1N ‘uESTAONER ave never known & ® F fa __rfl (/OSCIC'CTIK ATREO LVE 1867 N MACE, ! L;lxxaml vÂ¥Es. P _ his residence or #rter woop & RossITEER | 1867 w‘ AMALGCA STOR INTLA, + > "RRAXNIS, \ GRAPES, . ORAXN BROWNE e Tuition ! LA KK, IERI 1 RS AND nt their cvere , arvizlly selechq g, amily trade by *‘ W AEBREBE.; L HOUSE, ays excepted), at 7 PAJN DESIROYER REHOY VXR I. FPZ2P, YÂ¥ LMEE M b nt o NDS oug bS, Colds, Sor®e 4* ng.pb.'."“ Surdi mm 99700 fround on the ‘. -;-â€".â€"-'c-vl es. &e , k0â€" 1 4 Purytizg A8 the Office, 60, Ottaws. 41Â¥ CEYyLoy ound , ddily on AIL LINE. [ N I ? U ga FRY RS8, on Forwarding Rallway JAMES MULLIGAN. t, Ottawa, %F cations} &c, ibare, and is well liked, never Dysentery, vuuvoOor, with YÂ¥anilia d stock off ‘UUSCOY a po, _ it to a bigh? of modern Medioal ## 1863 LENON® NES . TH OCTOBER, haini # up being upon its of the ack F 7 A18%â€" t 5$10¢K i% Roy delicacy op the UR * chote, & HtARDy F 3. <)*. I for which i# hays , and xira P SH 0 the Thaaee “Aunmsn. Selleitor, Attormey, a va NotaryPublic, Clork of the Feace and County #een Attorney, for the United Counties of Presott _ LAPIE RRE m HAYCOCK, TTORNIEZS«A T«L A W, Solicitors«in= A Chancery, Convey ancers and Notaries Pablic, mwl&l’. Aungeon sud Ai.:-w W&» .ï¬e‘uww Ml Sparks Stroet, Conter Town; Night Offce at his Residence, Maria Straot, Conter Town. mm-zum-ndmnmnn coss. l;.l.a:‘gh--’-' to parties uoo&i.y- < Tevare,. ABHE Tok rywâ€"tooy â€"DR. ©,. LEGGO, â€" ‘)utncu.-i. Surge._.a and Acconcheur, Office: Hanton‘s Block, Sporks Streot. 1 thruary 7, 1386 “A_nl"ll awd . Attormey=at=â€"Law, Solicitor +1 C? ancery, cnwnn'. #e. ~/dlco: Oppusito: Post Office, fh Street, in the toous Iatel / cccupicd as the Custform Liouse _ [3 we i‘llml and | Attornszeat«Law wolleiterâ€"inâ€"Chancery , sad Nocary Public. wilee, over Mr. Lake Casaor® BSoot and Shoo v »=, Ridean Stest, Oitaw a, C. We caoumry 17 1887. 334y B" RRISTERS, IQLICITOI!- &e. Oljico~â€"Mosgrere‘s Buildings, *hhl\l-l!.'..l. 197 "Tled sapenit tentrated 1, y®, Drogaists an q sm« Altocde. Cax®" {t ted the tral Ottawe tawa, Janus Ottuwa Harlo @uncs, A RISTER®, Attormeys, Solicitors, C avey ansors, &¢, ; me® : l.th CVourt house, Ottawa, C. W. 3 Ofilce l'-;lb-«mo.'op-' Oitawa, Fob. 6 P polite Magee @lcrmien‘s."" nkamames tawa, Cctober 20, 17. <â€" §78Â¥ + U.â€"UOCORNXORL, .. FPTORNE Y«â€"ADe«LAW, Soiliitarm i Chaneery; Convovance*, &c., Sussox Strost. EDWARD I s ;;~ N. TEKTRKEAUYU, . .‘ OTARY PUBLIC for the Provimce of Quabes, H1U LL,, near the Post Office. re, 6. 1867 . | /s © 9000R 1 TORNEYâ€"AT= 1 Chancery, Convey anc 9. P. MACPIIERSON, yemntaiice td far San"" wira, March l':.‘:;!:" Dii, QLLVER MARYIN, ENTIST.) Ofdces Sparics Street, Cenm# 144%. BNTIST. 1 we March H LUO8SGROV AUGUSTUS KEEFER , Chansedy, and" Conveyancing '.o.- Aumond‘s B.uuhan. Mideau strest. , Dosember 6,1367. â€" ~â€"1 Â¥ob. 2 as abr onle‘s GKORGE HUZTCHISON, Atlcol Xal tCarts U."A. MARYIN, * O@Mieet Xusser Sireet, over spbell & Co‘s, Grocers . °_ FOR SALE U 11A YCOCK O‘ POHERTY 12 10 T C i M M ELI 1OA 4 A W DARTNELL streots, ( s«, Oitawa, C. W Joux J. Granor A 4 6 our mary » t t m Lo w Conveyancor, K0. _ WOOL PAILLON PARKS, wd Wellington=» PU BLI 14 0 NRY Solicitors«lm« ary Public, and Tufbas P KiX, Ja. lIHS"r ie e Ortawa Tiwcs NO . SOS, TIMES NOW ox of any paper issuing of the y over 4,000° U nd CRDAR fp;’i'o the dSutf s7 43â€"ull iâ€"Gun t ut id The " QUXEN" comprises .uu.n\::u..' for a Arstâ€"class Nestau ant. The {guse has been refitted and ref raished lirw The BAR contains the choieust Brands ir and Liqu s, and overy delicaey oftheo sean.a wiil be lound on the tabio. The wflmauu-mbo-m-ud to he comâ€" of his guests ano patrons. BM ysters,Game eto. dul) 0. A. BUCKE, W. H. SANGE] Tmlï¬ruu‘twinn HOTEL has been . * reâ€"furnished and reltted th: oughout, and now combines all the requisites of a firstâ€"class estabâ€" lishment. â€" aboveâ€"namod Iijel, begs loave to acquaint his nuâ€" merous friends and the travellt pmn.lnuohu mand newlyâ€" hout this comâ€"~ establishment, in the management of which by:‘uhtmhlh Nll?“lfl guests, he hones to deserve ecoura, ent support. * is aâ€"000tY § LatXy, and for many years comnected with M nvuuau. Proprictor, Corner of .@ and Wellington Streets, opposite he main entrance to the (Glovernmenrt buildings. And a general assortment of pontlemen‘s furnishâ€" ing geods, would intimato to their friends and the public generaily that they are prepared to executs a«ll orders in their‘ linc at the shortest notice, in the most approved styles and at prices that we defy competition. tains lts «latacter as a FLIRSTâ€"CLAS3 MOTEL.| PA‘rn_'r AGENT®, SOLLCITOT Considerable addition= have recently heen made to â€'9"‘{" Specifications, Models», . the premises, and it has been ontirely repainted and | OO)¢" business in connestion with the proce ::nhl. No pains will be spared to accommedats 1-:::†Putent of, Insention, attendud to | ast C#. oMmu-um-mmm bonts free | Uflmlelln<nrne. opperite the Post of oulrr Thereâ€"is a FINSTâ€"CLASs LivERY | Ottawa. fat STABLEattached to the Uorel. > i hracr mogk * Ottawa \L40A hy 1. B. TAXACKADERARY‘S _ GOODSTARLING and a car insttendance & SMITH & RODNEY s THIK NUSSELL HOUSE, LA‘I'N CAMPEUELL®S HOTEKEL, Oitawa, U. W. The undersigned, proprietor of the aboveâ€"namod l>cl, begs leave to acauaint his ruâ€" M-nc-ww TAILORS and General OQubltters, Kiginâ€"strest, opposite the Russoll House, gnd sgeond doer from Eaton‘s Gilding Storo, jyust reeotved a cholce stoole of A 'l\lll-ndonl.oul. formerly head wait= . or at the Russell House, box to not‘fy his Mâ€"hnih.:&h &nnll; at he has loasâ€" ed the above 1, which is now well furnished, and will be kept as a first class house. The bar is well"steeked with the choicest brands of liquors. The table will bo furnighed with the best the mar ket affords. Good yard and stabling attached to the promises. * . CGLORGE IRVINE. Ottawa, March 20: r 688y B O OKBIND ER "", AVIXG every facility in the way oi “ firgt_cluse ln(h‘ry. and employing noue but Grstâ€"class 'u:?n. I am prepared to turn out every description of Bindiag in as good a style of workmanship as any other ostablishment in . Canaâ€" Oitawa, November 27 English, Fr:nckeand Canadian London Music Store! Mr. GUSTAVE SMLTH, (Organist of the Cathe dral) a Graduato of the Imperial Conservaiory ol Paris. Lessons on Piano aod Singing, Rideauâ€" street, corner of Kingâ€"strest . * Ottawa, June 23, 18.8. > Tidy PIANOS. PIA NOS ® P ko * RPB~UNLIONX MAK £,"®%, Every PIANOQ . from this establish ment warranted for 5 years. Also just received a new stock of THE METROPOLIT AN now Blank,#l:ok Manufacture» 26, ALEEâ€"ST., OTT AW A. VICTORIK OR&AN3 and MELODEONS : yy Dubord‘s property, offers . all pessible qutekly served at : 43â€"« 1 Otiawa, March 25, 1968 Connesto 4 wa. “h'."““"""‘.':n.‘ rua Manalacturer, who w aitend punct to orders for TUNING loct at q__hg_-_-g-'nm VIOLIN®, CONCE&TINAS, QUITANS, &e., n great vm A _ becond Planos taken in part vays »at for MRS, TROTTER bogs t announce that sho ns at p several commodious and handsomely furw suites o7‘ apartments, in every nqa-t oi for eivit or military c@isers, or private remaining in the city. € THE." QUBEEXN" RESTAURAXT '.‘DIONTU MOUSE, Sparies=st i f rerkighen Ottawa. Oltaw «, Nov. 6, 188 ‘ ICHUOLAS® Street, Court=House A venue, OJitawa, John Grahaa, Proprietor. This House is conveniently sitmated, and still mainâ€" Ottawa Oct. 1,186 ih PIANOFORTES AMPAGXE HNOTEL, REYVERI UMICAL ACADEMY. Wellington Street, A new und splendid assortment Y Hor Majesty‘s Theatro, "W THE ALBLION HOTEL Xjolcdks ant Saloons. CLOTHS ami TWEED®, DOMINION HOUSE A,. MORTIMER, JUSE BECEIVEY AT THi lumeond*‘s FMioeci, WELLLNG TON STREET JOHN MALTMAN remaining i June 20, 1 1 P. OMEARA, Puosuibtox. k Bvat! # liotel, Posm A. MORTIMER, ad E. MILES, _ | When ho will bo propared to fulkl orders of Her Majesty‘s Theak ot dillerent br.imches of Photography., v4 301 â€" 39y Oftawa; Jan. 31, 968. _ 42 Cis k N MALTMAN o 40 boeardars, travallers. M OTTAW Metcaberâ€"st: oot, 384Â¥ 1 Wostlor always até Strect, C\ M XTHL 5821 # M h @‘CONNOR & WALLER, pxc-ual Brokers, Flre, Life and Ac« 4 cidental Insurance, Commission and Collectâ€" | ng Agents. Ofico, No. 27, Sussexâ€"streot, Ottawa. I k. ®. o‘Coxxor. w. . Walitk. COH'I'IAC'I‘OII. and . Huilder. Ofice : North sile York stroet, second doot from Sussex Boot and Tllfl Subscriber would call the attem» thom of Familios and othera to his arv Store. i LC * ‘The saile of Keal r.m-eu Auetion or l‘l‘i"l':‘ Sate ‘ promptly aitended to. Consignments réceived for cl‘tzo salo. Partios wisling to .purchase Ken | l voo ;ill Min“‘l.l.nlu-auu‘ PREE G# Ofuwa, m Iâ€"y / s e a ‘ y o dhans G, A« WALTON, Agent, 37 Sparks Street, Ollawa, TCorChomnp CtPLLtORS | g@rsore Agont for Ontaric. ""‘‘"***"5" ‘and 105 King st, *yeet, Toronto, * y The ©HOWE! SEWING MACHINES are the best for â€" nrriage Trimmers, Harness Makers, Boot and Shoo sakers, are the bost ghu.l e Machire for Tailors, Dressmakers, FPamilios, etg.) ONE DOLLAR A PAIR ! ste., oto. Price from?50. Prospectusfres and instructions gratis, _ > 4 . _ ".0 00 00000 | _ Which is in splendid condition. Also, Heotch Trish, Old Rve Oitawn, Jan. 20, 1‘-1’{' COA-IIII.::I lo'r:'u-c ;..l‘.b ?...n: gont. Road‘s wines an Prodf Whiskey ; xlhvu’ Lachine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &0., for sale. * 4 Orrior: No. 5, Sparks Stroot, near the Ruszell lt Ottawa city, C W. * y > ~W.â€"NOTMAN Photographer: to the Queen =â€"0%â€" Monday Nexi, S8rd February >‘ 4e . TAUCKAREKKEKYX‘S Auc'no.' KOOM®, No. 36, Hidean» street, below Whyte‘s Statibnery Store. The vale of Real Esate at Auction or privato sale prowmply attended to, Consignments received and immediate atteation will be pald. Sales attended Bottled Ale, And other Ma W hiskles, : Ports, Sherries, Brendios Gin, &¢., FIRSTâ€"CLAS} GROCER!E3 RCOHITRCT, EKigln=sireet, 0 alte ‘ the Post olu.‘! t SYBU Revenerxces.â€"â€" t A Sime, t:\, Architect, Philiâ€" detphin ; Theos Faller, Esq. Architect, Alyany Dr J A tirant, Â¥ P., Oitawa ; Thes Reyrobds, Eog, Managing Virsctor O & 1 t W Ti 1LOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNADBLE, “TIIOI.IIAI.‘ Man» facturers of Bed= steads Cairs, &e., Chandiero Island, Otâ€" WELLINGTON AND METCALEE STREETS, “7 OULD intimate that baving all his arrangements cumpleted, is â€" â€"â€" > _ Ustablishment will be Opened sonr Waicr and Girgor Alc OPPOsSITE the PoST OFÂ¥WI FpNUE SUBSCRINERS CEO. MAYES, COPPER PLATE PRINTER, Ottawa, Mazch 20, 1864 ¢B BDog to intimate to .their patrons thai they. hav vitumenced the manufactare of Rrated Waterr o vory deseription, andon the most extensive #; .le Particular attention will be paid to the prepara on of 4* Belfast Ginger Ale,** a Nnugq trs ntroduced jato this nnuryilz our Mr. Beows ho nla.:ru-u the u\‘ re€ipt, and w w« also taken out a Trang Mazz fig tae same,. ‘This proprictors believe their Krated W ator l ve superior to any others at prosent prepare a Montreal, for the following reasons, vis :~ bit. The employment of the most tmproved s b';:'q ;_: United States :r.k ’j"“'" f . apflufluo( ctly setentific princ} les to the detail«, * 4 " Jrd. Extra cere given to the chomical pusity « he aiticles used‘in the different process«‘s. «th. ’l:;-d- of chemical knowledge \thout it is almply imporssibleo to produc Erated W atery lv-floflhs The following Waters and Beverages qre t rincipal ches prepared at the Mxbicst Hati Fine Boitled Als In‘s ware equally low, in every wariety of styâ€"le ‘BaFr This is the place to buy cheap at the * Caâ€" :al," York.strect. Bank Street, Centre Town, Between $parks & Queen Streets. Bills of Exchange, Bill Heads, Vir?ing Me‘c.. Printed on the shortust notice. _ Qruggists. THE MEDICAL MALL LADiIE 504 e Apothecaries to 1.K. 1. the I‘r M. ml". t 1. McLEAXN‘s UCTION Rooms, No. 19, $SparksStreet, }‘Gfln Town, Citawa, opposite HMope‘s Stationâ€" Speciacles for all To ether with a General Assortmont of W ater R. H. MoGREEVA, Bottled Ale, ~Bottled Alo.: A Call kindty Soite. ted. D. WhELAN, ' 41, Midoauâ€"stre ct, __ _Opposite Allan‘s Crockery Store D. CODD AMiscellantous. ENNETH, CAMPE®) 8. CHRISTIE, BHLLINGS, Jx., tzer Water, 1 ishy W ater. CORNER OFf OD Market Drug Store, . Yorkâ€"str SPAREF® WILLIAM HOLGOATE 10HN OLLVER, ‘ WIL 44M AsSABL® ;:(‘.\I.Inâ€":luluuula r ‘ § ‘l sssâ€"=â€"â€" ALY [ H h Chemieals, & c. W. HEAR® AaEORGR MURPHY PH rex Shoe Store | #, Lo CO Brated Water ol | lup u-u-ind. l id to the c ty â€.hw%r:t | b { oar Mr. w re€ipt, and who | x fuit tae same. _ | r Krated W aters jat prosent prepared | q |: agome, Â¥hit c« vlt 0st timproved maâ€" | ** RENEâ€"+.. y ol NU REKS: 4 CoOaAL STOVEs. L_ PARLOR GRATES. C * MHot A Purnaces, â€" ; .+ We still continue to wumnonr*’md TIN, SUEET IRON, and COPPER W AKE, ME TCALEE | RUSSLA LRON PLPE, and DUMD BTUVES. | uq. Also all kinds of outâ€"door Job Work in our lins # attended to by conipetent and exporienced Moghamics, Country Merchants supplied with Stovepipes, | &e,, at reduced rates, _ _ > o t off f t having all is | Lumbermen‘s Supptics . Lumzernicn‘s Supplies! Snanty Plates! Dasins ! Camp Ketiles, {e. bus > % HOUSEFUIRNISHING GOODS: heaTimenad| â€" Hierd: Casmgom L â€".= Cuauges : Hird Cares t ©12n(s, 378Â¥ bMZy «* _ GOCRICKETING GOODS, I0VY, 18â€"7 m IUROQUIKT, FIBHING P A CUICIT J | â€"nwâ€"rsonoracoencecmenss s zell . + 6 Ottawa, Jr‘y 29, 1868, Â¥Pf o FQOILS ; * ore® is ueresy aivex | m § ~ That this Board will require the seivices of \ew = % > . " Masks & BoxineG]loves 4 ®sirsrâ€"omass Teacugs, STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES.: STOVES. _ STOVEsS. .l =~ STOVES. ~STOVES.~ STOVES. [|=CaPITAL®â€" 856 â€" _ oH. °_ sTovE _ sUssEX mEaApPows t Pe«rpor‘1 ~ Bt: "" e CO. TTA 4 | C# UH wa (® tobe W". have received our f«ll and Winter Etock of STOVES, ?Wfl PIPES, ELBOWS8, DUMB STIVES, TINW ARE and LUMBERMEN‘S SUPPLLIES, which we offor Wholesalo or KMetail at low priges. In Cooking, Parter, Box and Hall Stor3s.(»r wood or coal wa bave the largest and most varied agsortmen ever shown in Oitawa. | *4 J ltird O-ï¬- I j d Cages : Â¥3i Price Lists sont on application. % ® * Trem. Any part of a Stove sold by us caa be replaced when broken or barnt purchaserswould do wall to note. J Foz % Anmolt\oMthht the. ard Oltawa, May 5, 1868 PARLOR STOVEs®. PARLLOR SToVEs. iA It tovEs. Millinery, Mantle CPNY NMICPN TDA %YV, theo 15th NSA A 1 Just recoived a wall solocted assortment of Fisbing Tackle, Baskets, B ait, Rools, Linss, Fiys;3 {anutactersrs of all desormptions of work for Water and Gas 'ofn‘,mlmer‘a Distiileries, X takes and fits up Galvanized Iron Cornices, Gutters, Conductors, Roofing, &c.‘ RAS~Public and Frivate Baildings, Conservatories, Vineric®, Mauntactories, &¢., wai team, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on the most :Hmnd principles. m‘ Orders from the couatry will receive stmct ation. P ‘ rreat Cheap 419 43y Great rapidity, Simple Machinery, qa leo £ pev zk pï¬dn.l.y'.‘ â€d[:,l: v-ury quiet fll .uouol. easy o opara o.,cu_nt:ym?fl Oitawa, Jund 12. 1868 LLOR STOVES. .___ PARLOR STOVES®, LLON STOVES. PARLOR sSsrPovEsS t TovEs. van*u srov®s m NSew and most beautiful designs, very cheap. â€" Gold Medal, P AXC ETIRING FROM BUSINESS$§! .. As GBO. PEBEATHERSTON & CO. Great Clearing Sale of UVry woods. Sheffield House, Ottawa. unninghiam & Lindsay JP~ Saitable for private Dwellings and Churens . w arâ€"houses and Stoves N O. Nt ith } Dolain HOX AXD IJALt, BOX ANXD HALL UO% ANXD UALL Shop to Rent from 1st Sept. Next, (EO. FEATHERSTON & Co:, 11 pr LWp DrC p P N €» L TH Surocessors to Chas,. Garth, 4 RIDEAUâ€"STREET, Ha 64t 14, NNIDEAUSTREET, 8 POV is sroVEs. 8HOV E8. Shawls. D m Deaets in Hows TEAM FITTERS, BALANCE OP THELR SUMMER SToC Prize and Gold Medal, Paris, WH # CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT, TLN & COPPERSXLT!HS, BELL MANGERsS, & AT THE HSBLER nitantly on han COMMENCI TCsS K. . W. STEPILEN, 37 Sparksâ€"stroct, Ottawa Greytlil Silk Pare <4loop Skir Canadian eï¬ SEWING â€" Y Y VERE AWARDED THELR 6 1{ d ir ei.n':.;wyfxo, s Goods, Prints, Mus! ty ‘30, Bussex Sqnuat. < 11. MEADOWSs & CO 62y . LBOX AND HALL sSTOVE®, BoX AxD HALL 8SToÂ¥ES. UOX AND HALL STOVES, 1 that thi ul vant use 1867 ALUCEUST Fuaisins Haivar Mn 1 €1 Dry ‘Goods A i y Bird Cages ! PARLOI STOVIES» | o be crected in thi PARLOIR $STOVERES, | tion of -'f.'w‘or 410 | PARLOR sTovEs~ n d j street, Cent out, a fact intending im the $10y 1LSONS MACHINE warmed by amechies , ko 186 Y Montreal. Bolp W holesale ‘rn in the Domimon for the sasg of J. Sewill‘s W atches. Oitawa, May 20. 748y Manufacturer by nr;eul appointment to _* UER MAJESTY THUEQUEEN,LQYAL FAMILLY, To be erected in this ProYineo.for the accommodaâ€" Plans and specifications to be sent to this De: partment on or before the first day of OCTOBER next. | | For turther particalars apply to the undersigned, Department of Public Works, Parliament Buildâ€" ings, Toronto. Whneisp it 1 . Wt * For the gale of theso celebrated Timekeepers, Capable of teaching the Wiil award the following premiums for DpESIGNS OF A BUILDING Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Jaly 18, 1% él,:\' an‘s Warzzs, (the great public remody,) hAve now been in use over twonty years, hence it cannot be said that they are on trial. ‘They have been thoroughly tried, azd pronounced (on the auâ€" thority of thore whoso lives and health they have preserved)to be a cure, harmless and eminently nalulnr{ preparation, and .it taken in season will invaria X‘y oure colds, coughs, sore throat, and all Bronchial affeetions, One fair trial will convinee the fnost skeptical. Sold by alt medicine dealers, at25 cents per box. In this sity, and that parties wishing to present thomselyes for the.object referred to may do so by addrecsing the findersigned Exrors of Youth.â€"A Geniteman who su{â€" lered for years from Nervous Debility, Premaâ€" ture Decay and, all the efects of youthful inâ€" discretion will, for the sake of suffering humnanity, send free to all who need it the recipe and direcâ€" tions for .msking the simple remedy by which he Two Quearoxs Easu y Axs wexep.â€"W hy should men wear beards? â€" Becaute they are A!rut Kro- taction to the throat and lungs, and add much to their personal appearance, Why should we use " Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers *"* Because when used for coughs,. colds, tickling in the throat, hoarseâ€" | ness, &c., lhe‘i act like a charm, Ministers and ; lawyers use thew, b?h’l[e‘l!ll recommend theim, | and singers and public epeakers “(i they are the very best medicine in existence for the cure of such Q complaints. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25 eénts per box. â€" e PNO~Each box contains the {acâ€"simile signature of Nosturor & Lywax, Newcastle, C. W., who are ho sola proprietors. %. N. i%. Ask for Hollomay‘s Worm Loznges a' and take.no uher.“\ Sola by all the ggists in Ottawa, and medisine deale every where‘ | 518y Mothers Read 'l‘lnh‘lâ€"‘llolln\vuy ‘s Wori Lozenges fre a certain and safe remedy for Worms in , Children and Adults.â€"As it is a weltâ€" known and melancholy fact that one groat eause of sdleath among children is from Worms alone, it caunot be too deeply impressed upon the minds parents the nocessity of closely watching their children. _ By so doing; and understanding o syinptoms and trio /cause of the disease, lhlfl!:\‘t}! of children ml&ht be saved from carly graves, Syurtows or Worws.â€"The followin are a fow of the very numerous symptoms ms diseasos which nre caused by Worms: doranged appotite, emaciated extremities, ofensive breath frequent picking at the nose, {rindingof the tecth during sleef, hardness of the belly, with frequent slimy stools, and sometimes convulsive fits ; itching of the arms, pain In the head and stomach, unquict slcep, faintings, tromblings, coughs, lmlifuï¬m low spirits, frightful dreams, and a gradual waist. ing away of flesh. _ haclyors yos tap They are palatable and solfâ€"admintstered to th childâ€"drive out the worms l‘homughly'ithou! pain and eomrlmlyolnuo the stoin: reby doir; away with the necessity of administering Casto Qil or pthor unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of otber Werms. was cursed. Sufforers wishing toprofit by the adâ€" vertizers‘ oflm‘hnce can do so by addressing in perfect ‘confidence, . & FRENCH ANXD‘ ENXGLISH LANGUAGES tiser in senc«g the Prescript.on is to benefit the afftictei, and spread information which he sonâ€" ceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufâ€" fetor will try his remedy, as it will cost them noâ€" thing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing thepreseription, rx2r, by return mail, will please adures}, REV, EDWARD WILSON, | |.« Willinmaburg, Kings Co., New York. To Consumptives.â€"The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few woeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disearse Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellowâ€"sufferers the means of curs, ‘To all who desire it, he will send a co&y ut the prescription used (free of charge), with the direcâ€" tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sum® Oure for Coxsunrm0®, Astuua, Broscins, Cougus, Corvs, and all Throat and Lung Affections.. ‘The only object of, the adverâ€" JOILN B, OGDEX, 43 Codar Street New York Firit Premiam Eecond . . " Third _# " ON OR BEFORE*THE 6TH PROXIMO ocal ©obernment lotices. Grzomrcr‘s Wanp MaAng Scoor SEWILL, LIVERPOOL, _ versal Exhibition of Paris, 1867. NEREEY APPOINT & Mz. JOHN LESLTE, y Sparkeâ€"stre ____ Agont for Ottawa and Vici DE AF A ND DUMB R PATIENTS : 804td W ATCHESR. SPECIAL NOTiCES. Ncay. II. & A. SAUNDERS, ONTARLO, @Omnuts â€" FOR UE AND JOHN CARLLNG, . Commissioner, J, w. PEACHY, Secrotary $03â€"10 150 | respective front rank men with an interval ; of 10 or 15 yards between them: When |the line is halted and not firing the men |m:y stand still, but when under fire they | should circle their horses to the right on ‘:‘thcir own ground to avoid presenting a i steady mark to the aim of an enemyâ€"this | line may advance, retire, take ground to a | ftank or wheel, in all which they have only ; to keep their intervals, and a tolerable line, so as not‘ to get into cach other‘s way or line of firingâ€"they will preserve one rank in all cases, cxcept in retiring when, to avoid a precipitate retreat, the front rank men will go off first and, after retiring 50 yards, halt and front ; the rear rank men will then retire through the line of front rank men, passing bridlcâ€"hand to bridlehand of their rsspective frout rank men, halt and front 50 pacesto therear. V> 0 <~ + + °_ Bâ€"A Corporal. > â€"___Câ€"A Sergeant and six men, Dâ€"Officer and main party. > f â€"A Corporal and 4wo men. The advanced files at A, when it shall tvome in sight of ‘an enemy,. must halt apd not show themselves, if possible to avoid it, but report to the Corporal at B, who will communicate to the Sergeant‘s party at C and go on to the Officer‘s party at 1 t» apprize him ; the object of the Sergeant‘s party at C is to furnish occasional scouts to the flanks to explore suspicious places, or to get a look out from eminences, and in case of a sudden surprise to offer some resistance as skirmishers, whilst the officer is forming his main bodyâ€"the object of the Corporal and file of men at Hristo proâ€" vide against a patrol being surprised from tie rear; for on théir notice the Officer may have time to put fours or halfâ€"sections ‘ about and cut his way back before the eneâ€". my can have time to bar the road and ¢ut 1 him off from home. In day light, and in open countries, 200 yards between cach part of this "procession‘‘ is not too great an interval, but at night; and in crooked roads or woodland*, the interva!ls should be reâ€" duced to 100 yards, or less according to cireumstances. Two adverse patrols, having meét, and neither party willing to retire until it shall have reconnoitred the strength of the other, a eavalry â€" «kirmish becomes. necessary, For this purpose, as an invariable rule, not exceeding one half the force should be exâ€" tended with carbines ; the other llllf should remain‘ with swords drawn and formed as a support about 200 yards from the intencâ€" ed and skirmishing line. The dine of skirmishers should form one rank (and if acting in .double rank), the rear rank ‘\men form on the left of, their respective front rank men with an interval _ ADVaNCED GUaARDs or {A'mum-. These terms may be considered syno nomous, for an advanced guard is only a patrol preceding a column in march, but a patrol may haye an independent duty to perform in searching for the ecnemy and cl‘sdcnvuuring to yain information as to his utrc'ngtl!, concentration, or movements. The principles upon which all advanced guards are formed are all that can be laid down, for the distribution of" the foree must doâ€" pend upon their strength; the following will show the order of march for a patrol of forty horses : That k A WELCOMB TO NXAT 1t may here be obsdr\'vd that W B@° SFE rOURTII PAQGL If t And rnd An t 44 Uh aCeoreL@nt l’l'l"ly C Colonel 1 p ints fo m i the hevy in K NiTE mble i1 et d I‘wo men We uim pend a ve the Volunteer Caralry, in nee with the new system of compited Ly _ Lientenant Rosegur Loverace, lam A. l'tglllul' JI"N'J't'(, (wia‘/' lar . service, Office twoalry: movements AND H AZ in at | PRICEâ€"3 CENTS W M _ Exprosive Bunners.â€"In the Hous | of Lords, a few evenings ago, Lord Shatisâ€" | bury asked if the Ministers could give any | information. concerning the reported proâ€" | position of the Russian Government for the | disuse of explosive bullets. ThéEarl of Maiâ€" | mesbury replied that Mer Mlk{'i Govâ€" | ermmenit were in receipt of a ciftalar from | the Government of the Czar making the | euggestions that all the Great Powers unite | in an n;i.'rmnuo:bmdonlhunofcx | plosive bullets in time of war. HMe added | that his Government had reason to beliey» | that Prussia had‘given her consent t> the proposal, and steps were now being taken l for the nieeting of an intércolonial military | commission, at an carly day, at St. Petersâ€" burg, to consider the question and settle l the details of a definite agreement, â€"In the House of Commons on the 27th Mr. Kinglake inquired of Lord Stauley as to the conditions of the diplomatie relstions between Great Britain and Mexico. Lord Etanley: replied that Mexico broke oT her ions with England in consequence fl récognition ‘by the latter of the Emp of which Maximilian was the head. Bosrox, July 27.â€"The Montgomery Light Guard, Capt. Finan, of the Ninth Regiment, accompanied by Gilmore‘s band, left toâ€"night by '.EN‘ewpofl route for New York. ‘The .\lo‘?uneryn are matched to drill with the Wobster Guard, of the Twelfth New York Regiment, on Thursd» afternoon, in Tompkins Square, for flnyz-. champion flaz. Several officers who served through the war with the gallant N»>. including Col. Quiney and Licut.â€" / Mahan, accompany the corps on the « 81011 that Republic should make overtures for a m-m,‘,:'m of official intercourse there would be no difficulty about it, but dignity and self respect forbid that Enczland should solicit a renewal: wen n +i«( ~Afltewcccows: m U, 8. Mmaitia PRraCTiCEâ€"It will be seen from the subjdined paragraph that our friends across the line are not difsposed to allow their militia efhicieney to rust in peacs time, and a good example is alwuys worth taking, From any quarter:â€" . country, considering the nature of the woods, it is recommended that, when this Luty is called' for, the u{lumn should form half sections (most of the woods will adâ€" m" of this).'\lnd.,wln'llc the odd um!h-rs hold the Imn«-#*« cren numbers wet v'!om» of their horses with ease. + Circumstances must dictate what is to ho done when they are dismounted, but with a fall squadron of Cavalry the proportion uh troopers would nearly be equal to a Vo lanteer company of Infantry, and the rules for moyements ayd reliefs as given in the case of mounted «k iruvishers would apply. â€"If several squadrons were present, the whole dismounted men, that is twoâ€"thirds of one tquadron, might be engaged, two thirds form a support, and the rest re main iméunted ready to act as Cavalry if opportimity should offer. _ Tlie troops or squadrons of led horses can move as easily as if they were all wiounted, and should move and keep out of fire behind woule Duilding or sheltered place until Avanted. Beyond the ordinary routine of patrol ing and letter carrying, this is almost the only service Cavalry could render in winter, when it is impossible for horses to leave the road ; but a very important seryice it might be made if skiffally managed. _ first occitpation of some stone house may decide the fate u( :x.d::_\n I march only at the rate of stheee 1 hour with caseâ€"by the dismount vico two thirds of the Cavalry$ fore sported with expedition to the ap; place, can be dismounted and bes properly armed) equal forthat dat) fantry of, equal numbers, and may tain a post lon# ecnough for the 1# to come up and relieve themâ€"or in a treatÂ¥hey may retard the pursult in‘ same manner. ~‘The rules daid down in Cavalry Regulations® are sufficiently plicit, but for practical utility in _ same manner Cavalry Reg plicit, but 1 country, con sil for lar in the the ard best formation for Voluntéor Ca is dccided)y in M t.k’ in that ogd numbers would ~represent front wen; and encr numbers therear rauk The mounted s#rmishérs mmu‘\ 1 fire at onee; byt Teisurely, and one I» and ho man should fire until he can seeelt trength to the skirmishing 1 upport, as for instance with two me troop should be extended. (Watt J 1 in Te fronted. re Ix 11 ul ecnen:y is well ksown that 20 or 30 men qx it some broken or barricaded brid instance, may stop the progress « o force for a considerabl» time. or € 11 11 hould 1 frout NC ind ned llu")' the front d with thé su the: ski ufficient pt in resertT NOUNTED SERVi th ASNIH may tal turn « Wi weun omfly be a skirmishing line but a reserve posted 200 of the support, 1\.95] in skirmishin@ line. â€" WI sutpport other whol through the f tiring throuch arbine duty t juadror Int th N) L mt i1 i t} fra |¢