| * te Peterson of Bath, recomâ€". 4 6 _ (reat buoshoonees Memedy ; 3= -.lluu-u..:lhuo Pills ; commaneed asing began to â€" better, when I had finished this oc-.lono':t‘. m.c..:j. expectoration of matter, pain about the dn m ilie, asseating, &c., left me, and by conâ€" its use I became strong and healthy. it is now, over two months since I quit the remedy, and there have been no symptoms of the disease returning, and I have been, and am now, hoalthier T-I following Resolution was adopt= ed by the Coancil of the Corporation ot the County of Carleton, during their recent June 5es sion, and prderéd to be published. * hlldm tradesman, mechanic, or other "W" iuc-r‘.u to wetk. in : the Gaol, @ sin@ag passâ€" book, and hare his tume or job, as the case may be, certified in like manner, and these passâ€"books, along with the sccounts in duplicate, and properly certified, shall be Inid befere the Audit Committeo: at their quarâ€" Moved by Mr. Dow, sesonded by Mr. Fraser, ‘That thie fourth and fifth resolutions of motion No. 15, passed by this Council at the Sessions thereof held in the month of January last, be, and the same are horeby repealed, and that in future every conjractor, or other person legaily authorized by this C@uncil to supply the Gaol, shall keep a '..h.t;uduh the proper date te articles be entered, and opposite the entry :ï¬wmmmma-amm their receipt. S TOP pngl ® ECE ! i t/g & «. aav M Aund this Council do hereby further resoive that neither the Sheriff of this County, nor his Deputy, â€"q‘-mum.ou‘yfll‘oflyuc W irdeq of the Connty, the Gasl Committee of this Counsil, or ‘Its# Chaitman, shall bave power of m.nmmm whasever, to order any thing on the credit of this Coancil, nor will this Council hold itself in any manner responsible ni article or thing . turnished on any account ia‘q.m_“ same. be furcished on the written order of the Warden, the Gaol Comâ€" mi tee, or its Chairmpan, that all orders, resolutions as i notices of this Council to the contrary, be, and th» ‘same are hereby repealed, and that the Clerk of his Council do give actice by advertisoment of thi« resolation.â€"Carried. HKtawa, June 23, 1468. 115â€"3â€"%6â€"1 ;!! -:Wf:;t;:nrm;:q cures in Canaâ€" in femianie 200 taotr mattble faite, nuillcient io ts mzflï¬t‘w medicinal compound ages is now accessible in the Creat Snosnonces Remedy. For discases ot the throat, luugs, Iiver, digestive or4ans, kidneys, &c., as well as scrofula, the variâ€" ou» skin diseases, Wmdmm arising from imparitios of the we boldly state that thail. guflhfl“h-orï¬ud. Where wa.; there ever such a cure as that in the person of Another Wonderfal Cure of Consumption W1ison Storms, ot Brighton,C W, of consumption ; .q.man-c.v'm'. l Cmmamd tot .‘â€"r‘; or that of Ambrose Wood, of Conseâ€" aki of ob oi eb rtapanen o W o of thanies: that of John.Rosey.,. . of thouaâ€" tismi, who hadactuallybeen on crutches for years, in spi e of all treatment heretofore, and is now well ? Serâ€"res of such cases might be mentioned had we ':,muumm-udpc. cireular of ung uestionable cortificates on the groat Shoshonees Price of the Remedy in large pints $1. For saile by alldruggists and doaiers in mediâ€" cino. Agents for Ottawaâ€"All the D"?w; Hewry Simpson & Co., Montreal; Northrop & Lyâ€" man, Newsastle. bwy M‘l‘l’- YOUNG & CHAMBERLAIN, â€"Sirs, I feel it a duty I owe to you, as well as to l\..rhllo. to intorm you of the most wonderâ€" ful cure Omghl. M:’l:hd in my perâ€" son, by the use of the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. I goughed a greatdeal day and night, upootanflx'l;m \uumn of matter, and bad a grest pain my left lung. I had cold chills mr{:y.‘d severe night swoats every night, i.‘ the ragking cough aud groat sweating deprived of sleop ; by these miseries, us well as the loss of appetite, [ v Te . Donnbe hoenty maile Shome. 1 was under ihe '-m_!m ioiam for alength of time, but finding beer L hate been for many yoars. I t Jor witl oake this knowe: to the pablic,, that they may be aware of the peculiar virtges of this truly wonderful Indian R-dz- PRTER C. V. MILLAR. Â¥irnestown, Co. of Lennox & Addington, 0 W .r all to »hom it may come.â€"This is to certfy Ihave been aoquaimed with the abore menâ€" tromed gentloman, Poter .C. V. Millar, Esq., for many years, aad have known him always to be of the very h n-mbil‘u{.ud.nqn-fld and le person; and [ am confidentthat I and creditable person ; and [ am confider 12 alioy wihaol tut ts lnoth bf the above, or any other statement made, by him s CTOP a duy # aX _2 7 ‘E ~o‘\ #\ ~â€" P3 o+ m c S§t/ & o 23 AS 208A 1/op RPER Â¥, W.F. 8. HA * ‘ Rer, W. F & EDW. BEARMAN, , but all without THE v.tm:nsu. REMBEDY for INTERNAL & EXTERKNAL CUGMLL mâ€"aaz_f_ _ â€" UR FIRST PHYSICIANS USE AND RECOMMEND ITS USE! I hedc it > ouss 'l.AQ favorably known fer mere than thirty yeAar®, C-rI? which time we I%A E ll‘illVlD THOUSAND4 OF TESTIMONLIALS, showing this edicine to be an alâ€" most NEVER FAILLNG@ REMMOY for diseases caused by or attendant uponâ€"Sudden Colds, Cut:.,- Fevor and Ar. Headache, Billious Fever, Puins in the Side, Back and Loins, as well asiin the Joi :.ud“u;d ; Neuralgic and Rheumatic Painsia any part of the system, Toothache and Pains in the e ace. d As a BLOOD PURIFIER and TONTC for the 8TOMACH, it seldom fails to cure Dyspepsia, Inâ€" digestion, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Kidney Complaints, Bick Readuche, Piles Asthma of Phthisic, Ringworms, Boils, Felons, Whitiows, Old Sores, Snelled Joints, and Gendra Debili f, the Bgm-.‘ h At & PROMPT and SURE REMEDY for Crampand Pains in the Stomach, Painters‘ Calic, Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Scalds, Burns, Rm Br:l:«. l::u,n Uhilblains, as well as the Stings ot Ingeots, and the Uil.‘dl’ohquu and Ve ptiles, ‘ 4 $ f "3"’{" \ r' rections ascompany each bottle. t sisd d , t has been tested in every var‘ety of olimate, and by almost every nation known to civilization. It is the constant companica and incstimable frient of the Afissionary, and 1 o traveller should be without it. Like every other good thing, the Pain Killer has been oxunlvol{ counterfeined ; which, (while it is an acknowledgment on the part of the countérfeiters of its real worth,) is a serious hinderande to its usefainess, as the deceived purchaser estimates the value of the Pain Killer by the base c he has purchased for the genuine article. . * â€" Purchasers should be careful and not allow the doaler to sell them worthless imitations, on w hich | they a larger gnh. but take only the P« Killer, and see that it is the gonuine, beating the si re of Perry Davis & Son upon the label. f cin Killer is sold at wholesale by Druggists and Medicine Dealers, and Commission Merâ€" chants, in the pd.elzol cities, and retailed by Apothecaries, Grosers, and at Variety Shops generally EL EUTY We compelled 10 answer your uiries reâ€" lative to the curative ropcnh-d uï¬unxu klAN its associates as constituents im our ENOVAT!NG RESOLVENT in lang affections, and its power in arresting waste and decay of the I:S.I:.“.. VUlcers, loosenping the phiesm, |and the patient to expectorate freely the thick, sloughing matter deposited in the s(‘rdpu- and cells of the Lungs and Bromchi, and at same time keeping up the general strength of the patieat, u)&fln‘ the waste with good and healthy material, lw nourishment as well as purification of the ~~ ‘hâ€â€˜..r:. mediam of the r.u :â€"that hundreds of others) daily writing us for information -s.; know we g‘vl a remedy in the RESOLV EN that will the progiess of Consumption, either of the Liver, Kidneys or Bowels. The oLvENTt is no_o-po-uh‘ {‘-o‘dz ;Jt The Great Family Medicineâ€"of the Age. l cach nsal. and if the cough istroubleseme one teaâ€" ‘ ® at night, will afford immediate case, and . will remove all unpleasant ny-ro-l. | As aills to the Resolvent, if pain is present, the . spine should be ribbed with the Beady Relief, and ‘ one to of Radway‘s Pills (conted) to insure bovels .u.m“u':"mm ordes of ha pWw a ts wels. * RENOVATING RESOLVENT _increase . the strength and flesh of the patient. . We do notclaim that this remedyâ€"will make. new lungs, new kidâ€" neys, of cther wasted organs, but it will «rreet decay, L‘l ulsets, and supply the wase that is dally prh‘ of, with new, sound and healthy material. Dr. Radway can be consulted, free of charge,| from 12 to 2 pm., at Now 873 Maiden . Lane. Toh hacnirih e altoot aefine u. Tt » ï¬m of chronie abnm of the Kidneys and urinary organs. Sarsapariliian and Pareirs Brava, two of the ingredients as prepared by Dr#dvuy'n process, -‘Lply a want that has ever existed, in nrh‘n‘ waste ot the b::‘ with pure and healthy material out of new *lood, of arresting dissolution and decay, of restorâ€" ing nal harmony, of securing strength, of dissolving calculous concretions, of curing every form ki‘no‘.lhddrudvudn diseases ; of stoppi dnll ni'uc olo‘vubnhg&. .-nhnc.‘ a?d i isc! ; vigor of life, to all, whether l-’:ood bm,lnpnm ciation, bad habit of systeas, exposure or accident. en T VEX SE KLA22 ts csdbaecs tnnatiomid blood, sweat and urins ; it restores tunctional harâ€" mony anil enables each mldhml to recrete its constituents. Direct ies, as Lung Balsams, Cough Ryrups, Pestorals given to act directly on the Lungs, as a regular remedy, are hurtful, 45 they sugiment the functions of the " _ Sesallf _ u2s L. $ a ne sOP m TE NC C re B ce aeets Aitnins T functions of the Liver, Kidueys and Skin. It a lpuh-w"n fering with a severe cough, with a sense of suffocation or weight in the chest, irritation or soreness , pain in shoulders, C1Mâ€" in the throat, pain in the y culty of or am 'll:l. ness of &:-E.:IMO is constipation of the bowe‘s, won great thirst, or it the water discharged, substances like the white of an egg, or dust, or threadâ€"like rkeins, or if there ’ pain in the small of the back, bips, stomack or bowels, chest, otc., from a dessert to a } ubu-cgo-tn.l of RESOLVENT, half an hour after each meal, and if the cough huo-b!u-o outt of the Bladder, Gravel, Brick Dusts, and other morbid state of the Urine. The RESOVATING As lb Renovating Resolvent Sarsapa«= rib onters i-to-:l‘uoly into the ::r‘nlndu. it com| its work of purification expalsion of humorsâ€"from the blood at once. Skin ions, Blotches, Pustules, Tetters, W orms and I 4, Black Spots, eto., are removed by a fow , and the skin changed to a cleat and be 1 appearaace. uc HESOLVENT does not augment the functional of one organ by suspending the secreâ€" tions of others, Ask always tor Dr. RADW AY‘S RESOLVENT, or SA APAI.I‘ .L:.IA!‘IKL'V“T.â€"M $1 l or e 1 * ‘1! RADW AY & Co., ‘ I 439 St. Paniâ€"street, Montréal. © This retiedy is superior to all preparations of Buchu, Cabebs, Juniper, ote . in Diabetes, Catarrh London Music Store ! PA Sent to all parts of Canads. wW. M. MASSEY, | _ Agent, Ottawa. Reap Faust axo Tave â€"Send one lettorâ€"stamp; to RADW AY & CO., 439 8t. Paulâ€"streot, In ulu'ï¬ thousands -ll,ll be v:t' Price i ENT ‘sARSA ARI » per %OF n. T77b, 1|\ PTANOS. PLXNOS. mznlj warranted for 5 years. just received a new stock of vI CONOERTINAS, GULTARE, &s., eï¬ ts se Pianos taken in part vayr«at los new m‘wflh this establishment is a Piane , who will sttend punctually to all orders for TUNLNG left at the Lendon Music Store. | E. MILES,« +« ts Lessee of Her Majesty‘s Theatce Ottawa, March 25, 1868, TICTORIA CR&GANS and MELODEOXS A} _| . W. NOTMAN Paptographer to the l.v ER TO MEDICAL ISQUIRI®R®. Itâ€"Enjoys the Largest Sale of Any Preprictary | CcoRNER OF p qbuzmrozv AND METCALF | STREETS, 'l'ru'ulbopnpud to falil orders tor=>, iferent br .nches of Photography. w Htawa, J1n. 31, 1868. 882y PLANOFPORTES ! s UNTON MAKE, m E*ry ï¬AN(_) from this establishâ€" ;v.., Her Majesty‘s Theatre, "OR J‘ Wellington Street, [A new und splendid assortment of ace. LOOD PURIFIER and TONIC for the 8TOMACH, it seldom fails to cure Dyspepsia, Inâ€" siver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Kidney Complaints, Bick Readuche, Piles Phthisic, Ringworms, Boils, Felons, Whitiows, Old Sores, Snmelled Joints, and Genera the System: T so & Fnoun and SURE REMEDY for Crampand Pains in the Stomach, Painters® Calic, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Scalds, Burns, 8 rajns, ost Rites, Chilblains, as well as the Stings ot Ingoots, and the Biu’ ¢l’u-quuÂ¥n0f0 k £ 54 . 5 D6 t Pb3 $ tablishment will be Opened, â€" > ~ (Ottewas, May $, 1868. (‘l‘llal:::: Discount ;- A:loc. e R. S. M. lohc,lEll. JOULD inttmate that having.all his ‘ arrangements completed, his rorcat Devarcwext, R.R.R. Orric®«, * No. 87, Maiden Lane, New York nday Next, 3rd February PAIN KILL ER. JUST RECELVED AT THE THB PAIN EILLEER Contows UBrANTMENT, powers through the n the ia bel. le by Druggists and Medicine Dealers, and Commission Merâ€" iled by Apothecaries, Grosers, and at Variety Shops generally PERRYDAYVIS & §08, Manfs.and Prop# , 14, Klsl‘-.u , Providence, R.1., he ~â€"â€" , St. Paulâ€"st., Montreal, P. Q., . ..â€"â€"47, Southampton Kow, Holborn, London, x 551â€"30y INTERNAL & EXTERNAL COMPLAL NITS! ite, and by almost ;vn, nation known to etvilization. able frient of the dfissionary, and 1 0 (naveller should the Pain Killer has been ul.ouiull co‘umrf-h:i; ol cuucs t c B slclt & h se t uPy on war t T the door, 60 ‘y %4, with 14 feet taken off the one end for a coachhouse, and overhead for a storehouse ;. next to that is a stable 36 b{ 26, finâ€" ished inside, complete with four ln’- double stails and two l.h.slo ones, and geod room for hu‘\n{ up harness, eat box ; convenient to that is a barn 40 l{. 50, in which I havre often put 1,000 bushels of snln in one year; connected with that is 208 and 20 feet of frame sheds, all 20 an d 24 deep, under pinned with stone and lime fromtwo to seven feet, according to level ; on the north side of the house is anether barn, 30 b{ 40, communly filled with peas and oats, And if either tennant or purchaser has a desire for religious ru:‘p‘uu you can lis in your bed and look at the be: 1 telling on the Catholie Church every Holy Day, and 'go to the. front. door mi:".vium J-Iw riem Tharch, where the . Mr. Lock#a proachâ€" ed for theâ€"last twentyâ€"two years, and goto thokble! Aoo e EeC O Cl ud i door and you will see both English Church and Methodist Church within two miles. The above farm would be a desirable situation for a y man vhlh‘.miu his attention to hmln;.‘:: the Ottawa et camnot be surpassed in the Dominion. I think that I can say that I have not sold one pound of butter under one alnllinq this cight years: if one went under two went over, Bome reader may ask what am I solling for, it is peituer for seant nor for want of nny&hini. but I am in the seventioth youd::qo.ud as purchased of this lot seven hund and fifty mcres of land and. mhm«.mm-ym is settled on their own so I would rather sit down and take my case as be attending to marketing aod farming any longer. Persons wishing to get any informaâ€" tion on any point from me, can do so by addressing, ‘ m:-pdd. JAMES JOHNSTON, Senr., Bouth ' . } JAMES JOHNSTON, Senr. Fabruary 6. 1868. 1090â€"6w12 Tllll SALOON is fAtted up in a neat and . attractive manner, and is always atâ€" tended by competent and attentive work men. K. MLLES, Hair Dresser, by n“duml. to hit Excellency the Govarnorâ€"General. Ottawa, April 13. Ti5y ROYAL MAIL LINE. IPÂ¥"A N O MNIB U S HAIRORESSNG _ 841001 o nninaiy, e bacry peepin es t en At ‘yA * TXB L J i\ ‘ FOR Converting=~One Inch Lumber June 5, 186§ QUEBEC STANDARD B a-x$ Measure. 4 Noomd P Jowrels Sog / . | Tn-{-ubiur offers FOR SALE his STORE and DWELLING in the Village ot MARATHON, Township of FITZROY. Also, One Mundred and Thirty Acres of GOOD Lï¬ib.n which the store uj outbuildings are 0 . This is a splendid qs:hnuy‘â€" rtumity for any party with ww 'ui‘v::.‘dngoodcpuw for a Apply to 121.17â€"6 been r wtted by the subscribars, and will be openea on MONDA7, FOUKTEKNTH OCTOBER, with an entire new stock of February 6, 1868 FINNE Store formerl “cuslo‘ by W. D. l‘ WOOD, No. 38, on EIDIA AB’!_R_'I'T, has NTEW / STORE ! GRQCERIE®S, LIQUORS aAND A W i.k ... Exodus of the Western Nations by Viscount Bury; Chronicles and Characters by Owen Meredith ; Brakespeare by the author of "Guy Livingstone" ; T;o L;u Name, a Novél ; Farâ€" . Boys ; The New Dictionary ef Quoâ€" To it Pe Geguudict ty Shoes! qinites ; Aills 3 Coopet‘s KNovela, perivrol., 15 a" uhy mays in Bs by atml complete te 154 poirer omm amtoee: Marimetngra bordd, conh;â€l')ouQnincoy.aCoanuanpIum Mt““!‘flé?fli‘umum] * Bibles, Prayer m,m.Ta‘, just specified in the schedule hereunto annexed, Ooint. regeived trom the Publishers, in the |n t | mae at the said Branch Mint, of upproveéd: « o .. ring. y poktk & gox, 1« as law, with . /..‘ 1 OmEA 3:,, | respect to Gold Coins of the ‘sathe denoniinativns an8y . â€" *~ * "OpF@e the SaFmel House ‘ reate at Our Mint in Lendon, shall be a legutsth. Ottawa, May 16, 1868. Las sutt Lawyersâ€"Chrious Faéts and Characâ€" teristic Sketches ; Art and Artists, do. ; Books and Anï¬on‘ ao.; Clergymen and Doctors, do. ; Longfellow‘s Works Complete for 15 cente;. The, Wayerley Novels, per vol, 15 BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE. a wooD & ROSSITER. Ottaws, October 12, 1867 ° (15 4P EN) RUSSELL HOUSE, NOTPILCE. Medicine MILBES‘ Will leare the in the World ! ROBERT JO!N!TO;. Marathon P. 0 AND 10, Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa P® 1602 . > "TME OITTAW A GoLD .CoINs OF sYDNEY MINT MADE A LEGAL TENDER i Vi CaxaDa. With reference to your despatch No. 200, 26â€" November, 1866, I have the honor to tranimit to you the accompanying copies of an order of Her Majesty in Council and ot a Proclamation for ‘deâ€" claring the Gold Coins of the Rydney Mint, a legal tender in those of Kier Majesty‘s porsessions abroad which are specified in the schedule ‘anâ€" nexed to the Prociamation. im N _ You will be so good as to cause this Proclamaâ€" tion to be published in Canada, in the most @uthenâ€" tis manner. « 2 A similar order inâ€" Counsitâ€"was passed on fl 10th of November, 1866, for making these coins a lega) tender in the Colonies imentioned below ; Antigua, Malta, Barbadoes, Mortsetrat, G Babamas, Nevis, Bermuda, Natal, Cape of Goed Hope,‘ Bt. Helona, British Columbia, Sierra Leone, Dominica, Bt. Vincert, Falkland Islands, Et. Ohristopheri@nd its @old Const, . _ _ dependencies, * Gambia, _ ~ Bt. Lucia, â€" +> Gibraltar, Trinidad, Britisn Guiana, Tobago, f Granada, Turks and Caicos * Honduras, _‘ Islands, Jamaica, Vancouver Island, + Governor, THE DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM TO LORD MONCK. | THE QUEEN‘3 MOST EXCBLLEN + u’._x ESTY + IN COUNCIL | There was read this day at the Board the Drait of the Proclamation declaring Gold Coins made &t the Branch of the Royal Mint at Syduney, New Bouth Wales, a legal tender in certain of‘ Her Majosty‘s Possessions abroad, specified in a acheâ€" dule atiached to the said Draft Proclamation, _ | Her Majesty haviag taken the samo into conâ€" sideration, was pleased by and wwi‘n of Her Privy Coundil, to appreve f} and to order, and it.is hesoby ordered,, that the said Proâ€" clamation do take effeet ‘and come into forte in each of Hor Majesty‘s Possessions abroad, speciGied in the aforesaid Schedule, upon and from and after such day, as shall be for that purpose limited by the Governor or Officer Administering the Governâ€" ment of each of the said Possessions by any Proâ€" clamations to be by them‘ for that purpose respectively issued in each of such Possessions. And the Most Noble the Dake of Buckingham: and Chandos, ‘one. of :Mer . Majesty‘s Principal Becretaries of State, is to give the necessary direcâ€" tions for causing publication to be made horeof within Her Majesty‘s said Possessions abroad.= *‘ (Signed), _ ARTHUR HELPS. DRAFT PROCLAMATION REFEKRED To IN THE FOREGOING ORDER IX _ ~~ coUNoIL. 8. For: dectaring~ Goldâ€"Coins made at the Brajich Mist at Syilvey, Néw Sooth Wated,‘a‘ legul tender throughout such parts of Her® Majesty‘s domimons as are ipecified in the schedule hereunto angexed. Whereas, by an order in Council, bearing date the Nincteenth day of August, one thousand cight hundred and fiftyâ€"three, we have thought fit to order that a Branch of our Royal Mint, should he established at or near Sydney, in New South Wales. And whereas in the eighteenth yeur of our reign, by an order.in Council, Wï¬'.ow day of October, vas thousand eightâ€"bundr fAftyâ€" four, we have thought fitto opder that certain pigces of Gold Money should be coined at the said Branch of Our Royal Mint, to be called respectively Aas. tralian Sovereigns and Australian Half Sordreigns. and to be of the sume respective weights, finenéss and value with the Soversigns and Half\Sove: reigos now current within this our realm. . | .. HNAPQ. 141 +1 And whereas, pursuant to and in virtue of the powers given in our said Orders in Council, it is provided that a Coinage of the sdid Australian Severeigns and Hall, Soverpigns w"-m{ uwhd that overy ‘such ~Acstralian * shal have for the‘obverse curâ€"ofigy,> with the insoripâ€" tiom, " Victoria D, G., Britanniar Regin» F, D,;* and the date of the year, and for the reverse the word * Australian " placed in the c-mnn}’kn encireled by a laurel wreath and surmourted By the Royal Crown with the inscription «8ydgoy Mint, One Sovereign," and with a graining on the The Right Honbie. Viscount Monck, @dge, and that every such Australian Half Sovereâ€" ign shall have a.:?bku in overy.respfet similar to that. of the Sovarsign, and for the severse the same word, " Australia," in the centre encircled and surmounted in like manner, but for the inscripâ€" tion the words " Sydney Mint, HaV Sovereign," and a graining on the odge. 41.# And whereas pieces of Gold Money have been and will be coined at our said Branch of the Royal Mint in pursuance of orders isswed and to be : And: whereas, I’.u“pmm P twonly ninth wad Thirtioth: years ~of 0ar entithed # Au‘Act‘ to enable Hles Majesty to doclate Gold Coins to be issued from Her Majesty‘s ~Colonial Branch Mints alegal tender for payments, and for other purposes relating thereto," it is provided that / = it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, trom timme, to time, by Prociamation issued with the advice of Her Priyy Council, to declare that for such peried, and subject to such conditions as may be specified in such Prociemation, Gold Coins made at Golonial Branah Mint, of deaigne by Her Majesty, and being of :thu-m:uï¬u. ness hs are‘ reinired by Jaw.â€"with .respect to Gold. Coins of the‘ sime! denomisutions:made at Hor Majesty‘s Mint in London, are to be a legal tender: tor payments within any part of Her Majosty‘s Bominions to be specified in such Proclamations, in which Gold Coins issued from‘ Hor Majesty‘s Mist in London shall at the date of the issue of such Proc!amation being issued Gold Coins mad¢ of such designs and being of such weight and fine. * iInqgupuail Y LORD, ness an aforeraide sholl be A !qpal Jupicy for w-i “"mâ€."‘,‘ +o fee D M + t "l"" obmeret1 afnsoliad M wlÂ¥ ms} dose babpems t hy And whoreus Gold ‘Cofos" issu0d frour dur Royal Mint in London are at present a legal tender in such parts of our Dominions as are specified in the schedule hereurte annexed ; I have, &¢., £14 (Signed), . BUCKIAGUAM %.CU AXN Dos aot sommanp inï¬ publicdtion élâ€"this Our Prochamaioniby the Srddror btier aficer‘ Admihinterhey‘ the o"‘.'.’l‘ ment of such part of parth 6t 06Â¥ Dbuithilbes as are . specified in the schedule hereunto annexed, Ooint. maie at the said Branch Mint, of designs upprové@ ',Ihculon. by and with ï¬.m*w Privy Council, have theught fit to issue this | PROCLAM ATIOXN®* HERE AS AT THE COURT AT WINDSOR, | The i4th day of May, 1863 &o., &c., &c. BY THE QURKN PRESENT Islands, Vancouver Island, Virgin lslands. 25th May, 1868. € B date of the der for payments within such part or parts of Our Dominiotis, &s &re spocified {n the said schedule, until such peried as thisâ€"Our Proclamation shall be ievoked, by and with the advice of Our®Privy Council eforesmid. . | [ ; ;â€", Given at Our Court at Windsor, tais fourteenth day ot May, 1868. > geferred to in the Order ip Coungcil, dated 14th day of ®*.ay; 1568, and in theâ€" Draft Proclamation, the 4usue of which is ordered by thoâ€" saidâ€"Order in reiblori uin Fove se ues it iOYAL CANADI 1;“& c $H0HS ALL paymonts to be made on account Butario Governmenit may be madd o the | October 81, 1867 â€" DAVIS vs, EMSLIE. In rummm of the Decres In this cause dated the 8th JANUARY, ©1867, and the finat ordar for sale herein dated the 30th MA Y last, thery will be sold with the nw;robuuon of the Master of this Court, at OTTAW A, by PUBLIC AUCTION, by HECTOR MCLEAN, at his Awction Mi,Sg:rh- street, in the Cltis of Ottews, st twelve vtclock, noop, on . WEDNESDAY, the 15th JULY NEXT, the follewing Reat Estate, vis: > 44 * "All and singular that. wertain parcelor tract of | land and prepiises ‘ situate lyh&:;ï¬ being in the 'l‘o'uhlm N.g:::'fl‘: the . { of Catleton, .and Prov of containing by admensure~ ment one hun€red acres, be the same more of less/ being composed of the North Half of Lot Number Sixtgen, in the Fifth Concession of the. said Townâ€" nh_llyhor ll:ru. Ridéau Front. | = ‘* _ . e said land is well adapted tor farming purâ€" , und lies on the east side of the miain road mouown to Richmond ; ;bontm acras of it are cleared and undar cultivation, 1t is situatâ€" d amongst the best lands in the Cfllt’r of Carleâ€" ton. It is fifteen miles fram Ottewa, and five miles from Richmond and the River Goodwood, a conâ€" ' lt't‘?Uy flowing stream passes through the centre of it., d 1A +s, . Ongâ€"tenth of the purchase moeney is to be paid down by the purchaser to the Vandor or his So’ilcl- tors atthe time of sale by way of dmdt. ‘and the balance an or befers the 1st AUGUST mext : upon payment of which he will be entitled to & conveyâ€" ance, and let into possession. . rests s P ‘ Gop savE THE QUEEn. Schedule of Her Majesty‘s Passessions abroad Xocal ~Gobemument Plotitcts. In other respects the conditions of saleâ€" are the standing conditions of the Court of Chancery; The deed trom the late Alsxander Emslie to the Plainâ€" tif will ba produced at theâ€"time of sale. .. | . All pufl; to the suit, with the excontion of the Vendor, are to be at liberty to bid. Fuarther particulars, and conditions of sale, may be had at the Offices of theisaid Master and Richmond Circuit Board Dated at Toronto, 30th Ostober, A.D., 1867 PUBLIC INSTRUCTION RAKADAs : «: :c .. =s: » PRINCE EDW ARD ISLAND, REWFOUNDLANB. >~>~~ ‘The 9th day of December nexts At 12 o‘clock, moon, for general business. . Appli= mu for certificates of ‘qualification are required to furnish the Board ‘with mdlouu of moral character from either Lecal Superintendent er from x Clergyman: of the denominationâ€"to which they mret' ivoly belong. that ‘ * t 0. B. PETITT, M.A., On Wednesday, the 8th day of July next J. HENTON, Righmond; May 21, 1868. 1N ©J. DURLE & 80N have jastâ€"received from the IdI;‘M «nd Canudian Manuftastirert a large stock f in on 4b sb dnc % Of évery description, also Recerpt Books, Ordér Dooks," Blank Ne Books, Time Books," Bi Books, &0: ‘ + ft y t ~" Memoranddtn Books, Pocket â€" Ledgers, Cash l.;:; !'::H Books, Clerks® Check Books, f and Foolscap: Letter â€"Books And Tresses Copying '"m“'!*“ t 11l 6 "~‘A spigndid lot of Glass and Pewter Inkstands ; itbvtnhlngihmublnc Bank use., . ; . mw-g.-&'g ;m-;wsmt_n?.t. ; ~ Antoine ebrated Copying Inks. ‘" The W are P.;ihwnnlu-.» l m& BillOthmpi: o+ C ~>> â€"~<** f * /% For sale by ==="A1 «alff= A=« | ) )o 0_ * . +=‘ .‘ J DURIE & SON, | _ . _, 498y ~~10 Sparks=st:, oppésith the Russell House, _ We have for sais, and are ?lf‘thfl éturing," the lightest and most duratle IO;! G OOII&IN. ®b: MOWING & REAPLNG |MACHINE in use fno '::.‘l work), wrought horn kn:{. ;}th_niw c ron -M ““"- & ower, 6 Gombined, $85. "al A 2l . saduBdK+ .8 l‘lomxo'n Throshing Madbinés (reks 20 Sets Threshers and Separators 10 Sets Doubleâ€"Pinion Powers to match / ..; ; ..; 10‘Sets Treble Geared Lron Powers, known :as the W atch Power. . s (| tb rm\uuc‘r;cn have their choice of the Powaers. These Machines are made in the thost substanâ€" 1 manmer and warranted. â€" Price, < , in :‘l:‘fln‘ Bolu.,'W;ulo,: &o,, $250. “P‘m Ts » Two Horse Railroad Powers ;. 50 Sete of our new Doubleâ€"Pinion Railroad Power Threshing ~Maâ€" chines, camplete. For ease upon the team, amount of work, and manner in which it is done,they have oTICK. no equal. ; uii‘-m““,v“ ré uï¬:ï¬ (i' w i ardso well | "An .M‘Jmm'mmm&.mh.:ld - pricbs on reasonable terms, |< ) @iscount im on oo wb B Pn > * ‘Juine 97. 000000 T90â€"1â€"25â€"8 Moguvet‘‘ [4] ‘Oltawa, Junt 21 : i a A Â¥P o m '\'\)75) ‘:’ *»"» "l",‘ +# v'_â€" 4? )* Hlit c f â€"{ad “_..‘_‘ :V 1 ¢ iL } / Uaeaainta h H Gnes" 1 in â€"4':"‘» a--‘k‘¢\ j 1 /s * Seg s "’b' matol ko ts suiNul! y‘ Roy alCanadiani#ank {(@OTTAWA AGgGENCY : _ TATIONERY. 011CE ISs HERKEBY GIVEN + That thé above Board will meet .i\()\"l. CANADIAN B.\NK OwWING & REAPING MACBHINES. THE TOWN HALL IN RICHMOND, County of ‘Jarletod. BLANK ~BOOKS WVEDNESDAY, In Chanceryv. AND AL80. OX JULX 1. 12 2# Treagurer of Ontario TP O# HLIQ T16â€"3 of ‘the ST. LAWRENCE AND OTTAWA + RAILWAY, (formerly the Ottawa & Pregeott Railway.) ON and AFTER FRIDAY, theRH@AMMAY, lBGrB‘;“nd until farther notice, TRAINS will run as ows : | 4 Return tickets to Prescott, Kpmt:vma and Jtt®â€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the pigin@pals aâ€" tions or the line. T 8. DETLOR, TIIOMA& REYNOI:BS, A 3:15 p.m., arriving at Sandpoint at 12:40 p. m. and 9 p.mi + LEAYE SANXDPCINT, A. NM.â€"=«TRAINS will leave 5: 15 Sudsolnt'ct §:15 a.m. and 1:30 g.ms., arriving at Brockville at 11:30 a.m. and :45 p.m; #/] f AIPQ rains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to ind from Porth. ._ l 7.1’ A. M.«=«TRAINS will leave $ +D Brockville daily at 7.15 a.m., and The 7:15 a.w0. trair from Brocky.lle cannects with U. F, Coy‘s Steamers for Ottawa, Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort, Pembroke, &c., &¢., and the 1:16 pan. train from Handpoint leaves after those steamers are due rom cast and west, L8 44 ABBOTT, fl\!lAlNl nolwy Jeaye Bonaventure Sta= tion as follows ; GOING WESTâ€"Day Express for Ogdensburgh, Ottawa, Brockville, Kingston, Bollevifla, Toronto, (_Iu_clp.l?. _!qndol. B;rlgtfbrd'. Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago and ‘iii‘:'r'éi}- West, at 8.30 A.M. Night do do at 7.30 P.M. | | _ Accommodation Trhin for Kingston and intermeâ€" dinte stations at 7.60 A.M. § # â€" Superintendert, Ottawa, May 14, 1868 Local Train for Cornwall and intermediate Staâ€" tions, at 4.20 P.M. 4 ‘Trains for Lachine at 8.00 A.M., 9.30 A.M., 300 nf 430 P.M.. _ | _ ARSY: The 3.00 P.M. Train runs through to Platisâ€" burgh. (I%)ING BOUTH AND EASYâ€"â€"Actommodation Train from Island Pond and intermediate Stations, «t 7.00 A.M. Express for New York and Bostor, at 8.40 A.M. Express for Boston and New York, at 3. %s P.M. â€"Express for Portland(staying over > atat Island Pond) at 2.00 P. M Nif‘ht Express for Portland,‘ThreeRivers, Quobec and Riviere du Loup, nopï¬m‘ 1â€"stween Montreal and Island Pond at St. Hilaive, 3t. ilyamcinthe, Acton, Richmond, Bhorgroke, Waterville ana Conticooke only, at 10.10 P. M ; yasr S\uslng Cars on all Night Trains. Bagâ€" gage checked through, ’:r further information: and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" rockville, April 11 tion: nonr 28 H"LL, opposite F &uï¬gmï¬m&m street. Terms rioderate." * Apply to Mrs. TLERNAN, No. 2, . ing street opposite the Gas House, s Ottawa, May 4 1868. 1344 VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TOâ€"LET. «~ I4 is built on #ie most .modern .style of architesâ€" gure, of cut stone ; b::&“ plateâ€"glass windows, and is four stories high,. nuhliu‘oftho basement. dt is finely situated on the.cormer.of Wellington and O‘Cennorâ€"strocts, imniediately. opposite the Parliaâ€" ment Bnfldlulrum &as three racant Jots attached, .nhl:‘tMl dings could; be enlarged to any . ¢â€" qu s thu aett tdin dlete E4 4 Apmw. aid) to he addressed to II seiery o. :mu qo o 280 t Las 21e( 4 * 08! » +o hlehgud Road, Oawa, C. W . Ottawa, Margit4l...... o â€" .4. .:: ..._.; 8798 Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1868 17 & 3~ ‘effered‘ to ‘°LP'“& in the Hotelâ€" kupï¬rï¬'lh‘ ah ‘the Tease of the 4 -bo,v7 iBST-CLfsq HOTEL on the efé 6 rition, and Otitawa being foflnitoly settled upon as jtg capital, | > WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, i1867 / !â€" The Victaoria:Hotel chull nOLTeH] o ME BQIA TO.pay. 2 . _ "EAYINCGS~DEPAR T :ENT. ~* Twd '(lbivelllngï¬ to Let, ks i s ioi ut ied t ars .’"“E.om % "#e an, i %ï¬.fl; of "Wm, T.* Aylén, 7 \ .n cA .9 EW IIOUIF To Lnl Ccr ‘A.!‘, l'. esal 6 : "'; svsings '“ L» t : I et i. + Â¥ #2 # x .VA & |: c t sUMMER ARRA of Wm, I. Aylen, Z6q. | 7o0r INNDeT pRECOUTAI apply to Jou® and ‘Wx. Trowsox, Ncg.n. an LEwis & Prywry, Barrister, Ottawa. Je -!;l_-ci Quebec Bank=â€"Ottawa Brauch ha Deprrugont. Cttaws, March 13, 1868. k < 15, 4th Concessions HMM, seven miles from Ottawa, on the macadamized road leading from ht dooferel! 4 in the ilphant wate of coll; madr aPWad BhGeNtE §el sns Sellar . also.a good Barn, Stable, 5 and other Tert Te mett Prale blithiee wha. $iosd stme ' f "!g 3 o 0M L 6 o:r m"‘“% Ths nedet ns Mos, ROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAIL« WAYX. â€" _ C.J; BRYDGES, Managing Director December 23, 1867 _ meing Direditt LAAA V HOL «ie ‘cliflhll T. BAINES, late of Ottawa, B errister, &v.,&0./ has removed to Kichmond, ~whete ho witt at al} timeds hmdrmd to any zn“edm“ld Busitess which may be enâ€" ‘trdéued to.him in his line with accuracy and with thodist ChureW&nd Catholic Church can be seen f doo¢. ‘‘There 18‘® nine mile road runni ToL.! Bd Tixiiroad iStatio® 18 ‘about te "Itoin ‘he house.‘Thore Will be a charce flnn in part‘bf‘the purchase money if required. As well ‘Fenced mnd watered: ; Hor further parâ€" ticulars apply tethe subscriber on the premises. es SsB GDRASEE ons 44 1. WR cRLALRK ENNY Enquire at the Store. vafety; deg i de, clses s slonsls Richmond, Bed 30,/1867. â€" _ RAND TRUNK RAILWAY COM» PANY OF CANADIA, Commencing on the 20(n April, 1868 io d a o donge munf';s'r at i:o RA’{S o?gï¬'i 1 .L.I'ZlGAI‘.wâ€Eï¬ : E: REai YAL ROM the 11t day. of .A m ing, INTERSST at t:. R.«’{:'t. o? 'ï¬'l?';or per annum, will., be allowed . on .Deposits in Â¥ beefleclue deighcl Hato lt a fegules s¢ axhvirntiain Termasel O ) | e s e EL. qOnRLAY. FOR SALKE OB TO LET. FARM.FOR SALE. LEAVE BROCKVILLE Aaroubs. NO more eligtble chance ‘could be offered to any party in the Hotelâ€" Btore, Corner of Sussex and Clarâ€" 1 BVG. mrn:l‘uu NGEMEXT, Managing Director | 412y Managigg Ql{; X, V.NO€EL, rough anageor. 6v0â€"3m etor 650f Quebec and Gulf Ports Tuesday Wirnram Coxxent St. Andrew‘s Whart ToESDAY, the 30th of JUNB, Kor Pictou, Nova Scotia, calling at Father Point, | Gazpe, Perce, Chathain, Newcastle, Miramichi and ‘ Shediac. â€" Returning willleave Pictou on Tuesday, Tth July, at 4 o‘clock, p.m. f The teamers connect at Shediac with E. & A. A. R. R. to St. John, N.B., and steamer for Prince Edward Islaad, and at Pictou with N. 8, Kailway to Halifax. takgst aulessnm ns on t Through tickets to St. John, N. B.,$16; Halifax, Nova Scotia, $17.50 ; Eastport, $17.50; Portland, $19.50. and Boston $20 50. â€" Return ‘Tickets by steamers at reduced rates, For freight or passage apply to R aw avanme apicc Cl anaril CHAS. E. BRUSIH, Agent, Ottawa Tube 10, HBOS. : .‘ .. c co o _=. Captain A. Bowis, Leaves the Queen‘s Whart with mmilwaml passenâ€" gers for Montreal, every morning, (Sundays exâ€" cepted) at halfâ€"past 6 o‘clock, arriving at 4:45 Queen . Victoria, 18658 pAB ,'"P-;;;.i‘:l ;.;..‘,;c_‘;; ;T;?J:-Hm trip can obtain :’.‘xeuuion Tickets to Grepvills and back for one are. a MARKET STEAMER Leaves Ottawa for Major‘s and intermediate land ings on Teesdays and Friaays at 4 e‘clock, pin T493 % K. W. SMEPHERAD. . 1808 Cm&lzg of the following firstâ€"class Steamers, TUpper Ottawa Roeute. ANN #1880Ny ALLIANCE, = EMERALD; .. . OREC 98, ® cauUMET, JASON GOULD, rONTIAC, _ = PENEROKE. â€" sNOW BIRD, DREC JN, » e d $4 Cowley» CaALUMET, ~ â€" _ i+ 2 Blondin, JLSON GOULD, ns w fad Boltoa. PONTIAC, = w" %6 Dugga «. PENBROKE. = = «_ Overman» sNOW BIRD, m :** /z 36 â€"~ MRevipihes Until further notice the Eteamer Aun Swson wil} leave Aylmer every day (Sundays excepted) tor the Upper Ottawa at 8:30 a.m., connecting with the Alliance at head of rwilroad at 12:30, touching at Aroprior, Sandpoin«, Bristol, Bonnechere, Farrell‘s Vharf, Gould‘s Wharf, and Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort. Stages will leave Gould‘s Wharf immediately after the arrival of the Steamer A//ionce for Cobden, cennecting with Steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. . The Steamer Pembroke leaves Pembroke at 7 o‘clock, a.m., on Tuesday, Tharsday and Saturday for Des Joachims, calling a t intermediate, ports, returning on same day, leaving at 2 p.m., connectâ€" ing al Powrbroke with Steamer Jason Gould. which 1 ,aves d.u:{ at 5 am,, und arriving at Portageâ€" duâ€"Fort at 10 a.w., f Fanpinss §VV0 W EPCE TT T TCO ‘The Steamer, 4...ance leaves Portageâ€"drâ€"Fort every morning (Sandays exmptodz at 9:30 a.m., m;zh‘ at Gould‘s Wharf, Furrell‘s Wharf, B« nâ€" mechere, Bristo, Sandpoint and Arnprior, zad l.fl‘lfl'l:g at head of railway at 12:45, and connuctâ€" ing with Ann Sisson at Pontiac. . Passerzers reach Aylmer at 4 p.m. The Steamer Calume leaves Havelock for Chaâ€" peau Village and intermediate ports on Tuesday« at 6 o‘clock, a. m., and returning leaves Chapesu Village same days, at 2 g‘clock. x A connection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Rdl'n{ on the uptrip at Arnprior at 2 o‘clock w., n time to connéct with the Grand Trunk Railway night trains esct and west, and on the downward trip at Eandpoint 12:35 a.m., Arpprior 1%:10, > _ ____ wl Traveliers and touriste will find this a delightful T,@8YO OUHRW® Mb.....0000 ssssss000seeeeee0eseee»»4 200 t s 'ï¬.rr{"("f‘:i?:dor Wb resssinsssssnprersesses oDD ols Leave An&riu B6 eeeeerenescrerensncrererceccer£i$0 P Arrive at Brockville at......................T:d5 p m. In time to connect with Grand Trunk Railway Night Trains, East and West. ‘ pownwaros8. Leave BrOCKYil® Bt..... ..cmimmeme mm 745 am. Arrive at ArDpriO® Mt......ssssssssssssssâ€"12:80 pam. ll'nbn Am&“fl«n srrrerres«»» 1238 pm. Arrive at ME tb 2 merresiescenasnnces iss SR {-. OYAL Mail Line between Quebec, . New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, every _.;...“*... ngers for Des Joachimsleave Ottuwa every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.> _ _ . _ _ _ _ For further particulars apply at the office of the Compary in Oitawa City or Aylmer. R. £. CASSELS, | Between Brockville “i?'&.'l- via Brockville and Ottawa Railway and Union Forwarding Railâ€" way Company‘s Steamers : SHEUISLT EN 4 +IGBWARDE: 1 1Ha OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGA TION " . COMPANY‘S MAIL STEAMER SHIPPERS OF GOO0DS Upper. Ottawa, RAIL WAY COMPANY I beg toâ€"inttimate that the same rate will be charged on goods reccived at cither place,, th OTTAWA & AYLMER, The firstâ€"class Iron Scrow Steamship ERECI‘BD lately by the subscriber at New Edinburgh, who has now on hand and for sale a large variety of choice Verboomas, and other Iowuflng'rlu.u. Orders left at &. Bott‘s; Rideauâ€"street, will be punctuztsy attended to i RO‘IBT CURRY. *~ Mare 1868. 691â€"3m 1868. Ottawa City, April 22, 1868. NTION FORWARDING & RaILWAY comraNny. % *Ct A S T ," Union ~Forwarding Ottawa, March , 23, 1868, Condensedâ€"Time {Fable STEAMSHIP COMPAXNXY HE Union Forwnrdl-: and Railway Company having assumed the cartoge of goods £4 . mmmaatn t > 1 186$ x hariog . extablished, a through ra in n aed Pinn Duny n piuces on the NEW GREEN HOUSE, NGO‘P I C x6 Stramers. Captain R. G. Nicwors, At four e‘clock, p.m By Steamers of the W. MOORE, Manager, Queboc W ill leave THE = vaptain Murphy. TO THE will be given by the Shipping 1868. 7% President 124% Master, | Find‘ay. ... 115 a.m. .12:10 p.m. . 1235 p.m. ... 5:00 g-. Aomer, 1868 698â€"2 or at the Ixorma Warsnous: sUGARS, _ 1 LOAF, â€" ¢ | BROKEX LOAF, â€" | . ~~â€"| CRUsHED," | GRoUND, | YELLGW,*‘::‘ F2 and ,'-H'S(‘O\'A[)Q Tlll SUESCRIZELRE ho. to Anfore Abéir Customers that their Stock is noy complets, and embraces every delicacy of ,, Season, among which will be lound & Cholcg assortment 6° Orange | PLKOL, Flowery # Japan w ic l COFFEE, JAMALCA, iand CEÂ¥LOx, #@~ Roasted and Ground daily on th« preimises. 1 CHOCOLATE and UUuuOA, FRENCH, favored with Vanilla ; TAYLOR‘S, FRUITS, &c. LAYEK RAISINS Breakfast SOUCLONG, go ~CONGOU, â€" Supericr HYSON, «> GUzPowDEI ~ /#\ IMPERIAL, «) _ TWANKAY, PRUNES AiMONDS, WALNUTS, FILBERTS,; ma BRAZIL NUTS. SPICJKB, ‘D. T. BROWNE * CO Ottawa. Dscember 19 R 405 Skates! Skates Skates from 20 cents ito $6.00 SLEIGHS, SLEIGDS Hardware of all Descripti(G PA~Memember the place, ecembe 17, 1847 1867 ax» 1868 W . C, CLAkKK, P S Pn Vace td Hateoty: falee, Mn ana, Voice « Viark, Teacher of Du'm:;‘:?.th& Musit Heoms and Resi 3 â€"stree!, corner ‘aterâ€"street, Town. Vrders may be leit at his residence or at Orme 4 w‘s‘Music &m 452y _ “MMMMM“â€' Spnhl.lnhu.cru-phhsw“- Cholern Moerbus, Dysentery, bowe! c«-ï¬u-u,n-.?ul‘- ' Bites, &c., 4t Tmoumul PAIN DESIBOYEZR 6A M ‘now been before the public for s enï¬ &.:, and -hum»:od is well liked, never taiitf md."“ .M“ timioly used, and nfln mnever tâ€"l‘g case of dissatisfection where lhï¬-v“' perly followed ; but on the HMy od with its .ruuau. undâ€" speak‘ in the wdm:mflufluloflï¬- Wo:r“kfn-whlfltw" tested it thoroughly, and therefore those wht #5 suffering from any of the compiaizits for which #" :ccommended: may depend upon its being * 5***" Fes Artonishing efficacy of the Canadias 1# The astonishing efficacy of the Cans®"" " _ Destreyery in waring Aissuses for. which it it i commendeé, and its wonderful success in $ub80# ï¬cw‘:,puud Encumatiem, and in re i9# Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high "ank l: list of Remeédies for these _.-p!*- C'-O‘ 4 CANADIAK PAK utstB0H, WRM com pFe‘ haw" sn from Modicine Deniers in all perts 65 mfuwwl“““"_ to the universal #stisfaction it gives _ The Cane flan Pain Destroyer never failt BP" mmediate rolief. All Medicine Dealert l, Pbysig:ams order and use it; and no femilÂ¥ v‘en‘ I-bful:“tryn(it- Price twentyâ€"five cents per bottle. N no:nï¬'r& LYMAK > xn-nb,ï¬-‘_';_. Sol by Gee. Mortimer, John Massoy, H. Â¥. McCarthy, 3. Rrown, in Ottawa. . _ ___ THE TIMES is priated asd P"" Tax OrT® a Tous a Prixris6 ASP w6 Coxraxy, at the Office, 60, & : /‘ Centre! Town, | Ottawa. . Jax® ..",...;_,._’ rtem of modern Med P severies stands the yorrch â€"NUT MB } ® MACE, CINNAqox, .. , +«CLOYVES, GINGER,,°~ _ f NIXED SPICKES, 23A MUSCATEL, _ do * ..do °_ BULTANA, VALENTIA, CURRAXNTS, f GRAPES K ORAXNCE 16. Rideau Strzeot, Ottawa, ALL PRESENTS BY SANTa LAUS, PianoForte Tuition ! Tt REPAR ED . for description, by Plaus, Specifications, & At Lowest Cash Prices, Mmocua, JAVA, TEAS, in Whole, Heif and Quarter HBozm â€"oâ€"â€"Qâ€" _ BROWNE & HARlpy EIDNEY B. FPZPP, Archite® W eilingort All Ground on the Prée Di «ctor ; Ausk hexe Teas haye ‘ careclly . seleot q family trade by FRYi ! Black F At ISAAC‘S Newoks‘®, "_¢¥ Goneral Agents CC y LEMON® At ISAAC®E J. Skipnet, T IsAAC® At 18A ACB Sparksâ€"str08. At 18A A0C% XUA Figg n 1 hotre | XMiat hoXt â€"~se Nevember 14, 186 oys xo 1v8# Sor onl 1 «i+ (itaw®. / fesif C Wiiiat Mosorovek. A . L.q.. Feb. 20, â€{‘"‘t B . 12. 4Â¥CAPN r‘mn"‘lm-bd&y K: Unles Buildings, iiegs Oian february 21, 1866. qraRy PUBLEIC io w NX domses, mYBE mb ir hie ds pitai Clailp b"",., Park Row, taw York/® buam Genaral Acorrturhg $ * "\, Acvertingw@ntt JAt ) "_ sap 1 thut ..’,,'A.h Cotyenemonert are Snperied in 4 * Leal c1rcale4 ..â€"l“‘.l M“ 1f not "il in adÂ¥ 000 «di¢cmmn iof yearly subscriptign 4¢ ihe woekl 2 "Loance) M'W'-M bruary T, 1866. 6eman Gards of from $ 46 6 Iine Ig('m 5 oY * _ esd e CE 4 se pabd in “ï¬Ti: R. H. HAYVCO vror N . A RRISTER ndel EMA yOsGRaYE £.7 wwE PALILY A RRIST Ollcp OÂ¥ 1"8‘BOCRLIMAY®Yi $ § / Klgi AUG USTVUS, K E «w J ®"MaCBiE is over Mr. Luke Casner s Â¥OL:«111: R. J. WICKSTH *Â¥ry 4. an Streaty Otte win, )C. BV . 17 1867. DR yar 11804881 ## 7 enmmpan gasdGaryl x. TRBRERRAY eined 06 #Â¥# , 18674 . 1, 1866 U 1A hi 940! () m 4 AB: :62 m omaudl. Add Py Bc D , ; 0) , C »Ju 41B x GrBo A1AA morn*"gs GEMMIELI Aiorncys, boke ahdeti ai rk â€"ktreots PILPRB MAj amg 66 U W EEK w CTRPULA® M:D> PVE 2 un Nâ€" 0# ajeis * 144 Sure ap y 1