Not a single vehicle containing any kind of proâ€" duce was to be seen on the market yesterdayâ€"®® aooï¬m-o-h«w““’m‘ hl'-rh.ln-&om‘“"".““ are so bad that tra is next to impossible. Y*m*f Lt‘ m k n) emupeatmepemeapenmenniei . ie C Fm h P oTTawA WARKETS estimoninfy to the Montres! Ts | J par 5 1> +X# | ~ Times Office, Oftaw®, ‘ Fercous.â€"Moatreal â€" Tea Company : March 31, 1869." 4 | Gentiemen, the Oolong tea which ~you sent | _ Paris journal, announges that the groat ladies of the French ..,3::' have de termined to abolish em «* The character of the M ¢ " is to undergo an important reform ; the command has gone forth that false hair wigs must be repudiated."" And not only so, but ladies are d't!'â€â€˜g“.if they dressed their own hair, for " when thwlpfapo_ï¬uiondi.efli{dr stead of assuming a pyramidal form it -â€m"m fall like that of Niobe. In 'mvnw.'lyh Mh t on ora.vuuhorm..flfi'l.'hm creeping plant." | their heads, prestige ceases. In the da; e the ;.-."-;?12%1.; simply F‘:“"‘- ..3 How Irox caxs to sz UsED ’.J Brirpmo Purposzs.â€"It is a true say ing that * necessity is the mother of inâ€" vention." Oun every hand, whitobiilding, uepieyed umead of crood for girders and es m n one the strike of the Wnt.:n _ Paris, in 1846. The architects, at their wits‘ ends, bethought them of irom, and to this accident one of the greatest revoâ€" lutions in modern building owes its origin. â€"Cassell s Magazint,. â€"â€"The trunk and bead of oaig-ï¬o fawn has been discovered in Greece. Pn-thodi-en-’onpol_tli-p_inodlht: â€"A--uï¬tmfl"‘tl muses can only find cight York who are. beautifi madalye beterdolss 21204322 ~â€"The Germans of New York propose to erect a monument to Hum i Central Park, on his centeonial bi September 14, 1869. 1 «l the Third has Grivat, s roungpectzsit spainter, to prin Enll_siso nnrtraite resident Johnson J@RG W a i) +oNmad 10 516. & cls‘s U anfales TAun cce B i n vu',!vâ€m. " 6 m oF Wns ties ~4 Creamofons most hoponrahle qrlet of the nms-.u‘, wwm most 1 * dWiingWished ~ordet: of +Baing: Michack «1~* adirtaths Gadrge; Governdrâ€"@enetal of _ Canads, st our Governnidnt ‘Hotse,‘ ItF * ’u ‘IW'M Aigs ; :+ Audbiomrnnve Shooh ol w y mere> uary, it is supposed to have been one of a set of statues whith ##8rued the Atheâ€" man temple of Bacchus. â€"An artist WhoHw! rlu"v muses can only find cight girls in nfl YICTORIA, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdéin‘of THebt Writein and Ireland, GUthét ARAGide/‘ UE the Faith, &¢., To our beloved and faighful the Dominion of Canada, ..a"m elected to serve in the House of Comeâ€" mons of gar c summoned parpbep aAy : ic« <~ â€" bugearms Whireas the . meeting of | ow‘ Puzkinment of Canada stands prorogued ‘tootbe thirtyâ€"Orst day, o( the month, of, Magrch insiant, peogr to EHU RADAYK,, the FIFTEENTH doy of~the -ï¬_ PRIT Aext) so qhat: nett ~dtyou MapeH i wrtici} iky ‘of ‘Ottom ks uo uppedt }:a. g'i:imm m ',’lfo‘r“ we do will ts in this bebalf ysnt on i dip3DAT the PIFTEENTH day of the month of APRIL next, at our Gikr of Oitawas atoresaid, personâ€" _ ‘s% setorYVORN, LXQUNG~) . â€" e Méugpt m tirtherto :ï¬wmumm’hm ‘ _ Clstk of the Qnowe in Cpangery, :Wmimm..†T tnotites ravelis, :*" *‘ x‘a02 & siwgd i+t»a...i» 4712042 .‘. J' m“l I‘ o’ml uho # + BA *** ‘sight bundred ?-!J i:x?g;‘a;: 2# B AUEU, «s eeeczse08 Nt Lecccaserrerense No. 1. M ai~â€"per 300 1be... Indian Meal "“‘-;': !".-'._““.n_ d ons Wherl ies enc . hitG hidlÂ¥, hoi thievety bt! youâ€"Chinkr aÂ¥ pmoouriwarro®s sys aime vlisaiin $ uw evevessest cczsece08 t these our mm’mm the great sealof Oanada, to be 1 ‘%W’flmm reHâ€"beToved. the Ritkht Poadtrable Bix‘ ; 100 Ibe.. 3 00 & i%=® un®a .A weqessen® 5 B + C( lanoM# teodt #+% 14 ud Fsu1cous.â€"Moatreal â€" Tea Company : Gentliemen, the Oolong tea which ~you sent me gives me great satislaction. I torwarded part of the chest to a friesd in Toronto who informs me he consilaaxitas good «s be has been paying one dollar ort Ib. for. Pleae send mve a chest of Young! Hyson ‘at tahie hefoe. vis : at TGc. per lb. . Address as betore. Wrourse»~To the, Maatreal T‘Tc"†o eins Gentiemen, I bave great pleasare in tostifying mum which â€"‘ customers hare iv o«nreased t to ts @uuÂ¥ty bf ths tea which T have, solt. them, . Uf 1t in my interest, the fl.‘“fl -E?t:m., where I apd ¢ r® falyo weeys ies es sognt and cutemer from you, and mew testidy my mir.uu-m- | tion of the tea. 1 remain, yours truly, Dusâ€". car MoBauipe. y f ‘The Montreal TeaCowmpaby < it ts precty‘ olear that when an jadividyal or a Arm makes a speciality :1’3 a particalar tradeâ€"in other wordsâ€"turs W in one 1cilnn:tion.tht»l-o:Mptodtu'«odw:miunlu- cellence sicure&, | Thigshas beem the case in }m‘\» the operations of the Company . The qualitics of Tesa supplied are tta“s-'m“ j "f-.wru y ‘apacinl untice: t iprommims the highly com:t Mpminion, and we are glad to ind your busiâ€" m-onpldly increasing. We presome you: teas are giving genem! satisfaction, as out oi :::l large smount forwarded, we b;:o only to return one box, which, we ndm.. was seut out through a mistake Manager, Canadian Express Company. Morrasas Tas Oompa®, ta jirf UGixtrsxzz,â€"â€"The tea 1 purchased of you in THERTLREKEE â€"â€" L uO YEK & , ZUTe t e LC March has sv-:nll smilgfuction, and thâ€" GQawor of it is very Ane. . It is very strange, hnl'd_nl'nu f@ne, . It is very strange, M“ML dMaking ywor tea I have been quite free from heartburn, which would alwars nain meaiter breakfast, I attribute this to the â€"purityâ€"«f yopr 194, tinee a customer. Yours re«p ;E'mhï¬m"‘ a Sieet, Montreal. RPerrasornocaon.â€"1 have tne_i_! some of the h' ». $ .. » oc e uen Pehs iC l Os oferudlient ity , AQ Ag, much, more economica. \ & m ‘uride el ï¬.’ mothnect ‘Td Rn;.* mb’mtfl@;uï¬.mm be Fm"â€""""" tin another . columa, and the highly commendatorsy letters which accompany it, as to the great gain that is thent. With such evidences, it Canuor be doubted but what these Teas will m“‘llo m:, :’uu‘lg on account of n:u :h their superior y. :ï¬ncxwh.'tnonbo ol l:h!uu 13, that they ars of excetiont faÂ¥our, atid then extromaly jow, feavinlg h Lite minegia 4t prot uy onimergiiee Aialy vourd fint Aigront sent mo.A is far better than the Toa Fuamm 200. for. | Yours‘truly, | P. A. PROLET. Tosoxto.â€"Moatreal TeaCompaiy : QGeaneâ€" tlemen, the two chests of tea I had from you some weeks since have givem s@tisfaction. You will please forward to a friend of mine at du“flvouv:hmm at same price, viz : at cents oul.bu..m ""nnrnuf"' ly to their a to order a chest of tes ï¬-&-,m“r- Compaaiy.â€"(iwen Sound Comet. : k Quzazo.â€"The Montreal Toa Company : Genâ€" u.‘b.o“cl-.hdh‘&“cu:ln- cheaper than I mï¬"',?m- our obdt. Quzussoâ€"â€"Gentlemen, the box ot c: vaou sent me a 65¢c. is far better than the _ si &ITO NA .BUILDILNG, altuated in the very centre of the .‘ ‘ . "‘" "* | ... YInLagB °Of PAxEyHax,""*~ revindily Chowh as the ‘* Coemteretit fibte?,® now combining all the advantages ofa . «* **! ‘ if / | ul J MperUot.abs : HOTEL) i / Tuzn Mow maas TzA . geâ€" W ih-m-dwow to citiher of the updersigned:=~ * ~~~ /)/‘ _ t (__.____JNO, MoADAM. Pakeaiant, Fébrdary 5, 1869â€" 966â€"3m obedient rlâ€".yMt HALL _ We Hous® FURNISHING ESTABLISEMEXT | m SU83BXrA Tw s) «9 | Ace Rall Psper. Good patterns will be fand 44 oon h'g‘-_‘ms-:-_-'p:-'-'“ } ~FWVMBER of §VPER1IO® 00008 §4 | N creret withs damaak, very ahean .. . B:“’:"’n'sw’:.ï¬ï¬‚"' Oe NeRih * *h aare vARIRTY HALL 6 \pomquiinnd Ottaws, Now, 20, 1868. DR SALKE.=â€"=â€"The Westerly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 237. in Pirst Conseasion, Ottawa Front.Neâ€" qt.luu Nos, 26 and 28, in the samo conâ€" h.‘ prosectk in the «# Wu.T. B4 W Feor ‘further apply . to : and Wu. Twowsox, Nepean, and Lawis & 3r, Borristers, Ottay a, Jeiâ€"14.4f LARGOE LOT OP WILLOW Â¥URXY« TURE & BAGKETE, in > AT eagR yARIETY HALL. ~*‘~~*3., JAMIESON, a M o abs@usel‘t Leio * U +. 9# " fearbils Ierge anteghe 6¢ yrou st cost to close the consignment AT THB VARLETY HALL. Mesars .“m & 00011'- AaT THB Yard, Horce Pump | to order a chest of tema Tea Compaoyâ€"â€"Owen HOUSE," * HALL. it in +p _â€"_â€" _ MACHINEG=â€"WOREKS, ESTABLISHED 1851, JOSEPE Hatt WKANUFACTURIEN® cCO Manufaccare Lefel‘s Celebrated American, Double Tarbine W ater Wheels, (he mos p#wâ€" feet and cconomienlâ€"water wheo in use. «* We are the only manafactarers who dan firsish the genuine = Lefol Whee!t"* in Csosds, as Wilf be seen by the following certificate: |~, ! _ Sramovizuo, Quro, Dec, 25th, 186%. We take pleasure in informing the public of r.‘n that we have sold and farnished Mr. F. . Guex, of Oshawa, Ontario, Patterns, Formers, mation, no W atee W "M Lefel, ami Drawings, Gauges, and all other, m M%Mbrmd Mb\pl 1-%‘:. W stec W in “:{'Jt- Lefel, M known as the " Leffel W " _ Wehare mlso obâ€" ligated a-n':vn to hnh.h the same facilities for maur facta to no other W Withont the \:hl-uhg we hare g_yo‘: m‘ da with entire confidence, feeling sure He‘Will manufaoture a Wheel in all sespecte oqual to our OW u?d. JAMES LEFFEL & Co. P NR C1 C3 1 N4 P 7 08 waidnmdl *L 1 94 D07b 7 340309 | no one gAr mrflm WN-,*& -': dn::l\ï¬- C to h h»e !:. weet ‘manutaoturet, Mr. iess facilitic® unsurpassed, and we feol sure that tko will s Snetofoly coumend ho‘ t Ye pabtit of 086e) & Qur Wheels are warranted to work to entire sat. Woerver ind onl at Aiati ons theachh T nnemrnenaop dovoanaier will pay freight, both ways, and retund‘ = -fl'v‘-‘obflm’.-ahh-'-â€"rt'a “:":qud.:'uuhm- Aot Goar e > Ts rnmiagt enas pamegs antud :hoh run, We canution purchasers against 30 Wws she meastactere oi fidad it hW Namea ty yoocrn ie ++ _ We and Blake‘s Patent Steam Pump., ., , , e.‘...,......‘.‘..,.u..‘.m-.m ““d m, A%‘- UE PTF & Imta‘t nsl q+anH N"““’-‘“'W io UnIPY autr® CALL ‘OP TENXPER CERENT!: 1i«»~1 @LOUCESTER ROAD®* COMPANYq mrules baty # *mrAT 1 alfa o * Tuesday, the Sizth day. of: Apal, Nexp |'°-'~'. this 3rd day of Mareb, 1800.)°° *« Of the Ottawa and Gloucester on the additional capital stock of the amid comâ€" pany, which call they roquirutiie bhoiduraof such â€"stook to pay to the undersigned at thev»OFRLCE of W . M, MATHRROS , Ruq , th thig oluy, 4n : . + 'MM".“,..,. cwmpmmmeatne Toillet Boxe® in ®RHApPY o 0 ; j jio; pop <10s Rimmel‘s New Porfumes, e tolae Lotucl / Coplinh Lutender: Water, l U tblast Piald sddtingWiderp" 5) % > 0 & c ARBM b4+6 ds w y 6 9 g/ 00 P ap t & #4,"*""kel! "" "We. A complete stosk just.reomred of Toilet Articles, '“m' N *4 ahong‘lls paojerlt S‘ RNN it WeX ul mw& made !o* :riq, Architects and othets furnishing their own drawâ€" ings for u;y‘d wood work will have them GoTHIc & FANCY FURNTTUORE®. 0 8sHAWA, ONTARIO, FUNER ALS haes3% $A furnished at the shortest notice in ‘the soity or M'wmm nlppa$ | a~3 THE DIBRECTORS °* always on band. for the removal of housebold furmtare, &6. Also, waggons for lamber and other heary goods. &i“ï¬mm‘u WAuuuin 1 Loo ons t iA T AntETVY HALL asmail black sod white DOG, with a bushy tail, unswers to the name of DANDY. A:.y person reâ€" .n?uflllboma‘o‘bytvod lars. JOHN KEAYS3, Kichmond Road. _ _ 1072 DP wankg ~nCaE Ee AR80ORTMEIT OFP FINXE CHINA in the Dominion is _ ____ _ *E MEDTOAL ‘KAtYt: METALLIC AND OTAER COFPPINS t a W A mt;arllrhi.l.nmth_g Particular attention paid to N.B.â€"Residence at the west ond of Welilingtonâ€" ., opposite the market 245 Wi~UN DE R T K HR."ta Uiuudilatuicids,) botsinl â€" dtf "_~PURNITURE * wery description, imade to order or‘ tepaited, OLIDAY PRESENDE wmoue in 2 a . Druggists‘ Bundries of all descriptions. PROPRISTORS Lo®st.â€"Lost, on the 19th, between w P D NOb MESR DE Lpam PWCY HY 4 EXPRESS WAGGONS8 WARRANTY. F. W. GLEN, Preside.:it. @NUIUDDGODSY e@it ut 2 tn AT THE VARIETY HALL, UAYVING FOR SHALK id SINGLE W AGGON will t U. PAlIB;}=~ n*sin amet! aldoot} w W peh hi dui0 9Â¥ ©##b4 ras at atab THE OTTAWA TIMES, MARCH 31. Kever and Ague, Dyspcpria, Liver Complaint, Aoud Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigesâ€" tion, Canker in the MoutA, Throat or Stomach, Suck Headache, Sea Sickness, Piles, Kidney ~t «¥Complaints: Canker Rask, Cramp and Puin in f the Stomach, Painter‘s Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysâ€" p .. aeatery, Summer Complaint, Cholera lwbu,‘ Q‘-Jhbfm and Cholera. ieD exte@gxiacuy, cuges ‘ Scalde, Higrns, FrostbueX,. Chillblains, Erysipelas, _ Ringi®orms, Whitiows, Boils, Old Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Toothache, Qeadache, Newralgia in the * _ Face or Head, Painsan the Side, Pains in the *« _ Back ant Loins, Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Neuralgic or Rheumatig Pains in the Joints and Lambs, Stings of Insgets, Sorcpions,Cextipedes, and the Bites a/l’mï¬u Insects and Venomous Reptiles, y At this soason, when coughs and colds sro so ‘;r?‘lon;. an effectual rémedy, and one easily obâ€" tained, is Perry Davis‘ Vegctable Fain Killer. ‘It is no new nostrum, una.pd by unknown agents, but bas stood the test o(inr 20 years; and those who use the article, lntoinally or externally, will ; quanest with it gratetul recollections of its worthy bnreator. â€"Hastings* Chronicle, C. W. * j A PURELY YVEGETABLE MEDICINE, suufh ul oofta fook, hk sls ~~To0Y K <omistu®t. bitnt P“g mu‘.}om *$x58%€. \pm‘ ‘ Pux Kiuuzz.â€"The testimonials borne to the eBoeacy of this valuable medicine are sufficient to wartant: its introduction into every bouse. Our ewn opinion is that no family should be without a beitle of it for a single hour, In fiesh wounds, uches, pains, sores, &c., it is the most effectaal amthedy we know of. A boitle will last for & very lorig time, and its low price places it within the seach of all. Our readers will remember that the Mussrs, Perry Davis & Son havyo opened out a bouse in Montrea!, whence Canadian orders are suppli¢d. â€"News, St, Johns, C. £. : ' kg-w. are glad to learn that the "Pain & " is having so large a sale in our city. We }â€â€˜â€â€˜ every reasou to believe it to be an almost never failing cure tor pain, and is a medicine that !‘guy should be without.â€"Montreal Pulot. plt:el of Ri ry on Gr Colin, don dfl_sy“nm :’o’r:a JL’:. rflm «**Rev. HL. L. Van Meter, Burmah, writes, " The Paig Killer has become an a‘most indispensable r'blo in my family." HMundreds of missionaries give «:milar testimony â€" of its virtues. Rev. J. G. Stearns writes, "1 consider it the r’.n-odv for Dyspepsia 1 over know." Rev. jaber 8, Ewan sayms®L hayre used it for years in my family, and consider it an invaluable We cheerfally add our testimony in favor o this med:cine. â€"Roman Citizen. We have tasted this medicine and assure our mmu not only possesses all the virtues for it, but in many instances surpasses any other remedy which we have ever known.â€"â€" Horwbd? bf Whonpet URrtrety. $ NNX C tint J *J It is really a valuable medicine. 1t is used by fary physicians.â€"Boston Praveticr. «n indispensable article in the medicine box. It ‘has effected cures in Diarrhoes, and ftor cuts and bruises it is invaluable..â€"New York LEcamme. Spoken of in terms of high commendation by both fPruggist and physician.â€"Phdadelphra Zagie. The Pain Killer is sold at wholesale by druggists angd medicineé dealers, and commission merchants, §4 the principal cities, and retailed by Apothbocaâ€" Ties, Grocers and at Varisty Shops generaliy, thtoughout thke world. Prise, 15 cents, 25 cents jank 50 cents per bottle. Montreal, P. of Q. T8 Highâ€"st., . Providence, R. 1.; 71 Southampton fRow, Holborn, London, England. ~| AIZ 4 AT AUBgrryvipwits & sax;: 1+ M4oufacturers and Proprietors, 380 St. Psalâ€"st., and if not, arrange with l)o!of.t:oml:‘lu: cquld make a bettle I bw::?i!h-l raund from decided ch and the other in B aur;nlt“ fllï¬.mnvï¬hluï¬-‘ru ld{ah'vi & of the bottles of CHOLERA MIXTURE, I cquld Tmrd“l.mlo :anuho vl‘: M.l“'l;lo bettle t with me here brought two es raund from decided cholera; one on board the béat, and the other in Berlin, nited States, Both Inthe United States : § £ #* Find out if the Express charges are too high, bad. 1 gare her three doses of the Cholera Mixâ€" mmma-mmmmm next day she was all right, or nearly so. Bhe was gratetul. lhnn'o-lynlnhm." %MM mixture, which should be in every family, is only TyHAyIS FIYE CENIp A BQOTTLE. | TRADE M ARKCAREEEE REGISTERED CANADT AN nCOLG Ha BMVLAON t wicwcccal T WHH 1 | This valuable medicine has the extraordinary m&-w, relievi 00!1‘:1. Colds, Dificuity of Buu:fng, htness in Ohest, &0., &o. It operates by dissolving the conâ€" I have used Davis‘ Pain Killer, and consider it the Liver and Bowels. i PAXII&Y“'APEBIENT “PILLB, grand speo: derangement of the Digestive Organs, and for obstructions :and torpid action otf c.u.’:. Pomades, Toilet Vinegar, Rose Denti: frice, for the Testh and Gums, Also constantly en hand Perfames ot all kinds, and Lollet Requiâ€" sltes usually kept in & Orstâ€"class establishment. No. 41 B-:oqx)-:t.‘ qt:un City. 6 4* » N t 8. Mortimer s YVe worm Uestroyer The only umi&y Wao m-mm’m‘ HKelous taste and amazing power, Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm â€" Destroyer C“lnll. PAIEX Pl.l'.o‘-‘i Amuo.a:muhdbh- CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER ! Bide, Back ana iJoad, Courhs, Colds, Sore Throat Bprains, Eruises, Cramps in the Storach, _ Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel The Canadian Pain Destroyer has wow ‘been before the public for a length of time, and whenever used is well liked, never lnlwhn single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and we bhave never known a single gase of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" «uim ob $19% GG¢ 4 $ #1 ; MORTIMER® COMPOUXb AyriBiprous$ ad with its ope aand spealk l\ nthse highes wdhm-i‘hz.flm 'oa‘ruktn-dzpdmhtlh-m.hvh tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the comp sints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" R. + effcacy of the Canadian Pain Dmmuw for vhl.ol it ts reâ€" The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is Destroyer, in curing diseases for which commended, ayd 44 1 subdui: mWa’unnMN lov=.¢ Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high rank ia whe Ibdln.dhflonlmn-cnhu. Deslers are u-:"l‘ltu-lm .Jll‘l‘:llpuuofllo som or turther su @ to the universal u&muflm tlrieg The Cans fian Pain Destroyer never fails to give m"‘ ints rolief.: All Medicine Dealers keep i Spguie ane getarapd uo t _apd ao family wil) _ Price twontyâ€"five cents per bottle. s mh..'h. It o mbydu?lm&.:‘ou- rlb‘-.uum expector an reeable moistness to the skin, Soild in Bottles at 11. 3d. and 24. 6d. Each. OLERA, DIARRHRCEA, and s His Tueth Sitie i verl o wartie Tie ths it Boimke ORTIM ZI‘8 INFALLIBUN‘REMEDP »+~ \ o ftamintufints Tinrer‘ Sagide KONE QOTHER GENXUINE BOWEL COMPLAINTS. MORTIMER‘S five cents bottle. lOITIKP & LYMAN, _ Nowenstle, C. W., is scroat S9PAX Ahaug AXD # Ma Russolis, S ixh-ozw.' â€"street, Centre ::‘ï¬.o&en st is roul?lmoo. -flsfl,m::! Town, â€" C1NORRS \Coma®o, without the : Night ofice at his residence, Mariaâ€"stre gm T M :}unm &uo. vilthoc u:â€:ï¬d the knife, Â¥y a new, but wortain, o almost pEEw evess. | Relerences gives To plutiss aug» cessfully treated, it required. EDW!RD C, M AL1O00H, M.DP,, M. K. C. B. Dukeâ€"st , LeHreton‘s Fiats, "ogdh the" gï¬nhmn from 8:20 to 10;34 a.wm., and Jtb Ek. : Tt A 7 A Russeli‘s. K."C. LKGGO, Pbysiclan, ‘Burgeon and D Accouchour, 0.:1-â€"1&«.’0 Rlook, Sparksâ€" MR3 TROTTHSHK bogs to cnnunzo thst she has leased a commodious building at the sorner of Banks tndspnrkl sts., which she has ninnod as a PR[VATE HOTEL, retaining the title of ber former hotel in Desbarats‘ block, viz,the« Toâ€" ronto Honse." .The prewmjses have been refitted and bondsomely furnished with new furnitare, and made tï¬ every rospect fit for the reception of me im . bers ot Parlisment and other gentlomen who desire the accommogatio:s of a firss class private hotel, Ottawa, March 29, 1869. 1009â€"3m HALIFAX, \"\'c‘m. SscoTIA, t EstablisRei 1851. . _ _ Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and every _mntinid to their comfort: â€" _ i900y F JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. Wu':nmr HoUSE, Op?ih the Court Hoase and Pubiic Offices, DT CATHARINES, Ont, E. HOVGHTON, Plbtï¬dm,' t # (Late of toughton‘s ?lnln( Baloon. . PMA is sampleâ€"rvomm for ‘commercia travellors. nds 859y Corner of Main and Prince ofâ€" W alesâ€"streets Pembroke, Ontario. + s&r in sonnection with the steamers Jason Gould, Pembroke and Pontiac. Part.chiar attention paid to the comfart of gnw Good rooms for |commearcial travellers. | Horses and vehicles always on hand. . 9 ~â€" J.COPELAND, / Tnu 8 QUEKERN * RESTAUnANT, _ $ M. KAVANAGH, Propricor, Corner of Metonife and‘ Waoillingtonâ€"streets, ‘ox- rn-lu the main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" ngs. 4 _re T The «QUEEN" comprises all the roq::ltu for & #tetâ€"class hestau ant. ‘Yhe Houss has beenrefiited and retruistied umahou.' The BAR contsins | the choisast Brands in‘ W inesand Liqu ws, andevery . delicncy of the sean a wiil be found on the table. The | proprieére‘s best efforts will be diracted to bhe comâ€"=| Russel! Honse, m l B&. TA # No, 36, lar ::inu sald ments received r:,ld. Bales , a R SPAR t ): Dras Varnizshes, Paper . .. &o, &s. Sashes Prigee 424 Ohinet; ond Whadt Priated and IPnpnud for & FACTORYâ€"Adjoining E. B. Eddy‘s Match Factory, Hall, Q. * T srq_‘.! AND UFFICEâ€"Elginâ€"st., opposite the the fot Upper and Lower Canads.) ‘Jffice and residence, J uoester, near‘ Ottawa. Burvey: uf every desâ€" -r:s:s:u-u with accursoy, Communications imddressed Ottawa Chmpdd). or left at the o‘oo_ of N. Sparks, â€" , &o,, ditawa, will l . TAUCEABEEAEI £4, AUCtON EoOs # No. 36, Rideanâ€"street, below W:{tfl&a- mn;:{ m.h'l'ho “:l of Real Heiate at Auction or vale 8 promptly attended to. = '-nu received and immediate mmm‘ for tpn? sad L W. a. Tarstiz, ATON, Manufadturer of Doork, Sazhes BP S Hodmee foain? Tuaste: Picture Frames, haï¬o. Dealer in Paints, 0{‘"' Varishes, Paper Hangings, &0 &s. Sashes receive prompt a‘tention. !w aARD C, M A'g].aogll. M.D., “-_‘- 03_5. R. @. C WOOD, Phystcian, Burgeon and Actounheur, Ottawas« '5':; Clfce eppotite CHRILSTLI Commission and S.- .G--nLAc'{fl-..Qd' -c-m“'- Highwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Lsâ€" ol{‘n‘o Ales and Porter.. l[wk{i‘l::' ko., for #ale. Pembroke, Aug. 1, 1868. Hi olvl"l o ANS ABLE, Wholesale Mannâ€" Faoturers : of. Bedsteads, Chairs, &¢., Chanw diere Itland, Ottus#a, C. W ; t A * . * JOHN OLLVER, j ©06y \ WILLIAM ANNABLE. R. QLIVER MA | oament ib cet ty 6itk K. GEORGE HUTOHTSON, Dan _ OMcoâ€"Sparkeâ€"ttaqt, opporite .Mageo onrox‘re nousk. : PurtGes intending to make sppliontion, to Rar., liament‘ior Private Bills, clithor for granting ox»: slusive privileges, or conferring corporate ‘pow org for commercial or other purposes of profit, .or, for, doing anything tending‘‘to affect "the | vights or they are required by the $1st and followlng Rales of the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Canada‘ Gasete), to give ‘T WO MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the application (sleatly and distinetly specifying its nature and objest), in the Cdnada Gazette, and a newbpuper publighed in the County or : Union : of Connties afâ€" fected, sending copies of the first and last. of. such notices to the Privato Bilt Office. f _ Heess + All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first thipes weeks of the Session. % n tÂ¥ ~~~ ‘ALFRED TODD;, < ! $ Chf, Cik, Commiitees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. ; Oltawa, Februaty 9, 1869 ‘‘_ TNTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY â€" ~~â€" .. _..___ Commmsstoners‘ ‘Orr6®," _~ _ Ottawa 3rd March, 1869, ; | The Commissionere give motice that in consequence of the late, gtormg, having mï¬ rupted the mail service over the countsy, plans for the three further sections to be let, will got be ready for exhitition until 12th MARCH, and tenders will be seceived up to APRIL, 1869 ICKWICK HOUSE, TTAWA HOUSE, ud HISTLE & Co., Land Surveyors, Â¥jotcls and â€"Saloonss © ): Draughtzman, â€"&0., ( undl.:::rCn.ds.) 6‘1 hiaj "Thos Fuller, , Architeot Aib i rabnn,ur.,ou:‘.; l\ulqnlu.‘gq aging Virector O. & St. L. R,.R. â€"~â€" ~T40t o‘clock, 8. TACKABERRY, Aaction Rooms RIVATE BILLS®. > AHiscellancous. Axs, "lctflcjflt)ll. Sty ,}) C pared ‘for _b ifdin, every assort ’ l oarmxn"?i m";‘“‘m†Bales aitended in any of the city, or SPARKS®, ‘Provincial~ Land Surveyor, BILLINGS, Jr., Architect,Eigin street opposite :.A Post Office. Thos Puller, Rsq, Albany ; Grant, N P., Oitawe ; Thos Reyrolds, Baq 9906â€"104 : No. BARRLNG TONâ€"STREET, . Cornier James and Kingâ€"sts. t House and Pavile 0Mes, BF. men, &o. . Ofice, 0 rksâ€"st, Ottawa, Vi CW m;ï¬ " A. WALSH;". _ _ ; "En. D. CHANDLER,‘t * C, J. BRYDGES," #W. E. OOPFFIN! â€" > on MONDAY, the. 5th 17«@1007y near the Russell Weltington st. Officeâ€" BAutf R Lixg. 55 y $ € 99 ancer, &6. ng'oâ€"[’l Bui qpollh‘tho gut_()fl“. ttaw &« O§GROVE & TAILLUEN, DRALLISLOTO; I‘l Solicitors, &0. Officeâ€"Mosgrovo‘s Buildings, Rideanâ€"streot, Ottaws. © _ ho i+ Wyuuat Moserovi. â€"â€" 366if° :: Gzoros Tarbo®. ï¬â€˜ As, IAR% Arohiu;t.' Offceâ€"Aumond‘s 4e Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. 903y LÂ¥ a vince> of ‘Quebes, HMull, near LN® AGP! Officé.â€":=~* s » 3g0tf x AFiEGRE & hnaycooK, Attomics: Â¥ APIERKRE & ‘HaAYCOCK, Attornies: & atâ€"Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€" Ohancery , Oon«y?m gB8A Notaries Public, Porngtr of Sussex and orkâ€" streets, Ottaw a. C 368y D- o{gï¬i‘o_ï¬;&m neyâ€"atâ€" Law, Solicitorâ€" e joa ‘Chancery, g:"ey-noor, &o , Bussexâ€" stroot.| Office, Uni+n Buildings, Oitawa. « â€"_â€" 55y e M Ti Fleiner intlt! Abhacanke R l;. HaYCOCK, Attornéyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" e ‘inâ€"Chancery, Conveyanter, Notary Public, snd Patent Right Solicitor. Officeâ€"â€"Post Office Building, Elginâ€"street, Ottawa. 43utf P J. BUCKLEY, Z«l,.fieg DRII!EIGEI NU # Atwmog-u-sbaw. . Bolicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, and Notary Public, ‘Officeâ€"over Mtr. Luke Curâ€" AÂ¥s s Doast cohu Cc S ayt quumcds ~Pi cwre‘ ‘RRiw and Notary Publlab Uic6â€"â€"Over MT, LREC TOSC her‘s Boot and Shoe Store, Kideauâ€"st., Ottawna, 384y YÂ¥ EKS & GEMMILL "h:-rwa' rs, Attornéy®, [lso’;\citmi, Convbyi‘n:;!. M 'Odco-h th: Court House, Ottaw®. . ! ‘;!~ / 1 «*‘ , Rosenart Lees, 0; Gutf _ Joys J, GpuxEyL i;inwsnu-r;mmnmxmm. Batrister, ioi e en Auoiney: tor thes Uincd of the Poace ount orney, for the Unite Counties of ;rqoleott I'd,d Bulmll{ ‘Oficeâ€"In the Court House, L/Ongual;> =s! «i _ .:84â€"6m ‘Borumum AsD pAY scHo0L FOR AtPD rousa Lap128, 0TtAW a, «ONTARIO. MR3 ROBERT STEW ART, from London. "’,‘f land, has made arraogements to reedive ks Board . ing Np«u(hsot:m' with . her ,drnl’ well Tooe o ied f00 sW heport s 2onld ah poime es, to who o w art a solfd a: te dnesï¬odbt:d&ntbux&‘ t terpnt 4 .P‘M She has had gront experience in teaching, . and the management of young people. . â€" . , .. l: W . W. W ARD, of tha tate firm of Lewis .& Pinhey & Wird, has removed his Chancery so to Bell‘s Law Chambers, opposite Russell TLX TAeiwcmk C d' Stewart Ottawa. _ W ©.CLARK, Proféssor bf Music asd , Wescher of Piano, Voice and Harmony. Mume Roeoms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"st . orner of Slater4t., Conâ€" tre Town. t ' OV Irsy yinowK a _Orders may be lett at his resideqnos{or ‘at Ormo. & Pluo-roats TULTLION Bon‘s Music Store. THE REV. GRO, NORL‘HLGGIN Iia-ho:t‘ 3: )l;;hldhth i‘"’- a on of the op of the um nuamber dm’-J ::3:3: WMNDDUVCATI L G6NX= EDI}OATIOI-%AA'-["‘Q Aï¬q woer B.'. Blc"vw'l A. kDiAip."'n_"A'..;z\w fayn (u-‘cfldlholu Joeus ‘Ooll!,) Oxferd..) :‘ J . Bustriess will #o resumed : on , y. h Ath. . Hours of Stlld];-?;xl.n.:.l'?;%’ gg‘nd%?o ï¬mlcu. kcnfltnv." otes â€", 13 HAk W / the ‘ i * sn + boar Th f 4 | !\,‘ * Mr.GUSTAVE SMLTH, (Organist of the Cathe â€" a Graduaste of the al Conservatory of P Lessons on Piant ar‘ 4‘ Cinging. (Rideat=> stroot, porner of K ingâ€"stre@¥»> .1 .~~,| tE Ottawa, June 23. 1838. in uy "X us (H i1 . »hmgg pygo shoow Aog 433 4 4 JE alPo curhay Conerzeario® .. p®Nora®: Daxs, . 17 (weow mormrerkt) |0 0 !(~ respectfully inform the public that ;they will oper .th:mboflhk,, ngor a i afllye fud 1if 444 1CHOLAS SPARKS®, Barrister and Attor neyâ€"utâ€"Law, SBolicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" t, &o. Oficeâ€"Lang‘s Buildings, ggn-n., 'Mdum-mmuu u:.oocom & 4 A Intlnmmemtenmires or s3 ~ 11â€" ~; 4 )* *Ct Acpuinson, KLENNEDY & CHRISTIE, ‘‘Barristers}: &o., Lang‘s Block, Elginâ€"st., O§GROVE & TAILLON, Bamsteors, Fing, s 64, 3s, 5s 6d, 108 6d: and 208. i..» > ons > " , NOw C % N. "'ï¬â€˜;fï¬â€œâ€œcl."‘m mo&u" ‘the © best) m' ng | A t ; 2 WW Nausea and ]ndigestion. .. _ BOLD BY ALL On€xiére, °/ °/ ~‘ ‘Wholesale â€"F. CONDILL & Co., Montreal,â€" 1 --pflnwnmlflql prepsrations. . 10r. eure of He Broken é?.«‘.‘.':.-..:f- mih ceX the Piog or bhorses ; also, as‘sa Condition Medicine, surpassing everything of the kind, is anay to give, cure, and safe in all cases and at all tinm:;d does n;tn:r'ozontth horse from belng worked while‘ u 644 6 i4 +4 a ty dvais t on Itioleanses the & : remgot» ing from the olrm (JT&I. h{yupb, or &mï¬uu heaves c og'ï¬h-'. csuving sMhMfl‘.†and by nti:- -&: M part, cau muceus membrane to, ciroulation of the bloog, â€"and restoring: Ir; distendâ€" od vensels to their nstural size ; . by.its use the: hotse‘s appetite is improved, all derangements of @7 and CONDITION MEDICINE is tive. Iy wapories To rmuky uh aliyofned ~praparaiivnater l ie t w1 ‘mm-»nmï¬-u.uom Terms made krown on applicat hk x e Boaee ty t uen t Repean 3. The AHK 41STERS TETREAU, Notary Public for the Proâ€" s ALBAK‘8 SCHUOL, ARLEY!S ARABIAN HEAVE REMEDY and CONDITION MEDICINE is ‘positive.‘ BUCKLEY, Lâ€"Lâ€"B»â€"&, Barrister and AEducationai. P R JA N 9 e noue w PnA Y Dauret. ’50 lg;:él:;!-' 'AB,â€A'.V,' uo 1 7/ _ LKAYR BROCKYVILLE, ' P. M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leay 4300Brockvmc daily at 4.00 8 m'un; 8:00 a m, arriving at Sandpoint at 945. pm and 1:2%5 p m. _ * y * t luino AEAYESANDPOINT. t A. M.esTRAINS will leave BSOOWu at 4;00 a m and 2116 &mo, arriving sat Brockville at 12;15. p m and 30 p m. ~., . PEATA, BRANCH. ¢ us LEAYE PERTH ‘ m P. M.eâ€"â€"TRAINS will, leave DsA EDrenv‘sis:15 p m and 9 a m, arriving at Smith‘t Falls at 6:05 p m and 9:5$5 a m. LEAVE S:'IITH'S FALLB, A.M.â€"â€"FRATN® will leave 103 05 Swith‘s Falls at 10:05 a m and 6:20 p m, arriving nt Perth at 10:65 a m and 7:10 m. e ® All traing on main line connect st Smith‘s Fals with Trains to and from Perthb. No. 1 leaves Brockyille after G T R Â¥xpress traing are due from the east. No. 3 is due at Brockville in time to connest with .G:T R Express trains for the éast and west. + H. ABBOTT, ON,snd AFTER MONXDAY, the 3012 of NOV.,, roes, ond motil further nouice, TRAINS will rup CH , g ho cof renoool attdorkacl sn tions o= L i whinl tatacts i 4 V 8. M in REYxoLbs, 3 Sépbetibtosirt. * fm’“%;mdpf Il‘)’i)rsu Glm TRUNK , RAAJLWAY. COM« t °_ rasy oOr casapa. ~ zoo lbes.1 WINTER ARRANGEMENTs. (1869. | Trains now leave BONAVENTURE STATION â€W‘ 4 ‘._â€"-“‘-‘:‘ -:â€"4._ # t / _ and Intermediat® Stations at......... 7;00 â€"am Bxr for Bocwth’...... 8;40 am 'lx?x'flu‘ NewYortk und Bostonat...... 3:30 . p m i | "vie Vermont Central. ~ / & \Bxpress . for ~New ~York via Plattsburgh, Lake Night\ > 40~~«d4oâ€" .\ do : «»do ~ <do 8;30 p m Aceominodation Train for Kingston and y*itiw ! | ««Intermediate Etations, ut..... ....... :00 a » Traint for Lathine ‘st...........8:00a n,; 130 am ; | â€" 8s00)p m, «5:00 tyn-* 4 4# | alus â€"{GOIN@SQUTH AND EAST, 8T. LAWRENCE:. AND .OTTAWA d ut ns in SR L ME ; .: > Day (Expre ss for . burg, Otte 4 "’Wflh. g“::!-. I.Ilov:l:. Champl ington t 3:00 p m x & & Rutland at MÂ¥ Eo raa it Hotray * Ei press for Queber, Inlabd Poud Ui#n-_l Lo obr en _©The: stenmer Gurictte .leares Pottinnd evcery JATUVLOAYX :AFTERNGON â€"(after the: artival of train from Montreniâ€"on ~Friday night), for Haliâ€" * Sundet un ptteng es miepparaingoy passongore as £boom y aud Freight, l stoasy ob eat nes is mm $ £¥% _ The : {ntornationai Company‘s Steamers, renping The _ For Surtherinformation and time ofarrivalâ€"and departure of ull traing at terminal and way s#teâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonuventare Sta in â€" eganection with : the â€"Grand: Trunk Mm'. IJâ€â€œMN 3 andâ€"every MONDAY, at 4 pm,f ohn, N.B. i&C € t a‘s 4 ® Tickets issued through at the Company‘s princiâ€" palastions. !â€" « Phaix. OBNAAXENTAL AND Dkcokativ£& Chaud: d Ruoll. xt to R. R. ® St0re, Cheadiore ) â€" Trouse, Bign: V iith and genork! o i o reataop mm tomh and . w m ors 94 MMufliwhï¬\ o qs o P \References permitted to owing j in &£ Co.. 4. R. O L. a it Enidong 6 ce 9 oo Ens o in h wfoflpo othe thtm.d fi f e 3. uture té’ ï¬ï¬dmthdmdm for taking mw ‘0.' herdiobtre :‘“3 'ï¬;.ï¬)auvm.-a.‘ Rodint, a60 bPR WMiiES Mastaleagrente a Arctic® [( _ seicct} Ypnil m +) + ~+~~C@RQ, N. BENEDIOT.. > Ditawa4â€"Mr. Hayesok, Architact. : := » . t BNEBRARS.:yia 4i silite soun 18% ‘Parliament for Acts to incorporate the [ fow Fara rhsUnanol mnddbaneyrangs BOOIA ULOQAN, and.the: DOMINION.FIRE & MAâ€" &Lï¬m ‘:Q%trxoeok‘vi ng ‘&uvlm wa pany, umm-uwh thw office 6t‘ the Department. of Rublic. Norks, mm m ?im,ot the Map or Plan and Book = , af rélate to the County of Carleton, has beegd deposited in :?eefl- of the. Clerk of the Peace Sor the c(rnty of Carleton, and a co;y of guch parts a8 telate to ‘the‘ County"of Lanark, ‘has been‘ deâ€" positedâ€"un ths othce of the Clerk of the Poase far the : _ Is hereby given that the Map or Plan and Book af "mitirence. us o duant? _ Genteay atiway mm&“lï¬m DJ M A N A L BR INEURANCE COMPANY. C Satsa Ottave, Péby.}1t, 18069. _ Application will de made aATDLO DeKt of the Legisiature of Ontaric for un zet to i Beciampst htA t ieoperate ht Bontn ArUAM or A on Eirnk thâ€"Uns hoi ndoo ane n raauke 4 IA PEAT MANXUFACTURâ€" Pb 4 hYENLNY donP axt, win, poawe io :.n:nct‘t ze ‘;:mw;y::- ‘some point in‘ e Tewnship of Caledpnia nevigable waters South Nation Ri and to anâ€" taorine the Homtipality of ‘Ckledunie C grem to the said &om&::y s -‘-n:dtm dhu-o': betw e A copceser a Phori e I tor Hisduipdisiv in pfartact! "loh (formeriy the Ottawa.k& Presoott Rail«ay.) ie enb in s f t ~â€"â€"pr "Is hereby given that the ] â€"‘MHarte‘s Florids W ater; â€" to ported.‘ Price 374 M;’uï¬u 9 «: 1> CGJFBRYDGRS, Managtng Director ,â€" Montreal, Beof J 1868; ; (o s 0 ccou soiss ( . Q@oderich, Buffalo, Detroit,Citicago, snd all ?oinu W BBLy Bbvesrrmnrressuites hevit s Aabstaiins vhan is vade dn $ wéat eanicd ooll t nidalt â€" Prmlisad® shtel w rase Avzzny . _The subsriber bating * (ANVD PAPER‘HANGERS, Wm::’m day ;)L Au AKDALL & NMONXTCGOMERY,: OTICOKR is hereby given fuetapplication wili iPTMERE®..}me ~ sid ai o iixniass Liss bareis Applicution will be made at the next Secsion ARODEE‘Y EPILEETIC CORB,* ©! 0 e nmrnines MATIX . LINZ. Carson au : Night Trains. W R. WORSLEY, â€" biwict. 14 C Câ€"Ay: Managing Drwector. #18â€"2m 10:10 9:10 a m Director. 14 14 t 1~{% 11 Pnomi:lu. INSURANoR, MALCOLM â€" CAMFP, Office of QI."C’“.' ); °Sss An entirely Canadian institution... to Ansurers, and immediate peayment of a, Ottawa, Dec. 8, 1868, s Frsaxo® Derartinyy . " ty Ottawe, w' lipw.. sg"‘:o“;‘h + #, 12th ~~k._~. 0 tollowing luunnencam We 3 ... "" a license totransact the heh..g‘,ru" h:.n;d.;'th \* j 0. 33. ‘The UX LOYX uty @ ANXCR COMP AXY, of Nawgs." * PE togpy . Deposit in U. 8. 6e of ‘81â€"$50,009 s o * . B, K. CIRU IK, GEDUH Aovanm C .. * 4e _ se I have this day, deposited ~with ; nomgy." General, Twenty Thousand Doliags 1? the above Pifty Thoueand, making Sevept« «@5 sand Dollars (£70,000) U.8. Golg Bonds, Searg Ulbe lHon. Col. Jobhn L & 4 appointed Counsel U‘J , w:: top. Aillegal matters will be r to him ENT versal Exhibition of Paris, IM1 _ WE HEREBY APPOINT Mz, JOHN LE Â¥ th old ah Agent for m! or these celobristed Timebcopay, Werbiatiy + H. & A. BAVNDBRE, : w« uy .. . _ On the recommendation of theRuppwle t y Acting Minister of Public Works, und under the provisions of the seventh séotion ftie Oap. 82, His Excellency bhas been p &a'dï¬Â»â€˜:.«u&m the by 4 the " C| Suspension Bridge f Second day of March instant, and her@Â¥@ms l ded, establishing a tariff of tolls to for going upon or orvasing the nflm the game is horeby approved. N ‘ Sole Wholesale Zgents in the sale of J, Sewill‘s W atches. _ Ottaws May 20. _ / ; HAIS EXCELLEXNCY GENERAL INX EC '-“ CC -‘.'UJ .rlllv‘“' P us â€" y Wx. H., x W *A stmim us y ul 4A Byâ€"Law to Regulate the m.“ horses, including the driver, thoreel, Ady actite â€"for each single . horse, »carrimge.â€"and dows thirtyâ€"fve cents ;â€"for each stber porson tualy K108 KUTvay for tare on sugar imported in hogebOM08"""" â€" _ _ centum, and in tierces, fourteen ,.uâ€"‘. ‘gress weightof each, and on -â€"g of twentyâ€"six pounds each. On bt ‘sugar is imported, anaverage A21r0 sh89" ed, to be ascertained by'â€"pvï¬ every ten. " ',:'r. If in any case, objection is takes d" scale of allownnses for tare, then 0Â¥ 4500 according to the origipal h::@ isubject, bowever, to such ¢ M#mâ€ï¬cw M wmuuurmd-wiï¬*‘d not less than that stuted in nehh'“ s# _ ( se m o n uie Y e a ‘PHE TIMES is pristed asd PS â€"â€"â€" Tez OtTAWwA Trues Panormée 38 imgCoxrary, at the Office, 9 8 h... For each carriage ¢ & n C d o n «T on w uts OVERNXMENT HOUSER, > ~~J@â€"w )8 mand wtilh ww xi pr T‘Qw:*w bet qunaril ! ‘ Monday, **nd day of *m yE Ww ILL, LIV ERPoo, 1009â€"8 WATCHEgq INSURANGER OF MAIX®E Lo 4 ShCOn ts 4 Genora) Agent 66 John: &» â€" For the “~“.'~ * Jopy 1 3 x onl mm , 12th October 198. _ _ Onde,iumy...,". ~ 8 TOYVEâ€" P £. w' ",, "E‘M * ® d +u AND 2 in 54 OF SPAIS, . :.»»-"': ABLE o [ TOE mt â€" Cerred to hi. â€" :l‘ G.!u,,‘ in #gcb invyes" Wx. K. ‘m .. daght Â¥ a i in w COMP ayy ® Ni AtH) ® at w bamand on aveaid A shoue‘s calt hans cA9 *agryi_â€" i# ie _ of tap tbherefore be caret and wmaoulact © 6 ~ 6 W To wWATE urders received vite mill owners to « flective power ex _ ce for Katon‘s mï¬::-'od and C C..‘s celebrated > &% v *LYTH & K & uTMd.d at basiness constant) Importers of "huba-c.g:cd ind i# & m,k.,ï¬ ICE CREAXM CHARLOTTE BMPulbsSic and P ries, Vineries, Manue most approved prize: BLANXC MAX PUDDINXG JELLY We are now maki Â¥AINXTS, OILS FQUSE FURK AHloves Thousands oan tes Builders‘ and House ® of all colours, Glase, kett‘s Hardware Store than at any other pila A call is respeo‘f. gH~Remember the Ha«!l, Fancy, P. cily. TOVEKA! # SHELE & HE 7HO8,. ISAAC PLOVGORS8, Block Tin Corplioes, &e., at the 1o n the Ottawa market. and Montreal F: niture, 46.,the « STOVES, all patterns SA PIFEA Prize Medal, 1862 TIX AN JournuL, Meducal J mexm Caes 154..â€"Says en well; makes him feel week, extraordinary is “L' he has lost cougn The Lames Report. Caution.â€"The gent SION sold only is bot Bavory & Moore‘s lab P.8.â€"â€"All goods A ROW ARK : Tll BKE8T _Â¥ resembling Moti kle.â€"â€"Dr. K. Barket « «THE IXFANT P Prinee should." â€"Soo: «© A REAL IMPR o=dipary kinds of LL] ene that keeps good No boiling or strai Ars ocus 81o AN A! W ell accustomed to to read and write. Apply at the OHawa, March 19, 1 HoOT AlH MIL L ARDW A RE i ring IN iTe P ANTED. OFFICE 0 . Nanms, No PA N CA