he t Undertaking brancâ€"k is under 3. m:= intemdence, who atiends all F ngn Charge, and has constantly ? assortment of Ready.â€"made Cofins, of <IDEXCEâ€"At t*o W e ARDWARTC :; L180 spiC¢d, To:.¢ :r-«ud Hamw: $ ahi y of Catedent: ;-. or South Na Mugicipality 0 Company so much ENT END WELLINGTOXâ€"STREga a and qualities : 'Au}t‘, BLACK CLOTH, C“BO!!& ties ordering Mabogany, Walrat, Hardwood Cogine, may rely on M‘ urticle, fno staincdi Duirterzaui soid for LODEE!S EPILEPTIC CURE, t Orraw a T rur:s Puxtizc axp PTBRSR‘Z, Coxpiast, at the Office, 23, Cpark#â€"8€ â€" tre Town, Ottaws. Jaxrs Corfto# nagtng © Director Auexr. FRozszsao® . IMES is print e the uscal assortment of Cibinet and q Goods cam be ebtained at modsrate soms desirous of keeping th*ir decsased for a fere days. or even a week,can nt the least possible insonvreniorce by 3. Rogers, who has had over 20 ye J es in the abore branches, and feels 3.â€"The Undertaking Dranch will be izo none in (‘tawa. s s ress W aggous always ready for the uiture. C > # . ORNAMEYTAL AND DECORATIYE @ PAINTErS, 9 AXD PAPER HAXGERS. â€"~3 ICI 8. ISAAC‘3, CENTRE TCO PLOUCGHS CULTIIYATIRS, he relief and cure c Puerperal Hysteria, OYAL CANADIAN BA Ni LF & HEAVYX HARDWABRR gensral assortment of Houseâ€"furnis a‘u-.umkvmm vrices to be we market. ho Prescott, Kingston, Torofito, * from the recips o7 a celebrated : an, amd the very great success which d its use in every case, and where the real skill was of no avail, bas hdud- er toy. give it or ible icity. ) has the mbccr:.:q’r':“nmo u'?lfladdr‘_. ittle. Price one dolliar. Sole Proprietof ARTE, Chemist, 378, Not~e Dameâ€"streot "@ Florida Water, equal to anyth Price 37} cents per bottle. _1'; Manafsctar !;.\J ETY N1GN mMu wa, Septecaber 4, JS43 \aW A, 1> ocER Pho Oc BINETâ€" A KT utreal Foundries, with drums, pip« &o., tho choupest to be hJ in town. Ktewa Mar 2 ROYVTXcrA DALL & MONXTGOMELY, nted Counse Ai tegal m: 11F Wbholssale Agen J Smeuls W is it 4 I <s MXAJESTiQUEEX VICTORIAS Rorm C XaÂ¥Y: > ‘; Medalist of tho Great Internanonal *‘ tion of London, 1882, and o* the T‘a;l * rer«al F; weerey a>> SE WILL, LIÂ¥EX it 70, LKLL B2ZO4., M X1.€6 W AXTCHES, U N PE R T A K E R, AT THE OLD $TiNXD, o 0, XIDEAiTâ€"STR3EEmN Nams, HRors, Czarss. IONERsS C a of Ontaric for an act to i-ï¬"ï¬ DONMMA PEA‘F MANURFACTU INXG COMFANY, with powers 1# al or Railway from #ome point W . Caletrnts ts the nayTkable waterigy * South Natin~ ‘Biven. and to a8" â€" Tan#as UTXDERTAKTIXI TARAAiam learcwe«ure. C.A W » 14 MAKER, i y RSURAXCE & Aa. SAUXD Â¥CAar ERI OF SPATYX XOR ABLE TuT T P .‘Igmocs.\' css **â€"-»~\ AL Ix®st R.\.\CE ONM CA Urp msuranse C ht *Yea »..._":."EI‘- ItD eemi ) AND AND ABLETHE Lo®Dg TH® A)quum, *¢n the road fll;" acessions 2s may b#° af Daat Fucl. 883 8 zes Â¥_ ° Ainister of ux L.{Xorq} 1 Y Epilepey, S ALGENCy "8"°7 tor the ie Mm.":‘ 8. &. \,‘ua'r‘.h +i4 TUAL LIFE im 3. _ ie m PirrJon® lty P0O00L, Eod Rs -uu] 318y * wd with the wa and V\ AR & L wb *2t intog, Ehk d Donds, COMp 00 ERox SPAR "p. LSTERBR . NExp Montreak of 4 bJF THE REV: GEO. NOEL HIGGINSON, M. A., Inambeat of New Edinburgb, the with especial sanction of the Bishop of the Diocese, receives a U mitad nuw ber of the sous of gentliomen as mornâ€" in ; pupils, . ..>4 Residenceâ€"Dalhousieâ€"st., Ottawa,. Terms made krown on application. Q40tf _ h. ilours of Studyâ€"9:30 a.m. to 12:30, and 2 to 4 p im. ap y Scuoor Fres.â€"For Soundt Commercial and IEnglish Education, $4 per term. Higher Matheâ€" matics, Latin, Gml,l}::neh and Music, (each) $2 rr term ®xtRi. » he school year will as hitherto, be divided inâ€" *~ three terms, â€" + * 1 reduction made for brothers, and for payâ€" :ents made in the first week of term. _ 938tf Charges moderate. A.. J. E. CQOLE M kA N, V. 8 Member of the Coll f Veterinary Surgeons (T?r-b; by ."oi.d‘.-ozt,v.s..lou;{.(k.d s Carleton Agricultu.al Society.) Orders or communications prom attended to :_u-d:-gnquh-qmdww £ 11TY OF OTTAWA AGRICULTURAL to the City of Oitawa Agricultural Society will take place at the CITY HALL, on FRIDAY, the 15th INSTANT, at THREE o‘clock, p.m., for the ELECTION OF DIRECTORS FOR TLE ENâ€" SUINXG YEAR, and the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meetâ€" mg. an increared assortment of Paris and home manuâ€" f. turod4 presents ; also the undermentioned goods all manufactured on the premises . Rich Fruit Caln.‘m‘.'h and ornamented. Plain, Citron, R Seed, Princess, Sponge ard Lady Cake, Gold and Silver. Candies of every description. Italian Creams n:::n-m. Jellies and Blane ge and W ine Joilies. Charlotte Russe. Jellied Turkeys, Chickens, &c. Chocolate, W ailnut and Fig Creams. Selads of every description: Crystalized Dates and Figs Wedding Cakes, ornamented to any design on the shortest notice. « Supper Parties, Balls or Assomblies supplied on reasonable terms. * Frivate Parties furnished on the shortest notice. Oyster Patties, Mince Pies and Mince Meat. A large assortment of Pure Sugar Hollow Toys. IuromateD» Goons pirscrt rszox Loxpo® asDp Parmis. = Choicest Selected Bonbons, Gelatine, Silver and Bold Prper, Scented, Sn:rsin‘ and Plum, 6 A splendid assortment of Cornucopias, Boxes and oys. # ‘The proprietor need only say that all the above articles can be obtained at his establishment, and from tho repatation it has gained for itself is a sumem:tnsiuuwn for the quality of the articles. City country stores supplied on reasonable terms, G, BARTLETT, 37 Sussexâ€"st. N.B.â€"Mufin and Crampets fresh every day during the season. 9204 January 6, 1869 YETERINARY ESTARLISHMENT G. BARTLET T. Begs most respectfally to remind his {‘uml that he has provided for the CHRLSTMAS HOLIDAYS A. D‘FF. Ottawa, October 27 1868. larges® st 81,.25"YS~â€"8$3.00 TAILORINXG DEPARTMENT. Particular attention given to the Tailoring Deâ€" partment, which is under the supervision of a firstâ€" clase cutter, e Ofer for sale an extensive importation of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising Readyâ€"made Clothing, Canadian Tweeds, Etoffes, Satinetts ; also a large stock of Blankets, Flannels, Kerseys, C 1y Coitons, Prints, Winceys, Piaids, &o., &0. ; Broadeloths, Beavers, Witneys, Potershams, Devons, &c. ; Bedford Cords, Silk Mixtures, West of England Twoed:, Doeskins, &c., wholesale and rotail, which will be made up to order on the shortest notice in the latest styles of fashion and at "I eP prices that 84 0 Rer. Bicusrtox A. Eowaros, B. A., (exâ€"=cholar Jesus Coll., Oxford.z Yusiness will be resumed on MONDAY, JAN. T. ALBAN®‘S SCHUVOL, N. B.â€"An extensive asso DkLY GOODS always in stock. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Subscribers z»>ATTHUE LOWEST CASH PRICES (;,RA."I‘ & HENDERSONX, \TyGLIsH BUXN HQUSE, ‘\Y Susasxâ€"3t. iDCVCATIONâ€"â€"CLASICAL AND GEN«â€" CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE, "LOTHING, 5 CTS., $1 and $1.35......UNXDERSHIRTS, ** (CT3., 81 and 81.35 ............DRAWERS ORSE INXFIRMARY, LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS OQ‘*‘ME AFKAX & CQ., By order, YORKâ€"STREEL, 0O %TAYA, Next to Salmen‘s Hotel. â€"NOL. IVY. NO. 945. Are ofering an extenswe Stock o sessessessescesesÂ¥ee sesessessertnesnees :“gcocsl assortment of Dry Goods, the osk ever oftered tor sale in this city. DEFY COMPETITION 1NSPECTION 1XYFITED READYâ€"MADR AND TO ORDEE. Confectionery. Educatioqnal. ESTABLISHED IN 1844, PRINCIP AL: SII.\ WLS Shewing This Dag. Dry Goods. SOCIETY. LANKETs, Daryrâ€"st. REss Goops. INCIES, A. 8. WOODBURN, Secy. C. 0. A. S. 913.3 @REY ETOFFE PANTS, ..GOO0D PEA JACKETS, COMPLETE SUITS, No. 20, Rideauâ€"st. O‘MEARA & CO. ovERcoAts, Sliy only describe its effects bs uling that it scemed to work like a charm."â€"Dt. Kinkead‘s Paper on Phthisia and its treatment. Medical Press, &c., Fob. 28, 1868. Caution.â€"The gonuine PANCRREATIC EMULâ€" SION sold only in bottles, 2s 6d, 4s 6d and 8s, with Savory & Moore‘s labels and trade mark. MORTIMERS ,Colc.r:. Pomades, Toilet Vinegar, Rose Denti: frice, for the Teeth and Gums, Also constantly «on hand Perfames ot all kinds, and. Loilet Requiâ€" sites usually kept in a firstâ€"class establishment. Newcascle, Ont., Proprietors for Canada. Price 25 cents. Sold by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W. M, Massey, Henry F. McCarthy, J. Skinper, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. _ $89.45â€"6m %_}" See The Lancet, British Medicat # teal Press, de. © & On the l4th. Oct. I commenced the Pancreatic Emulsion &Snon & Moor®‘s) in two teaâ€"spoontul doses, two hours after dinner and supper. I can Prince should."â€"SNocial Nevence Review. > # A REAL IMPROVEMENT (Lane«) on the ordinary kinds of LIEBIG‘S FOOD," and the only one that keeps good in An;li-a;u."' No or strain‘ing. Tins, 1s, 2s, 5s and i0s. cce t NA ORY & MOOKE, * _ _ _ using it. 2 It cleanses the breathing apparatus, bly removrâ€" ing from the airâ€"cells the ooTl.blo ymphb, or that secretion which in heaves clogs them, causing & difficulty in breathing, and by its action on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing tho circulation of the blood, and restoring the distendâ€" ed vessels to their natural size; by its use the horse‘s lapotito is improved, all derangements of the digestive organs corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining appearâ€" ance. D. W. HURD, successor to Huro & Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the Unitéd States. NORTHROP & LYMAN, s A grand specific for derangement of the Digestive Organs, and for obstructions and torpid action of the Liver and Bowels. snpor&yof immediately relieving Conï¬hl. Colds, oarseness, Difficulty of Breathing, Tightness in Chest, &e., &o. It :rntu by dissolving the conâ€" gealed _p_hhgm, causing free expectoration, and an Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, TRADE MARK The only sure remedy that exists, combining deâ€" licious taste and amazing power. CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION. . $ 'I'F{{:'."xs-'nil&' mixtare, which saould be in every family, is only round from decided cholera; one on board the boat, and the other in Berlia, United States, Both eommenced with diarrhoea, then with dysentery, and then vomiting.â€" The one at Beriin was very bad. 1 gave her three doses of the Cholersa Mixâ€" ture, the third of which stopped the vomiting. The next day she was all right, or nearly so. She was very gratetul. I have now only a little left."*~ _ «* Find out if the Express charges are too high, and if not, arrange with Mortimer to let you hare a box of the bottles of CHOLERA MIXTURE, I could make a little fortune with them. The bottla I ht with me here brought two ladies The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is kindly permitted to ‘K?bluh. is from the letter of a relative of Pr. Wolfe, of this city, now residing in the United States : a Spoken of in terms of high commendation by both | dr;giu and physician.â€"PAsladelphia Engle, | Pain Killer is seld at wholesale by druggists and medicine dealers, and commission merchants, | in the principal cities, and retailed by Apothecaâ€" ries, Grocers and at Variety Shops generally, throughout the world. â€" Pri:e, 15 conts, 25 cects and 50 cents per bottle. I PERRY DAVIS & SOX, | Manufacturers and Proprictors, 380 St. Paulâ€"st., | xl antreal, P. of Q. } 18 fllï¬:-n., Providence, R. 1.; 71 Southampton | Row, Holborna, London, Sni:lmdv | DAVIDSON & DANIEL, Gexsras Acgxts | CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, add , I have used Davis‘ Pain Killer, and consider it | s Dra an indispensable article in the modicine box, It . TO8®ther with has effected cures in Diarrhcea, and tor cuts and PAINT OF A bruises it is invaluable.â€"New York Eramimer. __| Rose Pink, Burnt Umbez, It is really a yaluable medicine: It a used by many physicians.â€"Boston Travel/er. * We have tasted this medicine and assure our readers that it not only possesses all the virtues claimed for it, but in many instances surpusses any other remedy which we have ever known.â€" Heraid of Gospel Liberty, t We cheorfaily add our testuno}:y in #avor of this medicine. â€"Roman Citizen, _‘ Rer. Jabez 8. Swan says, "I bave used it for years in my fanmfily, and consider it an invaluable Hundreds of missionaries give similar testimony of its virtues. Rev. J. G. Stearns writos, «1 consider it the bo'l_t remedy for Dyspepsia I ever know." ~ . _ It an attack of Diarrhcea, Dyuntori(;r Cram P Colic, don‘t delay the use of the Pain Killer. Rev, H. L. Van Met®#, Burmakh, writes, " The Pain Killer has become an ailmost indispensable nflclo in my tqu.:il;.†J & . & MORTIMER‘3 COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS AXD FAMILY â€" APERIENT PILLS, l‘lll BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS, resembling Mother‘s Milk as closely as possiâ€" e.â€"Dr. H, Barker on rgu E/ ods for children. «THE INFANT PRINCE thrives upon it as & Pats Kiizz.â€"Tho tes;imlniuc borne to the eflicacy of this valuable medi¢ine are sufficient to warrant its introduction into~ every house. Our own opinioa is that no family should be without a bottle of it for a single hour. In flesh woeunds, aches, pains, sores, &c:, it is the most effectual remedy we krnow of. A bottle will last for a very long time, and its low price places it within the reach of all. Our readers wilfnmombor that the Messrs, Porry Davis & Son havo opened out a house in Montrea!, whence Canadian orders are supplied.â€"News, 8t. Johns, C. £. _ C at KBU"We atre glad to learn that tho "Pain Killer" is having so large a sale in our city. We have every reason to believe it to be an almost nevor failing cure tor pain, and is a medicine that no family should be without.â€"Montreal Pulot. Cholera Infantum and Cholera. APPLIED EXTERXALLY, CURES Scaides, Burns, Frostbi@es, Chillblains, Erysipelas, ‘Rilqvmrbu, Whitions, Boils, Old Nores, Sprain«, Bruises, Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia in the Face or Head, Pains in the Sidte, Pains in the Back and Loins, Rheumatism, Rheumatie Gout, Neuralgic or Rheumatic Pains in the Joiys and Limb«, Stings of Insects, Sorepions, Cestipedes, and the Bites of Poisonous Insects and Penomous Reptiles. s k Ai At this season, when coughs and colds £ro so prevalont, anefeotual remedy, and one oasily obâ€" tained, is Perry Davis‘ Vegetable Fain Killer. It is no new nostrum, verded by unkuown agents, but has stood tha test of over 20 years ; and those who use the article, internally or externally, will connect with it gratetul mol{miou of its worthy inventor.â€"Hastings‘ Chronicle; C. W. 4 This valuable medicine has the extraordinary § | TAKEX INTERNALY, CURE3 Sudden (‘a*h. Catarrh, Cough«, Bronchitis, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liner Complaint, Acrd Stomach, Headache, pthurn, Indigesâ€" tion, Canker in. the Mouth, T t or Stomack, Nick Headache, Sea Nickness, Piles, Kidney Complaints, Canker Rash, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Painter‘s Colic, Diarrkwa, Dys+ entery, Nummer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENXTS A BOTTLE. reealle moistness to the skin. £ Soild in Boitles at 1s. 3d. and 2s. 6d. Each, Pun KILLER :; § A PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE ORTIM«CR*‘$ INFALLIBLE‘ REMEDY NONE OTHER GENUINE troated with Savory & Moora®‘s PANCREATIC EMULSION No. 41 Sussexâ€"st., Ottawa City. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. 1OR CASES of CcCoONsU MPTION «Vedicat. 143, New Bondâ€"st., Lender FOR REGISTBRED ~~ DBIrrCAGES! BIRDCAGES| BIRDCAGES "|CAMP KETTLES, SHANTY PLATES, E. ; & s | â€" AND BASINS, ‘ IRON BEDsTEADS, LAMPS, I COaAL OIL, SAUCEPANS, | Brass and Enameiled Kettlos, Tinware, Toilet | Betts, Baths, Flour Sioves, Brushos, Dish Covers, | Table Mats, Sad Iroos, Tavle Cutlery, Tea and Table Spoons, Preserve Jars, Mincini Knives, ' Wash Tubs and Boards, Refrigerators, Egg Beatâ€" ers, Cruet Stands, Ash Pails, Table Boï¬l. Tea Trays, Toa and Coffee Pots, Soup Turcens, Jeily | and Pudding Moulds, &0., &e., &c,, &c. _ Now reaily, the Cubic Contents of the KEarthâ€" wofk of those sections of the Intercolonial Railâ€" way, to be first placed under contract, giving in detai‘ the quantities in each excavation and emâ€" bankment. * Ratesâ€"â€"l mile por cubic yard of cutting and filling. or 1,000 cubic yards for a dollar, up to 109,000 yards, and for every additional 10,000 yards one dollar, f 82y yourselved, Price lists sent free on a pgiouion. COOKING STOYVES, DOUBLE TOVES, BOX STOVES, ° HOTEL _STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, CoaL sTovEs, BEDROOM STOVES, DUMB STOVES, STOVEPIPES! ELBOWS! SFOVEPIPES Common, Bright and Russia Iron, and everything in the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copperâ€" ware Line, on hand cr made to order. o _Hot Air Furnaces, Eave Troughs, Buildiag Job Work and Roepairs attended to punctually. We k'oop_ none but the best and most experienced meâ€" anics. J Room, or any room in your house. _ Youxe Max, soo that your house is well furnished with useful articlss before you spend your money in more showy ornamental things. Supplied with * CAPITAL" STOYVEK DBPOT, streot, Ottawa. 62y H.MEADOWS & CO. DOUBLE STOVES, the best in uge, * HOTEL STOVES, large and ext ong made, expressly for Hotel and Boarding H , complete with. large Copper Water Reservoirsfand l!)lnte Warmers. We call special attentiog of Hotel Keopers to these stoves, they will last &s long as any six ordinary stoves. Seoe them andjudge for yourselves. Price lists sent free on application. _ are of the latest and most improved patterna, and the most extensive assortment shown in Ottawa. COOKING STOVBS,k;)fdtho good oldâ€"fash nd, COOKINYG STOVES, of the latest and most m Such is the characier given of every stove sold duringthe past year at the _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ We beg to notify the public that our stock for the season is now complete ; our * § _ designs, : *<% PARLOR STOVES, for elegance of design cannot n en in.~.~â€" ~besurpessed..â€" : â€"â€"_ BOX & HALL STOVES, that are unrivalied for «* CAPITAL "â€" STOVE , DEPOT «| _ 35 Sussexâ€"street, Ottaws, H. MEADOWS & CO. pFIFTEEN CENTS PER LENGTH, Tho undersigned having bought the exclusive right for the City otf Ottawa and County of Carle: ton, from Mr.X..K. REID, respectfilly invites the public to call and examine them, being fully perâ€" suaded that all who see them will refuse to buy ary other kind. j €C.P. DORION, No more difficulty in putting stovepipes together. They will fit llk:’ a g‘ove, and c:FnI;ohu apart By this new invention STOVEPIPES may be @tted into each other with the groatest ease, and here will be No NEED OF wWIRING UP, as they cannot fall apart of their own accord. The invention (patented) is simple and %fl'ocuvo,n short opening atthe joint at each end of the pipe enables two of them to be locked together, and the " bead " effectually prevents thoi_r separation. es Any person can Fut them together with the exâ€" pedition of a practised tilsmith. They will bo sold at the low price of _ . ity Stcel Bits, Bevels, Nt Levels, Boring Machines, Terra do Seimna, Chrome Yellow, _ Yellow Ochre, Colestial Blue, Paris Green, Brunswick Groen, > Magnesia Green, Venetian Red, Red Lead»White Lea, in oil or dry, Drop Black; Ivory Black, * Lamp Black, Boiled Oil, 4 R&w Oil, Turpentine, _/ s Benzole, Coal Oil, ® : Paint Brushes, ~ * y u_ _ + .. Matnishes, &o. SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, Buts, Serews, Locks, e . * Bolts, Catches, Latches, * Axes, Saws, Planes, Squares, * â€"~Hammers, Spokes(imns, Gouges, i o _" _ _ . UOhlsels, Augors, Augor Bits, % consisting in part of GEXERAL HOUâ€"E lrl!l{NISIlING, Butcher Knives, Knives and Forks, e Pocket Knives, Table Spoons, _ 3 * Tea Spoons, Tea Trays, Table Mats, SIGN OF THE ANVIL, No. 24, RIDEAUâ€"ST., whore you can got a complete assortment. of SKATES of all sizes, and at any price to suit purâ€" chasers, from 25 conts to $5.50 per pair. In the assortment will be found Z&"Public and Private Buildings, Corservato. ties, Vineries, Manufactories, &c., warmed by Eteam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved prineiples. $ 2 es QKATE!. sSKATES, S'KATESQ & AT TE j Ottawa, Dos. 30, 1862 Hall, Fancy, Pulon; and Cookâ€"Stoves, in great variety. ; Agents for Eaton‘s Patent Automatic, Selfâ€"Vonâ€" tilating, Wood and Coal Stoves. Also Becechor & Co.‘s celebrated + A la»go stock of materials for the above branghes of business constantly on hand. Importers of ' TDt Piumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangâ€" ers, de., ite. * § THOS. BIRKETT, * Sign of the Anvil, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. P. S.â€"All goods dellrorad free to any part of the HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARKE. , The celebrated Shoffield Club, _ «€ «* _ Canadian Favorite, «_â€" i+ Central Park do and all olher English and Gorman Patterns. Skate Straps, all patterns, &c., &c. Also, a general assortment of ns , SAFE xD.qum i) ), SUCCESSFULâ€" Ottawa, October 14 AILWAY PRACTICE OFFICE» STOVEPIPES AND TINWARE, TOVES! STOVES ! Stoves &# Mardware. > LÂ¥TH & KEGALR, _ ___ ARDELLS PA TENXT STOVE« PIPE. * HOT AIR FURNACES. PAINT OF ALL COLORS, CoUNTRY MERCHANTs All of the above at the At reduced figuros, STOY KS 58 Sparksâ€"st., Opposite British Ei@_ Hotel heating purposes, Draw Kanives, &c., &o., &c. No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., ST OV L S! J. O‘HANLY, Civil Engineer. 936b â€" oldâ€"fashioned 8i1.3m 408y OoTTAWA, MONDAY. JANUARY 11i, isGs, Men‘s ware in Calt, Kipp, Cowhide Boots ; Men‘s Etrong Working Boots as low as $2 per pair. Boy‘s and Youth‘s equally low, _ _ f Alarge supply of New English Kipp Boots, band made, Jf most suitable ware forpgaumbcr- men, constantly on hand and made by the very best workmen. Orderstaken for all kinds of work: 4297 aEOoRrGE MURBPHY In Ladies‘, Misses‘ and Children‘s ware 1 have everything that can Foasibly be required for the season, and at much lower figures than ever betore offered. . * which will be found complete ; bolnF selected with care, it will not fail to give general satisfaction. of suitable for FALL & WINTER WEAR. Also, a arge stock ot Men‘s and Women‘s Coarse Boots. Moose Mocassins,. Buck Moose and Sheep Mitts, Beef Mocassins, Felt Overâ€"shoos, Fubbers, &c., all of which will be sold at groat redustions from forâ€" mer prices Lumber and country merchants aro roâ€" quested to bear in mind that there is a large stock ofhandmade boots to be disposed of at the aforeâ€" said reduction in prices. e The public generally are invited to call and examine the stock and prices,which we know canâ€" not fail to give satisiaction to all. _______ _ posite comprising the latest styles and best qualities of PADIEY, GENT‘3, MISSES‘ & CHILDREN‘3 PRICES LOW. FELT EMBROIDERED CONGRESS XMAS AND NEW YEANS PRESENTS. havo received a Kince the great clearing Sale VÂ¥erx Larcs‘ axp Wmm SereEctsp Stock rOBOGGANS, BOOTS A ND S H O ES, N.B.â€"As all will probably wish to retain a Sonm. venir of their visit, it will be satisfactory to know that there is a magnificent assortment of Boots ar i shoes on hand to choose from,and any of which will bo GIVEN AWAY for a emall consideration. Don‘t forget the place, Z28" No. 28, Sussexâ€"st., opposite the Barracks. "(X "A Merry Christmas andl Happy New T ear,":::: takes pleasure also in announcing that he will hold uitable to the Wintor season. I have now received my fall and winter stock at from 7:30 a.m., until 7 p.m., when ‘he will be pleased to meet with thoso who desire to call n[:on kim. ©BOOTS, SV . Very appropriate To all the loyal inhabitants of the Metropolitan and surrounding Counties, serds greeting; . B.OGTS AND SHOES Of the Latest Style, Also, a New Supply A FRESH LOT OF LADILES‘ & GENT3S UST RECEIVED. CROSBY STAND, NO, 51, SPARKS®Sâ€"ST. _ The wholoe of $ And while thus publicly wishing to all ENUINE CLEARING SALE KEEPER OF THE RED BOOT, &c., &0. Ray°INSPECTION INYVITED."@q NNOUNCEMEXT : PUBLIC RECEPTIONS DAILY, THE BANKRUPT STOCK, DRESS & WALKLING BQOTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ANXD OTHER FEETâ€"WARE, Bloois & Ahoes. ANGUS & CO CAPITAu BOOT & SHOE STORE, YORKâ€"ST. sNOWâ€"SHOES, MOCCASINS, W. ANGUS & CO. #v., &c., &co. ovVERâ€"SHOES, TOBOGGANS, HEAP BOOTS & SHOES AT TH®. W. A. LAMB, sNOWâ€"SHOES, AT THE OLD Ww,. ANGUS & CO.,. Golden Boot, 220 ; W ollingtonâ€" SHOKS, oP &o.,. &o., &c. MOCCASTNS, L P Ottawa, Ostober 17, 1868 These Bulbs will be founa superior to anything yet imported. s WILLIAM NEARN, Market Drug g'tore, : k orkâ€"st. Shipped por Hibernian,and to arrive in a few days, a very superior assortment of _ ; HYACINTH, TULIP AND OTHER FALL BV L B S. ment. The prirciple em‘rloyod by Sir Humphrey Davy, in his celebrated "MINER‘3 SAFETY LAMP," is strictly adhered to rendering it sate from the possibility of explosion ; besides this most important feature it possesses every good quality that is desirable in a lamp. 1t will not break if dropped ugon the f/oor. If overturned no cil will escape. _ It will carry a large flame without smoking ; this flame is steady, and so protected that currents of air do not affect it, rendering it a convenient lamp to carry about the house, and is not liable to get out of order. The lamp is made of metal and cannot be broken, hence no danger from that cause. oil. , OIL DEPOT, 73 SUSSEXâ€"ST e Sign Red O:l Barrel!, â€" â€" â€"â€" | . Now ofers to the public this valuable improveâ€" "NOKâ€"EXPLOSIV E L A MP," The undersigned have row C O M PL E T E D thoir FA MILY GROCERIES, Jitawa, Nov mber 27, 18$3. NK WINES, LIQUORS, AND PROVISIONS, &c., &c. ; The Tea Pot. The Trade supplied at the Manufacturer‘s prices. Ottawa, December 10, 1868. 836â€"6m â€" Tth. The ingredients that form its composition aro more beneficial than otherwise. 8th. Dyspeptic subjects can cat hot Bread or Rolls made with it and derive benofit by its use. Oth. Every Packot contains its full weight ; one pound packets weigh 16 ounces. F 10. It is all that it is representell to be, nameâ€" & :: uc .l + 4thi Pamilies that have used it pronounce it the best, and will use no other. Ne 5th. it coutains no Saleratus, nor doos it imâ€" pair the digestive organs like those {mwders where Eoda or an excess of Alkali predominates, 6th. It never gives to Bread or Cakes an unâ€" pleasant Alkaline or mawkish taste. First â€"Absolute safety under all cirecumstances. Secondâ€"Grteater light with less consumption 6f _ 2nd. Its purity is such that it will stand the test of the most perfect analysis. _ _ . es 3rd. After having been extensiveiy used for the last 14 years in not one instance has it failed to give entire satistaction. 7 Ist; Bread or Cakes made with it are more wholesome than if made with Yenshor any other process. e Thirdâ€"Beauty and perfection of finish. Call and see them at the AGEX T F OR Tlll: undersizned takes this opportur1ty to B thank her friends and the public in general for their lberal patronage, and solicits a call to examine her fino stock otf GROCERLES, POULâ€" TRY, FI.B‘IAI. salt and fresh, VEGETADBLES, FRUITS,PORK, &c., all to boâ€"disposed ef cheap. Also, a very fine lot of PAXLTRIDGES. Mas. L; E. GOULIN, Wellingtonâ€"st., opposite Hali‘s Confectionery e In And 1 Ib; P‘ack ot s for 25 ;6 Packets for * cents. "~_ £1 $1.99, Bolo Agents for Ottawa, LOWER BULBS. THE CLAIM FOR THIS LAMP IS GENERAL AND SELECT STOCK ANTREAL WAREHOUSE, NEW [ _ > _ ~TEN REASONS Why it Should be Used in Prefcrene ARDENER*S Unrivalled for Purity and Cheapness FALL IMPORTATIONS, BAKING POWDELR. JAS. MARTIN & CO. COMPRISING A Groceries. J. G. ROBINSON & Co., Othera OoF Da°R. LEAVENS. SUSSEXâ€"STREET LEAV EN S, METALLIC THE [ ork.â€"st. STatt 657y to all This department 1s under the saperintendence ot a wellâ€"known firstâ€"class eutter and workman. All orders punctually attended to, |__ _ _ _ > = _ which, being manufactured on the preli:ilu. we can recommend, and sell cheaper than any shop in this city. , P Don‘t forget the place, No. 34, Sparksâ€"st. Store lately occupied by G. Fetherston & Co., next \lloor to Magee & Russell‘s old store, 88 ‘y r T. RAJOTTE. THE TATLORINXG DEPARTMENT. K0. §4, 8P A LK 8â€"8 T. T. RAJOTTE haviag removed to more commodious prem#ises, takes pleasure in announcing to his numerous cusâ€" tomers and tie public generaliy that he has now a large and well selected stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Flannels BEAUTY ®8.003........Black Broadecloth........FALL SULTS. Alarge staff of polite and attentive salesmen will be in readiness to wait on sustomers. . . IL HICK & CO. ze Customers will please report any inatsenâ€" tion on the part of salosmon. 1,000 Linen Bags, 1s, worth Is 6d; 40 cases Men‘s Heavy Boots, very low ; 3 cases Men‘s Meavy French Calf, i2s 6d. Also, a heary stock of Gentlemen‘s*Clothing. BIrlGD..+++rererrreercererrepcrsiscrss s+sss OVERCOATE, Ae00..:+1+.rrrsassrrrver+s+==+++++108Â¥Yy UV ERCOATS, 0O CUke Uflccrrecsrinessentirrerire rerssesses P ANTB, BO CLis L0 EL RS :sressererrrrnes. stssersssnsss YRETS, ®8.00§........Black Broadcloth........FALL SUITS. + IMDDOU srrossecennecrercessessess cerd 10 Paper Collarsâ€"100 collars for 3s 94. 500 pieces 24â€"yards wide Linen BROOLIDG.:ssssarrersssssrssrsss221+8 & 5. do zâ€"yards wide, Union Shesting......... .......1 1 81 do. Table Damask and 200 UVamask Table Cloths, at a frichtfalsacrifice...s.......... kKa3°Also, Rod and White, Flannels, Canaâ€" dian Shirting Flannels, l‘léop Kkirts, Crash Towellings, Irish Linen, Clouds, Breaktast Shawls, Hemp Carpets, &¢., &e.*° Blanketsâ€"A large 10G of slightly damaged B!‘allk_gu_t_'or nb«_x‘ut hul_fprice._ aeran > 85â€" PIECES DOMINION TWEED, Eomething Newâ€"one of the heaviest cloths madeâ€"at a great sacrijice, doz. TABLE NAPKINS, all 19000 Linen, only 6# 3d per dt'mn. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! SHIRTS! 1,000 Flannel Shirts, only..............2 6 200 White Cotton Shirts, only......3 9 $00 Under Shirts, only...............3 3 300 Hespler‘s heaviest make, _ o ai correspondingly low prices. BROAD CLOTHS, BEAVERS 100 100 COTTONS. 120 pieces Grey Cotton, 14 yards wide, for......8 d 160 do Bieached Horrocks and Millars........64d4 V45â€":do GOood PHNLS ssssfecstrrressersescarsessseces2 6 Mb 303 do Best English Prints, Hloyle‘s and ASRHON 821 1¢++ siresresversrersesiers eessso0e0( $ 159 do French Calicos, in choico patterns...8 d Hannibal Cloths _ â€"~ Orientai Lustres Livini Poplins Alberteena Cioths Princess Alexandra Embossed Poplins Mandarin Lustres Eugenia Reps, &o. doz. FRINGED TOWELS, all 1, OO is rooso rowsuy an 200 70 150 150 20 piecss Waterpro®.......... ...... 80 ~do _ DoubleWidth Overcont Puarchased at Public Auction | lately, from the imâ€" mense Bankrupt Stock otf the late firm of DFSâ€" MARTERY, JORDALINE & CS., of Montreal, and sold on account of T. JAMES CLAXTON. The goods aro all new and of very superior quality, being imJ)ortod expressly for a fugionablo Monâ€" trealtrade; and, as they have succeeded in purâ€" chasing the goods far below the sterling cost, they are prepared to ofer bargains nevor before offered in this city. The following are_some of the lines of goods offered, viz. : â€" 100 pieces different tlun;iticaâ€" 1 Black Silks.!...... 160 goods, Have removed to their NITW €TORE, in Stewâ€" art‘s Block, Corner of Rideau ard . Sussexâ€"sts., where they will ofer, in conmmoction with their $30,000 \ BOULEVARD FELT UNDERSKIRT, E8 innels Black Cloths Winceys Beaver Cloths Cottons Meltons * ~~~<â€"Prints Tweeds &e., . &e. We have also on hand a large assortment of 33 60 15 50 HIFFONNIERS AND SIDEBOARDS, 80 do Single width | Wincey ... 6O do Fancy, single y Wincey .... * ‘\do Double width AT THE VARIETY HALL, OcKING AND "AsY CHAIRS, o_ "AT THE YARIETY HALL, dOK CASES f GREY % BLACK WALNUT from $3 upwards EMOVAL T CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY*s of every description, The groatest nov©lty of the scason is the BLACK DOES, te., do do CUNNINGMAM & LINDSAYTsS ICK & w10 do do do co do do do READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, ‘, ECONOMY & DUVURABILITY 35 Filled Shawis. 83 Shepherd Long Shawls 101 Fazcy, all wool Longs 167 Assoited Square Shawls. ‘~AT THE VARIETY HALL choies for......" 2 Black Empress Rep OHIY +aâ€"vesses«sxent 10 * Also, a splendid assortment of * MDG.. es eseeeceresnnen en sen e Scotch Tweed.............2 Canadian Tweed.........l Full Cloth, very heavy..2 Also, a eplendid lot o Winsey ......2,. 4 Double Delaines..... «o : PopHin....... do _ Cobourg..... Assort‘d Dress Goods Empress Reps........ 4 BIUk French Merino 1 FancyColorsâ€"your Witoeys, Mantle Cloths, No. 14, Rimsacâ€"st. ORSETS, 2s 64 B?ry Goods. cao. Unsurpassed for consisting of CLOTHS SITAWLS Cimcs TO plain width lain wORTII OF DRY GOO0DS ....5 0 worth 8 9 1 1 do: 3 3 3 worth 5 2 9 worth 7 6 2 6 â€"do 5 0 1 % do 28 °9 ~doâ€" 3% There can be no doult that the Ameriâ€" cans do " need that country," but it we are true to ourselves they will only acquire the use of its highways on the torms which we shall dictate, instead of this country beâ€" coming a mere satrapry of the Great Reâ€" public. â€" Once make our «lefensive position secure, towards which the construction of the Ottawa Ship Canal and the carrying out of bur Militia system to its fall extebt would go a crest waly, and we shall be in a position toprotit'by any disagreements which may arise between theâ€" Eastern and Western States regarding trade, as arise they must, if Congreeg, under the influence of the Eas«t, continues to rob ‘thes West. There is one feature of the above extract ,gh'hich,l need that country for its vast forests, it« wheat and barley lands, its isheries, its furs. New England needs Nova Scotia for its coal. The Wert needs the St. Lawrence for its natural outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. The Saskatchewan Valley will in future be a great wheatâ€"growing region. The Northern Pacific Railway, from the head of Lake Superior, via St. Paul, will rus close alonz the boundary line for more than 2,000 miles, to OQregona We don‘t want a naval power, supported by a foreizn nation, estabâ€" lished ow our Northern frontier." with the aid of the naval strength of Engâ€" land, we would be in a position to maintain our independencs, and dictate the terms of a treay by wiich the Great West might seâ€" cure our great thoroughfare and seaboard, for the purpose o# establishing free trade with the markets of Egrope; and at the same time give u«s facilities for opening up and inâ€" corporating the wealth of our own great and fertile Northâ€"west. Thus, from a posiâ€" tion of isolated and unimportant colonies, we would grow into an Empire rich in its own resources, and holJing the key to the trade of half the world. In our last we urged & speedy consideratton of these features in our own natural position, if we would avoid the loss of some of their advantages through the more daring enterprise of the United States. Already the Americans ot the West see the advantages of our position, and although we may smile at the crazy idea of that people robbing us of our equntry and its advantages by force, wemmust not overlook the facts contained in the bombast writter by Mr. Medill, of Chicago, to Gen. Rawlins. In bis letter Mr. Medill eays : : | "©J ekteem the acquisition of British North America as almost equal in value to the «¢ceded States, which we conquered. We need that country for its vast forests, its wheat and barley lands, its isheries, its furs. _ While New Enogland writers, and Northâ€" erners with New England ideas and interests, have endeavored to maintain that the late war was waged to liberate the slaveâ€"and in this they have been joined by the Bright echoo!l in Englandâ€"it was patent to every ode else that it was to enforce New England tariffs upon the egriculturists of the South ; and that the major pargâ€"i‘( the patriotie fervor bestowed upon their striped bunting, which with pathetic anachronism they de nominated " the old flag," was in reality the result of a sordid affection for the base material interests of the coiton mills of New England. Nullification in South Carolina, in the days of Carmorx, arose from the same cause,‘and South Carolina would then have; seceded chad she been strong enough, as she and the other Southern States recentâ€" Iy attempted to do, and as the West will eventually be pretty eure to do, when New England capitalists lase their gripe upon the throat of western enterprisc ; and there can then be no pretext of a common opposition to human slavery to draw eympathy from any portion of the people of the. West for the East, as was the case in the late war. Bat, whether the West remains a part of the Union or not, it 1s its interest to make Canâ€" ada it« highway to the ocean, and it is ours also, buth_ in a material and national point of view. _ In the first, it would give employâ€" ment to immigrants opening up our waste territory, «employ ‘our, great facilities dor skip building, give us a market for our minâ€" eral wealth, make our vast waterâ€"power the basis of manufacturing enterprises, the proâ€" ducts of whichâ€"freed from protective duties which the West woulid have no interest in imposingâ€"would . completely outstrip the manufacturers of the Eastern States in the wertern market, and eventually it would culminate in an extension of our lines of communication through British territory to the Pacific, thus making Canada the highway for the traflic of England with China and India. In a nauonal point of view, the openâ€" ing of the Oitawa Ship Canal would give us back bone, and so strengthen us that, (par vaine $100) .....««...««« 216 Salisbury Manutacturing Company , (par value $100) .*........... * 2%0} Boott Cotton Mills (par value $100) .. 1,080 Laconia Manutacturing Company (par value $100).............. 1.200 Amoskeag Manufacturing Company (par vailue $1003. . ... .. ... .. ; .. 1,312} Great Falils Manufacturing Company Cpar value $100):â€"»>....~..:., â€"â€" 21B ‘These are the people who are persistently howling for " protection ;" and it is * pro= tectioy,‘""‘ which is ouly a refinement for downright robbery, which has raised the stock ot these companies to ten and iwenty times their par vraluos " s vyawae and the market value of th of a few of the New England manut companies : s Audroscoggin Mills(par value £100.. . Peppetell Manufactaring Company (par valut $100)‘ ...« »~s»« s /s Pacifig Mil!s {par value $100). ..... Nashua Company (par value $100) .. Stark Mills (par value $100). . ... [ .. Chicopee Manutacturing Company inngianc manuta dwellers at the submmit to the in tion with the sea were was made a mea of the position whith n become a powerful and upoun the pr the tarills . From the United Service Gazstte. Liast week, in advocating the *epec struction of the Oftawa Cansal nat a roticed i TY, &1 THE FUTURE OF CANADA. the Oitawa Canal, not only as deferce, but as taking advantage on whith nature has Siven us to a€ them th weriai and weaitny nation, we ‘ptally the impositions inflicted lucers of the Great West by nwule for the benefit of New ufacturers, and stated that the the Occident wou‘d not lon# @1 atement s!u:ws ket value of t Ensland manu i Tudt Communicaton per cent. cheaper and sent cireuitous route by rate at which t i Canadian termâ€" ee communicaâ€" rkeis of Europe oï¬ the stoc manufactuarin cour specdy | PRICEâ€"3 GENTS. . 1 ir _ Prcox or Daxores.â€"It was a quaint * @n ceit of Cazsar that ais troops fought berte® when we‘ll unguented and perfumed, and puts one in mind of the stomes wsld of tue dandy Freach officers who, on leading srih to battle, are troubled about nouthing #o much a* the fit of their white kid gloves, ard on mounting ihe breach, will rather preis> a peat, light riding ewitch to lash the f% withe), than a rude, gory eword. Wauere are greater dandies, too, thart the pet gu»~4s« men and heavy draguoos with wnom Ta=ckâ€" eray imade us so well acquanted, ans yet what devile to lay on were tuese gay oys when England calied? How they stool at Waterioo ; how lb7 stuck to the Ruaâ€" i19 treuch ; how stoutly they Cchusgered up ine British grenadier against the Sepoy wit . a hearty * Steady, Ld., steady." Dia »4, let it be known, can fight. Marshal Vâ€"aâ€" dome was as very ma voluptuary as ever rested under a silken casopy in camp, it once wauke him up and the tragile fise «i five â€" rcattered everything that Europan science and strength could bring betor© it. In our time how precise were same you n iy wot of as to the lustre of their spars, ~ae cut of their coat, and set of ther bo <«. He who, on the eve of battle, can think the thoughts of boudoired ease, is a mun vo may rely on, that will do to trust. There is in him the epirit of royal lifeâ€"guarde an i tne dash of the true monsquelaire gris. ; â€"â€"Col. G. G. Maunsell has been gazeited Deputy Adjutant General of Militia, an‘l to hold rank otf Lacut, Colonel. We believe this appointment will give general satislacâ€" tion. â€" As Adjutant General for the Proviace he was most popular amongst the Volanâ€" teers, and it caunot fail to be received with pleasure by them. â€" At one time there seemed to be some influence in Oitawa agaast Colonel Maunsel!l, but that has now evideatly Leen quelled. s â€"â€"Majorâ€"General A Wilde, commander of the force lately op::a:lg in the distmct of Hazara, has addre some lengsthy and We hear that the draft for the quoa of Militia under the new Act, for New Brug«â€" w.ckâ€"unoless a sullicient number of Voluaâ€" teers step forward â€"will soor be maie.â€" Fredericton Head Quarters. .*â€"Colonet Wilson Patton, the outâ€"z.iag Irish Secretary, has, by instruciions «i is Grace the Duke of Abercorn, counveyed 1» the Commuander of the Forces in Ireland the expression of the Lord Ineutenant‘s satâ€" isfaction with the general conduct otf the troops during the period of his Viceroyalty. They have * conspicuously displayed loy alty, firmness, and temper, under circam stances occasionally most trying." Lord Strathnairn, in publishing this approval in General Orders, thanks the army for himâ€" selt for the discipline which has secured such an encomiuim. interesting despatches to his Honor the Lieut.â€"Governor of the Punojaub, describing the operations |fainst the insurgent tribes. In concluding, he epeaks in the Imnghest possible terms of the conduct of the offisers and men serviog under his command./ All the troops, British, Sikhs, Goorkha aod Bengalese, seem to have done their duaty. Edmund Ilcflb'i To be 11. Colione:;â€" Major J. lludfl e Edgar, Inte 6€9th Fost ; Major Suhr ason Gulde ; Brevet Mazor H. M. Smith, late 64th. To be Major.â€" Captain C. Sluughter, Royal Marine 1t Intantry ; Captain W. Cluterbuck, 55th Foot ; Captain H. Robert Stokes, Royal Artuliery. Colonel I 36th Regiment of Foot.â€"Majorâ€"General A. A. T. Currynghame, C. B., to be Colonel. Royal Regiment â€"of _ Artliery.â€"M General D. Tnoradike to be Colonel C nandant. & â€" 20th Foot.â€"Easign E. J#AH. Spratt to be Lieutenant ; F. H. Lovell, gentleman, to ie Ensign. 41th Foot.â€" Lieut, W. H. Larkin to be n structor ot Muskeury. s Rifle Bri;ule.-â€".\’ul" Assistantâ€"Suary +m Andrew Arthur Macrotin, M. 8., to be A~â€" sistantâ€"Surgeon, vice W. H. Clims, M. 1D., who exchanges. }curing such aid for the construction ©: a railway that we shall be able to outstrip the _ American project, ard thas put all the disadvartages of building a competing line upon them. â€" The subject of the fiuture Canadian Empire is too vast to permit of more than touching a few of the salient points in a briet article, but even these are sudlicient to show the vital interest we Lave in strengthening our position by ad the mcans in our power. Phis we cannot do without large expenditure; but, cven i we were to become invrolred to the extent o| the United States detbr, proportionately to: cur population, we should have vast and proâ€" ductive public works, and a gres and prosperous Empire to show for our money, instead of the prostration and blackened rums of a great‘ war, which is mli the Americans have to exhibit for their loss of blood and treasure. To avert the horrars of war we must «pend liberally in making our detensive position impregnable, ‘and in the march to impcrial power and prosâ€" perity we must add both enerzy and darneg to our natural posiuion and resoarces. These projects must go 14.1 in hand, and when we find statesmen able and willing to grapple with them, our countrymen should aid them with no mggardly hand, and with no narrowâ€"minded or sectional seliishness ; and we have greatly overâ€"estimated the patriotism of those who compose our Muliua etrength, if they are not found ready and willing to bear their ghare im the onward * march of British freedom and British instrâ€" tutions on this continent. above all others, demands prompt action on the part of Canadian statesmen, and that , is the reference made to the North Paciic | Railway, Notwithstanding their inunease | burden of debt, the United States bave a;â€" 'roady,’ in the 1ace of immeénse diffenajues, | and oJer a thousand tmleg@ ‘of inhospitable If:md_ barren desert, nearly‘ completed one | road r the Pacific, and there can be no | doubtithat they will exhibit equal energy in Eatiempting "the construction .of a Northern 4 line. /The success of such an undertsking iwould reduce greatly the progpocts of an interâ€"oceanic road through Britsh territory. Let.us hope that the mission of Sin Grosce Cartrer and Mr. McDovcan will 1e so successtul in the acquisition of the Budsoa‘s Bay territory,; and in opening the eves of the British nation and Britush capitalets to the ‘advantages of this territory, that we may ol U be enal M War Orric®e, Pall Mail, Dec. i1 not THE SKRVICE. it a win to P ine Consiruction «. a hall be able to out<trip project, ard thas put res of building a competing The subject of the future is too vast to permit of ng m few of the sulient s Tidy ; Brevet Colonel !o T“ be 11. Colones; â€"« r®, 1 the mea M. 8., to be A~â€" XHima, M. 1J., l"â€"lJL (;(.'no'g,d ko C, ‘"., C# u«l rÂ¥y ; 14. Gencral th Foot. To be eral â€" Thoradixe, eral W. Asson . Faoot ; M gar ilhhiams, Coi set neral Beanss nt d W.H. Hen =s. s €iÂ¥ ler N €X