, Nevember 37. 32 are inserted in the Daily at the M., M.D., C.M., &e rmow" ExourasD.) 1 Sussex Street, over MARTINX Miy €08â€"49y 334y 17wâ€"100â€"4 580â€"6m 4470 576y George Mentf $1 00 1 50 535â€"7 | Nlâ€" KAVANAGH, Proprictor,; Corner of ' © Metcaife and Weilington Stroets, opposite | he main entrance to the Government buildings. _ . * S oxbtrigns The « QUEEN" comprises all the requisites for a | Arstâ€"class Restau ant. ml!anolz‘hun“ ; and refurnished m“::t. The BAR contains , the choicest Brands in and Liquors, and every : deiicacy of the season will be found on the tabte. The mmnm-muw to the com» guests ana patrons. BM ysters, Rame eto., dail _ GOODSTABLING and a careful Hostler always inattendance JOHN MALTMAN. Il\lll Subscriber has leased the above firstâ€"class hote! fwlur-ofr‘n aad ho; by strict attention to the wants a oo-bmolrl: 5o prvie pagrvaage 106 Hom is ths invfent ant ot @. bu’t.hld :lm house in Grenville ; it is llmmm high and commands a beautiful view of the rapids and steamboat landing. The Bar will ooo!-ln Liquors of the choicest and purest quality. ‘The ‘l'.‘lo will be supplied with the best the markiet can afford. :rnial care will be taken with the Stables, which will be under the care of sn ¢xpertenced Hostler, and always supplied with tresh Huy and OQats. Charges moderate. . JOHUN RITOHIE, May 18. 438â€"6in the prominen, and it ban beon entiraly repminted and e renovated. No pains will be spared to accommedate l’ ATE McADAM*S, Commercial Hotel, 4 Packenoham. * ‘The above Hotel, one of the oldeR and best known in Packenham, has beon leased by the undersigned and thoroughly overhauled and refitted for the &. cial uu-o!-lhn of gfls THE TABLE AND BAR will at alltimes be furnished with the very best the market afords. . Ritchie Hetel, Greaville, C. E., numum’-muflm tains its character as a FIRSTâ€"CLASS MOTEL. OMNIBUSES to and from the cars and boats free of char There is a FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY nurf-m to the Hotal. LA'!'. CAMPBELL‘8 HOTEL, Ottawa, U. W. The undersigned, proprietor of the aboveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave to acquaint his nuâ€" merous friends and the travellin, pmo. that he has l:-‘!du“ and newlyâ€"furnished &mgï¬ut this comâ€" Jous establishment, in the management of which by strict attention :o business and guests, he hopes to deserve encouragrment and support. | THE METROPOLIT AN v TCHOLAS Street, Court«Hoase A venne, AN ottawa, John Graham, Proprietor. This House is conveniently situated, and still mainâ€" All strictly forbidden to pass or tres= pass in, over and about the fronts of Lots number 29 and 30, in the First Concession, Ottawa Front, Nepean, and the Broken Fronts thereof, un less and until some satisfaciery "“T-“‘ is come to with the proprietors thersof. . A .zdnou cn-rulh&‘nor this notice will pe prosec aoâ€" Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &c. THOROUGH BASS. J A8. JOHNSTON‘S ‘Inou HOUSE, Nocth Gower. Geod ) Stabling and an attentiye Hostler. Address Chas. Esplin, Ottawa. N O YICE..._ _ IS HEREBY GIYVEXN THAT ALL Lumbermen & Others Agent. lieferences unexceptionable. .Orri0«: Wdlhg\umm“.mnï¬mh Hotel, and nearâ€" ite 'l’l’. Eâ€"Srnhl attentian :?&.. with despatch to for Fleeks patent and improved Taylot ? aer Whesk aat Yaisgs Tron t utks, Mentoony, THE "© QUEEXN" RESTAUR.ANT, ~_P. S.â€"Special attentian given â€"with h to Public Lubd business, adjesting dup-‘a:':tu. ‘:‘Mv.. ::y fl CHARLES ESPLIN, Millwright and Engineer MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSM AN, Glll’l AND SAW MILLS BUILT oN LH the most recent snd improved principies. Oï¬"vl"%iï¬â€™ ral ies Hoad‘s Highwioes td nt ‘s w Preof Whiskey ; m Dawes‘ Lachine Ales and Porter. Po;h. l’l:r. &0., for sale. tke Orrice: No. 5, Stroot, near Russell House, J?“fl‘)‘?m k 1 ) y Cos'nuc'ron and Builder. Oflce! K./ North side York streot, second door from Sussex Otta wa The sale of lu:l‘ mmcu Aiutlo- or Prlv::‘ 8;!0 promj attended to. onsignments rece/ or lt‘!.ol,ulo. Parties wishing to purchase Real :.u will receive all information FREE OF CHARGE by ulli;f at the office. Ottawa, Dec.18,1865. _ lâ€"y MOTELS iA ND 310OO0NS,. arv Store A:C;:?l:':.:i':.“ 1 a .ï¬:‘l Street; January 11, 1866. V‘l.l‘l“ OTTAWA TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Orders left at Union House will.be punctualty atâ€" Ottawa, July 26. _ __" * JIHN WM. THONSON, ~ Dated this 26th June, 867. â€" â€" bithtr i i PR oR HSITIP in dudsar t Anedâ€" hratcrs 4 K _ Draughtsman, &¢., (commissioned for U and Lower ga.udo.)ho&« n.-‘d residence, &:' cester, near wa. rveys descript executed with accuracy. dmnmnflm ed Ottawa City, {postâ€"paid), or left at the office of N. Sparks, Solicitor, &c., Ottawa, will reccive prompt a‘tention. Ottawa, February 21, 1866. §5â€" en ain COI.IIIIO! and Exchange | and Insurance Agent, Sparksâ€"stroot Magese & Russell‘s, Ottawa, C. W. Ottawa, March 25. s Ottawas, March 20, 1866 Ottawa, May 5 provircrar, Laxo sURVEYOR, Draughtsman. &¢.. (commizsianad fue Tess ing to Law. J, P. MACPHERSON, HatL puininres. mt Ihawa, March lo."n" k 10â€"v YLMER, C. J. BOUCHETTE, L SURVEYOR and Drmu-n-. ®@ Miving, Land, and General ameniary HU. MecLEAN‘8$ UCTION Rooms, No« 19, 81 Bs. MULLIN, Ing?‘llAlf TAILOR, 32, Sparks THE RUSSELL HOUSE, THE ALBION HOTEL, JOUN RI1CHLE, Proprietor _ JAMES E. GOUIN, * Latel r‘n--d with "l::fl'o:m arace Street, uabe (CONXNXOR & WALLER PARLIAMENTARY AGKNCY. JOHN MALTMAN BUSILNESS CARDS. ER, C K., Livery and General Oflice. Alfred Mun{h& Jt., Prop‘tr. R. I1. McGREEV\Y , 31. JOHN MERCER, HOLT‘3 HOTEL, DUIGNAN‘s N. MeKINNQN, 8. CHRISTIE, R. SPARKS, Ele!.It.. Broker, AYLMBR, C. & 132â€"7 Y 0ly 118â€"y Tht 4y 18y 10â€"7 _ MAJR BRUSHES. . __ OOM NAILL BRUSHES. CLOT HJ Just boh. q::'d’ es 3 u P £ P. 8.â€"Advice to :: fagie: % poor gratis, Oltawa, April 11. Ottawa â€" Drug Warehouse. .A“?:r‘ Lot of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just 3 * 1B â€"Preaariztiohs exrefully and prompty pree Tl:.:':u-‘uupu llo.ilo sole l:'m BOLCKOW & VAUGHAN, of Middlesboro‘ on Tees, Yorkshire, Engiand, and any addressed as under will receive ï¬:mufl' â€" JOHN G. RICHARDEON, * { Box 3147, P 0, 601d Or 38 Beaverâ€"streot, New Tork. C. Austin begs to thank his many customer and friends for the liberal patronage extended to him since his removal to his present premises, and assures them it will be his endeavor zo merit a conâ€" tinuance of the same. i The Com Dcrnmt" is conâ€" ducted y by himself, and preseriptions committed to his care will be dispensed with acou. tacy and promptness. ly Hair, Naily Tooth, Cloth, Hai, and Flesh Brushes, Turkish Towels, Shoulder Braces, India Ne ooo ges s r preparations in variety. I!»?h'-. m--:f'nm n’d Eu--. and Phaloa"n Perfumes. Genuine Eau D‘Col , Florida W ater, also a number of pnptnï¬a:.l:n the tecth and game at DRUG WAREHKOU S6, 'I‘IIIOOIOMM 6 Quinine Cham 9 § M:l:: " Orange Quinine Wine," and qm Touls AUBTIN®8, * The Medical Hall," Rideauâ€"stroct. tery, ’ NEVER Failing Kemedy for Coughs and Colds, Mortimer‘s Ouulum Emal. sion. No family should be without a bottle. None gonuine but from y G. MORTIMER, o NP hn Nn Chemist, 4!, Sussex.st. * MORTIMERS Col Pomaies, Toilet V ar, Rose Dentriâ€" l..’:tho'l'oal and Gums. h:fn nutntlz on hand. Perfumes of all kinds, and ‘Poilet requisites The best of Cortificates can be produced. Ottawa, Nov. 22, 1867. 596â€"6m "The Medical Hall," C. AVSTIN, APOTHECARY. usually kept in a first.class establishment. COMPOUND ANTIBMLIOUS Tllll Valuable Medicine has the extra« ordinary property of i-udhulinlhvln‘ Coughs, Colds, ttoarseness, Difficulty of Breathing, Tightness in the Chest, &e., &c. it operates by dissolving the congealed 'hl'fl-. causing free exâ€" pectoration, and an agreeable moistness of the akin. Prepared only by OR TIMER‘S Vegeable WORM DESTROYER and ifie for derangement of the digestive .‘-'u,mum and. torpid u&“ of he Liver and Bowels. ; â€" * ‘The ouly sure romedy that exists. Combining lelicicus t’m with amazing power. Also :ry‘. Cholera Infantam, h‘;_ï¬'m""ii’éufuno; aints, are UT besides a good su isinfoctants e * ppiz AUSTIN‘8, " The Medical Hall," .â€" _ Ridenuâ€"streot. Canadian Cough Emulsion. Apothecaries Hall! ~No. 41, SUSSEX STREET, G. MORTIMER, â€" â€" «_ PROPRIRTOR For the Tollet t Hall‘s Sicilian Hair Renewer, Fomades and Oils, Th n-'-.r fhied sen pham, Sae Sn Tai alr twi Brushes, Tooth and Nafl Brushes, Florids W ater, Magnolia Water, Dressing Combs, English Toilet Soaps, Turkish Towels, Pads, &¢. Colc:{nu in vaâ€" ricty. Atlantic Sea Salt for the Bath, &c. W. :. uasugi is * ispensin emist, Medical l!-lf 28, Sparkeâ€"st. . Sole appointed agent for Ottawa and visinity for the esteemed preparations of Kenneth, Campbell & Co.‘s (Medical Hally, Montreal. Ottawa, Nov, 29, 1867. f ~28y ... ’ CAIWIIJ-. MACK & Coâ€"‘s Medicinal ; ceu Liver Oil. 6 K.M:l"l Co-!h WT" Uhiorate Trochen Afora Cherry Poctoral C roches, ® ral, Campbell‘s Cherry g:l.u-. &o., &c. . For Chapped Hands, Sore Lips, &c. : Winter Cold Cream, _ Rose LIBSMN. Camphor Ice, Price‘s Ulycerine, Rimmel‘s Sand Ball, Glycerine Soap, &c. For Balls, Dinners, &c. bin‘s Princess Alexandra, Woed Violet, Mignion® ol=i. G:M Club, Jookey Club, West End, lï¬.nnr Ten, &o. EKdo‘s Hedycsmia. Remediecs for Cholera, Diatrhoa, Dysenâ€" CAMPHORATED EYEâ€"WATER, Sure Cure for Sore, Weak and Inflamed Kyes. 28, Sparksâ€"Street, FOR COt "GHS, COLDS, SORE THROATS MEDICAL HALL, wa, Fob. 12 1366 NONE OTHER GENUINKE ! HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT or DYES in this city on sale at the i DOMESTIC DYES, AND FAMILY APERIENT PILLS SEASONABLE ARTICLES AUSTIN‘8, #" The Medical Hail," GEORGE MORTIMER, 41 RIDEAUâ€"STREET, RFOU N IL, OTraA WA NoO‘ATICE. DRUGGIST®, MORTIMER‘S &e JOSEPH GARVEY, M.D. CLOTHES BRUSHES, AT TH® &e OTTaAWA C. w. TUESDAY. DECKMBER 10, 1867 &e U0OUKBINNING, 7 PAPER~RULING, or BLAH BOOK MANUFACTURING, Of every description in the neatest and most durâ€" “:lv':, h‘pu-.l attentlon to all work, and havâ€" ng on log had many years practica! «xperience, he feels o?gl.uï¬nz z_ddul- will ue given. <â€" â€"~ Ottawa, March 16 street, formeriy occupied by The / Post, m.hhuwm:odhmm{.t And a general assortment of gentlomen‘s furnishâ€" ing goods, would intimate to their friends and the public genorally that they are propared to exscute all orders in their line at the shortest notice, in the most approved styles andâ€"at prices that we defy competition. NUOTICE OF REKOVAL _ _ A. MORTIMER BO OKBINDER, Mllflllll‘ TAILORS and General Outitters, Elginâ€"street, opposite the Russell House, and second door from the London Music Store, havingsjust received a choice stook of MA PANY is m.’ ared to insure all descriptions of property aga lon‘er “-qo by fire. MERRICK, BRUSH & Co., T UA MUVSC, CC NECBAV CIRREL WeE been refitted by the subscribers, and will be opened on MONDAY, FoUKTEENTH OCTOBER, with an entire new stock of Ottawa, January 4, 1867. SMITH & RODNEY English, French and Canadian CLOTHS and TWEEDS, ESTABLISHED 1830. R. 8. Cassels, Esq. â€" : â€" â€"â€"â€" Consulting Director, THI ABOVE FIRST»â€"CLASS COM» PANY is prepared to insure all descriptions f NE Store formerly oceun For instance, the annual pay mest. at the ls * of 30, in most Companies, to insure $24 is, with proSts, abeut $50, and without In the tns, $2000, to a person 30 years of #§O, 00848 th@ HFBT YOWT.......:sssssssssssmsmom 25.31 Ard each subsequ@nt YORF.............sssssssm: 20.74 Which payment is sabject to further reduction as the businessâ€"of the Company increases. wap, Endowinent policies on equally favorable terms. 4s . % ‘The fact that the Atna has, during the rut 12 months, insured over 14,000 llz the best busivess men of, the Continest, is the possible testimonial to the soundness of the Comâ€" any, and the excellence of its method of doing ‘u‘;on. J.GARVEY, ESQ., M. D., _ Medical Referee. t Ottawas, March 13. BRITISH AMERICA Assurance Company ! the Profits, every year, among the insured, reducing the cost to about oneâ€"bal the figures asually Capital and Assets, 1st Jan., 1861, $4,401,833.86 FRNHIS MOST SUCCESSPUL LIPE Ix. Ottawa «March 25 Kina Life Insurance Company, GR OC E RIES, LIQuors anp EH ARDV A BR 'l\Hl. MOsT SUCCESSFUL LIFE INâ€" &limcs COMPANY â€"dividee the whote of he Profits, every year.amone the insured. reducine 0:--“!&.‘!.. g done in taeâ€" most artistle e A. MORTIMER, 00 M uesns io o c o e n ty 000 as soon as an Act of Incorporation is procured f-hlch will be a provision of our Incorporation.) tis unnecessary hore to dilate upon the r-lt- of money invested in Insurance Stack,. Suftce it to say, that, at least in one instance 3335 per cent advarce has been obtained on insurance stock, and that afterthe payment of princely dividends; In the meantime Subscriptions to Stock, in Ottawa mey be made at the Untario and Royal Canadian Banks, and a deposit of 10 per centis requisite which will be deposited Ix Tuust to be returned in case any subscriber is l:: o::hï¬: v‘l:l i;::: vestment up to one month after the Viceâ€" sanction to&o Charter 1s oNlll.i & ; J. M. BATE3, x Pro. Manager and Secretary. > Ottawa, Nov. 21, 1867 GIIVY tP sLASGCOW Over $100,000 of stock is nlnm subscribed and it is the intention to depout the Governâ€" ment as a guarantee of our goodfaith, at least $50,â€" TesireAel,anptnzeerirciby / TDY T Ottawa Oct. 1, 1867; Tllll is purely a Canadian Institution, and as such is deserving of the support of the Canadian public. An Act for the Incorporation of this Company is nuw before the Parliament of the Dominion. Ottawa, October 12, 167. Life Assurance Company ESTABLISHED 1i838. CAPITAL, £600,000 Sty. ANNUAL REVENUE OVER £120,000 Sto PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS : H. O, Burritt, Esq:, President ; R. Lyon, Esq. Mayor ot Ottawa, Viceâ€"President; ‘I‘. D Harington, Dy. Receiver General : the Hon. oOr CaANADA. Capital â€" . . $500 ASSURANCE CO‘Y. ESTABLISHED J, Skead, J. M. Surrier, M. P., D. Meâ€" Laughlin, M.P.,â€"W. Wade, Esq., F. Jones, M.P., W. Ellis, Esq., W. H. Brouse, M.D., Jogeph Aumond, Esq., M. K. Church, M.D., and J, M. Bates, ‘ NEW STORE ! IE Store rn-crl{ mBlal by W. D. WOOD. No. 38, on RIDEAU STREET, has ly HIS is pure FIRE AND MARINE. Metsalfeoâ€"street, With power to insrease the same. FEGS TO ANNOUNCBR To Li (znds and patroms that be has removed to the building on Metoaife~ INSUV B A NCE. R. SMITH, Agun 993. : Over Soott‘s Confectionery. INTERCOLONTAL )* â€"_â€"~â€" $100 EACKH. woon & ROSSITER. 7. 861 â€"tf , Aumond‘s Buildings. A. D. 1820, Aoxurs, 381y 301y 851tf BLACK DOESKINS, BILK MIXTURE OF COATINGS, Do. _ do. TROWSKRINGS, BEDFORD CORDs, CHAUDILERE 1 W £a08, BANNNOCKBUKN Do., i HALIFAX DO., KERSEY8, ___ ALEX. DUFF. OTTAW A, Beptember 12. They would Ilpduhth.ulhoynunv-nd.nqmg oo"flirxmr:;:“hmm for the season, and as their stock is large and ::,Q““ Mâ€.'D'lb‘â€; ‘wa, They are alsoprepared to take orders for Clothing, which they guarantee to make l‘-’uuqu;.grwé.":uummmm "W“W‘F;WMM‘L‘;:: READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING! Ottawa, October 2, 1867. Importers of Dry Goods, y +s h ove Sesofired our fall and Winter Etock of STOVES, STOVE PIPRS, ELBOWB, DUNB BTOVES8, TINW AKE and LUMBERMEN‘S SUPPLIES, which we offer Wholesale or Retuil at low prices.< In Cooking, Parior, Box and Hall Stoves, for wood or coal, we have the largest and most varied assortment ever shown in Ottawa. _ CcookKING sTovEs. * cqox‘uu_i srovus. COOKING sTovEs. C0oo0KINXG sTOVEs. (ookING aToVvEs. ©OOKING sTovEs CO0kKING sTovEs. COukKING : sToVvEs. cooKktna sroves. Our stock of the above comprises the latest J-rnm in both ELEVATED and LOW weul| At .«‘ .« OVEN.810] â€" BOX AND HALL STOVES . . BOX AND HALL #Toves. BOX AND HALL ‘STOVEK, / ~ BOX AND HALL sTOVYESs. BOX AND HALL STOVES. ... _ BOX AND HALL sTovEs. $A Suilable for private Dwellings and Chutches, Warshouses and Stoves. PAnrcnon stovas. LPARLOR sToVYEs,. > PARLOR sToYEs. PARLOR sTOYEs. PARLOR STOVES. PARLOR sTrovEs. PAR tovEks." PARLOR srovEs. PARLOR STOVEs. ue Now and most beautiful designs, very okeap. CoaL BTovEs. PARLOR GRATES. HMHot Air Furnaces. ; All NOW OFFERING A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SBLECTED sTock or ory GO0D#, which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. «CAPITAL" 85, o pakk sTOVE â€" sUssEX MEADows DEPOT 1 St. & CO. STOVES. ~~STOVES. STOVES.. SToYvES." sTtOYEs. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. of the risk. Losses will | S.“pv:gfl' mptly “"r.'ï¬'"-'.:".'-':" im"" ent. Losses by lightning and loss or damage by explogion of gas w x.."r pu-’uu made w‘io“ :lllu. ::0. r. N Bâ€"The above com have invested in Canadian Government Bonds, in mm the Provincial Act, ndhvommllm of the Minister of Finance to do business in Canada, and are now prepared to take risks, * + » T. W.GRIFFITH, Manager for Canada, evnes waneud ie emmepresppres Ainrnote tarereinom d eee es ArfFerramenintoabte Meuirent. W ‘ » dhnk «> $89â€"6m . - NEIL MeKINNON, Agent for Qttawa. Joha Obins Woodhouse, Keq, 2 Pembroke Road, Dublin ; Omeath Park, Co Louth ; Portadown, Co Armagh ; Kerry Keel, Co Armagh and Downâ€" Chairman, Robert Oraven Wade, bq‘. Oaubnz. Crossâ€" keale, Co Meath, and Sackville Street Club, Dubâ€" lin, J P for Counties Meath and Wickliowâ€"Director Soottish Amicab.e Lite Office. f Charles Going iii&o'.i‘-i.hnm-hou. m':rm- stredt and Georgeâ€"stroet, blin ; ‘Churchtown 1.odge, Dundrom, Co Dublinâ€"Director Commercial (,}..pit‘l_'- Annual [n00M0 N@@tly:>>«» ++ essm eesssssereencrecsee>>~>>*~~~£1,000,000. RBAD OFFICEâ€"Upper Sackvilleâ€"street, Dublin, Ireland ; CHILEF OFFIOK, ENGOLANDâ€"11 and 18 Corn Hill, London; CHIEF OFFLCE, SCOTLANDâ€"98 Georgeâ€"st., Edinburgh. Etna Fire and Marine Insurance Co: QO ME XBR A & Co. ACCUMULATED PREMIUMSOVER, â€"â€" |â€" â€" $1,000,000. ANNUAL INCOME OVER, â€" . â€"| â€" â€" _ $300,000. MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COY en n m'“ m O“!;I:a.'llwll(l'w‘wq. * A division MF{mE‘TUm of ldn ho ha losses on of profits every to w ve no s , MODERATE PBEHIU‘:. ‘The company do not advocate high premiums, but retes will be charged according as the nature Viscount Kirkaldie TO THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMhENT DEVONS8, wHITNEYS IRISH PRIEZE, CANADIAN DO., BRDSTABLISEâ€"ED IN 1844 CRIEF QFRICEâ€"11, King Williamâ€"street, Mansion House, LONDON. Cloths and ‘Clothing. The Number of Sharcholders exceed Five Hundred. NO. 60, SPARKS STREET, AND MAXUFACTURERS OF, AND DEAL®RGâ€" TX BROADCLOTHS, BESTABLISEHED 1840. ~~ TRUSTEES. | The Right Rev the ll-b? of Moray and Ross. J R 8 Phillipps, Esq | l L 4# CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT, 35, Svssex Stacetr. _ H. MEADOWS & CO. DIRECTORS ndebdubalhs e hiï¬ ulsnd ie ds atabtader wl .3 .1 1.b 00 3 c ol d ieprerit istanerencemnsessse=ssi>(92;000,000. O‘MEARA & CO Bernard Coyne, Esq, 27 Waterico Koad, Dublin, J P, Co Mayo. M%.lndl. Eiq. 2 Clarinda Park, East Kin stown, Dublin, and Curraghmore, Ballinrobe, &t Mayo, J i for Co Mayo. _______ â€" _ * Robert Conway Hurly, Esq. Bridge House and GisageR, Traiee, 3Â¥ To de Keny.®‘ q i+« syoses» ++++*~+@@000,000 DRAW Bir John T Comiegs MITTS, W OOLLE Do. â€" BUCK, 5 PROVINCE UF ONTARIO. Victorta, by the Grace ot God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain .___and Ireland, QuzEzx, Defender of , _ the Faith, &e , &e., &e. _ To Our faithful themembers elected to serve in the Legislative Assembly of our Province of Onâ€" tario, and summoned and called to a meeting of the Legislature or Pariiament of Our sapd Province, at our City of Toronto, on the 13th day of the month of December, in the year of Our Lord one thousand cight hundred and sizâ€" tyâ€"seven, to have been commenced and. held, and to every of youâ€"Gzeztxo: ' A PROCLAMATION, ‘ # the Wnn st on acfee tario stands prorogued to the 13th day of the month of December next, nevertheless, for certain causes and consideratiops, We have thought fit further to prorogue the same to FRIDAY, the 27th day of the month of DECEMBER next, so thet neither of you nor any of you, on the said 13th day of December next, at our City of Toronto, to appear are to be held and constrained, for We do will that you and each of you in this behalf interested, that on Friâ€" day, the 27th day of the month of December next, at our City of Toronto, aforesaid, personally, you be and appear for the Despatch of Business, to treat, do, act, and conclude upon those things whica in our Legisiature or Parliament of the Pro vince of Ontario, by the Common Council of Our said Province, may by the favor ot God be ordainâ€" At the hour of ELEVEN of the clock in ‘the fore. noon, of which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, Constabies, Jurors, and all others in any way conâ€" cermed, are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly.,.. * . . High Bailifl‘s Office, Ottawa, Dec. 6, 1867. THE REVERE HOUSE, G. A. BV * TA bamain, | _ .ProprtETORS 'lmnue:.c‘mau ':'..m um combines all the requisites of a firstâ€"class estabâ€" Monday, the Sixtecuth day of Dec. Inst., [L 8.J Will be holden in the ‘County Court Rouse, in the . City of Ottawa Templetonâ€"Modeya_ Martel, puking and purâ€" ging : gln h Turner, Fever; A lcnri.'n. Iilol:u shmm;{V- Waters, rhentmatism ; T. Blanchette, man and. animals; R. MeElroy, sunstroke; J. Davideon; email par. . "*~ * > .090 90 «Mtawa â€"W . R Caldwell, W, Kennedy, J. M. T Hannum, X. Locas. * Sold by W. Hearn, J. Skinner, and other drug RECORDER‘S8= COURT ! eases, and cordially recommend it to the public for a trial, as it has been more expedient and efâ€" fectaal than any remedy used by us. _ _, M ing Vegetable Compound and umversai cure | for man ‘Jeb"“’ 'hig::fivon immediate relief, ‘ and onl{ requires one trial to convince the most | skeptical. kbxternally by rubbing, internally by | mixing with milk or anything to suit the tate or | clear. One teaspoontul, a tull dose, fever and ague, and all fevers, old sores, fresh cuts and | bruises, burns, toul stomach. Dyvspepsia, by mixâ€" | ing with one glass Highwines ; rhoumatism of all | kinds, Delirium Tremens. Porsons drunk maue | sober in half an bour by two doses, and in fact almost every ailinent cured in a very short space ‘ of â€" time. Corns, bz paring and applying | for | several weeks. The nerve of a tooth entirely | quisted by an mpplication for a short length of | time. It acts as magic on horse flesh in all cases, | and also on allâ€"other beasts. No family sbould be ’ without it, as there will be no danger of disease when used in connection with the Water Gare. | None genuine without the signature of the Aboni Bole Proprietor IIL. J. KELLOG, We the undersigned inhabitants of Teripleton have used the Above named compound in many EVERY MAN ES OWN DOCTOR, cloth, $2,50. > November 27, 1867 By Command, In Trstmwoxy Wazazor, we have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Beal of Our said Province of Ontario, to be hereunto affized : Wirxzss, our Right Trusâ€" ty and Wellâ€"Beloved Hzxar Wiuiax Smsâ€" For sale in Ottawa, by the Printer ; in Montreal at rs. Dawson Bros. ; and in Toronto at Messrs. v & Yo.‘s. Price, handsomely bound in l)norl:uou KELLOGS Life Preseey ing Vegetable Comnound and univarsal anra CITY OF OTTAWa, q To Wit. g The Quarter Sessions Fellow of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquar: ies, Copenhagen ; Corresponding Member of the New York Historical Society. OTTAWA : Uitawa. Jone If . #47, XHMenry J. Morgan, For the Despatch of Business. CA ADA.~~> o e ns INQIA WAREKOUSE Canadian Literature : No 168. Rideauâ€"Street, RECORDER‘S : COURT. Just Published, Bibliotheca Canadensis Printed by G. E. Desbarats, \ °_ 1867. FOoR THE eITy oF oTTXW A, vEp, a Companion of the Order of the Bath, a Majorâ€"General in Our Service, Lisutenantâ€" Governor of the Province of Ontario. Atour Government House, in our CITY of TORONK TO, in Our said Provinee, this 28th day of NOVEMBER, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first year of Our Reign. 8. J, VANKOUGHNET, . Cletk of the Crown in Chancery, A MANUAL H. W. STISTED. CANADA. 0 TT A W A. AFORKEAID, ON xODERICK ROS3, High Bailif. BY 410+ 600b TO PARTIES ABOUT TO BUILD»» AND THOBE RELATING TO THE Protection, Regulation and Development uf Deep Jen, voust and Inland Fisheries, Irspesiion of fish and Fish Oils, and General Promotion of Fishâ€" ory Interests, for Canada, should be addréssedâ€" " DRPARTMENT OP NARINE AaND PISNERIES, April 10. Tullwmmï¬-&“-ï¬- dressing Saloon is now epen to the public. It Iumo:‘p-laul]hu‘n'.‘ stocked with all the necess essontial to a weli regulated Shaving Saloon, ‘and the cumfort of its patrons. The Furniture, Fixtures.and stock ot Boaps, Oils, udPoMto.panwom- o gentlemen drop in and see, 16 HEZEBY OIVEN THAT ALL C OM MU NICATIO N# RELATING To 1GHTHOUSES, LIGHTS s1G= L mals, Boacons, l:qmloqdd-%m Esquiry 4nto Causes of Wreoks, Provision Depots and Reliofof shipwrecked Seamen, Marine Hosâ€" pitals, Shipping Offices, Pilot Service, River Police, Inspection of S:eaimbonts, Classification of Vessels, Examination and Grapting Certificates of Comâ€" otency to Masters, Mates, &0,. ; Provincial Steamâ€" ers, Gunbeats, Craft counected with Improvemen of Navigation, and Maritime Subjects generaily for Canada. should be directedâ€" to me Angel of Sieep, Nore Parties, Balls, &c., furnished with a frstâ€"class :‘tl.uo.lun-m-u to twenty performers, ORME & 8ON‘8, _ April 10. April 10 POI‘ AND FLOUR Constantiy on h DEPARTMENT OF MARILNE & FISHERISS, > Orrawa, 20th November, 1807. November 5. April 10. PDOMINION SHAVING SALOONK The Great Song of the Day is, "Put your Shoulder to the Wheel," _ Freth Arrivals of Chic Tt oa‘.-rnxe:w.m. se Nov. 26, 1867 ORBRME & Sok®‘s. Kaâ€"Footicâ€"um Galop, Bel w April 10. April 10. April 10. April 10. Apric 10. April 10. April 10 qrovaurol BITTERS, K At the Indua Wai April 10 April 10 April 10. April 10 ;UGAI-CUIID HAMS, AND BREAK» fast«Rolled Bacon. % A choice supply of the above can always be had At the India . Warchouse, __ @uERRy WINE, various brands, In Wood and M 5. 2s the Tadia Warchouse, RatMm ~ _ BROWNE & HARKDY; ‘P“’ 10. April 10. ~rT:'â€"‘_O‘¢0---AW â€" e C 6 B x Fui ‘OLD CHERRY ERA*oY, * At the India Warchouse, April 10. l)owr WINE, f In Wood and To be had at |.PRICEâ€"3 CENTS CHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, ' At the India Wa .__â€" OPrPrAWA* P. MITCAELL, 6034 Minister of Marine & M Next door to Prepared by INEST OLD RYE WHISKEY, At the India Warehouse, id s BROWNE & HARDY, ROSSE & BLACKWELL‘S RED ANXD 00SEBERR Y J AM,8 TRA WBER R Y Jam,Raspborry Jam,Green Gage Jam, . . o . sn The Padics Wevak en t ERNARD‘S GINGER WINE, 4 ‘ At the India Warchouse, nalod: BROWNE & HARDY. Oe Rrmine: Arte â€"â€" End Dalyâ€"st., Oiteawa. ul " DEPARTMENT OP NARINE 1«D FiSKERIES, OHN BUVLL BITTER At the India â€" 00TH‘s oL.D Ttom Gin, | At the India War NEST Alzl: ll-I:U'P._ YHt BROWNE & HARDY. E KUYPER HOLLAND GIN, In Wood and l& At the India Warchouse, EeE BROWNE & HAkDY. VINESS!$ DUBLIN sTtovut Pror 1‘ _ o the 4 Worehouse, the India itR BROWNE & HARDY. a AMsAY‘s ProrT | WHISKEY, â€" IBBERT‘s LONDON | TER, xt door to Cunningham and Lindsay‘ s. RANDY, HENNESSEY and other Brands, _ In Wood and Buttle, _ At the India Warchouse, > 1867. No.81, I‘m telling you what‘s trusâ€" And all your wauts shall be supplied, With care‘I"l barberize your chin, X.‘.‘i" if L fail 'l....’ tss ail to Whyâ€"just call upon ‘;.Iv_!. ‘tiee SPECIFICATIONS, E8TIMATES, 4 NOTICE, lfl‘l‘.’ Jame and m â€_7 66 * * gROWNE 2 #ARDy, At the India Warchor _BROWNE & H At the India Warchouse, _ BROWNE & HaARKDY. At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARKDY. BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY. Sign of the Golden Lyre BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY, BROWNE & HARDY. BROWNE & HARDY. ELLEN I8LAY DAN RICE sToUTt ron»â€" OTTAWA.* 1867;