'll Nov wouldn’t the "gentle ruur"rat, polite “than "eutoFuoia.uoaira -""." 0mm lint vein. aid of the mun-nun“ tumor the leader that thatjottrnnl would. have been tmmenuly gratified bythe deeuio.ot theOntnrio Le gialsture on the motion Concerning 'superior “nation, to which we referral on Swank, ? Ut course he, or blue, would; because it that decision was anything at all, it was precisely in attendance Iiti what the Leader In†hon. eisy, mainly, god consistently advocated. But that decision wun't "nnytlring at "all," except . bit of oontemntible Lun- wmbe unworthy theintelltgence " deliber at.“ usemloly, pretending to In average degree at can-moo tense; and, t..erefu'e the Leader; which in†lien in good rober earnest upon this question, is "ery 'tar fran sin-tied: This seems odd at tirst eight ; but when ore examines the case, it in not so much of a surprise ntter o.' We have given the Leader credit for sincerity in its views, WW In honestly believe it bu, thro‘nRh n pretty lengthy Career, deserved n; it has held to It: conviction on this genetic»: without once melting use or them to excite n party cry, or win n mere political triumph; and the very fact nut "any others, 't'uo, worked‘on the same side with it in general politios, held opposite Opinions upon this one pint, u root positive of the existence of . ‘nmtunl qttedhumt. in each other’s sinceritv. upon thin point to In" anyone room foe doubt In tothe "rity " in motives. Even while Wagon the Malibu-ho in found tem" ditremd from tt upon this queuion, it vagina†continent and out- spoken In (“our of its views; and lately, may bu had . Local Government Md Legislature to endorse its sentiments, " need hardly at, my it has not last anything ot its hm: "'eetion " in old principles. Tam Two-aw Loader has been an came-t, eon-idem and inthsesttinl opponent ot the gran- to denominatiqnd ooliegea. It in: given too may "He-cc: of it. iuMterity very lucid], dedhaed it en en “uninten- “tionel Meg" but there in n net- tam' upon that end! here be nameless which " even said to be “pend with good intention!" end we don't believe tttttt be. cause a blunder was not deliberately planned bonehead, it ought, therefere, to escape a PM"! eoodemttattots, no matter how " unintentionally" it may have been brought that. We hopethnt both the Citizen end the Herald my}: consoled In this brie! "plenum; end if they have anything to u, wont " intenuoul " mieukee, we ehnll be glad to tear it. . _ Ort, emthere, the “that. not on}; under to- k we Bereule,sn ta k _ harm; one u it,, t:YFor Ottawa Karl-cu and ittteresting reading In Foerth M _ . WI "guru learn that the cold has " ttcted Lady Yorsa seriously, but we Me happy to receive the iartelligenee that she is pow lever amiable to lease be: room for a few ' ii+it)it'ihtnilytats American tttvoices-it. S. M. b'.atrttette MDSDAY. DECEMBER 7. -ttitpe' SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'ti.e day Oaicet 36. - Shetl- tii,l,i'ii,'iri,:g, ii, il /iiyc', N we unchanged. Tttrre. is no punt, dye, or black lead main-in these can to make them look wcll, Boxes, " lbs. In Lupwnnu. Sec dunner-Wm for [in of prices. The meeting was all"! to order by the appointmrntol’ the Hon. Blllm Flint, of Bell:- ville," chairman, and Mr. G. W. Wyatt, of 't crook), u Secretary. The cuirman nddreeF ed the meeting on the subject of . memoriat to be painted to the Lieut.-oovernor.in- Council. After 'otrte,uisctusion I memorial was drawn up an! unanlmomly uduptcd to b, iprvsv-mal by "committee to-dny. The main fauna in the “Urea; at: the “me u the one how gamed by the l. gull-tune ot Quebec. A public meeting Inn intended to have been held tt.is mornmg, but uncut! of muse prncnt having to Islam home by cttriy tmin, it was " cioed to hold "ire all-sting Thumb)! night, and an all may: present decided on the memorin', it in not considered urea-try to hue my further aiscussion on the subject. Seven! number- of tbo noun of Assembly were pre- stent.-ololve. _ A meeting of . large number of Crown Land Timber License owners was held at the Queen'a Hotel, Thursday night, to adopt I momorill to the I.ieut.-Governor-in-Conncil, aubmitling tho View: of the meeting in rep pen to the ismc of Timber Licemsee and other matters conceded with this Internet. the following gentlemen were pretrent:-. Hun. Bilia Flint, Bell5ville ; A. GIlmour, 0t- lawa; W. McDonnll irterboro'; R. C. Smith, Fnll’u Milli; D. W. Tdi', (Sage & 00.,) Built: Evert; G. Hilliud, Petortoru'; N. Show, do.; D. B. Chambers, tDodge 1 Co.,) New York; Col. Cluck, do.; ll. W. Wratr, Toronto; W. s. McL‘nnley, Grille; John Cameron, Tomato; G. W. newborn, Hill Point; E. B. Hooper, Neptune; A M. 8mith,Torouto; L. E. Hutch- kisr, Colliaprood; D. C. Thurston, Toronto; J. l'eckman, Collingwood; J. Clegborn. Port Hope; Joint-I Little, London; George: Kemp, Lmlsay; lion. James tikeail, Ottawa; A. H. Campbell, Pctctboro'; It. Walton, (Juana, Int-ennui looting of License Owners. It u now ye, think over 1 year cine: we ingested to tlseOtttario Government, that it was It: duty to devise a new policy before abandoning the all; and We believe sull, if th it is not done, that the people w.il nhjvct in Idle to aligrants in farour ol super“: elucatiod, and say, us Some members of the Legislature said, that those who desire it ought to pay for it themselves. V Tn Canadian News of the 19th alt. my! 2 " Sit Ozone- E. Cami, Bart ' and the Hon. " Mr. McDocmug C.B, Canadian Ministers, " now on an otticiat visit to London, hare been " elected honoury member: of the Reform " Club in London." Tucue of Thomgn Gray rs. Joseph Nelson for fund, will come up in the Toronto police can" again thU morning. " The question now is, how is this 'ead to be accomplished? The rtsponsibility rest: with this Government. Mr. Buksu unend- ment;n¢uo though " is, cost- the retponni- itility of future action upon them. I What they my rhoore to submit to the House, that body is prepared to accori to it a haying and tair couaideration. Wo take it that, lining got rid of the denominational Cullegei, it will not be for the Guarani at to who some atop. to determine whether Upper Canada College, University Culley, and the Toronto University are all the institutions ot this char- acter reqnired by the Province at this time md entitled to support by the State. We regard it, both as a matter of sound policy and necessity, that the work which the House has thus thrown upon the Govunment mould not we ahirhed." _ " The only suety lies in closing it (i. e. the ' door' mint admin grants left wide open by 3113811181 motion) altogether: . That a policy is wanted the Lrax’cr can- Jidly admin, anl it goes the length of throwing the responsibility ol lur- niahinz that policy upon the'Governtntpt'. We tenth more cansulerate, halving hinted that try a cheap mlvenigeinent some country choolmuter might be induced to furnish what Mr. Bull’s motion at: for, in return (on; very nmnll reward. By warttf wry mildly sketching the diitiimlttes ot the future the Leader “ya: ‘ Exactly; There is nut one "line" of the " variety" heretofore open to the “sec- varies','--.---.' has been closed by the’empty propoemon cf the "eminent "eGacery barrister," who 'cumc to the rescue ofthe Government, to save it rum the wrath ct its “own p2litieal friends)“ The matter rests exactly where it did before, ex- cept that the nbeence of "ttelligeataetion on the pate! the Legislature mil furnish an additional ihcentire to freshagiution. That " the on}; dtitereutte between the state of the question now and bebre the famous de- batetook plaec. " Beyond this we mini 5% we do not think the acute has with-d "Hull. The teirolutlon which wu adopted is too va,rptb to accomplish asrthtng beyond thc Empomry relief it atrorthnt the Government from the “tucks of to own political friends. And, singular enough, this relief came from n prominent Jcmtxr of the Opposition. We do not know whether this is. circumstance to be thunkful mr or not. The sectarian upect of the ques- tion got rid of, it would not ttart, hem hints. rt hare had a distinct declaration from the :luuse upon the gvneral th'tlloll ofaid to in.. _titutions enunnil in the wuik_of superior duration, nnd 'sh-ther for this purpose there would be a plurality of vol0es. Thin is I gunman which was not settled by Wednesday night's debate, and we cannot Conceal from much", that, until it is, there will be acct sion given to the a -ctaries to fight their battle mt Upon a' "ricty." " Differing so matczislly is the .mcndmcht and the resolution did from each other, yo, must say ttrat Messrs. (Hallie, Cumberland, Batty. Lauderrnd some omen placed them- e)": in mttteracuriotig position in voting tor the, amendment." ' C Atter teliciuuing iisell in a somewhai .. wefiiy" tisliion on theme! that aid to de.. oni,l mutual ccileges has been mined by the Ltilature the" Leader gar; inn to saw " have been altogether loo ungracituu tut "ltr ttiaa'dy untrteutu coutemporiry. But the depth of its sincerity prevented» " trom "feehrre." come mere " brawlers," who have neither principle nor ,ir.eere feel. Iug on the (mention, have "cepted-th. mottotiof the member tor South Bruce, " a 'atutaciory or, indeed, any settlement at all, ofthe question involved. ' _ Lest our readers may suppose that ire Are misrepresenting our contemporary, we make room, tor a ttw extracts from its article of " Gentleread'e'r," there is bat on. explan- shun: the Leader, we have and, is in earnest; the Legislature. as we said befbte, is mischievously an] "contetupti'uly hum- bugging. It is for this rerun, ind this reason only, that the Leader is not unc'ly pleased. Ot course it does not like to speak out its dugast very plainly. That “mu†have been aito,eether too ungraci-uu tut our Friday, F.rst, as to the iooition of some ;emlcmen who voted for the mutiqn, it says: tsatisfied with sat): a triumphant majority in us favour ? , 1 '. F THE TIHBEB TRA DE. ' --Pue 3 choice selection of New Tummy, Brussclls, Kidderniurter and Imperial 3 ply Carpets, Cocos Matting, Floor Oil Cloths, Hem!) ibtpt, Crumb Cloths and Door Mats; Damnua, hep“, Curtain Trimmings, Luce mid Muslin Cunning gum Mags: & Russell's new Store, next door to Mr. John Leslie’s, Spun-st, _. y _ the service. of Rut-elm walking jewellers in urn-wan, iilegree, plain, fancy nod solid gold work, and having undo large additium to their work shop are now better prepar "t to xxscutc any orders with which they may be entrusted dun heretofore. Hawaii: j"wele, gold and silver medals, had awry kind of cwclleyy repaired. .' WILD (Sunny Bscsssc--Tlse, manor} of Dr. Winn} is cmbtlmed in the hearts of Unuusthdi whom his lluUunt 15/ Wild Cherry has cured of coughs, colds, votitmpptiort, or some otho form of Pulmonary disuse. It is now over forty yum since thu preparation wu [nought before the public, Ind yet the demand for it Is constantly incrcuing. _ -u'T'ire eirxcacy ot Bryan's Pulmonic wafers in curing caught. colds, and all bronchial affections, and cheering the nltlitted, lid pass- ed into n proverb. In the Unite! Stated, when: those marvellous wafers are linown,, they bear down all opposition and eclips , all rivalry ; the demand tor. them has steadily increased for the last twenty years, until now the aales average over one hundred thousand boxes a year. Eminent memberl of the mud- lcal profession without number admit that they know ot no preparation producing such benef1citu results 13 more wafers. When taken in season they effect a permanent cure. Sold by every druggist and most of the res- pvctuble start-s throughout the provinc -, at 25 cents per box. _ l Therasdiourned cue of Paul Layer, charged with the larceny of an, Axe,six spoons from the fire at lire. McComb'e, end n quantity of plank from the corporation, was again brought up, when Miss E. A. McComh was called to identify the epochs, which she stat- ed on oath slr, can“ not do. They had luat some spoons at we fins which had near bran recovered, bu they were eilwr ones. Thoee produced in court were not silver; end the had no knowledge of them.. Al to the - alleged to here been ltolcn from the corporetlon, it wee Ihown that the defendant but need the plank: for the purpose to which 'Afonulne swore the corporation planks Inna npptierd,ftttres yeere ego, whereu‘the corporation had no planks in the place from whence they were alleged to have hem stolen until 3 rear later. Mr. Mangrove for the de- fence, naked for the diecharge of his client on the grounds that the alleged owner of the axe bad dieowncd it, that Miss McComb had not pretended that the epoone had our belonged to her mother, and that the plank could not here been stolen fiom the corpora- tion " Lafontnine had sworn. The prisoner we; therefore dremimd,the Police Magistrate intimating that Lnfontnlne had trumped up . story to gruify his malice. ( Tun LCIATICS ur Jaa,-Ut was expected that the lunatiCs now in our jail would be re- moved to a proper nylum last week, but the papers had not mind on Batmdsy morning. n is very desirable that than poor ore-stuns should be properly treated, with s view to their restcrstion to society; bet in jail, how... erer well disposed the otticers may be, this is impossible; la the first place there are no suitable apartments, neither are there any properly trained keepers', ammuni- ed to the various whims aim fancies of disea'ed minis, and who urt0er,tarrt the best way to humour, inst at of esasperatittg, them, which through ignorance of the proper treatment the kindctt person might sometimes do by an iaopportune word or gesture. There has no doubt been many s case of insanity, which by proper treatment from the first, might have been cured, and valuable members of society restored to the bosoms of their families and to their ac- cnstomed plsces in the world, instead of their lires becoming a blank, and thiir malady» life long source of grief to their families and friends. These considerations should cause the authorities to take‘care that more ample provision should be made: for the properttc- commutation and treatment of the insane, from the moment ot their being pronounced to be such. . . Poucl Cootv.--Ntrict Cosdy was finei S.'. efatt.ror bei_ng drtutlr3utt! tiisortlerlr. Dunn-m " APeBaRAscus.--0ne of our citfatns who hop; 1: poor old horse for odd jobs, such as drawing- wood, water, &c., sent his son with him one day last week on his accustomed balloon of drawing wood or wok-r, we don't know which. In coming home 3 kiad-hetsrted firmer, whose iiae young horses were drawing slood of mutton to msrkct, cautioned the young mun against. putting so heivy a load on A poor, broken- den hast like that, for it wu cruel in the extreme. The sppenrsnce of poor Rozinsntc was certainly such as to warrant the humane interference, for In every part of his body the bones stuck up " though they would come through the skin, and he looked unable to drag on empty cart. The driver laughed in' the face of the horse's friend, had offered to mote a bet in tiwor of old barebones against either of his tine young beam in s trotting moteh,nnd did so with such atrnir of confi- dence, that other . whilothe tkrmer consented to the trini, sad the bet was two dollars and n-half against s carcass of mutton. The trotting commenced, and from the tirst mo. meat the farmer was distanced, and to his astonishment continual so to the cud. Rozinante after this had n dead sluey one: to his load, and tockit home with ohm) stop. A Mm: 'r-ir.--." gentleman who n - sides nv~ur the city having lately tuioi, " u number of his (owls, and thinking it tim: c, look out for the thief laid in ambush one night last week tor that purpose, and had no; been there hing when he luv one ot Li< in IN being dragged through 3 hole in the ti Mr. He hastened inst-ntly to the rescue and thrust in his hand to release the hen when by received a terrible bite on one of his tingerd. At tint he thought it wu I huge mt, but on exam- ining the wound he thought if a mt it mutt to a gigantic one, and forthwith let a trap to catch the unimul, and in n short time he was rewarded by finding in his trap, notu rat, but a mink, which he brought to town and mold for enough money to pay for his lost (owls. ' Sr. (Roma’s Socxrrr's Coscrttr.--'rtaose who intend to patronixc the tyt tlcorge's Such ty's concert to-mot- evening, whether \titit " , iew to I It title tho Society to time liA tally tr the poor at Christmas, or f, r the putpusu l f _ trj ying a very rh, it least ot'nmsic, lUliudillg the, wl.o.’u band of the P. C. 0. Ititr. 'Brigmlr, nod 32-min! of the bat tutttttt'ttr vocal- ist, of the t ity, should take th sir-families with thrm,ondp [made all their {ti-uds’ to do like. win. It would never do dur the society to lose its prestige for goo! convent). Hitherto the concert' of this society have been hitzhl y successful, tad there is good lesson for'hnping it wili be so on this occasion. . f ' Tn: THYMPIIAL Attcmts--.'1'tte triumphal arch-n; crerted in honour. of tlw Gown-nur- tirncrat have been remoredjus'tia lime to disappoint some of our enterprising business men, who were About to utc'ce them as advi r. mung mediums._ tiereral were [impaled to nttix Inga posing to the one on Support? Bridge, and their agents arrival just in time to tint it gono ", and so to such base use: the txiumphal arches did not collie. Hutu. You“ * Enron hula: secured RFSAWn'.-Un litturdayabuut ham a span of horses belonging to Mr. Bourdyhm mu may on Dalhousie-st, and getting as fa: an Bideau-st. they overtook I land valnllr "ttt a sleigh belonging in Mr. lluckcll, a.-a.t:.-rmg the tiour in MI dircctious. A boy mu sitting on the flour at the time, but strange to say was not at all injured. We wvm informed that Mr. b'ourdelon paid for the damage dom, by his bow-s. Luau. -The County Cuurt mid Court of Gunner Sessions will comment, to-mur ow before, Judge Armstrong, who will h b rnt'll cl tr the glow, than being ttrt a ts Pg". criminal case" for trid. F--r ti, (Mu ty I'ourt, hom-vl-r, we byline Hun: is CUhSuL r. ablve hustle“. Sr. ALBA! Scaoon Hors- Ihamxas.-,1bai. ins: will be given this owning by Mr. Laug- ton, Mr. Meredith, Mr. Whiteartd Mr.Cartier.' Music and longs. Comte: at the hoop factory for 40 cents. LO( ‘1XL.N.H\VS. THR. CtYrAM"..A. 1‘IMES.'DEGEMBER '7. Th. ru-in mother locality magma, when .. ucyman family have been quietly raiding '/--ct Jf,t"t,T/e/Y coffee planter, wearied of 'General Fulton and the revolutions which dht of; pro-parity in his own land, La; 0mm. and scaled, in the belief that the coun. try pruscut" a rich tield for enhrprising men, and wcnrity for life and property, while, in point of climuta, Jamaican ll altogether unsur- [amid by my island in the West Indies, nnd perfectly free from"thoao epidemiiihich make such havoc among European and Amuiicznl in other West India Illnnde. The grounds of" Chancery Hull " are being cleared, the homiu is being blushed up, the pieces mem'ou, stock has been turned in upon .,t: gazing land, and the pruning-knife is being applied to the coffee plants, while the wenlth l of n Venezuglnn gentlennn'rewardl the ist-l Away in tit. Thomas, lathe East, on the very soil where a bloody mm wre of the in. habitant: took place in 1865, and where " Paul Bogle " and the bucks of the country, instigated by George William Gordon,acolor- ed man and a designing fanatic, wiahmi to establish I black republic in Jennies after the model of Hayti, there we find anew spirit awakened' a new oterprise! and who are they?' A few Americans from the neighbor- hoor,rot Ncir York. They hare conrertedan chi-sugar eatate-"Ntosi"-into a bamboo factory, converting our forests of bamboo into libro; and felt for the American market. The lan hurl the dwrllingl had been obtained on mort islratftgetrturtttrtnts, and when all the machinery is got together and pnt‘into motion, we undernhnd tbo‘bamboo forest: will be converted into bales Mfibre at the rate oftm tons per day, every ton being worth $20 in. gold at the bhlp'tl ride, and all worked by Anurican rkill._ The factory is, we learn, but the bt'glllulng on more txttll'lvd under- taking and will be Very speedily enlarged, until tttu bamboo can be cuntrert, d into writing papers, printing papers, and packing papers (or consumption in the colony and for ship- mq-nt tithe United States ot America. And all this is made our. ot our '"tttproductr, " pre entsieluing nothing but its abundance, to rmard the energy an ontorprlu of those who come to develop: our [BIOMI'tkL Things are becoming so hopeful that even those who until lately cried mini ruin! ore hegiunin; tounila with delightas the sun of prosperity brgins to beam lorth from behind the clouds of tinnnctal difficulties which had beset the country for a season, and mat a damp and gloomy plnlow over tir. colony. Tue old country, which belore cruhl prove no inducement to English ("American capitalists to come and settle, or to Hunt their money in enterprises which would help in the d tel,. opment of her not resourccu, has suddenly become 3 Sort of mngnetie pole, drawing men and (Ipltdl hom all ports of the world, Eng- lnnd, Ireland, Germnny, Canada, the United States of America, Vent-scum, and Harti. The governuirnti which, when we had a House of Assembly, with n negro franchise, (quid ugtobtrin n shilling by a foreign loan, by the abolition of that Legislature and all hanchik ', and the embodiment of abzolulo power in the government of a telronz-trtitt led Englishman, responsible to the British Gov- ernment alone, can now raise a loan of £34,- 000 " 31 trer cent. iri England to my on all her debentures, which they are now plying six per cent. for in Jamaica. Thrown-up - etetateg Ind come properties, which have for years past been permitted to go into decay mean“ their propnetorr, by that living, false pri le, and on utter absence of either energy or hapcf'ulnen, were unoble to find capital to work them, are now changing hends,,and the new hands and the fresh capital ore doing such wonders that tho "country is begipaine" to prenv-nt quite a different anpect to the observer, and men in Jamaica to reel vury' differently indeed from what they did when they crial “Ruin! ruin! nothing but ruin P , General "Pro-ttr-ar- Capital slowing t-NeTe Bra-elu- ot Indiu- try being 0mm“, a, be. From the N. Y. World', Correspondent. Rummy. Jnmnlcn, November 5. Things are looking much more hopeful for the country than they ever did blre, and than: are unquestionable evidences ofa coming prosperity in Jan-aim which it is impossible to resist. The country he: regained its fidatt- cial position, and as Sir John Peter Grunt has so pointedly remarked in a repent More“ to the, inhabitants ofSt. Mary, who were bemonn-r ing misfortunes which had come upon them by indolencr, " The period of great and grow- ing tiuanciat "rficit4 " stun end, and I think I an se indimtions of an enterprise in ths. Cl unity which um assurames or contideuce which onivincc me that with capital and skill, which is sure to tome, if (ll: colonists will be true to themselvis and the country, Jamaica will ln. one of the. most Important and piospcr- dus islands. in the West India, but this cannot be brought about if the people do not try to help tln ms. ins, nod manifest a gutter spirit of self-reliance than in to be found lamenting their condition and looking to the government for relief." livery Srotclimau can Well understanl the dis,,ru,t with which tho thaws was rem-ind t‘n‘xillg'loln the country that in Ottawa, thc cupnul ot the DJmiuiou, men could be. found ti ' lost to all tsvlf-retspect as actually to put [HIM rs in a " poke," and draw ctt'g to settle a rrcht that the highcstauthorities hue already ‘tlutidul upon. The thing is so ludicrously childish that the whole of-tho otturts.betrers who took part in this three haw made them. selves at once objects of lsughtvr nod cun- tempt. No (me Bcotchrmut.pould war have been a coneatingqtarty to such a prute Ming. 1 do not know who the President Bai- but be " least, was ia “me sort the guardian of his native country’s honour-if it " his trail“! country, which his actions lead me tosdoubt-anu should haw risistid any such proposals by whomsoever brought forward. Not so did the noble hunted Dr. Mathreaon, when an attempt in: maimto cast o slight upon his country in the face of our futuw King. m calmly turned may and declined to allow his country, to bo. Insulted in his per- son. Yet it In done with ndlgnity that won the respect of all, nod the ErinCu of Walea, in honour of the “and the Ilsverend Doctor took, distinguished him with special marks of his royal favour. . _It will be long before the President at the St. Andrew’s Bocietr of Ottawa receives any spa-in! marks of royal favour for his dig. nity and coumgu in upholding the national honour. I . lt had bun thought that the order of pre- 1 cult-me ofthe National rocietlee " all otiiciul "ieptiotttt, sun, had been so well established, l that there could no longer exist any dispute 1 or ditcuision an to the place each should 3 o 1upy on no.1: an occasion as the rcwptiou 5 of tir" Liov. tuwr.tletwtttl. This tirsi place ( lvhmgi to England, n-prcsentci ly tho tit. 1 lit-015x33 Society :the shroud to Scotland, rr.. i. preseutcd by the tit Andrews tio: icky ; the third i to Inland, “‘th 3 Intel by the St. Patrick's So- ( 1iety,and the fourth to the tit. JctusBaptute Sm-irty representing Lower Canada, or what is now the Provincu of Quebec. The reason is Very obvious, and implies no inf, rlority on tho part of, those who come hot. England at the time of the union b-tm-on hermnd ticot-. larnd was tho richest and most populous, but ( tue Scotch rerun-d to enter into a union WX-. ‘ I c it on equal terms. the treaty declaring that I the. Kingdom so united should be call, d Gr 'at i lhitaiu-uot i%gland,tuthouglt it is too much i the custom to ignore this and talk of lihgiish ( valuttr, when narrating the exploits of such _ Int-n t14 Sir-Colin Camilla ll and his Highl'inti- [ era; EngLsh genius in the case of Walt; English porchcrance in the cas- of Living- stone; Enrlieh enterprise, rcferring to the Scott): hit-Inns, Burn: and Miami who hare established tho-o magaiticent have of It am. ships betwt en this continent and Greit Britain. The Scotch my, how-hr, satisfied t n taketlse attend rank on the impt-iial qua- tr. rings, \hut that rank t‘u-y lar" always tntiutuiard tht ir tight to claim. The union took plate in 1707’, and it “an in t tiil n--arly a hundru t yachts later-in "rur-1lturltrelattu mu united legislatiycly,‘:ml In lie inland contra thirl in the order " pn-Lulznor. It will be area from this tGt even if (In: St. I ara-Baptiste, Socit-ty represeuteu the Domin- ion-whichitdoeg not, but merrily a fractional . put of it-it could only claim to tank fourth in a British colony, and has no claim who'- ever to. take prece‘lcnte over the other such time as has been maintained by some not very m-ll informei minibus. Manna, 2nd December, 1868 To the [dstur ot “II". TIMES mie,--As it matter of general interest to Feulrhmcn l requnt the )nnertion of the fol- lowing remarks on a lubjcct'which has been prctty freely discussed how. . . g/ttVg or PRECEDENCE. Your ottedtent Servant JAMAICA. TIHSTLE. -fi'ltt, Hanna why the stock of carpota and house {mashing goods at T. t W. lluntou’u is always the Ingest, hint selected, nnd Che-p. at in the Province, In their having peculiar facilities in purcbuing, by their resident agent Selqtin; new designs as they come out, ttnd taking Advanhga of fluctuation, in the home markets. 899y _ " showed" with the aid of a microscope. Dr. Pubic, who bad exonined these Wins care., fully,hlu published in an inkiiigible pam- phlet the result of his iaveritigatioru., It con. tains many particulars relating to the mine, which are of an iuttrsstiug character. Bis assays and the workings orother meteliurgists are noted in ir. Assuming that these repre- sent average eields ofthe ore which would be worked-tlot which is evidently of a poor description would not, of course, be sent to the tnills--tuo result is retnarUble. Dr. Puhie mamas. the Henge yield per ton (of 2,000 iba.) to beabout 830. His workings imaged from 8lt to $8i.' Some of the speci- mens unwed showed a much higher result ; one specimen was so rich that, could s ton of the some kind be procured, it would yield our 51,200. Dr. Torrey, ofthe Anny Otfiee, also usayrd can), specimens with retisfcciory rerults. In an informal report he gives $100 per ton of 2,000 lbs. " the-lowest riitarn iron, lair samples ofthe average or: a electei an ter bid own any rviaion, ' _ Prom the New York World. The veins to wty'ttlt_pubtie attention bu been nttrscted by Dr. Frelight discoveries are situated in Buinebeck Township, Dutch- ess County, New York. The geological for. motion of the district are of the Lower Pelaozoic age. The srgillnceous slates indi- tnfe their similarity with those of the Appal- achinn range. The twins are four in number, running almost tnraliel; they divide the ttlcousrgiuTeoutr)ats in the plane of their cleavage.) One of these veins have been opened, and smut tong of ore hat/e bsen taken out. The quartz of this excavation is stainnd with oxide of iron, the result of the decomposition of iron pyriter. ,Deep in the vein cubical crystals of nttriterous iron py- rites are found. The width of this vein is stated to be fourteen Get ten inches. The dip pt the Vein near its top u iortr-iirer de. grees cut, end curving with the depth, it stterwsrds dips twenty-seven degrees. The veins run north by out 25 degrees. The ore is a f rtnginons quartz carrying free gold. Dr. Poole states tint the gold, as it exists in the gangue, is found in an impslpnbly tine dark-brown powder, without Instant: lustre, similar to the North Cstoiina " coffee ore." Occasionally spnngles are found, and during the visit of sun), of the New York experts to-dar two hornfuls cf pulverizei quartz grad with taken from one of the wins Were washed in a neighboring brook. The spnnglel ttr. Emu-r is likely to .nen some 17,000 or £8,000 this year. The price has risen with the de umnd, Ind intend of being 333. per ton " is now 44tt. It is curious enough to re. and: that in 1833 the exportation of logwood was but 2,300 tons, while this year it amounts to 40,000 tom, and fastic 5,200 tons. THE NEW GOLD FIELD! IN DUTCH- _ I" E98 COUNTY, m Y. The demand for loiuvood has grently in.. cn-nsd -in conssquence of the combined agitstiun in Hun, which has ititerruptevi commerce and driven Vessels on to Jamaivu to load for Europe and America. Hundnds of pun-puns have therefore b "m employed by W. tiimeott Sauurof ttiis city, (late 8outar t ’ ,) in logwood cutting. 1nd we upcculnuon 11tti.ie bung-hf! "Pr exports in no gnu that - Pat this is among the large mug tr planters; pro-purity has bsen even more ramarkable yet; the small coal-c growers have hid ' bet- " picking than tiny hate hm hr yum past, that in, they have picked and cured more, and they have had better prices. This year they have export-31 in c0600.. 78,16rttrrt. Last year, 18C6-67...... ................. ....49,l9$ out. And what is more, notwithstanding these exports, the small . triers in Ma ichesler and other parishes, not mtisiiv d with the prices offered them by exporters, prefer to hold their stocks rather than sell, and enormous Quantities of coffee me yet in the bonds of the“ peopl', in anticipation of 1 rise in the comm mnrkxt. ’ . In Ratat.....,'20,0t0 plans. I la Rua.....18,i't7 phat. The 0111c: of this 2: :5 been so ratisfa:zo.-y to-alas nice proprietors that many pinning attoriyk have had increased capital placed to their crcdit for the workin,' of the chum-s, and in some cases large and pmerful machin- eryhu tr on introJucul, at gnatexpense, on some plantations for the more energetic m-tuufwture of sugar by a new an: improved proces's known " "concretu" There are thousands of ptrsoniin Jamaica now paying their share of taxation, who,und' r prz-vious governinunte, neVer paid a shilling for taxes in their line before. Yea, it . il known that lithe olu"HourAssembly" only rxistel N not it general franchise, “1.11 a happy shite of "atrg " we have at punrent could not lart, brcauss political inceudiurics would have the country in n blag ', dcrcsnt- ing upon the wrongs and oppressions to which the inhabitants erc being subjected by the government, and this would be done by demngogues fer no other object than place, plu.nder and power. These things, however, have all passed away, and undi-r the rule of a strong government, and what some people call is " parental (impatient " the land enjoys peace, contentment, and agricultural prospi ri- ty from Negril point to Moraut Bay. the litigation which tswicked anluna'crupulous buirot" pcttifoggnrg " solicitors mid to fos- " among the people, for tlr, purpose of extorting (cell, has all been put an end to by the rslaulitrtoent of very simple and inex- pensive counts of justice, and the general policy of Sir John J’eter Grant, in judicial 'natters,and as a natural consequence, these lawyers, being out of employment, are chang- ing their professions or quitting the country to prosecute their professional calling in some more remuneratire soil, while the poor mis- guidel people who spend their hard- carturl moury in. Iawrers'ofii20 and going to law with one another, now attend to their little provision grounds, or the work of their employers. This new order ot things has, within the past year, told fsvourably in al. most every department of life throughout the country. It has told. most favoursbly on our sugar 5 plantations, where labour has been willingly siren. Such 3 sugar crop hes not been known in Jamaica since the abolition of slavery. . This year wr have exported, Inst year, 1866:67. In Bugar...35,911 buds. in Sugsr...3l,666 hlris. In Ratat.....,'2iMU0 plans. I la lluzn.....l8,777 phns. Grecian bend at the irkirt factory. 893-2111 Tho Huylicn merchants and mouivd' men who, for thu sake of their wives and families, or tut the better protection ot their property, have left Hay ti Cr a refuge in Jamaica, are not slow in 1.litcvrering tho hopeful prosprctu of this country at this timo, or in 'nuuit‘ning a drain to ,ettle; tin-y are tluurfore inv. sting on all ti has in land, in hum-w, “RIF, um] roar-we propcrtiutr. ull this u indicative of tue mmi tum: fon icners arc inunitcstiug in Jarntsica "or., and in the recusitf and stability of its gun-mun nt as a crown colony ; that bs.- uicira this, we have imitations of a dicidoii Ixnprovttncnt among the people tin-ms-Jvcs, 'u1improvertreut n it only in th ir willingness to meet all the reqnin-m nts of the govern- ment and the paymmt of heavy tin-s for the rciguacitttion of m, (ountry, but iu thiir Soda! condition. Six groves ofcocoanut trot-s are being turnud tp tsccount,and men are beginning to hum from txperienct, that sugar, rum, coffee ant ginger are not the only ingredient: ofgamaioa wealth. The Southern planter from Louisiana is busy in the cultivation of tobacco on tbs lands about Bt/view-i-ated than who are good judges of this product say with astonishmn-nt, most rctuarkab'e to obw-rvc, that in lutf and tti authod (tuning, the [imam tobacco is not superior; a:rordmg the most convincing tustim- ny, that in tho hand“ ofmen skilled in the cultivation and outing of tobacco, the roii or Jamaica w.“ b, as productive and u remu- neratiw as that of own Havana or.Cieafuegoi. - Hero, on "Curdiff'r Estate," is another thrown-up Inga: puntuioui which hi: " yum done nothing for anybody but “squat. tn." A new road up to it indicates some frcrlt blood here-some enterprise: worth itt- quiling about. Who has come here? Mess". Fauntleroy & Co , of Landon, a mthy tirm, who hare sent out one of their juniors, to erect a large plan of nuv:hiuers, to convert cocon- imt huska into a tibm in: upitolstercrr and carpet tttakt rs, extract oils from the cucuauul, the cicoon, and the mummy: Uee--gtitts and fibres tor the London mitrkut. dusuious laborer, and the cul'tjnlluu'of his property and: employment for' as many in its vicinity â€are disposed to work fora fair day's pat. _, A. --, -_-e_ For tine bog oak ' broochéa tad ear rings in aio, no Young & BadfordU new lot, just re- ceived,and selling " the very low price ofon- ly 90 cu. per set. T Try Gardner’s Baking Poitier. Bee adver.. sealant; 88 7.6m Hoop skirts at the factory for 25 cents. CARPITH no Hons: Fcsoasnwsciv.-.iurtiet, about to furnish will and . large and choice assortment of carpeting' and house furnish- idgn, theap/ st Gut-11m), Hutchmor l Co's. Carpets made and am with despuch. Messrs. Young & Buford no the tale .ge‘nm in Ottawa for ttttWaltham watches. .-itetnetuber the great tialeo" portion of I wholesale bankrupt tstock of dry goods a Our. land, Mulchmor & Co’s. For pcticulars are advertisement!!! another column. --The Illinois Central Railway Company, south of Chicago, no building eleven miles of corn cribs, the cnpuity of which will be three milllons of bushels; they urn erecting these cribs to rvéeire corn In puymeut for land: purchused of the company, and the full Chicago_price in paid fur it there. Corn is the great agricultural staple of that country, Ind the “Canadian Pain Destroyer" is thn best reme ly in any country where a disturb-red condition of the stomach, 1iveshmi bowels, in combined with great debilitr, nervous weak- ness and int has melancholy ; its rlfcns are must bor.ficial and wonderful, price 25 ct: per bottle. Sold by Bil dealers. Well, having told thr romantic story, the girl, who shall be nuuelesr, gene the addresi of her lover; I: messenger wee despatched for him, end he cum. He made it clean breast of it, confessing ell. They had both been in- dustiious, wozking herd, etch in their situap tions, with the one obnot in view, nnd that we: 'ttarriage, so soonuthey had accumulated l enough money to procuree bridal (rauueeu, I rent chambers, and set up housekeeping. The _ respective pinnu of the trunnt lovers wete‘ interned by the telegreph of the situation l of affairs, and they telegraphed back. " once, " Marry them end send them home." a One day last Week witnessed the return and [ reconciliation beyond the mountains. j This lasted for some time, and strengthened the chords of cffection, drawing the twain nearer each other, though separated by the misty mounulns and many ,miles at cruel space. At last, in one of those fatal mo- meats of a girl's weakness, she resolved to give up all for lover-home, sud bench, too, if need be-and left the house one evil night when the family were shunt, 11te',f, in her brothrr's Sunday sult,deteruiin d to jom her lover in Richmond. This she did "io;and though he--timid' troy---- " tirat lrighlen- ed st the step his sweetheart had taken, she, be artful stories of her treatment at home/ia- fused into him a manly spirit, sud he--l,ol, bor-resolved; become the protector of ia. nocence, while he buried the secret of h--r sex in his own bosom. He took her to Lis boarding-home, procured for her s room eep- arate and npsrt from his own. It WM sgrced between them that she should preserve her incognito, sod sink her srx and identity in male apparel. Thus, with his usistsnre, In this disguise, she had sought and obtained the positioa of entry-clerk in the est-ibli~h- meat where she VH5 discovered as We lure related. , The daughter in clerkly disguise then tx-. pluiued as best the could betwe- u now, and It mis " the old htory told again. ' She hat loved and seen her love thwarted by parental opp - union, the most relenthu and whaling. Her lover, youthful as the, being a!“ up- posed by his put-ems, left his home soon utter, and came tu Richmond, where he was not lung in obtaining employment. A St'Cl‘ct cur- rrspnndcnce was opened between the 1am, auied by other parties. - Two months or more ego, n mount clerk- ship in the house referred to was Applied for sud filled bye youth s'ppsrently about sixteen yesrs of age. He applied in response to an tuirertisemeat of the tiran...,." Werner], syouth, who‘cnn write a good hand and come well re- commended.†Out of sixty odd applicants our hero (or heroine) took the palmdor the n at. heart, lrgiLility, and regularity of his chiro- gtaphy; was trent for, presented himself, sud 'wattintsulled in the position of entry clerk. dedisplnyed remarkable aptitude for business; was quick 3nd accurate at figures ; ever realty to run on errand or lend n hand at anything that was to be done. la runners, he wu po- lite; blushed when looked " or spoken to; wept when chided by " employers or cuffed by hiirfe1low-c1erU, becnuse of his p nutty cheeks, feminine figure, and general girlish- ness of ttppeatartcc. Time wore on. The busy reason came, and brought with it I gentleman from beyond the Blue Ridge, who had occasional dealings with the house. Dc- suinz to. examine the stock, the entry-clerk was called from his stool and instructed to show the gentleman o'er the floors. Their eyes met-thom of the suange gentiemnn and eatrrclerk-the gentleman 'rtamaterod,"Great God l" and staggered into n sent; the clerk blushed scarlet to his ear-tips then burst into teem. Then come the denouemmt. The gentleman explsined that he recognized in the clerk the lost daughter of n citiz -n of his county; that she ran may in August last, and had since. lreu mourned by her parents and friends us dead, as tin-y could gain no tidings of ltcr when-abouts or fate, though all the cm- sidernble towns ofthe State, including 1tich- mond, had been searched by the father in Fr- son, aided by the police. Love rules we cunp. court, grove, and m m. and sheds its influence, untrammeled as the sunshine, imitating wt!) in; warmth and brightncsn the darkest and most uninvitlng places. From the Richmond Deipnch. Commiusjon housa and the touting-room have little pf romance about them, Ind cause; qu.nlly they are the hut places where the worl,d looks {qr the romantic. But wry rc-. cent developtuests in 8 Richmond establish- metst have Very hautifully illustrated the line of Walter Scon's that Ofstill Innre pressing ippottatree,however, than an acqtraintaaciwithi the regions " [mid to, is an explourioa of the mst‘aud unexamimd tracts on the northwest, far beyond the tributaries of the Upper Indus', or, between Peshrwur Jcitdabai on the south, and the terttrcB of tune and prpu!ation. A: Yarkadd and Kuhgar. The main object is to dvrine the physicnl charnitcr ot the vast rah-vat d plateau called Pattrtr or " Hourâ€! tin- Wuzld," from which the szu and Yarlhu take tiwir rim, and frotu.wtticCtht. lofty chaitss, the Kuclr Luu, th, Himalaya and Mind 10 Knosh radish"; In 1367 Sir I: .dvrick mg d, the cam-min! importance of such knowledge, to be Acquired equally by the Bur. ainn and British Governments; and tr. then saidlhat this great table In!“ or wat'relied oagbt to be constitute-d the neutral ground betwewn the two emriree, an] to be conducted as aubrosct Bone to b, fo:ev.-r interposed between Eastern Turkistan-to.. wards which Psuseia has now advanced-tttui thy northern limits of our Ituiuus Iortiesasious. with a View to taking a hrst stop in this desirable "p!torariort, th ' . him-.11 cf the Glpo- graphical S wicty sent out but spring a prac- tich tuvdlcr, Lirut-nant Hayward, to [nurse tLis rirgion from Peshawar. A VIRGINIA MAIDEN IN BOY’S AI'- TIREc-ALL FOR LOVE. At the but metstirui of the Royal Geograr. phical Society in 'r'l'lllu', Sir Roderick Mur- chison Bait 'the attention of the society hnd l been strongly drum id into tannin Central 1 Asia, and particularly to the "at nylons which bordered the northeastern and north,. western frontiers of British India. Thu win- cipal region in the north-west embraced the country lying between Autism and 8xcchucn, the moat westerly province of China. A warm desire was expressed by a committee of the, British, association, as well as by the Council of the Geographical Soctcty, that the intt-rwn- ing space ofnbont two hundred and fifty miles only should be explored in order to tascertain if there be practicable passes through the high mountains and wild tracts which separated the upper waters of the Yangtre-kiang from the Brahmapntm at its great bend near Sudiya. Although as yet no positive effort has been undo to solve. the important problem, the _ Indian authorities ITO making eitorti t , open I o route of trailic along a more southerly line l between British Burman and the great Chintse l province of Yunnan, mm essutziuily indcpcn- l Uettt of Uhiutro. rul -, anl m Let desirous, of! tsrtablishicg n t mi,- wit t our scttltmmts on the lrtwnddy. EXPLORATIONS OF CENTRAL ASIA. HAVE NOW READY. THE‘YEAI: BOOK FOR 1869. Aha, Me CANADIAN Mum and FRENCH ALMANACS for the New Your; together with "DI0GEWiht"s" and other LCurnut Publications. t Pod 0A0. Btotrk,thsoetnber4,ttm. ma Port trALK 300 EELS. NEW' MESS PORK, NOTICE TO SEPARATE SCHOOL BATI- PAYERSa-‘nu “that.“ it not propu- od to receive at " residence. Church-0L, 80- psruc School Tau for the you 1868. H. in “no nulhoriud to uh SILVER " PAR Iron in who [my promptly baton m of FEBRUARY. I869. on and um which dattrBsttiU Fund: will be ox- acted. Dated 4th December. ISM]. A. DUFF. Ottawa, 0000!»: " 1858. 7 3 crs., 81 and 01.25 ............DRAWBRS Q Puticulsr maxim: given to the tailoring De plrtment, which in “do: the supervision o! . am- clul amt. _ " $2 $4.50............GOOD PE $1.25 BL§§$5?5""'$3.00 Set. genus! ttggortatettt of Dry Goods, the Inger. sum: over one!“ tor “I. Mt an any. 010: for uh In extensive 'importation ot FALL AN!) WINTER GOODS, comprising Bondy-nub Clounng, Canadian Tweeds, Mel, Saigon: ; “no s In". etmtk of Blankets, Funnels, Kerssyi, any Canons, Prints, Whoop, mo, 50.. As.; Broadelottu, Bun", Wimp, Pranks-0, Devon, " ; Buford Cords, Silk alum, We! of Englnqd Tweedl. Dooskim. ta. whohuh 'd retail, which will be undo up to - on the short»! notice in the latest style: of {union had us price: that t:r1TTHE LOWEST CASH PRICESG N. B.--An “tannin snort-uni DRY GOODS “up in stock. Friend: 1nd ncqunimuou no Mainly ro- quested to “and without turtle: notion. Died on the morning cttee 5th December, 1868, June: FizzGibbon. Dre., formerly of the Royal Engineer Department,' awed 79. The fallen! will lone his late residence, lich- tnomh Road, at half-put one o’clock, p.m., on Tuesday nekt, tho 8th instnt. them to Christ’- Caurah, and uur. conic. will proud to tho 00p.- terr. y r The funeral witi (the plus. to-norrow tl day, 8th inning) at tltrot o'clock. Friend- wquuinuncel Ire invited to “and. u bright in: rolor, with light yellow fat, up. proaching the hue of fresh butter. If the beef should be hard Ind firm to the touch, I with flaccit and little fat of a brown and dull icolor, these are sure indications ot inferior quality. Veal should be chosen ot I light molar, with very white and tmttapsrettt fat. Avoid lean valet a reddish tint, and the kid. ney at which is surrounded by red-looking tat. Prime mutton is known by the some Iigns as good beet-vhs., u bright red color, freedom from gristle, end very white and transparent tat. Inferior mutton is of a dull red color, with yellow end opaque fat. A tender chicken is known by the tin of its feet and neck ; n young fowl ins elwevl large teet and knee-joints. T Thege cherutetistica disappear with age. A tough fowl he. ethin an k and to t and the flesh of the thigh bu e slight violet tinge. After examining these external signs, tho flesh of the pinion ecu breast should be tried ; if tend r in both these places, the fowl can he used with Conti., dence. A good turkey will he recognized by the white-ms: of the fleah and fat. Beware, 3 of tho<e wit'a long hairs, and when fi-ah on l the legs and bark is ot e violet tinge. To select a goose, try the flesh of the pinion,nnd break oil the lower part of the beak, which would break easily. " The tot would belight. colored and transparent. Ducks ore chapel: I in the some way. l‘igeons should have filteU or a light red Colour; when old these darken l to I “with Vil'l"t, end the leg-I get thin. DIED. a 1n thiulty, on Sunday, the 6th instant. Eva Harriett, only running child of P. Pan-och. jr., any. aged 2 you: and T months. - ' Uta-row; Dnmmus'r, . V Ottawa, December 4, Ifâ€. . Ku',',,',,",,',,','.,,',',,'.',', discount on America] Ity. t Voice: until Ingmar nation: " per cent. At vietorinsrt., on the D. O'Connell, of a can. CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE, Han Muzsn'u Hun Coos " was Cnoosm; " Mrar nn i'orimtr.-'rtte. " Book of Cook.. cry," by M.Goutre, head cook to Her Majesty, bu tho following hints on choosing butchers In?! and poultry '. [BL-d should be chosen of 315.3 2: ones & noun“) Apply to \LOTHUEG, U’MEARA d; CO., LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS. EIS' PORK. ONTARIO PACKING HOUSE, RANT ' lmSDEKlOS. Are If: it] an “lemme Slack of TAILOBING DEPARTMENT. crs., a; and 's.2s.,,...csmriutimtrts, INS PEL'TI ON I x IT FE 1). DEFY COMPETITION. ElADY-MADI AND To OKDII. ESTABLISHED IN 18U. Shaving Tuis. Dar .............i......courml' 3mm Dry No. M, meIU-l HA\VL8 and LAME", o.......................- VIBE, REII GOO " .......GBEY ETOFIB PA Nâ€. "coo, ruler notice: TO ptr eetnt, B. ft. M. voyeur: E, JOHN O'RElL'A'. Collect“ 8.8. Tan 1868. “It broom. I" "T". " Commissioner of onions. 000D PEA J Am J. B. SOBLIY. 25 Front-IL. Toronto. No. M, Rhianna. iN" ..J inst., the wife of W? O'HIABA t 00. .OVIBCOATI. 40 cunt CIDII, . ran sun " THE SIGN or TEE new“: on†scan-stun. l, LU in arm" in" no null-'5- sutf L. N. 21ft. Ottawa. October Ir, ".8. HYACINTH, live AND OTHER tall, B U L B s. The“ Bull:- 'iu be to.“ up!†to - " input“. . - W 1"iMd'ffd'i; .. m 'r"d'ta, .lhippl per Buruifmu strive II a - (in. a at, cup-tier -oetrr-t of 910m ty Pere :mi-“Jw - eee.' iiGTG" imam." 'iGiiriaiai iirrraar, -__'_ iiiiee slam! Fume-1M4!!!» m b alt-ii, an» amnion In had uni-i in tho OI!" taunt. and . court! mom-out of limo-fa“ funtie, Ae ' at the FMâ€! cull pm to to“ THE BON. MALCOLM cm. an Worship the MAYOR, an: and!“ spun“. will "liror Murcia. SHELF & HEAVY HABDWAI'. GOD SAVE 's" Milli. 1?tyarn, Doe-Ibo: 4, ttwr, - Tiehe" " tart" min, to trepent-dt-" ""oftu0omrnittee, and attu-)1 - 'Domoponu7.ueonwulm mos. ISAAC‘S, can“. To". Under the leadership of Mr. lulu. I...†cut. and perform unnl choke. new 0' .. Tuesday Evening Next, 8thrmtaat, Tho PRINCIPAL AMATEUR um"- City In: been "eured for this one.“ _ By the ma por-iuion at ca; noun In» SELL and an OFEIUIBS. the 1M BAND OF THE RIFLE 138le Under the 1|me pure-q. at lb - lone, Willbe‘ivcnu HER MAJESTY'S THEATII. the "b-ttree would all“ the athatig. a Fannie. ad 'them to " Which in in splendid condition. Mu. SCOTCH, IRISH, OLD III, And other Halt Whiting. PORTS, 811383136. BRAHDIB. an. h. To can: with nas-eu) Maud . o P--- "Gai, "a. mun. Jun. M, JlJt FRESH OYSTBRS, in Tim. PRESERVED OYSTBRS do FRESH ItALliuir do FRI-25!! SKLMON In FRESH MACKEKEL do FRESH LUBSTBRS do GREEN PEAS du LE ION, GINGER. ORANGE, 131nm“. Pauli, Blackberry. I Btmwurvrtirrup.. " LSPBERRY VISBGAR. CoUbrated Sugar Cumd [hm and In“ Roll Bacon. . P""" Sulnon, _ . PICKLRD Mutual, PICKLID RIRRISGS. In nut Burch. Ban-bud new... ' DRY Codtut, D" Haddock, , F" NAN mum, u. a. _ LA“ sfyit ope} P! cum, Emily 0:.“ To'"" Ind otUr Cauupo, - ANCHOVY Puts. S""""" Ina. P"'" Beef Ind Tong-u. _ P"'""' and Joni“, in you vainâ€. "RANCH Halal-dc, DIOBRISO), Pi' LOP. & Coll And for uh “can - By or“, Grocers, neon mended by the SCIIlEDAM' SC 'T'""""" Ottawa, Nov. 3, tiqtg _ " Tlll I N Dia' WA 1:15 nous No. kc, 1119:“: It, ’ MOWER IULI'o FINE BOTTLED ALE CHRISTIAS CHARITABLE FUNO, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL. DYSPH‘SIA. can“, coat ft " UMA nut, to " - Label on the Battle T. GIORGB’S IOCIETTo 0"th ALI, trust-cuss amount A on“ 'dir Datum. BY‘S Chocolmjnd Cocoa. ARD"ABB t car nlcmvzu. â€ovens. cunxvu'ou. mom count t Mht orr's Como: Pam. 'ORTON'S Blotter Paate, D. T. HROWSIL d. co A GRAND CONCERT Nun, Burs, Cunt, .Im use-mus. Hardware. Whole-lo and [hail Ge and Spirit ‘OT'I'LUD ALI. JAS. Brenna, Sane: HIdf'1tiiAt-r. Groceries. " CELEBRATE!) 'e b, " Indie“ fault, 5.... d D. warms, -.- I? I!!!“ 1808. PM!“ ‘O'I‘TLIII ALI- ' Raspberry“ ', "on" " , '. (In b.' tho-- .L" cu! â€In" u I. Fcdtr may tto Iln‘ to “I. t. c we†be "ro 1 1 their NIB out " night Vin; " jinx-3‘ “Ch - 'O t of undue " now In iuw Ives (hm-cod the Mid tor with comm“ ment if “in! m quid» '"'F. lulu tro Thin I Wat It hh', Met it all“ hm 'dirt', 11-h. Kai-3f! 31 re", oovr wil â€new†ill :Lu'l' 17“ Ait he wt h Ml IV int