The iaiportanee of the construction of the section Iron Carleton Pius to thm city can hairnru.ovrsrated. ‘It will restore to us WI understand that seven! Oi the pun- coal oftteials in the Crown Lands Depart- ment of Unttrio have been relieved of the car" of once, end permitted to reme tn one 3: A"! stlary. It may be. rzmombered that 321.000 In Wrist-d for gratuities to whim odicers whose urn-ices might be as.' {wuml‘ with, and if this npprupnation u exhumed .rithiti the year, the " dampin- oc" rr tea, will madly ., beyond the 0.0qu Land: Detachment. section, that between Ottlwn 3nd Carleton Place, mm progress I: being made towards contraction, tender. foe the performance of stick of the work u can be moot conveniently done during the winter months having been invited. “on: He also being made, to " ure the right of way tor the whole the .l'eti1' to Carleton Place. We had the plea- eure of announcing on a tanner occasion that many Italians! attired to give their' huh m tor this purpose, in the netghlndr- hsol of Ottawa, and we trust that (like spirit oi generueity nil) animate proprietors all don; the line. _ WI we gin! to- understand that a pre- lirrunary survey otthe section ot the " Camaja .. Central Rainy†between this city and V..u.lreud is - on foot. On the other . Urge portion of the. trade of the leper (Manual give as increased facilitiés for con- ncaion with the was}. And it will be no less beaeheial to the municipalities through which It will run, for the railway has ll"). anhuccd the val-cot the territory through which iLmns. _ Were the mad extended enntwnrd tram thin city to YarHmttt_it would mrnieh us with 3 much shorter route to Montrenl, eating some fYay miles of railway travel. The chief drawback No the We: of on" he: heretoture . been its imperfect connections with the great centne of trade, both East and West, end the " Canada Central" is the line‘which,it‘ built, would effectually re- move. it. Thja-rmd, throughout the entire extent of its projected route, would be of signal tterei1t to thin city, end the contiguous counties and therefore wedeetn it not onto! plaee t? direct the auction of municipal bodice to the My of following the ex- nrnpleof may of the western municipalities by emu-13in; it with each nuisance no any he variably within their means. _ trFor an“ lurk-do m 'Ime. Page. , _ We cannot eayl precisely what may be 'u, actual pmqreeui hr the early 'completlon at the road; but we can any with- ontriskoferrorthat thatproepect would be. immensely brightened-would in Get be rendered -taitt--tre" the mmtiqiralities along the line but to otter the meet moderate encouragement in the ehape ofa enbe'criptlon " etock. In the West they give a bone, out and out, bellowing that in _ few years the eheapertirig in the freight of produce will more than up; the tax, as] that tamer an" a permnenty valne will be added toeach cultivable - of laadi the neighbourhood, mush, accordin‘ to 1'l,'2l2'CC can be eelenlated with arithmetical peed-ion. In title part ottho country theme not the name enthusiaem " the constmcttoe' of ratlwaye an in the Weet. Nevertheleu, were the queatlon fully and candidly preeented before the ratepayere of each municipality, the “no; in the traneler of palace to market, no] other betsetita, which have an exact money value, and can readily be determined, ll cannot be named that they would. refuse to tax themeelvee tor a few yearn, nay lotheexlent of halt the-actual benefit which the railway would cooler upon them. . . . Experience in Canada has already taught on the folly ofgoia; too ike even up the iiii) of abetting a needed public improvement; but it he. at the same time ahewn that these I aide from municipal hodiee' and the public l euheqner have been of immenee advantage 1 in prowling the development of the oountry’el reeoureee. When Toronto has the moral courage to appeal to the Legielature tor at» tutory power to exceed the eetabliehed limit or municipal annulment to enable it to 'devote $400,000 tothe encouragement of two new railway enterprises; when Hamilton, whoee tie" hare been eoolten and no badly eeal-‘ ded bythe "msiane. it formerlvgare to abortive undertakings, has yet $125,000 to - tor the construction pf the Wellington, Grey and Race Railway-, when townehip alter townehip -in the Counties of Wellington and Grey, with but iron: three to " or eight thousnd inhabitants, and the etumpe scarcely yet rotted out of their oldest clear- anoee, are not atmid t- eppropriate some ranging tron twenty to tiity thousand dollars -and that " a bode, or free gift-ro rail- way eompaaiee thatlwill bring a line through or near that; eurely the older munidpalitiee‘ in this neighbourhood would at leaet be willing " undoubtedly they are able, to ad, something towards threading the :0on i don of the CM Central. _ trhtit)ttantlrtiiiii Civil Sonic: ttiN Betti-tt--W. ll. Lindsay Great Bankrupt trale-shettieid Ihvass. Dog Fottmi.-r. McCafher. Note of "and Moten-Robert Tuaatiltort. in»: preliminary annoy, to which in in" wind†the beginning of than. month, in umhrukeibnwnly, we presume, iith the object of seeming n proximate anti-nun of Union of'this put of the road, rather than uith the 1lefinite intention of placing it nadir contract ct thin time. But should n spirit of cntntpriu In infused into the mtmieipaiitus , would they, or om n connidenhh number of than, give tom nip of faith in the in): pom of the truth: nhould they show their "predation ot its value to them, ind their We eootidence in its being a wand eouurtereial enterprise, bypubsertbinit sci: an mutant ofatockin it asrould not t,ioreruuraenaouie mu the ratepayers, but yet a subunit! suaintttte to capiulmtn that they were in Wye hue everyeoofide- that the c600 ot the whole line would be " _iEi,'iii,.ia', forum-d nth energy; and tint (in p?etion,-it Wald prove one of the moat MIN. when] investments in the “Mg - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1969. MSW AImiRI'ISEyEhny. 0.1-. I P" - .9001, The Hamilton papers publish an upped from the "lied River fo-operative Rene! Committee," bearing date the 6th of last month, “greased to June Ttutssn, Ear, the Treasurer of the Hamilton Fund. This " appeal" we twat will untidy the Toronto Cabinet that the expropriation made should be applied at once,"aud, perhaps, induce it to recommend to the Assembly the propriety ot doubling the grant. We judge that the people, of Hamilton; who here already done so mueh,,are again to make an effort to increnee their nlready liberal eutecription. Whether another movement would be luc- ceset’ul here at: not pretend to say; but we may suggest t neither Montreal nor Toron- to like yet distinguished themseleee, in pro- portion totheir abundance, in this cause, and we think they ought to do no before lees wealthy, hut in this Instance more hberal, communities ere called upon a second time Below ts the “appeal,†which we publish to' gm.- our readers n reliable etetement ot the true position of the desrtute portion of the Red River community t Ju. Tenn. Esq., TRIM! 3.3. Relief“... Hamilton. _ The Red Rivsr Executive Co-operative Relief Committee, composed of the gentlemen named by the St. Paul end Canadian Corn- miltcee, with five other: added to their num- ber, having received the reports of the bub- Committees appointed for the purpose of necertniniug the nmount of deetitutlon in the eon-ml districts throughout the settlement, tied that the cues of actual deetitution are for more ntsmerousthatt wuexpected. Thereue at preeent four hundred and thirty-tive‘tumiliee at two thousand four hundred end twelve irt. dividuals needing immedinte reliefinnd forty- eight families of two hundred end T forty individuals who will probably, be won on the list. But besides this, may who hnve now some little manna of support will, before the winter it over, he applicants for relief. There ere also may who had gone into the interior in" the hope of t1ndirttt buffalo " in former years,continully coming in in a note of etnmtlon. ‘ There is than every likelihood that before next lamest the number of the destitute will be largely in-ed-ia the eulmtion of may, even doubled. The total destruction of crop: by the tteaaehopperr, toget'aer with the {more of the buthlo hunts end the thrhertes, and the disappearance of the rabbits, usually so numerone in the winter anon, have, com- bined to produce this deplonblu it“: of luf- feting and emation. I WI: hope the Ontario Government {will lose notime in satielying its?" of the neoco- shy of immediately applying the condition“ appropriation to aid the destitute people of the Red River country. From an extract pubiinhed'eleewhere, it will be seen that Mr. Claus Mun, who is on the epot. and hue therefore a good opportunity of forming . correct judgment, estimates that forty thou. sand pounds mil be required to entry the eufrerers through to the next harvest; and we do not believe that more than n fourth ofthat lulu, including the money net npnrt by the Cunadmn Government, for road build- ing, has yet been provided. To meet this diatress, the Governor And Council ot the aettlement,.at on early date, voted mm (and; at their dinpoenl, uncont- ing to $16,000; the cities of St. Paul nod " wnnkee in the United Sumac well u ottas. we, Sunford, Hamilton, London and Toronto in Canada, have contributed; and the Hon. Budwn’u Bay Company ind Mr. Kev, of London,' hove remitted collections made in Entriand. Couidcnble sumo hove also been heard from on hovlg Men mind by hind friends in England, Canada and the United States. But the committee regret to t1adthat there in need of much 1argeraraitstaace. was" sun, was. _ ’ - Add". griaBt. Paul. Mimteeota, u. s. A. It may be Innicient to my, that hitherto they hnve been obliged to limit the food to tum pounds per week to each person. The Committee think it right to inform the public abroad that n greet part of the money given has to be Ipent in defnying the freight oi the ftour " other provision from the interior of Minnesoti to the eettlclnent. In fact, of my will contributed, half that earn will be ex- pended for tho freightege to Ft. Abercrombie of the provisions purchased in the interior of Min-ot-the freightnge from Abercrombie to the nettle-tent being mostly paid with put of the provision contaibuted; this latter pay- ment being made to indigent individuals, "mident in this settlement, will lcseen the number of npplicntione for relief. A the Committee, while lhnnking thou who hove shady so kindly given for the relief of the Settlement, would earnestly uk nn early contribution from those who feel inclined to give, is no long tn inteml must puss hetero provisions con he obtained in Minneootn and hmnght though to the Settlement. tht halal! of tin Column. It. P. IIADI, W. MACTATI8B, Sammy-v ten. Claiman- It. (inn. and pin; Moment, B.N .A., We ere very glad to beer that Mr. Henry- Iege’e " Soul" u received with great favour in New York and Boeton. The New York Al-. bion, in spanking ot this poetical work, aye: " We fully concur with the English" critic who remain that, ' for the first tine, spirits have been repreeented in e runner which fully justifies the boldnese involved in repre. ecntiug then " nil. Inluh in n living che- ¢cter, no true to eupermnture u mullet or out“! ere to untrue; nnd by this continu- tian, no it were, of humanity into new tir.. cunetnncee end “other world, we ere taught to look upon humanity iteeli from n {rah point of view.’ In spite, therefore, of cruditiel of expmeion, lneccurnciee of rhyme, hnlte of mongernent and violetionl of (lunatic low, " Henri: n unique production that Cannot fail to Interest the thoughtful reader." But everything bu -tigrcd together! The Committee might give my an instance of that and teniblo "gluing. - - - support. Bad there been pemican from the bMisto, the hilure of the cropa would not have been to much ten. Had there been luc- ceu with the fisheries, there still would hue been much less itttterintf. A The Committee would therefore earnestly lay the present Ind condition of this people before the benevolent public. The cue of this settlement is peculiar and trying, on ne- count of it- isolation. The provision: be" to be {reigned by cuts or Ileds over newly four hundred miles, chiefly through m unrn. habitat! prairie. Never before bu this people been visited with n tenure of every means of e " Why is e certnln prominent membe'r of 'he Leziehtnte like a telescope , Became you an drew him out, sed4hrotitrh him, and shut him when». _ I In. Ron, the Reform undid-to " Centre Wellington, has concluded not to surrender his olllco of Crown Lanodbrnt until he In. and. " " election sure." -'rtte following is on extract lrom I pastoral letter of Dr. Cox, Protestant Bishop of Western New York: " When I see the tawdry behlon, the costly vnlgnrity nnd the nicked extravagance of the times, I feel sure thnt thousnnds of Amelie-on women ore strongers to the first lows of retindment, simplicity in mnners And attire. When I see that thousands of American women read the moat Ihnmefnl roman-es nnd the most degrading newspapers ; . frequent the rlleet dnmntic entertaitunenta nod join in dances too shocking to be named among Christina; it fed that l‘hristisn matrons are becoming too tor, nnd that civilized humanism in return. ing to the field. we hue wrested from the Indians. When I rend daily, of the most ungodly divorces, had of crimes against socisl purity nod igaiaat human life itself, which are too you to be mentioned more portion- lsrly, I feel that too may of our country women on: without God in the world, nod that redial reforms ore necessnry in the system of educntion on which the you; womenot Amerien Ire dependent 'tor their training." ._Lnt month of the chap I“ It the skirt “any. mm " half-price. Tn Manual New: ot yeatmhy up: Who is he-Bras" or Born? , There ari, not msny Indians in this neigh- bourhood at present, most of them being any in pursuit of peltrivs. The word " wigwam" is never heard here. In speoking of an In- dinn’s hottie it is culled a" lodge." Thu " ludga in some mt wilderness†that Cowper sighed for, an be had chap here-dirt ehevp. it is composed of skins stretched over some right or nine poles standing on and on the ground, Ind convening to s cotnmott-ceatre near the top (on illustration hero accompanies this dtseeription, which, ofooum, was" unable to nptoduco in print). Tho smoke from the fire, which is built in the Crntrd of the lodge, issues oat of the top, sud, though very com- fort-bio with its butIslo robes and skins of nil kinds, it bu a very mkish and Ojibwa-uh tee I never look " one without tancying o myself that itie lull ofwulves inside. This it the Not' West Indianh, house, end they are to , met with everywhere from Remy Lake High: leukemia River. It look: odd, how- " ' to ace them uttered about the village of Winnipeg, where the " poor lndlnn" comes to barter end drink fuooratarr. . opposite to Fort Garry, the Doctor driving me out in his gig, and drove or, r the visgin prairie for thirty miles due east, to Oak i'oiut, which we burn clubbed Hutatnitsktuto, and where we have established our htwiqrtatt,rs. The country troversed is n betttttifttl "lt", HW- ond with a tail, luxuriant hay, which springs from a brainy amino in msny places fun. I'm-t deep, resting upon clay of any d"pth. in- conceivably rich, indeed, is all this country ; boundless and rich beyond nil dcsciiptio or comparison. At Oak Point, we [tilted n rhouse from s ulfrbroed, n description of "which I him mum in my other lctter. More Lino begin the woods which stretch (loaf through to the Lake of the Woods. This wood consists msinly of smsll poplar, n Huri of bastard red pine,s few cedars, and vast qusntities of red willows, or qttutt'l'c"auf, its the Crees call them. It in no respect re- sembles s Consdisn forest, bat rather the growth which springs up in place of u pinery when s tire hss swept it swsy, with this Bitt- gulsr diirerenco, however, that it rests upon a perfectly level country almost, and is nourish- rd by rich looms, instead of rock and sand. The poplsris the firewood chiefly used here, and is burnt when dry. Few of them are over six inches in diameter, but they burn briskly snd give much heat. About ten miles from here,s shsnty hos been built, and In men Ire now st work, upon the. road. Of course, through such s country " I have de- scribed, there is little dialculty in the Work of destruction. The timber is small, the cotma try is but and free from stones (except boul- der), sod there is sn any drsiusge into the numerous rivers (creeks we would call them In ttnada) which invariably cut their way for twenty feet or more beneath the surface. I wss out " the works to-dsy, sud the cleared portion of the trsck looks. very fitte and straight. Certainly, when all is grabbed out sud storied, it will be tr-magnificent road. [ Next eprlng, l ehell human opportunity of smoking the oelnmet with the tierce Plain Creee and the Bleekfeet, who come down on hone-heck ennnelly to have n " talk," end emote the pipe of peace with their " Father" " the stone Port. 'Theso ere the nal In- dians, wild and eloquent; end tho Doctor teile me it is n etrenge eight to see them at their dances end medicine myeteriee, circum- ecribing thst little speck of cieiiiaatiort-tht, future city of Winnipeg. Many of the Sioux, who committed the horrible outrages in Min- neeotn,nre now ebont Lake Manitobeh, and the Doctor in coming out next week to take me hechto the villege for e trip up the Aesin- ‘nihoine tome 'erft1tr-tlrt' miles, to Portage in Prairie end lake Misnitobah. Portage in Prairie will be the moet tiouritshing city in the great West, for may mesons, which I will defer giving until I here bcen there. Bo (an I have yet seen, the c'ountry is great - imnrttnrutttrhs-- inconooinbly rich. Fanning here in . pleasure-there is no toil in it, and all who do trrrn no comfortable, The following mum ol It letter from Mr. Cum.†Mun, pumasler on the Govern. ment road now being constructed it the North West, will, doubting be rravl with interest i and 'IOIIIO wedmy. What do you think of n farmer within I bowshot othere, My worth seven or eight thonnnd pounds sterling, and selling to the Hudson’a By Company bat week £5,000 attr. worth ot cattle; n man who cum from Lower Canada nineteen years ago, not worth Iixponce. As for the future of this country, it is u inevitable" to-merrow’e ennrlee. The climate is delightta1. The weether just now, and there u no nppeonnce of I choose, is clear, cloudleu, bland and inspiring; and the thermometer Ire-not “an below 30 o. for e week. In deep winter, there ere short spells of nevere weather, but they are short; so thvy all tell me, end certeinly my experience so for iuatitU. the nation. I never tell: such tine weather in Naeember in Connie an vulture here just now; and there iron txinliaration in it quite new to me. But enough tortlre present. . , _ . The hall-breeds sre the only people here who are starving. Five thoussnd of them have to be fed this winter, sad it is their own fault-they won't farm. They will hunt buf- faloes, drive ox-corts 500 miles up sud 600 miles back to " Cloud, st the rate at twenty miles s day t do snything but tisrm. Hitherto, it wss - to llve here that it didn't matter whether they formed or not; but the grass- hoppprs V." s stop to tttat' lsst summer, sud now‘ they Ire on their beam ends. Atfor the fsrrners: Scotch, English, and Frcneh, not one of than requires relief; other than seed when, which they we quite sble to pay for. This is the true state of the cue here ; but it does not lessen the claim upon hummity. It will take A40 000 to feed the people through to next tall; hut the £40,000 will be forth- Lmnruocln to: I'll Sr. Jotrs.-Chtt St. John Telegraph an that the matter having been brought under the notice of the Minister of Divine and Fisheries, he ordered cumin. Afton to he made, and that the Lighthouse Impector, Mr. Hui], hu reported in favour of pinging homo†st or near Bon'a Had, Brandy Point, Oak Point, Vanuatu, "No Inn’s Friend," and " the Urornocto Shoals. coming, In. henna o'htt.w.--rt in with much pleasure we learn, an the Kingston _Wlu’g, that I testimonial to the late Itecorder,hmes O'Baiiiy, Eaq., is now in preparation, in the nhnpo ort"tttrocriptlon list, to hue " portrait painted try Mr. Snwyor, to he hung up in the City tuit in compo, with the other Chief Magma!“ ofthe city. The promoters of this testimonial will have in any time of it, for no tingle mum be found in town, who will not subscribe Ml dolls: towards the portrait. Gnu." BetrttoL-Wet underetnnd that an Independent - School has been formed by n few of our Volunteer ofticerr, wishing to perfect thcmulvee in this breach of the eur- vice. They pnrpoee drilling on Monday and Wedneedny atternoona, end will muster at the Vlctorln Armory for their lint foot drill to-dny “three okloch. An opportunity will then ho given "tmember of the Volunteer force who my wish to Join. This echool will word our mounted lnlnntry 1nd Matt other" e fnvournble chnnoe to perfect thcmwlvee in riding, end we he" no doth my wlll take alumnae of it. The rule- end regulations will be mule known by the one" in com- Innd, " their em 'rteretlttg.-ufontreat Guam, 4th. - Nsw Sun-sums Batmm.-T'he new Suspen- sion Bridge, which spnns tho Niagard Riv/ens short dim below the Niagara Polls, was open totho public on Ssturdsy the ttnd inst. Four horse wring" and town landed with «one passed over it. In the completion of this work much interest wns'felt in this local" ty. The bridge is snspendsd " s height of 190 {est shove the snrhcs of the river; the depth of the nachos piles below the surlsce of the ground is " lent; and the length of the such chnina under the ground is 30 feet. Tho 2rJl' on: set in solid rock on the Can- sds side, and in masonry on the American side. The width of the roadway het'een ther pampeta is ten feet; depth .of ride truss 61 feet; sud height of Parapet nbove floor 41 feet. The bridge is supported by two cables, conposod of seven wire ropes, each of which oontsln respectively 133 No. 9 wires. The ngmgito brushing strain of the qsbles being 1,680 tons net-tmust. the total supporting strength of the cables sod stays 3,000 tons. It is the longest - In the 'rorid--1i268 feet. -riea" order- foe In!“ before Christmas, and get them to at. ' G W6 crotmrt the Red River tp? tit, " yijftos, FROM RED RIVER. r . 011nm. Jana": 4, 1869. , lhe,scot-1'.. II. McGrcevy, Esq, chairman; I Mussâ€. J. Larosc, E. Proulx, Wm. Finlay, {than}. .hicCarron, Wm. Kehoe, J. Ahearu, C. i Trinllc, and J. W. Peachy. . i Thu minutes of the last meeting were read I and adopted. - ' . . Co.wtutt or Pturett.-ie second meeting or the concert of prayer was held yesterday morning, and was well attended. ; The Rev. Mr. Mcl’hsil presigletl. The subjects of prayer Were: Nations, for their spiritual prot,rerity, edifylng intercourse and maintenance of pan, for “It teased openings for the Gospel, for the removal of social evils, for the better observance of the Lord's Day, and for Kings and all in authority. ',t On motion of J. W. Peachy, seconded by Wm. Finlay, it was remind that the thanks of this Board be and they are hereby offered to R. H. Mcureevy, Esq, for the Very ahlo manner in which he has discharged the duties of Chairman of the Board for the pathuighteett months; and it is with regret that we have heard of his determination of retiring from the post of Trustee and Uiuirman, so Well ftlhd by him for the last four years. The Bond then adjourned. I, A Tu: Sn: CLcn.-The inauguration ball of this club takes place at Oowan's Music Hall to-night. .- _ . _ Tur: Wexraeit.-.Thts weather continued " soft' yputcrdAy till towards evening, and so did the 1'. Between four and fire o'clock the air mine keen and frosty, and the side- walks, which had been slushy in the morning, became ardeacd again by the frost; costs Wet'tt buttoned up, fare were returned, and other precautionary measures taken to resist a night attack by Jack Frost. Thoquestion now is, has the thaw ended ? On motion of Wm. Finlay, seconded by J. Larose, the Chairman was nuthoriscd tp Sign a Cllulue In favour of the Secretary for the sum ot twenty dollars, to enable him to pay fot wood sawing and other incidental ox- penacs. _ On motion of J, Lamac, seconded by Wm. Fiplay, it was resolved that a cheque be, grant- Ld in taeour of the Chlirmun for the sum of bat dollars to meet incidental expenses con'. ncctul with the Board during the last eighteen tttonthe. hug-c-at should be remembered that the Rev. Mr. Wild lectures this evening on livemollsm and 1'srcltica1 Experience. No intelligent man acquainted with the subjects ot this lecture could fail to make it interest- ing nndinstructive,endfrom what is already known of Mr. Wild u n philosophical lee. turer, grant expectations ere raised, which, it is to be hoped, will be realized this evening. For particular' turn to the advertisement in another column. Disses TO Tmt MAYon.-wt, understand that it is the "est,,',' of the memberl of the Corporation to e tannin Mayor Friel at I public dinner on Mend-y evening next. Tho place chosen for the occuionis the Metropo- litm, and the can", Mr. P. O'Hara. From what we learn of the preparations, there is good reason to believe that It will be ngrnnd entertainment. Mr John A. Mucdonald and other members of the Government are to be invited, end it is expected that oth-:r dia- tinguished gentlemen will be present. . In ' By Ward, " u,, Christian Brothers’ scliool-roou5, Murray-st. _ 19 ottsra Ward, " Mr.Costelio's house, bt. Andrew-st Tn: Poucr nu ma b'trorr.-It is always a pleasure to award the mood of pralee for good actions, and we have given creditNo the good people who have aided in making the side- walks passable by cleariuaaway the snow in front of their premises, because it seemed right to do so. But if the whole truth must be told, the police deserve no small share of the praise fot this, because, as " turns out, they have been incessantly visiting certain of the aforesaid good people with warnings that if theydid not comply the machinery of the Police Court would be set In motion to their cost. But however it may have been etreeted, there were yesterdny patches of the sidewalks sufficiently cleared to make It pleasantto walk on them. _ ' , . (m waion of Chas. McCarrou, secondud by J. Larose, It was resolved thatlhc elections for 18f9 1111:0111- atltttr following pug-s, vit, _ on motion of J. Latose, seconded by J. W. Peachy, um petition of Mr. J. P. M. Lccourt, and um amounts of Messrs. Francis Nolan, J. U lleilly,' and els2lut Clanccy, were ref, mud to thc Cornmittafon Finance and Assessment. , .111 Wellington War], ttt'the Engine House, Sally-st. - - - _ hi lit. George's Vyd,uth? Separate Seboul Home, corner ld Daly and Ottawa-eta. To Some Leer Eviamo.-.Tht, ecnivér- eery wiree of the Methodist Epiacopal Church' was held last evening. It war one ofthe most satisfactory and successful reunions of this, season, reflecting the highest credit on ell concerned in its Vrattgement and menege- meat. The basement school room was con. vertevi into en elegant refactery, end hand- somely ornemented for the occasion. The wells were literelly covered with the drepery of flags, festoons, end wreaths of evergreens and ilowem, egreeehly relieved with handsome pictures, conspicuous emong which westhe portrait of Ber Mort Gracious Msjesty the Queen. Tables laden with ell imaginehie delicacies suiteble for such e {out were minded by Mrs. Robinson, end meny other indies of the school end church, whose nemes (for they were e host) we did not learn, whilst Mr. Robinson, by " activity end ettention to the wents of the multitude usemhled eronnd the tehles, appeared to be the muter of ceremonies. Notwithstanding the crowded stete of the room there wee no Ar, no dissatis- faction, end no delay. Everything went of smoothly, end the jingle end cletter of chine, "cutlery, silvehwere end 1adiW tongues, form- ed en egreeeble awreotnpanitmrrtt to good eat. ing end drinking. Tho reverend gentlemen invited were seen moving ehout conversing with one end soother in agreeable femiiierity, end emonget them the Rev. Mr. Wild, looking ebont for mesmerie subjects for this evening? There were meny good ones in the eseembiy. After ecouple of hours spent in soctel enjoy- ment below, the party eecended to the church, where, with Professor Clerk git',)',",' " the org-n, some very peeeehie single was execu- ted, end good enterteining end instructive eddresses delivered by several gentlemen, emong whom were the Bevds. Messrs. Wild, Ebht, Stone, Pickett, McPheil, and P. LeSueur, Esq. In Victoria Ward, at tturiesiderice of Mr, B.Ay/ltrn, Duke-yt. ., - U -', ti an rail communications and accounts ware mm and laid en the table. \‘iounox or m: Latrrotr La..--" number of paKiea were potently brought up by the county nuthoritier for selling Ipirituour liquor. by retail in tho county, without the license therefor by law required. The uveml one“ were heard " the Court Home before Martin O'GUm, Clements Bradley And John Holmes, Enquirer, Justices of the Ponce for the County of Carleton, when they were dig. posed of u tollowr: _ l _ - Elwud Beilly,onho Village ot Richmond, do funded by A. Gibb, Esq , was found guilty, and gontegcgd te jug“! one 9520 and costs. Adam am, of we VIM-go of Richmond, up- pund in his own defence, and Inc .100 lined $20 and can. John Button, of New, defended by A. Gibb, Esq, wu fined " and cone. Wm. Twohee, of Nope-n, appeared in per- son, use we- Med " 3nd cottl. John Nash, of Nepean, felled to nuke his nppeennco. Service of summons, " elm the charge, were fully/proved, sad 3 ilrttt of " And can intuetad/. John Hunton, of Httntler, nppeued in per- sonrnnd was fitted 520 nnd com. John Butler, of Huntley, defended by N. Sparks, Esq, we: Mt1820 and cone. - The charge qnlnet Jena Miller and Hrs. W. Cotbctt, bpth of,Noptmrt,deteuded by A.Gibb, hisq , and against Joseph Latitntr, of Glouces- ter, defended by B. Lepierre, Esq, were dis- missed, the evidence for the protsectttiott not being deemed eulicient by the Hui-tutu to, wen-ant e conviction. T The lust one brought up was against Wm. Corbett, jr., of Nepean. The witness for the prosocution was head, when on application noun the defendant tho further hearing of the CSt$Q In Idjoumed until the 15th Int. uunia Kar, of Gloucester, sppenrod in pagan, ttnd was fltted $20 and costs. ' "HARD Ott' SEPARATE SCHOOLS. Locust N H) ws. 1‘!th ,{yt'j‘ixx WA I‘llVljier. JANUARY G. Special Meeting. J. w. PEACHY. _ t'strorettsrr. --in consequence of the prodigious forgeriee of Russian batik notes, the authorities have determined to make every bank oflicia1 tser- sonally responsible for every folio note he me] have taken from customerl. --An Ohio gentlemsn is smbitions to furn- ish the towns sud cities of America with motive power, obtained from Eompressod air. He proposes to distribute his power through ordinary service pipes, as gss and water are distributed, with s meter for each consumer. -Atatska coat the United Btptei' neaAr two cents up acre. _ _ --d British and officer is to be Ippolnted tsuperiatertdent of the Persian navy. --An apostle oChiormoaistn In Denmark writei'to Brigham Young that there are five thousand members ot the Mormon ghurch in that country. . --rt has been distinctly and officially notitr. ed loQuccn Isabella that she cannot be received at the Freneh.Court with royal honours. If she chooses to reside in Paris, her ex-Majesty must understand she can onlydo sou Madame Isabella do Bourbon, and in act be considered a private individual. ,7 William Gardner, number boy employed in the name shop, sworn to having Icon prisoner steal the matings produced. Thla case was tusomdjourped, and it is understood that an- other dingo will be preferred against the prisoner. -.The Russian method. ot serving tan is Jimiing favour in some circle, of " upperten- dom." The tea id made in the ordinary way, but is drank out of large tumblers, without cream or sugnr, and with a slice of lemon in it. It may banker) hot or cold, but the latter is generally prefcrrcd. Peter Stuart, a hired boy of about 19 years of age, in the employ' of Theodore Frederick, plumber and brass founder, wes charged with stealing some brass castings for skstes. The prosecutor stated that of late he had lost many srticlcs such ss tools, brass, sud some moncy, amounting altogether to a hundred dollars, and never knew what had become of them. Some of tho castings were produced and identified. ' _ --Mnjor General Hope Gibsone Incceods to the Colonelcy of the 13th Bums. -a noted Chinese bandit and black-mailer, Linsinn-mnn, has been captured in Shnnghae. He will be punished by being put into a box of such a shape that he can neither lie down, sit, nor stand; his head and bands will pro- trude,nnd hewill be left exposed to sun, wind and min, until he dies of exhlustion or star- vation. - James Harris wss charged with stealing some small articles, comprisingn breast-pin, s tobscco box, A pocket book, a. walking cane, and an nmbrotypo likeness, from Mr. Stock- dale, livery stable keeper. / The prisoner had been employed by the prosecutor, and the ar- ticles had béen stolen during his absence from home. They were found in the prisoner's box at his lodgings. Prisoner was remanded till Thursday. -Ten years ago Jaques Caratadt murdered a handsome Italian girl in New Orleans. By a legal quibble he escaped punishment. A few days ago he died raving mad at the phantom of a i1tmhlest, skeleton, which he had Been always " his aide by day, or on " pil- low " night. r/, --d school teachernesr Cuttanooga,Tenn., was assaulted some days :30 for hnving whip- ped one of his pupils, and in the tsffray that ensued four persons, including the school teacher, Were killed, tho only person in the party who escaped unhnrt being the school- boy who originated The trouble. James Green was charged with unlawfully cutting and wounding Thomas Brown, tavern- keeper, Bideturat. Complainant ssid prisoner, with two other men, one of whom was a sol- dier, came into his house shout nine o’clock on the evening of Christina day, and Some engry words passed between two of them, and in the course of the quarrel, Green raised a stick to strike oth, of the men, when he (witness) interfered and took hold of the stick, a scuttle ensued, in the course of which his hand was cut and bled, but what it was cut with he could not tell. On beingcross-enmined by Mr. Mosgrove, for tho defence, he said he seized Green by the collar, and he could not say that it was not'hls breast-pin that cut him. The case wok adjourned till this morning. ' LIn Decatur, Illinois, tho other day, a mun thought he had found . long pilecc bf dreu goods upon 'lhe pavement. He piqkod up one end of it, and commenced wrapping it around his nun, when outlooking uound the corner he discovered I lady " the other end quietly ulking to a friend. He concluded to nbnndon his prize. ' -hlr. James Hawkins, of the township of Hope, die on Christmas morning, at the good old age of 85 yours. The Port Hope Game says nearly to years :30 he come tothis country, and commenced to how his WI] in the wildorncss. Being n~vigorons and lnduo trious man, ot strictly tempento habits, he managed to secure a snug competency. His long life: bu been one of great usefulness, plain, straightforward and honest, our real] to do good ; liberal in politics, add devout in religion;pitirul of others' woes, and patient under " own. --The sentinJhe French Legislative Cum. ber, rendered vacant by the death of Berryer, bu been offered to M. de Lamps, the founder and president of the Isthmus ot Hues Cami Company. M. Lamps ho, however, declined the offer, on the some ground that he declined, tour yours ego, being elected to the Council General of the lndre, namely, the necessity of devoting ell " time end energy to the corn- pletion of the great work in which he bu been so long engaged. If elected deputy for Marseilles, he must neglect either the interests of " constituents or those of the company, and for tho present the latter has his prefer- once. Pouc- Cormr.--ltmoph Belanger was charg' _cd with stealing a bundle of brooms con- mining one dozen, value $1.25, from the store of Maura. Robinson * Co., Bideats-at, on the illat of December, 1869. Mr. Hill, of tho firm, appeared to prosecute, and mid the brooms resembled those they had lost, and he believed they were the same. Policeman Holland proved having arrested the 'prisoner in n imnll store kept by Thomas Doyle, on Dalhousie-st., and found the brooms with him (Doyle,) who it appears had bought them. Ihryld was called and deposed that he had bought the brooms from the " gentleman" in tho dock, who aid they belonged to him. The case was sent for trial at tho next nssim. .-.A bookseller in a Connecticut town has n novel ray of advertising. Lost week he had . ballot box in " store, in which nil comerg were invited to drop . vote for whoever they coneidered the hand-omen young wanna in town. The box woe opened on Sunday evening, and it we: found that Min Julia Beach had the highest number ot voter, when she was presented by the bookseller with n handsome querto nihum, bound in Turkey morocco. This week a vote is token to de. cide whet gentlemen over thirty your: close. is the best citizen, and the lucky mun re- ceiving the highest number of voter will re- ceive a like present. . .-ut nppmra that MLG. P. Tmin, before tinting for Auction, left A little bill for England to settle. Mr. Train chime £100,- 000 from the Irish Government for illegnl ur- "mu,fg0,000 "ttttttpm from the Ebbow Vole Company, and £10,000 from Mr. J. McHenry. Me has further served I notice on the corpo- rations propoaingto lny down street milwnyl, that as the original patentee he stand: up for nil his rights. Although extremely ill-tiled formerly by England, he only ulu I royalty of I,500tor every mile of street railway laid down; thin, on 2,000 miles, would bring him n million sterling, which, in addition to his othercltutms,ind a million let down ngninst the Grend Trunk Union Nciik Reilwny, the Pall Mull Gazette hopes he will rake his mind only no for u money miter. ere concerned. -Tu Church News gives e list of the bishops whom the Pope is ebont to appoint to Scotlsed, which is to have a Roman Catholic hierarchy-of its own. Here is the list: -fit. Andrew's: Archbishop, Most Rev. George Errington, D.D. Glasgow '. Archbishop, Most Rev. James Laird Patterson, M.A., Oxon. Edinburgh: Bishop, Bight Rev. John Strain, D.D. Pexth: Bishop, Right Rev. George Rigs, D.D. Aberdeen: Bishop, Bight Rev. John Grey, D. D. More]: Bishop, Bight Bar. John Sutherland, D.D. Orkney: Bishop, Bight Rev. B. Bernardo, D.D. Boss: Bishop, Right Rev. William Deon, D.D. Dundee: Bishop, Bight jBev. John Macpherson, D.D. Argyle: Bishop, Hon. end Right Bar. Joseph Constable lave", D.D. Dunkeld: Blehop, Bight Rev. Archibald Moodoneld, D. Ir. Ceithness: Bishop, Right Rev. Peter Joseph Want, no. For fine bog oak brooches and our rings in sea, see Young h Itadford's new iot, just re- ceivcd,and selling at the very low price ofon- 1y 90 cts. per set. Try Gardner'g Baking 'Powder. Bee sdvcr- tisement. ‘ . Mt.6tn tNothqr. new This b--"ouo-" Wor- Lounges are I oertsin end are remedy for Worms in Children BttstAdtalta.--At, ills 1 well- known end melancholy Net that one greet CBU" of death emong children is from Worms done.“ cannot be too deeply impressed upon the minds parents the necessity of closely wetehing their children. By so dump; end understanding he 1'd'tt?,', Ind true cease of the disuse, thousnn of children might be snved from eerly grsves. Sun-on or ottaa.-.LTU followin ere e few of the very numerous symptoms In: disesses which ere caused " Worms: d ranged npyetite, ty1t.iitttf 1nPPltie., 1'r,"e)'4ttpr','ttll. {Squat picking st the nose, finding it!“ tooth during sleep, Ian-ducal of the oily. vi “canâ€! Ilhny stooli, 1nd aomotlmu oonvulalvo Sita; ite" in. of the "no, pin in the hold and staunch,†um “up. fainting, tromblingl, coughs, indi 'l'l',l,'. low ipiritr,frightfttl drums, and a. 'id'll'lf%2 IrttLtortty of fiyhe. _ _ .- _ _ _ A _ JrwrunaRv.-Al1 kinds of jewellery, of the latest desiigns,tuvd at the cheapest rates, cm be bought of Young A Badford, Spams-st. Dawninr’e Wlld Cherry m-.-.rhu bus-mic command he: become,- home fixtars let Bil who “for. and hue in vain attempted to cure their nought, colds, bronchi“ or pulmonary compleintl, nuke use of thin unoqunlled remedy. It can be relied upon, the men of testimony that he: been published time in introduction, being nmplo proofof its tsfiutxer. The bum ot its remedial props-ties is a “(on blo comround. _" It wil restore gray lair tom original color. It will keep the hair from falling out. It clause: the scalp and makes the but sott, lustrous and silken. It is a. splendid halt droning: _ - - - Cough. and Cold-Amid“ clung“ of climate are sources of Pulmonary Branch“! and Asthmatic 'riNetions. Experience herring proved that aimgle remedies often not speedily end eer- “1an w on taken in the only stages ot the du- eue, recourse should at once be had to " Brown’s Bronzhinl Traches," or Lounges. Few ere ewnre of the importance of checking a cough, or " com- mon eold," in its first atege. The: which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neg- lected noon muck: the lungs. " Brown's Bron. eitiM Truciltss," or ough Lounge†one] irrita- tion which induces coughing, having . Dinner in. thence on the 1M pm. A. “mean-- tions, be sure ro 013nm tho genuine. Sold by ell denier: in medicines. " 25 cent: 3 box. Mingus. Tocxa & Rumour: having secured the écrvices of firrrta0sg working jewellers in ckruscau, filagroe, plain, fancy and solid gold work, and having made large additions to their work shop are now better prepared to execute any orders with which they may be entrusted than heretofore. Masonic jewels, gold and silver medals, And every kind of cm-llcry repaired. ' CARPITS AND 110cm Fmsiemtaiir.--Parties about to furnish will tind a large and choice assortment of carpeting; and house furnish- ings, cheap, at Garland, Mutchmor * Co's, Carpets made and ytid with despatCh. They in palatiblo sud "if-administered to th ohild--dri" out thd Ivonn- thorouihly without psi: and oompifteLly alums. the Pee Tang», doirl any with this necessity of aonnuurinitsto" Oil or ttthor “plan-m eathtrrtit- in tho use of other m ma. â€Each box tttttttatt" the (so-aim“. ligature “Non-ranch! Imus, Nowouuo,C.W.,who no the note "tPg," N. B. " fat Ballot“ 'e Worm We: e: npd tab, no other.“ Bola by Bil the [gilt-1n Ottawa, Ind modicino dul- "or, when. 5781 From the Chicago Post, Dee. M. ' Miss Laura Reno, the sister of the victims of tho New Albany assassination, who was in the city yesterday, is described by those well acquainted with her as a young lady of great beauty and accomplishments. It is also said that she possesses a large part of the brains of tho family, which, added to an inflexible will and an intense desire for revenge, will sooner br later bring ruin or death upon some of the murderers of her brothers. At their funeral at Seymour, a few days ago, the u. tendance was quite large, and among pthcr persons a resident of Seymour, whose name we have forgottcn,dropped in. Helm! scarce- ly made his appearance before Miss Reno rose from her seat,.and walking across the room fiercely told him that was no place tor him, tltttt.she recognised in him one oithe murderers of her brother, and if he did not leave imme- diately it. would be the worse for him. The fellow slunk out at; the house like a whipped cur, frightened almost to death. Unless a great mistake has1ieen made in the estimation of Laura Reno’s character,the Jackson county regulators will find that the oath of revenge she took over the dead body of Frank Reno was no more empty threat to be forgotten in an hour, but a promise of terrible meaning. get [bottle of hire. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the glow little "ifesrer immodiatelr--dend upon it I t ere in no mietake shout it. There is not A mother on eerth who hu ever need it, who will not tell you " once that it will regulate the bowels. end give rest to the mother, and rehet Ind health to the child. oxen.- ting like magic. It in perfectly safe to use n ell cues, end plea-at to the teete. end is the pre- eeription of one of the oldest end beet ferrule phy- aicienl and nurses in the United Staten. Pride 25 cente. Sold everywhere. Be lure to call for “IRS. WINSLOW’S MyOTHINa SYRUP." Bevin; the faeoimile of " Cutie a Perkin! " on the outalde wrepper. All othere ere hue imitationa. Mother. t "other. t Mother. t-hrtt you disturbed at night and broken of your to» by n sick child suffering and crying with the excruci- nllng pnin 9f mining teeth t At so, go " once and The member: of No. 4 Compeny ere "queued to lend In {unwieldy to No. 12, Committee Room, Hone of Comment, the emu, “ecum- menu end clothing in their poueulon. The fol. lowing utlclee of eiothing my hemmed. on peylng “the underlined. in bubble (nude, the prion plseed opposite to then mpeethely t . Trovun, summer or winter...,.........., Bummer "ui................,.......,.... DOG IOUlD-uFound on the 7th Deccan»! hot, on Spun-um I SMALL DOG BITCH. Tho owner by provint propel" Ind paging coon '2frph'ltie'l no hor returned. ARI] to P. MoCAl-‘FBB , 1utasivor..mrtserm Darn- hunt. ou A SISTER. OF ONE OF THE RENO 'VICTI‘IS ON THE WARPA'I‘H. Grin Coto........-..........,........-.... Ottun, Junury I. 1869. STOLEI from my prowl-u on. NOTE or HAND "turtst on. ALEX. STEWART. of Ihttnboruttd, in tho County of Rum". Out... and I hereby forbid my pot-on ot purohum. the â€no. - RO BERT HAMILTON, Ounbmluld. Cullborlud. Juan, d, 1869. 90)de REFLECTOR, -- we take au opportunity of saying to thoee who he." been " lendled, and to than who contem- plate buying n can] utove, thpt- In order to "on that the ReiUetor le eheed of ell other Item for benuty. chcopnou amrtrtsonorny, we will put them up reed] for work. one nllow them to he tested for one month, end if they do not gait teke them ewny “an, free of chemo. Now thin in An oll'er that the public must nppreclnte, and we ere deter- mined they ehnll. Try one, lt wlll out nothing “my“ ere per-teeny "tidUd, and he.“ no trouble to u. Any other kind of "on cheap du.. ring the Bankrupt "u. BSWurD10Toti., gtLittgg,a_1 Elva. been perpetrated on the public by no" dulm, unknowingly, no hope, selling Ipurlonl “If-feeding cosl no": that no and“ tuck-I , but! hndiag it detrimental to an uh of the justly oolobntod For sale by Bil druggiahi. [V114 IERVXCE RIFLE REQIMENT, lWlNDLI SPECIAL NOTICES. but "ttT K. P. ALL ML. _Nuh_ns. HAL, Prophecy: VEGETABLE SIG! LIAN 1 HAIR mgwma ttare.; WM. B. LINDSAY, cams. 9. 941-3 HALL'S Opposite Guthrie Bin. 894d Putin visiting the may will be received with polit- attention. Tho best of liquor: will be found constantly on bani. _. B. B. LARIYIERE. N.B.--A Inge Ball Room is attached to the promos, which will be 1.t " a low 'Wt, . / This in.“ of the best in the Cnpital. and equnl to any in America. It cnntuim four alloys, and with firrt.eltuo balls. There will be kept a register book for the pur- IIT, of mukirg the num- r of points mule on!) any to lstannlry but. Ind the puny wnu nu made the highest myeber of points (An 'r',reeiverrkm the notrfjt.,r, I rich prize than. wi.iet.- n.- A. Av will he tannin Incumbent of New Edinburgh. the with "peteU1 auction of the Bishop of the Diocese, receives . limit“ and»: of the sons of gentlemen u morn- ing pupils. t 1uaidstttstt--Daiht'tusio-st., Ottawa. __Tran' and. known on application. 940tf JD"'"'"" BOWL: Th P, form U ad 0 [lil OCT " , " ly Trd' ' This . Capi Ame . alley " ball, ' regit = '- lr,", - a? to la: J. Mc3ULLhN, B. A.........-- A1". - w. cAtmut,....................'...aso u " IONS. BEBTIIELUT,...........Fnzxcn “an. can, Jammy 4, 1869. 1869. The Spring Term will commence on the In of FEBRUARY. There an vunnciu tor two ndditionnl Bonding Mil. The Drawing. Sing- ingJrtmteh MMUIIC Claus..." under the tuition of ','r,'Te',f, and trae "perleryyrdgtteh, en. , Coung India _ o h". tiiuhqdb their English midi" on join them, clung without .rertrepy te. the English course. Progpoctunel. Admiuion. 15 coma. Prom“; "plied to be benevolontl . 'l/'ktfl'l'l' Loom. mm on the sci-nu of neu- meriun. in use And thugs. Will mow all present how to mandarin. Explain the rm thy per- ulu go into tunes: sud tits, under religious and other â€alumna; and other intcmstlng points. Juan" 5. 1869. 940-2 . Tho chain in the the" institution will be re- model: THURSDAY. the m. of JANUARY , J. IHORBUBX. II. A...".....I‘u'lcmu. Tho Clam vi?! (D.V.% m-uumblo an: the Clarita“ vacation. on UBSDAY, JAN. Sth, ON WEDNESDAY EVEN ING, e Jan. 5th. 1869. Subjow-Iumerio Ind Psychics! Exporineo. ’Chsir um by BOX. HALCULI CAaEBOX, " 8 o'clock. combing the “can! or an", and the course of Eng“: indict pulled in the school, on be obtained at Hours. Durio’l Boom". and unp- plum†to KISS HARMON. December 29, 1868. 9353 P B l N C I P A L: En. Bxcxnrol A. Eowuol, B. A., (ox-Molt: Jun: Coli., Oxford.) Bull».- will be mum-d on HONDAY. JAN. tth. Hour: of fitudr--4k80 mm. to 12:30. and ' to Below. "tc-lor Sound Conmorcisl and English Education, sip?“ tam. High“ Mum. union, Latin, Greek. ranch and Music, (cub) "e um urn. ho school you will, u hitherto. be divided In- to that term. A reduction undo for brothers, and for "r mm and. in the firat woo: or am. 938if Ottawa, Jan. 2, lbâ€. Penny Readings, Never such an opportunity oiugetl before in due any to buy . CLOCKS Children's Books, --, Pratchett: fortune T client, In: Braddon': but Novel. the FI? m. slum IOWiud ber an atrUs of FALL RAN & no: ti, will In happy to no be old (thud- tul the public â€unruly. Goat'- It": um clonal. and and don. on: in m but 0. ".'it.-rh. not! (“bk-AM! Inch: and Conn and. to order, Conu- of Bank and Anna-m. October " 8688!... " 10AM tho W of the lit. 050.33 BOXA L will plan. {and the use “JAMES SALMON. York-u†on or “for. root: of WED- NESDAY. the on: Instant. _ -- nuns suntan. Church of England Benevolent Society; , will to lid! " the CBAPBL " BABE, SUSBIX-BIIL, l ON “'EDNESDAY, THE SIXTH INSTANT, l NPS',,',',';,:" ponou having mg claim: - "ttBirth an but. of the Inte 'tut" Jun", 4, 1869. C 0ND b C TED B l" MISS HA RHOX. REV. JOS. WILD, 5LA., THE REV. GEO. NOEL HIGGINSON. M. A., Inn-u, 5.1839; A IIMCOF TEE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND DISTRICT vxsxrons - I . Tin Libraries, fa, dur. Poet 0.0. Bunk. in. 'ldtt Me,'ertdra'dle R. PARSONS bu ro- mond but Drums“? “smut-um to 0 room on: J. a. W11 SE'd Boot sum. Mun-n. than“ tron loom. u. oB.--Aiiord-peuaqii, modulo. on. H. BEAUMONT SMALL, S.C.L. Prim. " out. For “I. by the publisher, Gum. M12599, CHRONICLES OF C AXADA. y. Autumn SCHOOL, 'OIKI _ HOLLAN " DUCATIOS--CLA"3ICAL AND GEN- . ERAL. Watches, Jewellery, av. ‘TTAWA GRAMMAR SCHOOL. "OUNG LADIES, ECTUEE All tprtidaorarrtusted. on!!!†BO“’LI " ALLE T. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, " PUBIJCA'I‘ION. HE SALE OTICI. OTlCla NE GOLD JEWELLERY {SHEFFIELD HOUSE. Ban to land mother supply of In It. Church, York-rt., Publications. V W. '11. WALKER, Secretary Bond of G. S. Trustees. A T HALF PRICE. amusement (8. Still continue- at the WATCHES, At “was! " o, TFlirt-tarts-et., 0mm. B. DESBARATS. 1mm. The nbscribor begun in- form his friend: that no open- ed on MONDAY. tho 2trth OCTOBER, his BOWLING ALLEY. AMI The British Workman, FANCY mums, 939-4 " lo" M FINEST BALTIMORE (HST. 160 an? 100 do aoo a?†"mm†150‘ 200 aoo 'hy/Ji.'"" EXTRA 100 thttp"" I THE TEI POT LIST, 100 SANDEMAX’S CHOICE OLD Pm RECTIFIED SPIBIH Ottawa, Dee. 16, I865. "(PPAWL pure old I?! “'ll. [our yarn old, oqul to my French Batt lllPl’A VIA TODD" “'IIIIKII'. lllPPA‘VA FAMILY PROOF- Pour you." old.oqul to Scotch. can. nous cc... do IIOICE PALE. AST‘ILLIOS = C... ao, 'tAOAN" EXTRA OLD Po... J. 0.110me " 0mm 16, 1868. - RAIIAM'S THREE GRAPE. mum. DUPII’ da., " CNN" Bttowk, " YORK loan "I". N SALE, IDPATIUI mgr-.1 ad! rSYRUP IeDPAYMm ITAIDLID annulus Pure Golden - ESSESSEV‘S BRASDI'I ARTELL’S m an. uppuu Received daily, by Kym 1rooossuuas a won: 5 3mm tomb-I" In Cues, "Mm "us â€XII TOBACCO. tor. pans. CELIIIA'I'II . ‘CADDIIIOBAI " III *' can" TWAHKAY. mom:- Bnult - TOBACCO. J. G. (mummy & 00. a. ALCOHOL. - . a G' rorertee. IgtL'aituorqrood, THE "annulus.“ The Tot P""'tta. do TL' T. at At the Tunic an the tiul‘ Quebec. it the folly tossed: ' value oi lethal trokyho: allâ€. , monthâ€: t tire. 'mqatdema, m for are of. chi non of ll is. E- 's-init. Jun Rel “My enter for " “VIC idiea no I “no“: 1 Math tc.. a). o'peoed to In the am The I. Inge ll‘l In also I amount I Spock! b / Judge nuke u of which semi when“ tt+ty "rbr-oe and the (it. ow 9n- 09: â€do! It", cr. I. I.†any“ ii" rad»! like (to (a u, Mil " m on an the an") £1118 at ill 3.000 to oeot In tatl Fu rim" Au --An I“ we. “on