t land . it abandon, and -irsq " d Bt. I in m-W'mpur- “in; that o3r, Ind giving iU citizen. the "Areuaei . andwubw? " Whit . could be made to op' " you . honou- movement of troop. “In. Ito-tin up: Woodstock; Fud- “when, â€to, St. Aidan nad " 'tNU t. . In“. maid Mo- “you their an, the eltrofth. John "aiath. ilUiiieNi all thou-kn " “a M III-wick (including the “up. ".tmiduits nun-awn- ". mlulnn': 115nm}. Inn I... M III»- "In. _ Tb b03613“! â€other pamphlet 'alh y 'mrtequeaeioesorhiettuesit"t “-4-†In}. In†gin-och. IohsM-Iotlu phenom-paw- a; than not dam from if: nib-037017 damn-d Ml artist me.Cin a efthq pub Non-thorn Route. Thee Mi-In the Argument. ot the “M ut,'uodgi"Oure-ur a up. in mun-ion. o; n In- in. W A. Boo. linker of Marine end ilk-minute! thojlmpllet - m" it till mod tll his .5331] to' "repeue his ki'h 'tut', a. dancing mall: at it. -, who linden-ha to than _ the dim ofthe lljor iiii'iiiiiiii tmrtaatmmtoArouqtti, i on. "t ieh - destroys we whole " I " I. n military work," an n “my." thank-nod futon. mined “but" 'uitmtpoetiouotitrouesdtts. “Bank has! to: rein-in; the sharia any grinning, mad km; flit w Moe-200.3: Vic-I pm- " MI by tho â€MM." The "in. line- tht city and river M. Join In tho - of the Dominion. He at. a--" in: do.» pun-t u. ironchd " a: My)!" York, m, and Pan. gtmatt_etvtutttouituoePn> mahm.m.~,mw ut-fires-in-s-tteos “which. Gilliam-cute ',atttttto1urgt,'ft'd,t, ho iotimtiNdm"snndtNebeo _ ,rhishthmettavetiulenttuxmgh gimmixhnmw . all", (and Mgr-ink -nt " " Mtm.Mr.Caarrmn. no emu-um; wwmw‘ 2t'T1'txt'iie ofthe "eogniaasre" tthd tr pqeititt-m m then up“, up. eh" have aid, Inbred). 09mm:- u. I .3 I“: mm- “In Cohuituu have, aodth 'iii,?)?) uh as. ot Clark . kin-g and Giannini m Jeetioatstturtu- cc of - old". The. In " can. atitl -arbtere-uet'r-, ly: Ber. Br “OMEN-ham thee-lei of rrrit cloak-0W to the 391»: m, tu-r-ttoth-x “do. 'dsl-Ile.' ha but instead to in. ' -ted My "ere- 1.1;. "umber-llama!†I“ " " M. 00w. “d _ Notia. Aa w. and on u I.†. an transition might Lo - . ism-"nines, uni without II. b I No individual, by dicing in I. “I the Candis: And In: . Enid“ on “inaction. â€it 3.50 in“ cl the but “my. Iain nmyumatothismb is lidwoda-isummtogo - tuoHgrmmd. I: this morning: loner oath. -, Arr. Boo, the Cashier of an.“ isms, x... Semi; The - cl bnathar.nub.sittesrmertot In. . coincide ortho abject“ the anâ€. n. "eat in favor a the “on theseva8tsotioagtdagtifbethe pick of Din-nio- was to be tttg" Site. the subject In, tint Winning the curacy of the .. mhvommslinglenb- “EL '" lulu-cod in favor of engnd- in. the Candi.- nndud to the Viki“ “in. but oath-trar.' our, cut. aid-io. . to tudeiimhility of adopting M E D. Clans. Eon. “mun in St. I :7, Hon. Mr. lcCux. “on. M. . ' Sudan; and loan. Butt, has... mu, 3ba.os, Bows, Sunn- -, an“, But-my, Cues, M . mu (lads), Cuwoln m), Sturdy, Own, mass, Punt, mustang Bor. N F D. sun. Ct-tag' M. Irina. . “to! M d "64-Chr. Among. Quit: V a. C NON. . I‘m-Tempo Bonn. - bieegtsAJr-.-a. Rowe. m. M WI the “not P" Ahmu bo Inserted ' III-ha 01' Wind amp-ber- d the "rind yeslenhy. thouxh In. . ar-ed brat olimiy attetsded in in . Am; the climb 'ester- day ‘7 be -eiooed: Ron. D. L.3dap- m Hon. Jon: Cum», Hon. Jon _ “farm on tho hum hmint . not", "reittted by on!" ot the of Con-om, has just iced dis mum _ '3 i by 9:131:02an that Mr. C tn. elected oi Wain-day tor . br. t We mjomy. A gnu ' - unmade in “wrath: Itoeth imi‘iy tune. . In? had but s brief sixth: yam- by. In a.“ ot no my members M to di-ttio. toga on with . and but Emacs adjourned slur MtMt.ey Cos-cu all today " three do“, tutua-ttotm-ettothe my an In. Mr. Dun. and} lanky " tho hour. " iutit)ttamCaits if R" ADVERTISEMENTS iiaur, uncu‘ can" Olen! hoot Von“ Rachel.“ Boga, and to the .501. " My our] cat. " 'sirahirttrotadoetirtg " " we M on t " Mn might u " linen, In! without " ml L. Ann-nu ... u " ItKrtt . I m then proceeds to unguethnt " the Ioea. " tion' of the lntercolonial R.iiltray by Apr " haqni would be the woret.poeeible." Wit-. _ nhndemonk and Grand T Lakes could be l' reached with the. greatest tacility by gun' beau in saktmer,autd by artillery on sleds in winter, and nu enemy could completely mm the grenteet portion of the line _ through New Brunswick, entirely destroying its vnluenen military' road, it not turning?“ . l to account ngninst us. o . “this in sound renmuiug. no applied to the Apglmiui divergence of the ' orthern Line, P. will much more torcibly nppjxy to the Central nnd Frontier Lines. Th Major Robinson line, pure and simple, is uncontest- tbly the'only pate military road, sreiuing to thin lntest pnmphletv . ' , In its oomm'erclnl inspect, the writer nrgnus that the divergenoe Inns nothing to recom- mend it. He shows that the goal "regions ot Grnnd Lake nre runny miles (mm the hue of rnilwny, nndthnt however large the business might become, wnter convey-nave would ul- .wnyn have the Prtterenee. Even to the North Shore, this divergence wouldvlze at no . bettetit, as llnlitnx is, lad always will be, the emporium ot the deb and West India trade. SL'John hns never succeeded in diverting nay npprecinhle portion of rhia m, not even by the opening or the European nod North Americnu milwar. By the pure Northern Line, the North Shore merchnnt will have u_.choioe of tntsrketo--8t, John hnvin'g, even then, nu ndvnntnge ot neeenty or ' eighty miles in rnilwny dignce. Among the rennone and for the adopt ion of the In)†Robinson hue, nre eerernl of a nectionnl chnrncter, which he think: ought tolruewer‘ht no tar no they eubeen'e the nnt50nnl ehnrnete'r or the' railway. He “ye: " Kent not onlv we: equally with her " Northern litter counties all the tiahing, " lumbering, milling, shipbuilding, nndother " reeoureee which ottisth them, but contains " the wont vnlnnhle portion at the COAL " union of Grnnd me, Selmori River and " Cod Creek"; Quoting Proleeeor Hind's 11eoitgienl Report ier1863, he "rai-" It'the “Grnnd 'Lnke _ extends townnls the " Coal Brunch on tuRichtbueosatrd appears " there with nthickneee of léa‘inchee, no eug~ "geetedby Dr.Bohb, thetotnl mnenot'conl “on nleugth of“) niilenrnnd n brendth on!) " miles would nnlonnt to the enormous quen- gr tity of nix hundred milhonn of tthtrldmtstn", Bethenehowe thntlnjor Robinson's litieerne. nee the can! hrnnoh on, the Biehibnqtq at the unot npot where Dr.; Robb found the 15' ineheenui, null, nentpei u no water con- veynnoe; the rnilron'd . ht heofnome service in developing this can! ion. He next at. ute. to in. " Albert not," and the r . ’cnnnel beds of nod I in [moorland nod _ Bal imore __ nu Turtle _ Creek in Albert County, which' odnoe oil dam quality. The l . ofthe rend ' by the Northern line wool ‘ndnce the nano- have otoil on the. nnd its trnnspoetné tim, hy nil would . h dire? atrsd'peottt. are tune be . m chins that the Her-hora! ‘y,ntthe mouthol' the Palatine Shepody Bire'rslin one of the l beetnnd _ on the Bay of Fundy. The . y1Jt-uho-derthotii" (“home l " lowest Eden, the nnchorm in excellent, the hnrhor u _rareir ohetruoted by ice. Bedieethe attention of the Iininter' ol Marine and of the Government to Shepody In the " - nynilnhle outlet to the " Atlnntic, nod the desired entrepot for the P' honey tron: between‘the Bey of Fundy " Ind the Upper Provinces.†m coneidern thin too importnnt n mm to bel overlooked, nnd' urge- no inventiption by Cotmuimioeseis or by n committee of the Home†Commons. “Abnnohlinn to run fromthie Europenn " â€:1.th America Bailwnylthrough the " County at Albertto Shepodyllnrboe has “nlrendyheen providedior, nndnoonipnny _ “mixed - nnd My; td.: commence “operntionene noonne the route of their " tenoloninl ehnll be determined. haema- l “in; thin ions curried out, nod the new l " to be " thou sated, the. whole Cana. “than railway, would be in communica- "tam' with n timeless port on me " Bey ot Fund}, which my be reptile! u " the natural outlet end eutrepot tor their " heavy tunic, isnamueh e5 it would be " mg} by no milee then Hair“, and 40 " or Mt than St. John, end nothing Inferior " to either " tb point of departure or imprrtw " tion to or from my part ofthe world." . The will doubtless “an new ideato tinny. Thenthor submit-the following Additional eoruidemtionq in support of his chime: " It will not be dieputed that these parts 0 " Non Scott end New Bmmwick'eur- " rounding the-Bey of Fundy, and watered " by its tributaries, are by far the richest " â€one at the Dominion in - point of "View. The utreotdinry tides that Bow " into every creek end inlet tsomtu'.r.ranght " with the meet fertilizing manure", Ind " Ward, " the “me time, ready menu ot " tmmtportatiotthgtl-i teal product. " which abound on '2g'2llr. The noel " fiekU of the, We}, and Cumberland " Basin, MIMI] Wu the, Shelia-l] " Huber; the gypsum, free etone, and " grind-tau ti-tio- on the ehoree of the " Noam a well " the New Bruns- " wick urine at the Bar, the iron, copper, " 'ttan-uri, [nu-Ne end other mia. " erele, which ebouud in mien; pieces; in. u wood, tilnber, m itaherje. don; not: ex- " tended meat and river linen, ml lut, " not lent, the industrious end variously " occupied populations inhabiting them; no- " cue en magenta“ thet ehonldleeve them- " out in the coil "sd-ignore their intereete " end importance. It u not no a boon that “they denim-l ‘reilwey oerremuniedtion to " dim] them , eat their urione products " meme ounce- to the interior "when. " They ere prepared to give h quid pro wo, “we we here expre- our ttoutUeut belie! "that the Eaten Countieeol New Brune- " wick end the territori. eat-rounding the l! it, of Find], and}! tribytatuh, will, WWI“ the -iort of Shaped], in hum; my, unhenldd by my ot the' walls; notes which “sully Mum thunder- bolt of [at'among civilized manna." " We do mi mean to Impugn the loyalty ot the citizen. of St. John and-the "sum “was ct New Itrttnstrick-it would be tn “gracious as well a an unwunuublo tatk-tmt we may any, "rithottt far of contradiction, or of giving otfenee lo our loyal se1k"rsoiuturtuett, that whatever ol American sympuhyun'l Ming; whatever of American tin-rent 3nd prépmuion, and propagandicn ; whatever ot, Fenian disloy- alty ts"" inrNew Brunswick, it titsdo " centre‘and stronghold in St: John. and it ttuty be, M rar in (hit action ot' the Ihr. " We mm 'tt eoneertte ul "tanning, a npplicd to ivorgenee ‘0! the' onhern In more torcibly any} to the Juliet Lines. Th Major In sud simple, is uncontest- s are in For yeen put the adoption of e uniform currency on e decimal eyetem, he been re- commended by legieletore end bneineee I"! of ell conntriee; bat it wee not until the yeer 1865, tint eny reel mm were token to bring Bttottt. the end decked. In that yeer, onthe propoeition of the Belgian' Govern- ment, e nonetery Convention wee held in Perle in the months ot November end De- cember, It which the eerenl Stetee whole. currency wee holed on the from: u the etenderd, were. lepreeented. The dollhou- tlone of the conference reunited in the forma- tion of a'Uhtrtatary Union," to which the Gov- ernment: of France, Belgium, Italy end "itaet1and bean" pertlce. They decided 'on whining the double eundtrd of gold thd silver : c. 9., the gold coin: ot (nasty, ten end Ae/ranee, of the eetehliehed weight end Ane- none; end the Al_raaer of 900.1,ooolhe, determining, however, in the mullet counsel of eiiver to rednce the fire frenc- to '3r1,000tha, in order to prevent the exporte- tion of thoee coins. Theee [our Med powere likcwlee egreed to receive the gold end lilver coin: ot eech other " 'he9mmpectirtt tree- enriee, a legel tender in, peyment of ell pub- lic dnee ;thne mining them practically for alt pnrpoeee of human end. exchenge, A legal tender in ell treneectione in each. ot than Kingdoms. , The invitntion wee extended toall other oonntriee, end upecinliy to Engiend, to join the convention, but though the letter power did not oaeialir lend delegetee to the meet- ing, yet itie known that it. proceedings mat the approval ot thelending men of the Oil- pire, pnrticnlnrly when it when“ that with; out my niteretion ot the none end nine ot the Britieh coine,|they could be bronghtto the proportion of the continent] coins; end the whole he conformed to the deciml eye- tem. The Englieh sovereign would, thereiom be equal to tt.eateejire fun", or live dollerl, the twenty trance gold would eqnnl I xteen ehiilinxe English, or four doll-re; a; ten hence, eight ehiilingn, or two dollars, and the he hence, four ehiiiinn,or one doll . A "tttteration wen nude that the 'iiiiii:::ii ehouid put out A gold piece oithe e u two Borirte, or four ehiiiinp, to correepond to, tho continentni the tune piece. YG exact sri-ot" the hat enhjecte that will en- gege thye'ttention ot Perllelnent on ita re-el- eon ng will, no don , the "eotmtrttetiott W5: currency. Colman one here ep- "ireareu Iron: time totlme, ehow e unpe- riority of the man: in pumice in ye Scotia, head In it u on the eovereign " " _douart. This was more eepeclelly made pleln in the communication of Jenne- Forum, Esq., the ouhier of the Ben of Nova Sco- tin (perhepe the oldest pnetlcel beaker in the Dominion), to the editor of the [worry I'd-u,“ October, In which, in eke peref graphs, were given the hurry of the enme- eive chen‘ee which hen tekei‘ plea ln the coin and currency of the Provinces ot Brit. leh Anaerlee. Mr. For-en'e letter will, no doubt, receive, en it dueme, the highest con- eideretlon " the head- ot our legleletore; end it the beaker: of Ontario, Quebec, end New Emmerich, would but edd their init'- end suggestions towerde the adoption oCtht Euro belie for our {ntnre currency, there in little reeeon to doubt that this common eenee rate, u severe] of your pepere cell It; would be adopted u the stead-rd ot the Dominion. My object in now cadre-ring you, in not, however, to go over the discus-ion the“, no emcienuy done by others, but to invite “ten. tion to the tape taken In Europe ton-lull.“ the coin. of the world to I Balm “Indeed; aotttnt by "opting the sovereign " tire doF lam " our Intended, we Ihall be placing oumlven in humour with ull the teat 01mm- klnd. 4 " OPPOIH’IOI In the tad ot tndo.’ Since the Govenmnt Suing. Dunk when. ha been announced to " into operation on the m prox, the Quebec Bunk bu resolved nyn/ advaatcitttt the ate of “Stunt on It: an up“ branch to five per cent. Depositors will that directly bought to the extent of one per cent. while doing Minion- with the adobe; Bank, a suing for qrhich It ll no "9S,r,, to mume‘ they are Indebted to the o mnent policy. To up mug/{n 01w†mm. The writer ergnen that when the Interna- lunial Reilwey, " n military line, shell have established peeoeeble relations end recipro- tity between in end our neighbors on a per. team! basic.- when the Euro en end Sent: America Bellwey in complied, and has opened up the oountr through which it pages; when the North Lk' interests and resuuroee here been fairly dealt with and. developed, end the country becomes eri. riched, nnd.better communications are re- quired..the city of St. John may tind adirvct through line, which will spve,htr all the mutt-oi of the Atlantic hummus of thegreut West, which it is pueihle tor her to have. Her ett'orts now, if successful in diverting the "Interooloniat Railway from its true location, would only rewlt " in cheoing n shadow, erd‘loeing the euhstenee." lie concludee by giving extracts from the correspondence between the Provinciel end ImperielGov- emmente, to prove that the inihtery churne- ter of the line bu elven been e‘eiue qua non with the latter, end that no line which did not secure this would ever receive its, sanction. This pamphlet is the onlyone we l have yet seen which mekes enything like a strong argument egeinet the new. of the; Ottawa writer, but it he: epperently pieced 1 the leurels of the “Greet Unknown" in: jeopardy. The whole ergument of the _ pamphlet which we hen endeavored to con- dense ehove u intended to prove that the Major Robineon line, end that only, is the ', one which oughtto hemmed. _ no popuuuon on the-mute. But "there Is now. or is ever likely to be developed, a way trurw which can support the Intergolonial Railway} it must be looked tor and hoped tor In the development of the tisheriet, ot the Gulf, mid ot the iron, coals, oils, and other mineral!‘ and manufactures ot Ae northern and north-eastern counties ot New Brunswick and Nova Scout, end the eutern counties of Quebec. Ind in luture commercial relations with.Prinee Edward Island end Newfound. lumlt’ This, he thinks, any commercial man, who takes on Imprtiul View of the subject will we at a glance, and that it is important: that these commercial relations, are ot such a nature as to make them peculiurly national in their development and inhuence; that they go hand In hand with the military lupect of the question, and that each tends in no small degree to develope Ind sircngthen the other. ' f" yen" furnish the lion‘s than ot the bark " .trhfie of the lntercoloninl, as well an prove " In proportion totherr population, the best " customers and Ingest com-timers ot West. " ern products." In it commercial point ot view the xvriter thinks the Ottawa pamphlet, as well us all other pamphlets Ind newspaper artlclch. have erred in trying to combine two conllictingjn- trusts. viz. ..---h Military Railway between Quebec-and lb. lifu,:|t3d I Cotnrttetxtial'itail. way between Montreal and St. John. This he thinks cunnot be done, and he asks that important way tr '.qWt', or general interest, 5 line from Rim I',',' lamp to the city ot St. John--evea by the Iliortest posuilile route- would develop} This he any: has not been shown, and it in dithcttlt to e.onjreture, as the lumberer's use and tire' have not lelt any- thing within available railway distance to be "atsNvrted ; there are no mines or minerals on the vnty, as yet dircgveml; and there is no population on ttGrate. But iflliere Is now. or is ever like]! to be developed, a way Till, CUIIIICY. Poucs Count-Joseph Brown Ins charged with having s tout privy,-snd fined 32 and tmqu.-Thotnaa Kilby, s news.boy thirteen yesrs of egg, wss‘ chsrged with having received n silver hull-doll“ from agentlcmsn in the Russell Home, and decemplng with it under pretence of going to get chsnge. The prisoner plended guilty, end was sentcnced to tet I Batt ot tire, dollsrs and costs or go to jsil one. qreek.-John Snithmnd John Ross, two hard looking merry youth, who had let oit the fumes of whiskey in song through the night in the cells,. were brought up chsrged with drunkenness and rounded to meet I possibl y heavier cherge tttii'tianar.-cuherue Wan, the women who had been "rested the pre- vious dsy on s (charge of stesling dry goods from the store bf Meson. Ilene a Russell, where stur"tsad been engaged scrubbing, use slso remanded till this morning. Amuurr nu Bantu. Hons! Yunnan. -Hon. L. B. Bolton, L. R. Manon, C. lt, Kirby, Mantra]; Dr. Down, 'Brantford; J. Kirkpatrick, Kingston; Hon. Dr. Buobiod, Quebec; J. W. Pope,' CooUhirtr; Hugh hue.. Ear, o. Bonner, Montreal; W. Bonny, Wel, land; Hon. tr. McDonald, Toronto; Hon. Mr. nnd Mn. Dhnkln, Quebec; Jnmeo Beatty? R. Benny, Toronto; J. 11. Munroe, Wards. ville ; - Detma, Montreal; Wm. Hnmmond, Quebec; Mnnnd MrsJu. Crawford, Brock- ville ; Thou. N. Gibbs, Oshawa; Hon. George Crawford, Brockyille; John Men-run, Mott" tron]; Geo. B. Powell, Oswego; R. Pnltornon’ Be1hrvillo; B. Pooley, Prescott; Hon. A. B. Foster, John Crawford, Toronto. Yime "tmmta.-.BoNe dealer: who are nup- pouud to know what - their interest, pur- chuo " I',',',',,',','?.,,',', Arabian Have Remedy and dorviition In iclno " by the dozen and feed it to their born. for the purpose of improving their condition, which it nluyl doc: -others should profit by their example. Remember the name, And no that (he almtulb of llurd ' Co. in on each package. Northrop; Lyman, Newcastle, C. W., proprietor' for thd Chunks. Sol ll by all Modlclno dealers, linnl's Wsrns, (the great public remedy,) havu now been in use over twonty yen", hence it mnnot he slid that they no on trial. Thvy hue been thoroutrhlr tried, and pro. nounced (on the "thorny of those whom lives sud health they hue preserved) to be n surn, harmless Ind emlnently snlutsry prepon- tlcu,snd if then In season will invariably cum colds, coughs, sure that, and sll anchlsl muons. Ono his am wilt con- vince tho host "etsptioal. hold M, att medicine “as," â€on. per box. brought in in tbttttdjuttas. Iucno " A Put...2' ot thwcnrpcnteu employed on the new building Central Book t ladder Co., In ten of the City fell yesterdny and Injured him-elf severely an». tho but. m hinted twice Ind In “tenant- taken homo. no triil prob-W be stale to return to to work in . day or two. Insane hm, Dunn, ltt.-Ne- Ycung ' Button! no prep-rod to furnish Bil kind: ot Bonnie junk, In the highest style: of the an, on the Ihortut notice, and " the cheapest. rum. All kinds of jewellery re- paired. Corros NO Loren ktxo.--Cotum good: are now nearly u cheap " before the Ameri. on war. Gnrhnd, Mulchmor a Co. have lately received ailew'balea ofgray and white o.ottonthlrt.iyp and prints, purchased since the great fall in prices. Parties requiring my description of dry goods wouhl do wel to see their stock before purchasing. 682y "atat".--8eptal persons hue within (Kigali-ea ween put iogt dog.oreo'nsider. by tune. Fortunately, one ottho thieves {a known and he will Ihortly hate to Inswcr. If he II who he will nuke tspeedy restitution. ‘Tonouo uocim,-Mrs. Trotter' bu still I for "and" in the lugs Ana Comforubly fitted up " Toronto Home," towards which the “taxation of member: necking qunrten is hereby d traded. Yoctta up moms mute the Page“, but “cheapo-"took tst minutefbc mm in on"... They have duo on band a very choice and mrUd "qogttgtettt of Electrocpta- “dune, and 1"me Goods. They do all mm. ot repairing um Jewellery mm; In Mat-clue style. 6567. . Maitora.-Whiie, travel on the mud: ll be. coming worn tad worse every ar, tho mu- Jeu no being better subplied with pipduce. which on Wedneldny brought fidm " tors, award†for 'l4 to $16,1nd wu brought in In Maintain“. In amnion to the above rcuone for com. puting the sovereign " tire, dollars, to have the! of convenience. With tho sovereign at tour Mink. we Cannot put any number of them together to make an even nun: in dollars: Ind tho! in the counting of large sums iij2' convenient and tedious. To person: interested in the quell on of internltioml colmgp I new them the urti- cle in the Edinburgh Remit, for t. 1866, on the subject, in which ghey will d an iutercst. ing moonlit ot the 13:20de a of the Confer- ence alluded to nbo " other particulars connected wily that q Mon. V 'l‘mll'uited Sines have twice before had to mun-c their gold “humid, (in-ling it incon- vrui, utly higher than um Mother countries. with which they'denl; and it is proposed “no"; them still further to reduce it, to bring it to .tho Btattdatd of the tsovereign and the continental coins. In this l'rovincu'of Nova Scotla '0 tttwo tor yum put taken the gold and silver coins of France, Spam and Italy. Tho French twenty francs, and the Italian; Live of the same value, um] their proportions of ten ttnd (lye tunes, enter largely into our clrculutluu, and pun treely from land to hand in the payment of debts, tor four, two, and one dollar rtmfec- tirelr. All them, coins find their wnv into tho Province, from Miquelon and the French fUhiug Beet otfthes haul" of. Nortouudlattrt; from the Want hull. Ill-lull ot Oundaloupo and Martinique; und from the tot [Infrequent mm of Fttrrtett.tnett-oforar to llalifu. Wu have tarkra them on ddpmsit " the“ rule- by lmndn-d-I of dollars M. a time, as tin-y have bven plan With all them new, then, tending to one point, will it not be limplv lnjudicioun and inconvenient for uit to reduce tho valuo ot the wven-igu to $4.86}, and thereby have . coin- has and currency " vuiunca with everybody else. llowuver rictthre [my become, we must. for many yearn (legend upon the coins of Eng- lmd for the chief tlt ot our monetary vircu- lntion, and itiou d'bo much better for us to reckon them " Inch mtem " would make our computation accord emetlrpeith the rate at which other countries are willing to twelve them. Thv, Government of France have just undo the tiot practical experiment towards a uni- versal coin and currency. A gold piece hm: been struck at the Imperial mint, bearing on It; obi-em the ptottlts of the Emperor anoleon crowned with a luurul wreath, without any in. scription: on the "rem are the word, ".6ee dollars 25fnmu," Ind beneath " Or euai’ mons- burr. ' This New ll of the weiuht Ind value of th nwct mu common Manual-d ot England‘ Fnun-u, and other powers of Europe, the L'lgiyd Sat-u, And the, Province. of America, reduction of the novrrgigu, to brlng It to tho proportions of the tiro tad ten, And tmrntr mum pieces, would be about two pengc, or {our cents, an amount not worth conniderinp, compared to the convenience pf the proposed unltonnity in the currency of the would; an in reducing tho non-reign touat amount, the Jitter, nee due to the bondimhlvm of the nu- tiorysl debt, uni otlnm, could be Terr can, paid to them. . r1111: OTTAWA" I'IMES. MARCH 13. LQC/IZL N11) We. brought in the course of baiiaes, him the This pléco " of the weight and who English loverclgn. And is intended to mu compou standard? of England, 1|!le othyr, poffert of Egropg, ts; J. W. H. Rowuv, Yarmouth, N.tl, Minxcuow, BUY 'i'tttnt.-Uohn Butt (the paper) ukel the liberty of lecturing the Queen for tho putronego Her Injury been)" on the Kirk of Scutlnnd, and it lntlmtel tint the Sovereign " little better then-1n Dluenter. That charge in too ewful to be epoken ebout. lint Punch my be Allowed to remind the John Bull that, it the Queen did not when in Scotland patroniaes the Kirk, ehe wouldbenot only almost, but quite I planter. We wonder whether John Bhll can recline the tut that in Perl- he would be e lorelgner. It my be very humiliating, but Enalnd lln't everywhere. Englleh penan- would make tower mist-ke- lf they could meme tbuqulre this idgtr.-. Poeh, l their card to the _rlrteii7etittietlt2r, pledged themselves, that ." if elected, their best energies would be exerted to cleats their common country and further its interests in the Parliament of the Dominion." Now, we put it fairly tpsll those who endorsed the card of Mensa. Jones and Power, how they can consistently uk these two-gentlemen to my st home; end further, we ask the two mem- bers how they on, in the {see of thrirplodge, sbscnt themselves. It they with to do so, the more honest course would be to resign the trust committed to them by the people, otherwise they must edlnit that they were elected under {else pretences. More then this, we eel: the member who sesunesto be so very i-meimliour, how he osn,efter ttavinrtakon the oath " the table of the House of Com- mons, sud thereby sooepted the situstion, even think of remaining swsy without remigtr. ing " sent. To do otherwise is little better then perjury, sndthoee who would aid or abet him in such s course, must take, the conse- quences, and reconcile their consciences that they sro doing right. The responsibility is s most gun one.-Ilalq'fru Erpnu. “rm: r0 wanna-I. The Hon. Mr. LANCE“)! presented A num- ber of Return: to Addresses; unions them one referring to the Lamirande one of Extradition, with the opinions of the Government Law Omcers attached, thu “on. Secretnry of Sub explaining tut the Inbmiulon of such docu- menu In in conuqucnce of the exceptional mture of the circumstance, end with the consent of the Law 1Micem of the Crown; end ot the Government, and would not be Accept- ed u constituting n precedent. It in pretty msligtttdetrstood that All the Do- minion members will “to their lent- in Pur- llunent. It Ottawa sometime in Match next. We lam that , few rabid Anti: m “donor- to petunia the Hum-x member- to 're- 'ffitug'lrliio,e they on Aio that we are at I10" to know."_Wgnu and Foyer, in 10!?"le ulCTlOII. The SPEAKER reported that the objection- to the recognlunccl in ceguin election peli- tions [and been overruled, and that" the edu- would therefore go before the Election Com: mince. _ "", mm. The SPEAKER reported the lune of s Writ for the County of Resugouche, during the re- ceu, the Hon. W. MchLLAN having resign- ed " seat. Upon the motion ot the Hon. " J. A. MACDONALD, amended by the Hon. Mr. CARTIER, the Home tttea adjourned " twen- ty minutes put three to 3 p. m. (0-monow. In 11rtatBritain, of 56,964,260 Berrm, there were in 186t, 29,8hl,07 under eultimtion, against 28,679,771 in 1866. Ot white crops there were 31.1 per osut.; of green, Il.t; of ham fallow, 3.3; clover under rotation, 13.4 ; and permanent pasture, 40.5. The number of cattle was 4,993,034; of Iheep, 29,919,101 ; and of pigs, 2,966,979. In Ireland the mount. of [and in petal-nan: pasture in lumping; the number of cattle and pigs dam-min; ; but there in an incrcue in the number pt Ihecp. . Tun-bu, Much 11. he SPEAKER took the chair " three 'o'clock. _ (an. day), Your": up Burrow: stock of watch“ clocks, jewellery, fancy goode Ind electro plated ware are worthy of inspection. All goods will‘be sold cheap. Give them a cell. Remember the plme,30 Sparks-It. 597. How u: Pluc- Moon rr.-ultnost every. body wondered, and no did we; but “new!" be no more wondering whet in belt to tote for cough end colds; or for the cure of rheumat- ism, pleuriey, neunlgie, toothache, “nine, bruises, bowel complaints, to. The " urame dim Peln Destroyer" now taken the lad everywhere for such eompiainta,outd ll en- tirely ecllp-lng all other T'pamtio'" of the kind. The motion . mind ttt.mttitnously,ttttd thereafter the no adjourned. ' "w nun. Mr. LANGLOIS, recently elected for Mont- morettci,was introduced by Mean. LANCE- \'IN and HEARD, andyook his seat. . New York Mongy linker. Nut You, Much 12.-8topU active. Sterling Exchnugé, 1091. Gold, 1392. V T At the Second Bond stocks were Itudy. Gold cloned " 1393. Both Stock Excmnzo tad Open Bond, by a formal vote to-dly, decided not to receive any It la dated after Much tth. This intone to prism Daniel Drew from buying my more stock. It is rumored that he bu lulled o [urge omount without “thorny. A lion. LETELLIER " .JU8T lpoko in support of the motion, (1 referred to the exGiteitt qualities nu ononblo ciuuacter of the demand Sen-to “on. Mr, CHRISTI] seconded the motion, and paid a tribute to the memory of " sie-, ccmd friend. Their acqmiaunce dated to boyhood, tor they had been school ml, and the trimdship then formed h.-. sated through life. He was lure the Ire " would willingly myths tribute to 411 nemory " proposed by the tton. Pottttn P (st-General. The row. tittatieial clrchlu an the loan trtarketia motive. Governments improved. Exchange dull. Tye steamer Wiur took out $374,265 in lpecle. ' Hon. Mr. CAMPBELL then moved than out of rerttect to the memory of the Into Hon. Ferguson Blair, of whom moat estimable qualities as a man he spoke in the very high- est (cram, when tho Senate ndjournn, it do sum! adjourned until Monday. . "MT IIADINGS. _ Hon. Mr. CAMPBELL introduce" a Bill rcupectlng commissions and oaths of “legi- nncr, and of oftico. Alnoa‘liill respectingjho accurity to L, gig-n by unicorn of Canada: ' The Clerk reported that the following 011i- cergof tho Senate had lvft its employment since last meeting 2401.11 Wuluh, t'erturuumt Clerk; Joseph Huron, Seasimml Clerk, and Sam ucl Frau-r, Seldom! Messenger. NOTICIB or norms. Hou._LftTFlLLIER ruo8T'.JUST gnu no- ticu mm on Monday next he would move in amendment. to the report of-the Commune on Contingenclelythl! the scale of solution to be ndopwd be that agrecdto in 1864, and that the reduction in the Ital! ot the Senate be pronpectiyu only, and shall not apply to the pretsontotiieertr. c'luwau,rece'nur appointed in the place of Mr. Boase,Qucbcc. . “In“: swan. . lion. “cam. John Roo, (Ontario) and D. A.Archlbald, (Nam Scotiu,) New sworn, and took their â€a... as did nllo the Hon. J. C o'clock THE CANAUIAN f'llil.lllW, THURSDAY, March 12, 1868. The SPEAKER took the chair at three 11916513 OF COMMONS. THE DOMIIION MEMBIRI. MT PARLIAMENT: I" bESSION. BRITIIH AGRICULTURE- THE SENATE 'mart.. but... In Bali“. Buruw, Much 12.-arr. _Chn-lu Dickens rend hem this evenlnx to I Iago sad enthusi- uuo audience. A Ihlp can] _ Wunuuox, Much 12.-Nn. Humphrey‘s he sent to the Secretary of War . report upon the survey: and estimate: of tire, route- for e ehip canal round Niagara Falls, the calm differ very “we, and the Henge in about twelve mllllon dollars. [Icahn lull-Io Conconn, N. H., Much It.-mro hundred And "who wwnl givo'nnrlnon 38,594 votes md Slnclali MPM. The " "Mala; town: triRarruon In: yen 1,073 vote: and Blncldr 1.322. An - loan-pr Robbed. Cancun-n, March 11. - w. Hymn, American Express manager on the Hamil- ton and Dlyton trains, nu knocks! â€and“: on " cu by none parties “known, “a robbed of $20,000. Nut You, March 12.-.The 2rerahra Vera Cm: modal any: the British Conn! baa been detected in amounnga large amount of apocio out of the city. The commander of the [on was about to are upon tho Vestal carrylng the specie, when a British cone!“ anchored be- tween it and the fort. The troops compo-in: the expedition to Yucatan were returning. The climto of the Peninsula m~doolm§ ing the troops, The governor, who In. ob. ysctiotiable, ha- been advised to "an and bu gone to the capital. Brsuax,hiurch Il.-Tlte treatriotconciuded between the North German Confederation Ind the United Stately! Amerivn, providing for the protection of the rights of naturalized citizenl, was to-dny unanimously ratified by the Federnl Council. It ll reported that . propo- sition nu recently male to Lord Stanley to submit the Alabama claim: to the nrbltntion of Prussia, nnd tint he was willing to enter. tain the proposition no far " it Applied to the question ofindemnlty, but he refused to lub- mit other points in disputes, The Tribune's spool-l up the House in- peschmant msnsgers are mnhsling their witnesses, preparing their mama], and duping their notion, so that the "is! [my be entirely out by we timt of May. Mr. John- son will not be snowed (in time he expects. The tenth, or Butler "tteu/wilt not be with. dawn. The Worlf"pecialtar' Mr. Stsnberry has concluded to resign his position " Attorney- General, in order to take pert as counsel for the President on hie impeaehtrttrrtt trill, and hes presented his resignation. Mr. Johnson will doubtless necept the resignation. So general in the belief that the. Supreme Court will decided the reconstruction lows unconsti- tutionsl, that the Endlcnls nre'nsnklng All effort to induce Gen. Grunt to lane on order changing the time for the holding ot the elec- tions in Georgie and Florida. There is otiicini suthority for. denying the story that the President he ordered Gen. Thoma to set up s new War Department. It runs omen piece of guess work, originnting in on irre- sponsible evening psper of this city, habitual. ly given to senution. ' Layman, March Imam Dix, American MitiistertoFranee _ arrived in this city, and ',')tJh'drltrd,t,', three weeks. It in said he came business connected with the queatron Qlg,1t,"lige china. The use of Mulluney in to be brought up in the Home of Lords next week. THIS NottNIVtys"DtrsPATcmts. With but one uniniporilnt madman: the treaty with the German Confederation rel.- uve to unmanned citizens will be ttoMrmod. Election of the New lpleeopol - of Var-onto Bonn-atom. Yr., March 11..-MFtn. Henry Augustue Bissell, D. D., Rector of Trinity Church, Genen, New York, wee unenilnoue- ly elected Bishop of Vermont by the Epieco- pal Convention in this city yeeterdey. Fro- Xenon. New Queue, Much 11.-The Mexico Diem publishes In extrect from e letter written by Gen. Grent to l. Romero, in which he eeye he intended to vieit Mexico after the election, and when mutter- go on well. The pertlcnlen of the attempt to mine.“ Jul-rel ehow that en ex-Imperlel otheer and e foreigner in con- mend of e city regiment, were the ringleader-e. They ere believed to he" been employed by Senu Anne. The plot included the murder of the Cabinet. THIS MORNING’S DESPATCHES The I so of Common: In! evening, In com . tee of the whole, agreed to report for the age of the Bill introduced by Mr. " among for the abolishing of church at». Mr. W-tent, recently urn-comm" been dig. charged. an You, Much ".-a'tte am. lpochl any: it is Almost certain six Republican tSerta. 3ng will vote conservatively on question. Jr, 'ui-ng- ttrtri'reetthtt6Nhtott minimiz- ment mun“ may concede that the mo “Amber gull bail thy party on the final ' Losnox, Much H.--Ia the Homo of Com. mono last night A warm debates took place on the condition of lrelnnd, and the following "solution was introduced, but further con- aiderntion thereon postponed till to-Inorrow: --" tlutt the discontent of Ireland it a source ot unwincls to the Empire, but! must be romediod. TUt In" for Ireiaad should be framed to unit the whhoc ofthe people. That the pmscnt church, school And land Mauro systems are unjust; and that In the "erttittitrn of thin Jloi1ms these wrong: Miould bo righted." _ Coax, March ll.-mte trlul of Capt. Huc- Kny wu concluded to-day, Verdict not guilty of murder. Lennon, March 12,-a'he British Langue of penée and liberty propose to offer Mr. Char. leg Francis Adam: an address previous to his departure from this country. The address will be presented through John Bright. Tho law York I’m on 1-minut- Ar. Henry W. Lord, who in no t to retire from American connuluhlpnt Mnéo Ite'r, In. entertained by the much-nu of t city but evening In {unwell dinner. The principal lpeecll we: made by the buyer, who expreu- ed " regret " the deputurn of Mr. Lord, and warmly eulogleed bin conduct to I con- tttt rein! representatives of the United sum in 1dtruchester. -ltoo, March li.-0att hu/ndicd Canadian Zolnws who volunuereA for the Papal service had arrived here./' The ottieial return: of the Bank ot England Ayr In more†1.rt £_4_3,0(_)g _in_b_nllion. ‘Loms, Much 13--Midnight.--In the Home ot Commons to-night Mr. Gregory en- quired what grounds the Government intend. ed to take in regard to the use of mixed juries tor the trinl of foreigners In Englilh Court; The Attormt0eutml replied that the Gov- ernment did not propane to interfere with the decision of the judgeq on that point. _ Lord Hunky Ina-damn “pun-don u to the present mm of controvcny with Spun, con. cerning the Tornado one. He and the [at twp taken by Englund was to demd tho releue of Mmphprpqn. - Earl Mao, Chief Mercury for Ireland, role end uld he would all?" to the conMdemttittn ot the Home I plan or 3 new Irleh Univer- sity, the “like of which were to be named by the Cntholic Church, but whose privilege. were not to be contitted exclusively to Ca. thollcl. T AMERICAN NEWS. Tne Home then went into committee and feigned the debate on the gtleunpes of In- land Arrl val cube Canadian lounvu In no-.. Mullnney’l Cale to In Brought up In the lions. of Lords. A neloluuon Introduced Condomnlnu the Present Govern-en! of Ireland. A Proposition to Submit. “no u Light-n" (VI-Im- to 'T"""'. "N""""" CABLE NEWS. " prrouc- lymputhy witthu Poop“, and Declares “Int their Wrong! Ihonltl be nl‘hud. YESTE RDAY'S DESPATCIIES YWiTERDAY'S DESPATCHES. THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. Capt. Muka Lulu-“ted. th tho , m of the County of Carleton, Jmnmrxm the youigor, of the Township of 1rttt in the County of Calo- tou, Bmirer,-- uisoT. a. BIRJAIIN WCKBLL. on!" City of Ottawa, tn a. County or Quinton, Irtra-r,-- Dal-adult. UFO! Clo kft'UT orttot AM ve num- d M. do 'reder an I meeting of the Cruise" on“ “on no“! Dofondul. be held betbes In a my Chub." in tho Cour; Home. in tw, aettttdqra.tret TUESDAY. an THIRTY- ' Mueh".','l; A. D.,\1868( a the hour oeTWBh I o'clock. noon, tor the mm of [in - “who = It. grim-am of m Oiti. Mil “I‘m, no at me wanting to ho [in-9 1’pr "this oeder for no took: in thir taiu. M, and the h the Tum newtplper, palm a ottawa. PM an "th 'ar of Int-ell, A. D., 1868. MW) CBR. """"f'ilt _ I p. In†“no. Kama. 6 Knlm and Path of "do†kinds Ghuwnu. mining“ Cut Gobi“: and Wine (Mn-u, PM Tunblon nd Bock “qu3, Sou a6Peur lulu Tun, t Ouc- Pslp Bandy, Cum Ml: Will-key. . I All Inn be told, pouch/cl}, by the 20th instant t_-l-te. .. .. .. _ ttrr-Chou-tru....... 'lt; I,..?..?..?.:-:.: o. "nun... ..... E McLean’s Auction Rooms. M's. Knoll 13, 1868, Home" I.“ I'M- t--"o"o_ u “'om [gunp- m n ttattain and Info remedy for Wanna In Children and Adulta.--Ag it in two-11- “ 3nd mambo? {not that one great came of death “on; shit nn u from Worms 'slotse,tt "gtgtt4 be be amply hnpnmd upon the minds pm the mun, of closely rue-hing their all“. By no doing; Ind turderstautdiug In Tat,'?', Ind mm can of tho disease, than“ of child!» mic". " and [roman], gum. Burton or tmeg.-.-". following an s tor ot the "I7 “morons lympzmns nnd Munich no owned l?! Worm: den-aged 'rreito, unsound “than u, Manama breath, an: picking an» no“, grinding of the teeth " sloop, landma- ot tho Ily, with fre uent Illa, Moll, Ind We: mum" tits; “31mg of the til'lh pain In unite“! Ind atomuhmuquiot .00 um. tram!» up. coughs, iudigVtion. In 'l'Allrlita' hunt, Inc! I gradual waist. Way at loch. y m pm“. and uandenh-And to the Mun!!!“ worm thmihly without paia t,t'=tht'ettget,tTg,e, -rtherebrroing any the noon-city of Bdmirtutorirtg Cam. on Of our uphum oaturtietr-" in the an arm Wot-l. Till 20.510 an requuled NOT To TRAVIL ON THE ICE in the RIDEAU JUI'I‘ RICIIVID ut the TORONTO HOUSE . {all supply of OYSTERS. “but at Patina“! or other: requiring qu ar- - on In mud by Ipplyilg u the TORONTO HOUSE. Ottawa, [not 13, 1808. - 690tf g ring" a . oo.,....,,'.",' build, " lbs . Pu. " Mitra..., on; " Mitre... p - r r VIII!“ .4, 'gi2f2rla' Itttio-r “L... BAT-por ton, new ...-.... Woot'--?'" ttttrd..............., “w -. flunk box min: the [magnum signature of om; Lml, Nowcmie.C.\‘.'..Who are cum-summer u Ibout to be withdrawn for "pun. FIOI the 101 day of April next - ire, INTEREST It the BATH of “VIC per an "ntmurriti be mowcd on Doposils in au GTl'l'ltt.' .. 'rtiri. NEW AI)1rWn8yE?ilCi'l't'y' Quebec Btalt-.r.f.lttawa Branch' CAVIIIGS DEPARTMENT. CLEARING SALE LNIIPOOL, lurch 12.-Cotton quivt nu! 'tandy; Inlet, 10,000 Utes. Corn, 425, an. Putnam. Luddull. can, Mareh 18, 1868. Pea. " Mtto...........rg so mg n alumna"... o co Bow f' 60 tu............ 2 " Po"-----, b-l..........." Oil T Prim. Mm p.fdo........14 ht no; pot tgou.............. 7 oo Iutng......................... 0 " Beer........................... 6 00 #uttrp-r lb by the qr." M 2er.ttt.:r.er.:.cy/, on} q-...-. ............... 0 so Xure---Eaotu...'.....-... o M) Dunn, lush RAMS. Till. Onxct. Orraws, Mun-l. le.' Notwithstanding tho gluon imp-sum» rm.- dldon of the for]- our market: have, within the In; In "rt. boon much better luppliod than they wmwhon an may.†in excellent madlzlun. on. ind hay In" com. in in moderately largo -rtituosdtho “gm in priests will be new In our quotation. Twentydwo dullâ€! have, been laid [RFD], but we have heard of 1 us said - than "only, and only A few 10%! that It,ht,t,,1t,tg%'g.tt'ctt"ije'",t in has boon from "6.00 to, $20.00,? t thus. prim:- it Mlllllldll road: “lo. 0 Ilsa readily mm- qud our quotations. P. tbtoCg Ire plentiful, and tmttar modal". Mr other commodities are v.2†um. 'toem-Bat" B...................... 8 I.) .1» y co No.1.................,........ tt 25 a 0 w Nd. s.....-...........:....... G 00 U 0 00 _ Betnl.ipee 100 lbs.. 1 _ ". 0 no " " S rink u ....4 tiii,d'lir-'= zoomâ€. 7 India: Mod " ..... G 19t--er huh! 56 lbs. 0 Rule, " 48 IU.. 0 Baldwin“ Piour-trtrL 5 trt"eP.r--rtor babel, 60 lbw to no]. Wotan. union Money Marlin. Lolluox, March 1'2.-C'onrolc 11.: V, Bondl Til a 78. _ Eric 491. . 1uinoiiCerttral, 89; ao per Cont Below Cost. .‘LICTBO-PLLTID \VABle, COMMERCIAL '. B." " to: “(out '0 Worm Lounge. . and uh no G'll'l.'e4k Solo by " the [in “on". ad mdigjvsu deal. no N. I r Fresh Oysters. (Compiled ezpnuly/ur tht Tums) Imolvent Act of 1864, q-er-heh..., Turkeyk-Euh. Dui............., Powt--Por pair, Tum“ ......... “unlock ......-: OTTAWA MA “KIZTS. IPICIAL NOTICE. leerpool Markets. NOTICE. - AT-- JAMES D. 8LMER, H. MC LEAN o " tt M 3 00 0 40 4 " I. 00 l 00 0 00 Supt. B. c. _ 690d NOEL, “mm; a o 6am 0 50 o " Mt M 3 05 630-3, 40 Mt It »GREEN TEA.- Tu'aut'uy common. 38e , Finale, Met Y‘ t m, 50e, toe, as: and tor ' I. do. in "Y Cow, tlic ' tNisert'me and Var, jiiii,tM Fine (in-W, tBe .. In" - All onion (0:20 or 251iq., or an ab: -ing, (n. moth. country. In: " in um circuit: can! equllly chug. no ttIF, [living thumb“ to uh a sun In $0 , J mltkot. weight. quiity nad cimlu - b puma; "lied on. When . 20 lb. DC all too much. two or (hm clubbing up!“ ar' divide. An “Cantu nixed To: call It 11'd (We to Toe; very good tor 'mee'. 'gqtllih7 Buym living beyond 31“ququ- lend Port use. on!" or unload up. " _ tiara will be ttaid to the gtenrqqt - u be winded manual, on “I! 'url'.- by mail mutual" my, or til - - collected on doling by “from!!! m no expms oibo.es Atrial tee,.;,,, v, a; - Ull'l'r' v""'."'". .. yup-- -'~VV if " we run uoxrumu. rm own"- wt ' a, [lawn-(MM T odll boxu "at {rough at“? My"! my'l “no on 0- _ . 'l'll'fl%, ttut, 1968. "r' {Iron Tto "ieient choir of the chunk, I.“ 6 uaderrhip of W Hill", Ere, da. P C 0 Mt hue prep-pd (elect piocu of mute " . .. than union. 7 - Tickets {of Lecture nod To. looting ein bd- uined " the following phi“: Upper In Jose h tikirttter'r. Ed'urd I II'I lull m- lou rl,. Centre T ' T l W unawu‘hJ Olaf; math T kw i'i'iiseti,i,' Lone! Town, tr but tCo‘adeGRob' “can. can O", â€Ark-urea. not: Ink-std. with or without board. Apply to Mu. M Maria-attest. "" The contributors to the Med-ml la“: froqucnuy Mum! that one-hit the rt'.'nr. ems no and by drinkln‘inpluh . (Juneau have carefully ahead and fieAt supp y of Teag that can be Inn“: . free from honou- Mtbetaneer, in . " In: " lb. as“. .- I Patr SOIREB ‘On wwxhsmn' “any. nu: m. a... This Annual Siren wilt be h d an. an F nommenciug at 7:30 a. Adan-nu no eatlq' from the Mission", ','."tidt; and other ‘- ter' of the city chunkâ€: Tic 911,37; m“ THE IQITIEAL TEA coll- b, 1io.pitu-sttt, NmmnlJ-vo at one (hound puny-mo diiter.ttt pm‘ country. and neein every day -- the To: give! unlit. .qi.taestioa. Sub] , s few ot the uumermu “stimuli-h um , oeived t ' L .-. T" __ __ “at.†Cancun. Juury tr, t868.-Mo-a' .... pang; (Rule-ml, I beg to inform Pr u. two :0. or 2t {hwy-cm no m 'ifirtt agUit ,cl '1 .0 can; M and T'llt,",.Q'f1'llh) box, or tu',',.", at 1:: “gouge .trr5or, ‘_ .. . . l. - DAY Ieyan Church, ttrr,tfaW-'! 15m imam. 5:10:30 a. m: of Bruckvilis {and " tr.,' STEPHENSON, of TM Tet, "ow BLOCKADE hurls. h- mrccspfully Hind. " here In an a" '32. PM. sufruss asew YORK Hid -0trily, oekty ind I1htstratcd-tsnd I 0* lot M315 . nooks. $rit-..,rItos. wars. Notary Puiid-3. w. wars "or" Of' Stan", Dunn, Deco-bur "'1‘ -Norttreat To. company t Mon-Ah in“ augmh 11mm“: iard you. syn-ro- M you lent me ‘1'. gal! “admin. - upon my future New. Yours. kc: - A; Qcmtc, Dec. 18, T86r.-artmtte-1 Pat, any: Gentle-CI. the be! of " Ill. mum Tel we Ind of â€In â€mtg excellent quality. Ind full, " good an F paid " com for. You" Wally, ce. W The lmpoLtgrs Direct Mum. IInm., Quebechn, 7,t86t.-iqM, Tu Company . Genlltmn, the vi: chant!†forwarded sum. time line. Arrived In 3‘" Th. qunlity ie pure um] excellent, .1 - cheap. Ar I an [unionist In “yin. H quhty of Ten to be Ind for out “In. tee." to ,pqttttiett you that ugh-u 3d,; “fallen. \‘out obedient servant. . . . D. -lb' f, T030310. Dee. m. 1867.-Ma- In- puny: Sequoia... the two about. of I. _ from you some wak- Iinoo h“. (h. h tion. You will plan. Inward to “and " n Brunpmn one all“! tine “You“ Not , Conga- "_""" price, viz...“ " ego-p2. f "'1" -i' w“ r----' "-e"rv"' _"- ___ W I lurrr, le.. 1‘. 5 Fucoxr. Dee. 23, 186:...me tan-t' play a Gentlemen. the Golan; iii., F1 no girets gm! “titration. 1 an“ F. the chat to . trio-41a Toronto, mini" ecatsid- it u good “an: In I“ aribe.t ho paid an dotiar per Ib. .Punlne Ea.hgt'l', ANNtvER'cuIY pinyin; T1'S,i NOTICE um. the pal-m heretofore exm'um lav-men an. an - lived COLIN, UCLAIYKIN and “WI te. y Nb. " BALGON KEEPER. -tldard5.. solved by can“! mount. and,“ It. age. in. from and per"? "ttl." "id ".eeet.t tl? no pun - - l'" nu - “v. w..- of You; Upon at an. price, vir., a her lb. Address n More. Sour ow_iod_ - Plum thie date the TORONTO PAP“! I. box-cocked tho SA}!!! DAY AS PERL!“ "11me be had " mrrttEwtt DEPOT, a. up “net, email. an Run-I] Irets., -- A _ A _ - 0m" iiGaUGlu 1GeGiirr this aut 030%“ W. VINE. nnd unit the “id basin.“ will in (all. be curried on by tho laid GEORGE “XIII. - $33363 iftti1rk, .5. mm day or lad. A. n. 8. - “A he " 1uclion bull 1llmt aTl'ESDAY EVESIXGJII itrth imm- m T 'hrEPiiE?CryJN. Subjoc t Anglo-Aal- tepturg: Sign ttAt align " 8 vigloeypgh Furnished Rooms to Lot. ‘IIE Annual Born-mud _ Bunch will. Inv., bc pt All Righ_t_Again! ' I The Public 'Nesleyan Blissimi 68%â€: Farmer: and mum If? mm Tra.', I'll). v ' v";..; in a»; at. a- - F _.t'iilfe'ie "ift?l.iiitiCs.ii' A4 .V Brett LECTURE 11.18 ' tiii-':,'-:",-::.?-'::,.':-);),',." _ I; . acts-7.5m- its) it)!" Missionary Hem. Farms and mm 155 Eiiotiias. SPI COLO' chAl'ILK, GEORGE IRVINE. of Real Esaua JONES a noun; m: TieU , . on EESDAYIE 1:02 J B HOWA‘ Fm, by the h thrus Bum: DU Elm- ee.-Set (â€has a: I; u: 1rllh' tri? u 3 alumna; u C PM , 5 Wu, it. oh SIB“\ Will unniu'thrI- H No. I â€(Bull-I " , Super“: " u 3 Vol, u ' "Of, u ' Very £30.... Alan-53 bl.†per 0.. l-hpocid “with.“ t',it,h'll all can: anion that it as who and uh " h "tpad it“. up“ to Ida! "can“ R (at " 'u " the limbo-.4 tau not with no If. â€90-!- lee. No. . Aur, in wool " Rm. (in on 1'.- ...dan wu-hy- a Clank. Chl- no. m m r I. t . ib eta' a! 0d ., a... “I. _ tiituri,f 1rlfiirl.h -ia ,7 by - . M Bod tuqlt Mveryil any. ina'ftPFY*""‘ J an†2tatr. TrIg’gMph can» R300! gTtlM"' tiii1ti, TMI, MAN“ . ke. 3 (Katya-zeal“ d2ral'lll;"/lr, “Willi“ huh-M- A humor-dull, in til nun! Hummus, hubris Perfectly fh NONOI N 0 N - I N "Aero1'.u'm a-ta-te-Wo' on (A) not†in It no to I has. - not. On“ marl, "odd!†ttic TIIOIASICELIO‘ CHEAPEST otl How any - Dunn In an". '6gttLtt-, dlg'gtirl"aht m, m M'- I" an}. oil. I â€.5,“me n " PM.“ atiq-auqe$t, "tieaUMr Mq [1,50th A Mean. Icing]: ti mum barium“ abundan- tr-s-rv--" (AA)III(A)‘ “outta“ "% “that, and who†In" dim-.4 oil "mind. â€I bunddooeithd “can. Mek-gt luau,_lcluil am tU In“ 2mwou'w"$1 m '1’ it, work! than... with Ilj Supine“... boun- duo‘- It!!! 0610:. Fets SI Ayn/arm Alt “TILL II 30,000 30,000 FE'1 hummus: Add-a, 30,000 - a, new WILL NUT H I!" in, . K. w' Gsod. ommd sATUB not“ now uni WISE " um a Comp MACtrr M UNA new URI: PR“ t?OT'f 535'.) " ac)