i 8| i Testimonin)e ‘to the Montreal Toa ® Companyâ€" Frercow®.â€"Montreal â€" Tea _ Company : Genilemen, the Oulong tea whith you sent me gives me great swsistaction. _ I torwarded part of the cnest to a triend in Torunto why inform= me he considers it as good as he has been paying one ‘dullar per Ib. for. Pleaâ€"e sen} me a onest of Young Hyson at same §r ce, viz:; mt 15¢c. per Ib. Address as beture. var ubmient servant, Jxo. T. Darâ€" Comot‘re.â€" Montreal _ Tea â€" Company: Gentiemen, Ebeg to inform you that the two boxes of tes you sent me uwre of excellent quulity, especially the Young Hyson at 60 cents. _ Please send anotlier box or 20 lbs., at same price, and oblige yuqrn,â€lc.. OoTTiawa MARKET®. * {Compiled expressly for the Ormmwi. Tu®.] a Times OGce Ottaws, Jan. %5, 1869. Mew mevnlene esn P CCCE C000 * ,.__ P. VLte®, Qresecâ€"Gentleâ€"men, the <box ot xre o to#® you seut me a 63 ~ i« tar better iban th : tow we have been pa,ing 900. for. {oun truly, ® x _ P. 4. BROLEtr. ._â€"We have pleasure in directinxy miiâ€"ntion to the advertisemâ€" at of the qunrul Toa Company. We can assure our tom=irlaking re:d.re that an incredivle saving can be effect= ed and a much bâ€"tteparticle procured by adâ€" opting the snggestions thrown c‘.ut bs tiiin come U We C oons aiggrcws cce t nc averss ;:.;a From personal knowiedgo we cag say tiat the Montreal Tâ€"sa vompany h t =o~t a«tisfactory institation to dal with, _ Morâ€" chants amd others by meking purchases from this Company _§ili save a vory large per cenâ€" tageâ€"â€"Cormwil Freekholder. _ [Most of out reaguers are acquaint d with the editor of the Freeholder, ana know that what be states from p rsonal knowledgo can be entirely relied on. [Ed. Beacon.]: Stratford Beacon. Moztreal Tew Company, 6 Hospitalst., Â¥ontreal: The Congou Tes you seat me in Deembocr last, gives great satisfaction, and is mu: h superior to anything of the kind at that price, which wo hure, b. en a customed to get ln-mm:n your city. ___ 3 2e Tores. Richmond Guardian OM»«, Ruchmond. ® Qeraec.â€"The Montreal Tos Company : Genâ€" Uemen the chest of wized tem st $3 cents 1 reâ€" d-'.-h“l h‘ 3.':†.I.‘wl’ obdt. e > 1e . Your sertant,. * / ’?fl?& TRUD W imFigtp â€"Gontlemen, 1 received the ATea accomingx to contract. Lâ€"am rory well satinâ€" : fâ€"u with it, add can thoroughly recommend It. Yours truly Jous Hewrrace. To th« Montreal Tea Compauy, Monireal, The Montreal Tea Company: {t is pretty sleat that wa n «n incivilualt or a Arum mikes & sp Claluy of a particular tradoâ€"â€"in other words â€" turu all resomces and en ryles in one dihnegction, then we Bhust pr fits reduced and exâ€" gettence secured. This has been the cas» id tespect to <the opesations of the Com,a0y nâ€"met. The qualin s of Tea. »upplicd are tnw beâ€"t in the country, and by ref r=â€"nce to the advertisement, it will be scch that, in price alw, an in 14. @ment to patronage is offered the puviic.«â€"â€" Woodstock Times. A large consiguiu. nt of the Montreal Toa Compauy‘s pure toas hare b en recâ€"ived by the undcrsixned. There is oo paiut, dye, of blwk lead used io these teas to make them loâ€"k wâ€"ll. Borâ€"s, 12 ivs. and upwards, See adrvertizement for list . of price®. _ w WEErnroPenme (Enenmte CC gaud l“;uhv‘rdl)m“no'-ud'uo- ly and deservediy popular. it is apparently. no hing in itso.t but an «greeab 3 portumed and pleasant bair areâ€"sing, but it cuntains the most wonderful c=rative p:operties Tor loss of hgir, ana .a-m-.u.mu'-..‘r‘, mrm re i to it« nutural «olor. 1t «27 car ers doubl i:, Ist them try a sing‘es bottle of the * Kesewer," and they will aud their testimonial to the truch of what we say.â€"Schiin |, Buriington, v. Coughs and Colds.â€"ouduen | changes 0! | olimste are sources of Puimenary Brop hial and Asthim=tic affections. â€" Rxperience baving proved that d...mn.m often sot speciily an d cer tmaoly w takew in the early cl..:qd the disâ€" duse, recuurse should at once be ha to «Bro@wn‘s Brouthial Troches," or Losenges. Few are aware of the Importance of ch+ching a sough or * comâ€" mun cold," io its Arst c‘-. That which in the beginuing would yield to a wild reowedy if lecteq soon ul-io the tangs. * Browv‘s Bron ° chiu froches," ur ough Losenges, allay irritaâ€" tion -blqbluuuo-qhh.‘hvh..-umh. Quence on the affeoted ‘parts. As there ae imitaâ€" tions, be sure to «sraim the Bold by all deâ€"ler. in medicines. at 23 a box. I1 will restore gray bair _â€" It will keep the hair from It cloaoses the soalp and lustrous «50 si}ken. It is a spleadid hair dressi aARAPE sBE CC EAEITETEC POFITE disturbed at night and b of your reat by â€"A sick child a: fformg and C’ with the exoruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teeithb f 10, rum and r( 1 bottle of aAre. WiN w‘s sQOuTHING, YRUP. â€" It will relieve th: ‘p:‘::ukulmv imue jliate} â€"doru @ : t no wistake about it. Jbon ult':-lcn sarth who bas . ever used it, who will not tell you st onee that it will regulate the 'L-ou. snd give:rest to the mother, and reliet asd bealth to the child, d ting like magio. It is perfectly nhwnn; all saâ€"es, and pleasant o the taste, and i» the preâ€" nï¬yunumdv'ommhafowo pbyâ€" z;u.umhuoumdm Price 35 SBold everywhere. Be sure to eall for »wRs WINSLO®W‘S $00OTHING BYRI P." Havring the Jac simile of " Cartis & Perkins" on the outrige w(tapper. All others are base imitationa & meritrinus artiole is Hall‘s Sicilian Do 4 i0 60c ce ind se uit t Lo Losenges are a certain and safe remedy {fo" Worms in Children so Adulits.â€"As it is a well known and melancholy fact that one great cause cl.lou:‘s-oa. shildrens is from 'q::dou.fl gannot be too deeply l-r‘.‘" minds parents the necessity “"""‘:‘““‘. their shildren. _ By so doing; and anderstanding ..x:r.'u‘muln of the disease, thow of children might be saved from carly _ JageAhe werpmea 7 x Loo fnver ggoures. frurvroue or "WoOMll«â€"«« WW Lumk 4 are a fow dï¬omynmny-’u-oc:: dissases which are m‘m‘:f."om: deranged appotife, emaciated , offansive breath u-T-l ploking at the nose, cldhu of the teetb during sleop, hardness of the belly. with fm‘:m alimy stools, and sometimes convulsive ts ; itching of the arms, pain in the head and mh.m-m ESE t k 0C i nvocs â€"â€" Packk d ar Kashus, 3 Yor sale by all druggist«. sleep, faintings, tremblings, coughs, indigesti , trembolings, o 08 , u.:!'p{rh.fm dreams, and a gradual waist. h‘::’oy of desh. are palatable and seifâ€"administered to th shildâ€"drive ourthe wtm‘, without pain and uw:flydo‘m the at y doir; : away the ascessity of administering Casto Oll or cther aupleasent cathartionâ€"as in the ase ef other W.«rms. * MM"Cach box contains the taoâ€"simile ugnn af Nosrasnor & Lrwi® Neweastle, 0.W ., are Mother»t mortners ! Mothers Iâ€"Are 7094 mubmnm- N-.- h e '.'" “ and take uo cther. Sole by all ï¬-bo-n.-i goale _# Mochers Head ‘I'-lgtâ€"-uouo“y’.’ot: SsPHCIAL NO PICES, _ Suareu Mooxst, Rnra»1! Houmâ€"e Block ties is a vegete its omginal color. ling out. makes the bair sott, mllflo &0., | DBUONMNMEmNICCN â€"*_] j }Telegrapb \(?oIPflpa,n\T. 1 Capital KETOCL, 606. »nke se sn sn en s stt IN 10,000 SHARES AT 8580 EACH . MESSR®. CAMERON & MeMICHAEL h\fl“‘fl.. divided into 10.000 sharea of $50 «whols, & yor sout to be pNQ 4 T TUMUT " l te be ealicik balance io be paid by instalments, not eagesdiag 10 per cont per muath â€"#aid instalmonts to be o«lied in aa the works progres®s. , : c e a : ¢ THK BUSINE3S AFFAIRS OF THE COMPANY ' exseareanetees m Gey se PPEA AT T Teb e e esn nieet i CC 0C Cne are under the management of a Doard of Directors anoually eleeted by the sharehoiders in sonformity with th » Ubarter and Byâ€"laws o. the Jemp 0y . * The Directors are of opprmon that it #ould he to the interest of the Stook boide:s generally to extain subssriptions trom all quartor® of C:nads, ahd «ith this ie they propose to divide the Stook amongst the different sowas a8d cities througho «4 the Do «lnion in aitotwnâ€"nts suited© o the popularion and bust: nees a cupations of the different localities saqs the luterest which they may be suppesed io take la such | eountrartrent en aripy ~oftee rrmmpiibe Allb claases of <oclety are latere.tod in onondin:"n use o1 14 Directors are satisfied, that the adoption of a so ie of‘char ges con Jo Cunads, will by ensouraging a much morte eatended use of this prove a real asad ubstantisl beaeit to tas puablie gousra‘l7, but tretura to the Ingestor. _‘ n 40 oAAA EL Y of June, A.D., 1885, the DOMLNLONX TBLEC Lea 4520c h ocbctrtbiiinintet A parmanent ceanection has also Leen Chicago, whereoy tma co?qy will be or places through the North W estern Btato®, 1 CC ME CD 3e shiches aomes Enhiactvrtimck Wik it ic onitih<â€" Abungi e «en A.«-A::l. loa ib ns Lee red with the Groat W Telegraph Com & ceanestion has also a «034 with t reat Woesterna & ay @! Chicago, whereop tms cowu, will be lvu?ll into cluse connes.iog wiuh. all the Sho';’mo .nox’hq | places through the North W estern States, aad through to Callf roiw. .. / 1 | | Alt claases of Soolety are iatere.ted ta ouond‘mgzh. use of the Telegrtaph, at now zit‘s, and the Directors are satisafed, shat theo a toption of a se«le 0 char ges considerably below the rates now exacied in Canada, will by ensouraging a much more eatended use of this imediac of communicativg, but only prove a real aad ubstantisl beaeit to tas puablie gousra‘l7, but will also eosure, a sate and profitable retura to the Inwestor. * 8 es On the 15th day of June, A.D., 1838, the DOMLILNLON TELEGRAPA COMPANY was daly CHUAR TERED accerding to l i=. P The sdmilted importand* ant value of Telegraphy, woeuald, in the oshtu of the Directors, be rendered any intreduction of the Domlnion Telegraph Compang w the Canadian public unnscessar had it not been that previous a tempte to eétabl sh Telegraph: Com les in Canade, to share th business with the Montroal Company, had bees allowed io fall ;hm.t.u | The «uâ€"sess of a 'lolo(urn Company will main‘y depenad on its abllity to meet the demacds the public, 0d consequenily it shou:d possess, at least, equ l facilities with any other Curmpsny, access to a‘l quarters with which its castoimers insy dosire to have communication. " This important requisite bas Bot been, until sow, within the reach of aay Company entering feld as a competitor wih the Montreal Company, in consequence of the alose +n4a exciasive connect: formad betwsesa that Company asd the Western Union Company, of the United States. the istrer b virtae of certain patents, havring eoti within theee two yoars, menopolized nearly the whoe of th telegraph business of he psighvoring republic. . The business relations ketween these two Companiss contisue in full foree, but the pateats nm‘, ran out, the -.'Qdy.flo-.q)o:d by the Western Union has ceased to exist. The Atlantic and Pucific. the Great Western, and other American C mpanies have lavaded deld, and m“Mm‘:mm for the public patronage and support. There Câ€"mpan ‘l acticg on the m"-&l.wo. ve fwr eed the old monopolist to a requation of rates, which b saamitad in a more widely ase of this meoags of communie«tion, and much to the surprise of u38 O UÂ¥ CUILCD Cuarin« its fGeid of operations. ; PP 22. d hsn tcic wz _ Aucnbaia P d The sdmilted importance ant rendered any intreduction of the 1 had it not been that previous a L6 business with the Montroal CompA resulted in a more widely oxteaded use 0° W estern Union itseif, has increased its pr resulted in a more widely axteaded 9°@¢* """" " ) .. ) sn sriog its T Western Union itseif, has increasoed its prodis, whilet sharing its Geid of operations. | â€"~With these o-sn\- the Dominion Tale uompany of Canads have antered lato moset satisfactory b&ld lons, and «on‘dent of mo‘:n’:»lnn of the prineiple which led to the adoption ot the pennyâ€"postage system in Great Britain, the volgnjafy reducstion from $100 to $18 64 '.,r M-ngi, uo&nlc .ble Company, and the sucsessful ononuon of the Companies recen! established in the United tates. lnvite the business and meroacoti community of Canada to joun “‘3 in the promotion of sn enterprise, bazed on the pdfll_ï¬' of moderate rates and extended bisiness a.'“ no one, they confidently expec? #: ressls tn securing a‘large returm to the in " , and 2 vast beuedt to the community. z: Allusion bas been made to the rolugtat} reduction of rates by the Atlantic Cable Company. Mpï¬.m-m-wam growlng wss of the {qvtmmm“m:a as obtained directly from Uyrus W . Ficld, showing ret» couclusively the besefit both to the pubiic the Company of the reduction of rates. * » ivr8iGE DallÂ¥ RECBIPTS. * A This reduction h ur, 1u0f. i e is 1 U d us iï¬ $ ““,ï¬ï¬‚v::.;::m-‘udmâ€m:ut gives the following resulté ‘w VIC," ..' §81,911 0;" ;Dou-hor.llf.........flâ€.'†19 ; lm...a'ssg.l‘l‘: I: 120. March 61 1,59 044 9n |. Jany.., FeD., March._8 1,147.9139 335 InofreAMR mm {S5 55q 9y mm June, ‘01, 1,204..78 19 ; A:.'“' May, Ju‘o'.'“. I.Tll;:.;l.l #4; l:fo;:....‘;;..ma‘b“ A t 02 t " _ nenafSclal results were Cowing to the Western ._.-‘-..o"'.. .rl d.n o trodas vepnrar i4 Decsember, 18064.........$ §81,971 4; Decembet, 1001 â€"â€"wsssut"" ‘0 0o 18 . LGGPORRG....c2e++ Jany , Â¥4b., March,‘07 1,00 1044 9# ; Jn,..nu..u.nn.-au.m.n.n 50 ; Lucrease.......+ 133,.194 29 Aï¬l.m. June, ‘01, 1,204..78 19 ; Acdl. May, Juge, ‘68, 1,IW,a31 a1i; Lnorease ucusccs ROKRCZ T4 W nile these beneScial results wer® wing to the Western Uaion Oo-ru& from the reduction of rates, the new Companies had areated a business mofh thas sufflsieat to Al} their wires. in proof of mnh‘l:lmm is taken irom the report Of the Atlaatic and Fasine Company, made July d0uD, 1 3 M « "~~ hk A,fllhï¬nnulo‘ the maximars capasity of coar wires, and have since bou-n-.rl!u to refuse busiress daily. The Codmmu.u:nbn. hare reached the conciusion from the acta ex pork= enoee of build o ies on t 20°f, thist geeters is business through the day, that posters b the avinber os words would be telograpbs day t H86B....ccccevrrcerscasecerree4s . serrer 4e 22640484 %,134,060 40 ; LOOT ... cesccccccececcesnsrc6rrn4r4reaseeuksse4se8 TSE TVEA TA . MRMeccrcrarcrtrren} strurrr eorrnntecerercireney 3.200, 444 ll| ‘ Mtuu.mwd.-mlnn year lor the last Ave yoars. uB Acstsparison ot the number ot messages, and persons using the wire is Canada and the States, furnishes a furtnor proof ofthe adraniags to the public and oorrespooding beuek: to the Comâ€" panies arisi) g out 0 x reduotion of rates. 1&;&“ tecaruas for 1867, show that 409 737 messag*s wore seat in Cagnads, while the mesâ€" sages in the Unued States for the same period exceeded 20.300 000, the former being loss than one mum‘l:uu. the |aser, two to every three. Frem taese retarns and rosults it may be reasonably .ndnodnndtu-u.urilu’ which the wires of both Companies cans be Alied, will seoure a {air feld. and good prospects Io thp Yo »inlon Compasy without in aoy way pro« Juaicing the interests of the co-nr'n, w# mogopolising the ground. C~% The particulars suomitted «borve are sacieat in the opiaion of the Diractors to establish the fact that low rates, by “"‘"f a more gener «l use of th telegraph, are more proGtable than high. It is not, however, solely in tas 1ghs of a safe and good iarestins .t chat the Dircetors desire th .t this onâ€" to:prise should be ewed. â€" Tosy fesi that their onject will be b :t lndiufersstly attained unie»s «bey can Mlh’-m‘.shuflu‘ow“uu ALL -hommul:rwhu. med i0 m ° of rapid communicati n. ars intereâ€"ted in he est «blishment of what may be called a oâ€"mpeting line. As in the administration of public aff «irs, a strong, watohful opposition, is the best security for gooi and careful government: +0 in commarc:al maite s, an hosest civalry in the various parsaits aud ' brapohes ot trade Suzmsbes th» best secur‘ty tha. the public shall be well served. * Ta amoly the argument to the pus puse in haed, the following abte «ho #in«¢the inconsistencles, and, uPumuTr TT 2 C oal) sescing batwesa the cities LA 10W nA _2 n A l chvatrat .nb iety" yerteny brapokhes ot wade rmabes th» beat seour‘ty IOM®NY PM / 0 cnoasingths I r..&‘ the .,s"' ...u to :u pus pose in haad, m’-:m-t'-'. abre sho #in@the inconsistencles, and, in many inscances, excessive rates now charged "mtlflflfll:\ betwesen the cuies anu tow ns of Unuar‘o, Quebes and the United tates, will, it i« bilieved, son l10e the reater tha* an hongat fomâ€" ydduhuo’d-d.ulni! tor the reduction and «djunment of rates, bat also 10 a0s ire that attentic.n and care which wou‘ld of necoâ€"sity be enforeed on the C muaai s campeting for public favor, and thus tena groathy nnflmpuwmuonnmnm. * ; , WILWPLE OF® PMESET TAWIZF RATZES, witu pistixcss. | : s ; wil & CAXADA MONÂ¥YT. ‘ From Torcnto to Susperision BFidgo.........cceccccsc6006e0000000 0000 «en> :‘: -’:e | HON. HON, J. MoMURRICHâ€"Bry« A. R. KcoMASTER Eâ€"q.â€"A. HON. Â¥. C. CAMERON,â€"P» JAMES MICHIE, E«q.,â€"Fult BUN. Wl (’A\'LB\’.â€"'TUPM A. M. SMITH. E q. â€"A. M. S This reduction took place in November, 1887. Ae NE CCC SLOS brantine a L. MOFFATT, Eâ€"q.,â€"â€" H. B. REEVE. Eg..â€" MARTIN RYAN, Lq.. To Now York To Philadelphia From New York to To W ashinÂ¥fton To Baltimore To Chicsgo.........~ To New Orleans in "'5""'";‘â€"';?""""†ta lon will be mi- e Price Collected at Toronto. !' eceesmn*ees |t"nmdo. aoted abote. that a bibitin m ,.M' .".;:o following ststeâ€"uent e canuno be witoout laterest 10 last aix Bm" s for the “]g.&.".l %"‘“ nited States for the 1000000 94 I Exawple as proseos ‘sTIH rates to Buffale, +nd from thence to the following places, in C.S. ©"*~ :.vlnin‘ndtocwn.myualpu cent premium, mases the actual cost, as in second <prmeite, Recuatrts C3 B86. seeee as0p00® auseseee0000 0800008 b ist we reached the mAXIO®S‘Y ""P """J "_ _ Lad the conciusi i:a.lx. The Coummnittes, therefore, bare reached the conclusion from the acta workiny the present linesâ€"â€"that & io cas.ners is growing faster than Pelographic Enollities.* % o se Chis porot. the low rates havre so pressed tno wires of both Comp: ® FEL EPW L\ _ibn aMiaes nroclaiming t CaYLEY. seasseuee #**6* seecsclecse r0e sensssen0®s THE CAPITAL SsTOCK Mitobell, Seaforth. Bothwell, Ailss Craig. O«leâ€" donta, Chatham, Dunwlle, Newbury, Port Barâ€" well, Po t Culborne sad many other piades...... .. &1 35 _ Detroit to «.$ _ Chickge. zt’: PROSPECTVUS. iMostration may pgmumuï¬mu the United States. .$1 08 $1 30 A. M. Smith & Co., Toronte M Wati, Murray & Co,, Tor« Voronto. â€"â€"Torgnto. sns cae0 0 9 h44 + + mveseses« 103,060 84 4 on Yore. .. L «.k â€" DIRECTORS. _ © Bryce. MoMurrich & Co., Toronte. â€"â€"A. R. MeMaster & Brother, Turosnte. F â€"Provingial Sacretary, Torontw. Fulton, Michie & Co., and| ee. Mick:s & C+ JfONTWO. eeseeanae0® Frow Torogte to Buffaio ... From Toronto to Buffalo Philadelphia. C From Faronto to Buffalo. Buffalo to ( ONa Â¥rm Toronto to Buffalo. . Buffalo to € gka From Toranto to Detroit. Â¥rom Toronto to Buffalo. Boflalo to _ te> ts, o mmmnpttlie t Alisicatenc t â€"â€" Recretar;. sesssssets sen see04000900 000 Buffalo to Leduced iC ew Orfenge [Â¥]5* _ | Canade Money 1""~ M-monuomnn‘â€" aesesss see0eee00000000 a44 40644 +0400 omm«.-'-«-uâ€"câ€"onnu'd: aeecssns ce cae anbapene a tm R. â€"RBEVE. ster than I elegr®peI® Sm UNUI TE s s rates have so pressed too wires of both Companies »Ith .ve been viaced io all the main ofice® ‘:vddnlu that double id at nigat at the same price as halt namber of «words by L abote, that wm’lh business is growing faster than tele« at exbibiting wonderful increase in tas use of the wire, h TiE CCC cWd 0 semore on vemtment af ailâ€" talid essssessces000e000008 senkte0088 gernercecarnne sescass ob ane ao n 06 T 0 6Â¥ a d sttb rnnneiiegntntentiiiet 4. @i wb pubg id sthth sns & Guavawes wh Vamadde esnt Uebe WOCK uh AoiegTapA 4 @0b suees0000 #4**# sessesemese #+ shne aaee s0e en 0000 60 60 e 008 n 400 8+ 4848 son of the receipts of the Western Uni _A..'..'E___ .1.â€"4 --Apg‘:l_l:. wamln th +. ha acasseaes a4088 lne «ee0 444 + «4000 0 w00 eare Were iâ€"» seat to be pald a the tiine of subsoribing, the C ut SSE Nee c che hee No mattnih a cause on an e n an on seaececa08 +008 Gencral Suporintendent. MARTIN RYAYX./ sesees ce rnae e 666 1oruiL Cosr, BOTE TakIPF8. weesseese*s sevsssea6s , been erganited under the Aoi . Cloa [B+2 ates c Ar seeee cessucntqassee000e apaee s t e e o 6e o + n# n eeseennaae n nn n fhe n 0n saet on +s sessssseens0ess Treasurcr, HON: J. MexV RRICH sessescctse a**+ sessesaeees s a08 <a n8 66448 6 ao o «+ (we* Emt C sveseccesesssesse0u4rkeasese 44406044000 ee0004 TERTT EC & 13 1 #4 1 14 * C;;;;â€"io;y. 10 Canada Mcney. § * .$#500,000, Reme | _ _ Rad ‘cad to 1 ____._.....596â€"â€"$0 89 inorease in tas use of the wire, The gross sarnings of all tele« vessesscssescas se cenes 400 +6 + 6068 absseessens c a08 bee a000 .. Forants. > aedeesees s0 (luw uny .¢% 50 4,130,2n8 88 5 824, Of 20 TA 41,083 47 %1 90câ€"â€"$% 20 3)0â€"â€"$0 64 "TV B20â€"â€"$0 92 §2¢â€"â€"$1 12 ! A‘;‘I';-l season, whon cougbs ansd colds are to | rnulut. an effectual remedy, and bno easily obâ€" | Enined, is Peery Qavis® Vegaable P cin Killor. It ; is no new postrum, vended by unknown agonts, | but has stood the test of over 20 years ; and thor0 | who are the article, MmN{ or externaily, wiil ! ewnanect with it gratetai recoliections of its wotby | luventor.â€" Hastirgs‘ Okromicle, ©. W. Paix Rimukr.â€"â€"Lhe testimoniais borne to the eBescy of this ralu«ble medicine are sutliclent to | wacrant is Introdustion into evrery house. . Vur owu opigion is that no family shouh; be without & ! bottle of it for a Iill:l. bour. Ins fssh wounds «cohee, pains, sores, &o., it is the most efectual ‘ remedy we know of. A bottle will last for a very | long time, and its low price placsa it withia the | reach of all. wur readers will resomber that the Mes«sre, Perry Davie & Bon haro opened out: a house in Montrea:, whenee Canadian orders ak» ‘llypllod.-‘u'm 81. Johnk C 1 A ; | aPÂ¥" We are glad to lourn that the = X‘J’m Killer® is baving ¢o large a eale in our #ity. We have every reasou to believe it to be au alargs« uever failing oure tor paia, and‘is a medicine that ‘ no family should be -rthuut w«=Monutreal PVot. * PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE OTrawa TTIMES, JANUARY t «o sttack of Diarchoes, Uysentery or urainp Colic, don‘t delny the use of the Pain Ktier. Rev,. IL L. Van Meter, Burmab, wntes, * Tl{r â€" UunAreds of mi of its virtues. Rer. J @ Stearns writes, "1 consiler it the best remedy for Dyspepsia 1 aver know." â€"Rev Jabers. swen seys, "1 ture used it for years in my family, aod consider it an invaluah e rewedy,." s We‘ dheerfally add our testimony in fayor of this med:sine. â€"Rom n Cotecn, Pain Killer bas begutne an article in my tamily."~ . ‘-'\-'?i:v'o:‘ taste. this mydiome and sesurs our readers that it not onty: possesses all the virtae» n::n“md for i, but in many instagzses surpuss & any uther remedy which we hare pror Luo#gu.â€" Herald of Goepel Liberty . ' . detaiie s m‘ a we.*‘L. _ Itis realy a yausnle melicine, wney pb"“‘_‘r".. Hoston 1“:.0-’“'""'- o e s o e 1 nru used Daris\ ‘an ljille:, and 0 «n indispensanle witicle in the medicine bhus effected cures in Marghiea, and tor vruises it iâ€" laormusble.â€"New Yock Az« * Spokan of in terias ofhigh commendation 6, dm“ig and physician.â€" 4 ladialphin Eag/e * The Pria Kitler is sold at rhowazle by druy and medicioe dealers, and commia=ion mersh in too principeal cities, a~d rotasled by Aput! riée, Grocers asd «t Vamaemy Sbops geones throughout the world, > Prise, 15 cents, 24â€" and 50 conts per bottle. â€" PEXRY DaVis & 8 +N, Macufactarers and Proprietore, 380 dt 1« __ _Mootreal, P of Q _ 13 lli{‘i si., Providence, R. 1.; Row, Holborg, Loadoun, Eagland ner e y WeR N CC i MSven i WInkIAaANX HEaBrN, ; .. [ ) * § * Narket Prog Stere: ‘ w. . FPALLS, * ""Tl‘“- Uiawa, Qctewer 1, 1608 Wast _‘ Dated tubPencusy, 19th 1899. C CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA,‘and The followlng exrtract, which Mr. Mortimer is kindly permitted m‘sabluh. is froa the leiter of a relat vo of Dr. Wolfe, of this city, now resiling in the Unpited States : and if not, arrange with alurumx;o l8t you nayo a box of the bottles of CHOLERA MLXTURE, 1 could meke & rod little fortune with them. The bottle 1 brought with me here brought . two ladios round from docided cholera; one on board the boat, and the other in Berlia, Ugited States, Both commence : with diarrhos, then (with dyseatery, and tosu romiting The one at Berlin was rory bad, 1 gave her three dosss of the Cholera Mix esns w mmants c h se -“â€"l"l;";t‘l?lr:tlpmtehu‘os aro too high, and if not, arrange with Mortimer to let you havo GOPCs w Jurdar ue ds &n ie uic ieclt o D + in liing oo v e aviine / m ture, the third of which stopped the vomiting the npext day she was ali richt, or nearly so. She was very wrateiul. I bare now only a listleo left." . "'E‘ET-'&'.« Heat vn;‘.xtni;;'w)ich saould be in floq hul_lf. is ‘y : s TWYENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE.~ TRADE MARK CANADIAN CONGH 4EMULSION. Eonï¬yst immediately relieving Coughs, Colds, oarseness, Difficalty® of Breathing, Tightness in Chest, &o , &o It oru(ol by dis«olving the conâ€" gealed phlegm, causing free expectoration, aod an agreoal le noistness to the skin. t+â€" L LO.C LCd suk L0% mtc# .. Phoee w ie PeC m t : Neuraigis or Rheumat\¢ Pains in the Joints and Mmbe, sStings â€}{ Insects, Sorcpions, Caâ€"tipede, a~d the Bite of Poinwous Inscets und Pemomous FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, A grand speo:fic for derangement of the Digestive Organs, and for obstructions and torpid «etion of the Liver and Bowels. : 8 Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer. The only sure remedy that exristsr, combining deâ€" lotous taste and amasing power. fess | MORPIMEN3 .. \ Cal , Pomades, Toilet Vinegar, Rose Denti > | fï¬n.z: the Teeth and Guims, Aiso constantly | on haund Poerfumes of all kings. and Pollet Requi= , sites usually kopt in « first olase establishment. _ | DaYIUuSON & DANIEL, Gexgrsat Acaxts "All.l"l ARA’?IA!! UEAYVE REUY®EDY| j .v:ldq o;sunm.."umclxa is positiveâ€" | or to aay, or. other proparations for t{o cure of Heares, Contlu. ‘l‘hi:okpnd Broken ,‘ C ind asd all dissases which «aWact the wind of | borses ; also, us a Condition Medicine, surprussing . ererything of the kind, is easy to give, s«r0 to ours and safe in all cases and at all timas, and dsor . not prevent the horse fom being worked while uring it. % : "It clesnses the breathing apparatus, by remorâ€" ing from the air.celis the coagalable lympb, or that seorstiva which in heaves clogs them, causing a diGiculty in breathing, and by its a0ti0n on the disensed part, causlog the mucous membrane to rerume its natural dimensionts, thus equalizing the ciroulation ef the blond, and restoring the sirtendâ€" ed vessels to their natural size; by its use tha horse‘s appetite is improved, all derangements «f the dig stive orgaus corrected, softoning the skin, and giving to the coat a slesk and shining a ppearâ€" MORTIMER‘S COUMPOUXD ANTIBILIOUS This valuable medicime a«s the extracrdinary ( [JQI Bee The Lunca, British Medical | JourA +, ieal Pross: &e. ." uUn the l4th ot I commenced the Paucreatic | Emul«lon (Savort|& Moor*‘s) in two tea spoontu) | doses, two hours »firr dinner and supper. [ can ‘ only descsibe its effects b{) nyin{ that it seemed | to wor like a charm "â€"Dr. Kinkead‘s Paper on ne Gure 0f Uosres, Lus B dovitsiadlt anaiclih, dhharaty TCO ""ind aod all dissasos 'glch afaot the wind of 1 who are daily reseiving by dirsbt imnortations . orses ; also, «s a Condition Medicine, qurprssing | Tea and Coffeo af the One» quality. Their buaiâ€" â€" wery thing of the kind, is easy to give, s«r0 to Oure ‘ nors is conducted on the Engbsh principle, and ‘ ind safe in all cases and at all timas, and dsor | the ab ve named articles oan be pr â€"oured in 6 and sot prevent the horse fom being worked while | 0 pourd catties adid upwards. The purchaser ;ring it. % : receives the bensft of a nowt ‘,-\rlugo. & good "It clesnses the breathing apparatus, by reomoyâ€" | article, and at wholossle vrices. Perfaoct satisfac. ng from the air.celis the oo;10|-blo lympb, Or | tion is easured,; and any goods aut proving aoâ€" hat seorstive which in heaves clogs them, causing | oording to sample can be returaed »t our e pesise. s diGiculty in breathing, and by its action on the | io will pay whe carrirge on 4 five or 2 ten ib lisensed pert, causiog the mucous membrane to |, satties to the nerrest ‘railway station.‘ For the resuce its natural dimensions, thus equalising the | »ooomimodtation of farmers and cthern not having sirculation ef the blond, and restoring the dirtendâ€" | heard of the advszatago off red them, wa have e .â€" ad vessels to their natural size; by its use tho j gagod trustwort‘y agents who wili make cosasion: horee‘s appetite is improved, all derangements of /â€"a@1 trip« througbout the surroundiag country and the digâ€" stive orgaus corrected, softoning the skin, ‘ «olicit their ordery," Any favors s bmitted tothe », and giving to the coat a slesk and shining appearâ€" | will receive prompt attention. _ We do notrell luq ance. © | than & onttle, and nuthing brt Toa and Coffee sold: D. W. HURD, suscessor to Hroap & Co., Maiden | Pnefollowing is the list ot r(ou: Lane, New York, Boile Pruprieter for the United ' B â€".ACK TEA e aay States. . | Common Congou, Strong Tea...............90 45 @ 80 NORTHROP & LY 1 AN, [ Fine Fiavoured New seafon do...........« ® 55 & ¢0 Neweascle, Ont, Proprivors for Canads. | Sxceilent Full Flavoured _ do............ 015 @ 80 Price 25 sents. Eold b‘v Ge0. MOPHNG®®, JORs | SOUDA NOLODG:..vevcsscccecrarreregrneeniciceenes 0 40 P 48 Roberts, W. M Massey, Hoory F. MoCartby, J. | Rich FIAPOUTOG, GO meesssrerecenerees seini 0 28 # 60 Skinper, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. _ 880.â€"45â€"6m i Vety FiDe, WO @0 ...cucrsseerenerse seeeee C T5 * Bu J AQDBN (OOU 1e eaa ce venecsennenneennnncineeereness 222 2 :" C C a fi Soid in Botiles at 1s 3d. and 3s. 66. Each. w ESW PERnE n Ee | Phthisis and its treovm â€"nt. * Madical Pro OR PM LR*8 l #holccac4 A _1 dh .c Aubrtaih > ~ad $ Medical Press.. &0., Feb 28, 1888. Onwion â€"â€"The gevaine PANCR» aTIC EMULâ€" BION soid only i= N:llï¬h 64, 4« 6d and 8e, with Ravory & Moore‘s 1« nd trade mark. _ 'l‘lll BEEST FOND FOR INXFANTS, re«embling Mother‘s Milk asclos«ly as possiâ€" ble â€"Dr. H, Barker on n\fht{ ods far childr n. «THE LNFANT P i1 N¢K thrâ€"ves w«pon i1 as & Prines should "â€"Sociar Serene Review. n A REAL IMPHOVEMENT (Laneda) on the ardir ary kinds of LIEBiU‘s FODD," and the only one chat keaps good in all climates. y No boiling or .u-in'.ng. Tins. 1s, 2«, 5s and i0s. BAVORY & MO RE, 1143, New Bondâ€"st . London. -ahlppd per Hibernian and to arrive in & few days, a ve‘y superior assortment of ‘ HYACINTH, FULIP AND OTHER FALL INFALLIBLE ~REMEZDY These Bulbs will be founa superier to anyth‘ng | KONKE OTHEK GENUINE LOWER BULBS. «bonarion give sailar toatimpopy BOWEL COMPLAINTS No. 41 Sussex «t., ‘ttawa City. itru'od with Savroxr & Moon®‘s PANCREATIC EMUCLSIO® FOR ,\on CASES or cCoxsUNPrTIox BU L B S . AXD L.; Ti Bqithampton REGISTERED indispensable It a used by s generaliy. te, 23 cents aider + Colds, ',l(. J. A. BECKETT, 4 Dental Roomsâ€"Over Me RBookstore, duestly opposite th No.,10, sparks stradt, JQUAW&.. 38 to 5 p is e m d Acienremvnncmmn h« snn curee mm @teerce mt e 00000000 0 Dlt. 0. 1. WOOb, Poysicrias, Surgeon ant: Aocsvusheur, Ottawa. Day offce oz_\{oxite Magee & Rus:s!fPa, ~parksâ€"streot, Centro Town Night ofice at bis residence, Mariaâ€"street, Oentre Town Caroâ€"ss Corro, withou the use of the knife, by a now, but eertain, speedy, and almoet pamuléss procees, . References given to gsnl‘u sueâ€" cossfully treated, it required. 17w1600y flie_g! + | ) xh CB":.S K‘ Buzkest, LeSreton‘s Fists, " oi)posih weoll" Oilve bous from §.20 to 10;3v a m., l)'"l't;_â€"l‘."b'li.d‘(}"i;‘ Physician, Surgeon and Accouchsur. OfMicbâ€"Hunton‘s Binck, Sparksâ€" Ir o ar EB mtA spacious travelless UD C h+ € Corntr of Main and Prince of V alesâ€"stroots Pertbroke, Oh‘ ATIO,â€" ~Btage« in connection with the steamers Jas n (Jould Penbroke and Pontiac + P ut onlar «tteation pald to the com(ort of guest Good rooms for commercial travoliors. fllorlz and vebiciea always woa hund. * / y asmwrdiuyn / it presoat «otorai emutnufl-ou/suu.'-n.uun-..... farvn{«hed saites of apirtmen s,/iu every respe ligible for civil or military oBlsers, or priva gouticman rom vsining in the city ‘_flxl_!__ '\uu u quUrs y n akâ€"TaUraNT, * M. KAV AN A4A911, Proâ€"rictor, Corner of Metoaife and Welnngon gtrae‘s, 0 orliva the tazin ontr260e to the «Goveronment Bu.li Corner of Metouifs srâ€"ite tas «in outr ing®. es 6 hnl) 4t 110 td 3 dP 11 0c Acidatn f actentrecdepp e t i. a F i i + ze tas tazin ontrahse to the Goveroament Bu.ld . | . PRINCTIP AL: ing® : $ [7.1 o s b('ho «U SENY comprises all the re disites for & | r‘"{.:;i::{:: }uAu. g.:l':c.):;rd., ) &4 irstâ€"olaes boeatwh «ut ‘he Houes hn‘}wc rell:te0 | _ Businsss will ve resumed on MOUNDAY, JAN. and cef suithed | aroughour The BAB containr,) gin _ jjours of studgâ€"9:30 a.m. to 13:30, and %to the sheiogs Brandair W hesand u‘g-.el, and evary " 4 p m. + s lelicacy qfthe saar Jn'il! be Ruu.nd on thetable. The l SoxooL â€" Firs.â€"PFor Sound Commercial â€" and propriey‘s bu..lorf.,ru- wild bo directod te Rt 60M | Enzioh Education. $+ per term. Hgher Â¥ath â€"â€" \vn"-:‘f,lf 18 t:vll'\,.?- aBv r.un,nn. * ‘ ma i!‘l. Latin, Grosk, !nmh “‘ “u.1°. (..a., 7& A o omcs '.-'.:".'?.’ T. i‘:_’_____._- c ong... | $2 p r term rxrRa. -l\u 5 3 p, PR â€"PouL®rAass i oA -’llho school your will, as hitherto, be dirided inâ€" § > AUVMNOND‘S$ BhLOCK, | to three orms, ag ""/ 1}" L . W iL s T0 Mcusbl ns â€" l av. ib } l 6. TACHKABEAHYÂ¥, Auction Rooms e No â€"36, Rideau street, below Whyte‘s Stwâ€" | tonery store. . The #ale of Real E.cate at Auction | ur privato sala promptlvy atterd d to. Cousiguâ€" | mouts rese vod and immediate attention wiil be | patd. Sales atterded in uny of the city 9::0:11:- 1 F Uw issell ds 4 46 44. 4. h iAuh tiaAi~ 529 W ELLiNGTONâ€"STREET The unaersigned. formert7 bead waiter at the @ussell Hoise, begrâ€"to, potify his friends and he pub"ic generailly that he has leased the above aotes, which is now woik fu nished, ¢nd will be kept #a a firâ€"t class house The bar is well stooked with the choicest brands of liquors â€" The table will bo furnished with the best the market affordr. dood yard and ct«bling sqicached to the sremises basy . GkoxGE (RVINE. yiciiwion HoU mu_ll is try l‘ SP it iS, Provincial Lana Surveyor, & Uraught«in=D, &6, écommisslomd for Uppor and Lower©#naasm.) JBee ant resigence, @"sucester, near Ottawa. barvey: of every dos oi.ption szcecute@l with accuracy. Communications addressed Otvaws City, (postâ€"patd;, or ioft at the «ce cft N, sparks, Sulicitor, &6., Oitawa, will raseive provap! a‘tention. * b5 7 Pembroke. Aug. !, 1%3. : Pvraact 4 l\unux‘l‘o 1OUSE, Sparks«st. + MHRS TROTTER begs to announce that she haa presoat «oterat e-uu:nud-ou/tnd,'hsm!mmol_s infâ€"hed saites of apirtmen 8,/iu every" respe t wwible for civil or militery‘ oflcers, or prinzo |‘3 DW 1 D C. NALLOCH, M D., M. R O. 8 G" CUBLISTIE, Commiss n Merchant, »nd v#e Gcnoral Agont. Sole sgont‘ for Read‘s Uighwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawe»‘ Laâ€" chine Ales and Portor. Pork, Flour, &6., for sale. 1 _ 2 _ t S de> Byc ccc in W Ne u'vrv-“v e e u2o Rer«resoxsâ€". H Asims, 6eq, A,.chitect, Philsâ€" detphia ; Thos Fuller, Esq, %chiuot. Albany ; Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P. Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Esq ill;l;n;‘l';;'n-ctor_é_ iStLE_B.B. | TA4ut ‘ "('u.\' Soit & W iLLEGR, Exchange Bro kers. Fire. Life and Acid ‘otal Insurance, Commission and Collecting Agents. . * Uiice, No. 27,nnssox street, Ottawa, R. s. a‘oowxor â€"__ 378y @. h. Wall®*B. M LIVEH & ANNABLE. W holesale Manu: D fictu ors of â€"Bedsteads, Chairs, &o., Chauâ€" diere Ialand, mun.’_q__w‘r'. romat Peeoye Ne PE O ECC EoSE oE meNr onot _ Orrioe: No. 5, Sparks Sureat, neer the Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W. * neite the Ca: FHARINES ‘ BHiLijt vtw*, Ir., irchiteot, Elgin street 17 o oppolh‘ the Post Offices _ e ’ saL F2 s i ckeLâ€".s is â€" S mueame onmnmainnec mmz aralec ies un enc 10000003 Rullds l{ 1. MceGREEV Â¥, Contractor and Builder e Ofice. North side Yo k Street, second por from ‘Nussex Straet . s 18y it . rt. wW. J HEXIHDLY, C Wallington street3, Ottaw a TRAPE PPAWA HoOUsSK, Farmers and othors should buy their COF eEE from 38Â¥ s a, G. AUDY & CO., m is ) en PE ie eP e o uskexâ€"street, over Meests. Campbell & Co.‘s, % # BMMutf ‘I‘ro ared for buildingsofl every desori lon, | ¢ sIDNXEY g EP I.H’. Arehrt:ct, M : W eliingtonâ€"at @MITION HOUSE Officeâ€"Bpu LiA NS3 s PECIGICATIVN®, &c., Ver ‘lood.....s...... T#ankay, Common Fibve C)+ ....@l(0 Fineet Fing ) 40 ..cese weemncneimees Shperfine and Very Choice...... $ COFFEE, EIDG @0 we2eessseee0es00ee00 00e neeneen 02290008 YoUDG BYBOD..».seseecsesee0e006608 eersesseees ‘: have this day made a further _ . | CATL OFP TEX PER CEXT MOOH& 1. 44146200 04e ee06000 + JWV th, c cae seceevene enee na en n e QOY IOM . .. se eees ce ce veavene iess Remember the place, UGLIvEu marTIN, Dentist. Oficeâ€"â€" «rikeâ€"st oct, Contral Ottawa. s_m_:( ;.saf'l"day. the Twenticth day of February GLOUCESTER ROAD COMPANY 10 FPARMENS &« OTHER®, ":v 44 )0 Of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company _ | 508v on the additional eapital stock.of the said com pany, which og!l they require the holders of suea stook :0 pay to the undorsigned at the OFFICE of W. M. MATHAEzOA, Esq., in this city, on s memencrane in mz mninennte n n e t is h m 2 1 ! GEOGRKRGE HUKCHISON, Dontm. "Mrotal Cans. Kolica is hereby given that TTA WA By order, A. MARTIN, Dentist.. _ Offceâ€" IS, Ont. HOUGIATON. Proprietor, § (Lute of :oâ€"ghton‘s Dining Faloon.) cloas sampleâ€"ru0ia for commercial 85307 Ji% 11UUSE»$ . Corger Jams* and ‘th\;-fll-. ~art House.and Public OM es, 6T $Hisccllancous. ‘THE DIRECTORS mnciverernies: eipeesâ€"$0 22, 0 27, 0 "0, 6 8% eeressriansrstacerscs D 20. O #0, 0 29, § 51 i evmsvinsesmmcest. 0 XASh 0 26 0 20, 9. 29 the place, T aA 0. AUDY & C8., Elginâ€"st., apposite the Post Office. and Saloons. ttreet, opposite Magee "**""""| "aily P. YVMEARA, Prope:st0o® GREEN 1E64. JOUN OLIVER, « wWILLILAY ANNABLE. aeaasene b084 04 +6 00 88 00 8000 6 8 memsam mt n Can C e td T, Sur, Dontist M..-,uu..mo & Sun‘s the Eussell Honse e s%% .3m#87 F J. COPELAND, AKDP Cornasr of Kent and &.. » ‘:;utf wee n n e n a n n 0n seesene se sa0 +8 Proprictor, / 0y 609y MARK. u 55 & ¢0 015 @ 80 0 40 @ 45 0 a5 &# 60 0 T5 4 Bu 0 50 @ 6u 0 65 @ To 675 @ 0 0 35 @ .40 0 55 @ 60 06 50 @ 60 0 15 @ sb 1 00 @ ¢0 and by Office. [ AFIEREE EL MAYCOCHK, Attorniesâ€" 4 at Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€" Cha 200ry, Conmvey ancers and K taries Public, Corperâ€"ot Sussex and Yorkâ€" streots, Ottawa,. y 368y _ 4Z e in street. °C 1D i. [:“E REYV. GEO. D uu HIGGINSON, M. A , Insimbent of New Elinburgn. the -lth‘vreinl aunction of the Hishop of the Dioc«rs, receires a limited o imber of the sous of gentlemen as moraâ€" ing puph ®. is Hesidence~â€"Dalbousioâ€"st., Ot‘awa, Ni & 1410 " M tmw()L [zrs.â€"For Soun41 Commercial â€" and Engiâ€"h Ed4ucation. $+ per term. H.gher Â¥ath â€"â€" ma ics, Latin, Gresk, French aad Music, (eaoh) &2 p rtecm rxrRki. -1lhe school your will, as hitherto, be divided iy to three orms,. } A reduction made for brothers, ments mideo in the &r«t week of; term: CV ME ME .. Mr. GUSTaAVE 4.\!!1‘?, (Organist ofthe Cathe uraly a (iradnate of the IEmporial Conserrainry of Paris. â€" Lossons on Piasoe w 4 Binging. . Rideroâ€" street, corner of K ingâ€"â€"trew f AÂ¥tawa, June 13, 18 8. > {Tey tWe ; T _\wWF. C CLARK. Professor of Music and Teacher at: Pisno, Voice and Harmony. Also, Mre. Clark, Toeacher of © Duwing and Painting. Musne Rsomsani} desidence, O‘Connorâ€"stree!, corner of 8l iterâ€"etroot, Co itre Town. _ & Terms imale krown on applio T. ALBRAN‘S SCHUOOL, e NeWmm D Mn ECC CCEC )rders may be lett at his resldence or at Orme & bhq‘sâ€"dnuai« Stor* 452 NO OOE O4.... eccanstitenion s c nmcencye t ul h n A PWNWIHE 413TERS j DLCA TIONâ€"»â€"CHA 8 4 EK AL. "CoxarrEcAarIOX® DE Notzs Daxg, FROM MONTREAL, respectfally inform the public that they will opes a branch of their ® "Ahoir classes will begin on the 15th OCTOBER For partioniars and ser _ s apply to the y LADY ~UPERIORRS8, : B83 Corner of WCaonnâ€"râ€"ad Mariaâ€"sts. Toilet Boxes in variety, » Rimmel‘s Nf" Peorfumes, _ Cawbridge Bougquet, & + Foglish Lavender W ater, Silver Top Smelling Bottle., « + Booteu Piaid Amulling Bowles, way ts Improved Perfumed Distributors, &o, _ &e, &e. A comunlete stock jfust reso:red of Teilet Artisles, Patent Medicines, ~ 4 s Qenuine Drugs and Chemicals, Druggists‘ Sundries of a1. descriptions. "C. X UÂ¥ S~KY..‘â€" 7 _ ;, hA YUPH UR 8 **~ _ sT. LAWRENCH DYB WORKS, Elginâ€"st., (Qpporitethe Russeli Howss,) Ottawe, Ont. $ MACDONALD & CO,, SILK AND WOOLLEN DYERS, Scourere, Hot Pressers, &e. #" Gentismen‘s Clothes clesned and dy“. Kid Gloves :leased.> ~. 80+3m , Educational Establishment ¢* THE MEDIOAL i4 &1.%, 99 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottaw= To Toramts.â€"â€"The ;:ru eol.ection 18 Dominion ot ?how‘fxl Canadian seenery inttawa. Sent. T. 1 182y ‘The remarkable succers which has astuended the introduction of the celebrated Concentrated Lye into C‘anadian market, by the ~unscriber, has exâ€" cited the cupidity of an unprinciples firm in town twhich has «lready been convicred of borrowing other people‘s brains) by a xc;lflo‘u imitation CEETCET LE cin itc "wh d CV L E nlled'énwn‘ï¬n. To avoid d‘nrpnln'-nt porâ€" chasers should be crareful to ask for Harte‘s Donâ€" ensrated Lre. which is sold by all respectable mggists and Groceâ€"r in town and ~suntry TRly IL+} OGNNOHR, Attorneyâ€" at i. HAYCOCK, Attorney â€"atâ€" Law citorâ€"in Ch«ncery, Conveyanpcer, I and Putent Rigat Solicitor. Office nt, Soiici!or. y USICAL AcADEYUY. B s hereby given that the Map or Plan and Book of[Roforozegi of the Canad» Central Rellway Company . from the City of «ttawa to its junction with the Li~e of the Brockrille and Ottawa Rail. way Company. bave been do;-dud in the office of the Dep»rtment of Public orks, and ..r «fl' of such parts 0 f}_h... .“gtpn:.':'..fl.g‘ d....' ok Ax h-.'- 414 24P thiad c Aruairtsie in tast, 7 # . PL nee.iu rel»te to the County of C rleton has been leposited in the office of the Clark of the Pesse for the County of Carleton, QJI & '-oty ot such parts as relate to the County Lanark, has been deâ€" g::tod in the otfice of t\oderk of the Peace for the nty of Lanark | Dated this Fenth uay of Augurt, 1°68. * W R. WORSLEY, C No mEen m CCC oout 1 a Cbhancery, 't}onvoynoor. &o , Office, Union Buildings, Ottawa. EVYERY DESCRIPTION 1 <do.FoOn ts TULTIGEN. titawa, Sept. 7, OLIDAY PRESENTS BUTCHERS TO HIS EXCELLENCY SIR JOHX YOUNXG. . _ SuperiorStall Fed Beef. Lamb, Motton and Vea! in season. N.B.â€"Alsospiced, rolled and rounds of Beaf, and sugar oured Hawms and Bacon, cured in the Engiish style. RANCH OF SLARGED PORTRAITURF nce~â€"Dalbousieâ€"st., Ot‘awa,. ima io krown on applicacion. OoNCENTRATED LYE. CAUTION To THE POBLIC. Kegal Carbs. "Locs remmmnnerderermprreimend 4 UBLIC NOrICK ~ ATCHELL BROA,, NoTtxax‘s, METoALFESTREZEY. Educational. COLNOURED AKD COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAiK, Due Works. Family an4 Nispensing Chemilst. Druggists. ,;..',m.m Mayikel, Olttar® ; Baiuyr st. [d k » 44 5y appointment AÂ¥t §1ICAL AND GEKN»â€" OP C. C. Rly. Ay» ESCV SWRRY C T MEC T i P I,i;‘od. 1.00 p. m. 415 p. m 4 The tallowrmmg Insuranse Co / LLAYE PRESOOTH |â€"â€" 4EMY®IN OMAWAâ€" ) & lieease totransactthe bus‘s, l!n‘.‘l.i?t.n. 1100 3. . | in Canvada®: i s Express, 210 p. m. 445 p. m. | > No. 33~ The UXIOX urp The time of these Troins has beon goarreoged 88 ANCE COSNIPANY , of Maine to ensure connection with night and day (rains 0B Depogit in C. :8. 6: 0° (81â€" Grand Trunk, east are wost. > | â€" B. R.CRWIE, Gonaral A Baggage to and from Ollawa cheâ€"ked through~ | : £or tha from and to stationk on Grand Trunk Railway 1 To Return . tickets to Prosoot!, Kentrtyville and Ota~ , , we t reduced rates can be had at the pribcipaistsâ€" | _ [ havre) this day. depecited troms > the Ds | General.|Tsrenty Thousand 1 T. 8. DETLOR, THOMAS REYXOLDS, | the abote Fiffs Thonsand m Euperinteniie~t. Managing Diresor. ; sand Doliare 1810 #00) UT.8 N. K..â€"-TM ahove 2romar all res Ey ztoursal | "1hbe Hon Col. John 4 14 cce s l mc l ts 1 e . ce LEAYVE BROCKVILLE 7 15“. M.â€"â€"TH ALNS + $ § eB Brockviite gdany st T :18 pm, arriving at Bandpoiut #t «nd 9 p.m. LEAYVE SAXDPCINT Trains now leare BONAVENTYV as follows : 1 "Uey 6t * goINXO WEST, ‘ aus fer Ogdansbusg : ‘ ’lrog:rillc, K‘m‘-t-'x, 8'.‘..-}'»‘ Teoroato,Guelph, Londen Bran‘ . Rederich, Bu%f.-ln. Detreit, Chi . _‘ and all points West. st.....0.. Right ds â€" 4s do ds Accommodation T ain for Kingsto: with Breckr{lle, April 11. 1 °68 ] WINTEI_\AP.:; Ottawa, Nor. 27, 1868 #bd Intermediate Stations al......,,,. 1.00 â€"A M Express for BostoM #t......0 5... sc ee 6+ 8:409 a m Express sor New Y ork and Boctouat...... $:30 p m via Vermont Cestral. , Express for Ner work via Piattwburgb, Lake vhamplats, Burlin=ton & khuatland at 3:900 p m Express for Island Pond, at.............>> 200 p m Night Express for Quobes, Isiard Pond, j Garham ard Partland, stonning he. _/ twoepn Montreal and lsland Pond at _‘ » eE ETY NOC COCC CT and Coa 6ook only, &t.......: ..........10:10 _ p t . J Sleepiug Care on an Night Trairs. Bagâ€" gage checked through. . » "The stcamor Coril#a leaves Port!iand every ELo. LW P xc sATUT OAY AFTERNOON (» train from Montreal on Friday far, N 5., returning on Tuosd@y. _ Bbe has ercelient accommoua and freight. _ oï¬ dindnnt â€"orit The [nternational Company‘s Steamers, running in connection with the Grand Prunk Railway, leare Port!and every MONXDA Y, at 5 p m, for 5t: youu, N B. .. _ @ r-i;tâ€"'fn‘;ti« information and time of arriral &n departure of all trains at terminal and way cta C‘I-o, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonevenrwre Etm on: C.J; BRYDGE®, Managing Director, * (ommencing on the 20 â€" Tickets issued through at the Compmany‘s princi â€!-‘fu.“@.:... 504200 042.e /nedt uen »Faveiuant din sUMMER ALBRANGE fluï¬::“. .n; Jead, r&:;urhs, Colds, Sore Throc mins, Bruires, Cramps in the Sto:«ach, Cbolera Morbus, Dysentery, owel + Complaints, Burus,"calds, * ligut Bites &co., kc.~ The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now hbees befure the public for s lengtb of time, and whenever ased is well liked, nevor tarling in a single instance to give permanent reliof «he: timely :ased, and we have oever known a singl« case of dissatisfaction where the directiou: are pro periy followed ; but on the oom.ur{ all are deligh: od with its :rontiom, and spe«k i nthe bighes terms of its virtues and magica) «foots. LC . idys S veg t th un flce C'An'snu's PAIN PESTROYIRI Among the most 1mportant of modern Medical Dis soveries stands the CANADPIAN PAIN DESTROYER ! n s M oe i o mon We l‘r.lk from etperience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who ar suffering from auy of the compi<ints for which it . ecommended may depend spon its being a Sove RuCKVILLE & OFTAY A EL YÂ¥ A %. ; Mantâ€"eal. Nes 7 ‘The Oans tian Pain Destroyer nevor falls to giv» mmediate rolief. All Me®icine Denlers weep i mumm usei ; adid zo fawt‘y wirl it after onse try ing it. § Prise twontgâ€"five conts per batt!s. * KORTHROP & LYMAN, § R Sewcastle, C. W., General Agents for C. W Bel ty Gen. Mortimer, John Roberts, ‘w _»® Massey, U. F. McCarthy, J. Ekroner, and J Auuou. mEETI%G. GENERAL PROTEsSTANT ROSPITAL The Annual Meoting of the subscribers and friends of this Institution will be hold in" the DIRECTOR‘S HALL, is the Hospital, on TUEsâ€" DAY, the SECOND dry of FEBnUARY next, at the bour of 2 o‘ciock, in the afternoon, to receite the. Annual Report, and, elsot Directore, The public are respectfally invited to atterd. Higned, w. H. THOMPSOX, s dE @0E HAay, JAMES PEACOCK, ALEX. WORKMAX, RuDERICK Ross, % 3 Trugtoes. RAarbp TRUNK RaiLWaAY come» | rPANY OF caniba. .‘ batet PLALK. ORNAVMENIAL AND DECOBRATIVE PAINXTEK®, 4 1 AND PAPFR HANGFER®, â€" Uhaud.ere and Bull. (Shop next to L. R. Boath®, Store, Chaudiere ) VHouse, Nign Villa and general wd.l.‘ exresuted on the mos: ressunable terms lings »nd walls distempered in colgrs to .uit Freseno work of a‘} kinds in order. ; References permitted to the following gentlemen: A U. Baldwin & Co., J R Booth, Esg., R K. Bootb m, Rev. Ur Jobnson, Hull; keyr Mr. Ricket wa; Mr Haycook,. Architoct, CA 9n fiam -8;--;.â€"-.;;.. 8t. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Watervilie August 24 _ _ 82 2â€" oMisltoa BOWLIAG AaLLEY. 'i sptiiigentsge Ihe subscribor beg form bis frienas that t ed on Mâ€"~ND+Y, t _â€" _ QCroBE®,his BOWLING ALT This {» on« of the bes Carital, and equa! t America, It contai aleys and with 6 bails There will be registor book for t t:ne of marking th r of points mace e to lsr January next. 2 C.B. She Inishucot nnWwhar s BOWLING ALLEY, Thi« i» on« of th» best in the Ca+ital, and equa! to any in America, It contains four aleys and with first class bails There will be kept a registor hbook for the parâ€" K:m of markirg the num~ r of point« made each day to Ist January next. and the puny â€"â€"w»â€" â€"_.> in@de the highest nniwber of pofnots will receire from the prop:ietor a rich prizs Parties visiting the A ley will be recevod with polite attentian _ The best of liquors will be found . Parties visiting the A ley will be polite attention _ The best of liquo! eopstantly en hand. m t 4 Ottawa, 14th January, 1869 Te We epWh P NTE CC s l’ decided to divide hs time equally between Ottaws and Ogdessburgh, would beg to inform bik his old patrons and others.th t he bopes, in futgre, to atten4 to their orders for tupiny more promptly than heretofore. . Shall visit Ottawa once a mounth. m received at Mr. Berminchom‘s Auction oms, apd at E. Mijes® Music Store. Cgo. Â¥. 'fl'.‘\fla l)uno TUSIXG.â€"1 decided to divide hs ANDALL ¢ MONTGOMER Y, is Ottawa. Aailroads. ecti J EBE ETTE > B. B. LARIVIERE. LI\T Ball Room is attached to the which will be let at a low agure. A. 8. L. § L }% > y ï¬ APBOTT,: Managing D:restor 4129 ANGEMENT®. [1869. VvEXTURE $TATION form bis frienas that he open» ed on Mâ€"~ND#+Y, the 26th OCTOBE®,his =_> _ Ahe subscriber begs to Â¥s â€" will Icave at T15 e m., and ut atâ€"12:40 p m. The subscriber baving a Portland every fter the arrival of nizht», for Haliâ€" a for passengers §29â€"hin 91714 t «: _ £,f.â€" r thy "apels Te ‘~Bread or Cakes m#ie 3 Fl‘rm.‘(“a-i‘ctn..oï¬uflnbvï¬l ' ~VuB Alitty * process . 3 ind o is sach Thet â€"‘~ T hare) this day.‘depesited "haflï¬zï¬i‘m , | Gemeral.|Twenty Thousand Do iare ip Srd ‘M--'h’.mh'fl‘ '-. | the abore Fitts Thonaand m «king â€" . Ne Ayure > «; sand Doliars +810 #00) U.8 Gag .Q.W“M“m f {; "1he Hon Col. John 4 wray, & p ’s:.. Families that have us | appointed C ::V."le(- the g‘ wapan Q~ ofalh uns s I fon. A8 t,'-vvy';a,x:‘; ;]]:.m “w". ‘!' np other to Inssrers, and immedi Oltawa, Des. 8; 1468, | 4100 BUTCar, ueB N AJg8TY THABQILE NE 4ugq . Aote Agusle for "Td W AND A it nf _ , Cous£ or srate J.\a. ROF ru® n*t4 HAN 3R 4BLP r | MISSIONEES OF T 1B “‘,':,m The Tradge supplied at a*D . 3 intews, December 16, 1568 En MAsFSTY qUEFY VTICTORLq N AÂ¥Y : ®. Prige Medaliat of the Gre«t |n§-h.~' tion of ! ondon. N62, «an t of dg, * vereal Frxrhibition of P""‘ wU KF®REEY Arrojnt > T# KMa. JOHN LK®LIR: Mwenl IOF 7 UR For the sale of these e 1 ahreutel "t Wicky H 4 A. SAUXN: Sole Wholesale Aren(« in sule of J. Newi(Fa W atohes Oltawa May 20. Ottawa,. Norember 7, 1862 inâ€" | ported. Prise 474 W bore the usual aseuitment of Cabintadt stering Goods can be obtained &"""‘..qmamnu. w * UNDE KR T A KINXG, * Tho Undertwkipg bravch is unders &b * + diate superintendenve, who atteod: «i ho - without Extra Chuge.zd has constentye The undersigned have now a large ateortment of Roady .made Coin igheir } sizes and qualities : .& s * it raulle, B1 icK oL ra, copm FALL ° IMPOR! . Purties ordering M=hogany, Waimt4 cther Hardwosod uoffine, m 1y *.ï¬ aine article, (10 staine 14 Butterput sod aut ) e 2 * s o n Persons desirons of keeping their decwast tiveâ€" for a fow daye or evena woekss without the least possible incon ’ ing to ~. Rogers, who hus h«d over # e:rience in the above branches, t giving eatiâ€"fnotion . . j y N B.â€"The Uudertaking Bragcb wï¬ second to none in Ottawa. . {g:xpreu W agzune always ready fo: the of Farniture. R RE ~TDENCEâ€"At the Wost Bod Roahe of Fathiture. _ â€"_=_ ___ C M _ INES ué?rg'zscnâ€"mmwuul-. » w , LIQ K e li » curces. Snptomber 4, 1808. # AND PROVISIONG, &c THOS. ISAAC‘8, CENXTRB N PLQOVGHS, CULTIYA!‘ 4 IJIROX; COAL, x SHELE & HEAYY HABMW Narus, Rork, Coams, and a géneral uoortno-t.of NRouse ow "ornices &o , at the lowest casb priublt in the Ottawa imarket. B m wecog< 5 w HEELER & W [UooN‘s siteot 9P Machines are perfegtly noi cgless . ab e prosent to any L «dy or Rmailt CR & w TL ION‘s SEWwL vG M +0 al reduction for cash on all m ‘ em.â€"uu. Twonty fire per cont roido? attach ments appl «tyle of Wheelâ€"r # Wilson * ton Hole Attachments, new st | mers, Corders, &0, c c aB wEs? END WELLING roxam$ ALSO, â€" STOVES, all patterns «0 1 «ines, tor cad as ‘rom the Prescot, Kingston, Toratis i# wnd Montre«l Fosndries «with dm, $ riture® &0 , the sheapest to be bas is H8 H Manufactorer by «pecial a hormmnteremg "'""""-’_q‘ ORGANE and MELODE! o on m aie . uc 60 Woriesin the United States, « g»an008®#* Epiiceric ® 4 hove anything ever brooght _ Tor the relief and cure of _ New is the time for inten Dance, Puerperal Hysteria, 40 4# ation is from the re ipe «f * R&@PRICES LOW & TK Physician, and the very great f uondod'\uuninou.r‘yc“&" .â€"__ Our stock of Consertinas ert medical akil! was of no * &e.,, is, as usual, very larg ! subscriber to give it ouzfl ® | zenuine bas the subscriber‘s 18# New Bhoot Music and I | sach bottle Price one dollier. " Sag. | J. A HARTE, Chomist, 308, 5 4, L. OJ | Montreal * \ Harte‘s Florids Water, equsl ® C..: _ t Tailors. Call and see for yourselras ; you bow they eest. _ _ _ _ _ ... mers, Coraere, «6, BE TEE HOWE sr.wmo‘-‘, P I aA NOâ€"FOR T are best for Carriegs Trimmert, $499 iD uBMA * Remember 37, Eparksâ€"st., O Kingâ€"st., West T «ronto, ° s G. a, W ALTON, 4 2. W.STELPHEN, SEWILL, LIVY t H POOL, | No-nc:. «& 1103 _ AB/ + w & Carleton Ag ! Aprilication will be wade ‘& _ | of the Leciciature of Outaric (* ** opsl _ (Orders or communic tits the + AL.EDDATA PEAT 5 ‘ " and medicines sent to | ING & SMELI‘NG O~MPAX‘» _ Charges moderats, | construct a Canal or Bti|m~ J OA Actomatemmtemeatizs tm | the Tawaship of Qa!ledonia t* | of the oa.-'.'. or Râ€"urh N Ri #* C . B6 | thorize the Municipality of port 1 mm mmz | the eaid ‘ompany so m«*b of the MM . Nm | between the J’r‘n and fiftb ‘.J ‘ required â€"r the ma auf=care 'm mf: hav ilee of Qm'. P sly Cane4iaD isfUitata between PG® GhEP WIME MEOIT CC required â€"r the ma auf=care ofPruad . MKRS. SMITH nï¬ es .__ FALL HATS & BO; THER TIMES is "printed ##8 her old friends and the â€" Tas Orrawa T mss l’-“ Felt Hate cleaned, dyed i~6 Coxpaxy, at the C.‘:‘v ‘ &.':I' e Oentre Town, ?? pose" made to order, Corner < CEO., MAYT . y ouses wo coPPERPLATE 5 * Bank &treet, Centr® _ VETERINAR Between Spurks & M": ds *~ ‘Sitle of Bechang« P Y , â€" ,. 4 ; A RDW A LE I iAxsir WS?";?,"’:! ;:'-m" IJ is ud gerine W ATCITRE, eut poort prcken weigh 1t a OLLDAY PAESE®XTE . â€" Managing Directot A*"" . tober ] € Managrug October 1 0. 1 .. _A RAXCE | Ciyums "at ~<~nucoual OE, Â¥aing. ~ 'P“Q@n:m- JKAiRCE D.,‘ Vitar», 1 ith .:-.. Agent far O Mardicare. _ AND ‘aral Agent, & For the Â¥igonp GMs , Printed on the 9 _ _ ~â€" Torento ; by Stcite * c.dd::‘ m will be wade ‘-‘,.4 are 0'0â€"’" a 6# m.“ EiNALA PEAT 5 and medicines sont .MXG CO~MPAX‘, __ Charges moderata, inl ar ;::\.:.,.. | «uen qgzenemenpnmen tm f Caledenia # : or & uth s.ua&e: 3 M micipality of Ԡt any ¢0 D WO d'h 5 N"‘o& st and ffth 00 a manuf=cuare of & 'm.nnuu __ FALL HATS & B( 1w a T mss Pâ€"“ .:"“M ANY, at the (M * K £ l M Es .3.â€"â€"The most bus nesq of ilCmQ'.†bus nesy (lb cants ks o TEX REKAJ TUALUIEY _ ‘Way s Should be Used in M anager fot * s CRUy® pair the digestive orguns like 1 a N:ï¬ or an excess of Alkali * B 6th. It never gives to fl * "Stt%, pleasant Alkaline or mawkich 41 2. Â¥th. The ingredients that | AT t the Domizg, ; o en es 3 98 ME > F‘ pMth' _ 1. PIAXOâ€"FORTES, from In 1 Ib. P a ¢ k o ts for 25 are more beneficial than ~â€"~BAKING PO _: Unriévalled for Purity Role Agents for Ottewa, ‘~3.\0a. RO & pound packets weigh 16 u’.“un.uumn is rep s JAS, M *BÂ¥zawa, No: mber €7, 1848 YVOL, TV A MILY G R their ma Mlllllo ds Le» % Respecifully call: the @ERHRAL AND VETERINARY E Y O EKK â€"8TRE â€" Next to Bal Ne. 8,