PEXCIL®â€" BOOK®, &¢. *« Thirty cents» _ â€" IK, 45 illnstrationt, bourds. Forty centsâ€" 10 illuitrations, «t6008 FIONERY 1 1 1 1Â¥O100 hool Books or Leq®®""" tick. A nw,‘.‘ STaATIOXNERy Clips, Pen Kacks, Papes oxes, Invoice CaMK m. , Account Paper. s Iok, Iok h' ‘ a, Twisted Tapers, ket Books, Ports .. LLLAXEKOTE3 GK and BILL 8T style of ruling and ters, Circulars, Lo-»“-v- the sho N G Card Board, P * ird, Craeyon P:: ag Linen, Came® “ ‘ong, Sik Taste, ‘! *,. Gurn Tickets, #s, Indeilible uï¬ re‘u, Gillott‘s, MitchelPi es‘ and other makers, :~ G@ (LEKTTER) 4 Protectors, with 31 in limp cloth. â€" Te® c. 506 iilustration#s, Books, Av s K# , * "al &Â¥ yons (fog Black '-“; mey"s and other m A WA ‘(IIâ€M FORMS 41 illustrations, OoTT &A w x NCY & NT B00KES, &e6â€" rof Eogland, f of British Empir®» Uhllln. I ‘s m& . afery, Sealing War, 1 PEXS®â€" aad Carmizce Iaks, Geography, of Canads, rmals, Day ma and raled),.. d, Printing and w Also, Qrsemy T4 YÂ¥ LESCRIPTTI A N1 CANaADLANX DIEG BNOCKS, tiacs, ot .luvu id Rulers, Pifty cents NXG 1%Kgâ€" TWIXE, » isc PrarE®} masors, frode 35 o« CLTOIXQ@ ALMx) Arbincgazbin(s ig Book, * * W 48 FolLows ® MHAXD, Arithmetic, A TIQN AR y * ostruction C# s# AXD H OU 8 E, Porte Monna:g, Py T0 NISC U orx Paper A Revoluntion in Favour of Santa Aana. _ NBWS ViA Bavra®a. Haviaxa, February 5 â€"Advices from Mexico atate that Gruroga and other gemerals hare pronounced in favour of Santa Anoa, and that the movement is progreaiing. Naw Yorr, January 6.â€"The Hiéraids letâ€" ter says that on the 17th December, a serious revolution broke out in the Capital of Boliâ€" Â¥i8. Arnzexs, Fobruary 6.â€"The new ministry is a lalluro. Bulgoris, the former minister, has bâ€"en recalled. The King is firm for adherence to the protocol, * _ New Your, . January 6.â€"The â€" Fridunes Madrid apecial says the Provisional Govrernâ€" ment will presentâ€"toâ€"the Constitational Cortes the draft of a «onstitation lflw a clause prohibiting slavery in . possessâ€" lona. 1t will be left to the Cortes to decide as to the method of freeing the slares. I‘hbd full text of llflcmuohuu tieaty has been recerved by mail in the Now York papers. * The Times of to day denounces the treaty and says it is incomprehensible and without order, unless there was a secret stipulation somewhere to the contrary. The consideraâ€" tion of the question of the recognition of the Southérn States as belligerents was provided for in the treaty. Nothing, indeed, was excluded. : The defects of the treaty hare grown out of and are owing to the semiâ€"pablic fashion in which negotiations were conducted. 1i the United States Senate Lmo to ratify the project, Ireland will not chafe. â€"It is desirable that the whole treaty be revised and recast ; as it is now practically every claim may go to the foreign umpire for Anal decision. 1f this is a scttioment the Times asks for a new definition ol'\lo..‘., word. & The M i Loxno® 6â€"Ere.â€" y A I»e Ouln'e-, M.P. for Dublin, has bnvd- Loxpon, January 6.â€"The Government has resolred ‘ch the abolition of the university t.ats, seated The Goversorâ€"General, after bidding goodâ€" by : to the. Mayer and others, entered the state var in waiting, Tollowed by his suite and the porties already mentioned, who will accomâ€" pauy His Excellency to Oitawa. There wasa great number of speotators present, and the band played a slow march while the train was waiting at the station, At 9:20 the train moved off. The spectators cheered, the guard saluted, adieus were wared, and thaj plhasact visit of the Gorernorâ€"General to Montrcal was concluded. 7 A hary snow storm commenced shortlr «r‘ band, playing off amidst the cheers of the spectators, the Royal Guides escorting towards the railway depot, where, ovarriving andi entecing the station, a guard of honour of 150 men of the Grand Trunk Railroad rolunâ€" teor artillery brigade wes drawn up to receire His Excellency and suits with a general salut. The l,o band of the corps played * God Sire the Queen." Grascow, February 6.â€"The steamer Cal+ donia hat uttived, * â€" h * New CABLE NEWS. P / Mis Excellency sir John Young took his departure this morning en rows for Ottawa, accompanied by Lieutenantâ€"Governor Howâ€" land and lady, Sir Henry Havelock and lady, Col. McNeil, AJ.D.O, Mr. Turville, prirate sec , Hom. John Rose, A. Campbel!, and €. mdga. Shortly before ;l‘o':’:.lotk & guard of honour and the band of the T8th Highlanders drew up in front ot the St. Lawâ€" râ€"uco Hall, and a troop of Royal Guides, paâ€" racl.d aw an escort. A fow minutes afterward Mis Excellency and suits, accompanied by the Mayor, General Bissett, and a number â€"of offi, ceis of the departmental staff, left the hali, and on entering carriages in waiting, were reâ€" ¢eived by ageneral salute from the Highlandâ€" About eight o‘clock this morning an‘ acciâ€" dert similar to that -ml:::n.u 8t. hflckd ‘8 Ha‘!!, bappened to a stone building orned by Mossrs. Crossbry, cur manufac» turers, England. The building is tour stories higzh, but fortunatâ€"ly unoccupied. ‘The roof lelil from _ some unaccountable cause, ca hing through the four floors ijato tho cellar, leaving ooly four walls standâ€" ing. The damege done is very great. onuly one reperter being allowed from cach paper, The Toronto Globe ? two, but the cuorr:spondent in Montreal representing the Toronto TelegrapA, Hamilton Spectator, Ottaws Tess and CuHizer, Quebec Chromicile and Merâ€" cury, and St. Jobhn and Halifax press, had to buy a ticket. Jobhn Young, Crampand Penny, of the Heraid, ruled the committeso. A public meeting of the citizens is spoken‘ of to deâ€" me«n again. He was rery much pained that uâ€"bee gentlomen had not been invited, and all this had been done, stmply ®n the score of eccnomy. Afier some further conversation, in which the council expressed itsel(f unani. mously in the approval of the Mayor‘s conâ€" duct, the matter was dropped. The parsimony of the committee even: extended to the press, ouly one N&t being allowed from cachk nuunace their meanness. citisens‘ dinner some parties had places set apart for them, and members of the Corperâ€" ation felt that as representatives of the city they should have a position ]n that tabl«, bat thâ€"y wore allowed to straggle in, and dodge 2,und for sents as best they cou f As a mat. tâ€"rof reapect to theâ€"city there ï¬â€˜\l to hare be: n places provided. { â€" His Worship smid he was glad these remarks hau been mage. At the first meoting at the Mecbanics‘ Hall he could not attend, but he cropped into theâ€"Heraid office, and fouad that thâ€" re was pnni.o.; i: the nngn{::;u be. youd conception. To his disgust ravinâ€" ctial A.D.C., Col. mï¬o.tb. ’Q,:.ld ‘;‘m mem of the deleâ€"gation bec ure, were not invited. Neither was Capt. Turville, the Gorernor‘s Secrejary. Hq4 bad a serious talk with Mr. Penoay, the Secrotary of mmun Committoe, but -ndo“ no im pression. No one regretted the ter more than he did, and on similar oocasions in future of ths Corporalion had been ignored in the moption of His Ercellency, and in overy arâ€" rangy â€"ment made. . 1 a Councillor Sipphens remarked that at the Ala meeting of the city council last night a discussion arosse on the testivitics to the (Governor, Ald._.bn_ll._ saying that members MONTREAL. Syecial to TuUs Tim®s. Mavery Prohibited in the | he County Council yesterday voted $1,200 to he County Grammar Schools, and $150 in aid of the Deaf Mw‘.‘m l-:“"b':-hd A, pretty warm ‘ of Trade toox place yesterday in consequence of the report of the hospital trustees not having bren presented, and another paity was conse= quently clected. $ i The officers of the ..nhon‘in another theatrical entertainment on Monday, in aid of the charity conmected with the service. jJurors for the Quarter Bessions, but a hitch occcrrcd, two magistrates being required by law 40 be present. The fee heretofore paid them was this time discontinued. ‘The magisâ€" trates refuse to attend without it. A Revolntlon in Boltvia. Jurors for ecccrred, \ aiversaity College last night, The Wkl;i was brilhn?loyl lighted, nn’h closely crammed. Mnsic, model«, microscopes, addresses, and oxâ€" pfflll:‘lfll, combined to make a most pleasent evening. * ‘Fhe late snow storm still continues to de= lay the trains which are late toâ€"day. Vaiversity ?o"m last n was brilliantly lighted. an TORONTO. Special to THE TIMES. The annual Wniversity Col Zatest by Celegraph. Toâ€"day is the time appointed for drafting noun toâ€"day, asd still continues. NEWS Â¥!ii XEW YORL. Via â€" Toroxto, February 6. Comversazione was held in the Mortusias, February 6: some of those Is heroby given that the Map or Plan and Book of Referense of the Canada Contral Rallway Company, from the City of Ottawa to its junction with the Line of the Brockrtlle and Ottawa Railâ€" nyh-m.hnbudo‘uudhmclnu the Department of Public Yorks, and sm such parts of the Map or Plan and Book of ence, as relate to the County of Curleton, has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of theâ€"Poace for the County of Carleton, and a ntyohul)uh as relate to the cona of Lanark, has beep deâ€" eClerk of the Poace for the of Lanark. Dated this Teath day of Augurt, 1888. 3 # W K. WORSLEY, _ €. C. Kly. OBT, on the evrening of the 7th instant, atthe LMuAylw‘.‘m- the village back to Ortawa, ohe parcel containing one uaï¬x SILK DRES8 and BLACK LACE SHAWL. ~Whoover h.lm‘uul -mrm leave it 1t the Conâ€" vent in Aylmer, or in this city at the Convent of tho_e!’v Nuns, where they will be suitably reâ€" are Ibrdp.mmmnu the opinion M."‘luh’ Condition Powders and A.r':bin Heare Remedy" is superioeâ€"to anything of the kind heretofore or at prnï¬ in mlorm’n. colds, thick wind, and all discases which affoct the wind of horres, As a condition . meJicine it has no equal ; there is nothing in it which can in. msbuuvmm or wellâ€"nor need the hom from 'crlilg.'bilo using it ; it is just the le which all who own horses r«anin, and which they should have coutuu( on hand. Remember the name, and see that the signature otf Hurd and Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyâ€" man, Newsastlo, Ont., propristors for Canada. PU.I-IO NOTICEK Eyezrsoot Sars 8o.â€"Thatis all who hare elther used the article thomselves or vitn:rd its effects when used by others ; all such, and they 44.; common rosin 16s, 34. ; Bd. ; red wheat 9s. 94. @ 9s. Try Geriner‘s Baking Powdor. See adverâ€" Usement : 881.¢m -,-‘l"-t‘yunu lence in using Bryan‘s Polmonie Wafers hvr' proved thomhfo b'o, the most effectual remedy for coughs, and irritation of zmcun‘ by uuul“?.:h.ol voeal orgars; speakers D, Th im eomea redm o. re _ an‘y Pulmonie W afers, or Cough .uv.u.x.:?n- ges, a safe remedy for the most delicate person, and has caused them to be he‘d in high esteem by all who hare used %‘- Bold by all medisine AasYaew ab Wk sns L. _ doajers at 25 ota. por Litversroor, February"G6â€"p. m. â€" Cotton buoyant ; Uplands 1244., and Orleans at 12}d. Sales 15,000 bales.â€"California wheat 111. !d_.; common rosin 161. 34. ; flour 261. @ 365. Loxnox,‘ February 6â€"p. m.â€"Consols 93} for money, and 93¢ @ 93} for account ; Bonds T6j ; Stocks quiet; Krie buoyant ; Illinois Central 93} ; Great Western 38 P on on anmentenctne Cnizet tb dndP in Cumm Roamastaizts Th 600. h . .A 3. for common to choice extra western ; $6.65 .’JB for round hoop Ohio.â€"Rye flour quiet ; sales ©1,000 bushels at $6.50 @ 7.30 tor grain.«â€"Wheat henÂ¥y ; sales 22,000 bushels at $1.57 for No. 3 spring in store ; $1.65 for No. 1 and 2 in store; $2.15 for white Michigan, â€"â€"Ryoquict ; receipts 23 bushels.â€"Corn unâ€" changed ; receipts18,397 bushâ€"1s ; sales 26,000 bushels at 83c. @ 90¢c. tor new mixed western; $1.02%2 for old mixed . western delivered: â€" Barley. quiect ; sales 3,300 bushels Cansda ‘western at 25¢c.â€"Oats firmer ; receipts 3,000 bushels ; sales 29,000 bushels at 760. for westâ€"ro in store ; TTc. @ T7jc. for do. afloat â€"Pork is firm and quiet ; sales T00 barrels at $30.00 @ 33.12 for new mess ; $26.00 for old mess.â€"Lard . heary ; sales 650 tierces at 19%c. @ 20ic. for steam ; 20%c. @ 11¢. for kettle rendered., Nuaw Yorr, January 6.â€"Butter steady st 25 and 35 cents. ,.[h" P‘;.Jy]"rorl of Oitawa Markets, see Naw Yorr, February 6.â€"Cotton firmer at 30c. tor Middling Uplands.â€"Flour market less active ; receipts 4,390 barrels ; sales 4,900 barrels at) $5.65 @ 6.20 for stperâ€" fine State and i«ï¬n; $6is0 @ 7.00 for common to choice extra State ; $6.55 @ 7.40 Naw ‘Yorr, February 0 â€"American Exâ€" change 49}. ¢t. Gold 135j. â€" °> mated he will retain General Schofeld in the War Department, # Schodeld to romain in the War Depart= "There were no mails for Eutrope toâ€"day, the City of Baitimore which was to have made the trip not having arrived. ‘Thesteamshi p Pennâ€" sylecnia was the only European bound Oltawa, Jany.18, 1869. dernia, whom the CutAbert lad taken off. _ ‘The America touched at the Azores, January 20d, asd landed the men she had saved. Her arâ€" rival crusbes the last hope for the safcty of the missing boat from the stâ€"amshi p â€" Hibernia, whickh is undoubtedly lost, and with 39 perâ€" sons missing from the wreck. * mone of the ‘passeugers of the unfortunate steamship ZHibernia. 1t appears that she fell in, on December 25th, with th@ British bark Cuthbert, waterâ€"logged, and took trom her her erew, and also that of the wrecked ship H/iâ€" °$ D ouipee es on Hoeny e‘ s en iP T New Yorr, February 6.â€"The Bremen bark Americs reached Quarantine this afiernoon, when it was ascertained that she had aboard troy ed. s %, New Yoar, Fobruary 6. â€"Stoinm=tze‘s picâ€" sure frame factory and the New York frame manufactory were burned this morning. Loss $100,000. + * The Last Hope Gone of the Missing Pasâ€" tore in pieces the American flag over the | American Consulate, ©‘The â€"Consul in self ; ‘defenée bad a short time previously killed a | native and was acquitted. | He has, however, | been again arrest<d and held in a ilthy dunâ€"| geon for a second trial. L The Public Debt.‘ Wasninertox, February 6.â€"The public debt statement up to February 1st shows the total ï¬.‘bt less cash in the tmnasury to be $2,â€" 556,205,658.08. Nes [ Two Large Picture Frame Factorics Desâ€" Imprisonment of an Américan Consul. Nuaw Yoar, February 6.â€"The Worlds Palâ€" mira, Cubs, correspondent states that the naâ€" tires on New Ycar‘s Day hauled down and A College Destroyed by Fire. * Mosius, Aura., February 5.â€"Springhill Colâ€" legs, six miles from here, was burnt last night. Loss, $100,000. r United States and North German Im=» migration Convention. A\ * Wasnrxorox, Febrcary 6.â€"The project of a eonvention between the United Stahtes and North German Union, for the bstter protecâ€" tion of immigrants to the United States, is under consideration. The Post‘s t Haraxa, February 6 â€"Jose do Armas, the peace commissioner to the insurgents, has reâ€" turned, having been unsuccessful. Reoliable information from Puerto Principe denies the statement that Gen.Arango was assassinated by order of Quesada. / In view cf their return to arms and of the demands meade by the insurâ€" gents, it is certain that the war will continue, The fate of the island can only be decided by arms, as the Government caunot grant the deâ€" mands of the Insurtectioniate, AMERICAN NEWS. & .. Sunnnvemmmegenemmematememmamge | and there only will it be visible that we eclipse alH FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. _ | Otbors in this city for > SATURDAY‘3. DESPATCUES MIDNIGHT DESPATCHUES London Money Market. Liverpool Markets. Reported by Toelograph. ow York Markeots. York Money Market. The Insurrection. . DOMINGO, OURA. says Grant has intiâ€" Europe. Greater Britain, by Dilke ; Tricotrin, by Ouida ; Life of Christopher Columbus, by Arthur Helps; Casseli‘s Lifo of Lord Brougham ; Chambers‘s Journal, 1868, i:‘ud)x the Book of Chess, by Helkirk ; the Child Wife, by ll.m Reid. For sale by J. DURIE & 80OX, <â€" _Any_ having a GOOD SECONXDâ€"HAXD s-n'H INGINIâ€"!.N‘ aix horse powerâ€"in good runningorder, can find a ready purchaser by addressing "A.:K.," Box C., Port Oflce, Ottawa. A Choice Lot of Valentines, direct from the -n{fuunn. 'ld(a;.b‘ua::' )lo- Java J, DURLE & SON have received 1 ease Segar‘s Tracing Vellum, best quality, f Fine Flavoured 'ï¬cv Beason do............ 0 55 @ 60 Excellent Full Flavoured â€" do............ 0 15 @ 80 Gommit UnoHHEGâ€"Arcermrertrrtrravertatattarerstrite ‘ 4 0 4 Rich Flavoured, d0........................... 0 86 @ 60 Very Fing, @0 ~@O.ccccerccciccccccce ccreee U Th B# JADPRD GOOU ....««»»»ies»nssessessessssssseccess= 0 80 # 60 VOrY ©OOU.......sssssqesnsssescsssescscsssemess 0 66 @ 10 FiDO8t... .....ccsscsessrcentzrmmmersenmssissscnese.s 0 Th @ 80 « . CREEN 164. | { >« Twapkay, Common .....;... ................, 0 35 @ 40 Fine dï¬ w en tm ie t e w in ce t ie tibi i i t tond :l‘:: : Young HYyBOR...........ssssumeiee sersrrsrrrg Superfine ory eessssssssssessess COFFE E. MEOOTkN .1 ccccrsec eccerreqrcrrercert 28, U H, & 20, BE 10 rud catties and upwards. The purchaser | Truus Office, Ottaws. receives the benefit of a neat pi a . Ottawa, Fob. 3, 186 mmn-muom.w_.._____§ wavebeat Loahe "_ * fiiing remple ts inrforeny ntairgagar, | fffortoay raesevrs We will pay she carriage on 4 fre ar 3 ten ib j catties to the nearest ullv.x station. For the | | 4AÂ¥ hoard ofthe aqrentege sthred them »rhew af [ [ THE MEDIC .; I heard of the advantage offered them, we have onâ€" 1 e 44 gaged trustwortby v who will make ocscasionâ€" ’ s al trips throughout surrounding country and | . . 28 Sparkeâ€"et., CA solicit their orders. Any favors sabmitted tothe n | | weeenninetine :;‘.rwm cl:t‘nlll-n Foilet Boxes in variety, att oa sold. | : ‘l'l.:f:lleowl‘,h the Ii.:%( rlo.; te: ~ Rimmel‘s New Porfuines, BLACK TEA. % | , Cambridge Bougue Common Congou, Strong Tos...............$0 45 @ 50 | | C Groceries, &e. We will not gire the prices of our goods, for this ress)câ€"that other houses woeuld offer inferior goods at the same figures, and induce their ousâ€" tomers to beliere they were as good value as ours. Come and look, and price our merchandise, and you will then be satisied this is not a mere puff, but a reality; . PB~Keep a look out for the emblem ot anity, the Green, White sand Blue. _ JAMES MecCARTHY & CO. Ottawa, February 6, 1869. 986¢a Teiapz ‘ O. rl\o FARMERS «& OTHERS, | § j J FO.â€" 34, 8P A RKSâ€"8 T. 1 P 4 K R | . Wt s = [LO *‘ e Racrerpunes, [ ...‘ _‘ _T.â€"BAJOTTE: G0ODS EXTREMELY LuoW, for that indispensible thingâ€"Cash, and continue to do so during this month. The winter boing far advanced goods for this sexson will be zold at figures to induce anyone to buy, and spring goods being in advance of the season will be sold lower still, & We have resolved to change our business, and will, without any humbagging, sell f Ottawa, January 35. to tak e place on the 8th of this month, and thore wishing to see it can do so by coming to our store Wellingtonâ€"st., Upper Town, where the + GREEN, .WHITE AND BLUBE FLAG : waires over the farâ€"tamed w iN COnsIsUITE OL All of the abore goods being marked off, and || Flannels \ Black Cloths ready for ‘inspection. We would specially invite Winceys \ * Beaver Cloths _ intending purchasers to call and examine them. * Cottons .:. Meltons _ .: 1 Pn. Tweeds THOS. & W. KUNXTON 0 3 _ &s. 8 1 â€" W e have also on a large assortment of 47 and 49 Sparksâ€"st. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, ‘ Witfence nc aredinreeiiriedeecepecep es oes e c Oe W i Kih "If 7 / â€" _ Ti L z TEAM ENGINE WANXTED. Our stock is new, and composed of TATIONER Y Meceriversesessessestorcersecceuc * Th U t Xl k NK eevererevermatctenmntaterice _ 6 Hily L. id Ed Have jast of NEW 0‘3 EW BOOK®. FRI‘H ALRRIVALS. ember the place, BALE wuyltl'l FLANXNEL®, TOTAL ECLIPSE NEW GOODs! NEW GOODS ! CASKS LINENS, assorted, UisB VELVETEENXSs, CASE §1LK3, in plain and tanoy colors, splendid value, BALES WIIITE coTTtoXs, THOS. & W. HUNTON * CANADIANX TWEEDSs. @ _ GRAY FLANXNNELS, iut?uclunho contents of «* W G03D3, comprising #© _ WHITER CoOTfror SILYâ€"ER BoO O T, _* _ A. 0. AUDY & 00., Blginâ€"st., epposite the Post Ofise. CHEAP GOODS. SCARLET PLANNRE BLAXKBTS, HEMP CARPETS BLACK CLOTHS, BLACK & COLORED OYER Boots and Shoes, GRiy coTTtoa J. DURIH & 8ON. M"""' | JNO, McADAM. * 956â€"3 _‘ Pakenham, February 5, 1869. . tÂ¥ ida;| |* _ FIRST. eivi | imatuding Piagited * bJ | Kitohen de., Drivi Terms easy and sh. _ | of the undersigned t #o j 2 0 i | _ _ ®©â€"ONTARIO HOUSE," cpombining all the advantages of a * FIRSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL, | â€"BTONE BUILDENG, ‘._“lhï¬.ovï¬yohlnollho » | . «* VILLAGE OF PAKENHAM, _ RNemerly known as the « Commercial Hotcl," now TCII-!!“ in variety, sp. Rimmel‘s New Porfuines, + i , Cambridge Bouguet, * * | ~ Oxford Bougque{, f | £ Koglish Levender W ater, itchen de., Drivring Shods, &0., &0. â€" Terms easy and liberal, on applisation to cither [ the undersigned. They have resolved to clean out the whole of these goods at cost price. * T NOR siLE. a Previous to Stockâ€"takin; ; Câ€"Iimlaqu & LIXDSAY, No. 14, Rro:avest., _ . _ Offer great tnducements {o purcha orders wuy attended to. _ _\ : P Don‘t forget the place, No.\ Sparksâ€"st. Btore lately occupied by G. Fetherston & Co., next door to Magee & Russell‘s old store. .., : 883y T T. RAJOYXTE. ecemplete stook just reserved of Toilet Articles, THE TAJLORING DEPARTNEL This department 1s under the‘siperintendarnce of a wellâ€"known l_p&-qlm_eqttz fkq.workmtn. All â€"â€"â€"â€"-’â€"uy" Vu\lllll.“u' which, being manufactured on the premiszes, wo ::ln- r:.oo-nad. and sell theaper th:mpany shop in be \ R“l.lll‘ THE PLACE, F 4 14 Rideau st., . CUNNINGHAM & LINDS Otuawas, January 27, 1869. ver Top Smelling Bottim., ._ Booteh Plaid Bmolling Bow.lss, . ; * Improved Perfumod Distributors, £ &e., &6 &e. ttawa, January 22, 1 869. may be expocted. WHOLB STOCKIS so L D 0 U T. : GREAT BARGAINS IMMENSE REDUCTION THB WHOLB OF THE ABOYi; STOCK, s : DIVIDED LOW COMPOSITION IN THE POUND, LBASE OF PREMISES L&TELY OCCU PIED BY N CANADIAN cLOTHS, N PRINTS, GREY and WHITE COTâ€" TONB, % f They have made.a groat reduction in price. x_ FANOY wooLLEss, scarrs, . OLOUDS, &e., .. s $ }_> having bought out the N DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, &c., y\ removed to more eonniod!mulpremlses, in announcing to his numerous cusâ€" ind the public fcnonlly that ho has now a large ln?)wo Lselected stock of BSTAPLEB An FANCY DRY GOODS, u_\ â€" * â€"‘}eonelsting of > â€" Their prices commence at 2s 64 per yard. are now propared, and will sell from this date Barrister, Almonto. * .. Msssrs BlO\YXE & sCoTI, BEBTWEEN THBIR TWO HOUSES, Genuine Drugs and Chemicals, EMOVAL BANKRUPT S3 TOC K OTTA W aA ‘t M i8 ‘a',‘FEBRllJARY’.t*.’ EARXNS & RYAX, FROM ORIGINAL PRICES THE SALB TO CONTNXE â€" â€" D!!“W' Bundries of al! desoriptions. * w . M.MASSEY, . _ * They have splendid value KEARNS & RYAX, J. JAMIESON, PFamily and Dispensing Chomist. . @RANT & HENDERSON, and all other Cotton Grods, THE ABOVE F1LRM Yard, Force Pump and ‘Hose, Dry Goods. CTXTIL THE KEARNS & RYAN. axp | AT AN AT A KEALRNS & RYAN. » Mc« Pakenham. 986â€"3m 95 4â€"3m AY: 4y 18. ZBA‘!l Carpets sold during this sale, and not paid for on delivery, will be charged fuil _ _ price. PA All Remnants of Carpeots, under 20 yards, will be sold cheap. : #@W"The Sa‘e will commence on MONDAY : ‘MORN IXG, the Ist FEBRUARY, and conâ€" 575 1925 450 200 225 1575 pAThe stock is very large and well assorted, ,.â€" _ and amounts in valueto over 8,000 doliars, and comprises the following, vi® : â€"© L3#7~In order to make this sale as attractive as possible we have decided upon offering the entire stock of CARPETS, without reserve, at a discount of ten per cent for cash in bankâ€" able funds, pPA~Vrevious to stockâ€"taking, and to make room for our NEW ESPRING IMPORTATIONS, n~w being purchased in tho British and% French Markets. _ } h 750 295 150 tinws (only) for a fow wooeks; MMENSE CLEARAXCE. MACEE & RUSSELL‘S, Wholesale & Retail. SALBE OF CARPETS. MAGEEKF & RUSSELL. YARDS HEMP CARPETS, 6+ WwWOOL SsTAIR do s firestry &« crauvsâ€" SELLS CARPETS. _ 66 & G NEW DESIG N S,* TAPESTRY CARPETS, 6 GREEN\& CRIMSON BAIZES, 6 PRINXTED DRUGGETS 6 ali wool DPUTCH do Sparksâ€"st. \‘ B pl)’. ALL WOOL do do BRUSSELS do AT do do The remarkable success which has atiended the introduction of the celebrated Concentrated Lye into Canadian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" cited the cupidity otf an unprincipled firm in town (which has already been convricted of borrowing other people‘s brains) by a spurious imitation called Saponifier. To avoid disappointment, purâ€" chasers should be carefal to ask ror Harte‘s Conâ€" cencrated Lje, which is sold by all respectable UVruggists and Grocers in town and ~wuntry. 78%y 3Â¥ THE YARIETY HALu, 34 Sussexâ€"st., W here there is to be found ovoor‘ythin‘ to furrish a House. A good assortment new and second band Cooking and Double Stoves, Furniture of o.vor? description, and among the lot some beautiâ€" ful Couches. We cannot be beat west of Montreal. Beautiful Tea Séts from $2.50 upwerds. Wood and Willow Ware. * f A general assortment of Toys and Flancy Goods _fl'l"lrnih’ro, Ctockery, China and Glassware Rented as usual at reasonable rates. j ° JOSEPII BOYDEXN, Domin WHO WANTS FURNITURFE Still selling below cost at LATEST STYLE AND MOST APPROVED : PATTERNS, W. Norman‘s, Meroanrestncrer. © Scourers, Hot Pressers, é‘cjr 3 pBM" Gentiemen‘s Clothes cleaned and Kid Gloves sleaned. RQ 1. â€" MACDONALD & co.,â€" © SILK AND WOOLLEN PYERS Try Buchanan‘s Unrivalled Mixture of Mocha, Java, Jamaica and Ceylon, roasted and ground daily on the premises by steam power. &5 r}yen or & ST. LA WRENCK DYE WORKS, Elginâ€"st., (Oppositethe Russell House,) Otta® a, Ont. ; _‘ JAS. BUCHANAN, Bussex and Wellington sts Ottawa, January 28, 1869. Q59Lf â€"HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS? If there are any such let them make immediate For Crockery, 1_. _ Having been appointid by thos combination { their agents for EVERY DESCRiPTITIO N PROOF, and * ey are now p:; the trade, by the ‘ONCIQTI.ATED LYE.â€" CAUTIONMTO THE PUBLIC. TOVES Oltawa, Dec. 12, 1868 00 NLARGED PORTRAITURF 300 200 OFFEE!I COFFEE ; ACON, &e. EESOR BROS.CHEESK. AMS, Agents for John Campbell‘s celobrated onOoNXGAHELA WiAISKEYs. oaAL oIL. 1GHWINEK®S ARREL OR car LuaD, COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIX, COLOURED AND PLALN, Agents for Hiram* & Walker‘s ESMONDE BROS., 43 Sparks st., op. Ontario Bank. BDue Works. LOWEST PRICES For sale by the undersignsa BBLS. THIN MESS PonxK. Bnu. proparad to soll in quantities to suit FLOUR. BELS. 0. T. BaTE & 0O , CuaL OIL, China, and Oor THE Grocerics. Agent for oF AT AT THE MESS PonK. STRONG sSUPER General Agent. Canal Basin G.:.assware, and dyed 8914â€"3m 3 Or * N AN’fl‘LE AND BONNET VELYETS, Purchase* previous to the advance, at old prices. . ; KK, LESs [f LL D iBA pilLK&, . In great variety, year‘s prices. In all the leading materials and styles, at unusually low prices. “7 INCEYS®, NSPECTION IKYITED, / D RESS GOODS ! the following goods previous to'n; at DJ ] Garland, Mutchmor & Co| Clearing out balance at reduaced prises at reduoed prices, ELYETS, A RE CLEARINXG OUT ["‘RICNCH MERILNOERS \ ARPERS & HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Largest and cheapest stock in the city. A ccusuelly !&. prices, 1LLINERY and MANTLE®, LOTHS and TWEKE s L O W <Por KIRTING®, LANKETS, In immense variety, very cheap sACK, LANNELS, > From 4{d per yard up. Best and Cheapest in the city. In great variety, cheap. In the leading colours, at very low nrices ANADIAN and GBRITISH GREY CcoTTON8, 3id to T¢d4 per yard. RINTS, ORROCK*8 and other WHITE COTe= TON8,. â€" . ARLAXD, MUTCHMOR & co. CANADIANX & ENGLISH, . PLAIN AND FANCY, Wholpsale and Retail. COLOURED AND FANCY In variety, 20 Sparkeâ€"st , Ottawa. it a trife over hallf last 150 200 100 500 300 100 100 100 * 100 CY H NJ FINEST BALTIMORE OYSTERE R ECLIFITED SPIRITS. BB The trado supplied at munufacturer‘s mlcxnumm Pure Golden SHENRY o o ‘Ottawa, Weoe. 16 1868. Desember 16, 1868 us Tea rot uisr. EKW YORK HOUSE #KL2UVP, NHPPAV A TODDY 1MIPPAWA FPaAMILY PROoOF. THOICK PALK, UMPPAWA pure old RYE WHISKEY 4 â€" Four years old, equa! to any French Brandy. EKDPATIH®S STANDARD do EDPATH*E EXTRA GoLp BYRUP mrrPaAv aA TODDY WHIEKE Â¥, ( Four years old, equal to Beotch. N SALE, ANDEMAN‘s CHOICEK OLD Ponr ULES, ROBIN & Co., do / UKN‘s BRowx, ASTILLION & Co., RAaAnay*s uns GRAPE, RAHAM®‘S EXTRA OoLD PORT TARD, DVPEY & Co., do In Cases, Hhd. and 4 Casks, ENNXESSEY‘s BRANDY, ARTRLL*S CHUESTS TW ANKAYT, BOXES TOBACCO, 166. CADY IKS ORANKGE PEKOE TEA GooDERkIAM & WORTS‘ BARRELS EXTRA SUPERIOK FLOUR. BBLE. Received daily, 1 BHBL®. WKAT INXDIA O« CcHEs8sTs UNXCO AAQ LORED JAPAX PBLK. CELXBRATERD oLP RIE, . .: CADDIE® ~BRIGHT® BOLACE TOBACCO, do _ HIGHWINES, 50 0.P¢. J. G. ROBINSON 4& 0 . J. G. ROBINKB8ON & C» In Boitle or Wood, Groceries. MESS PORK, to arrive. ALCOHOL, 65 0.P. TH iE , by Express. The Tea Pot, Ottaw 926 .Zm