~NDERTAKIXCG branch is twder S. 12.‘s 8 z .:'Oï¬h all F. Bat of Readyâ€"mude c»n...: M ways. aven a week, “.q ?m'i‘bnn‘dm:y‘:w‘- aho bas had ‘over 20 yoars‘ eg= above brinthes, and teeis conident ACs,. CEXTRE Ttows, MONTGOOXER Y , % NTAL AND DPECORATIVE r!'NTE,Hrti," 'L'ng U.L\'I:L‘Rfl*. # . M‘ next to R. It; Booth‘s L, . mose nw:::ad. t--.l Med saod pablished bf 8 Pusting a~» Posuranâ€" he Office; 38, Sparksâ€"at VAtnwa. Jaxes Covrre® 1ot _ ~Auax. â€" Houparso® Mav 30 ralled and rownds of Beef, @® anl Sacou, eured in the w SHIRTS!â€"~SHIRTS!: ER®, ' ks 1,000â€" Flannel Shirts, conly............ 4 i 200 W hite Cotton Shirts, only .... MAKER, T ‘:’HOLSTM‘, w.:‘;.ldor Bhn‘ .fll’......._.:-..‘:; a% beâ€"obtaised at m D WELLI NGTONâ€"STREET, al assortment of Cabihet and U Bhe very great succeons ?"i«. for uh getoipeor PEAT MA W.u:n‘-' OMP ANY, w powers to miway from.some point in iz to the neavigable water® Nution Rivers, and to anâ€" y of ‘Caledonia to erant to P o es C apene \ (¢tawa. ons abways reaiy for the removreal &A P A N rfrng Te > ~ Te IEAYYH ARDW ARE, ;t: C the ruomwd fl:-.u: Conessay a% 1ma ~*ture _of "aumol 4{ [XTCHES LACK CLGCH, mh;)'“" ang Mabhogaoy, Waiout, Oak, R& I 8 CULTIY aT0Rs, ROX. coar, Â¥steris 19 EXCEELENCY sik *I*ReReres, > iz‘!;'xktnsu hkXA stauige d Bhattermut o ol no avail, has in dased th** Le A Pu‘.l.“ "_N'l'- - MJ TX EPLLEPTIC CVRE,â€" PA W A Lt fan*a voug l« _7 s ANXD Af TR® D ER Kingston, Toronto, Hamiltn ries, with drums, pipes, urâ€" peost to be had in town. 3 eute of Ep ftiber‘a ome do ®P q made at the nest <>«sion ® & to the iodowing R Booth, Es7., i M. Bootk, Town Market, Ott«we. Py Cwest t k, Citaixs:; AÂ¥ADLa®% 6 4A ag of keeping their decsased ref®. lay. degposit YOIl N6 AL.30, Uhe ~f pe ol a celebrated he West Rad Re «hlisment, ‘olflil.:"-‘ SA . * divare. AP , Miky reiy on rei; Lib WB @#4 w the Momta a name and address 0@: »llay. Soloâ€" Propriet@n #8, Not.e Dxmo-um. Ne & "'fl-mr--') 3136 Lagnb, ‘M AN% cash nrices to be found RxXe; S&AUNXDErR UEA TA K E R, LP $TAXD, . 3 ) y "sinistor of ;J'\".\ L-"Qm M 44y 1« MeC pagy \6GEX C t w solor: to ulit, =â€"=$ $ t8Han Sparkeâ€" C mt aigptiding Ni Anngh o. C al and wood n \Â¥Upp >0 AL 1 lorate A Y Ke *b the Foy® Montrest, * POrruag ""0t of ag, 2 ARgq m PC y or * Nes â€"lto p ILDpq < * OXÂ¥ +‘MXp ®T Vike *. Fragg ) haviag removed to more commodious premises, # takes|pleasure in announcing to his namerous ousâ€" tomers and u.o‘-uw that he has now a large and selected stock bf . TR 81 _ do ~Tuble Damask and 300 vamask Table Clï¬:‘u & 57““.0‘ Builbe will be founa superier to anything w * WILLIAM HEARXN, c Market Drug Store, | TWE TAJLORINXG DEPARTKENT. (bte w a This department is under :io:i’:'w aA wellâ€"known firstâ€"dlass cutter workman. arder« punctually attended to.. N6 i6 F m ‘the place, 0. .:ton).!,._.nyo:;',;‘ by @. Fetherston :m door to #0., ~ es ‘ &e. We have also on hand a large assortment of© READY.MADE CLOTHING,. which, being manufactured on the premises, we ;:- recommwenijand sell cheaper than any shop in is city. Flannels * : # HYACINTH, TULIP AND OTHER FALL BU L B‘S_. Shipped per Hibernian,and to arrive in a few 14ys, a very superior assortment of BEAUTY,* ECONOMY & DURABILITY i (V% <9 WÂ¥kinbnnboxninatcantiinninmecati Brdiihess»drl ol 2l vo 3.5 Wirc c eeaesverenirrerterscrcern. scercccc «P ANTS U CKRERO E. BBâ€"«cc«csrecsizecr. ctrercct««c«« Â¥ RSTS, »#8.00,........ Black Broadcioth........FALL SUITS. A large staf of polite attentive salesmen will be Em to austomers, _ : 'lll' H. HICK & ‘C.l:‘ ‘ \yg, Customers please report any j0Gâ€" ;i0n «o the:part of salesmen. mas" CORSETS, 2s 6d. e Blanketsâ€"A 1 lot of alightly damaged Blankets for n-:a'nn price. 1,000 ~Lizen Bags, 1#, worth 11 8d ; 40 cases Men‘s Heary Boots, nalov; 3 cnses Men‘s Heavy French Calf, (2s Also, a heavry stook of Gentlemen‘s Clothing. Nn S ... cccccenarcterrrrrercrrerrers + meriir OYERCOATH HeOW..»ssqeein»+ssssssse++++»+++++.0@8YY OVERCOATS. sFAFPLE AND FANCY DRY GoODs C _ + consisting of _ ALOWER BULBS. L BÂ¥"Also, Red and White Flannols, Canaâ€" lan Shirting Flannels, Hoop. Skirts, Crash Towellings, Irish Linen, Clouds, Breaktast Shawls, Hemp Carpets, &¢., &c. . 8s» PIECES DOMINIO ‘Something Newâ€"one of the )-.’doâ€"d a great sacrifice. ; â€" . Withoys, Mantle Cic BLE&AECK DOES, tc., at correspondingly low prices. M _ do 140 â€" do BROAD CLOTH S, 1,000 ‘: BOULEVARD FELT UNDERSKIRT, â€"BMDDOG «sls iqnrccreserrersreccnch$ O Paper Collmâ€"l&odlm for 38 9d. 0) piecces #}â€"yards wide Linen . SWE rrrrrenerdrennctrenccmcn k J 120 pieces:Grey Cotton, 14 yards, wide, for......8 d 1n0 Pdo\ alnolod llm{t ndlillm.......u! 18> â€" do € ;ï¬.:u hmloylond‘ K " do t lish Priats, ‘a 159 do French Calicos, in choice patterns...8 d 20 picces -W.hrr.i_ s0 P:bo Double Wid W ingoys P _ Mannibal vloths _ _ Orientai Lustres â€"< Liviai Popline Alberteena Cloths Princess Alexandra Embossed Poplins Mandarin Lustres Kugenia Reps, &0o. I ALLALALLSo» FRINGED TOWELS, all 100 do 1,000j,"* EMOY A 1 70 1M 1 30 33 60 mt ® wWoRTH _OF, pRY ©300,0006 SSX Purchased at, Public Auction lately, from the im mense Bu*w( htock op, the late firm of DESâ€" M ARTERY, JflRDAlX:& CC., of Montreal, and Bki.Don asccount of T. JAMES CLAXTON. The goods arqâ€"all now and of very superior quality, being ulr»rtod expressly for a fashionable Monâ€" treal trade ; and, as they have sucoseded in :n'- chasing the goods far beiow the nulh’cou. they are prepared to offer bargains never before ofered in this‘city,; The following are some of the lines of goods M viz. : 4 0 dos ’“&’ width plain 100 do : 'n;y_. single width 5 t I.O.’ wneebieees +s W# do : Double width piain F2 _ °__ Jmaik #® «0 do : Double Delaines..... 10 do : do M‘.....-. 0 do : do _ Cobourg..... 0 «do < Assort‘"d Dress Goods 33 do : Empress Reps....... 1 60 _ do. . Bl‘k French Morino 1 1+ do l'alcholenâ€"yuq" # alustos bas as 100 pieces different C CUNXNINXGHAM & LIND#SA vÂ¥*3 NOQ. 34, 8PA KK 8.3 T. The greatest novelty of the season is the lely occapied by (+. Foethers Mages t'l-n{rn old store, CUNNINGHAM & LINDSA Y3 } Have removedto their NEW STORE, in Stewâ€" t‘s Block, Cormer of Rideau and Shssexâ€"sts., mere they will :offer, in connection with their frightful sacrifice..,. ICK & co. Pfll} 35 Filled Shawls. N3 Shepherd Long Shawls 101 Fazcy, all m't Longs 167 Assorted Square Shawls. CoTToXs. V UL‘ IV.: N Q. ;’{ 94.(_ Also, m':l'r-..a'"""f'ZIIZ?ZII'.ZI; Canadian Tweed..... Full €loth, very hn1 Also, a splendid lot No. 14, Riosavâ€"sr. DoubleWidth Overcoat«~ 11, choies ftor....... # Black Enpuoollc' B es saregeue cser0tes sereeep e fitds wide, Usich T. RAJOTTE * : to more commodious preémises, announcing to his namerous ousâ€" Unsurpassed for OREY ccxserercccccts| * Y * K a splendi® ‘assortment of s Orientai Lustres >< ling . Alberteena Cloths ferent qualities Black SIL CLOTHS3 los. TABLE â€" Linen, only 6 SHAWLS AP Biack Cloths Beaver Cloths T. RAJOTTE. ...8 0 worth:8 9 .3 3 worth 5 p4a APKINS, all 3d per dozen, IRTs 2 6 eaviest cloths i _TWEED, E AVE R 8 STatf worth 7 6 All and madleines sept to any part of the Dominion Charges moderate, s Sliy .:i .. K COLE’A& "Y. Si (Member‘of the College Burgeons oronto ; w.v" : T d..‘d.:...m.u.u..'&,‘.';“"‘fl Jom & HOLLAND | 308 : bkITCHEN, MHavo for sale ' % ; Oupdnnt’nl’m,wu'fldh and Masâ€" N s 4 4 > i 5 t N psS ‘% ‘ .‘" | ‘;““.. | : l'.‘lol. .\\l, M “"A lu‘ul n\' lw.plr' Albams, Fery Cheap. * F2 24 . The Modern Pooket la: | At Jm which defy compsotition. Who =ill want And take subscribers. for Mrs. her‘a New | â€" . Monthly Magazine; the Manu/fasturer and Buildâ€" â€"tight where a Coal Oll Tamp, Wick and Chimney er ; the Amer:ican ‘-lldu, &o., &0. f . a A VETERINARY . ESTABLISHMENT| YORKâ€"STREE1I, OTTAYVA, | Next to Saimen‘s Hotel. _ And vther Mait Whiskies, i ul PORTS, SHERRIES, BRANDIES, GIN, &+., To cther with a General Assortman: of Ihe sabscmiber would called the attention Families and others to his e FINE BOTTLED‘ aLE Which is.in splendid condition. . Also, §coTcH, Iris#, oD RYE, 100 And for kale cheap, by THO8. PATTERSON‘s, Ottars, Nevember 27, 1444. _ ****"t4 A GENKR AL ‘assortmont of the diferent kinds of G&OCERIES AND LIQ UORS on bhand, Wholesale and Retauil, st the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES for Warranted Goods. A trial of the articles will recommend them. * For sale at | factory. TlAlâ€"tBlut. Green and .hlpuoâ€"an-bd Uood, and selected for family use, LA B2ADOR HERRINGS, barrels and halr barrels, 10 Ee t f h Asy ’J'URT, SHERRY, BRANDY, GIN | AND SCOTCH . WHISKEY, «c. ; PICKLES, SAUCES, Jais & JELLIES p + KEt, ‘ &t,. â€" «6. ' FIRSTâ€"CLAS3 GROCERICS. oull: dty roflcited _ â€":. _ â€"Al.nll:nu GRAPE‘s, _ FRESU . FIG3 and | «4 ProRTUgUEsE oNIONS. | 50 TINS NEW HONEY, in 5 W. and $ b. | tins." nc I 206 STILTON CHEESE, 6 be. to 8 tbs. | ‘size, from Reesor Brothers‘ celebrated | ©OPORTO, sPAIX c Reations Pn ESERVED and CAN FRUITS, assorted to suit the holiduy season. * onsE INFIRMARY, ~ OTTLELD ALE, UST RECEIVED, NDA WaAaREHOYVSE, No. ;!, l:nt»‘n., }UCA'I'.I and SYRUP3 of all graaes. OFFEESâ€"Always ~Freshâ€" â€"Bost ‘Brnda-! Try them. * > n vi Consisting of UHERRY WINEâ€"Good Table Wineâ€"#1 to $3.00. s " ABAZADOR HERRINGS, the very best, in FROX CROSSE & BLACKWEL]T PB ACCOSâ€"The Finest Qualitiosâ€"virginia make in out, tin foil and piug. LL KINXD® of GENUINE LIQUORS. Price accordiag to age and quality. LA VOURING EXTRACTS and SPICESâ€" Genuing. ® FULL assortment of FRESH FRUIT, th.;'fl!-i:.'\finurios. Mrunuh\eturion.v &o., warmed by BEST in market, . . â€" | Steam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and A‘ll.l'w Cooking nmxs.cunu_rs,g mostâ€"approged principles, [ ie ind en RT WINEâ€"Guood lable Wine $1+â€"50 to | Publications. CAsES SCODCH Lixa BOXE® NDIGBY HERRINGSâ€"Iarge boxes at T5 ets. each. * Allan‘s Crockery Store e ty S â€"â€"LIK EW ISE,â€"â€" AN) LONDONX =FROMâ€" « D. WhELAN, é . __ 44, Rfdenuâ€"streat, / promptly attended to irt of the Dominion. OTTLED ALE. N, COGNAC | CANADA ROCK OIL, : can 0 got for 23 cents« evety descriztion of CHANXNDEMERS, | BVIBL . STIUVELS, largeâ€"andâ€"extra strong made, expressly for Hotel and Boarding Houses, complete with large C‘uypor Water Reservoirs and IPhu Warmers. e call special atten‘ion of Hotel Keepers to these stoves, they will last as long as | any six ordinary stoves. . See them and {udf. for !eunsvu’.‘ mn‘!hn sent free on application.. Is now . ofering at the OLL DEPOT, 73 Sussex â€"st., «* CAPITAL ". STOVE . DEPOT ers, Cruet Stands, Ash Pails, Table Bel‘s, Tea Trays, Toa and Coffes Pots, Soup Tureens, Jelly and hdihg Moulds, &e., &o., &¢., &0. * OUNTRY MERCHANTs _\ Supplied with | SsTOVEPIPES AND TIN"ARB, * At reduced figures, / CAMP KETTLES, SHASTYâ€" PLATES, * AND BASINS, BIRD CAGES! BIRDCAGES! BIRD CAGES â€"â€"â€" All of the above at the * | quring the past year at the . x. i. .E [« CAPTFAL® _ sTtovE DEPoT, / * _~ _ 35 Sussexâ€"street, Ottaws, , s H. MEADOWS & co, _ We beg to notify the pibli'c that our stock for | the season is now complete ; our ~ * in o P o cnlns 0 0+ ce n ~ db aos. s * IRON â€" BEDsTEADS, ‘ LAMPS, . COAL UIL, SAUCEPAN3, â€" Brass and En@me{led Ketles, Tinware, Toilet Betts, Baths, Flour Sioves, brushes, Dish Covers, Table Mats, Sad Iroos, Table Cutlery, Tea and Table® Spoons, Preserve Jars, Mincing Knives, Wash Tubs and Boards, Refrigerators, ig‘ Boatâ€" ors. Cruet Stands. Ash Pails Tahla Ralls ‘Paa HQUSE FURNISHIXNG GOODsS, of every description in stock, suitablé for the emallest family, or the largest hotel:; ARE YOU GOING To BE MARRIED?® If so, call and see our ! asdortment of necessary Houseâ€"keepiag Gomlo..-ï¬.ublo for Kitchen, Dining Room, or any room in your house. Yourgd Max, see that your ho@se is well farnished with useful articles before you spend your money in mere showy ornamental things. _ a Hut Air Furn»ces, Eave Troughs, Buildirg Job Work and Rep uttended to punctusily. We h:op‘uu but the best and most experienced meâ€" CHTROlres, ‘\®‘s sent free on application.. COOKING sToÂ¥rs, _ pounLE stovEs, BOX STOVES, HOTEL 8;?"1'28, PARLOR STOVES, ° CO «L sSTOYES, BEDROOM STOV ES, DUMB ffl‘l'()VES, BTQVII_I PES nl_lr.lvs.l M,MGYEPIPES Common, Bright"and Riussia Iron, _ and in the Tin, Iron and Copoerâ€" ware Line, on ‘ud ez -mm:. P f â€" PaAINT OF ALL COLORS, Rose Pink, Burnt Umber, | Terra de Seinna, Chrome Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Colestial Blue, ‘ * Paris Greoen, Brunswick Green, _ j Magnesia (Green, Venetinn Reod, | Red Lead, White Lead, in oil or dey, t * _‘ ) Drop Bluck, Ivory Black, > | 4 'hux‘nucl. B;l‘ld Oil, y 2t \ .. Raw Oil, Turpentine, * ' Berftole, Coal Oil, f T Paint Brushes, o n â€" _ _ J _ Mretnighat, 8. HOTEL SToV are of the latest and most improved rllul;u. and the most extensive assortment shown in Ottawa. COOKING sTOVESs, ;’f the good oldâ€"fashioned k Dd. f COOKI YG STOY 8#, of the Jatest and most modern . __ be surpassed, BOX & NHALL STOVES, ‘that are unrivalled for â€" + heating purposes, DOUBLKâ€"STOVES, the best in use, > PARLOR STOV 8S, for elegance of design cannot Such is the character given of during the past year at JO EO M C IRmT COom ETWE TT TB EC T C * _ Tw« ° 7“"',:‘ R 3 (gepmnnes oopomateee ¢¥ W. sire tSW,surek tWisuccassrur. Together with i1 iWP eC Suintons Abusiniritinetstid. Arst thdrindishdfres ctv.. Buts, Serews, Locoks, . . Bolts, Catches, rn:ehu. Axos, Saws, Planes, ‘nluns. e ' Hnnn&n. Spokeshaves, Gougos, A isels/} Augers, Auger Pit® Steel Bits, Bevels, Levels, Boring Machines, PA"Oil Depst, 43 Sussexâ€"st SHELE GExERAL HOU E PURNISHING, . Butcher Knives, Knives and Forks, _ Pocket Knives, Table Spoons,. . e ~ 1k o TuLSpoou. Tea Trays, Table Mats, EIGN OF TIHIE ANVIL, ®o. 34, RIDEAUâ€"ST., where xol can got m complete assortment of BKATES of al\ sizes, and at any price to suit parâ€" chasers, from. 23 cant.to $§5.50 rer pair. In the assortment will be tound _ ~| &KTOVESI! ; Hall, Faney, Parlous and Cook Stoves, in great variety. & i . Agents for Eaton‘s Patent Automatio, Selfâ€"Vorâ€" tilating, Wosd and Coal Stovez. ‘Also .Beechor & Co.‘s celabrated * A la*ge stock of nucrul.; !nm!‘i_o ill;on branchkes of N-hor: constantly on bhand. ; ~ _ ;>> > lmporters of * *A ns Plumbers : and pi TOVES L sTovEs : The :olobnt_a* Shefbeld Club, pls «* | Canadian Favorite, «* + Central Park do and all ocher Znglish and German Patterns. Shate Strape, all patterns, de., 4e,* * Also, a general assortment of HELEF & HEAVY _H ARDWARE, PEXNNSLYYANIA ROCK OIL, HOUSE .FURNISKWENG HARDWARE M Public and Private Buildings, Corservatoâ€" TTDt KATES, SKATES, SKATES®, AT THE . <* THOS. BIRK®TT, o Sign of the Anvil, _ * No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. â€"All goods dellrered free to any part of the e ue k 408y PaR Atoves &# HMardware. Lt“l; & xr:lT’n. . a ) FOR THE MMLLION. HOQOT . AHlk FURXACES, PORTLANXD KEROSENE OIL, * IL A MP S\ BED : ROONM R . _. No. 25 RIDEAULST., | ias and Skom â€"Fitters, Tin ('njopn' > Smiit’:,.',’ Bell l’t'flg- consisting in part of STOQOY ES street, Ottawa. H:MEADOWS & Co. LEAVENS Draw Knives, &¢., &c., &o. every stove sold CYCTEA W â€" The ownor of several Fine Building Lots would like to exchange them for a well built STONE or BRICK HOUSE in this city. Apply at the Trures Office: * 9484 which will be found complete ; boi:f selected with eare, it will not fail to give C{onor satisfaction. In os‘, Missos‘ and ‘ Children‘s ware. 1 have evet;thing that can roulbly be required for the season, add at much lower figures than aver botore said ndmtlo. in prices. _ _ » The public generally are invited to call and examine the stock and prices,which we know canâ€" not fail to give satistaction to all. f suitable for FALL & WINTER WEAR. mn arge uneo: of Men‘s and Women‘s Coarse s Moose Mogassins, Buck Moose and Sheep Mitts, Beof Mocassins, Felt Orerâ€"shoes, F.ubbers, &o., all of which will be sold at groat redustions from forâ€" mer prices Lumber and country merchants are reâ€" quested to bear in mind that there is a large stock 0‘ handmade boots to be dispos«l of at the aforeâ€" TRHE BAXKRUPT STOCK, comprising the latest styles and best qualities ot LADIES®, GENT‘3, MISSES‘ & CHILDREN‘S PRICES XMAS A) FELT : ] 1 have now roeoirodfmy fall and winter stock B O O VÂ¥ray Lamras: ‘as» Waenm Serrcrk» Stock have ncoir‘d &A Â¥ince the gr | takes plclsnr+ also in announcing that he will hold Very apyp Witable to £OBOGG _ Don‘t forget the place, R@" No. 28 opposite the Barracks. ®®. * . N B.â€"As all will probably wigh to retain a Sou. vexis of their Figit, it will be satisfactory to know that there is a magnifisent assortment of Boots and Shoes on hand to choose from,and any of which will be GTVEN A W AY for a @mall consideration. Of the L at from 7:30| s.m., until 7 p.m., when ‘he will be pleased to meet with thosoe who desife to call upon tim. *Â¥ , + A FRE: [â€". â€"| at Â¥HKkOLb . CROSBY STAND, NO. 51. SPARKSâ€"ST. | . The whole of To all the yal inhab{tants of the Metropolitan and surrounding Counties, sonds greeting ; B O 6T S‘ :A ND 8SHO EKS UST J ENXUI BOOTsS, And while thus publicly wishing to all KEEPER BQoTs anp sHmoEs, DRESS & WALKING BOOTS, are in Cw. Cowhide Boots ; Men‘s ’crhn:. as low as $2 per pair. Youth‘s equally low, NNOoU® Pl'nhqc RECEPTIONS DATLY Merry \Christmas anit_ Happy New BOOT & SHOE:STORKE, YORKâ€"ST. F NE CLEARING SALE TSPECTION TNYVITED. LGW . opriate D NEW YEAR‘S PRESZSNXTS. teat Style. Also, a New Supply IIâ€" LOTOF LADIES‘ & GENTS ECEIVED. MBROIDERED â€" CONGRESS sSNOWâ€"SHOES, MOCCASINS, â€" avERâ€"SIJOES, k#cy ko., #&co. he Winter seazon TOBOGGANS, D OTHER FEETâ€"WARE, at clearing Sale N. |XANGUSâ€"& CO NS, iVs"& "& cCO »ots & Shoes. CEMENT : DF TUE RED BOOT, &¢., &c. «. BaxTURDA Â¥ W A ND 8 Hâ€"O ES, SsNOWâ€"SHOES, CAPITAL wW. ANGUS & CO. * (Goldeén Boot, § h 224 Wellingtonâ€"st. SHOES, P A. LAMB, Year," AT OP MOCCASINS, #&c., ,&c. , Sussex‘st;, i By appointment BUTCHERS TO HIS EXCELLENCY SIR i | JOHN . YOUXG. 5 33 Superior Stall Fed Beof. Lamb, Mutton and Veal in season. * t N.B.â€"Alsospiced, rolled and rounds of Boef, and sugarâ€"cured Hams and Bacon, cured in the English style. â€" 930.3m _ No.7, Lower Town Market, Ottawa. h;!;:., i Obmknbeaad auilodanintatored to th | HMaving re 0 â€"drive out the worms horou thout pain 5 R and ool'lr‘lmlyehnnthomwiâ€"’chonbydgin these, ques away with the nooouk{ of administering Casto | the warm : gflmr u‘lvmr unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use | turned itâ€" or Wiorms. | s ‘rtuh box contains the {acâ€"simile signature ’ cuse ?â€"he ofNorturor & Lyuaxs, Newcastie, C.W., who are } "Come the sole proAprlotou.- "The d â€"â€"â€" N.8B. Ask for (Holloway‘s Worm Lozenges | x r- ahd thkn nG other. "WXG Solo by all the | we will ven ruggists in Ottawas, and medicine doals every | you, if you where. 518Â¥ pE l T t ie Mothers Read Thisiâ€"Holloway‘s Worm Lozenges are a cortain and safe remedy for Worms‘in Children an d Adults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" known and melancholy fact that one great cause of death among ehudnu'z.?om Worms alone, it sannot be too deeply imp: d upon the minds parents the necessity of closely watching their children. :By so doing ; and understacding he lymrnm and true cause of the disease, thousands of children mig:t be saved from carly graves. Srwrrous ‘or Worxs.â€"The followin are a few of the very numerous symptoms :ns disea«es which are caused by Worms : deranged appotite, emaciated ox_tnnn{u, offensive breath 6 t picking at the nose, {rindin‘ of the teeth lur{:: sleep, hardness of the belly. with frequent slimy stools, and sometimes convulsive fits ; it&ing of the arms, pain in the head and stomach, unquist. sleep, faintings, tremblings, coughs, lndifestion, low spirits, frightful dreams, and a gradual waist. ing away of flosh. â€" e gnt & bottle of afrs. wWINSLOW‘S s0O0OTHING YRUP. It will rellove the roor little sufferer lmmédiuf’ll;â€"aepond upon it : there is no mistake about it. * There is not a mother on earth who bas ever used‘it, who will hot tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like nnfio'. It is perfoctly safe to use in all cases, nv easant to thpe taste, and is the preâ€" scription of one of the oldést and best female pliyâ€" sicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. sure to call for "MRS. WINSLOW‘3 SOOTHING SYRUP." Having the jacâ€"simile of «Cartis & Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations, _ _Coughs and Colds.â€"sudden changes of climate are sources of Puilmonary Bronchial and Asthmatic affections. Experience having proved that lifngl. remedies often act speedily and cerâ€" tarnly when taken in the early ‘ourl of the disâ€" ease, recourse should at once be had to " Brown‘s Bronshial Truches," or Lozenges. Few are awars of the importance of checking a cough, or "comâ€" mon cold," in its first stage. That which in the beginning would {iold to a mild remedy, if negâ€" lected soon attacks the lungs. "*Browp‘s Bronâ€" chial.Troches," or ough Lozenges, allay irritaâ€" tion which induces coughing, having a pirsot in. fluence on the affected parts. As there are imitaâ€" tions, be sure to OBTAIN the genuine. Sold by ali dealers in medicines, at 25 cents a box. Mothers i motners 1 MothersIâ€"Are you disturbed n&;igh& and broke» of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excraciâ€" ating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and The basis ot its rem@dial properties is a vegeta ble oomrmnd. i â€" It will restore gray hair to its original color. 1t will keep the hair from fslliflg out. lt cleanses the scalp and makes the hair sott, lustrous and silken. * â€" A DUFF. Ottawa, October 27 1868. Particular attention given to the Tailoring Deâ€" partment, which is under the supervision of a firet <lass cutter, s * ® : $9........................:.....CO'MPLETE sUiTS, sl ..uocn vEsars, _ W o‘ y ~ .. CI *4 s M & o. . F, "*ol The basis ot its ren ale comnound . 1 $#4 t ESTABLISHED IN 1844, | ;untrmln Sd ug;p:;rlmrc.d as : gno was steppitg Nee : | into bed, ghe heard an alartming noise in Offer for sale ay extensive importation of FALL | &n apartment near her thamber. ~She callâ€" AND WINTER GO0DS, comprising Readyâ€"made }lcd out, but recceived no answer. . The conâ€" Clothing, Canadian T ds, Etoffes, Satinetts ; | fusion lncreusegl/(:vcry moment. She was Rigs‘s Terge Stitk of Blekkits, Fienotis, sereeps. | al:.] (:ll ]l(;s.:‘ 1;0 ,cfl:xgclve what was the matter, 288 j uk4 » | masti z ol x Gray Prints, Wingeys, Piaids, &c., &e.; | to the â€"door It):: (ii‘l:(“;o:cl;r ll(l;l;g,arments‘,&w!’ent Cottons, & | to the lis cause. orâ€" Il;:oudelothl, Beavers, Witneys, Petershams, | nb}é .ipectacle presented itself. Her two vons, &. ; Bedford Cords, Silk Mixtares, ‘vâ€t,,,,fcr\'allts, half naked, were: extended lifeâ€" of England Tweeds, Doeskins, &c; wholesale and | S 9" the floor. The room was full of retail, which will be made up to ordér on the | :,ter:,:%?dl“o.km:i me]l-l i s bnrpness’p elaniâ€" shortest noticg in the latest styles of fashion and at | and (ostond ut Ahe mevey Ofle'Of frod‘ ow y P es nln , iustead of. the mercy she implored, 3 | she received the fatal stroke, *N DEFYâ€" COMPETITION, i ' ) berbariats, 3; f MPE ON, dl'dl the door open than two barbarians, $BTA goiral ent of Dry doods, itue | ®ith drawn swords, rushed towards it. larges: stosk $ver on'."“":"m ols tm this Py What woman or even man would not have § e od ;bfzen struck with tlie : utmost terror and 81‘25 1‘Lgï¬rsâ€$3.00 given up life and everything as lost? â€" A Tt ts ; loud shrick of despair, a flight of a few. * _ TaILORING DEPARTMEXT. > |Paces, f\'\'uuld probably have been t?re- | sort of many. The baroness, howWever ;-il:l:ll:l; attention given to the Tailoring Deâ€" ! conducted herself in a differgnt ;ngnner. ‘, For sale by all druggists. It is a splendid hair dressing. ATCHELL BROS8., N. B.â€"An extonsive assortment, of gonera DRY (?OODS always in stock. . FX 1 5 | « Awe nR o_ ~__nzo 1" (Z>ATTHE LOWEST CASH PRICES..G CHEAP_ AND FASHIONABLE, o :ME ARA & Co| LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS LoOTHING, ,| |VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR: % _RENEWER , sesene0s sesennabe 000 eesessssessnen0es JANUARY i16,, 1%g69 RANT & HENDER®RON. Are oferi13. an extensive ‘Bt bowsss u08 4808 0+ na n +#0 SPECIAL NOTICES. 1NSPECTIONeINVTITED READYâ€"MADE AND TO ORDER, Shewing This Dry Goods. $!4 »««....+ GREY ETOFFE PANTS, «..........G00D PEA JACKETS, «HA WLS and R. B. HALL &0., Nashua, N.IL., Proprie¢tors. No. 20, Rideruâ€"st, RESS GoOODS®. INCIES, NKETsS, HALLS No. 20, Rideauâ€"st. 1 O‘MEARA & CO. ay OVERCOATsS, Ck of 89144 The baroness smiled when she proâ€" nounced these words, and hastily &aught the nearest lamp as if she were as eager as any of them to collect the plunder and be gone; She conducted . the company through evéry apartment, opened every door, every drawer, every ; chest, assisted in packing up the valuables, looking with «* ‘Then it will be safe enough ; sand if this were the only condition 6f my bein put to death, I should outlive you all, mg even the Wanderiog Jew himself"* ># you, if you were twice as handsome as you are, this weapon: should cléeave your skuill the moment I saw the least disposition to betray us." ts ® . af «\Come along then, and lead us around. The dâ€"â€"I] trust you ladies of rank, but we will venture for onee. _ But let me tell One who was probably captain of the banditti, now approached her. ~He asked twice or thrice whether he might rely on what she saidâ€"whether she actually wishâ€" ed to be released from the tyranny of her husband, and to go with themâ€"and whether she wag willing to resign herself to one of them, to himself for instance, during the peaceful days they could obtain. HMaving replied in the ,affirmative to all these questionsâ€"having not only suffered the warm embrace of the robber, but reâ€" turned itâ€"for what will not necessity exâ€" cuse ?â€"he at leneth said : â€" â€"**Let‘s dispatch her and the game will be all up." She, however, scarcely changâ€" ed colour, for the opposition of the . others did not eseape her acute ear. .: _ ~**Nevertheless, I hope you will grant me a hearing ; for, although I am the wife of the richest.â€"gentieman :in the country, the wife. of the meanest beggar cannot ge more ‘happy than I am. â€" My }xusband; is one of the most jealous and niggardly felâ€" lows on earth.". I hate him, and it has long beca the fervent wish u{ my heart to get clear of his clutches and‘at the same time pay off old scores. ‘All my ‘servants were spies ; : and: that fellow whose business you have done so completely was the worst of all. T am searce twentyâ€"one, and, I flat« ter myself,; far from being ugly.. â€"If any of you choose to take me along with you, I‘ll accompany you to the woods or the village ‘alcbouse.. Nor shall any of you repent having spared my life. You are in a ‘wellâ€"stored mansion, but it is imâ€", possible that you should be acquainted with all its secret corners. These I will now show you, and if‘ I don‘t make you richer by six thousand doilars, then serve me as you. did my chambermaid." + Robbers of this kind are certainly vilâ€" lains, but nevertheless they are still mon. The wholly unexpected tenderness of the baroness, added to the more than ordinâ€" ary beauty of the female, altogether producâ€" ed a powerful effect on these men, whose hands were yet reeking with blood: They then all stepped aside, and consulted toâ€" gethéer in low tones for some minutes. The baroness was left quite alone, but she betrayed not the least wish toescape. . «" Nothing but what is your pleasure, brave comrades. You aretmen after my own heart, and neither you nor I shall ever have reason to repent it, if you will listen fortwo minutes to what I have to say.". * : e% c x 8 . Speark! speak 1‘ cried the whole comâ€" pany. -’~ $ e yA # : "But be.quick," added one of ‘the #ercest, *for we shall not make much ceremony..! _ | [ In a pretty village near: Patis, but a | confsiderable distunce from the high read, [ wag, Baton R. accustomed to spend the | summer.; ~His> mansion, built on an | eminence, was a spacious building, both | within and +without, and exhibited .@ | good style of architecture, and it was about {}wp hundred" paces from the village, | _ «Business ebliged the baron to take a | journcy of a few days. »His wife, But twenâ€" ty years of age, and very beautiful, toâ€" | mained at home. â€" Me took with him two | of his servants, and. two others remained iwith the barouness. â€" No _yiolation . of the { public security had ever been heard of in | that part of the country ; and, as the ba: | roness did not belong to.the timid portionof ‘_ her sex, the idéa of danger was far from , entering her mind. The exening after the: | baron‘s ‘departure, as *he was stepping | into bed, she heard an alarming noise in | an apartment near bg;flxamber. She callâ€" }cd out, but received no answer. â€" The conâ€" Tusion increased évery moment. She was «* And you have come at last," exclaimâ€" ed she, in a tone of apparently heartfelt joy > and advancing towards her assailants with a haste that highly astonished them, the{,' }ov;ercd |their upliï¬Ã©drweapuns. t uc un arntns Ay avvee c en etuvs mb ocg We C x SWR ic Cl nc _â€"" Wished !"‘_ muttered one of the asâ€" sassins, " what do you mean by that? But staâ€"I‘liâ€"‘"‘ ~ s He had already raised his cutlass, but a comrade . averted the stroke. "Stay a moment, brother,"‘ said he " and let‘s hear what she would have." & «_ «* And yom have come at Tast," repeated she ; "such. visitors as you I have joften wished to sce." . R at a loss to conceive what was the matter, and hastily putting on her garments, went to theâ€"door to discover the cause. â€"A horâ€" rible spectacle presented itself. Her two to, give the sick and weary rest, ;>_ GUladden the cells where prigoners 1lie | Pour oil and talta in wounded breast, Aund soothe the sonl about to die. Do thus, and thou shall go to rest With music round thy midnight bed, Aad, blessing, shall be trebly lest,> For each such soul thus comforted. Thy soul shall make a golden set â€"‘ The New Yeat‘s day, and be by far The happicst day that ever ypt ; > Was lettored in thy culeydï¬t! Go, wairm tiie cold ; go, clothe the bate [Go, teed the starvednone at thy do?r, * And lt the emptyâ€"banded share _‘ Trom out thy basket and ty store. 10, wipe from misery‘s eye the tear, Take by theé hand affliction‘s son, And bhappy shall be ail the year : That is thus bappily begun. TIIE BARONESS AND ROBBER®s. DUTIES FOR THE NEW YEAR. A Bold Woman. &Emnuts merican OLd Fellow From the Melbourne Post. One of the most remarkable crimitals who has figured in the annals of V ictorian crime, is Owen Suffolk, a London pickâ€" pocket, who wasâ€"transported to this coâ€" lony in the year 1847. _ Suffolk was a man of considerable ability, and has apâ€" peared as an author of a,stor{ published | in Melbourne, under, the heading ‘of « Days of Crime and Years of Suffering." Suffolk was one of the class of convicts who were notâ€"confined on llanding in the colony, but were placed: under surveilâ€" lance. This grace, however, did not do much good to Suffolk; for in the year 1850 or 1851 he was arrested for robiing the Fyansford mail, and received a long seutence, which at least extended over four or five years, and during this time he was engaged as clerk in :hhe Melbourne Jail. Hisacquaintaince with the criminals of Victoria at this time wias very extenâ€" sive, and some of them had large sums of money sécreted, the proceeds of robâ€" beries. Suffolk, by the po;ition he was placed in, aided no doubt, by a lax disâ€" cipline, was enabled to change their warâ€" rants, and alter the years of imprisonâ€" ment through the books, so that . many ruffians escaped with much shorter senâ€". tences than they received from the Judâ€" ges of the Supreme Court; but one of these forgeries, not so clever as others, was discovered, and Suffolk was informâ€" ed pf the circumstances. He said nothâ€" ing; but with the calm, clear, smile pecuâ€" liar to him, quietly . submitted to the heavy irons that were placed on his arms and {ega, and without an effort went to the hulks in Hobson‘s bay. In 1858 we next hear of him, when he regained his freedom by ticketâ€"ofâ€"leave, and went of Ballarat. There hefkept about some to the gullies, and, going into a hotel said he was detective Sincox (;.hcn in cha of the district), and his , eas andrgemasive' manuel?s mad:’ the ‘lam{v lord g:lieve he was on important duty, and required money and a horse. Both were provided for him, and he got clear | away ; but he again fell into the society of his old friends the police, and received | another long sentence, He was then in Pentinge, and known under the slang term of the " billet man," which â€"means that he was clever enough when inljailto receive someimportant position. In the| year 1866 he made his way to the house | of a barber named Mannix (at present | serving three years for receiving ‘stolen | property), and was received as a species |. of hero. â€" About this time Suffolk,. Manâ€"‘ " A few of you," said she, "will be sufficient to put out that fire and to preâ€" vent it from spreading ; but now provide yourselves witlf arms, which you will find in abundance in my husband‘s armory. Post yourselves at tge avenues of the celâ€" lar, and suffer not one of the robbers and murderers to escape." i . Her directions were obeyedi and not one of them escaped the punishment . due to his crimes, * / + REMARKABLE ADVENTURES OF A TICKETeOFâ€"LEAVE MAN. "I have found them," cried she, at a distance.â€" Then coming yp to withir about three paces.of the who stood ‘ at the entrance of th ar, she sprang suddenly at wretch, who was totally unprepared for such a move from such a quarter, and pushing him, with all her might, gent him tumbling to the bottom of the stairs. This accomplished, she closed the trapâ€" door, bolted it, and thus had the whole company secured in the cellar. ‘This was the work of a single moment. \In the next she flew across the> courtâ€"yard, and witlh a candle in her hand set fire to & detached pig sty. The watchmen in the neighbouring village, perceiving the flames, instantly gave the alarm. In a few minutes the inhabitants were out of their beds, and a crowd of farmers, with their servants, hastened to. the mansion. â€" The: baroness waited~ for them at the gate ‘of . the courtâ€"yard. , + .. | . _ § | " Lend me them,‘" said she, "I shall find the way sooner. Indeed, if you do not make haste, the morning may overâ€" také us. Ha! the reason why none of us could , unlock\it, is because I have the wrong bunch of keys ; I will obtain anâ€" other." *3 She went upâ€"stairs, and presently they heard her coming down, gut she came slowly as if out of breath with the haste she had made. . * unlock it and take out what you want as a wedding gift, if you can obtain the conâ€" sent of your comrades as speedily as you Gyined aplue."" â€"__:__=â€"â€"â€"="6 000 _ _ ‘Thérobber tried one key after another, but none would ft. He grew impaâ€" tiént, and tire baroness seemed still more The robbers followed out, not, without precaution. â€" At . the: entrance of the cellar, secured by a‘ strong trap door, a mian was posted as sentinel. She conductâ€" ed the whole troop toia vault at the farâ€" ther end of the cellar. She unlocked it, and in the corner of this recess stood the chest ‘she had described. "Here," said she, giving the captaiaiu bunch of keys, U evo ul Py S q y on o on d * * 0, safe enough !‘under a half dozen locks and bolts,. _X ou would certainly not have found them and the iron chest had it not been fof me. Come along, comâ€" t('ndes; we have finished above stairs, now we will see what can be done underneath. Comeâ€"along with me, I say, into the cclâ€" lar.""‘ _% € , *Aud perhaps better still,. sad she laughing, " when I show you one thing more. . I am well aware that yoirinust have spies who informed you o;'/(..c abâ€" sence of my tyrant, but they_did not tell you of the fifty thousand francs he receivâ€" ed yesterday ‘ C is Te ‘ / Plate, money, jewels, werenow collected | together, and the captain of the banditti | was about giving the ordér for marching, | wher his destined bride caughthim by the | arm, * Did I mot tell you,"{said she, " that | you should not repent mnï¬ing a friend of me, and: sparing my: life? â€" You may, inâ€" deed, have everything in places that you ï¬dfll open ; but it is a pity that you cannot colne_at places that fre concealed. What ! do you suppose that.. among coffers so full there are not secret places ? Look here and then you will be convineed to the con: trary," $ 4 Zounds !* cried the leaders of the robbers; "now I see you are an incompaâ€" rable; woman, and I will keep you for this as a duchess! ; She pointed to a secret spring in baron‘g desk. _ ‘They pressed upon it out fell five bags of gold coin. (19s / p oveve. e 1| aies m m noey anene w s . * s t â€">% ied ennniy remernemont Aegemmemmcnnnmenont Civiitniaconnnn oogiiniamy the utmost indifference at the mangled fx')ix, and a few other notorious crifninals bodies ; ‘speaking with the familiarity of | who were released about theâ€" same time an old acquaintance to each one of the | (one of these fellows was an engraver) â€" horrid troop, and‘ assisting with her deliâ€" | formed: a scheme for mauifffacturing a cate hands in the most laborious occupaâ€" | quantity of forzed notes for the Indian % tion.: . ; > 4 ._~_ | market ; but when the notos were manâ€" | Plate,. money, jewels, werenow collected | ufactured the detcctives received the | together, and the captain of the lgaudittii " officé,"* and though * they prevéented ow anutcreter a en l oeral ao_e l aelod 4 i )R P dn C secret spring in the V PRICEâ€"â€"3 CENTS.. * an Mrssres.‘ Yoore & Rabronp naving #ecured the services of firstâ€"class working jewellera in eiruscan, filagree, plc'n, fancy and solid gold work, ~and having Jlarge additions to their work shop are now better prepared +# execute any orders with which they may be entrusted than heretofore,. Masonic jewels, geld and «il~â€"r medais, and every kind of ewellery repaired. Deres Goops.â€"A lar,* assortment of ball and evening dresses ; also, in fancy, bMack, Japanese, and Foulard silks, poplins, &¢., at T. & W. Hunton‘s, whose stock is constantly supplied by their resident agents in London aod Paris. E"dog «ilke, &c., shewn by gas light in a rootn prepared for the purpos», at any hour of the day. t _â€" Hours or STtov.â€"The tendency of civilization is evidently toward lessening the number of lours of study for children, An English paper siys: " In Germany an experiment is being made upon lads at schools, with the object of discovering whether study cannot be got out of, â€" and mmnï¬â€˜huing driven into them, by keeping them hard at it, as a boy Jonu say, in the morning, and allowing them to*a devote the whole afternoon to play .‘ stoneâ€"work.. Cement is used in the joints and temflm. laid to effect this E:rpw. and it does, to a certainâ€"extent; but it is absolutely necessary that it ‘should be a perfect‘ prevention. Now it is not; for wherever . brickâ€"work comes. in cohtact with the carth, or even with adjacent walls which may h to be ¢ , there the infection iflyccr:gx‘:nww takc?.:':d there is &curc for it if once it makes its enâ€" tr. § P + Daxre Waris.â€"In laying the foundaâ€" tion of _‘ny building, the matter of partiâ€" cular consideration should be the thorough drainage of the site, and next to that comâ€" plete prevention of wallâ€"dampâ€"that is the m;m%l of moisture, by capillary attraction, or;otherwise, in the heart of the brick or _Tns Picxiry‘ or LasBovurâ€"Is all times and in all communities persons skillâ€" ‘ed in all kiifds of workmanship have been highly ésteecmed. We find honourable mention made of Tubal Cain, who was an instructor of artificers in brass and iron. Aaron, although the brother ‘of the first of the prophets, seems, in the construction of the golden calf and the serpent, to have been ~possessed of a remarkable degree of manual. #kill,> while the highly educated, eloqueht and logical St., Paul was trained to \the business of a tentâ€"maker. â€" The Greeks placed a worker among their celestial gods, and V ulcan, however much blackened and garmentâ€" soiled in his labours.was considereï¬ on that account none the less a god. Examples nearer dur own time are presented in the tase of, Franklin, Fulton, Watt, Ritterâ€" house, Stephenson, Ericsson, and ‘many others â€" who © have _ proved that â€" in labour| with the hands there is no degradation; <on‘d that, whatever may be the prejudices of some, manual callings mday be followed consistently with the session and use of every high, 'ennobE: gift; and further, that the duties of a mechanic should not exempt him from contributing his ‘share to the worth and lite reputation of his country. In no com spocs the mechanic h:l.’d'l better position than in this, and what is more, there is _ no country which grants him higher and more useful privileges. against the wishes of her friends, and went with his blooming bride to London. He had‘two accomplicesâ€"one a female, whont he said wis his nieceâ€"and. one day they went on the river. in a wherry near Richmond. Suffolk managed to capâ€" size the boat. â€" The female was saved by one of the accompliceés, and Suffolk got clear away, the. police thinking he was drowned. . A paragraph, evidently â€"writâ€" en by himself, headed. © .\lc}:ucboiy Acâ€" cident to | ay~ Australian Gentleman," appeared;in the papers.‘ It was ultimateâ€" ly discovered that lie escaped to Amer: ica with his wife‘s moncy, and the proâ€" ceeds of the sale of his wife‘s furniture, which he sa)lsa before he â€"left England. By the latest sadvices he was emoying himself in New York, \and lears ol Suff@ring" was 1 published, and with the oney hy received from that work, thy&{g\nx from the ariminals whose wafrants he had aftéred, and the | procegds of a few ‘of his other swindles, | he afanaged to takehis swlieu of Victora ’%)f(th a | considerable amount of money. ‘During his passage home he made a mumber of driends by his. supercillions | manner, and landegâ€"in England described | as a wealthy squatiter from Austraiia.‘ He madeâ€"his wayâ€" to his brother‘s house, and edged his way into several drawing rooms, his bosts thinking that he. was slightly outre for English society, but it was excusable, at least _so 1h~-y‘ Said, as he was froni Australia: There he talked largely of his squatting and banking in terest, salso admiitingsthatâ€"hbe had dabâ€" bled in journalisin, and that he was part proprietor of the Melbourne A rgus. _ In" r time he was invited to several houses, and at last was introduced to a charming widow of about forty years of age, who , was possessed . of a house an‘d grounds, . well appointed; and some £1500 in thes funds.â€" * Suffolk immediately made a dead‘ set at this lady, jand after a little time wrote a letterâ€"she being presontâ€"to Mr. Read, Solicitor, Melbourne, «telling him * to dispose of his; inansion and grounds at _ Melbourne, his Colonial Bank shares, and also his interest in the Argus newsâ€" ~ paper ‘which he could do by the power of attorney given to him. Mr. Read was of course, very much astonished at his epistle ; but po doubt thinking that Suffolk, whom he had defended mam y times, was following some of his old pracâ€" tices, and wauted Mr. Read‘s reply] so that he could make use ‘of the envelope bearing the Melboutne,postâ€"mark, ind forge a letter to answer his own‘ surpinqu)u ‘ gave information to Supcrintendent Kiâ€" volson, who . forwarded it to Inspector â€" Field, in Scotland Yard. In the meanâ€" time, Suffolk married the widow, much ‘the " flimsies" being used, .th(")' Aould not l)l‘lug the «rime home to the px'inci pal actors in it, as the pmMt" was re movred a few hours before the raid v(- made on the forging houses. _ Kuffolk kept in the. background during »he in vestigation of the affair, and: with rome iuiterest used by this brother; who is in a large way of busincss near JBfistol, he reâ€" ceivyed a conditional) papten, the under Standing being that he would dJeave ‘ the colony. MHisâ€"stery 6t‘ * Days of ~Crime and Years of ®uféringz"? was smublished th the gwoney br the ca€h lie got . wafrants he ha« d;' of a few jof h aged to take‘his i ) considerable . but when the notes d the detectives r * and though " they imsies" being used, g the erime home to ts in it, as. the © pIm i few hours before t i the forging houses the baekground dar ion of the affair, and used by this brother; vof nisinase nmr.lld l t ht‘ the ig whe inâ€" Ath rome 10 is in a > princr was re raid '(u Fuffolk