* «â€"â€"Try Gardner‘s Baking Powder. See adâ€" A Paper '“:"'J O!g-df.i'p::uuuui HOUBE FURNHING ISTASI < 34 SUSSEXIâ€"A7 muommm 'l- THOROUGH BRED HoRsE * «*LROCK E& t," WINNER OF THE QUEEN‘s BLATE] ' IN 1863, Height 15} hands. id by * Bob Logie," and out of a "Hector a the of Mz. HARRIS, VETERINARY SURGEON, P DECORATING ROOMS, Which will enable him to execute all orders with mb.-anum. of the most fasâ€" CEILINGS snd WALLS WHITENED and COLOURED in a superior style, on the most wmmur.%::.:“ 100?tf ____Bell‘s Block, opposite Russell House. RIETY than ever before brought to this city. _ _ P.lâ€"&.hluhllo?‘g-‘-. pert and experienced workmen, HOUSE PAINTING, HANGI®G PAPER, various branches in ents, to adont the maxim that " A nimble sizpence is bouer wai"* siows shilling," thereby defying competition in mlnulmum.m.a Tuakes this method o returning his thanks to the wblic for their very liberal patronage for the r,ou.-lu' would m announce ‘*.-..mnhh ‘.u:‘::_. consequence increased demand in various hranches in his devartments. to adant tha i for Hang ing, will be supplied on equaily satiefactory terms. hee Primed and Glazed can be x@eetaame rovdy Prined and Olarnd oan h ge* R. EATON, Store and Offce, Elginâ€"st., Opposite the Russell ted with despatch, the quality of the work guarâ€" ::%ulupllo. 'm m';‘l: S Sashes Primed and Glazed ready for shi PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, _ * HUVLL, the Orgri> ie Saprntlon Bridh sod atistng e Ovenrâ€"zxtzrion, sithe some uie the eï¬ i e on ( of ironk, which $ivee wholo system . lb-ut-m p bn -:dnl- iechangee 5 tonng t ide of ) Cuses of person in the world is the C d ced W iesns oo donk and glovm he # out of sorts" with himself everyâ€" also. Lite is a burden to him. This can all Een 39 en Pogy en arnp ts on been cured by it. usn uen Try Gardner‘s Baking Powder. Seeadver isement 887.¢m timulant, the effect of which is the same as fln-nu-m‘;upw«m. The nous toate rigs ae D ces 2 ne whe & Permae of tron}, which gives streagth and vigey to the A Woxbes rom tus Workswor.â€" meâ€" dfloulmwulm.m..fl Whnhh.wuh“ dents, such as cuts, bruises, contused wounds, ‘“,n..lllh:;donmw porations factory, dyeâ€"house or inting .L Only 25 cents a box. re Puilmonic Wafers have proved them to be the most effectual remedy for coughs, and irritation of .omc‘lndbynh.n unusual exertion of the vocal orgars; public and singers 'flflh“m entire freeâ€" dom from all deleterions ingredionts renders Bryâ€" an‘s Pulmonio W afers, or Cough and Voice Lozen. =onbl-¢yhlbo-dmm hoc-dll-bbohuhughmby all who have used them. Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 ots. per box. Aave a medicine that “w‘ 6 y* for w.fl-uzhn.. bulou.‘:-: cholic, &e: ; if so get at once a supply of the * Canadian Pain Destroyer," at he nearsst medicine dealer‘s for 25 cents. m uiD c tss Dh TY Ceolk to be a small man‘} and is it 20tequally as great to have a medicine that can be depended upon for vom Tuuxus Eouirsso.â€"We read there has hâ€".noomo:‘.lho Now ;fl’ï¬mu obtain possession of one ashington N who is suid to be mobnhc tl.:n' @eneral Tom Thumb, and that P. T. Barnum has ml:rh.hhmmyunhrâ€_t.- -“h a cnmie t -.-l premy + w nb..!.f_-.‘_w “‘" ."-m;tlmh“h.huwhhh can injure a whether sick or wellâ€"nor need the horse be kept from Mm(ovllbuh.u; it is Just the article which all w own kLorses require, and whigh they should have constantly on hand. mmmaflmflanooimd MHurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyâ€" man Newoustle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. there was not a singleload. * mmo-.“-om.~Qo.-m. . “ . . 00 s Pitk Enccrmerommmemmrerccccces C Th W & 0 1043f n-..-"""i’-’ii'""’i‘o“o"ii‘.’i uk m HH Liionn tman x: Spring . = _ 2se @ ic | JDO *=TO atmeaiâ€"per 200 lbe.... T 00 @ T 25 A HOUSE of Indian Meal " _ ..... 400 @ 0 00 , Ryeoâ€"per bushel 56 Ibs. 0 85 @ 0 within dve miny Barley _ _« _ 48 lbs.. 0 00 @ @00 â€"| ings, to reont ; a atâ€"Failâ€"por u.u:'i'oi'u.: i. & I in the city for s« Gourâ€"PEPhathel. s6the.......... 4 4 # i 00 PM oC “l seesss000 ’:0. «« ulh:‘ 0 00 @ 1 17, | Ottaws, May 1. Onts * B4ibs............ @ 63 # 0 00 Sm mermmmmmenies mm â€"mmmmess Beans « 60lbs... ...... 1 80 @ 2 00 Tom. P > aâ€"Messâ€"por barrel...........00 00 @ 28 50 AT mhbolt. per do...... muu. s A mc‘ D\ â€" Pork (fresh).... ..........00 00 & 1 :s | Kitohenp, with go HHmk.«ccocermmeecrrmrrecreec # 14# # 1T Possession imme Beef per 100 lbs ......... pone, athmns.ta # $ 1 deessâ€" wasuns T uie Rumonrw & PA C dinmrhs e K 2 00 Een nc mc Por weese» # 30 @ 0@ 60 AGK .-Momâ€"‘hu-__.’...... 0 00 @ o :s C:" No. 1 Firkiu................ 0@ 00 @ 0 %0 A -b'-dy' gl...................on @ o os | Hx rooms and vâ€".&m‘.“"‘?.’.’:’: : : ’: 4k ‘“mktnlyi #o.â€".‘.au&m: : : : : Ottawa, April 'l.::t"u................... : :0. : : :: 'r LET. Mroxznâ€"Per 100 Ibs................. 0 00 @ 5 50 A Comiortable quenpregemmmemmemmgepmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpemmmmemmmnmmmmmmmme | @0 Of@iA0) O0C(l 0 aither used the article themselves or witnessed its effects when used by others ; all such, and they Meave Remedy" is superior to anything of the kind heretofore or at present in use for ou.’h. colds, thick wind, and all â€"discases which affect the wind of horses. As acondation medicine it are only ft to judge, are unanimwous in the opinion VYARIETY HaLL Hlflâ€"pthfld.“lh.l 25 3 vaiher, 56 te.......... 6 90 Consâ€"Peor 56 Ihe. ......... 0 00 Poas «* 601bs............ 0@ 00 Outs * 34 lbs............ @ 65 wâ€"Iwenty years experience in using Bryan \,-MOMOM'..‘ <© May 31, 1869 The market of Saturday was in keeping with those of several days preceding. It would have dessived a person who might have judged of its character by the number of waggons, but on going round to sach he would have discovered that there was little else than potatoss. There was, it is true, a small supply of butter at our last ptices, and a tow oggs ditto. Some garden stuff as rhubar‘bs and other small mattors were on sale at moderate, but potatoss abounded cverywhere, the general price was 40 sents, but some sold for 35â€" cents. There were one or two samples of o€ts ut 65 cents, and some a litle higher. Of hay there was not a singleoload. * Erentmoor Sars 30.â€"That is all who ave » %â€"â€"Messâ€"per barrel...........00 00 st sost to close the rent Af THs YaAluEry Rat 4Compiled expressly for the Optarv. Twuw.) Mouse, Ottaws. axtzto®, either of body or mina, produces and disease. _ The usual remedy is to take New and Elegant in the style of PAPER3, DECORATIONS, FLOCK ~BORDERS, WINDOY ATOoX‘s Beef per 100 Tbs ......... DWIE _*~ OM UDBesssessssecs C O8 Beans «* 60lbs.... ...... 1 80 Pork (fresh).... ..........00 00 NOx Iesssernerersessmmscrrrers lo.l...;...h.................. i:'â€" per l:. ll:.. atmeaiâ€"per 200 lbe.... Indian Meal ~“ xoree Ryeâ€"per bushel 56 !bs. luloy’. * _ 48 lbs.. Buck wheat Flour..... .. to say that his selection comâ€" , near the Market. OTTAWA MARKETS, resent week, and will be on in samples, affording ready #80 gnessssenscases se0e 6 aand GREATER vaâ€" MOULDING aXND 0 15 pone > 43 Sparkeâ€"st. j Dresses of every descri Bhawls, Cartains, ete., scoured udolunr:dyod in all colors :m wmw‘..glurp Orrtctsâ€"Nos. 374 and 258 Notre Dameâ€"street, MONTREAL. ~ OTTaAWA AGENCY aT THE CITY HOOP SKIRT FACTORY, We the world to article of :'ultn..'. j produce an o. Wood, Crockery, Glass, c:L Bone, Porcelain, Marble, Rubber, Meerschaum, Ivory, &¢., &o. Full directions with each bottle. Price, 25 cents. Satisfaction or money refunded. Local wanted in uon e is atine, uoys mm Liberal terms to the trade. Sample bottles sent by mail on receipt ot price. Address Sole and mynts%.ï¬u 8t. 1 ore .!‘n_-m:pnhlh Ottaws Hotel, Montresl. The lands in the County of Essex are situated in the Townships ot t BSANDWICH EAST, MAIDsSTONE *AND ROCHESTER, and from their to the Detroit river, Mmmh‘ to-':'ho": mmmm.ulm.fl‘ full partioulars of the different lots, can be had by -"lyh.m- mn.c.m Esq., Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Michigan ; John J. J. Thompson, Esq., * * Mkke crawrond, ««‘% Agent, Montreal. April Tth, 1869. 1033td4 \ The Bouthern Railway snrough‘s fartion of the t pret ioh +t C i L P e "oe .l'“ pertection in the neighbourhood. There are exâ€" cellon: well travelled roads tm....._ ship, and the distance from is only 13 miles, where the highest price has bo-’.u’f., farm produce of any market in Ontario. opyright se * o tos ag. â€" A. 0. A‘JDY t.(.)o., Agents, Opposite the Post Uffice, Ott April 28, 1869. 7 "“_h"" All of which are most adapted for farmâ€" ing ndlldrfl- as regards na~ ..J':!.‘:".......m of soil and climate, camnot be surpassed in the Provinee. Of the above, 54 farms lis in the Township of Harwich, contiguous to the shore of Lake krie, one of the finest Agricultural Sections of Canada, omdmmmmumu m‘;lg."’-hflydtlommrmm‘ of the vation of the various of fruit. Considerable attention is now being devoted to the planting of Grapes, which have arrived at great All of which are most KENT, ESSEX AND LAMBTON FARMING P‘lll-lâ€"rlo'-tl oneâ€"third of Lot No. 47 "MM{)&«.M m-‘i"“fl.‘fl.hhu-u.- session, at present in the ocon of Wu.1. Aylen, .'t For h&-rm- apply to Joux and Wx. Twowusox, Nepean, and Lawis & ARISIAN STEAM DYE woRrxks, M. HIRSHEIEL D. / Auedcti1_ _ C CCC"e roeinilt Cus@k Front, containing 200 mcres, 30 aores cleared. The remainder of this lot is heavily or together as may nreod. mmifll} 3 miles from M-al:‘&omld:‘mum n:‘. tands are excellent soil '-ld-.lo.htddqh_ A to the Proâ€" pristor, C. SPARROW, or to D Coinon, sut l-.'a.buuuu; very valuable trom its ; VAI-UA.L. FARMS FOR SALE.â€"Lot 21 in the 3rd Concession, Gloncester, Ottaws ::-t.fl seres, about 80 cleared and under culâ€" tivation, with comfortable Dweiling and good EW DOMIXION® cEXxExTt. | AL80 To REXT, Easthalf of Lot No. 21, Tth Concession, Fitsroy, containing 100 acres, 30 acres in hay, 10 acres in Fall Wheat, first crop. Also West 4 Lot 20, 8th Concession, Fitzroy, conâ€" taining 100 acres, 20 acres cleared. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, CHAS. MOHR, personaily, or by letter, preâ€"paid, THE FITZROY HOTEL, The best and most extensive premises on the main road from Pembroke to Ottawa City, A good busiâ€" ness is being done. The proprietor leavres on asâ€" sount of having to oversee the Estate of the late Jobn Mohr, Onslow. VAI.UA'“ TAVERN S#TAXD TO REXT, mm uuoo‘ruol’.imamm St. Alban‘s cnnh.'llo m of the under. aigned, containing 10 rooms, Summer Cook Room m“-flmudlmdflmu (rem anddeuensinabhery: iringrprinp and apenr troea + te dance ot soft water. Andr-'::m’d.'.h-m. u-ulnu‘.l.l in the midat o::l&o:nuury.nr- tainly one of the prettiest s e city. Rent $160. Also, a house o.u.L':.v rooms, garden &o. ; and forsale Lot No. 15, south Stewartâ€"st. * A Comiortable DWELLLNG, on Meteaifoâ€"st., at present cccupied by M.J. MAY, K»y. Rent HOICEK stable garden ; g« '...' d outhouses and well atâ€" h‘mbtnl:b « H. BULLEN, on the promâ€" Ottaws, April 26. 10334f 'l\oulu' OR SKLL, that beautitully situ ated COTTAGE. on Dailvâ€"at . ®% dm:- :m is Apply to New Edinburgh, April 26. A handsomely situated COTTAGE, containing uix rooms and kitchen, on Glousesterâ€"st., Ashâ€" A BRICK DWELLLNG of Eight Room# and Kitohep, with good yard and stabling. Rent low. Possession immediate, Ottawa, April 15; 1869 A HOUSE of seven rooms, eligiblyâ€"‘sitaated, within Ave minutes‘ walk of the Parliament Buildâ€" ings, to rent ; and several houses and vacant lots in the city for sale, on part time. TO LET OR SELL CHAS. MOHR, 1009â€"14t1 Uubbel!‘s Falls, Ontario A VILLAGE LOT with TWO COTTAGES thereos, in the Village of Manotick, Long Island Mills, the said cottages now under loase to tenants, said lease expiring lst day of May, 1870. For terms and particulars apply \ y letter to SAMUEL LEMLEUX, Plantagenet Mills, A handsome well fnished HOUSE on Esthorâ€"st., continuation ot Bankâ€"st., containing six rooms and kitchen, with a good ary cellar. Apply, on the premiser, to %vh,loy T. Fon siALk. April 15, 1869, , Burristers, Ottaw a. _ -;:3.1“-"‘ in oUsE To REXT. For Sale or to Let. AGK TO RENT. Apply to AT NEW EDINBURGH, one or more years. There is a handsome fower and 8. CHRISTI®, Com. Merchani. FOR RODERICK Ross, 1024f R. BLACKBURN, JOHN COOK, Proprietor,. 1043tf Ottawa st | Rniirendt io daen sad th s Proâ€" nd-.hmm 300 | undine Tok Prpriese t Aniermaseham, rgriffe{ ~lp ~ oL Ontario. ux rers ne«ks, AT THE VARIETY Hair. ‘rders or communications promptly aitendedto, and medicines sent to uny part of the Dominion. Member of the Ontario Veterinary College, by appointment V. 8. to the Governorâ€"Gen@ral ; also, V. 8. to the County of Carleton Agricuitural ‘ 'l\.l OTT AWwW a mll' _SALBE AND BAIT STABLES, Cor. Rideau and Ottawaâ€"sts. Figstâ€"Cuass Rmm.:n Davrxo RMorses. Medical attendance to regular boarders free of charge. Veterinary Infirmary attached for mnok and lame horses, under the direct management of A. 0. F. COLEMAN, v. g., COOKING STOYVES! COOKING sToYEs s â€" Best patterns in use. \___ ©CAPITAL "STOYE DEPOT, We have the sole right for the manufacture of this celebrated ntflgoruarm‘onuohm satisfaction last summer ; the great peculiarity of this refrigerator consists in the admirable mode NV°REFRIGERATORS 1 WaATER COOLERS & FILTERS, .__BATHS, ofall kinds, _ «.. ‘TOILETSETTS, â€" C Plain and Ornamented, Bl“ CaGEs : BIRD CAGES : BIRD CAGES: BIRD CAGESB:! A beantiful and varie «assortment. April 27, 1869, 1043.204 on demand. Also Mmâ€"%g.:..‘."x illustrated subscription p M J. T. LLOYD, LLOYDS PATENXT ,,I'K.BVOLVING DOUBLE MAPS, Continents, America and Burope, and Ameriâ€" “flh"“M&.-um scale, Colouresdâ€"in 4,000 ‘N:Mflm'wm-hlh nd-.hm“. These maps are needâ€" e 'Ml’uod..:: :l“:v-a-.{ m-r.d&m?s'hmmm o oren t nersiptans y o «ul e oee ote erer en ced e0e find money tor ‘Tâ€"ventilating, nothing ever becomes musty, saves one half the quantity otf iso. (See max oraer and -ol.Luu no family will t it after onse try ing P IOI‘IIE & I.Ylal'. s General Agonts for C. W So‘!d bï¬ï¬‚n Mortimer, John m W. x. Massey, F. MoCarthy, J. Skwazrsr, and J. Brown, in _ aiws. commended, and its wonderful success in subduing thetorturi pains ot Lheumatism. and in re leving mfl-uâ€".muunm:mn.;. list of Remedies tor thesecompiaints, Dealors are u-h.l':'b-wm.cnh.n,.fl..(.. in tha nmiwaeasl --râ€"'m_ï¬_ï¬. m""* to the universal # F uP ol â€"r d ~@apPeudiiss sndcid The Cana dian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmodiate rolief. All Medicine Dealers b:i? Physiciaas orderand use i.; and no family 'orclm-w perience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughiv. and therefors those wha a~ tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the comp <ints for which it .s «ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" The C M'dll'ho.ï¬:i:.â€"' anadian n Destroy been whenever l:.'onuld.ml-llbh. single instance give permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" Eo rccrer=fgs c ul_lulhm affects. Among the most important of modern Medical Disâ€" J 4 uk â€" : . CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER | on ie innoenon t Complaints, Burns,Pcalds, _ ~ Sth. 1t contains no Saleratus, nor does it imâ€" ir the digestive orguns like those powders where E:dnuumeudtllanmm-. 6th. It never givesto Broad or Cakes an unâ€" flo'umrA.I:dlu or n-:hb taste. th. ingredients that hl'llbn.m c wm':' hot Bread 8th . #a ean ent or Rol!s made wit unJ;‘:lnbnollbl{m-n. Uth. Every Packet contains its fo weight ; one pound packets weigh 16 ounces. lrl;huluuuumdhb,n-o- ly: Ist. Bread or Cakes made with it are more wholesome than if made with Yeast or any other process. Ind. Its purity is such that it will stand the taat of the most perfect analysis. 3rd. After having been extensively used for the last 14 years in not one instance has it failed utlvo.tlnmlduun. h. Families that have used it pronounpse it the best, and will use no other. PORKâ€"Chicago Moss. FLOURâ€"No. 1 and XXX. GRASY and CLOVER SEEv. WHITE BEANS, &ec. C@GEKNTS WANTEDâ€"â€"810 A DaAY, In _ And 1 Ib, P a«¢ k o t a for 25 I 6 Packets for $1.19. NANADLIAN PAINX DEsTROYER : Why it Showld be Used in Preterence to all TWO $10 MAPS FOR $1. ARDENXEER *# lfl' efleney of the Canadian Pain rer, in no dissases for which it is ra. MceKeloy‘s BAKING POWDER. *R@TREFRIGERATORS TEN REASON3 H. MEADOWS & Co: NY Â¥rice 25 cents. Bold |‘ Geo. Mortimer, Jobs W. M. # Â¥. h Skinner, and J Brown, in Ottawe. * goo th"; 7 i Io Inomoreeed _ 3y 1. f /T Te Tae the d mm-&u#m Mflm?o&m.muahh‘.,:.':: ance. D. W. HURD, successor to Huzop & Lane, New York, Sole u%'%‘.'.‘..." States., ‘ Nawo . HORTE P & LyMAXN, j _ Price 25 cents. Bold br Geo. MaorimsfP***: _ .alultvhbnuhhi. and by its aotio i diseased part, causing -lo:u -o-::.“g: resume its natural dimensions, thus equalising the :‘tnuminonh blood, and restoring the distendâ€" harea‘s .l:.z.'.'fl"_.._.‘ '!2 ;‘!.’, ,n. use the and safe in all sc it y have ingamioaly on sites usually kept in firstâ€"olass establishment * .‘;* :l Busserâ€"st., Ottawa City. A grand specific for derangement of a.n&‘.:.. Organs, obstructions and otf the haver and hewals frpid Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, The remedy that exists, com deâ€" w vauy uzi ~p APraP uts pung m l is en s Chest, &0., &0. n:n-sya-m...... € NM“l m&‘::’...mhuh. Boid in Bottles at 11. 8d. and 21. 6d. Bach., fodromes, Difieaity Ir Broguth ols 0t CANADIAN COUGH 'm.’ n ;-B‘E' bnaomat tatdet, it ststs trath i it ace & s A TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. tman, ths thira ut which toppen ie veaiee, Ts next day she was all right, or num She was very gratatul. I have now only a little left." MORTIMER‘3 COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS boat, and the other in 2-“:: alabie medicine has the extraordinary CHOLERA, DIARRHGEA, and C t t t 2e0eY $t c0ll0, cramp and dysentery in horses, and -::tanlthllhmhomnm;l look upon it as a certain remedy. oo Eue t mt on idA .. Auw ndnht-d&h,'s:ln.qu, â€ï¬nmflmuï¬uu PBkrt Davis a son, _ volle, &o., &o. I havre had over forty horses in !“"‘:.:“.ll lboc"dh. business, and have ."'P'. it to fail in any case where I havre LEWIS A PHILLIPS. Read the following letter received from Dr. 3""""':"'-0-'5'3070‘-&'19-::- i“ PflryMPuhlmuh-m 'W;&mumnm... _ ult y tMEs on my horses, and can testify to its M-'mi-& C mimagee Serigy ns 1 dprpâ€"g Messrs. Porty Davis & Sonâ€"Gente: I he many years used your valuable uedicins, the Fiin Kiuzz, on my horses, and can testify to its Tus Parx Kiuues is Equoiarny GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST. 3?3:::""" h"l. remedy, "".:.:‘t.}l-l:: ll‘h.m. vhnlï¬m dLuo is ever mors or less m'tlï¬l. the PAIN KILLER is considered by natives, as well as European residents in those The promptness and cortainty with which it acts in relieving all kinds of pain, make it eminently worthy its name, Pars Kiutzâ€"a name casily anderstood, and not easily forgotten. As, in curing Cholera, it shows itself master of all the ===!. “:-:-o..m'&.nu.. h.uohodrdlln" D?t::h.mm-dl& nant dissases,â€"which repeatedly cured Iu“l.mmdllh-u‘u.lm‘ nu-h-dlh.o-m FAMILY pain, it is a n-u, safe medicine even in the most hands FOR SUMMER COMPLAINT, or any other form of bowel dissase in children or wihou} 30 i S AUBOst certain cure, and has :mmc:-mmumm various kinds of PERRY DAVIS‘ PAIN KILLER. For a Sudden Cold, it is almost a Specific. Aevemrob im o kept M.y for immediate resort in o'a’nl accident m :ni:ot :‘ Cbuu.'lll uv‘: ced raa ns & esomâ€" FOR FEVER AND AGUE, f : BILIOUS FEVER, PAINS IN THE BACK AND LIMBS, There is no remedy yet discovered that has been more successful in curing these complaints than Lewis A Phillips, of Providence, R I, writes as THE PAIN KILLER ISs USED BOTH INâ€" TERNALLY & EXTERNALLY, When Taken Internallyâ€"It relieves the most acute pain instantly, affording relief and comfort to the patient suffering from Cramp and Pain in the Btomach, Rheumatie or l:::l‘fh Pains in n‘y part of the system, and in Complaints it is a anwaralon nanusde When Ured Erternallyâ€"It is oqually efecacious u‘htlohllllll-.tl-a'.’d‘, It is eminently a household medicine. =@ We advise that every family should have so ;,""':', mm-mm‘.-_.m #Â¥. :MMWM.Wdhh Killer is the best Physician a traveller can have."â€" Hamilton Spectator . w-:;.é pains, fesh wounds, &c." #"We cun conidently recommend Killer."*â€" Toronto .:é’.. the. Pain , * It is the most effectual remedy we know ot NONE OTHER GENUINE. INFALLIBLE # A medicine no family should be without.": excellent mixture, which should be in 80 avery "lm _,’_:. y family snourd t avee that ies PrPA&IN KILLE EK. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. CH O LE R A, Propristors, Montreal, P.Q. ates by dissolving the conâ€" OTTAW A HOT AIR FURNACES. pPublic and Private Buildings, Conservatoâ€" Â¥ies, Vinaries, Manufactories, &c., warmed by Bteam, Hot Water, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved principles, 8 T O V E 8 1 Hall, Fancy, Parlout and Cook Stoves, in great variety . for Eaton‘s Patent Automatic, Selfâ€"Ven~ tï¬mwumowsm-. Also Beecher & Co.‘s celebrated & las No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., M" Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin bh-u-. can testify that you can purchase Munuhnumm,rm of all colours, Glass, Oils, Putty, &o., &0., at Birâ€" "'“"M'mmxo.u.mm.emm than at any other place in the city. A call is respectfully solicited. | PM"*Remember the place, No. 24, Kideauâ€"st. P. 8.â€"All goods delivered free to any part of the TOVE8! STOVEs : PAINTS, and a general assortment of Houseâ€"furnishings Gomices, to be foun » ie ou OPZ 2t ot LPwest cash prices to be foun Auso, aTOVES, all patterns and sizes, for coal and wood iraee n eeapneeg, inso male niture, &c., the cheapest to be had in iove"" THOS8. ISAAC‘8, CENTRE TOWN PLOUCBB.OUL!'IVATOIS, & . _ IJRON, Coat, f SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE LYNTH & KERR, & ow s i B w ue a 5Â¥ A smart young man wanted to act as travelling agent reyâ€"â€"esenting several firms. _"J Mmm‘-_lA__A LV nnameg . 1 13 ___â€" ‘TTERTRIEIU HIF CRIO, &6 well as by lfl._ï¬t settlements immediately after, to merit a molp-buopnn-?.. lfl‘.lf'l‘n"t:::::‘,'l.h h‘:.uuuwhh‘o can see wish to arrange about their sales. Consignments trom a distance will have immediate attention. Oui.dun': vb-nquh.:,'mbo-mu il-odhtu mmuagm«wm CR tois toun n us hmant . will 1., . _;, _/ *PIEmUre in the orausioe ont, will be sold cither by private sale He would also announce that he is prepared to Peoeire instractions from persons having houschold furniture, horses, ouflmor real estate, to disâ€" pain ol 201 pledges himsolf that nothing will be ing the trast confided‘ to hims He hopes reet y ul mh uomnu-ong_nu_m,.. M# hÂ¥ nramut sciircl220.0 9. “â€"â€"-W-â€"I-‘u-'m.m %"_’fltquflv.umwx, ..x.":.'.ï¬ .-Q-L-.L"_.E’ as well as the Purniture in the ranwidkgt + + ol fintaer > Prtts â€"Daws Jh.. ~ARingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos, From their long experience in Germany, Paris, and New York, they are universally admitted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent. hom.mm:.o(&o h::‘n‘:.-n-do‘by them past ears, ononuul. d-u!“bt_th- ln__tlo’n'l)o-hu-.mth w H.V. Noel, H_V, Nool, Esq, Managor‘ Bank, Otawa. Robert 1ou! Jaq 2l Et 400b Max. Hon. H. L. Ar tH® Srax or tux Axvyi, No, 24, Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, ARDWARE! HARDWARE : W.H. EAsTON. {, All Flour, Oatmenal, and Shingles kept in stock, are manufactured by H. Easton, of Merrickville, and warranted. R Bales at cheapest rates and for cash. W. H. EASTON & co., Little Sussex â€"st., OaATMEAL. lmllo. 1 * > SeHpHHHEHEEHRHEEEree 80,000 No. 2 «* inb beenenn m tiie® 800 cords Birch and Maple CORDâ€" WOOD, dry, 4 feet long,. delivered..... hcbhlor-&drmm;:dp. public in genâ€" eral tha they have now PENED in those new buildings erected by Mr. H. Kaston, of Merâ€" rickville, and where will jbe kept constantly on hand a large stock of ARDWARE : Rl-orlmlo OoF BUS Stoves & Hardware. CHEAP FOR CasH, AaLso 30,000 BRICKS AT $:.00. The following is our price list of goods menâ€" Commtsston Merchants. omMINx1OoN® avcrio® MART, CORDWOOD Nanms, Rors, Cuams, Superfine No. 1 aee00000 sessessssse0000 n“.‘.’â€" "â€".-v“â€"-w-'“â€", . EASTON Bign of the Anvil, 0 B, , ~PUTTY, Purniture in the SHINGLES, & CO. A, M. EASTON, _ Sorthe relief and cure of Epilepsy, St. Vitus Dance, Puerperal sterin, &0., “p'h. ation is from. the recipe ‘of a celebrated Frones Physician, and the very great success which has attended its use in on‘? case, and where the highâ€" est medical skill was of no avail, has induced the subscriber to give it avery naseirt, ... 1 31000004 t .nu“‘“f to ve i".w ry -'-\ en @Spitpnrintt Oï¬ repammmcms s CCC PAROD‘.’I EPILEPTIC CURE, RTE, Chomist. %o@ ... y‘ *OPrictor, . A. HARTE Chemist, 3 ltemnm lluwl l‘lc;id W ater “'ul to & » orted, Price 374 cents yer bottle, __* "yas‘® ROYAL ITALIAN BITTERS. Pnpmdhlpoelup;lulon from the original recipe of F. P. VERRI, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the prlnciulpmwnuud@rouuh the Dominion, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. | # A. M. F. GIANELLLI, | ; | Bole Manufacturer and Proprietor for the Dominâ€" ion of Canada and the United States. * N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best qualit® of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitations. They are gontly stimulant, and will be found infallible aids to digestion; 1 For directions see label round the neck of each bottle! | ; None are genuine unless bearing the signature of the proprietor, * 1022tf irare af m.3°,_ _ "00%_" "0lésaie Manuâ€" CZ# fecturers of Bedsteads, Chairs, &c., Chauâ€" diere Island, Ottawa, C. W . JOHN OLIVER, . 506y WILLIAM ANNABLE oo‘ > :M PLAII' IPIOII’IOA‘I'IOII' &oo, vHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and S. General AcLL Bole agent for Read‘s .n.lf“hu ndProolv.’hhhyh.ln,D.'u' Laâ€" ne Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &e., for sale. Orrion : No. 5, Sparks Street, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, 0. w. R SPARKS®, Provincial Land mor. '“P"'. and Lower m’ 3 Siiee Snd residente, ‘ moester, near Ottawa. Ul.rny:olonrylu- io i oc oontiaces e office of N. :{.flu, slmnef'omn will ive prompt a‘tention. a 65 5y Nutinmmmnmenfnfrommencmcmmmemmmmermeee, .. *._.____â€"___ Dr . BILLINGS, Jr., Architect,El Bx & Mfllo’?;t’oflee. gin, street , 14RFEREXNOES.~â€"H ASims, Esq, Architect. Phila. Prepared for h.lul.g.( rilt BIDNEY B. F 81. Tl:ll'rl.gn & hco.. L.:: gents, tsmen, the OntnloBuk:lt‘! arksâ€"st., 0 for Trust ana Loan 80 W. &. Tererus. 4ne "QUZSEN" comprises all the uisites for a fArstâ€"class Kostau ant. Yhe House hr:l.qboonrol&od and ref. tnished thtmg The BAR contains the choioust Brands ir and Ligu ws, and every delicacy of the seasca will be found on thetable. The mfl*flbï¬dflhvfllhw to he comâ€" ort of his guests and satrans . Tul MNETROPOLITAN s AUMONYS i Tfl- 6 QUEEKN »* RESTAU: ANT M KAViaxvanu nul > LIVER & ANNABLE, Wholesale Manuâ€" Anainmans <ap w 101 C Comeq T9 M T Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"streets Pembroke, Ontario, Btr in connection with the steamers Jason Gould, Pembroke and Pontiac. Particular attention paid to the comfort olru. Good rooms for commercial travellers. Horses and vehicles always on hand. travellers. ko Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., °PÂ¥-lh the Court House and Public Offices, ST CATHARINES, Ont. E. HOUGHTON, Provridor, fLats of Hanohtants HLELL mup.. . HALIFAX, NOVA ScOTIA, Established 1851. â€" Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" tod, and every Md:lndnld to their comfort; __ 969y JOHN ROM A NS. Pronriatar. PIC‘WIC‘ HOUSE, Cornar Ia rtof his guests and patrons. _ _ P Oysters,Game eto..daily en 000 Fipmpgrar v& Torl?â€"adt catveliate ecenanrr & â€"â€"1.4 made in every ruroct fit for the reception of mem. bers ot Parliament and other gentliemen who desire She a aenucas e cane o o ul l l . MJ LRVGIIERL begs to announce that she has leased a commodious building at the corner of Banks and IB!pnrh â€"sts., which she has ned â€"as a PRIVATE HOTEL, retaining the u?.' of her former hotel in Desbarats‘ block, vis., the " Toâ€" ronto House." ‘The premises have been refitted un!l ho‘ ndsomely mfl?.g with new furniture, and TEEVT C000 i "op . o GT EO IEANE Ey K M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metcalfe and Wellingtonâ€"streets, os- eite the main entrance to the Government Baildâ€" WAVIILY HOUSE, BARRINGTONâ€"STREERT, «« Commercial Warehouse," directly opr Dritish «Lion Hotel late Tores Prnts & 0. 60, keâ€"st., wW& Ottawa, April 12, mo.w 1021 Pqnbroh, Aug. 1, n‘ill;lo, by a now, bit‘!oomh‘ rin, speedy, ;;;!u.l-oat“ rost ess process, erences given to es suc» E:uhlly treated, it required. ®* 1?:'10" kAZP Accoucheur, Ottaws. Day office opposite the T.uzs Office, Eparksâ€"streot, Centre ‘l':;n; Night office at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre CHRISTIE, Ottawa, March 29, 1869. e «6 Qp EEN" TTFAWA HoUSE, r _ _ c Cu0+ 406 e subscri name and address on ll.’!i'_.oo Olz.{:llu Bole Pronriat.. R.J. A. BECKETT, Surgeon Dentist, R. 0. C. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and Caxorrs CorED, without the use of the (Late of Houghton‘s Dining & spacious sampleâ€"room for com AHiscellancous. odations of a first class â€"p-fl-v'z hotel. 1._.L on soan VTZLZ Motal Cans. Late of Houghton‘s Dining Saloon. A. M. F.GIANELLI Dvl'"l‘l'."" AUMOND‘3 BLOOCK, Rideau Street Ottawa, P. O‘MEARA, Prorrigron. imtion paid to their comfort; _ JOHJ ROMANS, Proprietor. ble publicity. over A. Graham & Co.‘s , Ottawa, J. COPELAND, NT CE e 1021â€"167 R. Lixg. 1009â€"3m "LOttawa Sept. 7. E’LAIOID Pol'l'l“l-'l!“ Steerage, Payable in Ourrency, Liverpool or Queenstown................_" * P .V o o -ï¬_i."_...._.‘................ Liverpool or Ql::’mvn.:......... INMAN LINEOF MAIL STEAMERS, SAILINQ FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY . AYD ALTERNATE TUEsDAYs. BATES OF PASSAGEK BYT THE SATURDAY OTRAÂ¥ER EVERY DESCRIPTION FOI LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWX. ;OI'OII"I'IA'I'ID LYE. CAUTION To THE PUBL. For ferther " JASONGOULD" & « PEMBROKE," .John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer. Tickets sold to and from England *) ~u s sold to and from England, Ireland, and AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, FOR THE UPPER OTTAWA . Nortman‘s, Mxroarrzâ€"sraner. Touriers. â€"The collection R '!"“- of Photograpys Sf O e & ies PASSAGE BY THE TUESDAY STEANMER VI EALIPAX. May 7, 1869. Tul oTrAW A EIVER NAVIGATION COMPAXNY3 § ~ MAIL STEAMERS Their classes will begin on the 15th OCTOBER. Her particuiars and terms m&. the LADY 8U ORESS, 863tf : Corner of O‘Connor aad Mariaâ€"sts. . Mr. GUSTAVE SMITH, (Organist of the Cathe . dral) a Graduate of the Impc;fnl Conservatory of Paris. Luoo:: on Piano ar 1 Singing. Rideauâ€" straat Aarna» § Lk s 7 OfKingâ€"streot. _ _ Ottawa, June â€.hfsos rl\un sISTERS THE REV; GEO. NOEL HIGGINSON, M. A., Incumbent of New Edinburgh, the with .roohl sanction of the Bishop of the Diocese, receives a }iniud ?.umlnr of the sous of gentlemen as mornâ€" He, :: ~:~>= 3 ugz-lgomAâ€"Ddhmh-lt‘ COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIPS3 W.‘C. CLARK, Professor of Music and ‘Feacher of.Piano, Voice and Harmony. Music Rooms and lu'irdnu. O‘Connorâ€"stâ€". corner of Blaterâ€"st., Conâ€" tre Town. _Orders may be left at his residence or at Ornie & Bon‘s Music Store. > STEAMERS °" ALLIANCE Puno-ronï¬ TULTION. IC ies uit & 4P auiuzicr‘ 4Pw is â€"as s 3 JLâ€"4 Bolicitor, Attorney and Nutary Public, Clerk of the Peace and County Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. Officeâ€"In the Court House, L‘Orignal. 84. Km K y Soisuon Coarepanscts 45. Oiics To e + ceâ€" e Court House, Ottawn., Public, and Pstent Right Solicitor. Officeâ€"Po Office Building, Bl‘ln-wriot, Ottawa. 43utf Coxnarrcartion oz Notrs Daxz, * IROI,IONTBM{, e ly inform the ublic that will bmlomou they will open LAP!IBRE & HAYCOCK, Attorniesâ€" atâ€"Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancers and Notaries Public, Ccorner ot Sussex and Yorkâ€" opposite the Post Office, Ottawa. ,,.0&.';_-v emuirtss Lc h & . WuLr1ix Mosorov®. _ 366f _ Groror NICHOLAI SPARKS®, Barrister and Attorâ€" neyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery,. Convervâ€" o ATm 1 . _ h. "Â¥ 7 JOH;‘;?‘A'I;I, gov YÂ¥ork orto EB RRICK, BRUSH & 0C0., MWâ€â€˜M&M Residenceâ€"Dalhousieâ€"st., Ottawa. Terms made krown on application. #808 t 088008808000 EVSERE m.-.nu;nnm.un-uouo‘ nnun--umonnnnuuuuuuunnnnu L ww & . L I Uxtox Forwarome arp Rarmwar Cour‘r,, Ottawa, May 5th, 1869. Ji_ A: MARA, Architect. Officeâ€"Aumond‘s "%4e Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. _ 9027 COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN: DLTCATKOIOQQ_I:‘L‘EIICAL AND GEN= First Cabin, Payable in Gold. DWARD T. DARTNELL, Barrister, Lo se ces c ie omm ied LRE BV â€" OTTAWA AND MONTREAL. * R. W. SHEPRERD, USICAL ACADEXY. "A NN SIS8ON" â€"TETREAU, Noug Public for the Proâ€" © vrince of Quebec, Hull, near the Post O*CONNOR, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€" © in Chancery, Conveyancer, &o., Susserâ€" OsGROVE & TAILLO®N, Barristers Bolicitors, &o. Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, an.caotraat MNtawra DES JOACHIMS. â€" _ R. 8. CASSELS, M« HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" CoxNECTING wiTH THE STEAMER . uy _i f , 1 0 0 eevvisp C, DUBSeE~ , Unin Bnndm_glz Ottawa. b5y Steamers. Eensapa: bese sesscessence eescsssssts nee see se ce00e 43utf _ Jorx J. Gaxaxmr. at the Company‘s , Conveyancer, 4100 00 T1by THE TIMES is ; ‘l.lmcl-not : WASTING nu:A: au io ty enectes 1 Fapaing, whien ons lt . * Pancreatine is a rorm agent of digestion. Prof. Lerucer‘s Cantor Leaw#®. " By its means fat is rendered capable of 4* wlnth absorbents."â€"Prof, Berxizgp, Pow PANCREATINE POW DER, botties, 2s, & 6 *FANUREATIRNE WINKE, bottice, 34 6e a04 10 PANCREATIC (nmmxvz):‘bonb-‘l distetie preparation, . eclaily -%:_E m persons Deb and ‘ fl-.uu.a.nt‘:’u 10s 64 -la BAVORY & MOOKE, N. B Pflcm“iï¬"%’ 'f:.‘:' Â¥ehicle for taking Tod Liver Of, preventing Nausesa and Indigestion. riority. Wewere satisfied that they #ould b* :m.dmdluouohwha:‘duuï¬w of the advantages offered to wearem o 9"" beautiful lenses. vis‘ : the ease and comborts * assured and readily ascertained improvement 0 ::gm.-u “‘h“""‘“‘,““'“"‘""’: 4 cases, were themselves so appareal nmql:‘:mf-.u“u“ of 21: our brated PERFECT ll'â€l"mb]bc regi« dents of this locality. ‘n!t:..‘w n‘bm -o:::f:l we claim that are optical aids ever manufactured. To those needâ€" ing Bpectacies, we afford at all times an opporâ€" mdmm best and most desirable tair given, and if the purchaser is not satisfied the money will be refunded. We take occasion to notify the public that we m’ "â€1:‘;:";“‘ ur goods for asaln, o have our gestond YoUKG &'IMDIOID. BOLD BY ALL CHEMISTE, _ _ Whwesaleâ€"Â¥ . CUNDILL & Co., Montreal. The large and increasing sules of these PEX 1 RCTED _ GLASSES is a sure proof of their #2P¢â€" & TIMES is printed anod published b® 'l‘llOfl'A'A'lmlPlnflllmPu-- me CoxraxY, at the Office, 38, Sparksâ€"st _ For further information and time of arrival ant departure of all trains at terminal and way ty tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure 8t# LARGE LOT OF WILLOW FURNI#« +ne steamer Cariotta leaves Portiand ever; SATULVAY AFTERNGON (after the arrival d train from Montreal on Friday night), for Hel '-.l-!..mun.uy. Bhe has accommodation for passenger ..‘;MMOO- Steamers, running pany‘s in connection with the Grand Trunk hlhz. }:: ;oghu every MONDAY, at 5 pm,for _ Tickets issued through at the Company‘s prindâ€" E ‘,,‘ CCC â€"'f:;- CC UNOCUD M Derressesssessenes WSBD 2 M-flrm.n:splm Sr. Siinire B. Ryaginine, aoen Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville and Conticook only, u....' ..r:..._.lklo ‘: _ _P8" Sleoping Cars on all Night Trains. Express for Island Pond, at................ via Vermont Out::l‘ Express for New York via Plattsbo D0 n C 20 P20E reemmeer Tan C Express for Boston at.......................... 84# am _ _Intermediate Stations, at..... ........ 7:00 & » Trains for Lachine st sessss«»...0:00 am, 9:30 anm 3;00 pm, 5:00 pm. GoIne BOBTH AND EAST, Accommodation Train tor Island Pond Day Express for 0 O pixy ‘or tamaba" * 1868.] WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. es , Zysins now leave BONAVENTURE stimm «â€".â€" n _ . Ond wEECX, LAZARUS, MORRIS & 0O/8 CELEBRAT ED PERFECTED SPECTACLES .__AND EYE GLASSES, ( A.M.»â€"=â€"TRAIN® win 10:08 :: Falls at 10:05 4 way 6:20 p m, arriving at Perth at 10:55 a m and 1;)( pm. f 5 All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s with Trains to and from Perth. m No. 1 leaves Brockville after G T R Kxpre trains are due from the east, No: 3 is due at Brockville in time to connect w G T R Express trains for the east and west. H. ABBOTT, Managing Direaw, LEAVE PERTHE P. M.**TRAIES w 5: 151’011!: at 5:15 pm and 9 s.,u‘n-': at Smith‘s Falls at 6:05 p m and 9:55 a m. * LEAXE AS_I{I’TH’S FALLA or Aforaimaline n viriaape es css Ni. â€" “‘ ToRP 8:00 a arriving at ® apj and l:â€-).; m. Sandpoint at “ px LEAVE SAKDPOm Ah I‘n a% a se kess T P 6: OOS‘;ndl* MAIN LINE, â€" l[-°LIBAv'r;:lnlfl * neave BROCKVILL®, j 4* * «es Â¥ 4:006.k1/2858 mu m | qge MEDIOAL 4AL" L Wwar.: _ * s .. SWns TIME TABLE, No. 2o CoxxuExcixc ox Moxpar, Mz EWV Miv 4. *Â¥ Mail, 10.00 p':'m. f l.ol: :.‘ LRAYE PRESCoTT, aAREry Â¥ Mixed, 7. 15 a, m. m.;s"J:"‘ Express, 1.35 pm. 415 D. m Mail, 6.00 p.m. 9.00 p. m _ *The time of these Trains nuh........" Wigeg uunnoumeï¬on.:idth night ang day traing Grand Trunk, east and w ' ers of the Royal Mail Line * *** WB the ay, as follows: A. M.â€"=TRAIFG . onl omm en pa ind m ) I, & roc at t :30 p m. & 1215 p m ang C"““l OoF TIMFE, ST.« LAWRENCR AND RAILWAY, 0Prr4 W1 (formerly the Ottawa & Presoott hl..†; ; ( oeee aore o en Champlain, Burlington & Rutiand . 8. DETLOR, P 2 d ,&rflm:l’ort. mo'ufl:m°m he, _â€"The above 2rame all ...‘hgâ€: and Intermediate Stations at......... TW aw oN Ottawas, May 14, 1869 Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and aif points West, 31 7 1046 Town, Ottews. Jaxzs Corro® o7 %,oPPER TUBSDAY, y , and until further notice, Thar," TURE & BASKETS, AT THE YVARIETY HALL Sole Agents for Ditews and Vidaiy. l:“‘" q’!n'A. pross, 7 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m. Mail, 10.00 p.m, 0 do do do ï¬&“_â€" tion Train for Kingston and _ * _ PERTH BRAKcq, seemmessss00000 ARRIVE jy Oitawa, 925 a. p. 830 pa 9:10 a s Toilet Boxes in vamety, < Rimmel‘s New Porfames, « Cambridge Boaquet, s \ OQxford Boagee‘, § % Eeglish Leavender W Silver Top Smelling Boitlo«, * Bootoh Plaid Smclling Bowlos, s ; Lamproved Perfamed Distributors, [.ppâ€"postrs OreiXs AKD MELODEONS, “fl.‘ Room, comprising no’mffl, from all the leading maker w ARREN‘$ PIPE ORGAXNS, 0‘.’ and MELODEONXS from the bestfa« â€..'WM excelling in finish an .# ever brought into this country. â€".uh for intending purchasers. * wears LoOW & TERMS LIBERAL*@ ‘* stock just recerved of Tollet A Patent Medicines, 4 : â€" Genuine Drugs and Chemicals, Druggists‘ Sundries of all deso w . M. MABSEY, Family and Dispensing Cl rauctc e as usual, very large. ::.oclluh wse Hooks € J. L. ORME & SON, 3 Blpo(tho Goldep Lyre, m‘mw subscriber hay to divide his time equally betw tawa and Ogdezsburgh, would beg to inform |ddp.uo-.MMthnhw-hm attend to their orders for tuning more prom| an heretofore. Shall visit Ottawa once a moi rders received at Nr. Bermingham s Auc ame, and at E. Miles® Music Store. "aua N RENEDIC] ““‘,,- __ze larct OL. 1Vâ€" NO. 10 Arshitects and others turnishing their own d Ings for any kind of wood work will have sorrestly executeod. Particular attention paid to GOTHIC & FANCY FURNITU FUNERALS furaished at the shortest notice in the S erpelhing ailvaies to: for the removal of household furmture, &¢. waggons for lumber and other acavy goods. N.B.â€"Residence at the west ond of Wolli a., oppesite the marke® CcOFFEE! COFFEE! â€" COFF be obtained from our Continental mercha we sell our goods at a very small advance lï¬dllhgn mhm‘i ehuam 7e w tie m:c.n-..vhich will preset streugth and fiavour of the above named a iragone se alomin af on 0 lbmah nesrest Express or Bte Sotiecmnd by Repubte‘or enonntbont Aquh. or M--:'lqn-uuoumum send goods per Btage. Puuuw-u&‘q- sending in an order for Ten or more receive ons of their own choice in returm =°-‘J¢lslu.uuph..: ty c o ohe road i 2e M !_“0. TKA Our Tess andi Oofeos, after one year‘s have been pronounced by the most reliable 1 be of the fnest quality, cheap and free ï¬-: poisonous substance, so often used in the tea esc e *# wes se en 08 00 o o Fine Fisvoured New Beason do............ Excellient Full Fiavoured _ do....... _ Very Fine, do do Jabit 060 as... on Very Good4............. @â€"V ND E R T AK E R. Buperiine and Very Ohoice.................. Millinery. N“ MILLINER Y. w. H KASTON 4& 0o., j OOIKIg%Ié)wN MERCH DEAL ERS 1N i Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeai, OTTAWA, K&S. ga Bank & "‘"fll Enm.‘ ,aï¬':f: re t!t.*.flllu. orner &f Bink aul 4 a We or three Apprentices wanted. tri #* 6 â€A:(’). 3(10:&01 ox 201, P. 0,, Ottawa, ' Eiginâ€"st., opposite the Post Ottawa, May 8. 1269. “...._“ï¬o:d the public EXPRESS WAGGONS s aunens n n annnn e ns t un 44 4 0 a 0+ w00 TEA!I TEA i FURNITURE *uH0 B0b hn ath nan s s u0 us a ns on 0+ 4 00 +0 0 0000 nennennen ennrbensaess a0e u4 0+ ndbousbmu-“hull a apeciality, we are s ~perfoct ratistaction, T1 i to every one are such as mm.oqo..-».o » *#e00000 se 200 800 E“:.-"l'uio Store. ‘aro. N. BENEDICT *rapessnensna0n0000 CwE C »esen000s s 6 00 0000 sessessssa4s 200000 udl“* -.Pn::-u-ha'..‘ ORME 4& Sox GBREEN 1KA. maae io order or #vessee0e COFFEE, *#sessen0se a00 o ananeennapesapess 0000 , Violins, Flutos, TROMAS STAL 124 R UPHOLSTE constantly arri &e.,