[Â¥ * DaAY, MUTCHYoOp & SHow 300! the sargpe time a """“lnhg‘ ‘AND m aitentlo to theair stook # 6 00 D 83 Coctudiccet. in es «lut in the following A8T Os a dore8s G 0 0 D %5s a doask» 1.4 suâ€"st EL4, 1s 4 K Vlf'p-" & in great varidy, sHIRTIN® _ 144 per yaule ‘= _ This morning a man named McKenna sent for Dr. Riddell to attend his wife. The doctor proceededto his residence, and found the unâ€" fortuoste woman in the | last struggles ot death, ying in a pool of blood.‘r'nh markse of severe wounds on ber head. ‘The walls were bespattered in all directions with blood. She died almost immediately, The husband, at the docéor‘s suggestiov , gare himselfup to the police. Ho denies baving inflicted any injuary on his wife, and says she waedruuk last night, «nd he went out this -mhsvounu- ing, and on Jhis return he she had fallen ou the floor, and cut her hbead. Upon seeing her he bathed it, and sent for the doctor, The son, a boy of twelve years of age, corroborates the statement, but as it is known that both were intempâ€"rate, and accustomed to fight, and there are signs ot old m.to-hfl bead, the busvand is thought to be guilty. An inquest is to be held. _ A velocipede race took place this morning l'ortzs. Another is arranged for Friday for 100. + The ball at the Rossin House last night was a success The band of the 29th Regiment was present, and dancing was kept up till sarly this morning. The Premies and Hon. Mr. Carling left for Belleville this afternoon, to fix on the site of A sceme occurred in thecity council last night which was rather discreditable. Ald. Baxter baving remarked that Ald. Henderson at the last meeting had worked bimselfup, and even made a gpeech, the latter replied that for the speech made by Baxter he would chastise him, unless he promised to behave himself in in future. *On the motion made to admit reâ€" porters toâ€"the committee meetings, these gentlemen were assailed so fiercely that they rose and left the chamber. <x The victory of the Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway in Mone has been followed by a defeat in Melancthon, where the byâ€"law granting a bonus of $10,000 was defeated on Saturday. The principal provisions recommended by the Board of Trade committee for incorporsâ€" tion in the lusolvent Act are: Making an assignment impossible withount the consent of the creditore ; giving the creditors power to appoint a custodian for the estate pending the assignment ; and also an inspector to act conâ€" jointly with the official assignee in the manâ€" agement of tbo estate, & Latest bp Cclegraph,. Special to MB TIMES. TORONTO. Spécial to THE TLMES. _ A meeting toâ€"night to consider the present duty of 5 per cent. on books was attended by only 30 persoas. A resolution was passed, with some opposition, setting forth that it was expedient to petition Parliament to repeal the duty. 3 The street cars have on wheels. The three Aabitants charged with murder at Laprairie got off easily. One was acquitted, uc'ipomlnpbnl-pmy of assault only. E. R McNames has been clected President ol theâ€"8t. Patrick‘s Bociety. _ 12e The voluntsers will parade will be w..us.mm..um' ;u. Mr. Carâ€" ter‘s arrival. _It is expected navigation will be open to the new Asylum for the deaf and dumb. Quebec next week. CABLE NEWS. Fiomzxcs, April 13.â€"â€"The Italian Minister at Washington has been appointed Minister to Spain. _ Quesxstows, April 13.â€"â€"The steamships Cubs and Minnesots, fromâ€"Now York, have Hiraxa, April 13. â€"The Aavrana journals of toâ€"day praise the course pursued in refetence to Cubs by the United States Government. Mapand, Aï¬il 13.â€"The Government anâ€" thorities ue to make arrests ?l Carlists in the Province of Granada. It is reported that a Spanish war steamer has captured a schooner lawten with arms for the insurgents, on the south side of the island. The Gazeite publisnes the details of the Advices from Puerto Principe represent provisions as very scarce, and say that meat and flour are selling at fabulous prices. The Gazeite publisnes the details of the organization of a rural police, made by the n*-:udulboup-ofllo%lnu}'. steamer Morre Castle, from New York, arrived this morning, and the steamer Â¥Fasoo, from New Orleans, arrived yesterday. It has rained here all day. * AMERICAN NEWS. Railroad Diffenity. Cmcm®atrt, April 12.â€"â€"The Enguirer of this morning states that Superintendent .Ruckler, of the Atlantic and Grâ€"at Western railroad and Chapin, of the Erie railroad, tendered half a million of dollars as security to their acceptance of a reâ€"lease of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railroad, but the latter refused to execute the lease, as the reason that the Act of the Legisiature made the rosd responsible for debts imcurâ€" nd by the Erie company on the"line of the same ; also that the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railroad retusing to recognize through contracts of the Erie railroad, they have demanded a pro rata on treight, and detained such at the depot on the refusal of the Erie to pay. Consequently on Friday the Krie railroad perfected arrangements with the Little Miami and Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinuati railroads to carry all its freight, and yesterday the freight would accordâ€" ingly be moved. New Yorr, April 13 â€"â€"The Heralds .rchl says it is well known that the Cabinet is not a unit in the question of Cuban recognition. A meetinog was held last Friday, and the views of each member, except Rawlins, were learned. Necretary Fish expresses very conserrative views. He sympathizes with the Cubans as much as any m«»» could, but deprecates any offiâ€" cial pronvn«ilmento by the | administration on ceithe: sides. Bpain would tire in resisting the mardates â€"f fate, but if the United States interf r»s, then Spain will not only exhaust her ons resources to romt our acquisition of the ‘island, but will draew assistance from England ami France, and woe will have to combat & ccmbination of the most powerful military and naval forces of Kurope. We Becretary‘s views. Grant has great confidence in his Secretary of State, and though his private views may not colncide with Mr. Fisb, yet it is fearvd the foreign policy of the Govâ€" «rament will be hp:ru sccordance with them A proposition will be made to bave the treaty for the setilement of the Alasbams claims d‘scussed in open session. The Heraid s apecial gives an account of an erciting interviow between Senator KRoss and President Grant, toâ€"day, in regard to the Kaoâ€" sas appointment, in which Senator Ro«s told the President to go to hel!, and the President ordered the Benator out of the room, thus terminating the interview. activn action, urging the President to prociaim a bold and manly policy in regard to Cubsa. Genegal Sic«les bas declined the Mexican mission, and will be sent to Spain. Other members are directly opposed to Mr. Fisb, and believe in prompt and vigotrous f Kaxâ€"Prosident Johnson, Nasevicus, April 12%â€"â€"Exâ€"President Jobnâ€" mh atill in Nashville. He b:‘ absndoned proposed trip to Kurope, intends to devote himself in bebaif of the disfranchished of YESTERDAY‘s DESPATCHES, MONTREAL. Â¥1« Montreal Line. TTALY, OURA. the Cubans. Mowresarn, April 13. Toroxto, April 13. 3. Sandford, of Connecticut, minister to Spain ; Horace Rubelec, of Wisconsin, minister to Switzerland ; Wm. A. Pile, of Missouri, minister to Brazil ; Freeman H,. Morse, of Maine, ConsulKGeneral at London ; Thos. B. YVan Buren, ot New Jersey, GConsulâ€"General at Florence ; Geo. W. Worts, of Pennslyrania, secretary of |-§uonc Florencte ; J. Meredith Read, {, of New York, Consulâ€"General at Paris;, Wm. P. Webster, of Massachusetts, Consulâ€"General at Frankfort on the Main ; David M. Armstrong, of New York, Consul at Rome ;Gco. F. Allen, of Indiana, Consul at Morocco; Chas,. J. Clark, of New York, Consul at Bordesux ; Wm. A. Dart, of New York, Congulâ€"General for the British North Amertican Provinces at Montreal; Dexter E. Clapp, of Noew York, Consulâ€"General at Buemos Ayres ; Jas. Haggerty, of New York, Consulâ€"General at Glasgow ; Chas, K. Perty, of New York, Consulâ€"General at Aspinwall. Only two nominations were confirmed toâ€" day, namely, J. L. Motley, minister to England, and John Jay, minister to Australia. Later from Washingtonâ€" Wasnmnmotox, Aprik 13,â€"The President nominated toâ€"day Thomas H. Welson, of Indiana, minister to Mexico; Chas. N. KRiotte, of Texas, minister to Costa Rica ; Henty W asamorox, Aprl 13.â€"â€"The ounly speech made in the Senaté toâ€"day on the Johnsonâ€" ' Clarendon treaty ~for the settliement of the : Alabama claims was by Mr. Sumner, and occupled nearly two bours in delivery. Mr. Sumner took the ground that instead of remorâ€" ing an existing grievance it left nothing but heartâ€"burnings, and therefore could not be considered a settlement of the pending quesâ€" tions between the two nations. | 1t offered no semblance of compensation, and it could not ’hold' the interests of cither party that the treaty abould be ratified. Examining it from beginning to end he showed it was merely for the settlement of individual claims on both sides, so that the sufferers by the misconduct of England may counterbalance by the British blockade runoners, The case against England was elaborately stated, including ths British prociamation of neutrality, and permitting the building and oqulrcplnt“ol wrv'lhon in the British ports which the effect of mh. the war for | two years. ships and British supplies did their work, but eventually failed in their purpose acd the rebellion succumbed. He apoke of our loss not only by destruction of our ï¬‚ï¬ which was compuratively small, but t destruction of American carrying trade, the u":f off in our exports and imports, with due allowance for abnormal carrency Qnd the diversion of warâ€"all the aspects of the treaty were considered." Every British privateor, he struck a svag in the Arkansas river near Pine Binof on Friday last, and sunk,. Seventeen :lhv:o are reported lost, besides the vesse‘s enâ€" crow. place, saloon, &¢., except the Rost Office, Gibson‘s tailor shop and millinery store, near Masonic MNall, tcrtbot with about fAfty priâ€" vate d-w he principal buildings saved were M Hall, 8t. Patrick‘s Hall, and Methodist and Catholic churches, the Ahools, and a few buildings and docks under the bluf on the lake shore, The district. burned over is about sixtyâ€"Ave acres, comprising six entirte blocks, and oonhh::r 110 ooc:rd build. ings, besides the usual number of barns, &¢. The loss will not be far trom half a million dollars, and the insurance covers about $100,000.. Over 200 families are lett homeless. A meeting of the citizens of the coounty will be held toâ€"day, to make suitable provision for the destitute, and to raise a fand for their with guns and war matâ€"rials, and about 120 men, all Americaus, in aid of the Cubans. A Steamer Sunk==Seventeon Lives Lost, The Appesis Little Rock special the steamer G. A. Thom»son, trom Clxmu. THIS MORNING‘S3 DE8SPATCHES; the common good of all the people. The above are a few of the points ot the speech gathered from reliable sources. . Sumner in view of the circumatances estimates our losses at about $110,000,000. ~ _ 3 m not ouly to the indiviâ€"uals who have , but to the National Government for When Sumnes m:-cd“:‘h seat several senators briefly expressed r views in supâ€" port of the speech, Among them were Stanâ€" ton, Cassidy , Scott, Thurman, Morton, Warner, Kherman, Fessenden, and Chandler. The latâ€" ter wunted the doors thrown open, so that the debste would be open to ‘the public. Fessenden with others expressed their satisâ€" faction at the temperate and instructive views presented by Mr. Sumner. They were such as the American people would now stand by. The Senate rejected the treaty, fityâ€"four being opposed to it, only one, Mr. McCreery (Democtat) in its favrour. The Senate unâ€" animously removed the injunction of secrecy from o.l{ one part of the proccedings. The speech of Summer end this willfbe published. A Village Almost Completely Destroyed by Fire, KCinwaukis, April 1#â€"â€"A despatch from Haughton, (Michigan) 18th, says at one o‘clock yestâ€"rday moâ€"ning a Arebroke out in a French saloon in Hancock, Wichigan, and ‘has result»d in almoss the complete destruc. tion of the vilage. Every store and business said, was a bold nuisance involving the British Government, which should be made to relief, many of whom are in a pitiable state 4 ’" k k ol * * New York Marketss _ New Yorark, April 13.â€"Cotton firm at 48jc.â€"Flour dull ; receipts 9,200 barrels; sales 5,100 barrels at $5.18 @ 6.00 for superâ€" fine State and Western; $8.00 @ 6.45 for common to choice extra State; $6.00 @ 6.80 for common to . c extra Western.â€" Ryoe fGour dull at 5.00 @ 6. 90.â€"Wheat dull ; receipts 3,200 ; sales 3,000 bushels at $1.45 for No. 2 spring delivered.â€"Rye dull and droopiny.â€"â€"Corn dull ; receipts 10,000 bushels ; ~sales 27,000 bushels at #7¢c. @ 88¢. for new mixed western ; 88¢. tor old do. â€"â€"Barley, quiet and beavy.â€"Oats dall; reâ€" eeipts 26,000 bushels ; sales 15,000 bushels at 76}¢. for Western in store ; 78¢.@ T8ic. at rallroad depot.â€"Pork quiet and steady at $30.75 for new mess.â€"Lard steady at 17jc. @ 18ic¢. for steam ; 18jc. @ 18¢. for kettle renâ€" Seauma 18969.â€"The show trooms of Magee &.Russell will be opened for the season toâ€" day , load-y.Arn 8th, with a splendid dis= play of new millinery goods. play of new millinery goods. 14}. J‘oun & HOLLAND : Rave received the ENGLISH MAGAZINES FOR APRIL. Also, a splendid lot of wiJ* PHOTOGRAPHIC â€"GEXMS, "a | lar, e mffeh ANOTHER 1,0T OF THAT 5 Cr. MUSIC, MRS. SMITYH, Bookâ€"st., bot.:o inform her customers and friends that she received her :nm‘fubhn.d ® now prepared to supply their orders. vorner of Bank and Albert=sis. New York Money Market. New Yorr, April 13.â€"Gold 1323}, Money 7 per cent. Eiginâ€"st., April 1%, London Money Market. Loxpon, April 13â€"p.m.â€"Bonds #3}. Erie FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Two or three Apprectices wanted. "*EW MILLI®AEZR Y. and toâ€"morrow evening they expect Reported by Telegraph. % Publications. »rac.a o..;.ï¬n'. Brown on the + t Sketohley ; Beacons of the Bible,| Member of the Ontario Â¥s "nwu’::mm y raingd zo k-«.byth wathor of the Dark Â¥ear | V. 8. |to the County of C Watekwords for the Warfare of Life, a Luther ; v night, justave Dore ; STrorg‘s Grogk Toria: or communications pd;lmh-ruuspn.uo.o.m- and sent to any pa llos“.byln-;lbm'm N. B moderate. i Domesie fniieten on Rardeng y [ s £risivsucesâ€"= :&nbnl‘who;ll:.lnal:?mr- ACA. YEILDIKG, akaray : Philosonky of no. bu Or. i mss Millinery. 101Mf Ioa’.'."i;_‘.uidh"-h'eh *4 : offer ..‘:h' tor years. goods have reâ€" ceived -unr‘::m-p.n that parties who sall carly wid have the bsst chanse of getting ::rn-. as we will make no reserve, but throw line of goods by itself, and let the fitst who comes first hare the best pick. The following are some of the damaged goods, viz. : 10 CASES A8SS0ORTED BLEACHED CuTToN3, and continu the following days until all the frods 1to dhjord on‘ This‘is ao epportunity to Having parchased of the io of the vessel o«,.Z‘L.-w. ...’s‘,"......‘:"’-. will offer the whole for saie, commencing M WA"“ I WATER! WATER : DKESS G00DS for 64 fid to Â¥f por 4 ard. Ladies* Mantles only.................. @0 #plendid Prints, worth 94, only 0 Towels, 4 all Linen,‘* only......... 0 Dress Musilins, per yard, only...... 0 Mantlo CIOUMAEq OMIY.»»»ssssssssssssoss»» O Pocket Handkerchict®, sach, only 0 LOOK ! LOOK ! PM 50 pisses Dress Lining, only 14 per 7*d. "®R. Artexrion !â€"â€"Two cases more of those spools for ulmu. -.h:lthum-.wb. as the first piok will ’Wihnlhimomdflmcl all the intest styles in SPRIN 3 GOODS in perfect order, which we will sell lower than any house in We a list of prices that some chhosull 'lllb!‘::ld for to give parties an idee of the Gloves, per pair, only. Table Damasks, per y1 Gentsa® Neokties, 66 Inteat atyles,"‘ CKCy UMRIY ....cccsccesscsssessrsessasess Stylish Cloths, per yard, only.. . 10 do Parn#so14, OBCBMy OBIY ..»»«. sssssseseesesss CLOTHING!; CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! f 10 cases in all the mn;l:. Just arrived, 'Ihl'mhoull'-hlo:.. particulars in price see our Clothing The place to secure thase I-.uburhoh um*mwm& hewâ€" art‘s Brick Block, Ridean and Sussexâ€"su., piSign ofthe White Flag. "®R, OPTICIANS AND OCCULISTS, MONTREAL, Hare, with a view to meet the increasoed demand JEWELLERS AND OPTICIANS, & An BOLE AGENTS for this place. They have eare to give all needful instractions, and have conddence in the avility of their agents to utrements of all customers, An o“ot- tunity) will be thus aforded to procurs, st ail tunity, will be th tes Une canne ORITY over the . is no glimmering, 1 8; les Unequalled by any :or their thening and Preserving s eannot be said as to their SUPERIâ€" ORITY over the ordinary glasses worn. Thers is no giimmering, wavering of the sight, dizsines, or unpleasant r-udé,. but on lhomry: from peculiar construction of the lnm lh.y‘ are AND PLEABAXT, nnhfl & relief to the wearer, and PRODUCING a OI.?AI and TINCT VISION, as in the natural healâ€" and TINCT VISION, as in the natural healâ€" th oh.mymaodl‘!ruluï¬u P NBE as well as AS8I8T THE SIGHT, Flfli'vn‘ as well as AS8SIST THE SIGHT, and ate the Cheapest because the Bost, always Firet cbarge M ONDAY, 5tx APRIL, _ Agent for MARRIAGE LICXNCES for the city of Ottawa, by: commission from His Excellency the Governorâ€"Genetal. . GFFICEâ€"St. Lawrence Hotol, Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, April 9, 1869. 4 1019â€"3m 'I\-l VYARIETY HALL ; HOUSE FURXNISHING ESTABLLSHKMEXT a1 SUSSEIXâ€"ST A antity of W aii Paper, 'm‘m.umhdo.oan ¢ OF â€"ALL QUALITIES. | . > Hare your pipes l“-â€":fl troughs attended to w : ... $3 ESMONDE BROS., Y OUNG & RADF O RD, OAL OLTL SHIPWRECKED GOODS. AZARUVUS, MORRIS & CO,, CEL EB RAT E D PERFECTED SPECTACLES, many years without change being necesâ€" B AND BAIT STABLES, Cor. Rideau and Oltawaâ€"sts. of the Ontario Veterinary College, by Â¥. 8. to the Governorâ€"General ; als>, the County of Carleton Agricultural Crass: Ripmxo axo Darrixo Honszs. inary Infrmary attached for s10k and lame pd.\bo direct management of § A. 0. F. COLEMAN, V. 8., al attendance to regular boarders free of s or communications promptly attended to, dicines sent to any part of the Dominion. do _ MANTLES, SHAWLS, sod SKIRT3, deo â€" DKEKAS MUSLIFS®, ske, per yard, only... kT THE VA sHEETINGS, QUILTS, TOWELS, PRINXTS, A 8 8OR TED LINXEX SILKS, A 8¢#ORTED DR ESS ed by correspondence. 10127 ASSORTED GOODK, H. HICK & Co. A nice dot of Having been appointed by the combin their agonts for 1HE OTTAWA WIMw$S, APR.IL 14. 800 F0¢. sell in quantities to s# are n'apnpuuu y . :::’tndo.br ® eoollu. THIN MEGS PORK. Tl. CHEAPEAST GOO0D8, 'l‘ll LARGEST STOCK, THE LARGEST STOCK, THE LARGEST STOCK, # K BEAT ASSORTED, _X 'r- Clllm"A'll". THE GREATEST VARIETY, TAE GREATEST VARIETY,, | . + At THOS. & W. HUNTON‘S. 'l‘n KEWEEST ATYLES, . THE NEWEST STYLES, THE NEWEST STYLES, At THOS & W. HUNTON‘S. to which we .'n';oulin& sdditions by almost every steamer, consisting > w YELYVET PILE CARPETS, BRUS»ELLSA do. Wl would call spesial attention to our imâ€" mense stock of HOUSE FURNISHINGS, TAPESTRY IMPERIAL KIDDERMINSTER WOOL 8TAIR CARPETS, HEARTH RUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, PEKINADES, CHINTZES, § > LACES, CORNICES, â€" _ COCOA MATTING, &o,, &c. THOS3. & W. HUNTON, ' 4T and 40 Iparkest, 0. T. BATE & CO,, | Canael Ottaws, Dec. 1%, 1888.. â€" _ OAL OIL DRY GOODS & HOUSE FURNISHINGS, )I.' GO00DK & HOUVSK FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS & HOUSE FURNISHINGS, ARRKEL OR CAR LOAD, HESOR BROS. CHEESE. A008, &4 OnONGAHELA WHISKEYS. Agonts for John Campbell‘s celebrated THE CHEAPEST GOODS, TBE CHEAPEST GOODS, At THOS. & W. HUNTONS. THE . BEST ASSORTED, At THO8. & W. HUNTON‘8. DUTCH . YENETIAN Â¥or sale by the undersigno 1 Agents for Hiram & Walker‘s BBLS. MK8S PORK. BEET VALUK, â€" THE BEST VALUE, THE BEST VALUR, â€" At THOS. & W. HUNToN‘s. At THOS. & W. HUNTON‘8, At THOS. & W. HUNTON‘8. DUOoR MATS, COoaAL OIL, AT THB STRONKG sUPER PRICEKS DAMASKS, REPPS, Canal Basin. HECTOR MCLEAN, Auctioneer and Real E* tate Agont, has been instructed by MR. JOHN CQOK, one of the Executors of the late James Cook, to sell by Public Auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 15th day of APRIL, prox., «t 12 o‘clock, noon, Lot No. 10, on the south side of Queenâ€"st., in this city, with a 2% story Plastered Wooden Rouse thereon, 66 feet in tront by 32 feet in depth, divided into two tenements, with an alley or archway in the sentre, with rooms above it; One tenement contains 25 rooms, and the other 20 rooms, and rents for $540 per annum. On the rear of the lot there is a smallâ€" tenement which rents for $18 per annum, the whole yielding an annual rental of $588. â€" | Parties wishing to view the property will be shewn it by calling on MR. JOBN COOK, Grocer, corner of Esther and Biddyâ€"sts. Terms and conditions made known at the time of â€"HOUSEHOLD _ FURNITURE,â€" AND EFFECTS, KR HECTOR McLEAN bas been instructed by JOHN KIDD, Esq., to sell, without reserve, at his residence, Dalyâ€"st., second house from the Seotch Church, ON TUESDAY, the 20th APRIL, 1869, at 10 o‘clock, a.m., precisely, the whole of his handsome furnitare, manufactured by Jacques & Hay, Toronto, and Drum, of Quebec, comprising Black Walnut Drawing Room Scite, in green and salmon damask ; Whatâ€"nots, Mirrors, in richly gilt frames; 8 Day Clock, Cut Lustzes, Parian, and other ornaments, under glass shades ; W ar Ylowm. Velvet Pile, Brussels and other Carpets, Pokin Cloth, Damask, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Centre, Side, Dining, Hall and other Tables, Sideboard, 7 feet long; Sofa, Easy Chair and Dining Room Chairs, in hair cloth; Chairs and Rockers, in cane seats, Black Walout Bodâ€" steads, Wardrobe, Camp Chest of Drawers, Toilet Tables, Washstands, Glasses and other chamber appendages ; Feather Bod. and Piliows and Bodâ€" dimg, Hair Mattresses and Pillows, Oil Cloth, Stoves and Pipes, § R@°FINE ENGRAVINGS, m« _ &\ ., ND &A FEW BO0KS, GLASS, . CHINA, ELECTROâ€"SILVERâ€" PLATED WARE, | § BRILLIANT TONED PIANOâ€"FORTE, ~..~BYF CRICKERING. The usual Kitchen Farniture and effects, and a variety of miscellaneous articles. : The following Lots are now offered for sale by R':'E' Qmï¬f;‘ig ::‘ ge Al’R‘ilho'l y aay will be offered for sale by A ' eeet insy Terxsâ€"â€"Cask in SBankable funds. May be viewed on Monday, the 19th April, and morning of sale. Catalogues can be had st the Auctioncer‘s, Ottaws, April 10, 1869, 1020ta OX Wednesday, the 28th day of April next, at the hour of 12 o‘clock, noon, at the _ RUSSELL HOUSE. For terms and conditions application must be made to the undersigned. § That very valuable Lot known as Letter C, wost side of Sussexâ€"streot. The North j of Lot No. 1, North side of Clarence} street, upon which is erected alarge Stone Buildâ€" ing, at rmm occupied by D. R. Leavens, Tousâ€" ufd roulr and K. & V. Boaucaire; Lot No. %, North side of Clarenceâ€"strest. The West $ of Lot No. 3, North side of Clarence+ streot. ty Lot No. 8, South side of Yorkâ€"street. | Lots Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 1 Korth side of Wilbrodâ€"street, all in the City Otawa; also, . Lot No. 5, in the 4th Con., 0. F., of the Tow ship of Gloucester, in tne County of Car.eton ; oflholmrflngrty belonging to the Estate the late She asor. it3« Lot No. 6, South side of Yorkâ€"strect, in the City| of Ottawa. f ‘zn:‘w.: half of l:ot :fo.lâ€' in the 9th Concesâ€" Township Arlpolws% and the South i# of Lot No. 29, in the 1st ession, Ridean Front, of the Township of Gloucester, all inthe Gounty of Carleton, under powers of sale contained in Mortgages from the owners theranf tn the Ottawa Permanent Building M"‘&- ‘ The wmnwu‘hm Lï¬xo. 21, in the 7th Conâ€" cuaszian of Hro ip of Mariborough, in the County of Carleton.. â€" _ x . That propasty known as «"Rideau Villa," situatle about 1 mile from the city limits, being composed of a part of Lot L, Concession C, in the 'l‘o'uilf olNornQ. containing between 7 and 8 acres of land, with a.xood building erected thereâ€" en, at present occupied by the Rev. Mr. Bliss. That property known as " Willow Cottage," situate on the North zide of Vittoriaâ€"street, in the Olg of Ottawa, at present cccupied by Mrs. Smith. hat vog valuable m, being part of Lot No. %, on the North side of dll:ï¬m-m on which is erected a luF Stone Building, at preâ€" seat occupied by Mrs, Pardey. a ~J. FRASER, â€" f Russell House. HECTOR MoLEAN, Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent. Ottawa, 23rd March, 1809, 1005td > Respectfully informs the pubng that he will in a FEW DAYS OPEN A "FIRSTâ€"CLAS3 PAINTING ESTABLISHMENT, Ponding which his office will be on the _‘ A..W. L‘ Ottawa, March 19, 1869. MASONIC HALL ‘ BLOCK, j ELGINâ€"STREET, Where he will be happy to meet old and new friends, and ty s RECEIVE ORDERS FOR WOBK In all the varioul branches of his business. Ottawa, March 31, 1669. : * d0lly o runezrtkrs. We would inform you that we have resumed possession of the premises occupied by us from 1844 to 1860 and well known as that ample accommodation will be given, and adâ€" vances made on LU MBER on the most reasonable We respoctfully solicit a share of your patronage. As the Cove is very extensive, wo can assure you PLAIN AND DECORATIVE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, â€"CEO. MAYES, CurPPER PLATE PRINTER, Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streets. By H. McLean, Auctionee,. XRKCUTORS SALE. A LE OF fnnr VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By H. McLean, Auctioneer. UCTION BALE _ â€" & Bills of Rechange, B Heads, Vir:ing BDecorativte Painting. PUBLIC AUVCTION, Your obdt. servants, 1000â€"2m M. BTEVEN8ON & C0, By H. McLean, Auctloneer. Ruction s UNION COV E. FIRST F L OOR We are, OF MODERX ANG, Quzestc, 1st March, 1869 1002td R@râ€"NE W DRESS G00DS. <@; 2s 2s 24 3A 2A 34 * PB Ladies‘: Costumes, (with Fiuting or other Trimmings.) Skirts and Underâ€"clothing made to order. 2 4 28 and 33 intch NEW FANCY @ MIXTURES. brought out for the COMING SEASON. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€" GENERAL IN COUNCIL. | On the recoraimendation of¢the Honourable the Minister ot Marine and Fisheries, and under and in virtue of the (10th and 19th seetions of the Act 81 Vio., cap. 60, intituled : *« An Act for the reguâ€" lation of Fishing and protection of the Fisheries,‘ His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it is Kereby ordered, that the following regulations for the Provinces of Ontario and Quebes respectively, be and the same are hereby adopted On the recorar Minister ot Mar in virtue of the 31 Vio., cap. 60, lation of Fishin 2 «No person shall fish for, catch or kill any Balmonâ€"trout d: the months of October, Noâ€" Â¥Yember and ber, in each year, in the waters of Lake Simcoe, in the Province of Ontario, nor any White Fish between the ninth day of Novemâ€" ber and the first day of Décember in each year, in the aforesaid ws:?, nor any Maskinonge during the months of April and May, in each year, in the ‘aforesaid waters, nor any Bass between the nine. teenth day of May and the twoentyâ€"first day of Jure, in each yo*r, in the aforesaid waters." 1 «* No person Bpeckled (or br day of Eeptembe of May, in each 3 « No person lruu fish‘ for, catch or kill any Bass, Pickerel (Doree) or Maskinonge between the fifteenth day of April and the first day of May, in each year, in u:?rovlnu of Ontario.* v 4 «* No person #hall fish for, catch or kili any Bass, Pickerel (Doree) or Maskinonge between the fifteenth day of :rn and the twentyâ€"fourth day of May, in each year, in the Province of Quebec." TYIHIS WEEK, of Lake Simcoe, in the P any White Fish t,lwoond ber and the first day of Dé« the aforesaid w-x‘n. mor & the months of April and M aforesaid waters, nor any teenth day of May and : Jure, in each year, in the 3 «No ponon'AIfuu fish Bass, Pickerel (Doree) or 1 fifteenth day of April and each year, in u:Frovlnu 4 «* No person #hall fist Bass, Pickerel (Doree) or I fifteenth day of Agril and t May, in each year, in the ] & « Trout or * ‘ s caught or killed in the wa magog, in the Province 0 thirtieth day of Septembe December, in each year." 6 "Saimon may be fish by meauns of nu: on tha & « Trout or * * shall not be fished for, caught or killed § the waters of Laké Memphreâ€" magog, in the Province of Quebes, between the thirtieth day of September and the first day of December, in each year." | 6 «Balmon may be fished for, caught or killed by meauns of nuiou that part of the coast of Labrador, east [and including] the River Kegashka, in the nce ot Quebes, between the thirticth day of :p.:ll and the sizteenth day of Auguat, in each y¢ HIS EXCELLE GENEH Mivister of Customs, and under the authorit; given by the Act 31 Vic.Cap. 12, Seo. 58, intituled : # An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after this day the rate of :oll payableé on Ice passing through the Welland Canal, shall be, and the same is hereby reduced from cents to fivre cents per tonâ€" such reduction t> cease and determine after the erpiration cfl:%c year, when, unless otherâ€" wise ordered, the existing toll of twenty eents per ton shall revire and continue in force thereafter. | Wu. H.; LEE, GENE&;AL TN On the mon-o&dlflu Mivister of Customs, an given by the Act 31 Vic.Cs « An Act respecting the P: His Excellency has been | is hereby ordered, that fro rate of :oll payable on Ic Welland Canal, shall be, reduced from cent such reduction t> gease erpiration cn:%c 1 wise ordered, the existing ton shall revire and contii e ga s saee a 1 April 12, 1869, Theâ€"whole forming a very large and choice HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€" GENERAL IN â€" COUNCIL Whereas under the Tariff of Canal tolls adopted and ertablished by er in Council of the 15th day of April, A.D. 1863, Peat is susject to the high rates of toll imposéd therel y on unenumerated 6th class of that tariff ; And whereas itis expedient that Poat, which is to, and subject to the payment of the rates of Canal toll presoribed for articles enumerated in that class, | OvVERNMENT HOUSKE, OfTTAaAYx, _ s * ‘Friday, 9th day of April, 1869. 1023.3 OvVERNXM 102%3â€"3 OvVERXMEKT HOUSE, > OTTAWA, . Ftldjy, 9th day of April, 1869. @ MIXTURES, nE BES‘T A* OHILNA in the 1 and 56 inch WHITE and BLACK ALPACCAS, < : 1023.3 and 30 inch 6 POPLINETTES, 1:‘ and 30 inch MOTTLED SERGES, inch COSTUME CLOTHS, SPECIAL DISPLAY lagee & Russelt 56 Inch COLOURED ALPAC« REGULATIONS. inch COLOUREDEERGES, shall fish for, catch or kill any )ok) Trout between the thirtieth r, in each year, and the first day shall fish for, catch or kill any the months of October, Noâ€" ber, in each year, in the waters in the Province of Ontario, nor succeeding year, in the Province P AsSORTMEAT OF FINE I th;o-lflol is AT THE VARIETY HALL. \bn HOUSE, § orrawa, _ Friday, 9th April, 1869. PRESENXT ; FGY THE GOVERNOKâ€" AL IN COUNCIL MAGEE & RUSSELL. which are placed in the wx, 4. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. W. H. LEE, _ Clerk Privy Councii, of the Honourable the Clerk Privy Council. Hall, Fancy, Parlout and Cook Stoves, in great variety. & Afonu for Eaton‘s Patent A‘tuntlo, Relfâ€"Venâ€" tilating, Wood and Coal Stoves. Also Beecher & Co.‘s celebrated _‘ J&£LLY MOULDS, ICE CREAM MOULDS, ~â€" * Jellikd Turkéy Moulds, Dish Covers, Blosk Tin Tes and Coffee Pots, at H. MEADOWS & Co. eP of all kinds, in the Tin, Sheet Lron and Copper Ware line attended to. H papublic and Private Buildings, Conservato. ries, Vineries, Manufactories, &c., warmed by Steam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved principles. ;?kri’n:f':g’ the honukupeu_apocid favourites for : H. MEADOWS & CO. f No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangâ€" A h.i. stock of materials for t ef business constantly on hand. Importers of A la"ge stock of materials for the above branches PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, city. A very safe and efficient BURGLARS ALARM, easily attached to any part of the house at $i 28, a+ Thousands can testify that you can purchase Builders‘ and House Farnishing Hardware, Paints of all colours, Glass, Oils, Putty, &6., &c., at Birâ€" kett‘s Hardware Store, No, 24, Rideau â€"st., cheaper than at any other place in the city. A call is respectfully solicited. RA~Remember the place, . â€" THOS. ISAAC‘8, CENTRE â€" TOWN PLOUGRBS, CULTIYVATORS, .___ IRoW, CoaL, A SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE and a general assortment of Houseâ€"furnishings Cornices, &o., at the lowest cash prices to be foun ‘n the Ottawa market. * from the Prescott, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, and Montreal Foundries, with drums, pipes, farâ€" niture, &o., the cheapest to be had in town. 3TOVES, all patterns and sizes, tor coal and wood EOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. WHEELER & WILSON‘S Silent Feed Sewing Machines are perfectly noiseless. The most valuâ€" |able present to any Lady or Namily is a WHEELâ€" KR & WILSON‘3 SEWING MACHINE. A liberâ€" al reduction for cash on all\ machines for holiday. Au.'rnn BEST PATTERNS AND DESIGXNS presents. Twentyâ€"five per cent reduction on Emâ€" broidery attachments applicable to the former styleof Whooler & Wilson Sewing Machine. RPutâ€" ton Hole Attachments, new style; Tuckers, Trim. mers, Corders, &6. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINES are best for Carriage Trimmers, Shooemakers and you how they sew. Remember 37, Sparkeâ€"st., Ottaws; and 105 kingâ€"st. West Toronto, GLOUCESTER ROAD COMPANY. have this day made a further CALL QF TEX PER CENXT. Notice is hereby given that TH‘E DIREOTORS Of the Ottawa and Gloucester Koad THOS,. BIRKETT, Bign of the Anvil, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. P. 8.â€"All goods delirered free to any part of the 102114 0B WORK, TOVES8! STOVES ! Call and see for yourselves; po trouble to show LÂ¥YTH & KERR, @. A. WALTON, Agent for Ontari R. W. STEPHEN, #30â€"duwtf Manager for Ottawa Office. URGLARS ALARM :; ARDWARKE! HARDWARE i ARDW ARKE ; ° BEAUTIEFUL AS8ORTMENT At TtH® Siox or tH®E AxviL, ‘No. 24, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. Stoves & Hardware. OLIDAY PRESENTS. TT AW A HOT AIR FURNACES. t@~ COOK sTOVES, zs «CAPITAL "STOVE DEPOT, $ 35 Sussexâ€"st., Sewing Machines,. BURGLARS ALARM : Company H., MEADOWS & Co. At 8 T OV ES ! H. MEADOWS & CO. Â¥ . H FALLS, A good assortment of Amber, Buf, Canary and Balmon Colored Envelopes, all sizes and at any price, from $1 per M. Antique Parchment Note Paper, large and small do do Envelopes to match Papier de Luxe with Envelopes to tmatch Goffered Note Pqpor and Enovelopes, [UVltramaâ€" Rfl’ «k * do do Opaque [tinted eanamelled}do Extra Satin, Water Linsd do Tll‘l‘lb NOTE PAPER and EKNYEL» OPESâ€" Marive, Amber, Rose, Lilac and Straw Color. _ _‘ rine and Carmine Edges] Extra Superfne Cream Laid Note and Letter Papers, "Cowan‘s * and other makers lmperial Creoam Laid Envelopes, extra thick Euperfine® do do _ double thick ExtraSatin _ do do do Enamelied do dn An Good ones of Oriental, Egyptian, Wild Flowâ€" ers, Sporting, Shakespears and other patterns. pritue c¢anros Mourning for Ladies and Gentlemen. N.B.â€"All orders for Engraving and Copper Plate Printing will have prowpt attention., Best quality Royal, 4to, 12 and 14 staves: Tl“l’l PAPEKRâ€" 4 To be had at STATIONERY, PRINXTING Handbiils, Posters, Circulars, Cards, Books, Pamphilets, &6., &¢., on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms, Lovnu.Lvl SERIES OF sCHOOL BUGOKS8, General Geography, with 39 coloured maps, "THE OTTAWA CITIZEN" STATIONER Y ppane iCce Nee Aguoos td ,rn. Progressive, with head lines Payson, Dunton and Scribner‘s do Milier‘s Superiot Copy do . «THEK OTTAWA CITIZEN " [OUrNING PAPER & ENXYELOPES Narrow, Middle and Broad Borker. Double Elephant, Super Royal, Royal and Medium. Cold Pressed Drawing Paper {tor water colours} Tinted Crayon Paper \ 4 Bristol Boards. HOICE STATIONERY. Foolscap, leng and broad folio, ruled, single and double, $ and cent columns, Biliâ€"head Paper, 1â€"6, 4 and $ sheet, Foolscap, Extra Superfine Ivory Cards, Plain and RAWING PAPERS, &¢, Printing Paper, Nos. 1, 2, 3 Duble Demy, assorted colours Meary Book Paper Exitra Thick Coloured Demy * Tinted Large Folio Post, assorted Cream Laid do do Yellow Wore do CCOUNXT and BILLâ€"HEKAD PAPER, terms. Yellow Wove Medium * Cream Wove â€" do Flat Foolssaps, blue and cream lasd Enamelle 4 Paper, assorted colours Card Boards, plain an«d coloured p.â€"* * 4B w« sinap ww uo | Fine and Buperfice Commercial Cards, small, large and dawble eme? ISITING CARDSâ€"â€" Made in any style of ruling and binding. Offise Requisites supplied. on reasonable LANK BOOK®Sâ€" Of Promissory Notes, Drafts, Deeds, Mortâ€" gages, &c., &o. Also, Brie{â€"Lined Foolscsp and Letter Paper. RINTING , ¢â€" OF EVERY LESCRIPTIOK, RINTERS! REQUISITEKSâ€" ANKERS and MERCHANTS LANK FORMS USICO PAPERâ€"â€" price $1 Easy Lessons in Geograpby, 45 History of QCanuda, by Hodgins 50 Bangeter‘s National Arithmetic 60 NK KEW CANADILAK NATIONAL SERIES of READJING BOOKB, ... Authorized by the Council of Puone Instruction for Ontaric. The prices ate ; 6 First Booxk, with 831 illustrations, strongly bound in limp cloth, Five cents, Firet Bookâ€"Part Beconé, 54 Mustrations strongly bound in limp cloth. ‘Ten,cents. Brcoxn» Boox, 56 illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards. Twenty cents, Tmiro Book, 4| illustrations, strongly bound in cloth boards. ‘Thirty cents. Fourtu Boox, 45 illeâ€"trations, strongly bound in cloth boards. Forty cents. Fiers Boox, 55 illustrations, strongly bound Lennie‘s English Grammear _ 14 Glate and Slate Pencile | Pwarl Ink Bottlies White Chalk Orayous * Pens, Leoad Pencils, Rubber Pencil Heads, in cloth boards. Fifty cents. At " The Ottaws Cigzen " Btatiopery and Printing House, do PRINXTING HOUSE: THE FOLLOWING PRIN TING, BOOKBINDING, Stationery. e Cards, Embossed Border, ke., &c, #c. STATIONERY 21 21 LKidkaws. ALBO, A* 8 T O R E,