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Ottawa Times (1865), 11 Mar 1869, p. 1

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the Map or of "81â€"$3q, cee “r?nA.N St. M-h% INXSUR a %¢3," ENUE A Nemâ€" o CH "l.!l.\‘g "A‘ N .\"‘m‘l. [ C f Mxine LLrg u\'n‘flh S c‘ h LTTY ATORS, COAL, for Ottawsa ANXCER the Clerk of COHEa XCELLEXCEI MA PRIYTER im the * Wizkhe, I1X,.â€" freosw uduu.........i...;....... savkarnendp64e06es (@ sveee ;: % John‘s, N. y branch steamer.. .. .... ’n?uu'gdéul from Engtand, lreland, and .m m rates» For further infor mation, .'3..’ at the Company‘s olices, JOMUN . DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, New York N‘3 Bloater P s yâ€"â€" aste, ll\ JMATO and other Catsups, . Auclo" Paste, § TRASBURGH Meats, â€" | PTTSDDoof and Tooguss gDRSSERVES andJolli, . agreatraricty, _ (HMANG® Marmalade, pprssoy raruor 4 0.4 _ ' _ _ Colebrated Sager Cared Hams and Broakfast Eoll Brcon, © â€" $PBICKLED Salmon, > DPICKELED Mackerei) â€" _ , u»ickue» ReRgtvas, . In Half Barrels, Barreis and Trerces, y yay odisk, A & ,u MHaddock, * â€" rgaudle" * Fl.‘xuw‘.o ’f-- .."- * And a fall stock of Choige Family Groceries. : Ottaws, Nov. 3, 1868, The sabsember would called the Â¥a.1..ies and others to bis Liverpool or Queenstown...... ........;........$100 00 Stecrage, Poyable in M:nq. Liverpool or Queenstown........................ 35 00 PasgAGE EY THE TUESDAY STFAMEE YI HALIFAX, First Cabin, Payable in Gold. !. verpool or Queenstown.........................$100 00 Mallfikk.««creversnenctonereperntycrrmccipravirtarczect â€" UÂ¥ OW Bt. John‘s, N F., by branch steamer......... 453 00 INMAN LIXEOF® MAiL l'l'“l!lll-“, SAILLX,* FRul NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY AND aALTRRNATE UVUVERSDAYs. kia:Â¥8 0P PaS8AOXK BY THE Sattravar STRAXER, : Fiest Cabin, Payable in Gold. l.hcrp‘g Q'..._b'l:._.... sresvextlurcrccsd@rOl® 0 L.iverpool or Quesnstowu..........+...... UEQiH lt cormemerctanictirectd Sudievien cr tistee t es Banana, Porcs, Blackbarry, Iupb.r- y and Runun VINEGSAR, .. Fl!! Chocolate and Cocos, _ * Momc.m. Puste, ; Whizs is in sptendld condhtion. : Also, sCOTCH, I1MISH, oLD RYE, > And other Mait Whiswies, § ‘ORTY, SHMERRIES, BRANDIES, GIN, &c., To etner wit‘y a General Assortmont of PIRE3Tâ€"CLASY GROCERICS. A cull _ dly solieited. gormseraveo OYsTER3 a> poanuesoer it FI-l S1LMON ‘o posameoxsaes _ i F‘!Qu t’.onsrns x .. % L* REEYN PBA3 do No. 16, Riosavâ€"st., Anad “".‘M“ by _ ta2=wa, Jan . 20, 1 iCET8, â€" 1. int 'I\OUAOOO.â€"'I\O Finest Qualitioesâ€" v irginia make in cut, tin foil and plug. s CGENKR AL assortmant of the diferent x § kinds of G&ROCERIES aND LILQUORS on kaod. Wholesale and Retail, st the £LOWESI POSSIBLE PRICESY foe Wartanted Goods. A Imal of the articles will recommend them. ._ " For sale at 5 ' Kiawa, November 27. 1883. *«»3% NRESH OY3TER3, â€" in Tine 100 ~antal. L ABRADOR HERRUXG barrels and hair barrels, 2O {actory > O T: 2 00 Â¥FINXE BOTTLED ALE RTF WINEâ€"Good 1able Wine $1+50 to | bay ~A Pn "KEAQâ€"Black, Green and J a; Warranted 3 tood, and seleoted for MB;.:. UTTLED ALE, “o’rru EMON, GINGER, ORANGE, TW1A BLE and Cooking RAISINS, CURRAN TS Sro })n-umnm and CAN FPRUITs ‘to suit the holiday season. “"01 RS and SYRUPS of all grages UST RECKIYVED, NDIA WAREHOUSE, j‘TERRY WINEâ€"Good ‘Table Wineâ€"821 to $3.00. QPoRTO, spP PORT, SUERRY, BRANDY, GIN AND SCOTCH WHJSKEY, &c. PICKLES, SAUCES, JAMS & JELLIES KG1pâ€"CKGy3 _ kta |. % PuG El RMATNTG: OFFPEESâ€"Always Freshâ€" Try them. dEavyourtxe EXPrRAOT3 . _ wienuing. FROX CROSSEK & RBL ABRADOR HERRINGS, the very best; in LL KIÂ¥DS of GENUTNE LIQuUO according to age and quality. LMERIA GRAiPYP3, casistiag of LIVERPOOL & qQUEK®EKXsrto w x. FULL assortment of FRESH PRUIT, BE3I in market. CASES SCOTCH LINGâ€"Good. THOS. P.‘.TTERSON‘S, __k;.. _._ No. 26, Rideanâ€"strect. YJOL. IVY.; NO. 995. BOXEs DIGBY HERRINGSâ€"large boxes at T5 ets. cach. . _ OfTLED ALE, .& BROWXE & CO., Wholesale and Retail sSTILTON CHEESE, 6 8. to 8 te. size, from Reesor Brothers‘ celobrated " D. WhELAN, %4, Rideauâ€"stre ot, Im”Alu'o Crookery Store â€"â€"LIKEWISE, , SPAIN, COUNAC i I AXD LOXDON, | dGrotertes,. A* «â€"â€" FROM Spirig 'Manb, OTTLED AaALE. do ’0 in 5 ©. and 8 ib, LACKWELL 7 «Bost Branisâ€" attention c Ottawa. $1060 00 , 30 00 . 45 00 STEWART‘S BLOCK, (Cestae Buimmse,) Arshitects and othere hnh'h‘lx their own drawâ€" ings for any kind of wood will have them correctly execut od. * Particular attention paid to | , GOTHIC & FANCY FURNITURE. for the remov«=l ut household furmture, &o. Also, waggons for lumber and other heary goods. N.B.â€"Residence at the westond of Weilingtonâ€" st., opposite the market. â€"â€"1 TUEIR CUSTONMERS TMMEOIATELY. of every description, made to order and jobbing attended to. furnished at the shortest nutice in the city or country . always on hand. __Caution.â€"the genuine PANCREATIC EMULâ€" SION sold onuly in bottles, 22 64, 4s 6d and 8s, with 34 Savory & Moore‘s labels and trade mark, | & Jour ~â€" wit, Medical Press, &¢. # A~ hests a88 154.â€"Says emalsion a well ; makes him feel quite dlans.-m mk.:.x;no:d.l‘ury improvement in .prn-.; #ays as cougn, eats and h The Lancet Report. ‘:’ 3 '.f'f s ) _â€"_No. 25# RIDEAUâ€"ST., (Pluubtn, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin | and _Copper Smiths, Bell Hangâ€" \_ We are now making a new MILL LA!P; ite ( reflective $ower excels anything in use. We inâ€" ! vite mill owners to examine it Steam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved prineiples,. | Prize Medal, 1882. METALLIC AXD OTYER ‘COFFINS R@"Pub‘ic and Private Buildings, Conservato. ries, Vineries, Manufactories, &o., warmed by CABINETâ€"MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, 8 T OV E 81 ni;n. Fancy, Parlour and VJook Stoves, in great variety. Eaton‘s Patent Automatic, Selfâ€"V. tu-‘:‘i::'.‘ V:‘o'od and Coalâ€"Stoves. Also l.:l-i..b- Co."s celebrsted â€" HOT AIR FURNACES. â€" A la~ge stock of materrals for the above branches of business constantly on hand. Importers of . . ; t HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. e U NDE R T A K E R. o NEW AKD \n in “.\PII'AL " sTOVE DEPOT, 4 during this weather, and prevent fire low rates by : tTOVE8! STOVES : 0oOkKs & sTaTIOxERy. U ICE CREAX ivi CRIEAM s MOULDS, CHARLOTTE DE RUSSE MOULDS, Block Tin Tea and Coffeé Pots, * PUDDING JELLY BLANXC MANXGE MESSRS. DURIE & SON LYTH & KERHR, er3, de., &c. YOUR STOYVEâ€"PIPES CLEANED and will be prepared to meet A V 6 EXPRES WAGGONS MILL â€" L AMPS FURNITUEE WAVE REMOYED To Just received direct from England. { treated. with Savoryr & Moona‘s PANCREATIC EMULSIO® PUNER ALS Seo The Lancet, British Medicat H. MEADOWS & co COXSU MPTION ESMONDE BROS., 43 Sparks st.,op. Ontario Bank. *J, DURIE & SOX. 35 Sussexâ€"st., Otaws. E A U TIFUL! Silver Medal, 1867. MOULDS, MOULDS, MOULDS, . Jobbing at The ladies of Bankâ€"st. Chureh intend opening their BAZAAR on TUESDAY, 16th of MaRCHL Donations received by Mrs. Wum. Hutohison, Mariaâ€"st.; Mrs. Wa. Moore, O‘Connorâ€"st. ; and Mr. Desbaurate feels grateful tor the aympathy endered aim on \l sides, and hopes to see his patrons and friends in his new office. .__ GEORGE E. DESBARATs. DEAL ERS 1X Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeal, Pork, &¢., OTTAWA, = . â€"â€" Eud of Little Sussexâ€"st. PRINTING, BINDING, OR STATIONERY, may be sent, and will be punctually attended to as usual, arrangements having been made to proâ€" vent any interruptia« to the business. Where all orders for the OVER A. MeCORMICK‘S STORE, W . N"lc.- The undersigned begs to state that he has l' FANCY WOOLLEx®, sCciainrs, CLOUDS, &0., They have resolved to clean out the whole of theso > 1e at cost price. . ' «nced on consi n&f'qf'm&:u.u PB Doift forget the place, N Spatksâ€"st. smm*#x""m&&.lnc door to Mages & ‘s old store, * . 88y in aA T. RAJOTTE. tawa, January 21, 1869, 12 NC T_EEEDTCEE AAECF L ELLOCG) , ‘“g‘ lll..liL $ P o iaagsisa which, being mannutactured on the premises, we Pianos, as well as the Purniture in the can recommend, and sell cheaper than any shop in | uublhihmnnt, will be sold cither by private sale or auction. l aigys Sompmmmmmats t He would also announce that he is prepared to THE TATLORING DEP A RT M E N T. | receive instructions from persons having bousehold This department 1s under the ntendence otf | furniture, horses, carriagos, or real estate, to disâ€" a weliâ€"known Arstâ€"oiass outter mul-u Allt | r"' of, and pledges himseif that _l“bi? will be orders Uy attended to. | left undone by bim to give satisfaction in dischare lers punctually attended to. _ _ _ _ _ "_ _ | lettundone by him / R“l-lll THE PI.AI::‘R, o 14 Rideaw st., . CUNNINGHAM & LINDsaY Onawa, January , 27, 186%. ® .. Eky &e. We have also on han a large assortment of READYâ€"MADE L‘Lumeu,lm which, manutactured on the mises, we :r*natfluupmp:mumy shop in T. RAJOTTE * aaviag removed to more commodious prewmises, Smd wad io ‘pubtnrpnaent o hn Pnornrorts ont, ____ large and well selected stock of Htawa, January 22, 1869. may be exrpected. wWHOLE STOCK Is soLDp 0o U T ‘ N CA#RADIANX CLOTHS, IMMENSE REDUCTION "r:u.a:"" GREY and WHITE coTâ€" ‘ and all other Cotton G3ods, They have splendid value. LOW COMPOSITION IN THE PoUXND _ are now prepared, and will sell from th is dats TBE WHOLE OF THE aA8OYE STOCK, DIVIDED COMMISsION MERCHAXNTsS, BR FORW ARDERS, They have made a great reduction in price. MESSRS, GRANT & H ENDERSON LEASE OF PREMISES LATELY OCCU PIED BY : AZ A A R. having bought out they TDht :? and well selected stock of. _ STAFP AND FANCY DBRY gGoops Their prices commence at 2s 64 per yard. Previous to Stockâ€"taking 1UNNINXGHAM & LIXDSAY, % No. 14, Rooeavest., b.f" great inducements to purchasers. CANADA GAZETTE, BETWEEN THELR Two HOUsES DRES8 GOODS, WINCEYS, &¢., EMOYV AL NO. 34, S P A RK $ â€"3 T BANKRUPT 8$TOCK | FLOURâ€"Superior H, KASTONX & ©0., ~ GREAT BARGAINS FROM ORIGINAL PRICES THE SALE TO CONTINUE EAaARXN® & RYÂ¥Aix, OPENED AN OFFICE KEARNS & RYAX, THE ABOYVE FiaXx KEARNS & RYAN. 69. 9514â€"3m A N D AT aA% AT A KEARNS & RYAN,| hand a large stock of ack Cloths Beaver Cloths Mo)tons Tweeds #5itf C Eqy C Oe? SPReceude are “Impl“.. may r\xnu identified ies at reasonable price= rom the ndml'nnI“'lo has devoted apwards of tweive years to their study. The numerals on each species coâ€"respond with the Smithsonias Inâ€" stitation Catalogue of Birgs. " fot t * ++ Ti Clarence, near Ottaws. February 21, 1869, 095 Partios intending to make application to the Logislature of Ontario for Private Bills are hereby notified that they are required by the 51st and folâ€" lowing Rules of the Legislative Assembly (which are published in full in the OGntario Gazette) to give NOTICE of the application (clearly and disâ€" tinetly specifying its nature and object) in the Ontaric Gozcte, and also in a newspaper publ in the County, or U njoa of Coucties affected ;‘::a notice shall be contgued in each case for a period of ut least six week= dar og the interval of time beiween the close of the next preceding Session and the consideration of the Petition. Copies of the first and last cf such nctices to bo sent to the Private Bill Offlice. * All Petitions for Private Bills must bo presented within the first thâ€"ce weeks of the Sessibn. OTTAWA, THURSDAY, MARCH 11;}>â€"seo "ORTH ANERICANX BIRDS EKGooGs. Pll\'AfB BILL®. «; Raxcon or NeR * * ; _ ST. LAWRSN"CU DYE WORKS, Eiginâ€"st., (Oppositethe Russell House,) Ottaw a, Ont. macporaLp «1co,, SILK AND WOOLLEN DYERS Scourers, Hot I’nmn,/a'a #2Â¥,. PR (Gentliemen‘s Clothos dleaned and d Kid Gloves sleaned.â€" 891â€"3m e The subscriber respectfully announces to the n | habitants ot Ottawa and surrounding conntry that ; atthe request of many friends he has decided on { opening an extensive and well regulated Auction | mn. this city : < | _ From arrangements made with some of the | Furniture Manutsetories of Western Ontario, a | lar e and well selocted stook of new turniture wili i-bo constantly on hand. | Public Sales will be held from time to time, of | which «ue notice will be giren, and at whi h parâ€" | ties iring to furnish will have an om:-lh’ | of pmuhg at unusaally low rates. Mart is now open with a large stock of new Furniture, as | weli .l' 5‘1...0,, Marmoniums, ‘&c¢., &¢., consigned ; for sale, . | _ The subscriber would also fntimate that he is | the Sole Agent for Ottawa and territory for the | .l’.ih of Kappe, Webber & Co.‘s celebrated grand anos. | _ They are successors to the late John C. For, ol ‘ Kingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos, . | _ _From their luong experience in Germany, Pnh.‘ | and New York, they are universally ndmittad ta A ® agon! He will be in his office from 7 in the morning “fihl in the fn(,v‘:: he ‘::: see parties who wich |to arrange abuut r ® Consignments trom m distance will immediate attention. Cath advances, when ired, will be made on consignments for immediate sa ; All kinds of turniture bought, exchanged. !.mucnk. | * Hig Lordship the Bi« of Kingston, Hop. Sir Jo:- A l::zlnlf. Hog. H. L. Langevin, C B, f Hon. Alex. C:mpboil, P M G, R NW. Seott, Esq, M P P, * Toronte; 45th Feby., 1869 Oologiste, whose collecti upno!hl--nll..l mm.,'!"im.fl.“.‘ 2. , 1One 0y aim to give satisfaction in dischare ing the trust eonndod‘to him. â€" He hopes that by striet attention to the sales entrusted to his care, as well as by promat seitiem nts immediately after, to mgrit a otnro of public patronage. _ and New york, they are universally admitted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent, The high reputatiun of the instranents made by thew for the past tem years, and the imcreasing demapd for them in the new Dominion, prove their very :nporior quality, anod universally acknowâ€" Indmad® suacts FISK‘S METALLIC COFFIXNS. Rresipexorsâ€"Yorkâ€"st, first Brick House bélow the markct. CHIEF UNDERTAKER, % SPARKSâ€"3 T. COFFIN®, HEARSES & CARRLAGES, .__FPOR OLD AXD YOUXG PEOPLE, Sole agent for ; Horse, Laxo aso Gesxernatr Aasxor, _ © oFFICE AND SA LE RO‘OIB, Izous‘ New Brimomcs, Soss®râ€"st, OTIAWA. â€"â€" W Skanly, Eso, M P Maxk. W. strange, Esq, M P P Francis H. Barton, Eeq, M P James O‘Rielly, E=q, Q C, â€" CcOoOMMISSION sALE ROOMS, H.1 Ne ME Tenesceverte terabef encesce sevsessessesssscse« Te00 180,000 Extra SHINGLES..................... 250 100,008 No. 1 * 1 * inorenentassrsserces NtXE 80,000 No. 2 % ssssssssssssssssese»» 1+50 80,000 Fancy * sessessensesssssscces A+B5B 300 cords Birch and Maple CORDâ€" W 30D, dry"1 feet long, delivered..... 4.00 All Flour, Oatmeal, and Shingles kept in stock., are manufactured by O Easton, of Merrickville, and warranted. * Sales at cheapest rates and for cash. C W. H. EASTON & Co., Little Susserâ€"st., Canal Basin, W.H. EastOXx. 3i1°â€" ®.. M. EASTON. _ The following is our tioned : beg to inform their friends and : eralthat they have new RE.0 new buildings erectod by Mr: H rickville, and where will be 1 . Noel, , Manager Quebesc Bank, Ottawa. hert Lyon, , M P P. mart young mar. wanted to act as travelling reâ€"resont ng sevetal firms. , J. gfllg;l'vfl HAM, ‘; Auctuonser mussion Merchant, ).y House, Land aad General Agent onMixtox avcriox MART, Commisston «Merchants CO 4& MAE Bursgin c o a t ues en Paa t L m Yean‘ WA SWALWELL, Eâ€"0pr® $0.000 Extra Superfine........ NCY «ecurecterferetertens Superfine No. 1......... Kuperfine 0,| ......... FLOUR, ° PORK, tDWOOD . AND. SHINGLES, Duzye W‘orks. CHEAl CHARLES T. GILLMOR, © «Clerk of the House. oby., 1869. .__ _ 938â€"lawtLOo cNINXG OF BUsSILXESs. their friends and the public in gon l1..EASTON & co IRICKS AT $7.00. POR Cag$H. ALso AND by Mr: HH. Easton, of Merâ€" will be kept constantly on price list of goods menâ€" REâ€"OPENED . in those **++8 808000 600 0 nit t mnlu’t _gt_!t_':l Furniture, as ., consigned that he is ory for the rated grand | 4.15 7.00 will be in readiness to wait on sustomers, _ _ + H. HICK &lcxi ‘ will re any PB .. BRBâ€"Qustomers will please report D0 Phis P .coucmmencctstenncirarsony .ts srchrwed A S M 50 cts. to$1.25...,............ .......«« ~.« V ESTS. ©8,00,.......Black Broadcloth........FALL EUITS. * A lorg staff of ‘polite and ‘attentive salesmen will be in readiness to wait on sustomers of Gentlemen betwlattiicigs ib raiddiias 48 i. 3 & 81 _ do Table Damask and 300 Hamask. Table Cloths, at a frightfulsacrifice..... ......... R@â€"Also, R:d.avd White Flann«ls, Canaâ€" dian Shirting Flannels, Hoop Skirts Crasb Towellllg:, ‘Trish Linen, Clouds | Breaktast Shawls, Hermp Carpets, &¢., &c. _ _ &@»~ CORSETsS, 2s Gd. ~@»ma Blanketsâ€"A large lot of slightly dama Blankets fot‘sbolgrnlfpdoo. y dapoa on _1,000 Lizwen Bags, 1s, worth !s 64 ; 40 casos UF ns a ©~ avaae iR O CCoy un SU°RTS! SHIRTS! SsHIRTS! 1,000 Flannel Shirts, only..............2 6 200 W hite Cotton Shirts, only......3 9 m Ulbr,:h’.lnlc:ly.v........S 3 Hesp! viestmake, Ribbed ../.sss»«ssseeees:.«+«».....0 O Wworth 8 9 Paper Coliarsâ€"100 collars for 3« 94. 500 picces 2{â€"3: ~ds wiqe Linen 85 PIECES DOMINION TWEED, Bomething Newâ€"one of the heaviest cloths msdeâ€"a* a grea sacrifice, » B s 1,000 ;. A$5%, SAPEISS an at correspondingly low prices. 100 do _ Full Cloth, very heary.2 9 do 3 Alao..,lgluddl_uo BROAD CLOTHS. BEAVERS 159 R.y P CPZ CGZ Linen,....................6d BHAWLS, . 35 Filled Shawlis. #3 Shepherd l.on‘ Sharls 101 Fazcy, all wool Longs § 167 Assorted Square Shawis, CcoTToNs. 120 pleces Grey Cotton, 14} yards wide, for l&" ploces lirey Colton, i; yards wide, for......8 d 160 pdo Bleachea Bonoe{n and Millars........6{a 1GF : dio ABOCTEMEE ..soâ€"censctaretererertsvertcrss / h 303 do Best English Prints. Hovia‘s and Ssn CÂ¥ 80 do Double Delaines..... 7 To: do:: | «o _ PopHin......." Â¥f: 150 do . do â€" Cobourg..... 7j 150 do Assort‘d DressGoods~ 9 .« 338 do ln.{n- Reptue«. 4 ‘( . _60â€"do Bl‘k French Merino 1 6 > T15 do FancyColorsâ€"your choies for........ 2 200 do Black Empress Rep UNBY csrvrrarict «vee 10 «© ., _ _.,.._ Also, a splendid assortment of Hannibal vloths . _‘ Orientat Lustres Livini Poplins Alberteena Cloths Princess Alexanara Embossed Poplins Mandarin Lustres Eugenia Reps, &o. I ABLQbQGb 30â€" FRINGED TOWELS, an 20 pieces Waterprof.......... ....... 50 ’do Do-bmldth Overcoatâ€" WORLH OE DRY 30,000 SNS ® Puré! at Public Auction lately, from the imâ€" mense Buankrupt Atock o1 the late firm of DTSâ€" MARTERY, DALINE & C , of Montreat, and sold on “oonu.n . JAMES CLAXTIoGN. ;rho goods are new a very superior‘quality, bolll‘ i:r)md expressly a fumonnb:lo‘llon- treal trade ; and, as they haveâ€"succoneded in purâ€" chasing the gnoods far beiow the ing cost, they are prep@red to offer bargnains never be re off ered in this oi}:.. The following are some of the lines &b _ do â€" zâ€"yards wide, Union _Have remov®ito their NEW STORE, in Stew art‘s Block, Corner of Rideau and Bussexâ€"sts. 'bo:n they will offer, in connection with thei Men‘s ware in Calt, Kipp, Cowhide Boots ; Men‘s Strong Work Boots as low as $2 per pair. Boy‘s and Yo.::l*l :}nsl_ly low, â€" P A large n'lzply New English KlpinBoou, hand made, the most â€"svitable ware for Lumber men, constantly r hand and made by the very best workmen. ars taken tor all kinds of work: * aÂ¥y * GEOR#E XUPPHY which will be found complete ; being selected with care, it will not fail to give general satisfaction. 4100 pMome genera‘ly are invited to call and examine the stock and onflool.whlch we know canâ€" not fail to give satistaction to all. Remember the place, tha old Crosby Stand, opâ€" posite O‘Meara‘s, No. 51, Sguh--t;â€" A.J. STEPHESS & Co, Ottawa, Oct. 20 â€" 868. ; 876y The public generally are invited to examine the stock and crlrloo-.which we not fail to give satistaction to all. THE BA)YKRUP'}' STOCK, comprising the latest styles and bost qualities ot LADIES‘, GENT‘S, MISSES‘ & CHILDREN‘S DRESS & WALKILNG BOOTS, > suitable for FALL & WINTER WEAR. Also, a arge stock of Men‘s and Women‘s Course Boots, Moose Mocassine, Buck Moose and Sheep Mitts, Boef Mocassins, Felt Overâ€"shoes, F.ubbers, &o., all of which will be sold at great redustions from forâ€" no::rhu Lumber and country merchants are reâ€" quested to bear in mind that there is a large stock o‘ handmade boots to be dispos«d of at the aforeâ€" said reduction in prices. PM"~Call early and be convinced ; the opportu nity will not last long. WX - for Ladies*, Gent‘s, Missos‘ and Children, and aiâ€"" most every(l:ing else nceded to improve the un» . Mcndll'. an additional dilc(?qnx will Ca8H PURC2ASEs of The stock includes a splendid lot of CLOTi & FELEâ€"Boots & ovErs, I have now received my fall and winter stock TEN‘CENTSONFF EVERY DOLLAR ! and to ensure make room for Wwitneys, Mantle C| BLACK‘\ DOES, &e., All the large stock of wihter do BOOTS AND s H O ES A Heavy Downfall in Prices ! ! CbbbEMQ cmmanrterimmrcnn nc tsccncy _ WOTlh $ Ottawa, January 27, 1869, ICK & co. ENORMOUS â€" REDUCTIONS:! CROSBY STAND, NO. 51, SPARKSâ€"st The whole of * MPoRrtTtaAXxr NOTICEK! 1 KNUINE CLEARING SALE ABDUON Berrees seescssesessercessersssssseese20 §0 French Calicos, in choice patterns...8 d Best English Priots, Hoyle‘s and BOOTS AND SHOES Seotch Witoeys, Mantle Cloths, Sheeting......... .... AT CAPITAu BOOT & SHOE STORE ‘YORKâ€"ST. Boots & Shoes. Dry Goods. HEAP BOoOTs & sHons AT THE % SPRING GooDs CLOTHS. Boots and Shoes Beiow Par ! 1 THE lz}D BOOT. AT THE OLD eftensive clearanke, and thus goods is being gold be made vrox ALL 10 «© 2 W. A. LaAMB. 3 9 .....0d each. lupport'_lâ€"l‘ mrhhn&i ‘pfl'o-“#'- Wuâ€" Indigestion, Devility and gtâ€"rare / me n raxrirmery‘ Avigg oc ie o0 mell ‘%vc:::%gun. ’x‘v;oa.-r-pu:su.ic?ol‘fi uu"fl‘,'fi ve t Liver M Nausea s?d hdi.“utio-. BOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS, Wholesale â€"F. CUNDILL & Co., Montveal, « By its means fat is rendered capable of onâ€" tering the absorbents."â€"â€"Prof. Brexaz0, Paris. PANCREATINE POWDER, botties, 2s, 38 6s 6d and 12s 64. , PANCREATINE WINE, bottles, llaaocqal 1 PA !u."tlciA‘rIC .('I:IIGES‘I'IVI).“ u;c highly nutritions, e d palst di‘hmtie preparation. mflnfl tn tÂ¥ha is vastly superior to Pepsine, which dig»st one kind of lood.'â€"L?:ea gan. caly INDIGESTION & WASTISG DISEREASES Sheriff‘s Ofice, Ottawa, y it February 17th. A.D. 1869, others concerned, are roqtmd I govern themselves accordingly . CoUNTY oF‘ it To Wit. Public notice is hereby given, that the Courts of OYER and TERMINER and General Gaol Deâ€" livery, and of Assize IMNEIPMJ and for the said County of Carleton, will be holden at the Court House, in the City of Ottawa, on TUESDAY, the THL@TEENTH day of APRIL, A.D. 1869, at the hour of ten of the clock, a.m., of which all Coroâ€" ners, Magistrates, Bailiffs, Constables, and ail others concerned, are required to take notice and Sherif‘s Ofice, Ottawa, ____ February 16th, A.D. 1869. WeA iinie t BP "oll cce 6. & Sracs 2. ce ts l P us 3 twelve o‘ciock, noon: all the estate, right, title, inferest, trust, equity of redbmption, claim -‘ demand, and all ot.horfl?u and quuldu which were of the said LOBER‘T BRATTON, deceased, at the time of his death to be administerad, of,. in, to and out of ‘Lot Number Seventeen, in the Fiftth Concession, (Rideau Front), in the Tm of Gloucester, in the Conn§ of Carleton, af: + * x. F. POWELL._ By virtue of two Writs of Fier Facias, issusd out of Her Majesty‘s County c«nd&om of (‘arleton, one at the suit of WILLIAM « SEY, and the other at the suit of THOMAS COW AXN, and to me directed and delivered, against the |ands and tenements, which* were of RuBERT BRATTON, deceased, at the g.‘ocl his deach in the hands of ANN BRATITON, Adâ€" mimstratrix, of aH and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of the said ROBEKI BRATTON, deceased, at the time of his death, who died in(‘?o. I have seized and taken in execution, and will offer for sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, at my office, in the Court House, in the CiÂ¥ of Ottawa, on FRIDAY . the: TWENTYâ€"FIRST day of MAY, A.D. 1869, at twelve o‘ciock, noon: all the estate, rigbt, title J inferest, trust, equity of redbmption, claim and demand, and all otherrights and equities which ProvincEk or oNTARIO, COUNTY OF CARLETON, ns tine is a powerful of digestion." p“f". .."1": [o"""‘:'o:- Lecturts. JAMES MeCARTHY & CO, Ottawa, ebruary 6, 1869, 23 :% Ps6a We will not give the prices of our goods, for this reasonâ€"that other houses would offer inferior goods at the same figures, and induce their ousâ€" tomers to believe they were as good value as ours. Come and look, and price our merchandise, and you will then be satisfied this is not a mere puff, but a reality. We have resolved to change our business, and will, without any humbugging, sell ©G00ODS EXTREMELY LoW,â€" for that indispensible thingâ€"Cash, and continue to do so during this month, The winter being far advanced goods for this season will be sold ufl‘mh induce anyone to buy, and spring goods g in advance of the season will be sold lower still. PBM~Keep a look out for the emblew ot unity, he Green, White and Blue. others in this eity for waives over the farâ€"tamed SILV ER BO O T, and there only will it be vhlblo't’ltn eclipse all to take place on the sth of this month, and thore wishing to see it can do so by coming to our store Wellingtonâ€"st., Upper Town, where the A DUFF. Ottawa, October 27 18§8. 35 CTS., $1 and 81 aze T eP 82 epre se $4.50 75 CTS., $1 TAIL(_)RIN G DEPARTMENT. Particular aitention given to the Tailoring De partment, which is under the supervision of a firstâ€" class cutter, AND.WINTER GOo0DS, comprising Readyâ€"made Clothing, Canadian Tweeds, Etofies, Batinetis ; also a large stock of Blankets, rlmoh; Kerseys, Gray Cottons, Prints, Winceys, Piaids, &6., &0. ; Broadcloths, Beavers, Witneys, Petershams, Devons, &¢. ; Bedford Cords, Bilk Mixtures, West of England Tweeds, Doeskins, &o., wholesale t‘ retail, which will be made up to order on the shortest notice in the latest styles of fashion and at prices that 2 BBA general assortment of Dry Goods, the larges® stosk ever oftered tor saie in this aty. 8$1.25"%<"â€"23.00 Our stock is new, and composed of oTICE. MHERIFE‘3 SALE OF GREEN, WHITE AND BLUE FLAG y READYâ€"MADE AxD To Orpu®. _O‘MEARA &~°C ESTABLISHED IN 1844, Offer for sale an extensive imnortatior CHEAP .«Nb\msmomnnn, C PNCCC _ TNL â€"â€"L 101. BEENARO, Farw. $ Second REATINE ?m'z'T“d- :OWDIB. botties, &ht oil. ATINE WINE, bott Thirdâ€" Cns Aipaprer arragk itr casily and Call preparation, 'p-:f.'n:" l“:rd b*‘o‘. x on, D.“ lCd.k,'u“.lk“‘“ZL. se# OM } t ‘%’AVOI:%M. xa 3A _ 143, New + o Te rancrBATI}® @108 i Be Tas |â€" or taking Cod Liver Oil, preventing nd Indigestion. ‘ 1 #@_Sicn TOTAL ECLIPSE LOTHING, sessesesssescssepsersses»«..COMPLETE SULTR, oanieribstsyessivieisrecisesrenes GOGD m}. CTS., $1 and $1.25......UNDERSHIRTS, To Wir. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, DEFY COMPETITION. CHEAP: GOODS. Dry Goods. By JAS. BAILIFF, Wx. F. POWELL, TCimeft process. Lk. t.“h:‘.“ roN, i e â€"| the last s of!(i;: Lm;. issupg | o give ® ounty rt k. mter WILLLAM DeMP. lt n:‘m. unno‘f THomas | _ $th, _ rected delivered, | -d-nuu. wug' were : E:.‘&."‘ decensed, at the time of | _ 68â€" . ‘ensive importation of FALL )DS, comprising Readyâ€"made Tweeds, Etofies,, Satinetis ; sesecssseee O‘MEARA & CO. v.'. pi"Sign Red Oil Barrel. THE POSSIBILITY OF EXPLOSION $ besides this most important feature it possesses every good qu»lity that is desiralle in a lamp. It will not break if dropped upon the floor. If overâ€" turned no oil will escape. It will carry a large A«me without smoking; this fiame is steady, and so protected that carrents of air do not affect it, rendering it a opnvenient lamp to carry about the house, and is not liable to get out of order. The lamp is wade of metal, and csnnot be broken, bence no danger from tzat cause. «* MINER‘S SAFETY® LAMP," is strictly adhered to, rendering it safe from now offers to the public this valuable improve ment. ‘The principle employed by 3ir Lumphrey Dary, in his celebrated AGE®T FoR Oth. Evory Packet contains its full weight ; uo.pan‘ packets weigh 16 ounces. l’l « It is all that it is represented to be, nameâ€" ; A 18 U‘mulle.l Sorf Purity and Cheapness: dth. Families that have used it pronounce it the best, and will use no other. Sth. At contains no Saleratus, nor does it imâ€" mr the digestive organs like those Ewdm where & or an excess of Alkali predominates, â€"6th. It never gives to Bread or Cakes an unâ€" pleasant Alkaline or mawkish taste. Tth. The ingredients that form its composition unu.‘ more benefcial “bn otherwise. bit B ptic subjects can eat hot Bread or Rolls -._pa{'rm'_u ndjd‘rho benefit by its use, Thirdâ€"Beanty and perfection of finish. Odl’“mtlmuth OIL DEPOT, _ 8rd. After baving been extensively used for the last 14 years in not one instance has it failed 10 give entire satistaction. ‘ Ist. Bread or Cakes made with it are more wholesome than if made with Yeast or any other * 300. [Tts pority ts sugh thit 36 Wrill stand the tast of the most perfect analysis. ‘THE CLAIM FOR THIS LAMP IS Firstâ€"Absolute eafety under all ciroumitances. «"MKS. WINSLOW‘S s0O0IHING SYRUP." Having the Jacsimile of «Cartis & Perkins" on the outside }fuur. All others are base imitations disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and orying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of airs. WINSLOW‘S sO0THING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who bas ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it flun‘nlmflnbovoh.m‘inmutbo mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" soription of one of the oldest and best female pbyâ€" sicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 lected soon attacks the lungs. ©"Browp‘s Bronâ€" ’clllsl'l‘roehu."or Cough Lo-'u'p., allay irritaâ€" tion which induces coughing, having a pi2ECT in. Auence on the affected parts. As there are imitaâ€" tions, be sure To ortarm the genuine. Sold by all dealers in medicines, at 25 cents a box. In â€" Ana _ 1 Ib, P a ok e t s for 25 | 6 Packets for cents. $1.49. Asthmatic affections. Experience bhaving proved that simple remeaies often act specdily and cerâ€" tarnly when taken in the early stages of the disâ€" ease, recourse should at once be had to " Brown‘s Bronshia!l Troches," or Lozenges. Few are aware of the importance of checking a cough, or " comâ€" mon cold," in its first stage. ‘THat which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if negâ€" " NONâ€"EXPLOSIVE â€"LAMP." p" and take no othor."- Bola by-n druggists in Ottawa, and medicine deale w ere, ' 578y of the arms, pain in the head and stomach, unquie{ sleep, faintings, tremblings, coughs, indigestion: low spirits, frightful dreams, and a gradual waist Ing awsy of fiesh. They are palatabie and selfâ€"administered to the childâ€"drive out the worms thoroughly without pain and completely cleanse the stomachâ€"thereby doir; away. with the necessity of administering Castor Oil or other unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of other Werms. PM"~Each box contains the iacâ€"simile signature of Norturor & Lruix, Newcastle, C.W., who are l the sole proprietors. Mothers! motners 1 MothersIâ€"Are you ‘It will restore gray hair to its omginal color. i nesmg the mt prom ufln en , .( 0 anses the scalp and lustrous and silken. P It is a splendid hair dressine. TEN REASONS 3 Why it Should be Used in Preference to all ARDENER8 Nashua, N. H., For sale by all drugrists. The basis of it .”mribmmupnmh.vw symptoms and BAKING POWDER. Greater light with less consumption of TB SUSSEXâ€"STREET, sources of Pulmanary Bro.ehiâ€"ol and SPECIAL NKOTIHICEs. for Holloway‘s D. R. LEAVENS. â€" WR Bola by all th, â€" HALL &#0., METALLIC ears capsiged. Only one man was killed. from Gaets, and his escape from the q',t“mprb;. at St. Agnesâ€"without theâ€" municipality ‘offers a | sum to illuminate the cit;. 1998 â€"â€"A very curions railroad ~acciJent happened recently near Mirzapore, India. A h-fi elephant, ndzdtse red light and the smoke, eoncia: b:bo noisy loâ€" comotive was an enemy to be summ=nfil demolished. Hnâ€"-l-fly:d bi-{ self on %he track, and met str:age creature, head on, with trunk and tusks. The result was a dead elephant and 11 {PRICEKâ€"3 CENTsS. was a member of the Legislative Assemb} of 1840,. Hewas an officer of tbendl Poule sent to St. Helena in 1837, ander the command of the Prinee de Joirville, to bring the remains of Napoleon 1. to l‘l“m',l"!' talk ofliol‘mg â€"â€"There is ing a t Tesâ€" tival at Rome on the 11th adpi.zfio( April, to: celebrate â€"at one and the same time the 50th anniversary of the Pope‘s officer who commanded a squadron in the Black Sea during the Crimean wor, has just died at the age: of seventyâ€"two. He _ â€"Some years ago a man named Brown was acquitted by a jury in Mismi county, Ohio, on :a charge of murdering an editor inDa{:n. Since then every one of the Jury has become insane, met an unnstuâ€" ral déath or committed suicide, and the judge who presided at the trialâ€"died reâ€" oe:d, in a Llll;m asylum. This an Ohio journal a,; " startling instance of the retributive justice of Heaven.‘‘ use lotg enough to wake all the sloepers rthefim Then he continued, " that is not lpliotbh to some condiâ€" tion of daily life." e â€"Mr. Lackray, the humourist contriâ€" butor to Figaro, whose satires on the present government have â€"led to his imâ€" Emanm%_::l applied for leave to have is dog. â€"inepector of St. Pelagie nplflthzb!xsd'm ML:W to treat .im' uw ‘hmdczfl- the journalists incarceraâ€" ted at St. Pelagie will not be treated as â€"The Prince Imperial is a great amaâ€" teuro{v-h:rfa.' He publicly gained a race the ‘dty inp:t:nbir‘d!chl gardens against his comrade, Dr. Conâ€" neau‘s son, and it is said that he has orderâ€" ed a dozen velocipedes to make presents of to various young friends, â€"A. minister :in Connectiout, while preaching a few Sabbaths since, seci several olmadey.intbehou,l::a his hearers by the bold assertion, " There is not a truth in the Bible," followed by a ibedwr e m»r ardos. 120 asemer h rawr BB ... w on a tree in that cit Gleodnrdn’. and inmdyihniudt{.- as * harbingers of spring." _ It was afterwards ascertainâ€" ed that they were truants from a neighâ€" bouring bird cage, ‘and the reporter and theuuon'u&%nk a little. â€"Beecher says that " the w to exterminate 5:0 Canada thuodaol’ is z plant it for a crop, and propcse to make money out of it. ‘Then worms will naw it, bugs will bite it, beetles will bore it; aphides will suck it, rains will drown it, and mildew and blight will ride it." â€"AÂ¥ Hnnlta reporter saw two jays ton, was picked up in the Champs Ex;oorl with a dagger through his chest. _ He was taken to the hospital, and, though badly wounded, is expected to recover. His money was untouched, and so : the French pupers are romancing about a "turt â€"An ‘English j , named Crampâ€" ton, was picked upmn Champs Eivsoes â€"The Viceroy of Egypt is coming to France in April’;o take the Mrl‘o_f Vichy. It is however, mot usual for persons who need : these waters to |asâ€" semble in that place so early in <the year, â€"Lord Eicho has again been clected Pruidenlf. of the National Rifle Arsociaâ€" tion. arl Spencer‘s intment to the Lord Lieutenancy of.mmd' necesâ€" sitated his rosigning the of President of the A-odntio:' ” â€"Theré is to be another royal visit to Ireland. Prince Arthur is to be the hnpzyPrinoo whe is destined to receive the hearty welcome of the Green Isle on this ocoasion. â€"Russian letters state that the preâ€" carious bealth nl(l’f the Grand Duke, heir to the throne, will necessitate a prolonged residence of his Imperial Highness in the south of France or in Italy. ; â€"The Prince of Montenegro is travelâ€" ling in Germany, and is expected at Paris. â€"A marriage is on the tapis between a 1 of cavairy, and â€"The proposed lotrommn demonâ€" :Ttnuon, in :nour of the Mr. Ernest ones, is to be held in T u on Good Friday. e N* â€"A downâ€"east editor compliments a brother thusly : " Mr. Brown is a clean thinker, a ready and various writer, and a firstâ€"rate fellow to boot." 4th inst. shame became known the guilty man was found to be clerk in a Mainâ€"st. store. He was forced to marry her, bet imâ€" mediately after left for parts unknown, and has not been heard of since. The girl gave birth to a daughter, which lived a few weeks and then died. Last fall the father of the family died very suddenly at 5 o‘clock in the morning, and was buried at 5 o‘clotk in the afterâ€" noom. Last week the mother was taken sick with diptheria, and died in s few hours. Her regmains were eonveyed by the midnight train to a neighbouring city, and buried the nert morning. The deughter tobk ‘z: disease of the mother, and after a days of intense suffering she too was released by death, and so the last member of the family is gone. A sad story.â€"Hartford Times, dArk Suk "_ Ds scemedg to trouble them, and everytfiiugwentonmootbl . But the man went into speculations, unl little by little the money was lost, until he was cenâ€" siderably reduced, and forced to go to work for a living. _ With what remained of their fortune the‘ wife furnished a house and kflests aumber of boardâ€" ers. But nothing seemed to prosper. The boarders left, leaving unpaid bills, and one of them â€"at last seduced & daughter of the landlady, and when her shame becam:‘ klnon the ‘guilty man wor Guimnad 1. Jdut ‘t> > tb ( This ll:ernoon z'n be buried the last member of what a few years since was one oftheh:mm families in town. Blessed WIth _ »HEnkty af ~Â¥Chin uim " _ o" MISCELLANEOU 8 ty of this world‘s A SAD CASK. his eseape from the

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