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Ottawa Times (1865), 31 Dec 1867, p. 3

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* _Ball of the Season. ~ «* In addition to the Warehousing Ports mentionâ€" ed in the Act passed during the present session of the Parliament of Canada, and intituled : +An Act respecting the Customs," the Ports meationed" in the annexed lists and being in the Provinces of ODutario, Quobec, Nova Scotmr and New Brunsâ€" wick, and which aro now Warchousing Ports in Those Provinces respectively, shall te and they w~e hereby continued as such Warchousing Ports, and are hereby declared to be so accordingly." 0! 0*0 reconimendation of the Honor= able|tive Minister of Customs, and under and in virtue of the authority given and gonferred by. the Act passed during the present session of the Logisâ€" latwre, intituled ; , « An Act respocting the Cusâ€" toms," His Excellency in Council has been pleased see programmes Ortawa, Dec. : Recitations, Music and everything pile public to pass an NIS EXCELL English, Scotch & Irish Sougs & Balliis HER MAJESTY‘3 THEATRE. On THURSDAY Eveniag Nex On which Grand New Yeer‘s Entertainment, > Mr. W. H. Wallack, OCEFFAWwWA xo: 4 INTEXD W NT. PATRICKS HALL anil .CANADIAN iNSTITUTTE, Double Tickets $2.00, Single 1.50 To be b id at Mrs. Proderick‘s and 1. A. Eagleson‘s Glothing Store, Susexâ€"street, Win. McCaffrey‘s, Yorkâ€"street, Young and Radford‘s‘ Contre Town, &f Members of the Committee, and at the door. €" R. REARDON, uow alÂ¥s quapntLL® naxp Has been engazed for the occasion. _ _‘ _ Supporaril} be hw by Mrs. PRODERICK in her usual firstâ€"clasi(sty les * . Friday, January 3rd, December 1 i Otawabrammar School Degember 30, 1867 Tuesday, the 7th of January, 1868. make the » the most w N THE above Institnution 111 be BUNMRD on ¢ Ins -k ww RE» Brilliant a commence GovE FAREWELL BENEFiYT Ambherst, Magdaien Island Coutisouk 4 § Gaspe New Carlisle. Duannvilie Guel s o.hv’nhlh Oshawa Paris Picton > Queenston Surnia . , Sault St Mar Stratford ‘Trenton Whitby . W is dsor Halifax Amherst > Aunapoli¢ Baddeck * ; luflm assage Bear P e own m (in Cornwailis) l:ly Cove, (Great Brags d‘ Or) Guysboro Harbour _ _ Amberstburg Bytown _ . Branford Chathaum Clppawa Cornwall Cramabe Clifton Dartingto Bridgewator in La Hale Liverpool 4 La .enburg * Mahone Ba+y Margare sville North Sydney _{'s‘;ilhm s Mawkesbary Pagwash _ _ E“M.M. Anne‘s > Pater‘s ?‘*J Atamagouche W allace %** Weymout Windsor Yarmouth. Bathorst Buctouche C ton Tamen Chatham Dalhcusio Kdmunston Fredericton Grand Falls Moneton New Castle Richibueto ~ Sackville Shediac St Andrews® St George . S: Jehn‘s m‘s Andover # West Islos Woodstoct. follgay THE CLASSEs Janmary En l, 18 NXEW BRUXN3SWICK FIRE COMPANY oVA sCOTIA NCY TNE GOVERNOoR GENE AL IN COUNCIL. « BHoâ€"d Medway REGULATION is, Variety of Costame, Ane fleasing to enable an appre in agrecable evening is w lerful monolozist of the ‘a #« a the 3 BALI ONTART UEBI 6l5td J. THORBURN, M. A., [HE SECONXD ANNUAT U. LEE erk Privy Council aD OTTAW A, 4e 11 embrace ibec, 18¢ 6liaft 1868.)â€" Ingolvent Act of 1864 td oltic At his Auction Rooms, No: 18, Sparks Mrof'l'wxw o‘closk, noon, Lots Nos. 19/20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Sonut! At most EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTTIONS® in legitimate matimer be undéersold in this city. RIDEAUâ€"STREET, December 24, 1867. _ _ + brodâ€"street. \ § * Lots No#. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, North..side Thendoreâ€"street ; all vory handsomely situated Un Fuaesday, the 31st December, New Premises and Cheap Goods. st Having reeently mov one of the tirm visit« stock of entively liokt wedal, Pariés, 1867 i The Howe Sewing Machines from $50 Up. December 19, 1867 CHRISTMAS Is ('().\ll-.\"_(i! MIL ES wwerion saLss, orrawa, CuRISTMAS AND NEWYEAR, PIANOFORT ES, P@"During the holidays, a ill be n.d.:.lupunb:tl'nlemlng wr presents. a foOttawa, December 19, 1867. . Dominion of Canada C‘OIA'XTY'M(‘AI’.HE'!O.\' 1N THE MATTIERK ?I-‘ s James Melville Teasdie Hannun, e AN INSOLYENT. He will apply to the Jadge of the said Coust for a confirmaton thereof. * Ottawa, 27th December, 1867. s Tlll Undersigned has filed a ‘Deed of Composition and Discharge, exesuted by his Creditors, and on Tuesday, Third day of March next, 450y HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW*STOC ‘ mELODEGhs aAnp _ V ietoria ‘Orgaus. MELODEON® from ®55, PW ARDS. GRANT & HENDERSON A% received inktruotions from Mr, PATTERSON, of K ngitop, to ofer for sale Murcd ¢â€"â€"â€"tfâ€"â€"A $ [â€"~â€"â€"icfâ€" CE L t â€"AAL n ie k & hk §:z * enfi t ty t m e t tnl i Ick,. ModalAMN To WiT Grout & Co.‘s Twisted Elastic Stitch only $15. AUCTIONX SALE BY 1. MeLEAN N E. W below thie fi:fi'mk\o}\‘Vlll‘lHLEl{ & é&% > ggWTXF * 12 J. M. T. HANNUM. t GO COUNTYcCoUr1 into t Hegular Pric to uth Side of Wil Great tlearing Saie of Hoop Skirts, CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR Is all eral D 4O Steel Skirt tor 4s. _ THER NUMBERS IN PROPORTION: ALL NEWSHAP ES will, during the Holidays, sell Hoop Skirts at 25 per cent under my regular low prices. Just imagine a . «Lt th Corset®» TH et, at the REGJ®FIVI THE SCARLET SKATING SKIRT EV â€"$EWIRGâ€" â€"â€"â€" BÂ¥ â€"MAUHIAXAKG: IHMK BEST HOLIDAY PRESENT, Crom ®47 4and upwards. Liday the rage. They ate made here in every size and shape. G. A w pren Montre gount hases 1@tay C+OODS, â€"~~ tnses and Samples ‘sent Free by Muil. . WALTON, Agent, 37 Sparks Stroet, Ottawa. % % ’.wl # ‘Cog e~ iduring the Holidays. | !.\lll MOoNTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal, llvhu:lt im« l !mrlml a l;fio quantity of Green and Black Teas, | beg to call the attention of the Trade, Hotel Proâ€" | prictors, and large establishments generally to , their list of prices. Buyers of Chests and Boxes of ‘Tem will save money by gotting it direct through | the Importers. > '{ All orders tor 25 1b boxes and uéwunh. canriâ€" | ago free to any Railway Station in Canada. Par+ ticsavanting smaller quantities should club togeâ€" ' ther, Buyers livl:‘ beyond Railway Stations, will »loase sond post office order, or enclose notes, The I po 160 OPCE C C * THOS. : PATTERSON‘S, WINES AND LIQUORS, &c. FORâ€"NEW FRUIT, NV iyrin Gakey‘s Stiversmith‘s Soap, Famey oards, Qakey versmith‘s ‘ancy Soaps in great variety, at reduced 'vhl:l. The gnodi: warranted, and sold at the lowest price for Cash. 1 (Htawa, tee. 16, 1867. 616â€"1fo Breakfast Shawls, Lambs® Wool Hose, RA:PB:IIII\' VINEGAR and Syrups in bottles. CIIAIPAG!I, Green Seal, pints and quarts. Gl'l.‘ »88* PORTER, pints and quarts, (Burke‘s bottled.) ENGLI.II CHEESE, and Canadian Face tory made. ® Rlllfll‘l Celebrated. Roysl Arms, k and North Wilt‘s Cheesâ€"â€"unrivallod." 'l\l: A8, Asam, Black, Japan, Twaukay and Young Hyson, C THE iIMPORTERS carriage will be plid&&. nearest station, whore there are express ofides. ‘Tea will be forwarded muun!iul--ly on ncmr of the order by mail conâ€" taining money, or the money can be collected on delivety hy oxpross man. Casi collected in Montreal free of charge, and Tea forwarded for the same. . Original ages Black Tea » & chasts aburt 56 ».?‘?}mu do. 90 to 100 rhe dreek Tew from 60 to 80 1bs, Teas not mentioned in adâ€" vertisement can be htdmllly cheap. The Comâ€" pany are determined to a stand in the Montreal market, evcr{ article may therefore be depended on as to quality and wéight. % Common vongon, Broken Leat, Litohg Toa..900 45 Fine Flgvoured New Season do................. 00 85 Excellent Full Flavoured do........:... .....:... 00 75 SOUNG OOLOOL] .. .ccccerrnccernectmnenmrtcsmmnscrmcccces P0 #6 Rich FI2Â¥O§104 ‘00â€"isâ€"«4:2000 sesssssssrrmesrsssises 00 60 Very Fine M Â¥cecceccrcommmcommmenmenscrenems O Th FUDON. c ceee covsncene eveviverenentreneges sevsvsssarrcses 00 58 YÂ¥Y FinQ 00.... .ccommmspromermmmctserrmmnensrenee 00 T8 An excellent mixed Tea, Black and Greon,.... 00 60 'l'-unkl‘{. COUMIMODâ€"s «s sn eee se ce en ennnnsnern snn 2900 Nee ppaneamadoogh memmiadonne +4 Superfine and Vary CBOI®®.......»sssese> > _1( FilO GUDDOWGOT. .. «s es cenmmmmmnngersnsessnsrapmeecess 00 Extra Sn'}-ulu AQeccccearinncemrmntcmmtncioummems â€" K Reductions made to buyers ot Five Chests and ~_. _ upwards. . #" Addrcks o $AÂ¥ All Boxes and Chests seat from this Estab lishment have the address of the MONTREAL 1EA COMP ANY printed on them. August 27, 1867. §1134wy 1COTCH and Irish Whiskey, 7 years old. ARESH FRUIT®, in tins, great variety» .\Rlfi‘ll FIGS and Prancs, very Ane» AURRANTS, new crop, clean and swoets ,l:n\’l'l'Al.lzl-'.n,l-‘lll UÂ¥ for oruament= g. ORDAN ALMOND®, shelled and sweets NONGUES and Sounds, in kitts. AMS and Jelltcs, Black and Red Cur= rants, &o. HERIY WINE, good tablc,81.50 and . higher qualitios, * K OLLANXSD GIN and OIf Tom. AT THE FACTORY. ‘ some oo aeeaniincs UGARS and Syrups, all grades. R" Agent tor Ottawa and neighborhood, EMON, Citron and Orange Peels« ICKLES and Saunces, the best brands» AMARINDS® and Truffics in Pots, Mushroows in tins. ; YSTERS, Haddics,| Fresh Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines, &c. & RANDIE®, 7 years old, in bottics and on draft, * ORT WINES, the best, various prices» AKING POWDER, and Egg Powders for Baking. OBACCOS, plug and cut, the fAnest» AISINS iy variecty, the Largest for Table lnd‘ficho-t for Cooking. LN + TEA ‘ TEA! TBA! â€"> ERRING®, in barrels and halves, La» brador and North Shoreâ€"best. No. 26 Rideauâ€"street. â€" Markets, and secured a very large BUY YOUR TEA nt. off for cash $n bills until after the some Mahogany full case $3 discount. No. 20, Rideauâ€"street, DAVID MILLAR, 43 Sparksâ€"et, Centre Town. GREEN TEA. BLACK TEA. price, which cannot in a MR. JOS. MOONEY, MONTREAL TEA CO., _ . 6, Mospitaiâ€"st , Montreal. GENUINE DIRECT FROM Go TO ILSUN‘S MACHINES, d24f IHE OTVAW A IIMHs, DEGOEMBER 31, isov. &e,, 200 38 00 75 00 85 8SUGARS, LOAF, BROKEN LOAF, _ CRUSHED, : GRoUND, i Â¥BHLLOW,â€"â€" ,:â€"_ . _ and MUSCOYADO, ul deemiciont costaiietziiets dR 7 « _ GUNPowWDER, « > IMPERIAL, s " __TWANKAY, Orange PEKOE, ) These Teas, have been Flowery w } carefully sclected for Japan & family trade by COFFEE, B@® Ioasted and Ground daily on the premises, . FRUITS. &c. LAYER RAISIN®S, 'l‘lll SUBSCRIBERS beg to inform their Customers that their Stock is now complete, and embraces every delicacy of the Season, among which will be found:â€"a choice assortment of * ; CHOCOLATE and COCOA, PRUNES, AL MONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS, and BRAZIL NUTS. BUTTER, CHOICE DAIRY, in Tubs and Crocks, received Weekly. > * CHELSE, BSPICES, BROWNE & HARDY‘S CoLUMN. [ Ixormm W arzknouse: Also a Great Varicty of 8SYAUP3, BREAKFAST RELISHES, HAMS and ROLL BACON, Oox ToxauEs, BLOATERS, 1LOCHFINE HERRINGS, DIGBY do TABLE COD FISH, SALMON, TROUT, and wHITE FISH. PROVISIONS, â€" Estra Wheat Flour, ‘Buckwheat do Indian Meal do . Oatmeal, SA ND EM AN‘N, G R A HA M S, HUNTS, PEMARTIN & Co., 4 DUFFGORDON & C+ , 1 BURG UNDY, and CLARET, in Wood and Bottle. We have an excellent Dinner SHERRY, which we will sell until after the Holidazs, at 7s. 6d. per gallon. WINES, BR ANDY, ® * * * MARTELL‘S, luumsn"mi-uror 1855, at $5 per gallon ; OTaARB, DUPUY & ©0., and other brands. at $2 50 per gallon, or $6 50 Tupi0¢d, (iround Rice, and Otives and Trufles. eHAMPAGNE, _ GREEN SEAL, and other brands, in Pints and Quarts, from $12 to $24 per dozen. 7 j BROWNE & HARDY. Oltawa, December 19. sosd BALTIMORE OYSTERS, in Tuss IIDIQ.I.'I OYSTERS, in Shell at $2 50 per barrol. LOBSFERS, in ‘Im FRESH MACKE in do, _ do _ SALMON in do. awmummmmu monâ€" n we offer at prices that must please our WHISKEY, Scotch, Lrish and Capadian ; GILN, lUlé « o ALEB, s %lhh and Canadian * PORTER, : do do _ do Superier HYSON Breakfast SOUCHONG, ) do â€" CONGOT. â€" | LEMON, G1SGER, OoRaANGE, BAVARIA, PEACH, FRENCH, flavored with Vanilla ; TAYLOR‘S. MmMUsSTARD, PEPPER, PICKLES, saUCES, POITED MEATS, PRESERYVEs, 1867 am» 1864 7+ NUTMEGS, MACK, 34 CINNAMON, * CQCLOYEKSs, : GINGER, _ MNIXED SPICE®, MUSCATEL, _ ‘do ‘"SULTANA, * VALENTIA, CURRAXNTS, * GRAPES, 'l-.‘-;’gli-h. Amcrican and Canadian 10 Ridean Street, Ottawa. in Whote, Half and Quarter Boxe MOCHA, JAY A, TEAS, Sayc Morrison, Taylor & Co.‘s BROWNE & iJARDY 1H (iround on the Premises Gelaténe, Patent Groats BOTTLED FRUITS JAMAICA, and In Jars and Bottles; FRYE‘s P LEMONS, RASPBERRY, and STRAWBERRY ked Wheat, _._ (iraham Flour, Rice and Barley Black Extra:Fine Vermecell CEY LON, ORANGES, Macearoni In Syrup MoTT‘S DON‘TFORGET the NEWSTAND determined to keep the largest and best quality of goods to be obtained in the Capital, A large asâ€" sortment of Rich Cakes, Kichly Ornamented, Macroons, Sponge and Pound Cake, Mixed Wine Biscuits, Mixed Cakes, Jellies, Blanec Mange, Charlotte Rusée, &¢,, &¢« * Also, a large quantity of PRESERVES in Pots of varioug stzes to suit purchasers, and about Of all the Choicest Kinds by the barre! or measure 'l‘llls Establishment has received such a wideâ€"syread|name for the Best of Goods it needs no further con‘per_\t than to say that they are This establishment beg leayo to take this opporâ€" tunity of thanking their ‘ps&om for tholr(,pvp:ry liberal support since their commencement, and hopo. by punctAalitg and atiention to morit a conâ€" tinuance of the same, Oitawa, Decembeor 20, 1867. 6194 A large assortment of Fancy Goods just arrived from Europe, consisting . of BQXÂ¥Es, CORNUâ€" COPIAS and FANCY SWEETMEATS of every description, suitable for ChristmaÂ¥ and New Year‘s presonts; ... ... . ie i ty â€" The Old Stand !â€" LAND O‘ CAE ns English Bun House ! 0!! hand and for Sale, an extensive assortment of Cakes, Crackers, and Biscuit, Confectionery in great variety. Jus received a large stock of ORNAMENTED CAKES, ... ; #COoTCH SHORTâ€"BREAD, â€" CURRANT BUNS Direct from Paris, oonrlfl:fi the finest selection and most suitable for day gifts to be found in this City. In Confectioneryâ€" With many thanks for past favors, the Subâ€" seriber would respectfully solicit a continuance of patronage. * 620b MRS. A. SCOTT. . 1867 «*» 18G68. CONFIH%I()NARY! PRODERICK‘S, __N. B.â€"Breakfast and ‘)a‘fim râ€" Rolls and Muffins fresh every day. m h s > B'G to inform their customers and the public generally that this season they have on hand a very large stock of o 1 Ornamented Fruit Cakes! Sarsaparilla, Ginger, Lemon, Raspberry and Vanilla, sold by the Bottle or Gallon. Mixed Candies of all Kinds. FANCY BOXES and TOYS of a‘l descriptions, _ Having on hand a very large stock this season it walby sobd CHEAP. _ _** . _ & _ $&" Parties, Dinners, Balls and Suppers supâ€" plied with the choicest delicacies at vo':;' reuo£~ able rates. 3 k Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1867. o 620b Confectionery and Bakery, On Thursday, 26th Instant © At the following rates for the Season Family Trckets, 10 MUMit (OUF......ssscsssscees Ev.:‘rf.oddwud member, ea¢h............«.«,« G uren‘s Slnflo , . " ie Lad1@8 SIDG1® THOKOLIT.....csseeeeeensenneeenses Children under 15 yea s of age...... ......... Ottawa, Dec. 23, 1867. po;l& < Skating & Curling l-!'ifik;;i‘ may be obtained on application at the nk. . _C. H. CARRIERE, bille Envulin un is Secretary. S50 850 ACRES OF LAND, situated «within two to dgt-llu of the city. Apply toJOBN W. MoGUIRKE, Lot 25, 2n Concesâ€" sion, Ottawa Front, Gloucester. . ‘ 546â€"6m * Lad1@8 SIDG1® TOKOLIT.....sssssesssssscrssscscess 3 00 Children under 15 yea s of age...... ........... 3 00 Admittance to nonâ€"skaters on bandnights, each 10 cents. §/* 8 B oc 000 o CcoRNUCOPIAs, SWEETMEATS ! CITRON, SPONGE, PRINCE‘S LADY‘S, AND SEED CAKE 150 Barrels of Apples! BARTLETT WHOLESALE AND RETALL. Next to the Capital Stove Depot queur EFPFOER, SALE. Will be opened to subscribers, OF 38 SUSSEX STREET, oY RU PS. SsICON D â€" POâ€"â€"â€"NoONxXE > INMNâ€"â€"OPFFFPA Wâ€"A. 15 SPARKS STREET, FANCY BOXES, CORNUCOPIAS, $A0HS ORNAMENTsS, BONâ€"BON8S Land for Sale. SCOTT°S PATIRS of Grey Twilled BL AN= KETS, in bales of 50 pairs cLUB. > E RINEK OTTAW A _ _NEW YEAR‘S PREENT Will ‘be found to be in Quantity, Quality and Price YXOUNG & RADFORD‘S * § ~â€" â€"@GTOCK_ OH and 623tay $10 00 200 pairs Grey and White Canadian Blankets, : 200 pairs Grey Shanty Blankets, l T 200 pairs Brown Horse Blankets, P sed k83 _ 100 pieces Light and Dark Grey Etoffes, ‘50 pieces Heavy Grey Flannels, f ; = _â€" _ 50 pieces Heavy Scarlet Flannels, 4 § 1000 Seamless Linen Bags, > > imefentiigg 1000 Seamless:Cotton Bags, _/ 3 * 200 pairs Shirts and Drawers, _ , f | 50 pairs Grey Etoffe Pants, _ * €XSS: 50 Tweed Smocks, { 50 doz. Wool Socks and Mits GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO, Dry Goodsat Reduced Prices. Canadian Grey Cloth at 3s. 3d. ‘F:r yard, s _« Canadian Tweeds at 4s. per yard, OTTAW A, December 24, 1867. SHEFFIELD HOUSE! _|FISHe«Jast arrivedâ€"Salt Water Salmon, No. 1 Lal .. ExISHerJost vedâ€"Salt Water Salmon No. 1 Labrador Herrings, Potted S¢imon, Lobsters and Ids now opened his assortment of Goods specijally imported for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS PRESENTS, comprising all the novelties of the scason, and which have been carefully selected in the different markets of Europe. Among them will be found ALES and PORTER«â€"Guiness‘ Dublin Porter, in Quarts and Pints : Hibberts‘ London Stout, Molson‘s and other CANADIAN AL£S always on Wand. e CGCold and Silver Watches,. s ao styuss. Cold Brooches and Earâ€"Rings, * i English and French Jet Jewellery, Paris Marble Mantle Clocks, Paris Marble Statuettes, &c. es x FSilver and KHlectroâ€"Plated Ware Of all descriptions of manufacture. DRESSING BAGS AND CASES for Ladies and Gentlemen. And a very large _ > ENGLIsH AND FRENCH OTTAWA, December 21 Rurnc'rrm.ur announces the arrival of a Choice Sclection of China and Bohe= mian (Gass Flower Vases and Ornaments suitable for Xmas and New Year‘s Gifts. Also, the most complete Stock of China, Glass, Earthenware and Parian Marble ever brought intoOttawa, consisting of Frosted and Engraved, Cut and Pressed TABLE GLASS, and an assortment of Common Ware for wholesale purchasers. Ottawa CROCKERY Store}i Groceries, Wines & Liquors. Ottawa, December 27, 1867 Ottawa, Novfimbfl 18, 1867. 4 AT THE LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH, riz: Ottawa, December 7, 1867. SPICES»= of Every Description ground on the premises.. SAUCES, PICKLES, &+. â€" 4s Hel ind Pn t §@" Adapted for HOLIDAY AND WEDDINXG PRESENTS. CUMNWNINGEIAM & LINDSAY Ottawa, December 19, 1867. g20° A large and most varied Stock to select from Cunningham and Lindsay HE USDERSIGNED begs to inform his Castomers, and the Public in general, Offer at Montreal Wholesale Prices, that he has a Large and wellâ€"selected Stock of the:undermentioned Articles of the Best Quality, s3 S hich he is detormined to Solt es of the Best Quality J OHN LESLTIE RS=â€"Brandy, BLANKETS, FLANNELS AND MANTLE CLOTHS. DINNER SETTS + DESSERT SETT3, BREAKFAST SETTS, TOILET SETTS. The Largest stock in the City. PRESENTATION ORNAMENTs. TO LUMBERMEN. P‘ A. N CCC GOGO D S HOLIDAY GIFTS Houmay Presints W IILUILTILADML AILTL.AN â€" ARE NOW SELLING â€" Inspection Invited. Invite particular Attention to their bl w . ALELANX, RIDEAU STREET, (opposite Mr. l’) Wha! e o e e o t e t n ie on i Remember the House, AT â€"THE Canadian Cotton Yarn at 78. 6d. a Bundle Canadian Bags at 1. 9« GARLANXD, MUTCHMOR & Cu. ¢ 484y 49wd JOHN LE&SLIE, Srarks Streer. * +~ otitf * D. WHELAN, | curing, constantly on hand. 44 l'uul-l:-MAl-'-m;m ‘‘â€" Ottawa, December 21. Whalen‘s.) 510y 411y "*+BEEF, MUTTON; LAMB AND VEAL, nd | °. * BSATCHELUS ,:â€" * x * | Colebrated Spiced !»'o-d:tlolhgl-& i i\ No. 7, LOWER TOWK MARKET, |. 1 d ts â€"-I Feledies> ce ---‘â€"-- ‘-fiu.-fl’h-hnn:.“ 0 @% at TWELVE o‘ciock Noon, in the following order, u-clI: the property in Gloucester in four parts, as laid out and desc:ibed on the plan and ‘.-z tion of Sparks, (refersed to in said order of 16th‘ December, 1867,) as No, 1, 2, 2 and 4 respectively. Lot No. 1 to be sold first, and the other three in conâ€" secutive order, and Lot 44, on the south sideâ€"of Dessererâ€"street in the city of Ottawa by itself, after the sale of the Gloucester property. OM‘J the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale by way of doposit,‘ and the bulance anâ€"or beâ€"* fore the first day of February, 1868. In case the said lands be not sold on 'M{ltflm = to the said order of 16th December, 1867, the said . lands will be sold uthou-oh-ru"luo. »+nd by the said Auctioneer, on THURsDAY, the SECâ€" OND day of JANUARY NEXT. _ ® Entered 17th ber, 0. B. 19, mc;" IN CHANCERY. "EWMuefldndh said ofder of 1 6th ber, 1867, the conditions of sale are Of the Very 12‘-: PRUNES, imported, * BUCHANAXN‘s, December 24, 1867. l.‘ PURSUANCE of the Decrees made Nerein on the 3rd day of May, 1886, and 19th day of February, ©867, and the final order for sale, dated 8th October, 1867, and the further order for vale, dated 6th day of December, ‘8§7, I direct thatthe premises ordered to be sold herein by the sard decrees and orders, be sold by PUBLIC AUCâ€" TION by AMOS ROWE, at his Auction Rooms, Ridean street, Ottawa, on WEVNESDAY NEXT, TWENTYâ€"FIFTH of DECE«BER, INSTANT, iuu-lmud conditi ns of sale may h‘m. at the Ofiice of the Master of this Court at Ottawa, Mesers.â€"Scott & Pss and Mosers. Lowis, Pinbey & Ward, Ottawa. * Dated this 19th December, 1867, _____ _ Satchell ‘Brothers, Christmas Candl Butchers 10 His Excellency Lord Monck. INX CHANXNXCEKERY,.* HANDSOME ~CARTOOXS SCOTT & ROSS, O AND SEE THE GRAND DISPLAY K of CHRISTMAS CANDLES, all sizes, and Black Silk siantle Velvets, * Real Cluny arnd Maltcse White Gros de Suez Silk. Jet Fringes and :ngle French Repps and Meirios. Crystal Drop Trimmings and Gimps. Black and Colored Velvet Ribbons Mantle Buttons and Ornaâ€" = ments. Ladies® Belts and Belt Rib bous. Jet and Fancy Dnu Buitons Evening Flowers. LEARMONTH vs. YIELDING Ottawa, Doe. 10, 1867 Magee& Russell Vendor‘s Solicitors JUST RECBINV! Cured in the English Style; THJPCHANCELLOR George Learmonth Agar Vielding, by bill, and 4 Rankin, Charles H. P nhey Tirne eoie rae m nni ‘homas 0y , J ames .uwmunuzcu.wmmm t John Bower Lowis, Charles Hamnott _ Pinhey, Nicholas Sparks, James Slater,Charles Fordi n Skead, and the Bank Upper Cans» d-..i made parties in the Master‘s % Oflice, i Superior Stall Fed BETW E ENX Monday, the 16th day of AND Decembe JOHN WILSON, Master at Oltawa PlaintifI , A. D., 1867 indy 1)c/endants;

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