Parian Marble; in Vasos, Statuettes, Jugs and Trinket Boxes *The whole to be disposed of before the Ist day of December. Call early and examine before purchasing clsewhere. % Oftawa, November 19, 1837. e 593â€" 3m J'" RECEIVED ex Ships @#8YLVEN,!* @SUMMER,"! and other vessels, fifty erates and hids of Massoy, U P. MeCa: Brown, in Ottaws. _ Glass, China and Earthenware, Â¥rom the celebrated Pottories of « Clomentsou Bros.," Hanley, (acknowledged to be the best makers Whitney do Melton _ do Sattinet do DRAWERS, SH. sHIRTsS, WOOL CRAY ATS, § «_ SCARFS, NECK TIES, COLLARS, M uow been before the pablic for s length ot time, and whenever used is woll liked, never tailing in a single instance to give pormanent reliof when timely used, and we have never known a single -nldl-‘hh:i“o. whore the directions are proâ€" y followed ; on the contrary, all are doli !:‘-n its m.. and wu{ in the hl‘jm. terms of its virtues and magical efects. _ _ Hist of Remedias for these complaints. _ ors are soming I::'O. w:m.. ;llpx_r'n of the gountry for further su each tast hn anmersel rliniige ibpives * _ _ ""C 4* The Canadian Pain Destroyer nover falls to give mumediate relief. All Mcedicine Dealors keep i 'or.l from experionce in this matter, havie wested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it :s recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" x% effieacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in mg dissases for which it 1# roâ€" sommended, and its wonderful success in subduing mâ€"mfllc-uh‘...dlln loving NMervous Affections, extitle it to a high rank a the m.-“""" orderand use it; and no family ha.ll'uuuq..izu. Prise *wentyâ€"fve per bottle. DRY 60O0D8S & READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING Ottawa CROCKERY Store! =. Of course there must be no defect in the principle or plan of the movemen‘, no mistake in the is o shapes of the piccesof which it is composed. wanting in their properties, and no error in their positions. These points once thoroughly ldfl.dhnsflbnï¬molmqvuinyolwlmh. nm-w,mm-amwwumm and function, expressly for the to produce the finished picces. The method in every dopartment is the reâ€" mmwm means, and this is carried out on the system of the most thorough sub And at the Sign of the "Golden Lamb." Beaver Cloths, _ West of England Broad Cloths, Pilot do Black Cassimeres, * Whitney do Silk Mix Coatings, 'w true vaiue of Machinery applied to 'Mh’ln not that by its use utobes ars made ramidiy, but that they are made correctly. Very fow W know why a Waltham Watch +bould besvperior to any other. In the first place, at Waitham the Watch is regard, ed as only a machine, to be constructed, like any othet machine, on mechanical principles, The factory is indeed little else than a vast machine shop, the principal work in which is not more upon watches hq--.l-uu-nhvdhh-nh. If the watches are good, it is because the machinery is _ ue Wws Tok is 3k e k s c s 1 OR n means of mult and microscopes, tests, and inspection for the detection of wear in â€b*n:h&‘m?::h steel or stone are made to uccompany the work in every siage T nha b on m gan sAremmian Afaiameinia ce m is very pin may & scrow tarned home. lm' and feeble action, lhhm.m under the pressure of the finest mainspring, vibrates with a wide and free motion, and the beat has the clear and ringing sound, always characteristic of the Waltham Watch. ‘The machine is a timekeeper from the start. This of watechmaking is unknown in foreign countries, and is entirely ulg.h.lvllhm 'fl_m-y. The company claim that by ““'l!"“" watches that cannot be equaled for every quality which makes a watch valuable. Simple wndmnpdul"h. the movement 1 not on!y beautifully finished, substantial, accurate and cheap, but is uniform to the minutest details, uwm..fl;:.,dï¬.m-j-npdndd'mupdym. to buy it. Dry Goods and Readyâ€"made Clothing, J. T. Prudhomme‘s Stores, Among tae most jmportant of modern Medical is soveries stands the A' the Sumseriber lstends closing one of his Stores on the first day of December, he is determined to soll off at an immease reduction his stock of For sale by all firstâ€"class dealers in the United States and British Provinces. For further jnfor mation address the Agonts, * e CANADIAN PalN ctsTRCYER! wNowesstle, C. W ., @egoral Agenta for . Sul by Goo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W M donof tmhor" «e, Back and Hoad, Coughs, Colds, Sore Toroat. Sprains, Bruises, Cramps is the Stomach, Mmmmdhfllllh“fl“dvfldfll&b}&&"d“(‘o& u.-uomma--un-c-.uun-nmnn‘ means, but every watch that bears â€"h-.*-.l'iof ©# W auriean," guaranteed to be a good one, and nobody need be afraid Ottaws, October 2°, 1867. ME CANADLAN PAIY DESTROYER DA. s V Ex T C_LIEG . 3(4 4 8 5 5 m’.?.’....éi.’a'."" N EW GOOD=. NEW GOODS,. SUSSEXâ€"STREET, FACING CLARENCEâ€"STREET, CREAT CLEARINC SALE ‘roat Bitas. &o., &0. assortment of COMMON WARE, Wholecale and Retail. #@"An carly inspection NORTHROP & LYMAN, Richly Cut and Prest DECANTERS, Pints and Quarts, «@ « « CLARET JUGS. «« « « TUMBLERS and GOBLETS. «« w*â€" _« WINES (to match decanters,) BREAKFAST SETTS, DESSERT SETTS: DINNER «. PBA « TOILET SETTS, (a choice selection.) P A MERICAN sZCYOLRd, A AAVCHy ALSAMRARARNIM NZROZ WARRE &o.+ Also a large supply of West of BROADCLOTHS, Iriztiv for bhheo 401r0, whith one brond 1 this Setatdins â€" suitable for DkESS SUITS, which can behad in this Establishâ€" ment Superior to any in the city. . G. M. H. respectfully invites G. M. HOLBROOE, MERCHANT TALILOR, . Beavers, Pilots, Blanket Cloths PEG TOP DEPOT. Kvery Watch Fully Warranted, SPECIATL NOTICE. F THE XEWEST AND MOST SEASONABLE STYLES and PATTERNS o _ * * _ Trowserin Fancy Doeskins, . 3 Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. WINTER GOODS Nov. 22, 1867. 381y Elginâ€"st., opposite the Post Office. â€"â€" ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OPâ€"â€" # s, Teas, Soap, Candles and Wines_ Skinner, and J. SHAWLS, BUCK M CLOAKINGS, BUCH S, DRESS GOODS, , NECK TIRS, , PRINTS RSs, coBoURGs, 31 bifrdw [WALTHAM] RIDEAU STREET, (opposite Mr. D. Whalen‘s.) â€"â€"CONSISTING OFâ€" smm 0) F mm Rotary Hair Brush, which he ex, for himacit, beine the frst inrodeced Inte" Brlusk :-‘o:‘l‘cn.'flllom::t‘-o. The saloon J very d-mrun pleasantly Mr. MILES would take this 1rhlnyol reâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many triends -dllorblh.hrbolrlhdn:‘puf-.pnm- ago to him, during a number of years, in his old establishment, and trusts that by unremitting atâ€" tention to business, and in his new and Orstâ€"class saloon, with polite an:l attestive workmen, to merit a continuance of their favors. uAl REMOVED HIS PARLLAMENT HAIR DRESSING SALOON from the old stand to his new and commodious room over the LONDON MUSIC STORE, on Eiginâ€"st., opposite the Russell tlouse, which he has fitted up in the the Rusmell linuse, which he has litted l{‘l:'tio must rechercAe style of the business, and where his All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, &c,, manufactured to order, â€" For the exmvenience of ladiesorders will be receivel at the London Music store, where a fine and varied assortment of Hairâ€"work will be found. _ Hairdresser by Appointment to His Excelâ€" lency the CGovernorâ€"General, r.\wo PIRSTâ€"COLA8S JOURNEYME® Blacksmiths to whom constant employment nd good wages will be given. Apply to M o PETER KILDUPFE, HAIRDRESSING $ALOON | Hair Dresser, b;.â€"&â€"-d. to his Excelioney Governarâ€"General. O:*awa, October 3, 1867. §53â€"30¢v j New York. ROBERT WILKES, Toronto, 0. ROBBINS & APPLETON, Wanted Jmmediately TY. KLLAN, 6. MILES, PARLIAMENT BUCK MITTS, BUCK MOCASSINS, s, wWOOL socks, ES, «_ MITTS, ‘g ~ TRUNKS, otUrRGs, V ALISES Col. and White Blankets Horse Rugs, I Flannels, Kerseys, Winceys. | E. MILES3, 814y as follows @Grand Trunk, east and wost. 4 N. B.â€"These traims run on Montreal Tume. Baggage to and from Ottawa «hocked through from and to all stations on Grand Trunk Railway. u‘-:-mumx-m«mudon- wa at reduced rates can be had at the principal staâ€" tions on the line. T. 8. DETLOR, â€" CHANGE of TIME Oftawa and Prescott Railway, Tnl Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has ;u:‘-:;od b-In. in the store formerly occu. Messrs. Fingland & Draper NoTICE. Parties, Balls, &c., furnished with a firstâ€"class STRINGâ€"BAND of trom six to twenty performers, at s ORME & SON‘8, _ _ November 5. . that he has at the abore "stand, g{m_r.hmcn?‘:énuï¬nvullup- Readyâ€"mado Boots and Shoes. Brockville and Uttawa Railway, 7 30 A. M.««TRAINS will leave $ Brockville daily at 7.30 a.m., and 3145 p. m., arriving at Sandpoint at |:10 p m., eP e ~K@P S daily at 5145 a.m., and 2100 p. m»» om lm‘vflh at 12:00 p. m., and 8:15 p. m. u‘r:;:m.";'u ® g:y. Steamers for h m wi . F. ‘s d-rmmmu.mmm&m mum p.m., leaves aiter Bteamers are due Ottawa and Pem»roke. All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Porth. 'A‘lnl'huo N::“hlpw:um a gone DRY GOO DS! Take Highest Premiums at the Paris Our Sole Agents in Ottawa, English, Scotch and German Cut Glass; Prest Glass of all kinds ; Bohomian, Parian, and sther ases; German M' & 'm other Beautiful Goods at how Prices. Also, Stoves and Furniture, Mattrasses, Mirrors, bdhi (Glasses and all other articles required ir House ing. ‘a-uur the Variety Hall is 34, Sussexâ€"st., nearly opposite the Barracks. & Also, Kaâ€"Foorloâ€"um Galop, M“nvh W alits, Come to me Angel of Sleep, Nora O‘Neal, &c., &o. _ rior article attention, Ordert from Lumberers ended to. APPLICA'I‘IOI will be made to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, at he next Session for a CHARTER to run a STEAM FERRYBOAT fromthe GATINEAU POINT and RIVER to the CLTY of OTT A W A, to be called the GATINEAU AND OTTAWA STBAM FERRY COMPANY. Ottawa, Oct. 17, 1867. $65.2m ly on hand and for Sale. Crockery, China and Glassware V ARIETY Frosh Arrivals of Chickering, Steinway and Dunham PIANOS at Manufacturer‘s Prices, & ATTHE CAPITAL Boot and &Shue Store ! A. M.â€"=â€"TRAINS will leave eP ; A EP Sinapcint datly mt 5145 moma.y and Brockville, June 29. NEW DOMINION. DRYV GGOO DS ! Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. JAMES HIGGINSON, ALEXAHDN’ WORKMAN & Co November 18, 1867. _ | $92â€"6m P ed China, Dinner Sets that are roally beautiâ€" ful, and Tem Sets that cannot be n-“.‘lbo- where. Also alarge variety of Toilet Sets, Enaâ€" melled and Gilt gfl Bowls, Flower Shades, P tA ons Te Aitkant Trask, bome arain, Coal,‘ Hay, Rallroad ‘Track, Depot, "Put your Shoulder to the Wheel,‘ To be had at~ Readymade Clothing Express,8 a. m. 10.30 a. m. Mixed, 1.30 p. m. 4.45 p. m. Mail, 10.30 p. m. 1.30 a. m. hofludnmhnuluhunmmu ensure connection with night and day on Ottawa, Oct. 31, 1867. Ottawa, May 8, 186 Ottawa July 10, 1867. The Custom Lepartment will receive his NO. 10, YORK STREET, Next door to the Market Drug Store. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE Eb inform l: m friands and the inâ€" 1 ut ho het opened, at ie nhore siend, summt@RK ®AnurancEmeNnt a Commencing 1st July, 1867. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, N and after MONDAY, the 4th NOV., 1867, and until further notice trains will run The largest assortment in the Dominion is now opon for inspection at the The Groat Song of the Day is, REAKFAST SETS of Giit and Figur= ed China, Dinner Sets that are roally beautiâ€" Express, 2.45 p. m. 5.20 p. m. Mixed, 7. 30 .'.".. 11.00 a, m. Mail, 6.30 p. n. 9,30 p. m. LRAYVE OTTAWA LEAYE PRESCOTT. FORH, COURTER, T arehouse, n, Coal,‘ Hay, Railroad Track, Depot, told, and all kinds of SCALES constantâ€" LEAVE BROCKVILLE NOTITCEHE. BRALLROAD®. LEAVE SANDPOINT. 34, Sussexâ€"st. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & Co., Boston, Mass. ORME & SONS. JusEHH BOYDEN, General H ABBOTT, Manager for Trustes. " a1iy Sign of the Golden Lyre GEORGE MURPHY. ARRIVE IN PRESCOTT, ARRIVE IN OTTAWA Next to he Tex Pot Suremintzxo®Nnt. 1y THK OTSA W AaA JIMHB, DECEMBER 14, : All materials for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly en hand. e Importers and Dealers in House Furnish ing Hardware. Just received a well selected assortment of Cookiag Stoves, Iron Bbdsteads, Duble Stoves, Bronzed & Wire Fenders, Parlor Stoves, Fire Irops Hall Stoves, Fire (hu&, J.:md and Planished Tinware, &¢., Manutacturers of all deseriptions ot work for W ator and Gas Works, Brewor‘s Distilleries, Mills, &c. Buocessors to Chas. Garth, No. 25, Ridcauâ€"st., Plaumbers, Uias & Steam Fitters, Tin & Coppersmiths, Bell Mangers, &c. BLYTH & KERB, Makes and fis up Galvanized Iron Cornices, Gutâ€" 5!‘ of .‘o Pills in -H.ouhh Img gontale no or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for ! 1. Crepared by Dr. J 0. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Mass Sold by George Mortimer, John Ro§ borujW. M. Massey, H. F. klcCanhy, and J. Skinner, in &uvn. Tllll REMEDY has been used in Trop» hu.ll-nubr-t:"y'mmthmm est success. It shortens attack, reduces the fever gradually, and at the same time enables the system to throw off the poisonous effect of he -tioblcdulmr-nlly. Pllclâ€"“mul 1. per Bottle. Bold Wholesale and ll“_ I F. MacCARTHY, _ _ | .. Chemist, Ottawa City: NIAI the Market, Lower Town, an INDIA RUBBER CARRIAGE COVER. Apply at this office, _ k A Sure and Certain Cure for Feverâ€" Continued, Remittent, Intermittent, Typhoid, and Fever arising from W arsaw, Wyoming L 1855. Mh:l-'émw#lnym lll,ul:‘h-:-lthnbduâ€"m JOHN G. MEACHAX, M. D. it io nnon Anphr bntop: Droj sy, Paralysis, Pite,‘ oto. Ag From Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Cunada. Too much camnot be said of Pills for the cure of &uu mu.a'ud' the mnltitudes ""‘F h-ll..-..lrl *W‘*"MUI"“ I believe cosâ€" tveness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that argan and cure the disease. PFrom Mrs. E. tuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston. TI find large doses of your Pills, taken M ag e ...::-"'-....E“-..--'..."-s.,"' effectual to cleanse the stemach and wormng. a‘nhn I no other to my skill has bre A cold sett E:..’-‘"-..i fils. Tok oi n the use of ther Sexats Cm Dr. Are®: I ha Rheumatic Gout â€" pr years. _ p '“lddl «ithough . great in medicine. ‘They have cured my little daugh of-l--.-tc:--q-=l-t-l:hmhflpund“f buxi aificles with btotehrer and pimpter on her shule and .n her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they have cured her. ASA MORGRIDGE. treatment of discasa _ s & ur Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, w! they cleanse at once, Yours with great respect, _ ED. W. PREBLE, . poima than one remedy I can mention, 1 sincerely rejoice that Lll length which is wor _ Deraszaoort or ux Intewor, } PC tpon thormmdtres and the suryounding orprge: pre" 'l.-.du.‘:-n-l aggravation, . suffering, n?-'lh-. As a Family Physic. From Dr. E. W. Cartwright, New Orleans, rl-;a:.rnbmhph.d’-â€". ‘Their excelion: $ ons Hal on bifootant in thoir L They aro ild, but in their action on the ooo oi oi toie nrnaigniiie to us in the daily lbnmvflml‘mï¬;lb-yaluu grer a en on in eteinnl mamuels my faey noiner bith se t . CWerik of Steamer Clario Bilious Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints, From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City. Not only are mmflnun q-a effects !:I::w-alwwhnh-yx tice proved more effectual for the cure of dilious comâ€" p«ini« than any one remedy I can mention. 1 sincerely Washington, D. C., 7th Feb., 1/ p i inamppprna in P ts tene tovs ayo nds thiee andoan®ot poyliate io Dz. Arez: I have used your Pills with uu-â€"flnn success in my family and among those I am called to v in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and Prrtsacas, 1, 1888. Da. J. 0. Ares. Sir: I un-.:'-%u. the worst Aeadache any body can have by a dose or two organ. Indeed. :.& found a case of ::aâ€"-u I“.fl’l‘flyfl‘h y# Physician of the Marine Hospilal. " mn-"».;.a.a-.’ of Chicago. «tro e nmastaieme ies Inmidertionstht 3 wwer found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes z'um%dflhâ€"lhnh l---"a-. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom Rev. J. V. Himes, Pustor of Advent Church, Bostom Dzar Bro. AveER: l“-'-.mfldâ€" 1 have cured with your Pills better than to say all disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the .....’.:‘...x.c..'.'.'.u..‘:.’."'.w,. C From the Rev. Dr. Hawkes, of the Methodist Ppis. Church. ll:.-P.:n :'tz F&’: &:.nt-‘f. fa. "A rore metiind tn any inirand Invoght io cane Ottawa, August 26 Dysentery, SNoOoWwWS Celebrated Fever Remedy 1 betcintâ€"sanes Arnivdabed “’ Bole, fer Dominion of Canada Yevembes 3 Faep t * P«misloencot the »a. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruâ€" im â€" Ni I had &dwm sease grow worse "‘-.- the of your mll.’t‘rtl-.hhan. . I tried your Im, effects were slow, but sure. By persovcring the use of them, I am now entirely well. Szxats Cnaxaszs, Baton Rouge, Lo., 6 Dec. 1855. Dr. Arza: 1 have been entirely cured, Pills, of M“â€"lflflui&m-’ r years. & VINCENT SLIDELL k uol O ABule af bvieâ€" nan v Hotel M’-‘ Ottaw _ August 17. _ siar Dzar Bro. Arsa: I I‘..! the blood, they are the very best remedy 1 have From Dr. Edward Boyd, Daltimore. E‘OU N D. Boarding. Relaxz, 416y County of Carleton, NOoTICE. Healed Tenders Will be received by the undersigned on behalf o ‘ N Ac'l':;l. m&u‘.‘m‘ou.‘ t uoods Shtabiishmant. * , in person : l:ool:" DOMLNION,‘-u Ottawa, December 7, 1867. 009 appetite is u-rmd all derangoments of the m:nm uno'dod. softening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining appearance. Germany. ? A case just received at Monday, 16th inst., It cleanses the breathi p , by remorâ€" ing from the dr-dhl‘:l..m.‘uoly’-ph. or that secretion which in heaves them, causing a difficu‘ty in breathing, and by its acticno on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane to nu-olunululm‘uomlldulh cireulation of the blood, and restoring the distended versels to their natural size ; by its use the horse‘s Bold b MM-;'-.“J&M' M. Massey, E-'yl- my' -'.m..u.ij. Brown, in Ottawa. } Ottawa, Nov. 1, 18 7. 8770w6m DAILY RATIONS, ind at all times, and doer not prevent‘ the horse from berg worked white uning 16â€" ~ . *ï¬ County of Carleton, Such rations properis prepared and cooked, to be according to the tables of dictary, and general rules respecting the same, to be seen at my office, where, upon application, partios desirous of tenderâ€" ing will receive forms of tender and all other neâ€" cessary information. Each party tendoring will require to furnish with his tender the names of two gond and sufisiont persons who are willing to become sureties under a penalty of $4,000 for the due performance of the _ AND CONDITION MEDIVINE ll»MIl'llVll.' sUPERIOR TO AKY ornllctwmpuuhuln the cure of Heaves, Coughs, Thick Broken Wind, and all dissases which affect the Wind of Zoreer; also, as a Condiâ€" ‘ion Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind is easy to give, sure to cure, and safe in all cases ~ D. W. HURD, Successor to Huro & Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Proprictor for the United it0 Wt NORTHROP & LYMAN, N C.W. Propiarctar thi Canadas No tender will be accepted that is not in striet conformity with the said forms, and the said Corâ€" poration will not hold themselves bound to accept the lowest, nor, in fact, any tender. Tenders to be addressed to the undersigned ard to be endorsed on the envelope, " Tender for Prison the names of two good and sufficient persons who sre willing to become sureties under a penalty of $1,000 for the due performance of the contract. Tenders to be addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed on the envelope * Tender for Wood." ° EDW BEARMAN, County Council Office, ut Ditawa, 27th Nov., 1867. 601â€"47ta County Council Office, Ottawa, 2n 1 Dec‘r., 1887, 605â€"48ta 100 cords of such wood to be dry, and of last year‘s cutting ; the remaining 150 to be green ; the whole delivered and piled on the premises during the present winter. * + after the scceptance of the tender. Tenders to state the price per cord of 128 cubsc feet; as also GAOL & COURT HOUSE, TW UV â€"â€"WEEEKS DALLEY‘S Arabian Heave Remedy County of Carleton, ROCK MAPLE, 25 Uords of the Dry Wood to be delivered within Abbmmto Dr. J. Garvey, and whose accounts have been rendered, are o?utdr“:oom and settle at onee, or corts will cincurred. e © the prisoners who may be confined in THE COUNTY JAIL, 250 Cord# ot Good Merchantable Hardlmd; Consisting of C Wx. HEARKN. Hyacinth and other Winte: Flower Bulbs. Also wmbfuh. ber 3, 1847, 6 905y Flowers, â€" Flowers. THE CORPORATION Ottawa, Sopt. 4, 1867. The Market Drug Store, OQUETS of Natural Dried Flowers in all their pristine beauty und perfame from ON MONDAY the Sixteenth day of December next, Will be received at this office until noon During the year 1868, FURNIS8SHINCG IN THIS CITY. Wanted. NOTICE. EDW ARD BEARMAN, AT NOON, FOR OP OP OF THE BEECH AND BIRCH, J. GARY, EY, M.D. CCo. Royal Italian Bitters ! TONICO REALE U o Eny A20gAEE 14 2007. ‘The * Tonico " ot Dr. V. prepared m.orn«‘fbm_mw::’uumn?- lic as the * Royal Bitters," is one ot the most elegant preparations with which I am acâ€" ql:ddd. Ir.(llhnlllhvh.-nbh-'nh- it to those whe n':'u. the 4’." use of an tion at Torino, ltaly, by whose tavor Mr. G1axrut obtained the recipe, and was also awarded a dir loma at the l’m&hl Exhibition of Canada held at Montreal in September, 1865, is, without oxeor tion, the most genuine, salubrious and agreeable Toxic ever introduced to public notice either in Europe or America. parke Tlll celebrated preparation for whic. a cortificate of merit was awarded to the distin : . 28L DOTTORE F. P. VERRLI, Projessor 0f Chemutry im the Uniwernty 0° PaDUa ITALYXY. For sevonteen years it has, in Italy, been a uniâ€" versal favorite .-on'g the clite of mlotÂ¥. being gonerally served in the drawing room before dinâ€" ner, in preference to Vermcuth. _ _ The ingredients of its composition have been imparted to the ludlni Physicians of Canada and the United States, and have roceived their unqualiâ€" fed approval on every account. . C ‘The proprietor refers with the greatest confiâ€" dence and satisfaction to the subjoined testimonâ€" inls from eminent medical men,which be could add to, were it desirable. _ _ s ues l Kept by the principat ce io ts United araier the D?-I{Ion orCuA?h and in the United States. Bold by the Proprictor, Dear Sw : You request my opinion of the " Roy al Italian Bitters," pnp‘n! from a receipt of Drâ€" Verri, of Padua. ‘I beg tortate that I consider it a most agreenble cordial tomic, in every 'nynp;n'ot im flavour and composition te the ordlu? itter tonics in general use. I have recommended it to o‘:«.d patiets, who have der:ved marked benefit m its use 4o Rew xork, May Â¥, 1867. A. M. F. G1axeu11, Keq. _ C gestion and giving tone to the digestive organs. In ;:t note yo‘;l'lzrnd me olm-‘ranu I think it is a most admirable combination; a pleaâ€" nico Real®" Royal Bitters,â€"I am pleased not onl -uuu.n-:u'{u-. htdnde ::‘ndtthnmlo-u. nryo::"'sluon.-u- to many cases when a more compound would not be used. After hvr:hdhm 'fl%ï¬lfl be able to nl-ouhum gont hn‘ndaolucguq. Have you -my in this city? Many of my patients are us to use the Tonic but know _ Have a in this city? Man no reree t seb e ie Te dot ho to ours y, o C. PRINCE, M.D., 157, East 10thâ€"street. Letter from Professor Smallwood, of MeGill Uniâ€" versity. f 32 Beaver ll.!l Terrace, Montreal, A?-u 1, 1866. 1 am opinion that Dr. Verri‘s = Tonic Reale " is a very pleasant and palatable form for the exhibiâ€" tion of tonic bitters, in cases requiring such a preâ€" V V... n eadeniqecarreae reprapen To A. M, F. G1axeur1, E8g , a 7 lD:;vr“ Sn'r.â€"&‘l'ho‘“ Tonico Ih;::" I have:tried aithfully, and it gives me great pleasure to state to ‘u that it is the cnc and most niuublo Tonic I ave over used in my rruuoo. find it gnnleu- larly adapted to females and children debilitated by the various diseases and eoalmlhm peculiar to them, If you will favor me with a letter stating whore I can procure your Bitters for my patients, 1 abail take particular E.‘. to recommend them. As a general rule the rs sold are too bitter and have too much Alcohol, and are hence often injuri Your «Tonico Reale" seems to me to be the Tome we have long wished for, but never found until Prof, Verri, D.M., ot Padua, has given it to the Iodh;.l' Wofldl.l ully yours, _ > MWI. {BID. HOLCOMB. M.D., Professor of Aural and Ophthalmic Surgery in New York Medical Cdlor. and Surgeon to New York Ophthalmic Hospital and Dowult Dispensary. _ Latter from Dr W w: Bditor Medical Montreal, A-sn 20, 1867. Dear Sir : L have to acknowledge the receipt of a sample of your * Tonic Realé," accempanied by a note informing me of its compositiou, and how preâ€" ‘ New York, June 1, 1887. “E:. Glului.:.--bo-r Sir l After q..f;l.r‘ trial I re in our 11 is & very excelient sthtantating toute, siding d sant, usefal, and reliable tonic. Yours truly, _ _ CHAS. SMALLWOOD, M.D., L.L.D., D.C L To A. M. F. GiaxziL1, Eso., Montreal purg. While not bollcvfna in ray universal ‘Tonic, I am forced to admit that there aro many cases vhr;‘jut #nch a pty-nuon as yours would be invaluable. In cases of Cbronic Dyspepsia, I have several tiimes recommended its use and with much benefic. Yours, &c., __ _ _ ____ _ A M F Graxkur:, Esg, Dear Sir : Maving been furnished with a vory tiberal sample of your «Tonic Reale," Koyal Bitâ€" ters, I have delayed giving you my x‘hkl of its merits until I had an opportunity ofstating, trom experience, some of the advantages which I have tound derived from the c-ylzm of the Tonic. I have natiaad wraat hanafit fram tha nen af tha Royal Bitters® fn indigestion, loss ‘of appatite, # " in in on, loss a » rnnl debility, and some nervous affections. The onic is most carefully prepared, and will be found a nr{ agreeable Bitter .-5 gentle stimulant ; and from knowing its composition, I have pleasure in recommending it to the rblle ; t"“.i‘ satisfied that when more extensively known, the Tonic will stances contained in its composition are perfectly combined to form a fit for the purposes wbdhyurdum“ * A. M. F. Giaxzi11, Eeq., Montreal. _ * Dear Siwr: Just recovering from a lï¬â€œâ€˜ severe illness, I have mivï¬.%ym .!‘h‘lhoul“h :d fflifl“‘l use have .“‘o.- erable benefit, as m igesâ€" fon much improved, and h’lm to recomâ€" mend it as ome of the best and most agreeshle Tonics I have ever used. se _ y G. E. FENWICK, M.D A. M. F. GraxguL1, Eeq., Montreal, be very gonerally used. Ioin‘ll::bl:.h.u ever come under :.y‘lfllfl'. Hay . n made with its composition u‘! mode of prvp:m feel nothing better sould have been devised for general use ; from its effects which I have observed in several cases, I think very -1 who now iuTer from indigestion and dyspepsia in their various forms will find in it a panaces for all lhoh",lllo. iral # w.E. nss;?. u.fl., CM., &s., _ Leter from Dre. Picau‘t. a Montreal, July 27, 1866. To Ms. AsositaGu®erut > Dear Sir: We are pleared to acknowledge the nu!'in of the Mflg‘- of your valuable tonic and bitters, entitled * Royal." All the subâ€" ;.I.‘l‘rhny ‘Pwolin? ai. i 0. 6. bond ; af. . 8. on M. D., New rm Licenciate Royal Uollege vana. R. P. COOKE, M.D., f New York City. New York, April 25, 1867. A. M. F. GiaxtuL1â€"8w: Your kind favour of 16th instant, together with a sample of your « Toâ€" ,FRS W CAMPBELL, MDLRCP, . London. A M E.G:ixzui1, Esq, Montreal. Lettsr from Dr Stott, ;:n[nnr of Anatomy, MeGill # ege. uk ‘â€"â€" Montreal, October 26, 1866. Professor Anatomy McGill Untversity ; Physician General lluplhl.’lo.. &o. ME certifying to its very excellent qualities us an ..r...‘:fl.u oxhul?nuu tome }!mg_r; nothing Wx. H. HINGSTON, M.D., LR.C.S., &+., Bargeon to St. Patrick‘s Department, Hotel Dieu. Ma. Guxlu#-bm Sir : Having received from ou a sample of the Royal Icalian Bitters of Dr. /erri as prepared by you, I have much pleasure in I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully, We are, he. % #1 A. M. F. GIANELLL 26, Hospitalâ€"street, Montreal. ___ Montreal, February, 187. _‘ _ Pas PiokvLr & soN. _ _ New rork, May 14. 1867 20, East 25thâ€"streot, _New York, May 9, 1867 W ® 8COTT, MD, Beaver Hall Hill, use of an In \aidA indrd to be lu;,flEE-‘u'iJé or unfurnishe 4+ furnished, with use of Piano. ater and e :!o-v-hm in the house. Stabling and Coul ADAYN'&--“."AF.. ‘% in this business. E family wasts and will have it. Onl onboquuun. qd-“uâ€"-â€",&duuh registered letâ€" tor. Addressâ€" s * NOVELT Y Co., &« tBox 10, Weliand, Ont We cr._a4 soaw RLOSICT S hereby given that a will be l-“ou:dlflmymnv jurisdiction, at the present or next session w-dnl.hrumba.-flhuah:fl l.p:éflh!“cflh? inment for the late of Canada, held the 2913 and 30th years of the Reign of Her Majesty Que . Vietoria, Ottawa, Dec.7, 1867. pe e e Pae oo Dompany :. . November 16, 1867. on the promi=es commercial business. Apply to November 9, 1867 Ottawa, May 10, 1867. opposite the French Cathedral, Lower Town. A e s 1’. 33, 1867. 5072 6IIIJILDII’G LOTS, one mile from the @ity, on the Richmond Road, containing one acre each. Apjly to THOMAS ANDERSON, Jr., Ottawa, February 13, 1867. € “\on SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST» *) potduts or&:::{hlrdo‘lmflo.â€.ln & First . on Ottuwa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos.,;26 and 28. in the same Concession, at present in the occu; of Wim. T. Aylen, Esq For further qulars apply to soux and Wu. Tuowsox, Nepean, and Lewis & Pixuxy. Barrister, Ottawa. _ Je2â€"141â€"f tarden and otunmemen “"""g....."""....‘ t ts A‘i‘ the same, forming part of Lot No. 24, in Ist conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same also for sale at nmb.l:‘pdm. _ _PRor particulars | terms apply to Juhn ans _ The proprietor has no objection to sell & part of ï¬obv-,vucr-i:hou the house, Tbh’:“uld be a desirable country residence. Title unexcepâ€" ’v\ Pll. GROVE HOUSEâ€" e pleasantly situated on the Richmond ‘Road, with Stables, Coach House, Garden and vacant Lot adjacent thereto, A cistern of fine water in the house. Apply to Lols..o, _ MRS. BUNTING, BRICK DWELLINC Premises, well arranged and eligibly situaited for ? wa, in the Township of Nepean, distant the City of Ottawa about three miles on the -auuuh.i road, together with the STONKE DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon etected, at present amaenicy *Â¥ AT h“l'.. Wa. Oltawa, February 27, 1867 ‘369y muuuuuu-mm. It is built on the most style of architesâ€" ture, of out stone ; has large plno-‘flul windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basement. It is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, and has three vacant lots attached, n‘:'h.‘nmmuu-uhwwuy reâ€" ® ‘ml- (posipaid) to be addressed to FRANCIS CLEMOW, E8Q., Or JOHN HENEY, Eeq., _____ Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W A VALUABELE GoLD BRoo« LOS8T by a young lady on Frids William Thomson on the premizes, or to VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. ugaâ€"ï¬mdoam’ n, and Ottawa being definitely settled upon as its capital, * Ottawa, March 11. asufips«~‘4 taws City and Aylmer, about 36 -huu'lfl:n fro-lfl:}uy. Al{r-ol excellent land, containing about 90 agres, with a large Stone l“ ACRES.«â€"The north half of Lot Noâ€" !(o.ll.hï¬Ou.dtlo‘l‘oMZdO-godo, with :sd!:'nh.:d o-:'l.-u‘- ings, a good ell, acres cleared Mh.‘odm%vmumhhlm on the Prescott Road, within fifteen miles of Ottaâ€" wa. Also the south half of Lot No. 6, in the 3rd Con. of Osgoode,containing 100 acres, 50 acres clearâ€" ed, the rest well wooded, with good hardwood, and further information appl Eight Rooms and Kitchen, Ottawa, November New Edinburgh, Nov. 20, 1867 Furnished House to Let. Village of New Edinburgh, Possession immediate. Apply to k. Clinn A Comfortable Dwelling h ry a over the Store ot the subscribâ€" ) _ er on Wellington street. Oitawa, Aug. 28. 1867 To Sell or Letâ€"â€"â€"Rare Opening. TERMS MODERATE. INE Â¥TONE DWELLING HOUSES, Photographic Chambers, and other Cut Etone FARMS FOR SALE. ROOM TO LET cither with or with= 1000 Agents Wanted. FOR SALE OR TO LET. Apply toâ€" Apply to With Yard and Outbuildings. Three Houses to Let, Tho Victoria Hotel Possession given Ist June» Apply to in Aocte Inforpients the pucans uny TO LET, Apply to NOTICE] . â€" NO more e:igible chance could be 2 offered to any pux.ln the Hotelâ€" kkuph’ line than the lease of the BC above FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL Lots for Saile. CcOUNTRY RESIDENCE FORSALE.â€"Reautifully situated on the Macadamized Road {ct'on Otâ€" A. J. CAMBIE, or to DUNCAN GRALAM. 0. Â¥ICTORIA TER» race, Richmond Road, conâ€" taining"eight rooms each. Posâ€" session given May 1st. TO LET HE HOUSE formerly oc« dupied by the late Charles nbie, Esquire, on Vittoria st., OR SALE, THAT ELIâ€" 1N THE REV. J. JOW, 501â€"6m * or R. BLACKBURN. JOUN GRBEENE. 523 if Chaudiere, Otta wa 585â€"6m MRS. LAUDER. â€" 357 or on the Premises 594f 594 SE4f Very Choice and Superige NOW ON SALE «soucuore. x 150 Caddies MANDEKLN MIXTURE BA This is the finest Buack Tra ever im cd..flr:’und: in small Caddies, about 1 our premises by 1,000 " Without exception the finest Coffee in 'fll‘."â€"'k--, March 16. * bnd We are constantly receiving suppiias of this Aruly beautiful and delicions COFFEK, roasted daily « By which peculiar process, W§ wroma is preserved an . renders it the savoriT® wir! a11 Correr paim The Pure Mountain Bérry ROBINSON & CO. would expecially #U the ut tention of faniilies to their stock of & Tus Orraws Tizs.â€"Printed and Publishe ALES, WINES& SPIRIT, Double and Single Tulips JONQUILLS, _ _ =â€" GUINESS & CO Just Received from Engtund : * ROAST HARE. CURRIED po. JUGGED po. / â€"*~ STEWED bo. ROAST PHEAsANTs, s ROAST GROUSE Oa8T PARTHIDO® fine our businers to one Inslltiy.'nldd! remove the whole of our Stock on the ist of May next, to our Store in * To PARTIES ABODUT TO BUILD»« Double and Single Hyacinths ______ DVUC YVON THOLE, &e., &e. Just recerved from Europe by the subscriber. Wines, Spirits & Liquors Tllll being an important event in the m of the New Dominion, W. NOTMAN has haxâ€"h-'h Mu. J. A. FRASER pisture embracing portreits of wil r......“"‘ etbren ure em| on the ueâ€" casion, and as it is utterly impossible inâ€"the neces> sarily hurried sketch u{uu the spot to secure likeneeses, all zn-t are respectfully invited to eall and sit for their individual portraits, either at MR. NOTMAN‘8 Studio in Montreal or at his New Kstablishment now building and which will shortly be opened in Ottawa. _ _ Uur stock of BOOTS and _SHOES, LEATE*CE, anonrngns,os. ut::x‘n,u..u. v:l wor» sequently be very large and most complete in every and we most solicit a con» T nbhgee of fevareyto maly wbiot mor Spustent t deavore will be as usual to provide the best articles and sell at the lowest remunerating prices. [ * G. HOWE & sON. _ wam. Rememk the placeâ€"No. 10, Ridesut We have a most delicions BLOOD‘ â€" *.OXDON sTOUT. \ »~‘Putent Right Solicator. â€" BARCLAY‘$ LONDON PORTER hA P opmot : Post Oihoo Trai ALLSOPS PALE ALKk. »i.>â€" .. @ehruary 7, 1866. BASS EAST INDIA. ies A. F. li.(zi DOWB GELEBRATED MONTREAL ALk. o A mc queres. M DAWB SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE : sepmred to attend prom DAW8 CELEBRATED PORTER & srovr e mm imiag is n l Feâ€"L for the distric â€" PpPSPRVPN NPAT: i. dSembet 28, ons 1 Esatablish Which we are selling at 8 shillings per gaiton ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by Waggons to any part of the City daily ~â€" HOWE‘S Boot and Shoe Store. ‘â€"_‘ BBR M O Y 4& X.. First Confedera‘e Patlizment Dutch Flower Roots. BEWARE OF SP URIOUS IMITATIOX®, LsÂ¥" As it is mported by no other firm in Canada Al the Lease of our Premises in Susser» F% street terminates this month, we intend to cen April 27. th'm‘â€"ll‘-i Ottawn, Sentember 10. hv ud ie 7e3~ Anteininimicnmmuie 500 Chests very choice and superior Â¥OUKG HYSON. 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY _ 100 Chests â€" old fashioned BREAKFASQ FRESH ARRIVALs Prepared by Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinder 100 cuses Otard Brand;.â€" 50 " _ Martell‘s * 150 _ " _ Hennuessey. 15 * _ United Vinguct s _ AUGUSTUS uv‘:;.' End Dalyâ€"st., Oitaws. y arkeâ€"st, in the ot Oftews, o-uno.vm' DUBI IN STOLOUVT ‘ ROBINSON & CO. THE TEA POT, A very fine and large assortment of TEAS No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. DINNEK SHERR Y movember 6, 1867 COFFEE ‘ ROBINSUN & CO, PRESERVED MEATS PLANB, SPECIFICATION8, ESTIMATES, & OPENING OF THE OTTAWaA. teâ€"Bussexâ€"St. and Rideav 81 NARCISSA8, THE TEA PoT,â€" OTTAW a Market Drug Store, Yorkâ€"street. AT THE or Wu. HEARN, 225u 582y our owb * W 4/ Chancery, Conveya &' arner of Sussex ndtyd Oftawa, Febraary 26, 1 "«©ttawa 4 Eg;, DR ; :t‘lâ€l’lnl&-'l:' uk ing & A9 U 0 18,000 : thus outstripy «fording the best mediu rertise in. C _ gumâ€"payable in ad ". â€"-m .......-.-'- HDG,...10 21200200009 \u'ahqr 4 4 sorel anomnate maie Â¥ â€"_â€" advante)..â€"â€" If not paid in advar Yearly subscription °_ in ad h . Aporeareao hk wre t ollowipg rates : jusiness Cards of from 3 Lacal S .“' General Advert w and ta recesve Advertwom "(W.ry-"' ,~BE DAILY AND | lmmM‘ P on " mooo 1‘ over ° 2,000 1 at _ uan> a total ciroulatic i‘. W, Chancery Opr1c+ : Mosgrove! Hitawa, C. W1 Ln w, CHA SCER I LNX# OF 4CEB, Al Adeauâ€"street. _ Ottawa, Dec. 6, 1867. ‘ TTORNE YÂ¥eAT Chancery, Conveys Patent H¢l Solicitor. â€" Orrice : Post Othce Bu #ehruary 7, 1866. November 14, 186 l‘Aw.‘ Chancery olt.o‘hq'u Buil e Post ce. 0:-'-. July 1% Orric®: Union Buil mtl. 1866. x 1. 44. 1 oTaARy PUORLAC ' of Quebec, HULAL © Dec. 6, 1867 . Annur:n-n‘ * * Chancery, 48. Orrice: Aumond‘s B ttawa., Jan. 12. 1866. | 12m, C.K. L Aitends to all «â€"~_â€" LEES & u.o‘ nurll.z ancers, ‘Oreics: in the Gour Rosuut Lexs. Htawa, Fobruary T, 1 e > AVuUS® K Tisen mak, ‘,.::Eï¬h;:iv:‘"i > :ednagr| hm 1 Caxorms Ou®®D, ® a6w , but certain, #p sass. _ References . pemted, if required. rown Attorney DVOCATE, &0», Street, MONTREAL Febreary 1, 1866 zncary 27, LAdd iaadids s TTOR NIE®» aT May 30 "D. PR TPORNXEYâ€"AT DHK. l’."lClAI. Office: Honto ARRISTER ® Soliciorâ€"inâ€"\nen hee, Over Mr. La e, W btreot, 0 nuary 17 1867. Ntaws. April 14 YOL. o M. A RRLSTE I, â€" Quprous : Cour XNICHOLAS EDW AItD ARRISTER, Notary Public, K. R. BELL DR. O HYSICIAN, # maixe Asexcr Furk Row, Ne FFLICEK over ment, 25 Ridea means of the HOLGA! ,-m". tral Ottawa. DR. ENTIST, URGER Y in advance.. wa, €.W. DR. GE advance K. TEI l.l-:l? w ; J. W IL PA DR BUC USTA DR DR , for (Â¥D DR O wed M