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Ottawa Times (1865), 10 Jun 1869, p. 4

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CEILING3 ani WALL3 WHITENED . COLOURED in & superior styie, on the m« n--n& 0OR _ Bell‘s Block, opposite Russel! House. VECORATING ROOMS, Which will enable him to execute all 0 despatch, and to the satisfaction of the ‘Takes this mothod o rotursing his thanks tothe ublic for their very liberal patronage for the past year, and now would nop“d:‘:y announce to his numerous patrons that he is fuilly determinâ€" M neaien dnnet Shnits norvam i Goure Tean‘s slow shilling," thereby defying competition in sook and workmanship. * Mn.!g-alllo.-uhmaybol ,_ ROOM PAPER3, DECORATIONS, LE AND FLOCK BORDERS, WINDoW T BHADER3, &o., &c., Are expected in the week, and will be on exhibition, ::.r:':d in samples, affording ready huq:u R. KATON to say that his selection comâ€" rlh. -ulm BTOCK sand GREATER Â¥Aâ€" EFY than ever before brought to this city. D.L-‘vlt.l-uuhuhhh-rh,lbo-d-‘ port and experienced workmen, for 1 HOUSE PAINTING,â€" HANGI®G PAPER, ings, Looking tlasses and Ficture Frames, of the Mfl““xvhm“m ted with despatch, uality work anteed, and at prices ..L wiil looo-url’yl.- M Saushes Primed and Glazed tor shi read -q.dmmuu,nm’uu..: tag. will b-mw-q-ury-m:;m.... Come and see, .al‘-nuyhinod and G ecan be agd carried with less risk of| breakage han glass n boxes, | m R&. EKATON, Store ana Ofise, * st., Opposite the e e ies * * Russell Ovt®â€"Exeztio®, sither of body or miuna, puoduces debility and discsase. homdn.dy:‘.u. some stimulant, the effect of which is the same as m.‘h"‘.-.h‘:.hp“duh.h. true way is to fortify the systen with a flks nent tonic like the Peruriaa Syrup (a protoxide gfln.).vlhl‘ln-“ wholo systom., . The most unhappy person in the world is the dzspapic. Rrerything looks dark ani gloomy, hne = out of sorts" wita himself and everyâ€" body else. Lile is a burden to him. Tais can all .".fi.’"fil‘l’u‘dfl Syrup (a protexâ€" Ide of iron.) (Cases ot 27 years standing hayâ€" been cured by it. u. L ’ur i e "-"'a" -h. "'l"-::h'h-l-y-â€".mon-ufl::m Rausor. hnhbyu{m ’:::l‘:...dd:ommubmnu too citisens two great Angloâ€"Saxon communitios. The carelossness of one set of statesmen, the indiference of another set, and the cupidity of another ciass, have comâ€" «â€"â€"iwenty years experience in using Bryan Pulmonic Wafers have proved them to be the most effectual remody for coughs, and irritation of Ilo.lul.mndbyuuu:.or unusual exertion of the voeal orgar; is speakers and singers 'mh‘th--ou';uleid. The ectire freeâ€" mnâ€"mmmmnq. an‘s Pulmonic W afers, or Cough and Voice Lozenâ€" n-&”hm“mm l-ll-n-d.-uu_lddhhigh“-hy all who have used them. Bold by ail medicine dea‘ers at 25 ots. per box. s . hy K. F. McAVAY & £0., 45 d Bell‘s Mk.wrl lou:o; Wu‘m@&m mpowu 'un'w;:'vAmno or wIx., mm’ Io.‘m fs SHADESy A,. 0. AUDY & 0o., + Â¥, s Opposite the Ottewa,. *‘ * 2t tas vartery gauo. © April 28, 1909. m‘%__. PM®~Orders for Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Tox Tucus Ecuirszio.â€"Wo read thore has lo-.noobu'o:‘. mu‘an aott showmen to obtain possession of one Grorge ashington Nutt, who is suidâ€" to be severai inchos shorter than @General Tom Thumb, and that P. T. Barnum has succeeded in gettingâ€"him for three yoars tor $30,â€" O.l.hudadarua. Is it not a great thing to be a small man and is it 20tequally as great to lm..dkln;huonudop“dlmh colds, rheumatism, burns, bruises, summer a cholic, &e. ; if so got at once a supply of the =" Canadian Pain Destruyer," at he nearest medicine dealer‘s for 25 cents. â€"â€"Try Gardner‘s Baking Powder. See adâ€" Eyerrsoor Sats So.â€"Ihat 1s all who ave sither used the article themselves or witnessed its “m‘m by others ; all such, and they are it To j are unanimous in the opinion MM’:‘&«.. Powders and Acabian MHeavre Remedy" is superior to anything of the kind heretoforeor at present in use for coughs, eolds, thick wind, and all diseases whrch affect the wind of horses. As acoudition meaicine it hus no equal ; there is nothing in it which can Injure a norse whether mok or wellâ€"nor need the borse be kept from working while using it; it is Just the article which all wao own korses require, and which they should hare constantly on hand. Remember tae name, and see that the signaturs of rd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyâ€" 48 Newcastie, Ont., propristors for Canada. Ty Gardner‘s Baking Powder. Seeadver ement s 887.6¢m Thixitign TeR Un «tbrrerrrrrrtercrcrs ither used the article themselves or witnessed its effecta ':--d by others; all such, and they are hjod.o.mmmhtho,hh. ..t?xuh)‘lcoflkin Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" is superior to anything of the kind heretofore or at present in use tor. coughs, ceolds, thick wind, and all discases which attect the wind of horves, As a conduion meJicine it has no equal; there is nothing in it which can inâ€" j a horse whether sick or wellâ€"nor need the ab..m.u- working while using it; it is just the which all who own horses require, aad which they should have constantly on hand. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd ana Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyâ€" man, Newcastlo, Ont., proprictors for Canada. Oxte * Â¥4lbes...........«. 0 6+ Beans * 60lbs... ...... 1 80 : 1 Porkâ€"Meéssâ€"peor burre!.......... 248 00 0 Prime Mess per do...... none, TTiUE.«<ecoorechrrerctetcrcrr noue. Pork (frosh)}.... ......\... none. H, BLINXD, DOOR MOULDING aND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, _ KUCEL, site the Suspension Bridge, and asjoimng the d“."fll_!mdll.m + Everrmor Sars So.â€"That is all who have Lompiled expressly for the Qrtawa Tuuzs.| House Decorating. wesuon of grants to su edu. not yet been properly setiled by the ATOX ATON*‘s OTTAWA LARKETS. Times Ofice. Otaws, June 10, 1369, all orders with of the most fasâ€" mail t of price. Address & l """ o db vakient e J:mu I‘"‘“flh Ottawaâ€" Hotol, M. * ‘A. 0. AUDY & co R onuumm‘fia‘.q * April 28, 1869. i Ns n 'ooldln.ollonldhm.lufiobd k auperior merit for mending Furniture, Leatheor, Wood, Crockery, Glass, é:fng Bone, Porcelain, Marble, Rubber, Meerschaum, Ivory, &o., &o. | y Full directions with each bottle. Price, 25 cents. aj Satisfaction eed or money refanded. M&m -.-‘:.wtmd“ YÂ¥ town county throughout Domin Se u:m?r-.u the trade. Sample bottles sant mumb® mss ces ts ce c og _ PWV Conarseartion >z Notre Daxz, FROM MONTREAL, respectfully inform the ublic that they will a branch of their they «pen their classes will begin on the 15th OCTOBER. Npuwmmwmum h. _ â€"~â€" Km sn ORESS, pwyyrrear Acasexy. Mr. GUSTAVE SMILTH, of the Cathe . dral) a Graduate of the 1%..., of Paris. Lessons on Piano w i Binging. Rideanâ€" streot, m,dlhrm Ottawa, June 23, 18.8. 15e THE REV; GEO. NOEL HIGGINSON, M. 4., Incumbent of New Edinburgn, the with n:él sanction of the Bishop otf the Diccese, @ limited number of the sous of gentlomen as mornâ€" y |â€" Nee sare tre notineromnentetninit, Iuistitiaisistts inss imasisac ts ies Trsiv i Orders may be lott at his residence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Store. _\ Printed cireulars, contain the diferent lots, can be h W. C. CLABK, Professor of Music and Teacher JMV&‘-CIM’. Musme Rooms and Residence, O‘, sorner of Slaterâ€"st., Cenâ€" Htarwich, dontigntut‘te the" shere "of" Lake Briee to t e one of the finest Agricultural Sections of Canada, capable of producing all descriptions ol grain and root crops, and from their southerly â€" exposure specially adapted for the breeding and raising of stock ; the gen mn.ou-u;-horrfi-. of the nltl‘v:l.“hzl the various k1 of fruit. Considerable attention is now being devoted to the of Grapes, which have arrived at great &h the neighbourhood. There are oxâ€" cellent well travelled roads lm the townâ€" ship, and the distance from is only 12 miles, where the highest price has bo.,d"b farm produce of any market in Ontario. The projected Southern Railway <will ran through a portion of the Harwich property. The lands in the County of Essex are sitnated in the Townships ot SsaANDWICH EAST, MAIDSTONE *AND £ ROCHESTER, and from their proximity to the Detroit river, are m:muunummh. to make a vourable investment. Printed ciroulars, full partioulars of the diferent l‘t:':u be lfi by u"lyh.c.. Buitle i C meirvoy, t Autor se fte, C ut l s â€" M--I.’ Previa p e ”’ h" Puno-rolr- TULrIO®. farms, and 2,500 acres Wild or Unimproved Lands. The farms, varying in size from 25 to 600 acres, are situated in the Townships of RALEIGH, TILBURY EAaST, CAMDEN, HAXRWICH AND DOVER, AND TOWN ut P oF CHATHAM, All of whick are most eligibly agapted for farmâ€" ing and their situations as regards ns .cm.u.lufllky of scil and climate, eannot be surpassed in the Province. FARMING LANDS FOR SALE * I~ TWE CopyTEs or ts KENT,â€" ESSEX AND LAMBTON. _Esq. Fot further .f-’-:':uhp.?-g-o-.! Aylon, . Fot further apply to Joun 204 Nx. Tuounon, Nepean, ag4 Tnnre & KR No. 237, in First Concession, Ottaws Front,Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the samsconâ€" session, at present in the occupstion of Wm.1. Educational Establishment in Ottawa. Residenceâ€"Dalbousieâ€"st., Ottawa. Terms made kerown on application. FOI SALE.»â€"â€"The Woesterly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 237, in First Concession. Ottawa Front Naâ€" VAI.UAII.I FARM3 FOR SALE.â€"Lot 21 in the 3rd Concession, Gloncester, Ottawa Front, 200 acres, about 80 cleared and under cu!â€" tivation, with comfortable Dweiling and good Barn. The bush land is principally hardwood, and very valuable from its pnd-rytoonuu. Also, Lot 20, in 3rd Concession, Gioucester, Ottaws Front, containing 200 acres, 20 acres cleared, The remainder of this lot is â€" heavily 'uhd'i‘til hard ‘l“ soift wood. 'l'lm“lu-l 1 or togethe ma @= :“nld.“ .',‘..lmmdlz..“ w# n-{'..l -IL fi‘.â€" mred. The short distance of only 3 miles from Ottawa makes the wocd of greater value. These lands are well watered, of excellent soil, and would make a fine dairy farm. mlytolhho- pristor, C. 8PARROW, or to D <vCONNOR, Soliâ€" citor, Ottawa, k Ottawa, Nov. 25, 1868. The lots in the County of Kent, consist of 62 & ated COTTAGE, on Dalyâ€"st., 3 doors oaust of St. Alban‘s Church, the residence of the underâ€" signed, containing 10 rooms, Sammer Cook Room and offices, with two lots of land sloping down to Bessererâ€"st., laid oc:: in walks and terraces, fruit trees and dense shrubbery, living spring, and abunâ€" dance ot soft water. Ao?oln.l":tnlnu'hmr. as much so as if in the midst of the country, cerâ€" tainly one of the prettiest :ru in the city. Rent $160. Also, a house containing 7 rooms, garden, &o. ; and for sale Lot No. 15, south Stewartâ€"st. RODERICK RosS, Ottawa, April 15, 1869. 1024tf A handsomely situated COTTAGE, containing alx rooms and kitchen, on Gloucesterâ€"st., Ashâ€" burnham Hill. There is a handsome fower and mflo garden ; "ood outhouses and well atâ€" t Apply to W . H. BU LLEN, on the promâ€" 'l\o LET. The subscriber has been instrusted to off or by irate sale, in the ‘Town of Chstham, carly in ime, in the above Counties, longing to ArthahJohn Robortson, Esquire, Inâ€" n omks Ww . H. SMITH, 1065 at JAYME3 HOPE & CO.‘8, Stationers A Comtortable DWELLLNG, on Metcalleâ€"st., ut present occupied by M.J. MAY, Es4. Rent New Edinburgh, April 26. Py NO REYNT OR SELL, that beautitully situ s AT NEW EDINBURGH, 3:.1“ DWELLLING of Eight Roomea and Ki with good yard and stabling. Rent fow. Possession immediate. ; A VILLAGE LOT with TWO COTTAGES thereop, in the Village ot Manotick, Long lstand Mills, the said cottages now under loase to tenants, said lease expiring Ist day of May, 1870. For terms and particulars apply \ y letter to SAMUEL LEMAEUX, Plantagenet Mills, 1 f : Ontario. FOI SALE, ME s18TERS DVCATIONâ€"â€"CLASICAL AND GEXN+â€" April Tth, 1869. April 15, 1889. Ottawa, April 26. Containing nine ob is large rooms and a garden. HOICE ho LErv oR sELLâ€" ROUSE of seven rooms, eligibly ‘situated, f#ve minutes® walk ol the Parliament Buildâ€" to reat ; and several houses and vacant lots city for sale, on part time, Apply to fls Af o LET, oUsE TO LET wa, May 1. TTAGEK To RENT. For Sale or to Let. er of O‘Connmor aad Mar sts. Educattionat. Apply to JAMES CRAWFORD, Agent, Montreal. 10334 Apply to 8. Cu l&‘lllu Com. Merch unt. ogether as may be deâ€" DO.I’IO! BOWLING ALLEy. ) of only 3 miles from "‘?‘. becriber be greater value. These ‘ve iE of excellent soil, and * mmm:mfl rm. Apply to the Proâ€" * ed on MONDAY, t 0 D (v»EONNOR, Soll ‘\‘t,\ OCTOBER, his oys BOWLING ALL 908if ,// This is one of the bes beimeriryauieeercenicess e tevigronstrmreonnreee tA:api:‘n:. lmli equal to merica,. It contain -urlyo;l:-ulrdo( Lot alleys, and with 6n :;u. ‘ ::.l’nu.lh- balls. There will be .‘.28. .o. “uso:.o:- Pose of . t nc w 1 O i poricructse A mad points made ea Nepean, and Law!s & â€"" to lst July next, a y Je2â€"141 made the bighest number of crromee from the proprietor & rich vrisa R. BLACKBURN 1036tf ROD. ROsS. 1038f T15y 1033tf 10324f Or, Are l'-.l"} w Uflâ€"!â€"llitq mre Fizey‘s axxusirtios. lars of ) &A nmom Elaw.| & _ rursoxercartrtber , Esq., Lt for Sniderâ€"Enfield of +577 bore and for the Iâ€"t‘..nd Martini real. l" ou,’ln I:‘j ‘a War Ds | ar td â€" mlbod !u for Mili C : ;AmPlOO' CENTRAL i1 FIRE METALLIC CARTRID f 0&'& enlarged base for pooriges hn-.u-ru by foreigt s w o r _ converte ::: and other Rifles, _ Also cwu‘:” Il‘ol .. C the Spencer, and American 'l\l' SPICK ”Xl’, EL birvuecintradtindials Auneritvatnmetsixtraic Tess V. 8. to the County of Carieton Agricuitural Bociety . on-nnm"filymw. flmubmmdmo-nm. ~â€"/ K K P COLEMAN, v. 8., Member of the Ontario Veterinary College, b: WV’. to the Owcn&.lhmfl;-lv’. Medical attendance to regular boarders free of charge, Veterimmary Infirmary attached for mnok and lamo lfl\lfl.n‘.th“ma Firstâ€"Crass June 4, 1869. T.. OTTAWA LLYVERY SALE AND BAIT STABLEB'. * Cor. Rideau and Ottawaâ€"sts. and Military Ammanition: . *‘ _‘ ELEY BROTHERS, GRAT‘3 INN ROAD, LoKDox. . wWHOLEAALE OXLY. na Pistols, used in her iom' ty‘ 'i'.';y'f' 392 d-n.:r.:hbt '"o).: Tranter‘s, U‘ol:.ll "W, and ooher Pookst Revolvers. â€" PLN CARKTRIDGES for Lefaucheax Rovolvoers of 12â€"m., y.m. and ?â€"m. bore. RIDGES for all slse# and syscows <t ghow fakre, «yscoms an A > and Revolvers. i * Double W aterproof ard E. B. Caps, Patent W ire cuww tUun Waddings for Breoch and I:‘-‘l:m. r® and every description of Sporting # for _ convrerted 6 ~~ JS Shassepot, Bordan, Remingion, ul und other Rifles, _ Also Cartrid for Ballard, the Spencer, and American gq Repoating The «* Mlox.::"“:‘n the oihuput carâ€" tridges known, carry r own ignition, and being made wholly of metal, are 'lt'orproo( and I-;:ut.uo in any climate, Mow&- eases (ompty) of all sizes, and for the W ot Breachâ€"loading ies saw Ks 4.% wen t tu 2e C L 2 Rifles, can be had with or withouw -i--t;: :lt::l: Bullets and Masvines for finisbing the Cartridges. BOXER CARTRIDGES of +450 bore tor Revolâ€" C cA GI n Birrmimincs Wtms > A y the spase of one may, and by means of mm.olMd.doct:bomh,:i"‘ an ru!bwllhv‘lb oye. Count te Jamdmgthhpd‘m,’ ”_ Apply for circulars, terms, and sead -au: for and see sample maps frst, if not sold taken back on demand. Also ready a $25,000 staol and plate uw-wu-umm disâ€" coverer of the Mississippi River." . 1043.204 various llnm Btates, These maps are needâ€" edin on:! so :.d tamily in }h’ landâ€"t hey nammas 6 FEVVVOT PPVONp & & LLOYDS PATEXT E REVOLVING DOU.E!LE MAPS, Two Continents, America and , and Ameriâ€" ummu-umm":..‘.::.'. seale, Colouredâ€"in 4,000 los. Inches large, show ..'pl’:o.:m'“' h 1 o To t dare it ue emeniaiatante as various European States. Thess mans ara wand. April 27, 1869, BOWLING ALLEY. This is one of the best in the Capital, and equal to u{ im America,. It contains four alleys, and with firstâ€"class balls. There will be kept a registor book for the parâ€" of -urtlrs the nuumâ€" ::.ol points made each day to lst July next, and the f nas made the highest number of points m&- thopmhu. rich prize . Parties visiting the y will be regeived with polite attention. ‘The best of liquors will be found constantly on hand. * B. B. LARIVIERE N.B.â€"A Is: Ball Room is attached to the promisos, vNeT'm be let at a low figure. [ mme.liate rolie{. All Medicine Dealers ) h;'zi'l' f P\io'\cinnmad usei;; and no family w °" l:".‘“. bottle. @2 2rice twentyâ€" cents uonnf:r & LYMAN, GeWATel Agents for C o W Bo‘d by (Geo. Mortimer, .uu‘fl:u. W x Massey, H. F. McCarthy, J. Skinr=*, and J Brown, in WW &» timely used, and we bhave never known a single case oldhuthh::. v:t'oth dlnoflo’u un‘;‘m followed ; on Oflnr{ all are delight ww’u lhmm. and speak i n the hl!gu terms of its vi and magical efects. The Canadian Pain Destroyer has sow beon before the public for a length of time, and whenever used is woll liked, never ftmling in a single instance to give permanent :ollo(.-nn Nervous Affections, outitle it to a high rank ia h« list of Remedieos mmmm.. Dealers are soming I'n.’r.::‘lodldn.o‘ Jealers in all parts of the & 2y 2 Py S e country for turther supplies, and each testifying . to the universal ..u.a'.'l...;u.... fying The Cane tian Pain Dostroyer neveor fails to give mmeJiate rolie{. All Modicine Daslars baan i We !r'll from fl'.l'hlzol;llâ€"l;;uur. bevia tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who .m auffering from any of the comp <ints for which it .: .M..m may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" ob s . ‘So efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in disoases for which it 1« reâ€" commended, and h:‘mdovm ncoo-l‘l.-b;hlng thetorturi CLneumatism, and in re is Nervous A’odu.m entitle it to a hich ®ank 1.'}:! Side, Back ana iJead, Couphs, Colds, Sore Thréa Sprains, Eruises, Cramps in the stos «oh. COholera Morbus, oxa-ry. Bowel 0-.::!‘-“. Burns,Poalds, .. g e 8 .M! &o., ke. Among the most importantof modern Meajlcal Disâ€" pores soveries stands the CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER | sth. Familios that have used it pronounce it the best, and will use no other, m Sth. 1t contains no Saleratus, nor does it imâ€" ir the digestive or zans like those r‘on where g:ds or an excess of Alkali predominates, 6th,. It never givesto Bread or Cakes an unâ€" pleasant rA.l.kslluu -.":hh 'tnu. Tth. h!'ndh-u At form its composition are -mo;:.o cial tb:n otherwise. R W‘ 8th; su ean eat hot Bread or Rol!s made mt AJ.:N. benefit by its use. Â¥th. Every Packet contains its full weight ; one pound packets weigh 16 ounces. a 10. It is all that it is represonted to be, nameâ€" ly: Ist. Bread or Cakes made with it are more wholesome than if made with Yeast or any other process. « 2nd. Its purity is such that it will stand the test of the most perfect analysis. R 3rd. After having been extensively used for the last 14 years in not one instance bhas it failed to give entire satistaction. In k And 1 Ib, P aok o ts for 5 6 Packets for cents. $1.19. CGEXTS WANTEDâ€"â€"810 A Day. AT THB YARIZIY Haum 1ANADIANX PAIX DESTROYER : PORKâ€"Chicago Mess. FLOURâ€"No. 1 and XXX. GRASY and CLOVER SEEV. WHITE BEANS, &c. ARDENXERs Why it Should be Used in Prejerence to all TUE BOXER CARTRIDGES for Sniderâ€"Enfield of +577 bore, and for the I.rk:u Martiniâ€" ed by Her l.-‘J-ty W “31 i War also of 500 for Miliâ€" q Rifles. ATERPROOF CENTRALâ€" FIRE METALLIC CARTRIDâ€" 3 with enlarged base for bores, fll’l‘d by forsign governments 0 r converted TWO $10 MAPS FOR $4 BAKING POWDER. SALEâ€" TEN REASONXS® ax» Deamvtxo Honâ€"«s. The subscriber Inr.u inâ€" tform his friends that ed on MONDAY, the 3oth OCTOBER, his 8. CHRISTIE, Â¥ Commission Merchant. CARTRIDGES ++# id of «877 bore, 64 r{'...nd Martiniâ€" _ ‘n War m. t 300 for sut. (5Ss OF CENTRALâ€" > IC cAl.fll'I: irged base rnd by forsign W or _ converted 6 a a8, Remington, ip J. T. LLOYD, 23 Cortlandtâ€"st., N. Y 1064.1eby THE OTTAWA TIMES, JUNE 10 HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMEXNT 3 SUSSEXâ€"ST. A large quantity of Wall Paper. Good patterns will hul‘ at cost to close the consignment Tlll VARIETY HALL rl\-l THOROVGII BREKD HoRSsE "*LROGCKE T," ‘ R WINNER OF THE QUEEXN‘s PLATE] IN 1863, Height 15} hands. g Sired by " Bob Logie," and out of a "Heqtor Loll" I.’n.] wllln-:‘nd for mares for the season a the stables of Mza, HARRIS, VETERINARY SUBOION, k clm-.:mum .‘h-l season. * Ottawa, May 10. 10454 Col-:.r-u..â€" Toilet Vinegar, Rose Dentiâ€" friee, for the Testh and Gums, Also eonstantly on hand Perfumes ot all kinds, and Loilet Requi~ sites usually kept in a firstâ€"class establishment. enE PR ETTE boathsacad ts 4C The only sure remedy that existe, u-bhh:do: liclous taste and amazing power. A grand specific tor derangement of the Digestive Organs, and for obstructions and torpid action of the Liver and Bowels. ® Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer This valuable medicine has the extraordinary of immediately rel Colds, mu.bll-lq of n..":'&f... “:Nn- in Chost, &o., &e. ltoponf::by dllnlvll;th:“ou- goaled causin expectorati w&h::'m‘n‘tbo akin, e Â¥e CANADIAN COUGH EMULSIGN. TRADE MARK grateial. I have now only a little left." _ %mflofi mixture, which should be in every family, is only CHOLERA, DIARRHGEA, and MORT V Boid in Bottles at 11. 34. and 2s. 6d. Each. follows : TWENTYâ€"EFIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST. When Taken Internallyâ€"Jt relieves the most acute pain instantly, afording relief and comfort to the patient suffering from Cramp and Pain in the btomach, Rhoumatio or Negwralzic Pains in any part of the system, and in Bowel Complaints it is i mvonip remedy. ToL. Sh Euic NCBc Ns 2c & # nant diseases,â€"which it has reposatedly cured,â€" it assorts its power over all zh:.’-.lldor ’nd :nofr-o. common forms of these complairts. Tus Parx Kirues® is3 Eqrainy * Our own experience is a bottle of Pain Killer is the best Physician a traveller can have,"â€" Hamilton Spectator THE PAIN KILLER Is USED BOTH INâ€" ‘TERNALLY & EXTERNALLY. rak&rN <KILLEKE . =© # A medicine no family should be without."â€" " We can confidently recommend the Pain Killer,"â€" Toronto B:ru «# Itis the most effectual remedy we know ot f:.f u;u. pains, flesh wounds, &¢."â€"St. JoAn‘s vees, F.Q. #" We ;fvho that every family should have so effectual and speedy a Pain Killer."â€"Amkerst, N. N., Gazette, When Ured Externallyâ€"It is equally eficacious and is the best liniment in the wosld. It is eminently a household medicine. The promptness and certainty with which it acts in relieving all kinds of pain, make it eminently worthy its name, Pats Kicutr®,â€"a name ‘easily understood, and not easily forgotten. As, in curing Cholera, it shows itself master of all the minor forms of that disease, snob as Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Summer Compiaiut, Diarrhcs, &e. ; 0‘1: -lj_oounute“mnhom and o_l_hor maligâ€" FOR FEVER â€" AND AGUE, ts BILIOUS FEVER, § PAIN§ IN THE BACK AND LIMBS, There is no remedy yet discovered that has been more successfal in curing these complaints than or any other form of bowel disease in children or adults; it is an almost certain cure, and has without doubt been more successfnl in curing the various kinds of than any other known remedy, ~; aren the most skilltul pbysician. In India, Atricu and China, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prevalent, the PAIN KILLER is considered by ::l. natives, as well as European residents in those mates. PERRY DAVIS‘ PAIN KILLER. Ilf_'ll A Phillips, of Providence, R I, writes as FAMILY APERIENT PILLS8 ORTIMZIR*s 0ob wWoRrDs INFALLIBLE â€"REMEDY KONE OTHER GENUINE at cost to close the consignment _ AT THE YARIBTY Ralr FOR SUMMER COMPLAINT, No, 41 Sussexâ€"st., Ottawa Oity MORTIMER$S Farmers Read This. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. CH 0O LE R a, Mcdicat. THE most approved principles, pMPublic and Private Buildings, Conservato. ries, Vineries, Manufactories, &c., warmed by Steam, Hot W ater, or Warm Air, on the latest and 8 T O V EK 8 ! Hall, Fanoy, Parlour and Cook Stoves, in great isty. * * "Eqvals for Raton‘s Patint Autematio, Seifâ€"Â¥ouâ€"_ tii-tf::"ood and Coal Stoves. Also Beecher & Co.‘s celebrated * A la*ge stock of materials for t d'bg;:’_ou’ndy on hand. & 1a* city, oan testify that you can purchase Bs;dm' and House Furnishing Hardware, Paints of all colours, Glass, Oils, Putty, &c., &0., at Birâ€" kett‘s Hardware Store, No, 24, Rideauâ€"st., choaper tham at any other place in the city. A call is respectfully solicited. Remember the pl n f rfio‘:'nnxm, Bign of the Anvil, . No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. P. 8.â€"All goods delivered free to any part of the No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, T 6 . _ . " °O C4 o * Ppasterns and sizes, tor coal and wood from the Presoott, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, and Montreal Foundries, with drums, pipes, furâ€" niture, &0.,the cheapest to be had in town. PAINTS, QILS, GLAS: § #e,, #¢, Ar tus Siox or tus No. 24, Rideaun STOVES, all patterns and sizes THOS. ISAAC‘8, CENTRE TOWN PLOUGHS, CULTILYV aTORs, } _ irow, coar, SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE Nams, Rorz, CHars, es Importers of 20OUSE F] LC OcE oA 6 4 4 Francis H. Burton, Eeq, M P TeV. Noct, Reo! "‘l'?o'qmun Otta a Â¥ + » # WB. Nok repy reQ dteiegry Quebee Baak, A smart young man wanted to act as travelling mrmflg?v:d lt-cé ~* NR Am:o;rn‘ m'l-u_au. ow bowie LCs x C 1 CR s P B CCE PAREn VC GHE" roool.nul ledges himself that nothing will bo eft undone b'; llu'l::‘o{m satisfaction ln.:hchug'- ing the trust conti to him. He hopes that by strict attention to the sales entrusted to his care, as well as by .:ron:n settloments immediately after, to merit a share of public patronage. He will be in his office from 7 in the morning until 7 in the evening, when he can see parties who wish to srrange about their sales. Consignments (ark sereavem mhen refecred, wit be weue as v w & made on W for‘iinmediate sale. ot "'"""‘....;':5"" sold or exchanged. E8. His Lordship the Bishop of Kingston, s !.jon. alr l.‘logn A. ll:gg;lld, > on. H. L. Langevin + y Hon. Alex. Campbeil, P M G, USE FURNISHING HARDW ARE. POVES! STOVES : D10 Wz . 000 CC CHC ACHIRvRTY IN THC establishment, will be sold cither by private sale ‘‘fMe would ai th o w so announce that he is ared to receive instructions from persons hvin%r:xuehold furniture, horses, carriages, or real estate, to disâ€" House, Laxo aso Gexerar Acgxor, OFFICE AND SALE R O O M S, Irous‘" Kew Bcicorxcs, Susszxâ€"21., OTTAW A. The subscriber respectfully announces to the nâ€" habitants of Ottawa and surrounding country that attherequest of many friends he has decided on opening an extonsive and well regulated Auction lz::t in this city; : From arrangements made with some of the Furnithre Manufactories of Westorn Ontario, a larze and well selected stock of new furniture wilt be constantly on hand. ~ 5 Public Sules will be held from time to time, of which cue notice will be given, and at whith parâ€" ties rmflfln‘ to furnish will r'.n an opmhnity of purchasing at unusually Jow rates. Mart is now ogn with a large stock of new Furniture, as "oll :l. anos, Harmoniums, &¢., &¢., consigned or sale. OLTMEEALstsverre resserctirsisses [ersrersersrersenns 7.00 180,000 Extra SHINGLES..................... 2.50 100,000 No. 1 »â€" rrrsareverssterctiâ€"is Holplp 80,000 No. 2 *# sessssssesssessscsees 1+50 80,000 Fancy «> peressersressersttcrs Tx® 300 cords Birch and Maple CORDâ€" WOOD, dry, 4 feet long, delivered..... 4.00 All Flour, Oatmeal, and BShingles kept in stock, are manufactured by H. Easton, of Merrickville, FLOURâ€"Superior Extr2.... * Extra Superfine... beg to inform their friends and the public in gonâ€" oeral tha thoy have now R&OPE&D in those new balldlm erectod by Mr. H. Easton, of Merâ€" rickville, where will be kept constantly on hand a large stock of COMMISSION SALE ROOMS Little Sussox â€"st.. Canal Basin. W.H. EASTON. â€" Q982f R. M. KASTON. LÂ¥YTH & KERR, K. wW, Boott, Esq, M P P, _ Waiter Shanly, , M P Max. W. Strange, Esq, M P P ers, dc., dc. The id warranted. f Bales at cheapest rates and for cash. HOT AIR FURNACES. ARDW ARE! HARDWARE : 15.y ARDWARE 1 Commissiton Merchants, Stoves &# Hardware. FLOUR, PORK, CORDWOOD AND SHINGLES OoMINION AUCTIOXN MART, K«OPENING OF BUSINEKSS. -uflt, ht Aiih, d it ce in dirsin it trtsin in in Ts cssc i tss d Pianos, as well as the Purniture in the CHEAP FOR CASIH. ALSo > 30,000 BRICKS AT $7.00. following is our price list of goods menâ€" Superfine No. 1 Euperine o. EBCY ysssssetirress . . EASTON & co. W. H. EASTON & Co., Smiths, Bell , Land n:d'(’)?aâ€";;dirmt.' AT asssse000 sessees0ssses0000 aremesresssestssersre+:: 6060 senssenessnne 808 e8 80000 se en nee ao se e en e e 0+ + ;. PUTPTY, Axvin, . Ottawa. 5.25 4.15 7.00 2.50 2.35 Mr. Desbarats tools grateful for the sympathy tendered aim on all sides, and hopes to see his patrons and friends in his new office. GEORGE E. DESBARATS. P rinZ . _L. _ eR Ottawa, January 21, 1869, AKD FoR PRINTING, BINDING, OR STATION ERY, may be sent, and will be »punctually attended to as usual, arrangements having been made to preâ€" vent any intérruptioa to the business. NWIOI- & E* The undersigned begs to state that he has .â€" _ _ OPRENED AN OFFICER ; OVER A. MeCORMICRS STORE SPARKSâ€"STREET, Where all orders for the Ouv-n % ANMABLE, Wholesale Manuâ€" facturers of Bedsteads, Chairs, &¢., Chayâ€" diere Island, Ottawa, C. W . â€" * JOHN OLIVER, 506y WILLIAM ANNABLE. Je General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ La< chine Ales and Porter. Pork, f’lonr, &o., for sales Orrior: No. 5, Sparks Street, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W . PLAN!. IPECIFIOA'I"IONI, &e:, Prepared for biildings of description, by f STDNEY B. FRroP, Arohm'u.' it Wellingtonâ€"st. receive prompt a‘tention. offce of N. 8p: R SPARKS®, Provincial Land Barveyor, @ _ Draughtsman, &c., éoomhahud for Upper and Lower Canads.) Office and residence, Gr:uuhr. near Ottawa. Burvey: uf every desâ€" crmm with accuracy. ‘Communications addressed Ottawa City, (postâ€"paid), or left ai the M® No. 00, Rideauâ€"street, below Whyte‘s Staâ€" t Store. The sale of Real Estate at Auction orm;:{vm sale promptly attended to. Consignâ€" ments received and immediate attention will be Ctke c e l 0 P T eRp T PEEvcs ARoe K4 Bhinds, Mouldings, Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, &0., &c. Dealer in Paints, vils, Varnishes, Parr Mangings, &o., &c. Sashes Primed and Giazed; and Blinds Painted and Prepared for Hanging. _ FACTORYâ€"A cining E. B. Eddy‘s Match Factory, Hull, Q.<. BTORE AND UFFLCEâ€"Elginâ€"st., opposite the Russell House. R the yrint tnloiinlh s is tradn 4 PCP + ip oi thoth i 4h c c s &5 K M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Meteaife and Wellingtonâ€"streets, os- r;n-lu the main entrance to the Government Buil * 8. &ho“QU!kN"m ses allthe requisites for a frstâ€"class hestau nt.Fil‘honouo hrn.a%oou refitted and ref. Ttnished mrwout. The BAR contains the choicust Brandsir Wines and Liqu "rs, and every delicacy of the seas a wiil be found on the table. The mfld«f ‘s best efforts will bo directed to he comâ€" of his guests and patrons. _ Corner of Main and Prince of W aloesâ€"streots Pembroke, Ontario. Stages in connection with the steamers Jason Gcrld,_l’mbruh and Pontiac. travellers. Op?zito the Court }â€"lul-x;t‘;xinl’v;!;ll‘.: .(‘)ll;:;:. ST CaATHARINE®, Ont. * E. HOUGHTON, Pro?riowr, PE ghe wff KK oo lt ealie Pharu e ce on iL DR. 0. C. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Ottawa. Day office opposite the T.urs Office, Sparksâ€"street, Centre ’lPoo;n; Night office at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. Caxorrs Core», without the use of the knife, by a new, but certain, speedy, and almost painless process, â€" References given to ?u ties suc» nessfully treated, it required. 17w100y HALIFAX, NOVA Sc0OTIa, Established 1851.. . _ Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" ted, ::: every anmti(:‘n Jnid to their comfort. t JOHM 3 + rietor. y t 0 ROMANS Proprietor EDWARD C,. MALLOCH, M.D., M. R. C. 8. Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Flats, " o;g)o-iu the wel}." Oflice hours from 8:30 to 10;30 a.m., and 3 to 5 p.m. t * An> MZ . Officoâ€"Spurksâ€"street, opposite Magee Russell‘s. P Pr°€ 576y THE STEPHENSON HOUSE AND BATHS, in connection with the original celebrated artesian well of raline mineral water, so justly renowned throughout the Western Hemisphere, will be open for the roca?tionox visitors on l&umhy, the 20th of May, 1869. ‘ _ MRS. TROTTER begs to announce that she bas leased a commodious building at the corner of Banks and Sparks â€"sts., which she has o ened as a PRIVATE HOTEL, retaining the mfo of her former hotel in Desbarats‘ block, viz., the " Toâ€" ronto House." The premises bhave been refitted and hondsomely furnished with new furniture, and made in every respect fit for the reception of memâ€" bers ot Parliament and other gontlomen who desire the accommodations of a first class private bote!. Ottawa, March 29, 1864, 1009â€"3m l)R. J. A,. BECKETT, Surgeon Dentist, 5 Dental Rooms over A. Graham & Co.‘s « Commersial Warehouse," directly oypo-iu the British" Lion Hotel, late Tiuzs Printing Office, Lang‘s Biock, No. 60, #parksâ€"st., Ottawa City. Ottawa, April 12, 1869. 1021â€"16y 4 The numerous patrons of this commodious firrtâ€" class hotel will find that the kouse has been thorâ€" oughly repaired, and partly refurnished ; the grounds have been tastefully and elegantly laid out and planted, admirably agapted for croquet and other games ; a new bowling alley lndoqbil- liard room have ‘nn erected, and every care has been taken to secure comfort and amusement for tho invalid or tourist, Parties desirous of engagâ€" ing apartments, or transacting any other business with the establishment, will please address the proprietor, a BEVERLEY TUCKER, 10604 â€" Et. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. ® No. BB" Oysters,Game eto.. daily CANADA GAZETTE, @ “i,Pabi; ©MECOL PEREXCES.~â€"â€"H ASims, Esq, Aichitect, Philaâ€" hl‘a i6 'l'h?-“h'l‘lh!\.“xlq, Architect, Albany ; c‘;l‘lll"!{!! AOOl_ll_hnol Merchant and T. CA THARINES, ONTARIO, CaANADA. HK METROPOLITAN, un AUMOND‘3 BLOCK, mrvonc‘s __ Rideau Streea Ottawa, TTAWA HOUSE. f,‘ TACKABERRY, Auction ICKWICK HoUSE, OROoxTO HOUSE. R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Oficoâ€" Sparksâ€"street, Central Ottawa. SA4utf R. GEORGE HUTCHISON, Destist, R. C. LBGGO, Pmmnn. Surgeon and Accouchour, Oficeâ€"Hunton‘s Block, Sparksâ€" Sales attended in any of the city AVERLY HOUSE, Ajotcls anb Saloons. 66 QUEEN RESTAURANT ATON, Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes, (Late of Houghton‘s ISunn‘ £aloon.) spacious sampleâ€"roormm for commercial * . 859y Attevical Carbs, MXliscellancous. BARRIXGTONâ€"STREET s Ir., Architect,Elgin ‘street Corner J i_m:n and Kingâ€"sts., « OMEARA, Prorairon: R. Liaxa. Rooms 55 y kitchen. Completely furnished, with use of Piaro. Small garden attached. Rent moderate. Posâ€" session given theâ€"firit week in June. Apuly sat (To let, for the summer months, a house in the vicinity of Daly st, containing nine rooms and a *7.Ottawa Sept.7. To Tour Dominion ot INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMERS, SAILEINQ FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY AND ALTERNATE ‘.I'UBDAYB.‘ RATES OF PASSAGE BY THE SATURDAY STEANMER! ~__ First Cabin, Payable in Goid. Liverpool or Quun;t,own...... sssesssssess«»»+.$100 00 x M’C C’.b“ in w. Liverpool or Qnu;nm:......................... 35 00 PASBAGE BY THZ TUESDAY STEAMER VI EALIPAX. First Cabin, Payable in Gold. ‘ Liverpool or Queenstown.........................$100 00 TiA KessrtrerrstesscPersrerartarextscensbigreesvetss" BO S Et. John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... 45 00 . _ Steerage, Payable in Currency, * LivorpoolorQM........................ 30 00 uif“...u.u...u.u.u iantsssrersreressessssereces _ 19 00 «John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... 30 00 Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and eContinent, at moderate rates: For fcther information, ;Pg{)“ the Company‘s offices, JOHN G, DALE, Agent, ~_ W. Norwax‘s, MeTtoaLÂ¥r®Eâ€"strEEt. €¢ AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, . FOR THE UPPER OTTAWA EVERY DESCRIPTION May 7, 1869. The splendid new and fast sailing Steamers The domfort and economy of this line is unsur passed, while the route passes through ons of the most picturesque districts in Canade, and is the most fashionable for tourists. s The steamer Queen Victoria leaves her whart foot of Sussex st, at 6:30 a im, (Montreal time), arriving in Montreal at 4;45 p m. Parties desirous of a pleasant trip can obtain Return Tickets to Grenville, valid for one day at single fares. ; URNISHED HOUSE TO LET. 1869. "l\ut oTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY MAIL 8 TEA ME RS. OTTAWA CITY TO MONTREAL DAILY, . Passengers for the celebrated Caledonia Sprirgs will be landed at L‘Orignal. s The market steamer #Fuairy, Captain Nichol, leaves Ottawa or Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 p m for Ymormedi;to landings. Ann ‘Sisson......... AHBDOD:+ssv seersses Fmorgld....,..,,.++,, OUFUGOM+csrrsserserik«s Jason Gould............................. _ Captain Bolton POBHRC. â€":+.;+s1:+«.sscssssirsesseâ€"+»«+».cCRptuin Blondin Pembroke....................‘............Captain Duggan Enow Bird ................................Ca&ptain Boattio Until further notice the steamer Ann Swson will leave Ayimer every day (Sundays excepted) for the Upper Ottawa, at 8:30 aim., touching at March and Quio, and convecting with the Alliance at head of Rai‘way at 12%:30, touching at Arnâ€" nrior, Sand Point, Bristol, Bonvechere, Farrell‘s W barf, Gould‘s W harf and Portage du Fort. Parcel Express daily from the Office on the wharfto Montreal and intermediate landings. Tickets can be procured at the office on the wharf, from the office of Herrick & Crombie, Rideau st, W S Boyd, at the hotel and office, Russell House Blosk, The Jason Gould leaves Pembroke landing daily at 5 o‘clock, a.m. Passengers artrive at Aylmer at 4 o‘clock, p.n. The Alliance leaves Portage du Fort every morning at 9;30 a.m., touching st Gould‘s Whart, Farreil‘s Wharf, iomloehero Point, Bris tol, Sand â€"Point and Arnprior, and arriving at head of railway at 1%145, and eouoetl-x with Ann Sisson at Pontiac. Passengers reach Ayimer at 4 pam«. | Freight of any description torwarded with desâ€" patch to all points on the Upper Ottawa at moderate rates. Particular attention paid to Towege of timber and sawlogs. For furtber particulars apply at the otfice of the Ottawa, May 21, 1869. Stages will le«se Gould‘s Wharf immediately after the arrival of the steamer Alliance, for Cobâ€" den, connecting with steamer Jason Gou!d, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. The steamer Pembroke leaves Pemwbroke daily at 7 o‘clock, a.m., for Des Joachims and intermeâ€" dirte ports, returning same day. _ _ _ _ _ Â¥or lurther particulars apply Company, at Ottawa or Aylmer, STEAMERS " ALLIANCE," JASONGOULD" & " PEMBROKE," 1869. NLARGED PORTRAITURF *PRLINCE OR WALES COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIP3 Ottawa, May 29, Consisting of the following steamers : OR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWKX. 1042f "NHE OT TA W A LIVER NAYVIGATION COMPAXNX¥‘s KION FORWARDING & RAILW AY "OMPANY. ¢€€ Uxtox Forwaror®o axD» Rartwar Coxr‘r., Ottawa, May 5th, 1869. 15 Broadway, New York orto : F RRICK, BRUSH £CO., QUEEX VICTORI A," OoTTAWA AND MONTREAL. § R. W. SHEPRERD, COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN, "A NN 8USSQG x UPPER OTTAWA ROUTE DES JOACHIMS. R. 6. CASSELS, Carr. R. W. Surenean (Erapars ExoertED ) MAIL STEAMERS THE STEAMER COXNECTIXG WITH #Lcamers. Cart. Bowir, LEAYVES BETWEEN AT R. 8. CASSELS, President FOR HAVE ..........Captain Findlay .........Captain Murphy .......Cv)nin Couvrette sesauge o né)uin Cowley »......... «Captain Bolton: ..........Captain Blondin .....,....Captain Duggan â€"..........Captain Beattie R W SHEPHERD. 1062f Ottaws Manager. 10438f 1869. 1869, THE TIMES is printed aod published ©® â€"â€" Tes Orrawa Tinss Pammxe aAxp PopUuE® me Coxraxy, at the OM.:;:'W Centre Town, Ottawsa. J4*"" °_ _, Dresses ot every descri Bhawi® NO _ ete., scoured cndr’elouom‘fl in all eclet! 'ul shades. Gents‘ Garments nuvl.‘r Wo " se p»arsnix srear orE woRks: M. HIRSHFIELD. Orriersâ€"Nos. 374 and 258 Notwe Damestre® MONTREAL dTTAWA AGENCY aT TBE CITY HOOP SKIRT FACTORL â€" < 04. _ â€"_ $ # A. HAUNDRRAG : _ y Montres!. Sole Wholesale Agents in the Dowinion * sale of J. Sewili‘s W atches. # For the sale of these HER MAJESTY QUEEXN VICTORIA‘3 ROYA NAVY : s Prise Medalist of the Groat International Exbibl tion of London, 1862, and of the Uniâ€" versal Exhibition of Paris, 187. WE HEREBY APPOINT Mz. JOHN LESLIE _ _ _ P ~ OoURT OF SPAINX HE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS C0% MISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, J. SEWILL, LIVERPOOL, mfii“\nglr:sfl n:i QEIIN'IUY‘ Enwxn D P. DARTNXEIL, Bamed, Bolicitor, Attorney and Nutary Public Oert of the Peace and County Attorney, for the Usite! Counties of Prescott and Russell. Oficeâ€"It 4* Court House, L‘Orignal. Min _ EES & GEMMILL, nmnnt L Solicitors, Conveyancers, &¢c. Officeâ€"Is Court House, Ottawa. Rosert Lers. 43utf _ Jous J. Gmas R Ht+â€" HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, 80 © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Newy Public, and Psatent Right Soliciior. Officeâ€"P®# Office Building, Elginâ€"street, Ottawa. ut D O*CONNOR, Atiqn a2ey â€"atâ€"Law, Bolisito EZ e in Chancery, Conveyancer, &4¢ , Samtâ€" street. Office, Unin Buildings, Jitawa. biy and Notaries Pub streets, Ottawa, *xaxo® or tmms. : ST. LAWREXNCE AND o ~RAILWAY, _ Traw, (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott “'VI ON and AFTER TUESDay; May Teody 904 notil further notice, TKAinp .,th as follows : * th. on TImT # Xxprecs, 7 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m. Mail, 10.00 pâ€"m. LkaYE PREBOOTR, Mixed, 7. 15 a. m. Express, 1.35 p.m, Mail, 6,00 pas. The time of these Trams h: to ensure gonnection wi nig! Grard Trunk, east an est} ore of the Royal Mail Line. NICHOLLA‘! SPARKE®, %:m‘:’ neyâ€"utâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, a ancer, &o. Oficeâ€"Lang‘s Buildig, 'M opposite the Post Office, Ottawa. 489y [3 7 . . p_ RNnectiOn with night ang f'“, N k Grand Trunk, east an @s!, also with ,:" a ore of the Royal Mail Line. Sean, Baggage to nnd from Ottawa <heckeq from and to stations on Grand Trunk h‘."‘“ Return tickets to Proscott, Kemptville i/ wa at reduced rates can be had at the Rnd 905. tions on the line. Pringipaly,, T. S. DETLOR, THOMAS PPÂ¥A : I‘IOIGROVE & TAILLON, Barnsen, Bolicitore, &c., Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildiag, Rideauâ€"street, Octawa. Wiuriix Mosorove. _ 366 _ Grorot Taus. uies .:.A cce l0 0 c c ue css on e o n etees Ottawn. _ ¢ J P. MACPHERRO®, G. KEXNEDY, â€" 1.10»m. J W +. W. W ARD, of the late firm of Lew © Pinhey & Ward, has removed his Chanee Office to Bell‘s Law Chambers, opposite Kusel House, Elginâ€"st. dw Agent for MARRIAGE LICXNCE» for the citt of Ottawa, by commission from His Exoslione; he Governorâ€"General. GFFLICEâ€"St. Lawrence Hotel, Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, April 9, 1869 1019â€"4m TIME TABLE, xa Commexci®s ox Moxnay‘ 8:00 a m, nrrivini:zv ‘s arpd 1:25 p m. . _ * 10 ()5 Ao-u-TlAIN‘.'lI leay : Smith‘s Falls at 10:05 a w on 6:20 p m, arriving at Perth at 10:55 a m and: m, ® All trains on main line connect at Smith‘s Â¥# with Trains to and from Perth, No. 1 leaves Brockville after G T R Fxpn trains hr? due from the east." No. 3 is due at Brockville in time to connediwn G T R Express trains for the east and west. 59 61 es 4 P. M.eâ€" TR AINX® will 5: I5Perth at 5:15 pm and 9 a m, at Smith‘s Falls at 6:05 p m and Â¥:55 a m LEAVE SMTHs FALILA. Ottaws May 20. LARGE LOT OF WILLOW poRX! [1_ A./MARA, Architect. Oficeâ€"Aumoend‘s 4@ Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottaws. #53 Ottawe, May 14, 1869 #eCF XF Sandpoint at 609 , m, arriving at Brockville a 3¢ p m, APIERRE & HAYCOC h atâ€"Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Cont Notaries Public, Ccrnor otf Sussex and Yor _ TETREAU, 8 Public for the Pro j * Yikke of Qupbos, Rell, peat g_hi * xdR â€" O Y 2. Superintendert, _ _ _ '.t.â€""bt above 1 raume GaRr YEILDIXC, ROCKYVILLE & ACPHERRSO®, KENXEDY & CHRISTIE Barristers, &o., Lang‘s Block, Rigin«., Marriage Licene W ATCHES. LEAYE OTTAwa TURE & BASKETS, AT THE YARIETY HALL | Aailrombs, _ MAINX LIxg, * EEAVE BROCKYILLz )p. M.««TRAIX8 wiy ltey Qrgckvi!!o {aily 4W w .l LEAYE SAXDPomq Ktgal Cans 43 Sparkeâ€"st PERTH PRAXCB LEAYE PERIB. T h Ned irains has beep 3o & OTTiw, War. «"=TRAME . vint at ..'.'! WIHl leay ‘DuL, N6. 20, XDPAY, Maroeg Ottawa and Vieinity H. ABBOTT, _ _ Managing Drareaw ; _ I~°C WeRk at 6:00 a m ant 3, | | P @epâ€" 4 ardpoint ; ARRIVE jy ‘ 9.23 . gam 315 p.up. 1.09 .’.‘ ARRIYE ry s 1433 . f#® 8 REYXOLDs, withagig Dinc YALFAMILY 415 p 2:00 J , *15 p m ang :,' Ist 1184 Ran. B an 8 pa hh s ;_'.‘,.u, oull the attention of the .“r'“"w of * h:tnshd from our Continental m we our goods at a very emall adv in order to give every one a chance Teas and Céefeos, we hare imported tis Cattees and Boxes, which will ; strongth and tiavour of the above na and will contain 5, 10, 20, 25 ibe a ; _ We will pay the carriage on two 10 1b Cattees, to the nearest Express « LLanding, on receipt of money, or m coliected by Expiess or Steamboat A there 1s no Express or Steambont Lat â€" _ nend goods perBtage. Parties formi wending in an order for Ten or more receive one ot their own choice in 1 n their new Show Room, comprising l'lAflOoI‘OKT“.fW" all the leading r W ARREX‘s PIPE ORGAXJ, onflAlB and MELODEONS from the t sories in the United States, excelling in fnh wane aunything ©vor brought into this countr Now is the time for intending purchasers marPRICES LOW & TERMS LIBERA #*. #4 4 .. WBR .. .. . o Avcfrcratreanalts L 39 i D Ottawa and Ogdessburgh, would beg to i his o!‘4 patrons and others, that he hopes, i» atten d to their orders for tuning more: than beretofore. Shall yisit Ottawa once Orders received at Mr. Bol'-l“‘.-. Rooms, and at E. Miles* Music Store. ara N RENE ing 1 a NO â€"F OR TES, O RG AND MELODEONS8, l)u-o TONENU®~*E*" * ols decided to divide his time equaily 6e to @MWU N* _ utd har to i ..l() silver Top Smelling Boitle., A Sooton Plaid. S.cllh'}llq.hc. 1mproved Porfamed Distri Poilet Boxes in variety, Rimmel‘s New Porfamsc, + > Cawbridge Bouagaet, ; Oxford w. English Leve sa~U.N D E R T A K E R I F URNXITU RE iyodving aient es "=*" * Architects and others turnishing their : ings for any kind of wood work will 1 aorrestly executed. . Partioular attention paid to f goOTHIC & FaANCY FURNI! 4 complete stock just rece:ved of Toilet i#‘atent Medicines, ¢ wur stock of Concertinas, Violins, ., is, as usual, very iarge, New Sheet Music and Books com Inruisied â€"~al country . lor the removal of household furmtare, waggoos for lumber and other heary g: N.B.â€"Residence at the westend of % lihy oppui!nmguh: C always on hand COFFEE! . COFFEE! CABINETâ€"MAKER, UPHO Vur Teas andi Coffees, after one have been pronounced by the most re be of the finest quality, cheap and 1 poisonous substance, so often used in give every one perfect satistaction, Lages affordea trmr: one are such rHUE MEDIOAL 4A KSSR®. J. L. OLRLME & sOX METALLIC AND OTEBER Very Â¥ine, . L6 + 4L0..»sserrwccremirccry K Buperfine BLACK TEA Common Congon, Strong Tea..........» Fine Figvoured New Senson do........ f'. ‘;’09.“- ssseseeee .:.......-: e ce qug 00. FREREEENENEEreren08seee000000 Rich Fievoured, do ......_......._..._ Excelient Full Piavoured _ do.... Very Good.. cusiomers m E&â€"fi'.:'u”_ifi she has . their orders. vorner of Bank as Two or three Apprentices wanted. OoLIDAY PREKSENTS !\oubnrlu fi:or will tctfl‘. llch.' requiring the somson, 1 "mo:‘su-uy.:’?mq paid in vance, or \'-lv.' MILLINER Y. YyOL, IV. NJQ. KAIl TEA! TEA : (Genuine Drugs and Chemicale, Druggists‘ Sundrios of all d L W . M. MABSEY, COash advanced goods eo fl-h. Pu-:nunnh e subjoin a list of our prices Ottawa, May 8. l:dz ‘â€" â€""'-7;“-!' UIVCE WeUu in cm'cmhm], we are in V.v-' KASTOE 4& 00., COMMISSION MERC Ahsssss0!008 5000020000 800000 200 ** @*e***tessce00rssssesasse*es00s000 senessengenss se a0008 +4 8 0 0 0000 . BMITH, Bankâ€"st., TUNING.â€" No. 8, Sparkeâ€"st., EXPRESS WAGGONS 28 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawt » eustapronsentcrrmsmrcsuce A) Vike U ber the address, A. 0, AUDYX _ Box 201, P. O,, Ot a#es n00 204048 n# 000 00 10E11; ITCKIH1: Family and "‘ispensing FUN EK A L8 FORWARDERS, L. ORME & SOX, Sign of the Golden UREEN 1£KA. lality, we are in a &T COFFEE. oTTAWA, THOMAS ST next Durie subscriber

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