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Ottawa Times (1865), 10 Dec 1867, p. 3

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have been strong that enabled all such disâ€" tinctions to be merged in a common desire for Confederation. He had listened with the utmo : indigation to the imputation of motives, but could assert boldlyâ€" that their agreement had been the result of the loftiest patriotism, callâ€" »d4 out by the commion interest and common dunger. The Great Republic had passed from .-zc' commercial community to a great power, and had inaugurated a policy of hostility towards ourselves, and it was unâ€" dor these cireumstances that they had telt that they owed it to ‘themselves to set forth . declaration of _ their _ purpose _ to unite for the preservation of their institutions to the latest time. He would be but a recreant if, on the present ccasion, he failed to mainâ€" t«in the principles then announced from which resulted the nccessity that British America stould remain British America from ocean to scean. The hon. member read statements of Mr. Seward acknowledging the great imporâ€" tance of the Dominion, and said that they would be failse to themselves and forgetful ‘of what they owed to the count?y they governed "t they Hl!dd:o-nll :Scnnlmonln most important mont grea‘ness possible to 1e conceived. The northwest coun try contained some of the most valuâ€" able territery to be found on the globe, and in addition t» its forbearing attracâ€" tions, it would be contrary to all experience "W it were not found to produce gold in very latge quantitiee. A portion of it, 800 miles long and 80 to 100 broad, contain . ing sixtyâ€"Gve thousand square miles, was â€" known to be susceptible of a high degree of cultivation. Explorations of Professor Hins hat disclosed a tract of 22,000,000 acresâ€" greater than the area‘ of all Irelandâ€"of a climate infinitely superior to that of any porâ€" tion of the Dominion, and abundant in most vauluable minerals, and those who had listenc« to the address of Mr. Waddinaton, would know that this country could be made availâ€" able. He went on to describe the topography of the route to the Rocky Mountains, and said that now was the time, of all others, to enâ€" conrage immigration; which could only be attracted by the offer of such boundless prairic 8 in the name of no isolated communities, but of a great and united people. The great | the danger to England lay in the discontent P of _ Ireland, and _ he . was certainls | the of opinion, that instead â€" of _ allowins | tlet the Irish disaffected population to emigratâ€" t > | par the United Statesâ€"there to remain foreve» | the hostile to Great Britainâ€"it would by wiser t« pol e«xpend some of the money employed in r«â€" I pressing insurrection, in promoting emigraâ€" | ren tion to these Provinces, where Irishmen | ing were among the most loyal subjects of th: | out Crown. He eculogized Mr. McKenzic for bayâ€" | he ing, in his support of the messure, visen | n superior to faction, and controverted . Mr | gei How«‘s assertions as to the mode in which | sh Union had been carried in Nova Scotia, in his 1 battle for which he had expected to find at | th. least all Western Canadians on his side | «p. Referring to the position of the Antiâ€" | inc Unionists in Nova Scotia, he quoted from ' the Halifax Chromicle, to showâ€"that in July, it | Co had opposed the formation of a Coalition Govâ€" | (;, srament, but when the news came down that j the Hon. George Brown and his party had been | m routed, horse, foot and artillery ; then, it said, | ag the Nova Scotia Opposition had no connection | Co wi‘h that shopâ€"they were as free to unite | th with Sir John A. Matdonald as with George | of _Brown, hbence it was no wonder that the f in prers ot Ontario and Queb«c should have sugâ€" | to gested an alliance with that party. The hoy | ar member for Hants bad said, reterring to th member fot Lanark, that if the laiter had beon his disciple, it was the part of a Judas he playâ€" fiuu (Dr. T.) would pat it to the Comâ€" ( whether, with his past record beâ€" fore them, the member for Hants had | = not deserted his disciple=. ‘The member for Hants had also compared an hon. member _ from New Braunswick to the bore of the tides, to which from its frequency the people had | / got accustomed. But the people did not rcâ€" gard the bore withont dreat, Som times it caught a victimâ€"and submerged him in the quicksand, and he could not but think, when he saw the bou. imember for Hants surrounded | A by the surging tide of his own inconsistencies that be was in great danger of being overâ€" vhl-d‘_ud be thouzht the simils not at all ppropriate, (hear, hear.) What was . the example .ot the United States to which the hon. gentleman took such | : frequent opportunities to appeal ? Why, they were now engaged in constracting two lines of railway to the Pacific. The hon.| ! member for Hants had said that for once he | * would forget that he was a Nova Scotian, and | © consider himscl{ a Canadian in discussing this | © Nm But he had forgot ho was a | ‘ Nova he had forgot he was a Canaâ€" | © dian, in “rbi against his twentyâ€"five years of C fi in the advocacy ofan Intercolonial | ! y. He who had urged upon the | ‘ Colonies, and upon the people of England, the & rco of the commercial and political of these Provinees, now occupied a | ! "“l.mbficwhiflot-umbdou, 4 «nd therefore had forgot his obligations, both I to Canamia and to Nova Scotia. He (Dr.â€"T.) | was prepared heartily to support the Governâ€" | ment of the Dominion in taking rn-enion of the Northwest territory, but he held that it was | not creditable that a body of English gentleâ€" men, such as composed the H ‘s Bay | (h-py,nlodibdummdl is House as they had been. Then his hon. frierd had represented that Nova Scotia‘s it had been ruined by Confederation, when as a matter of "fact, it had been shown by the statement of the Minister of Finance that the Province had drawn from the Dominion Government a very large amount in excess of what it had paid. The other night the member for Hants had described the Hudson‘s Bay territory as & couctry lying God knows where, and bounded by God knows what, but he (Dr. T.) would note an authority which the hon. member for lâ€"h should at all events respect. No on« â€"had described the Hudson‘s Bay territory in more glowing ter.cs than he, and he would simply refer to his own testimony as to its character. He bad also said that we should walk into that territory and take possession, & u‘h(bt.‘!'.)mldu'mlbuno&hiu would mluho-doilgloutenho passing of these resoluticns. When these were passed and acted upon it would be for Canada to walk in and take possession. . Anattempt had also been made to alarm the prejudices of the French Cunadians to induce them to keep this Contederation * cabined, cribbed, conâ€" fined" within its limits, as a means of defence for their own institations. But was it not known that the rights and institutions of the French Canadians, whose loyalty had so often saved the rights of the crown on this continent, were protected and guaranteed by the, Imâ€" rhl Parliament ? In conclusion be (br. T.) It that he would be false to bims¢lf as a British American, false to his duty in this Parhament, and falme to the chMldren who would come after him, it he w any obâ€" tacle in the way of carrying out the policy now submifted to the Hous®, (Cheers.) I Hon. Mr. DOKION fl?‘t the hou. memâ€" ber for Cumberland wag in a position wherein he should ask for a new trial, and perhaps he would obtain a different verdict, that would better entitle him to speak for Nova Scotia. He thought also it was a pity that others could not sce us just as we regarded ourselves. A recent article in the London Times had comâ€" pared the new Dominion to a baby without strength or vigour, but which might live, a ud linger, for a time, from its very weasness. _NW,kh!ghl not be true that we were so weak as represented by the Times, but ccrâ€" hillyw-unotlouron‘ as we might be led to imagine by the glowing descriptions they had heard from gentlemen opposite. The hon. gentleman then addressed himself to several points in the speech of the leader of the Government, contending ::: the Government was assuming an ind«fiâ€" ::rlol in entering upon possession of . the tory, and lcaving the amount of in« demmification to be determined hereafter. The Minister of Puablic Works bad upon a former occasion strongly urged the policy that nothâ€" ing should be done uatil the rightsâ€"and claims of the Hudson‘s Bay Company were fally deâ€" terzined and ascertained, and that the speaker believed was the true ‘:l:.y It was beâ€" neath the dignity of the to pass a meaâ€" did not rcâ€" mâ€"times it him in the think. when sirs which would, as was contended, destroy ' 0: depreciate the value of the r! roperty of the Company. If they had any rights, let these r ghts be first ascettamed and fairly submitâ€" t xi to the jadgm nt of Parliament, _ With reeâ€" pect to this territory he thought we were bn â€" ginning at the wrong end. He had no objection to vote any reasonable sum of money to open up communication with that country, but when thete were some two hundred and eightyâ€" three miles of country declared to be unfit for setlement, except for mining purposes, he doubted the advantages to be derived trom such communication, as the route throueh the United States though a little longer, would be generally preforred. (le had no fear of any danger cf war, and thercfore all the outery about taking that country to settle it because of this danger amounted to very little, ‘There was no reason why this country should be i a hurry to extend our population to the Northâ€" west. They had been told that the Intercoâ€" tonial Raitway would open up vory large tracts of land for settlement in the lower part of Quebec, in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Some six millions of actes, he had been toid in thy latter Province; and nine millions in Now Brunswick, and he thought it weuld b> more to. the Sinterest of this country to have <thess lands sctâ€" been milli it ow th‘s ted than to send our people away to the Northwest. ‘The Rnances of the counâ€" try were not in a condition to bear the eight or ten millions of expenditure involved in the annexation of this territory. | The resoluâ€" tions were not at all improved by the changes made, the obligzations involved in their adopâ€" tion would have to be met by this country, and he thercfore ‘wlieved thatit was not exâ€" pedient that siuch responsibility ongLt to be aseumed. Hon. Mr. CHAUVEAU (in #rench) argued that settlement had heretutore yone towards the Southwest, because the means of travel had been opy ned in that direction, but that if communication were opered up with the Northwest, colonization would tollow the line of travel, and settle that country. In reply to the member for Hants, he said the majority of the inhebitants of the Northwest Territory were French Canadians, and from the French Canadian point ot view _ they _ had nothing now to fear from the opening up of that country. _ It honorable members were to oppo«e these resolutions by conjuring up fears as to the tutme, they might be met by the tears that would have been excited in the past. Fifty pears ago, who could have beâ€" lieved that Canada would have possessed these splendid Legislative Halls, or play«d the important part she is now doing in the affairs of the world? The bon. gentleman made au cloquent speech in favor of the reso, lutions. se ‘ Mr. JOLY (in Fronch) contended that after taking possession of the territory it would be too late to refuse the payment .of whatever sum might be claimed as compensation‘ tor the Hudson‘s Bay Company, 5 : Hon. Mr. CARTIER (in French) explained the olject of the amendment to place the set» tlement of the quexstion under the eentrol of parliament ; and thereuiter reviewed some of the arguments advanced in opposition to the policy of the Government, _ NHon. Mr McKENZIE saild be thought the remarks of the membr forCumberland, regardâ€" ing the Retorm party of Ontario, were quite out of place. _ On the subjâ€"ct before the House he considezed it his duty .to support the Govâ€" ~rmment. 1t was a past of the policy of the general scheme ot Confederation, and as such should be accepted. ces R Mr.JONES rose at two otclock a. m., but the iouse not being in a hamor to hear further speeches, he rcserved Lis remarks until the imotion for concurrence. | â€" The resolutions were then agreed to in Committeeâ€"report to be received toâ€"morrow, ("_'_' ‘ofiy').-fi. .;.‘;. Titck M a) C ~ Hon. Mr. HOLTON gave notice that on the motion for concurrence he would move an amendment, to the effect that as any order in Council passed by the ImperialGovernment on the address of this House would have the effect ofan Imporial statate, it would be unwise and impolitic to pass such address until the claims to be paid the Hudson‘s Bry Company should first be exactly ascertained. * % CABLE NEWS. Disapproval Adjournment of Boti I meints Loxoos, Dec. 7â€"â€"midui;h[,â€"-ln the House of Peers this evening Earl Mayo made a pointed speech, in which he deplored the bad u:u and ME ol t L 1 e c e c t s Bs 000 se hi ces ME NDA c on pnpert evil «f »ct ofthe public functals for the Fenians executed at Manchester, which had taken place in England, as such dcmonstrations, he :deâ€" clared, showed a aisposit on to sanction murâ€" der, â€" Ho was glad to say every precaution bad beer taken by the Government to suppress any outbreak arising from the bad passions thus evoked:; . In the House of Commons toâ€"night Lord Stanley, allading to the Enropean Congress on the Roman question, proposed by France, said he could not see that any good would result from the meeting of the represâ€"ntatives of the Euroâ€" pean powers in a onl rence, without a preâ€" vious azreement as to the bases upon which their deliberations should be conducted. _ In the course of the evening the new mail contract with the Cunard steamship line was anfavorably criticized, when Mr.Hunt, Finance Sceretary for the Wreasury, defended the wtion of the Government, declaring that the â€"ontract wus the best which could be made «t the present time . ts 3 . T . 6i uts auil Mclc c on cint . Italy Demands Explanation of France» The Houge then adjourned at 2:10 a.m YESTERDAY‘s3 DESPATCHES, At a late hour toâ€"nig h4 ment adjourn«d to meet v668. S Another ginnuu- In vasion Feared. "'.""I!lll- Frongscz, Doc. 3.â€"It is reported that Garl= baldi has agaie disappeared from the Iylaad of Caprera, and it is feared another attempt against Rome will be made by the party of action. PAaris, Dec. 3.â€"â€"Fears are enterâ€"unedt mt of a ministerial crisis in consequence of the last speech of M. Routher on the Roman question. _ 2 & se nc cbn hb Ahint Praat: MB CCTCTE The speech of the Freuch Minister, M. Routher, in which he said that Italy should not take forcible possession of Rome, gaye rise to an angry debate in the Itallan Chamâ€" ‘ ber of Deputies yesterday. _ Prime Minister Menebrea informed the that he had asked the French Tument for. explanaâ€" zions of t ch, and expects to reccive a malyf Paris by Monday. u: n::: Ih's.: y Souid only gain possession o wit the c/:nn:urrentymwnz ot France, and the Wher Earopean powers. That it would be impossible to achieve that object by force. At the end of the debate a yote was takeno, and the Government was sustained by the maâ€" jority. c._. on ecvmmmscitititee §6 Afpccmrmenemmencinae FENIAN MEETING _ is FANEUVIL HALL, BOSTON» o . TIIE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. w MB SVR PR ET PPRPEITC HALL, BOSTON» Naw Yorx, Dec. 8.â€"A large meeting . of Irishmen was held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, | last evening, to express indignation at the | course of the British Government in executing the Manchester Fenians, Addresses were do= | livered by exâ€"Mayor Wightman, John Savage, and others«, and a letter ot hearty approval was read . from George Francis Train. _ Mesoluâ€" tions were adopted demanding that the Gov»= eroment insist umn the release of all naturalizâ€" ed American citizens imprisoned in England, \ and demand reparation for injuries sustained by such citizens. A similar maiss meeting | | was alup hubt at St. Louls.. _" ~â€" Debate on n Cns ® ET08 Youse & Rapronp bhave just reccived, per exâ€" Salt, Mastard, and in man press, a fresh supply of Njw cclcbmlc:lptwal- \ styles, Sa.n O.E.“ and Tm’m'-sul. * tham American watches, in gold and silver And in the great variety of CUTLERY there are cases ; also, a choice lot of the Canada Watch -"“"& cases ofid‘h‘ Fortyâ€"four ,Pl'“'“f:l’ Company of London, England, watches, in D_"r «h‘h Ting h W dm'lwvny MA u> and gold and silver cases, Inspection invited. lodr'o-m;m‘hbh C l""“.'m 'Ahfou ree Remember the place, 30, Sparksâ€"st. :...xm' Horp, ..;:i Sbol‘l; ‘:‘,',.““:"‘,‘.".‘N‘: Youxe & Raproup are prepared to manufac | Handles ; Dessert ves to m ture all kinds of gold rndp:ilvct jewellery m’l’*‘"m Sets ‘&:‘ P““:‘- and gold and silver medals,‘ and masonic jewel8 ; | pas vi-;-:‘ y omm bl same in cases ; also, to repair watches, clocks, and jewellery ' h.“"“. c:x- ad Frait mo"m"""‘m sn and Â¥aâ€"hneass home manufactures, andgive them , ornamental handles. In ‘short, every z iption INe TUUC Ts idb TL id and silver medals, and masonic J¢Wel8 ; | posf Siieers, Beef and Game Ca :?-o, to repair watches, clocks, and | jewellery ! ":“am‘ nc Frait mo“m"""'m ain and Encourage bome mguaufactures, andgive them , ornamental handles. In ‘short z : T a chance. Remember the placeâ€"30 Sparksâ€"st. | of Electroâ€"plated articles and Onti-ry. be Srus Tusy Cous.â€"Now goods to Garland, .r‘hh .Ul l--:‘om&. bex Mutchmor & Co., 20, Sparksâ€"st, ‘Amongst | Gnrint -‘"”’." m"’ M. suitable the last arrivals are Crossley‘s new patterns in | ~ Tpig will be a rare presonte. 14 hak Brussels and tapestry carpetings. Their stock | pa‘ns, .,..‘m“""'mu’“ ""'.‘. * of carpeti and house furnishings is large and ‘!‘o".'m_ very eo.mte. Inspection invited. |582â€"y . | Otawa, December 10. Tortd A Ministerial Crisis in France. of the Recent Fenian De»e monstrationse «C the Roman Quouon- Fears are entertained here Houses of Pariia= the Houses of Parliaâ€" in the 13th icb ruary, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Second Annual Bali O TAWA No. I, FIRE COMPANY, Ottawa, Docember 10, 1867 By permission of COL. LORD ALEX. RUSSELL, and under the patronage of the OFFLCERS, THE AMATEURS Of the 1st Batta. of the Thursday, 12th December, * Pn tmited bf 4 W in tap. * e : Â¥ ou ’ Can‘t Marry your Grandmother, And the Popular Farce, To Paris and Back for Five Pounds, _ By J. M«dison Morton, Esquire. A. POWELL and Master W. PEACHEY will oach SING during the interval, and T. MATTHEWS will dance the SAILORS‘ HORNPIPE. 'r::mmo BAND ot the Battalion will be in atte h Doors open at 7.45, to commence at 8.15 p. m. Reserved Souts, 50 cents; Gallery, 25 cents, GoDp sAvE TBE QUEEN. Ottawa, Dec. 10, 1867. TOlâ€"3 Friday, Jany. 3rd, 1868. HER MAJESTY‘S THEATRE. Ottawa & Gloucester Road Compy, EStarr ol Cizgtiiter Rood Company have CALL OF TEN PBR CBNT. Dramatic Entertainment, On the Capital Stock of the said Company, which Call they require the holders of such stock to pry to the undersigned at the Law Office of MESSRS. MATHESON & LEES, in the City of Ottawa, on Saturday, the Eleventh day of Janâ€" â€"_ uary, A. D., 1868. Dated this Ninth day of December, 1967. By order, e H‘m. MeLEAN has received in= struct ons from MRS, HACKET to sell on MONDAY, the 16th DECEMBER, 1867, at Twolve o‘elack, Noon, at his Auction Rooms, No. 18, Sparksâ€"street, â€"~=~L.Ot No. L TL.OOEK cOU‘:LC AUCTION SALE Very Valuable Real Estate. On the North side of Metcalfeâ€"street, (Letter 0,) next to Captain Bowie‘s, with all the improvements JUST RECEIVED .C.O. Rifle Brigade Black Silk Mantle Velvets. Real Cluny and Maite Ottawa, Docember 10 GlIA'I‘ Closing Sale of Shefficld Silver= plated Ware, Ivoryâ€"Handled Table Cutlery, &e. _ Amos Rowr, Auctioneer, has received inâ€" structions from Messrs. GRIFFITHS & CV., to clear out the balance of Stock now remaining on hand [previous to their departure for England] on | * h a « < € o 1 Friday and Saturday, â€" f The 13th and 14th December. Sale at 2 p m and 7 p m each day. € Amongst the Eleotroâ€"Plate will be found Epergnes, Chandelabras, Venison, Salmon, Steak, Eatree and Vegetable Dishes, Dish Covers in many varieties, Soup, Sauce and Voloubh Tureens, Ketâ€" tles, with Lamps and Stands, Kettles without lamps, ;Th.i. UI"T.‘::;I‘: Coffee &nmf l? less than rt s uor s for one or tlrn, Decanters, lCI“: hmc. with three, four, five six and seven bottles of ur;:nh‘ o'lm.w, being quite new derigns, Pickle Frames, elaborateâ€" li.-u-gn mountings, Jars of richly Cut Cm. by Claret Ju, in Cut Glass and Electroâ€" . Sugar Vases, Iaor Stands, Coffee Tflil, Salvers, | Butter_Coolers, Marmalade Stands, Honey Jars, m‘. Rests, Fish Carvers, in cases, Cake Baskets, | ‘Table and Dessort Forks, Table, Dessort, Tea, White Gros do Suez Silk. Jet Fringes and Bugled Gimps. French Repps and Merinos. Crystal Drop Trimmings and Ladies‘ Belts and Belt Rib_ Jet and Fancy Dress Buttons. Ottawa, Doc. 10, 1867. _ 380y ‘Titleâ€"Freehold, and indisputable. ‘Terms made known at time of sale. found in this immense stock. + Also a variety of other articles suitable tor Christmas and New Â¥ car‘s presonts. ‘I'Nl'mh.‘.“!.ln W" ':1‘"“"‘ & os, as none w & * 3. ROWA, Lestmacct. TOltd M‘GtE & RUSSELL At the above Thoatre, on Ex 8. 8. Moravian, OoFP THE NOTICE WILL GIÂ¥E A THE OTTAWA TIMES DECEMBER 10, I1867. H. McLEAN, W. H. FALLS, Secy. & Treas. TOlNf Auctioncer TOltd (GRANDCONCERT Saturday Ev‘g., 14th Dec., 1867 KA DDRESSES Will be delivered by The Hon. JOSEPH HOWE, M. P+, The Hon. T. W. ANGLIN, M. P;, JauN O*CONNOR, Esq«, M. P. Several LADY and GENTLEMEN AMATEURS have kindly consented to assist. MER MAJESTUV‘s THEATRE, By permission of COL. LORD ALEXANDER RUSSELL and OFFICERS of the Regiment, the Band of the P.C.O0. Rifle Bnigade Oitawa, Dec. 10, 1867 St. Patrick‘s Orphan Asy‘um: Will perform Several Choice Selections Chair taken at 8 o‘clock p. m. Ticketsâ€"Dress Circle, 50 conts, Gallery, 25 THE IMPORTERS. TEA! TEA ! TEA! 'l‘llh‘. MONTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal, nvlnf just im« rted a large quantity of Green and Black Teas, g:g to call the attention of the Trade, Hote! Proâ€" prictors, and large establishments generally to their list of &flm. Buyers of Chests and Boxes of ‘Tea will save money by getting it direct through the Importers. All orders tor 26 ib. bozes and 3“-..‘- agoe free to any Railway Station in Canada, Parâ€" ties wanting smaller quantities should club toge: ther, Buyers Hvl; beyond Railway Stations, will please send ron ce order, or enclose notes, The carriage will be paid to the nearest station, where there aro expressâ€"offices. Teawill be forwarded immediately on ueolro( the order by mail conâ€" taining money, or the money can be collected on delivery by expross man. Casi collected in Mentreal free of ehnf, and Tea forwarded for the same. Original packages Black Toa 'm chests about 50 lbe. Chests do. 90 to 100 lbs. Green In aid of this Institation will be held at o uoo io a 44 4 2. 000000 ~tadinis h ut se Ganr o mds Te« from 60 to 80 Ibs. â€" Teas not mentioned in adâ€" vertisement can be had ‘nll“] cheap. The Comâ€" pany are determined totake a stand in the Montreal market, every article may therefore be depended on as to quality and weight. Common vongou, Broken Leat, Strong Tes..$00 45 Fine Flavoured Now S0280NM dO.......sesssss0se Excellent Full FlaÂ¥OUIOA G0........2200 sscsevess Rich FIAVOUTOA G0....0»s0«0« scseeveseseseeneeeenem JBDBD. . ceee cevesvees evenseersescncennnes cevencenernnen Very FinQ d0.... ..coeeveesserensneneennernnnnnnnrnnn Twnh‘{. COMMMOD....sâ€" »ssesseesseceseseneesiensse@ 00 C Fine P vs rvieversrens sntenrectenioectvenspnntonce O T YOUUG HYSOM....sscssc0ee sessccsesseeeeereceeeennnne® 00 g::“:: udVOhol.m 0: : w 00. .1 ++ 20e e0emeecii0 un Fine GWf..IZ....‘..W..................;;... 00 # Extr® SUpOPANO 4O...0104 0000 se 004 06 0e0mmemmmmmsesmeees 1 Reductions made to buyers otf Five Chests and MR. JOS. MOONEY,. pa All Boxes and Chests sent from this Estab Iiskment have the address of the MONTR EAL 1EA COMP ANY printed on them, August 27, 1867. 5194+vy Monday & Tues day Evenings, DECEMBER 0h and 10th. MR. ARTHUR SKETCRHLEY Mos. Brown at the Paris Exhibition, HAI THE HONOR to announce he will give his s MRS. BROWS AT TAE PLAY, As given by him with unprecedented success at m“mn’!‘ux HALL, London, 1200 consecuâ€" tive nights. Admissionâ€"Gallory, 25 cents ; Dress Cirole, 50 conts ; Private Boxes, $5. Dho.on open at 1} ; Entertainment to commence «t 54. ‘~ Carriageasmay be ordored at 10 o‘aluk..‘ HER MAJES . $ THEATRE. CELEBRATED AMERICANWATCH Outâ€"Fitting. Store ‘! YOUNG & RADFORD‘S, 30, Sparks Street. * _ _ MONTREAL TEA C0, 6, Hospitaiâ€"st , Montreal. R@J® Agent for Ottawa and neighborhood, Gentlemen‘s Outfitting Goods YOUNG & RADFORD‘S .p-n.v:‘ry&in; :mu order, Neat as oun.uu.o.' ' 84 FOR THE CELEBRATED CcamaADA WATCH! YcUNG & RAD. ORD, GOLD & SILVER WORK, Ottawa, Des. 4, 1867 BUY YOUR TEA No. 9, Rideawstreet, With a Complete Stock of Do al} kinds of FLUO T H LN G OULD inform the Citizens of Otta= wa and vicinity that he has opened out, Address BLACK TEA. GREEN TEA. 1. H. GRAHAM 30 Sparksâ€"etreet, NEW ENTERTAINMENT, FNTITLED =â€"ONâ€" Fou DIRECT FROM Guo To 30 Sparks«â€"street, oONTARIO upwards. =â€"AND=â€" AND â€"made Clothing, &o., &¢. 584y , 25 conte. TOltd 00 15 C ... A RARKE OPPORTUNITY rox t=s MOST VALUABLE H O LI DAYC P R ES ENT 8: To ANT LADY or Family the USUAL HOLIDAY DISCOYNT allowed on all other Styles for Cash. + The WHEELER & WILSON carried the Palm and GOLD MEDAL thu‘ynr‘n PARLS for SIMâ€" PLICITY and LJ TTLE MACHINERY, En; Running, Br“d. klegance of Model and Finish, Quality and Rng of Work, Easy Management and acility for C nfl from one kind of work to another, &¢. The BUTTONâ€"HOLE ATTACHMENT for these SEWIN ACHINES, the crowning success, is now ready. hbrolder\nsAuuhmonu and other Latest Improvements, &c., &6. The Worldâ€"Renowned HOW E MACHINES were awarded one of the enly two GOLD MEDALS asâ€" signed to the Sewing Machine Department, Paris, 1867â€"â€"â€"Eightyâ€"two Competitors. â€" Brom the finest Kid Glove Work to the heaviest Harness Stitching or Leather Work of any these are unequalled. They are the best SHUTTLE MACHINE for Tailoring or Family use Bpool!s, Cotton and Silk, Oil, Needles, otc., eto., constantly on hand. a70» G. A. W ALTON, Aount, 37 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa. GROCERIES! > wWINES, LIQUORS! Tlll: UNDERSIGNED begs to inform his Customers and the he has a Large and well selected Stock of the undermentioned articles he is determined to 8SELL AT THE LOW EST PRICES FOR CA8B, vis. : Oltawa, December 7, 1867. GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO., Have just received the following, bot : they are offering at their us 56 pieces STRIPED WINCEY3, usual price 1s, for TJd per yard. 20 pieces STRIPED WINCEY3, usual price 1s 9d, for 1s 34 per yard. 32 pleces PLAIN WINCEY8, usual price 1s 6d, forâ€"ls per yard. f 80 pieces Wide Width, Nico Patierns, Fast Colorâ€" 40 plece® DW Revee EREECOORACCEITE : CCC EC oc ed PRINT3, usual price 7id, for 6d per yd. 64, for q per yard. j Together with an IMMENSE VARIEFY OF OTHER G0OO0DS too numerous to particalarize Inspection Invited. Wholesale and Retail. 1xX%" Wholesale and Retai GARLAND, MUTCOHMOR & CO. 4797 SHEFFIELD HOUSK ! ralty ; Hor Majesty Queon Vi« ot 1862.. N. B.â€"~Manafactari Ottawa, November 9, 1 CUNNINGHAM AND LINDSAY Canadian Grey Cloth at 3s. 3d. per yard. Canadian Tweeds at 4s. per yard. Canadian Cotton Yarn at s. 6d. a Bundle. es * Canadian Bags at 1s. 9d. Blankets, CHEAP SALE _FOR SEWILL is by l“ul Aappeintment NEUAUUUM! 1704s Aammisstonars of the Admi« @ Royal Family, and rt of Spain ; The Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiâ€" u Hor Majesty Queon Victoria ; Royal Navy ; and Prize Medallist of the International Exhibition 2.. N. l.:-l.u_fnt:dl!_ud Repairing attended to. ilT is & » ’ CUNNINGHAM % LINDSAY Bargains in Dry Goods. COFFEE. COFFEE. OTTAW A, Nov. 18, 1867. Ottawa, December 6, 1867 Millinery, Mantles, Dresses, Cloths, MOCHA ° COFFEE, *IJAYK = coOPFEE, JAMAICA COFFEE, CEYLON â€" (Native) _ COFFEE, ‘ CEYLON (Plantation) COFFEE, LAGUAYRA COFFEE, Fresh every mozning, whole or ground. ~ _ JAS. BUCRANAN, Sussex & Wollingtonâ€"sts. Oitawa, Oct. 14, 1867. s «The Bishop‘s Building, OTEAW A, Nov, 16, HBBZL ... 01 c2.c"sllc 2e 0 0 _ Dry Goods at Reduced Previous to opening our New Store on Rideau Street, Importers, 20 Sparksst., Ssewill‘s Celebrated Watches! FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. A% «Lt «LX SLLI N C e een 9 e e aemnent 1 "â€"â€"â€"{\} THE CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. PHE LATEST STYLES OÂ¥ e 2 HOOP SKIRTS3 ARE THE tA t SKATING SKIRT (:cAn.-'rg' P .- THE WALKING ASD HEKCEPTION TRAIL, \ _ PLASTIQUE, 4 ) _ DEMI AND QUAKER TRAIL M Miitme Te 5 ‘The above Skirts are being made to mea ure on the Shortes it 1 e# ~\»** Notice, Wholesale and Retail. Ottawa, Nov. 14, 1867. 456 PpAVID MILLAR GRANT & HENDERSON‘S, INVITE PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THEIR MACGILLIVRAY & CO,, Tweeds, Gloves, Mosiery, FElannels, and Mantle Cl(_)_phs. Guiness OFfiRlNG GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN ARE NOW SELLING WHEELER & WILSON MACHINES Remember the House, A Handsome Reduction of $8 City Hoop Skirt Factory ‘ JI‘JI'I' RECEIVED A LAMROIDIAT _ 000 rate Nate: Relt Shawls, Nubias, and Wool and other Hose, Hair Nots, Belt Clasps Ladies‘ Posket Handkerchiefs, and as usual a Splendid Asâ€" aAaAT TEHEH TRENCEH CORSETS, UST RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF BREAKFAST hducd ETE3 Gkes Wies Male Nate. Relt ;, bought far below the original cost, which ir usual Small Advance on Cost : co 1s, | 92 picces FINE PRINT3, usual price 10d, for 7id per yard. % 1s 94, | 5y pieces Heary GREY COTTON8, usual price Tid, for 64 per yard. s 1s 64, | 50 pieces Very Heavry GKEY COTTONS, YARD WIDE, usual price 94, for Tid per yard. Color. | 40 pieces SCARLET FLANNELS, usual price 2s ar vd. 64, for 2s per yard. ; tment Watchmaker UNTIL AFTER THE HOLIDAYS. NEARLY OPPOSI[TE ONTARIO BANK. Sparksâ€"st., Central Ottawa, _â€"_ _ D. WHELAN, 44, Rideauâ€"st., Oppesite Allan‘s Crockery Store #â€"1 atthe NEW DOMILNION, 2,, susse Ottawa, Decomber T, 1867. TIHO WEEKS ONLY! ( (MeEW ANS CURING,) JUST RECBEIVED. _ _ _____;_. k Who hok MAN, '!'!;‘:z oN FULL CASE October 31, 1867. Sussexâ€"st., near the Cathedral. to Her Majesty the Queen, CL O Cr ublic in general, tha‘ the Bort Quality, which Wanted. we will hold a JA8. IUC:A'I AN, x ’114! Haddies ! 484v 49wd NT YOUSG §10y Auction _ Sales, Ottawa, BF H. MeLEAN. * Farcy Bufalocs and Bufalo Robss. Conl'l‘nm';nt from Montreal. H ECTOR McLEAN will sell at his Ance tion Rooms, No. 78, North Sparksâ€"street, on SATURDAY, the 2ist inst., a large assortment of Buffaloos and Buffalo Robes. Sale at ten o‘clock, 2.m. Torms cash in bankable funds. 60714 _ M. McLEAN, Auctioneer. LONDON MUSIC STORE | S1GQN of the BICG FIDDLE, [ â€"ANDâ€" Under the Parliament Hairdressing Saloon. (Lessee: of Her Majesty‘s Theatre, WOULD inform his :llrona and the public generally that he has just received a very large and fine assortment of Of every make and style, from the lrr’meipnl manu factories in the United States, which will be dis posed of at manufacturers‘ prices. :;firfirlllfis;u jlll-‘ receivod a lugve and PIANO STOOLS fls .L.:'B;T‘:p:l;’l:éfl OF WILLLAMS® VICTORIA ORGANS AND MELODEONS or which the undersigned is Sole Agont for Oltaâ€" wa and vicinity. _ Testimonials from Clergymen and the Principal Professors of Music in Canada an be seen at this establishwent. Several cases of Excelient: GUITARS, new ones. Connected with this establishment is a Piano Manufacturer, who will attend punctually to all orders for TU NING left at the London Music Store. Ottawn, Dec. 5, 1867 K. ARNOLDI, WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, No. w is 2 PnE Sn se areses â€" 4 | * Cholcw Old..................... 4 90 12 80 o t * ioi i. s 00 Pints $1.00 more per.2 dozen. Hennersy‘s, Martoli‘s, and Otard du Puy‘s Branâ€" dies, in wood and bottle. Pure Jamaica Spirits in wood and bottle. . Seotch and Irish Whiskeys in cases. Direct from Germany. Secondâ€"band Pianos taken in part payment Ee ie C S 2 M-"w’- Gin in wood, red and green cases. Booth‘s, Berpard‘s, and Thompson‘s Old Tom London Gins in cases. % A very ourtlot asesortment of Champagnes, l:dul'lu, Hocks, Clarets, Fanturnes, &c,, in quarts and pints. Mrmehino. Curacao, Vermouth, and Royal Ita Marnschino, Caracao, Vermouth, and Moyal 60 l1an Bitters, &e. Guiness‘ Porter, Bass‘ and Allsopp‘s Ale and Hibberts‘ Porter, quaits and pints, o o 4 r, quarts anG pMIIT. _ uks cmd d lfi t i ts peicadint ut 40e P Orders by mail with cash or cug reference solici‘ ed and promptly attended to. No charge for de livery in the city. A discount to persons buying in quantity or b{ the oflfl:tl package. . Pority guarspteod in all cases. pection invited. Price Lists, and o.v;? information, on applicaâ€" tion, or sent to any ress. A K. ARNOLDI, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Metcalfeâ€"st., Telegraph Co.‘s Building, Ottawo, Wrommbhar 9. 188T. $85y November 9, 1867 VIOLIN®, coxcERTINAS8, ACCORDEON®, TAMBOURINES, Telegraph Company‘s Building, Oltawa Skates ! Skates ! GO BOWN TO BIRKTT$ ONFIDENTLY recommends and gua» rantees the following WINES, viz.:â€" Per Gall. Per Dor SBign of the Anvil, Ridean Street, _: Where you can get them from 25 Cints to $5 per Pair Ottawa, Doo. 4. 1 _ â€" AtoY " . 1. â€" MILLES, 1 Port (good sound wine)... 8 66 Old. sc cessmmnene 4 @" puperior 0‘d... 5 «* Very fine old... 1 Sherry, light table 2 â€" * Superior do... 3 _ * Very choice.. Al" 1IMPORTED S$ET, SINGLE, DOI BLE and Tandem «~@iHlver Mounted Harnesses, To be seen at the St1ble of Oitawa Dece ber Tobacco Company, DANVILLE, VIRGINIA. , Tllll Company having estabilished at Montreal their General Agency for she Doâ€" minion of Canada, is now prepared to offer to the public an article in sMOoKING ~TOBACCO ! upflmun’mqufiowmww the country, and pledge their long established character that the article now offered is the pare leaf from the Virgin Hill Tops of Virginia. ‘The ‘different brands and prices ho“?filuol'.lu,"hl&!lbbhflm'u'b. « « Dominion Favorite" 1 & 4 «* * 0.15 * « « Navy," 1&k2% " «085 4 n.puumnucuuhlu-nd.nlwhn {asccompanied by remittance) for 5 lbs and up wards will receive prompt attention. ‘The tobacco will be forwarded to any address, by express of otherwise, as parties may direct,â€" Please sddress . _‘ _ _ _ is " '.fi'i # Gen. Agont Dominion of Canada, Have You Got a Pair ? FLUTERS, AUCTION SALE PIANOS. Montreal, Dec. 4, 1867. AND WIHIERE TO GET THEM. HARNESS FOR SALE METCALEFEâ€"STREET, DRUMS, oPr Elgin Opposite the m §51â€"39y ROANOKE 10 St. Sacrament st., E. MILES, &e., &e M. CAMERON, Besserer Stroe‘. 314 3 00 4 50 5 To 2 u0 are as follows 8 15 10 00 12 50 15 50 8 15 10 00 12 50 15 00 for Auction Sales, _ Ottawa, * BF A. ROWE. l! pursuance of the decree made in this cause, bearing date the third day of May, la and the nine(eon& day ofl-‘obnuy.lw,u‘ # ORDER FOR SALE also made berein, h.m date the gighth day of October, 1887, there with the approbation of the Master of this Court #8 Ottawa, be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, By Amos Kowe, On Wednesday, the 18th Day ot | December next, At TWELVE o‘clock, Neon, The following valuable FPEEHOLD PROPEBEâ€" TY : All and -i::ulu, those certain rn‘u tracts of lands and promises situate, .flu being in the Township of Gloucester, in of Carleton, and Province of Ontario, being_com g»od nttmn of the SOUTH HALF of LOT NUMâ€" ER FIVK, in the Gore of the TOWNSHIP OF GLOUCESTER aforesaid, at the junction of the Rivers Rideau and Otawa, which »aid parcel or tract cf land is butted and bounded, or may be otherwise known as tollows, that igto say : > B â€" reocspnarep warde. e P GVWT __ _ IN CHANCERY. Learmonth vs. Yielding. Commencing atthe water‘s edge, on the bank ef the Rideau River, at the northâ€"west angle of the gouth half of Lot Number Five, in the Gore of the Township of Gloncester aforesaid, at the jundtion of the Rivers Kideau and Uttawa, then eastorly along the division line between the north and south halres ‘of Lot Number Five aforesaid twentyâ€"two and fifty links, more or less, to & ru planted! or the northâ€"west angle of a picce of land former y cun\'eg:: by one Clements Stl‘hy to the Honoraâ€" bie Thomas MacKay, then south six degrees wess eight bunired and ninety links to a stake, ther south six d.q‘c-out to the allowance for rong . between Lo:# Fire and Six, (the two lastâ€"mention» ed distances divide the cunveyed to the © Honorable Thomas MacKay and the piece now de. scribed) thence ten chuins fiftyâ€"eight links more or lees sl«nwo north side of the allowance for road, between Lots Five and Siz, to the water‘s odge of the Rideau River, thenalong the water‘s m with the stream to the place of beginning, by admeasurement seventeen acres of land (exclusive of the road leading from New Edinburgh to Os foo.h, which is not intended to be granted by the ndenture from the said A&u Yielding to the Plaintiff unless the said Agar ““i!;{:“' at the time of epsealing and delivery of Mortgage from the said Agar Yielding to the Plainti® amy right thereto, and in that case only such right and title as he may then have had to the said romd.) And also, that certsin other parcel or tract of lund situate, lying and being in the said Township ¢t Gloucester, being composed ut part of Lot Number Six, in the Gore of the said Township of Gloucester, at the junction of the Mivers Kideau and Ottawa, bdn“ubd and follogrs, that is to say : Commencing on the east bank of the River Ridean, at fifty links south of a post marked A, standing on the centre of the allowance for road betweenr Lots Five and Six in the Gore, at the junction of the Rivers Rideau and Otawa, in the said Township of Gloucester, then t“ofl{ along the south side of said road alluwance six hundred and eightyâ€"tix links more or less to fifty links south of a post markâ€" ed B, standing on the centre of said roud allow ance, thence south thirtyâ€"lour and one fourth jinks, east #six hundreC and sixty â€"cight links more or less along the west side of the new road to a post marked C, planted near the small creek, thence wouth sixty~ seven degrees, west one hundred and twenty «d€ links mmorlou,un'onmio‘ll.m‘u the bauk o the river Rideau, thence tollowing the water‘s “s of the said river Rideau with the stream to the place of beginning, containing by adâ€" | mensurement two acres, three '“.bf.‘ vne pole, be the same mure or less. . And that certain other parcel or tract of land oo‘&::uu. sitmate lying and being in the City of wa aforesaid, being eunpm«fof Lot number Forty four, on the south s:de of Besserer street, in the said City of Otâ€" tawa, being sixtyâ€"six feet in front by ninetyâ€"mime : |‘feet in «epth, more or less. _ _ _ _ s Athis Auction Rooms, Rideauâ€"strect, Ottawa, uidhiatiend Fes drrmageaicy g Tbcvholcpn&ony'mbcnldl.ou’uwlul-l except said Lot 44, in the City of Ottawa, which wili be sold by itself. Upo::o m in Gioucsster are erected a good su al large stone d-dl\n" house, well finished, and fire outâ€"houwes wade ofwood. e L _‘ Allthe above described property, except Lo nuamber Fortyâ€"four, on the south side of Besserer street, is finely situated on the easterly b..’-’k_db EeE Ei CC CEEHTie CCC ul Tc n e c ic s "Hivle Kiver Rideau, directly ..muo City of Ortaws and contiguou« to the res! ot His Excelieney the Governor General. and within fifteen minutes® walk of the Pariiament Buildings and Government Offices.; The Montreal Macadumized Road passes about oneâ€"cighth o is mile from the dv-llh& and &‘o‘gtuvn and Prescott u‘:u-;, and ..M from | mgu Long Island cross perty. The soll of the Gloucester property "fi w:fl.muud&oq-inmw ly alluvial soil, ‘The whole of the land can be diâ€" vided into building lots,,and from the dm ;fflu'm-ullhonluull at ces. Lot number Fortyâ€"four, on the south side of Besâ€" sererstrect, is in a very healthy part of the city. It is a vacantlot, _ >_ _ __ a Oneâ€"tenth of the Purchase Money is to be paid down at the time of sale, by way of ?â€"I’. and the balance on or before the First day of January next. * ‘The Mortgage Deed from the Defendant, Yiclkling, to the Plaintiff, will be prodused .‘g time of sale. * Except as above, the Conditions of Sale are the standing conditi »ns of the Court of Chancery. hnh:mlfl-hn.ulbo Conditions of Sale, may be ned at the Offices of the said Master, Mesers. Eoott & Ross, and Messrs. Lewis, Pinbey «und Ward, Ottem a. Duted this 1 ith day of Novemner, 1867. $COTT & ROs8, JOHN WILEO®, Vendor‘s Bolicitors. | Master at Ottews $94â€"Taâ€"Th;& Baâ€"td ; GEORGE COCKER, / AN INSOLYENT. Addressed to the underâ€"igned in this city for the STOCK IN TRADE Of the above Insolrent; Will be received up to THE lith INB’I‘A"I‘.T mfiufiu-o““nyhcu-lfll and the Goods viewed by intending purchasers. ‘The stock comprises & goneral assortm ent of Expressly suited for the City and Country trade« Terms cash, or if time is required, interest at Â¥ per cent must be added, and satisfactory security farnished. # ‘The highest or any. tender not necessarlly as« D RY G O 0O DS, Cassells‘ Mugazine, Vol I, (bound,) Onssells‘ Pen» ny Reading, Vol. I, ‘b-â€"d.) Cassoll‘s g, ferw Hly wogizal" Drotinesct" Ontaes © Leaven, % romiAfssricus Pmm of the Hoiy Land by Dr. Kitto, Year Book, Canadian Almanac, Farmer‘s Al« :n.-&u,sfnh:::-.’n Mfi-‘ Diaries tor t *"*"C*PDuhtE a son, 10 Sparksâ€"st., _ Miss Muhlback‘s Historical Novels, Wanted, Y a LADY ndl-'h the West, a B FEMALE COMPANTON, who has a thorough knowledge of Music and French. and is willing to share in the management of a small housshoid. Office. ; if December 7, 1867. mt aACRES OFf LAND, Bipt» w wiles of the eite Apply to Jon:l 'hl':al.l.lmu. hlzl.- sion, Oitawa Front, Gloucester. S48â€"tm At the hour of 4 R ¢ TWELVE OCLOCK, NOON, Ottaws, 3rd December, 1867. T T© N D P PR S BOOK SEASON. Insolvent Act of 1864. â€" INX THE ;Aâ€"ml oF , J. DURIE & SON [AVI JUST RECEIVEDâ€" (Dore‘s) Cassells‘ Family Bible, (Dore‘s) Dâ€"nte‘s Inferno, (Dore‘s) Ten »yson‘s Elaine, (D re‘s) Atula, (Dore‘s) Baron Munchausen, (Dore‘s) Wandering Jow, _ Land for Sale. FRAANCLIS CLEMOW,

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