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Ottawa Times (1865), 8 Jan 1868, p. 4

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list of Remedies for these complaints _ ers are coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further supplies, and each testifying a» sountry for furtger and eao to the aniversal satiafuction it gives. commended, and its wonderful success (n subduing pundlhu-ul-.ndi:nlwi':'. m?monu_.pmrm a the M_ :n,'fi:: recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" es inwairsing eficacp of the Canadian Pain h&qw for which it 1# roâ€" terms of its virtues and magical effects. _ ~ _ 'or.lh-umhah matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are Tl.l CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER HA. now beew befure the public for s length ot time, and whenever used is well liked, nover tailing huhduâ€"aubm.muucmu when timely used, and we have never known a single ease of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" s Ne n L K e o PC perly followed ; but on the contrary,all are delight 14 with its operations, and spert in the highes mmediate rolief. Al Modicine Doalers hui'l wma‘mh‘ and no family wi PA:- lnl AY bottle. twoentyâ€"five conts uonnmtuuu. s * Aewcnstle, C. W., c oo ;. ~@eneral Agents for C. W @entiemenâ€"I have no hesitation in saying that 1 believe the -q;m,'« locomotive engineers have found by experience that WAL‘I’IW‘ ATCHES mifl'ma SATISFACTORY of any tor their usee. RUN WiTH THE GREATEST ACCURACY AND STEADLN ES3, notwithstanding ..m of un engise ; and as I have NEVER KNOWN UNE TC WEAR OUT,they must be be 1 tosee the time when railway ".I;r-lhd-prmv-nb-.nd turnish them all to engineers and conductors. In my it greatly tend to promote regulariâ€" and safety. o Yours respectfully, iesd esn imanirn . Aimong the most important of modern Medical Uis coveries stands the Shaving hh-l"nui.'o.-m afort of its patrons. The Furniture, and stock ot Seaps, Oils, nd Perfumes, &o., are all quite nowâ€" nu removed to Bankestrect, nearly opposite the Free Church, where she will be happy to receive her customers, Strict attention given to all work. 6304 DOMINION SHKAVING "SALOON JL dressing Sailoom is now epen to the public. It it Spis non apmbina) fiied up and storpea "wid CANADIAN PAIN utsTRGYER! grades of the American watch (except the lowest grade marked l-o'wmc.‘.".'i{rn_u‘ rant r-hlmwlhl(-bud.ofl'a‘m ul.-hncnbo‘l‘uu)nm mo:‘m': E. Robbins. The purchaser should in all sases require one of these certificates, which is to all dealers in the genuine watcher. mu-hgmmmm-mmmd-mn.â€" # AMERICAN WaTCH CO. APPLETON, TRACY & Cuo. WALTHAM WATCH CO, P.8. BARTLETT. WM. ELLERY. M HOME WATCH Co. 'l\ltlnmsu and Hair» mmh-flmfl:&om It JL such a wideâ€"world cele! that u: uious dealers lmitated its style and p its trade marks. lm.hmm m-:n"'uh.dy tnld".:.(mnfly M?m the pq-luhw y of the American watch by selling a base imitation under the name of the in % > It is hardly necessary to state that such warches are muuulnpn.nd'lu bought for the genuine are calculated to injure the high reputation which our watches have attained. . The several * PEX N!\'LVOA.X:.I: mmouwmgco. _ Akr.?o..lull)u..luo.‘ * Gentlemenâ€"The watches Manufastured by you have been in use on this Kailroad for several Wm&hwhâ€"mmm -snbnurnd mw ‘There are some 'l'llm OP THEM CARRIED ON OUR LINXE, and we them,GUOD and RELLABLE TIMEâ€" KEEPERS. Indeed I have great satisfaction in saying YOUR WATCHEKS GIVZUS LESS TROUBLE and have.worn and do wear much longer without repairs than , we have ever had in use on this road. As you are aware we lormer‘y trusted to those of manuaf®cture, of acknowledged good repuéation, but as a class they never keep time as correctly, nor have they done as a series of years. perfection and chea of t\; Au.l.ln altham) Watch have em 1t T ul o mire onl nonoriey thee ameoreprimantanieed pooaege mnnind in nginand Phraind is Sardines in tins. SPICES== of Every Description ground on the premises. SAUCES, PICKLES, &c. 1 ALES and PORTERâ€"=Guiness‘ Dublin Porter, in Quarts and Pints : Hibberts‘ London Stout, Molson‘s and other CANADIAN ALL£S always on hand. FI1SH=»Just arrivedâ€"Salt Water Saimon, No. 1 Labrador Hertings, Potted Salmon, Lobsters and TEAS=â€"â€"Fine Young Hyson, Gunpowder, Imperial, ‘Twankay, Bouchong, (.‘ongml1 and Japan ; COFFEE=â€"Fresh Roasted and Ground on the premises; * LIQUORS=»â€"Brandy, and Dark,) Barnard‘s Old Tom, Holland Gin, in bottles and draught ; Morton‘s h-ll‘ Pndns':)“ld v‘. Jn-)om Spirits, Champagne, in baskets and casee. .:ln. a fine lot of Old PORT and SHERRY of the Choicest Brands, Groceries, Wines & Liquors. bel by Gem Mortimer, John Roberts, W M. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never falls to give de, Buck and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. *Â¥ iiinieits o tofnmien Srwat G?Idâ€".lu-.m rost Bites, &e., &0. M RS. SMIT H, #or sale by all frstâ€"class dealers in the United States and British Provinces. November, 14, 1867. Nov. 26, 1867 ammmmnfoarant""" © % Nublas , &¢+, Much below the Regular Prices during the Holidays. in Ottaws. E USDERSIGNED begs to inform his Customer that he has a Large and wellâ€"solected Stock of the underme which he is determined to Sell No.81 Sussexâ€"st., Ottawa. American Watesh Co., W aitham. I‘m telling you what‘s trueâ€" . ind ail yige waits thait besuppiied, bibo lt mznaznes hoh c d a 2801 And if L please 'hy-;tno:hp-ll:fi::.‘ American Watch Co., Waltham. THE LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH, vi:: MILLINER, eare I‘ll barberize your chin, G. M. HOLBROOK, MERCHANT TAILOR, PEG TOP DEPOT. Beavers, Pilots, Blanket Cloths, ass uo ®ierpnanpplyet Tow o egred, mnoabcrores ment Superior to any in tReâ€"city. . @. M H. respectfully invites Uttaws, Nov. 22, 1867. 381y Alginst., opposite the Post Office. SPECIATL NOTTICEHEH. I am sustained by my predecessor, Mr: Lewis, whose experiouce extended over F THE NEWEST AND MOST SEASONABLE STYLES and PATTERNS. complaints for which it is j[WINTER GOODS CATCTFILZX O XN . in and see, n state NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. . _ Locomotive Dep‘t Western Division, i) o gf awe i 00 ~. . _ _ ) Roementer, Heo. Pith, 1866 DAN RICE. CHRISZMAS AND NEW YEAR Grutfilufllg Sale of Hoop Skirts, &¢ , aAT TUE FAcrtory. l will, during the Holidays, sell Hoop Skirts at 45 per cent under my regular low prices. Just imagine a OTHER NUMBERS IN PROPORTION: ALL NEWSHAP Is all the rage. They are made here in every sizeâ€"and shape. LA s D. WHELAN, F 44 Rideauâ€"8t., opposite Allan‘s Crookery Store: § Corsetsy Remember the House. inform his Customers, and the Public in generaly THE SCARLET SKATING SKIRT 40 Steel Skirt tor 48. The Custom epartment will receive bis nnonh: Ordere from Lamberers p-:: XO. 10, YORK STREET, Next door to the Market Drug Store. mm SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAYE to inform his numerous frisnds andthe inâ€" :Ln“ be .::W:‘.. ohon‘und, ore he is to them with a Te .pto furnish a supeâ€" Readyâ€"mado Boots and Shoes. ever offered in the city, in the newest patterns and richest bindings. The Annuals for 1868, and everything suitable for the Gift season, for sale by TII' Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally that he has commenced business in the store formerly ocouâ€" 'Adn-mu:‘mmm-m .;qu DRY GOODS! 1867â€"8. BOOKg,. §-0.0KSI 1867â€"8. Moliday SHeason. The Most Attractive Gifts. J. DURIE & SON AVE in stock a splendid variet HMVYartso®} A splendid lot of TOF ’Ooll_r:lhlilloon.. The Standard Authors, i esA i sna ww .-"‘h‘h .. h MWMM“ New Year‘s Note Paper, Envelopes and cards. Boot and {Shoe Store | NEW DOMINION. DRYV GGOCO DS Messrs. Fingland & Draper Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. Readymade Clothing Attpwre Mew Breakfast Shaw!li, Lamba® Wool Hose, Ottawaâ€" July 10, 1867. 4987 CHARLES WILSON, * DAVID MILLAR, 43 Sparksâ€"st, Centre Town. AT THE CAPITAL EDW ARD H. WILLLAMS, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. = . 188 IOIâ€"D,III':’ urmol. Â¥ 0. « &, aouent witkie _ . @ENERAL adkurs." §65â€"48 3m. â€" JAMES HIGGINSON, Unson Block, Sussexâ€"st. F Next to he Tea Pot 0, 1867. 481tf J. DURIE & sON, _ _ 10 Sparksâ€"st., Opposite the Russell Honse io Imnravine Articles of the Bost Quality, G. Chief Engineer, Anily * Bs WIIA'I‘ you cannot get there you need not look for elsewhere in fine Glassware ot all deroriptions; Fine Dinner Setts, Fine Tea Setts, Fine Breakfast Setts, Beautiful Panch Bowls, Table Ornaments, Perfame»y Bottles, Boheâ€" mian Vases, Smail Tes and Tollet Setts for the Little w Cups and Sauncers, Mottoed Muge, Ormaments, China Vases, Fancy Cruets, Tea Trays, Table Mats, Toilet Glassos and Mirrors, Small Sleighs, Kocking Horses, and a thousand other articles not to be found elsowhero, and at prices thas all will admit to be choap. Lo JUHMPM BOYDEX, e CALL OF TEN PER CEXT. On the Capital Stock of the said Company, whicn Call they require the Holders of such riock to Ottawa, on MEeveon snn Be t c i O eC BATUKDAY, the KLEVENTH DAY OF JAN P o 4 (oomerpaatrews, _ â€"â€" | Snpeens, Costous Derartuest, § I . bur th Oltawa, December 31, 1867. Q ‘._:,.:,'.",.., in OTICE is hereby given that His Kx»| }}0 8t â€" Ndu-ymonu'nmueumm; ."':"";::l‘.". been pleased, under the authority vested in him, to | â€" ‘uh.d‘n‘nhfl-uo. horned cattle, .h“p,! l\‘--‘l'.(‘.unx \pigs, and other animals, poultry and fancy birds, | }‘a\, maiized wit (when specially imported for the improrement of | _ ! xve cured wit Wock in Oanada, whether by Agricultural Sooleâ€" | focu twuly ronds ties or private individuals, shall, until otherwise | it Dss O ordered, be imported without being liable to the | 1y of Sn mouth payment of Customs duty, and should be entered | :fi’u'll-lv-‘ m"' l m.v:,--fl ll heereby given that the Directors of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company have this day made a further. * to the unders at the Law Office WESSRS. MATRESON & LEES, in ts City OTTAWA AGENCY : Officeâ€"Desbarats! Ruilding, 77 Sparks St / _ ____NUARY, A. .Q., 1868. __ Dated this Ninth day of December, 186". THE HOLIDAYS! THE HOLIDAYS Ottawa, June 21. And a general assortment of gentlomen‘s furnishâ€" ing goods, would intimate to their friends and th« public generally that they aze prepared to exeeut all orders in their line at the shortest notuee, 1» the â€"most approved styles and at prices that w« VARIETY| HALL, English. French and Cauadian RoyalCanadianBagk Ottawa & Gloucester RoadC omp y Mllclhl'l TAILORS and Genera! OQutitters, Riginâ€"street, opposite the Russel! House, and _ second door from tie Landon Music Store, having just received a choice stock of SMITH & RODNEY 6 45 A. M.««TRAINS will leave § Sandpoint daily at 6145 a.m., and arrive at Brockvillo at 1:00 p. m. LEAVES PERTH. P. M.«â€"TRAINS will leave 5:00 Perth at 5100 p.m», and 9:40 a.m., and arrive at Smith‘s Fails at 5:50 p.m. and 10:30 â€" _ LBEAYVES SMITHS,FALLS. A.M.«â€"=â€"TRALINS will leave 10:50 Aimiyrnsloso anms and 6:05 p.m., and arrive at Porth at 11;40 a.m., and All trains on main line connect at Emith‘s Falls with Trains to and from Porth. No« Lleares Brocokville after G. T. R. Expross Truin is due from the Kast. WNo. 2 is due at Brockville in time to connect with G. T. R. Express Trains for the East and West. H ABBOTT, AUTM.I.ID Discount on America Invoices until further notice, 25 per cent. R. 8 M. BOUCURTTE, â€" Commissioner of Customs. 0! and after MONDAY, the 30th Dee«, 1867, and until further notice, tains will rup as follows : B tions on the line. Brockville, Des. 16. Express, 8 a. m. * 10.30 a. m. | ers, Gunbeats, Craft connected with Improvem Mixed, 1.30 p. m. 4.43 p. m» | of Navigation, and Maritime Subjects gonera “‘l'ho time of these 'l‘l;:u‘::: ."d. :‘mfi"“ | for Canada, should be directedâ€" ensure connection with night and day on | Urana T SE and wost | « nn;mn;,;:;::'::? PIBNERIES, N. B.â€"These Traus run on Montreal Tume. l + oTtawa." f R Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from knd to stations on Grand Trank Railway. * | ,___ AND THOSE RELATING To THE . 3 45 P M.e=TRAINS will lcave $ Brockville daily at 3.45 p.m., and arrive at Sandpoint at 9:25 p m. LEAVE SANDPOINT. CHANGE of TIM®E | St. Lawrence & Oftawa Railway, T. 8. DETLOR, THOMAS uvaows. Superintendent. Man Director. \ Ottawa, Dec.‘28, 1867. : ly Brockville "and Uttawa Railway, Ottawa Oct. 1, 1867; Commencing on Monday, December 9, 1861 LEAYVE BROCKVILLE (formerly the Ottaws & Prescott Railway.) Ottawa, January 3, 1868. UTHORIZED Discount on American LEAYVE PRESCOTT Mixed, 7. 30 a, w. Express, 2.10 p. m. Prepare for the Holidays } LRAYVE OTTAWA CLOTHS and TWEEDS, ¢" * t â€" is m 12 3 %% & a { ]?."‘ {1 LV a REsI m B :. «5 afih P4 ‘# ® ‘;: @/ And where to do it is at the 34, Sussoxâ€"st. HALLROADS. By command. NOTICE Custous Derartuext R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. By Urder * M. P. HAYES, W, H. FALLS. Becy. & Treas ARRIVE JN PRESCOTT Manager for Trustee, ARRIVE IN OTTAWA \twha shaas _ Sold by Georse Mortimer, Johs Roberts ‘&:;.lnr .. W. M. Masser, K. F. luCn'nhy, nndJthn @enoral Ageot. _ Skinner, in Onawa. * 11.00 a, m« 445 p. m. Aou»t. 1578 S51tf ‘THE OTTAWA TIMES, JANUARY 8, 1868. of LA nals, Boacons, Buoys, Regulation ot Harbors, | Eaquiry into Causes of Wreoks, Provision DcpoJ. | and Relicfof Shipwrecked Seamon, Marine Hosâ€" | pitals, Shipping Ofices, Pilot Service, River Police, , Inspection of Steamboats, Classification of Vossels, | Examination and Granting Certificates Com. | petency to Masters, Mates, &0. ; Provincial Steamâ€" | ors, Gunbeats, Craft connected with Improvement | of Navigation, and Maritime Subjects generally To be used in the Provinee of Quebee, and all Roâ€" turrs of Stamps cancelied by the various Oficers entrusted with that duty, will bave to be $â€"w are the communities, or even fumilies, among thein ho have not some personal eÂ¥perience of its effects== pme living trophy in their midst of its victory over the 1btle and dangerous disorder® of the throat and lungs. {-mmmw Zatality of these disorders, and they know, ton, the effects of this remedy, we need pot E:-.hhl-uolhn that it has now all the virâ€" that it did have when making the cures which have You so strongly upon the confidence of maukind. DEPARTMENT OF MARILNE &â€"FISHERIES, Orttawa, 29th Novomber, 1867. C o M MUNICATI O N & RELATING To \ w 1GHTHOUSES, LIGHTSHIPS, sIG. The Treasurer of the Province of Quebec, QUEBEC, ; AND THOSE RELATING To THE Protection, Regulation and DeWlopment of Deep Bea, voast and Inland Fishories, Inrspection of Fish and Fish Oils, and General Promotion of Fishâ€" ory Interests, for Canada, should be addressedâ€" «* DEPARTMENT 0P NARINE AND nsurums Fisheriea Branch, JORN LANGTON, Auditor. Ottawa, Decsmber 23, 18§7. Prevared by Dr. J. 0. AYER & CO.. Lowell, Mass, Law and Registration Stamps, And not as beretofore to Ottawa Loweorrhea or Whites, Ovartan Tamor, Uizvime Viceration, Female Discases. Dr J. B. 8. Channing, of New York (:?. writes ; "I tost cheerfully m::ly with the request of your agont in saviz>I bave found your Sareaparilia a most excellent n!u::'i;vo in the llnu:n‘- m:v;‘hl.nh’kv which we w such a remedy. m Abmale Discases f the Serofulous dinthesis, ! hn{'und many invetor» g:0 cases of Lencorthoen by it, and some whore the coinâ€" paint was caused by ulceration of the wterus, The ulcerâ€" ’::quh”'n‘h.;o -.-M.-..‘.R:Mng within my knowlâ€" s to. Caward 8. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, " A danâ€"* srous oncrian tumor on one of the females in my family, jhich had defied all the remedies we could employ, bas fowibe *h Tnjuiciet fvaont notting hop oxtips Y n t nothing ex in count atleed reilet, tut y naviced The Iiks of your reapariiia as the last resort before cutting, and it wed effeotual. After taking your remody d;sn weeks ~symptom of the diseake remains." ‘_ Syphilis and Mercurial Discase. f ‘New Onueaxs, 25th Avgnst, 1969, Dy, J. C. Are®: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the 16â€" nest of youh agent, and renort to you some of the eflects }wmve realized with rnn' Barsapariifa. I hsve enred with it, in my practice, most of the cumâ€" «ints for which it is recommended. and have found its l«ulr‘ly wonderful in the cuse of l'mtmlcud Aerâ€" jurial Disean., One of my patients had ®yphilitic ulcers p> his thrvat, which were consuming his pmlate and the This is a remedy so flv-nn{lun to surpass an per for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that ‘ juseless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. 11s jarivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly sonderful ¢ures. of nb-.y disease, have made it jrown throughout eivilizsed pations of the earth. s 1869. k J. C Av-.A“OL % I::y“-tgo ac» now what your ne me, u.m?fnu-mn-m-.l bave suffered from it in various ways for years. Eometimes it burst out in Ulcers on m out in Ul-l!--lbnh.‘ arms; sometimes it tarned laward and i me at the stomach. Two yeare ago it broke out on my.head and covered r=7 scalp w‘-n'flo--:.'hk’h-pdufuludm teyond description. 1 tried many modicines sev mmm-;mm-anmn,w Jn the disorder grew woree. At length 1 was re] to read in the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared an alterative (@areaparilla), for 1 knew from your reputa« tion that any thing y~** modo must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured mo. 1 took it, as you advise, *1 emall doses of a teaspoonful over a month. and used almost three bottles, New and bealthy skin soon begun to form under the sosb, which aftor a while fll of, My skin is now clear, and I kuow by my feeling« that the disease has gone from my system. You Tou, thas L hold gou to be one of the Aprotiee of the ngn, you, you one of t ol ago, god retaain ever gratefuily. Youns, = o ALFI®D B. TALLEY, Bopt., 1§50, that be has cured an foveterate case of Drepsy, which threatoned to terminate fatally, by the Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, And for the speedy cure of the following complaints 1 Bbcerofutha and lerohlo::Albfllou.--el as Tumeors, Ulcers, res, Eruptions, Pimples, fi-n-ln. Blotches, Boils, Blains, and all Skin Discases. :m severing use of our Earsaparilia, and also a dangerous Niqgnant Rrysipelas by large doses of the same; sys he eures the common Aruptions by it constan‘ly. Bronchocelo, Goitre or Swelled Neok. Zobuton Sloan of Prospect, Texas, writes: " Three bot {= of your anreaparilla cured me from a Goi‘re==a hidâ€" i oie swelling on the neck, which I had sufered from ster two years." 5 \limanac, which the agents below named are pleased to arnish gratis to all who call for them. "’""i'i'."' Discase, Fits, Epile ty sy, Melancholy, lounl.h-' _ Many remarkable cures of these affections have been wade by the alterative power of this medicine. 1t stimaâ€" mmmmmwm.-uu- wrcomes disurders which be supposed beyond its ach. Buch a remedy has long been required by the noâ€" -u.dun-.unmnuusmum 3 for them all medicime can do. 3 8t, Anthony‘s Vire, Rore or sipelas Tetter .-’d Salt Rheum, lenld fi.ud: Ringworm, Sore Eycs, Dropsy. _ Pr. Robort M. Preble writes from Salein, N. Y., 12th Cred entirely by your Saresparil w weeks. I ow Te lun'ullh‘ in a fow weeks. I m"'-v-'“- from wl-‘::'w ':;t'lr':"s"'.:' AYER’§ > Sarsaparilla yitle cured me in two weeks, "".'-&'r'-'-fi.?iifim"‘ Efi:mmlnhhflwuuh 1 was 1 thisk it a wonderful medicine. J. FREAM. Jules Y. Getchell, of 8t. Louls, writes: "I have been Mcted for yunvll‘.l an ql«fimq/ l:an‘l.'w.'lnhh' ‘n{d- health. 1 tried every every thing led uflzn.o; udlhulnn‘:tm-,-n ; some years from no cther cause than derangement of Liver. My beloved mq,lh Rev, Mr. I'av. advised an was t y "uum-q of m “‘l.::.’.‘: agait. . The to a new‘ we. 6 fcflhnmhd‘dmhmhllmw' In Cancer Tamors, Enlargemen ”glmp. Caries and Exfoliation o‘* FOR TWE RAPID CURE or wughs, Colds, Infuenta, Hoarseness, Creup, Bronchitis, Inclpient Conâ€" sumption, and ftor the Relief Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages & wive to the wenther that on a &i":,.,...;m ved ox« juciatioy pain in ber joints and bones. Ehe, too, was $ WE SNeWS SEG TERATRNDI® TOstP chila 3 Lm -:"bd me» is # » Â¥raternally yours, _ °C. V. LARIMER, M D. thenmatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Inperenbence, Proston Co., Vo., Cth July, 1800, Dz. 2. C. Are®: 8ir, I bave been afilicted with a painâ€" chronie Ahewmatizm for a long time, which baftied the ;u-l physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the nedies 1 could find, until 1 tried your Earsaparilia, Oue 1e use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit of this , but here will not admit oh. â€" quike af thais may be Toand in our Amerignn A great variety of eases have been reported to us where res of these formidable complaints have resulted from PUBLIC NOTICE N and after the #1R8T day of JANVU» ARY, 1868, all REQUI8SITIONS FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. /‘ *Ct uts m NxX OTFTEC i. R. 8. M. BQUCHATTE, Cbairman Board :&A-c, Exoise and Stamps. ADDRESS EL 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL uently, these truly remarkable results P. MITCHELL, t Minister of Marine & Fisherics KA FOR OTTAWA.* 6T CCC Sole & Lmhr:: Smbu&l.f.l fee | COUNTY ofCARLETON Writing Desks, ’ Work Boxes and Dressing Cases, James Melville Teasdic Hanoum, : AN INSOLYVENT oreaitoee Pb h2 S eanen paneuied ‘Sy Ns Tuesday, Third day of March next, Ho will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a confirmation thereof. Ottawa, 27th Desember, 1867. â€" 62624 J. M. T. HANNUM. Plo.‘lllol or lfill(‘ and ‘Teacher of Piano, Voice and . Also, Mrs. Clark, I::ohuo.rd of‘ and h{nh‘. Iz Rooms dence, Bparksâ€"stroct, one ast of Toronto House. , Orders may be left at residence or at Orme & on‘s Music Store. 452y Tur. Undersigned has fAled a Deed ot Composition and Discharre. exesuted by his December 16. rl,mu REMEDY has been used in Trop= * leal climates for many years with the great est success. "It sbhortens l‘o attack, reduces the fever ‘r“:‘""o?c‘h at the same time ““:b the stem to throw polsonous effect gg._l_»lgod_gu secretions generally. Insolvent Act of 1864. Dominion of Canadd, ; _ «: yp*IF oi CV * inge â€"aidition P‘ANCY GOODS, DOLLS of every kind, PUZZLES, and an endless ;l:fl;ty of ol.rh,or TOY8, suitable fer Christmas wye. . : % * 25, 6 ty Aalscatwhsy Sxp«mgu&-x.m. NEW GAMES, MAGIC LANTERNS, HIS EXCELLENCY TBE GOVERNOR GENEâ€" RAL IN COUNCIL. N the r tion of the Honor= Onblo the Im_ of Customs, and under and in virtue of the authority given and conferred by the Ant passed during the present session of the Legisâ€" lature, intituled ; * An Act respecting the Cusâ€" toms," His Excellency in Council has been pleased to make the following regulation : PRICEâ€"50 cents and Wholerale and Reteil by A I::Liuflou-m‘u..-uo . durt esent .h'u'n u.h-,..-mm lims COMPANY. s * Oitawa, Desomber 24h, 1867. C406 FOR CHRISTMAS. A Sure and ‘Certain Cure for Feverâ€" .___ Continued, Remittent, Intermittent, Typhoid, and Fever arising: from (irdinary Colds. " In additigp to the Warebousing Ports mention ed in‘the Act passed during the present session of the Parliament of Canada, and intituled :‘ « An Act respecting the Customs,‘ the Ports mentioned in the annexed lists and being in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Soota and New Brunsâ€" wick, and which are now Warchousing Ports in those Provinces respectively, shall be and they are hereby continued as such Warchousing Ports, and are hereby declared to be so accordingly." Wu. H. LEE, § Clerk Privy Council. Celebrated I_'e_v_or Remedy Province of Ontario, In Weod and Papier Mache. Also, a large PianoForte Tuition ! GovERrNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Tuesday, the 2ith day of December, 1867. Messrs. Orme & Son To WIT Et Stephen‘a Andover W ost Isles Grand Falis Bhedine . St Andreows‘ New Carlisle. Kelly Cove, (Great Brass d‘ Or) Welchpeol Cmqm Chatham New Castle Amberst, Megdalen islands Contisook j Guysboro Harbour ?rzlmuu in La Haie Guelph â€" Sault St Marte Oshawa Woodstock. Amberstburg Brantford Chatham Chippawa Cornwall Darlington Whitbhy whm W, 0. CULARK, IN THE MATTER OF NEW BRUNSWICK IX THE SHAPB OF SNOW‘S PREPARING NOVA 8COTIA. REGULATION. ONTARIO. Chemist, Ottaws City !.’ wm "-, CoOUNTYCOURT County of Carleton, oP TRE OM eases, these cannot be properly filled up, a sufficiâ€" ent reason must be .:E:-”l.fl’lfl mh"othor oviâ€" dence must be prod as the Board may conâ€" sider satisfactory. plication to the Secretary, and, if in particular %XINA’HONS. 11. No Candid will be allowed to“muu himself for examination unless bis mlo and Cortificates shall have been lodgod the Seoreâ€" tary ten days at least kefore the day of examinaâ€" 12. Each Omfl? will be duly informed by the Becretary whether his Certificates have or have mbmnm‘of. 4 +3. The will meet for the examination of Candidates on the fourth Monday in every month, at ten o‘clock, a.m., at tbo.loodt:: Provincial «and ma locmuyu. ““.n-h’. meeting may adjourned ll(. Ondld:ul’ are m& to pnuu‘otbc':- selves at t appointed for the oo-no:-‘-oo-.uolm examinations. 15. The examination will be conducted partly circumstances will permit) name their last em ployer as one of suth referees. ... _______ _ . _ #, Candidates who huve left school within two years before their a ation should (when cirâ€" cumstances will "? name their last bohoalâ€" master as one of ereos. master as one of the referees. __10. Copies o( the forms can be obtained on apâ€" Finaxces Derartk®®t, s CUustoms, Quebec, 6th March, 1863 l'l' I8s DIRECTED BY THE AON. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed or Te the price of qad maw‘ u7 Semhaegs w ce as y Exchange at a ntzdo -d‘gom Buch notices to sppo‘i'l every Imr}u in the Canada Gazetrz. i R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. Ottawa, January 3, 168. ll ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE® Order, notice is hereby flm that the authoriz= ed discount is declared to this day 25 per cont which ponnm of deduction is to ‘be continued until next Weekly Notice, and to to all purâ€" chases made in the United States d that week. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. T. Every Candidate must name two or more reâ€" ferees, of whom two at least must be householders, and such referees must respectively fill up and sign & Certificate in the subjoined form marked B. _ 8. Candidates who have been mvlfiif(h the employment of private individuais should (when enllyudrnflthrlt . 16. No viva voce cn-‘.lgn 16. No viva voee examination shall take place except in the presence of a quorum of the Board. 17. The time allowed for answering each paper in writing will 6e marked upon it. _ _ ___ qualified, he may be examined, should he desire it, in the following subjects or any ope or more of them which he may select : All materinls for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly on hand. lcendt s _ Orders from the country will receive strict at tention. Ottawa, August 26. e piegy â€" 416y 8. To write atically, $ e e it inss .. . To be conversant es of Arithmetic. § 21. To enable the loudto!.a for what branch of the Public Service any is best qualified, he may be examined, should he desire it, lieve him to he free lu-u{m defect ar disease, or mental ailment, which would be likely to interfere with the proper discharge of the dutiocs of a Public Office. Puht:uwu. a Fire Erons, Hall Stoves, Â¥Fire Guards, Japanned and Planished Tinware, &c., Manutacturers of all desersptions of work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Mills, &c. Makes and fits up Galvanized Iron ‘Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &o. RAK"Public and Private Buildings, Conservaâ€" tories, Vinerie#, Manutactories,. &c., warmed by Steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the moet apâ€" prored Apfihobphats:! , ) 7 6333 00 co uo1 ooo 0| 0020 BY CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT IN __3. The Cortificate of age should contain the best evidence ot the date of the Candidate‘s birth, of which his case is ou:{abu 4. ‘l':n ealth :ut ‘b:lh the subâ€" joined form m A & Licensed Medical Practitioner, rb‘m’ date "flhln six months of the date of the application to the Board. 8. The Board of Examiners reserve to themselves =Il discretion ub&owi‘q‘a“d_-:-w'u:: cases m ox juire, but a compliance with the requirements of 3.'..-. tollowing ”'"‘"fi' h‘m that under ordinary ciroumstances will be deemed necessary. 6. Candidates who bave been fiwhuly emâ€" plomduqybopsflmntoflhh ie Bervice in which they soserved, and the length of time they of Canada. + â€" 1. Are you related to the Candidate, it so, * 'mhthonlum? % Any-; well aeq! with the Candiâ€" 3. From what ciroumstances does your knowâ€" of him arise ? 4. How have you known him ? 3. Is hestrictly henest, stber, intelligent and Tmporters and Dealers in House Furnish . ing Bardware. Just received a well selected assortment of Cooking Stoves, Iron Bedsteads, Duble Stoves, Bronzed & Wire Fenders, Civil Service of Canada, 1. Every Candidate is required to send to the “o:'mr) of the Board at the 0?0-:.0. h:vh“‘- Becretary, an application in own â€" writing, stating bis , place ot birth, present place of mld.o‘nu. ll:‘l:ut.h of time be has been resident in Canada, the nature of his m oenro- tions, and that it is his desire to enter the Civil Service of Canada, naming the, particular Departâ€" ment (if any) for which he believes himself more particularly adapted. â€" 2. The application must b&.ueontuhd b‘ eatisfectory certificates as to ealth an tharacter, of the Candidate. _ tÂ¥ cmfi"%s the Civil Service & om n the of Canada. * â€" 1. Are you related to the Candidate, it so, * vhclnhonlum? !.A‘n“y.c; well aeq! with the Candiâ€" i.h-vlnm“ymhvv- of him arise ? 4. How have you known him ? â€" _ BLYTH & KERRB, Buocessors to Chas. Garth, No. 25, Rideauâ€"st,., Plumbers, s : Uas & Steam Fitters, Tin & Coppersmiths, _ Bell Mangers, &c. Framed by the Board of Examiners for the Civil Service, under the provisions of the . 20th Vic., Cap, 24, and approved + by His Excellency the Adminâ€" istrator of the Government in Council. considered equall lity, 20. All Candidates will be required 1. To write a good hand. 2. To spell correctly. _ ie ting English into French, or Freach !'m. and writing from dictation hmnlfi". :.AMI.U as Decimal Fractions. 4. lm.mnphy. Ccaled . 5. Making abstracts of documents. FORM A,. « +« Te I hereby certify that I have thig‘. w m-!n"lt, * fi’.fl hat I beâ€" AMERICAN INVOICESâ€"DISCOUXNT® APPLICATIONS AND CBRTIFICATES. sl+ im N3 ic 220 5. 6 io cdncrtics What do you know of his m: T. So far as you oan judge, is his Charaster in sll:'r:é: u"lu to qualfy bim for Public Employment. ® REGULATIONS Fimaxcs Deraztuz®t, Oussous, TO BE OBSERYED FORM B. shall have Con. of Qsgoode,containing 190 acres, 50 aocres clearâ€" nd.fiouotwollmm'mhuvnl.nd well watered, and situated a quarter of a mile of the Railway Station. Titles goud. For kssb Atiick PA cxmnolxr.“’ l.llnuldol. W + Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867# ~ _ + â€" 651â€"3m llhmby given that a tion will be made to each and mr’!;:rl“u-ou ha jurisdiction, at the present or next ""“""::g loo ACKRES.«â€"The north half of Lot No. No. ll.h&hd&m‘x:ol{:‘m with a good House and Barn, and oubuildâ€" ings, and a good Spring Well, M‘::u cleared and in a good state of cultivation, is sitoated on the Prescott Road. within fifteen miles of Ottaâ€" wa. Also the south half of Lot No. 6, in the 3rd â€"~â€" TO â€"LETC Possession given 1st June. B NE GRovE HOUSEK: Te P Amaroatty Hifeated con the Richmond Road, with Stables, Conch House, Garden and vacant Lot adjacent thereto, A cistern of fine water in the house. Apply to MRS. BUNTING, Rochester Rstate, or on the Premises Ottawa, May 10, 1867. 'l:ndnl'.h an actto amend the utdncul 1 F::fl-!:lh!-l-aflh? inment for the late ce «c;-;a:‘bl:’amnu;um m-”umx’o&um Pasenger Railway Company." For perticulars and terms to Juhn anc Mm-mfin-fl’.'{m x.flmna run:‘, us s arristers, &o., Ottawa. Ottawa, February 27, 1867 369y yes _ Being en the eve of Confederation, and Ottawa being ghhly settled upon as its capital, C â€" immedi theâ€" Parliaâ€" O’W“ .“mly:pyduw o so that the Buildings could be enlarged to any reâ€" Ottawe. March 11. us coUNTRY RESI CE FORSALE.â€"Reautifully sitwated on the Macadamised Road Otâ€" ‘» tawa City and Aylmer, ‘about 36 "od, proiuiaing whoul 95 alress with‘s Iargs dlone a acres, with a proprietor objection to sell a part of the farm, with or without the house. ‘This would be a desirable country resigence. Title unexcepâ€" tionable. could not fail to be made to pay. Itllhlkuth-‘u-nannyloofmlmn- hn.clmm;huhrpplnarn- windows, and is four stories high, exclusive of the basemen‘. It is nely situated on the corner of Wellington and quired on GO DOWN TO BIRKETTS Augus, I. _z2 IK gible erty, beaatifully situaied on e Banks of ths Ous. wa, in the Township of Nepean, tant from 2? of Oitaws about three miles on the macadamized read, together with the STUNE DWELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present cce M.:I William Thomson, Kequire, and the (Jn ornamented fiuulu uio.hi.n. the same, forming part of Lot No. 2#, in Ist conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same also for sale at reasonable prices. Skates ! Skates ! Ottawa, Dec. 4 BRICK DWELLINC 6 BU.LDING wm one mile from the city, on the Richin Road, eontunin' one acre each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, Jx., on the premise« «4 £, l“on SALK.â€"â€"THE WEST« w . orly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First ({on-liu Ottawa, Front Neâ€" liy pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28. in the same lon, at present in the ooel‘potiw of Wm. T. Aylen, Eeq. For further particulars a to soux and Wu. Trowsox, No;.n. and Lews & Pixuxt. Barrister, Ottawa. â€" JeZâ€"141â€"if Satchell Brothers, BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB AKD VEAL, , SiATCHELL‘ & j Celebrated Spiced HRounds & Rollied Boef; Oured in the English Style. Also, Sugar Oured Hews and Bavon of their own V TORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. Buteners te His Bxceliency Lord Monck. k ROOM TO LET cither with or with« out board. Enquire _ this office. Ottawa, November 20. 594 Eight Roonis and Kitchen, Village of New . Edinburgh, Pessescion immediate. Apply to k. BLACKBURN New Rdinburgh, Nov. 20, 1867. _ 594f Have You Got a Pair ? Bign of the Anvil, Rideau Street. od y 5+ =~ * i ppiigmions, (pestpald) to be addfessed 10 FRANCIS CLEMOW, T Tok Hewer, shpo" FARMS FOR SALE. 25 Cents to $5 per Pair. No. 7, LOWER TOWE MARKET, Supertor Stall Fed ; AND WHERE TO GET THEX. FOR SALE or To LKt. â€" |NEW YORK _TRIBUXy With Yard and Ontbatldings. The Victoria Hote!) Where you can geethem trom TO LET, Apply to 1867. NorICcE Lots for Saile. NO more eligible chanse could be offered to any pux.h the Hotelâ€" hnph’ line than lease of the abore FIRSTâ€"CLA8sS HOTEL. ut Bndodiar tb im â€"Ori dvciats. > 4 Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W Fo. SALE, THAT KLIâ€" wible property, beaatifully REV. J. JOHNSTON MES ECE Bull 'ui.’. MK â€"aâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" | from time to time for a good likeness of the » ~ | have made an arrangement with Messre. Derby & AL E. Miller to furnish copics of Ritchic‘s engraving, from a pbotograph by Brady, which will be seut If of Lot Na. | to such subscribers to THE TRID NE as wish it of on the conditions below, . ‘This is much the BEST &-m likenees of Mr, Greciey thut bns been engravel. geres cleared | The prist sells for $1. Each subscriber who seait This is sitaated | us $10 for The Daily, $4 for Te .v.i-':. miles of Otta. | $2 for The Weekty fi'cbuv, the parer to be . 6, in the 3rd | mail, and who nzu.u the en‘nvh’:dc 50 nores clearâ€" | subscribing, will have a copy carctall hardwood, and | post paid, to his address. One will IiLb be a quarter of a nuu.n{wrn- who forwards m club often@t les goud. For | more Sewiâ€"Weekiies or twenty or wore Weeklie, y at our club rates, and asks forthe portrait at the ERT, time of remitting.â€" We do nct p-mfi 3 Ottawa City. ;â€"fi-. but to y the many fi of THE +‘ 651â€"3m ‘RIBUNE, whe fpel a devive to possess a geel â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"> | likenees of its founder. ¢ 6074 564t° FOUL of the gpolrkr) < BEIT & LATEST POPULAR KOVEL ¢ F e l. PRINTED on a large double nodling sheot, making Cight pages of six ""“"h- each. . It contains all the important editorigy published in The Daity fribulâ€"‘ those a merely local interest ; aiso Lmnq'::'.“ Inteliigence; Keviews of the most i sag important New Books ; the Letters from ..k of corresponderts ; the iatest news reogiveg by ;oh‘r:ph from Warhington abdâ€"all other of the country ; a summary of all i-ma gence in this city and elsewbere; a *ynopsis of the proceedings ol Congress and State lq“ when in session; the Foreign News receiveq every steamer ; Exclusive I{.fimd“‘ ',J ings of the Farmers‘ Club of + American Insti. tute ; Talks about Fruit, and other Morticultury; and Agriou tural information essential \to cougry Tesidents ; Stock, Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods ang General Market Reports ; making it, both for vari. ety and eomp&:ouu-, 2ligether the niost valumble, interesting an instructive W, } 6 published in the world. eckly Newepaper by linng autho:s. The cost of these mlone if boughiin bookâ€"form., would be. from six to . cight . dollars. Jf purchased in the English tm.i‘nhtLoy are carefuily selected, g- would be threo or four times that sum, owbie else car so much current intelligence and permas ent literary matter be had at so cheap a rateasls The Semiâ€" Weekly Tribune, ‘Those I:O believe in the mniw aud approve of the character of P Tri cun increase its power ind influence joining with their neighbors in forming flz subscribe for the Semâ€"Week!y Edition. It will i that -&h suppli¢d to them at the lov"h for which such a paper can be prined. Mail subscribers, 1 sopy, 1 year, 104 numbers $# do. 2 copies, do. 1# do. 5 do. or over, for each copy 38â€" Persons remitting for 10 copres $30 will rewive ‘an extra copy #ix months. _ _ . _ > ___ > Crticiems ; LettersÂ¥rom our large corpe dl‘ and Domestic Correspondents ; Epocial and Auy ciated Press ‘l‘clegu}-h Dispatcber ; a careful ay on.rlm ummary of Foreign and Domestic News ; Exclusive Reports of the Proceedings of the #u. mers‘ Club of the American Institute ; Talke abog Fruit, and other Horticultural and Agricultyral i. formation; Stock, Financsal, Cattie, Dry Gow and General Market Reports, which are publishy in The Daily Tribune, ‘The Semeâ€"Week! miso gives, in the course of a 3m,“ A large and fine rtee! engraved portrait of the Editor is sentfree of charge to â€"any one who, is sending u. form Diily, $4 for a Semiâ€"Weekly.o :‘ for a Weekly, with United Etutes postuge add , shall indicate adesire to receive it. u.= likewiso be rent wn‘n‘z person who forwards a of ten or more Semiâ€"Weeklies, or twentyâ€"or more Weeklics, at our club rates, and asks for the trait at the time of remuilting. Addrers T-; BUNE, No. 164, New York. 4 Now is the Time to Subscribe for the GREAT PaAMILY NE“'GPA.. & T H E NEW YORK WEEKLY TRiBMig THE TRIBUXE ALMANAC FOR ready in January, 1868. _ Price 4 Beven for a Dollar. Persom remitting for 15 copies $45, will receive an extra copy year. ... _ " > _ Mail rubscribers, 1 copy, 1 yvear, 104 s do. 2 copies, do, do. do. 5 :o ur over for each k Persons remitting for 10 cupies $30, . an.extra copy +ix months., AF . PRersons remitting for 15 copres $45, B ; an extra copy one year. For $100 we will send th: Daity Tribunc, lisbed morning (Sund Pet Youl ; Pb tnt miy n ombn * _ For $100 we will sond thirt yâ€"four copies and Phe Daily Trilune. _ â€" > 5 CuMe ies i+ _ Bupscribers in Cansds must send 40 cents each, in addition, to prepay United States postage. Mail subscribers, single copy, 1 year«â€"82â€" Mail subscribers, Clubs of five...........owsur ‘Ten cépies or over, addressed to numes of M&-h“fi-d-?nondamh addition J. 8. For sale by ‘Hm smen. Pfl.f â€" Semiâ€"Woeekly Tribune. ihm' NEW Yog ?SA.II;Z TRIBUNE br © IOMG Ne 6 per yw':';i for six months. ’hm)h : nada must send $1 20 «ach, in addition, to prepay United Etates postage. PORTRATT 6F MR GREELEY. BADECTHDETR, @MOB,»»seeeen00ss000w0m0s Twenty copies, addressed to nanes of sub ‘sn copie8, to 000 AAATORS.........smus sexcmm Twenty copies, to On8 AU4TIORR,............som An extra copy will be sent for cach club of Drafts on Newâ€"York, or Post.Office f able to the order of The Tribune, being mnbh to any other mode of remitisnt. MAÂ¥ g THE TRIBUNE, Kew Yoh _ A PORTRAIT OF HORACE GREBLEL _ in d omgeoras oo rate â€"engra s ly subscribers to Tribune, For pastioal#® see advertisement, 5 . tht bull Reports of the American Institute Farmers‘ Club, ':r the various Agricultural Reâ€" ports, in each nufbber, a‘re richly worth & year‘s subscription :â€"â€" . _ MDBIDETE +++++0088 sxve400‘rvan vanes Mail eubscribers, 6 ubs of five..... Tenâ€"copits or ovir, addressed to subscribers, «ach........ .,...- 1 16 Twoenty copies, addressod to names of subâ€" scrit OMernssenneerinrmmnenssenisnenens>~»»ssersenes. $§ # Ten copics, io one -‘dnu rmmmmnmesrnnsatccniunes 36 0# Twenty copies to one -ddm-.....‘...é.‘.,..._ 30 t An extra copy will be sent for each of ten, Bubrcribers in Canada must send 20 sents each, in addition, to ay United a‘utu"..’ For sale by :l‘l"unmt X " is published every TUESDAY and FRIDat, and contains all the Editorial articles, not merety lo.l_‘i- t'll.lnfler ; Literary Reviews and an Mail rubscribers, single c Lo ataia coreitataint * <r6_ us ~trdiv I --â€"â€"- 1 ‘( :gumz.nmn o-uq'; nuâ€"-b'_:‘, dia and China they have been" higbly ©8®90 . wherever introduced. For Covons, ASMML 42 _ all Affections of the Throat and Chess 3 iho-u.t‘“.l‘nubh and m.‘. m do not opiam or any if and may therelore be taken with t the most delicate constitution . o PL Prepared and sold in boxes, tins 5 various sizes, by Tmowas Kear®o, ‘ 19, 8t. Puul‘s Churehyard, Losdon. 4 all Droggists and Patent Medicine V k W orld. 608â€"112%0 _ ~ /8 . KEATING‘3 COUGK®LOZENGOEH Tuu Universal Remedy now 0!1 $ the first in public favor and‘confiéen0; result has been acquired by the test of #My J9# _ To,nmlsym.;.:&- P1180. * ters to be addreesed to = T. B., Tum 08% Ottawa," stating <the price and I"-â€" can be seen. ..' Ottawa, Doc. 31, 1867, ie TBE TIMES is ‘;dmd and publ o Tus Ortw a Tiuss Pmwrisg A» LL indebted * A ul”“. m:.teeonu hw:.uolw l““â€"- equested to call,and settle at oneg, or ©#9 "" . THE NEW YORK DAILY nmrnb“ bed every morning (Sundays exespted) a ‘Terms, cash in advance® THE NEW YORK SEMLâ€"WEEEKLY TriBtsg A Pcrtrait of Mr. Ottewa, Sept."¢, 1867. THE LARGEST AKXD CHEAPEsq iwg Coxpaxt, at the Ofice, Ccptre Town, Ottewa. . TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE W ANTED sous indebted to Dr. J. Gat"o Weekly Tribune. NOTICE. TER M & Mirector ; ALB® uneinl. Canp qo ** uy incial, Cattle, Dry Goods ang is ; muking it, both for vari. 2llogether the niost valuable, nctive Weekly Nebwepaper . rly tour copies af Th 1:’0 1 ’..I-" J. GAPFY nimes of THREEE w4 3 U 2 0 l Wt (reime afl If not 1f mot Aov® to., $4, t t

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