14 p. um Te 9. * p. m at Smith‘s Pud ’.-.-!lq 30 a m. ALLR. NO will lewy t 10:05 a m and 35 a m and T: day traimg .4 n.’n.. ‘_: LBR YNOLDS, Blocok, Elgin=. MaAy lAs3 '.\~ e to connect with WIR leay & m asd %:1% 415 p m uns Mn ue Parie, 15€!â€" ‘AIN THB LOoRDpE 60A CKS for thecty numess"" "EP y A1 eaAulb , yx, wors* TELD.. We and 0G, T C Tave, zow vee®" e aag publisbe® , ablic for the Pt _ mweear*the PM 4 29, 18gg "Lfead keâ€"atroot. â€" wa ‘and Vicinit! TP4 Â¥4 atâ€" Law, DMIRALTY» OJit a w a» Ap T08 n pacu08), , BDB#®U" /13 5o ared 18 hoage enovatedâ€" 5)j °. %. J. CHRISTIR. frm of Lew kra‘s ROYA RAFL. t ikd 1 9 s l,uno TUNING.â€"The subscriber baving * decided to divide his time equally between ‘::‘:.‘:..'.....1‘ That he haper,in fature, to attend to their erders fortuning more promptly thans heretofore. Shall visit Ottawa once a month. Orders received at Mr. Bermingham s Auction Kooms, and at K. Miles* Music Store. = _ WARREXN‘S PIPE ORGAN3, ORGANS and MELODEONS from the best fac. wriesinthe United States, excelling in finish and toae anything over brought into this country. Now is the time for intending purchasers. #aPPrRIcEs LOW & TERMS LIBERAL®He «t evrery deseription, maase to order or repaired, andjobbing attended to. Arshitects and others furnishing their own drawâ€" iIngsfor any kind of wood work will have them Particular attention paid to GOTHIC & FANCY FURNITURE. Silver Top Smelling Bottlo, Seoteh Plaid Smolling Bowles, FUNERALS furnished at the shortest notice in the city or tor the removal of houschold furniture, &o. Also waggoos for lumber and other hoary goods. N.8.â€"Residencest the westoend of Wellingtonâ€" u., oppssite the marke® Toilat Boxes in variety, PILANOâ€"FORTES, from all the leading makers, img always on hand. PILaNOâ€"FOR TES, ORGAN $, AND MELODEON3, A complete stock just received of Toilst Articles, ] \anoniniiiabasetbiiicmmuig COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE! * YOL IVY. KNQG. :074 a their new Show Room, comprising hurs been pronounced by the most reliable men to iwofthe finest quality, cheap and free from all substance, so often used in the tea trade, r:dthoi:wnu-o‘:uï¬du. n:’ .m y, we are & :wy-. perfect satistaction, 1:“ aforded to every one are such as can only be obtained from our Continental merchants, as we wil our goods at a very small advance on cost. In order to every one a chance to taste our Mfl&. we hare imported Tin Hermeâ€" Ne Cattees and Boxes, which will preserve the Kreogth and Aavour of the above named articles, and will contain 5, 10, 20, 25 1bs and upwards. We will pay the carriage on two 10 Ib or four 5 lb Catteas, to the nearest Express or Steambost m.-mpt of money, or money car be iyhpcunw W here huuhpc.nsu.-boa lm'o wilt sead goods per Stage. Pmrutor-hs be, and sending in an order for Ten or more Catties, will receire ons ottheir own choices in return at our E.*Iudflrm' : BLACK TEA ; Common Congou, Strong Tos...............$0 45 @ 50 CABINETâ€"MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, METALLIC AND OTHER COFFINXS uur stook of Concertinas, Violins, Flotes, &e., s., is, as usual, very large. New Sheet Music and Books constantly arrivâ€" Exceilent Full Flardured _ do.. MES. SMLTH, Bankâ€"st., to inform her "'-;-.:urm mun.fu received her Mriag fwhions, and is now prepared to supply -..iu_lynn the attention of the pablic to THE MEDICAL HMAL!, Â¥ine Ftuvoure) y o qs °. " i rbt n Araraamnt The subscriber will furnish ICE daily to those IMquiring it for the season, 10 lbs. daily, double SiBly ca Saturdays fo Sunday‘s use, for $6.00, it in advance, or $6.50 if not before the and of the seasou, hrntqnu.m-"lldu 'hdhuuun.m by the season, or t suy time the iss is wanted. . All oraers left at m’l Restaurant, or at @: Mortimer‘s Our Teas and Coffees, after one yeatr‘s trial &.-:'-‘:." subscriber, will be strictly atâ€" # THOMAS STARMER, Mrhk : :: ;. 124 Rideanâ€"st. w UNDERTAKERC@ * Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeai, Pork, &¢ ~â€"_â€" OTTawWa, â€"_â€"_ Knd of Little Sussexâ€"st. 2 ';â€" P «un d rapced on ghods sonsigned for imme. Â¥, ..‘ REasroy, #f T KB Wisks. *,:bm-.’ vorner of Bank and Albertâ€"sis. ‘_‘"‘thmbm'“ uk _Z [E »®iLuisERY. KISRS. J. L. ORME & 80X OoLIDAY PRESEXTSs Feussnessuscesceececccreses«»««» O 20, 0 20, 0 29, 0 32 h......,“..... 0 18, 0 22, 0 26, 0 29 A. 0. AUDY & co., Box 201, P. o..mn Oitawsa, May 8, 1569. I Rimmel‘s ws.::thuldhhufl ions. W, M. MASSEY, * Family and Dispensing Chomist. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FORWARDERS, EXPRES3 WAGGONS , ICK!I! ICEKE!I!! Improved Porfumed Distribators, W KASTONX & co., J,. L ORME & SON, Sign of the Golden Lyre, No. 3, Sparkeâ€"st., next Durie & Son‘s FURNITURE HWillinery. DEAL FRS 18 AT Boglish Lavonder W ater, @RO. N. BENEDICT. 1015tf To our Prunells Balmoral, for.. wJI" BANKRUPT sTOCK. *Ws We have still on hand a portion of Messrs. F G & C A CROSBY‘S stook which is in pertect condiâ€" tion and suitable for the season, which wo will actually sell for less than cost to: cash. ml-m.‘. of our stook and prices is respestfully # A J STRPHENS & CO., h? ® G & C A Crosby, Sign,.pof the Mammoth Boot, 51 Sparksâ€"st., Contre To our Prunella Congress, a frstâ€"rate article for $1. SsSPRING AND SUMMER, CoMPRISIN® a very large and varied assortment of LADIES®‘, GENT*3, MISSEY‘ & CHILDREN‘8 DRESS & WALKING BOOTS. We would call the especial attention of the es LAD IE 8, in ‘~*I %% I)llll BooTs FOR ALL WEATHERS8S." i.lrrll.llrlili‘l;; Summer Stock of Fee J that I am receiving and Sammer Stock of Post ‘Woar ,which will be z.‘ oo-phb in every department, representing LATEST AND BEST STYLES In Ladies‘, Misses, Children‘s, Men‘s and Boy‘s Wear. The stock as usual is choson with great care, and is warranted to gvo satisfaction, and at PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION. s A uanâ€lyd Lumbermen‘s Wear always on hand. f Orders taken for all sorts of work. Caly the best work men employed, es GEORGE MURPHY. CAPITAL BOOT AND SHOE STORE, GEXTLEMEXN‘s$ | PATENT CONGRESS, sEAL CONGRES3S, FINEK ENGLISH BOX TOED CONGRESS, HANDâ€"MADE, and other new styles, would call your special attontion to his Splendid ASSORTMENT of PRUNELLA BOQTSâ€"But. toned, Laced and Congress. Purchase your Dry Goods, seall, and see it they cannot ofer you greater inducements than tyou can get e‘lsewhere in the If you want a good Wool Tweed for 50 cents, call at O‘MEARA & Co.‘s. If you want a Suit, made to order, for $7, ecall at O MEARA & Co.‘s. If you want a good suit of Clothes, readyâ€"made, If you want any Linen or Lustre Coats fron $1 If you want any White Dress Shirts, Under Shirts, Draweors, Hosiery, &0., call at O‘MEARA & Co.‘s. Having one of the largest‘stocks in the city, we beg to call the attention of those wishing to avail themselves of the above low prices to call and examine our stock. QUICK SALES & LIGHT PROFITS. BOQOQTS AN D 8 HU O ES, l'ald__l_-n_n? my customers and the public Rorn ITALIAX BTTERS. Prepared by special permission from the original recipe of . __ Â¥. P. VERRL °M. D. Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the principal Druggists and Grocers in ._ PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A. M. F. GIANELLI, Bole Manufactirer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bittors are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adupted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitations. They are gently stimulant, and will be found infallible aids to digestion: P For directions see label round the neek of each BOOTs, ANB. sHOKS! O‘MEARA & CO, N-.mmnh.m&.dp&nd BOOTS AND SHOES THE RED BOOT, SEKE ‘ THE NEW STYLEs NEWEST STYLES THE RED BOOT. JUST RECEIVED 8STEPHENS® & C0*Â¥, Readyâ€"made Clothing, OUR MOTTO I8s call at O‘ MEARA & Co.‘s. SV M ME R, eall at O‘MEARA & Co.‘s. JUST GIVE AT HAYBR ATF AT 1% Cloths, Tweeds, &¢.; A. M. F GIANELLLI O‘MEARA & CO. evoccememcren iituilh 50 Sparkeâ€"st. JOHN LANGTON, f I have this day, deposited with sno ecuive » w ver» Ouo.m-l. 'l‘;mm“'b-uud Dt:l‘sn in addition to above Fitty Thousand, ma Beventy Thou. sand Dollars &n,cm U. 8. Gold Bonds, ds of 81 on lsnt oimees t inmizy ht in thonte® or lon. Ail legal matters 'm to him. f _â€"_ B.R.CORWLN, Bpecial attention given to the purchasing on Commission and Forwarding of Coals, Sait, Pig Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &¢., &0. f qQUEaeo rerkasscus. Messrs Tetu & Garneau, Wholesale Dry Goods Merchants. James @ Ross, Esq, General Merchant, Viceâ€" President Quebec Bank. Hon David E Price, M L C, Merchant. Eugene Chinc, Keq, Merchant, President La Banque National, Hon Thos McGreory, M L C, Viceâ€"President Union Bank. @ 10444 Fll.lx CARBRAY, > COMMISSION â€" MERCHANT, ‘FORWARDER, GENERAL AGENT, &c., 4 Nai St, Pcicr-u‘., ~ QUEBEC. _ Aoesxt,.... _Ofice of Queen‘s Printer, \ An entirely Canadian institutionâ€"perfect security to Insurers, and immediate payment of claims. Ottaws, Dec. 8, 1863, P18tf Umon MUTVAL LIBE IN8URANCE COMPANY ; QOr MALINE. COMMERCIALâ€"WAREHNOUSE, § No. 60 Sparksâ€"st. Gentlomen leaving their orders for Garments, ean have them made under the superintendence of Arstâ€"class work men. PM".OIAL INSURANXCKE. MALCOLM CAMERON, A SPLENXDID STOCK uP CLOTHS: FOR SUMMER WEAR, f In Silk ilixtures, Scotch and Canadian * TWEEDS, may now be seen at the Ottawa, May 7. Maving opoened a first.class * TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, in Ashfeld‘s Brick Building, Dukeâ€"st., is now preâ€" pared to show & select stock dl-*h\.!mh and Canadian Tweeds, Wost of and Broad Cloths, Meltons, Cassimeres, and Goods in general. A select lot of @rosvemor, Canterâ€" bury and Gladstone Searfs Cheap. From Mr. hw both in the United States and the in the Cutting Department, he can assure all who ufl.hmr him with a call of getting the most stylish garâ€" ment in the city. A trizm is most respecttully Members of Parliament at Ottaws visiting the Chaudiere, and ""fl anything in his line, would find it to their antage to give him a ull.bdlhtdmn“&lo. Bome good P ALOON MAKERS 'A{: KD, as well ‘as good COAT HANDS, to w the highest wages will be paid. None but firstâ€" &-m.flm. P.8,â€"SBome of W Celebrated American Cloths now open for inspection. 10402 Leaving their orders atithe * COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSEB, No, 60 Sparksâ€"st., Can get well suited in Garments. 1043.3m s A.GRAHAM & In teturning .nb:‘lw Mp:“hv&n. to intorm them i0 , that mu reâ€"opened his -uuï¬-fl: tlo'.bon- stand with an extensive stock of FIRSTâ€"COLAS8* MATERILAL & FASHIONABLE DESIGNS, suited ta the present season, and having secured the serviâ€" ses ot a firstâ€"class cutter,who has had over ten yoars experience in leading houses in Oxfordâ€"st., Lonâ€" don, is enabled to sapply a want long felt in Ott a wa. Mx. Roncarso® assures his friends that nothing * too pairomage besioned y him in thy past, _ â€" o the on e Ottawa, March 23, 1869. mr:: 1043 3m Cansadian Twoeeds, W est of England Broad Cloths, Méitons, Cassimeres,Gents‘ Haberdashery, Readyâ€" made Suits and General Outitting Goods, which will be found very select. Â¥rom the experience ANGUS SUTHERLAND has had shvhg been Manager in the Gentleâ€" man‘s for many years), he hopes to give perfect satisfaction. ho-o:;nu-ixlhlbhpm..:.‘m!u owing to the correct milwary culting system care l-llgodWMlm Numerous city and provincial references ; also from New York and other districts of the Union. His gerteral ndodpbuhvuxndom. Gonts® excellent Tweed Suits, $10, $12, $18, Ottawa, November 7, 1868. _ stt Wi'.u'.'-' securely sowed on. Youths‘ suits tasteâ€" Orders Witl be exccuted strictly to the time PP T. RAJOTTE. & FOR CASH ONLY.®a o h Ai urmesnh ‘noll Tck toe hamed 1043.3m May be obtained CHKAP by calling at the COMMERCIAL WAREKHOUSE, No. 60 Bparkeâ€"st., 43 3m A. GBRAHAM & CO. CEO. MAYES, / COPPER PLATE PRINTELR, Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streets. ;mm CGaRMENxTS t Made with NEATNESS and DESPATOH at o ; # COMMERCIAL WAREKOUSE, . No. 60 Sparkeâ€"st., )43 3m A. GRAHAYM & Co. EKLECT TAILORING. ENXTLEME NX OaTs, PANTS and VESTS Plls of Eechange, BB M‘.,Mn’l Dt ROoBERTSON, wonumun of uow ERERTAME MI C eE & . * covered with damask (newspaper) office, Ottawa. * n THBE VARLETY HALL. > \ quaws, May 29, 1969. MERCHANT TAILOR, BELL‘S BLOCK, NEW IMPORTATIONS®. AWREXCE T. RAJOTTE. Tailoring. Agencires. R of SUPERIOR COVCHES, A. GBRAHAM & CO., | ies on the shiptals ns For the Minister of Finance Commercsial A.GRAHAM & CO. No. 60 Sparks st. 1043.3m OTTAWA, SATURDAY. JUNE 12, iseo â€.:_- Alftctatities u--q.wy. HpASPBERRY VINEGAR, Wrocers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, Fnsn OYs3TERS, _ is Tin:, PRUIBV!D ONXSTERS do s FRN“ HALLBUT do Fusn SALMON * . * Fld MACKEREL d gprsaiosms 4 Glll!l PEAS do % x EX0N, GINGER, ORANGE, And for sale cheap, by j i D. T. BROWNL 6 CV., ‘ Wholesalo and Retail Fhe sabsoriber would called the attention e Families and others to his And other Malt Whiskies, PORTS, SHERRIES, BRANDIES, GINX, &6 To sther with a General Assortment of FIRSTâ€"CLASS GROCERICS. FINE BOTTLED ALE Which is in splendid condition. Also, sCOoTCH, IRISH, OLD RYE, Jast give CULINARY.& DOMESTIC TINWARE C.â€"P. ;DORLIO N, 58 Sparks st, opposite British, Lion Motel, * A CALL, f Mtawa, Jan. 20, And examine for yourselves and see if he cannot sizewhere in the oapital, in his large and well * assorted stock, viz ; If you want a tipâ€"top Refrigerator of any size, giveâ€"a call to C P DORION. Uyuvqulg;upinluhlncm-m «ive a call s If you want ti * cCmy ser or If you want a fine lot of Chamber Ware, of any size or pattern, give a call to C P DORION. lry?'mmnuudny size, give a call 0 k. 4 > C P DORION. If you want Cutlery, Tea Trays, Table Mats, Dish INDiA WaRENOUSE, No. 16, Rinpeapâ€"st., _ * makers Loverivos & Co, England, Bloock Tin Tea and Coffes Pots, different styles and shapes. Remember, y _ And a full stock of Choiss Family G1oceries. Ottaw a, Nov. 3, 1868, C.P. â€"DBUCLLrO N. 58 Sparks st, immmm Lion Hotel, late of Richard lhbq.lq.:qm occupied by Weldon e o oo e C P DORION. og';-‘-'a'}“:-"‘:::a"nm of description h!‘h.!n’u. o-o!r. Odvnbr{m. Trough ndo‘“u:ut â€ï¬.:-‘.ibo'k:vm:.'“ attended to. petaped C P DORION. Jvn RECEIVED, __â€" And for sale a large lot of RUBBER BALLS, at the sign of the Indian Chief, 43 Sassex and TIAOIAIIAo _ School Trusteos, or any other party requiring a competent teacher may be supplied by applying by letter, M"‘“’.,‘?J W M, in care of Trurs UIT RECEKIYED, Banana, Poash, OTTLED ALE, TTENXTION. give a call ant ti Bathsâ€" ower :o‘l'uy .K.'?c fl m?..â€-mu the premises to order, give & call to ' C P DORION. ou want Cutlery, Tea Trays, Table Mats, Dish Covers, Coffee Pot Stands, Hollow W.are, LIron Bedsteads, of all sizes and best materials, give a call to SMtoves P Mardware. 106%b ust received a fine ‘lot of the well known Chantier Basins do PURCHASE YOUR 47% TT ALTREIALEN qy 1868. * \ AT quart Milk Pans C P DORION. OTTLED ALE. L N NYE. TO BE GIVEN AWAY $30,000%."XATA Owing to the late panic in Montreal, and the large number of Bonznpc Stocks that in conseâ€" quence have been thrown on the market, we were enabled to purchase an assorted stock of REFOUSSE8, ALEXANDREs, T JOSEPUINE and JOUVIN KIDVGLOVEs A8 &LL ARE SURE TO GET‘ A PRIZEGK PANICI PaANIC : PaANIC ing t the eye and mak o Took pood ar i drave se fime ow i "c" 4* The stock consists ot the following goods, vis : (}Ullllflu‘.‘ & LIAXDSAY‘8, DRY GCOODS AND CLOTHING, OP“ID oUT One case plain Poplin, choice colours, for .................. 0 One case Silk Striped, do _ VOT Y DOW....ssesssesseses000 20 pieces Silk Striped, do 10 pieces Roselind, Shot Stripâ€" _ed Lusters..................94 _ do do _ 1s 34 15 pieces Yucstan Cloths...1s 34 do do 2s 04 Aloo.lomm{ndwido goods, in splenâ€" did colours, and of the latest styles, for 1s 10{d. The same goods cannot be bought in any house in the city for loss than 38 64. Immense bargains in WHITE COTTONS, a first class White Cotton only 5d per yard. 400 pairs Gloves........................«..fOr 4d per pair 100 ° do Fine Silk Gloves...only 1s 3d, worth 2s 6d 100 White quilts.....................at a great bargain 200 Coloured %flh...............only be, worth 2s 6d 100 Silk and Wook Shirts for Boatâ€" Pocket Handkerchiefs.......... CLOTHING! â€"CLOTHING! . CLOTHING ! + THE GREATEST SACRIFIUE OF THE AGE IN CLOTHING. ; mflld all wool Suits warranted........... for $9 BUIUesrvertinsirteriers trevrussvessebsesterssfO® $ABD 60 do do â€" do . do 54, worth 94 each 157 pairs Corsets, ....................... fOr 28 &or pair 100 White quilts..................... 2t a great bargain E OOHC RERIORODDMIOND.ee¢escetasesccceccaesee 5 §M DIOOTE do _ do _â€" hemmed.................0d each Also, 2 cases Prints, slightly damaged _ T Good BUIt......celererecrsrs rerernessersersesirecchOr $4,90 NUBKE c errrerverrirete res cerscersisressirecereres > PDORK T9G it Pants...........................000, T50 and $1 Yor QIK And a magnificent Alpacea Coat.........only $1.25 THE OCCIDENTAL EMPORIUM, STEWART‘S BLOCK, RIDEAUâ€"ST;, near Sappers‘ Bridge. : 50 doren White Hose...................â€"..0d per pair 20 pieses Ticking ...............only 94, worth 1s 3d Niw STORE OPENED Br PATK. BASKERVILLE, _ No. 36, Rideau st. WHOLESALE â€" AND RETALIL. Avolluoorbd-tuaâ€" Groorgizs, Wises, ©Liqvors, Provisions, constantly on hand, cousisting of a large &ssortâ€" ment of j Teas, Sugars, Spices, Sauces, dc., Wines i wooiee in Fash and Resich _ _ Ottawa, March 28, 1869. Brandies, Gin, Irish and Scotch Whiskeys, Best Highwines and + Old Rye, f Hams, Pork, Flour, Cheese, Butter, & : and Eggs, &c. P BASKERVILLE, No. 36, Rideau st, 2 doors east of Workman & nounting to #$30,000, for the small sum ot 7s on e pu&m.::q ‘mr than any stock we have t Bo now is the time for bargains. But you must “:L" we intena nllh&thom very low so as ‘ them off quick. ‘or instance here is FOI. SALE. The lots lately occupied by the Desbarats; Blook, corner of Sparks and O‘Connor sts, Ottawa, 132 x 198 feet. ‘The most eligible site in this city for Stores: Well suited also for a Puablic Buildâ€" ing, Consert Hali or Theatre, firstâ€"class Hotel, &0 ; being on the main thoroughfare, and one block only removed from the Government Buildings. The foundations of the former building are excelâ€" lent, and the basement nearly cleared of rubbish, The good stone and brick conveniently piled, so that building could be proceeded with at once. For further particulars apply to CHIEF | UNDERTAK,ER, & APARKSâ€"ST. wfel. COFFINS, HEARSES §~ CARRIAGES, Bole agent for 3 * FISEK‘S METALLIC : COFFINS. below the market. CHOICE LOT of CORDED FANCIES, 20th May, 1869. FOVZLTY IN SKIRTS, CHOICE LOT of TRIMMINGS and BUTTOXS, BEAUTIFUL LOT ofBPRING HATS sPLENDID LOT OF PARASOLS, CHOLICE LOT or BRILLIAXT®, CHOICB LOT OP DREss G0OO0DS8, BAFER THAN A LOTTERY CUNNINGHAM & LISDSAYB «_ â€"No. 14, Rosavest,, evinsiersovarse¢ressertensesestf 0 O0@worth 12s 0d IN NEW MATERIALS, Dry Gooss. FOR OLD AXD YOUNG PEOPLE. DRESS GOODS ! GREAT CHAXNu frorseteremsessresI9§0 t GEORGE E DESBARATS, AT &Y * AT 9d pr yd, worth 1s 34 H. HICK & CO. 3d to 4] d per yard 14 Rideauâ€"st, do do 18 6d 1s 94 are a few of the very numerous symptoms and diseases which aro caused by Worms : .doungoQ appetite, emaciated extremities, offensive breathâ€" frequent picking at the nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, hardness of the belly, with frequent slimy stools, and sometimes convulsive fits ; itching otf the arms, pain in the head and stomach, unquiet sleep, faintings, tremblings, coughs, indigestion, low spirits, frightful dreams, and a gradual waist. ing away of flesh. They are palatable and seliâ€"administered to the childâ€"drive out the worms thoroughly without pain and completely cloanse the stomachâ€"thereby doir; away with the necessity of administering Castor Oil or other unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of other Wirms. pA~Eack box contains the {acâ€"simile signature of Norturor & Lrxa®, Newcastle,C.W., who are he sole proprietors. _ Mothers Read Thisiâ€"Holioway*‘s W orim Lozsenges are a certain and safe remedy for Worms in Children and Adults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" known and melancholy fact that one great cause Oof death among children is from Worms alone, it sannot be too deeply impressed upon the minds of parents the necessity of closely watching their children. _ By so doing; and understanding the symptoms and true cause of the disease thousands of children might be saved from early graves. Svurrous or Worus.â€"The following N.B. Ask for AHolloway‘s Worm ® Lozenges pB"~ and take no other. & Sold by all the druggists in Ottawas, and medicine deale overy where: 5187 get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘3 500THING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the proâ€" scription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" sicians and nurses in the United States. â€" Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. ‘Be suro to call for "MRS. WINSLOW‘3 SOOTHING SYRUP." Mothers! Motners 1 MothersIâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and Having the facâ€"simile of ©Cart‘s & Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations D. FULTON is prepared to furnish the latest English and American Periodicals. He is agent for all Canadian ‘P.p.l‘l. which he delivers at 10 cents per woek, Principal agent for the Gilobe, etc. This week‘s Chimney Corner, Ledger, and Emerald. . Ottawa, June 3, 1869. â€" . _â€"_News Dealers, Elgin st, _ Have just set up ; MINERAL WATER FOUNTAINS, and are thus enabled to supply PLANTAGENET ‘nd BORTHW lC; WAT&& by the glass or galâ€" N Y Ledger and Chimney Corner, Harper‘s Magazino for. }?.90, Thomas Moore‘s Utopia, Christie‘s Faith, Carry‘s Confession, Mattie: A Stray ; All in ;‘g Dark, Appleton‘s Edition of Dickens, at k * , HAUSER‘S NEWS DEPOT, Co~_____ and Cireulating Library, Sparks st. . Eie Te tee efeaariacialg * Trigndert BHk Au riec‘k C Osiernts Drigatae, " J. DURLFE & SON have received The Man who Lll:ghl, by Victor Hufo; Breaking a Butterfly, tl:( e author of Guy lvingotono- That Boy ‘of orcott‘s, by Lever ; The Girls of Feversham, by Florence Maryatt; Realities of Irish Life, by French, cheap edition; W ord Gonilp. by Blackâ€" ley ; Horse and Man, Gv G C $ Phillipps ; Men, A REAL HAIR RESTORER AFD DRESSING Combined in One Bottle. 10 ; uose anu man, 0y G V 3 rnuupp- 3 CEUH %non and Ghosts, by 5. E Phelps ; l’nrny'- Adventures in the Adirondacks; Seats and Sadâ€" die, Bits and Bitting, by Major Diyor ; Liddon‘s University Sermons;â€" Aunt Jud{'c May Day Volume; The Trappers‘ Guide, by Newhouse ; Other Poo.ylo'a Windows, by the author of the Gentle Life; Carricature {lillory ot the Four Georges ; The Red River Country, Hudson Bay, MRS. So Ao ALIJEN’S :?arin'an JSor the Hair ; clear and iraiu[arnt, ithout sediment. "I is very simple and m:; produces wonderful results. Its great suptriority an economy as a ’/:l' Dressing over high cost Rrench Pomades is ing. For sale by HAIR RESTORER Will Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delight{ul Hair Dressing. > It will promote laxariant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediateJyeeh@cted. (Georges; The Ked River Country, Hudson Bay, and Northwest Territories, by A J Russell, C R. The best books on Flower and Kitchen Gardenâ€" PAINTING _ ESTABLISHMENT, 62 SPARKS STREET. Plain ang Decorative House and Sign Painting, wWHITE WASHING, in Kalsomine, Fronch â€"Zinc and Faris White, PAP E Râ€"HAN GIN G in the Latest Styles of Ceiling and W all Panelling, SsIGHX PAILINTING: y Office Signs, f j h Mammoth Store Signs, Block Letter Gold Signs, Plain, Picturesque, and Grotesque f Bigns in pvery style. in all the woods, with new and elegant improveâ€" Tor the relief and cure of lpllopt*h Et. Vitus Dance, Puerperal Hysteria, &¢., &c. This g:'p.r- ation is from the recipe of a celebrated French Physician, and the very great success which has attended its use in my cqse, and where the highâ€" utn:idbl:alnhll was of no nnl{.hhu hï¬duod Tt.ho subscriber to give it every blicity. The genuine has lg‘o lflboeribor,:::‘m lpn:l address on each bottle. Price one dollar. Bole Proprietor, J. A. HARTE, Chomist, 396, Notre Dameâ€"street, Ottawa, May 27,1869. FABOD“’I EPILEPTIC CURE, ___ 35 Barclay St. and 40 Park Place, Newâ€"York. . _ _ March 26. 1008â€"14y The BOILER and ENGINE, formerly in use in the Queen‘s Printing Office. The boiler is quite in good order, the engine requires repairsâ€"both will be given at a barpain. Also a quantity of steam pipe, hangers, shafting, hinges, iron stove pipe collars, printing chases, &o, &c. | Apply to ow mmon 4 t a me Mrs. 8. A. ALLEN®S ZYLOBALSAMUM, another )ouxuloy NEWS DEPOT, HOWELL‘S® CORNER, SUSSEXâ€"ST. ~Harte‘s Florida Water, equal to anything im ariad. (Price 212 cante ber futtlo. 1837 ONES & HOLLAND, UST RECEIVEKD, ATE LITERATURZ. ICED WATER FOR THE MILLION. Otawa, 29th May, New Style. Important Change. HE LANG OILER & ENGI®E FOR SALE. Cimits â€" > SPECIAL NOTICEKS. G RAININ G J. DURIE & SON, _ GRAT HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HATEB, Nature‘s Crown. You Must Cultivate it G E DESBARATS. 9. 1067b A. W. L&ANG, Sparks â€"st. . 10 Sparkeâ€"st. The I iternational Company‘s Steamers, running in connection with the Grand Trunk Rnilwl(, leave Portland every MONDAY and THURSâ€" DAY at 5£“m,for St.John, N.B., &c. Tickets issued through at the Company‘s princiâ€" pal stations, For further information and time of arrival and départure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" t:ou, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Sta~ tion: ‘ C.J; BRYDGES, Managing Ditector, Montreal, May 17, 1869. + 1865â€"January, T 56 & Co, Tonguoe, Browne & Co, 1 box axes ; October, C Rogers, 1 box books ; October, McLaren, 1 box bibles ; October, J Fraâ€" ser, 21 plough points ; Nov, R McGregor, 1 horse power. 1806â€"March, W Liearn, 1 Apleksgc; April, A Lacour, 6 cast iron plates ; April, M 5 Stevenson, 2 cases liquor; May, C Munro, 1 pinâ€" ion wheel; August, J 'f' Allen, 7 boxes sceds;; August, Shaker & Risley, 7 boxes seeds; Aug, Shaker & ‘Risley, 1 bundle (5 boxes) seeds; Aug, John Crichton, 1 keg, empty ; September, J F, i bri, empty ; Sept, E6 B Galiup, 1 lot window blinds; November, ‘T Isaac, 3 cast iron pots ; December, E B Gallup, 1 _large window frame. 1867â€"Jannuary, J & B Grier, 1 box o plate ; June, J Clothier, 1â€"chatn & anchor ; A 6 Laframboise, .1 .boat, 3 cars;â€"July, R Ely. 1 empty ni; July, G Peters, 1 canoe; Aufut, J (,P K, 1 keg sundries; November, E Tobin, 1 boat. 1868â€"January, R J Rodden, 1 stove front and doors; January, G Co, Ottawa Gas Co, 1 stove b‘itm ; January, W Rebinson, 3 barrels oil ; January, J Lyons, i barrel ; May, J Heney, l light waggon ; June, E O Perkins, 1 barrel oil ; June, Brouson, Weston & Czel“blrrol oil ; Jet, Hon J Skead, 1 chop mill; ber, John Mcâ€" Hale, 1 bedstead; June, G Newill, 1 can oil; June, J McD, J McDonald, 8 Iron Axles. x Trains now leave BQNAVENTURE STATIOA as follows : s a Day KxpreSs %%Gmu (eey ' press for. 8 , Okawa, “Brockvillo, Kingston, Boflevillo', Toronto,Guelph, London, Brantford, * . > Notice is hereby given that the undermenctioned articles, beini Freight and Baggage, which have remained unc simoï¬ on the premises of the Comâ€" pany for a period of upwards of six months, and the freight charges and warehouse rent on which remain unpaid, will be sold at the Company‘s Station, in the City of Uttawa, by Public Auction, on WEDNESDAY, the 30th JUNE next, at TEN o‘clock in the morning, viz: _ _ > = The whole will be sold by Mr. H. MCLEAN, Auctioneer, without reserve, at the time and place above stated. : THOS REYNOLDS, m .t <o .cc _ Managing Director. and all points West, at. ............... Nigtt ‘ ‘do * do â€" do *‘ do‘"do Accommopdation‘ Train: for Cornwall Night . do _ do . do *‘ do "do 7;30 p m Accommodation‘ Train: for Cornwall and Intermediate Stations at........ :10 p = Accomnrodation Train for Kingston and | *‘ «. Intermediate Stations, at..;.. ....... T:15 a7 Trains for Lachine at ............5:00 a m, 7:00 a m 9 a m, 12 noon, ‘1;30 pm,4;40 p m, § p m, and 6:30 pm. < .â€" i h.i oo % _ Tke 1:30 pm train runs through to Province Line. NoticE® or Saurz® or UnxncrarMEp Goops. Expréess for Bostona‘.......................... 8:40 a m Expressfor NewYorkand Bostonat...... 4;30 p m via Vermont Central. â€" Express for New York and Boston via Plattsburgh, Lake Champlain, Burllnï¬ten & Rutland at......o a m, 4.40 p m Express for POFe Bb..csvscressrictes 200 J U Night Express for Quebcc, Island Pond, Gorham and Ponllnd,nosping be. tween Montreal and lsland Pond 2t ; Bt. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Watervilie > and Coaticook only, at......... .........10:10 pm p89° Slusing Cars on all Night Trains. Bagâ€" gage checked through. 'fl.le steamer Carlota leaves Portland every SATULUAY AFTERNUGON (after the arrival of train from Montreal on Friday night), for Haliâ€" fax, N.3., returning on Tuesday. She has excellent sccommodation for passengers spd freight. .. â€" 1869.] SUMMER ARRANXGEMENTS. [1869 Have purchased the sole riï¬ht to manufacture the above e:unt Refrigerator. 1t possesses advantages never before optained in any article of the kind It is so construsted that the cold air performs the double function of effectually cooling and ventilat ing the provision chamber, and protecting it from the warm air without. lnthis way it is uniformly cool and constantly changing the air, so tha« every part of it can be used, u_d articles of a atroial'oi even offensive odor can be so arranged that o{ can in no way affectthose which are more delicate, as fruits, jellies, milk, &c. ‘The great advantage that the McKelvey patent has above all other Refrigerators is its admirable system of ventilation, nothing ever becomes musty, no complication of dln‘pon to open and shut, all supplied with Pianoâ€"forte Castors. Bend for circular with 1ist of sizes and prices. ‘The public are invited to call and examine them. Be sure and see them before h’h.‘l any kind. Our name on a brass plate is attached to all we make, Also in stock ICE CREAM four MINUTEFREEZERS, WIRE DISH COVERS, BIRD CAGES, (new supply,) SALAD FORK & SPOONS, (bo« woffl), CO|OK STOVES, IRON BEDSTEADS, | CHILDREN‘S CRIBS, &¢, &e. H. MEADOWS & CO, 35 Bussex st. * Ottawa, 21st May, 1869. One of the firm will be at the store of their Agents, MESSRS. YOUNG & RADFORD, OTTaAWA, _FOR TWO DAYS ONLY, Friday and Saturday, June 25 and 26. He attends for the purpose of assisting in Fitting the Eye in Difficult or Unusual Those suffering from impaired or diseasedvisionare recommended to avail themselves of this mï¬. nity. Our Spectacles and Eyeâ€"glasses are w ledged to be the most pertect assistance to sight ever manufactured, and can always be relied upon as affording perfcct ease and anufln while strengthâ€" aiaqndprmwlheyumï¬mï¬l + e ta‘ e occasion to notify the public t{d we empioy ro pediers, and caution them against those pre:ending to have our goods tor sale. June 4, 1869. ts Toronto.uuelg_h. London, Brantford, Goderich, Buffalo,Detroit, Chicage, HE 8T. LA&AWRENCE & OTTAWA ï¬â€˜AILWAY COMPANY. f RAND TRUNK RAILWAY comâ€" PANY OF CANADA. EFRIGERATOR® ! CELEBRAT E D PERFECTED SPECTACLES, AND EYE GLASSES. The Celebrated McKelvey Patent. H. ME A D OW S & CO., LAZARUS & MOR RIS By H. McLean, Auctioncer. ING SOUTH AND EAST, M%,.m fg ï¬ï¬nï¬m t REFRIGERATORS ! . {PRICKHâ€"3 CENTsSs Mâ€"T;le Chatham Planet says that on 3rd inst, there was shipped by, steamâ€" er',?o;u':‘:':; a lot of over Iooblzng'-wool sheep, besidgs almost an e?;nl number of lambs,purchased from Mr. Robert Wilson, of Harwick, and destined for the State of Ohio. The sheep were all unshorn, and this may prove to the purchaser an economieal mode of importing wool into the United States. â€"A contrivance by which the true magnetic linc will be indicated in every latitude, uninfluenced by Jocal causes, and prevent or obviate the variation of the compass, has been devised at Graff Reinet, South Africa. The inventor will go to England to secure the patent. . ing literally made away with the bounty of the nation, the manazers, assuming that they have a monopoly, ard that travel and traffic must pass over their line, now propose to charge ten cents per mile, in gold, for passenger fare over their share of the road. It is an outrage and an extortion to which the American peoâ€" ple will not submit. Itis the strongest aid wlich has yet been given to the ssheme of building another, and if it shall lead to an intervention by theâ€"general governnient in the affairs of both comâ€" panies, and the enforcement of every conâ€" dition attached to the grants of land and of bonds, it will* prove of great pubâ€", lic service. The country knows that: it has been robbed in the construction of this road, and that it is disposed to forget ; but if the robbery is to be a continuous on6 it may be as well, in taking measures to put a stop to it, to overhaul affairs from the beginning, and have accounts adjusted strictly. . â€" â€"It is reported in Sandwich that Messrs A. P Salter and Alexander Willâ€" kinson, two of the oldest practising surâ€" veyors in Ontario, are to go to th‘:%orth â€"A gold nugget weighiag seventy» six ounces was recently found at Berlin, Australia. This is the second nugget found in that vicinity within a few days. It is believed that animportant ï¬ field of great extent is being C in that section. West to survey a portion of the Fertile Belt: The Windsor Record hopes this may prove correct, as both gentlemen are in every way thoroughly qualified for the work, being skilful, energetic, and well known in the region. The Chicago :7ribunc denounces the Central Paciftc® Railrofd Toundly for anâ€" nouncing that the gor fare will be ten cents‘a mile. ilt.s suggestions geem to be'j‘\_xst. We quote :â€" + f â€"Mr. 8. Fisk, of Compton, informs the Sherbrooke Gazette that he has. pracâ€" ticed with success the (ollovin%::d:od of pmven:::g crows and grubs deâ€" stroying corn. Soak the seed afew hours in warm water, then coat it with tar, and sprinkle it with slaked lime, or what would Hrobtbly be better, plaster of Paris. If lime or gluw cannot be conveniently had, use a? ashes. Neither crows nor grubs will meddle with corn so prepared. â€"The remains of a man, great) mutilated, were discovered on the G. ‘J. R. track last Sunday morning. It was ascertained that he was a Norwegi emigrant, named Peter: 0. Schio‘llém ?m- Christiana, and bound for ‘ k The impression upon the coroner‘s jlx was that he was a respectable man wi means. On his fingers were two masâ€" sive gold rings, one marked M. P. E., and the other with the letters A. B. 8. He bad railway baggage checks and money on his person. â€"A fire inquest was held in St. Catharines on the attempted burning of the store occupicd by Mr. Francis Clifford. There was an insurance of $3,000 on the stock. The Jury,; after the evidence, Igreed " that the store occupied by rancis J. Clifford, on St. Paul street, was set on fire by design, on or about the mornâ€" ing of the 4th day of June, 1869 ; and the Jurors are farther of the opinion that the said Francis J. Clifford is the party guilty of firing the said premises." . The coronâ€" er there upon committed the prisoner to stand his trial at the next Quarter Ses sions, and se the affair stands for the present. ' inst.â€"Globe ears THE PACIFIC RAILROAD DEXOUNCED. â€" 0 an, great mM thegG. J- mgN It was a Norw Schj rom seijoll fom roner‘s ju le man vix e two masâ€" ed M. P. E.,