* The subscribers beg to inform their customers and the public generally that they have removed to those spacious premises lately cccupied by M, o _ K. Dickinson, Canal Basin, and where wiit he found constantly on hand the following goods : 2,000 Corp»s or Goop FirEwoop, and 600,000 sawed 8HUINGLERs. W holesale and Co:uzlnton Agents. Goods forwarded ateh betw Kingston and wm'om, by t.h.: &u:::; Mary Ann, and three barges. MB Silver Takew at Par. "C¢ I Wx. H. EASTON & Co., Forwarders and Commussion Merchants, Ssiar Canal Basin 200 enc _ Sare Throat, Cough, Cold, and sunilar troubles, it sufered to p:pcu, result in serious #ulmonary, Brouchial a Asthmatic affections, m;:s incurable. BROW XN‘s BROI;‘{CIIIAL y are compounded so as to reac direstly .,:h seat of the disease and give almost instant reâ€" , iof. The Teocurs are ofered with the tulhtteonï¬-’ ‘denee in their efficacy ; they nnboo-tbomghly f tisteu and maintain the good reputation they have ,astly nired. For public speakers, singers, -llitprymn and those who over tax the voice, | Ibo{m useful in relieving an irritated throat, and } ;i'l. renader :r.‘tiu.hnon easy. Bho.m‘ an article ol" merit, aring ir efficacy by a tost dmyyom.omwsthmin new | localities in various parts of the world, and the ; Troches are universaily pronounced better than othar a«+42l... â€" VeraAIN onl and do not u{o mayÂ¥ be ofered. LC P Tep kn oo n ie e oo a bottlo. Office, 215 Fuitonâ€"street, New York ; and 205 High Holborn, London. Be sure and call for « MRS. WINSLOW‘s SNDOTHING SYRUV P," hay. i-gt:e fae simile of * Coatis & PRRKINs * on the Invalies t ME c C 5 iz0â€"simile ne O UEP ©00000, . SHG nas qeen used for thirty gears with uv.r-hllin; safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, requiates the bowols, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it the bost and surest nlloddy in the world, in ali cases of DYSENTERY an DIARRBCEAIX CHIL_ DREN, whethor it arises from teething or fe._. FLOUK, Thirty Years* Erperlence of an old Nurse:â€"Mas. W ixsnow‘s Bootuise Syavr is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the Um States, . and has been used for thirty rears uv.r-hilin; safety and success bÂ¥ millions of mathaea _4 _i% 1. 4 34 4 are ble and selfâ€"administered to th .hM mwâ€".m ll;whhoutyni. W: cleanse the Moiâ€"u.nby doir; &"ay the necessity of administering Casto or cther unpleasant ,catharticsâ€"as in the use of other W¢crms. Yosed ‘rlul box containg the tacâ€"simile si ature +A o.:.tuorl Ltuax, Newcastie, C.W..v?o are N. B. ZI for ‘ ‘s Worm Lozenges J PM and take no other. Soln by s1Â¥ in. £Mov aL. n EP omm TE ET IWIF tions for making the simple remedy b: was cured. Sznn wishing to m{ï¬z': Errors of Youth:â€"A Gentieman who sufâ€" fered for years from Nervous Debility, *Premaâ€" ture Decay and all the efects of youthful inâ€" discretion will, for the sake ot suffering humanmity, sead ;no lo.?u 'l:o ngod_iz the recipe and direcâ€" To Consumptives.â€"The advertiser, having een restored to bealth in a few weeks by a very ;-plc remedy, after having suffered for several r‘nm a severe lung affection, and that dread isease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellowâ€"sufferers the means of curs. To all who desire it, b:vhiunnd'g‘:o&y.ol the prescription used (free of c arge), direc.. tions for preparing mmm.. which they Proncuimes Covants Conee, ons nit Thennd on Roxcuitis, Covens, and a roat and Lung Affections. The only of the adver~ tiser inâ€"senc‘â€"gtho Prescription is to benefic the afflicted, and spread information wkich he sonâ€" seives to be invaluable, and he hopes evrery sufâ€" ferer will try hinnn.da;n it will cost them noâ€" thing, and may prove a essing. Parties wishing mnpu., yaze, by return mail, wiill please REV. ï¬wm WILSOX, l Williamsburg, Kings Co., New Y ork, -ochmlou’l'hut-â€"nouow-y’n Worm broie mt c S se e S sc oo L JOHN B. OGDEN, 43 Cedar Street New * HALL‘3S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER will restore it to its natural color and ote i * E & ’nu H Our treatise on the hair sont firee by mail. ; .__ R. P. HALL & CO., 834d Nashua, N:H., Proprietors. GRAY HAIR AND BALDNESS! wrapper. _ All others o;lz "Bsown‘s Broxcaut Trocu®s," : o any of the woâ€"thless imitations that insd MCC Spri LJ «4 1 30 c.-n-r«"s':fla.u O nccscgece. & 90 Peas "* 60lbs............â€"0 00 Onts * 34 lbs............ 0 60 Beans * 80 ibs............ Posyxâ€"Messâ€"per barrel...........24 00 Prime Mess per do...... Fork ((AtéHY.â€"«« cc«««««.< T OW larrey _ «* _ 48 lbs.. Buckwheat Flourâ€"bbl. 0 00 Wuzartâ€"Fallâ€"per bushel, 60 lbs.! 35 N.B.â€"Our prices for flour are always to be calâ€" culated in bankable funds. Potatoes and Pork are a shade easier, as will be seen by our quotations. Other things remain about the same. % MHay, with a good supply, remains the same. Onts are a tride lower. oTTAWA MARK ETS. {Compiled expressly for the Ottawa Tiu®s.] _’l.'l-‘c Office, Ottawa, £ Sept. 30, 1868, The markets were abundantly filled yesterday, and all the usual commodities were well represontâ€" . % hm‘~ a‘ hsn insd U, l o $787 PORK, D" SEKE FIRST PaAQE. ALZEO OX Hayp Bagsâ€"Fall per 100 ibs.. 3 75 * flprhr * * .« % t Onatmeaiâ€"per 200 lbs.... 7 25 Indian Meal «_ ..... 4 99 Ryeâ€"peor bushel 56 1bs. No. 1. No. 2. ‘ne simple remedy by which he gnn wishing to profit by the adâ€" ence can do so by addressing in SPECIAL NOTICES. OaATMEAL verssessensensessse 8480400 THE U3E 02 PBoODPUCE _sdministering Casto tharticsâ€"as in the use efacâ€"simile si castie, C. W ., who are ‘¢ Worm m’“ L Sola by ail the |â€" iddndc,l_oï¬ erery 208â€"2m 808â€"?m on the York * E. PARENT, K Under Seey. of State AM F. COFFI <4 YCV -Ordmhl':g:‘Apnt. artmert of State D'Pou.n. August 29. 1965."" §I3â€"}awhi o: uaearry,â€" "#, }A~VS TO BE SOLD oN U monDaAy, ssm OCTOBER, 18638, at noon, at the Sales Rooms of JOHN LEEMING, Anctioner, Montreal. w. R.COFEIN, . â€" gee oo oo s Ordn, Lands Agent, Ottawa, 30th August, 1268. _ 535â€" ' At the Hogsback Fall, on tha Rideaun River, on the front of Lots 21 and 22, Junction Gore, of qon. ’om.;. Sev:l; Lots 37, 381:': 39, 42, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 69, 10,71, varying in size as shown on PI beautifut Villa Lots, age* Plans of these properties to be seen at the office of the Auctioneer, and of the Ordnance Lands Agent, Dept. of the Secretary of State, Ottawa. Uneâ€"tenth of the purchase money to be paid dowr at the time and place of sale, and the balance in nine annual payments, with interest, at 6 per cent. Further conditions at the time of sale. By order, > | c _E.PARENT, j ‘ â€"« Under Sec‘y of State. W P o mapbrar s amis Pss 222. t 7°T90% i0 ihe Upper Town of Ottawa, and comâ€" manding mnigcuc views on the River Ottawa. On FRIDAY, the 30th OCTOBER, 1868, at noon, will be solid at the Sales Room of HECTOR Moâ€" LEAN, Auctioneer, in Ottawa, so mach of the Ordnance Land being part of Lot D, Con, C, Neâ€" pean, as lies between Mariaâ€"strect, on the North ; the By rqony.on the South ; and Elginâ€"atreet, on the East ; being divided off into 30 Bauilding Lots, and averaging in. dimensions 66 x 99. ALSO, Tenl Lots, averaging 39 x 136, fronting on Rearâ€" M in the Upper ‘l‘wn of ()tnwa.‘-d l * neorpor: its Oitawa, Feb. 6. Having every facility in the way of ï¬nt-olml Machinery, and employing none but firstâ€"class workmer, I am prepared to turn out n-r{ donn'f- tion of Binding in as good a -glo of workmanship as any other establishment in Canada, RDXANCE LaiXxDSs To BOOK BINDER & BLANK BOOK XANUI‘ACTUBER, 26 ‘Metealfoâ€"street, Ottawa. The Store tormerly occupied by W. D. WOOD No. 38, on RIDEAU STREET, has been rented by the.Subscribers, and opened with an entire new stock ot _ GROCERIES, And a general assortment of gentlemen‘s furnishâ€" ing geods, would intimate to their friends and the" public generaily that they are prepared to exscute all orders in their line at the shortest notiee, in the most approved styles and st prices that we 1 defy competition. _ .» C ais CelUes Emt y \Illlll-l Store, haring just received a shoice stock of EXNQG LISH, FRENCH and CANADIAN R M SMITH & RCDNEY 3 wWOOD & ROSSITER. Ottawa, October 1%, 1867 15 His Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, Hon, Sir J.K. A. Macaonald, Hon. H. L. Langevin, C B, ¢Hoa. Alex. Campboil, P M G, | _ K. W. Seott, Kug.x r P Waliter Shanly, q, M P . Max. W. Strange, Esq, M P P, Francis H. Burtoon, Esq, M P James O‘Rielly, Esq, Q C, H.V. Noel, Es , Manager Quebec Bank, Ottawa. Robert Lyon, Esq, M P P. A smart young man wanted to act as travelling agent representing several firms. J. BERMINGHAM, Auctionâ€"er and Commusion Merchant, T53y~ . Houss, Land aad General Agent. hâ€"â€"‘ RDNANCE LAND®, Ottawa Oct. 1,1887 to merit a share of public patronage. He will be in his offiee from 7 in the morning until 7 in the evering, when he can see parties who wish to arrange about their sales. Consignments trom & distance will have immediate attencion. Cash advances, when required,â€"will be made on ooln‘}nnom for immediate saie. kinds of turniture bought, sold or exchanged. [ Ane Fianos, as well as the Purniture in the establishment, will be sold e:ther by private sale or auction. » __ HMe would aiso announce that he is prepared to receive instructions from persons having bousehold farniture, horses, carriages, or real estate, to disâ€" ru- of, and pledges himseif that nothing will be eft undone by him to give satisfaction in discharg ing the trust confided to him. He hopes that by strict attention to the sales entrusted to his care, as well as by tmpt settlemcnts immediately after, to merit a share of public natronace. â€"lOLD X£TNA INSURANCE IP p C in? nimint Aumintrytrsndfiins sc lt o h on l h a c 2 d c oc u2 From their long experience in tGiermany, Paris, and New York, they are universally adimitted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent. The high reputation of the instruments made by them for the past ten years, and the increasing demand for them in the new Dominion, prove their yery superior quality, and universally acknowâ€" ledged merit. The subscriber would also intimate that he is the Solo Agent for Ottawa and territory for the sale of Rappe, Webber & Co.‘s celebrated grand Pianos. They are successors to the late John C. Fox, of l(i‘l'!gsl.on.‘ and the makers of his excellent Pianos. EW sTORE. From arrangzements made with some of the Furniture Manufectories of Western Ontario, a lar, q and well selected stock of new furniture will be eounwiy on hand. # * Public Sales will be held from time to time, of which cue notice will be given, aud at whi h parâ€" ties requiring to furnish will have an og;orflnity O‘WI&NI‘ at unusually low rates. ‘The Mart is now open with a large stock of new Furniture, as well as g’.mnu. Marmoniuants, &c¢., &¢., consigned for sale. ‘ Tlm sUBSCRIBER * Respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Ottawa and surrounding coummry that at the request of many friends he has decided on opening an exâ€" tensive and well regulated Auction Mart in this siy:" * . By order, House, Land & General Agency, OFFICE & SALE ROOMs» ERCHANT TAILORS and General Outiitters, Riginâ€"street, opposite the Russell ®, and second doetr. from Eaton‘s Gilding EWE WHIHOK HEGE besuaess I w 2 .n o e o e erd MORTINER, Commission Sale Rooms Dominion Auction Mart, Ottawa, July 8, 1868,. ° The above companies, continue, as hcrm-tofore;‘ to i rates. Losses paid promptly: in Carada bankable funds HOME INSURANCE CO., CLNTHS @24 TWEEDS, (~, CaPITAL, ALL PALD UP...... ASSETS,.....ll...l.lvcae +/z., Ixaeus‘ Néw Brmomes, Suss®xâ€"atR®®T, § ~ oTraw a. % CASH CAPITAL, 4LL PAID UP,, PeC i ie rrr* rr2r 9086 200 s aule aaie 2. *A bensemeeney, i o0 1e( C neog : Oolelt ~~PAKEL â€" UE perrrrarf erxiertrres tx«+re 000 AsNETfl,"":".sas:::g,ao, LQSSES â€" PAID IN 49 YLARS,. ... ..........«.....>â€"+â€"24,000,000 .\ _ Incorporated in 1819â€"Charter Perpetual. | f LIQUORS, ALSO, &A. MORTIMER, a +9 *3 OTTaAW A. REFERENCRS. 833â€"lawtd AND Metcaheâ€"stâ€"oct. 384y AND HARPWARE, Aog a8 1j ; “ I‘ ~~ :| Son‘s Music Store. lawtd d51tf OF NEW HAYVEN, CONXN or HARTFCRD, CONN This SALOON has been fitted up in a neat and attractive manmer, and is always attended by competent and attentive workmen. Mu.lvs { _ HAIRDRESSING s a1L o o N _BELLS BLOCK, ELoinâ€"sr To connect with the Company‘s Steamers. Every morning, (Bundays oxnpud: st 7 a.m. punctually, to c;rry passengers ) ! PIANO-I‘OR'I'I 'l'Ul'l'lQl. s | _ W. C. CLARK, Professor of Music and ‘Feacher | of Piano, Voice and 'R.r-o;y. Also, Mrs, Clark, Teacherof Duvllt’ and ainting. Music ' Rooms and Residence, 0 sonnorâ€"street, corner of | Cliatar.dÂ¥want Maskls mulc I Hair Dresser, Excell Ottawa, April 13. Bl sterâ€"streot, Contre Town. _ Drders may be lett at his Ottawas, May 16, 1868. 9 o Feadien o s a dictaiitamir at 4 mieotroâ€"p‘ated W are and Fancy Goods, manufacâ€" }nn tl'; order all kinds â€"of @old, Bilver and Hair ewellery. J ow il_lo:;yv. hhfhoidatmicast 1 Waâ€"ranted. Direct Importers of Watohes, Clocks Electroâ€"p‘ated Ware and Fancy (Good Direct Importers of Watches, ‘Clocks, Jewellery, Electroâ€"plated Ware and Fancy Grods, manufac. ture to order all kinds of Goid, Silver and Lair Jewellery. Pespen Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired and Warranted. Direct Importers of W:fohel. ‘Clocks, Jewellery, Electroâ€"plated Ware and Fanc Goods, manufac . .t'nn tlc: order all kinds of Qoll Bilver and Hair awallary THE RUSSELL ROUSE, Watches, Clocks and Jewelle Re aud m ery Repaired SHI""IILD HoUSE, OoYAL MAIL LINE. | HEFFIELD HOUSK. 'Hl"'lll.n HOUSKE. | E. K. MacGILLLIVRAY & CO LIIQUORS, ‘rctofore, to insure all classes of property at lowest nkable funds. _ 1 J. T. & W. PENNOCK,â€" é T37â€"3m Agonts for Ottawa and Vicinity, _ Ottawa, Aug. 10, 1868. 350 kEFFIELD HOUSE. / EK. MacGILLIVRAY & CO. Watches, Jewellery, #c. 30 38 In 4, 4 and 1 Ib: packages, f4 MONTREAL WA Groceries, Liquors, Pr FOR AYLMER, f with the Union Forwarding Railway Steamers. ' JAMES MULLILGAN. lay 16. 1864@ s un . MacGILLIVRAY & cCO ...u-u;; :;:mqrm!, sorner of :‘lmn his residence or at Orme & BOXES PRIXE llg.l. PRIME PIOKLING VINE»â€" n a O M N I B U 8 m« At Rupvosp R. ) p se o se e e 8 e m e es has beea made SILVER being: now reduced to near Ill value Jewelléry Repaired and AT RED AT RED AT THUR T I C E. ARTIN & Co. UCED RATES) to hir r family use, UCED RATES, x Jowoll,ry, T1by PS, REHOUSK ovisions, &¢., Dr SUGARS,‘&c, 000,000. $19,070,.34, , #9 657v Relerences permitted to the followin entlemen : | A. H. Baidwin & Co., 3. K. Booth, Esq,, R.R. Booth, ‘ Esq., Rev. Mr. Johnson, Hull ; Rev. My, Picket, .‘ Ottaws ; Mr. Haycook, Architect, , * _ August 26, ~â€" 829 6m PAINTERS, | _ AND PAPEBR HANGERS, Chaudiere and Rull. (Shop nextto R. R, Booth Store, Ciludlou Hflln,ogl(n. Villa and ‘enou: wlm.hï¬â€˜ :m“ "u.o?‘ &l: moudrouonablo terms. a 6 i ceoe rork of l klnd:hopr«.l:- in éolors to cuit. PLALIN, ORNAMENTAL Cmadataingiartit» matrect A CoPPER PLaTE PrRiNTER, Bank Street, Centre Town, , Between Sparks & Queen Streets. cï¬'&i ehange, Bill Heads, Vir :ing ; Bee The Lanct, British Medical E} Journal, Medical Press, d‘c. ~ wu mo 4un Oct. I commenced the Pancreatic Emuision LBAvon 4& Moork‘s) in two teaâ€"spoonful doses, tw6 hours after dinner and supper. I can only describe its effects bB u{in{ that it seemed to work like a charm.‘"â€"Dr. Kin ead‘s Paper on PAthisis and /; treatment, ‘ Medical Press, &0., Feb. 26, 1868. Caution.â€"The genuine PANCREA TIC REMULâ€" 810N sold only in bottles, 28 6d, 4s 6d, and 8s, with Bavery & Moore‘s labels and trade mark, THI BEST Foon FOoR INIFAN'I'S, resembling Mother‘s Milk as closely as possiâ€" ble.â€"Dr. H. Barker on right foods for children, " TAE INFANT PRI&OE thrives upon it as a Prince should."â€"Socia/ Seren e Review. # A REAL IMPROVENMENT Ll.allod ] on the ordinary kinds of LIEBIG‘S F0oO ," and the only one that keeps good in all climates, No boiling or strainiog. ‘Tins, 1s, 2s, 5s and 10«. Prise Medal 1862. genuiné has ANDALL & MoXxTcortEny PARODEE’! EPILEPTIC CURK, OoTTaAWA AGgENCY; Officeâ€"Desbarsts‘ Pu‘lding, 77 Sparks 8t RoyalCanadianBagak â€"or the relief and cure G, A. BARB â€" Beoretary B.3.T. 'l'numfp for the City of Toronto, put up Dec 1867, in their new School House, on Eliz "treet, four of RUTTAN‘S AIR WARMT: VENTILATING STOVES ; say one in each room. These stoves were in regular use « school \hours, until fires were, ~discont about e beginning of the month of and ther;nu givon full satisfaction in eve spect. Although the weather was severe an longed the Ruttan stoves kopt the school comfortably warm, without overhcating while the ventilation ‘was at the samo thoroughly good. Theso stoves are also economical in fuel as is proved by the faci the four in question consumed only two and : cords of wood each, during the period of above mentioned. _ 7 | (Signed), * These may certify that the Board of School Trustees for the City of Toronto, put up December, 1867, in their new School House, on Elizabethâ€" Street, four of RUTTAN‘S AIR WARMING or VENTILATING STOVES ; say one in each school room. (These stoves were in regular use during school |hours, until fires were, ~discontinued, about e beginning of the month of May, and ther;nu given full satisfaction in every reâ€". spect. Although the weather was severe and proâ€" longed the Ruttan stoves kept the school rooms comfortably warm, without overhcating them ; while the ventilation ‘was at the samo time thoroughly good. Theso stoves are also very economical in fuel as is proved by the fact that the four in questien consumed only two and a half ’ Toronto, September 15th, 1868 Ottaw a MAC CEO. mMaÂ¥YrEs, Thes city, PAINT OF ALL CcoLoRs, Rose Pink, Burnt Umber, Terra de Seinna, Chrome Yellow, % Yellow Qchre, Celestial Blue, Paris Green, Brunswick Green, o Magnesia Green, Venetian Red, Red Lead, White Lead, in oil or dry, Prop Black, Ivory Black, * Lamï¬ Black, Boiled Oil, 3 aw Oil, Turpentine, Benzole,. Coal Oil, Paint Erushes, ' GENERAL HOU â€"E FURNISHING, Butcher Knives, Kuives and Forks, . Pocket Kutves, Table Spoons, â€" Tesa Spoons, Tea Trays, Table Mats, Buts, Scrows, Locks, Bolts, Catches, La‘ches, Axes, Saws, Planes, Se};uros, Hammers, Spokeshaves, Gouges, +. Chisels, Augers, Auger Bits, Steel Bits, Bevels, Levels, Boring Machines, Together with la a P i C ;â€";;:w', ';rw. Where you can at sortment of SHELFEF & â€"_ AT Te RIGN OF THE ANVIL, No ;CY'I'HEII SNATHS ; â€" i R A K E 8 ! f ULTIVAT OR 8. PLOUGH S FORKS AND STONES," EALTH, CoMFORT, ECconomy PTAN‘S ILVER AT Par BOILED AND RAW OIL, IINERY AND L URRICA Th\'G, AT LOWEST CASH PricEs NEW TUBULAR _ # TILATIN G QT()\’ES July 14, 1868. °O 22L * Bd EN L {)Lclod] on the ‘ LIEBIG‘s FoO ," and the only od in all climates. trainiog. ‘Tins, 1s, 28, 5s and 10s, SAVORY & MOORE, f 143, New Bondâ€"street, London. iss 83bWsa ARE, )4» Bflm Meaal, 1867 gio® cases on _ _ __CONSUMPTIoX treated with Savory & Moorn‘s PANCREATIC EMULSION: variety ; to order, W. W. OGODEXN, M.p. Chairman Committee, $ School Buildings. AND ~DECORATIVE y ; and a general assortment off NAILS, consisting in part of T. ISAAOCS, HEAV Y HARDWARE, OTTAWA TIMES, OCTOBER i 2 LCCCERCC, CCC. THOS. BIRKETT, Sign of the Anvil, _ No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. . yored free to any part of the * 408y Centro â€"own, Spaiks M. P. HAYES Aorgnmr. alltimes find a complete asâ€" raw Kuives, &o., &c, &¢ GLASs, â€" 24, RIDEAUâ€"ST., Varnishes, &c. PUTTY?, 8524 sale of J. Sewilt‘s W q . Ottawa, May 20. _ Mz. JOHN LESLIE, Bparksâ€"stroct, al ofiaA‘“t for Ottawa and Vicinity, For the sale ese celebruted Temekee H. & A. SAUNDERS, * _ _wh érfll in th Don:n fL the Bole Wholesale 4 the Con e sale of J. Sewill‘s W atches. 1 RCCUrOtr ial a ntment to HER MAJESTY THk dbmamkdrapramty, ANB â€" ******; COURT OF SPAIN, THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS COMâ€" MISSIONERS OF TRR ADMIRALTY, AXD HER MAJESTY QUEilg'YVIOTOBIA'S ROYAL â€" N ; Prizo Medalist of the Great International Exhibiâ€" tion of London, 1862, and of the Uniâ€" 4 versal Exhibition of Paris, 18€7. _ | Ww Uebwmw ull22200 J. SEWILL, LIVERPOOL, wen head oeome oo special appoin time wE HERKBY ArroiNT Where it 1s intended to erect a Tollâ€"bridge, such notice must state the rates which they intend to ask, the extent of the privilege, the height of the arches, the interval between the abutments or piers for the passage of rafts and vessels, and mention. ing also whether they intend to erect a drawbridge or not, and the dimensions of the same. *" A _ m~ nQHce inserted in the Ontario Gante, _and in cnenewspaper published in the County or Union of Counties, affected, or if there be no paper published therein, then in a newspaper in the next nearest county in which a newspaper is published. Such notice shall be continued in each case for a period of at least six weeks duriog the intervral time b etween the close of the next preceding Session and the consideration of the petition, i Require a notice clearly and distinotly specifying the nature and object of the application, to be pubâ€" lished ‘as follows;, vig. : LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLYor ONTARIO | THI: AGENCY of this Conpuyâ€" at Ottawa ' being now transferred to the HONBLE. MALCOLM CAMERON, _ all premiums for RENEWAL OF POLICIES, are to be paid and applications for Insurance to be made to him st the Office of the Queen‘s Prinâ€" ter, Desbarat‘s Buildings, Ottawa. By order, JAS. SYDNEY CROCKER, _ _ Apply at the _ Ottawa, September 11, 1868. & B,â€"Â¥For a full description see Ontario Gazsette. CHARLES T. GILLMOR, 837.â€"lawtLo Clerk of the Houre., Found on Rideauâ€"streot, on Wednesday evening, a LARGE BUNCH OF KEYS. â€" The ownes is A notice mE NSIWE s Ssn roving property and paying ex nses of advertisâ€" F::g o‘uf tgurthgm rotz:nod.' ‘A¢ m : Toronto, 31st August, 1868. All applications to the Legislature of Qntario for PRIVATE BILLS, Provinciar Insuraxos Coxpaxy or Caxapna, Head Office, Torontn, Ist Sopt., 1868. THI: AGENCY of this Company at Ottawa being now transferred to the STOVEPIPES AND TIN WARE, At reduced figures, _ CAMP KETTLES, SHARNTY PLATES : AND BASINS, § BIRD CAGKS! BIRDCAGESI BIRD CAGES , All of the above at the : « CAPITAL®" STOVK DEPOT, § 35 Sussexâ€"street, Ottawa. f 82y F H. MEADOWs & co. CoUNTRY MERCHANTsS Bupplied with : y e m g hok s ant ers, Cruet Stands, Ash Pails, Table E:fll, Tea Trays, Tea and Coffee Pots, Soup Tursens, Jelly and Pudding Moulds, &¢., &¢., &o:, &e. IRON BEDSTEADS, LAMPS, COAL. OIL, SADCEPANS, Brass and Enamelled Kettles, Tinware, Toilet Setts, Baths, Fiour Sioves, Brushes, Dish Covers, Table Mats, Sad Iroos, Table Cutlery, Teoa and Table Spoons, Preserve Jars, Mincing Knives, SBp s on Cepnloge ic oo ag cce wIll â€"". â€" Dbons, Freserve Jars, Mincing Knives, Wash Tubs and Boards, Bnlrlgonton:‘q Boatâ€" ers, Cruet Stands, Ash Pails, Table Belis, Tea oTICE. WATCHES. If #o, eall and see our lar?:uortnont of necessary Houseâ€"keeping Goods, suitable for Kitchen, Dining Room, or any room in your house. Youxa Max, see that your house is well furnished with useful articles before you spend your morey in mere showy ornamental things. ARE YOU GOING TO BE MarRIED® of every description.in stock, suitable for the emallest family, or the largest hotel. STJVEPIPES! RLBOWS! SHOVEPIPES! Common, Bright and Russia Iron, and everything in the Tin, Sheet Tron and Copperâ€" ware Line, ol:gnd or made to order. P°° Hut Air Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Building Job Work and Repairs attended to punctualily. We keep none ‘but the best and most experienced meâ€" chanics. 46 RYS FOUND. COOKING sTQYE8, BOX STOVEs,f . PARLOR STOYVES, BEDROOM S'rov;:'s, expressly for Hotel and Boarding| Houses, eon}Pleu with large (%gpper‘ Water Reservoirs and Plate Warmers. e call special -mmi? of Hotel Keepers to these stoves, they will iast"as long as any six ordinary stoves. See them and judge for yourselves, Price lists sent free on application. DOUBLE STOVES3, the best in use / HOTEL STOVES. larea and avtes Fe] BOX & IHIALL STOYES, PARLOR STOVRS, for elegance of design cannot be surpassed, COOKING STOVES, of thelatest and most modern designs, 7 : S T OV EK 8 â€" are of the latest and most improved !uturu, the most extensive assortment shown in Ottaw COOKING S’I‘OVES.k _ofd the good oldâ€"fash! o ind, We beg to notify the p{u the season is now complete ; Such is the character given of every stove sold during the past year at the _ ; © CAPITAL Y sSTOYE DEPOT 35 Sussexâ€"strect, Ottaws, $ _ H. MEADOWS & CO. HOUSE . FURNISHING GOGDS e SAFE I)),SURE Y9,8UCCRSSFULâ€" STOVES, large and extra strong made, w5s, that are unrivalled for heating purposes, TIMES OFFICKE. public that our stock for DOUBLE STOVES, HOTEL STOYES, COaL STOYES, DuMB SsTOVES, good oldâ€"fashioned case for neJ Fonlu.n.-n Â¥ erly oneâ€"third of | interval First c{)uoulion Ottar receding pean, and Lots Nos. : on, the same Convession, at present in t of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq. For furth apply to Jorx® and Ww. Trousoy, &0 Such | Gewis & Puoggv, Barrister, Ottawa.. itend to s _ ¢ . of the Eï¬hï¬ street, corner MRS. ROBERT STEW ART, trom: land, proposes,. (D. V.) to open a Young Ladies on TUESDAY, FLRST is thoroughly competent to instruct Frenon, Drawing and Music. She is profession, hsvié::‘llrnz tu;nod in the and colleges in and, and has high Terms moderate, . Pro‘pocmoggan Ottawa, A1gust 27, 1868, tterns, and Ottawa. uU.ICAL ACADEMy. Mr. GUSTAVE SMITH, (0r al) a Graduate of the Imper TRIAL or PATRICK J. WHAL In Book Form, ‘ W IT H PHOT O G R a Reported by GEORGE SPAIGHT, ‘viud by a Barrister in attendance. Â¥ ~â€"_Educationat B7 br t taneiiBuiad... 2 tss k JL erly oneâ€"third of No. 27, in First Concession Otts &, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in tl;o ;rsmo gonw?ion, at present in the occu.ation ai as s.% . aw L y Enquire at the Store. Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1868. Mailed, postage paid, for For sale by Two DWELLINGS TO LK 10 was}a20drs CH 8t comfortable f{OUSE within fivre min the Parliament Buildings. Addres Office, Ottawa, September 23, 1868, TO LET, ADIEKS) 'cp!_q(_)_x_,, 498y THE HOUSE oN x ELSON.â€"S ; al present occupied _BY ROBERT ANGUS, ES ‘Possession givon 1st October. : Apply to CUNNINGHAM & LIN: PRICE,..... tion: f eliiderne ons Incaatictatntcizerne 1. SBhe has excellent accommodation f apd freight., The International Company‘s Stea in connection with the Grand T eaye Portland every MON DaY, W and FRIDAY, at 5 p m, for St. John, Tickets issued through at the Com pal stations. f § For further information and time departure of all trains at terminal tzon:, apply at the Ticket Office, Bon Hlam« TO LET FURNISHAED, till AAV Anmmmna.. a 20002 47 SATULOAY AFTERNGOXN (after train leaving Montreal on Friday ni fax, N‘.‘s‘.. returning on Tuesday, ~| /9°C (POADOAADT : ie _ Snd _ 1 us Th 46 d vsticaiith madiniseined Th is Li S ham and Ponl-nd...................... o Night Express for Quebec, Island Pond, Gorhkam and Portland, stopping be. tween Montreal and isiand Pond at St. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Wnterviï¬!e and Coaticook only, Mibebresrers..cc 4.: ausiee on _ > 2 C. J: BRYDGES, July 7, 1868. *The 5 Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stetions, #L.... ........ Trains for Lachine sat z»â€"»»....*5:00 a m, 9:a m, 12 noon, 3:00 p m, #4;40 p m, and 6:30 p m. womy _ » as TV Day Express for Ogdensburg, Oitawa, Brockville, Kingston, Beevilie, Toronto,Guelph, London, Brantford, Goderich, Bug'slo. Detroit, Chicago, and all points West, st................. Night _ do do _ do do _ do Accommodation Train for Vaudreuil at Rotn_r.ning each morning, arrivine in 1868.] SUMMER ARRANGEMENTsS. [18es. Trains now leare BONAVENTURE STATION as follows : Brockville, April 11. 5 o l 5 A. M.â€"=TRAINS will leave # @P Sandpoint at 5:15 a.m. and 1:30 g.m., arriving at l;:ockvillo at 11:30 a.m. and :45 P.m; > All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Falis with Trains to : nd from Perth. The 7:15 a.m. trair freom Brockvy.lle connects with U. F, Coy‘s Steamers for Ottawa, Portageâ€"daâ€" Fort, Pembroke, &¢., &c., and the 1:15 p.m. train from BHandpoint leaves after those steamers are due rom east and west. :15 ;" * A,. M.«â€"â€"TRAINS will 1 7:15 Brockville daily at 7.15 £.m., 3:15. p.m., arriving at Sandpoint at 12:40 ] and 9 p.m. â€" LEAYE SANDPCINT. 7c:10 ¢.." &~ si;ZE{J;"ci';’én all Night : checked through. lor'unmer Carl»tta leaves P TTE $h a un C e eamenecc 2 . ‘ LRAYE PRESCOTT, ARRIVE J8 Orraw Mixed, 7. 15 a. m. 10.35 a, m. Express, 1.35 p. m. 4.15 p. m. * LRaAYVE OTrawa. ARRIYE IN PRE8COTT, Exprets, T a. m. 9.25 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m. | 4.15 p. m The time of these Trains has been so arranged as to ensure connection with night and day traing on Grand Trunk, eas anu west. N. B.â€"These 2rarins run on Montreal Time. Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway Return tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principals aâ€" tions o= the line. f T. S‘.’ DETLOR, THOMAS REYNOLDS, !CHAIGE oFr Tim®. | ST. LAWRENCOR ayp } D A TT ubr a a» FOR SALE OR To w and AFTER FRIDAY, the 2ru of MAY, 1868, and until further notice, TRAINS will run as follows : & FORIALI.â€"-TI#I wEsre p orly onaâ€"third af Pos urâ€"" am‘oo Superintendert, _ Ottawa. May 14, 1868 RAND TRUNK RAiLwAy COM«= PANY OF CANADA. . SUMMER ARRANGE MEX T Commencing on the 2011 April, 1868. ___LEAVERE BROCKYVILLE. ON and AFTER E To LET. ROCKYVILLE & OTTAWA * ‘VA Yu QRA.'L WA Y ] (formerly the Ottawa & ‘Prescott Rail« ay eeeennent en sns sn 00 NICBOLASâ€"ST Being the urpe MAR'FINEAU'S C Corner of Sussex #treets. Oppeosite the Rus J. DURIE & 50. 10 Sparkaâ€" hi e 2 oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in . For furth Ruailroabs. sesss PB 14 Ri H ABBOTT, Managing Director, * Jéhnl &‘-B estimonia)s, application. _ o ARHRâ€" CHOOL for SEPT. She in English, & teacher by & LOACNOr D best lehml{ sell House TTA W A. CENTs. EXN, Eo occuzation r particulart Nepean, and J og?l 41â€"tf May next, a tes walk of A. 8., Trugs DSaAY, QUIRE. #@Â¥intntsdhaPuctihcd wtcnd + 3 Managing Director. 1y , and reâ€" LET, f arrival and nd way staâ€" venture Staâ€" g Director soUTH 9 k _ Railway, DNESDAY, }...10:10 p m rains. Bagâ€" rtland every he arrival of ht), for Haliâ€" ners, running it Nh Apdbrer any‘s princiâ€" E of ra “___a'--.. "â€" CC mEV SHFeimmet AUience LL «»> 100 bead of railroad, at 11 a.m., touching at s «... 8:40 :: iB!MPdlt., Bristol, Bonechere, Fsmll'm »... 4:30 p m | Gould‘s Wharf and Portageâ€"duâ€"Fort. Stages will orâ€" leave Gould‘s Wharf immediately after arrival of ;« . 2:00 Steamer Allsonce for Cobden, connecting with id, ***| Steamer.sfecm torid, sad arriving at Pembroke )e â€" same evening. + â€" at ’ The Steamers Pontiac Or Pembrokeleare Asi+| T passengers S53if will leave O TTA WA 412y f 44, Rideaunâ€"strcet, Ottawa, Jan, 20, 1928 ""1t*° Allan‘s Crockery Store And other Malt Whiskies, PORTS, SHERRIES, BRANDIES, GIX, To ether with a General Assortment o FIRSTâ€"CLASS GROCERICS. A call kindly solicited. The sabscriber would called the attention Families and others to his FINE BOTTLED ALE Which is in splendid condition. Also, sCCTCH, I1RISH, OLD RYI RAIL= _ YORKâ€"STREE1, OTTAWaA, Next to Salmen‘s Hotel. A. ~J. F. COLEM A N, V. 8. (Member of the College of Veterinary Surgeons, Toronto.) Orders or communications y attended and I:ndlo:nu sent to any p&g:u d’u(ho Dï¬lli...~ Charges moderate. _ 812y VETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT 0“91;. June 30th, 1868. :___AT. M AREKET PRICES, In lots to suit purchasers. Arrive at Between Brockville and Ottawa, via Brockville and Ottawa Railway and Union Forwarding Railâ€" way Company‘s Steamers ; UrWwaRkDE, Leavre Ottawa Th: assmanrhaiesriens xÂ¥rincntcncs » sn oW AMP 3600 Arrive at Arnprior l ressessssccesse:~+++....2:00 p.m. Leave Amg‘g it 1 rasintariessrennreercerss es s PSBW pu. Arrive at [Brockville hss renanseecccccsces+ 4 4B $ His In time to .connect with Grand Trunk Railwey Nigtt Trains, East and West. DowXxwarps,. Leave Brockvilie at..... sessessssssssssessscces0 1B A.M, :lrrin radiness, . . o / Meemkeitarenmmmye LC ce m oOTTLED ALE, 2 PP OOmV WPHmme EP T »MiHs |_The Steamer Calum« will on and after $th Sepâ€" tember leave favrelock on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 a.m., returning from Chapeav Village same days at 2 p.m, R A connection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway on the up and down trips. For further particulars sppry at the Company‘s Offices at Ottawa or Aylmer. R. 8. CASBELE, o ,. _ O nmer Alliance leaves Portagsâ€"duâ€"Fort every morning at 7:30 (Sundays chx::g.od). tauchâ€" ing at Gould‘s Wharf, Farrell‘s W Bsnechere, Bristol, Sandpoint and Arpprior, and artivieg at bhead of railroad at 11 a, m., and connecting with Steamer Ann Niseon at Pontiac at noon. Paséenâ€" gers reach Ottawa at 4 p.m. NP Sovimintet?‘. «/ c The !ubscribor having completed his SHINGLE FACTORY! GFFERS FOR SALE, TRA, No.J, and CULL, PINE and CEDAR SHINGLES, Apuow qicu.pg _ _ , cOe TCwnvcring wide Steamer. Jaoson Gou/d, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. + The Steamers Pontiac or Pembroke leare daily at 1 p.m., for Des Joachim, calling at all interme~. aiate ports. Returning, leaving at 6 a m., cup~ necting at Pembroke with Steamer Jason Gould which leaves Pembroke Landing at 2 pm., and arrives at Portlge-cliu-Fort same evening. 5 Tha Shescues * epe ns C n Erce F4 T bead of Consisting of the following ANN £I8S8ON, w ALLEANCEK, / . . .L EMERALD, w oREC 9X, a ce CALUMET, w JASON GOULD, = PONTIAC, «> .& PEMBROKE, â€" w SNOW BIRD, _ Ottawa City, Aug. 29, 1868 ORSE INFIRMAR Y, HINGLES FOR SiLK. Upper Ottawa Route 18608 Condensed Time Table Captain R. G. i'u-mol: > Leaves Ottawa for Major‘s and intermediate land ings on Tuesdays and Friaays at 4â€"0‘clock, p.m T4983 t W sUrouvron rarues desircus of a pleasant trip can obtain ‘gxcunion Tickets to Grenville and Cuk for one ‘are. MARKET STEAMER "P A I E& x,." Leaves the Queen‘s Wharf with n.aila and passenâ€" gers for Montreal, every morning, (Sundays exâ€" cepted) at halfâ€"past 6 v‘clock, arriving at 4:45 .m. * P Travellers and tourists will find this a delightful trip. Firstâ€"class Fare (meals BKHFD) .ss+»»sssss+18+»â€".$3 50 Second * * asersansesssursseree & OQ First â€"*"** _ ‘Rafurn n ; & awa Queen Victoria, W. MOORE, A1; CIHAS. E. BRUSH, Agent, Ottawa Sept. 24, 1868. Through tickete to Ss. J ob Nova Scotia, $1 1.50,; East; $19.50 and Boston $20 50 steamers at reduced rates, apply to 1868 Edward i;l;;d‘: :“n-:i' ;‘t; to Halifax. For Pictou, N. S., calling at Father Point, Gaspe, Perce, Paspebiac, Dalhousie, Chatham, Newcastle, Miramichi and Shediac. Returning, will leave Pictou on T uesday, 6th October, at 5 v‘clock, p. m, 1 hbe «teamers connect at Ehediac with E. & \. t.‘ X.‘R. to St. John, N.B., and steamer for Prince 2. Mre P WessE. 1 1 ' Wirrtaxt PAYHEON;â€":.::: x .: ... Masrer, WILL LEAVE ST. ANDREW‘3 WIHARF QUEBEC, ox TV ESDAY, THE 29« OF SEPTEMBER, At four o‘clock, p.m., Royat Mail Line between Quebec, wick and Nova Seotia, every Tuesda The firstâ€"class steel Eidor{\'hoel St NION FORWARDING & KAIL W AY comra®y, h MWMZEOTTAWA RIVEZR NAVIGATION _ coOMmPANY*8 OTTLEKD ALE, J «cA 1868 1868. 2 QUEBEC aAaAsDp GUCLF PORTS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, he following first â€"class Bteamers, $ w vaptain Murphy. D. WhELAN, JOHX ROCHESSTER, Ji. *nte8tes sh0 088 800 880004 aa0 ‘ rine between Quebec, New Brunsâ€" ‘a Scotia, eve Tuesday. ass steel b'idor{flul Steamehbip "8ECRE T ," MAIL STEAMER Captain A. Bowir, **e0t8000 Cussusseessee *ene sen ns sana 00 se 00000 Stranters. vâ€"0 00. Return Tickets by D rates. For freight or passage â€" NOO!(EZ 7Man.¢or; Quebec. t Pictou with N. 8. Railway <. Juhn, N. B.,$16; Halifax, Eastport,. $17.50 ; Portiand, R. W. SHEPHERD. R Y E, .1:16 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 13:12 p.m. T248 18§%8. THK TIMES is printed and published V Tus Orrawa Times Priwtine axo Popus®> me Couraxy, at the Office, 60, Sparks# Centre Town, Ottaws. Jaxzes CoTT9 Managing Director; Auex. Rosesre® 139â€"8 NOIGOTs Of such atock to to the undersigd®e® "* hu«w.u.nï¬isox.nq.uu‘-‘g of Ottaws, on THURSDAY, the TWENT! NINTH day of OCTOBER, next, 1 868. Dated this 28th day of September, 1868. ’ywbr,’ j w. H. FALLS Bec.â€"Tress., 858td Ottawa and Gloucester Road‘Coâ€" Of the said Company, which call they require #* k 2# a firet holders of such satock to pay to the undersigned # 1 . 3&: cho Notice is hereby given ;.t the Directors ‘: ¢ mu'llumwno“(!.-m’ havre *4 day made a further CALL OF TEX PER CENT. exchange for moseptable articles of satisfacto7 value. \udn-“:" Tuixs Ofice, (if per PM fked, Wiillams, of Toronto, maker, is offered 1« sale at FTFTY DOLLARS CASH, (cost $65)* _ A MELODEOXN, nearly new, and scarcely ef@ used, Williams, of Toronto, maker, is offered 1« Mll.onlr.o. FoX s1iLy. 1868 A DDITION AL 8$TO0OCE vounty ol Uarieton, and a of aubh pert :.mmtbo Cunx ofhl::t:'hnb" posited in the office of the Clerk of the Pencela * “ Ilhenby‘in-uluholqufhlnl'“i .lh 1 of Rdon-oo{ o:'htho Carada o-u-w Hamed B Company, from the Ci of Ottaws to with the Line of the Bey and Ottews Rail § Rerousfri way Company, have ::%:iu( in the office 6 w the Department of PubMe Vorks, and uw © such parts of the Map or Pian and Book of by strict a ence, as relate to the Connty of Carleton, hes bee [ 4®€eserve deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Poate Jt the County of Carleton, and a copy of salb »H" 4 L Ottawa, Sept. 7, To zuc sorice TTAWA AND GLOUCOESTER RW EYVERY DESCRIPTION, The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian "‘““‘- Destroyer, in curing diseases for which it is o_ OZIIIDOD‘“. and its wonderful success in eal | 0!‘!‘“’A thetortur‘ag pains ot Rnoumstasm. and in re. umflmmfl.nuui‘u:u 3 Commer of A list of Remedies for these complaints, _ «/ Pembroke, Ont: ooniuifnho-lmwu?in hmpnl_ ‘mu ec or further su eac embroi mninnsl -m.f.m' h erjee it gives ons Part.ouiar at The Cans 4ian Pain Destroyer never fails bgn Bood rooms £ Dated this Tenth day of Augurt, CANADIAN Palk sestrgig NLARGED PORTRAITTV wa, August 7, 1868, PRUNE®S, * AiMONDS, walnNUrs PILBERTS, wma BRAZIL NUTS. mong the most importan! of modern Medica\# x soveries stands the ediate rolief. All Modicine Denlers 1 f:'l sic.ane orderand use it; and no family out it after onse trp ing it. Price twoentyâ€"five cents bottle. loxflm & LYMANK, NotmaxX‘s, MercanrrEsTRERT #RUITS. &C. f LAYERK RAISINS, in Whole, Haif Ond Qhartes h MUSCATEL, _ is a BSULTANA, VALENTIA, CURRAXNTs, GRAPkS, B@~ Roasted an Ground d;:y ______premises. 4 vHOCOLATE and Gopp; EFREYCAOTr nAfnd' c . COFFEE, SUGARS, LOAF, \ _BRGKEX Loay CRUSHED, GRroUxp», YEL®Cw Orange PEKOr Flowery _« J“In (9 16 RideatStreet, Ottawe, TpuX SUBSCRIBERS ing ,, their Customers that theit Sio,, complete, and embraces eÂ¥ery delicg Seasou, among which wil} b" toung j assortment of by Geo, 1867 Ixoin _ in Ottawa. COLOURED AND PLAIK, COLOURED AND PLAINX, COLOURED AND PLAIN, MIXED sPICES Breakfast SOUCKONXG, go CONGOY, }B'“"‘ Extnp Superier HYSOX . . D. T. BROWNE 4 0o Put up ai the « Dscomber 19 E ‘.(-Xll hvndaviaiills Inotris o vepus uts NNCJJ NUTM painiess process. MACE, e p . cestfully treated, eL (“INNAM()N, mâ€"â€"._‘.l‘ 0 'ES’ 4 GINGER, * ~ S§o MOCHA, _ +TAVA GUzrowper, IMPERIAL, TWANKAYÂ¥ 1, flavored "Ji’:fl TAYLORs AF TEAS, All Ground 0n the Préke C €. a. wW. R. WORSLEY, l T. ._'.‘: Becy. C. C. Riy. Cll'l.oy' and Ground daily op th Newcastle, C. W., 'l\ow General Agents for C. * it, John RKobers, W MRS. TRotr by, J. Skinper, and Al preseqt #0ver uroithed Shites « t Irow ligible for civi Canadian £eepery. ", ' 1“!\“‘ BROQwWXp , Hai _ aMEaE _4 , Poif 08 Qarte Buu, ~ } â€" * ANHI» colicction JAMAICA and 21 Y *L AREHOy $p FRY pvg carefclly family t LEMONE, IUSCOYan, 1865 ORA4XQG], & atgy tound 4 , :‘:oct i-.,,: " uesY of 4h li‘m“s d.g"‘: h"ï¬, P*.. P oA Comer of M Pembroke, Ontar ‘:â€" in con ’dti:ut “mâ€".~ uad vehicies a)e e N.' A 'l"l.lto ,, MBE TROTt urvished n“n:: "‘““ for eivi antlemen romai 'l\u: RUSE LATE -L.( Houtel, Imerous friends Tiptinied and glvu; . wery best of Lig ?“fl‘h{ 2024 with yard table mpc This Hotel has style, and at an . d ï¬(ï¬. Post of the Peace and Coonties of Pres Court Houre, Otta Ety cmd Public, and I‘= m.‘l‘mo and Notary Pub mm.‘bh' L APIEKR at La®, Fol and Notarie® P areets, Ottaws. r1CHOL A$ Wusisx M J. o‘n e Convey the C W LC DW ARD KES & G E. HO J. BCC 0*co®n 3t , 12 H A Â¥