, MRS. SM IT H MILLINER, 7 TEAS=â€"«Fine Young M Gunpowder, Imperial, Twankay, Souchong, Congow and Japan : °_ COFFEEK=»Fresh Roasted and Ground on the premises; x mvonoâ€")nd{..sm and Dark,) Barnard‘s Old Tom, Holland Gin, in bo‘tles and on draught ; Morton‘s h-& Proof Old R}o. Jamaica Spirits, Champagne, in baskots and cases. Also, a fine lot of Old PORT and.SHERRY of the Choicest Brands, * % NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. * § Locomotive Dep‘t Western Division, #entiomenâ€"L hare. no hesitation in that 1 betfove the preu ..ï¬'.}?.‘f.'.i engineers have found 1.-,’::::0 that '“ï¬â€˜ï¬â€˜#ffl:lfl ARE ‘lm.l“l(b 8 TMAC‘I‘OI':’ of any tor their uses. RUN WiTH THE GREATEST ACCURACY AND STEADLNES3, notwithstanding Qm of an engise ; and as I have NEVER KNOWN ONETC WEAR OUT,they must be be "flq-.....n. time when m.ym-waimvmm w.â€"auwum In my it greatly to promote regulariâ€" * 3 Yours respectfully, n omnnuaont is % r‘hm.uvl-gflmm t hdqldu-h:‘c.p:: phlu‘.ml.t d:% l: 3 :‘oumngnhud hg!-_a\_h-mulmt ot Soaps, Oils, Hst of Remedies for these complaints, _ ors are coming in from Medicine Dealersin all parts of the sountry for further supplies, and each testifying as DOMINION SHAVING SALOON Wd the Canadian Pata -â€"o&."&hm eBene “5'4'-3'. success in su m&muhn leving Nervous Affections, eatitle it to a highrank a the country for further is ton pafrerent muitluctien t gives. a series of yoars. £ Ofice of the General Superintendent, ome Altona, Pa., 15th Dec., l“‘.'z 5 Gentlemenâ€"The watches Manulactured by you have been in use on .this Railroad for sereral ‘ou b,-nm..n.lo-h-mhnbl wnehon"uul ar.n::z-t. ‘There are some THREE RUN OF TUEM CARRIED OX OUR LINE, and we them GUOD and RELLABLE TIMEâ€"KEEPERS. Indeed 1 have great satistaction in saying YOUR WATCHEKS GLVZUS LESS THOUBLE and have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than any watches we have ever ZRUU DLE and have worn and do wear much longer without repairs than any watches we have ever had in use on this road. As you are aware we lormer‘y trusted to those of ‘n.lu-n-rut-n.d o:-ldpdpdnpmln.htu.olmMwbopu-unrnouy.mnnuq‘mu od service as yours. _ oi F e c T de, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat. Sprains, Bruiges, Cramps in the Stomach, . Cogn hm.flul'.do’.'d * ® m“ xide. _ 'l\ll CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER HA. now beeu befure the public for s leogth of time, and whenover used is woll liked, never tailing h.“ï¬mh{ho pormanent relief whenp timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" 34 with its "‘"'".'.:‘.‘.'.‘.'Z".i‘&‘.‘.';fl." '.!"‘“'.m."l“?‘!'_“, lcs tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it :s recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" 'I\- perfection and chea of the American (Walitham) Watch have given it such a wideâ€"world celebrity t:t unscrupulous dealers years ago imitated its style and pirated its trude marks. Irresponsible deaiers are occasionally found who dishonestly trade upon the popularity of the American watch by selling a base imitation under the name of the genuine .r5:;. It is hardly necessary to state that such wauches are worthless as time keepers, â€"and when bought for the are calculated to injure the high reputation which our watches have attained. . The several uf the American watch (except the lowest grade marked Home Watch Co.) are guaranteed by rummmmamwumm u.mndmrmumo«mo-c:,. E. Robbins. ‘The purchaser should in all cases require one of these certificates, which is furnished to all dealers in the genuine watches. The following are the trade marks on the several grades of our manufacture :â€" _ a nu removed to Bank=strect, nearly opposite the Free Church, where she will be happy to receive her customers, Strict attention given to all work. 630a Among the most‘1mportant of modern Medical is coveries staads the CANADIAN PAIN stsTRCYER ! mmediate relief. All Medicine Dealers keep i FISH=â€"Just artivedâ€"Salt Water Salmon, No. 1 Labrador Herrings, Potted Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines in tins. . _¢ _ SPICES== of Every Description ground on the premises. * . SAUCES, PICKLES, &«. pipees) Incier Saghe k ALES and PORTER=â€"Guiness‘ Dublin Porter, in Quarts and Pints : Hibborts‘ London Stout Molson‘s and other CANADIAN ALES always on hand. T-. USDERSIGNED begs to inform his that he has a Large and wellâ€"selocted Stook of Groceries, Wines & Liquors. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give lfl&â€ï¬‚“fl“llhfl““flmm We rohl’n.-pm-o' in this matter, -: thoronchiv . and ll-:l?o‘.. l-LA.- -L':'l.. * Nov. 26, 1867 AT THE LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH, rir: Ottawa, December 7, 1867 sicians order and use it Loil no family wil} out it after -:::I: R lo.llg; & LYMAXN, * _ mewenstle, C. W., . November, 14, 1867 that he has a Large and wellâ€"selected Stook of the underme which he is determined to Sell No.81 Sussexâ€"st., Ottawa. American Watch Co., Waitham. 4 American Watch Co., W altham I‘m telling you what‘s trueâ€" . all your wants shall be supplied, ï¬-&‘:m Y '1- I‘ll barborize chin, ll:';-dr-oy-m, And if I fail to please Whyâ€"just call upon ! AMERICAN WaTCH CQ WALTHAM WATCH CoO. WM. ELLERY. &o., are all quite nowâ€" Beavers, Pilots, Blanket Cloths, G. M. HOLBROOE, ,â€"_ MERCHANT TAILOR, PEG TOP DEPOT. uttawa, Nor. 22, 1867. 381y Algin.st., opposite the Post Office. SPECILATIL NOTICE. AJWINTER â€"GOODS 'iTHI NEWEST AND MOST SEASONABLE BTYLES and PATTERN®. am sustained by my prodecessor, Mr: Lewis, whose expericuce oxtended over CA TSXLXO XN . in and see, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO DAN RICE. & THE SCARLET SKATING SKIRT Ié, Is all the rago. They are made here in every sire and shaps CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR Great Clearing Sate of Hoop Skirts, &c , * AT THE FACTORY. ! _ 40 Steel Skirt tor 48. uTHER NUMBERS IN PROPORTION+ ALL NEWSHAP ES will, during the Holidays, sell Hoop Skirts per cent under my regular low prices. Just imagipe a Corsets, Remember the House, Respectfully, The Custom Lepartment will receive his pecial attention. Orders from Lamberers ’l-p;‘» NC. 10, YORK STREET, Next door to the Market Druy Store. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAYE mb inform his numerous frisnds and the inâ€" habitants of the city and surrounding counâ€" m.lhd he has at the abore stand, where he is to furnish them with a supeâ€" ‘\lehnlo:i'llhqu-hll a gone DRY GOODS! rior article. Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. M friends and the public generally that he has ::‘..ond business in the store formerly occuâ€" y Bibles, Prayers and Servicesâ€"the largest stock over *"" in the city, in the nowest patterns and richest bindings. The Annuals for 1868, and everything suitable for the Gift season, for sale by NEW DOMINION. DRY GO0O0ODS ! 1867â€"8. BOOKS, BOOKS ! 1867â€"8. The Most Attractive Gifts. J. DURIE & sOX AVE now in stock a splendid variety H of GLFT BO fls. A splandid lot ot TOY noonhh.- the 1 ones. 2 ts Rieudent Autbore. f Â¥ine Illustrated Gift Books, h-tl{ Bibles, in rich calf and morocco ln?. Dore‘s colebrated IN‘ustrated Books, Christmas and New Yoar‘s Note Paper, Envelopes and cards. Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. JAMES HIGGINSON, Union Block, Sussexâ€"st. Next to he Tea Pot Ottawa July 10, 1867. 481tf Readymade Clothing Messrs. Fingland & Draper Bootand tShoe Store | Breakfast Shawls, & Lambs® Wool Hose, D. WHELAN, 44 Rideaunâ€"St., opposite Allan‘s Crockery Store: § READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, Customers, and the Public in general, ,." mo(m motive Engineers. APPLETON, TRACY & Cu P.8. BARTLETT. HOME WATCH Co. 498y CHARLES WILSON, FuR THE Moliday 8« AT THE CAPITAL EDW ARD H. WILLLAMS, General Superintendent ROBBINS & APPLETON . _ No, 182 Broadway, N. Y. ROBERT 'll.lls. Toronto and Montreal, GENERAL AGENTS. 565â€"48 3m. â€" _ 10 Sparkeâ€"st., Opposite the Russell Honse J. DURILE & sON, Articles of the Best Quality, .g- 'C'W_.'r_fll' » Neason. t% to the unders at the Law Office c Wissns." MATHESDN & LEES, in the City « Ottawa, on BATUKDAY, the ELEVENTH DAY OF JAXN f UARY, A. D., 1868. Dated this Ninth duy of Docember, 1887. : On the Capital Stoc Com: k of the said. wome where “â€.“:‘1."“ ts Hd:":ho‘ pll};.w:khlc.: | }« f;;JQ;\("I';\;\;râ€"bâ€";: by it, and some Call ...’ such tint was e ks The oi diror Motinots tais knï¬ oo 5. e oo en ie arron l&‘uu‘r. s y o -;v equals it for ( fe m i renkements"" nowh 1 LEevExtH pay or Jax.| ioiX meare "......""“"""‘-"h *m,,...â€m,.."'†w Dated m-n,,."u 'ï¬""b D., 1868 t JAX: | _ sh hed dehed ail th &.m&‘;% Cmane irme Anilo, : ht \ im i thevre l in my family By » * ;A â€" meeilFi c ripuome sinught fls p.g: e i i i coued Our rby-ldn tmht’-,t:.h' * o is Urder e E0 i Enepaniins ts mbflvfl he advised :l-s:m:um. rwnpai + the last resort before cutting, u’-lml: M Ottawa and Gloucéster Road Company day made a furthor," CALL OF TEN PER CEST Ottawa, Juns 21 OTTAWA AGENCY : Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks St ll h‘-v::d'lm that the Directors of the M Ottawa and Gloucéster Road Company have this when specially imported for the improvement of stock in Canada, whether by Agricultural Socicâ€" ties or private. individuais, shall, until otherwise ordered, be imported without being liable to the payment of Customs duty, and should be entered accordingly. Mugs, Parian Ornaments,| China Vases, Fancy Cruets, Tes Trays, Table Mats, Tollet Glasses and Mirrors, l-allm Kocking Horses, and a thousand other not to be found elsewbere, and at prices that all will admit to JUUKZM BOY Ottawa & Gloucester RoadCompy \ all deteriptions ; Fine Dinner Setts, Fine Tes Betts, Fine Breakfast Setts, Beautiful Punch Bow!s, Table Ornaments, Perfumery Bottles, Boheâ€" mian Vases, Smail Tes and Tollet Setts for the Little Folk, Mottoed Cups and Saucers, Mottoed RoyalCanadianBaak UTHORIZEO Discount on American _ ¢hirrus,Cancer Tumors, Enlargemen A Invoices until further notice, 25 per cent. _ ; :’.‘:’;‘.‘;‘:.‘: Caries “‘.‘ Exfoliation ‘ot 2 + A variety of eases have been to us where lmamn . ipetenmivemer s & ; pi0 use Coln‘nlulonn of :mu M Sb â€" 2 -ï¬'.m are will not admit ererr mmmmmmmmemmemmmmmmammn=â€"=â€"â€"em~****~ . \imanat, which the Agents below named are pleased to irnish gratis to all who call for them, MIICIIAIT TAILORS and General Outftters, Riginâ€"street, opposite the Russel} House, and second door fi the London Music Store, having just received r::holm stook of English, French and Canadian SMITH & RCDNEY And a geoneral assortment of geontlomen‘s furnishâ€" _ ing goods, would intimate to their friends and the public generally that they are propared to exocate all orders in their line at the shortost notice, in VARIETY HALL, WIIA'I' you cannot get there you meed not look for elsewhere in fine Glazsware of A«M.=«=«TH AINS will leave 1 0:50 bmith‘s Falls at 10150 a«m», and 6:05 p.m., and arrive at Perth at ! 1: 40 a.m , and 6;55 p.m. , Alrtnlu on main line connect at Smith‘s Fall» with Trains to and from Perth. Brockville, Dec. 16. _No« 2 is due at Brockville in time to connect with G. T. R. Express Trains for the East and West. â€" W ABBOTT, THE HOLIDAYS! THE HOLIDAYS ; Prepare for the Holidays $~ © | And where to do it is at the ’ _ No. 1leaves Brookville after G. T. pross Truin 1s due from the Kast, . f 1"»r * Ix «â€"â€" 6 45 A. M.«â€"=«TRAINS will leave $ Sandpoint daily at 6145 m«m1., and arrive at Brockville at 1:00 p. m. LEAVES PERTH. P. M.«â€"TRAINS will leave 5:00 Perth at 5100 pum«4 aad 9:40 a.m., and arrive at Sinich‘s Fails at 5:50 p.m. and 10:30 3.45 P M.«=«TRAINS will leave ® Brockville daily at 3.45 p.m., and arrive at Sandpoint at 9:25 p m. LEAVE SANDPOTINT. : Baggage to and from OtuÂ¥. chocked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway. Return tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and Otta wa at reduced rates can be had at theprincipal sta tions on the line. x j T. 8. DETLOR, .THOMAS REYNOLDS, Supqrintendent . Managing Director. Ottawa, Dec. 28, 1867. ly The time of theso Trains has been soarrangod as to ensure connéction with night and dsy trains or Grand Trunk, east and wost. Brockville and Ottawa Railway. CHANGE of TIME St. Lawrence & Oftawa Railway, as follows FV 3 N. B.â€"These troims run on Sfortreal Tima. Commencing on Monday, December 9, 1867 WINTER ABRRANGEXCXNT (formerly the Ottawa & Proscott Railway.) N and after MONDAY, the 30th Decâ€", 1867, and until further notice, trains will rup Express, 8 a; m. Mixed, 1.30 p. m Mixed, 7. 30 a, m. Express, 2.10 p. w LEAYVES SMITH‘S FALLS LKAVE OTTA Wa LEAYE PRESCOTT A y To ts <_© ink)* ma insy :.* E/TE 4s . owA {P { (4 \g:. J'\ A NC 3Y 4;{,,\4}.)‘ Ey _.T.".w # "@ x: LEAVE BROCKVILLE 34, Sussoxâ€"st. By command. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, LALLROALD*. NOTICE Custous Derartuest ABbEcQ6M( x Ottuwa, January 3, 1868 Commissioner of Customs. W, H. FALLS. Besy. & Treas. M. P. HAYES, ARRIVE IN PRESCOTT Manager jor Trustee io ne ns un on s ty . Aunc! oTrawa 11.90 a, m. to nu» »p _ : | subject to the approval of the landlord. Â¥ won to be made on the rtd.b . Ceneral Agent. | _ Outewna, Jan. 4 1 1 10.40 a. m 445 p. m 167 Aor»t. THE OTTAWA TIMES, JANUARY 9, 1868. Tllll ROOMS will be REâ€"OPENED on MONDAY, JANUARY SIXTH, in onrt of a Competent Billlard Marker, A share of pu lio patronage is solicited. N B.â€"â€"The ebtire business for rale. Also, four years‘ unexpired lease of the bouse. The latter Sold Ooo? Mortimer, John Roberts W.M. lh:uoy. . F. MacCarthy, and Jehn Skinver, in Orawa. + sho hare not some persomal nce of its effects pme living trophy in their -mâ€mvm"m ibtle and dangerous disorder® of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful of these and they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we not more than to assure them that it has now all the virâ€" that it did have when making the cures which have you so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYER & CO.. Lowell. Mass. * symptom of the disease remains." mestler Syphilis and Mercurial Discase. New Ortzays, 2th Auguet, 1880. * iw. J. C. ATER: Sir, I cheorfully comply with the reâ€" vest of yout agent, and report to you some of the effects | save realized with {om Barsaparilia. § 1 have cured with it, in my prictice, most of the comâ€" j jnts for which it is recommended, and have found its ! «¢ts truly wonderful in the cure of Venereal and Aerâ€" jpurial Diseam. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers i his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of his mouth, Your Raresparilia, uudl'l‘ takem, aired him in five weeks. Another was attacked by seee adary symptoms in his no»" ~yd the ulceration bad aten .'-y-e-fllnunraoflt.n that 1 believe the {sorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it \clded to my administration of your Rarsaparilia; the 'conh-hl.u‘hohtfllqfl-.nflo(nnmvmbw! vimo disfiguration to his face. A woman who had been ,-td for the same disorder b‘:'mflwv was suffering «m th"* mmison in her bones. Â¥ had become so sen« JORN LANGTON, Auditor. . > Ottawa, December 23, 1847. sated for the same disorder b‘hmm was suffering ,-mlh‘-r.hhfhuu. y had become so senâ€" ‘tive to the wenther that on a damp day she sufferec exâ€" Lurhthx pain in her joints and L.-. Ehe, too, was ved entirely by your Barvaparilia in a fow wecks. 1 .--w from its formula, whicy mmn gave me, that .la Preparation from your s ory must be a great wrmedy; comsequently, these truly remarkable resuits with it bave.not surprised me. _ ___ _ _____ _ 1 _ To be used in the Province of Quebes, and all Reâ€" turrs of Stamps cancelled by the various Officers entrusted with that duty, will have to be The Treasurer of the Province of Quebéc, QUEBEC, | And not as heretofore to Ottawa. R. 8. M. BOUCH&TTE, Chairman Board of Customs, Exoise and Stamps, Iehnlon Sloan of Preospect, Texas, writes : " Three bot {= of your sarsaparilin cured me from:a Goilre==a hidâ€" pme ewelling on the neck, which I had suffered from wer two years, t w us Lencorrhena or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, l'o-nlo Diseases. In J. B.8. Channing, of New York City,writes ; "I most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent in sud remain ever yratefully. ounts" 1 c R. 1 > * _ aurisd » rapuey. Bt. Anthony‘s Fire, Rore or sipelas, Tetter -n" Salt hhcu- I.c:?d ï¬'.u: Ringworm, Sore Eyes, bropoy. Wr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Wapin is thartenan io Tteieats Teraly, o io e w o [qn_-’:v,;flq‘ use of our Sarsaparilla, snd_ll:hnlmw And for the speedy cure of the following complaints : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affections,such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples,> l‘-u-lu. Blotches, Boils, Blains, and all Skin Discases. OaKLaND, ld.{lthlu'.llt. .:.c, AIII.C“OA. Gents: 1 feel ::y‘“qht‘ou- ml-ds w your Sarsaparilia ne me. Having inherited a Scrofuious infection, I bave suffered from it in various ways for years. Eometimes it burst out in Ulcers on my hu&.d arms; sometimes it turned inward and distressed me ut the stomach, ‘Two years ago it broke out on my head and covered 7 scalp taod ears with one sore. which was paiuful and loathsome seyond description. 1 tried -lnildb.'lnu.mllwtll c)-km bat without much relief from any thi In t, the disorder grew worse, At length 1 was :-tfled to read in the Go«pel Messenger that you had prepared an alterative (Sarmaparilia)ifur 1 knew from your reputa« tion that any thing y~** ~wde must be good. 1 seut to Cincinuati and got it, and nsed it till it cured ime. 1 took it, as you advise, * ; smal doses of a teaspoonful uver a month, and used aimust three bottles, New and henlthy skin soon begin to form underâ€"the scab, which after a while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I know by my hn-ptm&od-ubut:om--ym You gan well believe the: I foel what I am saying when I tell you, that 1 hold you to be one of the apusties of the age, Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, lignant Brysipelas by large doses 6f the same; says :h--:r:.lha czm-on gmiom by it «}n-t:ntly. Bronchocelo, Goitre or Swelled Neck. p4 of God it has cured me, and has +o purified my Llood ,lbnlonm-udu. I feel young again. The rflumeubonudyubmhlf‘pa!w' _ _of the Discase. _ This is a remedy sa universally known to surpass her for the cure ï¬-fln& and Ll. complaints, th.:.a juseless here to the evidence of its virtues. Its wrivalled excellence for cougbs and colds, and its truly Take Highest Premiums at the Paria Exposition. Our Sole Agents in Ottawa, Law and Registration Stamps, NE MEET MOED A200% PRERTOIN P TK 20904 Druggist, Gold, and alf Kinds of SCALES constantâ€" ly on hand and for Sale. * _ FAIRBANKS, BROWN & Co., % e o o Boston, Mase. November 18, 1867. AYER’S.; Sarsaparilla Ixperexpe8CE, Preston Co,, Â¥a.. 6th July, 1850. Dr. J. C, Ark®: Sir, I have been afflicted with a painâ€" J chronic RAcumatism for a long time, which bafiled the jill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the fn«hlmflMnlflhrflyurluanh. One ‘tle cnre@iise in two weeks, and restored my general ‘.m...-unm T amy far batter than belore 1 was Racked. 1 think it n wonderful medicine. J. FREAM. Jules Y. Getchell, of 8t. Louls, writes: "I have been ‘Alel;d"lor ’h.:d"t:“!. an .’â€â€˜Thï¬l u.a‘b’m. v:nlkh itroyed my tried e and e thing uwm-;mnnm-‘:&.flnm-â€"; some years from no other cause t t uur."y beloved or, the Rev, llehy,mhd -luaywh-um.hnuh.ubok&'m d ..5 ‘h‘.y:- made was worth trying. | Ry p4 of God it cured me, and has so purifed my blood » o 1 im llufl" Dlr rase, Apepate, Heart Diseates * | Fraternally yours, _ G. V. LARIMER, M. D. th-_-ntl-. q.-t. !.var Complaint. meb. Such a has been required by the -u.oflhmm’u"?:n eulhn"q-t M’thh:ls » for them all that medicine can do. 4 ___ sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. . _ Many remarkable cures of theee affections have been ade by the alterative power of this medicine. 1t stimuâ€" tes the vital functions hn"aarou action, and thus icrcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its acb. Such a remedy has long been required by the wn throughout the civilized nations of the earth. ):';'o the ccmmunities, or even families, among them awparilia as the last resqrt before rmu-t‘nml it ved effectual. â€" After taking your remody cight weeks BILLIARD Rooms 1 have found your Sarraparilia a most excellent ative in the numerons mu‘hlnu for which we loy ench a remedy, but o-ru'h ly in P-4 Discases ie Serofulous diathesis. . 1 bave cured manÂ¥ inveter« FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. N and after the rIRST day of JANv‘« ARY, 1868, all REQUISITIONS LATFORM, COUNTER, Warchouse, Grain, Coal, Hay, Railroad Track, Depot, ALBXANDER WORKMAN & Co. NQG‘PCIC ;. ADDRESSIEID» METCALFEâ€"STREET Fits, Epilep» 592â€"6m +O2TH ;.;@.’."ï¬s‘“" o expastone "~ To the blood aod reratiives promaly, "PRiCRASD somh . 200 A1 par‘ 1 M _ of Piano, Voice and RM{ Also, Mre. Clark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Music Rooms and rtesidence, 69 Sparksâ€"street, one door ast of Toronto House., ; Orders may be left at residence or at Orme & on‘s Music Store, 452y i "‘ .] December 16: * 0! the recommendation of the Honor» able the Minister of Customs, and under and in virtue ofthe authority given and conferred by the Act passed during the present session of the Legisâ€" lature, intituled ; ©An Act respecting the Ourâ€" toms," His Excellency in Council has been pleased to make the following regulation: > * ALL 81348, $ DOLLS of every kind. PUZZLES, and an endiess variety ot other TOYB, suitable fer Obristmas Holidays. s 1. " In addition to the Warebousing Ports mention od in the Act passed during the present session of the Parliament of Canada, and intituled : * An Act respecting the Customs,‘ the Ports mentioned in the annexed lists and being in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scots and New Brunsâ€" wick, and which are now Warehousing Ports in those Provinces respectively, shall be and they are hereby continued as such Warchouring Ports, and are horeby declared to be so accordingly." Wu. H. LEE, Writing Desks, Work Boxes and =~ Dressing Cases, In Wood and Papler Mache. Also, a large assortment of NEW GAMES, MAGIUC LANTERNS, Plo’lllol OF MUSIC and Teacher of Piano. Voice and Harmony. Also Mrs. HIS FXCELLENCY TBE GOVERNOR @8NEâ€" RAL IN COUNCIL. He will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a confirmat:on thereof. Ottawa, 27th December, 1867. 626td J. M T. HANWT M James Melville Teasdle Hannum, i AN INSOLYENT. ced &p:;'&‘;am...“;.;‘.i'i; his Tuesday, Third day of ‘March next, llAVI RECEIVED a lerge addition to their Etock of PANCY GOODS, TKI Â¥Undersigued has filed a Deed of Composition and Discharee. arasutad by his Insolvent Aoct o( 1864. DominionofCan@d@, ; _ .. ;. COUNTY of CARLETON FOR CHRISTMAS. Province of Ontario, Pia.no-Forlo; Tuition ! W. 0. CLARK, GovERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Tuesday, the 24th day of December, 1867. Messrs. Orme & Son To wiITt Kelly Cove, (Great Brass d‘ Or) fl:rum Harbour Bridgewater in La Hale Amberst, Magdalon Lslaads Contisook Barnia Sault St Marte New Carlisle. Campbellton Welchpeol â€" Caraquette & Chatham _ © Dalbcusiof Edmunston _ Â¥redericton Grand Falle New Castle Richibacto Sackville Shediac it Ghorgs t Et John‘s Et Stephen‘s Barrington Passage Amberstburg Bytown Brantford é :un- ippawa Corkwall Oakville Oshawa Paris Picton Whitbhy W.is dsor W oodatock. Annapolis Canning (in Cornwallis) NEW BRUKNSWICK. Bathurst _ ‘~ , Darlington Port Gilbert # Hawkesbury W ost Islos IN THE MATTER 0F IN THE SHAPB OP NOVA 8COTIA. PREPARING REGULATION. Bydney Clerk Privy Council. ONTARIO. QUKEBEC. “-l’l' t l sestreot | ige ol the Snided Lyre. J. M. T. HANMUM. CoOUNTYCOURT _&-m' of Carleton, drttr 7. Every Candidate must name two or more reâ€" ferees, of whom two at least must: be househoiders, and such referees must respectively fill up and sign a Certificate in the subjoined form marked B. 8. Candidates who have been pnvhul‘ in the employment of private individuals should (when circumstances will permit) name their last emâ€" pl;yoru one of stich referees. . Candidates who have left school within two years before their .pzlhukl should (when cirâ€" cumstances will m‘) name their last bchoslâ€" master as one of erees. ent reason must be ed, and such other eviâ€" dence must be as the Board may conâ€" sider satisfactory. EXAMINATIONS. 11. No Candidate will be allowed M)“mfl( himself for examination unless bis applio and Ceortificates shall have been lodgod with the Seoreâ€" tary ton days st least before the day of examinaâ€" tion, nor unless such Certificates shall have been lprsnd of by the Board. 3. Each Csnaidate will be duly informed by m 1 after hav» to resume the answering of any paper after ered as committing an offence seriously. ilo;ï¬jï¬ his moral character ; and any Candidate who sh permit such copying or give such assistance will Ottawa, Januury 3, 168. ll ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE Order, notice is heroby snn that the authoriz« ed discount is declared to be this day 25 per cent which ponnhr of deduction is to be continued until next Weekly Notice, and to owly to all purâ€" chases made in the United States du natnt week. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. 1. Every Candidate is required to send to the ecretary of the Board at the Office of the Provinâ€" ci:‘lu:;enury. .:I‘»plhnk- i:t h.h u;vn handâ€" w , stati , place o place of mld:u‘.oo, u\:ï¬q':'h of time he hm resident in Canada, the nature of his m ocou tions, and that it is his desire to enter the cfv'ï¬ Bervice of Canada, naming the particular Departâ€" ment (if any) for which he believes himself more particularly ‘adapted. 2. The application must be uoo-tnlod by satisfactory certificates as to the age, bealth and character, of the Candidate. : 8. The Cortificate of age should contain the best evidence ot the date of the Candidate‘s birth, of which his case is .l?"dbl.. 4. The Cortificate ef health must be in the subâ€" joined form marked A signéd by a duly Licensed Medical Practitioner, and bear date within six months of the date of the application to the Board. 8. The Board of Examiners reserve to themse!res full discretion as to the evidence of character which in particular cases they may deoin it expedient to 10. Copies ofthe forms can be obtained on apâ€" plication to the Secretary, and, if in particular cases, these cannot be properiy filled up, a sufficiâ€" 12. Each Csnaidate will be duly informed by the Becretary whether bis Cortificates have or have not been approved of. 3 13. The Board will mest for the examination of Candidates on the fourth Monday in every month, at ten o‘clock, a.m., at the office of the Provincial Secrotary and such meeting may be adjourned from time to time. 14. Candidates are uired to present themâ€" selves punctuaily at t.h':‘hm appointed for the orally and partly in writing. 16. No vrv.n v:oo cxu:lga 18, Candidates may be allowed to leave the exâ€" amination rom for a short time after delivering their answers to mwudbdmm ing to the next ; but no candidate will be permitted 19. Any Candidate obtaining assistance duri the hour of examination by copying th6 papers qualified, he may be examined, should be desire it, in the following subjects or any one or more of them 8. Making apstracts of documents. & ; FORM A. umynm,mx Rave this ds mmm M-mum.:{id would be likely to interfere with the proper discharge of the dutics of a Public Ofice. , v ._17. Thetime allowed for answering each paper in writing will be marked uppou it. _ _ any other Cand‘date or ‘otherwise, will be consid~ 31. To enable ‘the Board to w for what branch of the Public Service any idate is best qualified, he may be examined, should be desire it, which be may select : BY CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT IN Frmaxce Deraztur®t, Customs, Quebes, 6th March, 1863 l'l‘ 18 DIRECTED BY THE HOX. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed ort ‘ï¬?‘;fi"ff?& :buh is w-b:‘ i: .eeordh n ance w e price as represe y Exchange at a rate :?nl thereto. ‘Such notices to apper! every Saturday in the Canada Gazerrz. R. 8, M. BOUCHETTE. Civil Service of Canada, require, but a compliance with the ï¬fm-m'""_' of the tour tollowing pu:ng:nu all that under ordinary ciroumstances will be deemed necessary. $A Public and Priyste Buildings, Conserraâ€" gories, Vineries, Ilu‘snmtu, &c., warmed by M‘. ll:t_\’?orot arm Air, on the most apâ€" Framed by the Boatd otf Examiners for the Civil Service, under the provisions of the 20th Vic., cap. 24, and approved by His Exocliency the Adminâ€" Istrator of the Government ~~_ in Council. Just received a well selected assortment of Cooking Stoves, Iron Bedsteads, % Duble Stoves, Bronzed & Wire Fenders, Parlor Stoves, Fire Irops, Hall Stoves, Fire Guards, .< **~ Japanned and Planished Tinware, &c., Manuatacturers of all deserptions of work for Water and Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distillerier, Mills, &c, Makes and‘fis up Galvanized Zron Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &o. _ _ # proved principles. All materials for the above branches kept conâ€" stantly on hand. ns Importers and Dealers in House Furnish ing Hardware. Buccessors to Chas. Garth, No. 25, Rideauâ€"st,, Plumbers, CGas & Steam Fitters, _ _ Tin & Coppersmiths, s Bell Mangers, &c. BLVTH & 16. No viva vose examination shall take place Ottawa, August 26. 6. Candidates who have mmencement uf the examinations. . 15. The examination will be conducted partly Orders from the country will reecive stmict at AMERICAN INYVOICESâ€"DISCOUKT® APPLICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES. 1. Transiating English into French, or French mmummï¬m hmu‘;... 3. Arithmetie as far as Decimal Fraations. 1. Are you related to the Candidate, it so, what is the relationship ? 8. Anya: well mm:.-unu Candiâ€" 3. From what cironmstances does your knowâ€" â€" S deige of bhamat /_*__ _ "C= > .+. 4. l:%nyuhvnhh? 8. b‘m C honest, sober, intelligent and 6. 'ln'::oy-_ know of his educsticn and T. Bo far as you car , is his Charaeter in t mpers mark o is qheidy Aig t To write grammatically, To write correctly from dictation. To be conversant with the elementary rules in any Department of the Public Service in o write a hand. ‘o spell M‘t?&y,_ a diligent ? h That ‘do you ;md 1 o far * wl rerjects vach is i Public ?)) «4 ) REGULATIONS so served, and the length of time they Fixaxcr Drrarturyt, Ocssous, TO BB OBSERYAD will be required VC GOWIIOW MDDOERETY» been 1 = been previously emâ€" 416y 00 ACRES.â€"«The nerth half of Lot No. ... No. 11, in 4th Oon. of the WZO(OGMQ, Togs, ‘..."“...4""'5.:..“‘ "Wein. Bity meres cteared ngs, a oll,| acres n‘d' in a good state uldnï¬nflhh is situated on the Prescott Road. within fifteen miles of Oitaâ€" wa. Also the south hdldbz No. 4, in the 3rd Con. of Nsgoode,containing 190 acredf 50 acres clearâ€" ed, thetest well wooded, with good hardwood, and ll hereby given that l’#(“l will be made to each and every liawent havin jurisdiction, at the present or next Ofliflï¬u‘o’. w“":l-“"‘“‘“"“‘“ .Cdo:n‘ 1 p::' at the Session of the P _ inment for the late .‘l::'d Oxadn,m lho-â€uudm ears of t er Majesty Que . Victorn [mu «* ;_‘&g Incorporate the Ottawa cu.,' Lot adjacent thereto. _ A sistern of fine water in the house. Apply to | mï¬.& BUNTING, Rochester or on the Premises TVs proprither baz‘ve objection to sell a part 9f the farm, with or vub:.l:“_m__ n?-'::u Oitawa, May 10, 1867 be a desirable,country residence. Title unexcepâ€" GO DOWN T0 BIRKETTs ) The Victoria Hote! could not fail to be made w â€" It is built on the most style of architeoâ€" ture, of cut stone ; has large mss windows, and is four stories high, exclusive ol the basement. It is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings and has three vacant lot attached, so that the Buildings could be enlarged to any reâ€" quired capacity . | Aâ€lmhu. (postpaid) to be addressed to FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., TJr JOHR HBNKE, Rep c‘ cession, Ottawa front, A .:.ulrau priva residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same a! Modounmdpiou. 4 For perticulars terms apply to Jubn Anc William Thomson on the premises, or to LEWIS & PINHEY, . Barristers, &c., (ttawa. Ottawa, February 27, 1867 /; 309y 6 g M _ gible m n‘. benatifull @: .‘-“E‘lh"l' nehi :‘f‘:.mm{ wa, e Tow ® distant the ‘2? of Otte .b-'t three miles on the macudam Mh'zorvlï¬ the ETNE DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present “:r-d’“‘o:l William Thomson, Eequire, and the garden ornamented r‘- u&om., the same, forming part of Lot No. 24, in the 1st oi Skates ! Skates ! Ottawa, Dos. 4 Augusi 1 Satchell Brothers, Bm,‘lUfl(Il, m AKD Vlfl» SATOHELL‘ ES Cclebrated Spived Rounds & Rollied Besf, Cured in the English Style Sm Fop en die Kri 7 o. 27, is First &.uuh- Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28. in the same Concession, at presept in the occupation of Wm. T. Aylen, Beq. Fot further particular apply to sorx and Wu. Trowsos, R:gon.‘ ane Lewis & Pixwat, Barrister, Ottawa. . Jo2â€"141â€"f 6 BUILDING LOTS, one: mile from the city, on the Richmond I;“, containing one scere each. Applyte THOMAS ANDERSON, Jx., on the promise«. | ; b64tf VI TORIA HOTEL.â€"TO LET. BRICK DWELLINC Butchers to His Excelleney Lord Monek. Eight Rooms and Kitchen, AND WHERE To op-r THEM . Have You Got a Pair ? éi;n of the hvil, j Rideau Street. R. BLACKBMRXN New Edinburgh, Nov. 26, 1867. 504 Possession immediate. : Apply to 4 Rvor TO LET cither â€" out board. Enquire : this Ottawa, November 20. Village of New | Edinburgh, 25 Cents to $5 |per Pair FARMS FOR SALE. Ne. T, LOWER TOWX MARKET, C Buperior Stall Fed FOR SALE OR TO LET. With Yardâ€"and Outbuildings. Possession given Ist June. Restgu_ above FIRSTâ€"CLASs HOTEL. > en the eve of Confederation, and Ottawa fnitely settied upon u;lh capital, Where you can get them trom Apply to , Lots for Saile. TO LET, NOTICE .__ NO more eligible chance could be 2 offered to any pu-x.h the Hotelâ€" Em,&.’ line ;?- lease of the above FIRSTâ€"CLASs HOTEL. Plll GROVE HOUSE pleasantly situated on thi TO LET Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W reto. _ A sistern of fine water in the cOUNTRY REESIDENCE NOR SALE, THAT EL1» REV. J. JOUNSTON, |__ Hull Village | $01â€"$m with or with« uf their bon situated on 594tf T | rl\u: publishers of the NEHW » TRIBUNE having received many p from time to time for a good likeners of the f have made an arrangement with 4 Miller to furnish copte» * «from a photograph by Brady, which Will be seut to such »ubscribers 4o THE THIBUNE us with it or. the conditions below. This is much the BEST likenees of Mr, Grecloy that bas been # The pript sells for 1. " Each subscriber who sealt . us $10 for The Daily, $4 for .The Aemiâ€" s #2 for The Weekly inbuu. the payer to be f mail, and who requests the engra at the * subscribing, will zuo a copy e ' post paid, to his addrers. One will -nuuywnoa who forwards a club more Semiâ€" W eeklies or twenty or mmore W at our club rates, and asks for the portrait at time of remitting. We go nct m& ium., but to gratify the many fi of FRIB('NL‘. who feel a desire to possess & likenees of its founder. . wl | lished every mornintg (Sw days | per year ; $5 for #six mouths. hm nada must send $1 20 each, in atdiiion, United Etates postage. addition to . 8. Postage, | For sale b;-tll ;::.:‘-’01 * SemiaW eékly, Tribune, Mail rubscribers, 1 copy, 1 vear, 104 num 'l\lpflhbmdflcï¬â€œ:‘-i:t; rate steelâ€"engraved & ly subscribers to E Tribume, P see advertisement, FOUK of the t BEST & LATEST POPULAR NOVELs by living mutho.s. . The cost of these 4 bought in buok 4orw., would be from six t dullurs. )f purchused in the English from which lLoy aro carefully. selected, o. would be three or fuur times that sum, Dowhen . elre can so much curient intelligence and pergay ent literury matter be had ut WML.- g The Stmiâ€" Weekly Tribunc, Those w *1 the principles a1 d mpj.rove of the charsster of Th Tribune can increuse its power imnd infuense joining with their neighbors in hï¬â€œ! subscribe for the Sem«â€" Weâ€"lly t dition. "It will is that way be supslied to thew at the lowes price for which such a paper can be primed. Mail subscribors, 1 sopy, 1 year, 144 numbers $4 06 do. 2 cupies, do. 1# do. i 5 do. or over, for ench copy 30 Persons rémirting for 10 copres 830 will receive anextra cop§ «x munths. J Persons rewitfing for 15 copies $45, will receive Te $190 we will yeud thirty Sout goptt or $10+ we will sond thirtyâ€"four and Daily Tribune § * ke KEAIING‘3 COUGH LOZENGEB :_lnll subscriber>, & ubs of five............_ _ :: en coples or ov<r, addressed to numes of out:‘c:ilnn. M Nss froess “‘-. of Twenty copies, addressed to names of sub. 1 m EDN c r4prrns re hk en sBS enc . 72. s Ten copics; to 066 addpess ........,....u..." a" « wenty copies to one address..........._.2." ‘. Aon extra copy will be sent for each el.b‘"-. L hb::d'"iba" in Canads must send 20 cents chch, ition, to prepay Unite® States postege _ For eale by ll.;qn.nu\.n, Mail subscribers, single cupy, 1 yearâ€"82 NDE seon ces ce rerent ie nrnrnpnabienensnnri n Mail subscribers, Clubs Of fiv6..... yoâ€"â€"»msrm 'h-o-::‘w over, addressed to hames af #u DOTB, OMOBD..sssssssessens+ Twenty copies, addrersed to nanses :’ C BCTRDOTB..+.112s se «80 iss e+8 oo neee e 9sererenme ‘en er, to one aneaihnprsnth Two::y" copies, to mm-......m-â€" Anextra copy will be sent for each dlub of ten. Bubscribers in Canada must send 20 cent» is do. _ 5, do. or over for each Persons rewitting 1« m an extra copy »ix ma&o. l Persons remitting f4r 15 %oprtes Nt.!l an extra câ€"py one yeat. j For $100 we wiil send &myokua‘ , Sue dsc Witke THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC FOR ‘32 ready in January, 1868. _ Price Serven for & Dollar. a «j lisbed every morning (Sundays exospted) # per year ; :élot six montbe. 4 able to the order of The Tribuac, boing #805 mnblohnymlor-odu of & ‘1 f THE TRIBUNE, uflz A PORTRAIT OF HORACE GREELEL _ Exclusive Reports of the Proceedings of the fy. mers‘ Club of the Awerican Inâ€"titute ; 'llhz Fruit, and tther Horticultugel and Agricultur is formation; Stock, Finabcial, Cattle, Dry Gog and General Market Reports, which .n* in The Daily Tribunc. _ The Semuâ€"Weekl h also .iv_n. in the course of a year, {ln. PORTRAIT,.OF MR GREELEY, ; A large and fine steel engraved portralt of the Editor is sent free of charge to any one who is fendirig $:0 for a Daity, 84 for m h.l-'% $# for a Weekly, with United States ©d, shall indicate a desire to recgive C likewise be rent to any perspn who forwardsa dab of ten or more Semiâ€"Weeklies, or twenty or f Weeklies, at our club rates, and asks for the trait at the time lof remitting. Address T.: BUXE, No. 154 Nassauâ€"st., New York. 5 For $100 we will send thirty Daity Tribune, World ~ TO HIRE by the montha PIA®®* ters to be addressed to = T: 6. DWE Ottaws," stating the price and where ## . bucscribers in Canrda must send 40 cents cath, in addition, to prepay Unisod Stutes postage. * ean be seen, _ _ . _ Ottawa, Dec. 31,.1867 is publighed every TUEsDaY req ud':ouguu all the Edntor'al ud:‘:.u“' local in cbaracter ; ary Reriews -..r'“ Criticiems ; Loters frow our large e«"‘h and Domestic Correspondents ; ®pecial nd Aug ciated Pres 'l'de‘rorh Dirpetcbes ; a caretu and eo-rleu suthiar y of Foreign and Mh‘ l B c uesA cce c dn d EL ce h t 1 ioï¬ $ PRINXTED on a in double .l sheet, making cight pa;:u‘:hix bnq* each. . It contains ull the iwportant a published in 7%e Daily Tribune, «< ~' merely local interest ; aiso Litérary ?N Inteliigence; E«views of the most i Amportunt New Books ; â€" the Letters from ...L‘I corps of corresponderts ; the.. latest new reoging by qelquph from W arhington and nll&.~ of the country ; a summary of all i.m.h gence in this city apd elsewbere ; a *ynopsis of g, proceedings ot Congrers and State )« when in session; the Foreign News receiveg every steamer ; Exclusive l(t:omanh. p,d ines of the Farmers‘ Club of the American Inati. tute; Talks about Fruit, and other Ian* and Agricu tural information esseptial to residents ; Stock, Financial, Cattle, Dry “: General Market Reports ; muking it, both for var,. ety and compictoness, altngether the mingt “ interesting and instruetive Weekly s..†published in the world. > _ Tho bull Reports of the American 1 Farmers‘ Club, «ad the various Agricultu; ports, in each number, are richly ‘worth a subscription :â€" T E R M §: Mail ubknribon. single copy, 1 year.s: TBT 'mlu‘-b pristed asd publ Tes Orr® a Tiugs Paryrmé a® we Coypart, at the Office, 60, 81 Centre Town, Ottews,. J4MB NEW Yï¬x WEEKLY w & PRBiX Em 2 0 .EL._ ‘,T.m. 8 mE aGREAr PaMmILY NEWsp n rermcg APRy s 4E NEW YORK Terms, cash in advance Drafts on Newâ€"York, or Post.OMé® yar is to the order of The Tribune. “" n THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE 4 THE NEW YORK DaILY TRIBUNE is pob. A Pcrtrait of Mr. Greeley. Ottews, Sept. 4, 1867. THE NEW YORK SEMIâ€"W EEKLY TrrBumy THE LARGES Now is the Time toS’lu_crh for the TERMS OF THE TRIBUXE Weekly Tribune» W ANTED _/ NOTICE. AND CHEAPEsq J. GAP TRIBUXp Agricultura) g, derneaniages THRR For pastioaa® *# 3 ® i 4 3M 3 0 14 i 14,000 1 th 18 ording the Iit-'.m AovEETE vllowing ra Sasiness Ca: b)tta ,ublished in puily ‘over 1 agaking a tot al subseque \‘oulr ad #i alle «early subs 11 mot pmid i Iou_ly':-_b‘ â€" in advat it not paid + sod Russell Dh HOLGA #b tebruary 21 r1mim, C.K. mork > ED «»wrmog: P ‘cbruary 7 â€"verument . ay entrust s it in and f wl us W t )h Wtbo | 4 sas w yRG »~d to reseire Fha®w®, E :4« CVtkt t t March 1. Oc tm a, OVite w . en LAP & oveinber «a, CÂ¥ Aoreems ., 54, Far «Publ ~HKE DA | T AR seumry 1 Vinow PPLIC DVOC DR A 6t B IXG NIC Al WI [