l-"'“"‘""'. soverics stunds the _ _ | l“l“t. o‘\.‘ w ie un is U°G to te that their S;.... ED, UXD T * mfod uxt L. <> k. D. T. BROWN or 19 , § nd we BEYT """ Loclet P otion where the direction) e U un ale but on the rations, AB us erperfence in this W DK Ll.\L,v K Asgi! «ead, Couyhs, COU Pn _ Sizes, Cram ps in the 8t DIAN »A+ before the hor #u and €22°" 7 P SuPaprotm it gives _/ a Painp Destroyer “‘ f. All Modicin® r and use it ; and no {# “""“fâ€"nâ€"d & NY avored with Â¥a / ~STOR wa Tam®s auy. at the ch w h\ | TS. w 'flh-_ stook of +C IRC XL¢ VORS A N it a. PA -'-r"'-'v7 , and therefore ! t;’dbpnfl"- nay depend uponm itÂ¥ ver used in well iemsrroiiet ver h y ad we have noe! 9 j for these Medicine 6, 1868. TowB, yâ€"live conts NORT J OR AYEMER, ~| the Union Forgarding J 1Â¥, AV A €CIFICA TIO®X®, o u1 x L B W# wiane agav® * * UVSSEL L m:i ROWx®r rost Bites CINNA CLOY E8, Cxrnx," _7 €PICKS,. _‘ rtment 6 N1» ‘]_86~§ tya. * ALBNTHA, .. . CURRAXTS, GCRAPk lert at his 1#, L1SE» TE TUrTIO®. 4 +â€" â€" Di r‘ 1 :,‘ f" r; ‘ u c ...‘ i G:L;l and , P Sheo: Hamon‘s Block, : In «wing amd Te meedfanieneen en ns mee, O DR. OLIVER 3 and CUCOA,; its wonderiul 5000048 MoCartBby» AREHOQp AAS, ; . * * Le NG, y PAN itSNB ,M":’ img diseases T9f . V cYeXy delicneyop va, â€" Oiaw®s Di sctor ; 214 Oi Ground daily on PRUXE® NOX 1. eutitle it to * in 1, 1807 JAMAICR fayaity priated ty W AJN "’i‘.‘t Fi\Y wood & JAMES MULLL 1.FMONX®, ack ® CERY Lox MACE, »oud q sSCOVÂ¥ Somb Xtry ~ SK MRRISTER and Arto Splicitorâ€"Inâ€"Chancery . s24 N , over Mr. Luke Casaor s Rideau Stroet, Ottawa, C. W L ragnary 17 1867. y Oftalsa sbruary 2 J amary 27 LEES /5 GEMMNMELL, .‘. RISTERS, Attorneys, Soelicitors, Q.nrou. ke. Qmncu: Inthe Court house, Ottawa, C. W. Rossat Lars. Jous J. GEMPLL Mtara, Fepraary 7, 1866, _: 43â€"utl @DWARD T DARTNELL, ARRISTEIR, folicitor, Attorney, a id B»IM Public, Clork of the Poase and County Orrice: In the CoartHouse, LOrignal 14 .A.“'l"ll. and Atiorneyâ€"at«Law Solicitor in (‘I:a;ur). ‘C.n-‘voymor. .tie. is | Offcoâ€"Lang‘s ings, Elgiaâ€"st., *o the h Offce, Ontawa. * â€P:", FI'“CIA!‘ Burgeon and Acconchear Ottawa. Day offccopposite Mageo & Russoll‘s mo Streot, Conter Town; Night Ofice at his ence, Maria Stoeot, Comer Town. Caxcurs Cunyp,with t tho «.:o of the knifa, by & new, but onuln.qnty.’n‘ almost painless ?m- cass. Referances given to parlies sucouss ully _ Cancres Cun®o,with »at th new, but cortain, speedy, an .:lnl.ll tequired. f Otawa, April 14. â€" hk LAPIERREâ€" &‘ HAYCOCK, s TTORNIESâ€"A Te«LAW, Sollcitors=in= ‘ Chancery, Conveyancers and Notaries Public, ner of Nussex and Yorkâ€"strects, Citawa, ytawa, Fobruary 26, 1867. 368y HRISTER and Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, '. ied '\lms. Conveyance*, &¢. * : site Post MR{‘hMml.lnuu z... uat-‘ ;,od as the Custor® Louse 7 00. € 8Tâ€"6 RBNXTI®T : # | } o ce Sb t g o A . mpnanpmrnniemi s n Oitawa, October 30, 1867. . â€"______ 8767 a## wal Gtaws. . x _ Citaws, January 27,1808. â€"_.__________ _4 ut "\ PR C. A. MAIXTIN, s D wnprr dce o t e Groeere 10 Utawa, January 37, 1866. 2 . M4â€"utt [‘l'. Chancery, and Co OMcs, Aumond‘s Baildiags, R Oiaws, December 6,1867. _ 000 : yosGRroV| ;lllll‘l'l:l!. Oflice~ Mosgrov« wabb success which has attended thg of the celebrated Concentrated Lyo Into Canatiian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" tited the cupidity ot an unprincipled firm in town {which has already been convieted of borsawing vther ‘a brains) by a squrious imitation called : fher. To avoid d!nnd-t-m. ruâ€" + w‘“‘ be : l:ï¬â€˜ï¬‚ m»l..:.b d'tl.“. ‘c;‘: which is s« y sespecta Druggists g:.n.rl in town and mw;.“ 78ky 1. @CCOAN TTORNEKYâ€"AT»â€"L.A Chancery, Conveyancer 1 TORNE YÂ¥â€"A Te LA W, Solicitors«=In« Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and @PARY PUBLIC of Quebes, HU LL » 1D ) Lang‘s Buildings, hawe, March l‘:.‘:* / Streets, Ottawa. Novonber 6. ‘Ol,lï¬â€œo' Kent and Wellington= ARRISTER, &c¢,., Ottawa. OfMce EXTRA, No. 1 ‘0NCEXTRATZD LYE. In botsit OHaw#, Jane THE LOoXDON. MUSIC, sSTOUMRAE |\yyy, Hor Mazesty‘s Theatre, "®% j * w:mm « Anew ami splendid+assortmont of ranted for fios years. * .. MKb just received a new stock Di%t GEORGE HUYCHISON, Victorta OoRGANS & V OL. :louxu. CONCERTINAS, GUITARS &e, variety.. + -%l-i Rlanos taken io part vayw sat fos Copnectod with this establishment is a Plano Manatactiter, who will attond punct to all erdiers for TUNLNG lost at ou-hdu.l.?-’hm XNICHOLAS SPALIKS, WIXGLES WOR #\1® f Lesses of ‘« Th Oléwa, March 25, 1945. “"’mm’u't-ah:t is aAUVGUSTI DR. OLIVER MARTTXS, RNTIWT. Odec? Sparks Stree! lust receiyed at Union Buildin Ni , 1866. > H IN IANO®: PiriAXNOS 1 ‘The uh 3,000 Â¥ reral Ccavy®mONX To THE PUOBLIC Maical Cards. A C M A PR&. w. J. HENIY, 1) S, @.TREA P. MACPMHUERSON, Y A N 0 â€"F O R T J pory N1ON MaKE, %a PIANO® from this establis . HAYCOCK, sements, first for the United Counties of Prosuott LN m 3‘to 6 1 0 ~C; Wuun II!. NO °SII. uin Cimis, SIHHTNEI O DOHERTY, HF 3 & TAILLON sOLTCITOR®, irgeua and Acconcheur Block, > parka Street. & : Vards pposife Post, OM NNOR, \ A W Holhkitor . in a. &o.. Sussox Street CULL, PINE‘amd CRHDAR il;ï¬ c.nioy-uln. IMings, Rideau streot. fog the Provimce KEEFER, A t Gmmas‘y en t = La ww sad Nxacy Pubhe amor s Boot and Shu nes, por &0 nsertion por Ca tar UJ ALI K. MILES petitors, and s mou to adâ€" »C leauâ€"street MELODEONS P O R Y 304y ly at the pted.) 4,000 i $6 00 ITwâ€"100y dGutf t aw & 34â€"6m 55â€"y , Cem» s241 .. Ottawa, November 27. nELVELAE _ BV3E . VA IAW A, without which‘it is simply impossible to produce a.la. BvcK® & l"&‘.‘." lowing Weints sn Beverages use the c (0% . aters a a . th Sanubs, g...............norunou. M“M" ol at the Anmicas Hibk M k Factouy: Belfast 3-.« Ale, Lemonade, Sarsaâ€" Tllll PIRSD=CLASS HOTEL has been Ia, Winter Boverage, Sammer Beverase, reâ€"fu nisved and reGited throughout, and now :l‘. Water, Seltzer Water, Potash Water, Kisâ€" combines all thy requisites of a firstâ€"class estubâ€" sepgen W ater, \'ug“. lishment. i KENNXETH, CAMPEELL & C9.,, Citawa, Nov. 6, 1867 S82 | A:n“uln to M K. f1. the Prinee of W ales. Snt arBios hork. _ |* * Mss > THEâ€"ALBION HOTEL | â€"__â€" Agent for Oittawa. To ky .. Cormer of Main and Prinee of Walesâ€"strects Pembrceke, Ontarle, â€" â€" . = 7 Stages in connection with the ste: Jaae Gould, Pombrele and Pontioec. ( Part.cuiar attention paid to the oa-budr-m. wood rooms for: commetcial travellers. â€" Morses and véhicles always.ou hand. __.____ _ FWIORONTO HOUSE, Sparksest THEâ€"ALBON HOTEL Nl(‘lloulllmo.c.uhllomlvun. 18W ottawa, John Grakam, Proprietor. _ _ _ â€"MRS. TROTTER bags to announce that she has ?I ynoo..‘! uv.nfl commodious ;d handsomely urnished suites of apartments, every res shigible for civil or -lllllq' officers, or Mm gontlomen uluhil( in the city. _ , 8 Oitawa, June 20, 848. * Ti3 ‘!lo"QU!l.“'n-rt sllhnfl.fn m Arstâ€"class hestau ant. â€" The House has nfl.d‘ and ref tnished llu“lu'& The BAR contains the chelowst Brandair Winee @nd Liqu «es, and ezery delicaey of the seass a wiil be tound on the table. The rieter‘s best offerts will be directed to be comâ€" ;.nubng‘mm patrons. / UB" Qysters, Game ate .dal‘y | " KAVANAGH. Proprictor, Corner of LVE e Mctcalie and Weilington Streets, opposite he main entrc.nce to the Governmenrt buildings _ THUE «© QUEEXN" RE8STAURANT, 'l\lll undersl,aed, formerly head wait= or at tho.itussell Hoas6, b'? to not‘ty is friends and the public generally that he has leasâ€" ed the above hotes, which is now well furnished, and will be kept as a first class house. The bar is well stcoked with the choicest brands of liquors. The table will be furnished with the best the mar. SMITH & RODNEY ‘lln(‘ll‘\.'l'l' TAILONS and Gemeral 1 o-::rn. Eiginâ€"street, opposite the Russell liouse, second door frowm Eaton‘s Gildiog Store. ha ring just received a cholew stook of ll)uucr 1mpront Ai&rion . x 'irui-sum-m in Ragland, at l THE VARIETY HALL English, Frsuch and Canadian THE METROPOLIT AN .__ CLOTHS and TWEEDS, £ And a goneral assortuent of gentlomen‘s furnish» ing goods, would intnate to their friends and the public generaily that they are prepared to exseuts all orders in thair line at the shortest notise, in the mopt approved styles and at prices that we defy competition. 4Â¥ M eSRC ~ Mr. GUSTAVE SMLRH, of the Cathe . draly a Graduate of the hm'“’ of Paris, I.oun:':‘:\uo aod Singing. Rideauâ€" Ottawa, 5--::. ‘:I. T t 118y | cao edtten) BOOK BINDER & BLANK BOOK MANURPACTURER, :94 Metcalfeâ€"streot, Ottawa. Having every facility in the 'culm Muchinery, and 'o:mh none firstâ€"clase e Reane iinaainneseeikamalt tion 0 ng \n a# a as any other msblhlfl_l&?:r‘d:. TT A W A ‘HOUSKE, Ottawa, Fob. 6 YOUNG RIFLEMAN3 COMPLETE GUIDE, By Edward C. Barbor, WMastrated with Numerous‘ Engravings, Purow $2.00. BR 186%â€"‘0V is now published, and contain® MMI! 77. Tormation respectingâ€" _ ~ The Faculty of Law, The Facuity of Mogicine, + The Faculty of Arts, Â¥ ‘The MoGilt Normal School, * The Wigh School of MeQill College, ‘The Scho A Kx aminations of the U aiversity. Copide of the Calondar may be obtained gratis -wumqe,n)q?mwu Ottawa Oot. 1,1887 prew! â€" Oraduates and Undergraduates, on sending their addressos, will be sapplied. in Scvah w "r( Unequalled by any other is the Dominion, ln Â¥ine Tow mmahmu-d-l Dinner M‘M Klogant 'h..-.& oilet Seta of the most & patierns, at vieen; ‘This stock boing '..l:‘ Croum Whh's will be‘ sold at Montreal prices. Also, EIGWT CAsEs or mMasoxn‘s PATENT PRUIT f <"*% JARS, The best in the world Â¥rait Jars, To -uum.m....&-“? mdmd m’d.qtpb. Ancuz.od' at the Variety U will convinee all that the goods are Arstâ€"class Toâ€"day there can be seen a and very cheap THE RUSSELL HOUSE, #otels and Saloons. AITHW2ITE® RETROSPECTâ€"FPOR JULY he Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, by Baker UKICAL ACADENY. Ottawa, July 29, 18¢8. 19 ANNU AL, CALENDAR for the Seasion u0O0K FPOR SPORTSMEX. 498v Â¥HUE CRACK SH0T, DOMINION HoUSE, WELLINGTON STREET. MOoRTIMER, Aumond‘s Plock, ERE HOUSE,. OTTAWA, HULL UNIVERSITY, MONTREALâ€" For sale by 1, 1808 VARIETY OF STOCK P. OMEARA, Prorurcros. mwbilshed, and contains full in., J. DVU 'n.u & 8ON, Opposite the Russeli Nouse &. MORTIMER, Rideaw Street Ottaroa, W C. BAYNE3, B.A., Seo‘y. RoyL. Insto. J. COPELAND, JO:IPII&IL.‘ ‘fl'fl“’i Motoaheâ€"st oot. 851tf \ Soga Waler and Girger Ale Factory, DP OPPOSITE the Post OFFICE. FEWNTIE SUBSCRIBERS Beg to intimate to their patrons that they have I commenced the. manufacture of Erated Waters of , every description, andon the most extensive scule, Particular atteition will be pald to the prepara« tion of 4 Belfuat @inger Ale,** a beverage first u.r‘uhnd into lbb‘r:-.y :.’I our .'l'l:..:n':; w alone rece w h.uuouurnulu‘l‘nngmhmuu I “'l;n proprietors Nl:‘.u their Arated Wu:s | will pe superior to any others at present | in Montreal, for the following nmu.'vh':':'. _ lst, The employment of the most timproved maâ€" i chinery the United States ean produce. 2nd. The nmlodb. of strictly sclentifie prinelâ€" | ples to the , Ird. Extra eare given to the chemical purity of ts artinies usud ts the dilfotent procouek _ _ â€" _ | THE MEDICAL HALL PA"I." AGRNT®, SOLICITOR®, & c« + Drawings, Specifications, Model«, and all other business in connection with the procuring of Letters Patentâ€"of Invention, atteaded to at the shortest notice. meverâ€"srarmua _ Qrricnâ€"Eiginâ€"strest, opposite the Ott ow n se p AUCTIOS HOOM®, No. 30, Rideaun«» street, below Whyte‘s Stationery Store. ‘The sale of Real Estate at Auction or private sale rn-'uy attended to, Consignments received and mmediate atteation will be paid. Sales attended in any nart of the city or country. 699y & &. SPAREF® . ‘ Plovmcul. LAND . SURYVEYOR, Draughtsman, &o., sm for l:;yor ar uu&u-s-)buvm‘:‘fl d-u'l':- * We & ed Ott xA t left at th .a.o‘rl w td Omaws Ohiy, (pore paid), or left at the odes of | _3 /râ€" ~__~ H. MeLKANX‘S | AUcflo. Roeoms, No« 19, SparksStreet, l Contre Town, Criawa, op posite Hopo‘s Stationâ€" | ary Store. k ' ied wreneed m ‘Snariguartets revalted in to. i h C ï¬â€™ sale. . Partic® wih"â€".u“pubuo Roa "l:l m“-.:. information FREE G# Ottawa, m o Boictick _ _7 prompt a‘tention. Ottawa, Fobruary 21, 1848 B. BILULANGS, Jr., “ RCHUITECT, Figin=street, opposite the Post Offica. Revenswors.â€"â€" T ASime, Feq, Architect, Philaâ€" detphia ; Thos Fuller, Eeq, Architect, Albany Dr J A Grant, N P., Ottawna ; Thos Reyrolds, Keq, Managing Virsctor 0 & P K W raeut ___ dth. The > * e CmmimTthK, C Ho t ies i ien and Proof Whiskey r Dawer* l..uig Ales and Porter, Pork, Jk-v.&o..mnh. Orvic®: l..l,_mm near the Russell te: _ Ottumg clttnlths Mss 21. . _> "*~CoNnNOR & WALLER, Marah‘__£ .. HOLGATE Whol.m steads wa, 0 *¢. m P t e 5" corl'lu N* px?u]ii'ii{.u‘é.. Â¥ire, Life and Ac« *4 cidental Insurance, Commission and Collectâ€" HOLGATE, OLILVER & ANNABLE, F‘» cidental Insurance, Commission and Collectâ€" ng Agents. Ofice, No. 27, Susserâ€"street, Ottawa. x. ®. o‘corxo® w., N. WALLE®, V es % 8 878Â¥ The subscriber would called the attention Families and others to his FINE BOTTLED AL BE â€" Which is in A4 cog ition. Also, uco'rc-:; IRNISAH, OLD RYE, And other Malt Whiskles, PORT3, SHUERRIES, BRANDIES, GIN, &e, h*vu\.wmd FIRSTâ€"CLAS3 GROCERICE |, & eaftkindiy selicited. ______5 | __ Oitawa, Jan 637y Spectacles forall Nights, .flu-:'s, March 20, 1868 NONTRACTOR and Builier. OfMce! PETTEE P TLR â€" uces ____ W..NOTMAN Paotographer to the Queen CEO. MAYES, COoPPER PLATE PRINXTER Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streets. Bills of Exchange, Bill Heads, Viring 13 OGreat 8t, Jamesâ€"streot, Montreal, When ho will bs propaced to fuldl orders dileroat be snohes of Photography.â€" @itaws, Jun. 31, 1868. . _____ _ 482 Monday Next, 8rd Fobruary Establishment will be Opened Boot and flShoe Store ! JorCheapCGaiters ONE DOLLAR A PAIR ! Ggud at 93 conts. 6 h * alr "Thin io the piacy M ing hoap at is * Caâ€" UTTLED ALK, I “o'r'r 1.3 HOLESALE Man: facturers of Bed= .#.h Gairs, &6., Chandlers. Island, Ot« es WILLIAM HOLGATE, JOuUN OLIVER, tw WTL.IAM A.il_QILI. L B. TACKABERRY LADTES CALL aAT THE CAMITAL side York street, second door from Sussex AMiscellancous. D. CODD & CC Oruggists. I1. MoGREEYVA , ga. 1208 , Printed on the shortest notice. OTTLED ALE, O ion of chemical knowledge, simply impossible to produce â€" > _! W. HEARXN, Market Drug Store, Yorkâ€"struot. [)"ICAI.I-."M" Electroâ€"Magnesie and Gal anie Apparatus, Photogra hie Chemicals, &¢. _ YORKâ€"STRZET ____44, Rideanâ€"strs 6t, mosite Allan‘s Crockery Store D. WhELAN, OTTLED ALE. aBoRss xURPHY Post Office, Ti1â€"6m OTTaAwWA, wWEDNESDAY. AUGUST ~RETIRING FROM BUS §3â€" 18â€"y Great Cheap Sale: of Dry Gm‘ds! Intend windiog np large stock of At greatly reduc«d prices for cash a« the whole must by diep AUGUST, | The following list of prices will satisly all that this is with, and will be for the benefit of every one to take advantage of. Full width Prints from Printed Musiins w «. Delaines °. * 6.4 Alzpaces Lustres® Cobourge * A’#r& lot of Wosmen‘s White Cotton Hose, S to usual pdnrn-.‘lb 84 to 408. 4 all other goods proportlonately low. FANCY® ANDâ€" STAPLE â€" DRY : _ Great Clearing Sale of Ury wGoobd [ irare" f \Cunningham &TLinds: BLYTH & KEkh en s ie l en e en o d n Just received a wall selocted assortment of Fishing Tackle, Baskets, Bait, Reols, Lines, Fiys, Rods, &0. Manutactur »e of all deserphons of work for Water and Gas Works, Brower‘s Distillerib®, Mills, &e. Makes and fits up Galvanized Tron Cornices, Oatters, Conduetors, Roofing, &c. s M Public and Private l-lldh%. Conservatories, , Vinerics, Mauutactories, &c.J warmed by Steam, Hot Wateror Warm Air, on most m‘nd ‘prinesplos. & Orders from the country will receive strict on. 110y Just received a wall selocted assortment of Fishing Tack!e, Baskets, Bait, Kao! Manutactur »e of all deserphons of work for Water and Gas Works, Brower‘s Makes and fits ap Galvanized Trom Cornices, Gutters, Conduetors, Roofing, & ECC TAT T Sn o DILLS * Muisesvestnules. Vineries.. Manuiag COON MOxXxDAY, the 15th J NSAE Millinery, Mantles, Shawls Dress Goods, Prints CROQUEL, FISHIN G TACKLE ¢ ""*"#*OITLS . , Masksz& BoxingGl ves (tawa, May 5, 1868 ME Sole Agent for Ontario. t and 3 The #HOWE* SEWING MACHINES are the best for Makers, Boot and Shoe sakous, are the best Shuttle Machine for Tailors, sto,, oto. _ Price from 140. Prospootas fres and mguh » 47Â¥ ©7 # R, W. STRPHEN, As GEO. FEATHERSTON & GO,, sas PS EY reâ€", and snstructions gratic. sSTOVES. _ STOVES. STO}\;E A sSTOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. STOVES. â€" STOVES. Ottawa, June 15, 18583 â€" CAPITAL®" 35, A _ sTOVE sUSSEX MEADNOWS BEKFOT 1 St. & d4o. â€" Ali mCP A at low m-w-q l‘l‘. , Dox and MM! Ja-«m- COOKIsG £TOVE®. COuUKING sT COOKIsG sroVEK®. C©COOKING #Y COU K INC ’â€'“ COuKING ®T LB" ut stock of the above cumprises the Tatest un OV EN â€"sEV W : TT B0X AaAND HALL STOV A#. OX HOX AND HALL STOYVEs. uox OX AXD HALL STOVEs®. uoxk fl'm&hpflmmumm. W ar h PARLOR STOVES. PARLOR STOVE®. PARLOR ETOVE®. .. rARLOR s#TrovEs is + w TOVES. PARLOK STOVES P AR For Particutars See Circulars Oftawa, June 13. 1868. F CoaATL BTOVES. PARLOR GR amsd. . / * Motâ€" Aivr Wuarnaces. We siill contines to manaiacture desomption of TIN, SHEET FRON, and GOPPER WARE, RUSSLA IAONX PLPE, and DUMB mbu. . Abso all kinds of outâ€"door Job Work in our.line attended to by competeat and experieaced Mechanics. Country Merchants supplie@with Stovopipes, &6., at reduced rates. -;;;n-"c-;& Laow vermaen‘s &'plncl Snanty Plates! Basins! Keules, §e. »MOUSKEFURNISHING GOOD81 C e $ Bird O.w t Bird Cages : 13 Jagges ! Price Lists sont on application, i oo wfl:lh.rcd‘wumhnplud-h&“u burnt out, |a fact intending *‘ An iaspection of the abore goods invited at the PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Oftawa (@tober 2 1867 Gold Medal, Paris, 1861. Qreat rapidity, Simple Mashinery, quict in action, No 25, REDE] materials for the above branches kept wut\ull/ on hand. Also Tuporters anl Deskers in House Faraishing . Har’iwjrc. Sheffield House, Ottawa. CRICKETING GOO m TOVES. PARLORK S pay» Kew and most beautiful designs, very cheap Shop to Rent from 1st Sept. Nex a GEO. FEATHERSTON & CO STJ] £1 their business in AUGUST NEXT. â€" The TO SELL At Pricos which must effect a No. 14, RIDEAUâ€"STREET,. c WILL COMMENCE TIIE BALANCE oP THEIR SUMMERX Suooessors to Ohas,. Garth, 4{d per yard. | Grey Cotton«. §4 * | #ilk Parasols tk .. * HMoop Skirt«... y i Canaullan & n Hose, from 4}4_per pair. A lot of Summer Shafyls fromed 18 12. A lot of clofhis for Boy‘s Sammer Wear, ver$ cheap, and ‘-,‘c WALTON, Agent, 37 Spark« Stroot, A W A. ' t and 105 King st., *Fost, Toronto. ) MACHINES sre the best for rrriage Tri rs, Harness ha hast Shnttla Machise for Tailors, Dress Famtlies, etc." Prize and Gold Medal, Paris, COUKINXG STOVKEK®. C©CGOKING sTOVEKS. COuKING sTOVES. TLN & COPPERSMITHS, AT THE # CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT, l WERE A WARDED THELR 671 IBLER â€" & SEWINXG BOX AND HALL 8Â¥ uOX AxXD HALL 8T uoX AsSDP HALL 8T « â€" W arthouses and Stoves . 8TRPIHEN, 37 Sparkeâ€"atgect, Ottawa. casy o opera «, price from â€"S DR LL L. ux«;,\bb"}i's 6:;_00- y 11 Cloth 186 7. 34 Fparkeâ€"strect, guth Town. Epecdy Bale y will how this dateloffcr their wents in both ELEY which we ofer Whetesale or Retail or coal we have theBRargest and most BELL HANGERS, &¢ med of by the jm. day of a chance rareh# to be met STOCK GF 35, Sosseet Staeet. €OO K. C©ooK COOK "RS, EMBOW8, DUDMB from -ll-l per yard # Os KA each. PARI PAR PAR 510 7(8 2s §idper yard LSON‘S LACIHIINE ins’ &co, 7, Prospecius as. G sTOVES. a sToVEs a svoves. ED and 1.0% E#. a V iR SToOVES. R sTOVES. R #TOVES. 1868. It is a nr'oct and wonderful article. Ccres baldness. Makes hair grow, A botter dressing than any «oil" or . pomatum." Softens brash, dry ard wiry hair into beautiful silken tro«ses. But, above all, the great wonder is the rapidity with which it restores GRAY HALR 20 ITS OKLâ€" GINAL COLOR ‘The whitest and woret looking hair resumes its ‘uthhl beauty by its use. It does not dye the air, but strikes at the root and fills it with new life afd colorirg matter. _ _ wbamiin The frst a Eliouion will do gooi; you will see / ‘UCU the NATURI COLOR returning evéry day, and | attor BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, the old, gray, discolar= | ;,.,.., ed apperrance of the hair will be gone, givieg | * ‘* place to lustrons, shining and beautiful locks. l»:l]l]b“ ri;i for Hall‘s Sicilian Mair enewer ; no other article is at all like it in effect. _ See that each bottle has our private Governmer Stamp over the top of the bottle. flz athere imitation, ‘Thirty Years* Experience of an old Nurse.â€"Mrs. Wixsuow‘s Soornixg Syuwve is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians .’!mh the UniteJ States, Mnd has been used for thirty years with neverâ€"failing safety and suceess by millions of mothors and children, from the feeble infant pf one week cld to the adult." It corrocts acidity of the stomach, relievies wind eolic, regulates the bowels, and gites rest, health and comfort to ‘mother and child We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world, in‘ all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRHCGA IN CHILâ€" DREN, whether it arises from teething, or from any <ther cause. Full direetions for ysing will accompany each botle. None genuine unless the tacâ€"gimile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outâ€" side wrappor,. Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 ets. a bottle. Office, 215 Fuitonâ€"street, New York ; and 205 High Holborn, London: Be sure and call for « MRS. WINSLOW‘*$ SNOOTHING SY RUP," havâ€" ing the fae simile of * Cuatis & Praxixs" on the outside wrapper. â€" All others are base imitaâ€" tiong. ; £08â€"$m _ Sore Throat, Cough, Cold, and similar troubles, if suffered to progress, result in serious Puilmonary, Broatchial anpd Asthmatic: affections, oftentimes ipcutable.. BROWN‘3 BRONCHIAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach directly the soat of the disease and give almost instant reâ€" lief. The Trocnurs are offered with the fullest con!iâ€" | dence in their eflicacy ; they have boen thoroughly ‘ tested and maintain the good reputation they have | justly mequired. For public speakers, singers, | military cfficers and those who over tax the.yoice, ' they are useful in relieving ah irritated throat, and | will render articulation easy. Being amaiticle of | true merit, and having proved their eficacy by a test of many years, each yoar finds them in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Troches ate universally pronounced better than | other articles. A . | TS EFFECT 18 MIRAQCULOU®. Ontai® oaly © !lov"n Brosontat â€" Trocuns," f and do not take any of the wo thicss imitations that | * may be offered. yoe 808â€"2m To ‘Consumptives.â€"The advortiser, having b‘u;‘r.o-tmd to iuuh in a kv'w‘e'c:ar by a very whm ,° after having #a for several yur"m‘!onn lung affection, avd that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to inake known to his fellowâ€"su@erers the means of curs. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the Fruoflptlol used(free of charge), with the dires ons for preparing and using the same, which they will find a surs our® for Coxsuurtio®, Asuna, Broxcurns, Covans, Coups, asd all Throat and Lung Affebtions. . The only object of the adverâ€" tiser in senc‘«gthe Prosoript.on is to benefcthe afficted, and :gnod information which be sonâ€" seives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufâ€" ferer will try his N..‘g. as it will cost them noâ€" thing, and may prove a blessing. Partics wishing mnpdu. nu.% return mail, will please REV. WKABD WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., Now York. For sgale by all druggists Mothers Read Thisiâ€"HHoloway‘s Worm Losenges are a certain and safe remedy for Worms in Children and Adults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" known and ulm fact that one great cause of death among children is from Worms alone, it eannot be too deeply impressed upon the minds parents the necessity of closely watching their children. . By so ‘doing; and understanding he l{:rflll wnd‘trde ‘cause of the dizease, thous of children -‘N be saved from carly graves. Srurrous or Worus.â€"The followin are a few of the very pumerous symptoms .nfl diseases which are caused b{ Worms : deranjed appetite, emasolated extromities, ofencive breath uent picking atthe nose, c:ndlng of the tooth w hardness of the belly. with frequent slimy and sometimes convuliive fits ; itehing of the arms, pain in the hoad and stomach, unquict sleep, fal tremblings, coughs, indigestion low spirits, frightful droams, and a guduu?vn'nt ‘lh‘_lvoyd ons oo sast mubih it 4 § CFCEe P Vid _ They are palatable and selfâ€"administered to th childâ€"drive out the muhoroufihly without pain Moâ€"nflymmmmn â€"thereby doir; away with the necessity of administering Casto Qil or othar unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of other Werms. ‘r‘lul box contains the {20â€"simile signature outn®or & Lywax, Newoastic, C.W., who are where Errors of Youth.â€"A Gentieman who sulâ€" fored for years tror Nervous Debility, IP‘remaâ€" ture Deeay and all the ofects of ‘youthful inâ€" Mmr- will, for the sake ot suffering hamanity, sond frg@ to all who need it the recipe and direcâ€" tions -.w;& simple remedy by whichhe was ids erers vhl:ling to b‘msf‘t‘ l;y the .‘P‘“ vertisers 3“‘.â€â€. o so by addrersing in porfect oucg. o B ts JOHUN B. OGDEN, 43 Cedar Stroet New York he sole etors. N. B2 Ask for tection to the throat and lungs, and add much to their personal appearanse, | Why should we use " Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers?" Because when used for coughs, colds, tickling in the throat, hoarseâ€" ness, &60., lh&:: like a charm. Ministers and lawyors use -.Jhyckhu recommend theim, and singers and is speakers say they are tWe very best medicine in existence for the cure of such complaints. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25 Two Qu+srioxs Kasty Axswer®».â€" W hyghould men wear beards? Because they are a great gro- tection to the throat and lungs, and add much to O1C conkanal annanranse â€" Why should we use cents per box. A Beav tror HWous®.â€"There is nothing that can oon‘mt-uoo -:l to n:oit:r the horse beautiful an ologru prove eondition and make him all that is desirable, as «Darley‘s Aralian Heave Remedy and Condition Medicine;" it has been wsed b{ many persons who own valaable carriage other horses with decided sucsess, apd so well pleased ate they with it that they .I'cnh'p it on hand in case of emergency ; it may be given at all times with perfect safety. Remember the name, and ses that the signature of Hard & Co. is on each package. Nomthrop 4 Lyman, Newcastle, C.".l. lpfol)‘riotm« for tne Caâ€" ® mm e P C GLL Lyman, Newcastle, C.W., proprietor nadas, Suld by all medicive &um- Burax‘s Wareas, great pablic remody,) hare now been in -o(::r zn‘u;;uu. hrenso. it cannot be said that they are on trial, They have been thoroughly tried, asd pronounced (on the auâ€" thority of those whose lives and hulu:lpey have W)DN a cure, harmless an eminently M:{WM and if taken in season will {-u wolds, coughs, sore throat, and all affections. One fair trial will convince PPE s aaa i2 the most skeptical. Sold by all medicine at 25 cents per bex. While,science has labored for the beneft of the homan race, it is but a poor retura to have smitaâ€" tors ‘:aï¬ up and claim mo‘flu for their articles which never exited n appearance. Since m.Mis Tanatahin m‘w-lldr m'or has been which never existed except in appearance. Ball‘s Vegetable Stoilian Hair {l’.'.-;.r has UECL o Porck en cis sB Shtsss EnE T 7 m mss Mmm‘w of this valuaâ€" | mmhnmnmi-.; legion have | commenced manufacturing r nostrume. In | point of merit there â€"is no eomparison, more | than the counterfeit resembles the gnuine bank bill. Onehas a value for which the he or re ccives its value, while the other is worthless and is rllm- ed off -‘;m unwary. The effects of ;Mail‘s Sicilian Renewer upon the head is to renow the growth of the hair, restore to its natural color when it has hu.:’riy, and cures all discases of the scalp. The effects are seen from the first the udy The elle bottle.â€"Weekly Times i-r Ask for : Holloeay‘s Worm _ Loznge | and take no dlor.“ Bola by all the | ists in Ottawa, and medicine donle _ every | i 5187 SPECIAL NOTICES. ‘2?::' ““.:‘:.“:"‘;‘:"z’:“en?; u> I‘n a letter to the Daily Nfll.'l, NMr. »mong ofluh frota Wormas alone, it | ‘Prevelyan says that the proportion of :oinfli,h&n::.z‘;w:.gwing; G ] chiwers to men is, in the British army, 1 necess e 4 « on By ‘so ‘doing ; and understanqiag | officer to 28 men ; Frouch army, 1 ogocr u:l und "trie nn:o ol":dh; dizourre, | to 33 men ; Austrian army, 1 officer to 40 children Wl 0 sa roin ear on : fan otheer C Svurrous or Worus.â€"The f:)uowin’ '| rwy, Pm’?""" army, 1 se QJ‘mcn, r of the Wery numerous #Â¥imptoms .nï¬ | British artillery, 1 officer to 35 men. VECETABLE SICILIAN HAIK .» > RENEWER. CMnNCt§ R. P. HALL & €04 is Nashua, N, 1J., Proprietors. i HALLPS pablic remedy,) 80%d dealers The London Fimes says,; the militaty | be *breechâ€"loading competition at‘ Wimbledon , T on the 14th July was maintained with | be spirit, and was watched by Srof«ssionnl lu mon and others with no small interest. | ta The Snider Enfield, whenever it was used, | de was skilfully handled, and a weapon which | pr in the hands of British soldiers has won | f4 a battle is always to be mentioned with | dy rvls;wt: but the Sniderâ€"Enfield was adopt‘-l th ed avowedly as a ten measure, and | t the wc:q-m)uf the 4'um?s still to be disâ€" ‘ qy covered. _ The two kinds of military breechâ€"‘ loading riflesd at <present attracting most attention at Wimbledon are the new patâ€" } ta tern brought out by Mr. Kerr, in external | 1, appearance resembling a modified Chasseâ€" | c« 4 pot with a side lock, and the .\lmw)'-\\'nlkcr al rifle, an invention of remarkable simplicity . | c in which springs are .dispensed ‘with, and | J zo little risk of explosion is entertaincd| r that the barrel, having been removed from | 1 the stock, was loaded and discharged several | is times in the course of the day, the cartridge | t. ‘ having been previously perforated in several | / | places, to increase the tendency, if any cx-‘ numerously ~1’â€.' de co accepted As l London 8e isted, to an esceape of gas, _ _ _ x Nozimental, camps have been formed so numerously this year that instances of esâ€" prit de corps among the occupants are accepted hs a matter of course. But the London Seottish surprised and amused the whole camp yca(cnr:ly by a proceeding, apparently solemn, dehberate, and fiational in its character, which set everybody wonâ€" derng what it « u‘d mean.. Between 6 and 7, before the evening gun was fired, and just as the great bmiy of compctitors was streamin@ towards the central refreshâ€" ment hall,; popularly known as "«Jenâ€" nison‘s,"" the band of bagpirs was heard at a distance, and as these drew nearer it THE gea~ SEF EOURTIL PAGE, ment hail,; popwarly known as ""Jenâ€" nison‘s,"" the band of bagpi‘res was heard at a distance, and as these drew nearer it was perceived that the pipers headed a reâ€" gular . procession. _ After the. musicians walked some of the officers and nonâ€"comâ€" missioned officers of the London Séottish, fourabrcast, then a guard with shouldered riflcs, and noxt a cart drawn by donkeys harnessed tandemâ€"fashion, in which were placed, under proper military guard, two or three gigauti¢ thistleâ€"plants, in highly: ornamenied flowerpots. .A gecond cart, in ull respect simjlarly flled, drawa, and atâ€" tonded, followed the first, members of the escort being placed not only in the carts, but beside cach wheel. Continuous peals of laughter at the mock _ triamphal proces sion rang from everyâ€"side, but the Seotchâ€" l men preserved their gravity unmoved, and marched on strictly at attention, as if carâ€" i rying treasure to the Tower, r | _ â€"â€"The London Weekly Engineering, in | its last issue, says tho .American war vesâ€" ' sols are slow tubs, around which they (the ‘English) can sail at their leisure, "even | when the Yaukee i# under full steam." â€"Menotti Garibaldi‘s recently married wile is ambitious .of military distinetion, and is moving to enrol a battalion of Amazons. 4 â€"(Garibaldians arms themselves with black shirts instead of the traditional red, and carry as ammunition the letters V.M., Poroat« »1;;nl5m:v thit they intend to wreak ven veance for their defeat at Mentana. | ie ie ds alath sn 05200 d hn s. M dcteian o0 en + e d ‘Beacon ftom Michigan, says: "‘The Feâ€" ‘uiuu circles of Jacbo:ll' Mh Adrian are very active at present. They have got new ‘ unily'urms, and l't'lfcil' halls are well stocked with arms and ammunition. They are lc\'idcudy prepared for a raid on Canada before the Presidential election."‘ â€"King Theodore has boen done in wax r Madame Tussaud. _ Proxorioxs, &c.â€"Rife Brigade.â€" Ensign lookes Evelyn Crompton, to be Licutenant by purchase, vice the Hon. C, Ciounter Logge, who retires; Gentleman Cadet William Whitmore Hammond, trom the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, by. purchase, â€"viee Crompton. â€"London Gazctte, 14th July. » | ;&‘opt the duel with no matter what weaâ€" l pons. | The interestin the matter is intense, | and bots favor the lady, who is heavily â€"Mossrs, Allen & Co. have in the pross, and will publish in a few dlgs, "The Jourâ€" nal of the yoyage of the Galatea Round the World, under the Command:of the Duke of Edinburgh," illustrated by several sk(_z%heu and scones and incidents tlambed in the Journal. 12 ns mt me im souee s ‘ l{ mm:l((:,.‘::omcn in the | ‘law done (.Inm o wor = . | wndmn w“q“:c fea o rnkmen who’ an War, | ]-."'uml in n" esnt e P“'g:"e .|: ‘ ih‘i‘ll,',"‘ll::n dc‘slc‘m“mml i"lm. 0.;" : | d l;")'-uiuc b NAp “: flfll. P‘"g‘dl‘n’ & ur!"g (e being Gu 3 muo-hnd.y is of mrmni“':ï¬wwe in i TIndi red and ; and on 4 $ ink z: 'dw ie tz | he cott # an i i & co ton and dings nds x: b‘. ILITARY SA .n.-‘-inandim f ish Parlia marype Bs f.mm, due by Â¥*~ .KB&Nâ€" ' 3 y the Ra es Savings T ks on to stt e tegrent ® £289,199 A us Sn lw"minu ‘ \:COHDIR ¢:i)c 16s 84d ies t3 ;(.ns 17,898“ ue se L m 1‘0!l}1uis€inn: + m::tmmh d'. * ,nt_lnnal ers for * . L'lw E e the Reduchonpd & | lt'fdmd- in prod yoors! f ':F: | 1 808. was L-‘awd y e s in Aeloto e on apdl Di4d. 4 â€"A French lady at Boulogne recently sont a challenge to the editor of a comic journal, who, twice in succession, had made his theme her private affairs. ‘The lady‘s seconds have roceived a formal order to backed (1 â€"An English paper thinks it is someâ€" | what remarkable that it should have fallen | to the lot of Consgervative Ministers to enâ€" 'I noble most of the military heroes of modern days. â€" Thus the peerages of Hardinge and ‘/Hi);l were created by Sir &nfl Poel ; ‘ Those of Clyde, Raglan, and Strathoairn ihose oi C1yac, magian, ano AOMRTUUL by Lord Derby ; and that of Napier of Magdala by lfr. Disracli. Lord Gough is thesonly general of late years «whom a Liboral Government has had the chance â€"A Canzdian, writing to the Stratford of raising to the peerage M RIFLES AT WIMBLEDOXN . N. Masson of Tromt notoriety, it stayin@ at the Rossin House, NEWS IJTEMS { PRICEâ€"3 CENTS & â€"Dr..Pijnnin Malone, a United States Army ‘Paymaster, in Februdry, 1864, ' while yisiting at the residence of Isaac | Newton, was robbed of $68,800, the money !bcing taken from his trunk by burglars. The operators and instigators of the robâ€" bory were one professional buranr, a voâ€" lunteer soldier, a member of the Metropoliâ€" tan Police, and a Treasury Department detective, who were the instigaters. The principals. were arrested, and part of the funds recovered, but here the affair was dropped, and it appears from the report of the Congressional Committee of Investizaâ€" tion )hat the detective is still in Governâ€" ‘ ment employ.â€"N.Y. Tribwne. Lit.â€"Con. GoOPDxXaXx.â€"â€"During the Bat talion parade on Thursday evening last, 14.â€"Col. Goodman became unwcllnli«p(n complaint to which he has been subject for about two years, and through the night his case was considered exceedinaly precarious. lc has since the removal of the Battahion remained in Galt at the residence of Capt. Peck, but we are pleased to learn that he is now nearly convalescent and expects ‘to be about acriin in a few days.â€"nme. Exouisu Vouvratarr Review.â€"The grand annual engaumpment of V olunteers at Wimbledon, was brought to a close on 8a turday: â€" The prizes for skill in mukarinâ€" ship were awarded by hord Napicr of Magdala, who also reviewed the V oluntcers. The Prince of Wates, Prinee Alfred, and Mr. Longfellow were amongst the, distingâ€" uished persons present, while an mumense concourse of the nobility and people gonâ€" erally were in attendance. _ About 10,000 men were in the line of review, and preâ€" sented a voery fine appearance. ‘The weather was clear and pleasant, but intenseâ€" ly hot. ‘ * Miuitary | Tersararuiso.â€"â€"The Scientific American says that the military Telegraph system, now used by the United States Army, is probably the most perfect in the world. _ At the last examination :t West Point the Telegraph Corps laid the . wires and put the Telegrapl into operation at the rate of a mile in ten minutes. A fine stecl"wire, covered with copper, and weighing only about 20 pounds to the mile, is used. This is laid cither from the back of a soldicr, who carries two miles of this wire on recls, as he runs, or from a wagzon. The fostman is followed by another, with the posts and the instruments ; and the wargon â€" by Another, with the necsssary stakes and intruments to complete the work. ; â€"The Moniteur de 1 Armee, is placinpg before its readers "the remarkable order of the day addressed by Mis Exoellency Sir R. Napier to his army " after the taking of Magdala, mentions that as soon as the order was read the Generalâ€"inâ€"(®ief eqllod forward to the Centre of the square formâ€" ed by the troops all the foreign officers who were attached to his staf, and thanked them in the name of England and the army for having come and shared the labours and trials of the cam paign. _ The Moniterr goes on to say that A New Enmrrox or as Ou» Sromy. â€"â€"Some one has improved on the av of W ashington and his cherry tree. * When Ulysees 8. Grant was a litt‘e boy, his father bought him a little hatchet. _ Ulysses was so deliglited that he._went about hatchet ing everything he could find, One fatal day, after things had been foing on thus and . so for some time, Ulysses cut down aue of his ‘s favourite pear trees. When the old gentleman saw the ruin of his favourite tree, ho went to 1. 8. and said : <U. 8., who eut down my t1â€" vourite pear T +1 caunot tell a lie,‘ said Ulysses ;‘ Ben Johnson cut it down with his hatchet.‘ "My dear ‘son,‘ said the old tlcllun.Tnklmg him, * I would rather §r?vc you tell a thousand lies than lose so fine a tree.‘" _ " Sir R Napicr‘s courteous and appropri ie language was worthy of that emiaent Genâ€" eral, and of the great nation whoe swordl he had the honour to hold in suth a me morable expedition."" _ Captain Snider was one of the good old loyal stock. . He emigrated with his futher to this country from the State of Maryâ€" land at the age of 17 , and. sottled in the Township of Tnm, and afterward removed to ï¬n.rmn, ng('u;-ihu. where he liyed many years. _ Me took part in‘thé war of 1812, and was in two engagements, Queenston Heights and Fort George. He was not far from Gen. Brock when he fell mortally wounded. _ In the troubles bf ‘37 he also took a livyely interest, shouldering his musket in defence of his Queen .and country. : He‘Jived about 21 years near Brantford, and was much respected by all who knew him. _ He leaves a large circl« ‘lof r‘clhtivcs and friends to mourn his loss. â€"â€"Mail. s * Digv.â€"In the Johnson Settiement Township| of Brantford, on Friday, th 17th July, Captain John Snider, Neaior aged 82 n__s:tzc‘at-:.‘-_ o oubpie o ut on C s oi d Corox®t Duxx.â€"Mr. Gladstone, in seconding the yote of thanks to Gen. Napier, in the House of Commons, a couple of weeks ago, paid the following well merited tribute to J: memory of that distinguishâ€" ed Camdiamdier, (hcw‘:lle C:l Duann : " We have itted," said the t leader of the Libs:\: "to gain npoagm: occasion what may be called a tearless battle; but it is not going too far from the subject to offer one word of regret for the fite of a gallant, officer, Colonel Daun, cemictuliity Mdnad, : use BP : Nt 6/ I (hear, hear,) who Braved the deadly charge at Balaklava, and who reccived the honor at the hands of its sovereign of the Victoria Cross. (Hear.) The lamented officer had sought active service as the commander of his gallant regiment, the Thirtyâ€"third, which made the assault at Magdala, and he has now found a grave in a distant country, but his me will be cherished withonoriutben::aaimofhifelhv c . (Hear. hear.)" Tus Sox .or Kixo Tmsonor®â€" Plymouth, July 14.â€"The Urgent, last from H&a‘mtbefg&§u!y,_-!ï¬vd hr: toâ€"day with Prince Dejstch Alamayou (I have seen the world), the son of King of Theodore, in charge of Captain Speedy, and attended by an A byssinian manâ€"gervant, Shellika Kassa. â€" ThePrince and Captain Spoedy landed, and breakfasted with the Port Admiral, Sir W. F. Martin, visited (GGeneral Spencer, the Military Commanâ€" derâ€"inâ€"Chief, and then went over the dockâ€" Â¥rd. Thence : they proceeded up the amar in the steam tug Carron to view the Royal Albert bridge, returning to the dockyark, Jlunching with Admiral Super, intendent Drummond, and dining with the Port Admiral in the evening. _ The Urgent has received orders to go ta harbour