wow tu" pinata), the patient public1 will have no occasion Mt lose in tsith in the i aim, Mthe jodicml tribunal: of the country, “ toan "err admindwhooe crime bu fairly 1 been brought» " door. The “Vigilance; Committees" with ite within of lynch- law, is I boning dunno. to the United Shun, of which - Annie» ought to feel Ichabod, ami winch the 0orermnent of their country should eatdearmgr to put down a one. add tumor with a ttrm hand. l Tun ii, or there ought to be, 1 limit to the Minnie: of immtnlism, which good mn- nen. indepeudoady of ion, should dehae. It might, on distance, he held]. . sue rule that thehngugiwhich one gentleman could not apply to who in respectable society, would be Maui-g to be applied in my direct or person] sense by n newspaper writer. There are may ten-ole be this. The new; pope: enter- proanutatotuiy wrong .11 clones, end its conductors ought-u lesst aspire to its being sppreetntsd among the most respect-l able; at nil events, “fen-ire, abusive, and " blnekgnud" Marsha-1d he studiously exelndai from its pinnacleâ€. The con- ductors of newsppers are, on the other hand, hot 3 very small portion ot the community; end it they should mognte to themselves the right of becoming the censors of the private conduct of individuals, it to deer that the "My?“ private life" wank! legume is measniugak, phase. Again, the journalist who stacks , private Indivi- dual dues so contrary to any principle of the code of honour, became he does it-not only with bu own wenpms, but-mth n weapon which his adversary has not, properly speak- ing, st his command. The private mdindunL may write a letter, and beg its insertion ; but the man who aexradeetmlly has; a proprietary, or per_oetal,Avtttrol, over the Columns of a mwspeper, has immensely the advantage pun thateome “me Committee," . con-on imtntion mg our neighbours, “Nth notion ofthe courte by giving the pincer-the Mot lynch-luv. We do not okh to be understood In entertaining any â€apathy for econ-ink, "on when they not with very hard linen; but we - m that the execution ot thee nee by II “judicial decree, no tester whet their gmlt, is e diagram to the cue-try in which it took place. Even if thqrd-red Inning, enrely the but: of e trial begin“ In" been would them. When econtreet doeetheir cesarean to that of the convicted murderer of '1‘!qu â€Alexia?!“ Our people my well be congru'nleted on the spirit of law and order when pencils "rortgst then); end we only _ hope that in epete ofdeleye which cannot ovcrhie tango-is: in that hit clitoris! ful. m"tatioeto way he issued a. pleasure, and "on without the privilege or rejoinder. - Of course when individual muooattait became; the mayâ€: at judicial enquiry' "he eve is entirely altered. Then the path- ist’a first duty n to recon! the facts ; an? his second, it V so it may phase him, Uto make web comment: thereon " he may deem whdeoome " the good of the public. But this is entirely distinct from any mere delve to gnuly persons! hand, or take vengnnoeeven fora penonal new". And we m - to are that t Toronto journal which in: given my pawl-n of e "rirrue, and some few‘nymptome of genius 2'l swig in in: antigen-eat, than“ he" so far W the: Ill due loin own char. new! a . member of the brotherhood of the page, is to hue permuted its Goldman to be oh an understand the digtike of the fugiuvu-Rno sod Aar-s.-aoextrsii... the, when he "I‘ll the despatch from Indiuipolio “when published. It up- Trm Globe " sick because an Election Committee of the Ontario Legislature“ condemned the votes of one hundred and thirty-Km aliens, who supported one of It: friendeat the last general election. Would it not be wiser in our mfrere to urge upon alien Clear Grate the propriety ot properly Mixing themeelvee " the exercise ot the {machiee t . I he It! u before them, and it they desire it, there is nothing to prevent them mm mung advantage of it. It' a worse than foolieh â€condemn e commit- tee of the More for deciding gaunt the validity ot thee voter, end that, strip. pod of ill techucemiee and eobterfogee, ie "ally the qua-two which one involved in the South Home election one. Wehope thechbewyetheooe‘eoled " the lose of time. hie melancholy» eeee one: team in each “och! as." on it he unite-laid late. “own. at Nam s-W; R. Lee. Avast.“ lavo cos-.3. N. a. Douchcttc. "ttcr in up" Tuiues-Wtu'ttrtoto 10d century the Inlandtkevenne oAhterttt the dUtrtct In: been informed that t,» matter mu“ be left entirely to his own respon- dbihty, he being he'd meannuble to the Dawn. ---_ L, - ., About A month-go the Inlnndltevtns. S I . 1 _ ~'i1'd the, dwll.†of Str. And [Huh t 3-. h-- Township of GWMIJRII' liergus,’ c' :N haml- of whiskey and highwirtes , .1 run or! Ind loch-1 up in the Bonded 'c, 'm" houov- a tutu. wading the settlement v. t: the Coverage“. On Saturday or San- ny Inga: the ymhomo nu watered by map: of his. tera, and tho whole " bards mm removed. No clue bu been obtained a to who the guilt; mic. no A rcwnnLof ttco but been olrnd by the linuinion Gov- ernment for the detes of the guilty parties or the locum-q of thevhiskoy. Considerable oxcitetgte M has been (and in the neighhnr- how! by the rulnh-ry." -uaetph Adana". We are imperiled to sir that the shove bitMvrreet, in mm " last " the " 'F "it" is concerned. T50 Dominion Gov- era-sent ha- otrered no mud; but on the cure. limeâ€. Gran Bankrupt "to-tmeet" “one Taylor a". be Nu--. Do. than to Lotu. Do. . Sauce to Credit-. Do. l ii'1tit)ttan(lrmts “add-y? lady's Book-goat" 9M Holinnd. 8?. PM“! Litmlry Arqoeintims-J. Kelty. Lose amt Coat oit--D. R. Lawns. .. l ‘. Nt-r.uartrvd 0. “MIKEâ€. M. D. . The Bank an: rm tuderNrt-Cututius- has an d B i'n-O-|V.- m. \él/‘Z MONDAY. DECEIBER 14, 13368. Cyl"' (Moms Harm and {Manning (t "tf m Fourth M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0.0.! all. Owl. Btreet. Fa' The only material witness for the prosecu- tion was David Sims, who tegtified that in the afternoon previous to the tire, he had found some of Dempsey-‘s ‘cows in his garden and drove them to the. pound, and that on his way back he met prisoner‘s husband, who asked him if he had seen his cows, and that he then told him he had driven them to the pound. Shortly after this, he saw prisoner's daughter, a girl of about twelve years of age, running towards his hay stack,and wishing to ascertain tho cause, he also went to the stack, when he saw the prisoner there, and the stack was on tire. The stack was a small one, and con- ttgt about half a ton of hay. By the time got there, the tim, had progressed so far that _ o 'hw he could not save it, and he said, Us Well Jane, you have done it at last," and Ishe answered, " Yes I have done it, and I I would burn another if you had one." She then handed him some matches, saying, " Here are some of the matches I did it with." This was _ the principal material evidence, which was not "batted. The answers elicited by Mr. Mos: grove in " cross-examination and the man- ner of giving them, no doubt proved a bad fooling to existin the mind of witness towards , the prisoner, and thatthey were " bad friends.†1 Two other witnesses were examined, but they 1 proved nothing more than that the prisoner i had been heard to say that she would pay for l the hay if the matter was settled, but it was not clearly shown that her expressions implied an admission that she was guilty, though that was soughttobs interred by the prosecution. Mr. Iosgrove addressed the jury at some length, setting torth the extreme in probability of the prisoner erer having made the declara- tion to Sims that she had committed the crime, 1 and cautioning the jury against. convicting his ( client on the unsupported evidence of a man with such a character as that of the witness l Sims. The, counsel asked the jury to consider l twhat would be the condition of things, if/ when they came to town, or left home on business and left their wives " home, they were to be left to the mercy ofa bad man ‘who had it in his power by an oath to send them to the penitentiary. loud by Mr. Preston, seconded by Mr. Pratt, that the communication from John Langford, an., oft-ring to pay all expenaea that may be incurred in preparing documents to "lean him from being aurety for Mr. Robert Stewart, the contractor for the an: Central School building, in Wellington Ward, Just mad, he received and granted, provided itcan be legally done, and that the aolicitor be instructed to prepare the necessary papertpr momenta, and have the "end exeeutedU soon " pouible; the chairman to tin and am: the corporate acal to any document that may be requisite on the part of' this, Board. John Honey, Esq , the security Mered by Mr. Stewart, or any other person, an surety with whom, the chairman shall be satisfied, is to be accepted in lieu of Mr. Langford. -Lost. "ar-Me-ts. Wilson, Pratt and Preston. sur.9eiwrs. Robinson, Workman, may, Kirby, McCloy and Abbott. Acorntnuttieation from Mu. Gowdio waa The Board rm t pursuant to lpocill notice. Pr-ttiam. J. D. trlater, Chairman; Preston, Pratt, Abbott, Mccloy, Wilson, Kirby, lay, Workmn and Robibson. Moved by Mr. Preston, seconded by Mr, Abbott, that the communication with, on mount from Mrs. Gowdie, just rend, amount- lng to un'dolinru and ninety cents for clean-. ing school hon-cl for November, be received, ind that the chnirnnn be, and he it hereby outbon'sed to Iign n cheque for thenme, it being duly certified by the committee ; any rule to the contrary to ba “upended for this pttrpeme.--Carried. The jury retired to their room, and utter co-uma, deliberation, return! with their Verdict " Guilty," with 'n recommendttiun to mercy. The Judge then untamed the pt inoner tothree months’ imprisonment. V A communication from Mr. John Laugford was read by the chairman. ' ' Moved by Mr. May, seconded by Mr. Robinson, that this Board do resolve use" intol Committee of the Whole, to take into consideration the nppointmentof tucker: to the seven! schools in this city, suspending my rule to the contrary, the chairman in the ttuir.-Carr1ed. . After disposing of the mum-r under con- 'i'ieration, it wai moved by Mr. Workman, seconded by Mr. May, that this committee now rile um report progress to this Board forth- with-Carried. loved by My. Preston, seconded by Mr. Msy, that the IeVeIIl teachers a: hereafter named be re-appointed {00.0w ensuing year, an] that they do cut-1- into' agreements m;- pocuvely the lame, 31 at heat engagement, their 'alaries to be as follows, via.: Mr. A. thnirl, Principal Bun-m Cen- ' trat School...... ...... ........$700.00 Mr. 8. Bathwell...... ...... .... '"'" 550.00 1u.Wm.tiuwart...... ....... ....... 550.00 Ir.J.C. Smart..." ...... .....- . 550.00 Mr. D. Roberuop............. ...... 550.00 hbunFleming...... ...... s...'.. .... 25000 Ilia Humphries...... ...... ....... 200.00 Mis0.Bparks..................... 200.00 _utslJoranstou.........s.......,. 200.00 Miss E. Mprmr...... .............. 200.00 Muao. Geddes.................... 200.00 Ilqu.Carson.......‘.‘............. 20000 Ftrs.Bingham...................... 200.00 liuJ.Spark-...:................. 200.00 lino A. Living................. .... 140.00 “in E.uruihi........f..."....1. 140.00 F1isa1LGi1mour.............w..'...."1io.o0 MimA.wood.......'..-. ............ 120.00 IiuS.R-thwell.._....-...___.,_..120m Also that Miss lubella Morrison be appoint- ed teacher in Ottawa Wald, to till the vacancy awed by the ruignation of Miss Murphy-- may to be $200. loved in Amendment. by Mr., Abbott, -conded, by Mr. Pratt, that all after the word " that†in the original motion be struck out, In! the following inserted ' A. Btasiri........ .... ...... .... ....8700.00 8. Itattore11...... .._........ ....... 500.00 on Sunday: this In: the Queen m. Jane Dempsey, charged with arso'n. The indict- mentiet forth that the prison" J me Dempsey did, in the monthvof october lat, willfully And mdiciously set fire ta and burn a buy "act, the property of one David Sims In the Township of Gloucester. . q Robertlres, Esq , County Frown Attorney, conducted the prosecution/usd Wm. Moagrovu, Et9., appeared for the defence. ' The business of the County Court having been finUhed on Friday evening, the only caster t_he Uerter Seujongwas taken up We understand that Mr. G. M. Rose, of the firm of Hunter, Rose kCo , has decided to offer for the representation ot Wellington Wad, rendered "can“ by tlr, rcaiguatiun of Mr. Robert mutter. We maintained some time ago try W. Richard Bishop that it was his intention to content the rcpnsuststtuion of this “int. . _. The whole tufisir, ot which the fracas at l the Qnren'a Hotel, Toronto, was an episode, ha been, W's-think, u disgrace to Canadian journalism. "editors or proprietors of jour. nals urn to become. the retailers orprieate scandals; it is time that the public should know it: or if a column, more or lesa, of scurrilous abuse is to condone for is personal. â€Pull. then perhaps an arrangement might be nude whereby "injuries tothe person" could be punished by ucertnin measure of wrapper abuse, instead ot u tine at the Police Court. We only notice the case to protest agutmt the abuse ot the privileges of "oar clue," not that we pretehl to know anything of the private character of the hurt; mailed by the journal Minded to. - wild by the publication of one of the most outrageously mdeccnt- personal 'atlucks it bu 'ever been our fortune to read. Perhaps .the martian: of our 1eoptemporary "my hue nil been true: but mu the more iatfrieat of bringing n rawhide down upon io heal ul one ofthe proprietors, a sutl'uicm publiv' iastitica. tion for the milicxiou on the readers of his journal of a hit ot private scandal, which had far better never been “tailed ? BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES. COURT OF QUARTER. SESSIONS. MUNICIPAL. Fourth Day. ..... .............-i ..........,........‘. ., .1...I.'I.... out...- It............. ...... ......... w...'...... b................... .................... I......-.'........,. .................... .................... .................... .1................. .........._...... III. C I.........-.......... r.................... .......'. ............ OrnWA. December 10, IS.“ .370030 " 550.00 . 550.90 . 550.00 . 550.00 . 250 00 . 200.00 . 200.00 . 200.00 . 200.00 I 200.00 . 20000 . 200.00 . 200.00 . 140.00 .. 140.00 . 140.90 . 120.00 .. 120.00 >:ppoiut- Mill: Committee-tleases. T. Gallagher, R. Inglis, A. Fleck, W. Hutchison, JAY. Rune", and 0. B. Macaulay. _ Tun Accnos Sun 'ro-tow.--') print- ed catalogue, of goods to be sold to-morrow morning pt Be.mtingharn's auction rooms, 72 Sussex-st, " 11 o’clock,srs now ready, and my be obtained on application at the suc- tion rooms, where the goods Ire on view,and may be summed up to the time of sale. The list Comprises some two hundred and forty- scven anticies, including o large assortment of household furniture, electro-plated were, books,sndsome beautiful oil paintings and 'stttertgtaeittgr. The stock is s vcry_ vslu- sblcone, and is well worthy the attention of intending purchasers, As it includes almost every nrticiu of household furniture, both useful sud ornament“. Go and feminine it. Ornn Cause Cuo.-At the annual meeting oftho Ottawa Curling Club, held at the Union House on tho 3rd Mutant, the fol- lowing otticermetarera ware elected tor tho en- suing you, viz. l I'reudent-.Atutt Gilmour, Esq. _ _ lint viee..Proident-Wm. Ilutchison, Esq. Second triee.Preaident-motrt. Lees, Esq. Recording Seereury--0. Hutchison, Esq. Corresponding Feeretary and Treasurer-Ay. M. Carmen or Human BINIVOLIXT itcepi-c At the regular meeting qt the Chum t Mina land Benevolent Society, on Thumlay the 10th inst., the following resolution was continuously adopted ..--." That the thanks of this society are due, end ttrt' hereby tendered, to Mr. Fripp and Mr. Gustave Smith for their kinda." in conducting the concert on Fridar evening, December 4th, in aid of its funds, and also to the Indie: tnd gentlemen for their valuable nuisance on the occasion, whereby the 'ociestr,nttetr pnying all expcnees, haves realized upwards of one hundred dul-. lnrs." _ A b'teatur..,,e.Oa Saturday. afternoon odrunkc-u fellow, whose 11qu we did not learn, h deni- Ben ofthe " Plots,†created I disturbance by omuhing the windows of Mrs. Rice. The cause not: to have bran that Mrs. Rice's husband had rented a home which the crazy fellow had vacated, nod for some rq-ason or other he did not like, it, and so he Went tdthe house ond unnamed the windows as above outed. He managed to keep outof the hands of the police on Saturday, but he will receive A card of invitationto com. to-.norrow morn- mg. Bucrxrcn Yuan-rs ton run Hot,utarg.--We delire to call the nttcntion of our readers to the list of walks of art, suitable for presents for the holidays, published in anothu' column, Ind announcing that they maybe had " the Canada Gazette office. Tnla "tabliahmcnt has now for sale Praug’s Chromon rtTrrc'8ent- ing in o rnasterlr style the Walks of some of tho greatest artists. These chronos are so beautifully executed as to require tho ox- perionce ot an expert to tell them from the originals, while the low price " which they may be had places them within the much of all. Inaddition to these the Canada Gazelle ottice has Also on sale I very beautiful as- sortment of albums toilet bags, writing desks, gold and silnr pull and pencil cases, Ate., Ma, besides a. large ne-ortvnent ot illustrate d school room cards. A Sign. Fun: In A Sun. Boca-on Satur- day. about one o'clock, p.m., some gentlemen discovered the apple and cake shanty at the west end of the t5appers' bridge to be on fire, the women who keeps it being at the time a little distance outside. They rushed in, threw out the wood which was on fire, end in a few minutes nearly oil the contents were out on the sidewalk, and the fire extinguished with- out the aid of firemen, and little damage, ex- cept that occurred. by thtreirortg "to put the fire out. - . A Wonâ€. mm Mans NA'IIS ---After the wonmn D'Arcy, who was Committed on Saturday to take her trial at tho mat Record- er's Court for larceny, had gone tojuil, the police' mode {home enquiries touching her unmcdcnta, when they found that she had lived latx-ly at four different and very rurp‘ wt! nble places, " inch of which she had a sepa- rate, name; at "no place it mu (‘ullen, at another Annie liven-n; at a third Catho- rine Currie, and Inatly Nora "D'Arcy. i'roitecuting their search they found fuar large, bor" to correspond with her four mums, and eac% rm fall to the brim of innumerable mid", usdul and ormuntustal. Thcre Were "this: of clothing of all sortsmnd sizes, bed linen, touch, handkerchiets, hoops, Ae. ./aud articles not to ho mentioned ; there was also n t miscellaneous collection of lino and com- mon cutlery, spoons, jewellery, and bijoutrU. Even battoas,boadte, acedle-casets, needles, and thrcnd, and nanny- other small articles in con- sidernble quantities, pron thla Womnn to hove been one of the most industrious col- Tm EMILIO}! Bun RotrtE.--Thig establish. ment is being taxed to its utmost to make a suitable display during the Christmas Beacon, and to supply its cutstomerisrrith all the choicest -eetmeatrtutd hon-bond; and Mr, Bartlett feels contideat tbut the reputa'yon which his confectionery had earned in tt e past will be tully sustained this yen. By all means let the little' folks be feted in: right jolly man- ner during the glorious, heppy, festive season, that it muy be remembered throughout the rest of the year. \ , Fmtorootr-The regular ptice of cordwood on the market is now $3.50 per cord, cubic measure. This is agreat improvement on the old system of selling by the load,and judging by the great quantity brought in on Saturday the sellers are very well satisfied with the, unit order of things. York-st. on both sides for a considerable distance In: lined with woqd cf all varieties, und it met a ready sale. _ . Goo-1's Lay's Boon: --'i'he January num- ber of this fashionablu magazine of fashion and literature has been receive I from Messrs. Dario and Son. This is entitled “Another Prize Number.' The frotttitrpiece, " A King‘s Daughter," is very' good; and tlw fashion plan all that could tre desired by the most fastidioul. Sr. ALBA! Sermon Hots: Rmnxxm.-3Rv-a_d- ings will be given this evening by Mr. Kmart, Mr. G. ll. Macaulay, Mr. Merrdith and Mr. Giant Powell. Songs sud music. Count Cotntctc.-'l'he County Courwil of Carleton meet td-day' iri the Court House for the tans-diva of huhi’ness. --Breakfot anxawls, clouds, basin; and glowing the skirt factory for half-prim; Ysusd-Metrsrs. Robinson, Workman, My)“, Kirby, Willon, McCloy, and Preston. _ ' 1'iasts--MetuG. Abbott pm! Pratt. _ Moved by Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Wil- tton,that Mr. C. H.'l'urker be, and ho in hertu by, appointed prittripal teachiu. of Alum-st. ticlsool at a salary of $550 t.' unnnm. Moved in atuetuitiwnt 'f Mr. Pratt,, sov- ondml by Mr. Pronton, that all Amer mo word " that" in the motion,just raid, 1e expuruwd,' and .the following be intrested: Mr. J. P. Robertson be, sud he is hereby, :lppullllt"l prittciptl tether for Albeit-st. thhool nt," nah†of 5550, he to sign the ngrrcmvnt as adoptmi.--Lost. l ' Yrtvr-.5iesars. l'rrston_uml Prrtt. NarsL-ytrtrRrg. Abbott, hLCloy, Wilson, Kirby, May, Workman and Robinson; The Board then adjourned. . The migitial inotion Was than put and cm- ried. _ I _ _ And “unlit†Habella Morrigou bo nppoint? ed teacher in Ottawa Ward, to?†tho vamr cy caused by the resignation of Miss 51urpto'-- Mlarv to be $200 per nuuum, aud Mutt'thc resolution as so nnrhdcd do puss. - Lad. Yns -Mrssnt. Prcston, Pratt, and A!rbott. NAvs-Nessrs. Nccloy, Wilson, Kirby, May; Workman, and Robinson. T Wm. Stuart. . . . .. J. C. Stewart†. . . .. M. Robertson...... "in Fleming ' . . . . ' Mina Curso. . . . . . . Miss lfumplu'iol . . . Mix: A. tiparkh. . . .. Mm Johnson . . .. .. Min; Murmy. . . . . . . Min (nudes. . . . . . . Mrs. Bm ham . . . . . Miss J. §%nrks.... . Mm Living. . . . . . . Mtstt Langrcll . " . . .. Miss U-ilmour. . . . . . Miss Woods. . . . . . . Miss liathwell . . . . . LOU/AL N B; ws JAM ES JOYNT. St-(‘rrhz , .. 5001A) .. mono .. 600.00 .. 200.00 .. 2-10.00 .. 206.00 .. 200.00 .. "200.00 J. 200.00 . . 20000 i. 2mm) .. 2M.uo .. 14mm) . . 1-1000 .. 140.00 .. 12000 . . 12000 Inâ€: â€Tm W‘:‘\ I‘lMErs. DECEMBER 14. (Luann an Homo 'e Intmsttiyog.-..Pariie8 at/out to furnish will find a large and choice as-ortment of carpeting. lnd house furnish- ings, cheap, u Garltnd, Matchmor * Cui. CIrpets made and kid with despatch. And this sentimental mode of dealing with local questions of class we import into im. perisi questions of race? In a very able and suggestive paper in his "Literary and Social J augments,†Mr. Greg points out how we have let similar assumptions and fallacies hamper our dealings with the negro. We attempt to abdicate responsibilities towards him of which no sophistry can shake us clear, by taking for granted thatihe is that which, as we well know, he is not. Those who most loudly ad. nurse their lore and friendship for hirni-tlso fanatics of Exeter Hall, the enthusiasts of the anti-slavery igocieties-are his worst enemies. In their anxiety to assert for him the dignity of his manhood and brotherhood, they will not herd" of coercing him to his good. The bane of the, negro " his incorrigible "violence,tutd without going into the question of his capabi- lities, it is clear enough that so long .as he is suffered to indulge in " idleness, itswill con- tinue to bear its natural fruits of demortuiza- tion and vice. Were it not self-evident that compulsory labour, enforced in some way, is the obvious remedy we have unmistakable proof of this at hand in a comparison of the respective conditions of the blacks in Barba- do, s and Jamaica. In the one island they are comfortable, contented, tolerably moral, and steadily growing in numbers. In the other, rags, dirt, and drunkenness are the rule. Mar.. riage is fast going out of fashion, and the po- pulation has begun todicline. In Barbadoetr, where all the land was copied, the freedman found no room to squat, and was forced to toil. la Jamaica he was not compelled, but only tempted to work. He had a rmnruiticent soil and climate, with land for the takine, and it only needed moderate industry to add field to field, and rise into a capitalist. Prospects like these in a paradise like that mightalmost have forced an Irishman to take thought for the morrow. But the black just used his ad- vantages tsufficien tly to obtain bare necessities" for the body, and even from the list of these he. eliminat- d decent clothing. Do we do our duty by a race like this, it we acts towards it just us we should do to industrious, thought. ful colonists from home ? --Lvtwo orders for skirts before Christmas, lurigct them to fit. Js,re.rnaRr.--All kinds of jewellery, of the latest. designs, and " the cheapest mics, can be bought of Young & Radford; Sparks-st. Pall Mall Gazette. I Alloying for tho very natural t:-rr!~ncy of tho guardians of order to exaggerate the dilli. errlties they have in preserving it, there is no doubt that a revision of the rough statistics ol the police would leave a large residuum of serial outlaws who follow crime as a trade in ordrr that they may indulge in vice. There may be, some of them of than who, in the shape of doing occasionally a stroke of hem at work, pay so much of a' tribute to respecta- bility as to entitle themselves to a certain cornideration at the hand of society, and who thus somewhat increase the diiliculties of 1 dc ding with them. Bat then there are many l o:hers about whom there is no room fordpubt at all; men whose faces are as Well known in the police courts as those of the sitting magistrates, and who are as familiar to the policeman as his fellow who relieves him on his beat; blasts of night, rarely harming out in the daytime even to. blink in the x'im I light or the foul alleys they kennel in. As it! 1 is impossible for ingenuity to credit than with any means of'gaining an honest lireii. hood, a moral certainty brings home to them thosc untraced acts. of burglary and robbery I that happen night after night in the ruetroL polis. Yet, unless when some . particular i crime is by accident traced to some particular I milieu, the body are allowed to live ecatht, as, and to practice their hazardous trade with 'some such a percentage of risk to lize and liberty as accrues tea soldier on an unhealthy _ station, or a workman in a powder mill. in the eye of the law, and necessarily in the l otlicial eye of its satellite, the policeman, who in his private capacity knows him well, Bill Sykes is as respectable a citizen as the bishop of the diocese. Yet " the very moment when Sykes passes Policeman x he is on his way to meet some professional engagement with a centre-bit in one coat-tail pocket and a short life-ptetserver in the other. As Mr. Sykes happens not to be wanted at that particular moment, Policeman x cannot collar him, nor can he leave his beat to follow him-a proceeding which would " best only derange Air. sb'ykes'is plans tot the evening; and, more- ot-er, he has just seen several of Mr. Sykes’s intimates dispersing in different directions on similar errands. The citizen pays handsomely to have Mr., Sykes watched; but as he does not pay handsomely enough, all his outlays go for nothing. And as Mr. Sykes can come and help himself very much as he pleases, it is only paying blackmail and being plunder- ed into the bargain. And were the citizen to give up half his substance it would be-all too little to subsidise a force that should watch the criminals effectively on the present sys- tem. He cannot hepe to have every luxury at once, and if he insists on the enjoyment of a Constitution so tenderly careful of infring- Ing the rights of the subjects who habitually set it at defiance, he can hardly expect tole- rable safety of persons and property as mil. l The truth is, it is not a fair match. The criminals take every sort of advantage, and the law not only declines to fight them " rough and tumble," as the American say, and hunt them down how and when it can, but puts arms in their hands, and provides them with quibblcs. Justice winks so hard at crime that she may be said to be blind indeed. How We should hare laughed with Gulliver but he brought home with the test ot his trawl- ler's tales the story of such an institution as out criminal police. Can any one doubt that common sense dictates the accepting unpiea; sent tacts and dealing with things as they ' "re? It would be presumptuous to hazard crude suggestions " to how far we should Venture on steps whose possible consequences ought to be most deliberately weighed. But what we do suzgest is, that we should make , up our minds to strike a balance between what must be at best a choice of evils.‘ It would be interesting to see what would be the influence on the police reports for the three months following of some such razzia on the robber haunts of London as heralds in Naples a visit of the sovereign. Individual cases of injustice might possibly rarely oceur, but surely it would neitherbe unfair norirratlonal to risk the possibility of injustice occasionally alightlog on those whose own actions have i set them wrong with the law in preference to continuing to encourage them in certain , wholesale robbery and violence on the law- I abiding part of the community. _ ‘ Try Gardner’s Baking Powder. See adva- 3etnvttt. 88t.iim Nora D'Arcy, a middle-aged woman, was (‘lmrgul with taking mmtton Bhiset and Otte or two smaller articles, the property of It. H. McGrouvy. l)u!endnnt was living at Mr. Mc.. Uretwrg Imuso in the capacity of trervant, and tho m tick-s were found in a long bag bl longing to her. The evidence of larceny was Very slight, but ofsucli a nature as to warrant her mumntml to take her trial in the Recorders Court. T , The adjourned dose of Henri Prcvlm, charg- rd with selling liquor without licensw, was cttlled up and dismissed. " FT James lmgghran and John Powers were Charge-d with assaulting and beating James Wislliugton. By thueridenee ofcomplninnntit was shown that Lnughrnn had gone on Thurs; day night to the place where he worked and called him out, and as soon as ho was out Powers struclchim a blow in, the 9313, and he aim received a blow fiom another pyrsou. Langmuir did not strike him. . He 11min quar- rel with Pain-rs hut winter. Langmuir was lined $2 and costs, or one work injail. Pouc- Coi.--hiary Ann Thompson was clurgi'd with "annoy. The poor abandoned creature was found during the night a in desti- tuto condition without a Ilu-ltcr or any place to go to. tine wan taken to tho police rtaition and locked up. The [R lice Ma!4itstuttu im- posed a Mo of tr, and (out: to bo levied on her goods and chattel†or in default go to jail three woo-ks. It In Well known that this poor wrcteh [in-s until she in completely iroren out, as is now the can, and then spends tho groteist part of the winter in jiil, whither she is now gunli. ' lectors of thinge glut and mull-tint ban ave: hum! an inventory of hex-property nod in a court of justice. " SES'I‘IMESTAL CONSTITUTIONAL- ISM. A Young â€on Plane tn Elem-t III] In Shot. From the Canton, Ill., Rumor. C A serioue shooting "air occurred It Cuba, in this county, very early on Thnredny morn- ing last. It appears that a young nun by the name of John Heller had been paying his addresses for some time to nyoung lady,' the daughter of Jacob Mowry. The young lady received the young men with invour, but her father manifested the moat decided hog. tility to his-view, and forbade him the house. The young couple kept up a clandestine cor- respondence, and finally planned In elope- ment. The young min wroten letter to'hie betrothed/telling her that he would be It her bed-room window the following night It twelve o'clock ready to receive her. The letter, as was hie custom, we: dropped in her bed-room window, but it appears that it fell into the hands of her father. The young lady win placed in an thei room, and the [other occupied her rocfm, armed with “shot-gnu. Soon after twelve o'clock the young men pre- sented himself " the window, and the young lady not making her nppeemnce he euppoeed he! to be asleep, and, gently raising the win- dow, he inserted one nun and with netick struck the bed for the purpose ot wnking’hcr. Tho man levelled his gun and fired, the whole charge passing through the em just above the elbow. Heller immediately went to the house of Dr. Piersoi, where his wound wee dressed. Tho young man now lice nt the home of his father, and in reported in n very critical condition. Iii; nrmie terribly lacer- eted and ntuch inflstned, and the mlin utery is in greatdangerot elouzhing. He is said to be of good chnrncter, end in about twenty-one years of age. Messrs. Young k Jtadford are the sole agents in Ottawa for the Waltham Intakes. _Bemcmbcr the great sale of a portion of n wholesale bankrupt Mock of dry goods “Gar- land, Mutchmor * Co's. For pcticulm no advertisement in Another column’. I --'I'he reason why the steel: of carpets and house turnishing goods at T. & W. Hunton’s is always the largest, beat selected. and cheap. est in the Province, is tluir having peculiar [militia in purchasing, try their resident agent Selecting new designs as they come out, attd taking advantage of fluctuations, in the home markets,. 899y --The Illinois Central Railway Company, south of Chicago, are building eleven miles ot corn cribs, the capweity of which will be three millions of bushels; they are erecting these cribs to receive corn in payment fat lands purchased of the éompany, and the full Chicago price is paid for it there. Corn is the great agricultural staple of that counter, and the " Canadian Pain Destroyer" is the best remedy in any country where a disordered condition orthe stomach, lives and bowels, ie combined with great debility, nervous weak.. nose sud intense melancholy ; its efteeta no most beneficial and wonderful, price " cu per bottle. Sold by all dealers. _ -.C'orgcta at the skirt factory for half-price. __Last month of the cheap sale " the skirt factory. Skins at halerice. " Whoroever sheddeth man’s blood, layman shall his bt'sht‘d. tthn " have no low in the laud, then shall ye take the law into your own hands.†. Mysterious.. _ _ Wonderful. _ - Miraculous that escape has been so long. Rolls Dotson, charged with fire murders. The party left the victim swinging in the air, and the citizens of the town were horrified at the Sight yeah-may morning. A coroner’s jury was summoned, and their verdict was to the caret that the man was lunged by persons in disguise snd unknown. We: were unsble to ohtnin particular details, but enough ls stated to define the character ot the trounc- tion, and to show that a murderer tspa gone to his fittnl secouut. . t' From the Nubville r'rtlon, December 4. While Brownlow’e militia were. stationed in Franklin County, in 186t, a young men by the name of Brown was seized by themennd summarily shot to death, without charge and withoutcnuSc. Ono of the parties engaged in that bloody' crime was a notoriously blood.. thimty charactvr by the name of Rnléigh, or Rollo, Dotson. He is repretrttuttd to be 'n criminal of the deepest dye. He in charged with having committed no less than fire cold- blooded murders, two in Franklin county,two in Shelby, and one upon. woman in Ken- tucky. For one or both of those in Franklin, he had been arrested and confined to the jail at Winchester for some lime past. Nhrht be- fore hut I party in disguise went to the jail and took the prisoner out, conveyed him to the yard of the court house, and hung him. They attached n plpcard to " back, with the following inscription : The prisoners are a shabby looking net, Ind all, except George Brtunly,wh9issiid to be the leader of the gang, appear“ if they were ttftlicted with consumption. They were attired in rusty and ragged jeans, and wore their pants in their. boots. They had on old seedy slouchcd hats, some of which were ndorned with 5 string around the crown. Brumly in n young‘mnn of apparently twenty-eight yours, medium height, heavy not. nnd the very pic- ture of n tirtt-clam, desperado. The three Watts brothers are also young men. A large concourse of people, most of whom were negrocs, followed the prisoners tothe Custom House, and the street in front of. the building was arranged up to 5 o'clock, when the outlnwa Were removed under guard to our county jail. The negro man, Tobe, who made his escape fromthe gang and give the news, was also brought in and dalirered to United State! Marshal Mcriwether, to be held asa witness. The names of ther murdered girls were Susan, aged about twenty yen", and Henrietta, aged about twetsty-eight yem. They ware turmerly the servants of Daniel McKinley and Robert Curulhere, and Are mid to have been fiitUul and good servants. Yesterday morning _ the prisoners were placed inn large lumber wagon,and surround- ed by a guard of twelve men, mouuted and heavily armed, moved toward this city. They arrived here nt about 2 o'clock in the after- ndou, and marching tipYo the Custom House, delivered the prisoners to the United State: Muslml. The following gentlemen constitu- ted the guards: Captains Miller, and Jones, and Deputy Constables Isaac Newton, Charles W. Moore, Wm. Middleton, Wm. Hall, Web. eta, (31:91ch Yinhback, Michael Eugen, Cole- man Drake. C. Whe, lot, B. H. Hopewell, and David-McKinley. F for miles around trasarouscd. A urge party of chm-us from the neighbourhood of McKin- ley's farm start.“ in pursuit. They succeeded in capturii-g a. portion of the gang at Mount Wardtmgton, liullit: County, and the, others among mu hills of Waterford Precinct. Spen- (cr County The band consisted of the ful, lowing unused desperadoes: George Brumlvy, Ben. Watts, John Watts, Shelby- Watts, Wil- liam Warn-n, Henry. Coe, Charles Dennis, and the two Iiatuincbrouserk, makintuine in all. They wrrc‘ brought through Ttviortrviile, b'pcmcer County, where they passed Tuesday night, augj moved on to the residence of Mr. Caruthers, in the cute-m portion of this county, where they rcmaincd over Wednes- day night with their prisoners closely guarded. The negructl, mm of whom was! quite a small boy, managed to escape while the shoot ing was going on, tu,dthe uuwsof the horrible massneio mm soon communicated by them to the people of the neighbourhood. The news crmted great "xusitetrtent, and soon tlv. country 'Capture of u can. of 0mm" In Ken- tacky. From the Louisville Democrat, December 4th. Since the close of the war a daring band of outlaws has infested the country bordering on Jefferson and Spencer Counties, striking terror to the citizens by their Wanton acts of murder, repute, and robbery, This gang was Composed of men who bud served in both the Federal and Confederate armies, and had been lmrd-ned to crime in all its most hideous terms. Their last horrible not, which has re- sulted in cutting off their bloody career, was committed on last Saturday night, " n point on Plum Creek, about one mile anda halt from the town of Wilsonville, in Spencer County. They had run oil a drove of twelve hogs from the {aim of Mr. John McKinley, of this county, and met two negro girls, a negro man and in boy. They compelled the negroes to turn in and nssist them in driving the hogs over to Spencer County, to their place of rendezvous, which was it distance ofabout two miles. Un "rivrthtr at the point above named they sent the negro boys ahead with the hogs, and aftrr they got out of sight, tho villains laid violent hands on the girls. The leaders l of the gang outraged them, after which,they l shut tin-m both through the head, and left, them lying dead by the roadside. , Lynch Law In Tunic-mo CRIME- --The efticacy ot Brratt'1Palmoaic , wafers in curing coughs. colds, and "ll bronchial tdfectiour, sud cheering the emitted, hes pass- ed into n proverb. In the United States, where those mnrvellous wafers are known, they bear down tdl opposition ‘snd eclipse nil rivalry i the demand tor them has stendily increased for the but twenty years, until now the sales "er-go over one hundred thoussud boxes I‘ year. Eminent members of the med. ical profession without number admit that they know of no preparation producing such beneficial results " more utters, When taken in sensor: they effect n permanent cure. Bold by every druggist end most of the res- peotsble stores throughout the province, " " cents per ber.. Should the foreign market open.“ it is atrtieWted it mun. large and active busi- neu will devolope nut rear, and renewed operation' in inking well: my be looked for next season. _ Minna. Your“! * Enron hump: secured the lerViCCI of t1rBt.elaaa working jewellers in etruscan, fiugree, phinrfancy and solid gold work, and having nude large additions to their work shop in now better prepared to execute any chars with which they may be entrusted tlun heretofore. anionic jewels, gold 3nd silver medals, nad every kind of cwcllery repaired. --h very enterprising advertising agent lately called on the auperintendent of the United State: armory at Bprittgtiet1d,to enquire ifhe did not want tir advertise his ouhbliah- --A new story of Robert Hall in going the rounds of the English papers, to the etroet that one of his congregation took him to task for not preaching more frequently on pre- deatination. Bail m very Indigmntr He looked steadily at his censor for A moment, And replied: " Sir, I perceive you no prcdel- tined to be an us, and what in more, I see you no determined to make Four caMtitatsst elec- tion lure.†' - l to-dey, to perfect the nmgensenis fora re- news] of the combination. We ehould cen- tion the trade not to ndvnnce the price to I figure which willbe deemed exceesive,elee the consumption of oil will be greatly check- ed, to the inconvenience of the public end the loss of the trade. It will be e poor policy if the combination, rejoicing in s monopoly, should run the business into the ground by nu unreasonnble advance in price. Petroleum as an illuminstor, bu become almost a more. sity, and as such should bu furnished as cheaply " sisir proflt will allow. But the public cannot expect nreturn to the low ates of lut spring, when refined oil, under com pe- tition, wse sold for IM. per gallon. The Gov- ernment excise nmounte nearly to On. per gel- lon,nnd the rtrtitteriee will never consent to "criiiceg involving lone nnd ruin tothtrm- eelVes. Crude oil has edvsnced, and we learn that the price will hereafter be quoted st 81 per barrel; chemicals hue also sdvnnced, and everything, therefore, points to A tiran market. "-.Por 3 choice selection of Kev: Tapestrj, Brussells, Kidderminster and Imperial 3-ply Carpets, Coco. Matting, Floor Oil Cloths, 1fetittlt Rugs, Crumb Clothe and Door Mm; Damasks, Reppe, Curtain Trimmings, Lace und Muslin Curtains, go to Magee t Russell's new Store, next door to Mr. John Leslie's, Sparks-at. From the London Free Press. It isknown to our readers that last August an agreement was made among the refiners of Canada to close their works till December, in order that the surplus stocks of burning oil might be consumed, and the trade placed on a more healthy basis. Concurrent with this agreement, several Canadian and Ameri- can speculators purchased large quantities of refined oil for a rise in the market, but owing to the quantity held hr dealers in all parts of the Dominion, the Operation did not, we hear, turn out a very lucrative one. Tempt- ed by the rise in the price, several rviinetiet, were constructed by new firms-two at Pe- trolis, one at Wyoming, one it Sarnia, and one at Dundas during last fall, for the ex- press purposes of competing with the older houses. It appeared as it the public would again [Elem by the renewed competition of the trade, on the termination of the lenses in December. But this expectation will not be realised, for, if 'our information is correct, a renewal of the "monopoly" has taken place. We understand that may refinery in Ontario has been again leased on the " mutual" system, and that the com- bination will maintain, it- not advsnce, the present rates. The total capacity of all the 1efineries in the Province is about 5,000 barrels per week, while the consump- tion is not more than from 1,600 to, 1,800 barrels per week, taking the “craze of the year. Rather than commence a new era of reckless and ruinous competition, the mtiaerB have agreed to share among them- selves pro rata,accordiug to the capacity of each, and keep up the price to M cents per gallon wholesale. A convention of all the _retuyrri" in Canada willhe held in London do i . . JT. . Ensign P. J. Blanchard, Prescott and Rue- _ sell, (Ont). . .Cnpt. George W. Johnson, Quebec. .4. . . . . . . RobertG. Potion, Gentleman. do . . . . . . . . Aleorge Keller, do. do . .. . . . . .Jnmes '1'. McKee, do. do .........0. G. V.Ardouin, do. Temiscounta. ...Georgo LeBel, do. Vaudreuil . . . . . .Jenn B. Lctnivre, do. vercheros . . . . . .Tcleaphore Tetrnult, do. Ynmoska . . . . . . .AllenJS. Cote, do. By Command oins Excellency the Right _ Honorable the Administrator of the Government. [ WALKER POWELL, Lt. Colonel, D. A. G. Militia. do . do ' do . do . 'do . do . do . Iberville . . Megantic . . Chicoutimi. . . Joseph Maltaiu, Geutleavan. Lens. . . . . K . .Ernest Martin, _ do. Lotbiniere . . . .Joseph C. Jledard, do. Missisquoi . . . .Captain G. L. Kemp, Quebec. . . . . ...u. B. Armstrong, do, do . . . . . . . .JulsnAJotron, do. Slcu'xn CLASS Criitriricsir:s. Regimental Divalent. Names. Bonaventure . . . . Edward Bacon, Gentleman. Chambly. . . . . . . Joseph E. Riendeau, do. Rochelaga . . . . . . Henry V. Harris, . do. do . . . . . . Louis Dingle, do. do . . . . .. Ucorge H. Hibbard, [ do. do ... ... Philippe Vandal, do, do . . . . . . William T. Hurst, do. do . . . . .. Ignace Brcnult, ', do. 'do . . . . . .Zotigue Dutrhesnctut,r do. do . . . . . . Antoine Demcrs, do. do . . . . . . William Locke, do. Iberville. . . . ;...Philippe H. Boy, do. Megantic . . . . .'. AUpt. J. V. N. Goudroault. do i . . n. . Ensign P. J. Blanchard, PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. FIRST CLASS Gunman“ Regimqntal Divisions.. Na Chieuutitui. . . Joseph Maltaiu, G, Lena. . . . . ce . . Ernest Martin, _ Lotbiniere . . . .Joseph C. Bedard, Missisquui . . . .Capuin G. L. Kern; Quebec. . . . . ...II. B. Armstrong, do . . . . . . ..John Cotton. Sum“) CLASS Cr:uTieirsTr.s, [ Brant. . . . . . . ..E-1w'd W. 8mitlr,Geturtman. Carleton. . . . . .. Robert Trimble. _ do Dundas . . . . . . .Solmncn Stewart J). Durham. . . . . ..Thomas II. Brent, M. Latunrk. . . . . ...George Kerr, d). Lennox and Ad. _ dinglmn . . ...Jamcs It. Mabee, Middlesex. - .t. .Alex. Ghrdwood, Ontario. . . . . ..William J. Smith Peterborough. .JJhn Mason, _ Perth . .. . . ..John S. Roberts, York. ... . . .. . .J. W. Hunt, do . . . . .'. . ..Wslliam W. Rubin do .. . . . . .calastmrttcurrTsnuv, do .. _ . . . . ..R. D. Mufuhu, do .' . . . ...Juhn M. Wand, do . . . . . . . ..Wil|ium Duritn ' Regimental Divisions. . New 8. Frontenac . . ' Fiehtenberg Werner,Gectlgman. _ do . . . . . .James E. Pugh, die. Leeds. . . .. . . . . .Ens. Richard T. Steele. Norfolk. . . . . . .HonryT.Collins,licnlleman. Simcoe. . . . . . . ..Edwin Brokowki, do. - do . . . . . . . ..Powell Martin, dd. do . . . . . . . ..Allen J. Lloyd, dd. M The following Candidates for Comminaiona itrthe Active Militia have received Certiti- cates from the Commandant! of Schools of Military Instruction l _ PROVINCE OF ONTARH). _ Fuar Cuss CtucriricArr.s 3 Hummusâ€, Orrswa, Mccmber II. was. Gun“. Owlâ€. THE BEFIKED OIL BUSINESS. MILITIA GIIIEKL ORDERS. ACTIVE MILITIA. I cirameirrriim.isnav, ..l{. D. Mufwhu, .Jolm M. Woou, .Willium Durie, ' Iysiliat1 W. It, 'lriustonpl Na mas. It my ii: ALEXANDII FLEX. Ottarm, Mk r It, 1868. "" lining and. fall um: gonna to mat the want: of the Trade, I. lay outfall, dean" (to " uuion ortho.. thatâ€! oettroraadeheeMitts, Hill Owners seagull}. Samba“ Oman. “d 'thers, to the {aim-incl fond for the nodal". '0turtg utiolel u tiny any main. no will be pup-red to remain and one“. pro-pd] in ordaninhialino of) mm in the but - and " "and“. 'pic». ALEXANDER FLECK. Prmir ietttr tad Mms ‘gor of tho VULCAN‘ IRON WORKS. ION- TaEAL, by to inform the public of on.“ and the "rrotmding Counties that he In. pal-chad the extensive works kimono 0' and “a 10:104., T. M. Elli-dell, Esqmn, u . F ‘ouudgt, lociinbt, and Woikerin" kindle! In At Work. BEAUTY, . ECONOMY _& DURAN LITY, The Third LECTURE of the Witttrr Conn. will be delivered at the St. Patrickl Malt a THURSDA Y. mu imam. ucrcimi-J. L. P. O’Hagx, Etta., C. E. ticturer--" The supply of was: to Tom and dnilngo. with Ipacitl n tenuou- to man." Tickou, 25 cuts. Ticks: can be Ind " Juan & Roland's News Dopot, nnd from the numb on of 'tho eon-mu. Door- open a 7 ; hour. 14:00th Its o'dook. _ F JOHN KELLY,tuemtarr. can an n- oun. "Std Thin well known Compony hu boon mr‘oniud ondonlugod for the - of 1868-9, undo: the immodioto oupotvioion of the mot â€Indian, GEO. M. CLARK AND RANK WHITE. Pure-tstent of tho wonderful 61mm, Clark}; Rudy. Propiwortr; It. P. H‘rdy, Buni- neu Mung"; June! F. Stiles. Advance Again; 0_.b}_l%lden. Aeistett. __ -_-_, 923. _ ST; PATRICK’I LITERARY Allo- CIAI‘ION. . Willie Henri Rena. lander, willnnko procession through the principnl stream on the mm"! of tho train. Balcony â€and. ans-hut hour previous to ginning the doom. -- - MESSRS. WILLIAMS AND RANKIN. The but Quutette in the reunion under the direotiad of A'. LINCOLN, Kll1l'llfl,' In. of Ra:- sini'a Engtuh Upon Troupe. CHARLEY Ares. CA-WLEY, the greet Song and Dulce In. in which hohu non ual ~l-‘uu and aid-at orcha- tvrn. led by N. 'lil TORN Y, the pest Auction: iolinist. . _ Kauai-{ion 25 tyqttta. Reserved um 50 can“. De" 5:901 st , o'ttloek,.omrsttestirl (aloft. All patio: indebted to M35583. B. K. HAC- GILLIVRAY a thy. no toque-tad to», chair nccounu st once to MR. J. B. LASII, It tho Biof- field Hone, who is alone authorind to gamu- ceipts. . FIFTY-JEN STAR PERFORMERS. Aw HEB mAJEs'n'vs wants“: ON Saturday and Monday Evenings, Dee. will and 21ist, 1868. WHITMORE k CLARK'S BRASS BAND, WHITMORE k CLARK’S MINSTBELS V AND GRECIAX GYMNASIUH. To be sold Without Helene s cio held-- lr' At “antral to- 25 PER can 'BELow COST The wholo Mock uf WATC HES. JE WELLERY, Debentures hold by the Rocoivor Gon- on! undor tho Prorineiat Note Act 83,000.000 " . Intruding $l52,000 00 marked tit. John. . I The Non Semi: dollar not being was! in n no to manor the other Prnincoa, the not... inn-d n llglifu are worth choir tsee "In. in Non Semi: only. They In stumped ‘l’nytblo at Iulifax,'amt are “labored in black Ink. None but $5 new are rot m eireulation. Brunt" of the vainoid notwi- cimlutiou Wednesdny, the 2nd December, tMe, tad of “16$on held against than at Manual. Toronto Ind mm“. “cording 10th. Mural of the Commissioners under the Provincial Note Act: ‘ Provinoh‘. Note. in eireuhttian-.. Plynbln It Mantra! $3,203.59l 00 Paysblo " Tommy“ 1,202,409 " l’aysblo u HIM-If 248,000 " A? Audit Oitieo, (Julia. . nun-u. Ott the Nth inst ' at hU.ut B'urtembutr,h-at., the wife of William White, Huh of I trort--etittbom. BOULEVARD FELT UNDEBSKJRT, G CALL AND EXAMINE THE PRICES Otttora, Dee. u, 12.68. SHEFFIELD nuts}; spAhirs.sT FANCY GOODS, Kc., kc., ' CUNNINGHAM a LINDI AY’I f. HEAT B‘NXKRK'PT SALE. The you"! novelty of the "no: It tho ll‘atthcs, Jewellc1y. It. " SALE OTICE. [IE STORE To LET. LOAN "toN WORKS. At Toronto........... At 11th!“ CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY’S . & J. TAYLOR SAFE, WELLINGTOS~BTRII1, amusements. Ro. 14, krona-n. ELECTRO-PLATE, U usurp-nod for u first-eta" " Till " Goods. JOUN LANGTON, And e. ti, was. "500,000 00 .. 450,000 " '" 49,600 00 OT TAWA. $4,654,000 00 999,600 00 Auditor. In with!) to the Warehousing - national in the Act â€and during' (50’ Sudan of as; Pulium-m of Cumin " intituleJ: H An Act respecting the Cut-II! and do in ndditimt to the Ports and In "at. motioned by whoeqncnt UM . Council, paused under the authority of. an! Act, an (allowing Poet mu an! tt . hereby dreiared to be inclndcd in an Uataf Warehousing Pom, in the Dominion of M “3.7â€: - nus-r: ms EXCELLESCY my: may!!!†T TOR or THE covenant IN COUNCIL. On the recommendation of tho I!†the [hitter of Customs, sod and!!! ‘. virtue of the authority conferred by 5' " - during the In: Session of the M not of Quads, intituled: " An Ad - spec-tin; the Canon-g" Inu Excellent! . Councilhu been 51m to nuke mi lowing n-guhtion t .4. AI prim which defy -tittrnr 'me'"". lkhtm A Coal Oil Lsmir, Vii†on it": for " com. CANADA ROCK OIL, unssuvmiu noon on?“ PORTLAND “swims agirotl Depot, " Sunni-it. . _----.. II M doting st the on, DEPOT, " Sana-‘- - description rf bury.) k . Curries ad Baku. (After Miss V. M. Flown Bouquet. _ A . ' , Blukborriu ttt Vase. (Alter Lilly 11.31%...) Fringed new... 1 After B. R. scum. f _ Eusmlomipg. [Marlin Juno- M. [has Group of Chicken. [After Ink] (Imp of Quill. [Alter Tait.) Group ofDueklings, [After rim. 1 The Poultry Yrrrd. [After Lommenl.] _ Poultry Lifes. A. I After Lommoul. i u I B. ( {Companions} C" The Kid’s Pity-Ground. [Alter numb] l Com‘gio'a Hugduenu. Coda-tho Aggie-Tm. “After 0. t;. NM] ' Best by the ondsido. ftcomiurru.n pinup.) Ant-Ian 1--0uple. Autumn Lies-oak. IFood “we: and Ferns. [After Elton m, Bird's Neat and Lichen. [Amer Ellen “.1 The Bttntinett. [afar Wm.C:uiehhuk.j The Liam {After Wm. Cmic'uhmhj . Have Patina. [Girl Ind Bog.) ' Rabbits and Kittens. Homing. [An-r 1iosa Bantam] Inning. [After Ron Bauhaus] - kc., &c , Ac. no Bettina“ of Our Mum I...“ illuminated, or typo on the shorten notice. CRA NDLIERS, - .. CANADA oA.'zsrrri.,brms. Doe. mt. lacs. sumo-Image- " W0 think no - civilian: could to in- duced BO morally u your chroma. I. " have: findt wicfwnh w rusehud in " “I.“ not will you ever tind u mimic.“ - Mat-doom Gui] the good, tho any“: Lag! pend our nuun, He was.“ and - to by In. Your aim to intnduo you but!!! production: to the gourd - a uni-OH; an in but efforts you have our hut) - um." Alb-II, Twila Itagr, Irma; MI. “I aqd Silver Pen and or“. Pcnkaiul.h. Abuntiful “torment of PLAjISG CM. BALL AND DINNER, CARDS he, In!!! print: d. r Illuminated CI’OEH'E, 'Book Huh, an†d Merit. ' , The Language " Flowers, Wood All in lots“, Pom, Flowers, Le. . how MOTHER woman," " dog-at jinn“. book of the can,“ inn-triad and illuminated. who" will “so be found tho “I“ “it“ man. for Christmas and Near You 6*. Illuminated School Room Cards, with It†(than from Ecripture. I. Brachor.) _--"-. Late Aulum‘u in the White Mountain. (that. T. Britten) Six America landscapes. thratr o.aar.; Btmnrtterriet, and Basket. (After [in “In. Pun“: Chromm m itrru " a put an. below the publisher's peiem d an Tho "ttor u a prominent jun-ll, “a b Mr. Prinz, expreasea thus " idea oI-Chu-a: um imam-my t xecuted.“ And Jubn G. I'm: 5" and no idea theyvore home [Wilding I n. glad to tnnw that such beautiful rock i, done here." And Bayard Tnylnr; " Your in“ tions of the Beatitudes "c null, â€M.- Ant Wendell PhiJips; " I "eongratulato you. I. succeu. which I consider Inn-"chum." PrantO Ametiean Chrouaos are {ac-I'm“... productions of muted, oil and rue“ ptinunis. so skim-Hy and “1min“, do. u it require. the "tprienee of in upon-go drgret the durermte. between “them and (but _ Among them {be following an the u . "Active : Home: in a Storm. tAfter R. Adam. , P" tmr Friends. (Child and 9t shot a...†Sunutin Culifomia. (After lifonudL) .. Sunlight in Winter. (Aller Mmiliior.) - The Burdened Boy. (After Whittier.) . Euly Autumn on Impu- Croek, N. Y. ' What more uni-pub}. gilt than A M work oft“. to be gazed on with “can.†profit "cry day! " A thing of mung.†. forever." Give than as Chrietu- (ling, tu, exquisite Picturcx, GO DIS Y Bow Bell! Hummer far tho Christin-s lumber Words " the Young, Bock. Candi-n Alma Readings. and Cotnie 1tttitiri eta... fem. one. of which Freda ie E. thatch. tht gnu artist, My: t " Ther no ccmi-ly do and artutieailr x “outed." And John G . Province ofau.. Seam Tho Pout or Mboro’. _ _ VISITING CARDS printed from can.†... ._-... '_B...Q."R6. mr 10w, “named " “III! oChrinm-s mttubter of London Millet; ia' 'ordl " the Young. Demure-(‘1 Ann-.1, I... out. Can-dim Mann», Carp-luff "dings. and Comic tucker. Baking: Idler. 020.. on. etc. M 0mm: Bk. 1., December H. has. CANADA G' AZBTTE OFFICE. 923.3 ' Publications. 015m A unnusii' "V OVIRIXEIT HOUSE. . fl Stationery. “Est: $15 FOR Tlâ€: uounurs. I'll: Ottawa, Wedgeuuy, an: M of Dace-la, I“ I: FOR THE MILLIUX PAitLOR, BED 1:001, D. B. LISM'ESS, . kXU'S (IIRQMOS " L A M pt, "AVE f m: my “mm? _ 11.4 LL & Slot all Il Church, the (In! A“ rm: "ta A " Y 't w. a. LEI. cum rum - 1 may IIN are {ac-ci-u... and '"termke "iesll, dee. M It up“! to H "I!“ In“! “in", HOOK 'fill " I: [in] tdi by, Nari rlhi “('1 Lseitl “All: his £0.04 Hwy to u puct of {I bun Lite m IDCC III-L It It Ad he I M: the metio ti bani! Iona mm to!" col!!! Fire a n du foul tet