W N 4. mis otf ubel!* ud Cgb« g 1b ; the sAMERICANX NEWS. Registration in New York. I Y%ge Yorr, October 30.â€"The total rogisiraâ€" | > @mig this city up to toâ€"night is 250,461 or | than the total registration of last ‘ gc still remains oneday to register. Kuting in Cooper‘s Institute, ’ aâ€" defemeanse licp:slicin mass meeting was tiifeaw? acound Cooper‘s institute toâ€"uight. | Murders by the K_-‘lu-m \ . §r. Locis, October 30.â€"The Democrat has #efellowing tom 'Q{Bo.k. Arkanses : On ‘ Be 4ih inst, whfle Capt. . Willis, Borean . ent, Capts. Forter, â€" Andrews, Prosser, wd Sberif Stundie were en‘ route to Rocks «pmfort, they were fired upon by some of the EeKiaxâ€"Kian. Capts. Andrews ant Willis wae killed aad the Shecif was bacliy woundâ€" «U Two mgores in th+ vicinit; were sub wqueaily killed. * $atest by Eclegraph. the 10th, ® me u0 © r’_â€";rme-!, Col. Radec!iG, and a numâ€" por of odicers wers prosent. . â€" the Maro: acknowledzes a draft for $30, wing the sfits of Cool Burge«s‘ enterta‘nâ€" went id .i:‘of the Rod River suff=rers. A telegram from Kalitax says the antiâ€" 1. wnists distike Mr. How«‘s lâ€"tter, and say .# the main question, whether Hows " the repeal policy of the Local Govâ€" <The Unionists look on it as an inâ€" ‘u he does not. * rw Engineer bas been ordered to inâ€" the Crys‘al Palace. . The Committee on fl_ Ruildinze will cousidert the â€"report on CaABLE NEWS. w.-vs. October 31. goie an d low« have arrive 1 Prass»>®*. October 31. â€"I â€â€˜L»ni «t T9 for the is F .. wne k Nes Sul ;, min {1! all day â€d vewsels ace 1 ge* Loss of aPropelier. BDersorur, Octobder 33.â€"Ths propeller Conâ€" | from Saifal> for Catc&zo, lovwiled with iron and sait, was to:o?ly destroyed on the 27th inst , aear Tounier Bay. gtew wers saved. sbe wars valueod at $A00) and insured for $20,000. < m ement of A fairs in Mexico, E October 31.â€"Minister Rom=â€"ro f Mâ€"xico that thepolitical affairs countrr conatiau« to improve. The wil are really tired of war and are ecrnest f support of th »Government. . Struite. Ta~ American Ministâ€"r has writtea minutely w W shingtoa, giring all the dotails tthe case, and asking for ins‘ructions. _ At z.i timâ€", he has sonut his prote t azgainst Ske Pasba‘s protest, stating in syueauceA to Thast Minister that tne United Sist :# mml#in se manner recogn‘zs the prini jles costa:usd #erein, orsssâ€"nt to such a doctrinc. The Provisional Government of Spain mnoet yet Recoguized. Apondon special to the Democâ€"«st says that Re senouncâ€"mest of viiâ€"ial recognition of te Provisional Government oft Spain by the por:ss, is now thought to be prematutre. Enzlewi, Prossa and kussia hare not Bd to th: application mads for the im ie recoga:tion of the present stite of Phe United States Domand the Opening of | the Dardanelles, i Nue Yorr, October 31. â€"A* Constantinople g to the Democres sys that the Grand | has issned a circuar io direct refus l of ’ the wtshes of the Amssican Congress for the | opening of $heâ€"Stmaite of the Dardanâ€"lies to | all foreign ressels Foreignâ€"resilonts think ‘ the opportuaity is prewnted for the American i Government to insist upon the opsniag of the | "-'.'.' for tria! The Stâ€" Georg« uhis fund < Rle Prib ns special from New Ocleans after an investigatrou it is found that f s of St. Bâ€"ruard killed no women as reported. _ Aboat fiitpr negrocs J Ned in that parish. A reign of terror toâ€"day . ~~Breaty with the Mississippl Indians, Wasammeros, October 31.â€"The President Ins proclsimed the treaty wita the Sach and Pox Ladians of the Misaiâ€"s ppoi, by which they wde to the United Stat s all their lands, and ie return fr whaich ampls compensation is W#ie. A tract of land is set amide in the Indian samniry south of Kane w« for their future hom#. The Surrait Casse up Again. Nu® Voer, Oâ€"tobâ€"r 31.â€"The Post‘s special! sapethatthe Sorratt cas> was up this morning M to diamis« th« appe . â€"_ _ Shipment of Specie. P ~_~L‘Cfl, October 31 .â€" Uhe ateamship Motmesilxi ): Panaca toâ€"day with $417,â€" ~5~n, of which $391,000 is for New York, and $111,000 for Englind. T+day‘s Mesmer carti~=l 2 400 barrc!s of four f0t New gATUROAYX‘S Latest Monetary. New Tomz, ustover 31.â€"Latest.â€"Move; B#letst 7 per cent. on call loans ; sterling «schange quiâ€"t «t 1090} @ 109; tor firstâ€"class Wilk American gold lower, opening at 134 Wicksin« at 13%}. Gorâ€"ramsats are more setive and firmer. The Pos#s fnaimcial mon>y article says that W#tty works much more easily toâ€"fa;.â€" Govâ€" #mment bonds are stronyz and active. . barrels, and hcavy. â€"Receipts, 46,500 § P 6400 Lasrels at $5 90“0 04.0 Btate and Westers ; 50 ".mfl to Choice Ertra State ; $6.45 «i E fot Commmon to Choice Extrs West foor hbeavy.â€"Wheat heary. Reâ€" m".&m bushel«<. Sales, 3,000 bushels @ 1541} for No 2 Wpring ; $1.63 M Mo. 1 do.; $1.63 M 1.61 for old No. #» ee: $1.93 for Amber Michigan ; #0 tot Wnit: do.â€"Bre quiet. Receipts, tâ€"‘lol‘a of Terror in Louisiana. 10 CC in nn mm liiihhcontlit in x Sndiihs rwaaivinia eCs 9 1500 bush 1« â€"Corn clsed firm. Receipts, rllï¬uu.l.. Sales, 51,000 bushels at $1.09 110 for Unsound; $1.11; M 1.1i3} for VE_“M\\ estâ€"ru â€"Barley dull and beary. y7 * OUaRC®. â€"â€"Jons (qmict. Raveipts, mh. Sale«, 12,000 bushels at 13c. for New Westeroa.â€"Pork dall and lower at $2100 @ 27 5) for Me«s: $21.00 @ 27.25 for S coâ€"Lard steraty at 15jc. @ 17¢¢. fof Mibk: 1rie. K 171 for Lettls rendcred. MIDNIGUT DESPATCHE Erig 23 ; ie Eug . } ie â€"â€" Kew York Money Market. Ne#\ Yorx, October 31. â€"American Exâ€" MEANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL.. erom ToRonTo. . MeKonaic st the Ess wheu the I wut, Uciouer i ~â€"CHRmatt HIEIETEEE CE CE sawdi at TO for the issue of 1882. x>rtox, October 31.â€"Ths stâ€"amship +. fre m New York, \)L"Ob'l' 20,‘ has tuUs Colfax Stumping Indiana. nui®, [sp , O:tober 30. ~Ho1. Schuyâ€" x +poke here toâ€"night to an imwense T1uXK3. Tseo® t has compl:tcly broken up , October 31â€"*+.m.â€"Consols at 94} Boneds 731. Iilinois Contral 914. ._ Liverpool Markâ€"+«, 00L, th Lâ€"bel 1 â€"a mm _â€"1 Reported by ‘Lelegraph. London Money Market. 500 buskecls. â€"Uats quict. Receipts Kow York Markeiss _ *K% OQctober 31.â€"â€"Cotton quictâ€"at y report Montreal Line. e will conduact the Crown x Assiz*», which open on BAll River murder case will e Iring wesather bound â€" off iety‘s ball in aid of the society last night was sutenantâ€"&overnor and DESPATCHES x October 31 Hitmwa Markets, 94 â€"A 0. â€"Cottou tends 61. Linswed oil 15«. nitec) States 5â€"20 Th > stos mers | _ Messrs. Yorss & Eaprorp naving secured | the services of first class working jowellers in | eiruscan, fSlagree, plain, fancy and solid gold ;work, and having made large additions to | their work shop are now better prepared to | exseute »ny crders with which they may be | entrusted than heretofore. Masoasic jewels, ggom and silver medals, and evory kind of | ewcliery repaired. Fercows.â€"Montreal ~ Tea Company : (Gentiemen, the OQolong tea which you sent me gives me great saiisfaction. I torwarded part of the chest to a trieed in Toronto who informs me he ecnsiders it as good as he has been paying one doilar per lb. for. Please sead me a chest of Young Hyson at same !{rice, viz : ut T5¢. per lb. â€"Address as betore. [our obedient servant, Jxo. T. D;n'- ‘\'our obedient servant, Jxo. T. Dayâ€" A large consignment of the Montreal Tea Company‘s pure teas have been reccived by the unsersizgned. â€" There is no paint, dye, or black lead used inthese teas to make them todk well. Boxes, 12 lbs. and upwards. Nee adrertisement for list of prices Fare Fasuroxs x Maaxtuiss aspo Micurs®er. â€"Garland, Mutchmor & Co. are now sbewing the latest styles in mantles, mantle cloths, boan«ts, hat«, flowers, feathers, shapes, oruaâ€" ments, &°., in great varietr, at moderate prices. For fine bog oak brooches and car rings in sets, see Young & Radford‘s new lot,just reâ€" ceived, and selling at the very low price of onâ€" Iy 90 cts. per ast. > â€"Remember the great sale of a portion of a wholesale bankrupt stock of dâ€"y goeds at Garâ€" land, Motchmor & Co‘s. For past;culars see advertisâ€"meat in another column. Try Gardner‘s Cough Remsdy. See adverâ€" tisement. & 887.6m men wear beards * Bocause they are a groat teotion to the throat and lungs, and add n.orz their personal appearanse. Why should we use " Bryan‘s Puilmonis Wafers** Because when usod for coughs, colds, tickling in the th‘:yu. .ho.m; Te Semigreny Cld ce o ib e ige 00 ness, &o., they act like a charm. Ministors and lawpors use them, Yhyoiciuu recommend them, and singors and public speakers say they aroe the vrery best modicine in exisience for the cure of such somplaints. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25 eents per bor. The subscriber will open an EVE NXI \G SCHVOL in ths Albertâ€"st. School Room, Wellingâ€" ton Ward, on MONDAY EVENING nex:, 9th of NOVÂ¥EMBER, is which will be taught, any or ail of the branches required in a thorough English education. Also, the French, the Latin, and the Ormaen languages. Terms made kno#n on apâ€" plication at the School Room. MON3. H. BERTHESLOT, ef the Ottawa Gramâ€" mar School, is now prepared to gire private lesâ€" sons in the Prench languago. Terms moderate. . ._ N. Bâ€"Will also give lessons in the Latin, Greck or English languages if required. Orders may be le.t at Mersrs. Durie & Son‘s respectfally inform the public that they will open a branch of their Â¥ Ahoir classes will begin on the 15th OCTOBER. For particuiars and terss apply to the LADY SUPERIORESS, 863f â€" Corner of O‘Connoraad Mariaâ€"sts. . Tlll Mr. GUSTAYE SMITH, (Organist of the Cathe . draly a Graduate of the Imperi«l Conservaiory of Paris. Lessoos on Piano w 1 Singing. Rideauâ€" street, corner of K ingstrew < Ottawa, June 23, 18â€"8. 115y of Pizno, Voice and Harmony. Also, Mrs. Clark, Teacher of Dl"i‘lg and Painting. Music Rsoms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"street, corner of S1 wterâ€"streoet, Coutre Town. Irdors may be lett at his residence o7 at Orme & Rag‘s Muasic Stor~. 452 M Two Qcasroxs E.asu v Axawszep.â€"W by should wick and Nova Seotia, overy Tus«day. The firstâ€"class Iron Side Wheo! Steamship «EITY OF QUEBEC, WILL LEAYE ST. ANDREW‘3 WHARF, qurB®C, o TUESDAY, THK 3@> uP NOVEMBEK, At four o‘clock, p.m., _, Por Piston, Nova Seotia, u;&in‘ ut Father Point, Waspe, Perce, Chatham, eweastle, Miramich: and Shediac. Returniog will leave Pictou on Tuesday, |0th Norember, at 5 o‘clock, p.m. â€" ‘The steamers connect at Shediac with E. & \. A. R. R. to St. John, N.B., and steamer for Prince Edward Island, and at Picton with N. $. Railway to Halifax. * Through tickets to St. John, N, B.,$16; Halifaz, Nora Scotia, $17.50 ; Eastport, $17.50 ; Portland, $19.50 and Boston $20 5vu. Return Tickets by steamers at reduced rates, For freight or passage apply to # W. MOORE, Manager, Quebes. CoxgarEcarION bE Notze Daxes, CHAS. E. BRUSI, Agent, Ottawa, Oct. 30, 1868. Ottawa, Oct. 30, 1868. â€"Firs or six gentiomen bsarders can get reoms, with or withodt board, in the vieinig of Sandy Hill, within ten minutes ':? o& the L u:rlil-ont Baildings, by applying at the Office of this r. Ouaw':, Ooub’o’:' 10, 1 868. i/ > fl{:†D}:t-;o;v-’.ivith or withent board, o« the corâ€" ner of Metcalfe and Slater sts., by applying to Town. Apply at the Tiuzss Office. Ottaws, Uctobar 27 1868. Ottews, October 16, 1868. UA R D.=â€"Two ar three com{ort ably furnisheq B ROOM®, Wfl_'fl PUARP; To Ll‘{ in Centre _ Notice is hereby given that the coâ€"partnership heretofore eristing between the undersigned as Chair and Bedstesd manufacturers, has this day been dissolred by mutual consent. All ciaims agninst said partnership will be settled by Moessre. QOLLVER & XNNABLIK and all asccounts due to a; firm are to be paid to the said Oliver & Annaâ€" ble. WM. HOLGATB, JOHN OLLVER, WM. ANNABLE. With reference to the abore, the business will be continued and carried on as usual by the unâ€" dersigned. ' OLLIVER & ANNABLE. Ottawa, Octeber 30, 1868 Educational Establiskment i1 Oltawa. __ Application will be made at the next Session of the Legislatare of Ontario for an act to insorpeâ€" rste the CALEDONIA PEAT MANUFACTURâ€" ING & BMELTING COMPANT, with powers to construct a Canal or Railway from some point in the Towaship of Caledonia to the navigable waters of the Ottawa or South Nation: Rirers, and to anâ€" thorize the Municipality of Caledonia to grant to be said Company so much of the road allowances between the first and fifh concessions as may be required for the manulacture of Peat fael. 883tf W.C. CLARK, Professor of Masic and ‘Feacher Roysi Mail Line between Quebec, New Brunsâ€" YÂ¥ENXING SCHOOL, TLITIO®. ADIES* SCHOOL, USICAL ACADEXY. OARD.â€"Five or sir gentloemen boarders can 3. JOHNSTON BRO W N, on the promises October 28. a~ > e »B 8332 OA RD. ANOâ€"«FORTE TULTION. oTICE. oTICE. E QUEBEC AND GULF PORTS sTEAMsSHIP COMPANY. 186 3. SISTER 8 Ednucationat. FROM MONTREAL, C. U. TVCKER, Principal of the Albertâ€"st. Schuol. NICBOLASâ€"ST., OTTAW A OP _ Joseru Moox®Yy, Russcll House Block 1868. 8T3H 130â€"8 The subscribers yhno recerved instructioni T. JAMES CLAXTON & CO., to sell at the Nos. 286 and 233 3l. Paulâ€"st., Montreal, â€" On Wednesday, the 11th Novel and two following Cays, the extensive formerly belonging to the Estate of DESMARâ€" TEAU, JODOILIN & CQ., forming & complete asâ€" sortmont of goods requirod in the, wholesale itrade. BAl KET3, FLANNELS, WINCEYS, C PRINTS, &6., &0., from their own stock. In addition to the above, a quantity of l!LAN. now in bond, and partly belonging to Ba Estates, the contents of _ , 225 PACKAGES WOOLLEN, 8 forming a voery general assortment suited Consignments of Tweeds, HEtofes, Bl Flanneols, Yarns and Hosiery. , inss 45 Packiges Assorted Linen Parties desirous of purchasing Goods w this an excellent opportunity, as tho. sa amount to over $:50,000, and the whole to without any reserve. * Catalogues will be ready four days prev the Sale. f : p~Terms liberal. S Sale each day at TBN o‘clock. :« f The subscriber has been favored with ipstruc â€" tioos trom MR4. ROSS to sell at her residerice, apâ€" posite the Public Scuare, Central Town, below the Russel! House, | oN #®EDNESDAY, 4ts NOVEMBER, 1868, All of her Hoasehold Effects, consisting of as folâ€" lows: Haircloth sofa, 6 haireloth chairs, spring seats; arin rocker to match, card table, fapey taâ€" ble, 2 black walnut whatnots, 1 velvet carpet, a tern bnbiideiduaed ; AND PERZMPTORY, SALE OF | C f ( HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS pattern, 1 hearth rug to match. Dining Roomâ€" black walnut sideboard, estemsion dining table, 6 dining chairs, black walout bookcase, lnrp mirâ€" ror, Englishâ€"plate, eightâ€"day clock, rockingâ€"chair, sota and carpet, all w. ol. Rittingâ€"rdomâ€"Makhogâ€" any cheffonier, mahogany table, mahogaily hairâ€" cloth rockingâ€"chair, 6 black walnut cane chairs, a morrocco covered couch witk springs, 2 black walâ€" nut fancy tables, and aliâ€"wool carpet. Breakfastâ€" roomâ€"OUblong extension dining table, throd leaves, black walnut side table with two dnvoui 9 cane seated chairs, and carpet. Hellâ€"Hatâ€"stapd, hall table and ball chairs in black walnut, ht'u stove with patent drum and air pipe, hall lamp (nd hall oil cloth. , Stair carpet and rods. The coutents of 10 bedâ€"rooms, containing iron bedsteads, !uhogo- py, black walout, acd stcinâ€"d wood, rpting and hair mattresses, enclused and open washstands, dressing tables, bureaus, dressing glasses, bedâ€" room chairs in cane seat, black walnut cane rockâ€" er to match, stoneâ€"china bedâ€"r00om ntielothu- press, and allâ€"wool carpet. . Kltchonâ€"-ibnpcrior cooking stove, complete, either for wood or coal, 2 kitchen tables, a patent mangle, rofrigo;.:or, one patent ironâ€"stands, preserving kettles, copper; pails, water barrels, warhing tubs, p*rvopipu, gallowsâ€"pipes ; also a quantity of stunedelf, tes. trays, &o. ‘ 1 f Terms of Saleâ€"Cash in bankable mQJ. Fale to take place at haltâ€"past Té&X, A. M. ° Cataleguos can be had previcas to &1-;19. A. ROW Ottawa, October 37, 1868 The Store tormerly oscuprted by W. D. WoOuD No. 38, sh RIDEAU ST&REET, has been rented by the Subscribers, and opened with a qntire new GROCERI®S, U NRESERV ED S AL t CELERBRATED § s C HIE D A M _ SC H NAP P S, recomnended by the 'i'udi?nl faculty in cases of DYSPBPSIA, GRAVEL, GOUI, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, &e } &e BUY YOUR TEA AND COFFEE. Our Teas and Coffees, af:or severe tosts, have been pronounced by eom:oinom:l to e of su perior quality, and free from those poisonous substrnces so often used by the trade. Hundreds of packages have been forwarded all over the Dominion and never on any oc¢asion has any packiage been reâ€" turned. ‘They are pronounced :o <f the finest quality, and 20 per cent cheaper than the usual rates. In addition to the quality af%d cheapness, quality, ;'u,u.' In addition to the quality a%d cheapness, each customer is turnishe l with eatties, bozes and tin hermetic catties, which have been chosen so as to preserve the strength and flavour.! For the acâ€" commodation of farmers and privaté families, we have arranged to sell our Teas and Coffees in 5 and 10 ib packages and upwards, thus affording every person a chance to taste our articles. Parâ€" ties forming a club can order 4 five ¢r 2ten pound bores, when the carriage will be paid to the nearâ€" ost Steamboat or Railway Station. {|Any order not fivin' satisfaction, can be returned &t our expense. n sending orders, to save charges, it would be better to enclose the money, or the gmount can be collected by Expre:s or Steamboat Agont All orders sent us by post wili receive ‘prompt altenâ€" * BLACK TEA. Common Congou, Streng Tesa......... Fine Fiavoured New season de...... Excellent Full Flavoured _ do...... Sound OOIODG.......csceeccseeersessee80+++ Rich FIAYOUr@d, @O ......ccsssscereees+ Vory Fine, 4O @0 ......cuusssescses+s+ i A o o o ooo VOTJ BOOG..,.. .. s sc ces en es evnnen en e ns inenen By Benning & Rarsalou, Montreal IXTENSIVE â€" f Fime O . .ccccscccccesserectaccrescrsectthncires Fine O ..cccccecerrrrcterrersersredencenst Buperfine and Very Choice.................. Twankay, COMMONM ......0es sssssscecafeceess MOOL csserrss FIEUTe:~: s excececri CeyON..+«..+ces ~ wooaDd (ttaws, October 12, 146? . NKRUPTSTOCK of DRY GO RAJ" S« Label on the Bottile. A. 0, AUDY &£C00., Ottaws, October 7, 1868, | 8# CcoTroNx‘ axD LIxEXN Goops, EKW #TORE. 0O FARMERS & OTHERS. OLF E*$ WHQLESALE STOCK, Auction Sales. seee ces eanns na n e00 68 n n 0 n n en N Aa DA â€"G 0 0 Ds By Catalogue. J AS. BUCIIA.\'!*N, Sussex and Wellingtonâ€" sts. CGrocerites. By A. Rowe. LIQUORS, LIXBWISE, Mind where y ou BENNING & BARSA GREEXN 1EA. OPF aA ALS®, the 11th Nove: AND COFFEE, $0.22, |0 27, 0 29, 0 33 . 0 20, 10 25, 0 29, 0 32 0 18,|0 22, 0 26, 0 20 AND m'agwuw. ) cLQ3SITERK. ) H d, rpl_"ing and ‘ a 'l‘:hl’lndl, ‘lu‘u, bedâ€" nut oim rock â€" m nd clothesâ€" honâ€"Superior wood ;r coal, 2 frigeraior, one n]ni.. eanner > l Au ....$0 45 @ 50 .... 0 55 @ 60 .... 0 75 @ 80 .... 0 40 @ 45 .... 0 535 @ 60 «... 0 T5 @ 80 ..... 0 50 @ 60 ..... 0 65 @ 10 ... 0 15 @ 80 nkrupé to the 0 35 @ 40 0 55 @ 60 0 50 @ 60 0 15 0 85 1 00 @ 00 ODS from store, aber, nkets, ou. ONs LK, : OTrTAWA TIM+S.â€" NOVEMBER 2. !- CASEJAPANESE K. SILKS, equal in apâ€" pearance to richest Broâ€" cade, will be sold t $1,25 per yard, or Dress of 10 yards tor $12.50. MAGEE & RUSSELL‘S, GRDS DE SUEZ and REPP SILKS, in all the newest colours, suiâ€" table for stroct and evenâ€" ing wear. l;LACK& CcoLon« ED SILK VELVE IsS tor Miltinery: and Trimâ€" ming purposes, BLACK VYELYVET» EEN3 for Mantles and Costumes, at various prices,. French Satins in ull colours. LA'I‘ll:lT NOV EL TILES in Lace Goods, Dress Trimminge _ and Fancy Goods of every kit d. woar. l CASEJAPANENE S1LKS, equal in apâ€" pearance to richest Broâ€" cade, will be sold _ at $1.25 per y.r‘l, or Dress of 10 yards tor $12.50. GROI DE â€"sSUEZ and Ropp Silks, in all the newest colours suitaâ€" ble for street and evening MAGEE & RUSSELL‘S, BLACK & COLOR« ed Silk Veilvets for Millizery and Trimming ';LACK VYELYVET» KEXNS for Mantles and Costumes, at various prices. French S tins in all colours. Dress Trimmings and FancyGoods of every kind. LA‘I'ES'I‘ NOV EL= TIES in Lace Goods, l UASEJAPANESE SILK3, equal in apâ€" pearance to richest Broâ€" cade, will be sold at $1.25 per yard or Dreas of 10 yards for $12.50. MAGEE & RUSSELL‘S. GBO' DE SUEZ and ReppSilks, in all he newest colours suitable for street and evening wear. > BLACK & COLOR+» ed Silk Velv.ts for Millinery and Trimming BI,ACK VELVET»â€" EENS for Mantles and Costumes at various prices. French Satins in all colours. Dress: ‘Trimmings _ and Fancy Goods of every kind. LATEST NOVEL= TIES in Lace Goods, 1 CASE JAPANESE SILKS, equal in apâ€" perrance to richest Broâ€" cade, will be sold at $1.25 per yard or Dreas of Magee and Russell‘s. 10 yards for $12.50, Glt()fl DE SUEZ and Repp Silks, in all the newest colours suitable for strect and _ evening wear, COLUURED a ND BLACK SILK Velâ€" vets for Millinery and Trimming perposes. Ottawa, Oct. 13, 1868. BLACK YKLVET»â€" EENS for Mantles and Costume®, at various prices. French Satins in all colours. Dress â€" Trimmings _ and Fancy Goods of every kind. : = LA'I‘F-S'I‘ NOV EL= TIES in Lace Goods, Ottawa, Oct. 13, 1868. Ottawa, Oct. 13, 1868. Ottawa, Oct. 13, 1868. LATE AlLNRIVALS LATYTE i LATE ARRIV ALS LATE ARRIV ALS ARRIV ALS AT AT AT l CasE RLICH L YONS,Bik. Gisoie and Gros Grain Silks: includlni 30 pieces of Bonnett & Cie‘s colebra â€" ted Gros Grains. & MAGEE & RUSSULL R 1C H L Y ONS, Col‘d Plain Glacie Silks, and choice colours in EpittalGiold‘s Moire Antiques. B L a CK _A ND coLoUKRED Asâ€" T LCA N 8, Imitation Seal and other Fancy Cloakings. l CASE. BLACK SILK MAN TLE VELVETS. 1 casE nIch LYONS, Blk. Glace and Gros Grain Silks, including 30 picces of Bonnett & Cie‘s colebraâ€" ted Gros Grains. R 1CIL L Y O N 8, Col‘d Plain Glacie Silks, and choice colours in Spittalfield‘s (Moire MAGEE & RUSSELL. AT Actiqnes. B L A CK _A ND Coloured Astricans, Imitation Seal aad other Fancy Cloakings. and Gros Grain Silks, including 30 pieces of Bounnett & Cie‘s celebraâ€" tei Gros Grains. MAGEE & RUSSELL 1 cask n jJChH LYONS, Bik. Glacg CCA A.ls Mheain Rille‘ R 1rcn L Y o Ns, Col‘d Plain Glacie tâ€"ilks, and choice colours in Spittalfield‘s Moire Antiques. i; LA CK _ A ND Coloured Artricans, Imitation Seal and other Fancy Cloakings. 1 casE RICH 1LYOXS, Blk. (lace and Gros Grain Silks, including 30 piecos of Bonnett & Cie‘s celebraâ€" ted Gros Grains. RlCII 1. Y o N 8, & Col‘d Plain Giacie Silks, and choice. colours in Spittalfield‘s Moire Antiques, i MAGEE & RUSSELL, COLOURED AND Black Astracans, Imitation Seal and other Fancy Cloakings. CASE BL A C K Silk Mantle Velvets. CcasE£ BL ACK Silk Mantle Velyvets CasE BLACK Silk Mantle Velvets. Ofer for sale an extensive importation of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising Readyâ€"made Clothing, Canadian Tweeds, Etoffes, SBatinetts ; AlQo a large stock of Blankets, Flannels, Kerseys, Gray Cottons, Prints, Wincey«, Plaids, &0., &¢.; of England Tweeds, Doeskins, &o., wholesale and retail, which will be made up to order on the shortest notice in the latest styles of fashion and ai pricoi that , is ; Broadcloths, Beavers, Witneys, Pe‘ershams, Devons, &¢. ; Bodford Cords, Silk Mixtures,;, West pB"A general assortment of Dry Goods, theâ€" largest :tosk ever offered for sale in this city. ) 8$1.25 ";&"~#3.00 Particular attention given to the Tailoring De partroent, which is urder the supervision of a firstâ€" class cutter, ; Beg to inform their frieqds and the public that they have QPENED OUT the COMPLETION OF THELR IMPAORTATIONS FOR THIS SEASON, bought direct from the manufacturers, and which they are SELLING at a 4 "I &D r #s 5 A. DJFF. Ottawa, October 27, 1868. , EMALL ADVANCE ON COST! EVERY NOVELTY or tus SEASON \J‘\' FRENCH MERLINO3, SERGES, ard LUsSâ€" TREs3. CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE, Wi‘l be found in cach of the following depart ments, vizg. : ' Petershams t l\w EED®, : W est of England, Scotch Canadian, &¢. I T. & W. HUNTON would sall particular attenâ€" tion to their CARPET & HOUSEFURNISIIING l pEPARTMENTS, â€" As (tl;o largest in the Province,) comprising AXMINSTER, s VYELVET, * â€"â€" BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, + IMPERIAL, § KIDDERMINS LER, DUTCH, _ MANILLA, , _ MEMP and FRLT, DRUGGETTING, cocoa MATTING, | HEAxTH RUGS, _ _ | DOOUR MATsS. | CURTAIN MATERIALS, )p IN BROCATELLE, DAMASKS, REPPS, MAI'I'L!I, in CLOTH, VBLYVETEEN. SEALSKIN, LAMBSKIN, and JASPER CLOTHS, &c,, &0 gu.xs-muk and Colored in great variety, K FOULARKO S1LKS, plain and fancy. JAPANESE SILKS, a full assortment. and Underclothing. POPLIS»;.-Hflsfl. FRENCH and NORâ€" *A ICH, all colors. FRENCH AND BRITISH MARKETS, TOWNSHIP OF CLARENCE, P. 0; INSQLY ENT . tss The creditors of the Insolvent are notified that he has made an assignment of his estate and effects under the above Act to me, the undersigned Assignee, and they are roquired to furnish me, within two months from this date,with their claims, spocifying tue security they hold, if any, and the value of it; and if none, stating the fact; the whole attested under oath, with the vouchers in sapport of such claims. LOTHING, O‘ME ARA & C U0., Montreal, Octuber 28, 1838. RICBONS, a full assor:ment. _ __ HOSIERY . GLOV ES TRIMMINGWS. + HABERDASHERY. GENTS‘ sHIXTS, TIE3, CoOLLARS, FRONTS, HA W LS, EW IMPORTATIONS. ROAD CLOTHS®, THOS. & W. HUNTON, LANKETS, LANZEBL®, KIRTS and SKIRTING in all the latest 'â€"dui‘m. Nesn s . VERCOATINGS, 3 In Pilots, Bsavers, Witreys, Meltons, oTTOoNs, NSOLVENT ACT OFâ€"1864. OESKIN®, ELVETS and VELVATEEN3, . 19 all colors. RESS GOODS in et ANCY GOODSe«« FERMIN NAUBERT, TRADER, TAILORING DEPARTMENT FRINGES, CORNICES, GIMPS, &c. CTS., $1 and $1.295......UXDERSHIRTS, RPETSâ€"â€" CT3., 81 and 81.35 FEADYâ€"MADB AXD TO ORDER. DEFY COMPETITION. ESTABLISHED IN 1844, Dry Goods. 47 & 49 Sparkseâ€"st. INX_THE MATTER OFf in Broche and Woul. White and Colored. FROM THE Grey, endless variety. White, Colored and Fangy. Black and Colored. OoF THC GREY ETO}®HE PANTs, GOO0D PEA JACKETsS, Biack and Colored. T. SAUVAGERAU, Official Assignee, No. 19, St. Sacramentâ€"st. W hite and Printed. COMPLETE SUiTS®, .........OYBRCOATS, is»»........DRAW ERS O‘MEARA & CO. GocD VÂ¥Esfs, HICK & COMPY.‘S BLANKETS. MONTREAL BANKRUPT STOCK. Don‘t buy before you look at our Three hundred pairs of the best BiLANKETS ever brought to Ottawa, for $4.50, sold in the largest houses in Montreal for $6.50. CANADIAN FANCY sHIRTING FLANNEL CaANTON FLANNEL ONLY 744. PA Hurry up and secure the bargains before they are all gone. sns Alltemember the White Flag, No. 33, Rideauâ€"st. > T. RaJuTTE haviag removed to more commodious premises, takes pleagure in announmcing to h s numerous ousâ€" tcmers and tie public fomnlly that he has now a large and well selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DPRY GOODS, consisting of uhich; being manufactured on the premises, we can recommend, and sell cheaper than any shop in this sity, ‘ TUE TAJLORING . DEPARTMXENT. This department is under the saperintendence ot a wellâ€"known firstâ€"class cutter ana workman. All orders punctually attended to,. _ â€" _ _ .. _â€" Flante!s e e i t e i 7 ) a PA \yon‘t forget the ‘place, No. 34, Sparkeâ€"st. ttore lately occupied b{ (@. Fetherston & Co., next door to Magee & Russell‘s old store. â€" _ B8 v T. RAJOTTE. C. & L. respectfully invits the public to exâ€" amine their +t ck, prices and qualities, 4 No. 14, Riokacâ€"st. & THE BLANKETS! VILVI'I'!- N UST RECEKIVED vELVE'l'llll- 1 “LA.K'“. Prints Tweeds &e. &o, W e have also on hand a large assortment of READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, 300 PALRS WHITE BLANK 6TS,.,..... 280 PAIRS _ WHITE «_ BLANKBTS, ......at 400 _PAIRS WHLTE BLANKETS, ...... at. ‘ Dry® Goods. EMOVAL W inceys LACK SILKS3, I'nw CTTONS AND LINEN®, CUNXNINXGHAA & LIXDS8SAY. Canadian Shirting anmdl Flanne‘. LOTHS. EW kl8BONS, FLOWERS, LACBS AND FBEATHERS, e CUNNINGHAM & LINDSsaY. EW MATERLIALS FUuR DRESSE3, CUNXNINGHAM & LIND8SAY. EW AMILLINERY, CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY. KW MANTLES AXD JACKETS, CUNNINGIAM & LINDSA . Ew HOsIERY, ©UMXNINGHAM & LINDSAY. «WEEKDS. 11A W LS. ILK 8. N 0 Ew BLANKETS, CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY. KW FLANNELS, CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY. KIRTINXG®S. Twenty pieces more of those heary CARFS. E wW. DRESS & MANTLE TRIMMILN«GS, ~___CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY. LANNKLS. EW FALL & WINXTER GOODs®. LOUD#®. RANT & HENXDERSON, RKSS GOODS§. ILLLINER Y â€" ACES, IN GRKAT VaRIETY. ANTLES. EKINOS. OosIERY. RAAT & HKENADENRSON, 44â€"6m Sure Preventive against Cold ! INCEYS. $1.50 ~BLANKETS. CUNNINGBAM & LINDSAY THE BALANCK OF ""c...01.40 For 2s. s ... I. B0 No. 20, Rideauâ€"street, Ottaws, Ostober 18, No. 20, Rideauâ€"streot. Black Cloths Beaver Cloths «.....81.30 H. HICK & CO. Garland, Mutchmor & Co #19,978.60 W ORTI OF GOO0 8 80L L! LECKE, CHAMBERS «& FRENCIHL M sRI 1083 in all the leading _ « EKMPRESS CLO THS in all the leading colors. WOOL REPs in all the leadiog colors. BLANKETS in immense variety «t less than cost of imapufacture. W INCIES in great variety, from 4}d to 4s _ per FLANNELS, Carperimnos & Houss Furxis«1scs, in great variety ; choice new gnods at low prices Brussel«, Floâ€"r Oilelcths, CIH FANCY â€"DRESS GOODS, Window Cornices Window Holland BLACK & BROWN VELYETEENS BLACK ASTRACAN CLOTHs BLACK & BROWX SEALSKINX CLOTUS FANCY MANTLE CLOTH3 WATERPROOF CLOAKING3. GREATSUCCESS OF THE SALE. BLACK SILK â€"MAXNTILE PORTION OF THE WHOLESALE STOCK MILLINERY ANi MANTLES, FLOWER*, FRACUERS & _l').‘Nl'l' OR NAMENT®, purchased under cvery possible advaviage, and now offered very far below ueual prices. P itE A IK F REAT BANXNKRUPT SALE Plaim Surtain Reps yard, in all shades. IANADIAN MANUFACTURRES Lanvncashire, Silk Striped Curtain Reps Plain and Fancy Dama«eks Lace Curtains Piano and Table Covers Sortag«, Crossorer Jackets, Clouds, Cape, in all the nrew nraterials and solors. BarINsPECTION INVITED.*®@a Wholo«ale and Retail, Canadiav TWEEDS Canadian ETOFFES s Canasian BLANKETS, (Grey) Cuanadian BLANKETS, (White) Canadiar: FLANNELS Canadian SHIRTS & DRAWERS Canadian HOSIERY, (all sizes) Auod various colors Canadian BREAKFAST SHAWLS. Tape=try, Coc a Miattings, $39,756.54 YLT TO SKLL Special Sale this week Walsh, Hoods, Ties, ste., in immense Three Piy, Frllinxl, Curtain Trimmings Antirheumatic, T wo Pl], â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"mait @ <Gmmâ€"â€"â€" â€" â€"aung 6 m â€"â€"â€" ABT ib IH A W L#®, Drugget«, Fringes, Cords and Gimps Table Oilcloths variety . C:umb Cloth« and Hem» Carpetings Curtain HWlders Dutch, and French Twilled Table Dama=ks, etc. Stair Linenas, Baxouy, in great variety. Uni. »M, *Btair OQnileloths, VELVETS, Jute, 20 Sparks a. A1â€"451y PLAiIX, 1 M "TUKE O1TAWA CITIZEN §% 42 Lonnie‘s Grawmmar; Biward‘s Summary of English Mist »ry ; Carpenter‘s Speliing Bouk ; 3 Miller‘s Table Book ; Kasy Lessons in Geegraphy ; Hodgin‘s Uistory of Canada ; â€" sangeter‘s National Arithimetic do Ele neat iry do _ Pinnock‘s Wistory wf Kagland ; Collier‘s History of British Empire ; Collier‘s English Literature ; Spâ€"Ming Book Superseded ; * _ Exercise Books; â€"~ Herd Line Topy Buoks ; * White Chalk Crayon< {for Biask Board.) N;.B. â€"Auy other school Books or Requisites supâ€" plied on short notice. _A li%eral dissount alâ€" :owed to Teuchers. S K ST AXDSâ€" TEKL PEXSâ€" <+CHOOL Cloth Lined, Cartridge, Ofcini, Lettes and Note Sizes (in great varicy.) > Ledgers, Journals, Dsy bouis, Cath Bo. ks, Indexes, Copying Letter Books (Foolsc p und Pos# A4tw), Invows Books, Pockei Ledgers, Price Books, Blank Roceipt Soukes, dues Bouks, Metallic Memorandums, Bill liead Paper, Account Pape«. Faber‘s, Rowney‘s and other nakere ; Draper Carj enters‘, Ked and Biuc, Assorted colore. ‘*ARCYX CCUUNT BOOKS, &c., KAD PEKCIL®, APEIS, Writing (plain and rulus), Hlstin, , Inaw ing, Colored, Prin‘ing and W ra;yping (all des criptions ) _ Also, Groen Paper for Wincow Carter‘s, Stepiens‘, Toda‘s and Wailden‘s Mauve, KRed and Carmine Inks. Quills, Quill Pens, Wire Eyles, Paper Holders Letter Clips, Fen Racks, Paper Weights, haâ€" velope Boxes, Invoice Cases, Dute Buraes, 1w Deliwery Boxes, Letter beales, khrasiag Knive Pape: Kuives, Pucket Knives (Rodger‘s;, Parâ€" aliel Rulers, Round Rulers, Twine Box #, Book Siates, Ivory ‘Tablets, Paper Fasteners, Viled Puper, Blotting Pade, Iink Powde: Muc lage, W ater«, Fealing W ax, Bottle W «x Visiting Cards, Printer‘s Cards, Playing Cerds Pene.l Protectors, i‘njper Folders. Giass, Powter and Pocket _in great barie‘y. ) Hughes‘ and other makers. Blauzy, Poure‘s, Gillott‘s, Mitchell‘s, Barnard‘s pRINXTIXG Perforated Card Board, Fansy Tissue Paper, Bristol Board, Crayon Haper, Drawing Pape:, Tracing Linen, Camel lisir Poencils, Mlac« Ureyous, slik Naste, Pinok Tape, Notariai peuls, Gum Tickets, saâ€"io Paper, Toy Uuior Boxes, ludelivle luk, Indeiible Pensils, In dian Iuk, Iok Erase:s, ludia Rubber, W ax Veostus, Twistea Tapers, Inuia Rubber D inus, Pucket Books, Porte Monnuaies. Made in any style of Ruiing and Biuding. 18CELLANKOUSâ€" O[ every descrivtion. LAiNK BOCKS VOKBLNDLAG The NEW CANADIAN NATIONAL BERIKS of READINXG BOOKS, suthorised by the Council of Pubiis Instruction for Onâ€" tario, ‘Lhe prices are ; YKLOPES®, Of Promissory Notes, Drafs, Deeds#, Mortgages, ke., &c. _ Also, Brieiâ€"Lined Fovisoap and Fisst book, with 41 iliastrations, strong» bound in limp cicth. Five cents. Fizsr Book â€"Part Second, $4 illastrati strongly bound in limp clotu. ‘Fen cents. secornp Book â€"28 â€" illustrations, < strongly bound in cloth boards. Tweuty couts. Tmuo Bookâ€"11illustrations, st.ongly bound in cloth boards. Thirty cen s. > Letter Paper. ‘PIIK OQTTXWA CIMZEX LASK FOUM®S Fooutu â€" Bookâ€"45 illustrations, .strougly bound in cloth boardd. Forty cents, Fiwrin _ Book â€"50 iMlustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards. Fifty cents. ALWAYS ON HAND, RITIMNG I1XKs%â€" Handbills, Posters, Circulars, Cards, Books Pamphiets, &6., #¢, on the short _ notice un the most rea=onable erms, PRIX TIX~G HOU SE PRINTINXG HOUSKE, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, A, Complete Assortment ~»STATIONERY, SALlationery. »TATIOMERY. INXCY â€"§ MISCEL1 ANEOL .oo‘.. ‘(‘o. 21 Kideauâ€"stroct, STATIONERY 11 Rideauâ€"stre AT 4T« #3 &