; No. 7, LOWER TOWN MARKET, E Superior Stall Fod EEEF, MUTTON, LAMB AN) VEAL SATCHELL 8 ___~~~_ _ Colebrated Spiced Rounds & Rolled Beef, t Cured in the English Style. Also, Sugar Cured l.‘-:-:.d Bacon of thair own Ortawe, luo.b: 41. 621â€"3m * ~THE IMPORTERS TBEA! TEA! TEA! Bedroom Furniture, comprisingâ€" ) _ Chests of h‘""&‘ W ash Stands, Bedstoads, Feather Beds, HMair and Spring Mattrasses, : _ Paligses, Blankets, * Shects, Counterpanee, Parlor Stoves, Pipes, Crockery, Glassware, &v,, &0 x And a Spleadid 7 Octave Rosewood Mm&:.‘ leave to ;;ht:: opporâ€" tunity of" ie their very liberal m llc!v commencement, anc hope by punâ€"tuality and atiention to merit a con. tinuance of the same. Ottaws, December 20, 1867. _ 6191 _ ST. GEORGE‘S WARD. DON‘TFORGET the NEWSTAAXl Ott=wa, Dec. 21, ‘67. KB structions from the Executors of the Estate of the LATE MRS. VARIN toso!! on the Corner of SUSSEX and "LARERNCE STREETS, over Mr. Martineau‘s Store, on Monday, 23rd of December, At TEN o‘clock, A. M., l]\.ll Establishment has received such a wide.s,.read name for the Best 6t Goous 1 needs no further comn ent than to say that they ar determined to keep the laryest and vest quality 0 goods to be obtained in the Capital. A large asâ€" Also, a large quantity of PRESERVES in Pots of various sizesto suit purchasers, an ) about Of all the Choicest Kinds by tho barrel or measure A assortment of Fancy Goode just arrive« from cunsisting of BOXES» CORNU COPDAS and FANCY sWEETMEATS of ever N. B.â€"Breakfast and Dinner Rolls and Muffins fresh every day. A Cooking Stove, and a large quantity of Kitchen Furnitare, with other articles too numerous to the Importers. All orders tog 25 Ib. boxes and u(nunl:. carri« zï¬.h any Railway Station ";;L.I:.‘l:‘b Parâ€" wanting smaller quantitics should c ther, Buyers Ih’:o}ud Railway suunu,w:i'u )l“!.i'nrd order, orenclose notes. The carriage be paid to the nearest station, whore there we express ofices. Toa will be forwarded immediately on nni‘no{ the order by mail conâ€" hha':-y. or money can be collected on z.by express man. Casi collected in Montreal of ch'm and ‘;c'u t:rv_vrndod for the same. OH*QI gos ac on weigh, 4 chests about 50 lbs. Mldm“ï¬l“lh.gmn To« from 60 to 80 lbe. Teas not mentioned in adâ€" m.uhl“mflly cheap. The Comâ€" mfl determined to a stand in the Montreal mz article may therefore be deponded on as to quality and weight. Ottawa, December 18. I have consented to be a CAND/DATE for the representation of St. George‘s Ward at the ap proaching election for Ou Tuesday, the 24th December, At his Auction Rooms, No: 18, Sparksâ€"strect, at hour of TW ELVE oclock, noon, Wilbrodâ€"streot. * ' Lots Nos. 19, 20, 21, 2?, 23, 24, North Sile o Theodoreâ€"street ; all very handsomely situated. Terms, | cash ; balance in three equal annual instalments, at 7 per cent interest. Houschold Fur:iture, Piano Forte. English Bun House| Common vongou, Broken Leat, Strong Tea..$90 Â¥ine Fiavoured New Season do................. 00 Excellent Full Fizvoured do............ ......... 00 All the Furniture and EFects, comprisingâ€" Satchell Brothers, Dec. 19, 1867. Rich Flavoured do Very Fine . do CITX EO TS Very Fine do. An excellent mixed Tea, Black and Greep,.... 00 60 .'- Tee u0-;...6........“..‘: AUCTION SALES, OTTAW), BY H. Me J EAN. Buteners 1o His Exceilency Lord Monck. $ All Bozes and Chests sont from this Est *b hsbment have the sddress of the MONTREA! 1BA COMP ANY printed on them. Augast 27, 1867 . $2234â€"w3 Mapogany Sofas, Cnairs, Contre Tables, Window Curtains, Gilt Cornices, . Card Tables, Mirrors, + Brussolls Carpets Terms Cash in bankable funds PIANO FORTE, W Agent for Ottawa and neighborhood, JetlMes, Blane Mange, Charlotte Russe,. &c., &c, Rich Cakes, KRichly Ornamentcd, Macroons, Sponge and Pound Cake, Mixed Wine Biscui{s, Mized Cakes, ed a large quantity of Gre b.mp.-uhm of th SCHOOL TRUSTEE. ECTOR MeLEANX has received in« 150 Barrels of Apples! TO THE ELECTORS OF ll’;wdvcd Instructions from Mr. PATIKKSON, of Kingston, to ofer for sale BARTLETTI®S Next to the Capital Store Depot BUY YOUR TEA (Dusham, maker] Cover and Etool ktt. McLEANX AXTCTION SALE 1 am, Géentlemen, Your obedient servant, J P. ROBERTSON suitable for Christmas and New Year BLACK TEA. AUVCTION SALE GREEN TEA. 6. 2,1, 11. 13 At the reque:t of many of my friends mâ€"‘yfll ot Five Chests and _ ____ upwards. MR. JOS. MOONEY. MONTREAL TEA CO., . oo repimnbet Monkrent MECTOR McLEAN, 6i9td Auctioncer H. MeLEAN, &c 24, South Side Auctioncer 618td %00 38 . 00 5P . 00 66 . 00 T: 60 75 00 58 55 15 With many thanks for post favors, the Subâ€" scriber would respectfully solicit a continuance of ronage. ‘ '“m MRS. A $COTT. 08 hand and for Sale, an extensive, a=sortment of Oakes, Crackers, and nhmlt.H Confactionery in great variety. _ | I Just received a largo stock of 9 The Old Stand ! LAND OCAR ES SCOTT*S oTrA WA, Decemt FANCY BOXES3, CORNUCOPTAS, SACKS, ORNXAMENTS, and s BONâ€"BOXS Direct from Paris, mnm finest selection and most sairable for gifts to be found in this City. tm tonmuorcryâ€" Paris Marble Mantle Clocks, Paris Marble Statuettes, &?. Hilver and Hlectroâ€"Plated Ware Of all descriptions of manufacture. FISHe=»â€"Just arrivedâ€"Salt Water Salmon, No. 1 Labrador Herrings, Potted Salmon, Lobstors and jardines in tins. SPICES== of Every Description ground on the premires. SAUCES, PICKLE®, &c. T ho 0 â€" ALE® and PORTEIR==â€"Guiness‘ Dublin Porter, in Quarts and Pints : Hibberts‘ London Stout, folson‘s and other CANADIAN AL&S always on hand. % 36 Picces Striped \\"imyn, u‘d"ptko is, for | #4 Pleces Fine Prints, usual price 10d, for T}d 14 per yard. | |.__ per yard. + 10 Pleces Striped Winceys, usual price, Is 94, ‘ 40 Pleces Heavy Grey Cottops, usual price Tid for is 3d per yard. @«natoitisi ts | for 64 per yard. goi% Flowers for Christmas. LAMPS for CHRISTMAS. . | MAGIC LANTERNS, | The Howe Sewing Machines from $50 Up. Groceries, Wines & Liquors, TEAS=«Fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial, Twankay, Souchong, Congou and Japan ; COFFEK=«Fresh Roast.d and Ground on the premises ; LIQUOR®=â€"Brandy, (Pale and Dark,) Barnard‘s Old Tom, Holland Gin, in bo‘tles and on d ht ; Aorton‘s lnniz Proof and Old Byo. Jamai¢a Spirits, Champagne, in baskets and cases. Alnor..:.ho ot of Old PORT and SHERRY of the Choicest Brands, » 5 DRESSING BAGS AND CASES for y§pCull and seethis liltle beauty December 19, 1867. \479â€"43y %3 Plcces Plain Winceys, usual price Is 6d, for | 50 Pleces Vory Heavy Grey Cottons, Yard wide Bargains in Dry Goods. GARLAND, MUTCHMOT &CO a s â€"_ Importers, 20 Sparks Street, Have just received the following, bougkt fir below the original cost, which they are offering at their usual Small Advance on Cost : 30 Plcces Wide Width, Nicoâ€" Patterns, Fast | 40 Preees Scarlot Flannels, usual price 2s (d, for RNAMENTED CAKES, #COTCil sUORT BREAD, CURRANT BUNS Cold and Silver Watches. s «o sryiss: Cold Brooches and Earâ€"Rings,. ®* som. English and French Jet Jewellery. Has now opened his assortment of Goods specially imported for CHRISTMAS AND NEW _ YEARS PRESENTS, comprising all the novelties of the season, ant which have been carcfully selected in the different markets ot Europe. ~Among them will be found colored Prints, usual price 7id, for 6d per yard. | _ for 2s per yard. * Together with an IMMÂ¥ENSE YVARIETY OF OTHER GOODS too numerons to mention RU" WHOLESALE & RETAIL FROM SWITZERLAND AND IRELAND. ‘ sor.ed by Mrs. Produrick at 12 ofclock. _ _ uicroscores rrox $1.00 Eaci.| af poomninin s Hoveey nevaie 97 i‘:“.‘"‘... Nyvs GALVANIC MACHILNES, &e., &c. | _ C.mutrtw®.â€"Francts Ritchey, James Starmer. Confectionery. and Bakery, 'â€"‘ e o S mm e Ei LCC uTCP I " ‘ege Offic«, or add.oss Box 34, Ottaws, P. 0., Out. _ Apply to JOMN W At the Market Drug Store, Yorkâ€"st. Wx. HEARX. Desember *0, 1817, 6 10y _ AT THE LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH, viz Ottawa, Docember 7, 1827 450y Ottawa, December 6, 1867 RB@®" Adaptod HE UNXDERSIGNED begs to inform his Customers, and the Public in general, that he has a Large and wellâ€"selected Stock of the andermentioned Articls of the Best Quality, which he is determined to Sell 1 1s per yard Wahted Immediately. N ExperiencedWRITING PFRACHER Call at the British Americas Commercial Col â€" Nublas, &¢+, Much belo . the Regular Prices during the Holidays. 15 SPARKS STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETALL. queur Â¥ $ Grout & Co.‘s Twisted Elastic Stitch only $15. J OEIN â€" LESLTITHE STEREOSCOPES, And NEW VIEWS tor Hounay Presexts HOLIDAY AND WEDDINXG PRESE®Ts ENGLIsH AND FREXCH Inspection Invited. Is all the rage. They are made here in every size and shape. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR, uTHER NUMBERS 1N PROPORTION: ALL NEWSHAP BS tGreat will, during the Holidays, sell Hoop Skirts at %5 per cent under my regular low prices. Just imagine a RBBJFIVE per cont. off tor cash in bili« until after the holidays. Oue handsome bMabogany full case $8 discount. ‘ ‘TIH‘]EL! spp Corsets®s ¥€.4 SEWING v Y MACHINES. . THE BEST HOLIDAY PRESENT, + IFrom §$47 and upwards. Prospectuses and Samples sent Free by Mail. G. A. WALTON, Agent, 37 Sparks Siteot, Ottawa Remember t 621.3 _ sion, Ottawa Front, Gloucester. _ $40â€"6m THE SCARLET SKATING SKIRT Ladies and LO Stoel Skirt tor 4s. ilearing sSae of lioop Skirts, &¢ , AT THE FAcTORY. â€"| ®5 O JOHN LESELIE, Sears Sreesr. critt GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & Cu. \ _A cordial iqvitation is extended to the different } -lllllury companies ofthe city, and the public goneâ€" | raily. The music will be furnished by Sutheriand‘s Quadrilie Band. Duncing to commense at 8 o‘clock, and supper 'i'ltl.uho place on FRIDAY, the 27th December, at 6t. Patrick‘s Hall, Sussoxâ€"st., Under the auspicos ot the oficers, nouâ€"commission ed officers and gunnars a+% * wiP Oe Breakfast Shawls, Lambs* Woo)l Hose, C. mutrrwe®.â€"Francts Ritchey, James Starmer. John Thompson. Tnomas Askurth, R. Johnson, J. Baylis, Win. Porter, Wy, PORTER, i1 dideauâ€"St., opposite Allan‘s Crockery EStore Ottawa Field Battery. The Annual Bal!l! Ottawa, Dos. 14, 1837 Honse Gentlemen.‘ And a very large variety of gous e sc mae usual price 9d, for 7id per yard Oitawa Ficld: Battery, DAVID MILLAR, > * 43 Sparksâ€"st, Centre Town Land for Sale. acHEs OPF LAND, situated w this two to .lg'ndl- of the city 1N W. Mo 3UL <B, Lot 45, 2n Conce 1. WHELAN, CRA o# TWk W ILSON‘S 484y 49wd THE OTTAWA IIMES, DECEMBER 23,iso‘f. ‘BPICES, PRUNES, % ALMONDS, WALNUTS, PILBERTS, and BRAZIL NUTS. CHOICE DAIRY, in Tubs and Crocks, received Weekly. PROVI8SIONS, Extra Wheat Flour, Bnckicheat do Indian Meal do Oatmeal, Cracked Wheat a (Graham }YOur, Rice and Barley, _ Macearoni, SY«aUP3, FRUITS. &¢. LAYER RAININ®S, in Whole, Half and Quarter Boxes MUSCATEL, do do . SULTANA, FALENT!A, * CURRANTS, £ GRAPRES, _ BREAKFAST RELISHES, HAMS and ROLL BACON, ox TONGUEs, BLOATERS, j LOCHFINE HERRINGS, . _ DIGBY o .. . + TABLE COD FISH, SALMON, TROUT, and % wHITE FISH COFFEE, CHOCOLATE and COCOA, Also a Great Variety of MUSTARD, : PEPPER, - PICKLES, * SsaUCES, POPTED MEATs PRESERVEs, THI SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform their Customers that their Stock is now complete, and embraces every delicacy of th» Season, among which will be found a choic« assortment of BR@~ Ioasted and Ground daily on the Tapioca, . Ground Rice, and Otives and Truffies. _ SANDE MA N°S, o GR‘BAH‘S. - AUNT S, * PEMARTIN & Co., DUFFGORDON & Co., & BURGUNDY, and ‘ CLARET, in Wood and Bottle. . _ We have an excellont Dinner SHERRY, which we will sell until after the Holidays, at 7s. 6d. por . BROWNE & HARDV‘S CoLUMN. Breakfast 8SOUCHONG, o s do â€" CoXGoT, * } Black Extra Fine, Supericr HY80N, «_ GUNPOWDER, + «_ IMPERIAL, * * _ TWANKAY, Orange PEKOE, ) These Toas have beet Flowery hi carcfully selected for Japan this 8i family trade by 8UGARS, LOAF, BROKEN LOAF. | CRUSHED, GRoUxND, YELLOW, ~___ and MUSCOYADO,. CHAMPAGNE, ‘GREEN SEAL, and other brands, in Pints and Quarts, from $.2 to $24 per dozon. Ixor W arguouse:! BRANDY, > MARTELL‘S, HENENS & Y°S vintage of 1855, at $3 per gallon ; QTaRD, DUPUY & ¢o., and other brands. at $2 50 per gallon, or $6 50 WHISKEY, Seotch, [rish and Canadian ; HN, BKIL .: :.: : _ t A t t BALTCMORE OY3TER3, in Tus; lton'UIOYflllt.uMd“up'hml LOB31 -fl.h% FRESH MACKEREL in do, do _ SALMON in _ do. And a great variety of Goods too aumerous to mer lon which we offer at prices that murt please ou C=_ _ . __ BROWNE & HARDY. Ottawa, December 19. 408¢f LEMON, G1NGER, ORANGEB, BAVARIA, * PEACH, FRENCH, flavored with Vanilla ; TAYLOR‘8. per dosen. 1867 as» 1868. 6iÂ¥ 5: >; NUTMEGS : MACKE, CINNAMON, i _ ~CLOV£ES, GINGELR, MIXED £PICES, ALK, Scotch, hsu and Canadian ; PORTEK, do _ do premises English, American and Canadian 16 Rideau S:reet, Ottawa. MOCHA, JAY A, TEAS, Morrison, Taylor & Co.‘s All Ground on the Premises; BROWNE & iHHARDY Gelatine, Patent Groa‘s, BOTTLED FRULITsS, JAMAICA, and CEYLON, In Jars and Bottles FRYE‘8, RASPBERRY, and STRAWBERRY LEMONS, Verniteelli ORANGES. In Syrup MoOTT‘3 Spoons Forks, Caps, Salvers. Crust Stands; LIQUOR STANDS, CENTRE $TASDS, Pickle Stands, Salt Cellars, Card and Cake Baskets» Suitable for Christmas Presents, Jewel ~Cases, Dressing Cases, Suitable for Christmas Presents Suitable for Christmas Presents FRENCH, ENGLISH & AMERICAN YOUNG & RADFORD‘S coLVMmN. Papier Mache, Leather & Rosewood, Electroâ€"Plated Ware, Ladies Reticule Fans Christmas Presents. Suitable for Christmas Presents, Suitable for Christmas Presents, Gold W atches RADFORD‘S All Suitable for Christmas Presents, 30 SPARKSâ€"STREET. Ottawa, Docember 18, RADFORD‘S Practical Watch Makers, And Manufacturing Jewellers, YOUNG AND RADFORD‘3. * wWORK ~Boxes, YOUNG AND RADFORD‘S. GoLD CHAINS, YOUNG ANDâ€"RADFORD‘3 Silver Watches, YOUNG AND RADFORD‘S8. YOUNG AND RADFORD‘3. HEAD BANDS, SUITABLE FoR CHRISTMAS, PRESESTS, A LARGE COLLECTION OF Aud the Latest Noveltics in From $18 Upwards, F0 UNG From $8 Upwards, From $8 Upwards, Y OUNG From 75 ots. upwards, CLOCKS, 0 Sparksâ€"st. . FOR FINE ° FoR FINE &o, &¢, in FINE FINE FINE FINE AND AT AT AT AT AT 1X AT AT WB public generally that this season they have un hup:: very hfp’“ of Ornamented Fruit Oakes! WV Board:, Oakey‘s Silverâ€"mith‘s Suap, Fancy Sonpsin great variety, at reduced prices. The g‘oo::vmmd.udwldutho lowest price for Cash, _/ : Sarsaparilla, Ginger, Lemon, Raspberry and Vanili1, sold by the Bottle or Gallon. Having on h ind a very large stock this season, t '"#'r"u o. Dieuere: Butih sod Suppers arties nerg su pli d with the choicest delicacies at very Feasgh, able rates. . Otcaws, Dec. 20, 1867, es _ 620b HAV!IG imported some of the above RILFLES in 1866, under free entry, I offer the halance of stock at $(7 each, which is $4 less than manufacturers prices ; wholesale price at factory is $25 American money. SWEETMEATS ! Mixed Candies of all Kinds. CcoRrNuUcoOoPIAs, OTTAWA, December 18. 1867 «* 1868. CONFECTIONARBY ! FANCY BOXES and TOYs of a 1 descriptions. © SY RUPS.. â€" VARIETY HALL, POI‘I' WINES, the best, various prices. SHIRRY WINE, good table, $1.50 and higher qualitie=, CaRIATMAS AND NEW YEAR. FOR NEW FRUIT, THOS. PATTERSON‘S, No. 26 Rideauâ€"strect. rl\nunluol ‘and Truffics in Pots, Mushrooms in tine. Mirrors, Small Bleighs, Focking Horses, and a thousand other articles not to be found elsewhere, and at prices thas all will admit to be chorp. JUSEPH BOYDEN, _ _ Blfl to inform their customers and the â€" public generally that this season they have THs HOLIDAYS! THE HOLIDAYS! 2 Prepare for the Holidays 1 â€" * ' And where to do it is at the : Wllx'l' you cannot get there you need not Jook for elsewhere in fine Glassware ot all descriptions ; Fine Dinner Eetts, Fine Tea ~etts, Fine Bieakfast Eotts, Beautiful Punch Bowls, Table Oruaments, Perfumery Bottles, Boheâ€" wian Vases, Small Tes and Tuilet Setts for the Little Folk, Mcttoed Cups and Smucers, Mottoed Mug«, Parian Ornaments, Ohins Vases, Fancy Cructs, Tea Tray», Table Mats, Tollet Glasses and WINES AND LIQUORS, &c. ~ PRODERICKC‘S, 1867â€"8. BOOKS, BOOKS I 1867â€"8, “7 ELLINGTON Knife Boards, Oakey‘s Silver»t The Most Atl_raotive Gifts. J. DURIE & S0X® HaaAS C a ty mad in o For wrv-;-n:-v’-;.- â€"â€":â€"-- WS ‘_‘,“ L l-.b'lu. m;o s and :.M .’.l'ugï¬ stock â€"sor offe ed in tas city, in the newse t patterns and ichest rbfll:;i'. ‘;bo“’aa-:-ll for O:r?'do ;:l’ eryhing sait se * a09, P J. DUORIE & 8ON, . 300KS tor ‘} e titile unes. Dore‘s celebrated It‘ustrated Books, Christmas and Ottawa, wee. 16, 1867. \URRANTS, new crop, clean and sweet. 1RYSTALIZED FRUIT for |\ RESH FIGS and Prunes, very fine. COTCH and Irish Whiskey, 7 years old. CITRON, SPONGE, PRINCE‘3. LADY‘8, AND SEED CAKE. UGARS and Syrups, all grades. l in‘. ealae tm cni o L Av ORDAN ALMONDS, shelled and sweet. AMS and Jellics, Black and Red Cur» rants, &c. AsPBERRY VINEGAR and Syrups + in bottles. _ HAMPAGNE, Green Scal, pints and quarts. : UINKS$8!‘ PORTER, pints and quarts (Burke‘s bottled.) * N 0st NGLISHU CHEESE, and Canadian Face 6134 RESH FPRUITS, in tins, great variety, OBACCOS, plug and cut, the fAnest. EMON, Citron and Orange Peels. YSTERS, Haddics, Fresh Salimon, Lobsters, Saraines, &c. * RANDIES, 7 years old, in bottles and on draft. + ICKLES and Sauces, the best brands. EESORS Celebrated Boyal Arms, and North Wilt‘» Cheeseâ€"unrivallod. ; EAS, ‘Asam, Black, Japan, Twankay «nd Young Hyson, AKING POWDER, and Egg Powders for Baking. f OLLAND GIA and Old Tom. ERRING®, in barrels and halves, La« brador and &onh Shoroâ€"best. AlSIN® in varicty, the Largest for Tuble and Richest for Couking. NO._â€"20, RIDEATU â€" STRE GRANT 4 RIFLES ! Wesson‘s Rifles! NGUES and Sounds, in kitts» Â¥ine Uilustrated Gift Books, Family Bibles, in rich calf and morosco OF 38 8USSEX STREET, MHoliday Season. 84, Sussexâ€"st. GENUINE OMuo: FuR THOMAS ISAAC, Have opened their new premises enc k wWiuesoi. House . , mu>» 17, 13 7. 616â€"1m te R!l?"-("l‘"'l,l.\"-wn«nnn-,lhe arrival of a misn G‘as«« Flower Vaszes and Ornamentâ€" enitable fap complete Stock of China, G‘ass, Earthen®are and Parian Frosted and Â¥ngraved, Cut and Pressed TABLE GLASS, and an assortment of Common Ware for wholessle purchasers. £ PB A large and most varied Stock to select from: . > Canadian Grey Cloth at 3s. 3d. _Fer.y:ml. * & Canadian Tweeds at 48. per yard, GOoLD WaATCHES, *»* KK CLOCKS, GOoLD JEWELLERY CHRISTMAS IS COMING! PIANOFORT ES AT THE SHEFFIELD HOUSE! MELODEONS AND V ictoria Organs, rl)nfln‘ the bolidays a Liberal Discount ill be made to parties desiring to make purchases wr pre ounts. foOttawa, December 19, 1867. 619tny Ottawa CROCKERY Store! Skates! Skates‘ SLEIGHS, SLEIGHS Skates from 20 Cents to $6.00 fl'l.‘a-bor the placse; Hardware of all Description Ottawna, November 18, 1867 HAS JUST RECEIVEDâ€"A NEW £TOCK OF MELODEONS from 855 UPW aiO8. CUNNINGEILAM &s LEDNDSAY® Cunningham and Lindsay ALL |PRESENT3 BY SANTA CLAUS, * At 18A AC)8. White Gros de Suez Silk. Jet Fringes and B Â¥French Repps and Mc inos. Crysta) Prop Trimmings and Black Silk . antle Velvets, Real Cluny and Malte Ladies‘ Belts and Belt Ribâ€" Jet and Fancy Dress Bu.tons Evening Flowers. Ottawas, Doc. 10, 1867. 390y Magee& Russell ‘The Largest Stock in QOtitawa. At Lowest Oish Prices, JUST RECE.VED DINNER sr®TTS, BREAKFAST SETTS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS AND MANTLE CLOTHS. MIL ES PRESENTATION Gimps. Call and Examine prices before Purchasing Llwwh'e're. oo m macfedinenctae o+ 477y _ Ribbons Christmas Presents Ex. 8. S Moravian, ELECTROâ€"PLATED WARE, WILLITAM ATLANX At ISAAC‘S, At ISAAC‘S, â€"ARE NOW SELLING â€" T. ISAACS. s11d Invite particular Attention to their Veivet At ISAAC‘E. 51 RIDEAU STREERT SILYER WATCIHFS, TINEâ€"PIECEs®, T y SILVEI JEWELLERY, ED WARE, FAXCY GuOPDs. arrival of a Chaice €et s« LN â€"«« Ase on the 1x Canadian Cotton Yarn at 7s. 64. a Bundle, Canadian Bags at 1. 94 | KEA«INWB3 COVGH 10ZEaGE3$ . ° ~f a E"hoice Selection of China and BHohe» hie for Xm « and Naw Year‘sGifte Also, the most ‘arian Marb‘e ever brought into ttawa, consisting of .uu Universal meimedy now stands=> , the first .n publicfaver and coutidence; this ... \_ »es»lt has beon ueq uire : by the test of nfiy y "% expwience _ ihese Lozouges muy ve found uR s ue in every British Culony ; #nd througbout * «i1 and China wey huve been higbly * whenver intuoduced, _ For Covous, A8â€"41, Mbd W * ul Adcctions uf the Throst und Uhest, they 6. 4s the most ugr. e«bie and eficaciuus remedy ; ‘ do uo contain upieu or any « ther deleteriou» . ~ D9# ind «y thereiure be t«ken with mofl& = the most delicate conetitution. c o :: Prepusod and suld in b xes, tins and t‘t~i‘ various s.ze«, by Tnowmas K««ra0, Chomint, v* 79, St. Paul‘s Cburch) ara, 1 014uu. Boid M: *Â¥ all Drugziets aud Pateut Medicine Vepdors in ie â€" World 61B â€"LaBu * m APPLICATIO wi"‘ be: made to the Pnruunto‘(‘ anada, nz'.h.l-b.. l: the Encor agion cvfl.’ll, m ‘uuum:opl':‘!il ww persons in of trust, under the nathe of the Dominion Guarautes Association." Ottawa, November 8, 1867. 590â€"law? sCcoTTIsH PROVINCIAL AS:URANUOE COMPANY. OTTAWA NO.. 1 ixTExp moupisc ruzis SECONXD ANXNUAL BALL at tus ow AN*8 QUADRILLE BANXD [las been engaged for the oce=sion, Bupper will be furnished by Mrs. PRODERICK in ber usual firstâ€"class style. Double Tickets $2.00, Single 1.50 To be had at Mre Proderick‘s and P. A. Engleson‘s Cipthing Store, Susâ€"ex street, Win,. McCaSrey‘s, Yorkâ€"street, Yoang and Radford‘s Centre Town, of Members of the Committee, and at the door. > Can a04 Hrav Orrics............... Pi«ce d‘Armes, Montreal. cos.‘pochl gnm;w; P-Jm‘u“fl this sture 3ixt y /w onâ€" :iu.m’ch. :n divhi-‘:.z*- to One Year‘s auditional bonus over there of later date, A. DaVIDsuN PARKER, Becretury for Canada. 618â€"2awktd December {4. Ball of the Season. Friday, January 3rd, 1868. ST. PATRICKS HALL and CANADIAN INSTITUTE, CaPITAL ONB MiLLION STERRLING! IMVESTED 1N C NADA OVER $5u00.0 Uréawa, Kovember8, 1867. â€" 590â€"1 aw# ORX AMEXTsS. V " Faugh aâ€"Ballagh." NOTICHE. NOTICH â€"â€"ARALLAN, FIRE COMPANY €15td OTTaAWa : W. M. MASSEY, Aogwr 618if R. REA RDO®N, 510y