SRUTC U â€"MAKER, UPHOLSTERER AND NDE R T A KE R. < RAXxC‘s ITiG&.Dq Sranco ntenionce, waw Peairs, Borz, Cuarys, | «Igzencres, rovmnicew. _ ns n NCIAT 1xs, RaxcrE LCOL 41 CA IU!*rFp sirous oi keeping their deccased relm feow days, or ms‘ east possiole incounvenionce by jors, who has had over 20 ym he above branches, and{sels contdast & HEAYY HARDWAIE is i crecy possible pathiciy. Th ve it every & i E subscriber‘s name aad a Price one dollar. Sole . Chemi:t, 226, Notre Dame.stroots W ater, . to anything im s14 ""“,":E" _ _ s L & WONXTGOMERY, ~ _ AMECTAL AND DECQRATIVE rAINTER®, PAPBR Il.t\'f.‘tkï¬k Buil. _ (Shop mt to R. R. Dusoth‘s _ House, Nign, Vills and general on the mo«s ressonable terms distempered in colors to sait. all kind4s :o order. rmitted t> the following gentlament & Co., J. K. Booth, Ez., K.i Booth, . Soknson., Hall ; Revx Mrc. Pickt .XD WELLINGTOXâ€"STREE sual assortment of C1ibinst and U s can be obtained at moderate pr rtment of Reniy.maiie Colins, of a® Tlities : 4 ¢ ‘, BLACK CLOTH, COBOURG,. i raering Mabhogarcy, . w ainut, 0@ vod Colins, may rely on .fl:iqa“;‘ (zo staine 1 Butternut soid for v "* ow t WA F1w® a3tr, at t) TY TH TY QUEFY Â¥TICIORTY NaÂ¥Y< **~w list of the Gre«=t International € Londom, 1S82,â€"and of the B‘! *al Exhibition of Paris, 18Â¥T ptember 4, 1368 patternas and sizes, for coal and woed scort, Kingston, Toronto, hamilt® Roundries, with druma, pipes, U* e cheapest to be had in to@B. . Undertaking Dranch will be foumd e in Ottawa. f f aggous always ready for the rem"af E* EPILEPIIC CUREK, wWIX of these a«i+ H & A. & ure of Ontario‘for an act to + lflrm&ZA PEAT xA.\'l,"Aï¬ $TINXG COM &NX *Y, with W“' nal or ’Ka.;-l:; from some P‘-‘. Caledonia ty the lavigtbb" of Sou‘K Nation T.ivers, and t aa* uicipality of Caledonia to grant upy so much of the road 111 â€"wa000* st atd £{.h co 81 id u-&. s ma anutaatkuce of Pext fixcl. D04 _ sycock, ILL, LIVER POOL, ~ Pmee PCe wal cq ?’fp?fl(.'&;; â€" s B. K. 6 NRX IX, . ram e« .". 1Ng2, '.fl CAXADIAX Biix. * F Â¥ATCHES, May 2 1 Fedl Becf. "La i assortment of Houseâ€"furaisbug at the lowes* casb nri~e« to be foumk NERs mariet. Te» d Hams and Bacon. TXDERTAKXIXNG % 21 20 OE f +HN LaXetox * A § lay. deposited with the Eseimg sty T rousand DWHQ', im . y thousand. meaking Reveon:: §0,000) Uâ€"S. Gotd ntxn:'& . Jokn h car. s y k alo Agxents in tha I, Lower Town Market, Otta #* taree by s ens, C ARE : tCXTIONX x XNY. of x Eâ€"_â€"At tte Mardiware. By appo Mz. JOIN LESLIE, RIDEAU;STEIEET is printed 448 x YÂ¥ BXLOS»â€"4 wa, . Ottawa. J1x®s8 Director Aitz. BR T THE OLD SPAXD, S, CULTIY A TORS& 4£0X, TOAL, in Au o4 r. deposited with tbe Thousang Dollary i% R§ housand, meking fl.-f'.:: Joba M. dray, X." . bas k L wa@ \‘ MDpEQY tor th Mters witt ’?'"?vmdm:"a se B. K. CR@Iy * _ & A. SAUXDERs 3 O# AND 47 T4% iA A~NXCEBE ww# t 5 aAxC# Ds <440¢1‘s ncral Agent, 3t ~a + \"I(*_\L LPrEg 3 Maine,. ° 1Ysme » W ast Pnd Es ab" «Ament o® SPAIX, $ ABLE THE Lo Iua.wmx.&'x.“ AN> CEXTRE TOWVX,» fors, Nor wmber 27, 1864. | fo, Ahnexkzy in HItB Oetahaw 11 .Y £ Â¥I WOR!A$ m y < Com s h Elï¬uf‘t‘fiib‘ w paoonet "71Â¥6 A ND Pmâ€". ... 38, Sparkeâ€"#t Cmy altends ail f CiBister ag 5.. "C8 ® ‘.“M & N LA Nor~ : 04 ~parkeâ€"streat and awa and Vicinity constani.y gr sie Colins, of ll.\\'l..‘ be next ExX min:id®g nblisncd ! «â€"STREER Mution and ROx ured )Mp i:lu-" nal Brodk. tLDp~ J 7 1oan> C st. Broad or Cakes made. with it aro more | wholesome than if made with Yeast or any other | vroces®, | *ud. Its purity is such that it will stand the | ta~ of the most perfect analysis. | ‘rl. After having been extensiveiy used for the !ast 14 years in not one instance has it failed to zive entire satistaction. I «<*. â€" Families that have used it pronounce 1t t*« best, aod will use no sther. . > : | wih. It contains no Saleratus, nor does it imâ€" | pair the digestive organs like those ro'don where ~~.. or an exco«s of Alkali predominates, | sth. It never gives to Bread or Cakes an unâ€" | icasant Alkaline or mawkish taste. ._ The ingredients that form its composition | ar~ more beneScial th®h otherwise. : "th. Dyspeptio subjects coun eat hot Bread or | Ro s made with it lld,Mway its use. ; h. Every Packet contains its full weight ; noe pound packets weigh 16 ounces. ‘ 10. It 1« all that it :s represonted to be, nameâ€" | «* ARDEXER*s *A 1 The undersigaed hare now C OM PL ET ED , qNUHIE undersicned takes this opportamty to 3 mank her tfiends and the public in ‘e?onl for thanr hberal patronage, apd solicits a call to eâ€" amine her fine stock of GROCERIES, POULâ€" I :Y. Fis®. ksl; and fn::.JlGl’l‘ABLES. F ;UITS, PORK, &¢., all to i roodolcbup. A «5, a vory fipe lot of PALTRIDGES. , Mas. L. E. GOULIN, on «mm we £o A L. W.\lg“’t‘!l:. Member of the College of Veterinary Surgeons 10teato ; by appointment, V.S.,. to the Co. of Carleton Agricultural Society.) Orders or communications promptly attended to tttawas, December 10, 1888 ETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT YORKâ€"STREE1, OTTAWA, _ Next to Salmen‘s Hotel. Sole Agents for Oitawa, The Trade supplied at the Manufacturer‘s D PROVISIONS, &c., &c. . JAS. MARTIN & co. H D0 CUBe UD .. .2 e ies se se \ MLLY G R‘O CE RI E S, | 9#â€"69¢.."...Black Broadol A malicines seat to any part of the Dominion. arges moderate, 8127 * Of ) 1 boarders can get rooms, ith or .'w::::, in the vicinity of Sandy lil&';:h\h-ilnm walk of tbo‘l::_rlll:l" aildings, lying at the Oflice of this + W*m&w fl,fws. M'z: Pr ONES & HOLLAND ilw l't'l}.l(:A'l'lO.‘. CHRONICLES OF CANADA In a. Pagk ets for 25 ceats. ORSE INFIRMARY, * _ Tiny Libraries, Tc., &e. t Offce Block, Jan. 4, 1869. " 1Â¥G, opposite Hall‘s Confectionery y Readings, FALL â€"T1MPORTATIONS, TEX REASONS3 hy w Saould be Used in Preference to all Unmvalled for Purity and Cheapness L H. BEAUMONT SMALL, S.C.L. *©, 50 cents. For sale by the publisher,‘ B GBoroR E. mMBarats. ren‘ s BO(;k.;, 3 Planchette Bortune Tellers, Miss Braddon‘s Last Novel, s y The British Workman, k E. GCOLEKMX &A N,â€"V. & TCRAL AND SELECT STOCK BDAKINGé POWDER Hare to band another supply of YUL. IVY. NQ. 043. WINES, LIQUORsS, * P ublications. COXPRISING A J. @. ROBINSON & Co., QOthers aU8&EXâ€"STREi*T, And 6 Packots for $1.33. 6577 886â€"6m | Mandarin Lustres 1,000 II. HICK & CO. ie Customers will pleasegeport any inationâ€" tion on the part of salesmen. e BEAUTY, ECONOMY & DURABILITY 1,000 Linen Bags, 1s, worth !s 64 ; 40 cases Men‘s Heary Boots, vory low ; 3 casos Men‘» Meary French Calf, 12s 6d. Also, a heavy stock of Gentlomen‘s Clothing. ®f ‘ ol .cs ceverveccrerercerverscravertlu caries UVÂ¥ EKRCUATS. 4x00......00000nrreecmecenn.........heuvy OVERCOATS. HOK Cltke J ccctrnternncren@cthrcercerccrrrversiad d LHS $ CUin N EL AM..cscs cessn «e c ervercercre:« Â¥ RBSTS. #2.00,........Black Broadcloth........ FALL SUITS. Alarge staif of polite and attentive salesmen will bo in readiness to wait on customers. RPADD@Q .......cesssseece............3 @ Wworth 8 9 Paper Collarsâ€"100 collars for 3s 94. 500 pieces 24â€"yards wide Linen: BROOKIDG.:«ssecccss<cesecse:««cxd & Wotth 5 d do _ iâ€"yards wide, Union I ChCcorimg:ssâ€"»se»3 »»«â€"....L 7 â€" &m â€" 2 81 do . Table Damask and 300 vneamask Table Cloths, at a _ . ’ frightfulsacrifice............... M Also, Red and White Flannels, Canaâ€" dian Shirting Flannels, Hoop Skirts, Crash 'l‘ovelli?n, Irish Linen, Clouds, Breaktast Shawis, Hemp Carpets, &c., &c. s# CORSETS, 2s 61. <@q Blanketsâ€"A la lot of slightly dam Blankets for ahr:i'sl_f price. . _8 ‘¥ #â€" sgod T. RAJOTTE haviag removed to more commodious premises, takes pleasure in announcing to his numerous cusâ€" tomers and the public fonerally that he has now a large and well sclected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DLBY GOODS, Something Newâ€"one of tho heaviest cloths madeâ€"at a great sacrijice. “ doz. TABLE NXPKINS3, all 19000 Linen, only 6s 3d per dozen, SHIRTS! SHIRTS! SHIRTS:! 1,000 Flannel Shirts, only..............2 6 _ 2060 Whbite Cotton Shirts, only......3 9 500 Under Shirts, only...............} & 300 Hespler‘s heaviest make, .r=~ _ > Witneys, Mantle Cloths, BLACK â€" DOES, &e., > &e., &e., at correspondingly low prices. o 85 PIECESâ€"DOMINION TWEED, thig cit#. BROAD CLOTHS. BE Flanneis Black Cloth« * W inceys Beaver Cioths Cottons » Meltons Prints ) Tweeds &ke., &o. We hare also on hand a large assortment of UREADYâ€"MADE_CLOTHENG, which, Ling manufactured on the premises, we ecan recomumend, and sell eheaper than any shop in TME| TATLORING DEPARTMXENT â€" This department is under the saperintendence ot a wellâ€"known firstâ€"class cutter and workman. All orders punctually attended to, _ prbnn't forget the place, No. 34, Sparksâ€"st. Etore lately occupied b{X‘ G. Fetherston & Co., next door to Magee & Russell‘s old store., 881y T. RAJOTTE. 35 100 -sflpp-od per Hibernian,and to arrive in a few days, a vory suporior assortment of 120 pieces GreyCotton, 1} yards wide, for......8 d 160 do lluc&od Horrocks and Millars........6} d VGk â€" doe BOOEEYIRL® ..ccccerercrrcerarcrtectrrtarrcrc h i 303 do Best English Priots, Heyle‘s and dkOREOR Bs ccers «crceserrecerersenserncescscenaftifl 159 do Prench Calicos, in choice patterns...8 d CLOTHS. HYACINTH, TULIP AND OTHER kFALL BULBS. 4 These Bulbs will be founa superior to anyth yet imported. WILLIAM HEARN, f Market Drug Store, 1 York-c} Oitawas. Ostoher 17. 1868 #Tat( Ottawa, Qctober 17, 1868 300 HMannibal vlJoths , . _ Orientai Lustres Liviai Poplins Albertcena Cloths | Princess Alexanfln Embossed Poplins Mandarin Lustres KEugenia Reps, &c. doz. FRINGED TOWELS, all 1900() TelOURqerscrrerrreccersersctith CthCles Purcshased at Pablic Auction «lately, from tho imâ€" mense Bankrupt Stock ot the late firm of DHSâ€" MARTERY, JORDAINE & CC., of Montreal, and sold on account of ‘T. JAMES CLAXTON. The goods aro all now and of very superior quality, boing imj)oned expressly for a fu!\inublo Monâ€" trom trade ; and, as they have succeedod in purâ€" chasing the goods far below the sterling cost, they are prepared to ofer bargains nover before offered in this city. ‘The following aro some of the lines of goods offered, viz. : 20 pieces Waterprof.......... ....... 80 ~do Double Width Ovarcomtâ€" TR . «coorerrersersencifirce 35 ‘do Seotch Tvndj“ Mave removedto their NEW STORE, in Stowâ€" art‘s Block, Cormer of Ridean and Sussexâ€"sts., where they will oToer, in connection with their 100 pieces different qualities R Black Silks........ 80 ds Single width plain WIDG8Y .::.scsanss 100 do Fancy, single with WE OUY rerxserce...s 63 do Double width plain W INOAY rccrrccecs . 80 do . Double Delaines..... 70 do do â€" Poptin....... 150 do do _ Cobourg..... 150 do â€" Assort‘d Dress Goods 33 do _ Empross Reps........ 1 60 do _ Bl‘k French Merino 1 15 do _ Â¥ancyColorsâ€"your 80 â€" do 70 do 150 do 150 do 33 do $30,000» BOULEVARD FELT UNDERSKIRT, T CUXNINGHAM & LiNXDSAY*3 EMOYVAL LOWER BULBS. The greatest nov®ity of the season is the do do do KQ. 34, SPXELKSâ€"S T ICK & do CUNNXINGHAM & LINDSAY‘s 35 Filled Shawls. 83 Shepherd Long Shawls 101 Fazcy, all wool Longs . 167 Assorted Square Shawis. coTToNs. choieo for....... 3 Black Empress Rep UEY. s sccsccicasies 10, * Also, a splendid assortment of Canadian Tweed.........] Full Cloth, very heavy..2 Also, a «plendid lot o No. 14, Rioeacâ€"st Iry Goods. co. Unsurpassed for consisting of SHAWLS AT TO wOoRTH OF DEY GOoobs ‘ ....5 0 Wworth 8 9 ..3 9 worth «46 . t «l4 o «t Â¥ do AVE R S, TJC | PORT, SHERRY, BRANDY, GIN | _ AND SCQTCH WIHISKEY, &c. _ | PICKLES, SAUCES, JAMS & JELLIES | &c, â€"&¢c., &c, ; Banana, Poach, Blackberry, Raspberryfand Strawberry Syrups. | RASPBERRY VINEGAR, * I)RY'S Chocolate and Cosos, N | «FROMâ€" . \OPORTO, SPAIN, COGNAC 1 _‘~ AND LONDOKN, _ Celebrated Sugar Cared Hams and Broakfast Roll Bacon. + ‘ GENXERAL assortment of tho different [I& kinds of GROCERIES AND LLQUORS® on hand, Wholesale and Retail, st the 40 WEST PONSSIBLE PRICES for Watranted Goods. A trial of the articles will recommend thom. For sale at ) And for sale caoap, by Ottawa, November 27, 1863. CArocers, [ke subscribar would callod the attertion o Families and others to his : Which is in eplendid condition. Also, sCoTCH, IRISH, ULD RYE, . _ And other Malt Whiskies, PORT3, SHERRIES, BRANDIES, GIN, &e., To ether with a General Assortmant of OppositeAllan‘s Crockery Store Ottawa, Jan. 20, lJr + ; LApRADou HERRLNC barrelis and hait barrels. Notwithstanding the large quantitios of goods disposed of previous to Christmas there is still on hard a good supply for New Yem‘s in _ Of Every Description. _ , 3 > Toy Tea Sets, Misses‘ Tea Sots, . .:\(ottood Cups ard Saucers, + _ â€" _ Moustache Cups, Bohemian (G‘ass Decanters, Children‘s Cups and Mugs, Toys, and &n endless variety of every description of Glassware suitable for the season. factory 24 «4 NE\V YEARS GIFTS & PRESENTS AT THE VARIETY HALL. PICKLED Salmon, EBICKLED Mackerei, l)on’!‘ WINEâ€"Good lable Wine $1+50 to #$1.50, 100 _ Afew cases of CUT DECANTERS at $1.50 per pair. s # . ues O Ni o on c 2 o c e us il‘n‘:“l‘ aGRrarks, FREsiI FIG3 and c PUORTUGUESE ONIONS. mR TIN® NEW HONEY, in 5 ®.and 8 b. .,0 tins. * STILTON CIEESE, 6 bs. to 8 bs. _.200 size, from Reesor Brothers‘ celebrated rilc;tol-keepeu bear in mind that the Variety Hall furnishes the best Decanters and Tumblers of any House in the Dominion. * + o ravnEN ,i"Ol-‘l'-‘ls‘.Esâ€"Always Freshâ€"â€"Bost Brandsâ€" ‘â€" Try them. {iUVGARS ard SYRUPS of all graaes. URECT TTA § RESFRVED agd CANX FRUITS, assorted KL to suit the holida;u:uon. LNâ€":DIA WA REILOU $ E, _ And a full stock of Choico Fami Otinwas Now: 1. 1908; i amily Grocerios. â€" In Half Barrels, Bartels and Tigrceos, . [)RY Codiisk, DRY Haddock, Ab NAN Haddios, &e., &c., $HERRY WINEâ€"Good Tablo Winoâ€"§1.25 8 to s3.00. 4 lOR'.l'o.\' ‘3 Bloator Paste, L\'.)-“ATO and other Cateups LRCHO\'Y Paste, TRASBURGIH Moats, Consisting of FINE BEOTTLED ALE *E AS8â€"Black, Green and Japan«â€"W arranted . Good, and selocted }hr family use. FROX CROSSE & BLACKWELL. UST RECEIVED, pRESENV ES and Jollig «2 great ratiety, RANXGE Marmalade, FORRISON, TAYLOR & Co.‘s RESH OYSTERS, . in Tin:, RESERVED OYSTERS | do RESH HALLBUT do RESH SALMON gto RESH MACKEREL RESH LOBSTERS REEN PEAS EMON, GINGER, ORANGE, NABLE and Cofking RAISINS, CURRANT3, , se â€" . ce OTTED Beef and Tongue* ICKLED HERRINGS, ABRADOR HERRLNGS, the vory best, in FIRSTâ€"CLASS GROCERICS. A galt â€"â€" diy soticited.. â€"______â€"â€"â€" OTTLED ALE, LL KINXD®S of GENUINE LIQUORS. Price according to ago and quality. , OTT‘3 Concon Paste, LAVYOURING EXTRACTS and SP1CESâ€" PB ACCOSâ€"Ths, Finest Quaalitiesâ€"Virginia make in cut, tin foil and plug. Genuine FULL assortment of FRESH FRVIT, the BEST in market. 4 P. T. â€"BROQOWXEK & CO., CASES SCOTCH LINGâ€"Good. THOS. PATTERSON‘S, BOXES DIGBY HERRINGSâ€"large boxes at 75 cts. each. G L AS S W AR E Wire anrd Npizit Merchents, Wholesale and Retail No. 16, Hiosacâ€"ar, oOTTLED ALE, â€"â€"LIK EWISE,â€" «roceries» AT THK D. wWhELAN, 44, Rideauâ€"stre at, No. 26, Rideauâ€"street. do do OTTLED ALE. J. BOYDEN OTTAwWA,. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 Particular attention given to the Tailoring Deâ€" partment, which is undertha supervision of a firstâ€" class cuttor,; _ A. DUFF. Ottawa, October 27 1368. Ofer for sale an extensivo importation of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising Readyâ€"made Clothing, Canadian Tweeds, Etoffes, Satinetts ; also a hrko stock of Blankets, Flannels, Kerseys, Gray Cottons, Prints, Winceys, Plaids, &c., &0.; Broadcloths, Boavors, Witneys, Potershams, Devons, &e. ; Bedford Cords, Sillk Mistures, Wost of England Tweeds, Doeskins, &c., wholesale uli_d retail, which will be mede up to order on the shortest notice in the latest styles of fashion and al prices that s 75 CTS., 75 CcT3., oA general assortment of Dry Goods, the larges: stosk over o ereq for saie in this city. $8$1.2%5 "%%."~~$38.00 Ladies wishing to have SKIRTS made any rut.ienlnr shape or size to fit them will please eave their orders at once, as the skirt makers will boInid off by Christmas. â€" I large lot of HOOP SKIRTS3 still on hand which will bo soid without any regard to cost during this month. 140 dozen CORSETS yet on hand, every sizo LT: shaze ; will be sold at very low prices. ‘A large lot of KNITTED GOODS still remainâ€" HOSIERY and GLOVES very cheap. _« Four dozen Ladies® SATCHELS at half price. Afew of those Black Quiited Skirts yeton hand at reduced prices. â€" MHair Nets, Corse Clasps, &c. Also, three of Raymond‘s Improved Family Sewing Machines at $10, former price, $12. CIFY #00P SKIRT FACTORY, 43 Sparksâ€"st., Contre Town. N.B.â€"Any party wishing to commence the Skirt Manufacturing Business can purchase all the reâ€" quisite machinery and matorials at muca below cost by calling on MR. MILLAR at the factory. (Jâ€"ATTIIE LOWEST CASH PRIOES N. B.â€"An ortonsive assortment of genora DRY GOODS always in stock. Beis most respectfully to remind his &atronu that he has provided for the CHRISTMAS HOLLDAYS an increazed assortment of Paris and home manuâ€" facturod presents ; also the undermentioned goods all manufactured on the premises. Rich Fruit Cakes, plain and ornamonted. Plain, Citron, Raisin, Seed, Princess, Sponge and Lady Cike, Gold and Silver. Candies of every description. Italian Creams and Pyramids. f Jellies and Blane Mange and Wins Jeilios. Charlotte Russe. Jellied Turkeys, Chickens, &¢, Chocolate, Walnut and Fig Creams. Bolads of every description: Crystalized Dates and Figs Wedding Cakes, ornamented to any design on the shortest notice. The proprietor need only say that all the above articles can be obtained at his establishment, and from the reputation it hag gained for itself is a sufficient guarantce for the quality of the articles. Supper Parties, Balls or Assomblios supplied on reasonable tarms. } Private Parties farnished on the shortest notice. Oyster Patties, Mince Pies and Minco Meat. A large assortmont of Pure Sugar Hollow Toys. Iurorteo Goonvs p»irect rsorx Loxpox axD â€" Pams. Choicest Selected Bonbons, Gelatine, Silver and Gold Paper, Scented, Snapping and Plum, â€" © A splendid assortment of Cornucopias, Boxés and oys. u The remarkable success which has atiended the introduction of the celebrated Concentrated Lye into Canadian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" cited the cupidity ot an unprincipled firm in town {which has already been convicted of borrowing other people‘s brains) by a spurious imitation called Saponifier. To avoid disappointment, purâ€" chasers should be careful to ask For Harte‘s gon- cencrated Lye, which is sold by all respectable Druggists and, Grocers in town and country. 783y City and country stores supplied on reasonable terms, . G. BARTLETT, 37 Sussexâ€"st. N.B.â€"Mufin and Crumpets fresh every day during the season. j Â¥204 | _ CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE, ig. Breaktas: Shawls, Sootags, Clouds, Hoods, LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS O‘ MEAXEA & CUO. LoTHING, IVING UP BUSINESS. LAST MONTH. NGLISH BUNN HOUSE, OoNCENXTRATED LYE. RANT & HENDERSOXN, No. 20, Rideanâ€"st, Are oferiag an extensive Stock o TAILORINXG DEPARTMENT CT3., @1 and #$1.35% ............ DRAWERS CTS., $1 and €1.95......UNXDERSHIRTS, CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. 1XsPECTIOX INYITED DEFY COMPETITION READYâ€"MADE AND TO ORDERT. ESTABLISHED IN 1844, Confectionery. G. BARTLETT BDry. Goo:ds. j[é.._r:d" Shewing This Day. HAWL® Ahand LANKET®, RESS GOOD05S. ......~GREY ETOFFE PANT3, ........ UOOD PEA JACKETS, ut rememtaimsmmir=OÂ¥ERCOATS; Suss®xâ€"St. INXCIES, ......_..OOMPLETE SUATSA, No. 20, Rideauâ€"at \I Q‘MEARA & CO. 882y GOLSD VESTS, TRADE MARK This valuable medicine has the extraordinary roperty of immediately relieving Coughs, Colds, flonuenua, Dificulty of Breathing, Tightness in Chest, &o., &c. It operates by dissolving the conâ€" goaled phlegm, causing free expectoration, and an agroealle moistness to the skin. ~«* Find out if the Express charges are too high, and if not, arrange with Mortimer to let you have a box of the bottï¬u of CHOLERA MIX{U RE, I could make a good little fortune ‘with them. â€" The bottle I brought with the here brought two ladies round from decided cholera; one on board the boat, and the other in Borlin, United States, Both commenced with diarrhoea, then with dysentery, and then vomiting. Tho one at Berlin was very bad, 1 gave her threo doses of the Cholera Mixâ€" ture, the third of which stopped the romiting. The next day she was all right, or nearly so. Sho was very grateful. I have now only a little left." PAÂ¥ This excellont mixture, which saould be in every family, is only TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION. A grand specific for derangement of the Digestive Organs, and for obstructions and torpid action of the Liver and Bowels. Rev. Jabez S. Swan says, "I have used it for years in my family, and consider it an invaluable rawody." . ; _ ..=. uze es 2 ~ We cheerfull}# add our testunony in favor of this medicine. â€"Roman Citizen, o We have tasted this medicine and assure our readers that it not only possesses all the virtues claimed for it, but in many instances surpusses any other remedy which we have ever known.â€" Herald of Gospet Liberty, _ â€"___ â€" 5. and medicine dealers, and commission merchants, in the principalcities, andâ€"retailed by Apothocaâ€" ries, Grocers and at Variety Shops generally, throughout the world. Prise, 15 cents, 25 certs and 50 cgnts per bottle. ________ cz _ ... PERRY DAVIS & SON, Manufacturers and Proprictors, 380 St. Paulâ€"st., The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is kindly permitted to publish, is from the letter of a rolative of Dr. Wolfa, of this city, now residing in the United States : Colonges, Pomades, Toilet Vinegar, Rose Denti: frice, for the Toeth and Gums,. Also constantly on hand Perfames of all kinds, and FLoilet Requiâ€" sites usually kopt in a firstâ€"class ostablishment. It is really a yaluable medicine; It s used by many physici_ags[‘â€"_l‘iqgfqn Z.'rfyr!ler. C is I have used Davis‘ Pain Killor, and consider it an indispensable article in the medicine box. It has eifected cures in Diarrhoea, and for cuts and bruises it is invaluable.â€"New York Eraminer. | Epoken of in terms of high commendation by both druggist and physician.â€"PAsladé{phia Eagle. _ Montreal, P. of Q. ~ t ; TS Highâ€"st., Providence, R. 1.; 71 Southampton Row, Holborn, London, England. NH CHOLERA, ‘DIARRHCEA, and Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, The only suro remedy that exists, combining deâ€" licious taste and amazing power. Hundreds of missionaries give similar tpstimony of its virtues. 2 \| Rev. J (G. Stearns writes, "1 considet it the best remedy for Dyspepsia L,ever knew." _ > l)ARLEY’s ARABIAN HEAVE REMEDY and CONDITION MEDICINE is positiveâ€" ly superior to any, or all other preparations for KB"We atre glad to learn that the «"Pain Killer" is having so large a sale in our city. We have every reason to believe it to te an almost never failing cure tor pain, and is a medicinethat no family should be without.â€"Montreal Pilot. Rev. II. L. Van Meter, Burmah, writes, " The Pain Killer has become an almost indispensable article in my family." _ _ 3 § the cure of Heaveos, Couibs, Thick and Broken ¥‘ind, and all diseases which affect the wind of borses ; also, as a Condition Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind, is easy to give, sure to cure andsafe in all cases and at all times, and dees not prevent the horse from being worked while using it. Nee canes. se Sudden Colds, Catarrh, Cougha, Bronchitis, Asthma, Kever and Aque, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Acrid Stomach, Headache, Hearthurn, Indigcsâ€" tion, Canker in the Mouth, Throat or Stom«ch, Nick Headache, Sea Sickness, Piles, Kiiney ‘Complaints, Canker Rash, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Painter‘s Colic, Diarrhcea, D‘y1â€" entery, Summer . Complaint, Cholera Morlus, Cholera Infantum and Cholera, s APPLIED EXTERNALLY, CURES : j Kcalda, Burns, Froatbites, Chillblains, Erysipe‘as, Ringworms, Whitlows, Boils, Old Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia inthe Pace or Head, Pains in the Side, Paina in the Back and Loins, Rheumatism, Itheumatic Gout, Neuralgic or Rheumatic Pains in the Joints and Limbs, Stings of Insects, Sorcpions, Centipedes, and the Bites of Poisonous Insects and Venomous Reptiles. _ At this season, whon coughs and colds aro so provalent, an effectual remedy, and one easily obâ€" tained, is Perry Davis‘ Vegetable Fain Killer. It is no new nostrum, vended by ‘unknown agents, but has â€"!ood the test of over 20 yoars; and those who use the article, internally or externally, will connect with it grateful recollections of it« worthy inventor.â€"HWostings‘ Chronicle, C. W. Pax Kiirz,â€"The testimoniais borne to the eflicacy of this valuable medicine are sufficient to warrant its introduction into every bhouse. Our own opinion is that no family should be without a botcle of it for a single hour. In fiesh wounrds, aches, pains, sores, &c., it is the most effectual remedy we know of, _A bottle will last for a very loug time, and its low price rllcee it within the reach of all. OQur readers will remember that the Messrs, Perry Davis & Son have opened out a bouse in Montrea!, whence Canadian orders ars euppflstl_..-‘\': w#, St. ".Iuhm._ C.K. _ C s It an attack ?Dill’l’hu}l, Dysentery or Cram p Colie, don‘t delay the use of the Pain Killer. _ It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by removyâ€" ing from the air.cells the confulsblo lymph, or that secretion which in heaves clogs thom, causing a dificulty in breathing, and by its action on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane to resume its natural dimensionhs, thus equalizing the circulation éf the blood, and restoring the distendâ€" ed vessels to their natural sizeo; by its use the horso‘s appetite is improved, all derangements of the digestive organs corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleok and shining appearâ€" ance. . On the 14th OUct. I commonced tke Pancreatic Emulsion (Savory & Moora®‘s) in two teaâ€"spoontul doses, two hours after dinner and supper. I can only describe its effects bB saying that it seemed to work like a charm."â€"Dr. Kinkead‘s Paper on Pathisis and its treatment, y# D. W. HURD, succossor to Hvrn & Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the United States. NORTHROP & LYMAN, ~ Newcascle, Ont, Proprietors for Canada. Prico 25 cents. Sold bï¬ Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M. Massey, Henry F. McCarthy, J. Skipner, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. 889.45â€"6m PA]H mLLâ€"Eâ€";‘Sv A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE Medical Press, &c., Feb. 26, 1868. Caution,â€"The genuine PANCREATIC EMULâ€" SION sold only in bottles, 2s 6d, 4s 6d and 8s, with Savory & Moore‘s labels and trade mark. rl‘HE BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS, resembling Mother‘s Milk as closely as possiâ€" ble.â€"Dr. H, Barker on right £ ods for children. «©THE INFANT PRINCE thrives upon it as a © A REAL IMPROVEMENT (Lanrect) on the ordinary kinds of LIEBIG‘S FOOD," and the only one that keeps good in all climates. No boiling or straining. Tins, 1s, 2«, 5s and 10s. A BAVORY & MOORE, TOLENX from my premises one NOTE OF S HAND against one ‘ALEX. STEWART, of Cumberland, in the County of Russoll, Ont., and Prince should,"â€"ANocial Nesence Review I hereby forbid any person ot purchasing the same, ROBERT HAMILTON, Cumberland. Camberland, January 4, 186v. Â¥10â€"1w! lournat, Medtcal Press, €o. MORTIMER‘S COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS AND _ R uggist and Kphyx;iciau.â€" PArmiadeiphia Lagle. The Pain Killer is sold at wholesalo by druggists Sold in Bottles at 1s. 3d. and 2s. 6d. Each DAVIDSON & DANIEL, Gexsram Acesxts ORTIMZR‘*$ ‘ FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, INFALLIBLE REMEDY NONE OTHER GENUINE TAKEX INTERNALY, CURE3 No, 41 Sussexâ€"st., Ottawa City. treated with Savory & Moor®‘s PANCREATIC EMULSION MORTIMER‘S BOWEL COMPLAINTS. «Medic¢at. See The Lancet, British Medicat 1OR CASES of €ONsU MPTION 143, New Bondâ€"st , Lendon. FOR REGISTERED s i8 SIGN OF THE ANVIL, No. 24, RMIDEAUâ€"ST., where you can get a complete assortm.eut of SKATES of al! sizes, and at any price to suit purâ€" chasers, from 25 csnts to $5.50 per pair. In the assortment will be found The celebrated Shefficld Club, _ : ? i« _ _ Canadian Favorite, #* «_ Central Park do ‘and all oiner English and German Patterns, Skate Straps, all patterns, &c., &c. Also, a general assortment of SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, pPB"~Public and Private Buildings, Corservato. ries, Vincrios, Manu{actories, &c., warmed by Steam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved prinerples, | _ .. o oo . â€" c Such is the character Eiven of every stove sold during the past year at the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > We boeg to notify the public that our stock for tho season is now coinplete ; our are of the latest and most improved patterns, and the most extensive assortment shown in Ottawa. COOKING STOVES.kpfdthe good oldâ€"fashioned ind, COOKING STOVES, of the latest and most modern , designs, x PARLOR STOVES, for elegance of design cannot bo surpassed, BOX & HALL STOVES, that are unrivalled for h heating purposes, DOUBLE STOVES, the best in use, HOTEL â€"STOVES, large and extra strong made, expressly for Hotel and Boarding Houses, complete with large Copper Water Roservoirs and lrlato Warmers. We call special attontion of Hote! Keepers to theso stoves, they will last as long as any six ordinary stoves. See them and judgo for yourselves, Price lists sent free on spplication. COOKING STOVES, DOUBLIE SsTOVES, BOX STOVES, HOTEL STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, CoOaL sToOVvEsSs, BEDROOM STOVES, : DUMB _ STOVES, STOVEPIPES! ELBOWS! _ SrOVEPIPES Common, Bright and Russia Iron, and cvorytninï¬ in the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copperâ€" ware Line, on hand cz made to order. _ e Steel Bits, Bevels, & Levels, Boring Machines, Together with ©CAPTTAL" STOVE ‘DEPUOT Hall, Fanoy, Parlou? and Cook Stovés, in great variety. % Agonts for Eaton‘s Patont Automatic, Selfâ€"Venâ€" tilating, Wood and Coal Stoves. Also Beecher & Co.‘s celebrated Butcher Knives, Kaives and Forks, / e Pocket Knives, Table Spoons, i e Tea Spoons, Tox Trays, Table Mats, Buts, Serews, Locks, & Bolts, Catches, Latches, _ Axes, Saws, Planes, Squares, Mammers, Spoket(}uve!, Gouges, Cu1_ olz ~~~/ Ohlsols, Augors, Auger Bits, The undersigned having bought the exeidsive tight for the City ot Ottawa and County of Carleâ€" ton, from Mr.Y. K. REID, respactfally invites the public to call and examine them, being fully perâ€" suaded that all who see them will rofuse to buy auy other kind. C. P. DORION, Rose Pink, Burnt Umber, Terra do Seinna, Chrome Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Celestial Blus, Paris Green, Brunswick Green, Magnesia (Green, Venetian Red, Red Lead, White Lead, in oil or dry, Urop Black, Ivory Black, Lamï¬ Biack, Boiled Oil, aw ‘Oil, Turpentine, s Benzole, Coal Oil, Paint Brushes, Varnishes, &¢. No more difficulty in ‘mt:ing stovepipes together. Thoy will fitlike a glove, and can‘t fall apart By this new invention STOVEPIPESs may be fitted into each other with the groate:t ease, and here will be NO NEED OF WIRING UP, Alarge stock of materials for the abore branches of business constautly on hand. s Importers of as they cannot fall apart of their own accord, The irvention ( {mtented) is simple and effective, a short opening atthe joint at each end of the pipe enables two of them to be locked together, and the " bead " effectually prevents their separation. Ne â€"Hot Air Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Buildirg Job Work and Repairs attended to punctuzlly. We keep none but the best and most experienced meâ€" hanieg. HOUSE FURNISHINXG GOODS, | of every description in stock," suitable for the smallest family, or the largest hotel. ARE YOU GOING TO BE MARRIED? Any person can Fut them together with the exâ€" pedition of a practised tinsmitb. They will be sold at the low price of _ _ If so, cal!l and soe our large assortment of necessary Houseâ€"keeping Goods, suitable for Kitchen, Dining Room, or any room in your house. . _ Youxe Max, see that your house is well farnished with useful articles before you spend your money in mere showy ornamental things. THOS. BIRKETT, Rign of the Anvil, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. P. S.â€"All gouds delirersd free to any part of the ity 408y # No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., . Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin . and Copper‘ Smiths, Bell IHangâ€" . _ ers, de., &e. “/’Annnnn’s PA TEXT STOVEâ€" PIPE. Supplied with CAMP KETTLES, SHANTY PLATES, â€" â€" AND BASINS, BIRD CAGES! BIRDCAGES! BIRDCAGES All of the above at the * CE&PITAL" STOVE DEPOT, 62y Is hereby given that the Map or Plan and Book of Reference of the Canada Contral Railway Company, from the City of Ottawa to its junction with the Line of the Brockrille and Ottawa Railâ€" way Company, have been deE-ysitod in the office ot the Department of Public ‘Yorks, and a nr;&y of such parts of the Map or Plan and Book of Referâ€" ence, as relate to the Countv of Carleton, has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Carleton, and a coBy of such parts as relate to the County of Lanark, has been deâ€" E:lltod in the office of the élerk of the Peace for the nty of Lanark. \ » Dated this Tonth day of August, 1868. W R. WORSLEY, . #% C. C. Kiy. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. * q5 525 ‘TOVES8: STOVESs ! SAFE 1) ), SURE !) ), SUCCESSFULâ€" KATES®, SEKATES, SNKATES, AT: TH M OQitawa, October 14 iey will be soid at the low price of FIFTEEN CENTS l’EY; LENGTH. LYTH & RERR, UBLIC NOTICE STOVEPIPES AND TINWARE, GENERAL HOUâ€"E FURNISHING, Blovecs & Hardware. HOT AIR FURNACES. $ weer / * k V _ YA #y% § <â€"rez e in o 1 ce mrme n n sc PAINT OF ALL COLORT, COUNTRY MERCHANTS 35 Sussexâ€"strect, Ottaws, consisting in At reduced figures, 8 T OV ES 58 Sturkmet., (\?poaito British logn Hotel 18 "1 "m w 30 5 e en t s * & Fpea+ * C imnty5 street, Ottawa. HMEADOWS & CO Draw Kanives, &c., &e., &c H. MEADOWS & CO. 5T OV ES! of The viking could govern his vessel as a clever rider controls his horse. _ It was requirâ€" ed of him to be able to run along the oars while they were in motion, and to throw three javelins to the mastâ€"head catching each alterâ€" nately in his hand without once missing. lHe was not afraid of going out of sight of land, and â€"vever thought ot coming to anchor when clouds bid the stars. True, he had no compass, but there was al ways a cast of hawks or ravens on board, and when in doubt about the direction in which land lay, he had only to looss one of these, satisfied that the bird would instinctively make for the nearest shore. : Whither the bird flew he steered. It was all one to the viking what land he reached, so long as it was land and not his own land ; for his aim was plunder, and ‘his creed was, where there is habitable land there is sure to be that. The birds seem to have had an unfortanate propensity for leading these genâ€" tlemen to Ireland and Britain. Ireland, inâ€" deed, appears to have been the first of the British islands tavoured with the visits of the northern marrauders, and Johngtone mentions & significant fact in connection with their visits. " The fertile Erin," he says, " was long the great resort of Scandinavians, who, from the internal dissensions of the natives, gainâ€" ed conviderable fouting." Poor Irelana! She was suflering from Fenians even in those days. Mowever, by way of compensation, Ireland became a sort of Paris to the vikings, in setâ€" ting the fashions ; for they took to aping Irish manners and talking Celtic, until the coleâ€" brated Irish King Brian Boru drove them out of the country early in the eleventh century, and made the Irish urpopular with the vikings. y; _ y is t personal prowess, which should entitle a man to the confidere» of a land of champions as their commanders The law of bravery laid down for the.followers themselves was not uulikse that binted at in the old schoolboy‘s rhyimmsâ€" : It cnnn? be concealed that that these rulers of the wates were a terrible set of ruffians. Not content with simple plumder, they butâ€" chered alike those who ‘submitted to their outrages, and those who resented them, showing mercy neither to age ner sex. Beâ€" lieving themselyes the avengers of Odin egainst disciples of all other religions, they were especially severe on the clergy, putting. them to death with tortures, and burning their churches, as Scoit says, "to light the way to their barks again." Doubly terrible was the viking when " berserker." This was a violent kind of frenzy with vhicb}he was liable to be seized, attributed by ‘various writers to intense excitement of the imaginaâ€" gination, or to the use of stimulating drugs or drinks. In this state he became dangerous to friends and foes; he would foam at the mouth and vent his fury against trees and rocks; he would swallow redâ€"hot coals and throw himâ€" self into the fire. â€"If at sea when the fit came on, he would often slaughter halt his crew and destroy his shipping before his compaâ€" nions could land him at some desert island. there to tear up the tree by the rootsand comâ€" mit all mauner of havoc upon inanitmate naâ€" ture until, his strongth exhausted, he would lie senseless and prostrate, then wake up reâ€" covered. Almost all the great vikings became " bersetker" at times. Indeed, when a seaâ€" king reccived any deadly insult from an enemy that he could not avenge, it scems to have been a point of honour that he should become "berserker" on the spot. Halfian was a king of Sweden and a viâ€" king besides. He had seized the crown trom Sivald, and slain Sivald and his five mons, all in a state of " berserk"‘ maduvess, When Hartben the seaâ€"king came up with twelve champions to attack him, Halfian ofered to fight him and his entire crew single handed. Tuie insolent proposal inflamed Hartben ‘with euch awlul fury that he immediately became ** berserker," and killed six ot his own champions in the fit. Me then rushed‘ on Halidan with the remaining six, but he and they all tell dead beneath the terrific, blows of Halidan‘s mace. The viking‘s first versel was nothing better than the trunk of a large tree hollowed out by fire like Robinâ€" son Crusoe‘s boat, and called * holk," a ‘word still eurviving in our language as «the flag that‘s braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze,‘ are singularly correct in their chronology) we derive from the Sagas, or sopgs of the Skalds, a collection of strange wild stories of adventure in verse of measured pross, by the Scandinarian bards. The proâ€" fession of pirate, or viking, was held highly respectable, and nut disdjained by men ot the highest ravk. The qualification for the serâ€" vice was the pertormance of some exploit of rowers, * The bunicane is carrying us the way we would go. â€" Almost all the information we possess of our piratical old aucestors, the waveâ€"rulers of athousand years since (for the lines about The British choral boast of "raling the waves" is a very old one. We can trace it back to sturdy bloodthirsty ancestors among the old vikings who never sought shelter of a toof, who hed no other kingdom to rule than the sea, Sea kings who shouted their songs in the midst of the tempest, The ftorce of the storms helps the arms of the " nulk." The British Museum contains a specimen of one of theseâ€"ancient holks, found on the Sussex coast. But in process of time the viking became master of a much larger vessel, carved and painted and fashioned into the form otf some fantastic mmonster, usually that of a dragon. Ruch was Rolfs tamous ghip called the " Dragon Grimeâ€" noth."" (OQfien as their vessels were wrecked in the fierce North Sea storms, the hardy pirates who survived would yet defy the tempest, and even the gods themselves, holdâ€" ing on their course, as the Sagas say, © along the track of the swan«." A viking would marry occusionally three or four wives ; but would eeldom waste time on courtship. _ He evidently regarded it proâ€" fessionally. When he heard of a lady posâ€" sessed of beauty aad wealth, bhe weuld fit out his vessel and demand her of her father. Should the misguided parent refuse the honour of becoming his ftatherâ€"inâ€"law, the viking burnt him out of his house, and reâ€" turned with his bride, his vessel laden with all the spoil he could consemently lay hands upon, by way of dowry. Anunwilling father had no alternative but consent or "ight. Reguald, a Norwegian king, who hud refased the peremptory, demand of Gurnar thel6weâ€" dish viking, for his daughter Moalda, not only set himself instantly on the defensive, but hid the princess and all his treasures in a mountain cavern, determined to baffle his enemy, evea ‘if beaten,. But Gunnar came with a fleet of veasele, and, after a OLD ENGLISH PIRATE®. Two skinny Frenchzen Aud a Portugee, o One jolly Eoglishman Whacked all three. i PRICEâ€"3 CENTS. The wooing of a seaâ€"queen was a hazarâ€" dous business. Laying siege to her heart or attempting to captive her affections was comâ€" pletely futile. ‘The only way was to Llockada her in some narrow bay, and engage her in single combat. Generally as in the case of Alfhilda, the chasie and beautiful Ortrozoth princess, there were & couple of notable cham.. pions guarding ber person, who hbad first of «11 to be disposed of. Althilda‘s lover, a young seaâ€"king, slew these two in single combat. But Althilda was not so easily won. Clotuing herself and hor maidens in ring mail, and joining her crew of pirates, she embarcked in her swiltest vessel, and gavre Alf a year‘s ‘ong chase, â€" One afteranother Alf conquered eÂ¥ory ship of her fleet, and then blockaded his misâ€" tress in the Gaulf of Finland,. She came out to fight. Alfs grappled the . maiden‘s ship, boarded it, and after a terrific handâ€"toâ€"hand encounter with the queen herself, he clove Althilda‘s belmet with his axe, disclosing her beautiful features and loug dowiog hair. Tas sight of her beauty was too much for her adorer. He presented her hbis weapouns ; for be could fight no more. Althilds, doully couquered by the volour and generosity of her lover, married him on the spot, while Alfs best champions availed themselves of the opâ€" portunity to take the seaâ€"qucen‘s maiden atâ€" tendants to wif:,. Forthe whole of the year, in anticipation of some such result, A!f{ilh had carried a priest on Loard to perform the ceremony. The legend ot Wayland, the simith, who forged the viking‘s most treamsured swornd. blad4e, of guch admirable temper that they would cut through rock or iron, without losing the edge, is too familiar for repetition,; bu« it may be mentioned, in connection wit» a strange legend of the old soaâ€"kings, that Wayâ€" land bad married one of the Valkysiur, or Choosers of the Slain.. This was, however, probably no more than a mythological wa, of stating how keen were Wayland‘s «wordâ€" biades, and bow fatal (; use. Thae Valkyrmur of the Sagas correspond to the Fates otf the The vikings found plenty of employment for the fatal sister«, for some of their battlos were on a tremendously large scale, and w»â€" sulted in fearful slaughter. At the navail battle of Bravalla, between Baald Goldâ€"n Tecth, and Sigurdâ€"Ring, the usurper of the Swedish throne, all the seaâ€"kings and tas Maidens of the Shield ranged themselves on one side or the other. Sigurâ€"Ring‘s fleet dlons is said to have consisted of two theusand five hundred ships, and the number is not considerâ€" ed to be exagerated, taking into account the small capacity of the little barks employâ€" d. There wete seventy.four chathpions in the Danish fiset, while the Bwedes Boasted of ninetyâ€"six_ seaâ€"kings, supported by all the picked archers of Norway, Harald, with fifteen kings and thirty thousand of his Daunes, was slain, and tite Swede bougut his victory at a cost of twelve thousand of his bravest warsior. The tumulus which marks the burial place of th» slain is said to be still pointed out. " We did not permil the rave us to be in want of food," says the Skald, " those who were slain became the prey of th« raven«, We bhew‘d with our swords." Mcrssas. Youxg & Rapronp naving «ecured the services of fir. tâ€"class working jeweller« in ecruscan, filagree, plain, fancy and solid gold work, and having made large additions to their work shop are now better prepared to execute any orders with which they may be entrusted than heretdfore! Masonic jowels, gokl and silver medals, and every kind of ewellery repaired. Carrets axo Hooss Fomsisaisos.â€"DPartics about to furnish will find a large and choice assortment of carpetings and house farnishâ€" ings, cheap, at Garland, Mutchmor & Co‘s. Carpets made and iaid with despatch. Greeks,. â€" These fatal sisters chose and foret 414 those who sbould f«ll in battle, They carresd Odin‘s messege of invitation to the warriors he loved best, to meet bim in Walhalia and they poured out th« ale and mead for the sol «0o uf the heroes who sat round ‘Odin‘s hboard. They visited the siain at sâ€"a in the form of swans, and carried the Jero‘s soul straight to the line where the sea and sky meet, into Odiu‘s presence, and into the halls of Walâ€" balla. For fine bog oak brooches ;n: ear riogs in sets, see Young & Radford‘s new 1ot, just reâ€" ceived, ard selling at the very low price of onâ€" ly 90 cte. per Sot.~ JewELLENY.â€"All kinds of jewellery, of the latest designs, and at the cheapest rates, can be bought of Young & Radfori, Spark=â€"st. Try Gardner‘s Baking Powdet,. Sceeadverâ€" tisement. 887 .61 fierce battle, killed the king, and contrived to find out the place of Moalda‘g retrest. He returned to Sweden with bhis bride and her txus:al. and the Skalds sang lus praises in the Kianesinga Saga. _ . Dr.Wistar‘s Wild Cherry Balsam.â€"1T .: baisamic compound has become a bome fix :«. Let all who suffer, and have in vain attempo i to cure their coughs, colds, bronchial or pulawmary complaints, make use of this unequalled reimo<y. It can be relied upon, the mase of testimony Last has been published since its introlastion, being ample proof of its effisacy. The most unhappy person in the world is the dyoz:c&e. Ererything looks dark and gloomy ; he « qut of sorts" wita himself and everyâ€" body else, Life is a burden to him. Tais can all be changed by taking Poruvrian Syrup (a protox â€" ide of iron ) Cases ef 27 yoars stantiag have been cared by it.