P from the sirâ€"ceils the cusguiable lyimph, or Prén s mdns n o on romm a afiou ty in 4, agd by aotika on the dissmeed part, seusing the mucous mewbrane to Posku®e is ustufss diit<Osions, thus equalizing the olrow: stion uf 8e biwat, aud resturing the distended #eesels to their ustursl cize ; by its: use the horee‘s i# hoprure‘, all dersugoments of the am corrected , -rm. the skin, and "%--.c-l- sleus and shinug appearance. D. W. Hu Ku, Successur w Houd & Co., 1»4.. Lane, New York, sule Proprictor for the uitdd NORTUROP & RY YAaxX, Â¥ 1 Newosavus, C.W., * T | Propriaurs/or the Canadu® PMOE PERXTYâ€"Sivs Ciuis. Bold by Gey. Mostimer, John Koh+rts, W, ll m u’ #. M 4. Skinner, asd J. % io Otawa, ® F l . meval yearedy‘d? cuS Pmn- OR MUSLC and Teacher of Pramo, Voise sad Harmony. Also, Mre. Clark, Temnerof Drewing an i P. n‘lug.‘ Music arne auch AestMH 2 vleadit s ul 1 C '.‘.l..‘.huly secupled by W. 1. WOouDd. No. 43, oa KIVKAU sTREET, has been refuted by the sabsoribers. and will o« opeasd an MORDALT,. P aTEESITH OJLOBER, with a0 eatire ne# stook of GROCERILES, LIQVORS AaND !ADWA.RE. AND CONUiTHIONM MaDypâ€"in a l. POSITIVELY suPERIOR To ANY ail ther propasations ior the oure of !lonoes 4 Thick and Orokes Wind, and all disouse, wlson affect the Wind of Lorver ; alro, us a Condi Nom Medicine, o4 pasging everytaing of the k nd h..’."h-. sure w cure, and sate in all case 400 «t «all thues, aud loer not prevent the horse from veiag werked while using &. ;‘ cleauses lae eresthing spparatus, by remov. DARLEY‘$ j Arabian Heave Remedv + WOOD & kossitER Ouewe, October n.v\w. 61 â€"«f ty and safety. *K â€" _ NEW TORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. f f CE paumuture Dep‘t Western Divismion, â€" «P 1w &m::lor. Dee. 24th, 1866. s @esmegerâ€"1l hare “I- saying thst iove thajority of logomolive engineers have foâ€"nd 67 experionce that W ALEHANR® _A 1GHES a h6 Thi MO T S1LISFATORY of Say tor tiuir «see. ,lu RUX wiTd NUE uakATesft AWUK&QY anND 3084 L8 p3s, ntwithstanding the of an engive ; and * i a.n.\lVllt KXDVWN wXE Iu W EAK OUT, they .mast be bm toâ€"se the time = sudiwaw dobmacnind miftte i. cl w o CLNCT & series of years. a7s 1 _â€"_â€" ARE yOWâ€"sELLING Canadian &"M at 38. 3d. per yard, . â€" % Fm and â€"chea of the American (Waltham) Watch have vem < 4 sach a wideâ€" world cele brity m:unul-u deaicrs yoars agoâ€"imitated its style and :l.nn‘ ts trade marks. lrrespunsible dealors are cccasionully found who dirpunestly trade upon the pepularity of the America® watch by selling a bas» imititi~n under the name of the geasine articie, It is haidiy uecersary t» state that such «@uiches are worthless as time keepers, uod when bought for the are ealculated twin}.10 too high reputatiot which our watches have sttained. . Thoseveral 'm Americun wetch (except the loweâ€"t grade marked Home Wutch Co.) are guaranteed by special catine io bearing.the n.mber of the :mnn the signature of the Preasuser ui the Compauy, ),3 .....-h::-_'uv_-h«u-huldhul nqsina’o\dlh.nouubu-.-lwlhhnuh‘ to ail deaiers geouing Wwatches. # 1 s Ibm-.m“.-b-hmgn‘-d manufactare : * AsJERICAN W aPrek 3‘0. A EION, TRACY & Cu. * WalLiHAY WATCH Co. P:8}BAR CLET DT WAi. ELLERY, HOUE WaTuk Co.° #oe sule by all frstâ€"clase dealers in the United States and British Provinces. Dry GoodsatReduced Prices. ___ Grout & Co.‘s Twisted Elastic Stitch only $15.. K3»Call and see this litile beauty. _ Prospectuses and Samples sent! Free by Moil. _ Desemwer 14, 1 61. «+4 â€"_ @ As WALTON, Agont, Sparks Streoet, Oitawa. Having recently. moved into their new premiscs one of the firm visited lately the Moptreal 8 stock of entirely 3 c aatk PianoForte Tuition ! 'l'heAHowg Sewing Machines from 850 Up. legitimate manner be undersold in this cvit} © RIDEAUâ€"STREET, December 24, ‘887. At most EXTRAORDINARY (REDUCTIONS in price, which camnot in a New Premises and, Cheap Goods. November, 14, 1867. NEW sTORE ! (WMawn, Nrgambhar 18. > Aif * , «. Also, a large lot of Linc# and Lawn Pocket Handkerchicfs, choap 0 desidence, 6D . C wel Feute 1 &pasksâ€"sirect, ons door may be let a sechionse opat Oome & CUNNINGELAM & LINDSAY n m h a d l. d | 1 ‘_ is *ARF NOW.SELLICAR _ ‘ GRANT & HENDERSON ring recently. moved into their new premiscs, No. 20, Ridecaunâ€"stre American Watch Co., Waitham. Now. +. 18 1 Amertean Watsh Co.. Waltham. & C., CLANKK, NE W â€"GOODS, â€" toree the time when railway companies will l-mnwrm.lr;hn. whose expericuce extonded ‘vw KETS, FLANNELS AND MANTLE CLOTHS. CAYTCTFTXLIXO N. at 38. 3d. per yard, . â€"| . Canadian Tweeds at 48. per yard, Jnsite particular Attention to their T7 Awting Yours respectfully, ym ~n‘eu 2y tA . ta & Every sizs, from 17 brlv‘h 36 inches. _ Also, a few of thase old fashioned Cofscts, (Incing at the back.} t ."*. rl‘llm new and convenient bkiit I am now making in all whiths of tape. _ The groat wivabtage this, Skirt has over all others : ladles can alter it themsâ€"Ives to any width they wish, frsim }} yands to. 3 yards, without the {east trouble They only can be hadat theFactory. Everyother styleaf Skirt on hand or made to order. Just received anothet lot of City Hoop â€" Skhirt Factory. The Doublé Eï¬ehsion Skirt, \ ‘DAVID MILLAR,: 43 "parks st, Centre Town, nest to Esmondo‘s Siove Depot DT FIVE per cent. off dor cash in bil}s until after the holidays, Que bandsome Mabogauy fall case $3 discount, â€"_ THE BXs3T â€"HOLIDAY PRESEXT, From 847 and upwar FRENCH CORSETS, Lambs‘ Wool Hose, Break{ast Shawts. way compame®s will I1, adopt your watohes, and Ts .-’; opiaion it -_d';&u l.nrloâ€n-u seguiariâ€" .\l Instrument by which any person h ons taksourrest Likensssos or Mm This lastrumeot with full lnstrugtions sen: by lar one dol.an. Addiess, & :. mm d _ O B. AMBIL Co., &VERY MAXN is own artTispr! â€" A SCIENTIFEI® woNpem > list of Kowedics for these complaints, _ ors are =v further les, and l:a:nbutly'“l.‘.. sountr «9 ® n# io the Iniverial aadefdeues (eheent 4006 2CCCCRY "L E. M Rrown, in Ott iuws. "Aysiciane orderand use it; and no fami‘y « en ipia in ww . IOITQGP & Ll’flgl'. Sv ky <os ‘; s m‘mki k menius Abuil c 300 COoerey Fade Destrayer, in curing discases for which it 1e pee sommended, and its wonderful m!-nbï¬lq the pains of Rhcamatism, and in cs leying mnmh it to a hiybrlaak a the Sh w sB ue esn s on l l O3 terrel it fauroughly, and therefore thuse who are safering from any of the complaints for Which 1t s vecouimended may depend upun its being a Soveâ€" n ervalehing sthoncy of the 06 IZ:I!M. bh minhue Abssasc, ,_b_. _L..,‘.".’ Pain The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails t mme.iate rolief. All Medicine Dealers i .'.I" Physiciune order and use it; and no famt‘r aih FEP e e e URV Eus -nhu.h{unuopuh&n-bmu mas, and ~henover used is well tiked, never taillag in a single instance to give permanent rellef #her timely used, snd we hare nover koowo a single ease of dissatisfaction whore the directivtisâ€" are proâ€" ’ody.':h:-d; N“‘.ml'wz?)‘x od w eperations, sod + Aub erme of its virtues and magioat efelts. s Canadian Cotton Yarn at Ts. 6d. a Bundlp \ Canadian Bags at 1. 9« frugug L E NE CANAviAXx eary DESTROY KR 0A BW . likes bofome Tthe mnollin Pss balcl premiw«, No. 20, Rideaunâ€"street, ptreal .\‘lafln-ts. and sceured a wery large CANADIAN PAIK @tSTRCYER! HEELER & * _ General Agents for C. W $11 D7 8*o. Mortimer, John n..m""..."!'., M. GREAT DisSCcovEry. meng the mort important of modern Medical is ~ _ coveries stands the & do, Back and Hoad, Coughs, Colds, .mh mhh-.cn:pl-mm..._ .__ . Cholers Morbus, Dysentery, Howel W " dn BCmm OV We spouk from experience in this matter SEWING CRARLEs WiILsOXYX, BDWARD i. WiLLtaMs, Brotherhood flomn A-.u‘u.o airs than any waiches we have ever to those of “t\-l manuf.cture, of e as correctly, nor have they dune as @mamey ~Arninty uic Antcirsa rast Bites. &c., &c. ROBBLINS & APPLETON lu‘:a Bromdway, N. Â¥, ko ‘l""\ wn.i'l.-l, # ‘~Toronto uns Montreal, «. * GENERAL aGENT3. * o k $05â€"48 3um, 1 W .--‘.':,i‘ W MACHINESX, ItESON‘S Tvdw ©*5u , havie §10y November 18, 1867. Our Solé Agents in Ottawa, © _ ALEXIANDER WORKMAN & Co PI‘AT'OI.. CcoUvsTER, Warchouse, Grato, Coal, fly. Raillro«d ‘Track, Depet, Dn.f:‘mu-l kinds of 8CALE3 constantâ€" ly on aund for $«le. , â€"_~ FAIRBANKB, BROWX & Co., Take Highest Premiums at the Paris . Exposition, X Our stock is extensive andcomnlete, and every article -uw.‘ to give satisia wlon. â€" All orders or left witl be nromptly attended to. ; 1" Goods delivered on the shortest notioe lish Breakfim Souchong, Con,ou ditto, Oclung, Orange Pokos, Finest Japans. v e Coffeessâ€"Jars, Jamaica, La Guayra, Mochn Romated ani 0;::4.- the ynu.-.hn Sugare.â€"Euvlish, refined in lowves, Broker Loaf. Crushed White, Yellow Refined. Codnisting of Tea«, Gunpowde, Old Hyson, Y Hyson, Hyson Twankay, Black, Extra Fine Eng Rolled H Ottewa, June 21. OTTAWA AGENCY : Olcoâ€"Lovarsts‘ Reilding, 77 Sparks St * ' ; M. P. HAYES, RoyalCanadiangagk DALGLISH & RUSSELL Brockvilie, Dec. 16. No« 2 is due at Broâ€"kville in time to connect with G. T. &. Express Trains for the East and W est. H o ABKOTT, â€" in taar . Manager for Trustee. ‘P+ M.eâ€"TRAINS will 3 3:45 Brockville daily at 3.45 ’.‘.,..ud" arrive at Sandpoint at 9:25 p m, LEAYE SANXDPOINT. 6 45‘. M.â€"=â€"THAIN®S wil | leave P $ eP sandpoint dxily at 6145 a.m., and arrive at Brockville at 1:00 p. m. oo lb o va ind #;00 massme}® P. M.«â€"«TRAINXS will leave 5800 Porth at 5100 p.m;, and 9:40 1.m , and arrive at Smi.h‘s Fails at 5:50 p m. apd 10. .0 * _ Exprers, 8 a..m. â€"10 0 a m. Mixzed,.1.30 p. m. e o \â€" The time of these Trains has been soarranged as to ensure connection with night and day trains on Uraod Truak, east and west. N. B.â€"Thess sruins run on Moatreal Time. Baggage to and (from Ottawa «becked throu tome tho to stations on Grang Treck fathoay"_*" Return tokets to M.’KZS&.JQ and Ote #a a$ reduced rates can be bad at the principalsta tions on the ~ine. F A u..unwu. 'tllOIA:‘ REY .\'ol‘.’ns. . e in irector. wetpnnet . : Masatng bite Breckville and Uttawa R:i as follows CHANGE of TINMNE St. Lawrence & Ottawa Railway, tiom 'I.\Illll now leave Bonaventure Sta« f tion as followe > QOTN@ WKSTâ€"Day Express for Ogdonâ€"burgh, Ottawa, Brockvile, Kingston, Batevijic, Teronto, nuelyh, London, Brantiord, Goderich, Buffalo, Detruit, Ciu-p.;‘.d _nll‘ril # West, at 8. 30 A. M. Nl‘h.(..l..::o 30 P M. Kee« ation Train for Kingston and intetweâ€" dinte stasione at 7. 60 A M. . _ . Looal Train for Corawall and intermediate Staâ€" tions, at 4 20 P.M. Trains for Lachine at 8.00 A M., 9.30 A.M., 3.00 and 4. 30 s,l The 3.00 P.M. Train runs through to Plattsâ€" burgh Grand ‘Trunk Railway Company Au how is neekirt or tugin pew and varied assortment of Grocery Qoods “"MI ARHRRAXGEXrXT Commencing on Monday, December 9, 1867 LEAYE BROCKYILLE December 23, 1~67,. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, isst pa (formerty the Ottawa & Prossott Railway.) N and after MONDA Y, the 30th Dec.s 1867, and until further nowlce, trains will rup t **~*~> information and time of arrival and a all trains ut terminal and way it« »Apply at.the T. ket Office, Bobaventureâ€" Staâ€" Mixod, T. 30 a, m, Express, 210 p. m, LEAYVES S§ITHS fatls L®AYE OTTAWA. ARRIVE IX PRESCOTT LEAVE PRESCOTT f lt y# m es g=e . _ 1}-3‘.‘ td mc *% * :\E‘ d»‘\ * ; ~â€" T hrilg 5 *(QSQL / C.J. BRYDGES, Managing Director Dalglish & Russel!, ce 0 o\ =_â€" Weltmnaton & K entâ€"sta. RAILROA mM#®, orF CANADA. Boston, Mase. wdueny t T8 c orbr ww a 11 00 a, mm. 4.45 p. m. $91â€"¢m ‘Aor»t. 1871 412y ilway, 5007 * _ CLEEmer, J «. Massor, H. F. Mac( zh-.!u'ec.g MaoCard | hirrus,C: Tumots, Enlargement | & Uilceration; Capies and ‘Eafvlldrien 4} Wad c renphatst steptwnintica d ... .1ci1 i.:3 e Prepared by Dr.J. 0. AYER & CO.. Lowell, Mass. â€" ubk y Geutts) Hocmai. 131 _ 32¢ / hP L uwl Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, Ammduhwâ€"h‘mk-flm‘ avee of these formidable compiain t ::;. resulted from 41e use of this remedy, bat our , w‘ll not admit ~om. Bome of ther} may hm inâ€"0ur American \lmanae, THew is remedy, bat our here will not admit :;n‘-. h.:.::z:; mhr in .our Amh‘: manac, w ~gents below :1.- «re pleased arnieh gratie to &ll who call for then,. Â¥ Oys la, Heart Discase, Fits, Epilc Â¥ "o’;. ï¬cl.ulo)y. lo’.nl;'h w 1te* Many remarkable carcs of there affeetions hare been wdo by auuMnmulum 1t stimne tes the vital tunctiona mnc'r.... action, and thus ercomes disufders which w be supposed beyoud its ie in ns n naduis ioi ied we are ) for them all that medicine cas do. * tsorder I'v.ldf_h his brain and ki liin. But it \elded to my hrnnun of your tursaparilia; the joere bealed. and he w"“ -.-IA-. uot of ‘Pm.:‘nh-ul l.fl.ut‘h to face, woman w .fl\‘. P "miok io mt twowe *4 hep £nd befomom ho well w th* ho hem= ‘wive to the wenther that on nh-t::) she qulfered ex« cww'nnhhlmmm <# _ ble, too, was Miâ€" ts l:’-.h. .:'u“.uâ€hmh & hpv-“ullJ «ow to wl ..u Preparation from ,..n.C:.'-.., muat hm wmedy ; nâ€":-uy. these truly rema kuble rfeaite ‘ith it have surpriged me, wl * Â¥raternally yours, _ G. Â¥. LARIMIR, M. D. theumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Ixverexbe8cx, Preston Co., Ya.. ¢th duly, 1850. Da. J. C. Ari®: Sir, 1 have beon afflicted with a patn« ) chronic Ahewmetam for a long time, which bafticd the lhof physichma, and stuck to me in spite of all the fuedies 1 could find, until 1 tried r Sarmparilia. One ul-nmluhmml‘r. my general ‘.m.-.-«s that‘? am fuor Water tyan bekre t was ‘ocked, 1 think it a wougerful medicine. _ J. FREAM, Jules Y. Getchell. of 8t. writest "I have hen licted for years with an o of the Liver, which u.z:d my health. 1 tried every thi abd every thing ed to relieve me ; and 1 bave been mmu.,-.. mine years from no cther cwise ‘han deramyement 3 lhï¬. My betoved pastor. the Rev. Mr. Fapy . ady ised ’ to try , >0r Sarsaparilin, because he said he krew OM, 24 m&h' youmade was worth trying By the l.L. (2 of nh-,nnd-.l-lbnlmrll‘ln,u-d % vu‘ml-.m-ud-u l.d,o-ul again. Tag ; 8t .can be said of you is not half good enough." . t eC AD BA d * sdsmaallse s abric..s I have cured with it, in my practice, most of the comâ€" Intw for which it t« recommended. and have found its ' <ts truly wonderful in the enre of and Mer: 1 riul Divin.. One.of my patients bai Syphilitic ulcers p his throat, which were consuming h nhn and the wp of his‘ mouth, . Your Sarssparilla, *toallly taken, ured bim in five weexe. Another ---r-‘ by see« adary u-'t-'.bhnr“‘\l the :noh‘: alon away a ¢ n.th luve 1«MÂ¥Mï¬mmu.m in '.u.L Unat is (6t, Anthon‘y‘s Firs, Rorc or mrysipelas ‘‘ Tetter and unh.u-bm Keaa, Ring worim, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Pr. Robert M. Preble writes from Ealem, N. Y, 12th Sopt.,‘ 1300, that he has curéd an inveterate case of Drepry, which threateped to termluato fatally, by the qereevering use of oar Sursapariiia, ud ul«o a dangerous Jl;l,’u-&‘hiplu by larzé doses of the samo; says e ~Aree 150 common Bruptions by it conatrn‘ y % â€"conch dcele, Goitrc or Swellod Neck. Tebulon Sloan of Prospect, Texné, writes : " Three bot 1 * of your sarsaparilla cnred me from a Go‘reâ€"a hidâ€" rme awelling on the geck, which I had suflered froum pter twfo years." | uk Leneorrhen or Whites, Ovarian Tamor, Urorime ‘Ulscration, ï¬ohnl* Discasces. In J B. 8. Channing, of New Â¥our City. ‘writes; #I most cheevfuly comply with the ll]-ddm agent in ««*‘~~ I hare found your Raraparilia a most excelent ilterative in the anmerfcus complaints for iwhich we amploy such a vemedv. but oT'rhlly in Pmale Dissores J the Ferafulous dist hewbt. have cured many inteter« r‘w eases of Leucorrhess by it ana some where. the comâ€" ) »lnt was eansed by wlceration of the wternt, The ulcerâ€" S e t Nt mm p jon Itself was soon enred. _ Nothing withim my know »lue equal« it for there female -lâ€"r-uo.t‘:‘-." ‘: bdward 8. Marrow, of Newbnry, Ala., whites, " A donâ€" ston« ontrign tumor on one of the femalcs in my famts, hib had defied all the remedies we could employ, has t lsugth been comptetely enred by your Extract of Sarâ€" narlili, â€" Our physician. thonght nat but extirpaâ€" n conk! afford relief. but be advised the trial of your «parilia as ‘the‘ last resort ‘before ting, and, it ved effectnal, . After taking your nox cight weeks » «y mptom of the disease remaine." C El C Va io rekdyrwcot s vas.d J. C. Atea‘& Co. Gents: I feel it y duty to ac» knowilelge what your: tarsaparilia bas dune for me, Having iwherited a Ecrofylous iniection. 4 have x« trom it in various ways for &qan. tometimes it out in Ulers ea my basds und arms; dometimes is turaed ln.-.-c and distressed -mh- stomach.* Two yours ago it broks out‘vn my head covered r=7 scaip ved es with one sore. which was paluful and l.-%-†teyoud deisiption. 1 tried mapy mudicives and several ::-hu‘g but wihout much rebef from any thieg. in .« ino disorder grow worse. . At length 1 was rejoloed hrï¬hflchluwwl l:-‘“\h.s you had prepared hn Attorathen Aes lssn e P CC h e N mm hyrr hss cllh 4 cc 42 nviiuunaflu.uiuuuulunndnzrlng it, as you advise, * . smail dosee of a teaspson over & month. and used tmost three buitles. Rew and bexltby thin.sovt began to form under the scub, which after a wiule tell of. " My skin is now clear, and 1 know by my teliag* that the ditease bas. from my system. _ You pan well beliove thy, I feel what/I am say ing when I tell you, that.1 hoid you to he one l'hl'au-unhl“ oummm. [ours. 1. 4 Â¥ ALEFR®D B TALLEY, __I am salling .ff the balance of the Winter S 0k of KK aDY MADE WORK at REDUCED PRICES, whi heonsivts of L dies‘ Misses‘ and! Chiliiren‘s BALMORALS, CONGREss o.\ln:nf. KUB BEXS and OVERSHORS. apd Men‘s and I >, a‘ Boo‘s is CALEF 8KIN, KLPP »ad C +W HIDF, & Urders and Measures L‘nn for all sorts of w lfhniï¬vo(m' vapa {irl:?i:;%;â€":mw- tion that AoY thonk >"*~ "wao must be good: " 1 sont to © Lamnermen who are »nxioug to furnish workâ€" men with:GOOD IHT'AKP;'H! be eminle d to d;- +0 by calling at the CAPLEAL for their sip~ aMiaa & Ottawa Jan. 31, 1868. plics Work And for the odetIn of the following complaints : berofula and Scrofulous Affections,such :.l‘ 'l’l‘norl...:ll::{o; bores, Er-plul..;l.' n ## # @ Il.‘olo. # nuu':.. and all Skin Discasés,. _‘ f &+.4, out.un.'lul.lnhu. 1850, J C. Atra‘& Ca. Gentat I fal it me dAuse ue 22 s dy NPR BOPIs and SHORs of the VERY BKS T QU ALILTY op hand â€" _ 8y philis and Mercurial Disease, New Ouszans, $th Angn«t, 1960, Dx. J. C. ATER: Sit, I choerfully colmply with the reâ€" ept of your agent, and renort to you some of the effects wur realized -uh,-ulmu-vms. a #s F Tt Snsce i e s 9 _‘ PPLCATION will be made during Jhe CY p esent Session of the Parliament of Canada (st an act to insorporate The Earopean aud Ameriâ€" can tife Irsutan e Company, » f January #2, 1868 ~| M?J( 7 â€"°*MmHE CAPLTAL: * fost ‘and VJ Stoe Ste! Ottawa, Deceinber 23, 1887 Sarsaparilla Ottawa, Jan. 20, 18 4 Canadian White Twilled and Whitnéy Blankats: «nglish Grey Blankets, weighing trom 8 to 10 pounds each. f f s E MeSILLIVRAY:/ Ottawa, Deceimber 23, 1887. 62+.3m â€" > FIRSTâ€"CLASS GROCERIES, * ‘ _ &nd other Malt Whiskics, /\ ; Ports, Sherries, Brandios, Gin, &c., § * Together with a General‘ Assortmant of # \~\Fom sarm _ 850 rMRCrqryineas Which is in splendid cond.tion. Also, / | sSeotch, Irish, Old Rye rl\nl Subsertber would call the attene tion of '.qub- and others to bis" Bottled Ale, ~ Bottled Ale, > Bottled Ale. South Side of Yorkâ€"street, Lower Oilm Fine Boitled Ale ! FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. LA BC PE‘ ©l . &A Call kindly Solleited. A. FHELAX,. . _ ..__44, Rideauâ€"strect,. .____ Opposite Allan‘s Crockery Store * NOTICE SUPPIY of HANDeMADE OTTAWA TIMES, FEBRUARY GEORGE® MURPIY. John Roberts thy, aod dobn E DOR1ION begs to inform the public ‘®‘ that be has opened a 6CALE HANE-'AO TORY in Cl@rence strees, second door from Sussexâ€" sarmt io E. D‘Amour‘s Blscksmith Shop, and where be is now prepared to repair all sorts of s S tary English branches. _ Apply to femer 6 opes Rootain n Fobrdary 4. _ 657â€"3° _ Â¥oung Ladies‘ Institute, A is A Candidate for employment in the Civil Berrice Of Canada. % 1. Aré you related to thes Candidate, it . to, | what is the relationship %.~ N 8. A;o y:-; well acquaisted with the Candiâ€" .“ } ; ll.."u GI‘“. w«« Beard to ~. what , br nob of u.01 «bl ¢ Serviceâ€" mhul qualifed, hy may be exum should be desire it,, in the fllowing subjects or one or more of them which ? may releot : * e 1. Trans atinx English into French, or French / + into En‘lloi. and writing from dhtlflu[ * in cither language. s 2. Arithinetio as farâ€"aus Decimal Fractions," \8, Book keeping. » l *"s/l 4. Elomentary ueography, q + 8. Making anstract» of documents. FORM A, « I hereby ceftify thu; I have this da perronally ou-'ud’xr. * £A8 « .'u: that 1 be lteve him to he free fmu{fly#flm on disense, or ments! ailment, whi h would be likely tw into:fere with the pruperdischa. go of the dutice of a Public Office. * , (Signature,) (Address,) P cmigtmngh (Daute.) ® + eatle B. Statoment respectin, @ Candidate for 'n-nlg'-nl NC yO o O yev l . "14. Cardidutes are Ired to themâ€" seives punpctuaily at l.b':“ hour nmhudml'or the commencement uf the examinations. _ 18. The «xamination will be cunducted pertly orally und paruy in writing. + 16. Ao z.u voce u:‘-hulu lla.l; “u.h ’h:e except in the presence of a quorum « Buard. 17. The time milowed fu‘uflmhg Sach paper in writing w.ll be inarked‘ upon it. « 15, Unudidates may be olmd to leare tis exâ€" amination r.om for a short tim* ~"er deliv Ting their , anewers to one pare and béfore pros odâ€" ing to the neat ; but ra ‘l‘“‘h will ‘be perm‘:tea :.. mlwh;l.ho ‘nnswering of any paper after ha\. ag leitth= +« om, ; * 19â€" ny Candidate obtaining assistance duria : t! o bour :fuuil“ by ing the pupers o any other Cand‘daje ‘or dh:‘rfl-o. will be cunsidâ€" ered as committing an offence seriously ‘affectin : iis moral character ; and any Candidate who shal eimit ruch cupying or give auch acsistance will vâ€" considered oar:'flyn % P N€ i >V. Ail Candidates will required e 1 To write a good hand. + '.‘. ;u,:o‘:l.ecrngly. Â¥% s y s o write grammatloally, > + 4. 10 write| correctly fruim d‘ctation, « |b. . 0 be conversant w. ..uoolo-uuqnlu‘ +4 Arithmetio * .. §4 C ll.‘.:l'o «nable ..« Beard to judge for what Pi w M al 49 se m SwoP & P brbs tÂ¥ ut Prassdb Bc Ad sc cdl l & 10. Coples o the furms gaa be.obtained on apâ€" plication to the &ecretary, and, if in particular vases, these c«unut be properly fiiled up, a sufheiâ€" ent reason must boo::ï¬u‘. and such other oviâ€" dence must be prodi ulloloui‘wo.- sider setiefactory. * * ud BXAMINATIONS. 1!. No Candiuate will be allowed to present himself for examination unless bis Ap:lluuo- ana Uertinostes sh»li have been lodged with the Seoreâ€" tary ten d=ys vt least befureithe day of examinaâ€" tion,nur uniess such Cortiticates shall have been approved of by the Board.‘ Rate 14. Each Canuidute will be duly informed by the secretary whother bis Cortificates have or have uot been appruved of. ) 13. Tae gucd-ll meet for the examinition of Candidates on the fourth Monday in every month, wtten »‘ciock, a.w., at the oitice of l:: l:zfluw Becretary and such mosting may ourned h'.lm C “‘rd‘u‘“ Ired them . "14. Car es are to a sglves punctuaily at l.::“ hour . lmhhdmfor the Cuewe, JangsLL _ /). Candidategwho have left sshool ’¢r- befure their application should 8, Cacdidutes who have been pnviuul: in the employment of private individumis sbould (when ciro«mâ€"tances will perout) name their last ¢mâ€" plâ€"yor as one of such refarees. 9 master as one uf the rote _‘z. The applicau n must be noo'-tnlod by sutisfactory certificates as to the ago, bealth and churactér, of the Caruidute. . h 3. The Cortiticute of uge »Kould contain the best evidence of the date of the Candidate‘s burth, of which his care i» susceptible. ‘ial Secritary, «n appiidation in his own‘bandâ€" writing. stating bu ‘age, place ut birth, preâ€"out place uf residece, the teugth of time be has been resident in Canaus, the re of his past vcoupaâ€" tions, and that it is his desire to enter mt‘h’:o‘viu Service of Capuds, naming the particular art munt (if any) fur which he believes himéelf '-u‘ partiâ€"ularsy adapted. a A For seventoon years it has, in Italy, been uflo versal favorite .wox the «lite of society, being enerally served in the drawing room before dinâ€" ner, in preference to Vermcuth. Sial Framed by the Board of Examinors for u.: ‘Civil Service, under the provisions of the â€"2oth Vic, «ap. 14, and approved by HisExcâ€"licn y the Admin« â€"| Istrutor of the Government { in Council, * / SREQULATIONS â€" $ | To ns onstavzo ‘ BY CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT Civil Service of Canada, Fdenundarag (oue 6 CC C oCC e oi‘ 3old by tbo‘?nprh(or. i Roy Jear . Su + request my opinion of the ' al Italian Iim:i".;:‘upnolfm a recelpt of |Dr Verri, ot Padua. | 1 beg to »tate that I sonsider it a most agrees ble cordial tomc, in every way superior in flavour and composition to the o:dinary bitte; tonios In gonou‘:km. 1 have Qw--u:’od it to «overal patiets, who have der:ved marked _bonefit from its use e A | | ui ooo Ne tne uenc hn Te c M a certicate of merit was awarded to the distinâ€" guished vriginal propnrer at the Natio :al Ekposit tion at Torino, italy, by whowe tavor dur, Glar+LL obtained the recipe, and was also awarded a d-r loma at the l'mv!:ohl Exbibition of Can#da beld at Mcntreal in September, 1865, is, without oxoo‘p tien, the must gevuine, salubrious and agronable Toxic ever. introduced to public notice either in Europe or America. . _ * . _ _ The ingredients of its composition have bean imparted to the |.ld|li Phyricians of Cancda $nd the Unired States, and ave received their unqualiâ€" hed approval on ovro'z.umm. The proprieter rs with the atest 6â€" dence aod cT.i:h«.-Ion to. the lIb,}omd huï¬ â€" ials from emident medical men, which he coul ?dd to.hwouil. duiubk.‘ Ore ani o | P {ept by the prine fl“'" nd Grocers in the Dominion J(':n_":: and in the United Nï¬- _1 am, dear Sir} yours faithfolly, £" i« a. k. FENw A. M. F. G1axrur1, Eeq., Montreal, APPLICATIONS aau CERTIFICATES. 1. kvery C:ndidate 1« required tw serd to the eoret ary of the B »ard at the Ufice of the Provin Tuu celebrated a certiieate of mer Royal Italian Bitters ! TONICO REALE DEL DOTYORE F. P. VERRL â€" >0 rojessor of Chemutry in the Unwersity o Pabpta ADY who is well qualified to teach Is bestrictly bonest, sober, 4ntelligent and diligent ? e c What '“;uuzm of his education ‘and uiremen e Bo.;:lt us you can rdâ€. is his Character in ‘ all respects such as to qualify him for Are you related to the Candidate, it. so, whn’t is the relationship %~ N A;o y:-; well acquaisted with the Candiâ€" ate ?) "% From what clroumstances does your knowâ€" |tqi of hiim arise ? § How long have you known bim ? + Boale RManufacturer. W ANTED. ) their application should (when cirâ€" will permit) name their Just boho slâ€" ITALYX. oy ment. within two in, and easonuble expenses attending :bn:: l:.pulu::‘n{l be b:ru.s: defrayed b: t‘:: faveree it anctare, pot woe (Ptio es ng. :..T:o fl"f'o{ HI.- Rldo:'ll::on‘: 'O;n-:f :' the Ist * w on a :7"."""» m"':.aa,%"?m' t Quotes Unteriu, is hereby re ; Wu. M LEB, _\ 0 Winuale drriog, erivamng. ted porking Whdiogn e sa 0g, ng ai udpmlzu ,ul' the p‘nrpuopzc verifying tz quantity of Maize or<ther grain and their products | 3 That before the importer or owner of any Muize und other grain aiuresaid shall, for tbe pucâ€" pose df drying, grinaiug und pucking, be entitled to vubtain the &Ann y mereof either ex ship upou their importation imo the said Dominion, to be car i d imu ediately to the dry ing, grinding aud packâ€" lug buildings, and p emises aforeraid, or out v eny Customs Warehâ€"use, in which the same may ba warehoused, be shauil give bor d with two rutfic:â€" @ut sarctios to the satofas ion uf the Cullector of Cus.oms at the port where such Maize and uther praie are imposted or w«rehoused, in a peoalty ef ouble the amount of duties p{nhlo upon the banptities of Mnize and other gruin so d.liverea We parpors of uning anen ereuth l mreoh is e e , grou in harz:ll 'illll‘.lfl months frow the m&h vond to be so enteres into, be well and traly paid to the C=llec:or of Customs aforesaid for the use of Uer I-‘my. and the said importer or owner shall, before he can obtain the deli «foresaid, farâ€" ther enter into und execute to u:.'&n-m for the . use of ller Mujesty as afuresaid, a genoral bond the said importer or owner in the pepal sum of L bousand fivre bandred dollars, and two ‘ma sureties in the sum of threa hundred and soventy. five doliars each, conditioned that at period \shall the quantity of Maize or cther gra or the &d«t therecf io the said building or ses be than the quantity on whish the bond 0 bonds for « uties bereinbef.re mentioned, shall be out. standing and unpaid. 4. Aurghh.rrpon of further securing the ue observrance of the foregoing Regulativns, the ‘Oullector of Customs, the Surveyor «f Oustoms or Warebouseâ€"keeper, or other approved officer of Custows atibe port.where the Maize and other x.d-‘:‘n‘n ? sw bonded, or ::bo port -‘mï¬: 6 t or I“ prom .umh:m{:l':o‘o 13 v.:upr':.&u are being anre an thavale haes DL va m ril is IP a" daty 7 Wh in amentand P iess : mc Jeeimed aud consdered a Gurermmnt Bonded Warchouse, and that none of the Maite or other grain ro. bm.;t jnto the saidd:ying, grinding ans . pmoking Wuildiug or upop the suid piciuies, shall :o remured there!‘rom‘without s proper. exâ€"wareâ€" uouse entry ana due pryment of uil guties on thi sume, if inténded for" home consum ptidn with in the said Dominion, or upon d:e entry thereof for 1e moval or expurtation under the usual bonds ; no sbull uny flour, meu! br uther products from th mairs or other grain aforernid, ‘be gemoved frog the said premises wirhout due entry as aforeraic either for consumptiun as aforesaid, for remoral o1 @xportaucion and payment of all Customs duties leguily due on.the flour, meal And other producis "w which the said m»ize and other grain shali ave been manuf@ctured as the case may be, alâ€" lowanâ€"e huving first been mud« of five per cent. on the said flour or mest for whriukage in those cases in which the corn or uther gruin has beon kiln dried before grinding. ~ Tm.h?-‘n Hir Excrllency in Council has been pleased tc mâ€"ke and prescribe the following * Regulations * respecting the Wurebouring und*. bonaing of W hent, Maize or other Grain that may be grouna «nd packed in bond, that‘is to s«y ; â€"» i. Thut the uollector ur vther 6.0«4‘ Custow s at any Warehousing Port in the Dominion, of Caâ€" a«de, nray deliver withuut payment of duty, to the ;:Jnflat o(dlny lbu.ho ue otl er :grain from whicl r or me«l can be manufactuged. on proper enâ€" iry. being :ado of the :.’-o'. any qn-ï¬:? of suct '.\i:lu or gtaia fur the parpose of drying grinding and rolu‘u such place and on such premisos" as shall be‘ putbuli:l& deseribed by such importer or ewner. . > f f 2, That such hl“m’puod for drying, gripd ing and. packing of »Majse or other grain and the premises thetto belonging. with dd& tion to be given thereof as uforesaid, sball, purpores of diying, grinding and packing Main «nd other gréin under ghe above mentioneu Act, be Austae d 2 qh 2 us LE TPE Paregyr : HIS EXCELLENCY TLE GQOVERKNOR GENEâ€" a RAL IN COUNCIL 0"-. recommiendstion of the Honore able the Minicter of Co:toms, and under the authority g:iven aud contorred by the 123 olause uf be Aot 3v and <1.Viet. 4 ap. 6, intituled" ="A Act respecting the‘Cuâ€"tomi," Wine, Spirits & Liquors Just Received from England : ROAST HARE. f _ ~CURRIED Do. hz JUGGED Do. w : STEWED Do. | j * (clas ROAST PHEASAN‘TsS, | > f ROAST GROpPEE. s . _* _â€" OABT PARTEIDGE 4LL G0O0DS8 DELIVERED FREE by cur ows Waggon: to any part of the City dally BLOOD ‘ ‘,ONXDON STOUT. # BARCLAY‘Sâ€"LONXDON PORTEE. ALLSOPS PALE ALE.~ _*" s BASY EAST INDIA. | DOW§8 CELEBRATED MONTREAL AL% DAW8 SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE _ _ DAWBS CEkraskATED PORTER & STOUT Which we are selling at 8 shillings per gailon uUINESS & 00. . â€" 5 f â€"â€"OUBI IN STOUT : T * ® ROBINSON & CO. would espesially _ U the a: tentivn of families to their stook of T5 " United Vingue We have a most dnllcbuâ€"uâ€" â€"â€"â€" DINNEK SHERRY ALES, WINES& SPIRITT We are constantly receiving suppiias of this truly beautiful and delicious COFFEE, roasted 1.04' °n our premises by . : x â€" Dakins‘ Patent:Siver Cylinder Wl on t i hrree Auciaan Rhrnitegaindyawr nds ed, n exp P yf n } }® 4 ., smm .‘ * Without uoo;:lo. the finest world."â€"London Times, March 16. 100 Phosts : old fashioned BREAKFAS‘) ‘soOUCHONG, | ..> | * 150 Caddies MANDEKIN MIXTURE. > P This is the Ginest Biacx Tta ever im ed, 5s ‘per pound : .ln Ti sCa0k fkkjever tmp _ The Pure Moun,tain Berry BEWARE OF SP URIOUS IMITA TIONS, MA As it 1s mported by no other firm in Canade Ottawa, Very Choice and Superior NOW ON SALE 1,000 CHESTS UNCOOLOREL ,000 JAPAN. i 500 Chests very choise and superior YOUKG . _‘ HYSoN. r 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY 100 Phosts : old fashioned BREAKFAS) 100 cases Otard Brandy, 50. >"_ Martell‘s * 150 * _ Mennessey, T5 " United Vinguelbs c a & OTTaAW aA. .'-; lfll‘._bc‘ï¬x 8t nd_ g:'.‘sl&. » & GovERNXMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, .o Fridey, 24th J anuary, 1968. ROBINSON & CO. ~~â€" _ _ THE TEA roTt, FRESH ARRIVALS TEAS, PRESERVED MEAT3. COFFEE | ROBINSUN & CO, THE TEA POT, OTTAWA small Caddies, about 14 1t finest : Coffes in the tions, w-;ly?u" in limp cloth, ten, cents Becond Book, mpw ‘,’;..‘ 1.' eloth boards, twenty cents ; mutg-{. 1 iMasâ€" trations, %W in cloth thirty cents ; Fourth , 45 Mlustrations, gly UOIJ in eloth boards, farty cents; Fifth | 50 ilinstrations, strongly bound in cloth boards, fifty ! PPLICATION will be made duri %""‘:..:fl‘ of the Pnrll..ooi an L Genada for an Ast to incorparate the " DOMLX CAIADIA' National Sories ot Peading Books, authorized by the Council of Public In strucion tor Ontario, will beâ€"ready for delivery hï¬.ï¬a%‘ January, 1868. m: l:lut Book, w Mw m 4 eloth, five conts; First Book, 3nd" part, 64 illastra ‘ Japanned and Planisbed Tipware, &0., Mamutactarers of all desorptnions af work for Water and Gas Works, Breower‘s Distilleries, Mills, &c. Makes and fis up Galvanized on Cornices, Gutâ€" ters, Conductors, Roofing, &0. $M"Public and Privaie Buildings, Conservaâ€" tories, Vh?c. Marutactories, &0., warmed by Steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most apâ€" proved principles. Orders from the country willâ€"receive stmct at tention. & Ottaw a Auost 26, # «18y / _ Au-n:uh for the above branches kept conâ€" o e ies â€"ALSOâ€" â€" £ Importers and Dealers in House Farnish «Jig Hariware, . _ . _Just received a well selected assortment ot Cookiag Stoves, Iron Bedétends, Punesgeg .. propik MinPméos, A liberal allowance to retailers u‘#uu T8. k J. DUnIE &80N, â€"Buocessors to Chas. Garth, N6. 25, Rideauâ€"st.,, fl--b_ern. a 4 Uas & Steam Fitters, © Tin & Coppersmiths, Beli Mangers, &c. BLYTH & KERR, James Melville Teasde Hsrnum, * ‘le will a to the Judge otf the sard Lourt tor a 5* . _ _â€"*,_ AN JINSOLYENT. E Undersigned has Aled a*Deed TE Undersigned has fled a‘Deed or Province of Ontaric, 3JOUNTY of CARLETON Htaws, May 10, 1867. Lot adjacent theretn, â€" A sistern of fine water in the Abs MRS. BUNTING L. . ... "Rochester Estate, or on the Promisos Insolvent Act of 1864. Jominion OfC@n@d@, y _ .. ;. M Eo. 11, in 4th Con. of the Tm“izofl)a‘oodo, with a good House and Barn, and other omimildâ€" ings, and a good Epring Well, fiftv mores cleared and in a good stare of cultivation. This is situated on the Prescott Road. within fifteen miles of Ottaâ€" wa. Also the south half of Lot No. 6, is the 3rd Con. of Osgoode,containing 190 acres, 50 acres clearâ€" ed, the rest well wooded, with JN hardawood, a well watered, and situated within a quarter of mile ‘of the Railway Station. Titles goud.. F further information 'fl'i' to ‘ PATRICK HERBERT, ‘Rideau Hotel, Ottawa City. Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867 § »51â€"3m Auguest 1. could not fail to be made to pay. It is built on the most modera style of architeoâ€" wre, of out stone ; has large plateâ€"gluss windows, «ad is four stories high, exclusive ul the basement. it is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and 1*Connorâ€"streots, immediately opposite the: Puriiaâ€" nent Buildings ana has three vacunt lot» attuchea, â€"0 that the Buildings could be enlarged to any reâ€" quired capacity. 4 | App!.cations, (postpaid) to be addressed to _ FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESq., f, _ Or JOHN HENEY, Eeg , be a desirable sountry residence. Ottawa, #7th Docember, 18§7. y« + coUsTRY RESIDESCE FPORSALE.â€"Reautifully situated on * the Macagamized Kond Letween Otâ€" *, tawa City and Aylmwer, about 36 aivutes‘ drive from the city. A farm of excellen: u.mhu&.mnum.m-m‘o atoue The prietor has no obJection to sell < proj as no o on to sell a part of he farm, with or without the bouse. . Thhp;wll I“AOIMQ north half of Lot No. R &o. 11, in 4th Con. of the Township of Osgoode, . ___~ LEWIs «& PLINZEY, & Barriserk ac. Ottawa, Fobruary 27, 1867 ‘â€"\ FO‘ SALE, THAT ELl»â€" ; ~ gible property, benutifully situated on the Banks of the Ottaâ€" wa, in the Township of Neporn, iistant from the City of Ottaws about three ugu mm lho'ulo-dnnln]md.u‘otharailh the STUNE UW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erectod, at prosent M:l“.:l WilJiam, Thomson, Esquire, and the Larden â€" ornamented â€"grounds adjoining the «ame, forming part of lf:g No. 2%, in the ist codâ€" session, Ottawa front. /A moet desirable private residence and vacant Léts adjoining the same also {or sale at reasonable d’prieu. y For perticulars and terms apply to John ans William Thomson on the premises,or to mm&:ï¬ï¬ï¬?;{;;ï¬:ï¬ his uesday, Third day of March next, . B BUILDING LOTS, one mile from the dity, on the | Richn.ond Koad, oomqinia\r one «cre each. Apply to THOMAS ANDEKSON, Jz., on the premiser. _ LtALf ML oriy oneâ€"third of Lot No.27, is First Concession Ottawa, Froft Neâ€" pesn, and Lote. Noe. 26 and‘ 28. in ue swme Conoeswion, at presert in the oocupation f Wm.‘.T. Aylen, Eeq Fotr further patticulars ipply to sorn and Wu. Trumson, Nepgun, ant Lewis & Pixuxy. Barrister, Ottuwa. * Jozâ€"141â€"tf Ktawa. March 11. VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TO LET. Enquire at the Store. & Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1868. ‘ ROOM TO LET cither with or with» out board. Enguire _ this bffice. Ottawa, Nmol[ 20, 594tf FARMS FOR SALE. To wIT: J County of Carléon, IN THE MATTER OF Two Dwellings to Let, INEK GROVE HOLSE: ai !) pleasantly situated on the FOR SALE OR TO LKT. Special Notice. Possession given 1st June, The Victoria Hotot._ RedS2â€"above FLRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL. | en the eve of Coufederation, and Ottawa finitely settied upia as its capital, Lots for Saile. NO more e:igible chance could be BEISG the Upper part of E. MARTINEAU*§Clothing Btore, Cornr of Sussex and Clarâ€" enceâ€"st1octs. A OR SALE.â€"â€"THE WEsTâ€" REV. J. J0 J. X. T. Hax®uUy. . tX TUE COUNTF COUVRT EUG. MARTINEAU. Garden and vacant , Ottawa, °C. W [ â€" Tc OP THE , &o., Ottawa. 50146m o _ ‘ kiz LAMPS for OHRISTMA 6 t3 MAGIC LANTERNS, â€" grsonxr Flowers for Chrisim® superintendence; x 4 In Lower Canads, the Indian resert® 4* more limited extent, and : there are uo inods 9# in them at present for sale. . da, which have nut yot been yiclded up Sor wilh are of considerable extent, and some of the@ * t«in timber of ralue, whick can only Le. ost W# oécisl license from the © suporintendents, @20 * tend to the local business of the lands under 8# surveyed, seven ,Townships having been isld # containing M\Nfl“ scree, and l'm\â€, ao surveyed at Litile Oorrent, now dedatt shaftesbury, and at Sheguendah, where #* least three good till sites. There a re aher bes Uflp'mmhnv'vry. mqï¬t of lands upon the Leland is C. T Dapost, !rum«mmuumm uoee,. and 44 ‘tual and immediate soctiement. Oil and Mist® . lunds are charged $1.00 per aore, cath dows, ## 'vu,-nh-.-u.dnu-ua"'r"'"* improvement. .â€" 18 . The Indian Dopartment holds aiso for sale® trust for the Lndians, lands in the wicinity of # . SBauit Sue. Maric, Butchewanung Bay and Garé# _ River, consisting of about 200,400 zemes. .4.,:. agent is Joseph Wileon, Rsq , 0t Sauit Ste. MeSé °. aud the term » correspond with those iaid ors M . the Manitoulin 1 Aand. flo‘uuu--'i both of these localities is by steamer tree PB# wood, the Lake Huroa Terminus -l." u'v.' wt w Un Lake Superior there are Indian landssW#® ub.o“ndâ€ï¬‚.“luluh.‘ ty of Fort William, on the Kaministages BW The agent is Mr. MeVicar, resident at Fort WlM# and the terms are the same as those for tht 4# . . around the Sault ote. Maric., ‘ h consist of abet ARRLI® T oA rore in tov taogeme Panmaicg | . KB *A BE prices of which vary ascording to quality and t "’#"A‘u ‘ution, from 75 couts to $3.50 per acre. The B J wk, partment has coutributed liberaily towards «$® _Â¥sbroary T, ing up a main line of road, with its starting pM & * LK upon the Owen Sound and Saugeon gravclied rih _ Bl R1S! »ud running nurthirard ap the Ponineuls torl _ O\T its northernmost point, opporite the soutbedf® ’ m,‘: tremity of the Great Mantousin Islind, 1h68@® liheun, Fepre 0y .or these lands is ut Toronto, under thestpÂ¥# _ â€" _ "~ _EISW.J tendence of W. R. Burtiott, E»q., who is pool =-1 * AH in x6 with maps and with lists dï¬.ï¬l’.‘&x" 4 Bldiqh The conditions of saie are onsâ€"tifth down, ~ 1 _ rown Attorne remainder able by four anoual instelu®® M_ â€"â€" uuuâ€:“-uumunfl; _ Owror: In t mm"& FROM SWITZERLAXD AKD IRBLM®® â€" INDIAN LANDS Ol“l'lfl_‘ AND OUTâ€"STATION®E _ To be used in the Dominion of Canada by themn mmmm&pdmwu.‘ of, will haveé to be addressed to this Department. : THOR, WORTHILSGTIN. _ SSb nï¬.m-n.x;-.u.._ Bills apd Proniissory Note First day of February 1868 . €0 o -m’ « do‘ . Apflm“w.%u,‘~~‘ Rivers should be made to this Department, â€" _ P MJTCHELL Minister of Mutine and Pishar snn n n mm s ons mmegaes 220 P Avfuouucn Discount on Ameri & Innimufljwtua.u"-u f Ortawa, Tth October, aset ' I8T OF SiLMmox RDV tare "\ 4 the Province of Quebee, theEurial N of which are disposabie for Anglibg 1iâ€"pores . . Tue River Mistassimiâ€"dircharging int, Riverg o & "> I‘I.R. on the SALMON RlvyrRq â€" MARINE & FISIMERIEq DEPARTRMENT OP INLAXD REVEEm Ottawa, January $1, 184 N aAXD FRoX TAE do do do do S ’li‘AM P 81 ALL REQUISITIO®S FoRr Little W atchceshoo Nabsesippi Macatima Bt. Augustine Little Margaret Trout © 4 Eheldrake Meagpic Kegasbke * Muequacro® W asheocootat Romanie (on bas} Trinity Little Trinity Calumet $ DEPARTMEXNT 0p Custoxus Derartuest NWotice. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Ottawa, Jenuary 31, 1808; Island has been itf# 2% HOLGATE reated, if requir h':su l)ul’llcl 4 47 2 iblll‘l tral 0 Httawa, J 4.‘R. BEL Waol.u steais â€"C wa, C.W» 4P ocm Vtawa, Ja £P l’nvncu! Office : Hot November 6. Ottawa, Nove sn > NK S}M 4e (URGER Y : _ Clarence .‘." 14 'I'I'l(;l [3 neat, 25 R/ May 30 «y ontrust hi )"K}--dl. December 3 means of the i shranty $ DR..GE :"&m: ancet ENTIST : Mawa, C ENTIST ¢â€" Novembe n * C ;. * um DR. ENXTIST. ENXTLST. tral Ottawa gouafy 17 . amvan duencneso . . AUG uMss IXG Eidencâ€"str + 0t w e Post O Oitawa, J If not p‘]i Yearly eu in a4 DVOC A A R BR L8 1 oamy Ott awin, Ad e 3 uge pablished Juily o% »aking @ ui.‘ooo_ 4 18 ording rertise in. ADÂ¥i otl DK. d1 whe f Aitkny.. yearks O TA DR 0e §4, + NJ WI