Dealers in Souse & Hariware. £ our Premisc® this month, we i ane locality, and on the 1st of 1 ALLEY‘D Heave Ro ypiTION MEDICH LÂ¥ supER108" pulï¬â€˜".’.’.fl , «k Co Itell & d Planished Tieware, & M .ucnp!bll‘-n‘*. zewer‘s sti F\ldvan‘.nd ::n- oofing, &e. .____ Private Buildings, O Manuiactories, &c., wam or W ares Air, on the ® OW ES d Shoe O â€" Rideauâ€"st to marit which our ugual to provide the »st remunerating pf ate, will M O V A L rocery. NT en diee and mas t sud does 10t F" ) while using4* _._, py Debes _ and _: White Lewis White Mary 1 d0m] White Geor:z. ts to Chas, / k Ridcl weathing * es m'-g as â€" l & Wi J 4 t =‘\l|:..;- W ottom Elizabety Woight Joseph . nder] W right Chas Young Jamey Young Jumes 4 * .Il--cn.hb ‘ MeCa s -_"'.{g!mh-; * ce ..Vcl:'- e e #% McPhes Daniet or) LDY baving hing, and a Euvcitms ® agh knowledge of the ge, ar d the rudiaes!# | wn‘w aa .. Satisfactory 1efttt® ry. : Terms ¢88 be ks y residence of het *** riek.street. ,1668. country will receive CaATION 18 1 well selocted ass Iron Beds : i ~ P re ’Hna Tmas 4 at the TRUNK3, &e., & ~.“-o-tooq most respectfully AMES COURT, Broken Witt team F TS and SHOES, he uhes Rrou the above branches ypxty G. P. BAKER , will be sold by PÂ¥ awa, on WEDNE Y, at TWO o‘clod P. pll'lm!"- debts will be kept imers ***" opin oCarthy * gatee«t. 5173# the Ottawa& W W W M M M M Teltse "...':'.-; Tobin @ieyi n‘ ACT OF 1 ated LET pearin allace Xrs Xf, alker Mary A Orim Beid.. m »wat "Tohy Was, e Tss PIBiE Jole 2uman W Aite Mise ean sn P _ pxG AXP , office, .“';‘ riv® Xwell Ottawa dell James ley Abel Wwell Jobs en Mary * Mel ca x4 5 Sps Rome * Thes J No. 10 Au#X W on ERs Ad, J 3 Oct a w a Wiruiax Moserove. Oltawa, Feb. 20. 1368 Post Office, Ottawi, Feb. 13, 1368. Nova Scotla, by * Iaman * $teamer from New York. #Norzâ€"For Inman Steamer to llalifax a Mail is closed every alternate Friday, 12.45, p in, (i. c. 2ist February, 6th aod 20th March, 3rd and 17th April, asd so on.) Route of transmirsion is via New York, there with the Steamer of the Inman Line, lea on alterrate. Mopdays ‘at Neon for England, viea Halifax, being due at Haliâ€" ) LAPIERRE â€"& HAYCOCK, Amnsmsâ€"a'r-lmw, Solicitors«in= Chancery, c-nv?.m and Notaries Public, orker of Sursex and Yorkâ€"streets,.Cttawa. ,. Vttams, February 26, 1867. 368y fax on the fotlowing Thursday. Letters and ‘ NEW FOUNDLAND. ~ Ne#wfoundland is included in the ordinary mails made up for Halifax. * _ Leiters 12; cents per hail ounce. Newspapers LÂ¥ $) ADDEESSI tamp, as followsâ€" _lsors 12j cents per hal‘ ~â€" ml‘. per ¢ m Nowspapers Letters, &¢., are not forwarded from> Ottawa t ; Hatifer by the tand routé, ria St. John, N. k;n~' less specially so addressed. . ‘1 Tha Mail Jdespatched, howver, on Friday, obâ€" sing coppexion with the M"LIM. (lnternational Line), from Portland, being due at SL Jobna on Tuesday pm. i For Woodstock, N. B« There is also a M-wnhg Mail from Riviere du loap to Edmundston and Woodstooks, leaving Riâ€" viere.du Loup every Tuesday, Thursday, and bampiay evenings, on the arrival of the mail train from Qugbec.. Matter intended for conveyance by this route should be specially addressed " Â¥i« hiv. du Loup. £ A ce 4. : ’l‘nl undersi,aed, formerly head wait= : w or at the Russell House, begs to notify his * *NOVA sCOTIA. * ) bhflllldth:xb!'n enerally that he has leasâ€" For Malifar, N. 8., Closed Every Thurs= | od the above n.vhah is now well furnished, w day, 12145, P. M. *__* | and will be kept as a first class house. The bar Roote of trantmission i# ris Portland, whence | is well stccked with the choicest brands of liquors. per steamer Chase, or Carlotta, every Saturday at | The table will be furnished with the best the mar. 4 p m, for Halifax, boing due there on the following ‘ket affords. Good yard and stabling attached to x6 caus in k .. Lettors 5 cents: per half cance. Newspapors 1 ceat. . s B“ RRISTERN and Attoraszâ€"at«Law inâ€"Chancery , sa4 Xocsry Public. : itlled, over Mr. Luke Cimor s Boot and Shoe Â¥ite, Ridean Street, Oitawa, C. W. â€"Ottava Qailp Cimes, andeXs AUGUSTUS: KEEFER, $ “A RISTER and . Attorncey=atâ€"Law, Sélicitor Th Chmw(y,, Conl?“n.u-. &o.h the : Opposit fice, Stroet, “-.lnof;ncn.'odulhocw'! Liouse : OVitawa, March : M AT.c rl‘!.lt general route of tragsmission is by railway, ric Montreal, Datville Junction and Bungor, Me., whence by stage to C-l.i-\u‘ #t. Jobn. ‘Fime taken, at this season, usually four November 14, 1867 on the fellowing Thersday evening. "J TTORNXE Â¥â€"ATâ€"LAW, Sollcitor _" Chancery, Convoy ancer, &c., Sussex BMP arner; Union Buildings, Ottawa. se “A RISTER®, Attorneys, &au{\mn. &c. Orric® : In the Court house, Ottaw Homewt Lisa, Joux J. Rtaws, February 7, 1966. @ of HULL, near the Post ex Py T age * f hance d _ Conveyancing 11;:' l"‘-"n Bru'd-l'l::l, Elginâ€"st., ‘opposite & oï¬(ï¬o. ie Wiiiiinivicistantieahihratle inss nirolinenietend 1 BAlnlsr:u. Sollcitor, Attorney, a 1d Notary Public, Clerk of the Peace ud'cu\.t’ :r‘ï¬a:uy.kf&. United Countios of Presuott Ommce: In the Coirt House, LiOrignal sauary 27, 1866 L C ns t c t ‘obraaty 7, Froms «* PPAW A~ Matls for $t. JOHN, N Â¥., Closed Dailyy 1245, P. M. Atawa, July 14 [OTARY PUBLIC for the Province Letters »cents per half ounce. Newspapers 1 Ottawa Vaiter for Prince Edward Istand is forwarded PP o _ )5 5 1 i ols the BUUR MOSGROVE & TAILLON, l'-n- SaNGER, _AW, Chancery, and !MAAIMIM ail sabsequent insections, per line,........... 20 Yeacdy a.rertisers specially contracted with, and um_dmm x * ieatiy sgubseription to the daily (if paid in ajvance). Ietevererennapcercvineechonguuencten. YHr O [Faot paid Nh. 00VMMCO â€".»yersccesererevencecccerer . 6 00 Yearly tnbsirtption to the weekly (if peid HP DPWMOO) o o0 0e cennerrsereereenenrnnennnne $1 00 "mik D 10 RIVMNOC. .. »sâ€"ssenerseseeececceee 1 50 4i] sabsequent Yearly a«ref liborcy . .O seatiy gubseri Mails Lor the Mazitime Provinees. _WINTER ARRANGEMENT. DVOCATE, &¢., 43%, Little 8t« James Street, MONTREAL. Ts #ig4i3® iN« e ApvERTISEMEOTES are insorted r £ in the Daily at the snuary 17 1867 Ro#XCT.â€"Yewre, 5. U. Patengis®&| Ottawa, January 27,1806. _ _ _: ebe ran t the Tek ant Sm Sren | y n noy Wl oo t Mn Ww'“‘â€â€™â€â€â€œ"! Â¥.R. Bl‘.l:";. .\..\l., .\'.l).' C.M y & ty HZ UT U "lus for the Oeraws Toers | (Reo®®teY rsow Exatas».) nabtished in the Otaws Valle issuing of the Mity cver #,0001 and Wookly over 4,000 ! aiking & tolal cirtulst‘~s in the week of over 18,000 ! thus outstripprng all competitors, and Sording the best mediuim for business men to adâ€" z0d to recewe etters 5 couts p r half ounce. Newspapers 1 Oillcoâ€" NICHOLAS SPARKS, EDWARD T. DARTNELL e eerRng s‘ y >‘.l""..‘. Ke», o‘;."'.. I Office m&l\'ml"“’ Ofiee sn Mhe ARZL L OVER YIORXEYâ€"A T~ LA W, Solicitors=in= _ Rittt7. Comveyancer, Notary Public, and wing raes : C moes Cards of from 3 to 6 lines, per anâ€" ..nTynloh advance only, .......... ns ent Advertisements, first insertion per Ti Th B eajoys Thak i C . _A CODD, M.D., C.M., )tlama yallg %Imts’ { (Aitending I’Lya]:lrmu General Drotestant . . ospila! ) apuaainbedt ty snn in o S 10 Ainiaane Pn Bs aand a §2 oc wz â€"â€"+ House,Rideauâ€"street, Ottawa. __ | _ Ormeo®.Hovasâ€"From 8 to 20 a m, and from 2 I.. J. WICKSTEED, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 6, Aumond‘s Buridin *’ 'irh'.'.' "'""ml t C , December 6,1867, LEES & GEMMELL, RoH. HAYCOCK D. CCONNOR, Xeal Cands. n the Court house, Ottawa, C. W YÂ¥OL, Hi.â€"NQ 737 DALLY ANXD WZEKLY TIMES NOW | to4 p m." _ > s yu‘ LaRGEBT Ci2CULATIO® of any paper | KgOttawa, April 30 N. TETREAU, NEW BRUNSWICK BUCKLEY, L.L.B., Adpertwements for the Ottawa Tiuxs J. OGDOHERTY, ce Bailding, Elgin Stroet, Ottawa MACPHERSON G , with postage prepaid by P. BAKER. Postmaster. JP t E Grzono® TaILLO®. | | lishment. 366â€"tf _ . ! dttawas c.'-_vcnpdn' I ues s C 0 epcar e it . N. Patengil & | _ Ottawa, January 27, 1306 Solicitors; 499y 87â€"« §5â€"7 L ATE McAl Packenham. and thoroughly ove: Lauled and refitted for the speâ€" dd;.eognolyhn:r‘unp. THE TABLE A’L‘D VICI!OI-AI Street, Court=House A venue, | L Jitawa, John Graham, Proprietor. | This House is conveniently situated, and still mainâ€" tains its «zaracter as a l!UlST-C!.ASS HOTEL. | Considerable addition~ have recently heen muie to the premises, and it bes been ontirely repainted and renoyated. No pains will be spared to accommeciate â€" ‘The above Hotel, one of the oldest and best known in Packenham, has beca leased 1y the undersigned ‘Vll.l. BE OPEX for the accommo«a~ tion of the public on THURsDAY, 12th of March, 1868. The subscriber having again reâ€" sumed business x{ his old stand as hotelâ€"keeper, wishes to return thanks to his numerous triends and the public for the liberal patronage heretofore b&m.ron him, during the past seventeen years, and hopes by strict mttontion to business, and kindness to all, to share & portiun of public patroâ€" nage. His Larder will be always upplie(f with the besi the market affords. . Mis Bar will be supâ€" plied with the best of Liquors and choicest Cigars. T. MATOEWS, and ï¬ous | OMNIBUSES to and from the cars and boats free | of clnï¬n There is a FLkSTâ€"CLASS LILVERY | STABLEattached to the Hotel. | Ottawa © 1866. Tâ€"y | BAR will at alltimes be furnishad with the very best the market affords. _ G@OODSTABLING and a carc ‘ul Hostlor always imattendance * © * JOHN MALTMAN. â€" The " qUZEN" comprizes all the requisites for a firstâ€"class hestau art. "The House hm&een refitted and rof tnished throughout. The BAR contains the choicust Brandsin W ines and Liqu rs, and ezory delicacy ofthe seazon wiil be found on the table. Tha. propriet buthlorh 'ul b. ifll.’fltcrdflior lh; vfl‘;l; mih-w amo patrons. . MATHEWS OLD STAXD Proprietor. _ | N. B.â€"The house has been thoroughly renovatâ€" | ed and uwmm + Ottawa, 11, 1868 < egenp 4 the premises. Ottawa, November 27. Ottaws, March 26 | _ MISS LOVETTS PRIV ATEHOTEL M KAVANAGH, Propriector, Corner of | ©@ Metcalfe and Wellington Streets, opposite | he main entrance to the Governmert buildings. _ | THE METROPOLIT AN Gentlemen attending the Session of Parliament will |find at the Toronto House most convenient m'hu the quict of the private family is rombined with the usual attendance to be found at Pfl'll(flAlg Suirgeon and Accouch»ur Ottawa. Day officeopposite Mages & Russet!‘s, #parks Street, Center Town; Night Ofice st his Residence, Maria Street, Conser Town. Caxores Our®n, with wt the «o of the knife, by & aew, but certain, speedy, and almost painless }»ro- sess. References given to parties successfully reated, if to uired. | The cure quazanised. Ortaw a, April 14. o & 17wâ€"109â€"4 THE "QUEEN" RESTAUR.ANT, Ottawa, Nov. 6, 1867 BAF ysters,Garme sto.dail November 6 Svnaluu' Qerd . llrllcleu(u' George Street. Ottawa, November 12. ©9 k Ottawa, October 30, 1367 inpveasase â€"â€" us w e o cuchc 000 t Ein I’Il'l'll'l‘. Ofice ? Sparks Street, Cen=â€" tral Ottawa. Htawa, January 27, 1866. % BMâ€"ut® REVERE HOUSE, OTTAWA Pll YSICIAXN, Surpsan, and ’Au-mu-luun Clarence Streot, Otta‘ss. March 1. Sllw ORNER of Kent and ‘\z’?llln‘tn.-‘ grand Streets, Ottawa. | _ gans. an yRGxXTO HKOVUV * E, 8. TROTTEIR begs to announce that she has a few Commodious Suites of ments to Let, kendsomely and comfortably HOLLLS STRERT, HALLE AX, N. 8 RASGERS will find this long esta«» lished aud well known house to be the most rtable and well concusted in the sity. pember 23, 1867. 622â€"6m DR. GEORGE HUYCHISON, ‘ll'l'li‘l' 1 OfMce, + 'p-}l“:';;e‘:l' ..n. posite Mageo & Russoll‘s. wa, Feb. 25, 1868; DH. C, A. MAILTIN, ENTIST. Offce} Suâ€"ser Street, aver l{to:!. 7Ctll|n|_)£ll4 & Co‘s, Grocers. THE ALBION HOTEL HMYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur, _(lfl‘i_co_:vllunpg.n'l Block, ®parks Streot. FFICE over Mr. Garth 30;;(. 25 Rideauâ€"st., Oitawa. Sjotels and Aumond‘s Plock, DOMINION HoUusE JOIN MALTMAXN DR. OLIVER MARTIN McADAM*$, Commezclal Hotel, WELLLNG TONâ€"STREET DR. W. J. HEXIY DR. 0. C. Wwoon, SPARKS STREET. YORKâ€"STREET, Moaial Carbs. DR. ‘DR. DORION, D. CiIIESLEX, P. O‘MEARA, Proruntrox. K. 5 292 L1 Rideaun Street Ottnea GEORGE IRVINE. o tw ... M EEGGO, Garth‘s Establish» PAQPRIETORS aloons. s8git Bily 4Gut 57y *80y 4471f 730â€"3m Tt 4â€"ull | Samples can be seen at all times, and orders | from the Manufactory executed through Morsrs. " P. A, Egleson & Son, ® l (Signed) , * J. A. TESKEY, : Ottawa, April 2, 1868, â€"_ T134 | _ Bank Street, Centre Town, | ~Between Sparks & Queen Streets. j Te \__Bills of Exchange, Bill Heads, ‘Vir‘:i !~ Cards, Toe Prinfés n the nipronnettt Messrs. P. 4. Egleson § Son AGIENTS â€"â€" For the SALE of his WOOLLEN GOO0D3, comâ€" prising Tweeds, Woollens, Blankets, &o. « I‘IERCIIAK'I‘ TAILORS and General Outfitters, Rlginâ€"street, opposite the Russell House, hnd second door from the London Music Store, hiflng}ust received a shoice stock of English, French and Canadian e on entaite =""_ on aimad in Doport in tois Department, P : 11. V. NOEL, llA"lNG ever{ facllity in the way of firetâ€"class Machinery, and employing none but firstâ€"class workmer., I aim prepared to turn out every desoription of Binding in as good a lgl. ot workinanship as any other establishment in Canaâ€" da,. A. MORTIMER, solcits a call from .the Citizens of Ottawa about to furnish, who mhy visit Montreal to bis nrz 1 and varied stock of FURNITURE which he w!ll Ol’ll OoNLY @SaArEGUaRD . GAIN8T DISUNION. P The best of Coniflcuu'ca_b_o-;;:c;:l:;: O.cawa, Nov. 22, 1867. . O April 15, 1828 SMITH & RCDNEY CLOTHS and TWEEDS, And a gencral assortment of gontlemen‘s furnishâ€" ing goods, would intimate to their friends and the public gencraily that they are prepared to exscuts all orders in their line at the shortest notice, in the most approved styles anil at prices that we defy competition. Bank Book Maonufacture, 26, METCALEEâ€"ST., OTTAW A. Quebec Bankâ€"Ottawa Brauch SAVINCS DEPARTMENT. Gitawa.â€"March 13, 1868 R,. C. HALIBURTON, M. A. B O OKBIND ER Ottawa, Feb. 6 lor Purniture is ofthe best quality and latest deâ€" Signs, either plain or hundsomely carved, in W alnut, wil finished or polished, .. . _ _ _ tlair Mattraxes and Bedding of all dmrlmlon cunst antly on haud, or made to order, at the est potice. Call and examine for yourselves. «"Patent Sofa, with recliving arms, of a very cuperior make." * * genuine but from FURMTURE ~WAREROOMS. and vnriod.‘tml of FURNITURE which he will selhat greafty reduced prices tor cash. The Parâ€" His Sidebpards, Bookcases, Chamber Seta, Hall Furniture, &0,, are worthy of attention, N.B.â€"Sote Agont |nm§{)omhlnn for the gate of (G, A. FISKS‘ Airâ€"Tight Metallic Casket. 7‘.â€"3“ (‘ EKORGE ARMSTRONG, Corner Vic« M toria 8c=ate and Craigâ€"stréot, Montreal, Colognes, Pomases, Toilet Vinegar, Rose 'l:rlul- lice, tor the Toeth and Gumm#. Also consta z on hand. Porfumes of all kinds, and Toilet requisites usually kept in a first.class establishment. CEO. MAYES, CoPPER PLATE PRINTER, The only sure remedy that exists. Combining lolicious tocte with amazing power. Also CAMPEORATED EXEâ€"WATER, Fars Cure for Scre, Weak and Inflamed Eye: COMPOUN]D) ANTIBILIOUS VOR TE I grand Specific for derangoment ef the digcstive gans, and for obstructions and torpid action of »s Liver and Bowels. Ottawa Oct. 14887 "Seomisi and Druggist, 41, Sussex Stroet, Ottawna City, Sold in bottles at 14 3d a d 2s 64 oack. Chemist and Druggist, 41 VaMHIS Valuable Medicine has the extra« l ordinary property of immediately relieving Coughs, Colds, Hoarsepess, Dilellt{ of Breathing, Tightness in the Chest, «te., &c. it uperates ‘by dissolving the Fongealed p hlegm, causing free exâ€" pectoration, and an agrecable moistness of the skin. Prepared only by GEORGE MORTIMER,. Apothecaries Hall! No. 41, SUSSEX STREET, G. MORTINER, «_ . PROPRIETOR \o .. GBEORGHâ€"E. DESBAF ATs, Otiswa, April 2, 1868, t ToTee ROM the 1st day of April next ensnu« ing, INTERZST atthe RATE of FLYE per § REAL ESTATE SECURITY. NEVER Falling Memedy for Coughs and Colds, Mortimer‘s Can«dian Cough Emal No family should be without a bottle; None NONE OTHER GENUINE ! anadian Cougsh Emulsion. For sale by AND PAMILY APERIENT PILLS TRADE MARK MONEY TO LEND Intercolonial Trade. 637y Qrugoists. Spccla'cles for all Sights, AGCHEENUCOY. A. MORTIMETR, Br HFOU ND WALKER & PENNOCK, Y Vegetable WORM DESTROYEKR. MORTIMEITS ESKEY, (late Braden and Teskey), has appointed Y1CTORIA MORTEME i &G. MORTIMER, ___ ‘Chemist, 41, Susserxâ€"st AND ".. t : wW._NHEARX, Market Drug Store, Yorkâ€"street. DP'I'I(‘A L Instruments Electroâ€"Magnetic and Galâ€" anic Apparatus, Photogra: hic Chemicals, &. DBarristers, &c., Ottawa. Meteaheâ€"streot. 384y REG anager. *> C tA ocm 96â€"Gm 551tf INSTERED Tt ON the recommendation of the Hom« orable the Minister of Castoms, and under and in virtue of the authority given and conferred by the Act passed during the presont session of the Legislature, entitled: " An Act respecting the Customs,"â€"His Exeellency in Council has been pleased to make the following Rogulation : In addition to the Warebousing Ports montione in the Act passed during the present session of th Parliament of Canada, and intituled : " An A respecting the Custows," and alsoin addition t the ports named in a list sanctioned by an orde of His Excellency the Governor General in Coun cil, of the 24th December, 1887, and of the 5th o March, 1868 respectively, passed under the authorâ€" ity of the said Act, the following Ports be includea in the list of Warehousing Ports in the Domintons vix: & M Charles Going *.alone, Esq, Morchant, Stevhen- street and Georgeâ€"streot, r&)uh]in; Cherchtown 1.0dgo, Dundrom, Co Dublinâ€"Director Commetcial Gas Company, â€" erss o pon nc ‘ Canadna Branchâ€"Montreal, | 000 _ 0 _ * C $ BOARD.OF DIRECIORS. â€" W alter saalnly. Esq, M P, Chairinan, * Duncan Macdoxald, Esq. (idurge Winks k W H Hin Esq, M D, LR CF. Sorncrronsâ€"Meests “37; aitebies / _ l ;E;flnmcn .::lmu-\‘; L 'llin{non, E3q, M D. ‘The entire profits of this old and long eslablished society belong to the polic td f tected from all muw by the deed of settlem nt. 6 erida t yao se Annuities and endowments granted on advan‘ageous terms. Advances made on approved security in eo_nm-cliun with Life Policies,. «:‘ Every information o be had on application to any of the Soelet“l Al{enu 11 Canada, or to . T W GRIFFITH, Monager and Necrctary, ' Head Office for the Dom{nion of Canadaâ€"Cornor St Fruncois Xavierâ€"stree .controai, a Agents wanted in unrepreserted ‘lislrmuthroltahont Canada, t iL ISIL Mc...NNON, 689â€"6m . Agent for Ottawa. Robert Craven Wade, Esq, Conebransy, Crossâ€" keale, Co Meath, and Sackville Street (lab, Datsâ€" lin, J P for Counties Meath and Wicklowâ€"Director Seottish Amicable Lite Office. , ‘The company do not, advocate high premiums, but rates will be charged according as the natt of the risk. Losses will be promptly and fully met on lflumnont. , Losses by lightning and loss «lamage by explosion of ga¢ within the promires insured made good.â€" es * h * JOUN INNTS, £3Q, Manager NEâ€"The above company bave invested in Capnadian Govornment Bonds, in conformity with t Provincial Act, and have obtaincd the licenso of the Minister® ot Finance to an hy u WOWOIaW With! ACCUMULATED PREMIUMS OVER, ANNUAL INCOME OVER, asdhd i HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR John Obins Woodhouse, Esq, 82 Pembroke Road, Dublin; Ome~th Park,Co Louth; Portadowr, Co Armagh; Kerry Keel, Co Armagh and Downâ€" Chairman. N Eâ€"The above company bave invest Provincial Act, and have obtained the licens aro now prepared to take risks, MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO‘Y. Annual {ncome Nearlyâ€" Capital,................. HEAD OFFICEâ€"Upper Stckoillestreet, Dutlin, Iretand ; CHIE and 18 Corn Ihil, London; CHITEF OPFICE, SCoTLAND Ottfwa, Getober 2 1467 Port Mu\grare, Strait of Canso. We still continue to manutacture every de RUBSIA LRON PIPE, and DUMB STOVE: attended to by compotent and experienced «e., at reduced rutes.. , GovERNNENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, BOX AND i1Ai1, BOX AND HALH BOX ANXD liAL3}, BB Suitable for privato PARLOR sSTOVE®, PARLOR STOVI®. PAR TOVEs. itoa Fire and Marine Insurance Go Lumbermen‘s Sup -,‘14" $ cooKING sTovEs. CcookIsG srovEs. LOUuKING STOVEs®,. |STOVES. _ STOVES. . STOVES, _ | ~~sToVYvEs. sTOYES:: sTtovEs, _ sTovEs. StovEs. stovrs, ©GCAPITAL® gy, iscc |Gos y j a2 have received our fall and Winter Stock of STOVES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS w BTOVES, TINW ARE and LUMBERMEN‘3 SUPPLLES, which we ofer Wholesale « at low prices. In Cooking, Paricr, Box and Hall stor 24, l it wood or coal, we have the largost varied assortmen ever shown‘in Oitawa. & TABtE The company do not, advocate Head Office for the Dominionâ€"Corner of St Francois ‘hvi‘or a Agonts wanted in unrepresonted districts throughout Canada [ > $80â€"6in is â€" NEIV. Me) Messrs William Jeacon _ Co, Birchin Lane, Price Lists sent froe on applic Aig, Any part of a Stove: sol i hasers would do well to note. An inspeotion of the ahoro o RS. PARDEY will have several vas Bird Cuaugeos ! eant ROOMS on the 1st of May, Wellington: s giita STOVE DHIPCO‘T Viscount Kirkatdie John Ledger, Esq George Asblin, Esq W W Duffield, Eeq J W rtongreen. Es Uool‘se‘; Hartis, Esq * John James, Erq Mossrs Hooke & Street, 27 Linevin‘s Inn Fields Jn ING ATOVILS, «COOHINXG DKING STOVES. _ . COOILLNXG JKING STOVE®, + CouKIxG Z2 Our stock of the above comprises the late FURNISHED ROOMS GENERAL IN COUNCIL COoaATSTOYVES. #3 _ have received our OTTAWwWA, FRIDAY, MAY 8S, is 68 Priovi®cr or Nova Scotia A division of profits every th Aow CHIEKF OFFICE â€"11, King Williamâ€"street, Mansion House, LONDOXN Monday, 6th April, 18( and most boa PRESENT The Namtber of Sharcholders exceed Five WaM. 1. LLE, Clerk Privy Council privato D we ESTABLISEHED 1840 David Richardson Goodiate; E *.: Â¥p EEATUKES, RRISLIA NCBE KIO t Alir sdrmen‘s Supplics! _ Shanty Plates : HoLsRPURNIAING ‘G@oobs: â€" Bird Cnsréex : The London.and County Bank BOLICITORS, ry thréo years to holders of policies who have no lossos .\_l_()_l)l‘:f{ATE PREMIUMS. ETOY is‘m, STOUES, STOVIS®. ition â€"COoilIXG sTovEs. coorIxc srovEs. CodmKIXG sTovErs, COoKING sTrovEs‘ CouKINXG sTOVZIS. COOKING STOVES- rises the latest 1mprovements In both ELEVATED and LOW NVEN STOVES, *) % Y iss, . BOX AND HALL sToOVEs. . vVEs, BOX AND HalLi sroveEs. IVI®. § BOX AND HALL STOV K# , . Oz and Churehs _ Warshouses and Stoves, e y 7 % PAULOIU STOYVES, > PARLOT um ane ed s ALLOIL AIRLOIR DIRE t the l SSEX *9¢4 plased when broken or durat cuf Mon‘s ware oqually low, in every variety of sty:le . ZAK~This is the place to bay cheap at the * Caâ€" pital," Yarkâ€"stroct. 420y GEORIJE MURPHY, ForCheap Gaiters & t AT HI. BEAUMONT SMALL, E. Ma" For Sate b April 22. Boot PRODUCTS j MANUFACTURES ‘"TORS, : John William Gregg, Esq, Aidarman, Merchant, 18 Upper Suckvilleâ€"st wet, Dubliyâ€"vice Chait . wan, * 1 _ Irwine Smith Whitty, Esq, 6 Wellington Foad, Dub!:nâ€"Director Qo:?rnmt Prisons, C Bornard Coyne, Esq, 27 Waterloo Road, Dublin, J F, COo Mago. Joffry Martin, Esq, 2 Clarinda Park, East Kingâ€" stown, Dublin, and Curraghmore, Ballinrobe, Co winyo, J P for Co Mayo. s Robert Conway Hurly, Esq, Bridge House and I:“endlufl, '.‘Ssleo; J P for Co%{orry. ara. dnc a‘l‘s NEW DOMINIOGN, T. W.GRIFFITH, Manager for Canada, is Xavier and St Sacramentâ€"streets, Montrea) UTEPTOY P Ottawa, March 20, 1866. MParnaces. STOVIE® s TOVEq. LADiKS Messr® Sparrow Tufnell « Co, Chelmeford. R, H.. McGREEVY, . .* ONTRACTOR and Bullder. Ofice : ‘North side York stroot, socond door from Sussex D 5 °4)% ©I0YBE PIPES, ELBOWS, DUXB |° C UPPLLES, which we ofer Wholesale or Retuil 24, l ar wood or coal, we have the largest and mort P ONE DOLLAR A PAIR ! o ail kinds of outâ€"door Job Work in owr 129 Country Morchants sapplied with Stovepip@®» of the Coal Figles of Europs aud > ~ Angtita. #q Merchant H. MEADOWS «; C MeKINKON, Agent for Ottawa. Messra Gesc'& Vel%y, Chelmasford. x EDWARD BUTLER, Secratary vornment Bonds, in conformity with the ot.Finance to do business in Canada, and "DVE DEPOT, CIIIEF OFFICE, ZNGLANDâ€"171 ANDâ€"98 George=*â€" BA whurgh; CALL AT THE CAPITAL ; Shue Store | \()RK-SUET. he Publisher, GEORGE E. DESBARATS, " s Ottawa. + 123b Giood at 95 cents, s ~+~£2,500,000, iss $1,000,000, Hundreds OP THE 35, Seasex Stmker Bir John T Ty rell, Bart W M Tufnell, Esq Henry T Prinsep, E. Mnjo!Skinner. {’t Aul Charles H Smith, l-’q James Traill, Esq! W M Tufnoll, Eeq meEearows â€" Basins !, Camp Ketiles, &« WiITH BY LBird C PARLOR Sroves. PanLOit stovrs, PARLOR s#PovEs, $1,000,00 $300,000. a fact intending lares t the nature 62â€"y 1 tCc Ooittrttome [ > MMseimens. [ = . &@é es ie mï¬ : i uind L B. TACKADBERRY‘S f h 18y . MARDRESSING L001 l' BELLS B LOCK, ELGLINâ€"ST. [ iimaa aiine id ‘ : ¢d by competent and attentive workmen. 3. The principal door of ingress and egress of every such warehouse shall be provided with two locks at the expense of the owner of the goods warehoused, one of which shail be selected by the eollector or by other competezt authority, the key of the last named lock to be kept by the officer, and the key ¢f the formar by the owner of the good#; and should there be more" doors than one all such other doors and all windows®and other means of ingress shall be fastened en the inside in a secure manner to the satis/action of the surveyâ€" ng officer. » 2. On receipt of such an application the collector of Inland Revenue will survey the prenuses, and if satisfied that they gro suitable for the purpose, and thet they afford the requisite protection to the reverue, and on their being supplied with suitable locks, he will report the facts to the department, whose authority will be required to use such wareâ€" house as a bonding warehouse for exeise purpores, 1. Application for the establishment of a wageâ€" house for excise prrposes must be made in writing by the person requiring it, and every such appliâ€" cation must fully and minutely describe the preâ€" mises with their exact locality. Honourable the Minister of Inland Revenue, subâ€" mitting for approval and adoption a draft of corâ€" tain Regulations respecting the Bonding and Wurehousing of goodz subject to duties of Excise. _ Whereupon His Excellency in Council was pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Regulation #o submitted and herginafter specified, be, and they «re hereby approved, under the proâ€" visions of the 88th section, of the Act 31 Vie., cap. 8, intituled: «Anâ€" Act respecting the Inland Revenue." : * 4. When ary warchouse has been surveyed and accepted as an excise warehouse it shall be desigâ€" nated by.a letter commencing with A, and so on in alphabetical sequence for each succeeding warehouse surveyed within that division. ‘ JUI'I' RECEKIVED it the TORONTO HOUSE a fresh supply of OYSTERS. Members otf Parliament or others requiring quarâ€" ters can be mccommodated by appiying at the TORONTO HOUSE. . * 5. Ocerthe principal entrance to every warsâ€" house approved for excise purposes there shall be piaeed the following designation : ERECI‘ED lately by the subscriber at New Edinburgh, who has now on hand and for sale a large yarioty of choice Verboenas, and other flowering plapts. Orders left at @. Bott‘s, Rideauâ€"street, will be punctually aitended to H. McLEAN‘S A UCTLION Rooms, No. 1 9, Sparks Sireets Centre Town, Ottawa, opposite fï¬ap.-- Stationâ€" ‘ary Store. & The sale of Real Fstate at Auction or Private Sale pmm} attended to. Consignments received for Eil ve sale. Parties wishing to purchase Real tate will receive all informatico FREE OF CHARGE by ulllnf at the office. Ottawa, Doc.18, 1865. 1â€"y IIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL, . _R. E. o‘cexxor March H "se, Ottawa etty, C. W CCMMI!SION Merchant and General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines arfd Proof v‘,'hiuko†also, Dawe=‘ Lachine Ales and Porter. â€" Pork, Klourt, &c., for sale. har Rrlpiyn ) nihr lcA in ifepmatraptabtans FX(‘IIA NGE Brokers, Fire, Life and Ac= A Adental Insurance, Commission and Collectâ€" ng Agenu._ Oflice, No. 27 , Sussexâ€"street, Ottawa. 3. BILLINGS, Jr., ‘ RCWITECT, EKiginestreet, opposite " the Post Oflice. Rerenesors.â€"I ASims®, K«q, Architect, Philaâ€" delphia ; Thos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Albany > Dr J A Grant, M P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyz olds, £5q, Managing Director O & PIt w 612â€"6m 22 Mn l efidcatiarntraiiss Dss is | cester, nearâ€" Ottaws. â€" Surveys of cvery description ‘ executed with acouracy, Communications address [ 10d Oltawa City, (postâ€"paidj, or left at the ofice of, N, boarks, Solicitor, c., Ottawn, will raceive‘ l prompt a‘tention. | 1 Ottewn, February 21, 1858. §5â€" | March 14, 18698 Ottawa, March 13, 1868 i bv. KiA AJÂ¥BJD, Pl’cowxcun LAND â€" SURVEÂ¥OR, Draughtsman, &c., (commissioned for Upper and Lower (‘nnndn.)‘ Ollice and residence, Glou «â€"PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSK. ‘lns. RTICHARD will open a" Private IVB firstâ€"elnss BOARDING _ MOUSE, Comner 1f SUSSEX and CLARENCE:STS., over Mr. Marh. neau‘s Dry Goods Store, 64 the Ist March. Par. tiog wilh_iu"f quiet, good, comfortable board, with good attendance, will prease apply and #ecure aprrtments. Breakfast at 8 and 10 a, m, ; Lunch at! p. 9.; and 6 p. m, Qitawa, March 18, 1868. 659â€""m Orrict; No. 5, Sparks Street, near the Russell GoOVvERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA Oltawa. Prepared by 0 PARTIES ABOUT TO a+f(LD Tt April 1. ‘-‘U(‘TION ROOMS, No. 3G, Hideau» 4A stroet, bolow Whyte‘s Stationery Store, ‘The ' sule of Real Esiate ut Auction or private sale | !‘rumplly attended to, Consignments received and | mmodiate attention will be paid. Snies attended | in any nart of the city or country, 600y | HOL REPARED for Enildings of every description, by IS ExcelHeucy was pleased to lay hee fore the (buncil a Memorandum frem the Â¥qd Daly st. Ottawa. Fresh Oysters. wa, C.W Plaws, â€"Bpecoisfieations, &c., O‘COxXNOR & WALLER 505¢ NEW GREEN HOUSE LGATE, 1. MILES, 4 Hair Dresser, by appointwent, to h © _: Exeellency tEo Governor=G HOLESALE Man: facturers of E. steads Chairs. &e.. Chandiara Tcland. O ImnNCt PLANE, SPECIFICATIONS, ESTIMATES, â€" & April 1% SIDNEY B. FPIPP, Architect REGULATION® MITT.F8S;" 8. CHIMUSTI AUGAUSTUS LAVER, PRESENT OLIVEIt & ANNABLE EPAXs S "Iant acturers of Bed= s, ke., Chaudiero Island, Otâ€" WILLIAM HOLGATE, JOiLN OLIVER, WIiL 44M AsXNABLE oo BX + ROBERT CURRY A 691â€"3m N i hout S th April W. M. WALLSR T8Â¥ Wellingtonâ€"st ARCHITROT USE, Corner uf: it ver Mr. Marti. | Cat t March. Parâ€" | tw ble board, with / is ly and secure | unch at 1 p. M l owas 659â€"im | **" roumecymenitisani in w ) 3 and s ra 690 1â€"y n 22 All casks, boxes, biles er other packages of goods entered for exportation shall, before leaving the warchouse, be congpicuouely matrked, brandec or stamped, as the ouss may be, by the collectors of Inland Revenagor other proper officer with the etters EXPN. * 23 Entry of goods for exportation exâ€"warehouse, | 3 7 must be made on the, forms sanetioned by the de.â€" partment, and must contain an exact gpecification of the goods for warchouse, (Videsee. 16 ) With every such entry an export bond shall be taken in | _ > the prescribed form: .: ; E ted in the entry within a specified time, which time | shall not in avy case exceed the time usually ’ nscessary for the perfoermance of the voyage or journey by the conveyance adopted, and for reâ€" utrning the vouchers by the rext mail; and in no case shall the period allowed for the eancellation of the bond exceed one year, unless special authority has been granted by the department, 25 ‘The cancellation of an Export Bond shall orly be considered coreplete on the u:‘-a of apduly auâ€" thenticated certifcate from the acfi¢etor of customs or other governinent officer having similar authority at the Port of Entry to which the goods were bondâ€" ed, certifying that the goods described in the Exâ€" 21° As soon as# any person owning goods wareâ€" . housed under these rogulations shall be desirous of ‘ exporting any <uantiy wof such gopds, he shal; déliver to the coliector of Inland Revenue, in whose . charge such goods are, a notice in writing speci(yâ€" ‘ jag the full particulars thereof as get forth inwection 16 of these regulations, and also the name of the ' ship or vessel, and the name at the master of suct. | ‘shif or vsseel, or the line of railway, as the case may ‘ be, by which such goodsâ€"are intended to be exâ€" | ported. e ied * * 4 savl. 2 anasl d Mooine d oi c mscc o rene n ols ie i ie ies m t entry an export Hamilton, Adamz & Co., Publishers, London. every sach T + pond shall be taken in l‘\()li KA LE im ’l‘oro;lo by W. C. Chews» the prescribed form. . . i ott & Co.,.lmpbon & Kon, Traet Eo nae ; ewity, Wesleyan Adam Ste rerson & Cay 24 Export bonds shall be conditional {uclhf "0* 4 Thines Young, A. &. Irving, and in .Mortreal by dolivery of the goods bonded at the place designaâ€" | Dawson Erothers, A. Miller, R. Wérthingto=, Sunâ€" And only to British orâ€" Foreign Ports of Entry where there are Collectors of {Customs or other ofâ€" gers of the Government haying similar fanctions. 20 Goods can only be entered for exportation exâ€" warchouse from a warchquse withis the lumité of the Port at which they are adtually laden onâ€"the ghip or other veaiclet in which they are to leavo the country. a The aumber and description of packages, . b Marks and numbere. _ . > © Contents of each in lbs or gallons, and in the case of zpirits the contents are to be stated in gallons of the strength of proof, 19 Goods subject to duties of Exciso shall only be‘exported in bond frem the undermentioned port» of entry, viz: 6 16 Lutry of goods for warehouse must in ali cases be made on the forms sanctioned by the departâ€" ment, and every sach entry shall containa full and cummplete sperification of the goods so entered, stating : 5 17 Every such ehtry shall be made in duplicate, 18 The collector of Inland Revenue will in every case take bonds with each entry as required by see. 91, 3ist Vic., Cap, 8, and on the prescribed form. ‘These bonds must contain a general deâ€" gcription of the gools warehoused, and also a reâ€" forence to the entry papersby number and date. The bond will bear the sume pamber as the entry, and they will be filled together. lExtry or Goons Exâ€"Waremocse Â¥or Exrorâ€" 14 T108. «d ‘The duty to whichâ€"the goods would have been liable had they gone into consumption. * Every cask or barrel of epirite, and every packâ€" age of tobaceo shall be fuil and whole at the time it is warehoused. _\ o 17 Every such ehtry shall be made in duplicate, 18 The collector of Inland Ravanna will in avare 15 Every entry of goods for warchouse mu:st be preceded by a written notice frotm the person desirâ€" ing to warchouse them, which notice must be given to the collector in the prescribed form, at least one day before the goods are removed to the warehouse, and must set forth fully the quaatity and descripâ€" tion of the goods. 13 No goods shall be warchoused or exâ€"wareâ€" housed upon any authorized boliday nor before the hour of nine o%clock in the mozning or after four u‘ciock in the afternoon, 14 All entry. papers, bonds, notices and other documents herein required shall be made out by the owner ol the poods to which they relats or by his duly necredit»4 agent, and all" packages shall be marked and numbered 2s hercin required by the owner or his:.agent. bonded excise goods will keep a debii, account of them; and the warrant of 3; of Inlard Revenu s will be the only ##f charge for their delivery, , s 211 W any goods, afterhaving been ree warehouse, and before their actual det warehouse, be altered in quantity, « ‘ ftrength, exceit hy leaknon asmownidAsl and the h ponding n 10 ~Coll to â€" the _ full‘ duties _ on _ th« of goois with which tho warchor debited, aftor taking zn aecount of th house entries; and the goods remnsinir subject to the dutiés on the quantity de thall and may be #cld for payment there of the department ; the surplus, it any, able to the person who warehoused suc his assigns, y * * With the proper lester, the whole beiag in characters in btack, not less than three in height,{painted on a white ground. +6, Goods subject to dutics of exciss n ~â€"watebotsed in nny customs warchouse wit limitsof the Tnland Revenue Division in they have been manufactured,or to which the be re:moved in boul under these regulatie évery such case they murt be received into house hy the eastoms locker on the warrant cultector Of Enland Revenue. comntersizna1 | On adaition to all other warks ane numbers) distinetty numbered, in red paint mixed with with the number of the entry and the date at wi it was entered. The date wiil be euflictently fa cated by the number uf the nalf month and the two numeral« of the year in which the catry s m do;â€"thus, goods entered on tho 20th Janaa 1868, muy be dated 11â€"68; shewirg that t&a on was imade in the fourtcenth halt month of the c rent fiscal year, is 2,, All entries. are topo numbered c nsecutive entered for warchouso unle: there s amount, under une hundred dollars. Ontario Quebec Nova Sceotia New Brunswick NTRY ver nde relating o# Guop BONDED EXCISE the . warehouse ctinds account of the ‘¢xâ€"wareâ€" oods remsining‘ shall bo o quantity deficient, and # having charge of ep a debii and eredit I , countersig Warea EUO{ ad, t will ;suotm ; Quebec. Montreal. Presco*t. Kingston. Toronto. Hamilton Clifton. Windsor. | Sarpie, ?fls y order e pay. try wa ~| Books for the Times! {â€" PRICHâ€"3 CENTS l 38 Malt warchoused under the Aét above cited may be removed in Bond from orie Ioland Revenue Division to another or from one warchouse to another, and may be exported in bond without pay â€" mentof duty, But every such removal or ¢gxport shall be under the same restrictions and eonditions as to entry and bonds as are in force in respect of other goods linble to daties of: exeisé, wxcept that bags or other packages containing malt wre not reâ€" quired to be marked or numbered, and exegpt furâ€" ther that any duly" liconsed maltster carrying on business, when entering malt manufactured by himâ€" solf for warchouse, may do so on giving a gener«l bond fn aform to be preseribed by the Department to Inland Revenue, for payment of the duty on the malt so bonded; which bond shall be for such a sam &« the collector or officer, taking it, computes will bo equal to doubleé the amount of daty that will accrue on the largest quantity of malt that pwill be warchoused under such bond at one time, and it from.any unexpected cause the quantity of malt shall at nny time be in excess of the quantity so computed farther bokds shall be taken for such adâ€" | ditional quantity. * . Lesses of Her Majesty‘s Theat. o Ottawa, March 25, 1868. 551â€"38y _ Connectei with this establishment is a Piano Manufacturer, who will atterd punctually to all orders for TUNLNG leit at the London Music Store. day Echsol UJnion, &¢., andall Bookseliers in the Dominion. 2 ChtiftMD TheOLOGY.â€"â€".»»210++ssss220me»s»es0020»»»» B1 Ti Th6 SDOKMRL â€"+~,14ceeceercrrrm srrernrermmessnninnn sA 24 Explantti0b® Of u. sew enemeesees 4 d The Three Intersessions, (dedicated to the Evangelical «llianee)...................... 0 3 #¢., #¢., #e. Theze works aco most bighly recommended by the English lw.lm press, als by the Prees of (seeâ€" Montreal * Witness," 'l"orww- #Globe," «Leader," =Clsistion Guar dian," &c.) The imention is to supply every Pro testant family in the Dominion wich these vaiuabls mk.y ‘A:‘n abtidote to Iomanism, Kitualism, In formal religion, they ml-?u ~ Aprit23 | 124â€"17â€"3m VIOLINE, CONCERTINAS, GUITARS, &e., in great variety. _ pecond hang P‘quu!ukn In part vayment for new nes. : YICTORIA OR&ANS ani MELODEBOKS, _*__ parUXLON MAKE, G2 & Every |PIANQ from this establish ment warranted for 5 years. London Music Store! house, must ‘be countorsigned by the Collector of Customs, and :must contain a travseript of the speâ€" cification in theentry, aid the locker in cliarge of the warchouse must identify every package with the description contaiced in the warrant before delivering it. Ki PIANOS. PIANOS will be made,.in,duplicate on the prescribed f¢r and every such eutry must contain a full spe6ifec ticn of the goods, as in «n export or remor/t ent 37 20n reseipt of the duty accruing oy‘the g» so eutered, the Collector of Inland! Rever will make out a warrant for thé delfvery oï¬ 02 Assoon as they haye arrived and are identiâ€" fied, the Collector of Customs will cortify the fney on the entry. paper and feturn it to the Collector 0 Inland Revenue. The goods are then to be reâ€" bounded by the owner in the disision into which the£ are removed. Thereafter they are to be dealt with in the samb manner as hlley had been manuâ€" factured in that Division. ef th» entry ; and on the wrrival " Collector of Castoms will examine t tain whether they correspond with i 30 Assoon as they have arrived (The times of Papal and Infdel ag Also just received a new stock of meont PIANOFORTES ! Revenue are to be made in triplicnte, wit eations, as in export entries. NT % â€" A new and splendid assortment of port Entry have been landed and daly entered for : consumption or warghoused at the place spociGed | in the entry, â€" 26 The entry for Exportation exâ€"warchouse sbail in all cases be made in triplicate with the collecor of Inland Revenue who shall also take the Export Bond. + & 1NDARD EV ANGLELICAL WORKS, %, Her Majesty‘s Theatre, "G% ntry of goods exâ€"warehouse for [8 must, in every case Rev. Dr. Cwk, London, England JUST RECELVED AT TIHIE 1s, in t f the strength s Wellington Street, EXxâ€"Wamer ECOMPTION, Mair x Boxp WM. H. LE3 Clerk Privy Council 22700 AHIAT® rwemtl~ is will cortify the taey m it to the Collector 0. »ds are then to be reâ€" e disision into which erthey are to be dealt ‘they had boen manuâ€" MILE for the due de gression.) msum ption bed f¢rmms $ eutr by 50 the