, British let . and mt white, raw , n chiefly kelp, metailic i or | when or ealcined , natural llage mplions gaivaâ€" spikes and round comotive irou of Ided ; do. ide bars, sheet or trom car axles, Ml lothingâ€" comâ€" Britain bullion, Ew. in any ke, pig hing pow webâ€" brass and shoes. blocks or }nndu und â€" for natural produced provess, of design, t known ng forcign . nor blank t‘, maâ€" in the not wheels, sheathâ€" instru= . . Silver te, tuscan for print» of iÂ¥ory und colors l det wihke ad scra P ough, do †m‘ki ark, when se, when wild CRU>~ Lu:lpbu whem ud‘ eprints of nted sheet plements , memp and from No. se of such id seincs, paper and leat, hoop ticles for, parations , 'hn‘-..: s f s soulpâ€" for block», wer three , masts or »gear, do, cluy, fire itroms of mm for the ported by that all the foreâ€" to be ftee , sbhuil be lteen per ectroty pe that sole for bats, bee, when leges and #, platers® h per cen» of seven d frce of onditions e by such alabaster , that the bhe dutics «pective. 48. boits s, do, trmâ€" â€"rigging, used for , Or any + receipt Teof are tement, any disâ€" ad pig*â€" m cort, £ clay», ‘ u'hp y, fibre acturing. k uncoverâ€" ograph ic y except lls, rag», binnacle are, five duty of valorem geinent felt hat m w lresth DCTIE® i fet» , cot. bread wire , hal( the e of , or by to . the Governerâ€"General, articles f ~uses of the Dominion, articles fo of forcign Consuls, arms and elothi nations, army and nayy, for bagatelle tables, billiard tables, w# LNAE kaw afllecre music †eoee 200000 E “, moss> for upholstery purpose®s, w-‘_b of all kinds, osiers, pelts, pip® cafs '*" plants, plaster of Paris not ground calcined, precious stones, unset, ratan for makers, rice, roots, rosin‘, salt, san, sea seeds for agricultural, horticultural or ring. purpose® only, shrubs, skins ‘_'-‘. slate, stone, unwrought, tails, unâ€" “ tanner‘s bark, tampico, white and Wlack, !4"> teasels, tobaceo unmanufactured, " , trees, turpentine, other than : of, vegetables, culinary, vegetable whale oil, in the casks from on shipâ€" and in the condition in which it was landed, whoat, willow tor basket makers, m of all kinds, whoily unmanufactured, gxome moviatioys ayo uss TRICTIONS TO B% â€" _ pesscuid4o BY TLE MINISTER OP CUSTONS, ~ Carriages of tcavellerssand carriages laden Win and not to include circus | nor hawker«, locomotives and railway r, baiggage and freight cars, running any line of road crossing the frontier, so as Canwlian locomotives and cars are adâ€" free under sini{lar cireumstances in the States, menagerics, horses, cattle, car» and harnesse® of. That it is expedient to provide that the articles, when the growth and proâ€" of any Britisli North American Proâ€" may be imported tree of duty, that is : grain, f@our and breadstuffs, ot all animals of all kinds, ftesh, smoked and meats, seeds, green and dried fruits, fish kinds, products of fish and of all other lving in water, poultry, butter, , lard, tallow, timber and lamber of all round. hewed, sawed, but not otherwise Snss wev. d2 PeC L uc f Mours of Service, Sundays and Holidays, Mass *@: «8 and 10 a.m., from Easter until the Feast of St. % /; Michael ; Vespers at 7 p.m,; from St. Michael to _ Ruster, 6p.m. week days, 7} p.mâ€" K > Cathobio Apostolse ‘Charchâ€"Huit, es & Revy & J W Rosgatsos. ; Services, Sundays, at 10 a m, and 5 pm. O% 3 week days at 5 pm ; and on Tuesdays and Thursâ€" t days at 10 a m. e PE en sB ced tured in whole or in part, fish oil, F, ground or unground. & % That it is expedicut to provide that all or the articles mentioned in the next preâ€" rsolution, when the growth and proâ€" of the United States of America, may be into Canada free of daty, upon proâ€" by the Governor in Council, whenâ€" watisfactory ariangcments can be made United States for the importation of articles free of duty from Canada into States, That it is expedient to provide that the articles shall be prohibited to be under a penalty of two hundred together with the forfeiture of the parâ€" package of goods. in which thesame be found, viz : % . drawings, paintings and prints of an or indecent character, coin, base and oung & Radfond hay wenty â€" cases of new 7 dD 40 Aclaenh incsenfrientibatd "": D MoPuai, Pastor. at 11 ofclock, am, and 6) pm. Sabbath at 9} in the morning. Pree Church (Presbyterian)â€"Daly <««% Rev. T. W aspnork. V Morning Service at 1! o‘clock ; Evening 84 pm. lag Rev. Mr. Moons. "‘Services will be heldin the Church, Bank Street. 4 11 a.m., and 6} pmâ€" w logs of pine, on every one thousand board measure, $1 ; saw logs of all other %- every one thou«ahd fect, board meaâ€" , 50 cents ; shingle boits and stave bolts, -‘I’.:ml, $g1.20.‘ * K it is expedicnt to provide, that the AmedP Oe 1 Rev. Dr. Srexc®z. 1 « Mording Service at 11 o‘clock ; Evening at 64â€" , '-r Methodist Churchâ€"Metcalfe Strea. f . E. B. "'l'::.c'â€".io:: Ishlun. uc 6 Service at ; Evening . &.:'-u-l at 2 p.m. Mah. Epia. Churchâ€"Cor» York and Dalthousie St« & ....8." u'ia“; pdlock; Evening at 64 o‘clock ; Eve! at 6} mfl at 2 pm. _‘ That it is expedient to provide, that the ing articles, when exported from the nee of Ontario or ‘of Quebec, shall be t to the export dutics hercinafter menâ€" 1, that is to say : t DUTY FROM THE PROYINCE OF ONTARIO OR tution of the several duties mentioned ) preceding resolutions for those now in shall take effect immediately. (All soats free.) Rev. T. Bupromp Jox®s, LL. D., Recior. nday services 11 a m and $ p m« Yoek day whw)\n- and 5 p m. + r every Sunda ,DI“I’IM‘ at 8 »dll.-.luaylolwi-*““"- i WIM 10 a m. d‘l‘mbfll’ class, to aduit members feger. 44 s busny and soorat prooion oo > Cathedral Netre Dame«. Rev. D. Daxocmax», Vicarâ€"General. Hours of Service, 5, 8 and 10 a m, and 7 p. m., from Easter until St. Michael‘s Day ; 6, 8 and 10 a. nar v w O POTT: wakaw Mghâ€"\’m.‘n‘. J & Lavors, M A, Rev C Â¥ Stazer, M A, m., and 6 p.m. from 8t mtusy Cous. â€"Now gouds to Garland, =: Co,, 20, Spacksâ€"st. Amongst the are Crossley‘s new patterns in tapestry carpetings. Their stock and hbouse furnishings is large y complete. Inspection invited. 58:y mo & Raoronp have just received, per exâ€" American Waichce h Td and sim a a ver. ; also, a choice lot bf the Canada Watch any of London, England, watches, in and silver cases, Inspection invited. mber the place, 30, Sparksâ€"st. -uolnb(ocloul'w““"“ sides only and slabs from such Aring. at least two edges unâ€" Cmm rvice in the New School House» Morning se at 11 a.ou. lvuh‘-l.::'“"“?"‘ Communion on the 1st y in the month &.m., and on the 3rd Sunday in the month at St. Andrew‘s Church, (Roman Catholie.) hm _.‘..4_}1. and Holidays :â€" orning, at 8 and 10 a.m. at 7 pur o Edinburgh Parishkâ€"Church of m-‘ . Gromzoxz Nox: Hoorxsos, M.A., im BSERVICES w 1 HE CITY CHURCHES oN sSUNDAY. Murch (Church of Englanad)â€"Sparks Streat. 8 Lavoes, M A, Rev C F Stazer, M A, w have added the contents, of new goods to their stock will now be tound replete with ng in the line of watches, clocks, y, electro plated ware, papter mache, her goods. All suitable for Christmas t Ycar presents, and will be disposed gh prices as will givg general satisfacâ€" $St Jamss‘ Epucopal Church â€"Hull. Rey Jou» Jorx®t0®. is Service at 11 a m and 7 p mâ€" iz Episcopal Churchâ€"â€"Le Breton‘s Flats. Rev T W Prowert. : iss« commence at 10} a m; and 6} pmâ€" Sehool at 2 p m. Kirk of $t. Alban‘s Church, Daly Street P Somen Service at 11; Evening at 7. Free Baptigg Churchâ€"Queen or qUEBEC $#. ‘s Chureh. her 3Â¥ Sentxs, P. P Seotlandâ€" Weltington Street 11 o‘clock ; Evening at 7. Michael‘s until Easter maintained by the MARRIED. In Oitawa on the 11th instant, at the residence of the bride‘s father, by the Rev. Daniel W. Gordon, B. D., James Kyle Urquhart, Esq., of Montreal, to Jane Catherine, second daughter of Francis Hunter, Esquire, Receiver Genoral‘s Department. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Ball of the Season. oOTrrawWAX xXO. 1 L@TEXD notbise twEim SECOND ANNUAL BALL at rue ST. PATRICKS HALL and Friday, January 3rd, 1868. Has been engaged for the occasion. Double Tickets $2.00, Single 1.50. To be had at Mre. Proderick‘s and 1‘, A. Engloson‘s Clothing Store, Sussexâ€"strect, Wn,. McCaffrey‘s, Yorkâ€"streot, Young and Radford‘s Centre Town, of Members of the Committee, and at the door. R. REARDON, in her usual firstâ€"class stylo. December 1 i PARLIAMENT OF (ANMADA. _ HENRY J. MORGA‘V. ortaAwaA, i1867. PRICE â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" ONE DOLLAR. PARLIAMENTARY COMPAMION, Supper will be furnished by Mres. PRODERICK 'fllmuho place on FRIDAY, the 27th December, at the 8t. Patrick‘s Haill, Sussexâ€"st., Under the auspices of the officers, nonâ€"commission Under the auspices of U 040.",'!!!"’!.“‘!‘" _ A cordial invitation is extended to the different r-.lllhry companies ofthe city, and the public geneâ€" 'K.o music will be furnished by Sutherland‘s Dancing to cor 8 ofclock, and anc! to commence at served by Mrs. Proderick at 12 o‘closk. s Tickéts to be had trom the omcers and members of thecommittee. Tickets, double, $2 ; single, $1.56. L $ _ 4 canmtmpte zeA .“-m""j;“‘ EL + John Thompson, Thomas Askurth, R. Johnson, J. Baylis, Wim. Porter. Ottawa Field Battery. The Annual Ball! Winter â€" Examinations City of Ottawa, Will beheld on the following days, and at the folâ€" lowing places, viz. : 7 monday, 16th Des, Tuesds y, 1Tih * W eduesday, 18tk " GEORGE E. DESBARATs. Ortaws, Dxc. 14, 1981. ___ . 61Â¥ Tharsday, Thursday, CAN 4DIAN iNS3TITUTE, And Friday, 20th " uow Aax‘s QUADRILLE BAND to attend. Common Hcehools, GI1IVEN® awAY. Ottawa, Dec. 14, 1867 Anderson‘s Damper & Ventilator Combined, Prg o nd L4 ied Bucacmue Aui h hy se <a m T E It is without doubt the most tuel uvl:, invention :.m known. l‘t.wll:‘u‘vl: 30 v:o“r "30 wood, and so arranged that it will ventilate apartment. Have one put up ? No cllnpl asked until it has l clus ia walua. PRICE, Ottawa, November 30 OQitawa Field Battery, Commencing each dayat 1 p.m Parenis and Guardians are respoctfully requested K. MILE®, « * LM®*"" ON MONDAY EVENING 16th DECEMBER, 1867, (O‘tawa, Dec. 14, 1867 The great artist WIIOOI ELEGANT ENTERTAIN® ments have been the theme of wonder and delight wherever he has appeared, and patronized by their Excellencies the Governors of the West Indies, Nove Scotin, New Brunswick, &0 , &o., and eulogized by the pross as «« The 8th Wonder of the World," will make his first appearance at the above fashionable resort, in his entirely original musical monologue performance, entit‘e l Pourtraying faithfully characters inot m‘mï¬-lml"l'- ";m we will return the money ~ paid for * With delightfal music, GOOD KEROSENE OIL ! HER MAJESTYS THEATRE, P $0 instantancous changes of dross: 40 songs and dances. * * Prices of admission &# usuAl. Oitawa, Dec. 13, 1867 ours. We do not sell at 20 cents _...mu.umm-‘rm D O OC EDLX ACmArIE oaALSTOVES. For Sale by Doors open at 74, to commence at 8 o‘clock. Carringes in attendance at 101. T Sndun ce n ol sn Pian of reserved seats will be open Just Received, a Now Assortment of FIRE COMPANY THE CANADIAN "augh aâ€"Ballagh. ’f ENGLISH SOCIETY, WALLACK, Of the Pupils of the ESMONDE BROS , THE ANNUAL #15td Edited by Soul stirring anecdote, And magnificent wardrobe. proved is value. [THE * 43 §PARKSâ€"ST., . the Ontari> Bank, * m** 3i 1y ‘HE IF YOU WAST ON oP TH® Wy, PORTER, â€" â€" LESSEE. w COUSENS, «> â€" > $1,.504 Neeretary Local Supt. 615â€"3 615td with in the NEXT, gallon. S14td YOUNG & RADFORDS CcoLUMN. Gold W atches RADFORD‘S Silver Watches, From $8 to $60, ao To GOLD & SILVER GOLD CHAINS, YOUNG AND RADFORD‘S. Electroâ€"Plated Ware, YOUNG AND RADFORD‘3. From $18 to $175 Each, Papier Machie Goods, YOUNG AND RADFORD‘S. Rogers‘ Best Cutlery, ‘LEATHER GOODS, YOUNG AND RADFORD‘S. 30 Sparksâ€"st. yY‘0o0 UNCG YOUNG AND RADFORD‘3 From $8 to $75 each, RADFORD‘S TABLE WARE, YOUNG AND KADFORD‘3. Ottawa, Docember 11. JEWELLERY, Manufacturing Jewellers, FOR FINE YOUNG FOR FINE FOR FINE FOR CHOICE FOR FINE FOR THE BEST AND Go TO FOR FINE Go To FOR CHOICE Go To ao To Go To AND Go To AND THE® OTL AW A 612y Bargains in Dry Goods. GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO. &6 Pieces Striped Winceys, usual prico 1s, 14 per yard. Have just reecived the 20 Pleces Striped W for 1s 34 per yard. 39 Pleces Plain Winceys, usual price ts 6d, for 1s per yard., 5O Pleces Wide Width, Nico Pattorns, Fastâ€" eolored Prints, usual price?}d, for 64 per yard. Together with an IMMENSEH VARIETY C y WHOLESALE & RETAIL, P c ’ \\‘1_ 43 Rpariks ECFCUEY NOCWE CERCS SmEA S08 * \\, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE OoNTARIO BAN K.‘ B\ munsngeaions, einccaen j‘ ~Vl J" JUI'I' Heceived a large lot of Breakfast Shawls, 5 [ K e p '}’. Nubias, and Wool and cther MHore, Hair Nets, Belt Clasps $ sï¬ Ladics‘ Pocketâ€"handkerchiefs, and as usual a splendid assortment of . fk n l v% FRENCH CORSETS, :IL“* nvade .5 ze \", The Cheapest in the City. The latest Styles of Hoop Skirts are the § â€"â€"+{â€"â€"â€"fQNb . SKATING SKIRT [SCARLET,) i‘::;-;l;;!â€" *( § THB WALKING AND RECEPTION TRAIL,. [ â€"=â€"=â€"Ji c‘ PLASTIQUE, ;‘T,::;,'-f;'/.ff3&:\, ;& it DEMIL AND QUAKER TRAIL, / Wce\ 1Â¥ The above Skirts are being mude to measure on the Bhortest (E=z«~> â€" : \»**** Notice, Wholesale and Retail. > DAVID MILLAR Sn is S buidecls Ottawa, Nov. 14, 1867. A a 458y Dry Goodsat Reduced Pri ry Goodsat Reduced Frices. Canadian Grey Cloth at Ottawa, Decomber 6, 1857 Cheap Sale for 1 WO _ HEEIRLD UREY oFFERING GREAT 1NDUCEAENTS IN Millinery, Mantles, Dresses, Cloths, Twecds, Gloves, Moisery, &¢. * RIFLES! Wesson‘s Rifles! HAVIIG imported some of the above RIFLES in 1866, under free entry, I offer the balance of stock at $17 each, which is $4 loss than manufacturers prices ; wholesale price at factory is $25 American money. THOMAS ISAAG, aues Sparkeâ€"stroct. Oltawa, November 18, 1867 Tlll Leases of the Vacant Stails, Stores and Collars in the By Ward Morket House will be put up at public competition, aod sold un« der the provisions olBE Law No. 223, on TUESâ€" DAY, t:c SEEVNTEENTH day of DECEMBER, 1867, as Twelve o‘clook, noon. mmv@U en U micl Maclat will ha 18607, s EWWv® U ie h The Stails in the Uppor Town Market will be sold on the same dl{ at Two o‘clock, p. m« N. B â€"â€" No bid will be taken from, nor will any Stall or Store be sdjud“od t» any person in AfFOAT® for the rent of any previous year. Movi w uen Mibe Mlark. for the rent of any previous AX WA 0. LETT, City Clork. City Hall, Ott wa, Des. 11, 1867. 613t4 COFFEE. COFFEE! MoCHA cOB FEE, JAVA CcorFFEE, JAMAICA CcoFFEE, CEYLON _ (Kative) COFFEE, CEYLON, (Plantation) COFFEE, LAGUAYR A corFEE, Â¥resh every morning, wholo or groand. L 20 cansemone a t A Nt Ottawa, Oct. 14, 1867. Cunningham and Lindsay JUST RECEIVED CU N NINGEHAM & TILNDHSAY + Invite particuldr Attention to their PLANKETS. FLANNELS AND MANTLE CLOTHS. #50 P bucawa Previons to opening our Sale of Butchers‘ Stalls, &e. Rton s .9 Miss Muhibick‘s Historical Novels, Cassols‘ ‘l.‘quv\:. \llol(l. (Wde “(.::‘l':ou' Penâ€" Reading, + bound, # ver, 7(..-:.) Sweet Counsel, by SA)uh Tyun.%:lu- PSNVIITO_LS ~Ataldan TbRVER (bound,) 8weet ©OBRD® 22. °O Coootden Leaves o M.l Dictionary, Golden Leaves, ï¬L:Auh- ‘Posts, Bible History of the Holy Land, by Dr. Kitto. Xcu‘uk. Canadian Almanas, Farmotr‘s Almaâ€" .u.;“ï¬ni-u'o Al-na x Diaries for 1868, Bill and Posteg® ©979) TE & SON, 10 Sparkeâ€"st., Smas i(innosite the Russell House October 31, 1887. FOR TWO WEEKs ONLY. Finnan Haddies. OTTAW A, Nov. J. DURIE & sON AVE JU8ST RECEIVED ¢ ‘s) Carsolls‘ Family Bible, Dore‘s) Dapie‘s Inferno, Dore‘s) Tennyson‘s Elaine, Dore‘s) Atuls, _ . Dore‘sy Baron Munchausen, Book SMeason. 498y BLANKETS, '0 AcRES OF LAND» sltuated‘ PCP within two to cight miles of, the city. to JOBN W. 599}'1:&,1@», 2nid Concesâ€" awa Front, Gloucestor. (MeEWAN!S CURING,) Importers, 20 Sparks Street, ived the following, bought far: below the original cost, which they are offering at their usual 8mall Advance on Cost: | Land for Sale. Winceys, usual price, Is 94, The Bishop‘s Building, A, Nov, 16, 1867. ) Anwbey t m td 07 W andering Jow, GRANT & HENDERSON‘S, , whole or ground. ~â€" JA8, BVCHANAN, Sussex & Wollingtonâ€"sts. + b62â€"tf â€" ARE NOW SELLING â€" at 3s. 3d. &wr yard, Canadian Twoeeds at 48. per y,rd, R Opposite T EEOTC CCC Anctfen : T Dictionary, Golden Leaves, ‘ Mivle History of the Holy JA8, BUCHANAN. Sussex & Wollingtonâ€"sts. 1, for 64 per yard. I for 2s per yard. rARIETY OF OTIIER GOODS too numerous to mention Inspection Inv iAted. _ e City Moop Skiré Factory! LIMES, DECEMBER 14, 1 =»/ r FRENCH CORSETS, The Cheapest in the City. ‘The latest Styles of Hoop Skirts are the SKATING SKIRT [SCARLET,} THE WALKING AND RECEPTION TRAIL,. â€" TWO WEERKS Only ! UST Received a large lot of Bre Nubias, and Wool and cther More, Hair lies‘ Pocketâ€"handkerchiefs, and as usual a sp New Store on Ridean Street, for , 02 Pleces Fine Prints, usual price 10d, for 114 GARLAND, MUTCHMOR ï¬_(}? Sussexâ€"st., near the Cathedral, at 4s, per yard C:nudinpne Oztton’ Yarn at "As. K0 Pleces Heavy Grey Cottons, usual price Tid, for 64 per yard. 50 Pieces Vory Heavy Grey Cottons, Yard wide‘ usual price 94, for 7id per yard. 40 Pieces Scarlet Flannels, usual price 2s 8d, for ‘London Music Store ! SICN of the PIG FIDDLE, Underr the Pdhm:_gt_}g-li!dre_dng Saloon. i Eo MILES! s o per yard. (Leasee WOUI-D Inform his patrons aud the public generally that he has just received a very large and fine assortment of omcs Uisl Bm rhbn »h io ""5us" . MILBS Td jast reosived a 14y varied assortmont of 6 PIANO ~TOOLS of all sizes and patterns. , AL8O, A NUMBER OF WILLLAMS‘ VICTORIA ORGANS AND MELODEONS For which the undersigned is Bole Agent for Ottaâ€" wa and vicinity, Testimonials from Clorgymen and the Principal Professors of Musicin Canads can be soen at this establishment. Beveral cases of Excelient v10LIN®) concEnTINAs, ACCORDEONS, TAMBOURINE®, aUITaARs®s, FLOTE®, DRUMS, ..l'oud hand fluo'l;a_h:h pc'n payment for ones. * Connected with this establishment is a Piano Manufacturer, who will attend punstually to all ordors for TV NING loft at the London Music Store. * E. MILES, Elgin Stroct, Opposite the Russoll House. Werkose Yraw 6 ARRT: * 551â€"30y Citawa, Dec. 5, 1867. St. Patrick‘s Orphan Asylum GRANDCONCERT In ald of this Institution will be held at HER MAJESTY‘S THEA TRE Saturday Ev‘g.. 14th Deo.,, 1867â€" ADDRESSES * Will be delivered by The Hon, JOSEPH HOWE, M. P.,% The Hon. T+ W» ANGLIN, M. P., JOHN O‘CONNOR, Keq», M. P+4 Heveral LADY and GENTLEMEN AMATEUR have kindly consented to astist. _ By permission of COL LORD ALEXANDER RUSSELL and OFFICERS of the Regimont, the Band of the P,. C Oâ€" _Bi_flgj!rig&do London Music Store, a! received. Ottawa, Dec. 10, 1867. Will perform Sevoral Choice Selections. Chairtaken at 8 oclock p. m. Ticketsâ€"Dross Circle, 5) conts ; Gailery, 25 ‘The Pianoforte used on this cccasion is fro: C U 2. ce ty PIANOS, Central Ottawa, Direct from Germany. Her xgjaty'l Tm,) arn at 7s. 6d.,s Bundle, Canadian Bags at 1. 9d we will hold a and is one of the he principal manuâ€" whm 'mlb‘ disâ€" 484y 49wd 41y Gailery, 25 conts. sion is from the 510y stock lately Christmas Presents _ % AT THE SHEFFIELD HOUSE! GoLD waATCHES, SILVER WATUCHE3, CLOCKS, TIMEâ€"PIECES, GOLD JEWELLERY! SILVER JEWELLERY, ELECTROâ€"PLATED W ARE, _ FANCY GOODPs. The Largest Stock in Ottawa. : / l,‘t‘. 611td Mode! Grocer LIQVOBIuBrndy.,.sl'nlo and Dark,) Barnard‘s Old Tom, Holland Gin, in bo‘Ces and €07° °0 "0 Morton‘s l‘alllli Proof old l?o. Jamaica Spirits, Champagne, in baskets and cases. Also, a fine lot of Old PORT and SHERRY of the Choicest Brands, ALES and PORTER»=Guiness‘ Dublin Porter, in Quartssand Pints : Hibberts‘ London Stout, Molson‘s and other CANADIAN ALES always on hand. | FISHe»Just arrivedâ€"Salt W ater Salmon, No. 1 Labrador Horrings, Potted Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines in tins. * s â€" SPICEKS== of Every Description ground on the premises. * 4 SAUCES, PICKLES, &c. De..omber the House. Fripcâ€" Abuage «~ stt > TEAS==Fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial, Twan COFFEKE=â€"Fresh Roasted and Ground on the premises ; LIQVOlluBtndy‘,.sl'llo and Dark,) Barnard‘s Old Tom Morton‘s Family Proof old lyo. Jamaica Spirit«, Champ FOMUY PCT COLDBDDWF _P tha Mhoisast Brands. 419y AUCTION SALES, OTTAWA, â€"BY H. MeLEAN. Very Va.lua.ble_Real Estate. unoton MeLEAN has received in= structions from MRS. HACKET to sell on MONDAY, the 16th DECEMBER, 1867, at Twelve o‘clock, Noon, at his Auction Roome, No. 18, Sparkeâ€"streot, Lot No. 1. On the North side of Metealfe street, (Lotter 0,) next to Captain Bowio‘s, with all the improvements thereon. Titeâ€"Frechold, and indisputable. â€"Terms made known at time of sale. H. LeLEAN, m Auctioncer. Ottawa, December 10. Ottawa, December T, 1857 Skates ! Skates ! UE UIDBIII&IID In“ to inform his Castomers, and the P@DMC TT WITIIC that he has a Large and well.selected Stock of the undermentioned Articles of the Bost Quality, <which he is determined to Sell GO gOWN 10 BI:KETT 25 Cents to Ottawa, Dos. 4. K. ARNOLD}, WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, No. 6074 METCALFEâ€"8TREET, Telegraph Company‘s Building, Ottawa. COI'IDII'H.Y recommends and gua» rantees the following WINE3, viz :â€" MATKRI®......cousscossccccereenerenbevencerennt 50000 0 Pints $1.00 more por 2 dozen. Hennesys‘, sMartell‘s and Ottard du Puy‘s Branâ€" dies, in wood and bottle. Pure Jamaica Spirits in wood and bottle, Seotch and Irish Whiskeys in cases, Doltpu'l (Gin in wood, red and green cases, Booth‘s Bernard‘s, and Thompson‘s Old ‘Tom London Gins in cases. + a F ____ ... AP Phanina#nes. A very perior . mesortment Ch superior ampagnes, M‘ :; no&'-'.im, Iuï¬r&. &e., in quarts ‘ an s ln'l"ouilu.mvu-uï¬.ud Royal Itaâ€" lian Bitters, &c. Guiness‘ Porter, Bass‘ and Allsopp‘s Ale and Hibbotst‘ Porter, quartsand pints. . Orders by mail with cash or eity reference solieltâ€" ed and promptly attended to. No charge for deâ€" 1lnryhth‘d¢{. A discountto persons buying in quantity or by m.dl‘wlfl e, | Purity l guarantece in all cases. on l:Li + * Price Lists, and every information, on applica i tio8, or sent to any address, K. ARNOLDL > ‘ Wine and Spirit Mershant, Metealfoâ€"st., Telegraph Co.‘s Building, Ottawa AND WHERE TO GET THEM. Have You Got a Pair ? with Red SBign of the Anvil, Rideau Street. Where you can get them trom ovember 9, 1867 1 Part (gcod sound WiAO) .ce esenns 2 0 ® hn setrrnnee 3 * Old....ccecvceceeeereeeeeesinemmemen 4 * Buperior Old......cuceeeeeeenn b «* Very §M0 Old......uccseeee* 1 Shorry, light UGb1G....cccccce««« : # 5‘?‘""" 10.sceveenegereneene 44 m.onn-o--n-uoool 4.# a.gu Oc ccvcereserrrrenee> & _ 4 Vory BDO....cccssseeesineee> THE LOWEST AUUCTION SALE igs, Wines & Liquors. OP $5 per Pair WHEELE SILVER WATCHES, TIMEâ€"PIECES, Y! SILVER JEWELLERY, TD WARE C FANCY GOODs "Woomamc dsn Ataci T earried the PALM and GoLp MEDAL this year LITPTLE MACHINERY, Easy Running, i?md. Elegance of of Work, Easy Management and Facility for Changing from [ for these SEWING MACHINES, the crowning success, is and other Latest Improvements, &¢., &¢. INES were awarded one of the only two GOLD MEDALN mont, Parie, 1837 â€"wyvtwu competitore. From the finest «titching, or Leathorâ€" of any grade, thess are unequalled. A Handsome Reduction of $8 Remember the House 61i1td Por Gal, Per Dos =«â€"IN â€" A Rare Opportunity tor 408y UNTIL AFTER ROHITEOT, Kiginestreets OPPO"""" | "/ °C Cuich he was < A ds Post Ome». * *®P_°""*" | dy by which he was cured." Sufferers wishin pest., Rureezsoss.â€"H Afims, Req, Architect, Phila profit by the advertiser‘s , can do # ttwa | sirnie 5 Aaotyy pD o van‘ Te Myroias thy, "* * _ NohX B. OODEN wA j 538y )(muum.oarl'w 6124m | 281â€"aâ€"197 % -.o-u‘-c..l.v _ _ ___ pP. WHELAN, 41 Rideauâ€"St., opposite Allan‘s Crockery Store oN FULL CA§E R & WILSON MACHINES L AFTER THE HOLIDAY®. ONITARIO * CLOrHING â€" 1 =â€"â€"ANDâ€" Outâ€"Fitting Store! No. 9 Rideaustreet» W ith a Complete Etock of (zcutlemen‘s Oufitting Goods Cloths, > Twankay, ’r-"',“'h‘ made to order, ort, and Chonyp as the Cheapest, RoyalCanadianBank JUJTLA WA AGENC)' A Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks St M. P. HAYES, Ottewa, Juns 21. Fou SALE, price $19 per acre, Cash, Lot No. 31, in 5th Concsession of Madoe, 209 acres, in same concession as the famous Richardron Mine, and baving gold bearing Pda,reul.lgu 2 al s Rrad dh ied dobe B mt ieA viges." *A 4A MERe & 2 The sbflouumvmom lot for mineral purâ€" poses, and is offered at an O‘M’Mpflfl- Mllo TROTTER :gi to inform her friends that having enlarged hvl;qnuu by the addition dc&u&oflh-oflh barate Blolek,'hlohhub.u ted up in unexceptionable style. -n'égckï¬dw a e now ready for the reception of boarders. Otrawa;, Sept. 17, 18 JUST RECBIVRD Black si‘;ri ::':;:l':“\;:i:e $, Real Cluny and Maitese White Gros de Suez Silk. Jet Fringes and B French Repps and Me:winos. Crysta\ Drop Trimmings and Ladies‘ Belts and Belt Rib Toronto House, Ottawa. Jet and Fancy Dress Bu‘tons Evening Flowers. > , Holland Gin, in bottles and on draught ; mene, in baskets and cases. . Also, & fine Magee& Russell Ottawa, Dec. 10, 1867 OULO inform the Citizens of Otta« wa and Vicinity that he has opened out, Gold Lands in M Tranks«, » B- BILLINGS, J!" Souchong, Congou and Japan ; and the Pablic in gs‘-el"‘ll. the Most Valuable of MBE T TTE .. s : » / y , & m *k .: § y 1&"/;1'\ PA 7y 4z â€" A 4&‘&1 y ..“ «t oe*/ Satchels, _â€"__ . Mosiery, Readyâ€"made Clothing, l}»_ GRAH A M o s . T. & W. PEXXOCK, Valise, lothing, &0., &6 , Neat as the Neatâ€" 390y 1574 Ottawa. opposite 4741 April 10. April 10. April 10 INDIA WAREKHOUSE No. 16, Rideauâ€"Street, Nest door to Cunningnam and Lindsay‘s. Bn A ?nb‘}‘ .ml‘l fi&ï¬iflY and other Brands, April 10 April 10 April 10 N April 10. “1 visEs#‘s DUBLIN sTOoUT POR TFR, At the India Worehouse, BROWXE & HARDY. April 10 H April 10 Aprii 10, April 10. April 10. 1867. April 10. HERRY WINE, various brands, ' In Wood and Bottle, At the India Warehouse, | BROWNE & HARDY April 10. April 10 OHN BVLL BITTZER®, At the india Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY, April 10. INE OLD CHERRY BRANXDY, TOUGHTON BITTER®, % g At the Indua Waréhouse, BROWNE & MARDY. April 10. ‘,\ulu,ol.nf RYE WHISKEY, . .u‘m India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY. April 10. PIOI'IIIOI OF MUSIC and To: <f Fiano, Voice and Harmony. Also, Clark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Rooms and Residence, 69 Sparkeâ€"strect, one east of Toronto House. %\ ... . & Vn areneenene m whit 44 EDEERTT TNE 0::- may be left at residence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Store. 452y CHIEDAM SCHNAPP®, M At the India Warchouse, . BROWNE & HARDY. AMSAY** _ PC WHISKEY, Tobacco Company, RT WINE, finest quality, _ | _‘ In Wood and o Pighe t the India snownmr. minion of Canads, is now prepared to offer to the public an article in j sMOKING TOBACCO ! ..'.M“..Mdlhlldmww the country, and pleuge their long established MMMM-'MII&"' leaf from the s .8 00oTiHl‘s OLD TOM G1N, IBBERT‘s LOXDON sTOUT [ NE :. 28. s 1UGARâ€"CURED HAMS, AND BREAK«~ ’ fast«Rolled Bacon. * A choice supply of the above can always be had _At the India Warehouse, _ Virgin Hill Tops of Virginia. EK KUYPER*® HOLLAND GIN, In Wood and Bottle, _ __ _ viz The « Prince of W ales," in 1 & 21b bis $1.00 per Ib « © Dominion Favorite" 1 & 4 * " 075 * « « Navy,® 1 &% « * 0450 4# '!‘bopdeo-mntcualawudm [accompanied by remittancej for 5 lbs and up wards will .eceive prompt attention, The tobreco will be forwarded to any address, by oxpress or otherwise, as parties may direct. INEST AMBER SYRUP, ; At he India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY ERNARD‘S GINGER WINKE, Eset t At the India Warchoue, ROSSE & BLACKWELL‘S R D A N Black Currants, Jams and J s * At the India '-“z BROWNE & HARDY. Ottawa & Gloucester Road Compy. day made a further, Ne t i) CALL OF TEX PER CENT. On the Stock of the said , which in o nniiamcract bo en 3 a . MA & in the Cityâ€"of wa, On SA‘;U:‘DAY, the ELEVEXTH DAY OF JANâ€" UARY, A. D., 1868, Dated this Ninth day of December, 1867. ‘ * sy. Uiiittn s . 1 * * 008EBERRY J A M,8 TR A W B EILE C Jam,Raspberry Jam,Green GageJamp At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY. ll heereby given that the Directors of the iOtiawa and Glousester Road Company have this ‘The different brands and prices are as prier, 'vuhhltlm mDos -‘-t-â€". x-':.-..v;- miles from %0‘{ flw‘r’. k do guarantee to CURE HYDROZ3 9!:\!"-.:-?: dornnu- to CURE HYDROPHURI®, _ ©° UA BITE of a MAD DOG or PIG, or ANY RABLB ANIMAL, was never known to fail in effecting a .ms,mu.u;m,..mu-su.»-m EC NIURLO _ LCs Is a cuaran. ‘f’ ; and assure that what is asserted uuv.bpufl above uru.-dvummuh-.d* ifa brought under our eare. * Â¥i :OIID’IOUIKI. F.o #13.49â€"4 Pm&r__' Aonth-u“vbo-lcr"“d bt.ydu:-“.t::. nerâ€" vous debilit ay, effects o(youbhlm'fll.z:lhuindrn- ugn-ui?,n.dtmudlvhud the recipe and directions for making the simple remeâ€" dy by which he w as cured. Bufferers wishing to p“ï¬bvb‘.‘mmczmï¬.o- do so by PianoForte Tuition ! w. C. CLARK, DANVILLE, YIRGINIA. $ HIS Company having established at Montreal their o...c:lhfm for the Doâ€" 10 OHN O‘ROURKE, only son 6124 O‘Rourke and Margaret Gaynon, of Castle un:g. French‘s Estate, in the Parish of Clap» . within three miles of Borrisokane, and six 613494 rannmiited trom fatoor to son. Ad a gusran ‘4...."..4 ;5: kcmh. Othâ€" c«-fl.« AND FLOUR At the India Warehouse, _ BROWNE & HARDY. Dec. 4, 1867 At the India Warchouse, At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY. ERRORS OF YOUTH _ ~F, W. HENShAW, Gen, Agent Dominion of Canada, At the India ‘Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY rORT ELLEN ISLAY At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HAKDY. NOTICE BROWNE 4& At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY. ROANOKE BROWNE & HARVY. c-.â€"ho.‘._ BROWNE & HARDY. 10 St. Sacramentâ€" st., prepared to offer to the STRA WBER R ¥° 1867. W, H. FALLB, Becy. & Trems 405tf POR» PoR« D AND