44 W [ 1 American Watch Co., Walitham. C "U _ * > dor sale by all frstâ€"class dealers in the United States and British Provinces. Fw“ 8 . _ 2 Gentlemenâ€"The f . cor men, k e int OF T% LÂ¥ : TIMEâ€"K * TROUBLE and ha ga * had in use on this 1 L* ssknowladead zood iÂ¥ NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. & f Locomotive Dep‘t Western Division, 4* f Rochester, Dec. 24th, 1866. ; _._____ @enitemenâ€"L have u“hmulflhhï¬tma locomotive engineers «* _ have found -7“'“. W ATC ARE SATISFACTORY of any tor i â€"*â€" their uses. % RUN WiTH THE GREATEST ACCURACY AND STEADLNESS, notwithstanding .oa of an engise ; and as I have NEVER KNOWN ONETG WEAR OUT,they must be . *.a be mb-& time when un!ny-x.wuqï¬ your waiches, and B Amhflhq_.nlm In my it greatly tend to promote regulariâ€" & Yours respectfully, l im n ol d _ â€" . Centlemenâ€"The watches .-l.-(mmdwhnh: in use on this WM for m"‘;lfl Ol.r «* cur men, to w we w as our equb are some C# mmu Wlmmn.dmcoobndlnlhgt! * Indeed I have great satisfaction in saying YOUR WATCHKS GiVZUS LESS Â¥ TROUBLE and have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than watches we haveâ€" ever P# had in use on this road. As you are aware we {ormer‘y trusted buc-orhhi-mtmn. of * WMMM‘U.M theyâ€"never keep time as correctly, nor have they done as , service as yours. ;‘_[ * _ An these statements I am sustained by my predecessor, Mr: Lowis, whose experieuce cxtonded over Wanted Immediately T'. PIRSTâ€"CLASS JOURNEYME® Biacksmiths to whom constant employment *und geod wages will be given. Apply to Alex‘r. Flockhart, of Onslow, Note favor of Mesers. J. @. McKenzie & Co., dated December 2, 1867, at 3 months, mwble at their office in Mon» mmmaï¬'u&mu. Fraser & Smith, Noto favor of Messts J. G. Moâ€" Kepsio & Co.. dsted December 3, 1867, payable at their office in Montreal, due March 30, 1863,3%7 1.55. :u“ 'c:‘.y.l)u. 11, 1867. Anding same will please leave !_&tqnum“ pdlb-ul.ln.dhnh ig m‘wuu. igh rank a“t:.o uuhhmflnï¬ ers are coming in from Medicine Dealors in all parts of the country for further supplies, and each tostifying as Al-lx’l- FLOCKHiART, of Onslow Note tavor of Messrs Goo. Childs & Co., dated Dre. 2, 1387, st 3 months, payable at Bank of Montreal, im Montreal, due March 25, 1868, _ The asto afficacy of the Canadian hm“ br. '.hhlh u'.‘n. commended, and its wonderful success in subduing to the universal satisfaction it gives, _ _ _ _ ‘The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give pâ€"omenint 4. GnnÂ¥ie hi tondban Brown, in Ottaw Ottema Nor. .l.. 1867 "â€"ra"_ from experience in this matteor, havin “ thoroughly, and therefore those who are sufering from any of the complaints for which it .: recommended may depend apon its being a Soveâ€" terms of its time, aad =henover used is well liked, never tmilng ““‘-‘.fl'mfl“""fl timely used, and we have nover known asingle case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" 4 CANADIAN PAIN utSTROYER! Among ine most important of moderna Medical is coveries stands the The whole to be disposed of before the 1st day of December. Call early and examine ; before purchasing clsewhere. ‘Ottawa, November 19, 1837. â€" y 59% 3m a series of years grades of the American watch (except the lowest grade marked I.o'“cq)mrmmd by rmmmmwdm-uum signature of the Treasurer of the Company, E. Robbins. The purchaser should in all cases require one of these certificates, which is hr-gnld .Mb:r'm Dom trade marks on the several grades of our manufacture :â€" A AN WaTCH CO. APPLETON, TRACY & Cu. WALTHAM WATCH CO. P. 8. BARTLETT. . WM. ELLERY. ~ HOME WATCH Co. DRY GOODS & READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING Pilot do Whitney do DRAWERS, SB SsHIRTS, WoOL CRAYV aATS, «_ SCARFS, f NECK TIES, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throa: %-H. Cramps in the Stomach, Cholers Morbus, Dysentety, Bowel And at the Sign of the "Golden Lamb." Meltgn JL such a wideâ€"world celebrity that unscrupuious deaiers years ago imitated its style and pirated its trade marks. â€" Irresponsible dealers are occasionally fcn-‘"h 43-.«1, M?pnth :opuluiu of the American watch by selling a base imitation under the name of the genuine article. It is hardly necessary to state that such warches are worthless as timeâ€"keepers, and when bought for the genuine are calculated to injure the high reputation which our watches have attained. . The several Beaver Cloths, Dry Goods and Readyâ€"made Clothing, J. T. Prudhomme‘s Stores, 'l‘l perfection and cheapmess of the American (Waitham) Watch have given it such a wideâ€"world celebrity that unscrupulous dealers years ago imitated its style and pirated its AIIMM intends clo: he is determined to sell of at an i sicians order and use it; and no family wil} out it after once trying it Price :wentyâ€"fve conts per bottle. Boots and â€" hoes, Teas, Soap, Candles and Wines November, 14, 1867. 8 the Subscriber intends closing one of his Stores on the first day of December, H. F. McCarthy, J. Skinner, and J American W atch Co., Waltham Notes Lost. ; but on the , all are det erations, -m in the hig do SUSSEXâ€"STREET, FACING CLARENCEâ€"STREET. NORTHROP & LYMAN, CREAT CLEARINC SALE G. M. HOLBROOEKEK, MNERCHANT TAILOR, 1VavUoldo, I 10LI0, AJIGILRGG N/AU DALY 3 &o. Also al T.l’"..“.e“ BROADCLOTH uhblo(orb:gs ULIT3, which can bebad in this Estublishâ€", Beavers, Pilots, Blanket Cloths suitable for DhESS SUIT3, which can bebad in this Estublish., ment Superior to any in the city. G. M. B. respectfully invites PEG TOFP DEPOT. Uttawa, Nov. 22, 1867. 381y Elginâ€"st., opporite the Post Office. ANOWOREEIOY Us (ey SPECIATL NOTILCTCE. COLLARS, Â¥ THE NEWEST AND MOST SEASONABLE STYLES and PATTERNS. West of Eagland Broad Cloths, Black A nes, Silk . LC‘ 6 CAYTCTS EPX O CX . WINTER GOODS Dealors keep i PENNSYLYVANIA RAILROAD CO. â€"â€"ALSO, A LARGE A88ORTMENT Orâ€"> SHA W LS8, BUCK M CLOAKINGS, BUCI rs, DRESS GOODS, f NECK TIES, , PRINTS, Rs, COBOURGS. T)ap 0162 =and Canadian Tweeds. â€"CON$ISTING Orâ€" suuueoF m Ofice of the General Superintendent, * _ Altons, Pa., 15th Dec., 1866. â€"AT. Ottawa, Oct. 14, 1807 8 hereby given that .a ;uullo- will be l made to :ï¬ and mry' arliament having Jurisdiction, at the present or next session thereof, -:uu , for an actto amend the mohr-ud 13 {Md?‘mdfumm. » Vietoria, atituled to neorporate the Ottawa City MOCHA corrEE, Jiava corrEE, JAMAICA corFPEE, CEYLON . (Native) CcOPPEE, CEYLON, (Plantation) coy“, LAGUAYRA CorFPEE, Freah morning, whole or ground. s JA BUCHANAXN, Sussexr & Wellingtonâ€"sts regptssqmny dip Towint ~9 Vabrane uce ~Sur Prdcaci. cstaliien w >4. #&e,, manufactured to order. For the eonvenionce of ladies oraers will be received at the London Music store, where a fine and varied assortment of Hairâ€"work will be found. COFFEE. COFFEKE! Mr. MILE3 would take this otmflly of reâ€" turning his most sincere thanks to his many triends ulthflb.h&dtlh‘ndmpfln:â€" ago to him, during a number of years, in his old establishiment, and trusts that by ‘unremitting atâ€" tention 10 business, and in his new and Girstâ€"class saloon, with polite an i attentive workmen, to merit a continuance of their favors. HA. REMOVED HIS PARLLAMEXT HAIR DREsSING SALOON from the old stand to his new and commodious room over the LOXDON MUSIC STORE, on Elginâ€"st., opposite the Russoll thouse, which be has fitted up in the on ho inilon ie aarmeningnoprains s x or oo ra t for use. The saloon J flrhlly and very pleasantly situ . MILES, Hairdresser by Appointment to His Excelâ€" lency the Governorâ€"General, HAIRDRESSING â€"83AL00) | Ot:awa, October 3, 1867 All lhh'i Hair Watch Guards, Finger Rings his stock of Hair Dressor, â€"-mh-c.â€"'â€"" to bi R .‘A“l_"_;'! Om-_u_t:q;onl onenLES WIkSOM: ... y Brotherhood of i...,.“&‘.:’x‘".?'....m PARLILAMEN‘T ~NOTICE EDWARD H. WILLILAMS, BUCK MITTsS, BUCK MOCASSINS, s, wOoOL socks, ES, «_ MITTsS, ‘8, TRUNKS, OURGS, YALIsES ROBBILNS & APPLETON e No, 182 Broadway, N. Y. ROBERT 'l.l;'l’ls, â€" _ GENERAL ao€xts. " 565â€"48â€" 3m, Col. and W hite Blankets Horse Hugs,* Flannels. f Kerseys, * Winceys. E. MILES, COBFEE, corrEE, corFPEE, corPEE, §53â€"39y seption of boardars. a“\†17. 18 Ml.s. TROTTER :‘- to inform her friends that having ugolhcm lhnddkl.ddhtr\kacflh 3-: which have been ted up in unexceptionabie SA fow suite of rooms . e now ready for the But if you want a good oil with no odor, then send us your orders, | A Sure and Certain Cure for Feverâ€" ESMONDE BROS , | * Continued, Remittent, Intermittent, â€"_ _ 43 SPARKSâ€"ST., | Typhoid, and Fever arising from mm.;â€â€™â€œâ€˜â€œâ€˜â€œ}fn’“?' Ordinary Colds.) And they save such a quantity of fue!, They are :: .ah h:wmllprhed‘. uï¬: ving one not h‘?&olzulï¬. P.’d.-mu Y A Peany Saved is a Penuy Made. The Custom Lopartment will receive his pesi attention, Onder: from Lumberers pâ€"m ended to, e oo> > _ _ GEORGE MURPHY. Readyâ€"madeo Boots and Shoos. 1 to lbabt- :r ml::onur r 7;&(“‘ is and the inâ€" itanta ty and surrounding counâ€" trn that h:n:pud. at the abore stand, where lto'lc prop to furnish them with a supeâ€" rior article Our Solo Agents in Ottawa, November 18, 1867. A?‘ IHEACAI’ITAL Boot and &.Shue Store How Splendid 1re thosoe Dampers ! PI-AT'O... COUNTER, Warchouse, Grain, Coal, Hay, Railrond Track, Depot, Drlqfl. Gold, and kinds of 8CALES constantâ€" 1y on hand and for Sale. Competent workmen for jobbing ESMONDE BROS , Take Highest Preminms at the Paris Exposition. Toronto House, Ottaw;: Which will hlï¬l..flluvnfl-m JAMES HIGGINSON, Ottawa May 8, 186 And where he will keep constantly on hand a gone ral assortment of e« DRY ~GOO DS! Tn- Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has commenced business in the store formerly occu. pied by Messrs. Fingland & Draper All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Perth. Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to all stationsion Grand Trunk Railway. Returns tickets to Progeott, K. ville and Ottaâ€" nunhodruumhm:&pd-lpd» tions on the line. ~~ T. 8. DETLOR, l () 50 A.M.«â€"TRAINXS will leave Se tmith‘s Falls at 10150 a.m», and 6:05 p.m., and arrive at Porth at 11:40 a.m , and 6:55 p m. be i m is cale us No. Lloares Brockville after G. T. R. Express Train is due from the East. Brockville, Dec. 16 Grand Truhk, east and west. Readymade Clothing Brockville and Uttawa Railway. LZEAYE BROCKYVILLE 3._‘5 P M.««TRAIN® will leave e HOP Brockville daily at 343 p.m., and arrive at Sandpoint at 9:25 p m. LEAVE SANDPOINT. 6 _‘5 A. M.»â€"=â€"TRAINS will leave 3 Sandpoint daily at 6145 a.m., and arrive at Brockville at 1:00 p. m. l LEAVES PERTH. P. M.«â€"TRAINS will lea 5300 Perth :.u.. p.m., and 9:40 l.:... and artive at 8mith‘s Falls at 5:50 p.m. and 10:30 â€" No« 4 is due at Broskville in time to connect with 4. T. K. Expross Trains for the East and West. H ABBOTT, _ CHANGE of TIME Oftawa and Prescott Railway, as follows : NEW DOMINION. DRY â€" GGOODS ! Ottawa July 10, 1867. awa, Sept. 17, 1867. NO. 10, YORK STREET, y Next door to the Market Drug Store. Stores, Lamps, Tinwars, Btc. N. B.â€"These rains run on Montreal Tvme. The time of these Truuluu-numu eusure connection with night and day trains on Ottawa, Oct. 31, 1867. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, Commencing on Monday, December 9, 1867 WINTER ARRANGEMECNT TCO LLTL OLL " and after MONDAY, the 4th NOV., 1867, and until further notice trains will run THE SUBSCRIBER BEGSY LEAVE Exprers, 8 s. m. 10.30 a. m. Mixed, 1.30 p. m. . 445 p. m. Mail, 10.30 p. m. 1.30 a. m. Mixed, ALEXANDER WORKMAN & Co At 20 cents per gallon, LEAYES SMITHS FALL% LRAYVE OTTAWA. ARRIVE IX PRESCOTT LEAYVE PRESCOTT HRALILKOADNS. FAIRBANKS, BROW N & Co., AND Next to he Tea Pot 481tf Manager ,nr Trustee. ARRIVE 1N OTTAWA Boston, Mass. $92â€"6m o fer ¢«@t ! g.,,,,3 Eonl THE OTTAWA TIMES, DECEMBER 23, 1867. 1y Tflhl‘lllmbh'l.lln-u.‘l':.fnp- climates years with great. ost success. uuu:'z.mm the fever gradually, and at the same time enables the system to throw off the poisonous effect of he -&Mflmrfll‘v. PRICEâ€"50 conts and per Bottle. Sold M-ll-ulh‘. F. MacCARTHY, ; ____ .. ___ Chemift, Ottawa City: The Managing Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lewest or any tender. Plans and Specifications of which can be scen at the House of W M. PORTER, Queenâ€"street. Will be received by the undersigned up to l‘rld.ny, the 27th Instant, At SEVEN o‘c‘ock, P. M., for the Exeavatio®, Mason Work, Carpeater AND OTHER WORK, In whole or in part, for the ERECTION OF A CHURCH ‘ll PURSUANCE of the Decrees made hnhu-llnlvddaydl.‘;.llm. and 19th day of February, 1867, and the erder for sale, dated 8th October, 1867, and the further order for sale, dated 16th day of December, ‘887, I direct that the premises ordered to be sold herein by the â€"said decrees and orders, be sold by PUBLIC AUCâ€" TION by AMOS ROWE, at his Auction Rooms, Rideau streot, Ottaws, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, l"lll‘l"-fll’l‘l! of DECEUBER,; LNSTANT, n"ll.‘.l o‘clock Ni:oa. in the ï¬:lllo;i:‘ order, namely : the loucester r parts, uldlutmwulMflnM h:-lp- Uuollwh.énhmdu in said order of 16th December, 1867,) as No, 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Lot No. 1 to be sold first, and the other three in conâ€" secutive order, and Lot 44, on the south side of Bessererâ€"street in the city of Ottawa by itself, after the sale of the Gloucester “w«v Oueâ€"tenth of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale by way of deposit, and the bulance on or beâ€" fore the first day of February, 1868. In case the uollndcboutuldu'M{un to the said order of 16th December, 1867, E said lands will bonldutlou-lurudtyluo. and 5&“.‘“ Auctioneer, on THURsDAY, the SECâ€" QND day dJAlU:.l‘Y NEXT. > is nit as above, as contained order &m-n. 1867, the condition« of sale are standing conditions ourt ancery. l-nh.f.rnlalmud conditi.ns of sale may . be obtained at the Office of the Master of this Court nt Ottawa, Messrs. Scott & Ross and Messrs. Lewis, Pinhey & W ard, Ottawa, Dated this 19th December, 1867. _ , SNOW‘S :: .=â€" Celebrated Fever Remedy. Notice to Contractors. Sealed Tenders Eeparate Tenders will 1e required for the above Ottawa, Dec. 19, 1857 IN CHANCERY. for sale in such order as the Master of this Court at Ottawa may direct, and the vacant lots are to uru-phulouu'upupdnol six hundred dollars each, and the on which the bouse is M‘.t:;r-t of four thousand dollars, and in the of all the said.lots not being sold, the said sale is then to be adjourned for one week further, and the lands comprised in the said adâ€" vertisement are to be sold according to the adverâ€" tisement alreally settled, but in the event of the said lands bom‘nld in lots as aforesaid, then the deposit ot sixty ars made by the said Defendant as aforesaid is to be returned to him. And it is hnh.o.r“od";d that this oï¬or.b.o‘md nï¬om on Wednesday nexs, that it be pul in some paper cbl{lhdhmmy of Ottawa, three times before the next Wednesday thereafter. _ * 4 A. GRANT, Entered 17th December, 1867, O. B. 19, Page 298. _ _ 8COTT & ROS8, All materials for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly en hand. t E WHSE ideiniisicne t Aitihica ind i triclc! d Ordurft-'l:o country will receive strict at. Ottawa, August 26. o Importers and Dealers in House Furnish ing Hardware, BLVTH _ & Buocessors to Chas. Garth, No. 25, Rideauâ€"st,, Plumbers, * ULias & Steam Fitters, _ _ Tin & Coppersmiths, Bell Mangers, &c. On the corner of Bank and Slater Etreets, IN CHANCERY. LEARMONTH vs. YIELDING Vendor‘s Soliciters. THE CHANCELLOH John Bower Lewis, Charles Hamnett Pinhey, Nicholas Sparks, James D. Slater, Charles Ferdinand Pratt.James Skead, and the Bank of Upper Cahaâ€" da, made parties in the Master‘s Agar Yielding, by bill, and Arthur Rankin, Charles 1. Pinhey, The Band of Montreal, Faucy Doxey, Thomas Dozey, James Brough, Richâ€" ard William Scott, William Aird Ross, BETW EEN George Learmonth, Monday, the 16th doy of JOHN WILSON, Master at Ottawa December, A. D., 1887. WM. PORTER. 619â€"4 Plaintif} 621â€"3 Defendants; GOOD NEWS! Bread at Ninepence per Loaf! A‘soranint ioib sA nupnt TA .. 'm%_ “sl“a Thes Fuller, Esq, Architect, Albany ; M P., ; Thos Reyrolds g:-:h. Director oo:‘r'i W ou-c-"" Brown, in Ottawa. P 64942 pant w is 4d sA cce d g from the airâ€"cells the ble lymph, or is reorstion nunuu..m:f.tu..f .;’:’,l.‘ a difficu‘ty in breathing, and by its acticn on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane to nn.oiulmnldh-uh-.h.u:lw.‘h sireulation of the blood, and restoring the distended muhueo:tlmnln:u;::hlnmm‘ to mproved, rangements z::‘inugno M,Mqthotll.u‘ ‘whsbth“ldntnl ‘H’W\ D. W. HURD, Successor to Huzp & Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Propristor for the United NORTHROP & LYMAX, from being worked while using it _ _ ,_It cieanses the breathing apparatus, by remov AND CONDITION MEDivixzg ll POSITIVELY SUPERIOR To axy or all other propaiations for the cure of Heaver, Coughs, Thick and Broken Wind, and all discases e t ‘om icine, is easy to give, sure to cure, and safe in all cases ‘ RCHITECT, "% the Post Office. DAkLEY‘$ Arabian Heave Remedyv AI.!. ‘persons indebted to Dr. J. Garvcy, and whore accounts have been rendered, are â€â€˜b wested to call and settle at once, or costs will ‘ J. GARY EY, M.D. Ritacs m.cl 1 sase EP % Edited by HENRY J. MORGANX, OTTAWA, 18e1. PRICE «â€"â€" â€" = â€" â€" OXE DOLLAR PARLIAMERTARY COMPAKION ; THE PARLIAMENT OF CANADA. DOMINION SHAVING SALOON No, 81 Buu_x_-_st.. Ottawa. T rennieg Samen‘ tow Spee in ibe pabhe is ‘:ll the u:-.:(n -f.:ï¬:n‘ :o' ?t:l‘lmrko:fl:l‘:: Irfiamanianamen a dog on and Perfumes, &0., are all quite nowâ€" Ctiawa, Dec. 5, 1867 Cennected with this establishment is a Piano Manufacturer, who will atterd punctually to all orders for TUNING left at the London Music Store. @SUITARS, FLUTES, °* DRUMS, Ottawa, Sept. 4. 1867. For which the undersigned is Sole Agent for Ott wa and vicinity. Testimonials from Clergym and the Principal Professors of Music in Cana can be seen at this establishment. Several cases of Excellent VIOLINS, CONCERTINAS, ACCORDEONS, .+ TAMBOURINES, GEORGE E. DESRARATs. Ottawa, Dec. 14, 1867. €13â€"a ALSO, A NUMBER OF WILLLAMS‘ VICTORIA ORGANS AND MELODEONS PIANO sSTOOLS of all sizes and patterns. AND THOSE RELATING TO THE Protection, Regulation and .Development of Deep Fea, voast and Inland Fisheries, Inrspestion of Fish and Fish Oils, and General Promotion of Fishâ€" ery Intorests, for Canada, should be addressodâ€" «* DRPARTMENT oF MARINE AXD FISNERTES, DEPARTMENT OF MARILAE & FISHERIES,«* OH_A'_A.M November, 1867 PUBLIC NOTICE® C OoMMUNICATIONs® RELATING To LIOII‘IOIJIII. LIGHTSHIPS, s1Gâ€" nals, Boacons, Buoys, Regulation of Harbors, Enquiry into Causes of ';ch. Provision Depots and Reliefof Shipwrecked Seamen, Marine Hosâ€" pitals, Shipping Offices, Pilot Service, River Police Inspection of Steamboats, Classification of Vessels Examination and Grantingâ€"Cortificates . Com petency to Masters, Mates, &c. ; Provincial Steamâ€" ers, Gunboats, Craft connected_with Improvemen of Navigation, and Maritime Subjects generally for Canada, should be directedâ€" London Music Store ! 8SICN of the BICG FIDDLE, â€"Axbâ€" Underr the Paliament Hairdressing Bdlon. _ $#M" E. MILES has just received a large and varied assortment of e Of every make and style, from the rlulrl manuâ€" factories in the United States, which will be disâ€" posed of at manufacturers‘ prices. . _ _ & WV public generally that he has just received a very large and fine assortment of (Lessee of Her Majesty‘s Theatre,) mt ELCCE WOULD inform his patrons and the public generally that he has just received Direct from Germany. Hecond hand Pianos taken in part payment for Whyâ€"just dh'-’,’ii'liï¬%.::. Nov. 26, 1867 509 ®. MITCHELL, ... .â€" _ _ sosd Minister of Marine & Ficherics B. BILLINGS, Jr. With care I‘ll barberize your chin, With neatness dress your hair, . And if I fail to ploase you _ So men in and seo, I‘-'.b.l'u‘:. yud':ru'l truoâ€" And all your wants shall be supplied, And without much ado. DFPARTMENT OP MARINE A«D FISHEIRIES, For Sale by E. MILES, PriCE TWEXTTâ€"AvE Cunts. PIANOS, THE CANADIAN 18 HEREBY GIVE®N THAT ALL H ASims, Esq, Arhitect, Phila NOTICE. and does not prevent the horse Newcasmz, C.Ww., Propristors for the Canadas Opposite the Russoll House. ns 551â€"39y , John Roberts, W. M E. MILES, DAN RICE. O TTA W A. OTTAWA." epposite 4n "cod and Papler Mache. Also, a large assortment of NEW GAMES, MAGIC LA N TERNS, ALL S1zE8, DOLLS of PV; endloss -‘w ¢"¢'?.."'m‘>'u %‘: .&ru.u Writing Desks, § Work Boxes and Dressing Cases, HAVI :RECEIVED a large addition to their Stock of P‘ANCY GOODS, IN THE SHAPE OF Hosiory, Readyâ€"made Clothing, &c., &0 R"~Everything made to order, Neat as the Neatâ€" est, and Cheap as the Cheapest, e y Ottawa Dec. 9. FOR CHRISTMAS. Gentlemen‘s.Oufitting Goods R. H. GRAHAM Wovt.o inform the Citizens of Otta» wa and Vicinity that he has opened out, Outâ€"Fitting Store ! Ottawa, on + SATUKDAY, the EKLEVENTH DAY O# JAXâ€" UARY, A. D., 1868. Dated this Ninth day of December, 1867. Call they require â€" ll bun:z‘flm that the Directors of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company have this day made a further. & RoyalCanadiangank ‘OTTAWA AGENOY : on«-wm T7 Bparks 8t M. P. HAYES, Ottawa, June 21. Ottawa & Gloucester Road Compy, ;;“mâ€" *"‘"c'd A resiinr it u. S Losd » b t ; M. , 8. on ; M D New T oik; Ligensiate *Royal CUollege vana. Dear Sir: Just recovering from & lo:f and severailiness, I have received nnnzlo your Tonico Reale and from its use have derived conâ€" siderable benefit, as I find my appetite and digesâ€" fon much improved, and besitate not to recomâ€" mend it as one of the best and most agreeahle Tonies I have ever used. _____________ _ °____"___ _Montreal, July 27, 1866. To Mu. Axorita G1aNELLT, Dear Sir: We are pleared to acknowledge the mï¬lfl of the Mlg:- of your valuable tonic and rs, entitled * Royal." All the subâ€" stances oo:nlud in its eu-pu.lr?n :;o perfectly combined to ‘orm a preparatiun or the purposes do?'ilod in zmsm“ * M , * e are, doar Sir, yours sincerely * DRS. PICAULT & SON. New ‘york, May 14. 1867. A. M. F. G1axzuL1, Eeq., Montreal. s ko A, M. F. G1axzuu:, Esq.; Montreal. A. M. F. GIANELLLI, 26,;â€" Hospitalâ€"street, Montreal. Montreal, February, 1867. Mr. G1axguL1,â€"Dear Sir: Having received from vu asample of the Royal Icalian Bitters of Dr. erri as prepared by you, I have much pleasure in certifying to its very expellent qualities as an W:Lud exhilisrating tonic %luor; nothing equal to it has ever come iinder my notice. Hav ing also been made acquainted with its composition and mode of , I feel nothing better could have been devised for general use ; from its effects which I have observed in several cases, I think very many «ho now suffer from indigestion and dyspepsia in their various forms will find in it a panaces for all their ills, f Vo? truly, W.E. BESSEY, M.D., C.M., &e., _ _ Royal Italian Bitters shhodod parer at the Natio ial Exposig on at r«&‘f:‘.’:';, by whose tavor Mur. Gm!:l‘.' obtained the recipe, and was also awarded a dipâ€" loma at the Provincial Exhibition of Cansda beid at Montreal in September, 1865, is, without cxoc‘» tion, the most genuine, salubfious and agreeable Toxic ever introduced to public natice either in Europe or America. m o na Kept by the ipal Druggists and Grocers in the D:‘-lalo- vru Cuuh†udmho United States. Sold by the Proprietor, Dear Sir : You request my opinion of the " Roy al Italian Bitters," npm! frow a receipt of Dr. Verri, ot Padua. I&q to »tate that I consider it a most agtpeable cordial tonic, in every way u{orior in favour and composition te the ordinary bitter tonics in general use. I have recommenrded it to several patiets, who have der:ved marked benefit from its use , s For seventeen years it has, in Italy, been a uniâ€" versal favorite uoz the elite of society, being geonerally served in the drawing room before dinâ€" ner, in preference to Vermcuth. | . _ _ r The {I‘ndunu of its composition have been imparted to the ludhi Physicians of Canada and the United Btates, and have received their unqualiâ€" fied approval on every account. ; T = _ ‘The proprietor refers with the: fnmfl. confiâ€" dence and satisfaction to the subjoined testimonâ€" ials from emivent medical men, which he could add to, were it desirable. _ C h F TONICO REALE a Profesor of Chemutry in the Unwernity o PaDCA 612td I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully, HIS celebrated preparation for whic a certificate of merit was awarded to the distinâ€" CALL OF TEN PER CENT. DEL DOTTORE F. P. VERRI, 'kh.lh-plfl&oek of Satchels, PREPARING 0 i H iN G Leter from Dre. Prcault NOTICE ONTARIO Rideauâ€"street» ITALY. Orme & Son By =AXDâ€" Valises, G. E. FENWICK, M.D W, H. FALLS. Becy. & Treas Beaver Hall Hill, Aotxy. Oitawa, Dos. 4. 6O DOWN To BIRKETT;: Skates ! Skates ! Ottawa, May .l...; 1867. Sn fetne e es | _ tNif stook of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATE SR Possession given Ist June. | SuOE l’lXDl'hGB, TRUNKS, &e., &e., wonâ€" ‘zqullybourylupll‘-fl in overy >~ fpmr crove nouse.| w%mm me: M Deasantly gâ€" 3. | denÂ¥or» wilt be as usual to provide the be@t articles Lot 21 Gonch House, Garden and vacant | *"* "*! ** «59 lowest romunerating prices. jacent theroto, _A cistern of fink water in the | m G. HOWE & soOX. sm'.d’ Apply to | _ u. Remerit the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. MRS. BUNTING, ‘ next to Howell‘s rocery. o _ ____ _ Rochester Estate, or on the Premises | â€" APril 27. avne 100 ACRES.»«The north half of Lot No. No. 11, in 4th Con. of the ‘l'o'u::g of Orgoode, with a good House and Barn, and other outuildâ€" ings, and a good Spring Well, fifty meres cleared and in a good state of cultivation. This is sitaated on the Prescott Road. within fifteen miles of Ottaâ€" wa. Also the south half of Lot No. 6, in the 3rd Con. of Orgoode,containing 190 acres, 50 acres clearâ€" ed, the rest well wooded, with good hardwood, and well watered, and sitaated within a quarter of a mile of the Rallway Station. Titles goud. For furtber information |Â¥Rl( to PATRICK HERBERT, ugo* .4 taws City and Aylmer, about 36 l:‘l.l‘.w drive l’mll:m !hg':lty. A 'I.u:m‘;‘ excellent ml.h‘io t 90 neres, with a large Stone Ho use erected troreop. i .. The proprietor has no objection to sell. a part of the farm, with or without the house. Thhp:ould be a desirable country residence. Title unexcepâ€" tionable. ma 1i d s eopecinenane ce e a . ce Signdf the Anvil y Rideau Streei. Es nc esd ? It is built on the most modern style of architecâ€" ture, of cut stone ; has large pl.u;fhu windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the bazement. It is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, and has three vacant 1otsattached, so that the Buildings could be enlarged to any_reâ€" quired nrolty. Applications, (postpaid) to be addressod to Ottawa,. March 11 could not fail to be made to pay Have You ¢ :E(::don eligible ehu;oo oo-llld blo C uk to an n the Hotelâ€" ,{’} c >~shtea h-piu: line {hmo lease of the &% above FIRSTâ€"CLASs HOTEL Bohgou the eve of Confederation, and Ottawa being definitely settled upon as its capital, garden iand. ornamented nds adjoining the same, forming part of L«.flo. 29, in &u 1st conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. A mwost desirable private residende and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse for sals at reasonable prices. * _ s LEWIS & PINHEY, _ > Barristers, &6., Gttawa. Ottawa, February 27, 1867 ‘369y _ VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. 14 . *3 .E‘ORbSALE, 'l'llAb"l' :ftlil- o sitsâ€" i ible property, autifully Tik â€""_“’é’ -iwlad on t':w Il;'nn{l of the Otta. wa, in the Township of Nepean, distant from the (.::? of Ottaws about three miles on the inncadami road, together with the STUNE DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present oee_l}iod b! William Thomson, Eequire, and the For particulars and terms apply to John anc William Thom#eon on the premises, or to 25 Cents to $5 per Pair s l‘\ou SALE.«â€"THE WEST« T *A U erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in ‘ First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Concession, at prezent in the occupation of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq: For farther particulart apply to wour and Wu. Troxsox, Nepean, ard Lewis & P:Xaay. Barrister, Ottawa. _ Je2â€"141â€"if Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867 * y to 1 "_*_‘ Ottawa, February 13, 1867 FINE STONE DWELLING HOUSES, Photographic Chambers, and other Cut &tone Premises, we!l arranged and cligibly situated for commercial business. Applyto c November 9, 1867 6 BUILDING LOTS®, one mile from the eity, on the Richmond Road, containing one acre each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, Jr., on the premisee. SEAtf BRICK DWELLING m Cathbie, Esquire, on Vittoria st., eB to be let furnished or unfurnishe 4 If furnished, with use of Piano. Water and every convenience in the house. Stabling and Conch House attached. _ Apply toâ€" Ottawa, Dec.7, 18367 AND WHERE Bight Rooms and Kitchen, Pmmion immediate,. . Apply to New Edinburgh, Nov. 20, 1867 ‘ RuOM TO LET cither with or with= out board. ‘Enquire _ this ofice. Ottawa, November 20. 594tf FARMS FOR SALE Village of New Edinburgh, To Sell or Letâ€"â€"â€"Rare Ovening. â€"TERMS MODERATE. Furnished House to Let. Where you can getthem trom FOR SALE OR TO LET. With Yard. and Ontbutidings» The Victoria Hote) Three Houses to Let, ‘"PC} LC C. & miilflk?:n'ouéfï¬la'xu_uï¬; 7 the Macadamized Road between Otâ€" Lots for Sale. TO LET FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., Or JOHN MENEY, Eeq., Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W COUNTRY <RESIDENCE ON VICTORIA TER» race, Richmond Road, conâ€" taining eight rooins cach. Posâ€" session given May ist. A. J. CAMBIE, or to DUNCAN GRAL A M IP Rideau Hotel, Ottawa City. Bs 551â€"3m REV. J. JOUNSTON, To GET THEX. HE HOUSE formerly 0c» cupied by the late Charles 1N THF uN MACAULEY, Chaudiere, Otta wa 585.â€"6m It. BLACKBURN NRS. LAUDER |â€" 36 alC$ ||Double and Single Hyacinths, TREM . ] NARCISSAs, i Pairp > | Double and ingle Tulips TS ECE Tull Vida, 501â€"5m e 370 609 PE Tes Orrawa Tuzs.â€"Printed and Publishe Nb Rmess .. ndays excepted) at the Toms Steam Printing Worke, Mo. 6o DUC YON THOLE, &e., &e. Just receired from Europe by the subseriber. JONQUILLS, Dutch Flower Roots :rb-c. in the City of Oftews, County Carleton O, '0.' Alllul.o-uorml’n-huhm. nnuumh‘uuhhm,nil'.‘ho-â€" lummbmu?'um-“ thoguhol.‘o{o'rsmlotm st of May next, to our Store in HOWES Boot and Shoe Store. We ca cce e t casion, and as it is utter| ..,..J'u. in the necesâ€" sarily hurried sketch ',Jn on the spot to secure likenersses, all present are 1ez invited to call add sit for their hlindqï¬ Â«ither at MK, NOTMAN‘3 Studio in M real or at his Kew Establishment now building and which will sbortly be opened in Ottawa. * t I~ovember 6, 1867 582Â¥ 'l\llll being an important event in the History of the New Dominion, W. NOTMAN has decided in conjunction with Mr. J. A. FRASER to commemeorate the same in the shape of a large pic:ure embracing portraits of all present on the ooâ€" onsion. And as it 1e mesassc 12 20 Eenc 4 OTTAW A Establishmentsâ€"Sussex St. and Rideav | First Confederate Parliament ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by our owt Waiggone to any part of the City daily Just Received from Engtand ; ROAST HARE. CURRIED po. JUGGED po. [ _ ETEWED po. 94 ROAST PHEASANTsS, : _, ROAST GROUSE OAST PARTRIDGL BLOOD‘ ‘ ONXDON sTOUT. BARCLAY‘$ LONDONX PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALK. BASS EAST INDIA. Es DOW 8 CELEBRATED mONTREAL aL»+ DaAW‘B SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE A DAW‘S CELEBRATED PORTER & SroU*% GUINESS & co. DUBIIN §TouT ROBINSON & CO. would e«pecially !i the at tention of families to their stock of * 100 cases Otard Brandy. 50 * Martells * 150 ~ * _ Hennessey, 750 " _ United Vinquet We have a most delicious Which we are selling at 8 shilings per gailon " Without ex ion the finest Coffee in the 'otld."-,â€"l.oudnm-., Morch 16. By which pecaliar process, he aroma is preseryv an . renders it the ravorns I‘l": ALL CoPFE® Deu RS, â€"â€" NOW ON SALE We are const antly recciving suppiins of this truly beautiful and delicious COFFER, roasted daty an ALES, WINES& SPIRIT, The Pure Mountain Berry Very Choice and ~uperior Wines, Spiriis & Liquors £.000 & wir premizey b End lllrly-d.. Ottawa. BEWARE oF SP URIOUS 1MTATION®, ZAÂ¥" As it is wported hy no other firm in Canaés Prepared by Otltawa, Sentember 10; A very fine s 2d large assortment of AbCb(h $.52¢.° * SNOOMREE 500 Chests very choice and superior YOUN® IYSON. 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY 100 Chests old fashioned BREAKFAS: PARTIES aABotrt Lbai FRESH ARRIVALS No. 10, Rideauâ€"st. ROBINSON & CO. THE TEA PoT, R C M O v DINNEK SHERRY TEAS SPECIFICATIONS, ESTIMATEE, & PRESERYED MEATS. COPFPEE ROBINSUN & CO, OPEXINXG OF THE Patentâ€"&iiver Cylinder AUGUSTUS Laver, PLAN8, THE TEA POT, OTTAW A AT THE TO BUILDâ€"~ 23%6uf $82y £1 ' ( . _ Gaxzorms Cor+n, with wt the a n posite 'I'A:-‘ & l--d.l! ... Ottawa, October 30, 1867. _ AluUsTUs KE RRISTER and Att M‘ in Chancery, Copy HOLGATE, OLIVE CHTHOLESALE Man W, â€"Chancery‘ and C Oprick : Mosgrove‘s Block, P. J. BUCKLEY.| ARRISTER and J o t m Bolicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery . and wwer Mr. Luke Cazasr®« !L- Street, Ottawa, C. W MEDICA i~~â€"â€"â€"â€"1â€" _ rmmast DR. COHESL Plcl over Nr. Gart went, 25 Rideaunâ€"st., Oitaw ER of Kent EM Ottaw a. ber 6. HYSICIAN, Surgeon OMes : Hanua‘s Blos., 8p Dit. DL ltucn-.m:.- wa, C.W ‘ORNE Y« AT»â€"L A Wy . kncery, Conveyancer, &e., { K: Union Buildings, Ottaw py 21, 1866. . â€" a lately occupied as the Cust RRIS TER, Solicitors fotary Public, Clerk of the Attorney, for the United C WILLIAM NMNOSG (OCHOLAS sPA BNTIST. Ofice? ® Mesers. Campbell & Co.-a bwa, January 27, 1866. _ OCATE. Office: No» mq-obee- Hr.‘ulluuh‘l attend prom; to & rent emplovos, ufl' 3 Attends to all Law Courts @PIELRE & HAY DRNIESâ€" A TeL A W meery, Convey + Bussex and ) ork ,, February 26, 1867. . DR. GEORGE HMI mame AgcxCy â€"Alowrs, Jark Row, New York, @ feneral Advertwing Agents sewe Advertiecments for | LEES & GEM RISTER®, . Attor "..‘;u «pecially : Aumond‘s Buildi fan. 12, 1866. eÂ¥ HYEICI ANX, Surgeon Ottawa. Day office oppos RNE Yâ€"A Te L A W, 8 eery, Convey ancer, Nota t‘s-nm. Ofice Building, Elgi July 19 DK. OLIVEItP 1 In the Court House, : In the Court House, L/ CHANCERY and C OF ICE, AUMOND® ". girculation in th thus outstripping all for the district of r 28, 1865. WARD T. DA in advance Thancery and +« Lang‘s Buildings, E1 17 1867 ATE, &¢«, 4%, LAt MONTREAL. 14, 1867. R. IL HAYCOC OJâ€".â€" 11. January 27, 1866. References given D. O‘CONXNXq PB C. A. MA Â¥ PUBLIC for t bec, HULL, near the 3 J. E. BCULTC STEHR»A TeL A W best medium for busi J. WICKSTE every morn g, 8 , 6, 186 TER, Kto., for 1 s ; Court House, Ayi DiL. C. LEG advance X. TETREAI bL. w. J. H insertions, per line, of from 3 t« DR. 0. C « Office! ® LEG A E. are inserted in (Â¥ DOIE] Qalp rom 3 to 6 lines, in advance ou!y pments, first inke .@EBT CHCCLAT: Ottawa Valley )4 and Week! BOUCHE U 14 ND WEEKL to the daily ( to the week!y T H J McLEO B. attends ©I°8, wWL WiL