All kinds of Debentures, Mortg , Buildin Society, .n.x,-uu-ms-x-umf and collections made on the most favorable terms * County Debenturesâ€"in demand. . A i Mortgagesâ€"No good ones offering. _ â€" l aey â€"Is in good demand, and readily obtainâ€" there being little of any sort of securition on (ho market. PELLATT & OSLER, 7 per cent interest. ers iiikiciers maghaks [ . 1 _0 [ _ on _ Canadian Bank of Commerceâ€"Sales of partially m?l::.d at 103, and ot stock fully paid at @ore Bankâ€"BuyÂ¥rs offer 36 to 37 ; but thero ar0 no sellers atthese rates. _ â€" , “;;tdnv Bankâ€"Sales at 106. Ofering at Quebec Bankâ€"Offering at 98. _ n{md&-mnâ€"n-,«;hm;.-uuuu muamx-n Americaâ€"No stock on. mar Ontario Bankâ€"Sales at 984, 949 and 99;, and ‘flu&.hï¬.m of Torontoâ€"No stock on marke®*. Buyers would 115. lqnm Bankâ€"Buyors at 84 to 55. Very little on market. s aâ€" 1’0 mmey o . ce Smeâ€" -?.‘l .AҠ# â€"â€"--...4-1 wa ce w wo EesE ESssGss3SE 2890909 see99%200%%e TgEEHIE d ;!iii&i#lii!tiiii%éiié <28z2~5 w â€" iï¬ â€" --- <resa_~EsssseAissses UESESSESSSSESSUESsSEBSESsSESâ€"3 egosessesssssssssseesesS® se iL AHIfE E:_‘ 9;;32:5;’i§= 4 PirgpaPfrle" WEEKLY BREPORT OF CANADLAN SsECURITIES. Molson‘s Bankâ€"Buyers at 110. No stock on City Bankâ€"Asked for ‘at 102 to 102;. :.n-po‘h Poupleâ€"Saloable at 105 exâ€"diviâ€" La Banque Nationaloâ€"None on the market, oz ggwâ€"ls:;r axezo< P lilrespiiiil‘: e M{tHf] +A s s S3 3 34 PPFEREERE peppp>sessPFF2® #@y* SEE FIRST PAGE;: sNEssScscessccssEscs: FFFFFFFFFF HHFFFPFEEEH Prerratt & usauee, No. §6, Kingâ€"street East, OTTawWA MARKETs. Banks and Sundrics. AMOUNT OF SHAREs. We sn wth uh iBrae shacme uhs (hh in aik C &n fififriff:irrs ®D CAPITAL PAID UP. %*EENEXEK F utews > ’g.g‘."wé'o&gi& | m::’n::;;u Mosczove ,Egflgqua‘ 'Otuw» Feb. 20, 1808 gg;:";’&s:’v;‘s [ uen wrrrniqeneainlansincice ie metn tvireniaie MONTHS uu wRSss 22.â€"882 wewnâ€" 880898 vee : *4 mea 28032# 17 [ UVUVHUKâ€"â€" 1 m | . AFEW RICHLY GiLi 3 87} â€" | thing ever imported into Canad W. C. CLARK, Professor of Music andâ€"Leacher of Piano, Voico and: Harmony. . Also, Mra, Clark, Teacherof D: «wing and Painting. Music Rooms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"strée‘, corner of Sl terâ€"street, Contre Town.: > Irders Ilgth‘hlt_uc his residence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Store . &~ _ 4§§ . The remarkable success which has atoondod the introduction of the celebrated Concentrated Lye into Canadian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" cited the cupidity ot an unprincipled firm in town {which has already been convicted of borrowing other E‘plo’l brains) by a spurious iMitation ealled Saponifier. To avoid disa pointment, purâ€" chasers should be careful to ask &r Harte‘s Eon- eentrated Lye. which is sold by ali tespectable Druggists and Grocers in town and country, . 783v, D.Fovr the relief and cure of Epilopsy, St. Vitss‘ / nee, Puerperal Hystoric, «o., &o This preparâ€" ation is from the re ipe oi-cumg‘m«‘u*‘ Physician, and the very great success which bas * attended its uso in every case, and where tha highâ€" | est medical skill was of no avail. has induced the | subscriber to give it every possible publicity. The | ine has the subscriber‘s mname and addrgss m& :e-h bottle. Price ons dollar. Sole l’n.prict..rf,‘ J. A. HARTE, Chemist, 326, Notro Dameâ€"straoty | This very usefal instrument, lately invented, reâ€" commends itself to every family. ° It is of â€" Where drders will be taken. 3 * "pg. io a few days a number of agonts will canâ€" vass uttawa, explain the model, and receivs is g'nbdin a scuare form, and can be lowered to feet, the height at which any mediumâ€"sized person can put clotnes on, and by means of a small erank arid toeth rack can bo raised to‘a height of eleven or twelve feet. It oceuples but about twenty feet square, and can bo put up on a, on_tu‘ « yard. The moscl of this machine can be scerf Caxorss Cur*p,with wit the «o of the knife, by a new, but certain, speedy, and almost painless proâ€" sess. References given to. parties succe=sfully treated, if cequired. > Orrice : In the Coart House, WoOrignal. January 27, 1866. * NICHOLAS: SPARKS, â€"_‘â€" BARRIITIR and Attorneyeat«Law Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &¢. Officeâ€"Lang‘s Buildings, Elginâ€"st., opposite the P ost Office, Otcawa. + * 480y l?fl‘.lclA!, Surgeon and Accoucheur Ottawas. Day ofice opposite Mazeo& Russell‘s *parks Street, Center Town; Night Olics st Ris Residence, Maria Street, Couser Town. Amnsnw-a'r- LAW, Soticitors« Chancery, Conveyanrcer, Notary Public, atent Ri*ht Soliertor. o w Orrror : Post Office Building, Elgia Strees, Ot ebruary 7, 1866. 4 EDWARD T. DALITNELL, AR‘IST'R, Solicitor, Aitormeys &»i BP Notary Public, Clork of the Peace and Courty rewn Attorney, for the United Countios of Presuwit aad Russell. Je a QTTaWA MAXUFACTURE., ; THE _ EXCELSTIORâ€" HANGEKR L. P.J. BUOCKLEY .t BARBISTIR and .. Atriorasy Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery .and No:«y Office, over Mr. Luke Cumers Soo 3t we, Rideau Street, Ottawa, C. W. ‘*anuary 17 1867. Special attontion is and Grey Cottons, Print description. Ottaws, August21, 1868 N. B.â€"tGoeas carefuily packed to a Ottawa, July 13, 1868. _ ¢ Also, the stock ef CARPETS consisting od {Fapesiry, Table Oil Cloths, Feit Csumb Clothy Matting; ling Marto‘s Florida Water, equal to anythin@ im rted, Prige 37) cents per bottie, 183y NEW GOODS Damasks, &¢., &« DK. QLIVER MAICKLN, 4 Dll‘l'll'l'. Oflce ; $parks Street,Ctenâ€" tral Ottawa. is P H] Utawa, January 27, 1866. *4.htt LEES & GEMMELI., t B"‘IITIRS, Atriormeys, Solizlicrs,, Ol..nv{nneors. #&e. Orricr®: In the Court house, Ottawa, C. \Â¥ . | Roszkzr Lezs. Joas J. Grtu$fu5, 1 Ktawa, February 7, 18606. 42â€"u01f I')“'I'IST. Office?! Susser Street, over Messrs. Campbell & Co‘s, Grocers. Ottzewa, January 27, 1865. 34â€"utt Dlll'lg"l‘ : Office, Sparksestreei, 2 op= posite Magee & Russell‘s. IM!Q. October 30, 1867. _: 576y DK. W. J. HENItY, § "IORNXER <of Kent and Wellington» _/ Streets, Ottawa. , a November 6. 4Sutf K. Chancery, Conveyancer, & @PICE: Union Buildings, Oit ebruary 21, 1866. TTORNIESâ€"ATeL A W, Solicitors=â€"in= “ Chancery, Conveyancetrs and Notaries Public, rmer of Sussex and. Y orkâ€"streets, Gtthwa Ottawa, February 26, 187. OoNCENXTRATED LYE. CLOT H ES Hâ€"AXGE R XCELSIOR ARODEE® EPILEPTIC onR DR. GEORGE HUYTCHISON, HYSICIAN, Surgeva and Accoucheur, Office: Hunton‘s Block, ~parks Street, BIRKETTS HARDWARE 81 ANO«FORTE Tuirion MusGRUoV i € TAILLON, . ‘ARRISTSHS, SOLIC1I2OLS, _ &c. Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Kideauâ€"street, 1. G CuNNOR, § TTORNEYâ€"ATeâ€"LAW, Sothitor in i. H. MHAYCOCK, TTORNE Â¥=â€"A TsS L AW, Soti N. TETEKEAU, OTARY PULLiC . for the Prov of Quebec, HU LL, near the Post Ofce. sc. 6, 1867. : Sbdf oOTTaAwA crockitty stORk. DIBRECT TM PoRtATIONS. LAPIELALKE & IfAYÂ¥COCK, CUT:and CAUTION To THE PUBLic. Millinery, Manties;=~Twoods ~and _ Coatings. DR. C. A. MARiIN, DKR. O C Woou, Mouwal Carbs. ‘DR. 2. LEGcgo. Patentee. "armnt ancd E{Tenderson 4LL A N Kopil Cands. 5 T ML LE EL s1 1. Q C K. PR] Patented August 24, 1868 F.C. HAWLEY, A W, Solicitors=In= IN® END OF THHE SEAKOQN rested to the rorcs® TA 1) Are now of PP P MC Omenin tary Public, Boct and Sh «_ Agent. AlI eauâ€"itreet, () trees, Ottawa «* Sircet. LE, 334y Uiwâ€"i Gol 1» 31â€"6m 1) ince dLd : _ Partios rmequiring a TEKMrORARY ACCOUNâ€" _ RiXST, who can keep books by double entry, will F rh&u,(;tuphhmpount person on applying at the w#! office, @F. ; Othaval Aughst 37. B30tf XEF UiiANT & HENDERSON. dence in their eficacy ; they have been thoroughly testeu and maintain tio good reputation have justly acquired. For public: speakers, military officers and those who overâ€"tax the voice, they are useful in relieving an irritated throat, and will rendor articulation eagy. Being an article of true merit, and having ed their ‘ï¬lm,'b’ & testof many years, °‘£';.“ finds them in new localities in various g _ of the world, and the Trocke« are universally pronounced better than other articles. . fxs Ostamn ouly «©Browx‘s Broxogman Trogurs," and do not take any of the worth/css imatations that may be offered. 208â€"2m Sore TiHfoat, Cough, Cold, and sunilar S ahnoneey, nreprned 5;?" imals stiriine ®Palmonary, U T urteuum? !nuume. ad#ft's BRONCHIAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach direstly the seat of the diseaso and give almost instant reâ€" lief. & The Teocirs are offered with the tullest confiâ€" Governor 3 The Right Monorable * W sesunt Monck, f + harnada® . ke., ke., & The person who discharges such exalited functions ought to possess not only mul:d judgment and wide experience, but also an established public; tinxx,). He should be qualifiod both bum mod¢rating influence, amongst different : Proâ€" vinces composing the Union, also to bear weight in his relations with the‘British Minister at Washington, and with the a«thorities of the great neighboaring republic. j £ Cor these reasons Her Majesty‘s Government have felt :l thcil:',duty to mfl; “tjfl{h.loï¬â€˜tï¬ ass lato AW, ""! f m. . rposornd for Het J:jMy'o pIoJm, for the reduc» tiy of the (lovernerâ€"Genéral‘s salury, * 2Â¥ Wuve? k4.2" * pat. ; y EUCKINGHAN & CHANDOS, cuniine the choice, even ’wf mongst these “.â€"'-flo.“" eâ€" men who wre still rising, and who aj‘ é-‘ ta look to other places than Canada, as off ‘ng the highest rewutyfor approyt? abilities and success. But the Governorâ€" @eneral is the ve of the Queen, and the highest auth in a Doâ€" 1 inion, vast inextent, occcupied by several milâ€" lions of people, comprising.within itself various Provinces recently 3&9:. which can be knit into a mature lasting whole by wise and conciliatory administration . Nor is the posstion insulated, The Governorâ€"General is conâ€" tinually called nron to act on questions affecting International relations with tho United States. Queen‘s Representative in Canada. tion, is £6,500. â€" Instead â€"of being, as it cught to be, an object of the highest mbï¬hfl. thol‘ol;o of Governorâ€"General, is, by this al,; placed, so far as salary is .cu‘-{ndJ -.’it&., in the third class amongst Colonial Governments. . The effect would be not merely to restrict Her Majesty‘s Ministers in the choice of Governorsâ€" (General, to those who may follow the carser of Colonial Governors, as a profesaion, but further, to kinfine the abilh.,. 1 . .ARW c sf _ 18 I have the honor to acknowledge your despatch No. $5, of the 23rd May, truumluï¬g a Bill passed by the Senate and House of Oowgl W » @©to fix the #aliry of the Governorâ€"General," which Bill you have reserved for the: signification of Her Majesty‘s pleasuro : * Which thoy have just receired, comprising a +chojco collection of A "I E"TIXR EXGCRAYIXCGS, The annuel salary of the Governorâ€"Geaeral was fixed at £10,000 so luulvy as last year by the Imâ€" perial Act of Union. Within the first few months of the eaistence of the new Parliament of ,S.o.“" it is proposed to reduce that salary to £6,500. I foar that the effect of such a reduction, if «ssented to, must be prejudicial to the interests of Canada. The Governor‘s galary in the Colony of Victoria, is £10,000 K" annum ; there aro several colonies in which it is £7,000; in Canada the amount contemplated by the Bill vrnder consideraâ€" I need scarcely> say that it is with reluctance, andwn‘y on serious occasions, that the .?lfl'fl Government can adviso_Her Hsjutg to withhold the royal sanction from & Bill which has passed two branches of the Canadian Parliament. The present, however, is a measureâ€"which has imporâ€" tant bearings far beyond its first aspect as a mere reduction of expenditure. D CANADA. t ASAk} 28 A small balance of the Dry Goois Stock still on hand, which will be disposed at extra low liguares to cloye the consigamenrt» .. > t Haws, Juy 13, 1868,_ _ _ ~ 9G63.3m MY LOBD,â€" > Vounsisting of Decanters, Tvmblers and Wines, o the latest stylos, together with several elegant Toa and Breakfast Sots, all of which are offered at reâ€" markably cheap prices. _ ; lavits inspection of the splendid consignment of vith perfect safoty. o+ 4# Oi the said Company, which call they r'e_'quir.e; the holders of such stock to pay to the undersigned at the offce of W. M. MATHESON, Esq., in the City of Ottawa, on ‘FRIDAY, the TW ENTYâ€"FIFTH day of SEPTEMBEBER, A. D., 1868. A Dated this 22nd day of August, 1868. By order, y tenasilys.. Aotice is heroby given that the Directors of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company Bave this day made a ‘ After celebrated Artists, hardsomely framed. Also a large assortment of ff*~ N EY M baiancé of their jREsH aARRIVALS. 102 Â¥. A DP L TCFONA LC ST QC K THAWA AND GLOUVUCESTER ROAD ! COMPANY. fTERCiIANTS. 1» NEE vbich will be sold verzy cheap, viz: White mrgs, Delsines, and. Dress Goods of every CauL OE TEX PER CEXT HUCES N BE WV _G 0 0 DS 1 wool; Union and Suix‘r, EFloor and Window Curtains, Hollands, Tassels, W ALLAN, # ANSELL & MICHAELS ( ] ‘ 'T (} IJ‘& SS‘\"&RE’ V aviety. «6 C 5 omm ving . proved adr'onoun' icacy by a » eï¬Ã©:;ur finds them in new 8 g _ of the world, and the rsally pronounced better than onened, whichâ€" surpissâ€" anyâ€" pposite Mr.â€"D. Whalen‘s.) 1d at Montreal Priceés ; they have been thoroughly 0 good reputation they have OoF TE ‘e‘ Dowstxgâ€"stREEt, 143 W. H. FALLS, 30th July, 1868 5b74v Sec.â€"Treas. 255y THE OTTAWA TIMES$, SEPTEMBER PLAIN, ORNAMENTAL AND DECORATIVE & PAINTERS, F s AND PAPER HANGERS, S Chaudiere and Rull. (Shop next to R. R. Booth‘s Store, Oh:lm Hmo.ogln. Villa ud;nqt ainting on the most ressonable term &mnp and walls disterhpered in colors to cuit. Fresco work of all kl&?&ogde‘:u sug gout References permi e follow emen : A. 8.°luldvh & Co., J. R. Booth, &q..rlt. Booth, Esq., Rev. Mr. Johnson, Hull ; Rev. Mr. Pickett, the successful troatment of Prof. Lewin in other “O“h.;rlu'Smnllwood, M.D., LL.D., 4.0.L., J; R» Smallwood, M.D., J. W, Wanless, h.D., .3&'_3. Selley, M.;D., Rev. A. Young, Minister Bt. oo#h- e e e o Li e nister; W. m ; Mhlan, City Missiosary. . * * ‘""* * 3fn * dence that it is no humbug: â€" _ 475 St. Paulâ€"street, Montreal, & August 17, 1888, _ Prof. Lewinâ€"Dear Sir: Hereby you receive a ‘check for double the amount agreed between us, for lueoouhlli removing the stammering of one of my boys. I shall most cheerfally zecommend you and your system to any one L meet similarly aflicted, the more so as it 13 so satiafactory for one to meet « {mim worth" in this ago of charlaâ€" tanry and u:bng. U x :% ost respectfully yours, €. foumt. , Merchant, and Royal PrussianConsul, Montreal. e : . Montreal, July, 1868, _ We tully concur in the above, naving witnessed the obtained from gentlemen dence that it is no humbu S'I'AIIIR.ING‘ AND STUTTERING, § TREA’I}ED UPON A NEWLY .DISCOYVERED * . â€" PRINCIPLE. # A REAL IIPROVEHENTLL«::"] on the ordinary kinds of LIEBIG‘S FOOD," and the only one that keeps good in all climates. 8 No boiling or ltnhins. Tins, 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. ‘ SAVORY & MOURE, 143, New Bondâ€"street, London. : ‘ 83b WBd only describe its effects b‘r"flnf that it seemed to work like a charm."â€"Dr. Kinkead‘s Paper on Phthisis and its treatment, Medical Press, &c., Feb.â€"26, 1868. Caution.â€"The genuine PANCREATIC EMULâ€" S10N sold only in bottles, 2s 6d, 4s 6d, and 8s, with Savory & Moore‘s labels and trade mark, . . â€" .. PANCREATIC EMULSION. Bee The Lancet, British Medical Journal, Medical Press, &c. «n che J4tn Oct. I commenced the Pan creatic Emulsion [hSAVOIY & Moor®‘s] in two teaâ€"spoonf ul doses, two hours after dinner and supper, I can only describe its effects | Tun BEST o{oon FOR INFANTS, resembling Mother‘s Milk as closely as possiâ€" ble.â€"Dr. H. Barker on right foods for children. ble.â€"Dr. H. Barker on right éoodo for children, * TBE INFANT PRIg'C E thrives upon it as a Prince should."â€"Social Screnre Keview. , «# A REAL IMPROVEMENT [Lance:! on the tawa ; Mr. Haycock, Architect, August 26. Prize Medal, 1862. : . Bilver Meaal,; 1867, , gFiors oas®s «+ CONsUMPTION . Nzusox‘s Vrews or Moxtrzar.â€"Harbor of Montreal, View of City from the Mountain, McGill College, The i‘;atbor, looking West, Victoria Bridge, Victoria Square, Court Nouse, Place d‘Armes, Gt. St. Jamesâ€"street, English Cathedral. f ww t l Nes s e es en oo e \Jllllfllï¬lfll‘flv’ Handâ€"book for Field Service, by Scoble; The Second Adam, by Sadler; Church Doctrine ; Bible ‘Fruth, by Sadler. Neusox‘s Views or QusBEC.â€"French Catheâ€" dral and Market Square, Prescott Gate, Place a‘Arms, Fortifications between Palace and Hope Gates, Lower *own Market, 8t. Lawâ€" rence below Citadel, Government Gardens and Monuments of Wolf and Montcalm, Marine Hospital, Laval University and Battery, Queâ€" bec trom the Riverâ€"Price 25 cents. who has had practical experience: in the gelting out of . QUT DOOR CLERK AND SUPERINTENDENT Apply at Ottawa, Septe and with a general knowledge of a Salary eight hundred dollars per annum. Apply with references, to GEORGE PURVIS, Box 22, OTTAWA AGENCY ; Officeâ€"Desbarate‘ Ruilding, 77 Sparks St treem M. P. HAYES > J. DURIE &â€" SON has received Liddon‘s Bampton Lectures, 1866 ; ‘The Churchman‘s Guide to Faith and Piety, by Brett; Barne‘s on The Psalms, Vol. I.; Morte Dartbur; Sir Thos. Malory‘s Book of King Arthur, and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table ; l%chge! of the Universe, by H. Christmas; Prof. LEWIN, of Virginia, informs those aflicted A situation as HOUSEKEEPER in a small Proâ€" testant family. Applyâ€"to MRS. PRODERICK, WAN‘I‘IDo SMART Â¥OUNG MAN TO ACTâ€"ASCULLER -Apzply, with references, to GEORGE PURV1S, Box 2%, Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort. . _ 8ditf RoyalCanadiankank TWO SMART YOUNG MEN tolearn a pofitâ€" able business. App‘y at the S T E A M Y E able business. App‘y at the S T E A M D W O R K 8, Sussex;st , Prud‘homme‘s Block, Attawa, Tuly 31, ‘868 A YOUNG ENERGETIC MAN, SQUARE TIMBER AND SAW LOGS ANDALL & MONTGOMERY, 498y in the woods and on the river, to act as an sHANTY FO RE MEN, EW BOOKS, FIRSTâ€"CLASSâ€" CGOK ANTEv. ANTED, ANTED, ANTED. LUMBERING BUSINESS For rale b 'G’Sn‘i“‘;".,-;. s £=*#3 3. t x § i~ .‘ 1 ‘f,‘-' »#f5 MA *};«‘ ap P es o th 4" }/ A k l':.'v-'s" oz y * . following ( PRIvATE â€" FAMILY ber 3, 1888. treated with Savory & Moore‘s Two firstâ€"class J. DURIE & SON, 10 Sparkaâ€"street, Opposite the Russell House. AND A IN A TBIS OEFICE. 829 Gm way Company, have been dwi ted in the office ot the Department of Public *Vorks, and a of such parts lof the &p or Pltn'ldl.d Mzmp ence, as relate to Oounty 0 rhhu, as been (lomey oftimine lanop aaeenit the and a P as relates to the Qnfl of has been deâ€" ited in the otfice of the Clerk of theâ€"Poace for the S:nty of Lanark. Dated this Tenth day of Augurt, 1868. of Reference of the Canada |Contral Railway Coniparny: Jtow the Olty of Oithire wils Fansnen with the Line of the Brockville and Ottawa Railâ€" Orders or communications and medicines sent to any p: Charges moderate. 2,000 Corps: orâ€" GoopFirEzwooD, * and 600,000 sawed SHINGLES. Wholesale and Commission Agent Goods forwarded with duï¬l.u‘m Ottaws, Kingston and.Intermediate ‘by the Steamer Mary Ann, and three barges. b@5® Silver Taken at Par; K ° Wu. H. RASTON|& Co., Forwarders and Commussion Merchants, S14tf Canal Basin VETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT YOoRKâ€"S8TREE1, OTTAWA, . _ Next to Salmen‘s Hotel. A. 0. F. â€"CO LE M A N, V. 8,, ; â€"‘(Meinber of the Colloge of Veterinary > The subscribors b‘f to inform their customers and the public generally that they have removed to those spacious promises lately occupied by M. K. Dickinson, Canal Basin, and where will be found constantly on hand the following goods : Agoent, Ottawa. . Reap Fiarss axo Trug.â€"Send one letterâ€"stam to RADWAX &â€"CO., 439 8t. Paulâ€"streot, lo&ont Information worth thousands will be ‘m’o‘. Price of RESOLVENT SARSAPARILL , $1 per bottle, or $10 per dozen. 827b y o t DB. RADWAY & CO., 439 St. Paulâ€"street, Montreal, Sglg ‘ll arts of Canada & nt to a da, W. M. HASSEY.? =* So quick is the Sarsaparill Resolvent in ontoring into the circulation, that ences its work of purification at once. ‘Pimplihs, Blotshes Pustules, Tetters, Worms in the Flesh, Black Spots, ete., areremoved by a few doses, and the skin roâ€" stored to a beautiful clear appearance. Price ef Radway‘s Sarsaparillian, or Rumta Resolvent, $1 per botile, or six bottles for under the process ot Dr. Radway, says : "«G@woffan extols its diuretio virtues, Hochner cites iz rrbpexï¬u against ascites, tympanetis, asthma and eucorraea. â€" Itis recommended in dyspepsisa as a stomachic according to Pison and Descourtel. The juice of the leaves is applied to the bite of the cobra making the party bitten drisk of it at the same Bo with Sarsaparillian. One ounce of the pure extract of Sarsaparillian of Dr. Radway‘s contains more of the curative principle of Sarsaparilia, than ten pounds otf the crude root, as used in adulâ€" erated Sarsaparillas. European Physicians from 1688, have held this root in righ estimation, and Sir Benjamin Brodie used it as a speciality in all cases of Kidney, Bladder, Urine and Womb diseases, and aslithonâ€" triptic in dissolving stone and calculous concretions â€"this 6“:: reputation was gained in its crude state. Under Dr. R.d‘l':d’.' process, the active proâ€" perties of the root, called Crampaline, is nud,Ld one ounce of it, as a curative agent, is worth more more than all the Buchu that ten generations of * Ilon_morg *or othor savages will ever gathor. &hysiciw and chemist of RKio de Jan e followirg to the Pareira Braya, as time." Is hereby given that the Map or Plan and Book No. Booth‘s London Gin > . Bernard‘s and Thompson‘s Gin |«â€" ,......... Grzen Seal Champagne * CC _ Sesiscsss ~ Orders by mail with cash, promptly attended to Goods delivered to any part of the city free o charge. A discount to persons buying in quantity or by the original package. Inspection irvi‘«d. been opened that it is his intention to take advanâ€" tage mny irregularity in their payment to close them in order that he may conduct his bysiness totally on the cash principie, which has been found to work .much more satistactorily for both the buyer and seller in every brantsh of trade in which it has been tried, ana relying on quality of his goods and the prices charged for thein (whi«~‘ will always be as low as they can honestly be sold for) be solicits a continuance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him. P * K. ARNOLDI, Dealer in the better qualities of Wines, Spirits, &¢., Metcalfeâ€"street, Tele h Co‘s Building, (Rtawa. Price lists on ua&‘&- or sent to any address. April 21, 1868. 535v; pure rich blood, that does not sn{mont the secreting functions of one set of organs by suspending the secretions of othersâ€"is the only sensible means of cure.â€"To give Buchu, in cases of Disbetes, conâ€" stant flow of urine, weakness, or catarrh of bladâ€" der, albzymen or sugary urine, lithie acid, or brick dust deposit, is like giving salts to stop diarthces. If affiicted with urinary difficulty, or troubled with wéakening purulent, or irritating discharges, a tew doses of the Sarsaparillian Resolvent will do more good than gallons of these direct and exclusive diuretics. Dekuyper‘s Red Cases, Gin, 15 bottles.........$9 00 «3 Very choite ................... 8 50 10 00 «_ 4 Very Buperior..................... 4 50 12 50 it 5 NVOIY BDHO:..ccsrscevecestersresersese P 90 15 00 Single sample bottles at above rates, Also, of Standard Brands, in wood or bottle, old and now, Brandies, Rums, Gins, Old Tom Gins, Irish, Seotch and Caradian Whiskies. Canadian Ale, in wood or bottle. Guinness‘ Porter, pints and quarts, Hibbert‘s Porter, mwu and ‘gunu. Bass‘ and Allsopp‘s Ales, pi and quarts. Clarets, Hocks, Santernes, Curacao, Maraschino, Chartrouse, Royal Italian Bitters, &c., &o ‘ Purityi n all cases guaranteed, and goods markâ€" ed at the lowest quotations. j8 o NOTICE. The subscriber would intimate to thore of his customers with whom current accounts may have «_ 5 Very fine old...................... 8 T5 SHERRIESâ€"Lomocq‘s, Pemartin‘s, &¢.: No. 1 Superior hi_ght tablo Who....t! 00 WINE AND SPRRIT vaburs, _ 11 Metcalfeâ€"xt., Telegraph Co‘s Building, â€" A OTTaAWA, \ WHOLESALE & RETAIL, FOR CASH ONLY be KNALSE & TRUE." INCOMPETENT REMEDIES, Bucuo, Cosees, Joxirer, Gisn, Corama, and other direct diuretics, are in many cases hurtâ€" ful, and when used as general remedies, unless under the supervision of a Physician, may do much injuryâ€"although Buchu is recommended as a diuretic, in the Pharmacopceia, it is with the view of being administered as an agent, in certain conâ€" dgtions only as a { many OI:OI ï¬vho;o the Kidneys are 8 & action is required, it may b:ï¬m mc only unâ€" der the inspection of the medical attendant, as the increased action it may induce, and the damage it will cause by suspending the functions of tho.oï¬n, liver, bowe‘s, etc., may on the next visit of the Physician require an opiate,to medify ar arrest the great strain and labor the Kidneys suffer from its exclusive action as & direct diuretic. Now these facts are known to every well informed medical man, hence the error of uins this agent, in all torms of Kiduey, Bladder and Urinary diseases. A oomponnï¬nf(ronody that removes and cures all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs, Scrofula, Skin diseases, etc., like Radway‘s Sarsaparillian Resolvent, that contains Pa« reira Brava, a far superior dilnumnqcn, that communicates its curative powers gh the: Blood, Sweat and Urine, and pairs their waste of the body with new and healthy material from Dr. Nicolao Joaqdim Morecio, the celebratea hysician and chemist of Rio de Janeiro, bears FLOUK, B1iotf UBEBLIC: NOTICE AEN OLDT A CUREâ€"F OR A L L\ OoRSE INFIRMARY, EMOVAL, NXxltis * Ob * nesknresrressprerss (Green, * PORK, ALZEO ON HAND, OaATMEAL, &c. Becy. C. C. Riy. per doz ......... 812y 813t° _ Ottawa, March 25, 1868, 8 T5 10 00 12 50 15 00 VIOLING, CONCERTINAS, GUILTARS, &c., in great n::?. â€"Becond hand Pianos taken in part vaynm «at tos new anes. Connected with this establishment is a Piano ::-Mnr. whe will attend punctually to all ers for TUNLNG leit at the London Music tore. â€" t â€"___ B. MILES, Lessee of Her Majesty‘s Theat: o_ Otlawa, March 25, 1868. 551â€"39y Anew and splendid assortment of P I A N 0 â€"F O RT ES! _ _ Pm UNION MAKE, wR _ Every PIANO from this establisizment warâ€" ranted for five years. Also just received a new stock of VICTORIA ORGANS & MELODEONS. REFRESHMENTS & CONFECTIONARY, No. 37, Sussexâ€"atrect. GEORGE BARTLEIT 1 leave to inform his Jntrm and mu?t:-?n has largely extended his rmh-, and thereby inâ€" creased his facilities for oms 1 r business. He has also fitted up nd.ï¬'fï¬ apartments as refreshment rooms, where he serve the best rdbnh.fll* hohdhwun in all styles ; Chops, Steaks, Ten and ee, Ices, Jellies, &c. G.: B. avails himself of this opportuâ€" nity to e his grateful acknowledgments for the libors ?m:nm heretofor uooon!od to him, and assure his friends and the public that he will labour, with unremitting assiduity: to merit a conâ€" tinuance of their favours. N.B.â€"All kinds of confectionary wholesale and THE LONDON MUSIC STORE, wam. Her Majesty‘s Theatre, WR of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq. For further particula apply to Joux and Wxu. Troxsox, N:gtu. &n s«EwIs & Prxouzt. Barristor, Ottawa. © JeBâ€"141â€"tf Ottawa. Maron 11. ment Buildings, and has three vacant lots attached, IOMUIOB?:;“DIIWM enlarged to any .eâ€" q ll lo' * & & pl.lnï¬ovu id) to be addressed to * hMARUIN CLRMOW : beG., VIO‘I‘ORIA HOFELâ€"TO L&T. ~ NO more eligible chance n . ofl'orodwunypuzinfl 5 keeping line than the lea «bove §'IBST-CLA88 HO Being on the eve of Confederation, and mnmu settled upon as its car Enquire at the Store. Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1868. _ 3 smmerm aey s uocW CR CI OE ETE EBCE EL E, and FRIDAY, m, for St. John, N,B. /‘ Tickets llllIQ: tg.ll:)ugh at the Compc’ny'l princiâ€" pal stations. For further information and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" Accommodation Train for Island Pond and Intermediate Stations at......... 7:00 a m Express for Boston at.......................... 8:40 a m Expmfoern and NewYork, at...... 4:30 p m Exp for Quebec, Island Pond, Gorâ€" K1 ‘:un and Pgnlaudboohl‘Pmd, 2:00 p m t Express for Que and * Gurki and porunii.,mplng be. tween Montreal and d Pond at 6t. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Watervilie f andslcow'io:okconly. u..u...N..i...ï¬...'.I.‘....lo:lo Bp m . p2° ars on a t Trains. â€" chook.:s th‘rough. ® 3 *M steamer Carlota leaves Portland every The _steamer _ Carlota leaves Portland every SATUTI.OAY AFTERNUOON (after the arrival of train leaving Montreal on Friday night), for Haliâ€" fax, N.s., returning on Tuesday, _ % Just received at e o ge 1 io enc e o e P he She has excellent accommodation for passengers and freight. The International Company‘s Steamers, running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railvn{, eave Portland every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, LEAYVE OTTAWA. ARRIVE IN PRE8SCOTT, Expregs, 7 a. m. 9.25 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m. 4.15 p. m The time of these Trains h&s been soarranged as â€" to ensure connection with night and day trains on Grand Trunk, eas‘ anu west. N. B.â€"These 1rams run on Montreal Tiame. ‘ Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway } Return tickets to Prescott, Komï¬vfllo and Jttaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principals aâ€" tions o= the line. T. 8. DETLOR, THOMAS REYNOLDS, Superintendert. Managing Director. Ottawa, May 14, 1868. 1y Plattsburgh, and there connect with the Chamâ€" plain boats. ON and AFTER FRIDAY, the 25ts of MAY, 1868, and until further notice, TRAINS will run as follows : LEAVE BROCKVILLE. 7.15 A. M.«=TRAINS will leave e KLOP Brockville daily at 7.15 a.m., and 3:15 p.m., arriving at Sandpoint at 12:40 p. m. and 9 p.m. _ LEAYVE SAXNDPCTINT. MONEHFOR] Bi....«»«»s»«»«»»sssssccsscccc««»»: 9:20 & M Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at..... ........ 7:00 a m Trains for Lachine ‘at ,.........*5:00 a m, 7:00 a m Â¥:a m, 12 noon, 3:00 p m, *4;40 p m, 5:00 p m and 6:30 p m. | 'l'honfzoo a m and 4;40 p m Trains runs through to E All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falls with Trains to ind from Perth. and a‘l points West, at................. 8:30 a‘m Night _ do _ doâ€" do do _ do 7;30 p m Accommodation Train for Vaudreuil ut 5:10 p m Rotn‘r.ning each morning, arriving in The 7:15 a.m. train from Brockv.lle connects with U. F, Coy‘s Steamers for Ottawa, Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort, Pembroke, &¢., &c., and the 1:15 p.m. train from Sundpoh(t leaves after those steamers) are due rom eagt and west. 1 H ABBOTT, 5:1 5â€"7 M.eâ€"â€"TRAINS will leave 6 Ssndxoint at 5:15 a.m. and 1:3¢ p.m., arriving at Brockville at 11:30 a.m. and Brockvilie, April 11. 1268.] SUMMER ARRANGEMENTsS. [186s C. J: BRYDGES, July 7, 1868. â€" K wm of Lot. No. 27, in First ion Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in same gom‘m_aion,'_u present in the occuz.ation NGLISH BUNN HOUSKE. sSUMMER â€"ARRANGE MENT, Commencing on the 20th April, 1868.~ ANOS! PLIANOS : WO DWELLINGS TO LET, Tm,fldc:s_h. London, Brantford, Goderich, Buiffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and a‘:l points West, at................. RAXD â€" TRUNK RAILWAY COM«â€" PANY OF CANADA. FOR SALE OR TO LET. _ LRAVE PRESCOTT. ARRILVE I8 Ortaw Mixed, 7. 15 a. m. 10.35 a, m. Express, 1.35 p. m. 4.15 p. m. GOING SsOUTH AND EAST. iwession, at in th t S gien, Baq: â€" For Tarther pastioulart Fon SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST» RLâ€" erly oneâ€"third of Lot. No. 237. in FRANCIS CLEMOW, ESQ., Or JOHN HENEY, Esq., Richmond Road, Ottawa, C. W Railrornbs. â€" GoIng of Sussex and EUG. HABTII: EAU. Managing Director. 412y Daily on the premises, by steam power. ‘J / 24 > smeve« To those who enjoy a cup of > REALLY FINE ~COFFEE ! o â€"TBRYâ€" â€"_â€" BVCHANAN‘s _ Unrivalled Mixture < of Mocha, JOHN ROCHSSTER, J Ottawa, June 30th, 1868. 192 f§ AaAT MARKET PRICES, In lots to suit purchasers. s OFFERS FOR SALE, _ EXTRA, No. 1, and CULL, PINE and CEDAR SHINGLES, : punctually, to carry passengers â€" _ _ _ FOR AYLMER, r°°°“‘§' with the Union Forwarding. Railway e '_{_sm:"_':; JAMES MULLIGAN. _ ‘The Store formerly odcupied by. W. D. WOOD No. 38, on RIDEAU STREET, has been rented ‘by the Subscribers, and opened with an entire new LORVO OUBWE Bt.....»s»sssccsscsessscesee:......1:00 A.m. Arrive at Arnprior at ........................2:00 p.m. Leave Augior Bi€ «<rrsessersrersesereessesseesâ€"2:20 pm. Arrive at Brockville at......................1:45 p m. In time to connect with Grand Trunk Railway Night Trains, East and West. Leave Brockville at..... Arrive at Arnprior at.. Leave Amm WE y sen es Arrive at wa at ... May 11 1868, Between Brockville and Ottawa, via Brockville and Ottawa Railway and‘Union Forwarding Railâ€" way Company‘s Steamers : â€" , GROCERIES, -ahï¬ at Pembroke with Steamer Jason Gould which leaves Pembroke Landing at 2 p.m., and arrives at Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort same evening. _ _ > The Steame;r Allian every morning at 7:30 every morning at 7:30 sSnnd.yl excepted), touchâ€" i '"3: Guliln‘s Wharf, ‘s ""E-'rm'“' l;gnol. SBandpoint and Arnprior, and g at head of railroad at 11 a. m., MB“? with Steamer Ann Sisson at Pontiac at noon. Passenâ€" gers reach Ottawa at 4 p.m. . The Steamer Calum«t will on and after 5th Sepâ€" tember leave Aavelock on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 a.m., returning from Chapeau Village same days at 2 p.m. _A connection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway on the up and down trips. For further particulars sppry at the Company‘s Offices at Ottawa or Aylimer. _ â€" _ Budfolu. Bristol, Bonechere, Farrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s W harf and Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort. Stages will leave Gould‘s Wharf immediately after arrival of Bteamer Alliance for Cobden, connecting with Steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke sameevenings. _‘ : .‘ *.: â€"_"â€". The Steamers Pontiac or Pembrokeleave daily at 1 p.m., for Des Joachim, calling at all interme~ aiate ports. Returning, leaving at 6 a m., cunâ€" On and after 5th September, {until further potice), the Steamer Ann Sisson will leave Aylmer daily (Sundays excepted), for the Upper Ottaws at 7 a.m., oounoounï¬ with the Steamer Al/iance at head of railroad, at 11 a.m., touching at Awriar, Sandpoint, Bristol, Bonechere, Farrell‘s Wharf, THE qUEBEC ASD GULF PORTS STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ° Upper Ottawa Route. Consisting of the following firstâ€"class Steamers, ANN #1880N, «@ vaptain Murphy. ALLIANCE, â€" «= 6 . Find‘ay. EMERALD, « a _ 66 Toner, ORECG N, _ = « 66 Cowley. CcAaLUMET, ® & 64 Blondin. JASON GOULD, ® 66 Boltoa. PoONTIAC, *« « i6 _ Duggas. PEABROKE. â€" & «* Overman. sNOW BIRD, â€" « +6 â€" Beattie,. Royal Mail Line between Quebec, New Brunsâ€" wick and Nova Scotia, ovuav'l‘ne«hy. The firstâ€"class Iron Side Wheel Steamship «CITY OPQUEBEC," WILL LEAVE ST. ANDREW‘s WHARF, At four o‘clock, p.m., For Pictou, Nova Scotia, calling ut Father Point, Gaspe, Perce, Chatham, Newcastle, Miramich: and Shediac. _ Returning will leave Pictou on Tuesday, 15th September, at 5 o‘clock, n.m. * The steamers connect at Shediac E. & \. A. R. R. to St. John, N.B., and steamer for Prince Edward Island, and at Pictou with N. 8. Railway u?ï¬iftx. % hr;og‘hl:'igkl.o:u to St. John, N. B%JIG ;PB:‘iifs:: Nova .50 ; East $17.50 ; Portlan $19.50 and Boston‘ $20 56. Return Tickets by steamers at reduced rates. For freight or passage Parties aesircus of a pleasant mm&n obtain :Cxcursion Tickets to Grenville and k for one are. MARKET STEAMER ‘s6 "T A IFR 3," Ottawa, May 16, 1868. 8 HINGLE FACTORY! trip. Firstâ€"class Fare (moals extra) > C.P"“ R. G. Nicrors, â€" Leaves Ottawa for Major‘s and intermediate landâ€" ings on Tuesdays and Friaays at 4 o‘clock, p.m 1498 R. W. SHEPHERD. 1868 # Leaves the Queen‘s Wharf with mails and passenâ€" gers for Montreal, every morning, (Sundays exâ€" cepted) at halfâ€"past 6 o‘clock, arriving at 4:45 Parcel Express daily to and from Montreal and all landings. Passengers for the celebrated Caledonia Springs landed at L‘Orignal. Tickets, &o., may be obtained at the office of Mr. C. E. BRUSH, and also at the Office on the wharf, or on board the steamer. apply 4o Jee 4 _ W. MOORE, Manager, Quebec. CHAS. E. BRUSH, Agent, Ottawa. Queen V ictoria Captain A. Bowi®, + wWOOD & ROSSITER. Ottawa, October 12, 1867 16 HINGLES FOR SALE. Ottawa City, Aug. 29, 1868. W!LL LEAVE THE RUSSELL HOUSE, ry morning, (Sundays excepted), st 7 a.m. Travellers and tourists will find this a delightfal Parties aesircus of a OYAL MAIL LINE. Condensed Time Table EW STORE. The subscriber having completed his TUESDAY, THE 818 OF.SEPTEMBER, NION FORWARDING & RAILWAY mm coMPANY. Hax OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION ; CcoOMPANY*S MAIL STEAMER JAVA & JAMAICA, 1868. chocked tarough. CUCC CÂ¥berseressensesseccssesses LCC _ §DAMILL Blsssencecsess ces sessssssesse 12:15 pm. LIQUORS, Steamers. JAS. BUCHANAN, : * #ussex and Wellingtonâ€"sts. O M N 1 B U 8 ~@a QUEBEC, OX sessesesses0ss058 s00 200000 R. 8. CASSELS, HARPWARE. 18068. President 1248 ..T:15 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 1808 THE TIMES is printed© and published by Tas Ortiawa Tiuss Pammtizo axo Posus®> _ mo Coxuraxy, at the Office, 60, Sparkeâ€"st. Centre Town, Ottawa. Jaxzs Corro® Ottawa, Fob. 6. Hea in the of first.class Mathinty| ‘ank lempliy ing nove but: firstâ€"class orkmen, I am prepared ‘..t :u of Binding in as .oo‘“_.-é;lo ogm-nnlh as any other establi 100,000 Pull. SPECIFICATIONS, &¢., * s s S PAET 6. Thieb. kichkecn" High Bailif®‘s Office, o Ottaws, 20th Angust, 1868. 3 BOOK BINDER & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, at the hour of cleven of the o‘clock, in the forencon, of which all City â€"Coroners, Jastices of the Poesce, Constables, Jarors, and all others in any wise cunâ€" cerned, are hereby required to take notice an govern themselves accordingly. In satd city, on s MONDAY, the SBVENTH DAY of SkPTEM dxon BE HOLDENX IN THE CITY HaL CITY OF OTTAW A, ) To Wit. § THE QUARTER sSESSIONS :i.-o.ud-hmnruudu-.... pe» / a single instance to ve permanpenc of ï¬-dz‘uol. and woï¬n never tno::“.:.n:u se mmihes Stnih romber t a ;.._...-..."2'_.‘.'_"!’9‘_‘?‘.""‘ Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high rank a «e list of Remedies for these complaints, C"J Site ea-luifnhu-wponu.l:‘nh all parts of the to the universal n&m it gives \ The Cans fian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate rolief. All Medicine Dealers Iml l’h;cioin- orderand use it; and no family frt: h?“h bottle. twentyâ€"five cents C monrmï¬;_; & LYMAN, Destroyer, in curing diseases for WPhich it 1s reâ€" thetortur‘ng pains of Raenumatism. ana re ieving R;@oflqï¬i@,flouhlhi‘h:m & siim ed with its ope and speahk in t T erree of ts vikioes mmd magioes adooiho < Wo:ru-kfmupfl.n' in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" ."g' ““‘""“"‘ efficacy of the Canadian Fair CANADIAN PAIN ueSTRONE Tlll SUBSCRIBERS their COnustomers that 4A their Customers that their Slock::; complete, and embraces every dclic‘c’- O1 the Beasov, among which will by Lound a Clolcg assortment o" Ottawa SPICXDS, "© | GUNPOWDER, «. IMPERIAL, « | TWANKAY, * Oraige PEKOLE, ) These Teas Flowery « care{elly© . Japan 4* ] family trac SUGARS, LOAF, ; ; BROKEN LOAF, CRUSHED, _ ~_GROUND, YELLOW, e mmcus oh. _._______iiht HUSLOYARG *__ PRUKNES, AiMOND®, * WALNUTS FILBERTS, ind BRAZIL NUTS. ° COFFEE, LAYEK RA CHOCOLATE and CUCOA. FRFENCH, flavored with V anills : mong the most importan! of modern Medical Vis t soveries stands the{“.M Throa o ders Morbus, Dyvemiery, Howel Complaints, Burns ,Foalds, §HE CA1.. Breakiast SOUCK ONXG i. go CONXGOr, _ }Bluk Extra Fing Superier HYSON, THE CITY OF OTTAW A ECORDERS COURT. MORTIMER, 1867 is» 18G8, RECORDERS COURT NUTMEGS, MACE, â€" f CINNAMON, CLOVEs, . .‘ . GINGER, . f 3 MIXED SPICES, > ‘All Ground on the Premises | _ D. T. BROWNE £ Co. in Whole, Haif and Quarte j MUSCATEL, _ do ‘ _ SULTANA, j . FALENTIA, * [ CURRANTS, GRAPES, vasted and Ground da:; h ly on CR J 0n the 16 Rideau Street, Ottawa ~_ FPOR SALE. Axpply ko.:: .:. MoCcHA, JAV A, TEAS, TAYLOR‘s 26 Metealfoâ€"street, Ottawa. &. MORTIMER, care‘clly‘ selectd i ) family trade by BROWXE & 4iARpy RODERICK ROSS, High Bailif. J. SUTTON, Queen‘s Whart, AWED SHINGLES AREHOUSE JAMAICA Newonstle, C. W., FRYF‘S, LEMONS, CEYEOX ORANGES to Anforp, MoT RYER HA. haye > B3td «th i ) *oteriedamar 27, 1 om"A €. A. BUCKE t YE sixcrr : pa DESTAL Roo & fan‘s Booketo:e, dir *~ VOL. Vtawa, Nov.6, 1887 (Ataws, January 27, 1 % samogr; (~~ A cuneerr 0 .'w' f pevor* Umion Ba ebru2r? 21, 1866. _ C inpans ug]_EKll F som t w th / * mm â€" 1\.4“31 "BLI f"’n",..c' HULL ‘u‘ ‘n 0-7.. â€"So trls and 1. J: ‘j_fgCh: (»p10€! o a9 â€" "lf 1867 * SCRGEON AWs uit PAE K8â€"AT ppPORNI®®®"" _ _ prFORNXEY@â€"AYT vev & 1 yORNEY=@A =â€"â€" fMmestne KICHOLAS hence)» "" _ / of gussex and Â¥ April 14. Moical Curep, with wat . ME 10, Sparksâ€" DHK. 0. . DH. U. A. BECK Hunton‘s B+ C 3. VD Ohancery s : ETKR , Soli Public, Clerk ov, for the U: AnD L. the Coart B R. M. !I RES s ; Eocbun J oLIVE} F. Odleet in Chance ¢‘s Buildin noUls kE OKce Bu: T. 1866 » KK 186