maurancse C that the or Plan *we Oln.-‘.’.c-l a, will be boiden Ottawsa, on TVR | "opyoUIVaAt ty , of M wine. COs of *31â€"$850 Pee L 0“.?‘ AM .. For the Xinister "RT OP® sP NORABLE 3 OF TNR 4 ‘RAXerR Naxcr NA Atawa, 1#A nrio for ag PEAT MA »MPAN Y ,1 UAL Writs of OrF »NXTARIO, ow yhe shortiah toed for Sehool Section to the Trustees, : PATRICK UKELLY, JAAEY P. sRTEEsoNR JORYX sKtTTH »by given, that th KK and General aid Nisl Prias, in made at the Wu. F UIP. wEtaWw t zs ""‘"A!cl\ “M‘.N Id.NM T '. heueand Doitars .':'& non, "3," "***ing Seraente t she of the Clerk de of ANN 1nd "“ TE PE JN," wase 44LE or JOoUN 8 Pamwr188é Â¥ of M. all the ToN A. SAUND ey of A. D. 1008 LEV .N ents in the atches. to the NAavy 1A 8 1883, : MALXY AS â€"_ aeeore f‘Q"nN“ ANXD business of a # wan €<% #Â¥p Fnsu OrsTER3, â€" is Tine, Punnv:o ON@T8R3 do prsounyt & j Fli&l SALMON do F tESH MACKEREL a o Faunymm ts «. Gnn PEA3 do I‘;iox. qtgon. ORANG®E, m_:-;-. s;:: Bisckberry, Raspberry and yp aAsp88rkar YIrxERoar, Q»labrated sug ir Curod Hams and Broak{ast Roll #:co0n. Pw_xunsa-h, * * w PICKLW Maskare: , - P( HERRIX 3#, Tna Haif Burrols, Barrels and Trerses, nl! Codisk., â€ir’ Haddock, FU’A! Maddies, &c., &0., full stock of Choiss Family Greceries. ox:!ov. 3, 1968, C NS oY ie ( k the very best, in ‘ GENXERAL assortment of the different 4 k"b of GCAROCERIES AND LiQ UORS on hand, Wholesale and Retail, st the LOFÂ¥EST POSSIBLE PRICES for Warranted Goods. A trial of the articles will recommend thers. / . For sale at “‘..' SON, TAYLOR & Co.‘s VE The sabsomiber would called attenation Â¥Fawmilies and others to his the ® W‘. AL W, tawa, November $7, 1863 FINE â€"BOTTILED ALE Which is im splendid sondhtion. Also, SCOTCH, IRISH,. OLD RYE, ‘And other Malt Whiswies, 3 No. 16, Rosavst, And for smie cheap, by * INMAN LINEOF® MAIL STRAMERS, SALMQ FRoOM NEW*YORK EVERY SATCRDAT AND ALTE&EERNATE TUEaDAYs. gâ€'lltlllt WINEâ€"Good Tabla Wineâ€"@1 *_" to $3.00. ' "C ) Tixs NEwW HRoX®r, 3 ’,fluu. NEY, in 5 B. and 8 ®B. Ra|FS OF Pad8AGEK BY THE Ai%WRoAiY $ThiXEs. KFirst Cabin, Payable in Goid. sice «o Lw Of C@ROODKNONW...ccr cxcescercercerce Aecrage, Payable in Currency, Liverpool OF (QHOODBLOWN..».«ss200»=»ssssscsesee â€" 38 0 rasBa®§ uT TYZ TUREDaY STEAMRE T! KAL{FAX. First Cabin, Payable in Goid. Liverpool or Queenstown.....................«...$100 00 For further information, m at the Company‘s ameere n 0i 2O Brosiwer Wew T 15 % York or to nnxcx'.'m & 00., 10 St. John‘s, N E., by branch steamer......... 7 Stecrage, Payable in Ourrency. Halifax "WNABLE and Cooking RAISLNS, OUBRANTS Rtawas, Jan . 20, 1# Liverpool or Quesnstown ................, «»«» ® 00 “.l““..."...........-.-.. eveecccseesecc000s se seeee “ 00 .John‘s, N. F., by branch steamer.... .... 30 940 Tickets sold to and from Engiand, Lreland, and «Continent, at moderate rates T For further information, apply at the Company‘s « P@®ESERVED and CAN FRUITS, assorted & . to suit the holiday season. au. KIND®S of GENUTINE LIQUO ree Ia. according to age and quality. ates #rOCEr®, _ . ine & 1LA VOURING EXTPRACTI and APICBSâ€" Jiksct â€" IMPORTATIONS uPOoRTO, SPAIN, COGNAC PORT, gUMERRY, BRANUY, GIN AND sSCOTCH WHISKEY, &o. _ PICKLES, SAUCES, JAMS & JELLIBS INDLA W aAaREROUSE, . LMERLIA GRAPES, FRESH FIGS and « ruRTUGUESE GNION3. NOR LIVERPOUGOL & QUKEKXATOWX, *OFFEESâ€"Always Froshâ€"Boest Braaisâ€" * Try them. | ‘\-" ‘FI“ “ UST RECKINÂ¥VED, PRQXMX CROSSE & BLACKWELL. VGAR® and SYRUP3 of all graaews. A calb ART WINEâ€"Geod lable Wine & a #A. a To sther with a General Assortmant of FIRSTâ€"CLA3SS GROCERICS PB ACCOSâ€"The Finest Quaali make in cat, tin foil and plug. EASâ€"Black, Green and J Warranted Good, and selected for M.r._. FULL sasortment of FRE3H IT, B 85 F im market. PRUIT, the h: . BROWNL & CO., Wholesale and Retail YUL. IV CASKS SCOTCH LLNGâ€"Geod. THOS. P.\TTERSON'S, =__â€"_~â€"_. No. 36, Rideanâ€"street. BOXKs DDGBY HERRINGSâ€"large boxes at T5 cte,. each. STILTON CHEE3E, 6 bye. to § bs. aize, from Reesor Brothers‘ celebrated OPTLED ALE, «â€"â€"LIK £ W L8EB,â€" Grocertes, AN!) LONDON, Mo Apppmesmmen c '(ï¬&i’“ï¬o at 44, Rideaunâ€"strt at, 00 7¢. _®A REAL IMPROVEMENT (Lane«t) on the .‘.:3 kings of LLEBi@‘3 FOOD," and the only one keeps good in all climates, week, extraordinary improvement in appearance ; says he has lost cougn, oats well, and is jolly.â€" FURNITURE of every made to order or repaired, nlpb“%h. "e Architects and others furnishing their own drawâ€" -,HAQM.H,‘ wood work will Pl" * _ _ Caution.â€"The genuine PANCREATIC EMULâ€" BIONX only in bottles, 22 64, 41 6d and 8s, with m':‘unm labels and trade mark. Particnlar attention paid to GOTHIC & FANCY FURNITURE. _ Cas# 154.â€"Says emulsion agrees exceeding! well; makes him feel quite difGferent. â€"At funnz 'P. BEHT FOOD FOR IXFPANTS, resembling Mother‘s Milk asclosely as poszsiâ€" bie.â€"Dr. H. Barkor on right joods for children. FUNERALS furnished at the shortest notice in the city or at., opposite the market. Princse should."â€"SNociat Neience Revisto, for the removal of housebold furmture, &0o. Also, waggons for |umber and other lu_vy goods. always on hand. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL:! reflective power excels anything in use. Wo inâ€" vite mill owners to examine it. i Publis and Private Buildings, Conservato. ries, Wineries, Manufactories, &s., warmed by Steam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved principles. Prise Modal, 1862. Silver Medal, 1867. KE b * STEWART‘S3 BLOCK, (Cexteas Beom»mxo,) THEIR CUsTOMERS | DiBOJATSLY. nAVI _ YOUR STOYEâ€"PIPES CLEANED during this weather, and provent fire. Jobbing at low rates by 7 ESMONDE BROS., # 43 Sparks st., op. Ontario Bank. 4 No., 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., Plumbers, Gas ‘and Steam Fitters, Tin _and Copper Smiths, Bell Iaingâ€" A la*ge stock of materials for the above branches CABINETâ€"MAKER, UPBHOLSTEREFR, METALLIC AND OTHER COFFINS HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. se that keeps good in all elimates, .. .. _ _ No boiling or ml-!-‘. Tin«, 1s, %#, 5s and 108. BAYORLY & MOORE, 143, New Bondâ€"st . London. Agents â€"»Meears. F. Cundill & Câ€", Montreal. ¢,â€"Dr, H. Barker nn:b{mdaï¬r children. «* THE IXFANT PAX1NCE thrives upon is as a We are now making a new MILL LAMP ; ICE CREAYX BLANC MANXGE PUDDINXG CHARLOTTE DE IJBLLY m V NDE KR T A K E R. s POVEA !. STOVEs : 00KS8 & STATIOXKRYv. LYTH & KEALR, MESSRS. DURIE & SON Stoves F Hardiware. HOT AIR FURNACES. o $ T O Y E S ! Funoy, Parlous and VJook Stoves, in groat is for Eaton‘s Patent Automatic, Selfâ€"Venâ€" , Wood and Coal Stoves. Also Beecher & and will be prepared to meet APITAL * sToYE PEPOT, MILL LAXPS,. EXPRESS WAGGONS Just received direct from England. dence at the west end of Wailingtonâ€" rcossmu’nos treated with Savouy & Moon®‘s PAnNCREATIC EMULSIO®. Bee The Loncet, British Medicat b Press, &e. iYX ®FXovED to H. MEADOWS & CO, iy on band. ind Coffee Pots, RUSSE MOULDS, J. DURITE & SOX. MOULDS, MOULDS, MOULDS, MOULDS, j MR Agram PRINTING, BINDIXG, OR STATIONERT, may be sent, and will be punstually sitended to as usual, arrangeoments having beena made to preâ€" vent any interruptio. to the business. endered aim on ail sides, and hopes to see his patrons and friends in his new oflce. _ GEOROE E. DESBARATS. tawn, January #1,1800, _ _ WA OVER A. MeCORMICEKS STORE, Where all orders for the The ladies of Bankâ€"st. Charch intend opening their BAZAAB on TUESDAY, 16th «f MARCH _ FANCY WOOLLHSS, SCOARYS, lcx.oungu.. . They have resoived to cleap out the whole of these de at ceet price. Madaâ€"st.; Mrs. Wm, Moots, O‘Connorâ€"st ; and Mrs. T. McK ay, Chaudiese. mamk >‘ Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeal, Pork, &¢., suitn initly covevied e r0 Petiorsten & Ce:r hom and all other Cotton Gsode, *# They have splendid value, : Cash advanced consigned tbmae . diato amie. W.Shglfl.~ W, H. Rasres, Â¥e€ R M. Raxves. LOW COMPOSITION IX THE POUND, are now prepared, and will sell from this dats IHE WHOLE OF THE ABOYE STOCK, may be erpected. IAhis department 1s under the ee ot a wellâ€"known fArstâ€"class outter im l 30 Pos‘ fargat ts ‘Piake having bought out the MESSRS. GRANT & HENDERSON, THE TATJLORING DEPARTXERNT. This department is under the saperiatendence ot Previous to Stockâ€"taking uxxrnsonax & Lixpsiar, ’ LEASE OF PREMISES LATBLTYT OCCU Ktawa, J IMMENSE REDUCTION WHOLE 8TOCK 18 s0OLD O U T GREAT BARGAINS R..“.“ THE PLACE, 14 Ridean st., CUNNINGBAMN & LiNDsay. Ouaws, January 37, 1869. The undersigned begs to state that he has OPENED AN OFFICE K CASADLIAX CLOTHS, They hare made a great redustion in price. BETWEEN THELR TWO HOUSEBS, x DRLSIS GQOODK, WIXCBTS, &+, No,.‘14, Rrosivst., Offer great inducements to purchasers. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS, â€" â€" Tleir p AZ A AR. BAN EKE RUVPT $ T 0CK EMOVAL CAN A‘,DA NOQO. 34, S P A RK8â€"8 T. T. RAJOTTE FROM ORIGINAL PRICES, THE SALE TO CONXNTINUER HU. KASTOSX &# ©0.,, KEARNS & RYAX, THA ABOYE F1RX â€" KEARNS & RYAN, A Â¥ B A* A AT AY KEARNS & RYAN, End of Little Snssexâ€"st at Io 64 per yard. OTTAWA, SATURDAY.. MARCH 18, lsoo : Purties intending to make application to the Legisiatare of Ontarcio for Private Bills are hereby motified that they are required by the 51st and fol« lowing Rules of the Legislative Assembly (which are pablisbed in fall in the Gutwrio Gazate) to give NOTICE of the application‘ (clearly and disâ€" tinctly specifying its nature and object) in the Ontaric Gazette, snd also in a newspaper published In the County, or Unioa of Counties affected ; such potice shall be cortinued in each case for a period of ut loast six woeks« during the interval of time between the close of the next preceding Seeston and the consideration of the Petition, Copies of the first and last of such nctices to bo sent to the Private Bill Oflce. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first thâ€"ee weeks of the Session. Vebruany 24, 1869. procure identifed species hlh-ldrl. who has devoted upwards of twaive years to their study. The numerals on u‘..nm with the Smithsonian Inâ€" stitution Ontalogue of Bird«. Wx. COUPER, Naturalist, &¢., 4 Clarencse, near Dalhousicâ€"st., Ottawa. \ _ Commisstion Merchants He will be in his office from 7 in the morning until T in the evening, when he can see parties who wish to srrange about their sales. Consignments trom & distance will have immediate attention. “lucu or BT. LAWRENXCHE DYE WORKS, Eiginâ€"st., (Opporitethe Russell House,) Otta® a, Ont. # MACDONALD & co., < SILK AND WOOLLEN DYERS of purchasing at unusually low rates. The Mart is now open with a large stock of new Furniture, as .':l .:'a.. “uu. Marmoniums, &c., &0., consigned The subscriber would also intimate that he 18 the Sole Agent for Ottawa and territory for the =hd Rappe, Webber & Co.‘s celebrated grand The Pianos, as well as the Purniture in the establishment, will be sold e:ther by private sale or auction. He would also announce that he is prepared to receive instructions from persons having bousehold Surniture, horses, carriages, or real ostate, to disâ€" m‘it‘d pledges himself that mhinï¬ will be undone by bim to Ftu satisfaction in discharg wotnn conti to him. He hopes that by Attention to the sales ontrusted to his care, as well as by m_\t settiem nts immediately after, to merit a share of public patronage. _ _ fl Ma':: Hous®, Laxo axo Gzserar Aossor, OFFICE AND SA LE RQO 0 M 8, Izous" New Brmomes, Scastrâ€"er, OTTAW A. . The subscriber rospectfully announces to the |nâ€" habitants of Ottawa and surrounding country that at the request of many friends he has decided on mnumuln sand well regulated Au l'n‘.. um'.“’z nt de with of d ments made with some e Wurniture Manufuctories of Western Ontario, a large and well selecteod stock of new turniture wili be o-n.fl:- band. Public will be held from time to time, of (he imgarting to fecuict Silt bare 26. ""F.,..."‘ hity w ave an "':&uh.u unusually low ruu.op he Mart i‘?‘%&"’“" ..-;.â€"ch.â€"q- beo Bank, Otta L » u ob in Lyon: beq. U P D. e Asmart young man wanted to act as travelling -c-dm-:"c several firms. _ _ _ They are successors to the late John C. Fox, of Kingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos, From their long experience in Germany, Paris, and New York, they are universally admitted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent. The high reputation of the instruments made by them for the past ten years, and the mmcreasing demand for them in the new Dominion, prove their very superior quality, and universally acknowâ€" COMMISSION SALE ROOMS, 80,000 No. 2 ** artersnvtrtreriveress ReQ 80,000 Fancy * sesserpessssctsrscces AsRG 300 cords Birch and Maple CORDâ€" WOOD, dry, 4 feet long, delivered..... 4.00 All Flour, Oatmeal, and Shingles kept in stock, are manufactured by H. Easton, of Merrickvilie, and warranted. * Bales at cheapest rates and for cash. f s w.HU. E&TON & €Oo., * Little Sussox â€"st., Canal Basin. w.H. Eastox. 98M â€" E. M. KasTON. bodtn. Suichomsid We aesebsane a FLOURâ€"Superior Extrr.................... 180,000 Extra.SIINGLES..................... 100,000 No. 1 riekville, and where will ho kept constantly on hand a large stock of * i W, i. EASTOXNX & Cco. beg to inform their friends and the publhc in gonâ€" eral that they have now REOPENED in those new hfl_dhp erected by Mr. 11. Easton, of Merâ€" [onrh Ankniciy minps‘ kagk. Oologists, whose collections are incomplete, m CHARLES T. GLLLMOR, Clerk of the House. Toronte, 45th Feby., 1869. 988â€"lantLO om & distance will have immediate attention. _ Cush advances, when required, will be made on fl-m for immediate sale. kinds of turniture bought, sold or exchanged. llll-tyzm.;l:lopdl(hpm Hon, Sir John A Macaonald, Hon. . L. Langevia, C B, Hoo. Alex. O»mpbell, P M G, R. W.MI.‘! P P, Walter Skanly, Kea; M P Bole agent for * FISE‘S3 METALLLC COFFINS. CHIEF UNDERTAKER, SPARKSâ€"ST. COFFINS, HEARSES & CARRIAGES, The following is our price list of goods monâ€" 15.7 OMIN1ION AUVCTI0O® MART, FLOUR, PORK, CORDWOOD AXD SHINGLEES, Eâ€"OPEXING OF BUsINESS. Seourers, Hot Pressers, &¢. Gentiemen‘s Clothes cleaned and dyod, wes cloaned. _ _â€"â€" . 89+3m 30,000 BRICKs AT g7.00. ATE BILLS. SWALWELL, Buperfine No. 1......... Extra Superfine.............. FOR OLD AXD TOUNG PEOPLE. House, Land asd GQeneral Agent. CHEAP FOR CASH, ALSOG Due Works, svedenesene sn ne00 se e0008 8 800 00 0 J. BERMINGHAM, M P P l;.tiLnr' s are incomplete, may at reasonable prices 4.75 1.00 BC of Geontlemen‘s Clothing. _ Alarge staf of polite and 85 PIECES DOMINION TWEED, Romething Newâ€"one of the heaviest cloths madeâ€"a a grea sterifice, [ BLEB ®X i 1.000 ‘!Tl:.‘nly'u ’A‘thztu sH®&Ts! SHIRTS! SBI!!FB! ulmnh.l:n::a h:rwrélflhll:&l; 40 &uu ‘a ve ow cases Men‘s !!_:;vyr_l'u:o'g Calf, _ttz. Alno. a heary stock padhat t t acaat t d Pn Aar Peile» &A railbcatnan t draintie t tha 1 Ww ‘s, Mantle Oloths, BLAOK "BOBS: dey be., &e at correspondingly low prices. o gs BROAD CLOTHS, BE AVERS 1 mesersrsescea® 6 NeeE en Divede rew Apre reppigh 44 100 100 110 pleces Grey Cotton, 14 yards wide, for......6 d 160 ° do ‘goâ€â€™.qa Iluu‘ocn‘ uu“lim......qq Also, a splendid asvortment of nn:muuada Oriental Lustres l'?u- Albertsana Cloths © Princess Alexanara Embossed Poplins Mandarin Lustres llguh Reps, &o. 000 :. »*xo: TOWELS, all l, Â¥ Linen,................... COd Caclte SHAWLS. which will be found complete ; bolnf selected with care, it will not fail to give ornn sstisfaction. In Loidiu;.‘lluu' “‘bl ":.M'l v::‘r: rl luu:o ever pth at can zad y ' or the ;uon.-n at much mflmmaur betore erea. Men‘s ware in Calt, Kipp, Cowhide Beots ; Men‘s Strong Working Boots as low as $2) per pair. Boy‘s and Youth‘s equally low, _ _ _ " o oiity oared, it 1. _ O .. t * *n t 100 pluots : diffeight‘ qualities® *‘ * * 5o "to m.t‘u‘h:.‘..... 1 & $ ‘hoq 5 worth 0 THE BANERUPT S$TOCK, .. comprising the latest styles and best qualities ot LADIES® GENTS, MISSES‘ & CRILDREX‘s DRESS & WALKING BOOTS, _ suitable for FALL & WINTER WEAR Also, a arge stock of Men‘s and Women‘s Course Boots. Moose Mocassins, Buck Moose and Sbheep Mitts, Beof Mocassins, Felt Orerâ€"shoes, Pubbers, &0., all of which will be sold at great redustions from forâ€" mer Lumber and country merchants are reâ€" qwmburhnud that there is a large stock o‘ handmade boots to be dispos«d of at the aforeâ€" said reduction in prices. The public generally are invited to call and :A farge supply of New Kugiish Kipp Boots P su ow 4 hand .5..&. most svitable ware forpgnmboro men, constantly r hand and made by the very best #orkmen. ststaken tor all kinds of work: 4297 GEORGE MXUP.PHY 8 30 000 wWORLH OF DRY 3‘ S GOO0DS f Purchased at‘ Public Auction lately, from the imâ€" nuuluknst btock o1 the late firm of DPSâ€" MARTERY, JORDAINE & CC., of Montreal, and sold on account of T. JAMES CLAXTON. The goods are all new and of very superior quality, MARTERY, JORDAINE & CC., of Montreal, and sold on n:ount d’.:ilol'lls CLAXTON. I.{M goods are all new very nrrhr uality, h‘l'f |-rnu expressly for a fas lonblqo lo:’- treal trade; and, â€"as they have succaeded in purâ€" chasing the goods far h‘- the “lwm they are prepared to offer bargains never before of ered posite O‘Mear: Have removed to their NEW STORE, in 8&: art‘s Blook, Corner of Rideau and Bussexâ€"s4ts. where they will offer, in connection with thei CLOTH & FELT BOOTS & OVERS, for La low, Gent‘s, Misses‘ and Children, and alâ€" most everything else needed to improve the unâ€" PM"Call sarly and be convinced ; the opportaâ€" nity will not last long. %& j and to ensure an extensive clearance, and thus make room tor I EJ BSPRING OOODS,A 1 : an additional discount will be made troN ALL Ca8sk rurcaists of TEN CENTSOFF EVERY DOLLAR ! The stock includes a splendid lot of H Fr*rorntaxr worroe:: _ s A Heavy Downfall in Pricee ! ! Boots and Shoes Beiow Par ! ! : AT THE RED BOOT, Aflt\olup stock of winter goods is being sold 200 W hite Cotton Shirts, only......3 ‘9 500 Under Shirts, only............:..8 3 BOUVTS AN D: 8 H O ES I have now received my fall and winter stock _ B0O0OTS AND+SHORES, Ottawas, January 37, 1869. 90 ets. up... 50 cts. to 81 ENORMOUS â€" REDUCTIONS:! CROSBY STAND, NO. 51, SPARKSâ€"ST. ~««â€"â€"_._ The whole of To . Hest mi"m"“i:}'ï¬'"“'&"" % ABDEON Be«« ce« as cxrserccrciecscecttrrscireee0 §0 do Â¥rench Calicos, in choice patterns...8 d KNUINE CLEARING SALE ICK & co. 101 Fazcy, all 167 Assorted 8 Boots & Ahoes. 35 BOOT & SHOE STORE YORKâ€"ST. Dry Goods. esssssssss ces se000sses0000 Abgensccne HEKAP BOOTS & sNHORKS AÂ¥ THE essssene oo s eveecee * aneses o Prong. AT TKE OLD CAPITA 1 and attentive salesmen uare Shawls. : «««.. OVERCOA! heary OV EROOA h....... FALL 8UIT8. s»ss»»â€"sd 0 worth 8 9 are some of the lines Sharls .3 â€" worth 5 gaged trustwortby lrl who will make occasionâ€" al trips throughout su and oolteup:hl.guicn. Any m.‘."s-m“‘,“&’ma will receive pr::pt attention. _ We do not sell less than a cattie, notbing but Tea and Coffee soid The following is the lind;rh-: BLACK TEHA. Common Congoun, Stroug Tea...............$0 45 @ 50 Fine Fiavoured N~w zeason do............ 0 55.@ 60 article, and at wholesale prices. Perfect satisfacâ€" tion is ensured, and any: goods not proving ao~ oordlnf to sample can be returned umu%:n- We will pay cthe carriage on 4 five ar 9 ten lb ontties to the nenrest railway station.: For the the above named heard of the advantage offered them, we have onâ€" TRADE O, 00?::;“&?.‘ others should buy their TEA nd A. 0. AUDY & Co., aurouat forwarded, we have only had occasion to return one box which, we understand, was sent out through a mistake. Manager Oanadi .&'pln. Com an % h'rm '-to‘ ;1:".&?»"‘ :‘l.h airoular :zlly cheap. 0& Y u-'†# e "_A_g excellent Mlx«l Tok amild be sent for 6Ce and 70¢; vory good for common purposes, 506. -‘Bo:‘s'n o't’ podhr; udhmngr using our name, or offering our ‘Feas sm pack s Nothing less than a oattie sold. Dh Note the Addressâ€"â€"The Montreal Tea Company, Hospitalâ€"st., Montreal. Excellent Fuil Fiavoured _ do............ TO FARMERS «& OTHERS, Tweukey, boel ns 669 Hopat d5%. 195) Te o. 13.‘%’:5 nn.?i:.' l:.).:t.:q and Very Choice, $1 ; Fin= um(lpr.‘“o;lltn Suporkne do®L. .. .. " "_ Te lA Moxtrzar, April, 1868.â€"To the Montreal Tea Company, 6 Hospitalâ€"street, Montteal ; We notice with pleasure the large amount of Tea that we bave forwarded for you to Mon::rhdth Dominâ€" on, and we are glad to your business ‘mo rapidly increasing. We preéesume your 4eas are fapidiy increasing. . We presume your ieas giein‘ rnnl‘zddmioa. as out of l:p ln% aurouat forwarded, we have only had occasion t m ilcontaining money, or the money can be collectâ€" ed on delivery Iiy express man, w’lnn there are express offices, In sending orders below the amount of $10, to save expense it will be b%!b send money with the order, U here a 25 ib would be too much, four milliuohbblo‘ together could send for four 5 1 bozes, ortwo 121b bozes Wesend them *o one address carriage paid, and mark each box plainly, so that each party get their own Tea. We warrant all the Tea we sell to give entire satisfaction. If they are not sa.isfactory they can be returned at our expense. Eegiish_Brostist B kT.EAI.M‘:h’ Tes, reakfast, Broken j ao.l;%e; Fine Fiavoured Now Season do, 55¢, 60e and 65¢ ; \{.r‘:u-m Flavored do, 1‘. ; Bomnd Oolong.‘h; h Flavored do, 806 Fine do, do, 750 ; Japan, Gond, 500, 55¢, ‘h:z,“., Very Fire, 650, Finest, 150. _ X)errlb. Our Teas are m in 5, 12, 15, 20 and 25 1b boxes, and are warr run and free from poisonous substances. Grders for four 5 lb boxes, two 12 ib boxzes, or one 20, or 25 ib box sent carriege free to any Railway Station in Canada. Tess wili be torwarded immediately on receipt of the order by Our Teas, after the most severe tests by the best medical authorities and judges of Tea, have been pronounced to be quite pure, and free from and artificial colouring or poisonous subst ances s6 often used to improve the appearance of Tes. Tho{ are unequalleq for -tnn‘& and flavour. ‘They have been chosen tor their intrinsic worth, lnrhg in mind health, economy,and a Mgn degree of pleasure in drinking them. We sell for the smallest possible ;)r:lu.ol’udusuvh‘ to the consamer of 156 to 20¢ perlb. Our Teas are putup in 5, 12, 15, 20 and The whole Dominion should buy their teas of the â€" Importers, A DUFF. Ottawa, October 27 1868. 89 8$1 75 * T TAE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY § PMb Hospitalâ€"si., Montreal. TB Particular attention given to the Tailoring De partment, which is under the supervision of a firstâ€" retail, which will be mede up to order on the shortest notice in the latest styles of fashion and at prices that MA general assortment of Dry Goods, the larges; stosk ever oftered tor sale in this oty. 8$1.25"%%*â€"$3.00 82...... $4.50 Clothing, Csngdlsn Tweeds, Mo, Batinetis ; also a large stock of Blankets, Flannels, Kerseys, Gray Cottons, Prints, Winceys, Piaids, &c., &c. ; Broadcloths, Beavers, Witneys, Potershams, Devons, &6. ; Bedford Cords, Silk Mixtures, West of England Tweeds, Doeskins, &o., wholesale and O0O‘MEARA & CO, ESTABLISHED IN 1844, f Offer for sale an eéxtensive inportation of FALL AND WINTER GOODS3, comprising Readyâ€"made Agent for Ottawa, CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE, HE MONTREAL LOTHING, TEA COMPANY. eeeeses se ns ses aee sen en 50008 +0 00008 0000 TAILORING DEPARTMEXNT tl..'ti'lIt'...l.l...Q‘.-"--i " tea468 14408808 see z0008 CTS., $1 and $1.25......UNDERSHIRTS, CTS., $1 and 81.25 ............DRAWERS ation of farmers and cthers not haring DEFY COMPETITIONX. READYâ€"MADE Axp To OrpgE. Dry Goods. ll.'.utnll.l‘ «e00 enaees omm sscec 0 2%, 0 27, 4 20, 0 33 kerrcictf 0 0 29, 0 33 sesere W :& og.' OE 0 20 A. 0, AUDY & 00., GREY ETOFFEK PAKT3, GOO0D PEA JACKETS, COMPLETE SULTSB, O‘MEARA & CO. the Post Office. vesesees90 45 O $0 essssves . “ . “ sessece» 0 T5 @ 8D »secsce: 0 40@ 45 »â€"»»»».. 0 85 @ 80 » s..... 0 15 @ B0 ssesee».. 0 $0 @80 »o««..... 0 65@ T0 ssesese.. 6 16 @ 80 ascccess O 35 @ 40 »+seccs, 0 55 @ 60 »«»â€"».. O 50 @ 60 cosscses 0 15 @ 8b asesssâ€"» 1 00 @ 00 GocD VESIB, A desirable residence in géod repair on Rideauâ€" street, Villago of Now Edinburgh, containing 8 rooms and kitchen, with good outbuildings, garâ€" den, &6., attached. ‘Price $1,800. Terms $ cash, balance in 8 equal annual payâ€" ments with 7 per cent. interest. .: _ For particulars apply to s _ > MR.ROBERT SURTEES, Néw Edinberg Kew Bdtuburgh, Merth 3, 1 909. was * (opibaraifebar Boon P other gopkwnlg) by . ution is from the recip6 of a céiebrated French Physician, and the very great success which has a.‘dm.ohwv case, and where the highâ€" bet medical skil! was of no avail. bas induced the mubscriber to give it every possible publicity. The genuine has 'ro ubuflfo’ s name -’:d “dgou on r’d bottle. Price one dolizr. Sole Proprietor, J, A. HARTE, Chomist, 3Â¥6, Notre Dameâ€"strect, ‘Harte‘s Florids Water, equal to anything im ported, > Prics 47§ onnts Ber fottle.. _ . Thiy TR P AZA S Pn PM Torento ; Um,v.’l.ut‘.c«d‘ The remarkable success which ha#" atended the antroduction of â€"the celebrated Concentrated Lye intoCansdian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" whasers should be cursfulto ask for Harte‘s Yonâ€" cencrated Lye. which is sold by ali respectable wmï¬mhmud:ugu. 181y and madicimes sent to any part of the Dominion. Oharges moderste. . 8i%y _ Jor the relief and cure of lpflopku. Vitus Danoe, Puerperal Hysteria, &¢., &6. This preparâ€" Pmnm EKPILEPTLILC CUHLE, ~ VETERINARY ESTARLISHMENT YORKâ€"8TEEEI, 01 TA Â¥aA, Next to Saimen‘s Hotel. _ Sth, subjects can eat bot Broad or N‘lMJMnMï¬mm, Oth. Every Packet contains its full wéight ; c-.p-d packets weigh 16 ounces. ) 10. . It is all that it :s represented to be, nameâ€" o " ugs xd Unrivalled for Purity and Cheapness. Bole Agents for Ottawa, + 34. G. ROBINBON & Ce., The Tea Pot. The Trade supplied at the Manufacturer‘s _Ottaws, Decamber 10, 1868, * _ 886â€"6m d&th. Families that have used it pronounce 1t the best, and will use no ether; bth.. At contains no Saleratus, nor does it imâ€" pair the digestive organs like those powders where Bod excens of 4 ee. i. i mefer girer i "Bived n in plo_g_unt_@kg\lm or mawkich taste. _ Tth. The ingredients that form its composition are more benefC:cial than otherwise. 3rd. ~After baving been extensively used for lho":ut 14 yeart in not one instance has it falled to give entire satistaction. Ist. Bread or Cakes mude with it are more wholesome theu if made with Yeast or any other procens. F % 2nd. Its purity is such that it will stand the tert of the most perfect apalysis. . _ _ _ Mothers! morners ! Mothersiâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by & sick child svffering and crying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teoth ? . If so, go at once and get a bottle of airs. WINSLOW!S s0O0TMING SYRUP. It will relievre the poor: little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistake about it. ~‘There is not a mother on earth who bas ever used it, who will not tell you at ouce that it will regulate the howels, and give rest to the mother, and réliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all dases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" seription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" sicians and nurses in the United States, Price 25 sents. Sold. everywhere.. Be sure to call for "MRS. WINSLOW‘3 800IHINXG SYRUP." Having the facâ€"simile of = Cartis & Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations Coughs and Colds.â€"Sudden changes of climate are sources of Pulmanary Bronchial and Asthmatic affections. Experience baving proved that simple remedies often act specdily and cerâ€" tainly when taken in the early stages of the disâ€" ease, recourse should at once be had to Brown‘s Bronshial Troches," or Lozenges. Few are aware of the importance of checking a cough, or " comâ€" mon cold," in its first stage. That which in the beginning woald yield to a mild remedy, if negâ€" lectedâ€"soon attacks the lungs. * Browp‘s Bronâ€" chial Troches," or Cough Lozenges, allay irrite tion which induces coughing, having a nr&EOT in H@uence on the affected parts. As there are imitaâ€" tions, be sure to OBtam the genwene., Sold by all dealers in medicines, at 25 cents a box. Losenges are a certain and gafe remedy for Worms in Children andAduilts:â€"As it is a wellâ€" known and melancholy fact that one great cause of death among children is from Worms alone, it sannot be too deeply impressed «upon the minds of parents the necessity of closely watching their children. By so doing ; and understanding the symptoms and true ‘cause of the discase thousands of children might be saved from carly graves. Srurrtous or Worus.â€"The following are afew of the very numerous symptems and diseases which are caused by Worms : deranged appetite, emaciated extremities, offensive breath frequent picking atthe nose, grinding of the tootb during sleep, hardness of the beliy. with frequen: slimy stools, and sometimes convulsive fits ; itching of the arms, pain in the head and stomach, unquis! sleep, faintings, tremblings, coughs, indigestion low spirits, frightful dreams, and a gradual waist ing away of fiesh. PM"Each boxr contains theiacâ€"simile signature of Nortaror & LÂ¥Yuax®, Newcastle,C.W., who are the sole proprietors. ? N. B. Ask for© Holloway‘s Worm â€" Losenge They are palatable and selfâ€"administered to the childâ€"drive out the wormsthoroughly without paiz lflomplmlydmnï¬omnddn away with the necessity of administering Castor OQil or other unpleasant cathartiooâ€"as in the use of other Wirms. pM® and take no other. WBR Solo by all th, Iruggists in Ottawa, and medicine deale overy w. ore. 518y In _ And 1 Ib; P a skot s for 25 | 6 Packets for impapOnity ~Bandl bic uit 42. 40. Th i / dabrieh aheedethhant Snd ble d. f * It viI' restore gray hair to its original color. 1t will keep the hair from falling out. lt cleanses thé scalp and makes the hair soft, lnstrous and silken. ;. It is a eplendid hair dressing. Motchers Read This iâ€"tHioltioway‘s Worm Nashua, N.H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggist«, A 89. The basis of its remedial properties is a regeta OR SALE. ;OIcllnAm LYE ~ CaUTION To THE PUBLIC. ORSE INFIRMART, ARDENER»8 BAKING POWDER. SPECIAL NOTICES. griculitural Society.) ep es arghrfrrale on R. P. HALL £0., promptly attended to {PRICEKâ€"3 CENTS From the Cincinnati Commercial, Peter Sinclair, whose death in the streets of Chicago, trom heart di has been announced, wnunr{p.- minâ€" en; e.o:id l:lueutulnian in SBeot und and, in throughout England. He fesidâ€" ed, years before he came to Americ\, in tbeneigbbonrboodofuiahlr,- bad for his neighbours Hugh Miller ‘and DeQuincey, of whom he told y amusing and interesting aneedotes. | e wus the first person to call in abd see Miller after he had committed suitide. Kpowing bim well, and being fawiliar with bis extraordinary industrious habits he gave it as his opinion that Miller was partially insane at the time, and that it was not ‘the result, as has been oftea reported, of a fruitless attempt to reconcile his theological convictions with the feets of science; but offi-uu. study.â€" Asn amusing story of DeQuincey w«s, in effect, as follows :â€"(nme morning Deâ€" Qui came rushing into Sinclair‘s bou‘mbu&mdd, his hair and dress in great disorder, exclaiming, " hide me! hide me!‘" "What is the matâ€" ter?"‘ inquired Sinclair. *No time to explain now," said DeQuincey, in the greatest agitation, und looking â€"over his shoulder towards the window, as if exâ€" ting in pursuit. _ Without F:enber ngo Sinclair lbo;:n him into be: closet, and had hardly so w DeQuincey‘s sister came bounding in brandishing a butcher knife, and demandâ€" ed to know where her brotherwras, at the believed their danger so imminent as it was * but in the long hours ‘of intense darkness which yet remained to the doomed schooner her hï¬u were â€"seen casting a feeble ray over the boiling fm although no sound was heard save the wi shriek of the storm as it increased in fury with the advancing hours of the night. .fAbout midnight the watch on bourd ::: ign schooner alread »f Cc in in in deniernaigee ly disa ; and, ea ea nnomamacige mer from the spot where the fated : er had been, they could discern no:l;ia The Snowdrop had sunk in the tro waters, and 'fe crew of seven mpeo with which she was manned, it is believed,found a watery grave. The sea was running so high at !io time the schooner foundered that no boat could hure lived in it, and no hope is entertained of the safety of any ot the crew. . When morning d the topmasts of the Snowdrop wige obâ€" serunbove the water, about a mile and a half from Inchkeith, , showing she must have drazged her anchors scttiing down. évi;iently with the stern â€" detérmination of doing everything in their power ts save their sb?p mg their own Ilpvou. the fore and aft canvass was set, and the schooner ran to the back of Inchkeith for ‘shelter, in the hope ~of! mayhap weathering the gale. She was, however, too far down in the water, and e time she lifted the waves made a bt:z over her, and found an entrance into the fated vessel on the damaged quarter. Anchor was then cast, and it is believed that at this time things looked more cheerâ€" tul, as for a while she rode more hopefully on the waves, After darkness set in the usual lights were exhibited, and the crew of a foreign schooner whick was riding at anchor below Inchkeith eyvidentâ€" ly believed that things had beenâ€" secured on board the Snowdrop, and that there was no: immediate danger, â€" «s they, whether it was possible or not, have mot stated that they made any exertion to go to the help of the disabled ship. _ With no survivor to inform us, it is‘ hard to say whether the crew of ~the S-oob-‘ hined their danger so imminent as "Early on Saturday morning, the steamtug Pet, Ferrie, master, left Leith and steamed down the Frith in the hope of picking up any vessel to tow to Leith or Granton. ‘When cruising about beâ€" tween the Bass Rock and the Isle of May she fell in with a schooner labouring in a ‘heavy sea apainst a head wind and the masâ€" ter engaged to tow ‘her up the Frith. _A rope was trangferred to the schooner, and steam being raised the tug‘s head was put about, and ‘an adventurous voyage up the Frith began. ‘The wind blew strongâ€" ly right in their tecth, and the sos, | alâ€" ready running high, rose higher ‘as they E:eeeded on their voyage; _ For hours h tug and schooner battled xith the wind and tide, but not much progress was made ; still no fears were entertained of not reaching port in safety, and the tug with the oc{:omer in. tow ‘:lor:fled their «slow length alougâ€"â€"all on in confidence and hope. Ent. before resching Inchkeith, it was reported to the master of the tug that the coals were nearly exâ€" hausted, and then it was that the corâ€" duct of Ferrie became open to question. It is stated that, with the knovleï¬ge that his coals could not suffice to continve the strugole against the gale and heivy sem with the schooner in tow, he fail d to inâ€" form the master of the ressel of this cirâ€" cumstance, and that at the sar e time, influenced by a desire to retain the whole of the towage dues, he desisted from asking the assistance of the two Leith tugs. Gem and Blue Bonnet, which passâ€" ed within hailing distance at this crisis; The unequal struggle was continued for a short time longer ; : but when withir three miles of Inchkeith, Ferrie, finding his eoals almost all burned, threw o# the rope which attiched the schooner to the Pet, and steamed away to Leith along, leaving the strange vessel to . the mercy of the wind, which had by this tice : inâ€" creased ‘to a gale, and"a very heavy sea. Ferric says that it was only after he bad thrown the schooner off that he diâ€"coverâ€" ed that she was considerably damaged in the stern and taking in water, but <hat then ‘he was so short of coal he could render _ no further assisâ€" tance. (‘The name of the schooner had been \destroyed, but he observed the word «* Aberdecn ‘‘ on the quarter not damaged. It may be well to mention here that the schooner is npmd to have boen the Snowdrop of Aberdcen, 141 tons, . Capt. Mackenzie, master, from Pillau, bound for Leith. Of course, as the crew of the disabled ship have perished, it can pever be knownh;';ut they M?t of the conâ€" duct of the master of the Pet; but The Scotsman gives the following acâ€" eunt of a disaster which has occurreé in the Frith of Forth :â€" FOUNDERING OF A VES8EKL 18 THE FRITH OF FORTHâ€"LOSS OFP aALt Friend of DeQuincey, Drops Dé mlu:ouoruu-.'.. AK IATEnESTI®G s#TOR the In# ame ¢e