#1 $ y K. râ€" i\ â€" J L l # * . + 4* seme~** & ‘ At most EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS.in price, which cannot in ) â€" legiti immersbe undersold in thi<city. > 3 | U%. December 24, 1867:~ % 8B 8 lucomptive Dep‘t Western: Divmon, ’ es . Rochester, Dec. 24th, 1866, ‘‘@enitemenâ€"k have no hesitation in saying that 1 believe the majority of locomotive have found by experience that W ALTHAM w ATCHES ARK ‘l’;;:“ I'J;"P'QXTISFACTOR\' their uses. 1&; RUX WiTH THE GREATESE AcCURACY AND STEA DLNESS, notwit the rough of an engine ; and as.1 have NEVER KNOW N OVXE TG WEAR OUT,the be durable. I waee the time whon railway companies «will generally u?t your wa turnish them all t enginee;» an conductors. . In my opinion it would greatly tend to promot ty and safet?. & ' oo pne . oo y . hldesd I have great satisfaction in JBLE and have worn and do wear much longer wit bad in use on this road. A#s you are aware we formerly acknowledged good reputation, butâ€"n« a class they never ¢ -:: service as yours." â€"= . â€" â€" 5 < Mw te T ain enstained by my fpredecessor « series of yours. â€"_ * ..._â€" Â¥ f»r. TIMEâ€"KEEPERS, TROUBLE and ha bucccâ€"Fol PEANSYLYVANIA RAILROAD Co. ; * ' _ Oiliee of the General Su rinteng@en & t € % . _ Altons, h,Pl..‘hh Dec., 1866. ‘ Gentlemen mill&ulmfmcdw you have been in use on this Railroad for our men, to whom we furnish --tehn as of our equi i There are wr TilkM CakkIED on ‘otk Li3E _ .] "5° Cllitment! There are TIMEERERDERe ~huillaec 200 291. CC LLXE, A Il_ perfection and cheapmess of the American (Waltham) Watch have ven it such a wideâ€"world celebrity that unserapulons déalers years ago imiu)ud ts style and :'lnud its trade marks. l-m-l\hdukn are occasionally found who dishonestly trade upon the popularity of the American by selling a base imitation under the name of the genaine article. It is hardly necessary to state that such warches are worthless as timeâ€"keepers, and when bought for the calculated to injure thg high reputatioc which our watches have attained. The several d.:’--l‘. watch (except the lowest grade marked Home Watch Co.) are guaranteed by «pecial certificate bearing the namber of the watch and the signature of the Treasurer of the Company, k. E. Robbinsz. ‘The purchiser should in all cases require one of these certificates, which is turnmcd to all dealers in the geniine watcher. R C y The *1-.1&. trade marks on the several zrade# of our manufacture : AMERICANX WATUCH co.| APPLETON, TRACY & (Co s WALTHAM WaTou co 1‘.8. BARTLETT. f â€" & WM. ELLERY ® NOAE E* Wir a mmeere 2ues PRor sale by all firstâ€"c}a=« deaters in t Notember, 14, 1867 ing itly moved‘into their now premises, « one of the ï¬;x visited lately the Montreal M k of entirely ' £ L Call and see this litile bean‘t; odrratamdn anlasirys. Dry Goodsat educedPrices. â€.“al GP?Y‘, ("ln( i , â€" American Wateb Co., W aitiais The Howe Sewing Machines from 850 Up. Ottawa, November 18, 1%7 New Premises and Cheap Goods. hy ?u-l Engraved, Cut and Pressoed TABLE GLAS®, and ho}esaie parchasers. OTTAW A, January 21, 1868 Ottawa -CROCKER"Y Store!! / _ PRESENTATION ORNANMEYTs. _/ & MANCFACTURING CJEWELLERS R.flc"ul.\' anndunces the arrival of a Choice Selection of Ching and Hohe* mian Glase Flower Vases and Ommaments switable for Xmas and New Year‘s Gifts. _ Also, gB tost mplete Stock of China, Glass, Earthonware» and Parman Marble ever brought infoOttawa, consE:ting of American Watel Ca W A_ LC IHLM _A C B GRANT & HENDERSON Cunningham and Lindsay | 5BM | © & -u ‘ $s 8. £Fâ€"â€"+i+Eâ€"â€"tHi} iE.E?_â€"-;- o m ’/ . mt o n NA Gold Medal, Paris, 1867 Ottawa, Dectomber 19. 186 B# A large and most ya®ied Stook _ select from ATso, a laige lot of Linen and Lawn Pocket Handkerchiefs, theap Grout & Co.‘s Twisted Elastic Stitch only $15 -“‘““:ï¬Ã©uf L E. K. MacGILLIVRAY & Co.. NEW GOODS, For two months I shall offer such inducements to intending m-'w-nfln-m-m:n.dy-do,ndnflm ers a good investment : j Spring . Importations. .\ FIRST _.CLASS § Tailoring Establishment. . M. HOLBROOTE RING desirons to diipose of the balance of WO e NERAR musar sn L u2. . CAYCF*CXCOI. WILLILA LAE _A ELLANX WINTER STOCK, in order to -'l'ko.;;n-;: 81y at 4s W altham tained by my predecessor, Mr: Lew PB" Please Call ind Examine. "CEx â€"â€" ARE NOW SELLING â€" _ : Js. 3d. r.*r yard, . madian Tweeds at 4s. per yard, 2â€"**.*~â€"â€" Canadian Cotton Â¥arn PEXNSYLY , FLANNELS AND MANTLE CLOTHS. Invite particulat Attention to their Yours respacttully n CEN )OIER(B ‘]"I 5:2'"’ site, from 17 inches to 36 inches. l\‘.\lsu, a few of thase old fashioned Corsets, (lacing at the liack.) > City Heop Skirt Factory The Double Extension Skirt, rlfl".\‘ new and convenient Skirt{‘am now making in all widths of tape. ~The great advantaige this Skirt has over all others â€" ladies can altér it themselves to any width they wish, from 1j yards 40°3 yards, without the least trouble. They only can be hadatthe Factory. Everyother style of Skirt on hand L made to 6rdet. _ Just received another lot of _ | nited Btates and British Pro Reapneet tall y 4 *:: DAVID MILLAR, _43 Sparkeâ€"st, Centre Town, next to Esmonde‘s Stave Depot J THE BEST HOLLPAY PRESENT _ From 847 and upwards. Tox: . Devot, EM‘, 3. \ ..‘ Opposite the Post Office es o op e en EiT xpurgp o es AN~DSTEADVLINESS, notwithst anding NEVER KNXOWN OXE tG WEAR OUT,they must he Iway companies â€"will generally ub;pt your watches, and In my opinion it would greatly tend to promote. rezulari~ 20 00 OTZC 2C 526 On this Ratlroad for several ‘nr ies as Emd our equi i There are some THREE t LINE, and we einui:r them GOOD and RELIABLE ifl;'actmn in #aying Y{)UuATCHIS. QIVR':JS LESS 1 r without repairs any w s we have ever te mnly uutcdpto those of {lngmmfmn, of they never keep time as correct] y, nor have they done as FRENCH CORSETS. /. RXFIVE, per cent. off for cash in bills until after the lidays. One handsome Mahogany full caseS8 discounnt, Lambs‘ Wool Hose, Breakfast Shawls. RIDEAU STREET 'wpï¬â€˜h«{e{ and Samples sent Free by Mail. G., A, WALTON, Agent, 37 Sparks Street, Otawa w premiscs, No. 20, Rideanâ€"street, Montreal Markets, and seeured a very large grade# of our manufacture : APPL!:‘I'ON, TRACY & Co I‘.8. BARTLETT. â€" f ® HOME WATCH Co. AL RATILROAD HEELER & XNDâ€"L CHARLES W{LB(),\' m 4 hoi iï¬ on 0 SEWING E D.W‘\R_lj) H. WILLLAMS Br '“!th(-io-l V : "~AXL.I #, whose ROBBINS& APPLETON intending pur semeral Nu an as®ortn t oo VE e EPEeety POEY TE res, e ) jdriullcdonl + lrt the presont or "x;:..“â€ii‘:“:g HIXS » | re vely, for an actto amend act cha Fo. 192 Arondnay x .. 409 pm..l' at the Seasion of the Pug inmont for the ROBERKT WILNEs. ‘* | late Province of Canada, held the 2913 and 30th Toronto and Montreal, | {un of the RolApof Her Majesty Quex 1 Victorin, GEXERAL AGENTS. * | ‘I!litllod "l?:ll eué) Incorporate the Ottawn City > "*__| Passenger way Company , $00â€"48 tre.â€" â€" | Du-.’-d. 1207 _ """" * #079m arn at.is, 6d. a Canadian Ba«s experi¢uce extended wver 6. Chrics ""uyim'r, f Locomotive Enginee: T7 perintendent nt V I4v Common W are t ILSONS wACHINEs. of any tor engineers 0 Bundle Mi $10y November 18, 1867, Take Highost Premiums at the Paris . Exposition. â€" |_DALGLISH & RUSSELL Our stock is extensive and eo'nialcu. and article warranted to give satisfastion. â€" All sent or left wi}l be pmmpd‘i attended to. All Goods delivered on the shortest notice RoyalCanadianBank Sugars.â€"English, refined in loaves, Brokep Loaf, Crushed White, Yellow Refined. heug Chocolate and Cocon Spices, Mustards, Essenâ€" ces, Syrups, Pickles, Sauces, Vinegars, and Bottled Fruits, in Bsnlp. Proserves, Potted Meats, Fruits «o. Also, isions, Sugar Cured Hams, Sgico.' Rolled Hams, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Biscuits, Flour, Oatmeal, Barley, Peas, Rice, Laâ€" :ud: Merrings«, Table Codfisb, Digby Herrings, c., &c. I Coffees.â€"Java, Jamzica, La Guayra, Mocha Roasted and Ground on the imlnl., 7 6 Mess a wac arce L SSEWsl $ hereby given that -p*llullbu will be made to each and every Parliament haviog ns luakcl s _i uko 1 Consisting of Teas, Gunpowder, Old Hyson, Young Hyson, Hyson Twankay, Black, Extra Fine Engâ€" lish Breakfast Souchong, Congou ditto, Oolong, Orange Pekoe, Finest Japans, _ _ Oitawa, June 21. OTTAWA AGENCY : Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks St s k 43 M. P. HAYES, I A.M.=â€"TRAINS will leave | 10:50 Smith‘s Falls at 10150 . a.m., | and 6:05 p.m., and arrive at Perth at 11:40 a.m., and | 6:55 r.-. | _ All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls | with Trains to and from Perth. Brockville and Ottawa Railway, No« 1leaves Brockville after G. T. R. Express Train 1s due from the East. & * % No. 4 is due at Brockville in time to connect with G. T. R. Express Trains for the East and West. " | H ABBOTT, | Mana ger for Trustee, Brocktille, Dec. 16. y ny . | _ Return tickets to Prescott, Ko-ï¬ï¬‚lh and Ottaâ€" | wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" | tions on m-. f . T. 8. D/ R, . . THOMAS REYNOLDS, | Superintendent. «Managing Director. | _ Ottawa, Dec. 28, 1867. ly 6 PR 15 A. M.««TRAINS will leave ® ~ Sandpoint daily at 6145 a.m«, and arrive at Brockville at 1:00 p. m. _ LEAVES PERTH. P, M.«=TRAINS wiil leave 5:00 Pe;th at 5100 pam«, and 9:40 a.m., and arrive at Smith‘s Falls at 5:50 p.m. and 10:30 ; Contiedoke ouly, at 10.10 P.M. m 'mlco?lng Cars on all Night Trains.. Bagâ€" -f"pr checked through. pa .. | _ For further information and timg of arrival and departare of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" ’ lgcm. apply at the Ticket Office, Bohaventure Staâ€" tion. x LEAVE BROCKYVILLE ® P M.««TRAINS v 3345 Brockville daily at 3.4i arrive at Sandpoint at 9:25 p. m. LEAVE SANDPOINT. Express, 8 a, m. 10.30 a. m. Mixed, 1.30 p. m: â€" 4.4 p. m. The time of these Trains has boen noprnnfed as to ensure connection with night and ‘day trains on Grand Trunk, east and west. : N. B.â€"These 1rdins run on Montreal Time. > Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from abd to stations on Orand Trapieitaitway, 0! and after MONDAY, the 30th Dec», 1867, and until further hotice, trains will rup as follows : «t 1.00 A.M. _ ~ * Express for New York and Boston, at 8.40.A.M. Express for Boston and New York, at 3.30 P.M. Express for Portland(staying over night at Island 'l'nml at 2.00 P.M. _ Ni%ll Express for Portland, Three Rivors, Quebes and Riviere du â€"Loup, Jtupï¬lng bot ween Montreal and lsland.Pood: at St. Hilare, 8t. Hyaciutho, Acton, Richmond, Sherbroke, Wateryille and CHANGE of TIME St. Lawrence & Oftawa Railway, Local Train for Cornwall and intermediate Staâ€" tions, at 4.20 P. M. 7 Traing for Lachine at 800 A. M., 9.30 A.M., 300 and 4.30 P.M. ) * * ‘The 3,00 P.M. ‘Train runs<through to Plattsâ€" burgh. P GOING SOUTIH AND EASYâ€"â€"Accommodation Train from Island Pond and intermediate Stations, rl\nuss now leave Bona venture Kta« tion as follows : GOLNG WESTâ€"Day Expross for Ogdensburgh, Ottawa, Brockville, Kingston, Beltevilie, Toronto, Quelph, London, Brantford, Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago and all ‘mln'.- West, at 8.30 A.M. Night 4o do at 7.30 P.M. ® ‘Accourmodation Train for Kingston and intermeâ€" diate stations at 7.60 A. M. RE NOW IN RECEIPT OF THEIR new and varied â€"assortment of Grand Trunk Railway Company Commencing on Monday, December0, 1867 WINTER ARRANGEMENT WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, iso C.J;: BRYDGES, Managing Dircctor December 23, 1867. 65 ALEXANDER WORKMAN & Co. CGCrocerv GQoods (formerly the Ottawa & Proscott Railway.) NOTICE Mixed, 7,.30 a. m. Exptgn, 2.10 p. m LEAYVES SMITHS FALLS //""‘ ‘lr | ;’.“â€" l \| , N \â€"‘\‘,' K J\ h \ k \’ â€" ‘A.A:i’, 7/ / xR ( . LRAVR OTTA WA E. LEAYE PRESCOTY Dalglish & Russell, IAILROA 108. [ Or CANADA. Wellingto® d K entâ€"sts complete, and every ARRIVE IN PRE8COTT ARRIVR IN OTTAWA 592â€"fm 1 Victoria, |°_ Bold by George Mortimer, Johun Ruimru_ ttawa City | W, M. Massey, H. F, MacCarthy, and HJolhn 6072m Skinver, in Ottawa.y 11,00 a, m 440 p. m Aorxt. 157 will leave 45 p.m., and orders G50t This is a remedy «o aniversilty Irnowin (o svipica any Aer for the cnve of throat and lung on pluints. that it useless hero to publish the evidence s bis cirtnes. . Tts ‘rl'lllod excellence for coughs and cclés, nodt it» truly onderful cures of ‘»ulmunnn- discase, Iinve made it wn throughont the cilvilized nations ef the carth, w are the communities, or even Bumilies, iqmrs: thenn sho have not gome persomal expericnesof its ellects «= pome living trophy in their milst of its ic tiny ever the pibtle and dangerous dironders af the thiost snd homp®, Jw all know the dreadfiul Sstalit y of thewe dicorders, and they know, too. the effects of thi‘s 1 morly, we need not ;nwn than to assure them that it has now all the vies Jues that it did ha‘ve when making. the curee which Lave you so slrongly upon the confidence ef tankind, Propared by Dr. J. 0. AYER & CO.. Lowoll. i nse. lll.“ltllp, Gout, Liver Complatnt. INDEREXDENCE, Preston Co., Ya., (th di ly, 185. Dr. J. C. Aven: Sir, 1 hivo boea wtitieted wihor pain chronie Mhermatism for a lowg thime, which Datited the . fll of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all (he enedies 1 could find, mutil L trjed poour Sar aparitia. Oue le cured ho in twb weeks nid 10 tored my general , jalth so much that 1 am fur better than before 1 wai acked. T think it a wonderful mediclue. J; FREAM, |_ iJutea Y. Oruhell.«fï¬l. Louls, rQeat ©I have beon lcted for years with mn «fici, rf the Lo cory which atroyed my health. J tried every thingcand ov ry thing led to relieve me; and I bave been a Lrol. wdown man , fome years from no other cnuse than o mupprment nf ‘ Liver. _My beloved pastor, the lev. Nir. Espy, ad\ ised + to try Four Enrsaparilia, beeause he cuidÂ¥e knew you, d un&:fllnf you made was worth trying. ‘} the blesg | _ px of God it has cured me, angd bas so purifed my Locd | _# to make a new man of me, * frel young again. Tho | et that can be said of you is not bulf good enough," jrhlrrlu,(?unflr Temors, Enlargement, . Ulccration, Carles and Exfollation of _ _the Bones, . 5 _ A great varicty of cases have beert reported to uis where area of these formidable compinints have resulted from he use of this remedy, hat our «pmce here will not admit hem, Some of them may be fopnd in our Americ an ‘ Aimanac, which the sgents below pamed fro Dleised to â€" arnigh gratis to all who call for them,. & _ Ryspepsia, Heart Discnse, Fits, Epiteps #y, ï¬ohncholy, Nearalyia 43 Many. remarkable cares of these aficctions have heen wade by the alterative power of this modicinc. t stimuâ€" fea the vital functions into vigorons actiony and thus sercomes disorders which wuuhf(lm supposed beyond it# gach. Buch a remedy has long been r« quired by the neâ€" melties of the people, and we are confident that this will 3 for them all that medicine can do. _ > Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, onsan en do Rn ue ol z-'rn healed, and he is welt again, in me disfiguration to his face, . Awe eated for the same disorder by m« ’-m thi peison in her bones, Whey itive to the weather that on a damp ‘lduhn( pain i2 ber joints and b ted) entirely by your dareapariita row from its formu‘a, whict your s is Prepuration from your Inborit« pmedy; consequently, these truly tith it bave not surprised 14. i Fraternally yours, _ G, v, ht J. C, Avtr: Sir, 1 cheerbaily c nest of your ngent, and report to yon ‘man realized with your Sursaparilia 1 have cured with it, in my practive faints for which it is recommended. !k:t- truly wonderfal in the cure of qurial Diseas» . One of y poticnts ha n his throat, which were consuming . wp of his mouth,. Your Swrsparll sured him in five weeks. . Anoler vo amdary symptoms in his nee" ut i ‘aten away a consilerabl pow of it c {l)hbf would sson reac his bethn nt. lelded to my @dministratione of your Chous oporem frater dn poe of the fem grich hud defied @1 the remwelins wo. t lenath beet ecipletely crmed 1j a ~ paritt u. Our rluym:.m thought not in could afford relief, but e advised irsaparilia. as | the Tast resort before wed effectual, 'Kflrr taling poorr tor symptom of the disease retwr)us."* Sept., 1350, Drepsy, whi persovering r &M;m wat El month; aig Mn «hi i. while foll oi frelings that gan well bel) you, that I h Ssd rero&ia c 8t. Anthony‘s Hirs. fto Dw. J. C. Aves wl i tiow Lin ENE ewelaal ud Nt ETTE .’..p,_?l'onth"ln. Inciplcnt Conâ€"« --n" lon, Ait for the Relie# c of Consumptive Patieanis In AaAdvanced Ktnges of the Disense, ‘Bottled Ale, ~ _ .Bottled Ale, | ~â€" Bottled Ale. “lllfl. RICHARD will open a Private VR srst.class BOARDING HOUSE, Comer c SUSSEX and CLARENCEâ€"STS., over Mr. .Martâ€" neau‘s Dry Goods Store, on the 15th inptant. _ Parâ€" ties 'bhlng quiet, good, comfortable bhird, with good attendance, will piease apply and secure apartments. Ottawa, February 6, 1868. 659â€"3m A splendid CHICKERLNG, only a few months in use, FORSALE CHEAP, the proprictor having gone to i’.nï¬lnml. * ZMr Old Pianofortes faken in exchanto. 4 F ~25, Sparksestrcet, bign of the Golden Lgre. Januaary 27. 5 Hi6y ‘ And for the specdy cure of the following complaints : Bcrofula and Scrofulous Aifections,snch as Tumocs, Cleers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimpics, Pustules, Blotehes, Boils, Mains, and all Skin Discuses. AYER’S:‘» i Sarsaparilla cotch, Irish, Old Rye f And other Malt® W hiskies, \ Ports, Shorries, Brandigs, Gin, &0., FIRSTâ€"CLASS .GROCERIES, Tetter and\ fabi? )Hll'gr.unu. Heae Ottawa, Jan Canadian White Twilled and Whitney Blankets. Â¥nglish Grey, Blankets, weighing from 8 to 10 pounds each, >> f | W McGILLIVRAY. Ottawa, Decew ber 23, 1867. 622â€"3m. Steinway, Chickering and Dunham PIANOFORTES _â€" That have ever been offered tdr. shle in Ottamw# Theso instrumgnts were carfally selected by Mr. Nordheimer from the factories. TOFEE S.AIIE @5( PAINS orGrey twittea Which is in plendid condition. â€" At Syphilis aud PRIVATE BOARDING ll(,')l'f\'l'} PTIANOFORTES ! Messrs, Orme& Son Kine Boitled Ale ! THE OTPAWA TIMES, FEBRUARY ME Subscriber would call the atfene stion of Families and others to his + FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. EG to intimate that they have on hand un&\ of the FINKST COLLECTIONS Pogether with a éneral Assortment INSPECTIONXN INYVITED A Call kindly SoHecited, PAMRS of Grey Twilled BL A N« KETS, in bales of 50 pairs *â€"A180,â€" Opposite Allar 20, 18"8. £ 2200 CCCTTST The Mc Khew you e was worth trying. '} the blesg me, gug bas so puriffed my bocd of me. "I feel young again, The you is not lnlf pood « nough," :l‘-mor_a,_p::lqygg-_mcnt. I TCH T OBIKDIKG Mevrcuriat Disense. ipiaints have let-t;ltulfm; ir space here will not admit be fopnd in our American yts, Dropsy. AmMovin fo Rarifiisa Ml’ whgr ooo tepluints. thist #t enerel bisvictves, . Ifs and eolds, aont its touly discase, Iinve. made it tintonms ef the en th. + Gunmihien squcrns Ohenn perienes of ts eflects d Lof its victiny ever the Fthe thioet mand Nemp® of thew drorders, and x ranedy, we need not [ the fomules in my family, es woessld employ, has d hy aone Extrict of Sarâ€" wtht nofldng mt extirpa > advised the trial of yeur rt before‘ cutting, and it tyour tomedy cight weeks D. WHELAN tell Hoarsences 11, Rideauâ€"street, e r,ry:liu-lnl, Meald Mead, bea great iblowesalts Crockery Store with, tho ree 1 the oftertg now by my stem. _ You when I tell s of the agey TALLEY N. Y., 12th ite case of .u{“, by the . dangerons ad 1 h 1 thok T:by and allowed on all Malt usio-l in Ll;o of Boer when brewed rm'n malt an hined, t furs |IHIS EXCELLENCY THE GoOYERNORâ€"GEN. | _ ERAL IN COUNCIL, ; 1 % A | ’ wmchm:u it has been represented to H}s Excellency in Council, that it is expedient that subâ€"section 4 of section 31 of the Act passed !in the present Session of Parliament intituled ; «« An Ait respecting the Infand Revenue," sho (Id be so far modified as to provide for a du-b.‘gf of one cent per pound beingâ€"allowed upon all Malt used in the manufacture of Beer when \mwgrh from Malt and sugar combined. a llis Excellency in Council onthe reaommomhti_on of the Honorable the Minister ot Inland Revenue, and under and in virtue of the authority given and conferred by the 49th Section of the get 50 & $ ' Vic., Cap. 5, hasâ€"been pleased to order, and it is hereby. ordered (hat a drawhack of one cent per l pound shall be, and the same is hereby uul.horlusll | do Betescio do do 1 do Trinit do do ' do . L.'Q{'fllli!)’ nll, do ' do _ Calumet io do | db ___ Pentecost 9%, do _ do | do Little Margarct ; do do | do Drout f do do , do~ _ Sheldrake do do .= | d Ma pic t do do dé ; l.iufu Watchceshoo ; do do «n :: ! Nnbesniâ€-l' do do , do Agwanus & » do do ‘ do Kegashkn * "do : ‘do * do Musquarto â€"~ «o do do J\\'mLeec«mni do _ do .â€"__"do ~~Romanie [en basj ,.. M¢" _: d0 . do _ Coatoacho do __ io .. do __ Etmarru do _ io do â€"~ Macatima do i o 1-{_ Bt. Augustine g“ do â€"| ) Requimanx . io . do 1 do _ ‘Quelle * South Rhore do Motis do °â€" do «o â€" St. Anpe des Ments do _ do ‘ do .. â€"Mont Louis do â€"do | do _ Magdalen ~ de . do | «_ do | GrandPabos,Chaleur bay do _ do | do _ Gand Bonaventure do _ do | do _ LittleCascapedia > do . do | phs :E Grand Caseapedia do ~ do Nouvelle h e + t do _‘ Metapedia do _ do .} do Restigouche _ do do ‘\ | do . Mistouche i do‘ _ doâ€" Application to Lease or License any of the abp Rivers should be made to this Dolpuunnt. | 1. P. MITCHELL, | "i% Minister of Marine and Fish SALMON RIVERS. j Orrawa, 7th October, 1867. : I' I8‘T OFâ€"SALMON RIVERS within ; 4 .the Province of Quebec, the Fluviat Divisions / Exk C 6 | uP wln?h are disposable for Angling purposes :â€" _ | The River Mistagsimiâ€"discharging into River&t + | figecond hand Pianos taken in part payment for | new ones. 1 | _ ‘Cornected with this establishment is a Piano | Manufacturer, who will attend punctually to all I orders for TUNING left at the London Music Store,â€" PEPARTMUEXNT Oor MARINE & FISHERIES. T Lessee of Her Majesty‘s Theatre Oltawa, Feb,,1, 1868. > ¢ \ 831â€"39y GOvERNMENT GUITAR®, Maveé just been received, and will be offered sale, besides a large assortment of . His Show Room, upâ€"stairs, is large and beautifully | ht up, having ap area of 60 feet long by 25 feet | wide. â€" The Sample Room is on the first flat, where | some of each kind of Musical Instruments will be | kept. Two eases of choice + _ PIANOS,:"! * VICTORIA OR&GANS AND MELODEONS, HER WheriNte has a larger premiscs,â€"and i better meansof displaying his new and fine stock of London Music Store! ds aie s sn en en tt t d most agrecable cordial tome, in every way superior | in flayour and composition te the ordinary bitte: | tonies in general use, / I have reeommemf;«l it to | several patiets, who have derived marked henelt | U from its use. . ; 1 am, dear Sir Royal Italian Bitters ! The proprietor refors with the greatest confiâ€" dence ind satisfaction to the‘ subjoined testimonâ€" tals from eminent medical men,which he could add to, were it desirable. rl‘lll.'l celelysted preparation for whic n cortificate‘of morit was awarded to the distinâ€" guishod original preparer at the Natio ial Exposi® tion at Torino, Italy, byâ€"whose tavor Mr. Graxr11, obtained the recipe, and was also awarded a dipâ€" (1000 000 ,000 3 70006 220000 1780 nwarded a dipâ€" loma at the Provincial Exhibition of Canada he‘d at Montreal in September, 1865, is, with Wfl‘b tiom, the most genuine, salubrious and.:?mmb e Toxic ever introduced to public noticeéither in Europe or America, j For seventcen years it has, in Italy, been a uniâ€" versul favorite among .the e/ite of society, being generally served in tgo drawing room before dinâ€" ner, in preferenco to Vermouth. The ingredients of its composition have been um parted to the loading Physicians of Cancda and the United Sxiuton, and li'uvo received their unqualiâ€" Wigie 0) an cce ced w e t en im® Kept by the rrincipnl Druggists and Grogers in the Dominion of Canada and in the United Btates, Kold by the Proprietor, ; Dear Sip : You request m‘{ opinion of the ‘Roy al Italian Bitters," prepared from a receipt of Dr Verri, of Padua. . I beg to state that I consider it a tied approval on every account TONLIGO REA LE Iuescay \ 14 J NML C Y"~ ESIRES to inform the public that he has, removed to the FRONT PART of VY IOLIN s coxCcERTINA8, is MILIL.ISS DEL DOTPORE, ®.â€"P. VERR1, h op Chemastry an the l'?uvrrnly] 6 MAJESTY‘S â€" THEATRE WRLLING TONSTPREE3 ,Direct from Germany WM.IHL, LEE, 28thâ€"day of Jannary, 1868 Prgssxr : * a¢t Nir, yours faithfully, G. E. FENWICh NKl11, K#q., Montreal, A. M. FGIANELLA, FLUTES, RALÂ¥Y. 28 us EN HOUSE, OPTAWA 26, Hospitalâ€"street, Mentre -diechnrglngr into River 8t, Lawrence on the North Shore. ACCORDEON$, , TAMBOURINXES aduge n + i 6 W. M. MASSEY, Ho will apply to the Judge of the sard Lourt tor n LEE l Fumily and Dispensing Chemist, w-'mnlw_ thereof.. EE, Iodiull;u,'fs, 'C‘"""- | Ottawa, 27th December, 1967, Cietk Privy Counctt .( Ottawe, Fob, 6, 1968. . Fio®s €26ta J.AL T. BANXNTaL EL( (tse TYA in the manufacture malt and sugar com« OR,â€" TIIR E. FENWICK, M 1 E. MILES, DRUMS, do do do do do do do do do do $ do do «o io do do do do do do d“ do do do do do do do do do ‘do do do do «o io do do do do do do C3 &e. Papua 220000008 7Co0 informed that some nlaflneiplod rson has put up inforior articles, u:ry g the la~ t:lc word for word, and thereby greatly damaging the sale of the genuine articles, he is pompelled to take this course in selfâ€"detence, | For the future every gennine pot wilt bear . my whflll:‘a'n ul|gn:tm‘e in ltfl') INK, meross the face of the label, f But having beon informed that some rson has put up inforior articles, 0 t:lc word for word, and thereby grea the sale of the genuine articles, he is take tth course in selfâ€"detence. TilE Subscriber n?nu the necessity for cautioning the public against imitations of his popular Pomades, The Canada Pomade _ROBINSON & Co. THE TEA POT, a OTTAW A. Establishmenteâ€"Sussex St. and Rideau St ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by our Waggons to any part of the City daily Just Received from England : ROAST HARE. CUIRRIED po. F% JUGGED Do. â€" + STEWED DO. "w ; ROASTâ€"PHEASANTsS, ROAST GRoUsz. BLOOD‘‘ LONDON STOUT. BARCLAY‘$ LONDOX PoRTER ALLSOPS PALE AL®. BASS EAST INDIA. DOWs CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALLk DAWS SUPERIOR LACHINE ALr. DAW‘S CEu:BRATED PORTER & sTOUT ©1,000 54ss Which we are lellm.jt ézï¬lm_;;;r;nllnn 4 smmmmmrew GUINESS & Co. ‘ < ALES, WINES& SPIRITS 100 cases Otard Brandy, 50 â€"" _ MarteU‘s . > 150 _ * . Henmessey, $ 10. . *"*: l’nll(‘d&’lm"ucln We hnlmoctdcl‘lom %â€" & < 9B czene e ROBINSON & CO. would espesially * !| the tention of families to their stock of Wines, Spirits & Liquors. The Alexandra Cream _Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinier _ By which peculiar process, he aroma is preserved, an renders it the ravortTk wir anu corrrs DRINK~ «* Without oxeoplon *the finest Coffee in the world."â€"London Times, March 16. We are constantly receiving suppries of this truly benutiful and delicious COFFEER, roasted daily on our premises by E: .% BEWARE or sSPURIOUS ITMITATIONS, JP As it is mported hy no other firm in Canada The Pure Mountain Berry each. 4s 9d. soucuona. : e s 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTUR PA This is the finest Buack Tra ever imp ed, bl‘ptr’mnd; in small Caddies, about 14 ]4 anah 4s o. 3 Very Choice and Superior NOW ON SALE ‘PMVâ€"ATE BILLS. AN Instrument by which any persoim . can take correct Likenesses or Photogrigphs.» This instrument with full instructions sent by inail for one doliar. Address, * C. B. AMES & CO., t‘ .> % Broadway, New York. GREAT DISCOVERY. KVERY MaAX.MIG oWX apr7pIs Tohe used in the Dominion of Canada by the vaâ€" rious persons entrusted with the distribution thereâ€" of, will have to he addressed to this Department . TIHO8. WORTHINGTON; ; 635 _ For the Minister of Inland Revenue: "!\' AND ERONM TiE First dayof Febhruary1868: Bills and Promissory Notes PCAE NT TCO Inb ied PV iL arire k city, on MONDAS‘ the SECOND day â€"of MARCH â€" next, at the hour of ELEVEN of the clock in the | forencon, ol which all City Coroners, Justices of the / Pence, Constables, Jurars, and all others in sny ' wise concerned, nro hereby required to take notice and govern themse!ves uoordh"‘ly. | w5 ~ RODERICK ROSs, "1 A High Baitift, _ | PEub Bb rgvame Suas T Migh Bailif‘s Ofice; , Oitawa, 15th February, 1868. DVUBI INâ€" s TouT ON the rr..uo-bllnf of the Partiament of Canada, in March, PETLTIONS FOR PRIVATE BLLLS will be roceived, in the House of Commons, until Thursday, the 2nd: of April fol. lowing. +507 5_ W.B. LINDSAY, ~Clerk, House of Commons. f Ottawa, Feb. 1, 1868. 655tMh12 500 Chests very choice and superior YOUNG HYSON. f t 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANK A Y 100 Chests old fazhioned BREAKFAS» [“()u the City of Ottawa, will b; hold= en in the COURT HOUSE, old Jail, in said us c ENPA Y : 20. 000 n enc UP ty .8 Pr0 0 qi on c o ce ces 2o Een m SE enert CVE DEPARTMENT OF JNLAND REVBNUE, ° Igmxud; and a cellar nine feet bigh, the ‘one ial Oft J; s1, 18g3 | used for a kitchen and the other half capable 0 .Ottawa, January 31, 1865 t holding 1,000 bushels of anything you wish to par iB 2 it es s | into it ; there is three emall wundows in it, and wher A LA E PSE W w W 1 I FRESH ARRIVALS DINNER SHERRY § EPA M P S ! PRESERVED MEATS, TEAS ROBINSUN & CO,, t»s) Aud tand s Recorder‘s Court, COFPFEE | CcaUTION. A SCIENTIFIC WONDER ALL stus ty THE TEA PoT, | _ aw OTTAWA REQUISITION®â€" Foj Notice. AND HESTS UNCOLORELD HIS OWN aRTINP! Fo OP PARTRIDGE TTAWA | _ Insolvent Act of 1864 ideau &t i s stt ; Ne £ | Dominion of Cavi2, & m ! Province of Uulm'[n:. ‘ (’0(".%'7'" COt mz:alflz | country orcarnerosd ig. ,,,, 663td Tuesday, Third day of March next, r.\lm Undersigned has filed ; . Composition and lbinhu“‘mm Creditors, and on ~ = James Mclville Teasdic Hamin, en : udn Wertt Cotiins atity Auie Pb reid; dn einis ahlnaace dusis & well watered, and situated within a quarter of & | mile of the Railway Station. Tittes goud. For | further information .‘FR? to $ PATRICK HERBERT, Rideau Hotel, Ottawa City, . | Méiswa h. + soa» vas. 100 ACRES.*»The north half of Lot No« No. 11, in 4th Con. of the Township of Ulgoo«k, with a good House and Barn, and u(gcr outbuildâ€" ings, and a good Spring Well, fifty acros cleared and in a good state of cultivation. {‘hia is situated on the Prescott Road. within‘ fifteen miles of Ottaâ€" wa. Also the south‘ half of Lot No. 6, in the 3rd Con. of Osgoode,containing 190 acres, 50 acres vlearâ€" ed, the rest !ell !:w(}ed; with good hardwood, and The proprietor has no objection to sell a part of the farm, with or without the house. ‘This would be a desirable country residence. Title unexcepâ€" tionable. > Apply to _ _ . August 1. COUXTRY RESIDENCE FORSALE.â€"BReautifully situated on + the Macadamized Road between Otâ€" _# tawa City and Aylmer, about 36 minutes‘rive from the city. A farm of excellent snd, oontaining about 90 acres, with a large Stone Bouse erected thereon. It is built on the most mogern style of architee> ture, of cut stone; has large plateâ€"glass windows, and is four stories high, exctusive of the basement. It is finely aituated on the corner of Wellington and O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings, and has three vacant lots aitached, so that the Buildings could be enlarged to any rcâ€" quired capacity, 6 Apyp‘.catiins, (postpaid) to be addressed to $ FRANCIS CLEMOW, F8sQ., Or JOHN MENEY, Esq., = {yee _!}Ichlwnd Road, Oitawa, C. W â€", : NO more eligible chance could be . offered to any party in the Hotelâ€" l(eeping line than the lease of the iabove ‘uts'r-%w HoOTEL. Bcingï¬on the eve of Confede m, and Oftawa being definitely.sottled upon as its eapital, Ottawa, Oct. 1, 1867. could not fail to be made to # [‘OB SALE, TPHAT ELi+â€" ie 12 ¢ gible ~property, beautifully situated on the Banks of the Oitaâ€" â€" wa, in the Townskip of Nepean, distant from the City of Ottawa about three milo= on the nmunim’ read, together with the STON E DWELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present oocr?led by William Thomson, Esquire, and the garden and ornamented grounds adjoifing the same, forming part of Lot No. 29, in the Ist conâ€" ceesion, Ottawa front. A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the samé also. for sale at reasonable prices. + s For paruculun'nndl terms apply to John ans William Thomson on the premizes, or to § f LEWIS & PINUEY, | Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1868 en xn Fon SALE.â€"â€"«â€"THER WEST» erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, it ; First Concession Ottawn, Front Neâ€" M pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Concession, at present in the oceupation of Wim. T. Aylen, Esq. Fout furtber particular apply to Jous and Wx. Troxsox, Nepeahn, and Lewis & Prsuzy. Barrister, Ottawa. â€" Jo2â€"141 â€"t/ 6 BUILDING LOTS, one mile from th city, on the Richmond ‘Road, coutaining one acre each. Apply to THOMAS ANDERSON, J5., on the premise«. s > . AAAN 6 ee o e ETTE CC METET OT TY Norl side of the house is: another barn, 30 by 40, commonly | filed with peas and oats, And i either tennant | or, purchaser has a desire for religious purposes, | you can lie in your bed and took at the bell tolling | on the Catholic Church every Holy Day, and go t ‘the front door and you will see the Presbyterian, Church, where the Kev, Mr. Lochead has preaciâ€" l ed for the Jast tiventyâ€"two years, and goto the back door and you will zee both English Chursh and Methodist Church within two miles,. The above farm would be a desirable situation for a young ‘man wishitig to give bis attention to farming, a. the Ottawa Market cannot be surpassed in the Dominion. .I think that I can say that 1 have not Sold one pound of butter under one shilling this cight years: if one went under two went over, Some reader may ask what am I selling for; it is neitver for seant nor for want of anything, but 1 am in the seventieth year of my age, and has purchased ofl this lot seven hundred and fifty nores of land ‘nnd all i.}uid for, and all my sons is settled in their own farms, so 1 would rather it down and take my ense as be attending to markéting anod farming any longer, . Persons wishing to get any informaâ€" tion on any point from me, can do so by addressing, postpaid, JAMES JOHNSTON, Senr., South (GHloucester. p ll‘llE Undersigned ‘will cither sell or , :/ let for a few years is well known farm, being lot Twentyâ€"five jirthe Fourth Concessicy c Gloucester, Rideau Front, 215 acres all cleared, and | well fenced npd in a good state of caltivation. | Also, the onechalf of Iot Tentyâ€"=even in the Th ind ! Concession, boing in it« natural state, all wood and | excelfent land. 1t is just the ero«« of two hundred, eres from the corner of the one1ut to the other. The railroad line runs within ten feet of the frout corner of the one hundred and in »ight of the two | hundred for two or three miles, The Station at Cunâ€" | ningbam‘s is scnrcolg a mile and a half from thes j{‘r-,nl of Lot Twentyâ€"five. ‘The above farm‘s capaâ€" . | ble of kgeping thirty head of milch cows, two span | of horees, and as sany young éattle a» it wwl-l be | ’proper to raise." Hight or nine years ago 1 kert twentyâ€"two milch cow, and ten or twelve hor=>, and raised five or six calves everp year, T« | above farm is about ten tiles, from the door, to the â€" ilimili« of the City. â€"The improvements cannot be ® | surpaesed for a farmer‘s purpose, The dwcliingâ€" . |huuu is stone, u0 by 40, a story and a balt over | | Gloucester, Eept. 13, 1867 FARMS FOR SALE cleaned in the Spring, makes an excellent mill: houge or dairy ; there is a frame wood shed at the door, 60 by 24, with 14 feet taken olf the one end for m â€"comghhouse, and overhead for a storchouse ; next to that is a stable 36 by 26, finâ€" ished inside, complete with four large double stails and two «ingle ones, and good room for hanging up barness, and eat box ; conveniant to that i= a barn 10 by 50, in which 1 haye | often put 1,000 hushels of grain in one year; connected with that is 200 und 20 feet of frame sheds, all 20 and 21 deep, under pinned with stone ind lime from two to seven feet, according to level ; on the north side ‘ ROOM TO LET cither with 6r with= out board. E:qlli" this office. Ottawa, November 20. 5941 ° Fot further particuiare nl.p:y to :â€" s H. MCLEAN, Au Ur the subscriber, on the prow i_t_f.-‘.__ % FOB SALE, Lot No. 15, 4th Concession (Honcester, Rideauâ€"Front, 7 nillexi"rum Ottaâ€" wa, on the Macadamized lioad,; lea ing from Ottawa to Meteal{, consisting of>100 acres, 0 cl which | cleared, and in the ï¬igbeue state of cuiti. vation. ‘The soil is of the very best quality ; there is n good dwelling house, barn, stable innd ether out buildings thereon. This~farm 7« wel jenced and watered. s To wiT Enquire at the Store February 6, 1888. The Victoria Hotel LN THE MATILR of€ FOR SALE OB TO LET, FARM FOR SALE. Lots for Saile. TN TPTITCIT Dwellings i0 L.ei. CE â€" 2A n t To t y BEIIG the Upper â€"part of E. MARTINEAU‘3 Clothing _ Store, Corner of Snssex and Clarâ€" C enceâ€"streets. & To Let. REV. J, JOUNSTON, . Atull Viilag 4. 5$01â€"5m J.M. T BHANYUM JAMES Jou.\uo.ï¬, & % 760â€"6t Mn 1 1N 1NSOLTEX q EUG. MARTINXEAY, 6404 filed a Deed or W. HALPEX N uted by his 551â€"3m 3791 5941 TIHI mMmcnRroscorrs rnom ® AALVA NM* Af ACHI NS Market Drug S8torg, LAMPS for CHRI MAGIC LANTERNE ‘STEREOSCOPE And NEW Flowers for In Lower Canada, the Indian ® more limited extent, and there afe in them at present fo: sals. _ .°_ | .The Indian Department holds al# lumfofmms.u,l.w in the Eault Ste. Marie, Datchewanung Bay ' River, consisting of about 200,000 agent is Joseph Wihon,l-;q,ul i l and the terms e«nulbon«l with | the Manitoulin Asland, . The ‘ | both of these localities is by | wood, the Lake Huron Terminus of ! Rarlway. h 90R : . On Lake Superior there are sale, consisting of about 64,00 ty of Fort William, on the The agent is Mr. MeVicar, resi and the terms are the same as th avound the Sault Ste. MaÂ¥ie., ® The unsurveyed Indiay «la, which have not yet been are of considerable extent, and tain timber of vialue, whigh"can official license from the s@ tend to the Jocal business of superintendence. > w ali Degember 20, 18 At th tendence of W. :. Bartl with maps add with fist« The conditions of sate an remainder payaMe ly with interest on each as i efl:oeapflkm. x # Great Manitowiin surveyed, seven Townsl containing about 148,000 so surveyed at Little °C Fhaftesbury, and at Sh least three good miil site ships advanced in survey of tands upos the Island The price of farming is 2 wal and immediate settle lands are ehuzd $1.00 q patents issue without re improvemett. â€" * FROM SWITZERLAND ANDP Ation, from"75 conts to $3.50 partment has eontribeted lib ing up a main line of road, w upon the Owen Sound and Sa ’n‘ uinning nortbward \up t its nort berumost point, oppo tremity of the Great Manitoul cy for these lands isat Toron 'Dfit‘“ of wi B TIMESâ€" is lmt;-fl: Tus Orfewa Taucs %6 Couraxy, at the OB Contro Town, OtawA Menaging Durector; 4 Editn® » »I cce ol PllOPIth‘Sfl. OFP MUSIC and of Piano, Voice and 'l:f-q. ‘ Clark, Teacher of Drawing!and Pamb Roums and Residence, 69 Enarksâ€"stre ast of Torofito House. . _~ & Ordersâ€" may be lelt a residence@ir u‘s Music Store. - l INDIANX LAXDS 0 AVING cvery facility in the ue â€" _ *"Der of Russex und H firstâ€"class )hchin?,, .z <m Ottawa, February but dirstâ€"claes workaen, I am d it .. To<â€"â€"wsk~â€"~â€"hown every denc_r:uptioh <f Binding, .m? [ o o :‘U, C Ottawa, Fob. 6 work manshiy da. B O OKBI ND Bold ‘by Geo,. Mortic Massey, Henry F. M~ Brown, in Ottawa. Ottawa, Nov. 1, 18 7. ~| 0+ Lane Btate Appe dugg: Blank Book Manufa cireutation vesrsels to ing frum the <ai: that secretion whi a difficu‘ty in bre thetorturing pa Phie: M tested it #afferin® Arabi bhakdIAt rall cettipg) WE UNSOLD LAND®S com . 300,000 actes in the Sauscen | s PosiTIYVELY stp or all other prepm ations f he C PianoForte ‘fuition . W.,I0., CDBAMK, mme be ry us AXIH OM J11 A. MORTIM KR r worked an : Heavi METCALFEST., OTTAW A, as any other cstalistngatip D 1 MCu it [3 " 120000E 1n thig hly, and, therefore ny ol theicoumplaints for uy «depend Upom its h‘ anin Iefand bhas owneships having 8 000 acves snd 4 00 per nere, cash 70 C® COUoiipe F e !':‘r itc, and *‘h ind does not preveat" while vsing it the hx J:l.‘y.;; a ella the n’.mh » in heaves Clags : thins sond tas ;.‘.5 relerence to \I A MORTIME ! is C, J , BPApObl Orricz : In the Court 20 cents per aww, M * anuary 27, 1866. â€" _ eck 4A t 1 eres, and Te Pdin 11 and re U per mere. liberaily tow er, Joln Roberts gp the Pesing posite the s0 wlen Teland. o easlo EDWARD 1 endd h, B“lll‘l‘ll"fl N Pul hepimeys â€" prdyi Abg ) > 1 the »Kid nd by m*Cen x# 1‘ & 1. ) MfMB, :i-if.u,a-’(’ yE Omee, . 0 ‘ERHORnâ€" fot the cure of Find, pad all Cora bgements "Hrni“‘ I ei.n}n‘- Inc 11 *, thug us 7 MB U the by whe TJONK who it dugy "eern the Ebiring gifiches, NB actiy o) MB \â€", Otfawa, Feb. 20 A gents h'eu hilples.... and ingy ‘Ch faug Ki | mt '::-,‘i bog wihhil We H atuily its ‘| liind . at 4 P3 o HOLGATE, oury Wlol.uu.: P"® 9R ‘_C_o't‘!c Cairs, &e. sb‘unuv *4 A W 4 | [‘l i ind %??x'é'i"i Ottewa, Dec. 6, 1867 . SooHe. pyxsic AN, Office : Hunta DKH.€. 4 ENTIST. om. '_"!"""mv 27, Pursic1 ANs S March 1, Ottawa, November 13 DR. LESI Surgeon, &c., of D SURGERY and ¢ Htawa, January 27, tawa A 4 A 'lé‘N.l’ ml‘ )Il‘lcl'ovu 1 ment, 26 Rideau May 30 t"‘.-u':.- Ohancery, &¢. ODrrice : Aumond‘s Atawa, Jan. 12. 1886 ENTEIS 3 ’ Street. ; means of the F$4 Jifce: Opposite Po hoi o tent cmpled *Wline, over Mr. 1 Â¥ #e, Rideau Streot, ~ Anuery 17 1867. DR. GEORGBR Fobruary 7, 1866 is {NAOTKI boolis trarud 4)\ Patent l*u s Orrice > .nbÂ«ï¬ Orrice: Post Ofice *obruary 7, 1866. ‘ DVOCATE, Street, Quebeg. "‘l“w ' #»erument ?: «y eatrust him. * c itin and for the dis December 28, 1805 13 Â¥ ‘1&!?--:"-1 OPPICE : Union Bu. ‘cbruary 21, 1866. LEES & A RISTER®, weleree n ornatitl seet: â€" Reterences reated, if required \ofll" ® i C of Quebec, H ARRLSTER, DR. W. J KER of Ke Uitawa, °> _ _ Wiruiax Mose: AUVGUST ARRISTER |a Diict, fang‘s A “0., ‘s « Post Office. Uttawa, July 19. G. 4. OT DK. OLIV: Otews. Auril 14 1 TORNE Â¥= ‘ DVOCATE Street, MON November 14, 18 ADYrRmaANG "n., 54, Fark tomton, General tedto recerve A advance)... 11 not paid in a« Yearly subscrip in advance {t not paid in a DK. BHYSICLAN L,‘autvg Day Attends to all {early sxbsort , Ottawa ; . eumâ€"pay frane rot Adve } 1. Hhitlyâ€"cnes n 111 subsequent Â¥early adre; :it-on{.lb'- Februaryâ€"7, 1 ADYEETIS ENE ollowingâ€"rates Jusiness Cards . J. SBU 18,000 1 thus 1fording the J «ertise in. (Recertcy r July‘onv L. naking a tta dOtia LAPIER ublished in MOsIt A B BR 16 1# Ofice â€" Mo# NICHO DR. C ( I*w+! uhqat *~ME DA DR. 1 enjoys 2% R. H. JOH aud Â¥V C