With the q.¢ * *h the steams 5s and 108 EXTS. (1889 * m and %1;, *18 p m and & a ©, Artivins fl.:‘m 2 % --â€˜ï¬ of our celsâ€" of arrival asd * D. u. es 3;® 35 a, m is that #®@ N ® will leay 10:05 a m ang and way &« «â€"â€" 0 puo the arrival ct to o’..‘ orriaw, i« W a m do 830 pa 5 pm, for 2s, 30 64 YERS. > of the asâ€" 1889, ‘ _ Milver Top Smelling Bottle», Sooich Plaid Smolling Bowlos, «e .-MAOI LICXNCES for the city “' a=, by commission from His Exrcellency PEANOâ€"FORTES,.from «‘L.the leading makers. WARREY‘S PLIPE vRGAXNS, ORGANS and MELODE@AN® from the best fac« tories in the United States, excelling in finish and wne anything ever brought into this country. § 'n.“-.mm -rucnwwnnnuunx.'- _m Lawrence n“d. Rideau~st. April 9, 1969. 1019â€"3m â€" germpectfully call the attention of the public to â€"w*‘ld % pLaNOâ€"FORTES, ORGAXN S, @‘ ND MELQDEON$ _ in their now Shew Room, comprising Our stock of Concertinas, Viclins, Flutes, &0., #c., is, as usual, rery large. Now Sheot Music and Books constantly arriv= TUNING.â€"The subscriber having l’ decided to divide his time equally between (Ktawa and Ogdensburgh, would beg to inform his his old patrons and others, that he hopes, in future, o sitend to their orders for tuning more promptly Toilet Boxes in variety, l 2 0C Bc NG c 1h CbKere 1 wik heretofore. Shall visit Ottaws once a month. oMie received at Mr. Bormingham s Auction Roous, and at E. Miles® Music Store. «â€"@k0. N. BENEDICT. Lmdm:m o order or repaired, gslor any kind of wood work will have them :q'“d. Particular attention paid to A somplete stook just received of Toilet Articles, gOTHIC & FaANCY FURNITURE. CABINETâ€"MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, WER MAJESTY THBQUEEN, ROY AL FAM iL Y ND COURT OP® SPAIN tas Rtowr LE THE LORDS COM ll‘l-t TAE ADMIRALTY, J SEWILL, LIVERPOOL, & FUNERALS tursished st the shortest notice in the city or tor the remoral of houschold furniture, &o. Also waggons for lumber and other hoary goods. M.B.â€"Residence at the westond of Wellingtonâ€" .. oppesite the marke® ‘â€â€˜_,, THE MEDICAL HAALl% HER MAJsESTi U:l:"vwzom-s ROYA AVY ; Prise Medalist of the Great International Exhibi tion of London, 1862, and of the Uniâ€" versal Exhibition of Paris, 13¢7. Wt EEREBT irromt * Mzs., JOHN LESLIE, _ . 4T a sad4DaREC*" Â¥ & A. BA J sc Wholesale Ar-s in the Dominion MB J. Swoill‘s W atches. @aAR 'nb’l’fl. OPEXED AN OFFICE OVER 4A aâ€"CORMICK S« STORE, fa SPARK@®â€"STREET, Where all orders for the "mailS80, BINDING, OR STATIONERY, may besent, and will be punctually attended, to 46 UMAL, arrangements having been made to préâ€" w U NDE R T A KE R. w Tant 297 interruptioa to the business. _ â€" Mr. Desbarats toois grateful for the sympathy tendered aim on all sides, and hopes to see his Patmous and friends in his new offico. # EUV (Ktawa, January 21, 1269, The undersignod bogs to state that ho has '\U, Con; Flour YOL, IV. NQ. 10G693. Manufacturer al l{pdfl..lto MAJESTY :K&!’i’n. oY AL FAM i oâ€"muan:;e:lua. I6té. Â¥ . M. MASSEY, e Family and Dispensing Chemist. « L Bastoy, Cash advanced on goods ï¬du'-vlâ€"::l--_- ate sale. "-:n-n.hnlo“ * J, L ORME & SON, Sign of the Golden Lyre, k hgw.mmau& CoMMIsstON MERCHANT3 FORWARDERS, CANADA GAZETTE, W ATCHES. AY PRESENTS EXPRESS WAGGONS Improved Porfamed Distributors, H. EKASTON & co., FURNXITURE Wusic. AND OTHER COFFINS3 Agent for Ottawa and Vicinity onR ME & soNx GKEORGE E. DESBARAT3. AT Flour, Oastmeait, Pork, OTTAWA, _ English Lavender W ater, DEAL KXK® 18 Licences, End of Little Sussexrâ€"st. hing their own drawâ€" YAL FAMiLY Qb4tf CAPITAL BOOT AND SHOE STORE, i would inform my customers and the hrnlllu I am now receiving my and Summer Stock of Feet Wear . which be and Summer Stock of Feet Wear , which will be :::“ complete in every department, representing LATEST AND BEST STYLES In Ladies‘, Misses, Children‘s, Men‘s _and Boy‘s Wear. > uol ts "wereamied to Sive Telerentien aud at w at PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION. A u supply of Lambermen‘s Wearâ€"always on h * Orders taken for all sorts of work, Caly the best work men employed, GEORGE MURPHY, SPRING AND SUM ME R, COMPRISINXG a very large and varied assortment of _ LADLES®, GENT‘3, MISSES‘ & CHILDREN‘3 DRESS & WALKING BOOTS. We would call the especial attention of the mJ* T.A D I E S, in ~_ To our Pruneila Congress, a frstâ€"rate articie for $1 To our Prunella Balmoral, for..................$1.25. w#" BANKRUPT sSTOCK. * We have still on hand a portion of Messrs. F G & C A CROBBY‘8 stock which is in pertect condiâ€" tion and suitable for the season, which woe will actually sell for leas than cost tor cash. hl-’ouhdmmdn‘pdufl.wl) A J STEPHENS & CO., late F G & C A Crosby, Sign.of the Mammoth Boot, 51 Sparksâ€"st., Contre $§ D would call your special attention to his Splendid ASSORTMENT of PRUNELLA BOOTSâ€"Bat toned; Laced and Congress. ____ GENTLEMEXS PATENT CONGRESS, SEAL CONGRESS, FINXK EXGLISH BOX TOED CONGRESS, HANDâ€"MADE, and other new styles, BOOTS AN D 8 H O ES, I would inform my customers and the seall, and see it they cannot offer you greater inducements than you can get e‘sewhere in the city. uyuvmof.d'nl‘rwndhuom, call at O‘ MEARA & Co.‘s. If you want a Suit, made to order, for $7, call at O‘ MEARA & Co.‘s. l!yo-'nti‘nd suit of Clothes, readyâ€"made, If you want any Linen or Lustre Conts from $1 apwards, call at O‘MEARA & Co.‘s. Drawors, Hosiery, &0., ; call at O‘MEARA &‘Co.‘s. Having one of the largest stocks in the city, we hgbulll.ho“l.cflhuvuhh.h.ull themselves of the above low prices to call and examine our stock. QUECK SALES & LIGHT PROFITS HEAP lll".flfll.l 1X MUSLC, BI DLR G. 8CHILLING, â€" I purpose to RESIDE IN OTTAWA during the next two summer months, July and August, and intend to devote part of my time there to my protession, the instgustion in music (singing, Piano, Organ, Theorie, ate.) Whooever wishes to profit by this 1s requested to make their applionâ€" tions VERY 800N, as I shall sccept only a VERKY LIMITED anmber of pupils during that BOOTS AND SHOES! time. Particulars about terms, ete., will be giren in dnswor to a written application. € DK. 9. SCHILLINY, â€" . 1058b Members of the above association are heroby notifled that the Rideau Rile Range will be opan to them for practice on every Monday during the season, commencing on MONDAY, the 2ith INâ€" 8STANT. rchase your Dry Goods, 7 » Readyâ€"made Clothing, . _ Cloths, Tweeds, &e., O‘MEARA & CO., BIAU'I'l'UI. PATTERNXS OF WIXâ€" DoW sHADES, .. e e _ s . 1. s Ottawa, May 21, 1869. FOmd ALL WEATHERS." BOOTS AND SHOES ETROPOLILTANX ~RIFLE ASSOCIATION. T HE RED BO00T, 8SEE THE NEW STYLES NEWEST STYLES JUST RECEIVED THE RED BOOT. Dry Goods, STEPHENS® &4 Co0*‘YÂ¥, Â¥. A. LAMB YORK STREET. 8 U M M E R, By order, call at O‘MEARA & Co.‘s. OUBR MoTTo Is Ar tam variEty BALL. JUST GIYVE AT HAYEB 1% AT AT W H FALLS, Lient, O‘MEARA & CO. 40 Sparksâ€"s8,, KUKRBT,««+xarc«« +« «s ic.ers DBEARATt‘* Bupor Office of Queen‘s Printer, An entiroly Canadian institationâ€"perfect security to insurers, and immediate payment of claims. Ottawas, Dec. 8, 1868. d18f enovi~cuar INSURASCE. MALCOLM CAMERON, LIBE IN8URANCE COMPANY OPF MAINE.: F No: 104. _â€"The tollowing Insurance Com has received ‘s. ummmwm business of Lllo Inguranee ; No. 33. The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. n-rn in U. 8. ds of ‘31â€"$50,000. B. R. CORWLN, General Agent, St; John, N. B For the Minister of Finance JOHN LANGTON, I have this day, deposited with the Recerve ve %, wit eceiverâ€" General, ‘l".‘t‘;‘bound Dollars in addition to the above Fitty Thousand, making Seventy Thou. the above Fiity Thousand, making Seventy Ihou sand Dollars ($70,000) U. 8. Gold Bonds, 0s of 81 sand D-Ilmé:‘“,“.) U. 8. Gold Bonds, 6s of ‘81 The Hon. John H. Gray, M.P., has beor appointed Counsel to the c-’.r:l tor the Domic lon. All legal matters will be referred tohim. B. R. 00!\;!8. anager. Ottawa, November 7, 1868. 8#1t? EKLIX CARBRAY, CcOoOMMIsSsION MERCHANT, ' |__ FORWARDER, § GENERAL AGENT, &o., &c,, No. 3, St. Peterâ€"s*., â€" . â€" QUEBEC. Special attention given to the purchasing on Commission and Forwarding of Coals, Sait, Pig Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &0., &« James G Ross, Esq, General Merchant, Viceâ€" President Quebec Bank. Hon David E Price, M L C, Merchant. Eugene Chime, Esq, Merchant, President La Banque National. Hon Thos McGreery, M L C, Viceâ€"President Union Bank. 10444 may now be seen at the ; COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE, | No. 60 Sparkeâ€"st. Gentlemen leaving their orders for Garments, can have them made under the superintendence of first.class work men. A’ 8SPLENXDID STOCK uF CLOTHS FOR SUMMER WEAB, In Silk iWixtures, Scotch and Canadian TWEEDS, . Ottawa, May 7. Maving opened a first.class TAILORING ES’{ABLISB!ENT, in AshGeld‘s Brick Building, Dukeâ€"st., is now preâ€" pared to show a select stock of h'l“." Reotch and Canadian Tweeds, Wost of Rn‘;nd Broad Cloths, Meltons, Cassimeres, and Outiitting Goods in zeneral. A select ‘lot of wrosvemor, Canterâ€" bury and Gladstone Scarfs Cheap. From Mr. Lawrence‘s umofluu both in the United States and the Dominion, in the Cutting Department, he can assure all who may tavour him "I.l‘::dln;l mu‘: most stylish ‘slt- ment city. most ul respecttully Members o:.l;.r\h.m at o’tg;. :mt.la‘“tha Chaudiers, w an n no, would find it to m t‘o give him a o . on n UE ALOON MA Some good PANTALOUN MAKERS W ANTâ€" Ericomintteniiiy ns ow baiw wages will" one but firstâ€" class workmen need tnly. P.8.â€"Some of Weasey‘s Celebrated American Cloths now open for inspection. 10402 DJt _ Leaving their orders at the y COMMERCIAL WARENOUSE, No. 60 Sparksâ€"st., Can get well suited in Garments. 1043.3m : A.GRAHAM & _ MERCHANT TAILOR, . BELL‘S BLOCK, Opposite the |Russell House, Ottawa, In returning thanks to bis triends tor past favors, N?: intorm them and the wmly.&n he reâ€"epened his establ at the above stand with an extensive stock of FIRSTâ€"CLASS MATERLAL & RFASHIONABLE DESIGNS3, suited to the present season, and having secured the serviâ€" tiheriesce in Insding houses in Oxford st., Lon. ox "8t., h.lnulldm a want long felt in Ottawa. Maz. Roseztso® assures his friends that nothing shall be wanting on 1is part to merit a continuation o the patronage bestowed on him in the past. R QUEBEC REFEREXCES. Messts Tetu & Garnean, Wholesale Dry Goods 1043.3m An extensive stook . of m:‘l. Beotch and Canadian Tweeds, W est of Broad Cloths, Meltons, Cassimeres,Gents‘ Haberdashery, Readyâ€" made Suits and General Outftting Goods, which will be found very select. _ Â¥rom the experience ANGUS SUTHERLANXD d hacithcco Aines\ mm en + virded hk m has had (bhaving been Managet in the Gentleâ€" -n’o‘l‘rb&o for many years), ho hopes to give 'â€"7 _-'....I LLLL_ H._â€" Ki_ Ats In wnanks and nnuts in *The success .m'.'a’wuuu-u and coats s owing to the correct miluary cutting system and careâ€" ;"â€"aâ€" pr hmd ; also from New n hn eragane m im wayâ€" FOR CASIHI ONLY. %a NION MUTUAL N.B.â€"Alterations dn'rdrl attend â€" ed to, All 'm:.'o lm?flmm Buttons securely sewed on,. Youths‘ suits tasteâ€" fully got up. Ottaws, March 23, 1043 3m May be obtained CHEAP by calling at the COMMERCIAL WaAREKHOUSE, % No. 60 Sparkeâ€"st., 43 3m A. GBAHAM & CO CEO. MAYES, CoPPER PLATEB PRINTER, Bank Street, Centre Town, © Between Sparks & Queen Streets. ENTLEMENX ELECT TAILORIXQ. ;u-n.uun CGAaARMExTS Made with NEATNESS and DESPATCH at 0 COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE, No, 60 Sparkeâ€"st., 12 Im ° A. GRAHAM & CO. OATS, PANTS and VESTS Bélls of Exchange, B Heads, Vir‘:ing M‘.Mn*ï¬ï¬* ROBERTSON, NUMBER of SUVPERIOR COUVCHES, govered '?r%m:?f' ALL,. :‘ NEW IMPORTATIONS, AWRENCE will be exscuted strictly to the time * T. RAJOTTE. Agencies. Fixaxos Derartuest, Ottaws, 12th October, 188. Tailoring . T. RAJOTTE. A. GRAHAM & CO., Commersial Warechouse, No. 60 Sparkeâ€"st. 1013.3m AT THE he has adopted, Numerous A.GRAHAM & CO. UNEZET OPORTO, Consisting of . PORT, SIIERRY, BRANDY, Gix AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, &c. PICKLES, SAUCES, JAMS & JELLIES & #o., _ &y., â€"&e.,= factory. 3O I" l)l!!:nc RVED and CAN FRULITS, assorted to suit the holiday season. 200 i A GEXERAL assortment of the different Ii;dl of GROCERIES AND L1Q UORS on hand, Wholesale and Retail, at the 4O WEST POSSIBLE PRICES for Wartanted Goods. A trial of the articles will recommend them. 3 For sale at 100 LABRADOR HERRING barrels and half barrels, TOIACCOIâ€"Tho Finest Qualitiesâ€"Virginia make in cut, tin foil and plag. s girraAWA, MONDAY. MAY 31, isso 10 Jttawa, November 27, 1863. And for sale cheap, by Q\L.\an?ul.\'c EXTRACT3S and SP1CESâ€" . Genuine. 5 * FROXM CROXS 1UHERRY WINEâ€"Good Table Wineâ€"#r 9 to $3.00. . Roll Bacon. svoani and SYRUPS of all ‘nqr. IN DLA WYARELHLOUS E, 1A‘II.E and Cooking RALSLNS, CURRANTS k C. Ihs sabscriber would called the attention 0 Families and others to his 6 FINE BOTTLED ALE Which is in splendid condition. Also, scoTcH, IRISH, OLD RYE, â€" And other Malt Whiskies, PORTS, SHERRIES, BRANDIES, GIN, &c, tom'lhnccufdw.l 'mdhna'icm Etore AMtawa, Jan, 20, 1868. 3 *7 &A S ty MRS. SMITH, Bankâ€"st., bof to inform her customers and friends that she has received her Sprizng fashions, and is now prepared ‘to supply LMERILA GRAPES, FRESIL FIGS and PuURTUGUESE ONIOXS. Spring fashions, and ;s nNOW parea i0 SEpp‘J J'. th:hordon. vorner of Bm and Albon'-:oh- OFFEESâ€"Always Froshâ€"â€"Bost Brandsâ€" Try them. T UST RECEIVED, oRrT WINXEâ€"Good lable Wine |$1+50 to #1.50, f LL KINXDS of GENUINE LIQUO accordiag to ago and quality. ABRADOR HERRINGS, the very best, in * The subscriber will furnish ICE daily to those requiring it for the season, 10 lbs. daily, double uxply on Saturdays fo Sunday‘s use, for $6.00, it paid in advance, or $6.50 if not rsld before the end of the season, â€" Larger quantities qupplied on liberal terms as per agreement by the season, of at any time the ice is wanted. _ All oraers left at Kavanagh‘s Restaurant, or at G, Mortimer‘s Drug Store, or the subseriber, will be strictly atâ€" FULL assortment of FRESII FRUILIT, the B&>T in markot. to suit the holiday season. Two or three Apprectices wanted. April 6. % *EV MILLINERY. CE â€" 1I0E!IL ICBEilG: OTTLED ALE, D. T. BROWNEL & C6Q., Wholesale and Retail _ FIRSTâ€"CLaASs OroceRgcs. A call _ dly solicited. $ hA D. WhELAN, o5 44, Rideauâ€"strc st, CASES SCOTCIH LI[NGâ€"Good. BOXESs DIGBY HERRINGSâ€"large boxes at 75 cts. each. STILTON CHEESE, 6 Ws. to 8 Ws. size, from Reesor Brothers‘ celebrated THOS. PATTERSON‘S, AND LONDON, Ko. 16, Hipzatâ€"st., «rocertes,. LIX E WISE OTTLED ALE, LAAAE ~FROMâ€" SPAIN, MWillinery. L & AT TULOMAS STARMER, 124 Rideauâ€"st. No. 26, Rideauâ€"stroct. 3. 818 > BLACKWELL CO(GNAC OTTLED ALE. 1015tf AS ALL ARE SURZ TO GET A PRIZ® Cwing to the late rsnio in Montreal, and the large number of Bankrupt Stocks that in couseâ€" quence have been thrown on the market, wo wore enabled to purchase an assorted stock of + DRY GCODS AND CLOTHING, amounting to $30,000, for the small sum of 7&zon the pound, being ‘mr-thu any stock we have yet purohngeds: .:. ... .._ s ;i i; .â€"â€" _ $§30,000 . X438. Bo now is the time for bargains. But you must hnn{ up as we intend ulling.hom very low so as to clear them off quick. For instance here is something to please the e{o and make the pocket feel gcod as it draws solittle trom it, The stock consists ot the following goods, viz : One case plain Poplin, choice COLOUTIE, FOF »»s2ssesesee4v+ee08 One case Silk Striped, do YOILJ DOW.cixserrescresrsereril 20 pieces Silk Striped, do â€" _ _ N@EY BOW.cccersserirrcrcirensl 8 10 pieces Roselind, Shot Strip« __ od Lustors.................. 04 _ do do _ J}s 34 15 pieces Yucatan Clothe...13 34 do do 2s 04 Also, 1 case assorted {nrd wide goods, in splonâ€" did colours, and of the latest styles, for 1s 10;d. . _ The same goods cannot be bought in any house in the city for less than 38 qg._;__f ____f“ c Immense bargains in WKITE COTTONS, a first class White Cotton only 5d per yard. $0 dozen White Mose....................~..08 por pair 20 pieses Ticking ...............only 94, worth 1 s 3d 50 dozen all Linen Towels, good ....... for 3d each €0 do ; do â€" do do 8d, worth Qd each 157 pairs Corsets, ....................... for 2s per pair 100 White quilts.....................at a groat bargain 200 Colour‘olgQulltl...............only bs, worth 2s 64 100 Silk anll Wool Shirts for Boat« , â€" hf'h 6d worth 122 64 400 pairs Gloves......................... . for 4d per pair Ottawa, March 28, 1869. 100 ° do Fine Silk Gloves...only 1s 34, worth 2s 64 Pocket Handkerchiefs..........................] }d each do do hemmed.................6d each #a2" °. do hemmed............ Also, 2 cases Prints, slightly damaged CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHIN?I THE GREATEST SACRIFIUCE OF THE 1UNNINGHAM & LINDSAY Splendid all wool Suits w VOBLE...certerrivertrrererrrrretets «rrvtersers.1+: JrOm 120 up PANCS.....ccecs:2ss2s22sr2:+1++:900, 750 and $1 por pair And a magnificent Alpacea Cott.........ont; $1,25 THE OCCIDENTAL EMPORIUM, sTEWART‘S BLOCK, RIDEAUâ€"ST,, > néar Sappers‘ Bridge. ; . 1R EFOUSS E*N8, ALCXANDRE®, ._ JOSEPHINE and JOUVIN KID GLOVES PEXED oUr CHOICELOT of CORDED FANCLES, FWNTHE COURT OF REVISION CITXY cOFr OTITAWA, Will hold its first meeting in the in the said city, on â€" ; Tuecsday, the 1st day of June, 1869, ) _ At ONE o‘elock in the afterngon, Of which all persons interested are required to take notice. ; WM. P, LETT, City Clorks Cite Hall. Ottawa. Maw 22. 1889. 1057tdâ€" ANIC!I PANIC!I PANIC CHOICE LOT oF BRILLIANXTS, CHOICE LOTFT of TRIMMINXGS BUTTON®, [ City Hall, Ottawa, May 22, 1889. CcHOICE LOT OF DRESS GoopDs BEAUTIEUL LOTeofa@PRINXG HATS novYeEi.TY IN SKIRTS®, SPLEXDID LOT OF PARASOLS, CHIEF UNDERTAKER, SPARKSâ€"ST. COFFINS, HEARSES & CARRIAGES, Sole agent for FISK‘S â€" METALLIC COFFINS. Restoexo®eâ€"Yorkâ€"st., first Brick House below the market. 4 SAFER THAN A LOTTERY CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S, Dry Goots. INX NEW MATERIALS, i1 wool Suits warranted........... for $9 evrrtvetarersraxtstsereradeererirestccan 1OE $ho90 DRESS GOODS ! GREaAT CHAXNC No. 14, Rio#auâ€"st., AGE IN CLOTHINXG FOR OLD AXD YOUXG PEOPLE,. stervessersmetcerss1U§0â€"UO i9 CIT Y ‘H &A L L , AT AT FOR AT 94 pr yd, worth 1s 34 H. HICK & CO. 3d to 4/ d por yard 14 Rideau st. do 98, do and 13 6d 13 94 D. FULTON is prepared to furnish the latest English and American Periodicals. _ Me is agent for all Canadian papers, which ho delivers at.10 cents per week. Principal agent for the Globe, ete. Frank Leslie‘s, Gode}’s an Magazines for June received. ED Chimmey Corner, ]:odgenr, Emerald, _ Irish American, Irish Citiz:n, and Lrish Feople reâ€" ceived. â€" + 5> | N. Y, Weekly Clipper, Frank Leslie‘s Illustraâ€" ted Scientific American, received. NY Ledger and Chimney Corner, Harpor‘s Magazrine for June, Thomas Moorgg Utopia, Christie‘s Faithb, Carry‘s Confession, Mattic: A Stray ; All in the Dark, Appleton‘s Edition of Dickens, at 4 | * News Dealers, Elgin s have complete sets of the ‘ â€" Â¥YXEAlt BOOK. Moinbers of Parliament will do weli to supply themselves at once. J. DURLE & SON have received The Man who Lavughs, by Vintor Hugo; Breaking is ButterSy, by the author of Guy Livingstone; That\Boy of Norcott‘s, by Lever ; The Cirls of Feversham, by Florence Maryatt; Realities of Ilrish Life, by French, cheap edition;. Word Gossip, by Blackâ€" ley ; Horse and Man, by GC S Phillipps ; Men, Women. and Ghosts, by S X Phelps; Murray‘s Adventures in the Adirondacks; Seats and Sadâ€" die, Bits and Bitting, by Major Dwyor ; Liddon‘s University Sermons; Aunt Judy‘s May Day Volume; The Trappers‘ Guidoe, by Newhouse; Other Pec;yle's Windows, by the author of the Gentle Life; Carricaturo MHistory ot the Four Georges; The Red River Country, Hadson Bai, and Northwest Territories, by A J Russel!, € E. The best books on Flower and Kitchen Gardenâ€" ing.‘ Foersale by : _ .. . .:. . _ _ RED RIVER COUNTRY, HUDSON‘S BAY & NORTILWEST F TERRJITORMES,* - considored in relation to Canada. % f By A. J. RUSSELL, C. B., . and Inspector of Crown Timber Agencies, Canaâ€" da, E. & W. : Te PW YH 6 Followed by the last Report of S. J. DAWSON C.E., on the Route of Communication to Red River. > Illustrated by a Map. + I The above work is now ready and for salo at the bookstores. Price 75 cents. % ; GEORGE E. DESBARATS, Ottawa, 17th May, 1869, rlui:A: TEKA! TEA * i coFFERE! COFFEE! â€" COFFEE! . | TRADE O, Qur Teas and â€"Coffees, after one year‘s trial have been pronounced by the most reliable monto be of the finest %uulity. cheap and free from all oisonous substahce, so often used in the tea trade, Being importerstof the above named articles, and making them a spociality, we are in a position to give every one flgrl‘oct satistaction, The advanâ€" tages afforded to every one are such as can only be obtaincd from our Continental merchants, ar we sell our goods at a very small aavance on cost, In order to give every one a chance to tasto our Teas and Coffees, we hare imported Tin Hermeâ€" tis Catteos and Boxes, which will preserve the strength and fl.tvourrof the above named articles, and will contain 5, 10, 20, 25 Ibs and upwards. We will pay the carriage on two 10 1b or four 5 1b Cattees, to the nemrest Express or Steamboat Landing, on receipt of money, or money car be collected by Expiess or Steambont Agont. W here there 1s no Express or Steamboat Landing, we aill send goods perStage. Parties forming Clubs, and sending in an order for Ten or more Catties, will receive one of their own choico in réturn at our cxk)énso. ® N e subjoin a list of our prices : Â¥ :+ 4 BLACK TEA. % )OMINION NEWS BEPOT, * HOWELL‘S CORNER, SUSSEXâ€"ST. Common Congou, Strong Tea...............$ Fine Fiavoured New Season do..........., Excellent Full Flavoured . do..........., JOUNA OOLODG.......»..cseer4rrrrrerseertrrsstres Rich FI&RYOUIOU, GO ....01sssessesssreessser28 Very Fine, 40 G0 .s,s.sssesesssseeee8 ar)o +# JADPAND ©OOU .cs ereeerevsee en erenevereniperenrnrees Vory ©000......cccerreseenesenseirrtrerireereereee FINOBL... sscrressrseecervscrin crtorisbirtssrsssetievt TWADKAY ) GOMUAON 1122s00ss ssssesserssesseee 0 02 FIGG â€" OO semssvererrceainccnnstomnedonesenssces O OB YOUDG BHYSOM..cs+ sseeeessessersses ssssesseces O 50 Fine CY armervecansrceressersbecsersragss D 15 Superfine and Very Choice.................. 1 00 COFFEE, giooh: sessersessettsverstisesuysecs U 2, U 27, 0 20, U 2 5eneeceascrasnnssartescrsress 0 â€"4U; 0 20, 0 20; 0 CV T. cerserereesepeserecer n en ven600 000000070 109 M M GOY1OM....essarcccrrrsserrrrrcrirse O 18, 0 22%, 0 26 Remember the address, _ â€"______â€" _ _ Us8ST RECEIYVED, ONES & HOLLAND Anth . SHSBONM.ssrcerersersrreren Alliance..... ... Einerald......... Ja80n GOUId.............sâ€"++.1s+12«.... «GCapFAID BOF00N PORLAG. â€"..csoec.sssviprereristeris«...+...Captain Blondin POMbDIOKG............cccccs.. «ss......«»CaptainDuggan SROW Bird ...............................Captain Beattic Unti¢ further nctice the steamer Arn Swson will leave Aylmer every day (Sun{ays excepted) for the Upper Ottawa, at 8130 a ms», touching at March and Quo, and connecting with the Allianee at boad of Railway at 12130, touching at Arnâ€" prior, Smi Point, Bristol, Bonnvechere, ,Farrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s Y harf and Portage da l-‘ott; L Oregon......... j df e 11440 Bs hadne4cth lt B c un rath i PuhP 6. int uP Heiice St’lgo;( will loave Gould‘s Wharf immediately after the arrival of the steamer Alliance, for Cobâ€" den, connecting with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. _ _ cce e ut uonl db Ne o. ies TV ; The Jason Gould leaves Pembroke landing daily at 5& o‘clock, a«m. Passengers arrive at Aylmer at 4 o‘clock, pam« 4 The Alliance leaves Portage du Fort every mornine at 9130 a.m., touching at Gould‘s 12 4dA dvas â€" Ssd ons «ehaine ntiie t se s wutih ce ont~~. l The steamer Pembroke leaves Pewbroke daily at T o‘clock, a.m., for Des Joachims and intermeâ€" dirte ports, returning same day. _ ° Whe Jason Gouid leaves Pembroke landing ATE LITERATURZ. The Alliance leaves Portage du Fort every morning at 9:30 a.m«., touching at Gould‘s Wharf, Farreil‘s Whart, Bonnechere Point, Brisâ€" tol, Sand Point sgnd Armprior, and arriving at head of railway at 12:45, and connecting with Aan Siesen at Pontiac, Passengers reach AyIimer at 4 pame zie #. * 3 se is l e t e o dgre ns t d as. nddiical EITY Fm'iâ€ght of anpy description torwarded with desâ€" patch to all points on the Upper ‘Ottawa at moderate rates. Particular attention paid to Towage of timber and sawlogs. For further particulars apply at the olfire of the Ottawa, May 21, 1869. To let, for the summer months, a house in the vicinity of Daly st, containing nine rooms and & kitchen. Completely farnished, with use of Piano. Small gorden attached. Rent moderate. Pos. session given the firt week in June, Apply at this office. Consisting of the following steamers : ompany, at Ottawa or Aylmer h A. 0, AUDY & CO., > % Box 201, P. 0., Ottawa, or Eiginâ€"st., opposite the Post Office. Ottawa, May 8, 1869. + f CinmItC NION FORWARDING & RALILWAY "oMPaANY. x URNXNISHED HOUSE TO LET. May 26. : HAUSEN&NXNEWS DEPOT, and Cireulating Library, Sparks st. UPPER OTTAWA ROUTE ubdlications. J. DURIE & SON, t t B0 se rremibecnesrbeines sige s # oneeX Te OM merssesee svessescresssceee everssaie cre en n es nds en n esn e008 resimrirsrs....Captain Findlay ressesssices«..Captain Murphy .........Ca(.:puin Couvrette avtrvaessetores s l(;’»h.in Cowley srevserssrace.s». Quppain Bolton +sss«s1+........Captain Blondin arse e....â€".â€"Captain«Duggan erresrmri«+....+Captain Beattio 1, . CASSELS, President. arreattryrenes@D o 0 10 Sparkaâ€"st. Pablisher,. 1052â€"17 Domorest‘s Mark. 0 45 @ 50 U 55 @ 60 0 75 @ 80 0 40 @ 45 0 55 & 60 0 T5 @ 80 © 50 @ 60 0 65 @ 70 0 75 @ 80 0 35 ® 40 0 55 @ 60 0 50 @ 60 0 15 @ 85 1 00 @ 06 1058 1869. 0 32 For the effect produced by FeNlows Comanld Eyrup of Hypophosphites in diseases of the Lungs the inventor is permitted to refer to the Medical Gentlemen in St. John, N. B., whose signatures are attached hereto: A REAL HAIR RESTOREE AKND DRESSING Combined in One Bottle. MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘® Will Restore Gray HMair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delight{ful Hair Dressing. It will promote laxuriant growth,. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Mre. 8. A. ALLEXN®S ZYLOBALSAMUM, another preparation for the Hair ; clear and transparent, without sediment. _ It is very simple and often produces avonderful results. Its great rperfarit, and economy as a licir Dressing over high cost Freuch Pomades is acknowledged iy all not ’.If in this ro-nIrL'M im Europe, The Restorer and 7 ylobalsamum should not be used one .u':'t/c the other. BOLD BY ALL DrUGGlSts. letore, S. R. Van Duzer & Co., Wholesale D ruggists, Ploptl:w Barclay St. and 40 Park Place, Newâ€"York. . March 28. 1008â€"14y "I can also testify to the high therapeutical value of Veliows‘ Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites in diseases of the Lungs, and consider it deserving of attention by the profession generally, : & in testimony whereof 1 have hereunto maâ€"~ set my band and eafixed my Seal of § Great 2 Maroralty at the city of St. John, this 3 Seal gsixfln day of February, in the year of wA our Lord one thousand eight hundred . _ and sixty.â€"cight. AARON ALWARD, M.D, 1049b21b Mayor of the City of St. John. Aoryts â€"FRANCLIS CUADILLL & CO,., 32 Leâ€" moineâ€"st., Montreal, Mothers Read Thistâ€"Holloway*‘s Worm Lozenges are a certain and safe remedy for Worms in Children and Adults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" known and melancholy fact that one great cause of death among children is from Worms alone, it cannot be too deeply impressed upon the minds of parents the necessity of olosely watching their children. . By so doing; and understanding the symptoms and true cause of the. disease thousands of children might be saved from early graves. . Syxrrous or Worus.â€"The following are a few of the very numerous symptoms and discasos which are caused by Worms: deranged appotite, emaciated extremities, ofensive breath frequent picking at tho nose, grinding of the teetb during sleop, harduess of the belly, with frequent slimy stools, and sometimes convulsive fits ; itching of the arms, pain In the head and stomach, unquiot gleep, faintings, tremblings, coughs, indigestion, Low spirits, frightful dreams, and a gradual waist ing away of flesh. I, Aaron Alward, Mayor of the city of St. John, in the Province of New Brunswick, having exâ€" amined the letiers of D:s. Earle, Add;?sloy, Jagobs and Chendleryand also the signatures atâ€" tacized to the foregoing permic of reference, hereâ€" by certify that J believe them all gennine. They are palatable and soifâ€"administered to the ohildâ€"drive out the worms thoroughly without pain and completoly cleanse thestomachâ€"thereby doir; away With the necessity of administoring Castor Oil or other unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of other Wirms. mO"~T.ach box contains the {acâ€"simile signature of Nozturor & Lyxa®, Newcastle,C.W., who are he sole proprictors. N. B. Ask for Holloway‘s Worm Losenges PH" and tako no other. WR Sola by all the drupgists in‘ Ottawa, and medicine deale . every whore, . * 5 T8y MothersI motners 1 Mothersiâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child svffering and orying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘S 80O0THING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistake about it.© There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reliet and health to the chiid, operaâ€" . ting like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" gcription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" sicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents. old everywhere. Be sure to call for ‘ «MRS. WENSLOW‘S SO0THING . SYRUP." Having the facâ€"simile of " Cartis & Perkins" on l the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations W aro the bost in the world for family use, as they hem, fell, tuck, cord, bind, gather and quilt in a manner that defies competition. They are the only machines in the wbrld to which can be .Ap- plied the delicate and ingenions Buttonâ€"hole Atâ€" tachment and Ornamental Stitch Embroidery Cioth Plate. Call and See our NEW TUCK CREASER and GULDE. Price, $3.00. 1HE HOWE SEWIN@ MACHINES are best adipted for tailoring, carriage trimming, boot and barnées making, and aro unrivalled| for such purposes. ~ Call and examine the Adjustable Head Revolâ€" ving ll;reeear Foot, and admirably adapted Presâ€" sure Bar. t _ Cironlars and samples of sewing sent post free on application, â€" _ ‘« N.B.â€"Sewing done to order, and needies, oil aund silk for all machines constantly on bhand. G. A. WALTON, . s 105 King.st. West, Toronto, and 87 s&ugpâ€"n..oun. R. W. STEPHEN, Manager for Ottawa Office. THE STEPHEXSON HOUSE ANXD BATHS, inconnection with the original celebrated artesian well of ealine mineral water, so justly renowned throughout the Western Uomi:‘phcro.-ill :n open . s. â€" ssus C Nce c‘ stt it throughout the Western llani;:pun. wiil be open for the nceï¬puonot visitors on Thursday, the 20th of May, 1869. > o ons es â€" The numerous patrons of this commodious firrtâ€" olass hotel will find that the house has been thorâ€" oughly: repaired, and partly ro.fur.nhlo‘; the i & 1ou 1 a e se L 3! Muscusdic: %.4% New Style. Important Change. gf:fl'jll have been tastefully and clogaaly laid out and planted, admirably adapted for crotlot and other games; a new bowling alley and bilâ€" liard room have been erected, and every care has hbeen taken to secure comfort and amusement for tho tnvalid or tounrist. Parties desirons of engagâ€" ing apartments, or transacting any other business with the establishment, will please address the pmpriowr. 3 % L } BEVERLEY TUCKEBR, 10604 St. Catharines, Ontario, Canade. B CHINA in the Dominion is wgrrm AT THE YABIETY H% HAR RESTORER *daua,? 4dï¬ it‘ SE WING MACHINE S§g T. CA PHARINE®,. ONTARIO, q â€" *‘ C&KADA,. f HEELED 4 WILSON sPECIAL NOTICES. Scwing Machines. WILLIAM BAYARD, M.D. EDWIN BAYARD, M.D. THOMAS WALKER, M.D. JOHN BERRYMAN, M.D., En. Ur. JOHXSTON, LR.C.8., Eo GEORGE KEATOR, MD. w. H. HARDING,| M.R.C.8." JOHN BAXTER, MD. J..D. WHITE, M. D. T. W. CARRITT, MD. " BEST ASSKORTME®T OF FINE _ GRAYT HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Xature‘s Crown. Yon Must Caltivate it {PRICEKâ€"3 CENTS. THE ROYAL FAMILY OF ENGLAND. < Attention, ‘ indicated the arrival of the Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Mary, Prince Teck, and> other distingushed persons, _Miss Coutts, leading the way, descended from the platform, followed b( the archbishops, bishops, deans and nob‘â€" menâ€"proceeded to the entrance door to receive the guwests. The hold the royal family have on the British public was seen clearly by the excitement produced on the coming of these representatives. Everybody came to their feet, and there was a weneral excitement, which lasted long after the notables were seated, as they were, on the right and left of Miss Coutts, she holding the seat of honuor. Could her Majesty have entered the chapel the excited audience would almost have brougbt down the house. The Duchess of Cambridge, cousin of the Queen, who stands next to the throne, and outranks all the peers and peeresses of the land, is a ; rchearkably preserved lady of about *+seventy. ‘I‘all, finel formed, with a face strongly mrked’, coarse, and â€" somewhat masculine, yet exceedingly benignant, appearing in pubâ€" lic, as she is rca?ly in priyate, unaffected, courtcous and without hateur. Princess lMary, heli{:lnauiih‘;er, is one of the most regal looking ladics in England ; quite ‘ uE,. rather stout, with a fnge min&.ug benvolence mdpl character. She dresses with great simplicity and elegance, and would be a marked Ldy in any circle. / She is greatly beloved for her kindness of heart and benevolence of life. She is the most popular princess in the land. When she was married to Prince Teck, she refused to be married in any of the royal chapels or palaces. She insisted upon a simple wedding, the direction of which she took into her own hands. She was married in the little country church at Kew, where her summer résiGence is. She invited all her country neighbours to be present, and threw her lawns. open to them, She gave special orders that the infirm and aged should have the best seats in church, and that thecrowd might have a good view of the procession in which was the Queen. She walked from the palace to the church, that all who wished might see her. She enters heartily into all plans for the benefit of the poor, the inâ€" firm or the sick, and lends her name and influence everywhere where it can be used with profit to the lowly. Entirely free from affectation, she seemed to enter most heartily into the enjoynient of the | occasion which she graced with her preâ€" sence. Most of the noblemen, present | were old men, many of them pre‘nmrely old. ‘This is especially true of the Duke of Wellington, who inherits his father‘s | titles and some of his looks. He is very General McClellan‘s interesting arti on Jomini in the June number of (the Galazy closes with an account of a sonal interview which the writer had with the French General about a year ago. | In the course of the interview Jomini gave some reminiscences of his own early d in the army of Napoleon, one of whi General _ McClellan gives uillwx:: someof the peculiar qualities of the Emâ€" peror‘s great mind, (_&t is as follows :â€" aide approached, and reported that tne Mmhag had directed him to say that if he was exfpected to hold Essling he must have reinforcements, othewise it would be impossible. The Emperor quietly looked up at the aide, and pointed to the ground immediately in front, where. Lannes lost his life, mdy where the enemy was t the moment attacking in great force, and with much vigor, said, ‘I should be yery gad to have Massena‘s troops there. Tell him that I have no reinforcements to give him; he must hold the village at any cost, With what means he has; he must do the best he can in his own way ; and tell him that it is his business and not mine. Say to him not to trouble me again about it. He then quietly resumâ€" ed his dictation. ."* These orders were the detailed orders of march for that wonderful concentraâ€" tion of troar from Tllyria, Dalmatia, Nortkern Italy, Naples, Spain, France, the Tyrol, Be{ ium, etc., etc., which was carried into efl%lct the day before the batâ€" tle of Wagram. Jomini mentioned this as a most striking instance of Napoleon‘s marvelious control over his mind ; tl: moment he saw that the day was he sat down where he happened to be â€"under fireâ€"and at once begau the arrangements of the combinations that led to Wagram.. The Emperor was inâ€" deed fortunate in possessing such lieuâ€" tenants as Massena, to whom he | could confidently intrust the defence of a vital point with insufficient means, telling him that it was not his business to attend." It seems quite likely that General Meâ€" Clellan in reporting this story, may have had in his mind some recollections of a critical period of the battle of Antietam. The memory of most of our readers will enable them tp trace the parallel, and to see where it en(ls. bers. â€"Tllinois has seven hundred Masonic Lodges, and about forty thousand memâ€" For Carpets, Damasks, Bq?l. and a general assortment of House Furuishing Goods T. & W. Hunton hold the largest stock in the trade. GEXTLENE® can get superior garments made to order at Magee & Russell‘s, from the fnest Westof England Broadcloths, Silk Mixzed and Venetian Coatings, Scotch, English and Doâ€" minion Tweeds, &c¢., &¢c., and at moderate JOMINLI,