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Ottawa Times (1865), 28 May 1869, p. 4

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* _ M PECOBRATING ROOYXSs, Which will enable him to execute alt crders with _ sespatch, and toâ€"the satisfaction of the most fas. \mr WALLS w':nn.: and & su on t most : reasonable tarms, m atton ahovinat motion U 1002f ____Boll‘s Block, opposite Russel! House. enememmmmennnmmmsnnmmmesomm 0. â€" " rgins tnonoven sonso nonse *KOCKE T.* WINNER OoF THEQUCEES‘3 FLaTE HHADES, &o., ko., | â€" Are ox in the present week, and will be on %hmflm alording ready I.:AIOlbzlo say that his selection comâ€" m.un STOCK and GREATER vaâ€" .-mbohnwutbhdq. !.lâ€"lr.ll-lnhlhc-;qth-du- port and experienced workmen, ROUSE PAINTINXG, HANGI®G PAPER, QOILT AND FLOCK "oy . ~enenre cungtia? say 20 COWOT Li slow shilling," thereby ..& 6 stock and workmanship. ing competitior ROOYX PAPER3, DECOM'HOXS, year, and now would respectfully announce n-&.... patrons that he is fully determinâ€" od, in consequence of the increased demand in the various branches in his departments, to adont the mulflu.mmimm awmmrh-nm“m and most modern styles, receired and ‘execuâ€" anfeed, and at prices which will necessari‘y inâ€" duce custom. mhl-odndmuolnuyu.ur ing pue o mpplied on syinly mflizeto mons. Primed and Glated can be dhflln.o; han glass *n hoxes, E. EATON, ‘ M“mn st., Opposite the Russell l-n.wg‘; P SASH, BLIND, DOOR MOULDING AND PICTVRE FRAME MANUPAGTORY, s HUCLL, the Suspension Bridge, the Takes this method o returning his thanks tothe ublic for their very liberal patronage for the nE HRBRE uo es ks _ ETE _ HARRIS, YETERIN ARY SURGEON Clarenceâ€"st., near the Market. PM "Terms $10 for the season. W#, “ 10. P er i Ide of iron. ) Cases been cured by it. «= yoars ox am Puimonic Waters have proved them D 63 me “‘mn-odyfwmghq.ldlnlmiud :“m»mw unusual exertion of voeul orga us ; speakers and singers 'In:fi::m’;u:.eid. The entire freeâ€" doa leterious grodients renders Bryâ€" mmwuu':',zo.,puvmu-. a safe remedy e most delicate person, all who havre used them. Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 sts. per box. Tox Tacus Ecumrsin.â€"We read there has h-nnoolct-o:‘-m New ;«::zigmg. “m one George ngton Nutt who is said to be several inches shorter than General Tom Thamb, and that P. T. Barnum has succeeded in getting him for three years tor $30,â€" 000, board and ex Is it not a great thing lolo.-‘nm‘ndhh:moqnm,um“ have a medicine Moubodop..‘.‘w., colds, rheumatism, burns, bruises, summer cholie, &o. ; if so get at once a supply,.,»“ ;.ml medicine dealer‘s for 25 cents. «s .lb:: ?M".»C;.Mon fl:owdon MA::'M.. ve Remedy supe to anything of the kind heretofore or at present in use for hs, seolds, thick wind, and all discases which :.u the wind of horses. As s condition medicine it has no equal ; there is nothing in it which can injure a horse whether sick or wellâ€"uor need the horse be kept from 'wiug.'luouh.u; i is just the article which all w own horses require, and which they should have constantly on band. Remember the name, and see thatti o signature of h‘b&h-“m. Northrop & Lyâ€" man Neweastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. EveryrBopt Sars sw.â€"ibat is all who are either used the article thomselves or witnessed its effects when used by others ; all such, and they are ht to judge, are unanimous in the opinion u’guk"{-(:ud‘uiu Powders and Arabian Meave Remscy" is superior to anything of the kind herstofore or at present in -nhrmm colds, thick wind, and all dissases which a the wind of horees, As a condiwion meJicine it bhas noequal ; there is nothing in it which can inâ€" zqn a horse whether sick or welilâ€"nor need the lo.:hc- working while asing it; it is just the lonktnu'.qo-nbmo.nqmn. amd -htl' they should have constantly on hand. Remem: lhon-..umtlulhodpunnd Mmkbnmhpflqu Northrop & Ly. man, Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. 1 EKvezxrsoot Sars 3p.â€"Thatis all who have ather used the article themselvies or witnessed its effects when used by others; all such, and they â€"=Try Gardner‘s Baking Powder. The most unhapp: Po zâ€"â€"Messâ€"per barrol.......... 00 COâ€"p'f o m ”:lh..‘l'gz k bushel 56 uE Mr ye& 0 85 #; ‘.fl.". * _ 45 lbs.. 0 00 « Buckwhent Flour.... ... 3 00 A’hâ€"'fllâ€"" bushel, 60 ibe.1 :23 ~ areaigy. Coa»â€"Por 56 tbe. ......... 0 00 Poas * 6010s............ 0 00 & Onts * 34 ibs...........«@. 0 63 Gardner‘s Baking Powder. Seeadver & 887.6m “-‘.lfi um.‘ ! Potatoss continue to be the chief commodity, and, &1 we vredicted, the prices have come down. oo i potatoes remaines on hands yesterday mornâ€" ing at 40 conts. Bstter ones brought 45 cents, and one small lot of choice =cups" brought 50 cents. Butter, though not in good supply, is tending downwards, 25 cents being the provailing prics for best print, and 20 cgnts for frkin. Of pouliry there was too small a supply to quote,. MHay seems to be kept entirely out of the market, for there has been none to speak of this woek. We have to repeat there was no wood. KHOUK MA crr.rerrverrgrecrrcrrecln U UF W U WB K-“I.Q'H person in the world is the w. Erory l-, looks d«rk‘". dy clse, yh.l:’.hmnh?. n(u....“ ""= C Perurian $yrup (= protox» + of _)”Cu:‘dfl nm’n.'nmnn- judge, are unanimous in the opinion bm*m:n'oa Powders and A..’.‘:::: Compiled expressly ic the Ortawa Tm®s.] Mouse Decorating. ATONX * & nimble sixponse if vewer tR Bagsâ€"Fall per 100 ibe.. T ie ecorbncinrveny ATOX‘s OoTTAWA NMARKETS Ti« «uk E U BORDER3S, WINDOW yoars standing hayâ€" w# 0 00 @ 2 00 @ 28 50 | NatLocit, eftwe Carleton, fi:fi -wun * M me O‘Brien, w :: inl“'m roy, the said lands a1 N, r-.“.c ua op 4 AW OFFICE J.l in I.Oflcl amgiyt t rondpernrniett ~mpmscmmunt tho 4. 4 mn' mm to parties wish to hmmfl"odu?hl:.:uu; .c: Ars, the different lots, can be h bynnly!n.i:.t- paid, to D. 0. Holbrook, Esq., Attorneyâ€"af Law. The subscriber has been instructed to ofer by rln.nh. in the ‘town of clahn.w in une, the lands situated in the above les, %fi::.!m Robertson, Esquire, Inâ€" The lots in the County of Kent, consist of 62 to mm“‘hmpd RALEIGH, TILBURY EAST, CAMDEN, HARWICH AND DOVER, AND TOWN oF CHATHAM, AlU of whick are most eligi adapted for farmâ€" lng MM-&&- as regards naâ€" tural ‘avanteges, fertility of sou 420 climate, . earnot be surpassed in the Province. ‘ Of the above, 54 farms lise in the Townshi of | Harwich, contiguous to the shore of wozrh.‘ one of the finest Agricultural Sections of Canads, memmm:mdmu root srops, and from their southorly exposure specially adapted for the breeding and raising of m;wdmm.w of the of the various k of fruit. w-mbmbh‘mlflh dOm-. which have arrived at groat mh neighbourhood. There are exâ€" cellent well traveilled roads tlnx the townâ€" ahip, and the distance from Ch is only 12 miles, where the highest rlulu_bo-pdlhr farm producé of any market in Ontario. The m..‘-uhn Railway will ran thm.l.mcfllonmlpnm. The lands in the Caity a Essex ed County ot m‘u in the Townships ot SANDWICH EAST, MAIDsTONE ‘AND ROCHESTER, ' and from their proximity to the ‘Detroit river, are | C“l“ FARMING LANDS FOR SALE w tH® couxt‘ss or KENT, ESSEX AND LAMBTON. KR No. 27, in First Concession, Ottawa Front.Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the samo conâ€" cession, at present in the cccupation of Wm. 1. a‘!..?“..!"\..";...o"""l“m"‘.,.... 2e hsn 4 N, w Pueucr, Barristers, Ottaws. Je2â€"141â€"tf s eWE l ck . l m LCCE PC Ameqwnioe Fure Tau woald make a fine farm. A to the Proâ€" prictor, c.erllo“'h."-toD ‘VK:X;HOI. Boliâ€" citor, Ot awa, o * Ottawa, Nov. 25, 1868. 908tf Fo-.“.u-m'"},m‘ Lot l&fl.hMMm.-. Wossert® WPs _ nred. The short distance of only 3 miles from Ottawas makes the wocd of greater value. These lands are woll watered, of excellent soil, and Â¥ in the 3rd Concession, Gloucester, Ottaws Front, 200 acres, about 80 cleared and under culâ€" tivation, with comfortable Dweiling and good l.n.‘l'bohfllndhpdnl ly hardwood, and nrynh.bloh-l-mrluo.u'..u... Lot 20, in 3rd 0.;“--... O{rm.m Front, containing sores, 20 acres The remainder of â€"this lot is heavily wooded with hard and soft wood. Those farms will be sold separately or together as may be doâ€" ALUABLE FARMS FOR 83 Vh s 3i on ie fs, NU SALK.â€"Lot 21 Kasthalf of Lot No. 21, Tth Concession, Fitzroy, containing 100 acres, 30 acres in hay, 10 acres in Fall Wheat, first crop. West 4 Lot 20, Sth Concession, Fitsroy, conâ€" 100 acres, 20 acres cloared. or further apply to the proprietor, Ion'm.nby letter, preoâ€"paid, April Tth, 1869. The best and most extensive preomises on the main road from Pembroke to Ottawa City, A goods busiâ€" ness is being done. The proprietor leaves on acâ€" count of having to overseo the Estate of the late Jobn Mohr, Onsliow. ‘\0 REYT OR SEKLL, that boantitully sitaâ€" ated COTTAGE, on D:z:.. 3 dsore east of St. Alban‘s Church, the res of the under. signed, containing 10 rooms, Summer Cook Room and offices, with two lots of land sloping down to D“.:-“-. laid out in ':‘l'il Mdt:;u:::. fruit trees dense shrubbery, living sp » abunâ€" dance of soft water. Audm’muusm-w. n-uioo.::.l.l in the midet dhh‘o“u; tainly one prettiest & city . ut $160. Also, a house a&m. T rooms, garden, &o. ; and forsale Lot No. 15, south Stewartâ€"st. RODERICK Ross, Ottawa, April 15, 1869, 1024tf VAI-UAM TAVERX sTAix%uo f To R&XT, For one or more years. tached. Apply to W. H. BULLEN, on the promâ€" A handsomely situated COTTAGE, containing six rooms and kitchen, on Gloucestorâ€"st.. Ashâ€" burnham Hill. There is a handsome fower and vegetable garden ; good outhouses and well at. A BRICK DWELLING of Elghtpoom and Kitchen, with good yard and stabling. Rent low. Possession immeodiate. New Edinburgh, April 23. 'l\o LET. A Comtortable DWELLLNG, on Metoalfoâ€"st., at present cccupied by M.J. MAY, Hz4. Rent apo Ler, Ottawa, May 1. A HOUSE of sevon rooms, eligibly ‘situated, within five ininutes‘ walk of the Parliament Buildâ€" ings, to rent ; and several houses and vacant lots in the city for sale, on part time. Apply to e an A handsome well fnished HOUSE on Esthorâ€"st., continuation ot Bank»=st., f"‘hh‘ six rooms and kitchen, with a good ary cellar. * Ottaws, May 7. NOR sALE. A VILLAGE LOT with TWO COTTAGES thereon, in the Village of Manotick, Long Island Mills, the sail cottages now under loase to tenants, awid lease expiring Ist day of May, 1870. For terms and particulars apply by letter to SAMUEL LEMILEUX, Plantagenet Mills, Ottaws, Aprii 26. April 15, 1889. 1009â€"14f +â€" THE FITZROY HOTEL, OoOTTaGE To tE&xT. Apply, on the promises, h? ovUsE To REXT. LET OR SELL For Sale or to Let,. b Apply to CE CCR .".. ‘m,-“,u' 3 J. J. < hk ‘Thompson, Esq., JAMES CRAWFORD, _ AT NEW EDINBURGH, AL80 TO REXT, Apply to CHAS, MOHR, Hubbell‘s Falls, Ontario. Agent, Montreal. 8. CHRISTIE, K. BLACKBURN 1036tf JoOUN COOK, Proprietor. 1043f Com. Merch uni 1034f > ROD. RO®S. 1038 1033tf Ontario. and medicines sent to uny part of the Dominion. . | N. B.â€"Charges moderate. | rgin® ortawa urvyery SALHE AND, BAIT STABLES, COOKING STOVES! COOKING sTOYESs : BREFRIGERATORS McKeloy‘s Patent. We lhave the sole right for the manufacture of llhmnhlm'lhhnnluhpd satisfaction last summer ; the great peculiarity of this refrigerator consists in the admirable mode otnlf-nluhfin_c. l_atlhg ever becomes musty, m°REFRIGERATORS : WATER COOLERS & FILTERS, BATHS, ofall kinds, BIRD CAGES! ~BIRD CAGES:! April 27, 1869, and large discount given to good Agents. _ . A"I'y'.hr ciroulars, terms, and sead -c.og.l‘or and see sample maps Orst, if not sold taken k on demand.. Also ready a $25,000 steel and plate Mustrated subscription book, «* De Soto, the disâ€" coverer of the Mississippi River." | J. T. LLOY D. 1043,204 | 23 Cortlandtâ€"st., N.Y. FOI SALE: PORKâ€"Chicago Mess. lg:â€"lc. 1 and XXX. a and CLOVER SEEV. WBITE BEANS, &c. ummummwh'-u.m seale, Coloursdâ€"in 4,000 los. & hoc'om‘-.op,‘. Nx:fl nohes large, show every place mportance, Railroads to date, and the latest alterations in the LLOYDS PATENT > RBYOLYING _ DOUBLE MaPs. on with the United dtmter parints un on fnteduss ber of som- made cach day to 1st July nest, and the party «us uss made the bighest number of pointg will receive from mym‘us rich prize, Parties visiting the y will be received with polite attention. ‘The best of liquors will be found constantly en hand. ‘ B. B. LARIVIERE. N.B.â€"A large Ball Room is atiached to the promises, which will boluu.lo'q;'ni + list of Remedies tor thesecomplaints, Dealers are unh;ll&ultfidnhnflnhmpwdno country for terther .mndoul testifying to the universal it gives The Canalian Pain Destroyer nevor fails to give mmediate rolief. All Medicine Dealers ho’ 1 Physiciaas orderand usei.; and no family wil} 'l&w:‘l:w ou'o':r’n‘ it. Price twentyâ€"five cents per bottle. IOITI“'P & LYMAN, # Newcastle, C. W., General for C. W Ju.d by Geo: Mortimer, John W M. Massey, H. PF.* MoCarthy, J. Skinzst, and J, Browe, in WÂ¥ &â€" K list of Remedies tor thesecom CANADILAN Pmnxsmomar su.a Back ,u;:a nloh::.c' § l.hcml. Sore ..I'W prains, Pru t Sto: ao Cholera Morbus, D:’:ul-q. Bowel O-}I.lua. Burns,Poalds, rost Bites, &o., &0. The Canadian Pain Destroyer has aow been before the public for a length of time, acd whenever used is woll liked, never u\lw in a aingle instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and wehave nevor known a single ou:;ldhnfid;::- -:.m dlno::oua :ro pro followed ; on tflnx all are dolight gvuhlhm and speak i n the hlm‘ terms of its magical efects. 'orl from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the comp sints for which it is «ecommended may depend upon its being a soveâ€" .Ro btd‘m effcacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyetr, in ng diseases for which it is reâ€" .boow ow lt:. Lncamatism. ‘l:-.l&h‘ t pains and in re or Youe Allovtionss euitts io to a nigh ank 12 vot CA!ADIA! PAIX DESTROYER : Among the most importaaiof modern Medical Disâ€" saves one half the quantity ot ico. (See AT THE nnfl'rm prices. CC t © Ortawa, Dacember 10, 1868, 8th, subjects can eat hot Braad or M'nmanhohbymm. Oth. Every Packet contains its full weight ; one pound packets weigh 16 ounces. j 10. It is all that it is represented to be, nameâ€" y : Uurivailed for Purity and Cheapness. Sole for Otte: havel 3. monmsosaco.. * The Tess Pot. The Trade supplied at the Manufacturer‘s 3rd. After having been extensively used for the last 14 years in not one instance has it failed to give entire satistaction. Sth. 1t contains no Saleratus, nor does it imâ€" ir the digestive organs like those rficn where Soda of an excess of Alkalt predominates, lst. Bread or Cakes made with it aroe more wholesome than if made with Yeast og any other process. Ind. Its purity is such that it will stand the tast of the most perfect analysia. _ _ f dth. Families that have used it pronounce it the best, and will use no other. Oth. It never gives to Bread or Cakes an unâ€" pmasanot Alkaline or mawkish tasto. _ Tth. Ihe uzmu-u that form its composition aro more benef€cial than otherwiso. .N IRD CAGEKS: â€" BIRD CAGES :; SPICK BOXEs, In _ And 1 Ib, P aok ot s for 25 I 6 Pack oets for cents. $1.19. «CAPITAL" STOYVE DEPOT, CGENTS WANXNTEDâ€"â€"$810 A DAY. A beautiful and rarie ,assortment. Cor. Rideau and Ottawaâ€"sts. ARDENXKR*S y Wahy it Should be Used in Pretcrence to all TWO $10 MAPS FOR $g4 BAKING POWDER. Best patterns in use leations promptly aitended to, TOILET SETTS, TEN REASONS U. MEADOWS & Co. 8. CHRISTIE, The subscriber hnn inâ€" form his friends that he 0; ed on MONDAY, the Soch OCTOBER, his BOWLING ALLEY, This l:ln:.:l the best in t:: Capital, al to A?oths. Il?‘th:.,-u alloys, and with frstâ€"class balls. M'gl be kept a register book for the purâ€" pose of markicg the numâ€" Plain and Ornamented4, 886â€"6m o f, O Modih» Pbold by Geo. Mortimer, Johr | Steam, Hot W ater, or W arm Roborts, W , M. Massey, Hoary F. x 4 Skinper, -u%:tnu.'hoan..- '.m' “""”'"" principles, L ms Clans oOs CCC onP Horne U% horses ; also, as a Condition Medicine, surpassing eve! of the kind, is easy to ve, sure to cure .“'(..nm and at l"‘(“lfl, and does not pnnu“‘ the horse from being worked while using It cloanses the remorâ€" ing from the nkmua.mfiosflalflo .{y-ph. or that secrstion which in heaves clogs them a~~.i. . LZ and oo’xdx‘m:n ;:.nfizfi‘é'u“é'o'.'xfi'fv'.'. superior to or er preparations for z..-n of lo.o?c'o. &:m h’I:k and Broken Wind, and all diseases which affect the wind of colonges, Pomades, Toilet Vinegar, Roso Dentiâ€" frice, for the Testh and Gums, Also coustantly on hand Porfumes ot all kinds, and foilet Requiâ€" aites usually kept in a firstâ€"class establishment. ARLEY®8 ARABLAN ppARLEY‘s ARABIAX gravs azgor This valuable medicine has the extraordi g"uvdl-uhuly rel ofiu, c:fa Boaentpers Diialty 9t Bresaints Mletien in D conâ€" goaled phiegm, causing free expoctormuion, aun us CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION. TRADE MA every family, is only / Thau heads h way 4t o eliP + a bad. 1 gvo her three doses of the Cholera Mixâ€" ture, the of which stopped the vomiting. The next day she was all right, or nurl{ so. Bhe was gratetul. I have now only a little left." ”L:m, excellent mixture, which saould be in The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is kindly permitted tosbluh, is from the letter of 1 relative of Dr. Wolfe, of this city, now rosiding in the United States : f MORTIMER‘S COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS CHOLERA, DIARRHGEA, and reeable molstness tothe skin, . â€" _/ | _ Sold in Bottles af 1s. 34. end 24. 6d. Each. M Mesars. Porry Davis & Sonâ€"Gents : I have for many years used your valuable medicine, the :-‘:'u‘yh -rh.u .’ouu. Sp::&:,“nmht:?'&:? ruisos, + Cramps, Weak Jvints, Rheoumatism, Bwollin?, Colic, &o., &o. I have had over forty horses in constant use, in the omnibus business, and have mr':n'n itto fail in any case where I have LEWIS A PHILLIP3. Read the following lotter reccived from Dr. Bnl. ’O_':‘!:vlb,o. who is a Veterinary Surgeon TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. ving to the coat ; The promptness and certainty with which it acts in relieving all kinds of pain, make it eminently worthy its name, Pars Kicurrz,â€"a name easily Sesing Chelerm it thone Hent? nesothr or afl se we itself master of all the minor forms of lhast.dlnue. one:: sl-“cmbzm Morbus, Dyluhr{. mmer Complaint. Diar:hooa, &e. ; so in controlling Dl‘rtloril. and other maligâ€" nant diseases,â€"which it has repeatedly cured,â€" it assorts its power over all the milder and more common forus of these complaints. Tus Parx Kicues :s EQL'AI.:.\' GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST prevalent, the PAIN KILLER is considered by :lho natives, as well as European residents in those than any other known remedy, or even the most skillful physician. In Iodia, Africa and China, where this dreadfal disease is over ore or less or any other form of bowel disease in children or adults; it is an almost certain cure, and has without doubt been more successfnl in curing the various kinds of PERRY DAVIS" PAIN KILLER. For a Sudden Cold, it is almost 4 Specifie. Rhoumatio and Kut:ld‘la Affections give way to it when all other remedies have failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICLNE, and by being kept ready for immediato resort in cases of acoident or sudden aitack of disease will save many an hour of suffering and maoy a dollar in time and dostors‘ bil/s. THE PAIN KILLER Is USED BoTH INâ€" TERNALLY & EXTERNALLY, When Taken Internallyâ€"It relioves the most acute pain instantly, affording relief and comfort to the patient suffering from Cramp and Pain i1 the stomach, Rheumatic or Nounlfio Paing in any part of the system, and in Bowel Complaints it is & ansrmealis cenia The PAIN KILLER is a purely vogetable comâ€" pondl.‘ .hu while .:l is :.' most odlc::nt mnc‘iy {hor pain, @ y e medicine even in the most muufl.m and is the best liniment in the eminently a household medicine. There is no remedy yet discovered that has been more successfal in curing theso complaints than * WAen L;“-::"l.ouj _ FOR FEVER AND AGUE, f BILIOUS FEVER, PAINS IN THE BACK AND LIMBS * Our own experience is a bottle of Pain Killer is the best Physician a traveller, can have."â€" «We cun confidently recommend the Pain Kilier.‘â€" Toronto 7& f © It is the most effectual remedy w know of 5:3 u;u. pains, fesh wounds, &o."â€"St. JoAn‘s Neaes, P.Q. * We Jvln that every family should have so olo’e‘t’_tl_ and speedy a Pain KUIH.?â€"AM“. N. Lewis A Phillips, of Providence, R I, writes FAMILY APERIENT PILLs =# A medicine no family should be withoat."â€" ORTIMZR *3 THE OTTAWA TIMES, INFALLIBLE REMEDY KONE OTHER GENUINE. 0ob wWoOoRDs FOR SUMMER COMPLAINT, P A I N KILLER.‘ No. 41 Busserâ€"st., Ottawa City. MORTIMER‘s Farmers Read This BOWEL COMPLAINTS. CH O LE R A, Medicat. Proprietors, Montreal, P.Q. FOR recommend ithe Pain is equally eficacions WOs Id. It is Steam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and Hall, Fancy, Parlous and Cook Stoves, in great ' varioty. 7 Azents for Eaton‘s Patent Automatic, Selfâ€"Venâ€" | n tiinting, Wood and Coal Stoves, Also Beecher & Co.‘s celobrated * ’ Prov HOT AIR FURNACES. | paid & la*go stock of materials for the above branches nl.b:si:fl constantly on hand. aity, lidors‘ and House Furnishing Hardware, Paints {:fl colours, Glass, Oils, Putty, &0., &0., at Birâ€" kett‘s Hardware Store, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st., cheaper than at any other place in the city. A call is respectfully solicited. PE ~Remember the place, * | $ FOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. Im Ssn C e EPE Woevs trom the Presocott, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, and Montreal Foundries, with drums, pi farâ€" niture, &0., the cheapest to bohulhto:;.“' . PAINTS, OILS STOVES, all patterns and dno, tor coal and wood &oin“t!:_o‘ Prescott, Kingston, Toronto, Hamiltan SHELF & HEAVY HARDWArE Nans, Rore, CHars, C.'::ni.cef..::.uu the loMc:‘ll prices to be fl:u.g‘ n the Ottawa market. C TOVES8! STOVES : THOB. ISAAC‘8, CENTRE TOWN _ PLOUVGRS, CULTIYV A T 0 Rs, IRON, coar, 3 No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., umbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangâ€" ers, de., d&e. Thousands can testify that you‘ can purchase mimnc wl °_ C6A James O‘Rielly, »Q0, oven, it lm-gf Quebec Bank, Ottawa. Robert Lyon, , M P P. A smart yourg man wanted to act as travelling agont re/»resenting soveral firms. _ > J. BERMINGHAM, M«:ar and Commusion Merchant, 15 v Inowee t c on on CH" o 2 e e e EVed * He will be in his ofleerfron 'I‘;n the morning until 7 in the evening, when ho can see parties who wish to arrange about their sales. Consignments trom a distance will have immediate attention. | Cash advances, when required, will be made on consignments for immediate sale. All kinds of turniture bought, sold or exchangeod. es s _ 1.‘ > _‘ BUARKENGES, They are successors to the late John C. Fox, of Kingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos, From their long experience in Germany, Paris, and New York, they are universally admitted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent, The high reputation of the instruments made by them for the past ten years, and the icreasing demand for them in the new Do infon, prove their very superior quality, and n?nrully acknowâ€" um Pianos, as woll as the Furniture in the establishment, will be sold eithar by private sale or auction. He would also announce that he is prepared to receive instructions from persons having bousehold furniture, horses, carriages, or real estate, to disâ€" rouo!. and pledgos himself that Mhln&':m be ett undone by him t:llvo satisfaction in harg â€" ing the trust confided to him. He hopes that by strict attention to the sales entrusted to his care, as well as by zronpt sottliements immediately after, to Il:xem‘ A share of public patronage. _ P LYTH & KERR, The subscriber would also intimate tln"t he is the Sole Agent for Ottawa and territory for the ;,.‘lo of Rappe, Webber & Co.‘s celebrated grand anos. The subscriber respectfully announces to the nâ€" habitants of Ottawa and surrounding country that attherequest of many rfriends he has decided on opening an extensive and well regulated Auction af:n in this city; _ 4 From arrangements made with some of the Furniture Manufactories of Western Ontario, a larye and well selected stock of now furniture wili be constant! hand. : Public Snl’u ill be held from time to time, of which cue notice will be given, and at whih parâ€" ties nviring to furnish will have an rtunity of purchasing at unusually lJow Mart is now ogon with a large stock of new Furniture, as ;nll .ll ianos, Harmoniums, &0., &o., consigned or sale. » Cl 4 THOS. BIRKEZTT, Sign of the Anvil, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. 5 â€"All goods delirered free to any part of the MAXZ W . Strange, M P p "““"..!&.P.efle-xl'?i-xr * His Lordbhip the Bishop of Kin e 0 Hon, fir Jozl A. M?fltld, won Hon. H. L. Langevin, C B, Hooa. Alex. Campbeil, P M a, R. W. Scott, Keq, M P P, Waliter Shanly, Esa, M P Max. W. Strange, Esq, M P P, Hovs®, Laxp axo Gexerar Acsxor, OFFICE AND SALE R O 0 M 8 Irous‘ New Bumomoes, Svsszxâ€"81., ' OTTAW A. COMMISSION SALE RoOoOMsS FLOURâ€"Superior Extre. = Extra Superfine ** FHACY cxssesscercess OARTMEAL «secsese exsessersccrses rtrttrtisrtscescses Ze00 180,000 Extra SHINGLES..................... 2.50 100,000 No. 1 «* krersssssecenincs +s "elHI® 80,000 No, 2 * sessesncessessssssecs 1+50 80,000 Fancy® â€" sstrssmsmstmmensreees Li2§ 300 cords Birch and â€"Maple CoRroâ€" WOOD, dry, 4 feot long, delivered..... 4.00 All Flour, Oatmeal, and Shingles kept in stock, aro manufactured by H. Easton, of Merrickville, and warranted. wW. H, EASTON & Co., 4 Little Sussexâ€"st., 4 Canal Basin, V_I_.ELB‘ASTON.”J 98If _ EK. M. EKASTON. beg to inform their friends and the public in genâ€" eral tha they have now REâ€"OPENED in those new baildings erected by Mr. H. Easton, of Merâ€" rickville, and where will be kept constantly on hand a large stock of e Jc., | ‘g, At tus Siax or tnx No. 24. Ridean ARDWARE! HARDWARE :; 15.y The following is our price list of goods menâ€" ARDWARE ; Sales at choapest rates and for cash Mtorves & Hardware. Commisston Merchants. FLOUR, ‘PORK, _ CORDWOOD AND sSHINGLES OMINION AUCTION MaRT, E«OPENXNING OF BUSINESS. 30,000 ~BRICKS AT g7.00 C MECC] exseenenene ns e nas ces snnnn es n0 + SUPHMNAG NMQs Lssrarsee4 +1+.... Superfine o, W, i. EASTON & Cco. CHEAP FOR CASH, | aALso House, bnidâ€"t";;'('i':n:;’s; Ap;u. MHHHHNNNNNNNNiGRirrrmmmmmmmmnmmssccccs 22222220200 n or THE Anvin, . 24, Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, AT tenssense eessesesseseees | Aessuneennenne n ne 8 ne 8 n# 0 a bee es ns a000 n 4 se 80080400 ,~ PUTTY, 86.50 . 6.00 5.25 4.15 7.00 2.50 2.%5 1.50 1.%5 All payments to be made Provirce of Ontario must, in paid into the Bank of Montroal nenam .4 4 o o on mmnee on mm y VE Best aAssorTMES®T or rirg CHINA in the Dominion is _ â€" On the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Custerms, and under and in virtue of the 8Sth section of the Act 31 Vic, Cap 6, intituled; * An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that «©Byng Inlet," situato at the mouth of the River Maganetawan, on tho Georgian Bay, in the Province of Ontario, shall be and the samo is hereby declared to be an Out Port of Entry under the Eurvey of the Port of Toronto. â€" tiIS EXCELLENCY ~THE, GoYÂ¥ . _FRNORâ€"GENERAL IN COUNCIL. ‘:‘VOVERNMIN’I‘ HOUI‘I. OTTAWA. 28, Omvnn & ANNABLE Wholesale Manuâ€" facturers of Bodsteads, Chairs, &o., Chauâ€" diere Island, Ottawa, C. W. s JOHN OLIVER, 506y WILLIAM ANNABLE. runeounei _: __~â€" + WIkd, PLAN" flPlClncA“Ol'. Cor, Prepared for biildings of every description * SIDNEY B. Fhiop, Aroh&t. Tt un OR eb S CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and © General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" chine Ales and Porter, Pork, f’loqr, &o., for sale. Orricr: No. 5, Sparks Streot, near the Russel!l House, Ottawa city, C. W. ToOTIcE. g BILLINGS, Ireg Archl(oot,m‘ln street © _ opposite the Post Office. RrrEREXNCES.~~H AShEl. &z;cA.'ehltoot, Philaâ€" dolghi.; Thos Fuller, #q, hitect, Albuxr.y; Dr J A Grant, M P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, % Managing Virsctor 0. & St. L. R, R. 140 addressed Ottawa City.r(f;;t;'fiold'),orlon at the oihce of N. Sparks, Sol citor, &6., Ottawa, will receive prompt a‘tention. 55 y Nee orcrcomiemmenenoy ne ce nonnn ie s of s s .. 5 .. 1056tf R SPARKS®, Provincial Land Burveyor, @ _ Draughtsman, &o., émminicud for U?por and Lower Canada.) flce and residence, G‘ucester, near Ottawa. Burvey: uf every dosâ€" eription executed with sccuracy. Communications sdgns-pd Oltaws City, Inostmaldh} anTalk a6aLs l B. TACKABERRY, Auction : Rooms ® ‘No. 36, Rideauâ€"stroet, below Whyte‘s staâ€" tronery Store. The sale of Real Estate at Auction or private sale promptly attended to. Consignâ€" ments recoived and immediate attention will be lnid. Bales attended in any of the city or counâ€" rv B _ Agents, Draughtsmen, &0 the Ontario Bank, Sparksâ€"st, 0 for Trust and Loan Co. THE 6 QUEEN ** RESTAUrANT, M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metcalfe and Wollingtonâ€"streots, os- l)oma the main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" ngs. !‘he «©QUZEN" comprises allthe requisites for a firstâ€"clase L‘fet;u‘ ant. The House hr:lqboon refitted and ref, tnished thro:fbwt. The BAR contains the choicust Brandsir Wines and Ligqu ws, and every delicacy of the seas. a wiil be found on the table. The Prl?dout’l best efforts will be dirgected to he comâ€" o ofhE guests and patrons. * W. R&. TEistux. 1057.3 naly" hins Puiintspilidiattith csw erin trelichaski d Particular nmmion‘p.ld to tho comfort orfiu-u Good rooms for commercial travellers. orsor and vehicles always on hand. s J. OOPELAND.i f Pamhnika Ans : ‘s6a0 PNP!-.â€"W' _ Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€" Pembroke, Ontario, Btages in connection with the steamors Go_glf, Pembroke and Pontiac. JSk. Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., Op%ouih the Court House and Public Offices, ST. CaATHARINES, Ont. * E. HOUGHTON, Pro?rietor. (Late of toughton‘s Dining Raloon.) TBA spacious sampleâ€"rvorn for commercial travellers. "â€" +~_ Soly HALIFAX, NOVA Sc0OTIA, â€" / Established 1851. Perinanent and transiont boarders accommodaâ€" tod, und overy attention to their comfort; 969y JQUN ROMANS, Proprietor. MRS. TROTTER begs to announce that she has leasod a commodious building at the corner of Banks and Sparks sts., which she has opened as a PRIVATE HOTEL, retaining the tltfo of her former hotel in Desbarats‘ block, viz., the " Toâ€" ronto House." The premises have been refitted and hondsomely furnished with new furniture, and made in every. respect fit for the reception of mem. bers ot Parliament and other gentiemen who tfllil‘. the accommodations of a first class private botel. Oitawa, March 20, 1869, 1009â€"3m Dn. O.C. WOOP, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Ottawas. Day office o;ipoum the Tiucs Office, Sparksâ€"strect, Centre Town ; Night office at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. Caxoz®s Core®n, without the use of the knife, by a new, but certain, speedy, and aimost painless process,. References given to gudu suce sessfully treated, it required. 17w100y DR. J. A,. BECKETT, Surgeon Dontist, Dental Rooms over A. Graham & Co.‘s « Commercial Warehouse," directly (:fpooib the British Lion Hotel, late Times Prin Office, Lang‘s Block, No. 60, £parksâ€"st., Ottlwnity. Ottawa, April 12, 1869. ‘ 1021â€"16y 3 to 5 p.m. Ruseell‘s. YÂ¥ Enwum C,. MALLOCH, M.D., M. R. C. 8. Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Flats, “oypouiu the nw‘ell'." Office hours from 8:30 to 10;30 a.m., and BB 0;;:06;6â€"!;9:':9;:&;1? y Pembroke, Aug. 1, 1868 IHISTLE & Co., HE HETROPOLI“I'AI, a AUMOND‘3 BLOCK, f Rideau Street Oitawa, 20%tt P. O‘MEARA, Prorriztor. TTAWA HOUSE. ICKWICKâ€" HOUSE, ORoxTo HOUSE. R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Officeâ€" Eparksâ€"street, Central Ottawa. BAutf R. C. LEGGO, P:{sicun, Surgeon and Accouchour, Offcoâ€"Hunton‘s Block, Sparksâ€" (¢ AVERLY HOUSE, Bucsday, 18th day of May, 1863 y IPRESENXT : ‘ & GEORGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. Ofliceâ€"Epurksâ€"street, opposite Mages & Ajotels anb Saloons, AT THE VARIETY HALL, HMeoual Cans. Atliscellancous. BARRINGTONâ€"8TREET, WM H. LEE, | Clerk Privy Council Corner James and Kingâ€"sts. , in the meantime, troal or its agencies. E 8# WOOD, . Treasurer, y Land Surveyors, Land Prince of Walesâ€"streets yÂ¥ &c. .Office, o’Y,To'.f{rS , Ottaws. Valuators Wellingtonâ€"st. R. Laxa. 57 _ _ An0 remarkable success which hasatiended the introduction of the celebrated Concentrated Lye into Canadian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" cited the cupidity ot an unprincipled firm in town {which has already been convicted of borrowing mt ioh P Mautipretnta ies jare c + To avol a â€" cencrated L :.hhh is ::l:‘kbyudl mp'o'eullo 18 Druggists ard Grocers in town and country. 783y â€""ttawa Sept.7. .John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... 3 Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, rcOonhnn{ .tl: t.‘:: moderate ratesâ€" e c % or fcithor information, a at the Comp offices, Jogyi m_ALl. Agent, The remarkable success which has * &mv' _Payable in &lv_ggpool or Qum...:. W. Normax‘s, MeroaLPrEsTrEEr. Bt. John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... Liverpool or Queenstown......................... 35 00 PAS8S1GE BY THE TUESDAY STEANMER VI HEALIFPAX. First Cabin, Payable in Gold. L"_',’}?f"“ Queenstown.........................$100 00 INMAN LINEOF MAIL STEAMERS, SAILINqY FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY AND ALTERNATE TUEsDAYs. ~ATFS OF rABBAGE BY THS SATURDAY STEANEE, First Cabin, Payable in Gold. Liverpool or Queenstown........................$100 00 To " JASON GOULD‘" & " PEMBROKE," EVERY DESCRIPTION AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, a.m., FOR THE UPPER OTTA W A, ONCENTRATED LYE, CAUTION TO THE PUBL. M" 1| 1859. Their classes will begin on the 15th OCTOBIB. For particulars and terms .p;l to the * o1 =~~| LADY SU nfixoms, CoxarEcartion sz NotRr®k Dawe, f FROM MONTREAL, j respectfully inform the ublic that they will n a Branch of their y wil «pe NLARGED PORTRAITURF W. C. CLARK, Professor of Music and ‘Leacher of Piano, Voice and Harmony. Musmc Rooms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"st . ~orner of Slaterâ€"st., Cenâ€" tre Town. Orders may be lett at his residence or at Orme & Bon‘s Musi¢ Store. ‘ Mr.GUSTAVE SMLTH, (Organist of the Cathe . dral) a Graduate of the Imperial Conservaiory of Paris. Lessons on Piano ar 1 Singing. Rideauâ€" stroot, corner of K ingâ€"street Ottawa, June 23, 1858. â€" 115y THE REV. GEO. NOEL HIGGINSON, M. A., Incambent of New Edinburgn, the with especial sanction of the Bishop of the Diocese, receives a l'rm.od number of the sous of gentiemen as mornâ€" i wpill. idenceâ€"Dalhousieâ€"st., Ottawa. Terms made krown on application. 940tf NICHOLA! SPARKS, Barrister and Attorâ€" neyâ€"utâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" ancer, &o. Officoâ€"Lang‘s Buildings, Elginâ€"st., opposite the Post Office, Ottawa. 489y R 11. HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Psetent Right Solicitor. . Officeâ€"Post Office Building,"Elginâ€"streot, Ottawa. 43utf LlEl & GEMMILL, Sarmstors, Attorneys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Oficoâ€"In the Court House, Ottawa. Rosert Less. 43utf _ JoxX J. Grxxzkur. Fx’:WAn D T. DARTNXELL . Barrister, â€"4 Solicitor, Attorney and Nutary Public, Clerk of the Poace and County Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. Offficeâ€"In the Court House, h*(rignal. 34â€"6m Pumo-ponmc TULTION. J W. W. W ARD, of the late firm of Lew © Pinhey & Ward, has removed his ChancerJ Office to Bell‘s Law Chambers, opposite Russell House, Elginâ€"st. 3 dw 1V B Solicitors, &c. Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Rideauâ€"street, Ottawa. Wiru:ax Moscrove. _ 366if â€" Gz:oros Tauuox. LAP!ERRE & HAYCOCK, Attorniesâ€" atâ€"Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveylnovl and Notaries Public, Corner ot Sussex and Yorkâ€" streets, Ottawa. 368y D O*CONNOR, Atioraeyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€" ® in Chancery, Conveyancer, &¢ , Susserâ€" street. Office, Unin Buildmgs,f Ottawa. b5y OR LIVERPOOL & QUEEXNSTOWX. COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIP3 F\ A. MARA, Architect. Officeâ€"Aumond‘s "A@ Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. 902, STEAMERS © ALLIANCE, Educational Establiskment in Ottawa. HIVER NAYVIGATION COMPANY‘s3 NHE SISTER®S Uxto® Forwarorxo axpo Hamwar Coxr‘y., Ottawa, May 5th, 1869. 863tf _ Corner of O‘Connoraad Mariaâ€"sts. HE OTTAWA . MACPHERSON, _ G. KENNEDY, â€" A. J. CHRISTIE DVUCATION««CLASLCAL AND GEXâ€" ERAL. Resebsrerensnanes nesene an ne08 00 808 810 800 8 80 00 0 0 Lo e 19 _ sene ts 8 200 00000000 USICAL ACADEMXY. OSGROVE & 'l"A_I.LLON,‘ Barristers, ACPHERSON, KENXEDY & CHURISTIE, _ Barristers, &c., Lang‘s Block, Elginâ€"st., COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AXND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN, oTTaAWA AXD MONTREAL "k*N N‘ 8188 ON ~ TETREAU, Notary Public for the Proâ€" vince of Quebec, Hull, near the Post 390tf DES JOACHIMS. R. 8. CASSELS, MAIL STEAMERS THE STEAMER CoxXNECTISG WITH Educational. Kegal Carbs. SAtecamers. + LEAYVES Payable in 15 Broagway, New York RRICK, BRUSH & CO., AT IF BETWEPN teaneenenn 00000800 8 100 20 0 o a HAVE seseect0sesze000 0 eesee est ‘eolicction in the Canadian Scenery R. W. EHEPRERD, at the Company‘s President. Manager. 1043tf 15 00 99 THE TIMES is printed aad publM®®®" ""* Tas Otraw a Tiurs Prixting AxD Posust ma CoxrAry, at the Office, 38, SPATK®*l INDIGEKSTION & W ASTING DISEAS®* lis vastly superior to Pepsine, whith 4# ** digest one kind of food.â€"Lancea. w « Pancreatine is a zonrhl Aflw Prof. Lerauest‘s “-"'.. " By its means fat is rendered capabl® ¢ bflm&ho absorbents."â€"Prof, Besxas», / "“, PANCREATINE POW DER, botties, 24 6s 6d and 12s 64. jb PANCREA TINE W INE, bottles, 84 8t 850 )5 PANCREATIC (DIGESTIVE) ©O00 7 highly nutritious, easily di sad to the dietetio preparation, ally from ?pdfi-u-“ jon, Debility and ‘N--zm n n ri-.uu.:..s‘? and 206 _ Tins, 1s 6d, 3s, be 6d, 108 64 and 206 BAVORY 4& .”u';b N. B.â€"PANCAREATINE WINE is the vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil, preY®"*® Nausea and Indigestion. BOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. Wholesaleâ€"F. CUNDILL & Co. """i’ ran Ard Intrtmcscnas & l6 A 226 lcA ccn t <oompcn t t PE of the best and most desirable utuL. m‘imdlmm is not satisfied the money will be refunded. We take oceasion to notify the public that Â¥# :;nyioy no po‘:lo?.hui caution l.i::*.lfl"" ose pretending to have our goods P & YOUNG & RADFORD, nfipn'clmd here as elsewhere, and t}# ." e ality of the advantages offered to Â¥eutt the beautiful lenses. vis‘ : the ease and ©omloth ©® assured and readily ascertained """"1". the sight, and the brilliant assistance the} /m in all cases, were in themselves #0 fi Mn panaommmimanaiee me t a :nud"' PERFECTED 8PECTACLES by the res‘â€" T ith a Tuul ‘Epoulsdge of ths value of the asâ€" “fliot.voeul-&umym the most y;f.‘ optical aids ever menufactured. To those e ing Spectacies, we afford at all times an oppor The large and increasing sules of these PEÂ¥ FIOI'ID‘(.!LABSIS is a li” "‘“fl-'; riority, We were satisfed M% k + appreciated here as elsewhere. and t fon:; Express for Boston at....................... 84 am Expressfor NewYork and Bostonat...... $3 pn Expfl. vf. N Yo:lk. via Plattsburgh, Lek ress for New Champlain, Burlington & Rutiand at3:0 Express for Island Pond, at................. 200 Night lx’t.:.f‘a;w. Island Pt. Bl'e_hglongl. Sherbrook mo. W aterville â€" and a.l poltis W est, 8t. ............. 8W a 8 Night _ do : ‘do _ do _ do do 8:3 ja Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at..... ....... T:00 an Trains for Lachine st..........8004m, 930 an ind vigmente aint t uiesd ads .428 ... S) !2 Ramway, """4» (formerly the Ottawa & Presoott l.a"’ Paranulict ) ON and AFTER TUESDAY 1869, and until ice, TRajge® ! as follows: further notice, TRA 'mh‘." E ue ._u LkAYE PRESCOTT. ARRIYVE Mixed, 7. 15 a, m. 19553 004. Express, 1.35 p.m, 445 p.p" Mail, 6.00 p.m. 2.:00 p. m The time of these Trains has beed soar,, to ensure connection with night and u,"mt Grand Trunk, outndm,u.o'h&. C ors of the Royal Mail Line. Sean, ~Baggage to and from Ottawa checked !m‘s‘nd to etztions on Grand Trunk m.?f‘l from and to rtations on | Peank n cat wa at l'.dll:':: .r':t:z me;?.fil:t{m.;’::‘;: C T DEEE. * ruomas sergaon 8 5 oo ooo hres,, NHNeR We FTame. Th CY Howy, trains are due from the east. _ No: 3 is due at Brockville in time to conneavs G T R Express trains for the east and west. _ H. ABBOTT, _ | LARGE LOT OF WILLOW FURK!* A.M.*â€"=«TRAIN® will 10:08 M#A 10:05 a i a 6:20 p m, arriving at Perth at 10:55 a m and ty p m. . All trains on main line connect at Smith‘, l with Trains to and from Perth. is 8:00 a m, arriving at and 1:25 ;'; m. _ ?_ & TIME TABLE, No Coxuexct®xo ox Moxpay, M cacléoo‘:s. P. M.«»â€"TRAIN® vil in 5: ‘.5Ponh at 5:15 pm and 9 a -,u::; at Smith'l'lf‘afl!:t_d:!?_,gln;nd 9:55 am. The International 10:085 UBAEGI or TIME. ST. LAWRENCE anp LAZARUS, MORRIS & 008 CELEB RAT ED PERFECTED SPECTACLE$ AND EYE GLASBES. . m, arriv at 3("p m, ing and Conticook only, at......... 3;:00 pm, 5;00 p m. f GO[!((ISOB'I‘I AND EAST. ommeodation Train for Island Pond and Intermediate Stations at......... 10 1w Brockvil LEAVE OTTawa. Exprozs, 7 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m Mail, 10.00 p.m. 1 Brockville af ln,l::“fi-n- oh':!l..oma T ‘l’ C.J; BRYDGES, Managing Director TURE & BASKETS, _ _, ) ATâ€"THE VARIETY HALJ ____J Sole w’?.'m Vieinity ® FZalls at 0;05 p m and 9:55 a m LEAVE SI’;TH’S FALLA MAIN LINE,. LEAVE BROCKVILLE P. M.â€"=â€"TR AING wi )‘?E??','“!' daily at 4y LEAYVE sAXDPOINT, A. l.u'l"‘m WIH leay )Ssndpolnt at 6:00 a m and Th g at Brockville at 13775 p m and PERTH BRAKXcq LEAVE PERTE kt.... aad published !* T W bany, daily ““‘:“ Sandpoint at b4 53 ARRIVE y luqiug Dhrede 1 MarRo® 28, jopy ARRIYVE '.:,u.“ 10.36a. q 2.00 p. m nk lc tu': 100 2.3 i5 U w s 35 a, o Aal."'-,“"'"’"' . Agont for MARRILAGE LICZNCES 6 or oitawa, by commission from His K he Governorâ€"General. GFFLCEâ€"St Lawrence Hotel, Ridea Manufacturer l{;‘hl n‘sdâ€" HER MAJESTY T:‘Q KEN,ROY AL R AND COURT OF SPAINX TUE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LO MISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRA Prise Medalist of the Great Internatiof tion of London, 1862, and of the versal Exhibition of Paris, 18 wE EEKEEY ArroINT _ e Ma, JOHN LESLILE, + " ____â€"â€"«â€"_______ Agent for Ottews and Oftaws, April 9, 185# w UER MAJEST L op.‘"‘ Bole Wholesale Agents in the shie of J. Sewill‘s W atchos. Silver Top Smelling Boitles, Sootch Plaid Smolling Bowles, ot every desempmon, maae io order 0 andjobbing aitended to. _ Architects and others furnishing their ings for any kind of wood work will correstly executed. Particular attention paid to _ â€" GoTHIC & FaNCY FURNX For the sale of these celebrated A “MMM rece:ved of Toilet Patent Medicines, and Chemicals, , °"'me¢uh-=hnd- * W . M. MABSEY, Family and Nispensing Toilet Boxes in vamety, Rimmel‘® New Perfzcmes, Cawbridge Bouguet, . Czxford Bougect, English Levr _ Notio# is horeby given, that the cle C nrilnant ind Surgoers n omeriteh Ternitorial Divisions constituted by t ’&a‘ (Statutes of O-arioJ will TUESDAY, the 8th day of JUNE nex There will be no nomtnations. The votes .will : be *votit which will be sent A:.t::.“.‘u- tered on Te mm on to instructions which will un-pz transmitted to the Returaing Officer ot en reing prior bih 5e Sprend turning Oficers :,muvcnl Territori ut two o‘slock, p.m., on the day abor the following piaces :â€" Western and St. Clair Division... ..... m: Tecumseth :o yeec i ugegening Baugeen Brock ):‘ amemne t 2:: : Thames . ht * ~sictie lzu ~ KO ~ ~â€" suvenm ..m h ¢ do seneenes m‘ "k ' do srassenss Queen‘ h ShD > smm al:mcu r-:u d; nennamnt Bathurst and Ridess " | +495 T 6t Lawrence and Eastern do ........ The names of the Mnl.‘ Oflcers nished on a printed envelope to be enc registered practitioner , L.BTRANG) Medical Registration Office, * ___Mamilton, April 15th, 1869, FUNERALS furnished at the shortest notice in tor the removel of housshold furmture, waggons for lumber and other heary g N.B.â€"Residence at the westend of 1 ai,, oppesite the marke® METALLIC AND OTHER always on hand. may be sent, and will be punctually 28 UKUSL, ary, oVvER Where all orders for the CANADA PRISTING, veat any “':flvâ€"â€";.-;.‘l "â€"I . _ Mr. Desbarats teels grateful for th . " , "Ve4 aim on all sides, and bope Pattons and friends in his new office. pne reavenr. . THE MORNING AND Ey LEADER, 1t sold by J,. R. BATTLE, at o m‘&hn:.u ONE cent per cop Ottawa, April 26, "V. H. EASTON & CO., COMMISSIOXN MERCI f FORWARDERS, CABINETâ€"MAKER,~ UPHOLS » _DEALERS 18. Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeal oTTaAWaA, THE MEDICAL 4 tsapukut.-.f Ottamw:» s@&â€"U NDE R T A K E FURNXITURE css 2dv®poed on goots consi Ottawa May 20 oLIpAaY PREsSENXTS Marriage Licene SEWILL, LIVEXZPOOL, VOL. IV.â€" N ICK. W ATCHE Â¥EILDINXG, OGERS, EXPRESS WAGGON® Improved Perfimed D I. & A. SAUNKND BINDING, OR ST MceCORMICEKS AT

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