J. T. Prudhamie‘s Stores, J ETT T Aii ud w sn camimsenedention sin es o 0 0 0(100 0900 DRY G€OODS & READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING And at the Sign of the «" Golden B&v‘Clodu. W est of England Broad Cloths, Pilot _ do Whitney do Melton do Sattinet do DRAWERS, ntas sHIRTS, | wWooOL CRAY ATs, « _ SCARFS, + NECK TIES, COLLARS, ‘The whole to be disposed of before the 1st day before purchasing elsewhere. _ « * se en i E0C 'l‘. perfection and cheapness of the American (Waitham) Watch have given it such a wideâ€"world celebrity that unserup ujous dealers years nfl-uuo‘ its style and pirated its trade marks. Irresponsible dealers are oceasionally found who dishonestly trade upon the popularity of the American watch by selling a base imitation under the name of the geauine article, It is hardly necessary to state ‘that such wauches are worthless as time keepers, and when bought for the are ealeulated to injure the high reputation which our watches have attained. . The several of the American watch (-oopnhh-o-lgudo.uld Home Watch Co.) mJlunuod by special certificate bearing the nuniber of the watch and the signature of the Treasurer of the Compuany . K. E. Robbins. The purchaser should in all cases require one of these certificates, which is furnisheq to all deaiors in the genuine watches. _ * > & The following mmm-w-mmmdm-a.:m" t ___ AMERICAN WaTcH Co. APPLETON, TRACY & CuU. M W AL V HA M.WATICH CO. . P.8. BARTLETT. % WM. ELLERY. _HOME WATCH CO, * Aeevem E99 C UL ie “-â€"ï¬.-flul“h have been in use on this Kailroad for several year wuw-.u-u-nm‘t J-ru owe q-;s:-: ‘There ure some 'm‘n hUN OP THEM CARKIED ON OUR LINE, and‘ we consider them GOD and RELLABLE TIME KEEPERS. Indeed 1 have great satistaction in saying YOUR WATCHES aivEUs Lkss THOU BLE and have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than “E watches we have ever had in use on this road. As you are aware we lormer‘y trusted to those of English manufeture, of w.-dwutu.m Mm’\nu-umfly.m: have they done as . dn bn o e uts cod service as yOuTE. us hih:nu-’-‘l am sustained by my predecessor, a series yuutk Respectfully, ha turnish them all to ong ty and safety. -‘ god service as yours. Among the most important of modern Medical Vis coveries staads the CAXAOIAN PAUN ueSTACYER! Ottews, November 19, 1837 P _ M ... 8B »2eulitctcintdtr ow se B i :â€".‘-l «4enover used is woll liked, never tailing a singls instance to give permanent relief wher timely used, and n{‘an never known a single ease of dissatisfaction where the direction« are proâ€" N"W; ldfltbomnl.-u-ndnm- *d with its operations, and speak in the hi Â¥ ‘yâ€"~ terms of its virtues and magical efoots o e t 'orl from exporience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therofore those who are saffering from any of the complaints for which it . recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" "‘oï¬ï¬ effieacy of the Canadian Pain Destrayer, in ng diseases for which it 1« reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing ..‘-n‘pu‘:: Rhounatism, and in re ieving Nervous eantitle it to a highrank a the list of Remedies for these complainis, ors are soming in from Medicine Dealors in all parts of the sountry for further supplies, and each testifying as .#dwnd o'\:hl:utnuuglm PP § Canadian Destroyer never fails to give mmediate reliof. All Modicine Denlers keep i m-“uud use it; and no family v’.fl it after once trying it. Price :wenty â€"five conts per bottle. ® u.nnmwmhuwmumm * C n Ml)'llllul :PPI.I‘I‘O‘.'!I.‘ Â¥ 1 0. roadway, N. 1. 6 IDIA’I‘ 'll.lfls- ‘Toronto and Montreal, . % ks : @ENERAL aAGENTS. 565 48 3. Buck and Head, Coughs, Colds, #ore Throat hï¬.m Cramps in the stomach, Cbolers Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel wewenstle, C. W., @General Agents for C. W lhl by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts,. W M , H. F. MceCarthy, J. Skimner, and J Brown, in Ottawa. + Ottaws Nor. 1. 1867 ' 1iap Wanted Imuediately T'O FIRSPâ€"CLA® JOURNEYMEX Blacksmiths to whow |sonstant employment * nd geod wages will be givea. Apply to PETER KLILOUFF, 4A%nf Yorkâ€"st., Ottawa. $146.171. Alox‘r Auxm. PLOCKHART, of Onsliow, Note tavor of Meéssre w@eo. Childs & Co., dated Dro. 2, 1367, at 3 months, payable at Bank of Montreal, im Montreal, dueo March 25, 1868, eE Alex‘s. Flockhart, of Onslow, Note favor of Messrs. J. @. McKentio & Co., dated December 2, m.ul.odh.â€'a’sblo at their office in Mon . treal, due March 29, 1869, $334 45. _ _ â€"_ Fraser & Smith, Noto favor of Mesars J. G. Mcâ€" Kensie &°Co., asted Decomber 3, 1867, pay»blo at their offee in Montreal. duo w arch 30, 1803,.8071.05. â€"â€"Lestin Ortews, Woduesday. Dec. 11, 1867. _ ___ November, 14, 1867. «*"C "ud Readyâ€"mads Olothing, American W atch Co., Waltham American W ateh Co., SUSSEXâ€"STREET, Notes Lost. 0% THUE NEWEST AND O sriues aud PATTERNS. Beavers, Pilots,; 1 #o. â€" Also a large supBly of West of suitable fu_bm Il{l'{:}. which 0‘;1 PEG ‘TOF EEPOT. WINTER GOODS _ SPECIAL NOTICE. s «t 0_ Trowserings, Fancy Doeskins, Black Cassimeres, Silk Mix Coatings Scoich and Canadian â€" Tweeds. NORTHROP & LYMAS, CAUTXCOGEN . 1. HOLBROOKEK, â€"â€"ALSO, A LARGE A8§ORTMENT OFâ€"â€" XEW YORK CENTRAL BA_I_LIOAD‘ PENNSYLYANIA RAILROAD CO , Teas, Soap, SHAWLS, BUURn M CLOAKINGS, BUCJH S, DRESs GOODS, k NECK TIES, : PRINTS, w COBOURGS, MERCHANT TAILOR, Pilots; Blanket Cloths, "Yours M‘n’. â€"â€"COXSISTING OFâ€" 1CING CLARENCEâ€"STREET, «â€"ATâ€" Ofice of the General Sup« rintendent, Altons, Ps., 15th Dec., 1866 , havin MOST SEASONABLE UAIRDRESSING 8$ALO0) | K. MITL,EI, Hairdresser by Appointment to His lency the Governorâ€"General, flAl REMOVED HIS PARLLAMEXT _HAILR DREsSLNG SALOON from the old stand to his new and commodious room over the LONDON MUSIC STORE, on Eiginâ€"st., opposite the RusselÂ¥ House, which be bas fitted up in the most -vealflk' ;y-l'o o.l “l:o. m.‘ and 'tou =h hnri aur w e -rnd x aly for himselt, being the first introduced 'tn'::..n-{mh i "iingieieliy realdininds q94 "very "promanty y at very pl y llhlbz-.". Â¥ Mr. MILE3 would take this o:pounuy of reâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many triends and the public, for their kind n:(‘-umo patronâ€" ago to him, during a number years, in his old establishment, and trusts that by unremitting atâ€" tention to business, abd in his new and orstâ€"class saloon, with polite an l attentive workwmen, to merit a continuance of their favors. All kinds of Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings, &e,, manufactured to order, . _For the convenionce of ladies oraers will be received at the London Music store, where a fine and raried assortment of Hairâ€"work will be found. :( December. Call carly and examine ll hereby given that application will be made to each and every M\::::f jurisdiction, at the present or session 4 r.;pedn! . for an actto amend the uuh:nd 1 .m!nnlosmdtul’ jnmetit for the late ince of Canada, held the 2913 and 30th {un of the lcTol Her lq)clty&. . Victorim, ntituled « An Act to Incorporate Ottawa City D-nï¬â€˜huw-y Company." Dee. 1867. 6074 MoCoHA COBFEE, JAVA corFPEE, JAMAICA CcOFFEE, CEYLON: â€" (Native) COFFEE, CEYLON, (Plantation) COFFEE, LAGUAYRA corFEg, Fresh overy morning, whole or ground. COFFEE. COFFEE! Mr: Lewis, whose experieuce extonded over O:*awa, October 3, 1867. Candles and Wines CHARLES WILSON, . G. Chief Engincer, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engines:s +« NO TICE EDW ARD HI. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent on the first day of December, PARLILAMENT BUCK MITTS, BUCK MOCASSINS, )8, WouL sOCKs, ES, «_ MITTS, ‘8, TRUNKS, OURCGS. YALISES Hair Dressor, s?-&:iu-'-t. to his _ _ Ereeliency the Governorâ€"General Col. and White Blankets Horse Rugs.? Flannels. * Kerseys, W inceys. ; s * [E ve lcz thee E. MILES, ined. . Theseveral are Junuud by er of the Company . which is furnisheq 593 3m §53â€"30y §3 Breckvilie LEAYE BROCKVILLE. * U»+ M.â€"â€"TiAINXS will leave 3:45 Brockville daily at 3.45 p.m., and arrive at Sandpoint at 9:25 p m. LEAYVE SANDPOLNT. & e i"; A. M.eo=TRATNS will leave * L @Z" Sandpoint daily at 614§ a.â€"m., and po trive at Brockvilie at 1:00 p. m. > [( 4 LEAVES PERTH. 5 )00 . M.»â€"TRAINS will leave @ _Perth ._z_u?on,:. and 9:42 ln‘.‘u:.. h 2A t .ih D w w t Ne e T and arrive at Bmich‘s Falls at6:50 p.m w1u0. ~ LEAYES SMITH®$ FALLS. * A.M.«â€"«TRAINS will leave 10:;590 AMmiay datls at 10150 a.m», and 6:5 p.m., and arrive at Porth at 1 1:40 a.m., and 6:5§ p m. Alr trains on main line comnect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Porth. . No. Lleaves Brockville after G. T. R. Express Train 1s due from the Easta No. 2 is due at Brockville in time to eonnect with G. T. R. Express Trains for the East and West. H ABBOTT, _ Brockville, Deo. 16 CHANGE of TIME Oitawa and Prescott Railway, 0. and after MONDAY, the 4th KOV» 1867, and until further notice traine will rup as follows : # Express, 8 a. m. 10.30 a. @. â€" _ Mixed, 1.30 p. m. 4.45 p. m. Mail, 10.30 p. m. 1,30 a. m. * ‘The time of these Trains has been 'oumll to ensure connection with night and day om Grand Trunk, east and west. Baggage lo and from Ottawa checked through (mmzuumu-uommnuv.y. WE Ru-m' tickets to Pressott, Kug:fllo and Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at principalsta» tions on the line. TIII Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has ommenced business in the store formerly occu. pied by Messrs. Fingland & Draper NEW DOMINION. DRY GOODS Readymade Clothing 'A:l -umh:‘mmp..umuy-m a gone DRY GOODS! Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. JAMES HIGGINSON, Union Block, Sussexâ€"st. Next to he Tea Pot Aikccos Yulv 10. 186T. 481f N. B.â€"These 1rams run on Montreal Time. Ottawa, Oct. 31, 1867 Take Highost Premiums at the Paris | & Grain, Coal, l::'{. Rallroad LrXCK, HUPT+ Dru told, and all kinds of 8SCALES constantâ€" ty on Rand and for Sale. PR LATFORM, CPUNTER, Warehouse, PBXE TEA E): Ranlrord Track, Depot, Our Sole Agents in Ottawa, November 18, 1867. umencing 0. Ottawa July 10, 1867. Boot anfl {Shue Store | THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE to inform his namerous friends and the in« habitants of the city and surrounding coun» try, that he hwnol. at the above stand, where he is prop: to furnish them with a supeâ€" tior article» %, Readyâ€"mado Boots and Shoes. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, The Custom Lepartment will receive his al attention, Orders from Lamberers prowm atâ€" ended to. GEORGE MURPHY. A Penny Saved is a Penuy Made. ‘How Spliendid are those Dampers ! And they save such a quantity of fuel, They are no uUMBUG, and for proof any person destrous of having one need not wyfuuumpofloeflyuth- fied of their woith. e do not sell c At 20 cents per gallon, But if you want a good oil with no odor, thea send us your orders. Express, 2.45 p. m n.:.a,_ ’}‘.‘30 .'.’-. Mail, 6.30 p. m. Ottawa, December 16 7‘[“!. TROTTER begs to inform her L friends that having eunlarged ber premises by the addition of other portions of the Desbarats Block, which have been fitted up in unexceptionable style. l MBE J g hn e Oe Ne 65 S on Te ts Ottawa May 8, 186 LEAYVE PRESCOTT. LEAYE OTTAWA Stoves, Lamps, Tinwars, Competent workmen for jobbing. Next door to the Market Drug Store. Toronto House, Ottawax pPAalILs®d ALEXANDER WORKMAN & Co. Go.kL â€" GOLIL AT, THE CAPITAL and Ul NO. 10, Â¥ORK STREET, ARPANGEMEN‘C onday, Decomber 9, 1861 L®oOA Dn. FALIRBANKS, BROWN & Co., Boston, Mass. ESMONDE BROS , T. 8. DETLOR, 13 SPARKSâ€"ST., _ Opposite the Ontari> Bank. 16. 311y awa Railway, ARRIVE IN PRESCOTT, Manager for ERT T O oomtesnd ARBIVE IX OTTAWA 1y 5.20 p. m. 11.00 a, m.« 9.30 p. m. 10.30 a. m. TS ATTAWA TIMES, DECEMBER 21, 1867. and 10.30 472y RLYITH & MERR, Suocessors to Ohas. Garth, ~No. 25, Rideauâ€"st,, Plumbers, _ Gias & Steam Fitters, Tin & Coppersmiths, Bell Mangers, &e. All materials for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly en hand. f â€"â€"ALSOâ€" Importers and Dealers in House Furnish ing Hardware. . Just received a woll selected assortment of Cooking Stoves, Iron Bedsteads, Dauble Stuves, Bronzed & Wire Fenders, Parlor Stoves, Fire Irons, Hall Stoves, Fire Guards, Japanned and Planished Tinware, &c., Manutacturers of all deseriptions of work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Mills, &c. Makes and fits up Galvanized Zron Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &c. â€"___ ies .-.-_.. W"Public and Private Buildings, Conservaâ€" tories, Vineries, Manutactories, &c., warmed by Steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most apâ€" proved principles. P':)rdfl: h-Pllho country will receive stmct at. tention. . , Ottawa, August 26. 416y Zpg-ly‘s’t this office, ttawa, Novembe e â€" ._AYER‘8 _ |(Les Py PILLS. [ Bre~ 9 W Are you sick, feeble, and i n.flnz::l::fl Are you 0‘:: i order, w r system e ie Panged, and Four feelings unâ€" gomfortable? _ These symp» A . toms are often the prelude to | Of ove serious Hliness, Bome ft Of | faotori > o sickness is creeping upon you, d C and sbould be averted by a | P°*® timely use of the "g:;' rem« ud Pnoia edy Take Ayer‘s Pills and | varied ‘%\} ¢leanse out the disordered huâ€" â€" \A morsâ€" rr“y the blood, and i \’ let the Buids move on unob» ib on structed in health again. p Bscc m‘l.‘hl.:umwhm‘o:: of all c ts tvi :&,mmmâ€" | oonag.â€"> mtz“nï¬bu which make 4 discase. A‘cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob» | __ _ _ tw PV U w I EF CARH TD UU Wl 1O ‘"-'M'u:u R toms mu?mn the prelude lo' ts 4 & serious Hliuess, Bome fit 0 ns Wis. sickness is creeping upon you, y and should be averted by a timely use of the nï¬m rem« edy Take Ayer‘s Pills and ‘% a cleanse out the disordered buâ€" N .,.,..rmy the blood, and uids move on unc ahy) let the Buide ob« PFoy ol structed in health again. c nz.-u-nlm the functions § C Trio® parily the artiem from oomay.. S ie < ® the o‘::neflou which make discase. A‘cold settles somewhere in the body, and ob« structs its matural functions, These, if not relieved, reast upon themseives and the surrounding organs, proâ€" take 4 A“urubulcnzw directly they restore the nunra{::ln the aystem, and ‘m‘ u"m buoyant uu:‘du.m..u. What is true and so apparent in thie vial and common complaint, is also true in mauy of the deepâ€"seated and dangerous distempers, The same mrï¬.c.uuphu M?d-uum bod ::"’80 -‘l:ydth“-m d": » eur ol oo rrucnn. Hone who know the virtuss of thea# R»""-'ï¬a"..c""’."..n‘""ï¬';ï¬ suffering from hh--b nâ€"“'l:-c physicians in some of the w citles, and from other well known public pore From a Porwarding Merchant of &. Louis, _N.A.Llua‘.‘ Da. Arsa: Your Pills are the paragon of all that is groat in medicine. MM-uannhbmw of alcerous sores upon ber hands and that had proved incurable for years, l--&-h-iu-hm:mv- _nflynllmlvlï¬â€œul.h.lno.hr and in mu...‘m g.mmdonbm * uies ABA MORGRIDOE As a Family Physicâ€" From DBr. E. W. Cortwright, New Orleans, _ , Your Pills the of Their excellent vitie ns en en ns ten in h on oo tiF] Tarkus them lntaloable to us in the daily trsatment of disease. Headache,SickHeadacho,Foul Ktomach . discase, and believing as which they cleanse at onos, :’mh.mn.fflummv- Xat only are your Pills admirably to their purâ€" -unme.hlllu“ml*u-m ‘so Liver very marked indeed | ‘They have in my prac tice proved more effectual for the curs of bilious comâ€" r,...am..mn.dylum 1 sincerely ijoico that we have at length a purgative which is wor ti:y the contidence of the profession and the people. Derirtuznt or I "lm.b-c-.ï¬im } & : I have used your h-y’.nhmul- practice over since you made them, and cannot to say they are the best eathartic we employ, Their reguâ€" lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conseâ€" Bilious Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints quently they are an admirable remedy for deraugemen(s ::.\w:g:'l.:tl‘_lm-u-hlduund mm-mumawyrgu thew. â€"Mesmraally J m"vu.m"&’.&. ttawa, November 21. NE SUITE OF ROOMS aAT DUIG»~ nan‘s Private Hotol, Eparksâ€"st. law _ August 17. s14tf Dysentery, Diarrhaa, Relaz, Worms. From Dr. J. G. Greem, of Chicago. Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, asd 1 hd:.&-h&--.noï¬h i:’..lnhl have d'-u.:&- Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood. Prom Reo. J. V. Himes, Pustor of Advent Church, Doston, ulm:lhwulmmmwu‘z o Te wiae teics Gs sten off dn h and the the very remedy Mlul.;n‘.uy::-nd cu:: my friends. Yours, _ J. V. HIMKS. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1858. Mh:l-“yfl&u&}lï¬ln-ym uu.u‘:‘ï¬.:.udhd Wnn“m 9 » “, " JOHN G. MEACHAM, M. D. Consi! Costivencess, Bu ssion, nu.-nu-’.““', Gout, loufl' =wl'kop: sy, Paralysis, Fits, ote. From Dr. J. P. Veughn, Montreal, Canada. ï¬.-ï¬ruflodldy-mhmmd wetivences. Lï¬limm‘%h::num: :uuhthh-‘:“‘h-mm-:htl- that complaint, which, aithough bad enougzh in itself, it &deumm 1 believe cosâ€" Hiveness to originate in the liver, but your Pllls afect that argan and cure the dissase. | EAR the Market, Lower Town, an INDIA RUBBER CARRILAGE CoVER. | A Sure and Certain Cure for Feverâ€" ‘ Continued, Remittent, Intermittent, | Typhoid, and Fever arising from ; Ordinary Colds. ioï¬ ar en d en jo sGectual to aleanse the stomach and worms. flcr; «re so much the best physic we have I resommend o other to my patients, f From the Rev. Dr. Howkes, of the Metholdist Ppis. Church. gontain no mereury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for ? 1. Crepared by Dr. J C. AYER & CO. Lowell. Mass Jangerous in s public pill, from the dreadfal conse ducsete that Aeqhently fotlow its incautious use. Thase Sold by George Mortimer, John Ro borujW. M. Massey, H. F. MacCarthy and J. Skinner, in 6tnva. From Mrs. E. Muart, Physicion and Midwife, Boston. I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the l ical climates for -lx.ynn â€"with the great. est success. It shortens attack, reduces the fever gradually, and at the same time enables the system to throw off the polsonous effect of he on the blood and secretions generally. _ _ _ _ Poiasx: Hovs®, Savannab, ‘an. 6, 1856. Howort» 8ia: I should be Jhr&olnud ur skil} has brought me If I did not report my case to â€" PRICEâ€"50 cents and $1 per Bottle. Sold Wholesale and Retail b‘_ F. MacCARTHY, _ Whh‘hfl\k.mnmm le. effects were slow, but sure. By perssvering the use of them, I am now entirely well. Brmats OnawBz®, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dec. 1855. Dr. Area : 1 hare been entirely cured, by your Pills, of hewmatic Gout â€"â€"a painful disease that had afflicted me FWohtk : s VINCENT SLIDELL Celebrated Fever Remedy. 5 Rotwith: kill has brought me if I did not io so woiied to my Tinpvand Irocabt s1 exerle HIS REMEDY has been used in Trop» Most of the Pills in market contain Mercur «ithough a valuable remedy in skilful hands, ETEGU DNIL. Boarding. ree and worse, until by the advice of in Baltimore, p_..u.:l..-, 1 tried 'y&'ï¬ sBNoOW‘S ED. W. PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion, best of pt Vridn-. he 1 by !h* vice dy:ll‘ chronte rheumaâ€" b05tf DEPARTMENT OF MARILNE & FISHIERIES, # Ortawa, 20th November, 1867 C O M MU NICATIO NSE RELATING TO LlGIl'l‘l!OUlil' LIGHTSHIP®, sIG» nals, Boacons, Buoy s, Regulation ot Harbors. n‘uhy into Causes of Wrecks, Provision Depots anQ Reliefof shipwrecked Seamen, Marine Hosâ€" pitals, Shipping Offices, Pilot Service, River Police Inspection of Steamboats, Classification of Vessele Examination and Granting Certificates _ Comâ€" petency to Masters, Mates, &0. ; Provincial Steamâ€" ers, Gunboats, Craft connected with Improvemen of Navigation, and Maritime Subjects generally for Canada, should be directedâ€" " DEPARIMEST OF MARINE AsD FISHERLIES, } C Marine Branch, ‘_ AND THOSE RELATING TO THE Protection, Regulation and Development of Deep Zea, voast and Inland Fisheries, Inspecuion of Fish and Fish Oils, and General Promotion of Fishâ€" ery Interests, for Canada, should be addressodâ€" «CDRPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIH®, PUBLIC NOTICE London Music Store ! Underr the Paliament Hairdressing SBaloon. (Lessee of Her ‘Hajmy'l Theatre,) WOUI.D inform his patrons and the pubiic generally that he has just received a very large and fine assortment of Of every make and style, from the rincipal manuâ€" Teveoeccs thike UnSitvd Atame, which Th be oi P Sn En EL0 C300 Ceantud 1 #" E.. MILES has just received a large and varied asso;tment of ' Cttawa, Dec of all sizes and patterns. ALSO, A NXUMBER OF WILI..lAl.S’ VICTORIA ORGANS AND MELODEONs For which the undersigned is Sole Agent for Ott wa and vicinity, Testimonials from Clergym and the Principal Professors of Music in Cana can be seen at this establishment. Beveral cases of Excellent VIOLIN®, concERTINAS, AcCORDEON®, TAMBOURINE®, | Tlll New Dominion n.m&:u Haire | dressing Saloon is now epen to public. ‘ It | is spacious, completely fitted up and stocked with all the nocessaries essontial to a well regulated lshnh( Saloon, and the comfort of its patrons. The Furniture, Fixtures and stock ot Seaps, Oils, | and Perfumes, &o., are all quite nowâ€" ‘ GUITAR®, FLUTE®, DRUMS, new ones. Connécted with this establishment is a Piano Manufacturer, who will attend punctually to all orders for TV NING left at the London Music Store. ; K. MILES, Elgin Stroet, Opposite the Russoll House. Cttawa, Dec. 5, 1867. _ _§31â€"30y _ 8ICN of the BICG FIDDLE, â€"AND~« DOMINION SHAVING SALOON No.81 Sussexâ€"st., Ottawa. PAELIAMERTARY CoMPAMON, | Edited by | HENRY J. MORGAN. | OTTaAWA, 1861. | lrnlcl a e a e« â€" â€" ONK .LAR | For Sale by _ _ old 6034 THE PARLIAMENT OF CANADA. Direct from Germany. _ Hecond hand Piapos taken in part paymeont for AI.L persons indebted to Dr. J. Garvey, and whore accounts have been rendered, are nql-uudwuu and settle at once, or costs will b incurred. J. GARY, EY, M.D. DALLEY‘S Arabian Heave Remedv AND CONDITION MEDIUINE ll POsITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY or all other preparations for the cure of Heaves, Coughe, Thick and Broken Wind, and all disonses which affect the Wind of Lorser; also, as a Condiâ€" on Medicine, surpassing everytoing of the kind is ea=y :o’l'o. aure to cure, and safe in all caser and at all times, and does not prevent the horse from being worked while.using it _ _ PETOE TAE C O Coo ecice It cleanses the breuthing apparatus, by remorâ€" ing from the air.cells the w:f-hblo lymph, or that secretion which in heaves o‘- them, causing a difficu‘ty in breathirig, and by its acticn on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane to tesume its natural dimensions, thus ut::lhhg the circulation of the blood, and restoring the distended versels to tho:r natural llTl; :'y its use the horse‘s petite is improved, al rangements of the :!’,..un o;glnl M&ï¬'â€â€˜ the skin, and ving to the cont a slee! ® appearance. “p, (\', HU RD, Successor to ln‘:.: Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Proprictor for the United Lane, States Massey, Henry ¥« 0 Brown, in Ottawa. Ottawa, Nov. 1, 18 7 A RCHITECT, Eiginestreet, opposite "M& the Post Uffice. Rergrexcrss â€"H ASims, Eeq, Architect, Philaâ€" delphia ; Thos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Albany ; Dr J Abnlt.ll’..ouaun; ‘Thos Reyrolds, Esq, Managing Director 0 & P R W 612â€"6m _, j GEORGE E. DESBARATS Ottawa, Dec. 14, 1867. 613â€"a GATILNBAU AN Oitawa, Sopt. 4, 1867 A PPLICATION will be made to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, at he next Session for a CHARTER to run a STEAM FERRYBOAT fromtbe GATINEA!U POINT and RIVER to the CITY of OTT A W A, to be ealled the &o gentlemen dro: in and seo, -r-dmllliu ut We “‘:ul be supplied And all your wants 8 supplied, And 'Itgout much ado. Nov. 26, 1867 IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL PIANO »TOOLS PIANOS, With care I‘ll barberize your chin,; With neatness dress you: hair, And if I fail to ploase 1“ W hyâ€"just call upon ros‘a‘lc.Ҡ3 _L/I\_[LES. NORTHROP & LYMAX, * Newcasmz, C.W., Propristorsfor the Canadas . Horthoer,â€"Jrhs Reberts, W. N. U mer, m s ,b{l,:. Â¥â€" lec‘r;ly J. Skinner, and J. P. MITCHELL, Minister of Marine & Fisherics THE CANADIAN B. BILLINGS, Jz., MNOPICEH. NOTICE. of OTT A W A, to be ealled the QTTAWA STEAM FERRY OTTAWA." OTTAWA." Le., &e: DAN RICK. 577dwtm Royal Italian Bitters | TONICD REALE Pnjm of T . The 'i)toprlotw refers with the greatest confiâ€" dence and satisfaction to the subjoined testimonâ€" ials from emivent medical men, which he could add to, were it desirable. Meapse NMC CC h We 10 000 100051 t e No t t m en sds To Ma. A®GELiA G1aNELLLI Dear Sir: We are pleared to ao mclm of the pnufl,i.tlon of your and bitters, ontitled "The Royal." stances conta‘ned in its composition combined to ‘orm a preparation fit fo detailed in ‘y.out directions. We are, dear 8ir, yours :Lv:r"!y‘,l A. M. F. G1axei11, Eeq., Montreal. Dear Sir: Just, recovering from & Iano’ and severe iliness, I have received a unzlo your Tonico Reale and from its use have derived conâ€" siderable benefit, as I find my n!&otlu and digesâ€" fon much improved, and hesitate not to recomâ€" mend it as one of the best and most agroeahle ‘Tonics I have ever used. es ras aBwaATh AOmICE £ RRTE CCR C WILLLAM ARNOLD, A.B® Trinity Collo?. publin; . R. C. 8. London ; M. D., New York, Liconciate {Royal Vollege Havana. RoyalCanadianBank OTTaAwA AGENCY : Offlceâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks St M. P. HAYES, Ottawa, June 21. Ottawa & G‘ouester Road Compy. ll heereby given that the Directors of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company have this day made a further. CALL OF TEX PER CENT. On the Capital Stock of the said Company, which Call they require the Holders of such .rto k to â€\{s:, the -ndvnlsnd at the Law Offce of MESSRS. MATHESON & LEES, in the City of Ottawa, on SATUKVAY, the ELEVENTH B;A\‘ Or JANâ€" Outâ€"Fitting Store! No 9 Rideaustreet» (Gentlemen‘s Oufitting Goods Hosiery, Readyâ€"made Clothing, &e., &¢ MA Everything made to order, Neat as the Neatâ€" est, and chu:':- the Cheapost, Ottawa Dec. 9. 546 « ig';s Wandering Jow, _ Miss Muhlback‘s Historical Novels, Cassels‘ Magazine, Vol I, (bound,) Cassels‘ Penâ€" T CETCT y PC Wea % ny Readirg, YOi i, CHCEMMJ UMNUTE MNCCCY ({anl. Bweet Counsel, by Sarsh Tai:r. Chanâ€" bera‘ Md Dhtkuz.“:;l Leaves, from American Posts, Bible of the Holy Land, by Dr. Kitto. Year ‘uk. Canadian Almanac, Farmer‘s AJmaâ€" nac, Churchman‘s Aiman«c, and Diaries for 1868, Bill and Postage Stamps forsale. _ _ DEL DOTIORE F. P. VERRL Cloths, AVE JUST RECEIVED Book Season. Part 1 # J. DURIE & S0O® OULD inform the Citizens of Otta« wa and Vicinity that he has opened out, Chemutry in the Uniersnity 0 Papta R. H. GRAHAM . Leter from Dre. Picault. Montreal, July 27, 1866, L1a GTaANELLI» 4 We are pleared to acknowledge the e pnufl‘.uon of your valuable tonic ntitled ©The Royal." All the sub= ‘ned in its composition nre perfectly orm a preparation fit for the purposes 1ITALY. e P .":;‘- & & ;:'-1;'\. & a YWP Psny se & iVJyL ‘A*»L Ame y *n ss O / x +3 / W ith a Complete Stock of NOTICE ONTARIO New sork, May 14. 1867 DRS. PICAULT & 8SON J. DURIE & §0N, y Valises, Beaver Hall Kill, Aow»®. 1578 'l‘ll& HOUSE formerly o0« Aln es 4 cupied by the late Charles m Cambie, Esquire, on Vittoria st., to be let furnished or unfurnishe 4+ If furnished, with use of Piano. Water and eve convenience in the house. Stabling and Ccaz House attached. Apply toâ€" Ottawa, Dec.7, 1867. BRICK DWELLINC 6 BUILDING LOT#®, one mile from gity, on the Richmond Road, mului;f nere each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON on the prowinee«. 864t November 9, 1867 ‘ RUuOM TO LET cither with or.with= out board. Engquire _ this office. Ottawa, November 20. 59_4}!_ Furnished House to Let. Ottawa, February 13, 1867. Eight Rooms and Kitchen, i §.* l“ol SALK.â€"â€"THE WEST» P3 is erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27. in First Concession Ottaws, Frout Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26â€" and 28. is the same Concersion, at present in the ooo-lpo?a of Wim. T. Aylen, Eeq. For further particulart apply to soux and Wu. Twowsox, Ne and Lewis & P:xuzy. Barrister, Ottawa. .hm-d Village of New xkA .0 + FOIMIAI-I. ‘I‘IIA".I' l:‘l‘l. A e property, benutifully bakes 5.9 Ees yoe wa, in the Township of Nepeam, distant from the City «of Ottaws about three miles on the mmdmlm( road, together with the STUNE DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at prosent Possession immediate. A'â€I; to New Edinburgh, Nov. 20, 1867 ;EEZ'L;{' w flï¬.'i’r:im"' ;ï¬ilï¬.’ and ; arden and orname: gfll o\nh:{ e funo, forming part of Lot No. 24, h“&o 1st conâ€" cession, Ottaw‘ front. A most desirable private residgnce and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse for sale at nuu.b.hnrlou- For particulars terms apply to John ans William Thomson on the premises, or to LEWIS & PINHEY, _ Ottawa, February 27, 1867 VICTORIA HOTEL~TO LEL. could pot fail to be made to pay. _ . _ It l-‘bulu en the bmwmr- style of auh'u::: ture, of cut stone ; bas pln.-rnl s and is four Mh‘ h exclusive ?c basement It is fipely situated on the corner of dl:n;t:- :a‘ ()‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings ana has three vacant lot attached, so that the Buildings could be enlarged to smy reâ€" quired capaeity. _ P A"lmluu. (postpaid) to be addressed to FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., Or JOHN MENEY, Eeq., Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W Ottawa, March 11. 3T9u w. tawa City and Aylmer, about 36 miputes‘ driye from the city. A farmâ€"of excelient land, oonuh(n‘i about 90 nores, with a large stone House erected thereon.~ _ _ ue m _ The ;'ropd;n"h'-'l-ï¬o objection : sell .a part of the farm, with or without the This would be a desirable country residence. | Title unexcepâ€" tionable. FOR SALE OR TO LET. Augus? 1 llzo A(in‘:‘l".-azb:'n‘.r‘trh I-l{ .:ft)" No« No. 11, . of the Townsh ngoode, with a good House and Barn, and Jcr ou buildâ€" ings, and a good Spring Well, fifty acres cleared and in a good stae of cultivation, This is sitwated on the Prescott Road within ffteen wiles of Otteâ€" wa. Also the south half of Lot No. 8, in the 3rd Con. of sgoode,containing 190 nores, $0 acres clearâ€" ed, the rest well wouded, with good harawood, .n'd 6o, Ne oo n e e P well watered, and situated within a quarter of a mile of the Ra‘lway Station. Titles goud. For furtber information .‘F:{ to R PATRICK HERBERT, _ ‘Skates | Skates I Possession given 1st June. M INE GROVE HOLSE: ks P pleasantly situated on the Richmond Road, with Stables, Conch House, Garden and vacant Lot adjacent thereto. A cistern of fine water in the house. Apply to + MRS. BUNTING, Rochester Estate, or on the Premises Ottawa, May 10, 1867. | Bign of the Anvil, i Rideau Street GO DOWN TO BIRKBTTS With Yard and Ontbaildings. owz _ coOUNTRY RESIDENCE Ottawn., Oct. 1, 1867 Apply to FARMS FOR SALE. AND WHERE TO GET THEXM. Have You Got a Pair ? Three Houses to Let, TO LET. Where you can get thein trom Tas Ortiwa Tixzs.â€"Printed Mw::;." mourning, (Bundays « 60 ‘orks, Â¥o. 25 Cents to $5 per Pain _ | @eftom mm Prator Yote Sose The Victoria Hotel Lots for Sale. A. J. CAMBIE, or to DUNCAN GRALAM. Apply to Ol Â¥1ICTORIA TER» race, Richmond Road, conâ€" taining eight rooms each, Posâ€" sossion given May 1st, . | FORSALE. â€"Reantifully situated on the Macadamized Road {ntmlo_t_- 1N TO LET REV. J. mu:nrt;lgd‘ [ )i jm _ _ Rideau Hotel, Ottawa City. 7 . 551â€"3m et. R. BLACKBURN. Edinburgh, Chaudiere, Otte wa MRS. LAUDER. 357 5941 , Cttawa. a $ Very Choice and ~uperior NOW ON SALE We are e-qmlunuy receiving eupjiias of this uil; beautiful and delicious COFFEE, reasted dasly on | our premises by a 1’000 ‘(‘AI:,f’l.‘l‘ 8 UNCOLOREL 800 Chests very choice and superior YOUN® HYsOX. TOO Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY f ‘100 Chests old fashioned BREAKFAS: The Pure Mountain Berry «* Without ouokian, the finest Coffos in the world."â€"London Times, March 16. By which peculiar process, he aroma is preserved, an . repders it the ravouite wink 1i Corres papreâ€" BEWARE OF SP URIOUS 1M1TATIO N®, A As itis mported by ne other firm in Canada tention of families to their stock of Wines, Spirits & Liquors ALES, WINES& SPIRITE $®" This is the finest Buack Tva ever import , 5s per pound : in small Caddies, about l‘ 13 T6. * United Vingue We have a most Setisious _ DINNEK SHERRY FRESH ARRIVALS GUINES8 & CO. DUBI IN STOUT Which we are selling at 8 shillings per gailon BLOOD‘ ‘ ",ONDON sTOUT. BARCLAY‘s LOXDON PORTEKR , ALLSOP® PALE ALb. _ > f BASS EAST INDIA. DOW8 CELEBRATED stONTLEAL aALk DAW‘B SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE DAW‘S CELEBRATED PORTER & s#oU% dust Recelived from Englans ; ROAST HARE. OURRIED Do. + JUGGED Do. + STEWED pu. ROAST PHEASANTS, ROAST GROUSE C OAST PARTRIDGK ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by our ows W aggone to any part of the City daily soucHoNa. 150 Caddies MAXNDeEIN MIXTURE First Confedera‘e Patizment ROBINSON & CO, would e«ps 'l‘lllll being an imporstant event in the \H'ut:‘y w the New Dominiun, W. NOTMAN has deci l.eog:ut'wl with Nx J. A, tKabER to commemorate the same in the shape of a larg® w.m embracing portraits of all present on the ue« cusion, and us it is utterly impos ibie 10 the ueces« surityâ€"hurried sketch taken on the sput to #ecur® likeneeses, all present are espectially invited to call and sit for their individual partraite, either at MK. NO LM AA‘8 studio in Montreal or at bis Aew Establishment now building and which wiil shortly be opened in uttawn o | HOWESs â€"| Boot and Shoe Store. R EM O VY AL. ‘A.tbol.o-nof our Premiscs in Susser* street terminates this munth, we in‘end to con fine our businers to one locality, and shall remove the whole of our Stock on the ist of May next, to our Btore in Uur stock of BOOTS and SHOK8, LEATE*R, llwl{?llmi. ‘l‘nl;':‘ls. &e..';:;.‘:ill conâ€"\ y be very large most in every | rput-on\ n.:"o-d respectfully solicit a conâ€" tinuance of favors, to merit which our consiant #Bâ€" \ deavors will be as usual to provide the best articles and sell at the lowest remunerating prices. G. HOWE & £ON. ",_!p-o-b the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideaaâ€"st. Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinder .‘R Rememb Howell‘s April 27. Ottawa, Sentember 10 Double and Single Hyacintbs, Dutth Flower Roots. 100 cases Otard Brandy. 50 " Martel®s * 150 * Mennesey, T60 * United Vinquet» Double and ingle PONQUILLE, â€"___ |> % ~~*‘‘_‘ _PUC VON THOLE, &e., 4+ "â€".l;infig-"’* y Just recerred from Europe by the subssriber. ® * EBC s4Bt! m * * L ERH ROBINSON!& CO. 0 PARTIES ABOUT TO BUILD«« Prepared by COFFEE / End Valyâ€"st., Ottawa. ROBINSUN & €O,, No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. A very fine sad large assortment of PRESERVED MEATS. t ovember 6, 1867 OPEXINKG OF THE OTTAW A teâ€"Sussex St. and Rideay | PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ESTINMNATES, & at Ta® THE TEA POT, OTTAW A THE TEA POT, SARCISSAS, AUGUSTUS LAVER, mtd iully 236 U the bH2y £1 2B § DAILY AND WEEKLY TD n-u-mcmccufluln( ned in tbe Ottewsa Valleyâ€"iss '.9‘..' and Weokly ov ,.flflm in the weel g1 thus outstripping. all comp ur the best medium for business bdvertisers specially contract WI & K. BELL, A.M., N in advance in advance ATIE, &0, 4 MONtREAL Thancery and Com Lang‘s Buildings, Elginâ€" 14, 1867 Â¥ PUBLIC for the | bec, HULL, near the Post « i iopon poad / To the :N- .l-M: for the district of Quebec. t 28, 1865. J. BUCKLEY : In the Court House, HOLAS SPARK every mormng, DR. GEORGE H J. WICKSTEE! ERRE & HAYVOC SIEKS~â€"A TeL A W, Solk 97 » cun;mud Note ex and Yorkâ€"streots, Olta: ANCER Y and conmy ICE, ATNMOND® BU LBEGAL J. O‘DOLIERTY . TETREAU : Mosgrove‘s Row, New York, and Advertwing Agents, are of from 3 to 6 lines, per ible in advance only,. ..«« 6, 1867 EÂ¥eATSLAW, 8 , Conveynncer, &c., S« on Buildings, Ottawa. LIA M MOSGRO J. F. B(}Ul/l“t,).\‘ UTER»A TeL A W 4 + ‘a, November 13 EYeA Te LA W, April 14 ~DR. CHESL JK over Mr. Gart 25 Rideanâ€"st., Ottaw Em;" Te UsTUs KEE i‘ll and . Attor in Chancery, Convey a. Day offce opposite } set, Center Town; Ni Maria Street, Conter T Oourp, with wt the «0 ertain, speedy, and aln Ofice Building, E F. BOUCHE DK 0. C. wWi ITER, Solicitory Public, Clerk of the ey , for the United C ARD T. DA Convey uncer, Notary A, CODD, M the Court House, L/ H. HA YOUCK Qailp & MER, Kic,, for . 1 Court House, Ay DR. C AAN, 84 DR. LESLIE m, &e., 1DL" to all Law Courts AN, Surgeon to the daily (if pai MERDICA GO‘CUNNXOR, to the weekly (if ; Luke Caraor®s et, Ottawa, C. W Di. DORE PLXL. W. J. EK of Kent A N , S ourace uh4 Stroot, Otta 78â€" Post Office, ied as the C inserted in the mnext door to Mr McLELOD Buildings, 1867 given io 42, Little GEMM Attorne; for the Block A # tvie , 1867 Jow®