, CENTRE â€" ULTTIY Ato groat success ; case, and wit »o avail, 80# ry possible p= Jmg s of Ep ris, 46â€", n of & ILEPTIC aAÂ¥T Tu® AF YY 11 Sherâ€" CAME PEAT MAP"" P ANY, with ays ready in the led and TBE PE Centre I made at the r, equal to ho to be had in JOUN 3. ‘HMKES, SEKX, Derammaxy *9 Town Market dotlar ~SPAIX, LE THE F10 T A K E o @taxD, A U â€"3 T J LESLIR, wray making pay ment .(; NR of Paris, 1887 EXCEL ‘OUCXG@.‘ AL frige, for the Teoth 2‘:&.""““-2: berbec enc tron cmd e dnrncn w it ol oi o cag the Liver and Bowels. The remedy that existr, combining doâ€" Chest, &o., &o. It opsrates by dissolving the conâ€" .l:':‘.‘é‘h:n::wm“ -mbh%' Soid in Bottles at 11. 3d. #s. 6d. Bach. Mortimer‘ s â€" Vegetable Worm Destroyer, & l‘A!iLrbAri';'xm _ Purs Tfane add B shrttuctions and torpit aotinn of We cheerfully add. in favor of this medicine, â€"Roman (iti We have tasted this ite and assure our readers that it not only all thb virtues. elaimed for it, but in many instances surpasses any other remedy which wo hare over known.â€" Herald of Gospel Laberty . It is really a valuable medicine: It a used by I have used Daris® Pain Killer, and consider it an indispensable article in the medicine box. It has effected cures in Diarrhcos, and for cuts and bruises it is invaluable.â€"New York Eraminer. Bpoken of in terms of high commendation by both druggist and physician.â€"PAulade«iphia Eagic. The Pain Killer is sold at vholessle by druggists and medicine dealers, and commission merchants, in the principal cities, and retailed by Apothocaâ€" ries, Grocers and at Varioeey Shops generally, throughout the world. Prise, 15 cents, 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Maaun{acturers and Propristors, 380 St. Paulâ€"st., M mtreal, P. ot Q. . 18 Highâ€"st., . Providence, R. 1. ; 71 Boathampton Row, Holborn, Lndon, England. _ The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is vrelati 4 of De. .'.;d’t: ‘hmuh.hhd & v® i the United Statee : Sdd "'“. 4 « Â¥Find out mmlfl » -llut.lm . lot l‘:v'o a box of the of CHROLERA m{lru. I could make a little fortune with them. The hnlol-&‘-hlnmw two ladies reand from cholera; one on board the uuu*uuu-.%m-:.mm commenced with then w "m,o and then vomiting. m one at Berlin was very bad. 1 gave her three doses of the Cholera Mixâ€" CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, and provailent, an effectual remedy, and one easily obâ€" tained, is Perry Davis® Vegetable Pain Killee. It is no new nostrum, vended by unknown agents, bet has stood the test of over 20 years ; and those who use the article, internally or externally, will connect with it gratetul recollections of its worthy lnventor.â€"Hastings‘ Chronicie, C. W. Paix Kmuzz.â€"The testimoniais borge to the e€Gcney of this valuable medicine are sufficiont to warrant its introduction into every house. Our m!’lfl.hunï¬-ny..hbowlthatn bottle of it for a single hour. ~In fesh weunds, «ches, pains, sores, &c., it is the most effectual remeody we know of. A bottle will last for a very long time, and its low price places it within the readh of all. Our readers will remember that the Messrs, Perry Davies & Son havo opened out a house in Montreal, whence Canadian orders ars supplied.â€"News, St. JoAne, C. £. pmP"We are glad to learn that the " Pain Killer®" is haring so large a sale in our city. We Auve every reason to believe it to be an almost never faling cure sor pain, and is a medicine that no family should be without. â€"Montreal /:1/~. It an attack of Diarrhcon, Dysentery or Cramp Colie, don‘t delap the use of the Pain Killer. Rev, H. L. Van Moter, Burmah, writes, " The Puain Killer has become an almost indispensable article in my family." Hundreds of missionaries give s;milar testimony of its virtues. ' Rer. J. @. Stearns writes, #1 consider it the best remedy for Dyspepsia I ever know." Rev. sabes 8, Bwan says, *L have used it for years in my family, and consider it an invaluable bad. Lnlum‘u-ofllo ture, the of which stopped the next day she was all right, or near} ; day she was all right, or _ She was y neaidh Thiny oo mmiy‘a Hite it *** Sudden Colde, Catarrh, Coughe, Bronchitis, Asthma, Â¥mer and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liner Complaint, * Aoe«d Rtomach, Headacke, Heartbura, Indruges= tion, Canker in the Mouth, Throat or Stomach, Srck Headache, Sea Sicknes, Piles, Kidney _ Complaints, Canker Rask, Ordmp and Pain in _ the Stomach, Pasnter‘s Colic, Diarrkoa, Dy+â€" m 16DIGESTIONs=â€"P A N C 4 & A« ‘-llm effects the DIGKSTION g l “cluOOD uvx.a‘ OIL, the perior to meals, digestive activity, sn v--'-‘fl Powder, bottles, Is, 35 64, 6s 64 "‘lfl-r--%m“’um f BA & MOORR, 1&«)â€"1â€";.1.4-. 5 .. N.D â€"Psnocrsatine is the best rehicle for SRuoalde, . Burne, Frostbi‘ce, L‘MIN*. Erysipelas, Ringworme, Whitiows, Bows, Ad Sorce, Sproins, ~ Brwises, Toothache, Headache, Newalgia in the Face or Head, Pains in the Side, Poinsa in the Back and Loine, Rheumatiem, Rheumatic Gout, Neuraigic or Rheumatic Pains in the Joints and . Lambe, Stings of Insects, Sorcpions, Centipedes, and the Bues of Powonous Insects and V enomous P;li ;l-l-‘-‘l'li Aâ€"PURELY VEGETABLE MEptorN®. MORTIMER‘E COOMPOUNXD AXTIBILIOUS TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS a gOTTLE. This valuable medicine has the extraordinary At this season, when coughs and colds are so The aut or y , Cholera Infantum and Cholera, INFALLIBLE REMEDY YOL, IV. NO. 983. NoNE OTHER GENXUINE APPLIED EXTERXALLY, CURES TAKEN INXTERXALY, CUREKS R ABTHMA, F‘-"uan-um KORTTIMER$S BOWEL COMPLAINTS, o, 41 Bussexâ€"st., Ottawa City. »Wedical. Â¥. Qundii! & Co#f;, PERRY DAVIS & s0ON, which should be in Â¥ebruary 15, 1849. Auy: Aurthet information oan be obtained from the undersigned Tenders will be received until FLRET 1869, for the constraction of the first section k whmmo&vgu y The Tenders to name a rate per mile h“ ereotion of 32 Poles to the mile, with two wires. The Directors reserve the right to supply the Wire, and do not bind themseives to nccept the Incorporsted under Act 33 Vic., Capt. LXVIL Is heroby given that the Map os Plan and Book g- h-‘h‘alvct to its junstion Â¥ w m‘:’l-ln,d the Dndvg.ndmt Rail nym.hnh.?hdb office ot the Department of Public m-l. of such parts of the Map or Plan l-hdu enge, as relate to the County of Carleton, has been Wk?“‘h“dt’~h‘-h 0‘{ Qlï¬d-.ll‘lm such parts as relate to the of has been deâ€" ....m«..mnu of Lanarkt PDated this Tenth day of August, 1868. _ introduction of ‘the selebrated Consentrated Lyse into Canadian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" “&-’Imuu-mh in town (which has already been d of bortowing other brains) bys a ealled .. Fo avoid 4 chasors be a cencrated which Druggists and Grocers 'hnum'bhhï¬wrhhl House. A good assortment new second hand Cooking and Double Atoves, Furniture ot Wnflmhhï¬mw We cannot be beat west of Montreal. Beautiful Tes Sete from $2.50 apwards; ~ _ Wood and Willow W are. # + A general assortment of Toys and Fancy Goods Furniture, Crockery, China and Glassware I.:.du.mu'l"umn&* & _ JOSKEKPH BOYDEN, P-om'l PELRGRAPH COXPAXY. Chimoics®, py=c NOTICE Just received at the CHANDELIERS and HALL L&MP3S, . _ ‘__BRONZE LAMPS, &c., &o." : * may be sent, and will be punctuaily attended to as usual, arrangements having been made to preâ€" vent any interruptio« to the business. Mr. Desbarats feels grateful for the sympathy endered him on all sides, and hopes to see his patrons and friends in his new ofice. OVER A. M~CORMICK‘S STORE, Where all orders for the _ _CANADA GAZETTE, PRINTING, BINDING, OR STATIONEZRY, The rémarkable sudcess which has ahnended the HOUSE FURNISHIN®@ GOODS8? If there are any such let them make immediate The undersigned bogs to state that he has 1 OPENED AN OFFICE s GEORGE E. DESBARATS. tawa, January 21, 1869, I54tf CAPITAL â€" â€" + + $100,000, OoNCBNTRATED LY&. CaAUTION To THE PUBLIC. IL 1 OIL! OIL! HO WANTS FURMITURE, or m®~ RQCK O L , OIL DEI D.] P T3 E_A SUSSEXâ€"STREET. OIL ‘DEPOT, THE VARIETY HALL, R. LEAVENS, ‘OT, t3 Wicks, and piM®~Sign Red O|l Bartrel. 8. D. POOTE, . ©C. 0. Riy. TDt mss imoukaniooie e _ Aussex and W Ottawa, January 28, 1869 Try Bushanan‘s Unrivalled Misture of M Jklo&“flhï¬.mfllfl& Aasy o e on ioi a KA Y Uth. â€" Erory: Racket u-uu†Its fuil weight ; :?l It is all that it 1# represented to be, anameâ€" $ _ _ Unrivalled for Purity and Cheapness. mnckk ~mm.o!ag. *# We vwill not give the prices of our goods, for this reasinâ€"that other houses would ofer inferior goods at the same figures, and induce their ousâ€" tomers to beliere they were as good value as ours. Come and look, and price our merchandise, and you will then be satisded this is not a meore puff, but a reahty; DiÂ¥ Keep a jook out for the emblem ot unity, the Green, White and Blue. _ x f JAMES McCARTHY & CO. Ottawa, February 6, 1869. 96644 % Its putity is such that it will staad the test of the most perfect analysis. w6 3rd. After having been extensively used for the last 14 years in not one Mitapce has it failed 10 The ‘Frade supplied at the Manufscturer‘s 'on--.'mu.nn. 886â€"6m G00DS EXTREMELY Low, for that indispensible thingâ€"Cash, and continue to do so during this month, : The winter being far advanced goods for this season will be sold at Agures to induce anyone t¢ buy, and spring goods being in advance of the season will be sold lower still, ' Ist. Bread or Cakes malls with it are more wholesome than if made with Yeast or any other lfl..humhuu nor does Ithl:; those ore Boiotee dhtorim ftmarrearalense"" Oth. It never gives to Bread or Cakes an unâ€" P TA N Tc Thit ic sompostion orua -n_-o_mm i * e CHEAP GOODS. » We hare resolred to change our business, and will, withont any humbuagging, sell Roils ma #th. â€" ] PURVEYOR TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. ESTABLISHED IN 1844, > Offer for sale an extensive importation of FALL AND WINTER GO0D8, comprising Readyâ€"made Clothing, Canadian Tweeds, lu-.hz.m; also a large stock of Blankets, Flannels, Kerseys, Gray Cottons, Prints, Winceys, Piaids, &c., &0.; Devons, &o. ; Bedford Cords, Silk Mistures, West of England Tweeds, Doeskins, &o., wholesale and retail, which will be made up to order on the mmhmuuuyh.dmunau A DUFR. Ottaws, October 37 1868. to take place on the 8th of this month, and those wishing to see it can do so by coming to our store Wellingtonâ€"st.,. Upper Town, where the * '&uu, 'fll‘l’l AND BLUE FLAG ever the farâ€"tamed and there only will it be visible that we eclipse all others in this city for TAILORING DELPARTMENT. Particular attention given to the Tailoring De partment, which is under the supervision of a firstâ€" 703 ° I iD ° PMA general assortment of Dry Goods, the larges® stosk ever oftered tor sale in this oity. 81.25"%~"â€"g3.00 g2oâ€"5 In And 1 Ib, P aok ot s for 25 I 6 Rackets for CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE, WATERS‘ QUININE WINE, The Anest tonic in the 'Olli‘. Puby. 10, 1889. Our stook is new, and composed of best, and will use OQ‘*KME A R A & Y APPOINTHEN®T ARDRENXER*S Why i Should be Used in Preference to all TOTAL ECLIPIE BAKING POWDER. seeenmsssssessesses on CTS., #1 and #1.25 CTS., 81 and $1.25 ............ DRAWERS HAVE NO APPETITE," manes 1448 8000 ao a o o 000 §ILYV ER B O 0 T, READYTâ€"NMADR AXD To OrpEE. DEFY COMPETITIONX. Pry @Good1s. Boots and Shoos, JAS, BUOHANAN, > Bussex and Weilingtonâ€"sts. GREY ETOFFE PANXNT3, GOOD PEA JACKETS, ss««»««+«. GCOCD YESIS, wan eat hot Bread "or ......UNDERSHIRTS, O‘MEARA & CO. MPLETE SUATB, ... OVERCOATS, OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY. FLBRUARY 24 Call and see for yourselves ; vo trouble to show youhow they sow. Remember 37, Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa; and 105 Kingâ€"st. West Toronto. é @, A. WALTON, Agent.for Ontaric, ® _ B. W.8STEPHEN, = ‘@IGN OF THE ANVIL, Ko. 24, RIDEAUâ€"ST., WHEELER & WILSON‘3 Silent Feed Sowing Machines are perfectly nolsoless. ‘The most valuâ€" able present to any Lady or Hamily is a WHEELâ€" ER & WILSON‘S SEWLING MACHINE. A liberâ€" al reduction for cash on all machinés for holiday presents. M.-sopu cent reduction on Emâ€" broidery attach s applicable to the former style of Whesler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rutâ€" ton Hole Attachments, new style; Tuckers, Trimâ€" mers, Corders, &0. o Still selling beiow cost at THE HOWE SEWING MACHINES are best for Carriage Trimmers, Shoeinakers and A la*ge stock of materials for the above branches of Jï¬ constantly on hand. Importers of HOUSE FURNISHING HARDW ARE. ORIENTAL â€" C O AL â€"STOVES, LATEST STYLE AND MOST APPROVED y PATTERNS, i j 8 T OV E 8| . Hall, Fancy, Partour and Cook Stoves, in groat oepefraner mm teams Co.‘s celebrated C f , HOT: AIR FURNACES pm~Public and Private Buildings, Conservatoâ€" ries, Vineries, Manufactories, &c., warmed by Steam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved principles, Pss House Furnishing Goods. f Pay us a visit, and your account, if you owe one, at the same time, and oblige ? No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin v\.or ean get a somplete assortment of SKATES of all sizes, and at any price to suit purâ€" chasers, from 25 osnts to $5.50 per pair. In the assortment will be tound The selebrated Shefield Club, _ ty Together with bte CAP!‘I'AI. " sTOVE DEPOT, 35 Sussexrâ€"st., Ottawa,. 8SAFE ! SURE! SUCCESSFUL ! CE NTRA L CA N A D A, at a reasonable advance on cost. The celebrated and all olbor l-¢|.“hl u;l"é};;;;'is;t'om. Skate Straps, all patterns, &c., 4. goneral assortment of sHELE °& HEAVY HARDWARE, ____ _PAINTâ€":â€"OF ALL COLORS, j Rose Pink, Burnt Umber, Terra do Seinna, Chrome Yellow, Â¥ellow Ochre, Celestial Blue, .. % # m@ h' Gn-,h%(:uh ’ Rod, o n Red uu.mlw. ;ll :‘l{. or dry, Drop vory h-xlflut, Boiled Oil, f w Oil, Turpentine, Benzsole, Coal Oil, _ Paint Brushes, £.% Varnishes, &0. TUOS. BIRKETT, Bign of the Anvil, 24, Kideauâ€"st. _ _ P.B.â€"Al goods delirered fres to any part of the consisting in part of GENERAL HOU 1E l’uumnmo. Butcher Knives, Koives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Table Spoons, us 'l‘u Spoons, Tea Trays, Table Mats, TOVES8! STOVES : KATES, SKATES, SKATEY, | at THE We are not selling below cost ! We are not selling worthless bankrupt stock We are not retiring from business ! We are not naving a clearing sale ! But we are selling as good LÂ¥YTH & KERR, OLIDAY PRESENTS. BOX PARLOR DOUBLE HOTEL C0OkAL â€" > Sewing Machines. " MORNING LIGHT," 4 € & , de. ‘ESMONDE BROS., 43 Sparksâ€"st., op. Ontario Bank. as are to be had in & Hardware. OoP THE H. MEADOWS & CO, Smiths, Bell I'Ia;ng- STOVES, sSTOVES, sTOVvEs, STOVES, sTOVES, STOVES, anadian Favorite, ‘entral Park do : J. L. ORME & SON, Sign of the Golden Lyre, 441 ‘No. 8, Sparksâ€"st., next Durie & Son‘s Mozenges are a certain and safe remedy for Worms in Children andAdults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" known and melancholy fact that one great cause of death among children is from Worms alone, it eannot be too deeply impressed upop the minds of parents the necessity of closely watching their children. _ By so > doing ; udl‘ understanding the symptomsâ€"anid true cause of the disease, thousands of children might be sgved from early graves. Srurrous or Worxus.â€"+ The following are a fow of the very nume symptems and dispases which are caused by Worms : deranged appetite, emaciated extremities, offensive breath frequent picking at the nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, hardness of the belly. with frequent slimy stools, and sometimes ooanl’in fits ; itching of the arms, pain in the head and ach, unquiet sleep, faintings, tremblings, oougt:n indigestion, Bilver Top Smelling Bottle., . Booton Plaid Ameolling Botcles, _ Improved Pecfumed Distibutors, low spirits, frightful dreams, and a gradual waist ing away of fiesh. They are palatable and selfâ€"administereod to th¢ childâ€"drive out the wormsthoroughly without pain and completelycleanse the stomachâ€"thereby doir; away . with the necessity of administering Castor Oil or other unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of other Wirms. MACDONALD & Co,, SILK AND WOOLLEN DYERS, â€" Scourers, Hot Pressers, Fe. .. PMz Gentiemen‘s Olcthes cleaned nnd dyed. Toilet Boxes in variety, Rimmel‘s New Perfumes, A complete stock just recewred of Toilet Articles, Latent Medicines, ‘ » ORGANS and MELOWEONS from the best facâ€" tories in the United in finish and tone anything ever brought Into this % ~â€" Now is the time for intending e -'PBIOES LOW & TERA ERAL"®@a Our stock of Vidlins, Flutes, &0., &o., is, as usual, very iarge. : New Sheet Music and Books constantly arrivâ€" Mothers 1 â€"Motners i MothersIâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and orying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teoth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘3 sO0THING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor: little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistake about it. ‘There is not a mother on earth who bas ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will reguiste the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. ~It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" scription of one of the ‘oldest and best female phyâ€" sicians and nurses in the United States. â€"Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. Bo sure to call for «"MRS. WINBLOW‘8 SOOTHING SYRUP." Having the facâ€"simile of ©Cartis & Porkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations PM ~Each box contains the iacâ€"simile signature of Norturor & Lruax, Newoastle, C.W., who are the sole proprietors. Coughs and Colds.â€"Sudden changes of olimate are sources of Pulmonary Bronchial and Asthmatic affections. Experience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily and cerâ€" tarnly when taken in the early stages of the disâ€" @ase, recourse should at once be had to " Brown‘s Bronshial Troches," or Lozenges. Few are aware of the importance of checking a cough, or " comâ€" mon cold," in its first stage. That which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if nogâ€" lected soon attacks the lungs. "Browp‘s Bron chial Troches," or Cough Losenges, allay irritaâ€" tion which induces coughing, having a »rrzzor in. fGuence on the affected parts. As there are imitaâ€" tions, be sure To oBtaIX the genuine. Bold by all dealers in medicines, at 25 cents a boxr. N. B. Ask for Holloway‘s Worm Lozenges pi and take no other. WR Solé by all the druggists in Ottawa, and medicine deale â€" every where. 5187 Respectfully call the attention of the public to their magnificent stock of < ‘;l"cll or BT. LA&WRENCE DYE WORKS, Elginâ€"st., (Opposite the Russell House,) Ottaw a, Ont. _ STEAMBOAT COMPAXNY. _ NoTICE . THE GENERAL ANNUAL MERTING In their new Shew Room, oohpgbln‘ PIANOâ€"FORTES, from all the leading makers. y WARREN‘S PIPE ORGANS, _ P I A NOâ€"FOR T ES, ORGANS, ‘Ottaws, Feby. 17,1860. _ â€" _ @76td Mochers Read Thisiâ€"Holioway‘s Worm THE . MEDIOAL i:\ )L, By order, PPER OTTAWA will be held at the of.ce of 5 W. CRUICE, SPARKSâ€"STREET, in this city, on Wednesday, 3rd day of March next, at the m;c 3 c.i.a. p.m. s OLIDAY PRESENTS ESSRS. J. L. ORME & 80X ELECTION â€"OFâ€"DIRECTORS > \\\ ie @o / ~ TCnnty ue $SNYHHn K SPECIALâ€"NOTICES. SHAREHOLDERS AND MELODEONS, ofi English Lav e:rder W ater, L 2 P e ».-“nuwx. AT . R. W, CRUICE, , 1869. The Debats, of January 24, gives the following as the substance of the " declarâ€" ation‘"‘ drawn up at the conference, and .signed by all the plenipotentiaries, with the exception of Djemil" Pacha, . who thought it better taste not to associate the Turkish Government as directly inâ€" terested in a cominatory summons adâ€" On Fridaï¬ethe 29th ult., in the Court of Queen‘s Bench, the Lord Chiefâ€"Jusâ€" tice delivered judgment in the case of Phill}Pa v. Ein', argued before himself, Mr. Justice Lush, and Mr. Justice Hayes in the course of last term. The action arose out of the Jamaica insurrection, and was brought by Mr. Philli(ra against Governor Eyre for assault and false imâ€" prisonment. ‘The defendant by his plea justified the course tiken upon the auâ€" thority of the act of indemnity passed by the local Legislature. To this plea the plaintiff demurred upon the ground that an act of indemnity, passed by a local Legislature, could not deprive plaintiff of the redress allowed him in the courts of his own country for the tortious act of a fellowâ€"subject done abroad, and then the plaintiff further replied that the Govâ€" erament of a foreign settlement of the crown had no authority :to assent to a measure of indemnity passed in relation to conduct of his own, :To this replicaâ€". tion the.defendant in turn demurred. His lordship, who read the judgment of the court, said that upon both demurrers their conclusion was that the defendant was enâ€" titled to judgment. . The shintifl' admitâ€" ted the full power of the Jamaica Legisâ€" lature to pass an act of the Legislature indemnifying the authorities of the island for : any acts bona fide done under a reuonu{le belief of their necessity for the suppression of the rebellion, but he denied the extension of the privilege beyond the limits of the island. ‘The court was of ‘opinion that the reasoning in support of ‘this contention was utterly unsound. It was undoubtedly more difficult to come to & conclusion upon the objection that this was ex post facto legislation, and that an essential difference existed between such and the authorization. given by statutory enactments previously to acts done. ‘The conclusion, howeyer, of the court . was that the same principle must be held to apply in both cases, and that was, that where the right of action was taken away by the local Legislature beâ€" fore action brought, no action was mainâ€" tainable in this country, As to the obâ€" jection embodied in the ‘Phiutifs replicaâ€" tion that the Governor of a colony is withâ€" .out authority to assent to acts of the Leâ€" gislature in which he is personally inâ€" whose existence may be dangerous or threatening to its neighbours ; neither can it approve er permit that trading vessels, or :olt)heu bearing its flag, lbonld)?rm and victual in its ports and carry supâ€" plies to insurgents in disregard of a regâ€" ularly ‘established blockade ; further, that these principles of public and interâ€" national law are obligatory upon all civilized countries without exception, and that no â€" particular institution or special legislation can be an excuse for infringing °â€" them. _ Greece, therefore, ought to observe these principles for the future, and take all necessary measures to enforce their obseryance throughout her territory.‘"‘ C terésted, such a contention was entirely untenable. As reasonably might be conâ€" tended that the Soversign herself was deâ€" barred from giving the ï¬:)ynl assent to an act of Parliament cont’err;ng upon Her Majesty certain rights an rivileges. Judgment was enteredâ€"for Mr. lgyre.hg†GRAND ORANGE LODGE or TARI0 WEST. " "R. Bowell, . P., W. M. ; D. G. Hatâ€" ton, Senr. D. M.; N. 8. McDonald, Jr. 3“11;3288&1::};] 'l]'),mauorer; A. h an a ; Dr. Oronhyatekha, D. G.; ltevy. W. Burns, : G. é'.; Dr. U. J. Potts, Lecturer; Alex. Barr, G. _ © The declaration lays down the propoâ€" sition that a State cannot, without conâ€" trayening the law of nations, authorize or tolerate the formation and organization upon its territory of bapds of yolunteers Wednesday. The following gentlemen were elected : Daiton McCarthy, Barric, Grand Master, (John Coyne, KI. P., reâ€" signed) ; W. H. Connor, Huron, J. Ross Robertson, Toronto, Deputy Grand Masâ€" ters ; Rev. Mr. Sm‘#&}t. Mary‘s, Grand Chaplain ; Thomas‘ Réys, St. éntheriuel, Grand Secretary ;° James W. Bessey, St. Catharines, Grand ‘Treasurer;â€" W. Parkâ€" hill, King, Grand Lec‘t_ur-c;r,'_w. 8. Fletâ€" dressed to Greece : cher, St. Catherines, G. D. F. C While day in the.lap of fair evening is lying And cool sighing bréezes blow softly along ; The heart of thy loved one is heavily sighing, Ab! why dost thou tarry so long? § I miss the clear light of thy dark laughing .. &ye, L I miss thy s weet voice, both in welcome and word, £1" I miss thy soft smile and the hours flag by, _Ah? why dost thou tarry so long ? The bright golden chain ol' effection â€" that * bound . Together so sweetly, so closely, so strong ; Is it broken? Alas ! and no longer around us, Ab ! why dost thou tarry so long ? & Ab ! why dost thou tarry so long? OEXTRHRAL GRAND ORANGE Lobok. The Grand Orange Lodge of Central Canada met in Cobourg, on Tuesday, and the next day the following officers were GREECEK AND THE PARIS CONFERâ€" ENXCKE. 4 How is this? Have the philosophers honvw}h the opinion that the temâ€" nerature of the earth increases towards â€"â€"The artesian well of St. Louis, which has reached a depth of nearly three thousand five hundred feet, and is still going downward, is said to be two â€"â€"Try Gardneor‘s Baking Powder. Bee adâ€" The election of officers © of the Rignt mlairfnl@md Orange â€" Lodge of Onâ€" io West, took place at Stratford, on EXâ€"GOVERNOR EYRE AGAIS. TO THE ABSEBNT ONKE. the carth increases towards the surface. Amera. ON= Bydney, Freemont C., [Jan. 17th] correspondence of the Cuuncil N-Lo.(.io‘w?)]lnymfl. About cleven o‘clock, on Saturday night, our little city was thrown into somewhat of an excitement by the appearâ€" ance of about a .100 men, principally mounted, the rest in sleighs, and supâ€" posed to be from the vicinity of Plum Hollow, in the northwest part of the county, where a Mr. Holloway of that place, received injurites resulting in death, on the evening of the 14th inst., at a dancing party in his own house. _ The town was not generally aware of this mysâ€" terious visitation, inasmuch as those who were attracted by the movements of the party being arrested and placed under guard as soon as their presence was known, had no opportunity of communiâ€" cating the intelligence or alarm to others. The men were fully armed, besides bei provided with sledyge hammers, axes :5 other tools suited to their purpose, and immediately on nrrivins in tewn proâ€" ceeded to tle county jail, where Jackson and James Orton, the men charged with Holloway‘s murder, had been placed in confivement, . They then demanded the‘ keys of Sheriff Martio, and made various threats of violence in case they were not roduced, but he resolutely retused to seliver them or reveal the place where they were concealed,. . Happily, these threats of violence were not carried into exceution, and the mob contented themâ€" sclves with placing him under guard, and began with the implements. they had brought along to effect a forcible entrance to the cell where the luckless prisoners were confined ; a portion of the crowd inâ€" stituting in the meantime a general search for the missing keys, The work of deâ€" molition was oomgeu, the outside door being literally cut and â€" hammered osen. Wbi?es!hil was going on some individual discovered the k:;ï¬lid under the carpet in the Sheriff‘s family room, but the outer lock had been so injured that in the â€" atâ€" tempt to turn the bolt the key was broken off and rendered useless. lfvlt in about two hours and ï¬hoe!xln mi;:x:u the door was got open, the cell within opered, the mengt:tken out and placed in a m with their hands and feet tied, and the crowd, immediately and rapidly, with their vicâ€" tims in charge, left o1 the Plum Hollow road. _ When about one and a half miles from town, on the limbs of alarge white oak tree, the unfortunate desperadoes were found suspended at an early hour inexj_moming.‘ 7. p= Ew 1 â€"4 > war. In June, 1853, the Russian troops marched into MolXaviu and Wallachia, when Omar Pasha was appointed the generalissimo of the Turkish army. The Sultan‘s declaration of war was dated October 4, and the first important colliâ€" sion between ‘the belligerents occurred on the 4th of November, when the Russians were deteated with immense loss, as they were in subsequent actions. ‘The repulse of the Russians at Eupatoria, February 17, 1855, was also effected by Omar Pasha, ‘with great loss to the Russians. Subsequently Omar Pasha joined Gen. Canrobert and Lord Raglan with a part of his army before Sebastopol. His troops, however, took no part in the siege, nor had : any other opportunity of distinguishing themselves. . ï¬)e was sent to restore. order in Merzegovina in May, 1861, and, having performed various serâ€" vices, established 'F:rkish rule in Candia in 1867. , * Omar Pasha having been appointed Governor of Candia, a few particalars concerning his past historf'y will not be out of place: For most of them we are indebted to the Ilustrated London News. He was born in 1801, and is of Croatian origin. He received his early instruction first at the nulitary school of his native village, and afterwards at the high school of Thurm, near Carlstadt, . in Transylâ€" vania, and it is said distinguished himâ€" self by ‘his proï¬ciencg in mathematies. On leaving school he a cadet in the border regiment of Ogulin,â€"which he shortly after left to become an assistant surveyor of roads and bridges. â€" Of this drudgery he soon became heartily tired, and deserted from the Austrian army. Some fime afterwards he became a masâ€" ter in| the military school at Constantiâ€" nople. Korsrew {’asha, then Minister of War, perceived the genius and enterâ€" prise of the stranger, and from him OQmar, now in his 33rd year, received the apâ€" pointment of officer in the regular arm of the Sultan, and shortly l.furwar,dys‘ that of adjutait on his personal staff. It was in quelling the insurrections in Syria and Albania that Omar first dis tinguighed himself. He was equally sucâ€" cessful in Kurdistan. In the year 1848, having become a Pasha, he kept the agâ€" gressive policy of the Russians in check in Wallachia. In 1865 Omar Pasha was sent to éffect the reduction of the bardy and warlike Montenegrins, and he lndl advanced to within a day‘s march of. Cettivje when ‘the Austrian special comâ€" missioner at Constantinople induced the Divan to recall him and.abandon the ‘Taste or Traxtps i8 Bourrer or Mirx.â€"The flavour of "turnips eannot be removed entirely from milk or butter when the cows are fed on them, but much may be done to mitigate it It is said that a ubleuroouful (per gallon of milk) of nitre dissolyed in as much water as it will take, and put in the pai before milking the cow, and giving no turnips to the cow for two or three hours before milking, will lessen the fiavour, as will, also, givjug only the centre Enoftho turnip, having the top and ttom cut. off. + CarBoric Aciv ror Wouxps vrox Horses.â€"If a wound will heal by the firstâ€" intention, the less done to it the better. If, on the other hand, supâ€" puration is inevitable, the most beneficial effects follow the use of carbolic ‘acid combined withglycerine or linseed oil, in tbwplï¬on of 1 to 20 ; it may be apâ€" plied, night and morning, with a feather. Of course, as <with all other dressings, the wound must be kept clean and in the case of backs -‘ï¬ï¬l, all pres: sure removed by small pads of curled The scene of execution was visited and the ï¬h'ndy spectacle witnessed by a large number of people this morning. . ‘The men were hanging about four feet apart, their feet not more than six or exgbt in ches from the ground, Jackson‘s neck having doubtless been broken by the fall. while Orton apparently died from stranâ€" gulation, horseâ€"hair, sown on to the harness, above and below the sore. THE NEW GOVERNOR OF CANXDIA. Two Desperadoes Hung for Murder. A LYNCHING CASE IN IOW aA. * {PRICEKEâ€"3 CENTS The bitter and fatal waters of this lake render it literally a ,dead sea, ‘and «ll its surroundingsâ€"wild, gloomy anf £ 1e bodingâ€"are suggestive of sterility and death., 'ï¬ce decomposing gction of the water is Shown by its effect on the bodies of a company of Indians twenty or thirty in tumber, who, to cscape from their parâ€" suers, took refuge in the lake, where tgy were shot by their enemics, who left them in the water. _ In the course of a few weeks not a vestige of their bodies was to be seen, even the boneés having been deâ€" composed by this powerful solyent. Minâ€" eral curiosities abound in the neiitlmr-‘ hood of Mono Lake, among wh are numberless depositions in the shapo of tiny pint trees. , ° â€"Cambridge University has loa:rud the challenge of Oxford for the <rsual anâ€" â€"The Queen has approved the pointment of Colonel Henderson, C. I as the Commissioner of Police ‘of the metropolis. ‘Colonel Edmund Â¥. W, Henderson, the newlyâ€"appointed Commisâ€" sioner of Police, was for l3‘(vbn (from 1847 to 1860) at the head of the conviet estabhshment in Western Australia, â€"A pair of fond lovers in New Orleans tired oflifo_sq;lthemdonol’u.d parénts, reécently tied their right hands toâ€" gether and leaped from a bridge with suicidal intent. _ But while the: youth ‘went over the rail, the maiden unâ€" der, and they were found, ulg and kicking and screaming. â€"â€"It is said that the coal in London are obliged to have thei‘ carts or wagg so made that each of them is in gm a weighing machine. ‘ By the use of a lever, near the wheel, load of coal is placed upon the seale, the true weight immediately and asâ€" â€"Aun old man employed o hunt rabâ€" bits on the Duke of Portliand‘s estute im England was recently found de«d in a rabbit hole, into which he had crawled, and from which he ooulde:lc:‘tgut out. He was drawn out by his h grasping a rabbit arfiba ferrzt in his hands. â€" nual race â€"There has been formed at M ham a " National Education League," with the object of establishing a system " which shall secure the education of every child in England." °_ . â€"The subscription for the testimonial groposod to be presented to General Poel, y his old Huntingdonshire friends, now exceeds £1,000. The day for the presentation of the testimonizal has not yet been fixed. â€"Lady Henry Paget was fined forty shillings by the Mariboroughâ€"st. police magistrate, ‘for furious riding in i{yde Park, on the 26th of December, â€" Nestling under the eastern watetâ€"shed of the Sierra, Mono Lake receives ‘seveâ€" ral considerable tributaries ; and although destitute of any outlet, such is the aridity of the mnoslrhcre that it is always kept at nearly a uniform level by the process of evaporation. _ So dense and sluggish is the water rendered through superssturaâ€" tion with yarious salt and other forcign matters that ouly the strongest winds can raise a rip?le on its surface. _ As the Sierra in this nighbourhood reaches its greatest altitude !;oe l&-.ery about Mone Lake is varied and majestic, some of it being at the same time nu‘k‘dp:;: most cheerless and desolate aspect. : > thought that greater inducements bom out to officers by from the heavy expuehb which at present are bubjected thein from‘bze civil o\»hgdi‘:'- zens, and allowing them after retired to retain the rank they the force. En _ PIDC m:{ be given a fae colour, according to Knafl, b its surface With sand and solginn and immersing ic for an instant in soluâ€" tion composed of four parts of eÂ¥iphate of nickel and ammonia in forty of water, acidulated with one part J »buric acid, washing, and drying it. The black coatanï¬)&dbetu firmly, tukes a bronze colour under the isher, Brass mey be stained black with a liquid containing two parts 1 acid, four hydrochloric acid, and of nlpimrio acid in cighty parts of witer. â€"â€"One af the most noted exam of rapid growth in recent times is fawi in the casoofâ€"the infant city of Wyoming ‘Ferritory,. On the t July, 1867, it consisted of lï¬?hfl‘. Now it boasts of a population of 7,000. It hasâ€"six boot and shoe stores, five drug stores, cight dry poods stores, three elothinf‘mru, five whosesale groceries, three hardware and cutlery stores, three restaurants and stores, four staâ€" tionery and Yx notion firws, six wholesale liquor dealers and four tobaceo and cigar stores, besides twelre other These substances render the &t so acid and nauscating that it is for drinking or even bathing. * Leather, imâ€" mersed in it is soon destroyed by its corâ€" rosive properties, and no animal, not even a fish or a frog can exist in the waterfor more than a short time, _ The only thing able to live within or upon the waters of this lake is a species of fiy, which, «springâ€" ing from‘larvae bred in its bosom after an eanememl life, dics, and collecting on the surface, is drifted to the shore, where the remains collect in vast quantities, and are fed upon by the ducks .or gathered by the Indians, with whom they are a staple article_ of food. â€"Mr, 8. R. Graves, M. P., at anâ€" nual distribution of.prizes to the pool Rifle Brigade, spoke y in favour of increased support given to volunteers by Government. ~Re also Mono Lakelies ten miles southwest of the dividing line between California and Nevada, and is about fourteen miles long andnine wide. ~It has never been soundâ€" ed, but a trial said to ‘have been :made with a line of three hundred feet failed to reach bottom. By a chemical . analysis a gallon of the water, weighing eight pounds, was found: to contain 1,200 graing of sohd matter, consisting principally of chloride sodium, carbonate of sul of soda, borax and silicia. MONO LAKEâ€"AN UNRIPPLED BEKA. MISCEL ANXEOU s