Â¥ine Fizvoured Now Season do, 55¢, 60e ï¬â€œu'o‘;v-‘:-.mmm ‘n,";:; Sorne Dolong, 45¢ ; h Flavored do, 600 ; V Fine do, do, T+0; Japan, Good, 50¢, 55¢, ll.:'x.,u., * Very Fine, 65¢, Finest, T5¢. $ â€" L93 Gllb'g..\: ‘1'6'4. +« a , bua, 53¢, son, 50e, - f m do, 15, Vory -tmfl.%.‘ O-pa.l.:'. «nd Vary Choice, $1 ; Fin QGuopowder, 85¢; Extra * The wholo Dominion should buy their teas of the b0s and 10e ; very good for common parposes, 50. BA Bewzare oA pediacs and rannors asing our nume, or ofering our Peas in small packages. Nothing less than a cattie sold. Note the Addressâ€"The Montreal Tea Company, Ds AnpapANete Mitd Tox Soaid be rent for . o do, $1.. _ Th: C onatveens ons : ai2 -m::... April, 1848,.â€"To uw Tea Company , 6 Hospitalâ€"street, Mont ; Wensotice with pleasure the large amount of Toa.that we bare mlu;-udl«o:rmdm Dominâ€" lon, and we are glad to youar basiness so rupidly increasing We presame your 10«s gre giving =.'=~. SM:: as out of the large Amouat we had occasion to mmi-fll‘.uud&u. was sent out through a mistake. o‘.:mlm. * Canadian Dross & Neas nok maltioned. in Ahis. strouiar aquaity e y 7 & ree of pleasure in drinking them. 3..-:?-"&-“,.“. :‘“‘snvh‘ to the consumet of 1506 to per h. Our Teas are putup in 5, 12, 15, 20 and R oTTaW A MARKETS. [Compiled expressly for the Orttava Tixzs.} Feb. 22%, 1869. & Ttere were 2bout a dozon small loads of produce on the market on Saturday, and a middling supply of hay. ‘For the latter $27 were in some cases demanded, though woe ars not aware that more than $25 was paid. e per th. Our Teas are putup in 5, 12, 15, 20 and Slr.‘dmwrwnnndfnofn- poisonous substances. Grders four 5 1b boxes, -ou.i-..-'mfl.ntflbhlnannhgï¬ free to Rmiway Station in Canada.‘ Toa w1 huvall-duuly-n.lptdmmby m «i1 containing money, or the monsy can be collectâ€" d-w-yz«pnn-u. where there are r.-. sending orders below the awmount $10, to save expem:s it will be better to send money with the order. W here a 25 ib bex would be too much, four families clubbing together could sead for four 5 1b bozes, ortwo 121b boxes. We send ;:-b...&.:omh‘bpï¬.mm;uh plainiy, so each get their own Toa. We warrant all the tu"v“oy sell to give entire eatisfaction. If they are not sa.isfactory they can be returned at our expense. * BLACK TEA. THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY. IM"% Hospital si., Montreal. TB Our Teas, after the most severe tests by the bost medical authorities and judges of Tea, have been pronmounced to be quite pure, and free from and Mcd-h&:pm subst ances so often used to improve appezarance of Tex. They are been chosen tor their intrinsis woith, keeping in Testtmonia)s to the Montreal Tea i8 s l P. A. DPROLET, â€" Our own experience of the use â€" of their teas is, that they are of excellent favour, and when bought by the chest or < package, at a figure extremely low, leavring a large margin of profit for consumers, or for retailing by dealers. Auy ordinary sized family would find it greatâ€" ly 10 their ad to â€"ordâ€"r a chest of tea from the “: Tea Company.â€"Owen : DOANS °* OUIDB..s «esses 1 ED you sent me a 65 :. is fir better than th« toa we have been paying 90c. for. Yours truly, TBE A COM P ANY. cheapness, but also for their superior quality. «â€"â€"Brantford Courier. s _ CGenrusues, ~â€"The tea 1 purchased of you in Marca has given great satisfaction, and thâ€" Anvor of it is very fine. It is very strange, but since I uave b on driaking your tea I have been quite fr=e from heartburn, which would always pain me atter breakfast I attribute this to the purity of your tea, and shall conâ€" tinue a customet. Yoors respectfully, Friaxâ€" oas T. Gazexs, 54 St. John Street, Montreal. . Petersoxovenu.â€"I have tred some of the tes supplied by the Montreal Tes Company, Montreal, and have foundâ€"it to be of excellent w,-wlg ass much more economica. ‘as any procurable at the same price elseâ€" Tus Mowxtezas Tz» Cowuraxy.â€"We beg to Udraw special aotice to the advertisement: of thémbove Company, in another column, and: to the highly commendatory ‘lett=rs which sccompany it, as to the great gain that is made by purchasing Teas from their establishâ€" ment. With such evidences, it cannot be doubted but what these Teas will come into weneral use, not only on account of their A pent for 0 Prime Mess per do...... 17 00 , Canadian Express Company JOKZPH MOONEY, | Russel! Mouse Blook. the box ot green tea Leaf, Strong Tea, &# 2s 00 @ 13 00 Riginâ€"st., (Oppositethe Russoll House,) Ottawa, Ont. | SILK AND WOOLLEN DYERS, Mo, Hot Pressers, §¢. ~ #4" (Gentiomen‘s Mu' cleaned and dyed. Kid Gloves cleaned. ©891â€"3m To Toonsats. â€"The n:ru colicction in t RHaPPRICES LOW & TERMS LIBERAL We .‘M.ql the attention of the public to their magnificent stock of s ORGANS and MELODEONS3 from the best fas. tories in the United States, exselling in fnish and tone anything ever brought into this country. Now is the time for intending purchasers, Our stock of Consertinas, Violias, Flutes, &0., &o., is, as usual, very iarge. New Sheet Music and Books constantly arriv« In their new Shew Room, comprising PIANOâ€"FORTES, from all the leaiding makers, mred. The short distance of omly 3 miles from Ottawa makes the wocd of valuo. These lands are well watered, of @nt soil, and would make a fine dairy farm y to the Proâ€" prictor, C. BPARROW, or to NNOR, Soliâ€" P I ANOâ€"FOR TES, OR GA N 8®, Â¥ in the 3rd Concession, Gloncester, Ottaws Front, 200 acres, about 80 cleared and under calâ€" tivation, with comfortable Dweiling and good Front, containing 200 acres, 20 acros cleared. The remainder of this lot is hesvily wooded with hard and soft wood. These farms will be sold separately or togethes as may be deâ€" FOI. SALK.=â€"â€"The Westerly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 37, in First Concession, Otte®@s Front,Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the samo conâ€" session, at present in the occupation of Wm T. «*ONTARIO HOUSE," > combining all the advantages of a ._ JNO, McADAM. Pakenham, February 5, 1869â€" â€" _ 966â€"3m Barn. The bush land is principally ha.dwood, and very valuable from its proximity to Ottawa. Also, Lot 20, in 3rd Concession, G{gunhr. Ottawa citor, Ot awa., Aylen, Esq For further ru&uhnv gulars sapply to :.....hv-. Troxusox, Nepean, «nd l.’n’vl’n & Prixuct, Barriaters, Ottaws. Jelâ€"141+f ‘The Commissioners appointed to construct the Intercolonial Railway give public notice that they are now prepared to receive TEN.â€" F1RSTâ€"CLASS HOTEL, . l_-@,dh. Planked Yard, Force Pump and Hose, Kitchen do., Driving Sheds, &0., &0. _ ‘Terms easy and liberal, on application to cither of the undersigned. VAI.UAILI FARYS yOR SALSE.â€"Lot 31 in the 3rd Concession. Gloncester. Ottawa Section No 5 will be in the Province of Quebec and will extâ€"nd from Forty miles East of Rivierts du Loup, at the end of Conâ€" tract No. 2, to the Sixtyâ€"sixth Mile Post, near Rimouski, a distance of about Twentyâ€"six DERS for THREE FURTHER SECTIONS of the line. . o 8TONE BUILDING, situated in the very centre of the 5 formerly known as the ©" Commercial Hotel," now Section No. 6 will be in the Province of New Brunswick and will extend from the Easterly end of Ooltzeg_go. 3, opposite Dalâ€" housie, tpo the Woest side of the Main Post Road near the 48th Mile Post, Easterly from Jacquet ‘River, about Twentyâ€"one miles. _ Plans and profiles with specifications and terms of contract will be exhibited at the office of the Board of Works, Toronto, and at the offices of the Commissioners at Ottaâ€" wa, Rimouski, Dalbousic,8t. John,and RAI:?(, on and after the FIFTH day of MARCH, 1869, and SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Commissioners of the Intercolonial Railway, and marked @"Tender,"* will be received at Section No. T will be in the Province of Nova Scotia and will extsnd from the Southerly end of Contract No. 4, near River Phillip, to Station Fifty at Foliy Lake, about Twentyâ€"four miles. ‘FOI SALE, their office in Ottawa up to SEVEN o‘clock, p.m., on the TW ENT Yâ€"NINTH day of MARCH, 1869. + & noae _ Intercolonial Railway Office, Ottawa, 11th February, 1869. : A. WALSH, E â€"~Ep. B. CHANDLER, : »â€" C. J. B;BYDGFS, _W.F. COFFIN, W. Notrwuax‘s, Mxeroaurestazmer. EVE RY DESCR(P TIO Nt Hou:, WITH OARDEX, C TO LET, FROM isr MAY. The present Residence ot DOCTOR WILSON NTERCOLOGIAL RAILWAY, Riaxcn or _ 8T. LA WRENCK PYE WORKS, NLARGED PORTRAITURYX Apply to KISRS. J. L. ORME & s0X VILLAGE OF PAKENHAM, 976aâ€"8 4 For Sale or to Let. WARREXN‘3 PIPE ORGANS, MACDONALD & cCO COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN}, "J. L. ORME & 890N, Bign of the Golden Lyre, No. 8, Sparksâ€"st., next Duric & Son‘s AND MELODEONS, ALLAN POYNTZ PATRICK, Messrs. Lewis & Pinhey‘s Office J. JAMIESON, Messts BROWNE & 8COTT, Tenders. 9P Ottaw a |J°"." MaALL‘ _ \ | MACHINE WORKS, | ESTABLISNHED 1851, | JosEPH HALL MANUFACTURING CO. I PROPRIETORS _ § l' 08 HAWA, ONTARIO, Manufaccare Leffel*s Celebrated American Double Turbine Water Wheoels, the most per. feest and economical water wheel in use. We are the only manafacturers who can furnish the genuine = Leffel Whee!" in Cansda, as will be seen by the following certificate : A Prince Charles Cocker Dog, Bluck, with | _ Brown Pans and (Musslc, which answers to the W‘"" name of = Charlie," was lost last Monday night.| _A Female To He had on a Leather Collar, bound with Brass, | theArnprior Cot when he disappeared. A suitable reward will be | certificate. Ap given to any person bringing the dog to the | the 18th day ot Grand Trunk Ageney Ofice, Russell House Block. | â€" > 44 Any person found harbouring the same after this notiee will be prosecuted. i j OCitawa, FPobruary 18, 1869. 9132 N4 ESrammortz10, Ou1o, Dec. 25th, 1868. We take re in inform! the public of Canada tlur."o- have sold n‘h’cnm Mr. F. W. Guex, of Oâ€"haws, Ontario, Patterns, Formers, Drawings, O-\u.. and all other uonurl;‘lm. mation, to build our celebrated Double Turbine W ater Wheel, hv-dd..:l James Lefel, and known as the * Leffel W " We have also obâ€" ligated ourselves to furnish the same facilities for mavufacturing to no other parties in Canade. Without the information we have &nn Mr. Glen, no one can successfully build our Wheels, and we advise Juflu in Canada to cmnu our Wheels of no other manufacturer. Mr. Glen‘s facilities mu-?nud. and we feel sure that he will build a Wheel that will give periect satisfaction, Skinner, and J. Brown, in Ottawa. . 829.45â€"6m _ Shipped per Hibernmian, and to arriye in a fow days, .nr';'nmmtol" . * HYACINTH, FULIP AND OTHER FALL Ottawa, October 17, 1868 We therefore commend him to the puablic of Cansaâ€" da with entire confidence, feeling sure he will manufacture a Wheel in all respects oqual to our isfuction, ifpvi?orly up, run, and taken care of,â€"and then if they z:‘-u’qfn to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, after running them 60 days, nu:nnm wheels to us, and we will pay ways, and retand all payâ€" ments made to us thereon, This guaranteo will be strietly adnered to. We call especial attentinn to our wl« Gearâ€" ing of all kinds for attaching our eels, made ligat, and adapted to the high speed at which the ')Aa.l.l"l ARABIAN HEAYVE REMEDY and OONDK‘!‘IO;lu MEDICINE is lur- superior toâ€" any, or all other v-p.ru{:c {oonn of Heaves, Ou{h-. Thick and Broh:} Wind, and all diseases which affect the wind of borses ; i::.:.‘ : .k (::d;‘l:h- Medicine, surpassing everyth e easy to give, s._re to cure and safe in all casos and at oll‘til-u. and dees Mpric“num horse from being worked while us a :‘m the breathing apparatus, b{ remorâ€" ing from the airâ€"cells the ymph, or that secretion which in heaves them, causing a dificulty hbru&h{. and by its action on the diseased part, causing the mucous membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equalising the cireulation of the blood, and restoring the distendâ€" ed vessels to their natural size; by its use the horse‘s ap is improved, all derangements of the I'I.p"v-od:gu corrected, .dlnll:.tb.o skin, and giving to the coat a slook and shining appearâ€" ance. D. W. HURD, successor to Huzrp & Co., Maiden Lane, New York, Sole Proprietor for the United States. NORTHROP & LY MAN, Newsascle, Ont., Propristors for Canaas. â€" Price 25 cents. Sold by Geo. Mortimer, Jon. Price 25 cents. Boid by (Geo. Mortimer, Joh. Roberts, W . M. !a-oy,‘!cry F. MoCarthy, J. Wheels run; We cantion purchasers against using heary skhafting and gearing. _ _ _ pHU"We also manufacture ail kinds of Saw and KFlour Mill Machinery, including Steam Engines and Boliers, English and American Gangs, Handssetting and Self« In pursuance of a decree bearing date the Nineteenth day of November, 1867, and of a final order for sale, dated the Seventh day of Uctober, 1868, made in a cazuse of GLLLESPIE vs. SHELâ€" LINGTON, pending in the Court of Chancery, will be sold by Public Auction, by HECTOR McLEAN, Aucticneer, at Reilly‘s Hotel, in the Village of Richmond, with the approbation of Andrew Norton Buell, Esquire, the Master in ordinary ofthe said Court, on MONDAY, the 1st day of MARCH, 1869, at twelve o‘slogk, noon, in three parcels, the folâ€" lowing properties, situate in the Village of Richâ€" mond, in the County of Carleton, compored of Parcel 1.â€"Lot number two, on the west side of Fowlesâ€"stroot, in the said village. * Parcel 2. â€"Also lot number two, on the cast side of Maitlandâ€"street, in the said village. The abore parcels are vacant, but fenced in. Parcel 3.â€"Also lot number nine, on the west side of Lennoxâ€"street, in the said village, (excepting one quarter of an sore sold to one Wright.) ‘This is a corner lot, with a pine board fence. Thersis a frame building on the premises,com prising store dwelling and bakery. The last mentioned parcel will be put up at an upset price cf fivre huadred dollars, The purchaser to pay down a deposit of $10 for every $100 of his purchase money to the Vendor or his Solicitor, and the remainder of his purchase money, without interest, within cne month thereâ€" after, 12 other respects the conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of saile of the said Court Dated this 27th day of January, 1869 .989â€"lawtd Bigned, A. N. 5 BULBS. | P:thmhfm superior to apything 7 WILLIAM HEARN, ' 7 Market Drug Store, . WARRANTY. Our W heels are warranted to work to ontire satâ€" For further particulars apply to MESSRS. BEATTY & CHADWICK, Vendor‘s Solicitors, Toronto. Or to R. H. HAYCOCK, Xsquire, YILLAGE â€"OF . RICHMOND., LOWER BULBS. HANCER Y SiLE 950â€"/2wv4im 06 LO#8T. REAL â€" ESTATE, F. W. GLEN, President, OsHAWA, ONT. JAMES LEBFFEL & CO. or Solicitor, Ottawa. A. N. BURLL. Y ork â€"st. are prepared to offer ins never before ofered in flm The h:l::‘:; are some of the lines of goods offered, viz. : . being im y for a fashionable Monâ€" treal (nr::‘.‘ ‘.:’::.‘E:L have sucoseded in purâ€" chasing the goods far w the sterling cost, they Mave removedto their NEW STORE, in Stow art‘s Block, Corner of Rideau and Sussexâ€"sts. where they will o@fer, in counsction with thei wWoOR1H OF DRY $30,000) SSH;: Purchased at Public Auction lately, from the imâ€" mense Bankrupt btock or the late firm of DFSâ€" MARTERY, JORDAINE & CS®., of Montreal, and sold on ut:lut d.‘{iJAIls CLAXTN. ;ll'ho goods are new of very su or quality, being imported expressly for a tum.b?o Monâ€" #1100, ® SpICRGIG ASRDICNOHE O Hannibal uJoths Orientai Lustres Livini Poplins Alberteana Cloths Princess Alexandra Embossed Poplins Mandarin Lustres ln‘rlh Reps, &6. um AL4Ab4h d¢or FRINGED TOWELS, all 1,000 159 < BH a W LS. * ’: mflz“.'l“ï¬u. Sharie @ aw 101 Faney, all wool Longs *« HtUHK A-omds%nn Bhawls. _ _ ©COTTONS. * j 120 pleces Grey Cotton, 1$ yards wide, for......8â€"d 160 do Bleached lhtmlt.ld Millars........6{d 85 PIECES DOMINION TWEED, Bomething Newâ€"one of the heaviest cloths madeâ€"at a grea sacrifice, BROAD CLOT HS, BE AVE R S, Witoeys, Mantle Cioths, BLACK DOES, &e., d&e., &c., : RBAbDeQ «ssccerrarssererecccccscccâ€"â€"0 O Wworth 8 9 Paper Collarsâ€"100 collars for 34 94. $00 pl_ogun’{-yua ‘wide Linen e . A Female Teacher for the Junior Department of the Arnprior Common School,holding a secondâ€"class certificate. Applications will be received up to the 18th day ot FEBY., 1869.â€" 81 _ do Table Damask and 300 vamask Table Cloths, at a fri SA9Frif100......»»»»».+«» R&J"*A\so, Red ansd White Flannels, Canaâ€" dian Shirting Flannels, Hoop Skirts, Crash Towellings, Irish Linen, Clouds, Breaktast 1,000 Fiannel Shirts, only..............3 6 Shawls, Hemp C&rpe? #c., &c. â€" : J@s* ?OBSEl s'a2:1 l6«!. "@@4 w ot d mfln hTslI C ghtly damaged 1,000 Liznen B 1s, worth 1s 64 ; 40 cases Men‘s Heary !m low ; 3 cases Men‘s Heary French Calf, -l;m Also, a heary stook The subscribers inform their customers and the public pum;'&‘h they have removed to those spacious preâ€"misss lately occupied bfll‘ K. Dickinson, Canal Basin, and where will he ound constantly on hand the following goods ; i OaATMEAL, &c. Al.kcl HAXD, , 2,000 gm or Goop FirtEwoopn, 600,000 sawed SHINGLES. Wholesale and Commission A Goods forwarded with “?mvm Ottawa, Kingston and Intermediate Ports, by the Steamer Mary Aun, and three barges. o i @J* Silver Taken at Par. ~®@@ ; 6 w.:.‘ud:Amx :co.. orwarders nts, nb dn +\ 5 >+ S 1,000 ‘The. waly on 20 por dosen. of Gentlemen‘s Clothing. FIBQ.....cccccecchcecrsscew srireees \~sesris,OÂ¥YRRCOATS, Le0O.â€"â€"â€"crertrcrsercrccs:++«.~+.;BO8YY OVERCOATS. P Uhite Upl«cxrreresrecrueccacrraves serrsrsesslElalt bBs * M OURAOMLARN c cerccvirerssrcecarercrerrccer CHOTS, $s.00,........Blaok Broadcloth........ FALL 8UILTS. agent re/â€"resenting several firms. will be in readiness to wait on customers. -Out-m 11 pl n'nponm“ i 3°.'. w ease an sonâ€" uuuthvuto{uho'in. d or auction. OTTAWA ‘NMES, EEBRUARY 22. © They are successors to the late John C. Fox, of Kingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos. From their lung experience in Germany, Paris, and Now Yort.dlhv are universally adunritted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent. The high reputation of the instra:mnents made by them for the past ten years, and the increasing demand for them in the new Dominion, prove their very superior quality, and universally acknowâ€" astabli â€" Hovuss, Laxo axo Gesernar Acsxor, OFFICE AND SALE RO OM3 habitants of Ottawa and surrounding conntry that atthe request of many friends he has “.d:eidod on :-lu an extensive and well regul Auction art in this city: _ From arrangements made with some of the Furniture Manufactories of Western Ontario, a lar, o and well selected stock of new turniture wili be “ï¬' on hand. Public Sales will be beld from time to time,. of which «ue notice will be given, and at whi h parâ€" ties lmlrh‘ to furnish wil have an op‘g:nnity of purchasing at unusually low rates. Mart is mmflhn large stock of new Furniture, as "dl as , Harmoniums, &¢., &0., consigned or sale. _ . , The subscriber would also intimate that he 1s the Sole Agent for Ottawas and territory for the sale of Rappe, Woebber & Co.‘s colebrated grand 80 do _ DoubleWidth Overcoatâ€" _ , COMMISSION SALE ROOMS, 20 pieces Waterprorf.......... .......3 9 500 Under Shirts, only............... 200 W hite Cotton Shirts, only......3 9 ll-.l.la.hu;m‘ 0B _ Hoo. Alex, Cam: , P M G, t x" R. W. Soott, Esq, M P P, lu.'.hm M P P, Francis H. , Esq, M P i‘:‘%o?“n"wh'qc'q bee Bank, Otta: . V . No#l, » ue » W &. WLyo:‘L-q.l r. y A smart young man wanted to act as travelling Hon. Bir Alarge staff of polite and attentive salesmen He will ad constantly m.oun,PE ICK & CO. Commisston Merchants. T5.y _ * ‘House, Land and General Agent. EMOVAL, OMILNXIONX AUVCTION® MART, sHIRTS! SHIRTS! SHIRTs! ANTED, UOEY .ecvcctrrsceces LW + Also, a splendid assortment of Good Prints French Calicos, in choice patterns...8 d . â€" CLOTHS. * Bost English Prints, Hoyle‘s and BI‘k French Merino 1 FancyColorsâ€"your Black Empress Rep Empress Reps........ 1 Cansadian Tweed.........l 3 do Full Cloth, very heavy..2 9 _ do Also, a splendid lot o Auctioneer and Communsion JA8, G.CRANSTON, M.D., choies for........ Sheeting......... .......1 , as well as the Purniture in the , will be sold cithar by private sale 1y low prices. i Corantrertaiverersterst I WoOrtk T & RK, J. BERMINGHAM wide, Union A W A. akto. cRare, , announces to the nâ€" 3 3 do 3 * + W UFCUI 4 d & 0 2 6, 3 6 Dll. J. A,. BECKETT, Surï¬â€˜on VentiSl Dental Roomsâ€"Over Messrs. Durie & Son‘s Bookstore, directly opposite the Russell HMouse No. 10, Sparkeâ€"strect, Ottawa. 834.3m38y EDWARD C,. MALLOCH, M.D., M. R. C. 8. Dukoâ€"st , LeBreton‘s Flats, " o{\pociu the well." Oflice bours from 8:30 to 10;30 a. m., and 3 to 5 p.m. s ue DR. C. A. MARTIN, Dentist. Ofliceâ€" Sussexâ€"strect, over Messrs. Campbell & Co.‘s, Rrocers. x â€" j/+â€" ‘Séutf RZ Accoucheur, Ottawa. Day ‘office °"1|’°‘r“° lsro & Russell‘s, Sparksâ€"street, Centre Town ; Night office at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. Caxozrs Coren, without the use of the knife, by a new, but certain, speedy, and almost painless process. References given to ?snian suc» cessfully treated, it required. _ 17w100y Russell‘s. HALIFAX,: NOVA ScoTI4, | , Established 1851. i\ Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and every attention N‘nid totlu?r comfort. 969y _ JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. | (Late of oughton‘s Dining Zaloon.) BA spacious sampleâ€"rvom for commercial travollers. & * 859y mnd ref Tnished throughout The BAR contains 0 ‘ oXA the cheicust Brandsir Wines and Ligu s, and every delicacy of the soas. a will be found on the table. The r:primv’l best efforts will be directed to be comâ€" & of his guests ano patrons. + BM" Orysters,Game eto.. daily Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"streets Pembroke, Ontario. _ sns : # Corner of Motoalfe and. Wollingt.én-utioots,,og~ ro-iu the main entrance to the Government Baildâ€" D@s. . : | St?u in connection with the steamers Jason Gould, Pembroke and Pontiac. Particular attention paid to the comfort of guests. Good rooms for commercial travellers. ï¬lm’lOl and vehicles always on hand. _ _= _ °_ _ The @QUREN" comprises all the requisites for a firstâ€"class hestau ant.. TYhe House hr:aqb,un refiited T“l 6 QUFEN 9 RESTAURANT, L ____‘. M, KAVANAGH, Proprictor, l B. TACKABERRY, Auction Rooms® © No. 36, Rideauâ€"street, below Whyte‘s Staâ€" t.wnog Store. The sale of Real Estate at Auction or ‘private sale promptly attended to. Consignâ€" ments received and immediate attention will be Ottawa, February 9, 1869. rcld. Bales attended in any of the city or counâ€" ty s j 699y All Petitions for Private Bills must be prosented within the first three weeks of the Session, * + ALFRED TODD, Chf, Clk. Commiitees and Private Bilis, H. of Commons. b receive prompt a‘tention. Parties intending to make application to Par. liament tor Private Bills, either for granting exâ€" clusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other purposes of profit, or for doing anything tending to affect the rights or property of other parties, are hereby notified that they are required by the 51st and following Rules of the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Canada Gazete), to give T W 0 MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the application (clearl and distinctly specifying its nature and object), in the Canada Gazette, and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties afâ€" fected, sending copies of the first and last of such notices to the Private Bill Office. R SPARKS, Provincial Land â€"Surveyor, e _ Draughtsman, bo.:)éoo-niuioud‘ for l)rpor and Lower Canads.) ffice and resiqence, Q‘ucester, near Ottawa. Barvey: of evory dosâ€" er:x:l:n executed with accuracy. Communications addressed Ottawa City, (roct-puld), or left at the ofhce of N. Sparks, Solicitor, &c., Ottaws, will B BILLINGS, Jr., Architect,Elgin street ® opposite the Post Office. r Rerertxcrs.â€"â€"H ASims, B-x, A«chitect, Philaâ€" dolguo Thos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Albany ; Dr J A éi'“' Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Esq Managing Virsctor 0. & St. L. R,. R. . Ta0t Cns TDe of "CAnnDE M EACNADNGO Droâ€" '.. kers, Fire, Life and Accidental Insurance, Commission aad Collecting Agents. Office, No. 27, Sussexâ€"streot, Ottawa. E. ®. o‘coxxor. . =~ 378y w. K. WALLEE. Purchasers will be allowed to pay in ten annual instalments. One to be paid at the place and time of sale, and the rest in nine equal rmus! payments with interest at six per cent ;mmua as to lots, dimensions, site, &¢., will be given in the local papers. By order, yaup e Aomisl 5 E. PARENT, | Under Secretary of State, WILLILAM F. COFFIN, ‘g ; Ordnance Lands Agent. Department of Secretary of State, * Ottawa, 12th December, 1868.. â€">~925â€"2t4 d Je General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s Kigwinu andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" chine Ales and Porter. Pork, f'lonr. &o., for sale. Orric®: No. 5, Sparks Sureet, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, 0. W. 912.3m prar! foas: NEWCASTLE GRATE, ORDNANCE LANDS will take ’;.i.i;iz}h'.â€ron; lowing places in the Province of Ontario,/ at the PBIV'A TE BILLS. MRe Office; North side York Street, second wor from Sussex Street. _ : .c _ .. _ _ â€" 78y l)x.An'. SPECIFICATIONS, &c., Poembroke, Aug. , 1868. Prepared for biildin BIDNEY Tt R. J. A. BECKETT, Sur R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist, Oficeoâ€" #purksâ€"st: oet, Contt al Ottawa. MAutf _ R. GEOHRGE HUTCHISON,, Dentist. _ Officeâ€"Spurksâ€"street, opposite ?!!g!eo & R. C. LEKGGO, P:{mchn. Surgeon and Accouchour. (Qficeâ€"Hunton‘s Block, Sparksâ€" R. 0. C. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and Public notice is bereby given that Eales of ICKWICK HOUSE, TTAWA HOUSE. 202() Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., site the Court House and Public Offices, ST. HARILNES, Ont. "t E. HOUGHTON, Pro?riuor, * FN sba af .anmhtanls Ninineo Walam \ OaARD AND LOvwGING.==â€"Comfortable ‘ Roomse, with Board and Lodging, can be obâ€" HE METROPOLITAN, AUMOND‘3 BLOCK, Rideau Street Ottmwa. Fort Erie, 104 Lots, Friday, Feb. 19th. Pelham Farm, Short Rills, Saturday, Feb.20th. Po_uua‘nl_gl_u.no,d_(_) lots, Wednesday,Feb.24th. »CONNOR & WALLER, Exchange Broâ€" KFor Sale by RDXAXCE LAiNDS. LACKAWANNA AVERLY HOUSE, Ajotels OHRISTIE, Commission Merchant H. McGREEV Â¥ , Contractor and Builder Moical Carbs. inafter mentioned!: LEHIGH anuary 14, HXliscellancous. D. W. COWARD & Co., Commission Merchants, . Officeâ€"17 Sparksâ€"st. BARRINGTONâ€"8TREET, o (Lump and Egg Sizes.) BL%GKS](ITH’S, P. Q‘MEARA, Proraictos. (ngg and Stove Sizes.) 3 PPIcDb. Arculecy J. COPELAND, (Bcreened.) Sualoons. $6 per Chaldron,. W eliingtonâ€"st. Proprietor. 971td 917¢ 609y 55 y J W. W. W ARD, of the late firm of Lewis 4 Pinh:{ & Ward, has removed his Chancery Office to Belil‘s Law Chambers, opposite Ruswell House, Elginâ€"st. * dw Ottawa. J P. MAOCPHERSON, G. KENKFDY,â€" A. J. CHRISTIE. 'NlOSGROVE & TAILLON, Barmsters, Solicitore, &¢. Oficoâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Rideauâ€"streot, Ottawa. * WILLIAM Mosogove. _ 366tf â€" Gzoroer Tamuos. 1.‘ & v.‘;.-:o- **~ -Q;gb:c',mfluil,- _near the Post Ofice. 399 Enpmnnu & HAYCOCK, Attorniesâ€" atâ€"Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Convey ancers and Notaries Public, Corner otf Sussex and Yorkâ€" streets, Ottawa, i:) O*CONXNOR, Attorneyâ€" atâ€"L&aw, Solicitorâ€" e in Chancery, Conveyancer, &o, Sussexâ€" street. Office, Uniza Buildings, Ottawa. boy R i1, HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" e citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Patent Right Solicitor. Officeâ€"Post Offlice Building, Elginâ€"street, Ottawa. 43utf P J. BUCKLEY, L â€"Lâ€"B., Barrister and [â€" ® _ Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, â€" Bolicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, and Notary Public. Officeâ€"over Mr. Luke Cuzâ€" ner‘s Boot and shoe Store, Kideauâ€"st,, Ottawa. 334y L.EEI & GEMMLLL, Barristars, Attorneys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c, Officeâ€"In the Court Houke, OtbEW®, : =â€" > >.â€"â€"â€"\ .: _â€" , Apply at the office of the Union Forwarding Co., or to the proprietor at Onslow. i BIRCH & ASH, _ PLANK €SCANTLING, of various widths and thickness. ‘The whole can be seen in the Union Forwarding Company‘s Yard where it is piled. _ BOA RDINSG AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YoUNXG LADIES, OTTaAWaA, ONTARIO. MRS. ROBERT STEW ART, from London, Engâ€" land, has made arraagements to receive as. Bonrs- ing Pupils (in conjunction with her already well established day school) a l1imited number of young ladies, to wkovn she will impart a solid and polite education on moderate terms. _ 1 The undersigned offors for sale the above quanâ€" tity of seaSoned hardwood, consisting of 0AK, SEASONED HARDWOOD LUMBEB _ _For Sale in this city.‘ . _ She has bad great exnperience in teaching, and the management ot young people. _ . _ _ _ _â€"Her system is modern and complete ; the house commodious, and situated in one of the _ best parts of the city. | â€"_ MA o o. i Dated thisJanuary, 19th 1869. â€".Mrs Robert Stewart devotes all her time to the duties of her station., ;The utmost care will be taken in reference to health; morals, and religiouns training, azd the domestie arrangements are such as to ensure comfort to those committed to her care. References are hndlg permitted to the Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald4, K.C.B., Hon. 8. L. Tilley, C.B., HMon. Alex. CTawpbeli, Hon, Malcolm Cameron, Hon, Col. Gray, M.®P., Fennings Taylor,. Esq., Andrew Drummond, Esq., Manager Bank of Monâ€" treal, Ottawa, J. A. Grant, Esq, M. D., M.P., and Henry Cotton, Esq. yzA e January 28, 1869. _ N.B.â€"Prospectuses on application to Mrs. Robt. Stewart, Ottawa, Ontario. .~ 982â€"La@Flâ€"5â€"1i W.C. CLARK, Professor of Music and ‘Feacher of Piano, Voice and Harmony. Music Rooms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"st , corner of Slaterâ€"st., Con.â€" tre Town. â€" Orders may be lett at his residence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Store. + GLOUCESTER ROAD COMPANY. Notice is hereby givon that â€" _ THE DIRECTORS Of the Ottawa and Gloucester Koad Company + have this day made a further CALL OF TEN PER CENT. 100,0009 “'i‘;xi pext term will begin on the Ist February, 1869. * e e e e a o oks Incumbent of New Edinburgn, the with uroohl sanction of the Bishop of the Diocsse, receives a limited number of the sous of gentlemen as mornâ€" iniop'upi!a. idenceâ€"Dalhousieâ€"st., Ottawa. _ ~ Terms made krown on application, 9401f > respoctfully inform the public that they will open a branch of their :\~7AT MARA, Architect. Officeâ€"Aumond‘s Ge Baildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. _ 9027 © Mr. GUSTAVE SMLTH, (Organist of the Cathe . dral) a Graduate of the Imperial Conservatory of Paris. Lessons on Piano‘a 1 Singing. Rideauâ€" street, corner of K ingâ€"streo Ottawa, June 23. 188. â€" * "%Tey For particulars and terms apply to the LADY SUPERIORESS, 4th. Hours of Studyâ€"9:30 a.m. to 12:30, and 2 to English Education, $3 Jwr term. Higher Matheâ€" maiics, Latin, Greok, French and Music, (each) $2 lprr‘torm EXTRA, he school year will, as hitherto, be divided inâ€" _ The school year will, as hitherto, be divided inâ€" to three terms, a â€" A reduction made for brothers, and for payâ€" ments made in the first week of term. 933f Roscet Lesg. > 43utf _ Jorx J. Grxueur. T ~TETREAU, Notary Public for the Oitawa, February 8, 1869. CoxareEcartion pzE NotrEe Daxg, FROM MONTREAL, . THE REV. GEO. NOEL HIGSINSON, M. A, Lhoir classes will begin on the 15th OCTOBER. PRINXCIPAL: Rey. Bicksrrox A. Epwarps, B. A., (exâ€"scholar Jesus Coll., Oxtord.l Business will be resumed on MONDAY,JAN Educational Establishment ir1 Oltawa. ACPHERSON, KENNEDY & CHRISTIE, Barristers, &o, Lang‘s Block, Elginâ€"st., "HE 418TERS T. ALBAN‘S SCHOOL, By order, 863tf â€" Corner of O‘Connoraad Mariaâ€"sts. TTAW A IANOâ€"FORTE TUITION. DVCATIONâ€"=â€"CLASLICAL AND GEN«â€" + ERAL. xootr. FxrEs.â€"For Sound Commercial and MAPLE, USICAL ACADEMY. Kteqal Carbs. Educational. ELX, Dariy st. OPF AND | W. H. FALLS, FEEYT OF WALTONX SMITH, 9590â€"%awk2m 368y 529td ON and AFTER MONDAY, the 30rk of NOV., 1868, and until further notice, TRAINS will run as follows: se ___|_ LEAYE OTTawaA. AREIVE JX PRESCOTT. Exprers, 8 a. m. 10.30 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m 4.15 p. m. j LEAYVE PRESCOTT. aRRITE S Ortawa. Mixed, 7. 30 a. m. 11100 a, m. Express, 2.loÂ¥. m. 145 p. m. The time of these Trains has been soarranged as to ensure connection with night and‘day trains on Grand Trunk, east anu west. t >:> . _ Baggage to and from Ottawa cHecked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway ~ from and to stations on Grand Trunk Kailwa Return tickets to Prescott, Komï¬villo wd‘ Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" tiomo'%tho line. s T. 8. | E'l"zgï¬. TIHOMAS REYNXOLDS, Superintendert. Managing Director. N. l;.‘â€"Thc above 1rams all run by Montreal ST. | LAWRENCE AND ~OTTAW A | RAILWAY, thetortur‘ag pains of Lnoumatism. and in re ieving l&'-l ï¬m. entitle it to a high > ank la'::! list of Remedivs for thesecomplaints, Dealers are uhgi&ï¬v- Iodhtubnrouh:llpuuolm country for further su: , and each testifying to the universal u&hmnuglm * The Cans dian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate rolief. All Medicine Dealers I:BI :tmnufhundml.- and no family lttï¬wu:trz:zh. Price twontyâ€"fve bottle. lOl‘l‘llg; & LYMAN, Newsastle, C. W., _ b.}::spundlu Pain Destroyer has sow been the public for a Jength of time, and whenever used is well liked, never tailing in a single instance to give permanent ulh’mn timely used, and we have never known a single oase of dissatisfaction where the directious are proâ€" perly followed ; bduthom-.rl all are del ed with its operations, and speak i nthe hi terms of its virtuos and magical e€octs. We lrnk from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, ard therefore those who are suffering from any of the compi<ints for which it :s «ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" Remedy. dRo m.ï¬ efficacy of the Canadian FPain Destroyor, in ng dissasés for which it is reâ€" commended, and its worderful success in subduing 1868.] WINTER ARRANGEMEXNTsS. [1869. Trains now leave BONAVENTURE STATION as foll CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER ! Bide, Back ana ilead, Courhs, Colds, Sore Thront Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Sto: 1ach, a Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Lowel } Ocmlm. Burps ,Foalde, acact t Bites. &o., k6. * . GoInG wEST, Day Express for Ogdentburg, Cttawa, Brockville, Kingston, Bellevilie, . _ Toronto,Guelph, London, Brant{ord, Goderich, Bu{&-lo. Detroit, Chicago, > ACRW td $OINEB: WAERL, Phssrerrcxreesesers Night > do. do do do do Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate St«tions, at.... ........ Trains for Lechine #t ............":00 a m, 3:90 pm, 5;00 p m. GoINn« soUTH AND EAST Accormmodation Train tor Island Pond PLAINX, ORNAMENTAL AND DECORATIVE | PAINTERS,. | _« AND PAPER HANGER®S Uhaud.ere and Rull. (Sho% next to R. R. Booth‘s Shn.Qndieru House, Sign, Villa and general sinting executed on the mosc ressonable terms. Sdl,i.-‘- and walls distempered in colors to auit. Fresco work of all kinds to order. his old patrons rnd others, that he hopes, in future, to attend to their orders for tuning more promptly . __ This is one,.cf the best in the Capital, and equal to any in America, It contains four slleys, and with first class r balls. ‘There will be kept a M > â€" register book for the purâ€" ose of markirg the numâ€" zor of points made each day to lstJanuary next, and the party who nus made the highest number of points will receive from the proprietor a rich prize. than heretofore. Shall visit Ottawa once a month. Orders received at Mr. Bermingham‘s Auction Rooms, and at K. Miles‘ Music Store. GEO. N. BENEDICT. Among the most importantof modern Medical Disâ€" s soveries stands the > ___ and Intermediate Stations at......... 7.00 Express for Boston at.......................... 8:40 Express for NewYork and Bostonat...... 3:30 Parties visiting the A:ley will be received with polite attention. ‘The best of liquors will be found constantly en hand. B. B. LARIVIERE. N.B.â€"A Inr Ball Room is attached to the premisos, which will be let at a low fgure. _ M decided to divide his tinie equally between Ottawa and Ogdessburgh, would beg to inform his his old patrons and others, that he hopes, in future, _\Champlain, Burlington & Rutland at 3:00 p m Exprees for Island Pond, at................. 2:00 p m Night Express for Quebec, Island Pond, . Gorham and Portiand, stopping beâ€" tween Montreal and lsland Pond at St. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville and Coaticook only, at....................10:10 p ya*~ Sloesing Cars on all Night Trains. Bagâ€" gage checke throqgh. xi *‘ . an" Tickets issued through at the Compiany‘s princiâ€" pal siations;. For further information and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Staâ€" The steamer â€" Carlotta leaves Portland every SATULOAY AFTERNQON (after the arrival of train from Montreal on Friday night), for Haliâ€" fax, N.3., returning on Tuesday. 5 The International Company‘s Steamers, running in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway, leave Portland every MONDAY, at 5 p m, for St. John, N.B. _ _ vwia Vermont Central. 3 Express for New York via Plattsburgh, Lake Bhe has excellent accommodation for passengers kud fteight. _ â€">_._ Tess 2 DOHINIOS BOWLING ALLEY. Ihbe subscriber beg +4 farm his friende that h [ ed on MONDAY, th lA OCTOBER, his AAY> 1 â€"BOWLING ALL ,// _ This is one,.cf the best Capital, and equal to America, It contair slleys, and with fir W balls. There will be § > â€" register book for th ose of markirg the pr°. poese~ zorof points made ea to lstJanuary next, : MISS MAGUIKE‘3 MILLINERY ESTABâ€" LISHMENT is now REMOY ED to the Store next to Messrs. Magee & Russell, Sparksâ€"st. â€" Ottawa, January 23. 9554 MRS. SMITI havin flcoivod her new styles of FALL HATS & BONNET3, will be hlrpy to see her old friends and the public generally. Gent‘ Felt Hats cleaned, dyod and done over in the best _N.B.â€"The most‘fashionable Mantles and Conts made te order, Corner of Bank and Albertâ€"sts. October 10 t B68tf Ottawa, Nov. 27, 1868. General ts for C. W Bol by Geo. Mortimer, John m W. x mp_.-‘ ) A m. J. Sksuner, and J. (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott Railway. SUMMER ARRANGE MENT, Commencing on the 20in April, 1868. References permitted to the following gentlomen: J C.J; BRYDGES, Managing Director Montreal, Dee# _§ 1868." Ne NANADIAN PAIN DPESTROYER : RUCKVILLE & OTEAWA. RAIL= fâ€"rl & WAY. RAND TRUNK , RAILWAY COM«+« PANY OF CANADA. _ IANO TUNING.â€"The subscriber having oTICEK. .0W$ : EMOV AL. ANDALL & MONTGOMERY. Amlroabs. Millinery. Ihe subscriber bog: to inâ€" farm his friende that he openâ€" ed on MONDAY, the 26th OCTOBER, his â€"BOWLING ALLEY. 100 9:30 1y 10 |___ +. ___ ifigencres, : | iii«??nm t _ ; MAECOLM _ CAMPRC °_ Office of Quoen‘s Printer, An entirely Canadian institution. porfs to insurers, and immediate prymen; of _ Ottawa, Dec. 8, 1868. * LIFE â€" INSURANCE _ â€"Coyp _OF MAINE, 7 I have this day, deposited with gh“' General, Twenty Thousand Dollars in .le‘ the above Fifty Thbusand, making Seventy ". sand Dollars ($70,000) U. 8. Gold Bond, 1. "* The Hon. Col. Jobh J _ Gray, M p, jy B appointed Counsel to the Company 1~~¢ ion. Aillegal matters will be r.f.'...‘.h B. R. CoRWIy ° HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, ROY ALP agu, * AND THE n‘mn'r%(:)(;:%%o: o5 Thk ABLE THE MISSIONERS OF TAE Abargaoay* A8p) > ; i. HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIz SAvy ; _ " $ My Prize Medalist of the Great International Bm * Teral K i sitive sf 3 P iokk T * _ vers CX om wE HEREBY ArroINT arie, 18¢7, Mz. JOHN LESLTE, & Agent for Ottawa .‘hl‘ For the sale of these celebrated Timekeene. THEK TIMES is printed M : . _ :. were Seant® lication will be made at the 1#5t of the Uagitieture of Onterio for an -““3 rate the CALEDOAXIA PEAT wfl",..- ING & SMELTING COMPANY, with ‘poisi is in fovieip of Ueicaonis i on ameanger ’. ® of the Ottawa or South Nation Riv®® **" _ of the Ottawa or South Nation "*" ~/ . ««an ® thorize the Municipality of Caleden}® ©9 fipzay uuodd(:wnâ€"eldflfl“ bt between the and fifth concessions #5 * nqulndfummd““' Bole Wholesale Arents in the sale of J. Sewill‘s W atches. Ottawa May 20. I'orthPo' relief u'n; oure ofhipi:.ï¬ Dance, Puerperal Hysteria, &¢., Pu‘:o. is k::‘:: {.cipo of a celebr ysician, very at â€" succest attended its use in ‘.':..,..“u M-odhh:lohnw-:?u"dl.l:" subsort to give 1t every mm&-wum:d each bottle. Price one dollar. Solt J. A. HARTE, Chumist, 3Â¥6, Notse D Where the usual assortment of C: stering Goods can be obtained at City of Ottawa, under the names, #ty) -q_iutrï¬ HENDERSON," was this Harte‘s Floridsa W ater, to ported. Price 374 cents n‘!‘:u. a large assortment of Readyâ€"made Cofim, sizes and L}“‘m“: METALLIC, BLACK CLOTH, COBOU of §lvin‘ satisfaction. .B.â€"The Underta _ N.B.â€"The Undertaking Brantt «il bo * second to none in Ottawa. % Parties ordering Mabogany, Walnat, other Hardwood Coffins, may nl'yu‘ uine article} (no stained Butternut sold i nut.) s 34 s $ ing to 5. Rogers, who bas had over 2# perience in the above branches; anlise â€l..('lo"lo. OF Coâ€"PA! " sHIP. puBLto NOTIOE is hereby give» { nership heretotore betwe dersigned as DRY GoobDs MERCHA® City of Ottawa, under the names, utyle ed by mutual consent. > 2 o.’uuuoh-rwun.m-nfl of January, A. D. 1869. M se a GEKT Persons desirous of keeping their tives for a few days, or evena: Express W aggons always ready forths > / of Furniture. * REsIDENCEâ€"At the Wost End Ks ablis> We‘lingtonâ€"st. % § Ottawa, September 4, 1868. & Mardware. SHELF & HEAVY HARD Nams, Rore, Cnarms, and a general unn-'-t of Househ Cornices, &o., at the lowest cash prines t ig the Ottawa market. sh':gvg. all patterns: .‘::".z...im coal and Montreal Foundries, with drums, j niture, &0., the cheapest to be had in BUTCHERS TO HIS EXCELLE #. JOHNX YOUXG. “‘“ Buperior Stall Fed Boo!. Lamb, ‘ Vea! in seasgon. F -N.l.â€"A:'sieod. rolied and rounds of PAnomr.mc EPILEPTIC CORE UNDERTAKING, â€" â€"_ dh‘r::. Unrdertaking bn::: is u‘ul..ll.\h T ithont atre Chargs: and bas comtntuigthol 930 â€"3m â€" _ Ne. T, Lower Town Marke, THOS. ISAAC‘8, CENTRE V _ PLOUVGBS CULTIYATOR > & IROX, COAL, o CEO. MAYES, . COPPER PLATE PRHTEH Bank Street, Centre Towh, _ Between Sparks & Queen Stree# Ps c Bil f eA Aug »rleip e ntf Ottawa, November 7, 1868. S ROGIII’ 6 CABINETâ€"MAKER, UPHOLSTRR® . AND . ‘% & @> U NDER T AKER UUawa May 20. 1%, > â€" â€",â€"â€"-â€"â€"\ \ °C “ P s a. 1 NGUS & HUVCI g "«4 * 4 A entire stonk of J p k%o., at a tremendous 4 x J ' .‘ Q‘%' " ,}'.,'-l =l‘|\‘ '4“:'“ \ xX â€" KBOGER®S. NION MUTUAL Ko. 70, RIDEAUâ€"STBE. WEb? EXD WELLINX GTroxâ€"sTrem, SEWILL, LIVERPOOL, ' * » Manufacturer by «pecial appointment ANAJESTY Tua® oU ced hS hmnth Manawine Tirector â€"ALZX ATCHELL BRO8., Tex OrrawaTimss Pawt:® me Coxpraxy, at the Ofice, OTICEK. 9 10b ARDW ARE I W ATCHES AT THE OLD STAXD, & A. SAUXDERs, AXD AT THE AT JOHN 8. M s Destaray, NCs rold Boods on av. Nb ;!‘.'- ~~ Porfeat ROxX AXt || «_ _A Heary Downfall in *« an additional dissount CaBM PURCEARKEs of . K. gvmlou for HUCKELL‘S Clearing AT THE All the large stock of and to ensure an make room for TEX CEXNXTS OFF The stock includes & : CLOTH & FELT for Ladies‘, Gont‘s, Misi most everything else : BM~Call early and be nity will not last long."% Go TO ANG x BOO‘SB..I:'.::"J;:..‘ BOOTS, SHOERES UV HeXt. t mm IN Bironss oo dey , MA & A CLEAR A srise the ons MPORTANT Ottawa, January 27, 1 ENORMOUS comprising the latest LADLES®, GEXTS, vuitable for FALL & arge stock of Men‘s . of which will be sold quested to bear in mi 0‘ handmade boots to said reduction in pri The public geners examine the stack an not fail to give setist lo-o.htht posite O‘Meara‘s, BOUVQTS CA NGUS & HUC which will be found sare, it will not fail 0 KARLY O one need be NORMOUS redu FELT GCODE as Oiltaws, Oot. 20 V OL. & and see for I have now CLEARL DRESS & SPRING BOOTS