â€" Times Ofice Ottiwas, : s lwe. 28, 1868. The murket on Sata day was, as might have been expgeted. v. ry poor. May «as in preity good supply at $18 to $22. In the provision market there is no alteration t Frov®sâ€"E cra vorlc:. * & w__ CROWX LANDs DEPARTMENT, Tosoxto, 10 :h Dacembet, 1848. The un lerm=ntioned laads in the Towaship of ELMA, in the County of Perth, will be offerei for sile, by Public Auction, at<the Oficeâ€"of John Sharman, Eâ€"q., Crokn Lind Agâ€"nt, in the Town of Stratford, at 12 o‘clock, poon, on Friday, the Eighth day of January, 1869 : The following, supposed to be Pine Lanus, will be off:red at an upset price of $3.00 per 13th Con. Lois 20, 22, 24 (100 acres each) ; 25, 26, 27, 29, 29, (101 acres each). The above Lands will be sold for Cash without conditions of settlement." 1ith «*+# 25 (T2 acres); 26, 27, 28, 29, * (TT acres each) ; 30 (80 acres). The fo:lowing supposed to be Marsh Lands, will be offered at an upset price of $1.00 per The following, supposed to be Swamp Lands, will be offered at an upset price of $2.00 per acre, payable oneâ€"fifth at the tim» of sale, and the balance in four equal annual instalments with interest, and subject to theâ€" usual conâ€" ditions of settiement, to be declared at the time ot sale: > 253 (102 acrâ€"s). . 13th @ «= 23 (100). 4h " " 33 (100). . Yith «© «. rT(IOGacres). °. | > 1&h 4 * T, 8, (75 acres). Parti s fonnd tressassing upon any of the above mâ€"ntioned Lands will be prosecuted accordiog to law, and any timber foyund cut will be coufiscated. The Departmental noâ€" tice of th: l4th inâ€"tant, in regard to t abore lands, is hereby cancelled. ‘ 8. RICHARDS, gr9td Commissioner of Crown Lands A mong the most unportantof modern Medical D‘sâ€" soveries stands the L . T aceiges dratoen Crape n the Str acly â€" _ Sto: ach, . Cholers Morbus, Dysentery, bowel ; w Burns ,"calds, \ Bites, &o., kc. The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now been befors the public for s length of time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directious are proâ€" porly followed ; but on the contrary all are delightâ€" od wich its m and speak i n the hi‘ï¬Â« terms of its and magical eGects. We speak from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who ar: saffering from any of the complaints for which it :s .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" CANADIAN PAINX DESTROYER ! mmrm Rnoumatism. and in ro ieving Nervous Affections, exutitle it to a high â€"ank ia h« list of Remedies ~M.m:l0. Dealers are scoming in from Medicine De: in all parts of the country for further m'u.. and each testifying to the universal #atisfaction it gives The Cans tian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate rolief. All Medicine Dealers keep i Physic.azs order and use it; and no fami‘r wirl without it after ou.o try ing it. Sotkt Price twentyâ€"five conts e. SOB]‘B& & LYMAN, The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pais Destroyer, in curing diseases for which it 1« reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing Is hereby given that the Map or Plan and Book of Reference of the Carada Contral Railway Compauy. from the City of Ottawa to its junction wih the Line of the Brockrille and Ottawa Rail. way Company, have been do'g--oilod in the office ot the Department of Public ‘Yorks, andâ€"a copy ef such yarts of the Map or Plan and Book of Referâ€" ence, as relate to the County of C=rleton, has been sleposited in the office of the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Carleton, and a copy ot such parts as relate to the County of Lanark, has been deâ€" ;&d in the office of the Clerk of the Peace for the nty of Lanark. _ Dated this Tenth day of August, 1868. W R. WORSLEY, _ €C. C. Riy. Newecastle, C. W., General Agents for C. W Sol ty Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W M Massey, H. P. McCarthy, J. Skinner, and J. Brown, in Ottaws. 2 E_3 1 PIRIES PERFUMED NOTEPAPER & EXâ€" YELOPES, at Mou:v LOST.â€"On TUESDAY AFTERâ€" Â¥NQON, in Weiliagtonâ€"»t., shortly after leay ing Hoy‘s Bakery, a purse containing about eight doliars, The fnder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the Tiwes ofice. [Compiled expressly fot the Ortawa Tiwes 13th Con., Lots 1 (99 acres) lith "â€">" L4 L H, ~~â€" acres each) ; .30 (101 acres). o 15th @© 1(99 acres); 2, 3, 4, 5, T, 25 (100 actes each). . k ugh w I7Tth * lith Con. Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, (100 acres COPPER PLATE PRINTER, Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streef. Bills of Exchange, Bil Heads, Vir: Mi.muam?&uuï¬ Â«ANADLIANX PAINX DPESTROYER : NETIAL NOTE PAPER & ENVELOPES CBLIC NOTICE c# 4# 3, 4; 26 (100 each). , «_ * 1(90 actes); 2, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, (100 actes each); 25 (95 acres) ; 30 (102 acres). s SEE FIRST 213%€. @Tl‘awa MARKE C CEO. MAYES, 20, 21, 24, (109 acres each); 4, 5, 27, 23, 29, B1, (100 E«L* 4:.’ x\ * igoA J. DURIE & SON‘S 992â€"3 the He will be in his office from 7 in the morning until 7 in the evecing, when he can see parties who â€"wish to arrange about their sales. Consignments a distance will have immediate atten:i _ Cash advances, when required, will be nx‘o on ;’ecï¬ignmonu for immediate saile. | | lA kinds of turniture bought, sold or exchanged. :‘ RaPERENCES. â€" His Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, Hon, Sir Jahn A. Macaonald, Hou. H. L. Langevin, C B, Hooa. Alex. C«mpbeil, P M G, + R. W. Scott, Bs%: P P, Walter Skanly, , M P Kax. W.Strange, Bsq, M P P, Francis H. Barton, E+q, M P > James O‘Rielly, Esqg, Q C, H.V. Noel, Es:l.;‘.\hugor Quebec Bank, Ottawa. Robert Lyon, Esq, M P P. . A smart young mar, wantod to act as travelling agent re~resent ng several firms. J. BERMINGHAM, f Auctiuoneer andt Commussion Merchant, T5.y â€" House, Land aad General Agent. The subscriber respectfully announces to the nâ€" habitants of Ottawa and surgounding country ‘that atthe request of many friendkÂ¥ he has decided on opening anextensive and well regulated Auction Martin this city: > 5 MRS. SMITH, Corner of Bapk and Albertâ€"sts., can rest TWO FURNIsHED BEDROOMS and a sITTING ROOM. â€" 86&_{___ l\ou S ALE.=â€"=The Westerly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First Concession, Ottawa Front,Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the sameconâ€" session, at present in the occuguion of Wa.T. Aylon, Es‘ For further pnmeulul apply to Jous and Wu. TRoxsox, Nepean, and Lewis & Pixucy, Rarristers. Ottawa. _ Je2â€"141â€"tf _ The subscriber would also intimate that he 1s the Sole Agent for Ottawa and territory for the sale of Rappe, Wobber & Co.‘s celebrated grand Pianos. s t3 s o c 7 Horss, Laxo axo Geserat Aczxcr, OFFICE AND S&LE ROOMS, Ixolis‘® New BritoixGs, SUSSEIâ€"8T., | . _ From arrangeiments made with some of the Furniture Manufactories of Westera Ontario, & lar e and well selocted stock of new furniture will be constantly on hand. _ _â€" _ _8 x 3 From their long experience in Germany, Paris, and New York, they are universally admitted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent. The high reputation of the instruments made by them for the past ten years, and the tucreasing demand for them in the new Dominion, prove their very superior quality, aad unirersally acknowâ€" ledged merit. e ns s â€".Public Sules will be held from time to time, of which cue notice will be given, and at which.parâ€" ties requiring to faurnish will have an 0 nity of pur::\uing at unusually low rates. P‘P::‘m is now open with a large stock of new Furniture, as weli as Fi.noe, Harmoniums, &c., ke., consigned for sale. en isnn ol s _ The Pianos, as well as the Purniture in the establishment, will be sold e:.ther by prirate sale or auction. s > a & 'I'E;-y are successors to the late John C. Fox, of Kingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos, _ He would also announce that he is prepared to receive instructions from persons having household furniture, horses, cartiages, or real estate, u_s._di_n- COMMIS§sIONX SALE â€" ROOMS, us d cna i ie Bs l hi ies Th ts id datet â€" tnind Ds P Prctraat ts c cintr 1.b s is in ro-o of, and pledges himself that nothing will be eft undone by him to give satisfaction in discharg â€" ing the trust confided to him. He hopes that by striect attention to the sales ontrusted to his care, as well as by promnt settiem nts immediately after, to merit a share of public patronage. _ i The subscribers beg to inform their customers and the public generaily that they have removed to those spacious pre nises lately occupied by M. K.â€"Dickinson, Canal Basin, and where will he ound constantly on hand the rollowing goods ; ALZO ON HAND, A 2000 Corps or Goop FirEwooD, and 600,000 sawed SHINGLES. _ * Wholesale and Commission Agents. Ne Goods forw «rded with despateh between Ottawa, Kingston and Intermediate Ports, by the Steamer Mary Ann, and three barges. geg" Silver Taken at Par. q > 9212.3m . ALEXANDER FLECH, Proprietor and Manâ€" ager of the VULCAN IRON WORKS, MON. TREAL, begs to inform the public of Ottawa and the surrounding Counties that ho has purchased the extensive works hitherto owned and worked by T. M. Blaisdell, Esquire, as Founder, Machinist, and Worker in all kinds of I[ron Work. Ordors or communications promWendod to and mediciges sent to any part of the Dominion. Charges moderate. ; + â€" 8tiy > NEWCASTLE GRATE, Having made full arrangements to meet the wants of the Traae, he respectfully draws the atâ€" tention of those about toerect Saw and other Mills, Mill Owners gâ€"nerally, Steamboat Owners, and others, to the facilities offered for the manufacture of such articles as they may require. He will be prepared to receive and exâ€"cute K:onpcly all orders in his line of business in the best manner and at reasonable prices. ALEXANDER FLECK. Ottawa, December 11,1848. 9224 (Member of the College of Vaurinlr'y Surgeons Toronto ; by appointment, V.S., to the Co. of Carleton Agricultural Society.) _ VETERINARY ESTARLISHMENT YORKâ€"STREE1L, 01 TAWA, § Commission Merchants. ‘OAL 1 COAL!I FLOUL, _ mdns For Sate or to Let. voMs PoO LET. OoMINXION AUCTION MART, EMOVAL For Sale by ULCAN IROX WORKS, LACKAWANNA, oRrsE IXFIRNMARY, ____ â€" _ Wy. H. EKASTOX & CO., Forwarders and Commuission Merchants, % Canal Basin LEHIGH, D. W. COWARD & Co., Next to Salmen‘s Hotel. WELLINGTONâ€"STREET,. PORK, (Lump and Egg Sizes.) BLACKSMITH3, cCO LE MA x,., _ v. OoTTAW A. Commission Merchants, OMooeâ€"â€"17 Sparksâ€"st. AND AND (Egg and Stove Sizes.) OaATMEAL, &c. (Sereened.) $6 per Chaldron. 0T TAW A. â€"Lot Parx Kiuuek®z.â€"The testimonials borne to the efficacy of this valuable medicine are sufficient to warrant its introduction into every house. | Our own opinion is that no family should be without a bottle of it for a single hour. In flesh wounds, aches, paing, sores, &o., it is the most‘ effectual remedy we know of. A bottle will last for a very long time, and its low price rhcu it within the reach of all. Our readers will remember that the Messrs. Porry Davis & Son havo opened out a house in Montrea!, whence Canadian orders ars supplied.â€"News, St. Johns, C. K. _____ . aaits TAKEN INTERNALY, CURES3 a Sudden Colds, Catarrh, Cough«, Bronchiyis, Asthma, Fever and Az\‘w. Dysp:psia, Lippf Complaint, Acord Stomach, Headache, 4 urn, . Indiges~ tion, Canker in the Mowtk, Throat or Stomach, Suck Headache, Sea Nicknesa, Piles, Kisney Complaints, Canker iask, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Painter‘s Colic, Drarrhoa, Dys« entery, Summer â€" Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum and Cholera, APPLIED, EXTERNALLY, CURES Realds, Burns, Frostbives, Chillblains, Erysipelas, Ringworms, Whitlows, Boils, Old Sores, Nproins, Bruises, Toothache, Headache, Newralgia in the ._â€" Face or Head, Pains in the Site, Pains in the Back and Loins, Rheumatism, RKheumatie Gout, Neuralgic or Rheumatic P«aina in the Joints and Limbs, Stings of Insects, Norcpions, Cextipedes, .__.and the Bites ofPoiovwml Insecta‘and Venomous Reptiles. p At this season, when oot:shn and colds &zre so prevalent, an effectual remedy, and one easily obâ€" tained, is Perry Davis® Vegetable ‘F ain Killer. It is no new nostrum, vended by unknown agents, but has stood the test of over 20 years ; and.â€"those who use the article, internally or externally, will connest with it gratetul recollections of its worthy inventor.â€"Hastings‘ Chronicle, C. W. Rer. Jabez 8. Swan says, "I bave used it for years in my family, and consider it an invaluable remedy." _ * We cheerfually add our testimony in favor of this medicine. â€"Roman Citizen, ‘ We have tasted this medicine and assure our readers that it not only possesses all the virtuo: claimed for it, but in many instances slurpusses any other remedy which we have ever known.â€" Herald of Gospel Liberty, 4 I have used Davis‘ ‘ain Killer, and consider it an indispensable acticle in the medicine box. It has effected cures in Diarrbhcea, and tor cuts and bruises it is invaluable.â€"New York Erxaminer. The Pain Killer is sold at wholesale by druggists and medicine dealers, and commission merchants, in the principal cities, and‘ retailed by Apothecaâ€" ries, Grocers and at Variety ~Shops generally, throughout the world. _ Prise, 15â€"ceonts, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is k\ndlyPcmimd to‘snbh'lh, is from the leiter of a relative of Dr. Wolfe, of this city, now residing in the United States : _ , 2 " Find cut if the Express charges are too high, and if not, arrange with Mortimer to let you have a box of the bottles of CHOLERA MIXTURE, I could make a good little fortune with them. ‘The bottle I brought with me here brought two ladies round from decided cholera; one on board the boat, and the other in Berlin, United States, Both commenced with diarrhces, then with dysentery, and then vomiting. The one at Berlin was vyery bad. 1 gave her three doses of the Chole:‘ Mixâ€" ture, the third of which stopped the vomiting. The next day she was all right, or nearly so. She was very gratetul. J have now only a little left." _ in on Eids ioi oi le & BB"We are glad to learn that the «"Pain Killer" is having so large a sale in our city. . We have every reason to beliere it to ke an almost never failing cure tor pain, and is a medicine that no family should be without.â€"Montreal Pilot. _ It is really a valuable medicino. It & used by many physicians.â€"Boston Traveller, ______|____ --éi;i;;Q; of in terms of high commendation by both druggist and physician.â€" Phrladelphia Eagle. _ It an attack of Diarrhcea, Dysentery or Cramp Colic, don‘t delay .the use of the Pain Killer. _ _ Mundreds of missiongries give similar testimony of its virtues. s & $ is Manufacturers and Proprietors, 380 St. Paulâ€"st., M »ntreal, P. of Q. _ R 18 Highâ€" st., Providence, R. 1.; 71 Southampton Row, Holborn, London, England. * * _ PA This excellent mixture, which should be in every family, is only TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. TRADE MARK "R;;-Hâ€" 'l:'\"â€"a‘n â€".\io{;r; Burmah, writes, " The Pain Killer bas become an a‘most indispensable article in my tamily." se c & en on B Un on EWE TLIET c 0 ut cer neurs CHOLERA, DIARRH(EA, and CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION. This valuable medicine has the extraordinary ï¬ropoflydi-odhuly relieving Coughs, Colds, oarseness, Difficulty of Breathing, Tightness in Chest, &o., &o. It operates by dissolving the conâ€" gealed phlegm, causing free expectoration, and an agreealle imoistness to the skin. _ _ Rev. J. G. Stearns writes, "1 consider it the best remedy for Dyspepsia I ever knew." ._ _ _ A grand specific for derangement of the Digestivo Organs, and for obstructions and torpid action of the Liver and Eowels. Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, The only sure remedy that exists, combining deâ€" licious taste and amazing power. on hand Poerfames of all kinds, and Loilet Requiâ€" sites usually kept in a firstâ€"class establishment. â€"or the relief and cure of Epilepsy, St. Vitus‘ Dance, Puerperal Hysteria, &c., &o. This preparâ€" ation is from the recipe uf a celebrated French Physician, and the very groat success which has attended its use in every case, and where the highâ€" est medical skill was of no avail, has induced the subscriber to give it every possible publicity. The genuine has the subscriber‘s name and address on each bottle. Price one dollar. Sole Proprietor, J. A.HARTE, Chemist, 3Â¥6, Notre Dameâ€"street, Montreal. Colonges, Pomades, Toilet Vinegsr, Rose Denti: frice, for the Teeth and Gums, Also constantly 'l‘\oll ISDIGEKSTIONeâ€"P A NC 4t S A=~ TINE onmq!otolv effects the DJGESTION and ASSTMILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fat eaten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" perior to Pepsine. s Pancreatine Powder, bottles, 2s, 3s 6d, 6s 6d and 12s6d. Pancreatine Wine,bottles,38.5s and10s. x BRAVORY & MOORE, 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. T Acsxtsâ€"Messrs. F. Cuodlil & Co;/, Montreal, ')ARLEY’S ARABIAN HEAVE REMEDY and CONDITIIN MEDICINE is positiveâ€" ly superior to any, or all other preparations for PARODEE’! EPILEPTIC CURE, the cure of Heaves, Oou{lu. Thick and Broken Wind, anrd all diseases which affect the wind of bhorses ; also, as a Condition Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind, is easy to give, sure to cure and safe in all cases and at all times, and dee: not prevent the horse from being worked while uubngs the: _ _ 0 es NQORTHROP & LY MAN, Newcascle, Ont.,; Proprietors for Canada. Price 25 cents. Sold by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, Henry . McCarthy, J. ‘Skinper, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. 880â€"45â€"6m PWE ** *) «A remedy ot great power and usefainess.â€"Dr. W, Parker. s Of great efficacy in cases of Asthma and Chronic gronchu' 8."â€"Dublin Journal Medical Seiâ€" It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by removâ€" ing from the airâ€"cells the coagulable lymph, or that secretion which in heaves clogs them, causing a dificulty in breathing, and by its action on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood, and restoring the distendâ€" ed vessels to their natural size; by its use the horse‘s appetite is improved, all derangements of the digestive orgaus corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat a slesk and shining appearâ€" * The smoke causes no nausea,. When the right kisd, I have never known an instance in which relief was not obtained."â€"General Alexander to In Tins, 2s 6d, 5s and 10s. > Or formed into Cigars and Cigarettes, Boxes, 3s, 6s, 88 and 15s. R Pa«tilles for Inhalation, Boxes, 2s 6d, 5s and 108. BAVORY & MOORE, + 143, New ?ond-n., London. Aorxtsâ€"Messrs. F. Cundill & Co , Montreal. . D. W. HURD, successor to Huro & Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Proprictor for the United MORTIMER‘s COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS AND w, bMolbora, London, Eni‘ltmt . h DAVIDSON & DANIEL, Gexerat Acexts Sold in Bottles at 1s. 3d. and 2s. 6d. Each. Harte‘s Florida Watoer, equal to anything imâ€" )AIN KILLER! PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE ORTIMZR*$ INFALLIBLE REMEDY FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, NONXE OTHER GENXUINE _ Flormda W ator, o%::al t Price 374 cents per le. No. 41 Sussexrâ€"st., Ottawa City. Medicat. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. DATURA TATUL A, MORTIMER‘S Affords Immediate Relief. OR AsSTHMA, aud Chronic Bronchitis FOR REGISTERED THE OTTAWA TIMES, DECEMBER 28. â€" SsTOYES, STOVES, STOVES, almost given away. If you want Hall, Fanoy, Parlour and Cook Stoves, in great variety. Agents for Eaton‘s Patent Automatic, Selfâ€"Venâ€" tilating, Wood and Coal Stoves. Also Beecher & Co.‘s celebrated HOT AIR FURNACES. . PA Public and Private Buildings, Conservatoâ€" ries, Vineries, Manufactories, &o., warmed by Steam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved principles. o. A h-;o stock of materials for the above branches of business constantly on hand. f Importers of : HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARLE. A superior stove to any other selfâ€"feeder. Farmâ€" ers if you want a stove come and seeours. We cannot and will @ot be undersold. ESMONDE BROS., 3 B(!nrh-lt.. 4 : Opposite Ontario Bank. @Eares, SKATES, SKATEY, & at tan C SIGN OF THE ANVIL, Noi 24, RIDEAUâ€"ST. where you can get a complete assortment 0% SKATfl’S of all sizes, and at apy. price to suit purâ€" chasers, from 25 conts to $5.50 por pair. In the assortment will be tound inen, try ours for price, quantity and quality, They must be sold even at a sacrifice. A fow more of Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell. Hanyâ€" SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, consisting in ;lï¬. of GENERAL HOU +E FURNISHING, Butcher Knives, Kuives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Table Spoons, 3 2 Tea Spoons, Tea Trays, Table Matus, Buts, Screws, Locks, : Bolts, Catches, Latches, _ % Axos, Saws, Planes, Slnam, Hammers, Spokeshaves, Gouges, Chisels, Augers, Auger Bits, Steol Bits, Bevels, â€" Levels, Boring Machines, _ _ Together with REFLECTORS JUST ARRIVED. PAINT OF ALL COLORS, . Rose Pink, Burnat Umber, § Terra do Seinna, Chrome Yellow, Â¥ellow Ochre, Colestial Blue, Paris Green, ,anmicty Green, Magnesia Green, Venetian Red, Red Lead, White Lead, in cil or dry, _ Drop Black, Ivory Black, : Lsmg‘muk. Boiled Oil,; © w Oil, Turpentine, Bonsole, Coal Oil, Paint Brushes, Varnishes, &¢. THOS. BIRKETT, â€" _ The undersigned having bought the exclusive right for the City of Ottawa and County of Carleâ€" ton, from Mr.Y. K. REID, respectfally invites the public to call and examine them, being fully perâ€" suaded that all who see them will refuse to buy any other kind. % C. P. DORION, THE BANKRUPT SA LE. .. _ Aign of the Anvil, & No. 24, Kideauâ€"st. P. S.â€"All gouds delirored free to any part of the ity 4087 as they cannot fall apart of their own accord. The invention (patented) is simple and effective, a short openiug atthe joint at each end of the pipe enabies two of them to be locked together, and the " bead " effectually prevents their separation. es No more difficulty in Yuuing |tonpiPos together. ‘They will fitlike a glove, and can‘t fall apart By this new invention STPVEPIPESs may be Stted into each other with the groatest ease, and _ Any person can put them together with the exâ€" pedition of a practised tinsmith. wee Matiemneit s oaiee s old e ce n e Such is the character given of every stove sold during the Put year at the wma& DTMaT 1‘ â€" @TAVUVR â€"â€" NnPDam «CAPITAL*" STOVE DEPOT, 35 Sussexâ€"strect, Ottaws, H. MEADOWS & CO. We beg to notify the public that our stock for the season is now complete ; our 6y aro of the latest and most improved patterns, and the most extensive assortment shown in Ottawa. IRON BEDsTEADS, LAMPS, COAL OIL, SAUCEPANS, f Brass and Enamelled Kettles, Tinware, Toilet Betts, Baths, Flour Sioves, Brushes, Dish Covers, Table Mats, Sad Iroos, Table Cutlery, Tea and Table Spoons, Preserve Jars, Ihehi Knives, W ash Tubs and Boards, Refrigerators, q Beatâ€" ers, Cruet Stands, Ash Pails, Table Bel‘s, Tea Trays, Toa amd Coffee Pots, Soup Tureens, Jelly and Pudding Moulds, &0., &¢., &c., &6. COOKING srovns.kgd' the good oldâ€"fashioned COOKILNG STOVES, of thelatest and most modern DOUBLE STOVES, the best in use, HOTEL STOVES, large and extra strong made, expressly for Hotel and Boardjing Housés, oonrlet.e with large Copper Water Reservoirs and Plate Warmers. . We call special attention of Hotel Keepers to these stoves, they will last as long as any six ordinary stoves. See them and judge for yourselves. Price lists sent free on a yourselves. Price lists sent free on application. COOKING STOVES, DOUBLE sTOVES, BOX STOVES, ~ HOTEL â€" STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, CoaL sTovEsS, BEDROOM STOVES, DUMB â€" STOVES, STOVEPIPES! ELBOWS! SrOVEPIPES . of every description in stock, suitable for the smallest family, or the largest hotel. ARE YOU GOING TO BE MARRIED ? _ Youxa Max, see that your house is well furnished with useful articles before you spend your money in mere showy ornamental things. â€"designs, PARLOR STOVES, for elegance of design cannot oi _ be surpassed, _ _ BOX & HALL STOVES, that are unrivalled for u_ {.cto .~. ... heating purposss, Common, Bright and Russia Iron, and enrything in the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copperâ€" ware Line, on hand er made to order. Hot Air Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Building Job Work and Repairs attended to punctually. We kheopinono but the best and most experienced meâ€" anics. * If so, call and see our large assortment of necessary Houseâ€"keeping Goods, suitable for Kitchen, Dining Room, or any room in your house. _ _ _ _ . _ Supplied with SsTOVEPIPES ‘AND TINWARE, At reduced figures, : CAMP. KETTLES, SHANTY â€" PLATES; AND BASING, ® BIRD CAGES! BIRDCAGES! BIRDCAGES Al! of the above at the . ‘ « CAPITAL" STOVHE DEPOT, here will be * The celebrated Sheffield Club, w« s+_ Canadian Favorite, $ f # «_ Central Park do and all oiter English and German Patterns Skate Straps, all patterns, &e., &e,. Also, a general assortment of _ 5 V'lv‘h'oyr\vill be sold at thedow price of FIFTEEN CENTS PE%. LENGTH. TOVES! STOVES : » SAFE !) ),SURE i) ),SUCCESSFULâ€" LYTH &6 KERR, Ottawa, October RAND SUCCBSS i HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS8, ers, Cc., da Stoves &# Hardware. ARDELL‘S PA TENXNT STOVEâ€" PIPE. NO NEED OF WIRING UP, CoOUXTRY MERCHANTs 8 T OV E 8 A STOVE n races 58 stun--t., Opposite British Lion Hotel. pPP® SsSTOVE DEPOT, street, Ottawa. H.MEADOWS & CO. No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., or 8 T OV E S ! w Knives, &o., &o., &c. 871.3m Dlt. 0. C. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and â€" Accoucheur, Ottawa. Day: office opposite Magee & Russell‘s, Sparksâ€"streot, Centre 'IE)wn Night office at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. CaXxcr®s Cur®», without the uso of the knifo, by a new, but certain, speedy, and almost painless process, Roferences given to ;mtiel suc»â€" cessfully treated, it required. 17w100y i’,n." C. LEGGO, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Officeâ€"Hunton‘s Block, Sparksâ€" street. _ ; NV 'Stisséx-sireet; over Mossrs. Campbej}l’ & Co.‘s, Grocers. 4utf Put up at the © CITY HOTEL," one of the most comfortable houses p the city. This Hotel has just been fitted up in a first class style, and at an enormous expense ; its nccommoâ€" dations are of the best kind, it contains 75 rooms, with good yard and stabling tor 60 horses. The table is always supplied with all the delicacies of the season. | The Lnr is also supplied with the vory bost of Liquors.â€" Besides all that, this Hotel i« situated right in the centro of business, near the R.K. Depot, and within & few rainutes walk from the Banks and Post Office. . MRS. TROTTER begs to announce that she has at present several commodious and handsomely farvished suites of apartments, in every respect eligible ‘for civil or military officers, o’r7§rinto gentiemen remaining in the city. TT8H 'l‘lllc 6 QUEENâ€" R?TAU“ANT. M. KAVANAGH, Propricor, Corner of Metcalfe and Wellingtonâ€"street«, opâ€" posite the main eritrance to tho Government Buildâ€" ings. %he“QU.‘JEN" comprises all the requisites for a firstâ€"class hestau ant. "Yhe House has beenrefiited and rof. Tnished lnro‘t'l"{mut. The BAR contains the cheicest Brandsir Wines and Liqu rs, and every deiicacy of the seaswa wiil be found on the table. The fropricut’l best efforts will be directed to he comâ€" ‘ort of his guests ano patrons. BM Oysters,Game eto.,dai‘y 3to5p.;n E. HOUGHTON, Proprietor, (Late of coughton‘s Dining Saloon.) FBS~A spacious sampleâ€"rvoimn for commercial travellorg. o 859y G.A. BUCKE, W. H. SANGER, This firstâ€"class Hotel has boen reâ€"furnisheqa and refitted throughout, and now combines all the "_q_“_‘.’,ifff of & ï¬vrnf:gluu eaull_i_ahm!n_t.. s 582tt '])u. w. J. sARKNRY, C Wellingtonâ€"stroets, Ottawa b o q,.f _Terms are cxceedingly moderate. Try once and you will be satisGed. se e BV OfMficoâ€"Spurksâ€"street, opposite Magee & Russell‘s. e s 516y _ R@"kemember the Place © City Hotel," 718, 80 and 82, St. Josephâ€"street, Montreal. 3 CHARLES LAURLN, 8ostf . Proprictor. HpICKWICK HoOUsE, _ ~ _ l" ‘ Ne at Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., OPPIOH“ the Court House and Public Ofiices, ST. CATIHILARINES, Ont, _ â€" . es ‘Stages in connection with the steamers Jason Gould, Pembroke and Pontiac. Particular attention paid to the comfort of guests. Good rooms for commercial travellers. Horses and vehicles always on hand. . J. COPELAND, Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"streets Pembroke, Ontario, _ ie en * 6 IHNORONTO HOUSE, Sparksest. cription executed with accuracy. Communications ndsrored Ottawa City, (postâ€"paid), or left at the ofhce of N. Sparks, Solicitor, &c., Ottawa, will receive prompt a‘tention. 55 y i BILLINGS, Jr., Architect,Elgin street go opposite the Post Office. Rrxrerexors.â€"~â€"H ASims, Esq, Architect, Philaâ€" delphia ; Thos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Albany ; Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Otawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Esq Managing Virsctor O. & St. L. R,. R. T40t Vortcm.--?mm indebted to the ESTATE | . @ of the late N. SPARX3, Esq., for interest or otherwise, are hereby notiGied taat all accounts \ not settled on or before the Ist day: of January, 1889, wi‘l certainly be handed to our Solicitor for collection. N. SPARKS, JAMES D. SLATER, Domnsib}f HoUSE, WELLLNGTONâ€"STREET. The undersigned, formeriy head waiter at the Russell House, begs to notify his friends and the public generally that he has leased the above hotei, which is now well furnished, and will be kept as a first class house. The bar is well stccked with the choicest brands of liquors. The table will be furnished with the best the market affords. Good yard and stabling attached to the premises. 658y a GEORGE IRVINE. tionery Store. The sale of Real Estate at Auction or private sale promptly attended to. Consignâ€" ments received and immediate attention will be paid. Sales attended in any of the city or counâ€" try. % 699y * D’nT'JEi VER MARTIN, Dentist. Ofiiccâ€" Bparkeâ€"stroet, Contial Ottaw a. SJqutf _ i b'n . C. A. MARTIN, Dontist. , Officeâ€" Sussexâ€"street, over Mossrs. Cn.mpbell & Co.‘s, R _SPARKS, Provincial Land Surveyor, e _ Draughtsman, &c.t)écommiuionod for Upper and Lower Canada.) ce and resiqence, G‘qucester, near Ottawa. Burvey: uf every desâ€" S CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and @ General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawos‘ Laâ€" chine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &¢., for sale. _ Orric®: No. 5, Sparks Street, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W. O’CONNOR & WALLER, Exchange Breâ€" kers, Fire, Life and Accidental Insurance, Commission and Collecting Agents. Office, No. 27, Sussexâ€"street, Ottaws. R. E. O‘CONNOR 378y w. K. WALLER. The remarkable success which has atiended the introduction of the celebrated Coneentrated Lye into Canadian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" cited the cupidity ot an unprincipled firm in town {which has already been convicted of borrowing other l;ooplo'n brains) by a spurious imitation aaltad Cananifiae. Pn avaid disannaintmant nur_â€" called Saponifier. To avoid disappointmgnt, purâ€" chasers should be careful to ask ror HM. g:n- cencrated Lyo, which is sold by all respectable M‘4 Dukeâ€"st, LeBroton‘s Flats, “omeil.o the well." Office hours from 8:30 to 10;30 a. m., and diere D PAB" (Gientiemen‘s Clothes cleaned and dyed. Kid Gloves sloaned. 891â€"3m Has not removed to Centre Town, but can be found at the above address. peuc Great reduction in prices for cleaning or dyeing. All kinds of Wool, Cotten, Silk, &o., done at reâ€" duced rates. h No use of undinï¬ goods to Montreal. pMEncourage home manufactures. _ Five or six gentlemen boarders can get rooms, with or without board, in the vicinity of Sandy Hill, within ten minutes walk of the l;arlinmont Buildings, by applying at the Office of this paper. Ottawa, October 10, 1868. 868tf â€" _ Sussexâ€"st., _ § sIGN OF THK GOLDEN 8HEEP, Opposite Martineau‘s Store, Elginâ€"st., (Oppositethe Kussell House,) Ottaw a, Ont. SILK Executors Estate of late N. Sparks, Ottawa, November 23, 1868. 906Jy1 _ ‘ruggists and Grocers in townr and country. 783y R H. McGREEV Â¥, Contracior and Builder. e Office: North side York Street, second oor from Sussex Street. 18y Pembroke, Aug. 1, 1868. sTEA M DYE WVORKS, DW ARD C. M ALLOCH, M. D., M. R. C 202tf oNCENTRATED LYE. . CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. EVERE HOUSE, OTTAW A. EK METROPOLILTAN, _ _ AUMOND‘3 BLOCK, 876E R. GEORGE HUTCHISON, Dentist PTAWA HOUSE. TTAWA CITY LANS, SPECIFICATIONS, &¢«, OaAaRD. RANCH OF a ST. LA WRENCK DYE WORKS, B. TACKABERRY, Auction Rooms No. 36, Rideauâ€"street, below Whyte‘s Staâ€" +OIxXC DowX To MoOSTREAL ?"» Sotcls and Salcons. Moial Canbs. MACDONALD & CO,, AND WOOLLEN DYERS, Scourers, Hot Pressers, &c. Atisccllancous. Dye Works. 8 LEThAM & BRUNAIS, Rideau Street Ottawa, P. Q‘MEARA, Prorskizto®. PROPRIETORS. «opposite the Proprietor. 809y _ and N 1CHOLAS SPARKS, Barrister and Attor. 1W neyâ€"utâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" ancer, &o. Officoâ€"Lang‘s Buildings, Elginâ€"st., opposite the Post Oflice, Ottawa. 489y I‘\ A. MAï¬ A, Architect. Oficeoâ€"Aumond‘s 6 Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. 202y j .-W.‘{WTEBTM the late firm of Lewis, e Pinhey & Ward, has removed his Chancery Office to Bell‘s Law Chambers, opposite Russell ï¬â€"u’('OSflï¬ï¬xiLOI neyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicigorâ€" e in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c , Susserâ€" street. Office, Union Buildings, Ottawa. 55y Mouse, Elginâ€"st l‘ e vincee of Quebes, ï¬ull, near the Post Office. 3906tf LAPIERRE & MAYCOCK, Attorniesâ€" atâ€" Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancers and Notaries Public, Corner ot Sussex and Yorkâ€" streets, Ottawa. 368y l{ ii. HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" e citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Patent Right Rolicitor. Officeâ€"Post Oflice Building, Elginâ€"street, Ottawa. 43utt ;'iosc.uovi:"'a TAILLON, Barristers, 1Â¥ Solicitors, ko. Oficeâ€"Mosgtove‘s Buildings, Rideauâ€"street, Ottawa. WiLLIAM Moscrove. _ 366tf â€" Greoror Tamuox, l) J. BUCKLEY, L.Lâ€"B., Barristor and & Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, and Notary Public. Oficcâ€"over Mr. Luke Cusâ€" ner‘s Boot and Shoe Store, Lideauâ€"st., Ottawa. 334y ] ~EES & GEMMILILL, Barristors, Attorneys; A Solicitors, Conveyancers, &¢c. Officeâ€"In the Court House, Ottawa. ; Rosert Lre®s. 4utf _ Jonx J. Grxuxeuu. ]*‘ DW AD| T. DARTNELL,. Barrister, ‘4 Solicitor, Attorney and lmry Public, Clerk of the Peace and County Attofney, for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. Officeâ€"In the Court House, L‘Grignal. 34â€"6m Tenders for clearing the portion of the line beâ€" tween the City or Orrawa & CarpEtox PraAcE, also for the deliveries of CLEARING, FENCING & TIES. Fencing Maiterials and Ties, during the coming winter and spring, will be reâ€" ceived by the undersigned Spocifications can be seen, and every informaâ€" tion obtained at the Engineer‘s Ofice, Eiginâ€"st. opposite the P.us‘poll House, UP TO TIHIE 3011 INST., AT NOON. o ! t 1 0 CIIY H#00P SKIRT FACTORY, 43 Bgl’h-lt , Centre Town. N.B.â€"Any party wishing to commence the Skirt Manufacturing Business can rrohhu all the reâ€" quisite machinery and materials at much below cost by calling on MR. MILLAR at the factory. Tï¬â€™:‘cumnsr NOTE PAPER & ENVELâ€" OPES in the city at _ _ 3 â€" The Commissioners appointed to construct the Intercolonial Railway give public notice that they intend to lot 4 sections of the line at once. Plans and profiles with specifications and terms of contract will be exhibited at the offisces of the Commissioners in Ottawa, Riviere du Loup, Dalâ€" housie, St. John and Halifax, on and after the 11ch JANUARY, 1869, and sealed Tenders addressed «To the Commissioners of the Intercolonial Railâ€" way," will be received at their office in Oitawa up to 4 0‘clock on the 8th FEBRU ARY, 1869. A . WALSH, _ EDW. B. CHANDLER, &J. BRYDGES, WL[‘LIA.\I F. COFFIN. Sections Nos. 1 and 2 embrace about 40 miles from a junction with the Grand Trunk Railway, near Riviere du Loup, and each section will be about 20 miles in length. Section No. 4 will be about 24 miles in length and lies betwoeen Amberst and River Phillip in Nova Beotia, . . respectfally inform the public that they will open a branch of their Section No.3 will be about 26 miles in length, and lies between the East side of Restigouche River to nsar Dalhousie in New Brunswick. For particulars and terws apply to the LADY SUPERIORESS, 863if _ Corner of O‘Connoranad Mariaâ€"sts. which will be soid without any regard to cost during this month. ; 140 dozen CORSETS yet on hand, every size and shape ; will be sold at very low prices, _ N.B.â€"Tenders will shortly be called for, tor other sections of the line, as soon as the plans are suticiently advanced. j Mr. GUSTAVE SMITH, (Organist of the Cathe . dral) a Graduate of the Imperial Conservatiory of Paris. Lessons on Piano a 1 Singing. Rideauâ€" street, corner of K ingâ€"street Ottawa, June 23, 1858. 115y _ N. B.â€"Will also give lessons in the Latin, Greek or English languages if required. ___ _ Ladies wishing to have SKIRTS made any rsrtioulu shape or size to fit them will please eave their orders at once, as the skirt makers will be paid off by Christmas. «. __ _ A f _ Orders may be leit at Messrs. Duric & Son‘s bookstore. Ottawa, October 16, 1869. 873 W. C. CLARK, Professor of Music and ‘Teacher of Piano, Voice and Harmony. Also, Mrs. Clark, Teacherof Di «wing and Painting. Muse Rsoms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"street, corner of Sliterâ€"street, Centra Town. _ _ risaie % ~MONS. II. BERTHELOT, of the Ottawa Gramâ€" mar School, is now prepared to give private lesâ€" sons in the French language. Terms moderate. _ Drders ml} be lett at his residence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Stora. _ > _ h4 â€" â€" CoxarEcartion pE NotrE Daxe, FROM MONTREAL, Ottawa, 14th Deo., 1888. Lheir classes willâ€" begin on the 15th OCTOBER. paid off by Uhristmas. + I large lot of HOOQP SKIRTS still on hand (ttawa, 19th December, 1868 T TETREA U;T\K;t_l}_.yjfub'iic for tho I:rof NTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. Educational Establishment ia Ottawa. ANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY. NUITION. HE YISTERS IVING UP BUSINESS. LAST MO NT H. IANOâ€"FORTE TULTION. USICAL ACADEMY. Keqal Carbs. Educational. Tenders. OoF J. DURIB & SON‘%. Engineer C.C. R,. Co. y 925td D. STARK, alf price. #30a51 â€"6 Trains now leave BONAVENXTURE STATION as follows : ons ; 1868.] WINTER ARRANXGEMENTS. 1869 GoING wEsT, Day Express for Ogdensburg, Ottawa, Brockwrille, Kingston, Bellevilie, Toronto,Guelph, London, Brantford, Goderich, Busllc, Detroit, Chicago, and all points West, #t................. Night do db ° do do _ do Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at..... ....... Trains for Lachine #+ ............8:00 a m, $:00 pm, $;00 p m. * GOoIN# sOUTH AND EAST. Accommodation Train for Island Pond _ The steamer Carloita leaves Portland every SATULDAY AFTERNOON (after the arrival of train from Montreal on Friday night), for Haiiâ€" far, N.s., returni Taesday. a She has excellemmmodsuon for passenger® and freight. ie o es i and Intermediate Stations at......... 7:00 a m Express for Boston at.......................... 8:10 a m Express for NewYork and Bostonat...... 3:30 p m â€"via Vermont Central. l oC Express for 'Nc::v .)"ork via Plattsburgh, Lake â€" _ Chanmplain, Burlington & Kutiand at 3:00 p m Express for Island Pond, at................. 2:00 p m Night Express for Quebec, Island Pond, Gorham and Portland, stopping be. tween Montrea‘ ind lsland Pond at St. Hilxire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville and Coaticook only, at.....................10:10 p pa Sleosing Cars on ail Night Trains. Bagâ€" gage checked through. . * . The International Company‘s Steamers, running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway, leave Portiand every MONDAY, at 5 p m, for st. John, N. B. * ~ _ For further information and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" fen:; > .C.J; BRYDGES, Managing Director, Montreal, Dec. 7, 1868. & Tickets issued through at the Company‘s princiâ€" pal sumtiGnk," _ _1 câ€"=0 0c coo occg cs 200 cno e ON and AFTER MONDAY, the 30rxu of NOV., 1868, and until further potice, TRAINS will run as follows: *L ; LKAYVE OTTAWA. ARRIVE IN PRESCOTT, Express, 8 4. m. 10.30 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p.m. 4.15 p. m e LLAYVE PRESCOTT. . _ aRRIVE IN8 ortawa.}> Mixed, 7. 30 a. in.~~ 11.00 a. m. Express, 2.10 p. m. 445 p. m. The time of these Trains has been soarraoged as to ensure connection with night and day trains on Grand Trunk, east anu west. Baggage to and from Ottawa checked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway . Return . tickets to Prescott, ï¬â€˜mï¬villo and Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" tions o= the line. $ T. S. DETLOR, THOMAS REYNOLDS, Sugorintandnnt. Tg x Managing Director. N. B.â€"The above zraimms all run by Montreal 5 15 A. M.=â€"â€"TRAINS will leave 3 © Ssndlrolnt at 5:15 a.m. and 1:3¢ g.m., arriving at Brockville at 11:30 a.m. and :45 p.m. Alrtuiuon main line connect at Smith‘s Falis with Trains to ind from Perth. LZEAVE BROCKVILLE. 7.15 A,. M.â€"=TRAINS will leave € e ROJZ Brockvilie daily at 7.16 a.m., and 3:15 p.m., arriving at Sandpoint at 12:40 p. m. and 9 p.m. LEAYXE SAXDPCINT. The 7:15 a.m. trair from Brockv.lle connects with U. F, Coy‘s Steamers for Ottawa, Portageâ€"daâ€"Fort, Pembroke, &¢., &6., and the 1:15 p.m. train from Eandpoint leaves after those steamers are due rom east and west, & H ABBOTT, Managing Darector. Brockville, April 11. 412y Between the hours of TWO and THREE o‘clock, To Touriats.â€"The largest colicction in Dominion ot P'hoto‘rs?hi of Canadian Boenery Ottawa, Rept. 7, 1868. 182y Rideau Rall, * 21s* December, 1868. THE HOWE SEWINXG MACHINES are best for Carriage Trimmers, Shoemakers and T.él:ltl‘. d f ble to show F and see for you ; no trouble o ¥°sh°'“e°7-9:'~{ & fl e k _Remember 37, Spukh Ottawa; and 105 Kingâ€"st , W est Toronto. * G. A. WALTON, Agent for Ontaric, R. W.STEPHEX, o30tf Manager for O¢awa Oiffice. Friday, the 1st day of January, 1869, WHEELER & WILSON‘8 Eilent Feed Sewing Machines aro perfectly noiseless. The most valuâ€" able present to any Lady or ‘amily is a WHEELâ€" ER & WILSON‘3 szwfsu MACHINE. A liberâ€" al reduction for cash on all machines for boliday presents. Twentyâ€"fire per cent reduction on Emâ€" gruem. Awentyâ€"fire per cent reduction on Emâ€" roidery attachments applicable to the ‘former style of Whoeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rutâ€" ton Hole Attachments, new style; Tuckers, Trimâ€" mers, Corders, &¢c. ADMINISTRATOR OF THE GOYERNMENT, PAYING T HEIKR LESPECTS BST, LAWRENCE AND OTTAW A RAILWAY, ‘ (formerly the Ottaewa & Prescott Railway,) W. Norwxax‘s, MararcatrrEestrRr®EEr. Ottawa, Nov. 27, 1868. KYEALY DEESCIKIPTIOXNX 5LKECEIYE GENXNTLE MEX sUMMER ARRANGE MENXT, HANGE OF TIME. ROCKVILLE & ‘OTTAWA RAIL« w aAY. By command. NLARGED PORTRAITURE I§s EXCELLENCY OLIDAY PRESEXNTS. Commencing on the 20th_April, 1868 Sewing Machines. COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN, Amlroabs. RIDEAU HALL, DESIROUS OF ThE ON OP AT AT J,‘G,. IRYVINE, _ Lieut.â€"Colonel, A.D.C 9:10"a m 8;50 p m 1;:00 an 931td 1y I have this (:'ly. depr,s'.fcxl v General, Twenty Thousand #o] the above Fitity Thousand, mak sand Dollars ($70.000) U.s. G ‘The Hon. Col. John M sira The r10l!lowing I a license totransa in Canada : ANCE COMPANY The Hon. Col. John appointed Connsel (o the : jon. Ail legal matiors wi An entirely Car to insurers, and * Cttawa, Dec. Lll Prize Medalist of the Great Internetional fÂ¥iy z tion of London, 1862, and of the Upj. &â€"versal Exhibition of Paris, JI867, WE HEKEEY ArProINT Mx, JOHXNX JLESLIE, HER MAJES usn MAJRST« qunET â€" 1CTORIA®S Sikk coURrT oOF SPAIN, THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS00y. MISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, Sole Wholesale Zgents in the Domimion for the sale of J. Newi/‘s W atches. Ottawa May 20. #ao... The Undertaking branch is under S. R.s imme diate euperintendence, who attonds all Poverais without Extra Charge, and has constantly ea hand a large assortmont o1 Readyâ€"made Cofins, « al gizes and qualities hk META LL}C,,B LACK CLVIH, COBOURG, &s f Agent for Ottaws and M’ For the sale of these celchrated Timekeeners _ * Ple e e x CABIXETâ€"MAXI WENT END WELLING TOXâ€"STREET, Where the usual assortment of Cabinet and stering Goods: can be obtained at moderate Is umpc of Brass, SNiteer Plated., haudecre and Bull,. (Shop next to K.. &. 500 , Store, Chaudiere.) . House, Sign, Villa and ge9 ainting executed on the .mosc re «sonable terms Ceilings and walls distompered in colors 49 4# Fresco work of a‘l kinds to order. _ _ ~_ & inung ©€x°0000N0 0n THO 10006 UPC C bo E:Uing- and walls distompered in color$ to auit Fresco work of a‘l kinds to order. ® * Reéferences permitted to the f-i“owin‘g-' A. H. Baidwin & Co., 3. R. Booth, Esg., R. K Be®) g:‘q... Rev. Mr. Johnson, Hall ; Rovy Mrâ€" Picke: wa; Mr. Haycock, Architect. 3 Augast 26. o s294m : _ . Parties ordering MMFhogany, Wailout, Oak, « other Hardwood Cofins, may nlyo-pmq'-‘&- uine article, fno staine1 Butternut soid for Walâ€" nut.) hss ie in Note Papor, Eavelope: and Cards, with Motto®® â€"most exquisito in dosign, and all new sr Ar DURIE & SON‘£ THK TIMES is priw and published M Tus Orra«wa T:i~«5 T nrixrix6 AsD T omust> xc Couprasy, at the Office, 38, Sparkeâ€"#t Centre : Town, Ottawa. Jaxts Corno® Managinge Director _ ALgZ. Roneered uks‘ *4 Persons desirous of keeping their deceased relaâ€" tives for a few days. or even a week,can dose without the least pos:ible inconvenionce by ;Fy- ing to 5. Rogers, who has had over 20 years exâ€" verience in the above branches, and teels confident of giving sati<faction. € cubA T El usX in _A BM As Mpaes second to none in Ottaw a It is a Nuperior Reflector Express Waggzons always ready for the removel of Furniture. * > RESIDENCEâ€"At the West End Es «blishmens, We‘lingtonâ€" st * Ottawa, September 4, 1868, 838y defray the ex of # I‘ue nyotico [5! be giver Ottawa, December 17. KJ m m mm = 5 'rz:o Al;;'m of Bankâ€"st. ch-;eh ‘intend ulu: A about the of Feb , in BAZAAR, about the end of Fobruary, in ordér )/ A. \W 1. wees« a MRS. SMITH aving received her now atyles :'ALL HATsS & B')Nshz‘:&:l be no’n:; e friends and l""" * Fomu yodp.nd done over in the be# style N.B.â€"The most fashionable Mantles and Coslt made to order, Cornor of Bank and AIM“ ~ Netober 10 _0 1 e LKQ PLAIN. ORNANMENTAL AND DEOORATIYE® PALINTEMHLS, _ AND PAPER HANGOE enA en . in ieer Ti fl Boat‘t Den Ottawa, Notember 7 TXxIGN MUTCAL No. 70, e I, ENT A beazstiful variety of Goodall‘s N.B.â€"The Undertaking Branck will be found Tt will Not T arnish or Burn Out. «Igencecs. OYIXCIAL ixson OYAL CaxiaDpLia~ saxK. "*OTIcE. & Manuafacturer by CHRISTMAS ~TATIONERY, MAs STATIONXEIRYX. AZ A AR. Managin® Kditor . f MA ANDALL & MONXTGOMERY, WEA‘PCH s sSEWILL, LIEIâ€"(-KPOOL. oOTTAWA AGEXCY DEPOT, 73 SUSSEXST, CoaAL oTL pEPOT. LANP EHADE, It Naves the Hyes TY TdEQUEEN,ROYALFAXTE . & A. SAUXDERS, UXDERTAKING 1X, D. R. LEAYENS, ense of reating the New 1 be given : f the time and actthe b T THE I D E. (1] ) E. 140 in AXD AT THEâ€" reneyr €uuale P."M NC W 41 aT THE R special appointmentts ky a8D It Saves Oi. AND 18 t the Xin JOHN 1 & al A LD STAXND, AUVâ€"8T&EET l'f:"ARTl’_“, lith +»ctober, 188. Company A% foos s‘ness of Lih[: UCTUAL LHMFE ine, ’3ln â€"T550000,. _ * UPHOLST] D T A K ER; ed with the Reass. Dollars in .“““: um a lc imee i.'..’g ®. Gold B(“'““. wray, MP , has lag ym mt mar das ud 1t is Indestructike npany 10r the Doug. e referred to bim, 1. R. CORY Tx Tt } gent ent, St; J Â¥ ini ®ar o{*hu' â€"nerf Red Oil Barrel, 73 Bussex 4. (")MP&\T ANGTOx t Of clas t d:l: $x have TV and will B«